Vitamins to improve concentration and memory. Vitamins for the brain - to improve memory. The best vitamins for brain function

You may notice that some people keep good memory and a clear mind before old age, while others already at the age of 40 complain of absent-mindedness and inability to remember simple information. Genetics plays an important role here. Education and professional memory training help prolong brain activity and preserve it in old age. In turn, factors contributing to a decrease in mental abilities are deteriorating health, stress, and lack of nutrients in the diet. Taking vitamins can help support normal brain function.


The role of vitamins and minerals in improving brain activity

With age, brain tissue, like all other organs, ages. During life nerve cells exposed to various destructive factors. However, their constant regeneration occurs, and it has been proven that this process continues until death. In young people, regeneration (neurogenesis) occurs faster; in older people, it gradually slows down due to deterioration of metabolism in the body. Vitamin deficiency is manifested by a decrease in the ability to perceive and remember new information, deterioration of attention and intelligence, forgetfulness, inability to recall past events.

Vitamins perform the following roles in the body:

  1. Participate in the production of collagen, strengthening and increasing the elasticity of the walls blood vessels. Thus, they help improve blood supply and nutrition to brain tissue.
  2. They accelerate the redox processes occurring in the body, helping to improve metabolism and release energy from proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  3. Thanks to their antioxidant capacity, they protect cells from destruction by free radicals, harmful byproducts of biochemical reactions.

It is necessary to replenish the supply of vitamins that improve brain function. Proper nutrition and taking medications containing a variety of beneficial components for the body will help with this.

What vitamins are especially needed for the brain?

A person perceives information most actively in early childhood. An adult has to constantly make efforts to learn new skills and memorize various useful information.

There are substances that are especially necessary to improve a person’s mental abilities and memory. The reason for their deficiency may be disruption of the digestive organs, thyroid gland, improper metabolism, stress and loads that require increased energy expenditure by the body.

B vitamins

Each of them is important in its own way.

B1 (thiamine). The significance of this substance is that without it, normal absorption of carbohydrates, accumulation of energy necessary for the functioning of the brain, and renewal of nerve cells are impossible. With a lack of thiamine, work is disrupted digestive system, that is, the assimilation of other useful elements. The substance does not accumulate in the body; it requires daily replenishment.

B2 (riboflavin). This substance is absorbed in the stomach only in the presence of food. It should be taken with or after meals. With the participation of this substance, the functioning of the part of the brain that is responsible for visual acuity and normal color perception improves. These factors have a direct impact on remembering information.

Riboflavin is found in yeast, liver, eggs, cheese, milk, meat, fish, and mushrooms.

AT 3 ( a nicotinic acid). Has antioxidant properties. Participates in the production of enzymes that regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system. This substance promotes the dilation of blood vessels, therefore it is used to treat atherosclerosis, disorders cerebral circulation. With a lack of vitamin, brain function is disrupted. Headaches, apathy, and absent-mindedness occur.

Most of the vitamin is found in nuts, liver, milk, fish, chicken meat, egg yolks, buckwheat, green vegetables.

AT 5 ( pantothenic acid). Directly involved in the synthesis of acetylcholine, through which signals are transmitted nerve centers brain. A deficiency of this substance leads to sclerosis, lethargy, and premature appearance of external signs aging, disruption of the central nervous system.

The substance is found in sunflower seeds, nuts, offal, eggs, and brewer's yeast.

B6 (pyridoxine). Without this vitamin, the production of hormones is impossible, including those responsible for mood and memory. Pyridoxine is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, enzymes without which the breakdown of proteins and the creation of new cells is impossible. The adult body's need for pyridoxine increases during sports, mental and emotional stress. The functioning of the nervous system and brain depends on its effects. Abuse of protein foods contributes to a decrease in the concentration of this substance in the blood.

To replenish the body with this vitamin, you need to eat eggs, milk, meat, fish, cheese, and cereals.

B9 (folic acid). The substance is found in plant foods. It is synthesized in small quantities in the intestines, so its deficiency may occur due to disruption of the digestive system. Participates in the processes of hematopoiesis and the formation of new cells. The effect of the substance is manifested with the participation of vitamin B12. In order for the regeneration of brain cells to be successful and memory to be preserved for a long time, these vitamins must be taken at the same time. They prevent the formation of homocysteine, a substance from which atherosclerotic plaques are formed in the blood vessels of the brain.

The vitamin content is especially high in spinach, lettuce, carrots, bananas, avocados, onions, cauliflower, beans, as well as in liver, kidneys, and egg yolks.

B12 (cyanocobalamin). It enters the body mainly with food of animal origin. The vitamin is involved in the functioning of the hematopoietic system and fat metabolism, improves the condition of blood vessels by reducing cholesterol levels. It is necessary for the synthesis of amino acids and DNA, the creation of new brain cells necessary to maintain the mental abilities of an adult.

Contained in meat, liver, kidneys, eggs, fish.

Note: Vitamin B12 is not produced in plants. Therefore, vegetarians must take it additionally in order not to develop anemia or provoke the early onset of sclerosis.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is a strong antioxidant, protects brain cells from destruction, and slows down age-related aging. Used together with vitamin E in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and other disorders brain activity(dementia). This substance promotes the absorption of iron, the formation of hemoglobin and the supply of oxygen to the brain. Thanks to this, brain activity increases, attention and memory improve.

The substance is rich in fruits (especially citrus fruits), berries, as well as tomatoes and green vegetables.

Vitamin D

Calciferol promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus - elements that are part of brain cells. The content of useful substances especially decreases after 50 years, so without the vitamin, the functioning of the brain and memory is impossible. Vitamin D is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. It is found in fish (especially liver and fat), as well as mushrooms and milk.

Vitamin K

In the body it is responsible for the functioning of blood vessels and blood clotting. A deficiency of this substance leads to disorders such as blockage of cerebral vessels, cerebrovascular accident, and senile amnesia. Eating foods containing this vitamin (spinach, parsley, cabbage, meat, milk, eggs) will help avoid early sclerosis.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol is the main antioxidant among vitamins, slows down brain aging, and prevents blockage of its blood vessels. Contained in leafy vegetables, sea buckthorn, cherries, vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, as well as in meat, milk, eggs.

What other substances are necessary for an adult?

In order for memory not to suffer and the brain to remain active, it is also necessary to replenish the reserves of some mineral components:

  1. Iodine (improves metabolism, thyroid function, production of hormones that stimulate brain activity). Found mainly in seafood.
  2. Selenium (has an antioxidant effect, stimulates the development of brain cells). Contained in meat, nuts, seafood.
  3. Zinc (this element is directly included in the composition of brain cells). Its content is high in meat, sprouted wheat, seafood and yeast.
  4. Iron (part of blood hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen to the brain). Meat, buckwheat, beans, and apples are rich in iron.

The most important substance that stimulates the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular, and nervous systems is Omega-3, which is a mixture of organic fatty acids involved in metabolism. It is especially abundant in fatty fish.

Video: Folk remedies to improve memory

Review of vitamin and mineral complexes

To nourish the brain and improve the ability to perceive and remember information, adults are recommended to consume vitamins and minerals in the form of special combination preparations.

Memory Forte. Helps improve memory and get rid of absent-mindedness. Dose – 2 capsules per day. Take with food.

Phezam. Improves the ability to remember material. Helps cope with absent-mindedness. For adults, it is enough to take 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Intellan– drug for plant based. In addition to vitamins and minerals, it contains soothing substances. Improves brain activity and helps improve mood. Take twice a day after meals for a month.

Video: Products to improve brain function

You can improve memory and stimulate brain activity with the help of certain vitamins and microelements. It is almost impossible to get the required amount from your diet, even if it is perfectly balanced. Therefore, people have a need to take vitamin complexes.

Vitamins that stimulate brain activity

Such drugs have a positive effect on the quality of thought processes, help strengthen memory, activate blood circulation in the brain, due to which the cells of the organ receive sufficient quantity oxygen and others important substances. Vitamins, in addition, contribute to sharpening attention, making a person less irritable and calm. This effect is ensured due to the dependence of brain activity on the timely renewal of organ tissues and its active blood supply. Vitamin complexes help to establish these processes.

B vitamins

These substances are considered essential for the functioning of the nervous system. B vitamins for the brain play a key role because they have a great influence on human thinking and memory. These substances stimulate the normal functioning of nerve cells, prevent premature aging, protect against brain overload and stress. A deficiency of B vitamins leads to serious disorders of the nervous system, deterioration of brain performance, and memory loss.


This substance increases a person’s tone, reducing fatigue and providing a long-lasting feeling of vigor. Vitamin B1 helps strengthen memory, normalizes sleep, and helps cope with depression and stress. In addition, it is involved in providing the brain with glucose. With a lack of thiamine, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • irritability;
  • memory impairment;
  • lack of coordination;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • development of pathologies of blood vessels and heart (in severe cases).


The main task of vitamin B2 is to provide the body with energy and improve brain function. The substance takes part in the synthesis of nerve cells. With a riboflavin deficiency, physical activity quickly brings fatigue. The following signs indicate a lack of B2:

  • drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • lethargy;
  • weight loss;
  • sores on the corners of the lips;
  • weakness, apathy.

A nicotinic acid

Vitamin B3 takes part in the synthesis of enzymes, therefore it is very an important component for the human body. In addition, niacin helps extract energy from food and can improve brain function. With a lack of B3, a person feels:

  • fatigue;
  • depression, depression;
  • difficulty concentrating.

Pantothenic acid

Helps transmit information between nerve cells in the brain (responsible for long-term memory). Vitamin B5 produces antibodies that can fight the harmful effects of alcohol and nicotine. Previously, a deficiency of this substance was considered impossible, since B5 is found in the vast majority of foods, but later it turned out that pantothenic acid is destroyed during cooking or when long-term storage food. Its disadvantage is manifested:


Helps increase intellectual abilities, accelerates human thought processes. The vitamin is actively created directly by the body, but for this it is important to adhere to healthy eating. With pyridoxine deficiency, the following occurs:

  • sleep disorders;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • depression, depression;
  • irritability, nervousness;
  • slowdown thought process.

Folic acid

Has a beneficial effect on memory, calms nervous system, provides the body with vigor. A severe lack of vitamin B9 is felt by people who have bad habits: alcoholic or nicotine addiction. Shortage folic acid manifests itself:

  • memory loss;
  • loss of interest in what is happening;
  • insomnia;
  • unreasonable feelings of anxiety;
  • rapid fatigue.


Brain vitamin B12 is directly involved in the transition of the brain from sleep to wakefulness and vice versa. The higher the level of cyanocobalamin in the body, the easier it is to get up in the morning and adapt to other time zones. Signs of vitamin deficiency are:

  • dizziness;
  • fatigue, depression;
  • deterioration of the thought process;
  • irritability;
  • memory loss or impairment.

Ascorbic acid

This natural antioxidant helps the absorption of B vitamins and protects the body from mental and physical overload. The substance is necessary for maintaining neurotransmitters in the brain. With a vitamin C deficiency, a person feels:

Tocopherol acetate

Vitamin E for the brain prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and protects the body from various destructive processes. This substance serves as an effective antioxidant, removing toxins, waste, and other breakdown products. A lack of tocopherol acetate leads to:

  • aggressiveness;
  • irritability;
  • sharp jumps mood;
  • inability to adequately perceive information.


Prevents the development of brain cancer, prolongs the youth of organs of cardio-vascular system. Vitamin D also prevents oxidative processes. Calciferol deficiency leads to:

  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy;
  • weakened vision;
  • development of skin diseases.


These substances prevent hemorrhages in the brain and stop the development of capillary fragility. Vitamin P, like ascorbic acid, does not allow for the implementation of oxidative processes. The lack of bioflavonoids manifests itself:

  • bleeding from the nose, gums;
  • the appearance of bruises on the skin;
  • fatigue, low energy potential.

Drugs to improve brain function

Brain vitamins provide the ability to live full life, maintaining normal mental function even in old age. Different medications have a number of differences: some are universal and suitable for everyone age categories, others are intended specifically for children, the elderly, pregnant women, etc. It is recommended to take vitamins after consulting a doctor, since some drugs have a serious effect on blood circulation in tissues, and this can lead to Negative consequences.

For adults

Tablets for brain activity have a positive effect on the quality of the thought process, help sharpen attention, and improve memory. After taking such vitamins, a person becomes balanced and calm. For older people, dietary supplements and vitamin complexes are important due to their properties to tone tissue and restore elasticity to blood vessels. Common:

  1. Ginkgovit Aviton. The product contains 12 vitamins, great amount minerals and amino acids important for normal operation nervous system. The vitamin complex is indicated for cerebral circulatory disorders, to improve vision/hearing, reduce blood viscosity, for hypertension and venous insufficiency. The product helps to strengthen brain activity and speed up your thinking. The downside of the drug is a large list of contraindications, including: pregnancy, childhood, hemophilia, allergies, etc.
  2. Active day (for men). Designed to restore brain activity. In addition to a set of vitamins and minerals, they contain plant extracts of cayenne pepper, hawthorn, echinacea, cola nut, green tea, ginger root - all of them provide energy for the brain.
  3. Orthomol Mental. These vitamins can quickly increase brain activity, and they are also beneficial for the nervous system. Thanks to taking the drug, sleep improves and the person becomes more balanced. The vitamin complex increases the rate of formation of neural connections, adaptive functions brain (reactions to changing situations). Orthomol Mental contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, niacin, biotin, magnesium and many other minerals.
  4. Glycine. These brain vitamins are produced by Evalar and help restore normal brain function and improve memory. Increased content The main component of the drug normalizes the activity of the cerebral cortex, reduces nervous excitability, and prevents stress. It is worth taking the drug when there is a decrease in mental performance, to overcome stressful situations, prevention ischemic stroke.
  5. Brain-o-flex. Contains vitamin E, beta-carotene, essential flavonoids and amino acids that protect the brain from overload. The drug is shown to be biologically active additive(dietary supplement) during the period of vitamin deficiencies.
  6. Rivien. The vitamin complex improves brain activity by activating blood circulation in the organ. With the help of the drug, mental and physical potential increases, chronic fatigue goes away. The main purpose of vitamins is to help overcome depression, stabilize emotional state. It is recommended to take the tablets exclusively for adults.

For children

IN childhood Active brain development occurs, which requires additional support in the form of vitamins. Schoolchildren have increased mental activity, so any teenager needs to not only eat a balanced diet, but also drink vitamin complexes to maintain the possibility of hyperactive brain activity. Suitable medications for a child are:

  1. Pikovit for children. The product is available in the form of syrup and lozenges. The vitamin-mineral complex helps improve attention, perception, and memorization of information. The drug is indicated to prevent overfatigue in schoolchildren, with increased neuropsychic and physical activity, during recovery after past diseases.
  2. Vitrum Baby. The product contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal growth and development of a child. Vitamins for high brain activity, in addition to their main purpose, they are designed to prevent infection infectious diseases as a result reduced immunity.
  3. Schoolboy alphabet. Vitamins for normal brain function contain the entire complex necessary substances for growing children. It is recommended to take the product during off-season vitamin deficiencies, during intense physical and mental stress, during and after illness.

Products for the brain and memory

For normal functioning, the brain needs the entire set of vitamins. This is the only way to count on its normal functioning. A person's diet should contain following products:

  • oatmeal– almost all vitamins B, E;
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Psychological research has shown that children with attention deficit disorder and consuming sufficient amounts of nutrients show significant improvements in attention and behavior at school compared to their peers who eat a lot of sweets, fried and salty foods. Because nutritional deficiencies negatively affect performance baby brain, its replenishment improves memory and concentration. Children who previously consumed sufficient amounts of nutrients do not experience such noticeable changes.

Nutrient levels can be determined using a simple blood test. The best way enrich the child's body nutrients– provide him with a balanced diet, but in addition to this, the doctor may recommend vitamin supplements.

Vitamins that improve memory and brain function

B vitamins, found in large quantities in fruits and leafy vegetables, play an important role in brain function. Deficiency of B vitamins leads to problems with learning, concentration and memory. Studies show that a deficiency of folic acid (vitamin B9) in the body impairs brain function even in adulthood. Deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1) harms the nervous system, and riboflavin (vitamin B2) leads to brain dysfunction. Lack of niacin (vitamin B3) provokes memory impairment, and vitamin B12 – brain damage and developmental delay.

Minerals for brain function and memory

Iron is a mineral essential for development cognitive functions. A slight iron deficiency, which does not lead to anemia, causes deterioration of memory and mental functions. Iodine deficiency also leads to a decrease in the child’s intelligence level (as studies show, the IQ level drops by 12-14 points). Nutritional supplements can help bring a child's IQ back to normal levels, but for children without iodine deficiency they do not make a significant difference. mental development. Iron is found in large quantities in meat, seafood, leafy vegetables, nuts and beans. It is also useful to eat foods fortified with iron (bread, cereals, pasta, etc.).

Omega-3 fatty acids and their benefits for attention

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of healthy fat that is essential for the membranes of brain cells. Omega-3 is not synthesized in the body, so it must be contained in sufficient quantities in the child’s diet. Its deficiency in the body negatively affects the ability to concentrate. According to research, nutritional supplements containing Omega-3 help cope with attention deficit disorder in cases where drug treatment did not bring the desired results. Omega-3 is found in fish, seafood, walnuts, flax and hemp seeds.

Precautions When Taking Vitamin Supplements

A child should only be given vitamin supplements under the supervision of a doctor. Certain medical supplies interact with vitamins. Do not exceed the recommended dose of vitamin supplements to prevent your child from developing side effects or symptoms of hypervitaminosis. Some foods may be fortified with vitamins (such as bread, cereals, or pasta), so make sure that the total amount of vitamins consumed does not exceed the required dose.

brain abilities that can and should be developed. But also from birth, the child requires special care, care, and nutrition. It is the food rich in vitamins and microelements, is the key to the full development of the child both physically and psycho-emotionally.

Nowadays, children are surrounded by a lot of information from various sources. For little man This is a significant mental load, and the child’s brain is not always able to adequately cope with the assigned tasks. Many parents begin to think about how to help their children cope with such work?

The simplest and The right way- choose a vitamin and mineral complex based on the child’s age, endemic area and season. As a rule, this is done with for preventive purposes, because vitamins and minerals help improve concentration, attention, observation, memory, and also have a beneficial effect on physical development child, strengthen the musculoskeletal system and immunity.

Some vitamins are included in the monitoring protocols for newborns; for example, children born in the autumn-winter period are prescribed vitamin D to prevent rickets.

Why does a child’s body need vitamins and microelements?

Vitamins are the key to health. This truism has been instilled in us since childhood. Almost all processes in the body of children and adults occur with the participation of catalysts and some triggers. Vitamins and microelements are precisely such stimulants. They participate in metabolic processes, the work of endo- and exocrine glands, development of tissues and organs, normal functioning brain and other vital systems.

How to determine whether a child gets enough vitamins from food?

Unfortunately, our reality is such that even with a normal diet, children do not always receive enough vitamins from food. This is due to the characteristics of the products themselves, the type of heat treatment and many other factors. Children may not like certain foods, despite all the persuasion and stories about them. beneficial properties. The following signs indicate a lack of vitamins in the body:

  1. The child has increased fatigue.
  2. The baby gets irritated quickly.
  3. It is difficult for a child to concentrate and keep his attention on one thing.
  4. The baby is capricious, fussy, and performs many unnecessary actions without a specific goal.
  5. Schoolchildren have difficulty learning, they are distracted in lessons, their memory suffers, and they fail in most subjects.
  6. The child begins to lag behind in physical and psychomotor development.

All these symptoms should alert parents. Only a doctor can help determine which vitamins and minerals the baby is lacking, what children’s medications should be given to the child, and whether it is possible to compensate for the deficiency with nutrition.

It is worth remembering that children perceive different vitamins differently, and the need for them differs with age!

Brain stimulation and memory improvement

B vitamins improve memory and attention best. These active substances primarily affect the brain, any vitamin activates metabolic processes, thereby improving memory, stimulating attention, mental activity, and generally affecting the health of children. A deficiency of B vitamins is the easiest to identify: children become irritable, their memory and attention are significantly reduced, sleep disturbances occur, and, to put it mildly, children do not shine with intelligence in relation to the simplest issues.

Vitamin B1 or Thiamine can affect memory. It also helps recycle a large number of information. Improving metabolic processes in the body, thiamine thereby stimulates the brain. His low level in the body leads to physical and mental dysfunction.

Riboflavin (B2) - this substance is the most powerful supplier of energy for the brain. It is very important during periods of active mental activity. Acute shortage It is experienced by schoolchildren, as well as students during exam periods. In addition, you should pay attention to the following microelements:

  1. Nicotinic acid works directly in the neurons of the brain, thereby improving memory and attention.
  2. Calcium pantonate (B5) is an excellent antioxidant, protects the brain from external toxins, and stimulates long-term memory.
  3. Pyridoxine (B6) is an endogenous vitamin; it is responsible for the mind in a broad sense.
  4. Folic acid (B9) is an essential building material for the brain and nervous system as a whole. Activates the process of memorizing and analyzing information.
  5. Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12 is indispensable for long-term memory, plays an important role in the process of “wakefulness - sleep”, as a result of which it helps to convert information into long-term memory.

For normal development Vitamins C, D, E and P are very important for the nervous system and brain function.

Which foods contain the maximum amount of B vitamins?

The child's diet should be varied, it should harmoniously combine vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, poultry, potatoes and cereals, baked goods and sweets. ABOUT proper nutrition The student must be cared for not only at school, but also at home.

It is important to remember that some vitamins are completely destroyed when heat treatment, therefore the child’s diet should contain a sufficient amount raw vegetables and fruits.

Fish is rich in omega acids, which play an important role in the development of the nervous system, especially in adolescence. It is better to give preference to fatty types of fish, its meat will be excellent building material for the baby's brain.

At least 4-5 times a week, if there are no contraindications, the child should receive red meat and broths. It is better to give preference to beef or veal, they are less fatty and more authentic in protein structure. The meat contains a number of essential amino acids, without which the body cannot fully function. Don't forget about poultry: chicken, duck, turkey, goose are an excellent protein supplement.

The main source of B vitamins is whole grain foods. It is these that the child should receive in maximum quantities during periods of active brain activity.

Don't forget about sweets either. In addition to the fact that glucose is an excellent stimulant Have a good mood, these are also essential carbohydrates. Nuts, seeds, and dried fruits are very useful for a growing body. If your child is not allergic, for dessert give him cookies made with honey, nuts and dried fruits; this will be an excellent substitute for cakes and chocolate.

Replenishment of vitamin deficiencies

Regular products may not be as effective as pills in some cases. The pharmaceutical industry provides a wide selection of drugs produced in various forms, designed taking into account the needs and age of children. Before going to the pharmacy, look for information about vitamins yourself and consult with your pediatrician. The advertised product is not always the ideal choice for your baby.

The new school year poses the same tasks for all parents: how to improve their child’s academic performance, how to improve their memory, because school program involves memorizing large amounts of information from different areas. Often, a child’s brain cannot cope with assimilating such amounts of information. Regular rest, healthy eight-hour sleep, properly organized balanced diet. Of course, if the memory has sharply deteriorated at a certain moment, you need to clarify whether something is bothering the child (maybe something hurts or there are worries about the situation in the family, class), you need to make sure that there were no injuries and head bruises. Teach your child to do homework in complete silence without music or TV.

After conducting simple studies on volunteers, scientists different countries They came to the conclusion that certain foods help improve memory, concentrate attention, and increase the reaction of perception. They contain the optimal composition of necessary for the brain vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids.

What does the brain need to improve memory?

MINERALS: I, Mg, Fe, Se, Zn
VITAMINS of group B, A, E, C

What vitamins are needed for memory processes

Vitamin B12 helps the child’s body fight fatigue, improves concentration, and promotes better perception of new information.

This is mainly vitamin E, which is extreme conditions can improve memory by almost half.

  • B vitamins. Vitamins B1 and B2 affect memory concentration. Vitamin B6 improves the use of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Vitamin B12 is needed to improve memory, fights fatigue, reduces fatigue in a small body, calms the nervous system, which helps to concentrate attention, promotes better memory. In combination, these vitamins are an indispensable component for increased mental stress.
  • Vitamins E do not directly affect the improvement of memory, but they reliably help fight its deterioration. Vitamins A and E are antioxidants; in the human body they enhance each other’s effect, protect the brain from negative impact, restore strength.
  • Vitamin C. Its antioxidant properties not only help strengthen the immune system, they improve brain function and memory. Antioxidants protect the body, and even more so the nerve cells of the brain, from the destructive effects of radicals.

Microelements for children's memory

  • . Provides mental clarity. With a lack of iodine in the body, memory and intelligence deteriorate; due to a lack of iodine, the thyroid gland cannot function normally, this is manifested by drowsiness and general fatigue. In iodine-deficient regions, the incidence of childhood dementia is increased.
  • . It actively supplies all brain cells with oxygen, which means it saturates the brain with oxygen and improves blood flow.
  • Selenium. An excellent antioxidant essential for memory function. Necessary for the absorption of vitamin E and iodine.
  • . Improves the processes of transmission of nerve impulses, which ultimately improves the entire functioning of the brain and relieves excess excitement.
  • . It is necessary for the metabolism of vitamin E in the body; only together with zinc, B vitamins calm the nervous system, improve memory, increase attention and mood. In people with reduced level zinc in the body worsens cognitive functions.

I advise you to take courses of vitamin complexes containing micro- and macroelements, which are needed both for the immune system and for the whole body, 1-2 times a year, including improving brain function.

Polyunsaturated acids

Polyunsaturated fatty acids nourish the child's brain, increasing its mental capacity and motor-visual coordination

From birth, a child especially needs those substances that his body does not produce on its own. These substances include polyunsaturated fatty acids. Absorbed from food in the intestines, the main part of them enters the brain, so it is the brain that is primarily sensitive to their deficiency. With their participation, the transmission and perception of all incoming information and the regulation of basic brain functions are carried out. A connection has been proven between their intake and providing the brain with glucose and improving blood flow. According to American scientists, omega-3 fatty acids determine a child’s mental abilities, his fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Interesting to know! American and Australian doctors conducted a study in which hyperactive children with attention disorder took part. These children took tableted preparations of polyunsaturated fatty acids for 3–4 months. Already after two months, the parents of the children under study noticed results: unnecessary activity disappeared, their children became more attentive, and there was an increase in vocabulary. Scientists have concluded that consuming foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids has a positive effect on children with learning problems and absent-mindedness.

Aromatherapy to improve memory

  • Rosemary. To improve memory, rosemary comes in handy. Of all the herbs and plants, it copes with this task better. Thanks to the content of antioxidants and carnosic acid, rosemary perfectly improves brain performance, and the excellent substance 1,8-cineole affects chemical processes, on the basis of which memorization occurs. It is believed that inhaling the scent of rosemary allows you to absorb a huge amount of information from different areas. You can use either rosemary essential oil or the flowers or leaves of the plant. You can add a couple of drops of rosemary oil or an infusion from the plant itself to the bath, and place a small bouquet of branches of this miracle plant on your child’s desk. In addition, rosemary is perfect as a spice in the kitchen of every housewife; rosemary will give an unforgettable aroma to meat, vegetables, and potatoes.
  • Sage. Helps tired brain cells recover faster and absorb a new portion useful information. Ginseng and ginger can be used for the same purpose.
  • To raise tone and boost energy, you should use essential oils of lemon, mint and cypress.
  • If, on the contrary, the child needs relaxation, then rose or geranium oil will suit him.

Oils can be added to a bath or used in a bath. Easier method: add a couple of drops essential oil into a child's handkerchief.

Attention! First, make sure that your child is not allergic to the essential oil you are using.

As a result, we can say that the most necessary foods for the brain are: sea fish, seafood, nuts and rosemary. It is their composition that can improve brain activity.

There is no one exotic fruit or food that instantly or within one day makes your memory phenomenal.

Do not neglect the other products presented in this article; with their help, variety increases useful components, necessary for different types brain function, which will help improve reaction acuity, performance, and speed up the processing of all incoming information.

Menu creation

It is better to prepare the menu a week in advance to make sure that the child will receive useful material. There should be a hearty breakfast and lunch and enough light dinner so that the digestion process does not interfere with restful sleep.

  • Plan in advance which products he will receive on which day, make sure that necessary products were purchased a week in advance.
    Offer to children sea ​​fish for lunch instead of meat at least 2-3 times a week.
  • Try to include seafood as often as possible in salads, sandwiches, and side dishes.
  • Prepare seven days in advance (sandwiches with fish and caviar, nuts, seafood salad, raisins, other dried fruits, etc. at your discretion), alternate so that the child does not get tired of the same foods.
  • A child should eat nuts at least 5 times a week.
  • A menu of memory enhancing products should be used for at least 3-4 weeks in a row. During this period, the body will have time to accumulate the necessary volume needed by the brain vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids. The listed substances have a long-term property; their nutritional effect will work for several months, even when “brain food” is not supplied.

And don’t forget about sound, healthy sleep, teach your child to constantly train his memory, read more. The more the brain remembers, the wider the memory reserve becomes.

The program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School” will tell you more about ways to improve a child’s memory:
