Muscle pain without physical activity. Muscle pain without physical activity causes. Pain in the gluteal muscle

The end of each workout brings not only a feeling of self-satisfaction, but also muscle pain. It can be completely different. You may feel both pleasant fatigue and aching pain that prevents muscle tissue from fully contracting. To understand why this happens, you need to take a closer look at how loads act on muscles. By understanding the onset of pain after training, you can minimize and muffle this not always pleasant sensation.

Most often, beginners and athletes experience strong painful sensations after a long pause in training or changing one program to another. Everyone wants not to suffer from aching pain, but this consequence can only be avoided when there is a clear idea of ​​why the pain appears in the first place.

Pain is a reflection of the process during which muscle structures are destroyed. According to a study conducted by Sterlig and Morozov, implementation physical exercise displaces myofibrils muscle fibers, mitochondria disintegrate, which provokes an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood. A similar condition occurs with injuries, inflammation, and infections.

As a result of fiber destruction muscle tissue Protein fragments of molecules are formed, and cells that digest damaged tissue, called phagocytes and lysosomes, are activated. They secrete products that cause pain. Muscle fibers, when destroyed, form satellites, which are cells that provoke the production of protein by tissues.

There is another fact that does not raise any doubts, which is that pain during bodybuilding is felt especially acutely only after the first workouts, and then, when they become regular, they are almost no longer felt. If there is a long pause in classes, they appear again.

When training is completed, protein production in the body accelerates, which leads to the accumulation of creatine phosphate in muscle tissue, increasing the level and activating glycolytic enzymes. This process becomes much more efficient over time, and therefore oxidation occurs, which is the source of energy for muscle contractions. The amount of training you do makes it almost impossible for your muscles to deplete their energy source.

Thanks to regular training, it increases energy potential for muscles, and, consequently, performance indicators with strength. On the other hand, there is a reduction in applied stress and training impact. The reverse reaction is that muscle adaptation slows down. This phenomenon is called a training plateau, when in order to make a breakthrough it is necessary to change the load and training factors, changing splits, rest time between sets, exercises performed using supersets, drops, and so on.

Types of muscle pain

There are several types of pain that occur after every workout.

Begins to be felt in the muscles the next morning after strength training. Muscles become stringy, cottony, swollen and full when any action is performed through the muscle group involved in training. A pleasant feeling of fatigue and almost imperceptible pain, which intensifies if the muscles stretch or contract.

The pain continues for several days. This is evidence that microtraumas have appeared in the muscle tissue and the recovery process begins, accompanied by the formation of new structures.


Appears two to three days after completion of training. If the muscles are stretched or contracted, then it becomes strong. It most often occurs after changes in the training program, a long break in exercise, and also among beginners.

Aching, severe and incessant pain is evidence that the load is too excessive, the weights are taken too heavy. It is recommended to increase the load gradually. This allows the joints, muscles, ligaments, and central nervous system to strengthen and get used to it.

When the muscles have not yet fully recovered before the next training session, that is, they continue to hurt, a recovery session should be performed. It is not necessary to change the exercises, but the weight is reduced by half - by 50 percent. If you perform sets of 15-20 repetitions each, the damaged muscle will receive a large amount of blood, which improves circulation and supplies them with nutrients that promote recovery processes.

It can be stiff and acute, occurring both the next day and immediately after classes. It does not allow you to do any exercises, since the pain is quite strong. Injuries, as a rule, occur when the weights are taken to the maximum limit and a minimum of time is devoted to warm-up.

Pain in ligaments or joints is not normal. Therefore, it is recommended to completely stop doing the exercise until you can find out the exact reason why the pain occurs. It may be that the injury is not completely cured, the technique is incorrect, the simulator is not configured for anthropometric personal parameters, and so on.

Another type of muscle post-workout pain is the occurrence of a burning sensation when performing final repetitions in various exercises. This is the result of oxidation of muscle tissue by lactic acid. It fills muscle cells and prevents nerve impulse pass, which causes the burning sensation.

This feeling is absolutely normal and represents a response of the body that protects it from overload. Lactic acid waste products are eliminated approximately 20 or maximum 30 minutes after the end of the training.

Training goals most often lead to the need to exercise until a burning sensation is felt, that is, for lagging, slow, straight muscle groups.

Are muscles sore after workouts a good or bad sign?

Muscle pain is an optional sign of growth muscle mass, but they confirm that when performing training, muscle structures are destroyed and microscopic injuries are formed, and, therefore, the process of treatment and formation of new structural tissue begins.

The success of training is not measured by pain. The absence of this feeling does not mean that the lesson was unsuccessful. Contreras and Schoenfeld, American researchers on the process, say that experiencing post-workout pain is not always a sign that muscles are growing.

The main goal of each training should not be to experience pain, but to progress the loads received. The effectiveness of exercise is indicated not by pain, but by an increase in the girth and volume of the muscles, as well as a comparison of the physique before the start of exercise and after training.

Don't feel completely muscle pain almost impossible. As training increases, it becomes less pronounced. There are several important points, allowing you to exercise effectively, but feel extremely pleasant, but not aching or breaking pain:

  1. Loads must progress. Thus, only a small amount of weight is added to the resistance each week. If you perform a bench press with a barbell, then the optimal increase will be from 2.5 to 5 kg every week. After increasing the weight, you should master the execution technique, maintain a given number of sets and approaches, and then start adding weights.
  2. The technique must be mastered to perfection. You can contact a trainer or someone knowledgeable. If this is not possible, then you can always find information on how to do this or that exercise.
  3. Be sure to do a warm-up. It is an integral part of the beginning of training, includes a full range of movements for the whole body, as well as preparation for the upcoming training. If you do the bench press, then perform 2 to 3 warm-up sets with light weights and a small number of repetitions. This will ensure a rush of blood to the muscles and establish communication with the nervous system.
  4. Don't train when tired. A large number of work, lack of sleep, Bad mood and the inability to eat well during the day is a good reason to refuse training so as not to expose your body to additional stress.
  5. Maintain drinking regime. During class you need to drink at least a liter of water. Daily norm fluid consumed is 0.04-0.05*own weight. Thanks to water, the blood does not thicken, oxygen delivery is accelerated and nutrients, the passage of nerve impulses to muscle tissue improves.
  6. Try to sleep well. It is best to get at least 8 hours of sleep.

To reduce pain, you must resort to the following methods:

  • Massage. It allows you to disperse blood throughout the body and ensure the flow of nutrients to the right areas.
  • A restorative activity. This workout involves using 50% of normal working weights with 15-20 repetitions per set, which provides blood flow to the muscles. They receive nutrients and recover faster. The point of such exercises is not only to reduce pain, but also to repeat the technique of movements, honing your skills.
  • Cool down. By stretching the muscles, blood flow increases, which increases and speeds up the withdrawal process damaged cells, and, therefore, reduces pain.
  • Proper nutrition. The diet must contain a lot of protein, the amount of which ranges from 2 to 2.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. To prevent catabolism and obtain simple amino acids, you should take BCAA. This also applies to glutamine, which also strengthens immune system, which helps accelerate the full recovery of the body. Taking creatine can increase endurance and strength of muscle tissue by increasing the concentration of creatine phosphate.
  • Have a good rest. If there is pain that prevents you from exercising, you should take a break for 2-5 days. This will allow you to fully recover and start exercising with renewed vigor.

Along with these methods, you can resort to hardening, visiting a bathhouse, sauna, using a warming ointment, and so on. These methods lead to improved blood circulation in damaged structures, which allows muscles to recover much faster.


Painful sensations after the training - sure sign that the muscles hurt, and, therefore, microtraumas were received, which are evidence that the classes were effective. The main thing is to be able to distinguish between bad and good pain. You shouldn’t be afraid of it, but you definitely need to give your muscles rest and recovery. Otherwise no positive result there won't be any from the training.

Many people complain that everything hurts after hard work. Essentially, this refers to muscle pain, which can also occur for some other reasons. So, similar pain sensations can be caused by:

  • illness (for example, influenza);
  • sports training overload and weights (most often);
  • heavy physical work (the symptom we talked about at the beginning of the article).

In this case, pain can be characterized by three main types:

  • relatively moderate muscle pain;
  • tolerable muscle pain;
  • Very strong pain, impeding human movement.

Among the main causes of muscle pain it is necessary to mention:

a) intoxication (ingress of toxins into muscle tissue associated with illness or sports);

b) damage to muscle tissue (more often associated with the result of heavy physical activity, especially when it is not regular, that is, stress on the body, which is not accustomed to it).

How to relieve muscle pain

1. Massage

If everything hurts the next day after hard work, we recommend using massage techniques. Massage - excellent remedy for muscle pain. In places where your hand can reach, you can massage the muscles yourself. When it is difficult to reach the painful area, it is better to use the help of loved ones and relatives or the services of a professional massage therapist.

2. Hot bath, shower

Another effective remedy, which will definitely help in a situation where the whole body hurts after hard work. After lying in a hot bath, we allow the body to cleanse itself and start the processes of active blood circulation. Speaking about the shower, a similar effect is implied, with the only nuance that the shower can be made contrasting. Those. After taking a hot shower, reduce the water temperature towards the end of the procedure.

3. Swimming

You can reduce muscle pain with measured and leisurely swimming. This fact looks paradoxical, because in the process of swimming a person makes serious physical efforts. However, swimming and water procedures really help cleanse the muscles of the body from intoxication (which is one of the causes of pain).

As a clear example, just look at professional athletes, for whom swimming necessarily alternates with sports and heavy physical activity.

So, if there is a pool or pond nearby where you can swim, it is better not to miss this opportunity. Swimming can really reduce muscle pain.

4. Ointments and gels

Special ointments and gels that have analgesic properties, or hard work, when all the muscles begin to ache, so much so that it hurts to move. The anti-inflammatory components contained in such ointments relieve swelling and reduce pain.

At the same time, we must not forget about the contraindications that everyone has. medical product. Before using any gels and ointments, it is better to consult with qualified doctor or at least carefully study all points of the instructions (annotations for the medicine).

5. Protein

If you decide to engage in professional sports with heavy loads or get a hard physical job, you should make sure that the body receives as much protein food of plant or animal origin as possible. Protein-containing foods include:

  • legumes
  • nuts
  • meat, etc.

Protein is an excellent constructor for damaged muscle tissue, which will quickly restore normal condition muscles, which will inevitably relieve pain. Under the influence of protein, muscles recover much faster.

6. Relieving stress, going to the doctor

When, after overloads in gym or heavy work, your whole body hurts - this is quite normal. This process is especially sensitive when physical activity begins after some break, when the level of stress increases sharply, when the body has not yet developed the habit of such overloads.

If your muscles hurt especially badly, it is better to temporarily reduce or even eliminate stress, postpone hard work or going to the gym, and take a day off. After three days normal conditions muscle pain goes away on its own, and the body receives hardening and “immunity” to this type of stress (addiction occurs).

IN special case When severe muscle pain lasts longer than three days, the intensity of the pain does not decrease, it is better to seek the help of a specialist and go to see a doctor.

All people experience muscle pain from time to time. They may be associated with increased physical activity, prolonged maintenance of an uncomfortable body position, or certain diseases. Myalgia, or muscle pain, is not dangerous in itself, but can cause serious discomfort and distress. In addition, sometimes it is a signal of the development of a serious illness. Therefore, it is important to know why muscle pain occurs, how to cope with it yourself, and in what cases you need to see a doctor.

What is myalgia

Muscle pain that periodically occurs in people during exercise or at rest is called myalgia. It can be caused by various reasons and be accompanied by other symptoms. Typically, such pain is observed throughout the muscle and intensifies with movement or pressure on the muscle tissue.

In most cases, myalgia requires special treatment only if it causes severe pain or limits movement. But most often, all symptoms go away on their own after rest. Treatment of muscle pain, which is a symptom of more serious diseases, should begin with eliminating their cause.

A type of this painful condition is fibromyalgia. This syndrome is Lately began to occur more and more often, especially among the urban population. It is accompanied by pain and weakness in the muscles, sleep disturbances, headaches, and decreased performance.

Myalgia associated with physical work and sports more often affects men. Women and children may suffer from muscle spasms due to emotional overload or various diseases. The pain is localized mainly in the muscles of the legs or arms, as well as the back. Often, because of this, a person cannot move normally. Therefore, it is important to know why myalgia occurs and how to cope with it.

To prevent muscles from hurting after training, you need to warm them up before exercise and increase the load gradually

Muscle pain after exercise

Most often, people experience such sensations after severe physical work or sports training. This may be due to the accumulation of lactic acid, a product of metabolic processes in the muscles. Such pain passes quickly and brings only benefits to the body. Lactic acid acts as an antioxidant. It accelerates tissue regeneration. Because of this, muscle volume increases.

Sometimes during intense training microtraumas of muscle fibers occur. This also causes pain. If the body does not have time to recover, the muscle becomes exhausted. The pain becomes constant. Therefore, in this case, you need to reduce the load and pay more attention to stretching exercises. To prevent workouts from leading to muscle pain, you need to warm up well before exercise, gradually increase the load and drink more fluids.

Women often experience sore muscles in their legs after walking in high heels.

Why do muscle pains still appear?

Myalgia is not always associated with increased physical activity. Muscles work correctly only with normal blood circulation and metabolism. If this process is disrupted, a spasm occurs, causing pain. Exist various reasons muscle pain, so measures taken for treatment must take them into account.

If muscle pain persists long time, you need to see a doctor for examination

When to see a doctor

In most cases, muscle pain does not require serious treatment as it usually goes away with rest. But there are situations when myalgia indicates serious violations in good health. It is advisable to consult a doctor for a diagnosis in the following cases:

  • if muscle pain is constant or occurs periodically;
  • if the pain takes on a tugging character;
  • if pain appears after training, but does not go away after rest;
  • redness of soft tissues or swelling appears;
  • pain is accompanied alarming symptoms: urinary retention, rash, shortness of breath or high fever.

What to do for muscle pain

If pain occurs infrequently, then treatment can be carried out independently. The following remedies will help alleviate the condition:

  • in any case, if there is pain in the muscles, you need to provide them with rest;
  • If after an injury you immediately apply a cold compress to the affected area, this will stop inflammatory process;
  • for myalgia, warm compresses, a heating pad or a warm bath are effective;
  • various ointments also help relieve pain;
  • you can take medicine, for example, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Nise or Ketorol, but you should not do this often without a doctor’s prescription;
  • more safe action than tablets, kinesioplasters with a warming effect, for example, pepper, “Ketonal Thermo”, “Nanoplast Forte” and others, have a warming effect;
  • if your arm or leg hurts, you can apply a tight bandage with an elastic bandage;
  • Massage helps well, it improves blood circulation in the muscles and promotes their relaxation;
  • Exercises that are effective are best for stretching, performed at a slow pace.

Massage helps improve blood circulation in muscles and relieve pain

Drug treatment of myalgia

To relieve muscle pain, various compresses, rubs and ointments are used. They usually contain anti-inflammatory or analgesic components. But to treat myalgia, drugs with a warming or distracting effect are often used. These are those that contain bee or snake venom, camphor, turpentine, capsaicin, menthol or essential oils.

There are many medications that are effective for myalgia.

  1. Apizartron ointment based on bee venom and mustard oil is used for inflammatory diseases, as well as after injuries. It is good for muscle massage.
  2. The drug “Vipratox”, containing camphor and bee venom, is very effective.
  3. Quickly relieves muscle pain after physical activity“Gymnastogal.”
  4. Help with myalgia ointments based on extracts of medicinal herbs and essential oils. These are Sanitas, Myoton and others.
  5. Naftalgin ointment is very effective due to complex action analgesic and naftalan oil.
  6. Rubbing the painful area helps a lot pepper tincture or "Menovazin".
  7. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments are also often used: Voltaren, Fastum, Ketonal, Diclofenac, Indomethacin and others.

If the pain is severe and prevents you from moving, you can lubricate the affected muscle with pain-relieving ointment

Folk remedies

Helps many people get rid of muscle pain various tinctures and herbal decoctions, as well as self-prepared rubs and compresses. Such remedies can be used only if myalgia occurs infrequently, but it is still better to consult a doctor first. These help relieve pain folk recipes:

  • take orally decoctions of sweet clover, naked hernia, thyme, adonis, physalis berries, willow buds;
  • For compresses, baths and rubbing, tincture of mountain arnica, a decoction of willow twigs and mint leaves are used;
  • an ointment based on vegetable oil or petroleum jelly made from dried bay leaves and juniper twigs or horsetail powder is effective;
  • you can make a compress from cabbage leaf smeared with soap and sprinkled with soda;
  • if you are not allergic to honey, you can rub it with it sore spot, for greater effect, mix it with grated horseradish or black radish;
  • take warm baths with pine extract or sea salt.

What else can you do to help yourself?

If myalgia is associated with intoxication of the body, circulatory disorders or other diseases, treatment should be aimed specifically at this. But you can further relieve muscle pain.

A warm bath with sea salt will help reduce pain.

  • At infectious diseases or other intoxications, myalgia appears due to the accumulation of toxins and metabolic products in the tissues. Therefore, it can be removed by removing them from the body. To do this you need to drink more herbal decoctions, fruit drinks and compotes, you can visit the steam room.
  • To relieve muscle pain after past diseases or injuries, it would be good to undergo a course of massage or physiotherapeutic procedures. UV irradiation and electrophoresis with novocaine, as well as mud and paraffin applications are especially effective. In addition to regular massage, you can try reflexology or acupuncture.
  • To restore normal work muscles, physical exercise is beneficial. The best things to do are walks, cycling, swimming. Stretching exercises are also effective.

Everyone has experienced muscle pain at least once in their life. Sometimes they go unnoticed, other times they cause serious trouble. To effectively get rid of painful sensations, you need to know what causes them. After all, sometimes there are conditions when only special treatment prescribed by a doctor can help.

Many people in their lives have repeatedly encountered myalgia - muscle pain that occurs at rest or with muscle tension. These painful sensations create a lot of inconvenience and significantly reduce the quality of life. Basic Research recent years showed that a significant part of pain syndromes is caused by the development of sustained muscle spasm.

Today, muscle pain is a very common syndrome; it is experienced not only by adult men and women, but also by adolescents. Myalgia has different origins.

Pain that occurs in fibrous structures - muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc., is referred to as fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is the most common form of chronic myalgia syndrome. It has been found that fibromyalgia is often accompanied by sleep disturbances. Note that a combination of pain, morning stiffness, asthenia and sleep disturbances is observed in more than 75% of patients.

Fibromyalgia may be various localizations, but the following areas are especially often affected:

  • back of the head;
  • lower back (lumbago);
  • shoulder joint area;
  • rib cage;
  • thighs near the knee joint.

This pain occurs mainly in women. It can be caused or aggravated by physical or mental overload, sleep disturbances, trauma, dampness or cold, and sometimes systemic, usually rheumatic diseases.

Primary fibromyalgia syndrome develops especially often in young people healthy women, which are characterized by anxiety, susceptibility to stress and depression, as well as in adolescents, especially girls. Men are more susceptible to local fibromyalgia due to overload associated with work or sports.

Primary fibromyalgia is a form of damage to extra-articular soft tissues, characterized by diffuse musculoskeletal pain and the presence of specific tender points or points hypersensitivity determined by palpation.

Numerous studies have shown that fibromyalgia affects 1–2% of the population developed countries, and there is a tendency to increase the share of this pathology among other rheumatic diseases.

A characteristic feature of primary fibromyalgia syndrome is the abundance and variety of patient complaints with a small number objective signs diseases. The main symptom of primary fibromyalgia is chronic diffuse musculoskeletal pain, which is usually combined with unpleasant sensations in the muscles.

Causes of muscle pain

The causes of muscle spasms vary. These can be all kinds of injuries where a muscle tenses in response to pain. In addition, the cause of muscle spasm can be prolonged static tension, which occurs, for example, when a person sits incorrectly at a computer, a schoolchild at a desk, or when carrying a bag on one shoulder.

When such tension is maintained for a long time, myocytes seem to “get used” to being in a tense state, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes. And finally, emotional stress can lead to spasms.

The other most common cause of myalgia is myositis, an inflammation of muscle tissue. Myositis can occur as a complication of various diseases, such as influenza. Among the causes of its occurrence are muscle injuries or overstrain due to unusual physical activity.

IN acute period injuries, muscle pain is a reflex and is associated with excessive stimulation of receptors located deep in the tissues. Muscle pain may be vascular origin and occur when there is insufficient blood supply.

In this case, the increased needs of the actively working muscle are not provided with the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients. With myositis they appear aching pain in the muscles of the arms or legs, torso, which increase with movement.

Often myalgia is initial symptom polymyositis, which subsequently develops muscle weakness. Polymyalgia rheumatica is known, which is characterized by pain and tension in the neck muscles, shoulder girdle, then spreading to the pelvic girdle and leg muscles.

In addition, muscle pain can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Why do muscles hurt after training?

A delayed type of pain occurs during atypical loads for a person. It is most often experienced by beginners who try to do a lot of exercises on the first day of classes.

It can also occur in experienced athletes who suddenly change their training plan. After heavy exertion, all their muscles ache. This atypical condition is immediately interpreted as physical fatigue. We must remember that all unusual exercises always cause such a reaction. Small tears occur inside the muscle fiber, that is, microscopic wounds are formed.

It is they who cause ever-increasing pain. Intense events begin to occur in the body recovery processes. There is increased synthesis of protein, material for muscle growth, and the release of hormones. Muscle inflammation is not at all a painful phenomenon, since it indicates that you have begun to increase weight and muscle volume.

Two to three weeks in the gym will help you completely get rid of discomfort and get into a rhythm. A well-designed program will help you plan your classes correctly. Training plan should be changed only once every 3-5 months.

If there is no delayed muscle pain, then you can increase the load and intensity of the exercises. If all the muscles hurt, on the contrary, you need to reduce the load and reduce the intensity of the exercises.

Pulsating and sharp pain may be an indication that you have an injury. In this case, it is necessary to contact a trauma center to establish a diagnosis.

Also, a sign of injury can be a hematoma, bruising and various tumors. To avoid complications, you need to pay attention to any discomfort in the joints, for example, crunching or clicking. Muscle discomfort may be the cause of other diseases that require diagnosis.

Treatment of muscle pain

Treatment of muscle pain depends, first of all, on identifying the cause of the disease.

Initially they act as antipyretics, which also have a sedative effect for the sick person. There are times when it is quite difficult to accurately diagnose muscle pain.

Then doctors use a method to narrow the chain of symptoms, namely, prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets. For acute unbearable pain You should take a non-narcotic analgesic in the form of tablets and ointments, and in more complex cases - intravenous injections.

If muscle pain is left untreated for a long time, it can trigger the development of more serious diseases:

  • osteoartosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • arthralgia and others.

Therapeutic measures for muscle pain

Drug treatment

Anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers: indomethacin, diclofenac, analgin. Ointment for joints has excellent warming and anti-inflammatory properties; their choice is mainly limited to such as finalgon and fastum gel. Menovazin and pepper tincture have a good effect for rubbing.


A mandatory procedure for both treatment and prevention. The set of exercises is developed strictly by your attending physician.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Treatment with electrophoresis with histamine, novocaine, ultraviolet irradiation of the affected muscle areas.

Manual therapy

It will relieve pain, relieve the patient from swelling and improve blood circulation. It is advisable that this method The treatment was supervised by a specialist, and you will be able to forget about the disease faster.

Folk remedies

Taking a warm bath (for gouty diathesis, radon, hydrogen sulfide baths), paraffin therapy and mud wrapping are also very useful.

Questions and answers on the topic "Muscle pain"

Question:Hello! I am a girl and I am 14 years old. Three days ago, the muscles of my arms and legs began to hurt, as if after an intense workout, they suddenly went away and then appeared again. And after physical education class they don’t stop. My parents assume that this may be the consequences of acclimatization, since I flew from Moscow a week ago, but this is not the first time I have flown there, and this has not happened. What could it be and what treatment should I use?

Answer: You need an in-person consultation with a neurologist.

Question:Hello. I am suffering from muscle pain, which specialist should I contact? Thank you.

Answer: If there is an injury, then go to a traumatologist, if there are additional symptoms (fever, weakness, etc.) - to a therapist, if only muscle pain - to a neurologist.

Question:Hello! On the left leg, the tibialis and tibialis major muscles were very sore. I am 42 years old, I live in a village, my weight matches my height. I lead a very active lifestyle. How to treat and with what and what is the cause of the pain? I need to move, but I can’t because of the pain, what should I do, help.

Answer: Hello. To make a diagnosis, you need to be examined by a doctor, since we are talking about both venous pathology and pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Question:Hello. Periodically there are sudden cramping pain in the muscles of the arms and legs of various localizations. Mainly in the area of ​​the large thigh muscle and in the area wrist joint. The pain lasts a few seconds in one muscle, then begins in another. It may be daily, it may not be for several days. It all started while taking Finlipsin, I haven’t taken the drug for 2 months, the pain does not go away. What is this?

Answer: Hello. Possible side effects of the drug. You need an in-person consultation with a neurologist.

Question:I am 26 years old. I got sick with a sore throat and on the second day the muscles in my neck and lower back began to ache very much, weakness, fever, dizziness. Please tell me, could these be complications?

Answer: Angina, of course, can lead to the development of complications, but your case describes the symptoms that, as a rule, accompany this disease. Weakness and dizziness may be associated with an increase in temperature, muscle pain is most often a manifestation of intoxication. Complications develop when improper and untimely treatment, but on the second day it is too early to talk about the likelihood of their development. You should urgently consult a doctor and begin adequate treatment, in this case the risk of complications is significantly reduced.

Question:I am 21 years old and I suffer from shin pain when running. A year ago I was working out in the gym, lifting, weighed about 80 kg with a height of 180. I stopped working out in gym, and over time began to gain weight. I stopped at 93 kg and realized that I needed to lose weight. I play football two to three times a week, but I have pain with inside shin, near the bone, and the anterior muscles of the leg. After about 1-2 minutes, the muscles begin to get very tired and it becomes difficult to lift the foot. Usually, after a run, a place on the inside of the shin begins to hurt, just even when walking, as well as from touching, it goes away for quite a long time, about 4 days without running. All this applies to both the right and left leg. I believe that this is due to the heavy weight, perhaps I’m running differently. Thanks in advance for your answer.

Answer: IN in this case, it is recommended to consult with a general practitioner for a personal examination and examination: it is recommended to take biochemical analysis blood, conduct electromyography to determine the cause of muscle weakness. Only after receiving the results of the examination, the doctor will be able to determine accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, as well as select for you optimal diet, which will help you adjust your weight.

Question:At first it all started with numbness thumb legs after sitting for about 15 minutes, a month later a slight pain appeared in the calf of the leg, I worked with such pain for 2 months, the pain began to intensify, there was no pain in bending or unbending, I could no longer walk much, I had to stop so that the pain would go away (only while sitting) , went to the doctor. I have been undergoing treatment for a month now - injections (mydocalm), tablets (meloxicam) - it has become a little easier, but the severe pain does not go away, severe pain appears when walking calf muscle, pulling when I tilt my head forward, it goes to the leg muscles. 1 month on sick leave, had surgery in September 2011 to remove the uterus. 44 years old. How can I relieve such pain?

Question:Hello! My uncle is in the hospital. He was admitted with gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, and his temperature was 37.6. Gastritis and pancreatitis were cured, but the temperature continues to persist and rises from about 3 o’clock in the afternoon until the evening, by the morning it subsides, and he also has muscle pain. Rented various tests including blood for worms and puncture bone marrow- the results are good! Doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong and make a diagnosis. What could this be and what tests need to be taken?

Answer: An increase in temperature indicates that there is a focus of inflammation in the body, and constant muscle pain may indicate prolonged intoxication. In this case, I recommend that you do a bacteriological analysis of blood and urine (bacteria culture), as well as an antibiogram. In addition, I recommend that you take an x-ray chest. After determining the source of inflammation and its sensitivity to antibacterial agents it will be possible to prescribe adequate treatment.

Every person has experienced muscle pain (myalgia) at least once in their life. It can occur due to injury, heavy physical activity, illness and other various reasons. Muscle pain can occur both at rest and with movement. Accordingly, the location and radius of spread of the pain syndrome is purely individual, and the cause can be either one factor or a combination of them. Myalgia is not dangerous, but it can be one of the symptoms of a dangerous and even fatal disease.

It is important to know and understand the causes of myalgia, how to cope with it yourself, identify the symptoms of the disease, and in what case medical help or consultation is needed.

Causes of pain

Myalgia occurs in different parts, people suffer from it different groups muscles and for various reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the causes and nature of pain depending on the muscle group.

Myalgia in the cervical-collar area is most often a consequence of diseases or disorders of the spine. The most common cause of myalgia is cervical osteochondrosis. But neuralgia, diseases of the lungs, heart and lymph nodes. Besides, age-related changes or simply aging also causes muscle pain.

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State University medical University them. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

If muscles hurt only when moving, then the cause may be colds, increased physical activity.

If muscle pain persists even when the cervical-collar region is at absolute rest, then the cause may also be diseases of the lungs and heart.

Pain in the back muscles mainly occurs due to muscle fatigue, osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbar region spine, syndrome short leg, reduction in the size of half the pelvis, short shoulders and the most commonplace, prolonged tension due to being in an uncomfortable position. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle and work in offices or at computers often suffer from back pain.

The pain can be very severe if a nerve is pinched. In this case, you must urgently contact a neurologist so that he can prescribe an examination and then treatment.

Do not forget that even mild but persistent myalgia can be a sign of one of the “terrible” diseases.

Muscle pain in the arms can be a symptom of neuralgia, as well as normal muscle fatigue. Very often, athletes and bodybuilders who work with very heavy weights experience hand myalgia. With significant muscle fatigue, lactic acid begins to be produced, muscle fibers receive micro-tears, which lead to pain.

More often, pain syndrome occurs asymmetrically, that is, only one arm hurts. If the pain is constant and long-lasting, it can become a cause or a sign of a much more serious disease.

In addition, the muscles can catch a cold, and then muscle pain is combined with a rise in body temperature, weakness, lethargy and dry mouth.

Pain in the gluteal muscles most often occurs due to overexertion or problems with the lumbar and sacral region spine. The gluteal muscles receive the least attention during massage, which is why most people have fibrosis there, and in some it leads to pinched nerves.

Constant sedentary work, uncomfortable position, hard chairs, the wrong bed for sleeping - the causes of pain lie very close. If the pain is constant, then you should consult a doctor. There may be a pinched nerve or an exacerbation of diseases musculoskeletal system.

In addition, pelvic diseases, changes in pelvic bones and even osteoporosis.

Why do my leg muscles hurt? Every day the legs take the maximum load, a person makes all movements and movements on his own two feet. If you overexert your lower limbs, naturally, muscle spasm accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, blood circulation is impaired, lower limbs Small stagnation of blood forms, which causes muscle pain.

Varicose veins and other vascular diseases affect the legs, and then spread to the rest of the body. With varicose veins and arteriosclerosis, the legs hurt unbearably, they get tired very quickly, weakness and uncertainty in movements appear. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system primarily affect the health of the legs.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the causes of muscle spasm or pain. Usually, this is a whole set of factors associated with changes in the muscles of the thigh and pelvis. At constant pain it is necessary to be examined for not only local lesions, but also general pathology. However, muscle pain may be due to normal overstrain of muscle fibers and micro-tears as a result of heavy training. For a 100% diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an examination and seek advice from medical specialist.

If myalgia occurs as a result of injury, then externally it should manifest itself as swelling, edema, or hematoma. With meositis, the temperature rises, pain bothers you during movement and at rest. In case of vascular pathologies, when palpating, you can feel compactions, skin have unhealthy looking, the pain is sharp, pulling, throbbing.

For treatment, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease if myalgia is only a consequence. For ordinary myalgia this is enough therapeutic massages, warming tinctures and.

Painful sensations can be caused by heavy physical activity, long wearing high-heeled shoes, fatigue. However, if painful symptoms repeat cyclically, become constant, convulsions appear, then this is the first alarm bell to seek medical attention medical care.

Myalgia can be a symptom of varicose veins, myopathy, arteriosclerosis, musculoskeletal disorders, and even side effect some medications.

To determine the cause of the pain syndrome, it is necessary to undergo an examination, because myalgia can be caused by the formation of lactic acid and micro-tears of muscle fibers.

Quadriceps pain

The quadriceps muscle is the largest and heaviest muscle of the legs; it bears the main load during movements and walking, it is located almost constant voltage. When it is damaged, pain occurs in the thigh, in knee joint, can radiate to the lower back. Since the quadriceps muscle is responsible for flexion and extension of the knee, the pain is mainly based in the lower thigh.

It is very difficult for doctors to make a diagnosis because different tension points cause pain in the different places.

The main causes of myalgia are considered to be excessive physical exertion, myopathy, and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Pain in muscles and joints

Quite often, myalgia is combined with severe pain in the joints and joint capsule; such sensations may be accompanied by swelling, an unhealthy shade of the skin, and a slight increase in body temperature in general and directly at the lesion. Why do all the muscles of the body hurt? The reason may be either illness or simple fatigue. If the pain spreads directly throughout the body, manifesting itself not only during movements, but also at rest, then it is necessary to urgently seek qualified medical help.

As an examination, they may prescribe computed tomography or ultrasound to identify the source of inflammation, which leads to unpleasant sensations.

Pain at night

If the pain syndrome manifests itself exclusively in the dark, namely at night, then this may be a sign of vascular disease. In fact, the question of why muscles hurt at night is quite simple to answer. During sleep human body almost completely relaxes, and overstrained muscles recover during the day correct position.

Lactic acid begins to accumulate inside the muscle fibers, which first causes some discomfort and then causes severe pain.

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What to do if you have muscle pain? Naturally, it is initially necessary to determine the cause of myalgia, as well as possible disease which caused it. But often myalgia exists as a completely independent disease, so if the muscles hurt, they need to be treated. Treatment may be:

  • medicinal;
  • surgical;
  • ethnoscience;

The method of treatment depends directly on the diagnosis, so if you are worried about muscle pain, you need to contact a specialized medical institution for examination and making the correct diagnosis. We always begin to treat the underlying disease if myalgia is only a symptom.

For varicose veins, myositis, abscesses, boils and various hematomas, you should not rub your legs, warm them, wrap them, or rub them with various alcohol-containing substances and warming or cooling ointments. It is also necessary to be more careful with treatment (especially for traditional medicine) when treating myalgia near the surface open wounds, so as not to aggravate the situation and provoke infection. What treatment can doctors prescribe?


Treatment with medications can be divided into several main methods of application:

  • pills;
  • injections and droppers;
  • ointments and gels.

Tablets and injections are used when myalgia is accompanied by any associated complications or additional symptoms. Antispasmodic drugs are prescribed to relieve pain and improve general health. Drugs are also prescribed to relieve inflammation or lower body temperature. Immunostimulating agents may be prescribed.

Injections are used when necessary emergency help. Therefore, rapid response drugs are usually prescribed:

  • strong antipyretics;
  • good ;
  • strong;
  • and immunostimulating;
  • Additionally, they may prescribe a complex of vitamins in the form of injections.

Well, at the initial stages of the development of the disease, various ointments and gels are used.

They should have an anti-inflammatory and good analgesic effect. Some have a warming effect, and some have a cooling effect. The purpose and components of ointments depend on the severity of the disease and its type.


The operation is prescribed when there is no other way except surgical intervention impossible to find. Usually, these are not the most complex operations, such as cutting out inflamed and festering areas of the skin. However, if you run some serious illnesses, then the question may already stand between life and death. So harmless varicose veins on late stages can lead to thrombosis and instant death. Obliterating endarteritis, whose main symptom is myalgia for several weeks, can lead to gangrene and death.

Therefore, operations are performed when drug treatment turned out to be powerless.

What to do at home?

Traditional medicine is an important section; various herbal infusions and ointments can lift even a cripple, as people say. Muscle pain can be treated well with rest, ice and a pressure bandage on the affected area. This method has long been tested by athletes, for whom injuries and sprains are far from uncommon. In this case, the legs should be placed above the heart, like other limbs, not bandaged too tightly and use elastic bandages.

If there is no swelling, you can take a hot bath or go to the sauna. Hot steam will steam the skin and allow toxic products to quickly come out through the pores, thereby starting the mechanism for restoring muscle fibers. Tinctures based on St. John's wort, mint, and lemon balm help well.

Ointments containing menthol are also suitable, cooling and reducing pain. If the ointment or gel contains ibuprofen in addition to menthol, then this a good choice. It not only relieves pain, but also reduces inflammation. If the cause of myalgia is simply tired muscles, then try to lead an active lifestyle, even while overcoming the pain.

When do you need to see a doctor urgently?

You should immediately consult a doctor if:

  • body temperature rises quickly;
  • the skin turns blue or takes on an unhealthy tint;
  • abscesses, ulcers and boils appear;
  • upon superficial palpation, noticeable painful lumps;
  • weakness, dizziness appears;
  • limbs go numb;
  • there is a burning sensation;

These symptoms should not only alert you, but force you to urgently seek qualified medical help.


  1. Muscle pain is called myalgia. Pain can be differentiated by location.
  2. Cervical-collar area. Most often – osteochondrosis. Pain at rest, radiating to the arm and back of the head, tingling and numbness in the arms and tongue. Pain when moving – physical activity, ARVI.
  3. Back. Overwork, being in an uncomfortable position for a long time, osteochondrosis. The main cause is osteochondrosis.
  4. Hands. Significant physical activity, fatigue, neuralgia.
  5. Buttocks. Problems with the lumbar or sacral spine, pinched nerves, neuralgia.
  6. Legs. Overexertion, muscle spasms, osteoporosis, vascular diseases, injuries.
  7. Above the knee. Tears and microcracks during training, injury.
  8. Calves of the legs. Physical activity, standing work, varicose veins.
  9. You need to know that myalgia in any area can be caused by myositis - inflammation of muscle tissue.
  10. If muscle pain is accompanied by pain in the joint area, redness of the skin over it, swelling and inflammation, arthritis can be suspected.
  11. For prolonged pain not caused by physical activity, you should consult a therapist. Treatment will depend on the underlying disease.