Why does a newborn cough? Cough in an infant - pathological and physiological causes, dangerous signs, methods of treatment The infant began to cough, what to do

Many young mothers often wonder how to treat a cough in an infant?

Women who already have older children cope with this problem on their own, relying on their past experience.

However, those families where the newborn is the first-born approach this issue with special responsibility, and amateur efforts are inappropriate here. After all, the health of the child depends entirely on this.

Symptoms of the disease

First you need to find out the cause of your baby’s cough. In fact, its occurrence may be a symptom various diseases respiratory tract(upper and lower), flu, bronchitis or bronchial asthma, sore throats, acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections. And these are not all diseases that result in coughing.

Main features

As is known, this disease manifests itself in different forms: either dry or wet (accompanied by sputum). It is necessary to pay attention to this moment Special attention, because this is the main indicator of the severity of the disease.

In the event that the discharge has a tint greenish color or bloody spots, you should urgently seek medical help.

We should also not forget the fact that babies may not have sputum at all, since up to a year the child’s bronchi are still poorly developed.


Doctors often prescribe treatment in the form of various expectorants (potions, syrups). Many people recommend giving babies massage. This is also an effective cough remedy, as it affects the discharge of sputum without forming stagnation in the child’s bronchi. For the same purpose, you need to drink liquid in large quantities.

The massage is quite simple and safe to perform. The baby's chest and feet are massaged with light patting and tapping. In this case, you can use herbal balms to improve the result.

At wet cough It is necessary to place a pillow under the child’s head, this will help facilitate breathing and prevent mucous secretions from entering the respiratory tract.

Traditional medicine for coughs in children

Exists great amount folk recipes which help relieve cough.

Some of them are really effective. The most common of them is warm milk with honey or melted butter. This mixture is believed to be excellent for sore throats. But as you understand, when treating a cough in an infant this recipe will not help due to the high allergenicity of the ingredients included in the composition.

Many mothers prefer decoctions of wild rosemary, coltsfoot, and ivy leaves. But it should be borne in mind that even herbal decoctions must be prescribed by a doctor, in strict dosage, otherwise it can lead to serious consequences.

Safe cough recipes for children

Consult a physician before use. Let the doctor examine the child and, taking into account the age, give recommendations on what cough medicines to take, or give the go-ahead to the following prescriptions

  • Boil: 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in one liter of water over low heat until the amount of water is approximately half as much. Give the resulting warm decoction to children 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.
  • Fresh squeezed cabbage juice with added sugar 1:1 is useful as an expectorant for coughs. A decoction of cabbage with the addition of honey in the same proportion also works well.
  • Boil 1 tbsp. spoon pine buds in 1 glass of water and leave for about 30 minutes, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day.

These 2 recipes are suitable for adult children.

  • Honey and olive oil: mix natural honey and warm olive oil in equal proportions. Give children a teaspoon 4-5 times a day. The product is effective even in the treatment of whooping cough.
  • Cook for 10 minutes. over low heat, one whole lemon with peel. Cool, peel, squeeze out juice. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of glycerin (buy at the pharmacy) and honey 1:1 to the resulting mixture. Mix thoroughly, take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day, preferably an hour before meals. The mixture is tasty and harmless, and cleanses the lungs very well.

All these recipes will help adults too - we increase the dose three times.
In conclusion, I would like to note that it is best to follow the recommendations of a pediatrician and not overuse traditional medicine recipes, because proper treatment The baby's health depends.

Therefore, the question “how to treat a cough in an infant” should not be decided on your own, but rather discussed with a pediatrician.

When parents notice a cough infant, their attitude may be different. Some people don’t pay attention to it, especially if it is not accompanied by a runny nose or fever. Others dramatize this situation and literally “heal” the baby. None of these behavior patterns are correct. In order for a child to stop coughing, it is necessary to first find the cause and make the correct diagnosis, and then begin treatment.

What is a cough and how does it happen?

Coughing is a reflex by which the airways are cleared. A cough in an infant, just like in an adult, looks like a sharp exhalation. During it, air escapes from the lungs at high speed, which helps clear the airways. Regarding the causes of cough, it happens:

  • Physiological;
  • Pathological.

Physiological cough is common occurrence. It is not considered a symptom of any disease. Its main purpose is to directly clear the airways, which can become clogged with accumulated mucus. It is important to remember that a physiological cough manifests itself in a child without fever. Also, the baby’s condition does not worsen, but remains at the usual level.

A pathological cough may be a symptom of one of the following diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • angina;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pulmonary infection;
  • bronchospasm in bronchial asthma;
  • allergy;
  • helminthiasis

In addition, a cough in a baby may indicate that something has entered the respiratory tract. In other words, the baby choked. Unfortunately, this happens quite often. The reason for this is poor-quality rattles, which children chew through and remove multi-colored balls. And I really want to try them! Also, absurd objects such as a feather from a pillow or hair can get into a child’s throat.

If an infant's cough is due to inhalation foreign body, the baby may experience accompanying symptoms:

  • voice disappears;
  • breathing becomes difficult;
  • the skin turns blue;
  • consciousness is impaired.

IN in this case you need to remove the object yourself or call an ambulance.

Distinguishing a cough by hearing

If the mother listens carefully, she will notice that a baby’s cough can sound different. You need to pay attention to this, since a correct description of the problem will help the doctor make a diagnosis more easily. Depending on the sound, cough in infants can be:

  • wet;
  • dry

Dry cough, in turn, is divided into:

  • barking;
  • surface;
  • pulmonary.

Each type of cough indicates specific disease. For example, a superficial cough appears in infants with pharyngitis. It is often accompanied by hoarseness of voice. Pulmonary cough occurs with bronchitis or pneumonia. This type Coughing is debilitating and is characterized by attacks lasting more than a minute.

A barking cough is a likely sign of a dangerous disease for infants (and children under three years of age in general) - laryngitis. In some cases, this disease can cause swelling of the larynx, which results in the inability to breathe. Therefore, it is very important at the first signs barking cough seek help from doctors - call an ambulance.

A child's wet cough may occur only in the morning or throughout the day. Morning cough is explained by the accumulation of mucus on the back wall of the throat. It may drain from the nose during sleep or rise from the esophagus. In the morning the child coughs and the mucus comes out. Then there is no cough throughout the day.

If a child has a wet cough throughout the day, it means that there is an inflammatory process in the body. There is so much mucus that it has nowhere to go except down the throat. Infants cannot free their nose on their own when they have a runny nose, which increases the amount of mucus that passes into the throat. With inflammation, it often happens that a child’s wet cough goes away without fever. In this case, a blood test can show the presence of inflammation.

When is a cough not associated with throat diseases?

We discussed above a case where the cause of the cough was the entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract. Also among the diseases whose symptoms are pathological cough, allergies and helminthiasis were indicated. To figure out specific reason by the appearance of the cough and associated symptoms It does not always work. Therefore you need to pass necessary tests: blood test, stool test.

Causes direct contact with the allergen. It does not go away with treatment with conventional “antitussive” drugs. To alleviate the baby's condition and alleviate the symptoms, the allergen should be eliminated. It can be animal hair, dust, a certain product, pollen or something different.

A child coughs due to helminthiasis next reason. Helminth larvae develop in lung tissue. For full life and the food they need to get into gastrointestinal tract. When you cough, they fly out of your lungs and into your lungs. oral cavity. And from there they easily get to their desired destination.

How is it treated?

To get rid of a cough, you need to find its cause. To do this, you should visit several doctors. The thing is that none of the specialists can fully examine the child. For example, a pediatrician will listen to the baby to rule out wheezing in the lungs, but will not be able to examine the nose, throat and ears at the same level as an ENT specialist. In turn, the ENT specialist will thoroughly examine everything, but will not listen to the lungs.

Therefore, if a baby coughs, you first need to visit a pediatrician, and then an ENT specialist. If eosinophils are elevated in the blood test, the pediatrician will give a referral to an allergist. If a child's morning wet cough is not accompanied by wheezing in the lungs and excessive nasal discharge, the doctor may give a referral to a gastroenterologist.

When the cause is found, treatment is aimed at eliminating it. A dry cough requires immediate treatment. It is also called unproductive, that is, it only torments and does not give a way out for the accumulated phlegm. Using special medications, a non-productive dry cough is transformed into a wet, productive cough. A wet cough is treated only if it torments the baby. Then the doctor may prescribe drugs that suppress cough reflex.

Children's cough syrup is most often prescribed for infants. It is easier to take compared to tablets. For older children - sprays, lozenges (from 3 years), breast collection(from 12 years old). Treatment with a nebulizer also gives good results. Using this device, inhalations are made, then the medicine immediately enters the lungs or bronchi.

Treatment of cough in children requires a competent approach. In this case, contacting a doctor is strictly necessary. Follow all his recommendations and don’t get sick!

Every mother once has to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon in her baby as a cough, which can greatly bother the baby, causing him to worry and cry. Of course, if there are any signs of a cold, the child should be examined by a doctor, but it is important for every mother to know how to treat a cough in a baby in order to alleviate its condition before a specialist arrives.

Types of cough

Before treating a cough in an infant, it is important to know exactly the cause of its occurrence:

  • Viral nature;
  • Infectious nature;
  • Allergic nature;
  • Physiological cough.

Coughing is a protective reaction of the body, since during this action the bronchi and respiratory tract are cleared of accumulated mucus and pathological sputum. The most common cough in infants is viral nature, that is, as the body’s reaction to penetration into upper sections respiratory tract viruses.

Along with a cough, the baby may have a rise in body temperature, a runny nose and a sore throat.

Depending on the productivity of the cough, there are:

  • Dry cough– worries the child almost constantly, interferes with sleep and eating, and no sputum is produced. In some cases, such a cough may result in the baby vomiting;
  • Wet (wet) cough– in pediatrics it is also called productive. Characterized by sputum discharge and relief general condition sick;
  • Unproductive– sputum does not come out or is released in small quantities. Against the background of such a cough, body temperature often rises.

Dry cough in an infant

A baby up to 6-7 months is mostly in a supine position, so he may cough several times a day. This is due to the fact that small amounts of mucus from the nose and throat can enter the back wall, causing a protective reaction of the body in the form of a cough; in addition, at 3 months, babies become more active salivary glands, which can also become cause of lung coughing of the baby during the day.

Advice! If a dry cough prevents the baby from suckling or causes frequent waking up and crying, it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor as soon as possible, since similar symptoms may indicate development inflammatory process in the respiratory tract.

Wet cough

Sputum production indicates the productivity of the cough and the beginning of the healing process. The mother of the baby should carefully monitor the nature of the sputum; normally it is transparent and does not have any unpleasant odor.

Sputum greenish or yellow color With unpleasant smell indicates the attachment of a secondary bacterial infection and requires correction of previously prescribed treatment.

Attention! child infancy does not yet know how to fully cough up the mucus accumulated in the bronchi, so the mother needs to more often hold the baby in an upright position, stroking the back massage movements. While the baby has not eaten anything, you can gently press on the root of the tongue - this will cause a cough, thereby causing coughing up of phlegm.

The baby has a cough, how to treat it? A pediatrician can answer this question after a preliminary examination of the child and listening to his lungs with a phonendoscope.

Depending on the cause of the cough and its nature, the doctor will most likely prescribe the following medications:

  • Antiviral drugs based on interferon - Viferon, Laferon, Laferobion. These drugs are available in the form rectal suppositories and they can be used to treat viral cough in newborns and premature babies born after 34 weeks of gestation. The instructions included in the pack describe in detail the composition of the drug and the age-specific dosage;
  • Moisturizing the nasal passages with saline solution - a cough in an infant can be provoked by dry air in the room, which is especially important during the heating season. Saline sodium chloride is instilled into the nasal passages, it has no contraindications for use and can be used even by newborns at least every hour;
  • Homeopathic medicines – effective method treatment of cough in infants, for whom many drugs are contraindicated by age. Homeopathy is prescribed for different types cough, drugs in this group are also highly effective for bronchospasms.

Cough treatment products: what to choose?

How to treat a baby's cough?

Before choosing an effective cough remedy for your baby, it is important to know that all cough medications are divided into three groups:

  • Antitussives - drugs from this group act directly on the cough center, inhibiting it and suppressing cough. Drugs from this group are effective in the treatment of whooping cough, dry paroxysmal cough which ends in vomiting and prevents the baby from sleeping or eating. Antitussives are available in the form of syrups, drops, tablets, but in most cases they are indicated for use by children over 1 year of age. As an exception, the doctor may recommend one of the remedies in a strictly individual dosage;
  • Mucolytics - drugs from this group quickly transform a dry cough into a wet one, promote the formation of sputum and its rapid removal from the respiratory tract. Drugs from the mucolytic group include Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Ambrol, Licorice root, Fluditec. The drugs have different prices, depending on the capabilities of the patients; they are produced in the form of syrups with pleasant taste and smell, but most of them can be given to children over 6 months of age;
  • Expectorants - drugs from this group are prescribed to children when the cough becomes productive, but the mucus is poorly cleared from the respiratory tract. Most effective means are syrups based on ivy or plantain - Prospan, Gerbion, Gedelix, Doctor Mom. In addition to plant extracts, these preparations include: essential oils and sugar, which can cause an allergic reaction in children under one year of age.

Advice! Before treating an infant’s cough, the mother should consult a pediatrician, since only a specialist can determine the nature of the cough and choose the right effective remedy.

In no case should you exceed the dose of the drug prescribed by your doctor, otherwise this will lead to the formation large quantity sputum that the baby will not be able to cough up, which is fraught with the development of pneumonia and bronchiolitis (inflammation of the smallest bronchi).

Cough in a baby: first steps for parents

What should parents do if the baby starts coughing and how to treat cough in infants before the pediatrician arrives?

We present to your attention some effective tips:

  • Drinking plenty of fluids helps to moisturize the mucous membranes and promote the rapid formation and release of sputum. Teas are excellent: with raspberries, chamomile, mint, linden, compotes, fruit drinks, alkaline drink(Borjomi water without gas). For children under six months old, frequent breastfeeding serves as plenty of fluids;
  • Cool (no more than 22 degrees Celsius) humid air in the room - you can hang wet sheets or place water tanks near heating devices, and carry out wet cleaning more often. Dry indoor air intensifies coughing and helps dry out accumulated mucus in the respiratory tract;
  • Walking in the fresh air - if the child’s body temperature does not rise and he generally feels fine, then there are no contraindications for walking. Fresh cool air improves the secretory abilities of the bronchi, against the background of which sputum is better removed;
  • Drainage massage helps to improve the discharge of sputum and cough it up in a baby who is not yet sitting and cannot cough on his own. The mother places the baby with her tummy on her knees so that the child’s buttocks are slightly higher than the level of the head, and begins a massage with stroking movements in the direction from the lower back to the shoulder blades, without affecting the spine. This massage is carried out several times a day for 2-3 minutes, after which the child is raised vertically and lightly patted on the back - this provokes a coughing attack. The photo below shows how to properly position your baby on your lap.

The video in this article shows how to do it correctly drainage massage so that cough treatment is as effective as possible.

Folk remedies for treating cough

Many mothers are afraid to give their baby pharmaceutical products when coughing, resorting to traditional medicine recipes. Before treating a wet cough in a baby using folk remedies, think about the fact that herbs and decoctions can provoke severe allergic reaction In addition, it is not known where these plants were collected and under what conditions they were harvested.

Important! Unacceptable for treatment chest cough In infants, use rubs based on vodka or alcohol - in most cases this not only does not help, but also causes severe intoxication of the body with alcohol vapor.

Often, the appearance of a cough in infants causes panic in parents - you cannot give such a child pharmaceutical syrup or tablet, and tea with honey, beloved by many, is also not suitable - the baby is still too small. Now available in pharmacies medications even for newborns, but I am wary of such methods: after all, synthetic drugs are very harmful to a fragile body. Treatment of cough in infants folk remedies It is safe, does not harm the health of the baby and can be used from the first days of the baby’s life.

If a baby has a cough and runny nose without fever: proven treatment methods

The most popular procedures for treating cough in children of the first year of life are warming. But every mother should know that heat compresses and rubbing can only be done when Infants cough without fever!

I offer you recipes that I have tested for treating cough in infants:

Camphor oil compress

I consider this method one of the best - it has helped me more than once cure even newborn children from cough. All we need is camphor oil and a warm old scarf or gauze with cotton wool for a compress. It is better to do it at night, and the next day avoid drafts and active games of the baby (when the child sweats). Camphor oil penetrates deeply into the skin and heats up quite strongly, so during the day you should avoid hypothermia or overheating of the child - you can catch inflammation.

So, how do I treat cough in infants? camphor oil:

1. Heat a tablespoon over the fire of a gas burner (the spoon should be slightly hot, but not red-hot).

2. Then I pour camphor oil into a spoon - it immediately heats up from the hot iron.

3. I begin to actively rub the baby’s chest and back with warm oil, insulate it with cotton wool, a woolen scarf and put on regular clothes (blouse or shirt) on top.

4. I rub oil on my feet and put on socks or booties.

After these procedures, I put the child to bed. I do this until the cough and runny nose stop completely. Usually this takes 3-4 days, and if the disease has just begun, then 2 days is enough.
You can’t make a camphor compress when you have a fever!

Healing mustard plaster for cough, bronchitis and pneumonia

In this way I cured my one-year-old son from a barking cough that happened to us at the beginning of summer. If you don't know how to treat a cough in a baby at 2 months or earlier– this option will definitely help. The main thing is to be very careful!

Making a healing mustard cake:

Take 1 teaspoon:

  1. dry mustard;
  2. honey;
  3. vodka or moonshine (for children over one year old, I sometimes added pharmacy, hawthorn or calendula);
  4. onion juice (squeeze through cheesecloth).

Add 1 tablespoon:

    1. flour;
    2. sunflower oil.

Mix all components until smooth. Spread the mixture onto a clean cloth (an old towel, handkerchief, napkin) and place it on the child’s back. Keep for 2-3 hours. For babies 1-2 months old, you can put them on for an hour - that will be enough.

I often combined two methods of treatment: after the cake, I rubbed the child with camphor oil. The effect is excellent - the cough goes away quickly and without complications.

Potato compress

The remedy is very effective and can be used to treat very young children, but only if the infants have a cough without fever!

So, boil 4 medium potatoes in their skins. We prepare 2 diapers or 2 old towels for a compress (it is better to save them and use them only for these purposes) and 2 large bath towels to insulate the child and ensure good warming of the bronchi.

Fold the diaper in four, place 2 boiled potatoes in the middle of the square and crush them into a flat cake.

We fold the diaper into an envelope so that the potato mass does not fall out. We apply a compress to the child's chest and do the same on the back.

Be careful not to burn the baby - if the potato compress is too hot, first put a towel or thick diaper, then the compress, and only then wrap the baby.

Small children usually fall asleep with this treatment, but if the child is awake, wrap him in a blanket or blanket and hold him in your arms.

The procedure lasts from 20 to 40 minutes, during which time the bronchi warm up well, the baby may sweat and even blush slightly. After the time has passed, the compress must be removed, and the child quickly changed into everything dry and wrapped until it cools completely.

After such treatment, you should not go outside, nor should you allow drafts! You can make potato compresses 2 times a day. The cough goes away quickly, within 2-3 days active treatment the child can be completely cured.

Warming up with salt

Another excellent method of treating cough in infants using folk remedies. Simple, fast and safe for a small organism. The process is similar to potato compresses, but for salt you need to sew 2 bags from thick fabric- She will definitely spill out of the diapers.

You need to heat half a pack of salt in a frying pan (the salt should be very hot) and pour it into prepared bags that are tied tightly. While the salt is very hot, be sure to place a towel folded in two or three times on the baby’s back and chest, and place bags of salt on it. As it cools, unfold the towel to a thin layer. You can heat it with salt for an hour to two. It is good to wrap the child up - this way the warmth lasts longer.

After warming up, change the child into dry underwear and leave him in bed for at least another half hour. You can't go outside.

Treatment of cough in infants with folk remedies at high temperatures

Cabbage and honey compress

The method is very effective - it helps with both dry and wet coughs. You can apply cabbage leaves from the first days of life, just like you can use honey (if neither of the parents has an allergy, otherwise it may also appear in the child).


  1. Place two cabbage leaves in hot water for 1 minute;
  2. remove and roll over the leaves with a rolling pin (soften the seals);
  3. grease them on one side with liquid honey;
  4. apply warm honey side cabbage leaves to the baby's back and chest. Insulate the compress with cotton wool and a woolen scarf (old towel, jacket, etc.). You can keep it on all night.

The next morning, remove the compress and wipe the skin to remove any remaining honey (if any).

Garlic treatment

Garlic is a powerful phytoncide. It kills viruses, saves from germs and disinfects the child’s nasopharynx and bronchi, curing even the most lingering cough. But how can a baby be treated with garlic?

When my children were still very little, I often resorted to this trick

I cut the garlic cloves into small pieces, put them in a specially saved plastic yogurt cup and placed them on the babies’ noses and mouths during sleep. Naturally, this should be done when the child is fast asleep - he breathes deeply and will not wake up from the smell of garlic

A kind of garlic inhalation occurs and the mother “kills two birds with one stone”: she treats the little one’s cough and runny nose, and at the same time carries out the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

carrot juice

If the cough in an infant is 6 months or older, and if the child has already begun to try adult foods, then you can treat it with caution carrot juice. The method is very simple:

grate a carrot, squeeze a teaspoon of juice out of it, heat it a little over the stove and give it to the child. Do this 3-4 times a day.

If an allergy or other undesirable reactions suddenly begins, it is better to stop taking the juice.

Colds in infants - what to do first?

Dear mothers. Due to the abundance of letters with this question, this article appeared this section(it didn't exist before). Firstly, I want to immediately reassure all the mothers in the world - I have three children and with each of them the cold often unsettled me. Even with the third baby, although it seems that already experience, knowledge, and folk medicine savvy. But... busy, busy...:) I work a lot, have little time.

As a result, you miss the very beginning of the disease and, voila - the baby is already knee-deep in snot, coughing, crying and screaming at night begins. In principle, having gathered my will into a fist, I quickly dealt with the emergency, and found an approach to the youngest (children are all different, even MY children still endure the same diseases in completely different ways).

What did I do before

What I did before (and now I do, but less often, we are already saving ourselves simple means, which I’ll talk about below). This is available from 6-8 months, although it is not as easy as for 1.5 years and older. So, at the first sign of a cold, we:

  1. steam the legs in mustard (if there is no fever!), literally 2-3 minutes, no more needed;
  2. wipe dry, draw an iodine net on the feet and put on warm soft socks (this is during the day, at night we rub the feet with camphor oil or goat fat). During the day, you can also simply rub your feet with vodka and put on soft, warm socks;
  3. I immediately brewed tea with honey, elderberries and chamomile (from the age of 2), if before, then just tea with honey and chamomile. I give honey from a spoon, like candy. When licked, do not drink or eat anything for 15 minutes;
  4. after 2 years I put a little dry mustard in my socks, it helps a lot with a runny nose;
  5. to avoid coughing on the chest on the right and top part I can apply an iodine mesh to the back (pediatrician’s advice), but only if there is no allergy to iodine!

It was like that before.

What do I do now

Now, instead of all these procedures, one is enough: I give the child homeopathic echinacea and, as a rule, in most cases this is enough! Just like that! I discovered this miracle more than six months ago and I can’t get enough of it. At first, I must admit, it was a little scary, so I scoured the Internet, read reviews, contacted some mothers who had tried it from my native forum, and decided to take a risk.

What it is?

These are homeopathic products from the highly respected American corporation Natra Bio, which has been producing health products for many years. My trick is simply called: Cold and flu remedy for children.

There is a convenient pipette inside, with which you need to give the drug to your child.

How to give to your baby: just drop 0.5 mg (there is a special mark on the pipette .50 ) under the tongue. Try, mommies. Getting under your baby's tongue is not so easy, but it's worth it. We give this every 20 minutes until the child’s condition improves. Sometimes it takes 2 hours, sometimes more, sometimes less. Afterwards we give the same amount every 4 hours.

What it helps with: for colds, runny nose, sore throat. temperatures, at all INITIAL stages illness (incipient cough, wheezing, headache etc.). If you are already sick, it helps to easily and quickly transfer the disease.

At what age can a baby be treated: from 4 months.

Allergy test: drop onto the elbow and wait 2 hours. If there are no alarming symptoms, we give it to the child according to the instructions.

You can read more about the product HERE. I ordered it here. Everything is done in a few clicks, then after 20-30 days a neat package arrives in the mail. The postal operator called me and confirmed that the package was there :).

Children's Echinacea

For children from 6 months of age, there is another remedy that my niece and I tried: Children's Echinacea(plus three times, it’s a worthwhile thing).

The whole family used this and gave it to children “from young to old” according to the instructions. I am very pleased with the result, as is my sister, whose baby is 2.5 years old, just like mine. Snot and cough began, which ended on the same day. This miracle is described in detail HERE.

If your child cannot sleep at night due to a cold

And finally, for coughs, sore throats and colds from 2 years of age Nighttime cold and cough remedy for children Fits my three perfectly. If your baby can’t sleep at night because of a runny nose, cough, or cold, then this syrup is just right)). We give according to the instructions and fall asleep peacefully until the morning. Then the pain goes away faster and easier.

Let's get acquainted in detail HERE

If you don't know how to order on iherb.com, no problem. My friend Natalya wrote excellent instructions on her blog, showing everything right on her fingers - where, how and where to press. when and what it will arrive and where to receive the order :). Read and order without hassle How to buy on iherb.com

Health to us and our children!

With love to my readers, thrice mother

Attention! I do not treat children over the Internet and do not give treatment advice. Everything is written in the articles; it’s up to you to decide whether to apply it or not.

Infants get sick most often with the onset of cold weather, in the off-season. It is at this time that bacteria and viruses are most active. The immune system is consequently subject to heavy loads. And since in children it is still too weak, there is nothing easier for the disease than to take advantage of the opportunity and penetrate the baby’s body. As a result, the infection is rebuffed, which is expressed in the form of a runny nose, fever and cough.

Colds and coughs in infants are very common.

Treatment this symptom in infants - this is very difficult process, because the medications familiar to adults are not suitable for them. Therapy should be as gentle as possible and at the same time effective, so that the sick baby does not develop complications. To get rid of cough, both traditional and home methods are used.

Types of children's cough

How to treat a cough in an infant so as not to harm him? What methods exist for this, and is it worth seeking help from specialists? To answer these questions, you first need to understand what a cough is and why it occurs in young children.

The symptom is caused by contractions of the tracheal muscles with the participation of the abdominal muscles - air is forcefully pushed through the respiratory tract, simultaneously freeing them from excess mucus and various foreign particles.

Often in infants, a cough is simply a protective reaction of the body and is not associated with a cold.

Cough can be of the following types:

This symptom, familiar to everyone, is the body’s protective reaction to irritation of the tissues of the throat and bronchi. When the epithelium is subjected to sedimentation by bacteria, special receptors are triggered, which is why a cough begins. Young children's throats are much more sensitive because respiratory system has not yet formed. Therefore, they cough much more often.

Causes of cough

Coughing in babies is quite common. Small children can choke while eating or inhale dusty air. The respiratory tract of a newborn contains quite a lot of mucus, which is very difficult to remove. However, it is not difficult to distinguish a painful cough from a normal one - it is often accompanied by wheezing, fever, and is systematic.

Dry air and dust in the apartment can cause coughing

The most common causes of cough in infants:

  • infectious diseases (colds and flu, bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • dry air;
  • foreign bodies in the throat;
  • burns and wounds.

Also common cause cough becomes allergy. For a newly born child, all surrounding substances seem foreign, because the immune system has not yet fully developed. As a result - cough, snot and skin rashes in response to quite familiar factors (dust, small hairs, pollen, etc.).

Attention! A persistent painful cough in an infant is very warning sign. At the first suspicion of any illness, it is better to call a therapist. Otherwise, parents expose their child great danger- any illness is extremely difficult for him to bear and must be treated correctly.

If the cough does not go away for a long time, then you should show the child to the doctor.

Treatment of non-infectious cough

Sometimes it happens that the baby coughs, but does not get sick. This can be understood by his general well-being, lack high temperature and high activity. In this case, the symptom cannot be ignored, because its presence indicates hidden pathologies.

Most often, such a cough develops from dried air in a house or apartment, especially if the heating season has begun - the radiators evaporate all the moisture during operation. In this case, it is better to purchase special device- air humidifier - and place it in the room where it is kept Small child. Regular spraying with spray bottles also helps. The easiest way is to leave a well-moistened rag on the battery (but you will have to do this quite often).

When a child has an obvious allergy (this can be understood by sudden attacks cough that suddenly stops, watery eyes, rashes, swelling of the face and limbs), will help antihistamines(Suprastin, Tavigil, Fenistil). However, you can completely get rid of a cough only after a visit to a specialist.

Suprastin will help cope with allergic cough

Sometimes foreign objects get into babies' throats - accidentally or due to parental oversight. In this case, a foreign object stuck in the respiratory tract causes persistent cough. You cannot remove it yourself - you need to call a therapist or go to the clinic to see an otolaryngologist, who will safely perform an operation to remove the foreign body.

When your child begins to cough heavily, but the reasons for the development of this symptom have not yet been fully elucidated, parents should adhere to a number of rules to alleviate the baby’s condition and improve coughing. Then the consequences of the disease will be minimal.

When a small child has a cough, you should:

  • provide drinking plenty of fluids baby (after 3 months);
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • sometimes pick up the child and turn him around.

Let your child drink more

If the weather permits (it’s not cold outside, there’s no wind or precipitation), you can go for a walk with your baby. Fresh air good for the throat, improves expectoration and helps the immune system.

Cough preparations

How to treat a cough if it is caused by infectious disease? Traditional methods involve the use of drugs. But not tablets, but special solutions or drops - they are harmless to babies.

A baby’s cough can be relieved with the following medications:

  • mucolytics (Bromhexine, ACC, Ambroxol);
  • expectorants (Stoptussin, Prospan, Gedelix);
  • antitussives (Sinekod, Panatus, Linkas).

Children aged 2, 4 months and older can take the above medications. For wet coughs, expectorants are given to help remove mucus from the respiratory tract. When dry with severe inflammation Mucolytic drugs are suitable (they make sputum less viscous) in combination with antitussives.

Panatus is an effective antitussive remedy

Important: when wet cough Do not give antitussive drugs - it causes stagnation of mucus. Also, do not give symptom suppressants and expectorants at the same time.

This remedy is excellent for treating small child. The bow is very strong antiseptic, and therefore when it hits the surface sore throat produces powerful healing effect. It not only kills the infection, but also slows down its spread. Among other things, the oils contained in onions have an enveloping effect, protecting tissues from irritation.

Preparation this tool does not take much time - you just need to finely chop (or grate) 1-2 heads onions, mix with natural honey and leave for a couple of hours to infuse. If you don't have honey at home, you can use regular sugar. The resulting product is given to the patient 1 tsp. in the morning, at lunch and before bed.

You can prepare a cough remedy for your baby using onion juice.

Rubbing with badger fat

This home method treatment is suitable even for one month old baby. Animal fat helps improve blood flow in the area where inflammation occurs ( rib cage, throat) and relieve excessive swelling - this helps to cough up phlegm.

Rubbing should be done like this - apply to the skin of the baby’s chest sufficient quantity badger fat and very carefully spread it in a circular motion throughout the lung area to the neck. When the product is absorbed, the patient should be wrapped for a while. The procedure can be carried out daily, but no more than once a day. At a temperature of 38 and above, rubbing should not be done.

By using given methods More than one child was cured. If a child feels unwell and coughs a lot, you can use useful herbal remedies - they are natural and do not cause allergies or side effects.

Herbal decoctions are very popular remedy, it can also be given to babies

If your baby is sick, the following decoctions and infusions are suitable for him:

  • coltsfoot;
  • licorice;
  • chamomile;
  • mint.

The dosage of any of the indicated herbal decoctions for babies is 1 tsp. three times a day. However, preferring to call a therapist home therapy It is worth remembering that no one is immune from complications - self-medication rarely leads to positive results. When infant coughs, most the best option will trust the experts.

In this video they will tell you how to properly treat children's cough:
