Inhalation for influenza. Procedure rules. Fragrant steam inhalation

Doctors answer the question, is it possible to do inhalation for a cold, in the affirmative. This is one of the ways to put your health in order, get rid of a sore throat, cough, runny nose. There are different ways to carry out home inhalations.

How to do inhalation for colds at home?

For inhalation, you can buy a special device. They are sold in pharmacies. But you can do without it. To do this, water with medicinal additives should be heated in a saucepan, bow your head over it, cover your head thick cloth or a towel and inhale the vapors.

Inhalation for colds will help relieve sore throat

The second way is to heat water with additives in a teapot or coffee pot, make a funnel out of paper, insert it into the spout of the teapot and breathe through this funnel. The procedure time for both methods is 5-10 minutes.

The main rule for inhalation is that the water should not be hotter than 40 ° C, otherwise you can burn the airways. The procedure should be performed 2 hours after eating. After inhalation, you can’t eat or drink for an hour, you can’t talk for 30 minutes and go outside for 2 hours. If it’s cold outside, then you can’t go out for 4 hours.

If you have heat, you can not do inhalation.

What to do with inhalation for a cold?

There are many recipes for inhalation. Choose the one you like best:

  • In 2 liters of water, dissolve 2 tbsp. l. with a slide of soda or sea ​​salt. These substances are especially good for severe coughs.
  • In 2 liters of water, dilute 10-20 drops of eucalyptus or camphor oil. Do not overdo it with oil, otherwise the throat will tickle.
  • Grind a small onion or head of garlic to a mushy state. Add this gruel to the water for inhalation.
  • Boil potatoes in their skins. Without removing it from the pan, inhale.
  • Dilute honey in water in proportions of 1:3. This remedy is excellent not only for colds, but also for laryngitis.
  • Take your choice: pine, cedar, fir or juniper needles, oak, birch, eucalyptus, mint leaves, linden flowers, lavender, sage. You can take one plant or a mixture of several. For inhalation, take 1 tbsp. l. crushed dry or fresh plant for every 250 ml of water.

If you have severe runny nose, choose inhalations over a pot, and if you do over a kettle, then alternate breaths through your mouth with breaths through your nose. This will help get rid of nasal discharge.


At its core, a cold is a hypothermia of the body, in which the activity of the immune system decreases. She calls various diseases, ignoring the treatment of which sometimes has the most severe consequences. According to statistics, from September to April, each person can be knocked down by a runny nose, sore throat, cough and other “misfortunes” up to 3 times during the cold period. When such syndromes occur, inhalation effectively helps to cope with them. The method of administration of medications with the absorption of steam has not only a local effect on the respiratory tract, but has a systemic effect, as well as on the whole body.

"Steam bath" from a grandmother or a modern nebulizer

Surely, with many memories from childhood, grandmother's advice pops up on how to protect yourself from the spread of the disease. Homemade "steam bath" in a saucepan with the addition of medicinal herbs or plain soda - the simplest method used. Improvements are felt after the first treatment. The big disadvantage is the danger of contact with very hot water. Usually such manipulations occur with a thick veil covered with a head. Inhalation of hot air and enclosed spaces often result in burns. Therefore, you can not use boiling water, it must be cooled.

Modern medicine, as an alternative to old methods, offers to test special inhalers, they are divided into 3 main types.

Steam devices

The principle of their action is based on the evaporation of the drug. They use volatile substances with a boiling point of less than 100°C, usually essential oils. This narrows the diversity factor of healing substances. There is also a high likelihood of burns, especially for small patients - children. When compared with other 2 types of devices, here is the lowest concentration of useful vapors.


They spray the therapeutic agent in the form of an aerosol. It can reach hard to reach areas respiratory tract and the lungs themselves. Steam particles are crushed up to 5 microns due to the vibration of the metal plate, which allows them to penetrate even into the bronchi, eliminating the inflammatory process. Within 15 minutes of the procedure, maximum rate effectiveness at which the required amount of drug is administered. Mineral water, for example, Borjomi, dried herbs, all kinds of medicinal solutions turn into a highly dispersed emulsion.

Compressor inhaler

It has similar qualities to ultrasonic, but during operation it makes a certain noise and weighs significantly more. The device creates a powerful stream through a small chamber opening where the medication is located. Its cost is higher, but the range of substances used is the widest among the rest.

The last 2 species are called "nebulizers", which, when translated from the Latin "nebula" - cloud or fog. Convenient dimensions, effective liquid ejection characteristics, the presence of additional nozzles and special masks make it possible to perform procedures for lying patients. For children, the device can be installed near a bed, a place to play, but by inhaling a fine aerosol directly at the mouthpiece, the effect will be better.

When and how to use inhalation for a cold

This type of treatment has many advantages over drugs, such as oral tablets, which can cause allergic reactions. But do not forget about. Spraying and penetration into the respiratory tract of small particles reduces the amount of medication used, and the risk of the consequences of medical therapy is also reduced. Such procedures are used not only to eliminate respiratory diseases, fungal infections of the mucous membranes, but also for preventive measures in order to strengthen the immune system.

Roughly divide the scope of inhalation into several areas:

  1. Respiratory diseases with symptoms of dryness, perspiration, pain throat, mucus.
  2. Chronic pathologies with inflammation of the respiratory tract and organs (asthma, pharyngitis, rhinitis, etc.).
  3. Allergic or asthmatic abnormalities.
  4. Work associated with harmful hazards(chemists, miners, etc.).
  5. Disorders of a nervous nature, endocrine, of cardio-vascular system.

The choice of a drug solution for the nebulizer and the frequency of procedures must be agreed with a specialist, especially for groups 3-5. In order for inhalation to be effective and not cause harm to health, it must be carried out correctly. At home, as a rule, do no more than 2-3 times a day. Hot steam dries up the mucous membranes, so when the condition improves or the disease is in remission, you should not abuse such medical procedures.

Also important is the choice of the device, its operation. For domestic use, voluminous models with multitasking functions are not suitable. Simple, compact is best. It is much more convenient and faster to disassemble, rinse them, change the healing substance for steam in them. General rules will help keep the inhaler in good condition, and most importantly, do not harm the body when using it:

  • you need to assemble the device using the instructions;
  • before switching on, check the integrity of the solution tank, pour water;

  • time difference between medical procedure and eating food should be at least 2 hours;
  • you should first rinse the nasal passages, especially if you have a runny nose;
  • before inhaling hot vapors, wait 10 minutes to cool the product;
  • to ensure good heat transfer, it is necessary to cover slightly, in the form of a hut;
  • the average duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes;
  • it is impossible for clothes to tighten the chest and neck;
  • during inhalation, inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose;
  • no need to talk during the procedure;
  • no need to immediately leave the room, go out into the street.

Inhalation for colds for children at home

Reasonable parents will always consult doctors before treating their child, and will keep this process under vigilant control. Before reaching the age of one year, inhalations are generally not acceptable. You can carry out such procedures for colds with the addition of soda, but the water temperature should be less than 30 ° C, and for older children, the degree rises to 40.

In the absence of a nebulizer in the house, inhalations for a cold should be done very carefully. The child is seated on his knees, holding his hands to avoid contact with a hot object, covered with a light towel, the procedure lasts no more than 5 minutes. Next in without fail wipe their hair, face, change into dry cotton clothes. You need to forget about the walk for at least 2 hours.

An inhaler is a must in homes where babies are prone to frequent respiratory or chronic diseases. After all, it effectively eliminates the foci of the disease. More often it uses mucolytics, antibacterial drugs, bronchodilators.

Several therapeutic agents for use in inhalers

To restore the mucosa, relieve swelling and inflammation, and eliminate nasal congestion, various drug components are used. This takes into account the severity of the disease, the age of the patient, the tolerance of the medication and other factors. If there is confidence that the patient has a common cold, then the medicine can be chosen independently, for example:

  • furatsilin - with a cold, ARVI, one dose up to 4 milliliters of a pharmacy solution or finished product for a nebulizer;
  • chlorophyllipt - kills staphylococcal infection, add 3 drops at the rate of 1 to 10 with table salt;
  • calendula tincture on alcohol is also diluted (1:40);
  • alkaline 2% sodium bicarbonate - liquefies mucus, forms an alkaline environment in the lesion;
  • saline 0.9% chloride - necessary for softening, cleansing, washing the nose from purulent accumulations;
  • clean water with saline - removes sputum that provokes coughing, clears the sinuses;
  • expectorants, from saline (1 to 2) and Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Ambrobene;
  • essential oils with a concentration of not more than 5%;
  • various bronchodilators, mucolytics, antibiotics;
  • local immunostimulants;
  • antibacterial drugs, etc.

The advantages of a nebulizer are obvious, but an ordinary coffee pot or teapot is suitable for inhalation at home. As remedy a decoction of linden, mint, wormwood, sage will do, pine buds. A funnel-shaped tube is made from compacted paper, put on the spout of dishes, and vapors are inhaled through it.

The choice is yours, but what not to do

Inhalations for colds are conditionally divided into natural and artificial. The first is given by nature itself. This is a rest on the seashore, when salt impurities are inhaled, a walk through the coniferous forest. They are especially useful for people with weakened immune systems. After all, such natural procedures deliver anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, volatile substances into the body in a simple way.

The latter are produced with the help of improvised items, specialized devices with the use of drugs. Any artificial manipulations are contraindicated when:

  • body temperature over 37.5°C;
  • secretions with purulent content;
  • nosebleeds;
  • pathologies of the heart;
  • hypertension and related to the vascular system;
  • drug intolerance;
  • severe forms of damage to the respiratory tract, lungs and other organs.

A cold will not be fearful for those who lead an active lifestyle, often go outside, pay attention to nutrition. After all, ordinary onions and garlic are excellent antibiotics that kill pathogenic viruses. And when the disease nevertheless overtook, the choice between a modern inhaler or a homemade saucepan becomes purely individual.

An effective remedy for cough and runny nose is inhalation at home. They help to quickly remove unpleasant symptoms, mobilize the immune system to fight the virus, facilitate general state sick. However, in some cases, home treatments exacerbate symptoms, cause additional pain, and further spread the infection.

It is important to remember that home inhalation will become therapeutic only if the procedure is carried out correctly, restrictions are observed and indications and contraindications are taken into account. this method treatment.


Before proceeding with the procedure, it should be clarified if there are any contraindications for it. So, inhalations are not carried out for people with certain systemic pathologies: hypertension, heart disease and thyroid gland. They are not made for a number of neurological diseases and in all cases of heat intolerance. These procedures are also contraindicated for those who are allergic to the components of the medicine.

Children under 4 years of age should not do regular inhalations at home. With the help of a nebulizer, you can do procedures even for infants.

With an increase in body temperature (+37.5 ° C), warming up, including inhalation, is not indicated.

Rules for the procedure

If no contraindications are found, it will be necessary to clarify the basic rules for the procedure, and also determine the type of inhalation.

Yes, at home inhalation medicinal formulations possible in two ways:

To eliminate a cold, a simple one is more suitable. home method over hot steam without an inhaler. It will allow you to warm up the upper respiratory tract, will help thin the sputum and mucus, which will improve its discharge, and gently relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes.


  1. 1. Prepare the herbal composition. Herbs are crushed and thoroughly mixed, the right amount is measured (at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).
  2. 2. Herbal collection is poured into a kettle and filled with water. Allow the contents to boil (3-4 minutes) and turn off the fire.
  3. 3. A funnel is rolled up from a sheet of paper and the narrow end is inserted into the spout of the kettle.
  4. 4. For convenience, they put the kettle on the table and sit next to it.
  5. 5. Strangle through a wide opening 5 minutes after turning off the fire.

Steam inhalations over the pan are carried out as follows:

  1. 1. Cooking herbal decoction(as for inhalation over a kettle) or hot boiled potatoes are mixed with a medicinal composition.
  2. 2. They put the pan on the table and sit next to it.
  3. 3. Shoulders and head are covered with a large bath towel.
  4. 4. Gently bend over the pot and inhale the vapors.

These methods should be used with caution, since hot steam can burn the delicate mucous membranes of the pharynx and nose, and the skin of the face.

In order for the treatment to bring relief, the following general rules are observed:

  • It is necessary to carry out inhalations 1.5 hours before meals or the same amount after it.
  • You need to breathe over the steam for no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • After the procedure, you need to change clothes to dry and go to bed.
  • After inhalation, hypothermia of the body should not be allowed.

Compositions for inhalation

The next step is the choice of a medicinal drug for inhalation. Known and effective is the composition of potatoes boiled in peel and soda. For the procedure, you need to boil the tubers, and then, draining the water, mash. Sprinkle the resulting puree with baking soda and breathe steam over the pan.

For brewing in a teapot use:

  • Linden;
  • cedar needles;
  • pine buds;
  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • mint grass;
  • juniper;
  • lavender.

The recipe does not imply an exact list of herbs: they take as many components from the list as possible, mix and prepare a thick decoction from them (3-5 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), and then breathe over it.

Instead of herbs, you can add essential oils of these plants to the water, as well as oils of bergamot, anise, sandalwood, fir, thyme. A few drops (4-7) of essential oil can be added to mashed potatoes.

For the treatment of severe dry cough, in which sputum discharge is difficult (on the 3-4th day of a cold), you can do inhalations with soda or alkaline mineral water. They will soften the edematous mucosa and make the secret more liquid.

Among the useful antiviral procedures, doctors call inhalations with crushed onions or garlic. For them, you should take a few onions or heads of garlic, chop until gruel is formed and dilute with hot water in a ratio of 1:10. Then pour the composition into the kettle and breathe.

Home steam inhalation is effective way quickly eliminate catarrhal phenomena. They help remove discomfort, make mucus less viscous, improve its discharge, relieve inflammation and locally increase blood flow.

Treatment with a nebulizer

There are three types of devices: mesh nebulizers, ultrasonic and compressor. Their main goal is the production of small particles of the drug, which, when inhaled, reach the bronchi and alveoli of the lungs. With a cold, only the upper respiratory tract is affected, which means that the use of an ultrasonic or mesh nebulizer that breaks the medicine into microscopic particles will not work.

For the treatment of catarrhal phenomena (runny nose and cough with a cold), a compressor type of nebulizer is suitable. It allows you to create larger drug particles. Using a special mask will help you achieve a positive result faster.

Terms of use

To obtain a therapeutic effect from inhalation with a nebulizer, you need to use the device correctly.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. 1. Before the start of the procedure, a medicinal solution is filled into the inhaler, the volume of which does not exceed 4 ml. If saline and medicine are poured into the apparatus separately, then saline should be the first. The regulator knob is set to the largest possible particles.
  2. 2. Before the procedure, the mask is washed warm water with soft detergent and then rinsed and dried several times.
  3. 3. The mask should fit snugly to the face, which is achieved with the help of special clamps (ribbons).
  4. 4. During the procedure, you can not move, talk, eat.
  5. 5. The device is given vertically.
  6. 6. When treating a cold, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. When treating a cough, inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose.
  7. 7. For children under one year, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 5 minutes. For children from one year to 5 - no more than 7 minutes.
  8. 8. For adults, inhalation is carried out until the liquid in the chamber runs out. Before the end of the medicine, the compressor needs to be shaken a little.
  9. 9. Carry out the procedure 90 minutes after eating or the same time before it.
  10. 10. An hour before inhalation and the same amount after it, you can not smoke.
  11. 11. After the end of the procedure, the device is disassembled, all parts are washed with clean boiled water and dried with napkins.

Moisturizers are also used. They remove the burning sensation in the nose, the feeling of perspiration, moisturize the mucous membranes. Alkaline and saline solutions alternate with immunostimulants: you can only pour saline solution, sea salt solution (1 tsp per 200 ml of water) or Borjomi (without gas).

To relieve inflammation of the nasal mucosa, tincture of herbs Tonsilgon is used. For adults, it is diluted in a 1: 1 ratio with saline. For children from one year to 7 years in a ratio of 1:2, and for a child up to a year - 1:3.

Nebulizer inhalations are also used to treat the mucous throat. Eucalyptus tincture Chlorophyllipt has a good anti-inflammatory and secretory effect. It is diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

Among drugs that thin mucus and eliminate cough, Lazolvan, Fluimucil, Acetylcysteine ​​have proven themselves well. They are diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 1 and used once a day for no more than 5 days.

Doing inhalation with a nebulizer at home is recommended if there is a tendency to bronchitis or asthma. In all other cases, steam procedures are preferable.

Inhalation of the drug through a nebulizer is used in cases of complex bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis. When antibiotics and steroids are inhaled, the drugs penetrate to the sites of inflammation without affecting the central blood flow. Inhalations with Dekasan and antibiotics lead to an increase in the effectiveness of the latter. This maximizes their concentration at the sites of infection and reduces in the systemic circulation.

With proper manipulation with a kettle, pan or nebulizer, following all the rules and taking into account the restrictions, you can quickly get rid of the symptoms of a cold: cough and runny nose.


elena pervushina

You can do inhalation with soda, it softens. Herbs are also good, but if you do not have allergies. In no case should you use a Vietnamese asterisk balm, it is very dangerous.

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Rainbow Semitsvetik


throw it away and inhale over a potato in its skin...


canaplinnaya will be better !!!

Gennady Serpik

Validol tablet, a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of soda, 10 drops of iodine.


In the beginning. the stage of a cold is good furacillin (ready-made solution), if a cough appears - lazolvan (solution for inhalation), from herbs - the drug Rotokan. Good luck

Andrey. SPb

Well, with vodka of course :)
Don't mess with inhalers...


With fir and eucalyptus oils


Efcalyptus tea tree


Buy an infusion of linden in a pharmacy, boil water in a saucepan and add 2 tablespoons. Cover yourself with a blanket and breathe. I always do this myself. Proven way.

Anna Matveeva

Inhalations from Vietnam. balm "Asterisk" - heat a small saucepan with water almost to a boil, put a piece of balm the size of a match head, cover with a towel so that it does not get into your eyes, and breathe for about 10 minutes. th finger, put on woolen socks and - sleep.

Piskovatsky Pavel

Better natural phytoncides - 10% tincture of garlic, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, propolis in combination with diphenhydramine or calcium chloride.


The usual "Asterisk". Breaks through "one-two". You can pour boiling water over the cloves. Eucalyptus or calendula are also good (if there is no allergy). Oil tea tree drip.
Washing the nose with infused and fermented decoction of beets helps well (but not everyone dares to do this).
Very good for nose salt water(1 tsp sea or table salt per glass of water) alternately each nostril, so that the water passes through the mouth.
At the very beginning, a runny nose helps if you drink 0.5 cups of water with 5 drops of iodine; eat a clove of garlic or smear juice in the nose fresh leaf Kalanchoe 2-3 times a day. You can instill 3-5 drops of Kalanchoe juice or 2-3 drops of aloe juice into the nose.
Freshly squeezed onion juice 4-5 times a day, 3-5 drops in each nostril.

Aksana Tararuk

if treated, it will pass in 7 days, and if not treated, it will pass by itself in a week


Inhalation with a nebulizer for a cold: recipes for solutions

In the treatment of rhinitis, many physiological procedures aimed at restoring the function of the nasopharynx are considered effective.

Inhalations with a nebulizer for a runny nose are among such physiotherapy procedures that are widely used in the treatment of diseases in children and adults.

What are the types of nebulizers?

A nebulizer for a runny nose in children can be used immediately after the birth of a child, but this can only be done as directed by a specialist. The nebulizer is a special medical apparatus designed for inhalation. The procedure is usually carried out under conditions medical institution, but if there is such a device at home, you can treat rhinitis yourself.

The principle of the procedure is that during the use of the device, it sprays fine dispersed particles of the applied medicinal solutions that enter the respiratory tract. The advantage of treating rhinitis in this way is that sprayed particles of medicines penetrate the respiratory tract much faster than with other types of therapy.

All nebulizers according to the principle of action are divided into several types:

  1. Compressor. They are quite voluminous devices, consisting of a compressor and a chamber. These two elements are interconnected by an air duct. Atomization of medicinal particles in nebulizers of this type occurs due to the "breaking" of the drug with a powerful air stream. The disadvantage of such devices is their noisy operation, so the use in the treatment of young children often becomes impossible.
  2. Ultrasonic. When using this type of inhalation device, the medicine is converted into an aerosol using the action of ultrasonic waves. Such devices are compact and silent, but they have one important drawback - some molecular compounds can be destroyed under the action of ultrasound. Ultrasonic devices cannot be used in the treatment of rhinitis with antibiotics and mucolytics by inhalation.
  3. Mesh nebulizer. Modern devices in which the drug is converted into small particles, passing through a special membrane. These are compact, convenient and silent devices, which are much more expensive than previous models.

Using such modern devices for the procedure, you should know the rule: you can not use recipes for a nebulizer with a runny nose containing essential oils. Adults and small patients should not breathe oils with such a device, since small particles of this agent can clog small gaps in the bronchi and cause oil pneumonia.

It is recommended to choose a compressor nebulizer for inhalation with a cold in children, because they are intended for patients of the youngest age. Several masks are included with the device. different sizes for a more comfortable procedure. The use of such a mask allows the drug to penetrate directly into the respiratory system without being sprayed into the air.

How can inhalations be done with a cold with a nebulizer for a child?

It is important to know how to do inhalation with a runny nose with a nebulizer so that the procedure brings positive result- improved the patient's well-being and accelerated the healing process. First of all, it should be understood that different drugs are intended for each type of device.

Most often, specialists prescribe such solutions for a nebulizer with a cold:

  1. Mucolytics. Can be used for the procedure using a compressor and mesh nebulizer. Acetylcysteine, lazolvan, mukomist belong to this group of solutions for inhalation with a nebulizer for a cold.
  2. Alkaline compresses. When using alkaline solutions for the treatment of rhinitis, all types of nebulizers can be used. These are drugs such as sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate.
  3. Antibacterial solutions. Medicines for a nebulizer for a runny nose caused by bacteria belong to the group of antibacterial drugs. These are furacilin, dioxidin, malavit, they can be used for compressor and mesh nebulizers.
  4. Bronchodilators. Designed for the procedure when using any type of device. These drugs for inhalation with a nebulizer for a cold include berodual, salbutamol, berotek and atrovent.
  5. Glucocorticosteroids. Preparations are used with any of the three types of apparatus for the procedure. Most often, specialists prescribe such a glucocorticosteroid as hydrocortisone.

Regardless of the drug chosen, for a safe and effective procedure, it is important to observe the temperature indicators of inhalation solutions. The temperature of the product used should not be below 20 degrees.

What medicines are suitable for inhalation with a cold with a nebulizer?

For the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx, acute and chronic form many recipes for inhalation with a nebulizer for a runny nose are used, aimed at restoring the mucous membrane. When compiling prescriptions for inhalation with a nebulizer for a child with a cold, a specialist must take into account the age of a small patient.

What medicines for a nebulizer with a runny nose are better to use, the specialist will say. In each case, the otolaryngologist prescribes different drugs, because their choice depends on the type of rhinitis, the characteristics of its course and the age of the patient.

In most cases, such drugs are prescribed for inhalation with a cold:

  1. Interferon. The drug is prescribed for viral infectious diseases nasopharynx in children and adults. For the procedure, the contents of one ampoule of interferon must be diluted in 3 ml of saline. After this, the agent should be placed in the drug reservoir, the procedure should be carried out 2 times a day.
  2. Tonzilong. The drug is diluted saline 1:1 in the treatment of adults and children over 7 years of age. For children 1–7 years old, the solution is diluted in a ratio of 1: 2, for patients under the age of one year - 1: 3. For one procedure, it is necessary to use up to 4 ml of the drug, inhalation up to two times a day.
  3. Furacilin. The procedure with this solution is carried out in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, when a runny nose is one of the symptoms of the disease.
  4. Chlorophyllipt. For the procedure, the drug is diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 10. One inhalation will require 3 ml of a diluted solution, up to three procedures are recommended per day.
  5. Tincture of calendula. Alcohol tincture diluted with saline 1: 40, up to 4 ml of the drug is used in one procedure. At acute inflammation nose and sinuses of the nasopharynx should be inhaled three times a day.
  6. Alcohol tincture of propolis. The tincture purchased at the pharmacy must be diluted with saline 1: 20. It is not recommended to use the solution if you are prone to allergic reactions.

Inhalation with a cold with a nebulizer with saline and mineral water

Often, inhalations are also prescribed for a runny nose with a nebulizer, however, they are effective only if necessary to moisten the nasal mucosa. Such procedures should be carried out on early stage development of rhinitis. Instead of saline, alkaline mineral water can be used, for example, Borjomi, Essentuki, Luzhanskaya.

If you use these alkaline solutions for inhalation from the common cold with a nebulizer for children and adults, you can achieve the following therapeutic effect:

  • deep clean nasal cavity sick from pathogenic microorganisms- viruses and bacteria that caused the development of the disease;
  • make the secret accumulated in the nose more liquid;
  • prevent stagnation of mucus in the sinuses;
  • quickly reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • prevent the development of complications of prolonged rhinitis - purulent otitis media and sinusitis.

If you know how to do inhalation with a cold for a child and an adult, you can get rid of rhinitis in a few days. How can you do inhalation with a runny nose with a nebulizer if there are no special solutions? You can also carry out the procedure with ready-made medicines intended for irrigation or instillation of the nasal cavity. For example, Naphthyzine nasal drops can be diluted in saline and inhaled twice a day, using the drug at the age dosage indicated in the instructions.

If the patient is concerned about purulent rhinitis, in which a yellow or green secret is secreted from the nasal cavity, the antibacterial drug Isofra or Bioparox can be used. In this way, combined agents can also be used, among which the vasoconstrictor antibiotic Polydex is effective. With a tendency to frequent rhinitis, inhalations can be prescribed to increase local immunity using Laferobion.

Rules for inhalation with drugs for a nebulizer with a cold

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is important to know which inhalations with a runny nose can be done with a nebulizer, based on the type of disease.

However, therapy should still be as safe as possible, and for this you should familiarize yourself with the rules for inhalation with a nebulizer:

  1. Therapy should not be carried out immediately after or before meals; half an hour should elapse between treatment and meals.
  2. During inhalation, you can not talk.
  3. At elevated body temperature, this method of treating rhinitis is contraindicated.
  4. During the session, the patient should be in a sitting position.
  5. When treating a cold, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
  6. The duration of one procedure is on average 10-15 minutes, depending on which inhalations to do with a cold with a nebulizer.
  7. After the procedure using hormonal or antibacterial drugs, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with water.
  8. To completely cure a runny nose, it is usually enough to spend 5-10 sessions.

What inhalations can be done with a nebulizer with a runny nose can only be determined by a doctor based on the diagnosis. The specialist also determines the dosage of the drug and the number of sessions of this treatment procedure.

Inhalation will help to soothe the excited airways and swollen mucous membranes of the nose with a cold. Depending on the complaints, there are various remedies that will help with ailments, but in order to carry out inhalation correctly, there are some points that you should pay attention to.


  1. Herbs, essential oils, or saline solutions help relieve the condition without side effects. Such cleaning of the nasopharynx without chemistry helps to calm the airways. The water vapor of herbal infusions contains substances of medicinal herbs and oils.
  2. Depending on complaints, there are different means that can be used for inhalation. Patients with bronchitis can use natural remedies such as anise, fennel, and thyme. They dissolve mucus, and thyme (sage) also eliminates paroxysmal spasmodic cough and acts as a disinfectant.

    Eucalyptus has a similar effect, however, just like anise, it should be used with caution, as menthol is not for everyone. Especially the use of menthol can adversely affect breathing problems in infants and young children.

    Chamomile - also popular remedy for inhalation, which gently soothes the respiratory tract, and also has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

    Peppermint Syrup Relieves Headaches and Others cold symptoms. Sage has a bactericidal effect, and helps to cope with tonsillitis and sore throat.

  3. For proper inhalation, you can use either special inhalers, or use the old tried and tested method, in which the procedure is carried out, hiding under a towel over a bowl of hot water. In the classic version, you should inhale so that the airways warm up, but do not burn, especially for inhalations with menthol. In this case, the eyes must be closed. In no case should you breathe in boiling broth - this can lead to burns of the respiratory tract.

    If you are purchasing an inhaler for small child, check with the seller from what age you can use this device.

    When performing the procedure over a bowl, do not lower your face closer than 20 cm to the surface.

    It must also be taken into account that there are contraindications for inhalation, including: cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, as well as purulent tonsillitis and high temperature.

    The duration of inhalation for adults is about 5 minutes, for children - no more than 3 minutes.

  4. If it doesn't get better: see a doctor!

    Modern inhalers have advantages such as eye protection and more targeted inhalation of vapors with special solutions. Of course, this costs money, unlike the classic method. But in both cases, if the symptoms do not go away after more than a week or are accompanied by high temperature, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Features of the impact of soda inhalation on the human body

In medical practice, soda inhalation has been actively used for many years. colds. Although this technique refers to folk methods treatment of a cold, yet there is no reason to consider it less effective than medications.

Inhalation with soda, if carried out correctly, will eliminate such symptoms of a cold as cough, sore throat, runny nose. The principle of action of the remedy is that the smallest particles of soda fall on the affected mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and relieve inflammation without affecting other organs.

Soda - effective remedy in the fight against various viruses and microbes. That is why it is used as disinfectant when inhaled during the treatment of colds, this folk remedy is considered especially effective for sore throats. Baking soda helps to separate and expel phlegm when you cough. Many people know about the benefits of soda, but not all of them know how to properly inhale with soda, which is very important in treatment.

How to carry out the procedure?

Soda inhalations can be carried out in two ways: in the old way using a pot and hot water, or using a nebulizer. Of course, it is much more convenient to carry out inhalation with soda in a nebulizer, but if there is no such special parting, you can do without it. Almost always, regardless of the symptoms of a cold, the same solution is used. To prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of soda per liter of boiled hot water.

But it is important to know that you cannot inhale steam if the water temperature is more than 57 degrees. Also, too high a temperature neutralizes all beneficial features baking soda. If the procedure is carried out in the treatment of children under one year old, the temperature of the solution should be no more than 30 degrees.

Soda inhalation should not last more than 10 minutes if it is carried out in the treatment of adults, and for children, the vapor inhalation time should not exceed 3 minutes. Do not forget about general rules conducting such therapy - do not inhale immediately after eating and before eating, do not go outside, do not speak for an hour after it is carried out, and also refuse the procedure at elevated temperature.

Carrying out soda inhalations for children using special device- a nebulizer, much more effective than inhaling steam over a saucepan. First of all, this is due to the fact that not every child can be under the covers, because he will be hot, and there is also a risk of getting burns of the mucous membranes. Therefore, it is better for parents to abandon the use of the old method of treatment with inhalations.

Treatment should be carried out 2 times a day, regardless of the age of the patient. As soon as improvements in health status are noticed, inhalations should be stopped, since frequent inhalation of soda vapor can greatly dry out the mucous membranes.

Treatment rules

Inhalations are used to treat such cold symptoms:

  • cough;
  • sore throat;
  • runny nose.

If inhalation with soda is carried out with a runny nose, you need to inhale the steam through the nose. You can add a couple of drops of iodine to the prepared solution, which quickly relieves inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. It is also useful to soda inhalation with the addition of essential oils - fir, juniper, mint, eucalyptus.

Soda inhalations when coughing immediately after the first procedures significantly improve the patient's condition: with a dry cough, sputum begins to separate, and with a wet one, it liquefies and is excreted from the bronchi. Such solutions for inhalation with soda when coughing are considered effective:

Inhalation with soda during pregnancy is considered the most safe procedure to cure colds without unpleasant consequences. Some pregnant women and young mothers refuse this method of treatment, as they fear that soda will harm the body. But if you carefully consider chemical composition of this substance, it becomes obvious that there is nothing harmful, and even more dangerous, for the health of a pregnant woman and a child. If you are afraid to use soda, you can purchase slightly alkaline mineral water- "Borjomi", "Essentuki".

But still, most people note that knowing exactly how to inhale with soda for a cold, you can quickly eliminate all the symptoms of the disease.

What are the benefits of inhalation during pregnancy?

Viruses and infections penetrate the body especially easily with a weakened immune system. It is for this reason that pregnant women are prone to frequent colds and viral diseases.

It is strictly forbidden to let the disease take its course during the period of bearing a child, however, it is not so easy to carry out treatment, because the number of permitted drugs is quite limited.

Since ancient times, women have widely used effective and safe methods traditional medicine, which also includes inhalation during pregnancy. Of course, one should not expect a quick effect from treatment with folk remedies, but with correct use you can be sure of their harmlessness.

What is the benefit of the procedure?

Inhalations are considered the most gentle way to treat colds, since such a procedure does not have a burden on healthy organs, the effect is only on the affected respiratory tract. In addition to the fact that inhalation during pregnancy will improve the well-being of a woman, it will also not harm her baby. That is why many experts say that breathing the vapor is safe medicines or herbs are not only acceptable in the treatment of colds, but also necessary.

A cold is just as dangerous for a child as it is for his mother, because severe attacks a cough in a pregnant woman brings discomfort to the baby, and because of a runny nose, the child receives an insufficient amount of oxygen, which can cause oxygen starvation.

Steam breathing should be started as early as possible, immediately after the development of the disease is detected, especially with a dry cough, in order to soothe the mucous membrane of the inflamed airways. After the procedure, the mucus will become more moist and will be better separated, making it easier for the sick woman to feel better. Properly used means in the treatment will help stop the spread of infection in the respiratory tract. Recommendations for the procedure:

  1. Although the vapor can be inhaled during pregnancy, since it does not pose a threat to the health of the mother and child, it is very important to carefully choose the drugs added to the inhaler. They should only be used as directed by a specialist.
  2. For inhalation during pregnancy, it is better to use special devices - inhalers, since such treatment will be more effective, and the procedure is much easier and more convenient to carry out in this way. When using special devices medicinal product breaks down into small particles, which in the form of vapor enter the lower respiratory tract.
  3. Inhalation of hot steam must be abandoned at elevated body temperature and heart disease.

Medicines for the common cold

Carrying out inhalation for a cold for a pregnant woman, you can use many medicinal plants that can cure a runny nose. The medicinal plant, the decoction of which is used for the procedure, has a direct effect on the mucous membrane, so that you can effectively get rid of this symptom of a cold without unpleasant consequences. Also, in addition to decoctions of some medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and healing effects on the nasal mucosa, you can use essential oils based on them. In this case, the following oils will perfectly cope with a runny nose:

  • eucalyptus;
  • fir;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • tea tree oil.

To carry out such inhalations during pregnancy, it is necessary to fill the medicine tank halfway with hot water, add 2 drops of one of the oils from the common cold and breathe in pairs for 7 minutes. The procedure should be repeated 3 times a day. Pinosol is considered a good remedy for the common cold, it can not only be instilled into the nose, but also used for inhalation. The drug contains in its composition pine, mint and eucalyptus oils, which are effective in the treatment of colds. However, pregnant women should be very careful when choosing essential oils when inhaling during pregnancy.

You can use decoctions of oregano, St. John's wort, thyme, coltsfoot, lavender as folk remedies. You can enhance the therapeutic effect after the procedure if you use them in combination. Often used by pregnant women next recipe: 20 g of raspberry leaves insist in 200 g of hot water for half an hour, 10 g of calendula also pour 200 g of water, then strain and mix these infusions, pour into an inhaler and breathe for 10 minutes. It is very important that the temperature of the solution does not exceed 40 degrees.

Cough remedies

When choosing medicinal herbs for cough, it is very important to take into account its nature, since all plants are able to have a different effect on the body. If the cough is dry, it can be cured with a decoction or infusion of chamomile, sage, linden blossom, plantain, marshmallow root, St. John's wort, thyme. At wet cough you can use coltsfoot, wild rosemary, succession, lingonberry leaf, yarrow. It is useful to carry out inhalations with eucalyptus during pregnancy, for this you can use a decoction or essential oil.

Do not forget about such an old method of cough treatment as the use of a solution of plain water and soda. You can also add salt and a few drops of iodine, you need to breathe every 2 hours. The remedy is effective for dry cough, after the procedure the amount of sputum will increase, and coughing attacks will decrease. Among the traditional medicine, many women use boiled potatoes for inhalation, over the vapors of which you need to breathe, covered with a blanket on top. It has a good effect on mucous and honey water, for its preparation you will need warm water and honey, taken in a ratio of 5: 1.

In the treatment of cough, inhalations for pregnant women will become effective when using essential oils of such plants:

  • lavender;
  • roses;
  • fir;
  • pines;
  • calamus;
  • lime;
  • eucalyptus.

Oil inhalations are also often prescribed for the treatment of tracheitis, laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis. According to the experts themselves, such procedures can bring the greatest benefit to a sick body at the initial stage of the development of a cold. A woman should also be able to breathe properly: with a runny nose, steam should be inhaled through the nose, with coughs and sore throats - through the mouth. The procedure should not last more than 10 minutes, and in the case when essential oil is used - no more than 7.
In general, inhalation during pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the body of the mother and child in the treatment of colds. However, even using this method of therapy, it is important to exercise caution after consulting with a therapist or gynecologist, because some folk remedies can also harm a pregnant woman.

How to do inhalation with saline for a cold?

Hello. My name is Julia. Daughter 5 years old recent times often gets cold. Advised to do inhalation with a runny nose and cough. Tell me how to do inhalation with saline?

Hello Julia. For children with a runny nose and cough, it is optimal and safe to do inhalations with saline. It has no contraindications for use, and when inhaled it provides significant support to the body. This procedure helps to moisturize the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and bronchi. Thanks to it, the mucus accumulated during a cold is cleansed. A good moisturizing effect occurs with an hysterical dry cough.

Salt (0.9%) and water are saline. You can buy it at a pharmacy (where it is sterile) or cook it yourself. See also "How to make saline at home."

Inhalations are made with saline using a nebulizer. This device can be used even for newborns. A saline solution is placed in the container of the device, which, sprayed into an aerosol, penetrates into the most inaccessible places of the respiratory tract. Steam is inhaled through the mask that comes with the nebulizer. Consult with a specialist how to choose a nebulizer for home use.

Various medications can be added to saline solution if they are prescribed by a doctor.

Inhalation is one of the most popular and effective ways treatment of colds.

And it is not necessary to have a special apparatus for this, inhalation can be easily carried out at home using an ordinary pan and towel.

Its effect on the body helps to eliminate phlegm from the lungs, cope with the symptom of cough and runny nose, and cure sore throats.

The effect of the medicine comes through steam, which does not cause discomfort even to the most inflamed throat.

Inhalation for colds and colds at home

At severe symptoms colds, such as a cough or runny nose, have one very bad effect - they dry out the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which not only slows down recovery and causes very unpleasant sensations, but also contributes to the transition of the disease to its chronic stage.

It is inhalation when coughing, for example, that will help to cope with this. Therapeutic couples will gently envelop and moisturize the mucous membranes, preventing complications from developing.

Inhalations are of two types:

Artificial - carried out at home, by inhaling therapeutic steam. Various herbs, essential oils, boiled vegetables, etc. are used for inhalation. Natural is much simpler than it might seem. It involves the inhalation of clean air, with dissolved in it useful substances. For example, sea air is saturated with salt and moisture, mountain air is discharged and has a special purity, without any impurities, forest air carries the healing aromas of pine needles and ozone.

It has been noticed that people who often vacation at sea, in the forest or in the mountains get sick with colds much less often.

For inhalation during a cold, various herbal preparations are used. Pine, cedar and juniper needles, birch, oak and eucalyptus leaves help well.

These plants in any form have a beneficial effect on the body, which is why it is useful to get out into nature, into a coniferous or deciduous forest, away from the noise and dust of the city. Simply inhaling the aroma of forest trees, you can protect yourself from frequent diseases.

If it was not possible to avoid them, the leaves and needles of these trees are dried, poured with boiling water and the concentrated smell of their vapors is inhaled, having a double effect on the body. In addition to them, be sure to have the following herbs in the medicine cabinet, which are not only useful for inhalation, but also take infusions from them:

Field chamomile flowers; Linden blossom; Lavender; Mint; Sagebrush; Sage; Nettle; Black currant; Pine buds.

They can be used individually, or brew a collection of several plants, which will even improve the result.

In addition to herbs and tree leaves, various essential oils, soda and salt are often used for inhalation for colds. The latter have bactericidal properties.

It is good to rinse the sore throat and tonsils with a solution of salt and soda with purulent sore throat.

Runny nose

Inhalations are great for a runny nose, but not everyone likes steaming the whole face just for the sake of it. There is a wonderful device for inhaling the nose.

It looks like a big watering can. Having covered the pan with the wide end, it is necessary to inhale the steam flowing from the narrow tip. You can make it with your own hands, for example, from paper.

The device will replace a conventional teapot or coffee pot. By inhaling medicinal fumes through the spout of the dishes, you can avoid steaming the entire face, and sometimes burns that result from negligence.

If you do not want to adapt for a long time, a saucepan and a towel will do. It is very important to breathe correctly. With a cold, the vapor is inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the mouth.

Most effective composition inhalation with a cold: soda with an infusion of one of the following plants:

Eucalyptus; Fir; Pine; Propolis; Calendula; Mint.

They can be taken both in the form of dry leaves and twigs, and in the form of essential oils. Having dissolved soda in the resulting hot solution, carry out inhalations several times a day. The duration of one procedure is 10-20 minutes, and the entire treatment period is about a week.

Soda does an excellent job of destroying harmful bacteria and microbes, and essential oils not only enhance its effect, but also soften the mucous membrane, eliminating swelling and removing mucus.

even bigger antibacterial effect have onions and garlic. To prepare inhalation from them, you need to finely chop or grate them, place them in a small container (for example, in a glass), cover with gauze and inhale the vapors. You can also make a paper cone, cover the container with the wide end, and inhale through the narrow end.

Onions and garlic are known for their miraculous properties during colds and are useful in any form. The only thing is that you should approach their treatment with caution, inhale the esters gradually so as not to burn the nasal mucosa.


One of best recipes inhalation for ARVI and colds. Pour a tablespoon of medicinal chamomile, mint or sage with a glass of hot water and leave for half an hour. Before use, pour a liter of boiling water, cover with a towel and inhale the steam through your nose and mouth alternately.

Inhalation time from ten minutes. Do it twice a day for a week. Extend the duration if necessary.

Honey inhalation with a cold. Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in half a glass warm water. The procedure must be carried out using a spray or aerosol. Pour the solution into a container and use throughout the day.

The medicine must be prepared every day so that it is always fresh. And in no case do not dissolve honey with boiling water. He will lose all his useful properties;

Inhalation of the following composition helps in the treatment of nasopharyngitis. It relieves inflammation and swelling, contributing to a quick recovery. Its composition: two grams of propolis, two teaspoons of honey, one hundred ml of a 0.2% solution of furacilin. Mix the ingredients, place in an aerosol can and inhale twice a day for a week; For any colds, inhalation with potatoes will help. Boil potatoes in their uniforms, drain the water, and cover with a towel, inhale the steam for fifteen minutes. It is best to carry out such inhalation before going to bed, as it has a beneficial effect on a sick body, suppressing cough;

Any inhalation involves saturation of the respiratory tract with medicinal vapors and the destruction of all pathogens. After it, you can not breathe cold air, smoke and, preferably, talk. It is better to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and just lie down for about an hour.


Despite the effectiveness of inhalation for colds and runny nose, they should never be abused and used uncontrollably. This method of treatment has the following contraindications:

Tuberculosis; Otitis; Pneumonia; Shown temperature; Babies up to a year;

In addition, inhalation at home is not recommended for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system and high blood pressure. Do this procedure with caution in children. preschool age- it is better to consult a doctor. And of course, if the sputum contains blood impurities, you need to urgently go to the hospital and in no case resort to any self-medication.

What is the best way to do inhalation, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in the video in this article.

Recent discussions:

Cough, runny nose and "cloudy" state of the body can happen at any time of the year. Many methods have been tried to treat colds. Some of them carry a quick cure, but the consequences of taking shock doses of medicines can be deplorable and not appear immediately. But the methods that have long been offered by traditional medicine, and now traditional medicine, solve the problem gradually, but at the same time do not harm health and strengthen the immune system.

Indications for the use of inhalation

Inhalations at home with a runny nose, cough or colds seem to be the most affordable way to get the desired result. The method works if the patient does not suffer from another disease that causes similar symptoms. For example, for people unfamiliar with allergies and experiencing a reaction to an irritant for the first time, symptoms may seem like the start of a cold. Not for everyone allergic diseases possible use of inhalation. Before starting the procedure, you should consult a doctor for a clarification of the diagnosis, otherwise, as a result of treatment, the situation can be aggravated.

Inhalations at home for coughing and runny nose are used for the following indications:

Exacerbation of diseases of the upper respiratory tract of a chronic form. SARS with complications (laryngitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, etc.). Fungal diseases of the respiratory system. Pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis. .Respiratory disorders in HIV. Prevention of congestion in the postoperative period.

Cough and runny nose are manifestations of the symptoms of the disease. Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that inhalations will contribute to a speedy recovery.


What is inhalation


The use of any type of therapy has its contraindications. Neglecting them can lead to complications, the emergence of new diseases, and often irreparable consequences. You can not use inhalation at home with a runny nose, cough and other symptoms in the following conditions or diseases:

Body temperature above normal (more than 37.5 ° C). Any bleeding from the nose. Arrhythmia, cardiovascular insufficiency. Hypertension (grade 2 and above). Pulmonary insufficiency. Pulmonary bleeding, pulmonary emphysema. , essential oils, etc.). Age (children under 2 years old are not recommended).

What is inhalation

Inhalation is a method of treatment in which powdered drugs are delivered using heated steam, aerosols when inhaled. The word "inhalation" is an analogue of the Latin "inhalo" (I breathe in). Steam inhalation with a runny nose at home helps fine particles of medicines to get directly into the focus of infection - the bronchi, the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

The treatment is local in nature, but the inhalation of vapors saturated with useful natural ingredients not only has a positive effect on focal diseases, but also has a beneficial effect on the state of the immune and nervous systems. For women, one more positive aspect can be added - moisturizing and cleansing of the skin, which occurs while you have to breathe in useful steam.


Inhalations at home with a runny nose have the following advantages:

With blocked breathing without a runny nose (dry rhinitis), inhalations saturate the mucous membrane and provoke rejection of mucus. the patient, saturate the tissues of the nasopharyngeal mucosa with moisture, strengthen the immune system.

Cough inhalations are no less effective:

Humidification of the mucous membrane with steam, which alleviates the condition with a debilitating dry cough. Reduces the excitability of irritated receptors, enveloping the mucous membrane. Stimulation of sputum formation and less painful coughing occurs. Liquefaction of sputum, rapid evacuation. allergic origin cough. Gradual destruction of infectious agents, strengthening immunity.

Types of inhalations

In the arsenal of traditional and traditional medicine, inhalations for a cold at home are carried out in several ways:

Steam inhalation, or heat-moist. The temperature of the solution ranges from +42 °C to +50 °C. Safe and effective time exposure is 5 to 10 minutes. Used to create a medicinal solution medicinal herbs and essential oils (to which there is no allergic reaction), medications prescribed by a doctor, soda, antibacterial drugs. Greatest Benefit this type of treatment brings at the primary stage of the disease. Oil inhalations. The oil is heated to a temperature of about 38°C, the exposure time is about 10 minutes. If desired, the oil can be added to hot water and breathed over a container with a solution. This type of inhalation helps with dry cough, lack of separation of mucus from the nose. Use eucalyptus, olive oil, positive influence have tea tree oil, peach, coniferous and many others. Before use, make sure that there is no allergic reaction. Dry inhalation. Plants with active antiviral phytocides are used: onion, garlic, horseradish root. Natural raw materials are crushed and placed in the room where the patient is located. Action - antibacterial. Hardware inhalation. The developed devices for home use allow for inhalation both with steam and without the use of steam. The inhaler device sprays the drug into an aerosol.

Inhalations are divided into types according to the temperature regime:

Cold. The temperature of the solution for the procedure does not exceed 30 ° C. Heat-moist. The solution is heated to 45 ° C. Steam. The temperature does not exceed 50 °C.

Rules for the procedure

Rules for the procedure

Success medical process directly depends on the correctness of its implementation. Inhalations at home with a runny nose, cough, SARS have features, and they should not be neglected:

The procedure should be carried out one hour after eating. The patient should not be hungry. After the procedure, you should not eat and drink for 30-40 minutes. You should not talk after treatment for 30-60 minutes. It is contraindicated to go outside for two hours after the procedure. If inhalation is used medical preparations, then you need to know the recipe and follow it with an accuracy of 1 gram. During the inhalation process, it is necessary to take deep, smooth breaths and exhalations. minutes. A solution of an inhalation agent is prepared before use. In case of a runny nose, breathing should be carried out through the nose, in case of coughing and diseases of the respiratory system - through the mouth. .When using industrial inhalers, it is required to rinse the device before and after the inhalation session.

Therapeutic agents

For inhalation, plant materials, medicines, oils are used. There are many recipes, but some of them are time-tested and show effectiveness in application:

Inhalation with a cold at home with soda. Base solution recipe: 1 teaspoon of baking soda is added to one glass of hot water (up to 50°C). Breathe over the vapors of the solution for 5-10 minutes. Alkaline mineral waters - Essentuki-17, Narzan, Borjomi, etc. are well suited as a solution for inhalation. The water is heated to 50 ° C and a therapy session is carried out. Inhalation with a cold at home with chamomile. First you need to prepare a decoction of chamomile, for this it is enough to pour one tablespoon of dry herbs with one glass of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes - the solution for inhalation is ready. If the infusion has cooled, it is enough to add hot water and carry out the procedure. Inhalations using pine needles. To prepare the solution, the needles must be soaked for several hours in water. room temperature and then heat until steam appears. If there are no needles at hand, you can get by with essential oil (2 drops per glass of warm water) of pine, spruce, cedar, etc. A few drops are added to hot water. For young children, you can leave a bucket or pot of hot solution in the room for a period of sleep. The container is closed with a lid, leaving a small gap for steam to escape. In order for the solution to give off healing steam longer, the container must be thermally insulated (wrap it with a blanket, thick towel, etc.). Inhalation with a cold at home with potatoes. One of the most common and effective ways to carry out the procedure. The potatoes are boiled in their uniforms, the water is drained, it is necessary to breathe, bending over the tubers. Eucalyptus essential oil can be added if desired and necessary.

How to inhale at home

How to inhale at home

There are three ways to create an inhalator at home. The easiest is to use a pan for these purposes. A warm or hot medicinal solution is poured into the container, in order not to lose steam, it is necessary to cover the head with a towel, while closing the borders of the pan. In general, it is necessary to create a closed space in which steam will circulate. In order not to burn skin, on the area of ​​the lips, the skin around the eyes, it is necessary to apply a protective cream to the open areas. After 5-10 minutes, the procedure is completed.

The next method uses a kettle. A hot composition with medicinal ingredients is poured into it, a funnel is inserted into the spout of the teapot, through which steam is supplied. The method is good for those who do not tolerate the influence of hot steam, as in the previous described method. The funnel can be made from thick cardboard.

To carry out inhalation procedures at home with a runny nose or cough, there are devices - household inhalers. To date, there are many such techniques, with different methods of carrying out the procedure. The question is only in the choice, before use, you should read the instructions.

Features of the procedure for children

Inhalation at home with a cold in children is carried out with caution. For babies under two years of age, the procedure is not recommended. It is difficult to persuade a child to breathe steam over a pot, potato or kettle. Using the device simplifies the task, since the process can take place in a playful way. But there are ways to help the child and arrange an inhalation in a somewhat expanded form.

One way is to place the child in a small room and fill it with healing steam. An important condition is ventilation. If there is a bath, then the issue is solved simply. You can persuade the child to breathe over the potatoes, and as an entertainment element, use a large umbrella with which to close the container with potatoes. In this case, it is worth making sure that the child does not get burned. The time frame for inhalation by home methods is from 10 to 20 minutes.

Features of the procedure for pregnant women

Inhalation at home with a runny nose for pregnant women is carried out with some features. Waiting for a baby future mom tries to observe the regime of the day, to avoid diseases, but a runny nose overtakes almost everyone. It is dangerous because it provokes a lack of oxygen, which can harm the child. Inhalations are the most safe way treatment that has limitations:

Do not use drugs for which there are allergic reaction or a predisposition to it. During pregnancy, it is forbidden to use essential oils: cypress, rosemary, cedar, dill, nightshade, marjoram. During the procedure, iodine should be excluded from the list of ingredients used. General contraindications also apply to pregnant women; well-being.


Inhalation at home for cough and runny nose is a simple and effective way to get rid of nasal and throat congestion. It stimulates the body's internal reserves, does not violate human nature, but rather quickly and easily restores lost health.
