Why do cats have hot paw pads? Hot ears in a cat: causes and their elimination. If a cat has hot ears and paws, a warm dry nose, what does this mean?

Your pet is sick

Just yesterday your furry friend was running around the house like crazy, chasing a ball and dragging his favorite mouse by the tail, and today he lies all day, doesn’t play and doesn’t go near the bowl with his favorite dish? Of course you have cause for concern.

Your first actions:

1. Feel the cat's nose. If it is dry and hot, your pet most likely has a fever.
2. Look in oral cavity cats. Does she have ulcers or a gray-white coating on her tongue, or does she have an unpleasant odor?
3. Observe how your cat went to the toilet. Does she have diarrhea or constipation, what color is the urine and its amount, is there any blood in the stool or urine?
4. Remember what you fed your pet the day before and whether there was any vomiting. If a cat vomits, then what - undigested food, bile or a white foamy mass?
5. Has your cat fallen from a height or suffered other injuries?
6. Has your pussy been in contact with other people's cats, dogs or other animals (if you are with a cat in the country)?
All this will help the veterinarian quickly understand the cause of your pet’s illness.

Know that delaying going to the veterinary clinic could cost your pet’s life!

If you do not have the opportunity to immediately show the kitten (cat) to a veterinarian, then you can provide primary care yourself.

1. So, if your pethot and dry noseand paw pads, this is the first sign of elevated temperature.
The cause may be some kind of bacterial infection in the body (pneumonia or kidney inflammation, etc.), only a doctor can make a diagnosis based on urine and blood tests. In your home medicine cabinet There may be many medications, but most of them are simply dangerous for cats. Of these, you can give the following without harm to your cat’s health:

- Arbidol (for children) in tablets. For a kitten - 1/6 tablet (age from 1.5 to 3 months) or 1/4 tablet (from 3 to 6 months), for an adult cat - 1/2 or 1/4 tablet (depending on body weight). It is given 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 3 days. Place the tablet further on the root of the tongue and add a little water from a syringe (without a needle) to make it easier to swallow. Arbidol is good immunostimulant and has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. The cat's temperature is measured with a regular thermometer: the tip is lubricated with Vaseline and inserted into anus for 3 minutes (the cat must first be wrapped in a diaper and placed on its side, fixing it in this position). If a cat’s body temperature rises above 40 degrees, then it is necessary to reduce it as soon as possible. To do this, fill one syringe with: no-spa (0.2 ml) + analgin(0.2 ml) + diphenhydramine(0.2 ml), an injection is given intramuscularly (into the muscle hind paw) or s/c (at the withers under the skin).

2. Calicivirus.If iso mouth goes profuse salivation, there are ulcers in the mouth on the tongue, on the palate, on the lips or on the nasal septum, then this is a viral disease “calicivirosis”, A that's pretty dangerous disease. Often these symptoms are accompanied by discharge from the nose and eyes. If ulcers appear in the stomach and intestines, then the animal may haveand vomiting and diarrhea.With calicivirus, the animal may also limp on its front legs, sometimes on its hind legs (this is not a bruise from a fall). This insidious disease can be cured if treatment is started in time, which can be prescribed by a veterinarian.

First aid scheme:
- Bicillin-3 (an antibiotic in a human pharmacy) is diluted with saline solution (sodium chloride) or novocaine 5%. Pour 5 ml of sodium chloride or novocaine 5% into the vial of Bicillin-3 with a syringe and shake until the antibiotic dissolves. Take the resulting medicine into a 2 ml syringe in the amount of 0.5 ml for a kitten or 1 ml for a cat 6 months and older. (Release a drop of medicine with air from the needle). Inject into the withers area (between the shoulder blades) under the skin. It is done once every 2-3 days, 3-5 injections in total, sometimes 2 are enough. You can use Penicillin or Ampicillin (once a day, 5-7 days). You can also use the drug "Tylosin" (veterinary). Done once a day, 0.3 ml for a kitten and 0.5 ml for an adult cat in the muscle hind limb (within 3 - 5 days).

Fosprenil and Maxidin can be done together in one shot. To do this, draw 0.2 ml of maxidin + 0.4 ml of fosprenil into the syringe for a kitten (2 ml syringe or 1 ml insulin) and 0.5 ml of maxidin + 1 ml of fosprenil (for an adult cat), applied to the withers area under the skin. Gamavit (pink liquid) vitamin preparation 0.5 ml is given to a kitten and 1 ml to an adult cat (at the withers s/c). Fosprenil with Maxidin are taken 2 times a day (from 5 to 7 days), Gamavit 1-2 times a day (for 6-7 days). If there is no Maxidin, then you can only do Fosprenil.
- In the first 2-3 days, for any viral disease, you can use injections of globulin Globfel-4. It is done once a day, 1 ml (a dose for both a kitten and a cat) at the withers under the skin, for a total of 2-3 days. To exclude an allergic reaction to the drug, it is better to do it in fractions - for example, first 0.3 ml and after 40 minutes the rest of the medicine. For more effective treatment need to connect Anandin veterinary drug (antiviral and antifungal action), do 0.2 - 0.3 ml for a kitten and 0.4 - 0.6 ml for an adult cat (once a day for 4-6 days) intramuscularly.

- if a kitten becomes dehydrated, when it does not eat or even drink water, it is necessary to give injections of a cocktail (saline + ascorbic acid + glucose 5% + dexamethasone). Fill a 5 ml syringe with 0.3-0.5 ml of ascorbic acid, 1-1.5 ml of glucose 5%, preferably 0.2 ml of dexamethasone (once) and + saline, approximately 3 ml. This cocktail is made at the withers under the skin (1-2 times a day). Another 5 ml of saline solution (without additives) is made after the cocktail. good therapeutic effect has Cyanocobalamin B12(0.5 ml 1 time per day IM, every other day). Dexamethasone (i.m. or s.c.) 0.2 ml for kittens and 0.5 ml for adult cats 1 time per day for 5 to 7 days (relieves allergic reactions, has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves overall well-being).

- if there are ulcers on the tongue, then they need to be treated with Lugol or Rotocan (at any pharmacy). Cotton swab moisten with medicine and treat mouth ulcers. You can use a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Well established dental gel"Zubastic" (for cats and dogs), it is made on the basis of propolis, extracts of chamomile, sage and oak bark. It disinfects well, relieves inflammation, relieves pain and heals damaged oral mucosa well. The oral cavity should be treated 5-6 times a day. The use of antibacterial spray Monclavit (3 times a day) or Terramycin (1-2 times a day) is indicated. After treating the ulcers, do not feed or drink the animal for 30 minutes.

3. Stomatitis- this is an inflammation of the oral mucosa in animals, differs in localization inflammatory process(damage to the tongue, gums, lips, palate). The causes of stomatitis are different: mechanical injury(bones with sharp edges), thermal damage(eating hot or cold food); in old animals it occurs due to caries and abundant deposits of tartar.
The cause of stomatitis can be fungal, bacterial and viral infections, allergic diseases, contact with the oral mucosa chemical substances. Stomatitis often develops due to diseases gastrointestinal tract, toxic damage to the body, blood diseases, can occur in immunodeficiency states.The first sign is poor appetite. A cat may not eat well, more severe cases and completely refuse to eat, and sometimes he doesn’t even drink. Because a white coating appears on the tongue Brown, wounds, ulcers, and inflamed gums form. A cat with stomatitis has bad smell from the mouth, profuse salivation.

At the first suspicion of stomatitis, it is necessary to examine the cat’s oral cavity. If there are small pits or depressions on the tongue, then these are ulcers. With stomatitis, the temperature rises. Lymph nodes may be enlarged.

- treatment with an antibiotic, for example Bicillin-3 (according to the scheme above)
- antifungal agents(Anandin - injection, Nystatin - 1/4 tablet 2 times a day)
- antiallergic drugs, for example "suprastin" 0.2 ml subcutaneously (1 time per day)
- fosprenil + maxidin and gamavit (according to the scheme above) or
arbidol (for children) 1/2 table 2 times a day.
- oral cavity treatment:
The use of antibacterial spray Monclavit (3-4 times a day) or Terramycin (1-2 times a day) is indicated.
- you can lubricate the oral cavity with Lugol applied to a cotton swab or finger. After treatment, do not let the cat drink for half an hour. After this time has expired, ensure drinking plenty of fluids, because Lugol dries out the mouth. Also, instead of Lugol, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate, a solution of furatsilin 0.05%, a solution of chlorhexidine 0.05%, a decoction of oak bark, chamomile flowers, and sage.

Ulcers are lubricated with iodine-glycerin and Metragil Denta gel. Sea buckthorn or rosehip oil is successfully used to heal and restore the mucous membrane.

- a diet is prescribed, easily digestible food boiled chicken with rice(mashed, pureed), broth, liquid porridge - all only in a warm form.

4 . If the cat has an appetite, but she loose stool several times a day. Perhaps the food you are feeding is not of very high quality or it is simply not suitable for your pet. Try changing the food, and to eliminate indigestion, you can give your cat Hilak-Forte for several days (4-5 drops diluted with cool boiled water in a tablespoon) and pour into the mouth from a syringe (2 ml) during meals or immediately after it (2 times a day). Or you can serve Linex (powder in capsules). To do this, you need to open the capsule and pour about 1/4 of the contents onto the cat’s tongue (no need to drink it down). It is also given 2 times a day (can be before meals). Veterinary drug Bifitrilak is added to food and is used to treat and prevent dysbacteriosis.

Be sure to take Gamavit injections (can be replaced with a human drug Cyanocobalamin, this is vitamin B12). The drugs are taken 2 times a day, for 5-6 days. Gamavit 0.3-0.5 ml subcutaneously (kitten) and 0.5-1 ml (adult cat). Cyanocobalamin 0.2-0.3 ml (kitten) and 0.5-0.6 ml (adult cat).
- give Arbidol for children for several days (according to the scheme above), if there is no vomiting.
- be sure to give Levomycetin (table), kitten 1/8 part, cat 1/6 part of the tablet (1-2 times a day), it is given like this - the required part of the tablet is placed further on the root of the tongue and a little boiled water is immediately poured from the syringe. Levomycetin is very bitter, it should not be given crushed into powder! Again, the tablet can be given if there is no vomiting.
- in case of dehydration, you need to give injections of Saline solution (sodium chloride), glucose 5%, ascorbic acid. You can add 0.1-0.2 dexamethasone to the cocktail (once). Need to make a cocktail from these drugs. Draw into a 5 ml syringe - 0.3 - 0.5 ml ascorbic acid, 1-1.5 ml glucose 5%, preferably 0.1-0.2 ml dexamethasone (once) and + saline, approximately 3 ml . This cocktail is made at the withers under the skin (1-2 times a day). Another 5 ml of saline solution (without additives) is made after the cocktail.

Recovery normal function liver should be given Karsil (table) or the veterinary drug Hepatovet (liquid). Karsil is given 2-3 times a day, 1/6 tablet. kitten and 1/4 cat. Hepatovet is given from a syringe (dosage according to instructions).

As soon as the cat’s appetite is restored and stool returns to normal, a week after this, the animal must be dewormed:

Either with the drug prescribed to you by the doctor or you can buy the drug yourself at the veterinary pharmacy wide range actions( Dirofen, Cestal Ket, Drontal Plus etc.). Anthelmintic drugs It is available in tablet form, in paste form and in the form of a liquid suspension. It is also available in the form of drops on the withers (for those animals for whom putting something in their mouth is like performing a feat). A cat should be dewormed 2 times a year and 10 days before vaccination (pregnant women are not allowed).

Helps with simplest things Sulfadimethoxine(table) or betterTrichopolum(table), kitten 1/8-1/6 table, cat 1/4 table. (1 time a day, for 3-5 days). It is enough to drive out protozoa once a year (not for pregnant women).

7. If your cat often sits on the potty in a small way and sits for a long time, check what color the urine is. If it is found that the urine is concentrated and dark brown in color, and the volume of urine excreted is very small, then this is a symptom of urolithiasis. And this is a very dangerous disease (more common in cats, especially castrated cats, but it also happens in cats). As a rule, this disease can be caused by feeding cheap dry food (such as Kitty ket, Whiskas, Friskies, Darling, etc.). By saving on quality food, we ruin our pets, not realizing that treatment will cost much more. Opportunity genetic predisposition this disease is also not excluded.

Your first aid may come in handy.

To facilitate urine excretion, you need to start injecting Papaverine 0.5 - 0.7 ml IM or SC (2 times a day). Be sure to give Canephron(person) 1/2 tablet 2 times a day.
- very good to serve "Madder"(Dilute 1/4 of the tablet in 10 ml of warm boiling water and drink from a 5 ml syringe 2 times a day)."Cyston"(human) 1/2 table 2 times a day.At the veterinary pharmacy, buy the following medications: "Cat Erwin" liquid (herbal extract), give 2.5 ml 2 times a day, tablets from the Phytoelite series" Healthy kidneys"1 tablet 3 times a day, "Kantaren" 1 tablet a day.

- to relieve inflammation, it is good to take Furagin (human tablet) 1/2 tablet 2 times a day (5-7 days).

- as soon as the natural excretion of urine is normalized, you can start giving the cat a decoction of herbs that have diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties (kidney tea, orthosiphon leaf, lingonberry leaf, etc.)

Buy from a veterinary pharmacy (as prescribed by a doctor) special food for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis (dry or wet food)
- exclude cheap dry food from the cat’s diet

In any case, a trip to the veterinarian should not be delayed in order to avoid complications and not bring your pet to surgery.

8. If a cat often walks around small and there are droplets of blood in the urine, it may have caught a cold, this disease is called Cystitis.
- be sure to give Canephron(person) 1/2 tablet 2 times a day
- also Cyston (table) 1/4 table (kitten) and 1/2 table (adult cat)
- Furagin (table) 1/4 for a kitten and 1/2 for a cat.
- Veterinary drugs:
Stop cystitis (table, drops), Healthy kidneys (table), also Cat Erwin (liquid). Medicines are given 2 times a day, for 5-7 days.

- you can connect injections of Fosprenil and Gamavit, 0.5 ml for a kitten, 1 ml for a cat (at the withers s.c.) 1 time per day (3-5 days).

9. If your pet's eyes are inflamed, red, or slightly sticky, you can use eye drops Iris, Diamond eyes(vet) or Levomycetinaceous(human),Phloxal(human with mycoplasmosis). Perhaps a speck got into the eye and the cat rubbed it with its paw, perhaps this mild manifestation viral or bacterial infection. If the cat otherwise feels normal, then it is enough for her to apply some drops in her eyes (3-4 times a day) for several days. eye drops. If the cat feels unwell (for example, sneezes, sniffles, eats poorly, does not play, constantly sleeps, etc.), then you need to see a doctor.
Diseases such as staphylococcus, mycoplasmosis or chlamydia are also accompanied by discharge from the eyes.

10. Ear mites -Otodectosis in cats can be identified by the unusual behavior of the pet. The appearance of mites causes severe itching, so cats begin to scratch their heads intensely and shake their heads. This is the first sign of the onset of the disease. Inspect ear canal pet. If there is a disease, it fills with a dark brown mass similar to coffee grounds.
The disease is not seasonal. The cause may be communication with a sick individual. Often ear mites observed in places large cluster animals. For example, to participate in cat shows, it is necessary to confirm the absence of Otodectes cynotis. Kittens can get otodectosis from an infected mother.

11. Ringworm in a cat - Probably the most famous cat disease, everyone has heard of it. It's contagious fungal disease, affecting the skin And hairline. Actually, under the term " ringworm“They understand 2 types of diseases: microsporia and trichophytosis.
They were combined under a common name due to their similar clinical manifestations. More often, cats get lichen during the summer season, actively coming into contact with neighboring animals and rodents (which are carriers of microsporia).

Infection occurs both through direct contact with an infected animal and through hygiene items, care items, toys, bedding and rugs).
But even if your cat does not go outside, she has the opportunity to become infected with this disease, because you can bring fungal spores home on your clothes and shoes. All the more necessary to accept preventive measures, if the cat attends exhibitions or goes outside and comes into contact with other animals. Microsporia disease can be prevented. Currently, there are vaccines that protect animals from lichen, for example Vakderm-F. The vaccination is done twice with an interval of 10-14 days. Immunity is formed 25-30 days after the second injection of the vaccine and lasts at least 12 months.
Clinical manifestation microsporia in cats is very diverse. The lesions are located on the top of the head, near the ears, at the base of the tail, on the limbs, etc. Reddened areas of baldness and peeling, the presence of inflammatory secretions, small and large crusts from which healthy and diseased hairs stick out are the main ones. clinical signs microsporia in cats.
In kittens, microsporia is much more acute than in adult cats, in which skin lesions are less pronounced and sometimes completely invisible. Kittens are susceptible to complete baldness with peeling on the surface of the body. The appearance of bald patches on the edges of the ears or on the face and paws of a kitten is an alarm signal, that is, they indicate the presence of a microsporium infection.
An accurate diagnosis can only be made using fluorescent analysis (Wood's lamp), the spores glow green and laboratory culture of the fungus for microscopy (skin scrapings are taken).

A sick cat or kitten should be immediately isolated in a separate room. It is necessary to avoid close contact with her, do not allow her to lie on upholstered furniture or carpets. Strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene. Prohibit children from playing with a sick cat! If you or your child have already become infected, do not delay qualified treatment. You should not cover up sores that make you suspicious with brilliant green or iodine - this will not help. Anyway, within 5-7 days after interacting with an infected animal, your baby will show the first signs of the disease: one or two hyperemic (reddened) lesions, with clearly defined boundaries.

Later, if treatment is not started, the entire body will be covered with round or oval lesions. Such skin lesions can be quickly cured with Fungin (veterinary drug).

Previously, domestic animals sick with microsporia were simply euthanized. Currently, this disease can be successfully cured, especially if treatment is started on time. Vaccines have worked well Vakderm-F, Polivac, Polivac-TM and Microderm. To treat microsporia, 3 injections are given with an interval of 10 days. Injections are made into the muscle of the hind limb, in doses according to the instructions.

After the first injection, there is an exacerbation, and even more foci of inflammation appear on the skin. After the second injection, hairs begin to emerge at the site of the affected areas of the skin. After the third injection, the active process of new hair growth occurs, new lesions no longer appear. All this time it is necessary to treat the affected areas medicinal drugs- bovine drug "Fungin" (liquid, good for both animals and people) or ointment "Yam". The drug is applied directly to the sore, covering an area of ​​healthy skin near it (3-5 ml), the drug is applied from the periphery to the center.

For internal use In order to suppress the proliferation of fungi in a cat or kitten, use a special (human) antibiotic - "Griseofulvin", approximately 1/8 of the tablet. kitten and 1/6 tab. adult cat (simultaneous use of griseofulvin and specific vaccines is not recommended). The human drug "Rumikoz" (in capsules filled with granules in the form of semolina) is a good cure for fungal infections. From the capsule you need to pour approximately 20-30 granules onto a dry teaspoon (dose for a kitten from 1 to 3 months) and 30-40 granules (dose for an adult cat). "Rumicosis" is given once a day, immediately after meals, for 14 days. To do this, you need to pour the drug from a teaspoon into the cat’s mouth and pour a little water from the syringe so that all the granules are swallowed. Lesions on the skin can be easily treated with human antifungal ointment "Triderm" or "Akriderm-GK"(inflammation is eliminated and itching is relieved). Throughout treatment, the cat needs maintenance therapy: injections Gamavit and Fosprenil 0.5 ml for a kitten and 1 ml for an adult cat (once a day, 3 days a week). To support the liver, "Hepatovet" (liquid suspension) is a veterinary drug or "Karsil" human. table (1/8 tablet for a kitten and 1/4 tablet for an adult cat) 1 time per day, throughout the entire treatment.
The place where the sick cat is kept and all objects with which it came into contact must be thoroughly disinfected. It is better to destroy (burn) low-value items. Disinfection can be carried out 3% aqueous solution chloramine, it is advisable to quartz the room. Spores can persist indoors for 1 year or more. Therefore, pets will need to be vaccinated against microsporia every six months for 2 years. And periodically disinfect the apartment quartz lamp.12. If you were careless to purchase a kitten or adult cat at the Poultry Market, that is, there is a high probability that your pet will become ill with any viral disease within 3-14 days after purchase (calicivirus, panleukopenia “distemper”, rhinotracheitis, coronavirus, etc.). Symptoms such as - refusal to eat, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, bad breath, ulcers on the tongue, lameness; sneezing, noisy or difficult breathing, discharge from the nose and eyes, etc. In this case, the count is no longer in hours, but in minutes!

If it is not possible to see a doctor immediately, then you need to start acting according to the following scheme:

- antivirals in the form of injections of Fosprenil and Maxidin + Arbidol tablets (for children)
- antibiotic Bicillin-3 or Amoxicillin (veterinary drug)
- serum Vitafel-S
- Gamavit injections + cocktail (sodium chloride, glucose 5%, ascorbic acid, dexamethasone).
If a cat has “distemper” (panlekopenia), then it is necessary to add to the above drugs
Anandin (antiviral drug), do 0.2 - 0.3 ml for a kitten and 0.5 - 0.6 ml for an adult cat (once a day for 5-6 days) either subcutaneously or intramuscularly.
Treatment regimen viral diseases see point no. 2. This treatment regimen is not a panacea for all diseases - it is just " ambulance", which will increase your pet's chances of recovery!

The symptoms of some viral diseases are often similar, so more accurate diagnosis Only a veterinarian can diagnose!

The normal body temperature of a cat is 38-39.5°C. For a person, this temperature indicator is on the verge of critical. Therefore, touching the cat and feeling that cat is hot, the owners begin to panic. Don’t get nervous right away, first measure your pet’s temperature - this is relative to your body temperature hot cat, and for him the temperature is within normal limits.

Just as easy hot nose at the cat's, in the absence of any other symptoms, is by no means an indicator of ill health. The cat has just woken up; in a few minutes the temperature balance will be restored. The animal is scared or nervous; stress is a common reason why why is the cat hot? The heat caused by these causes, after a short time the cat has a hot nose will be restored to normal temperature.

Symptoms of fever in cats and kittens

But if the thermometer shows over 39.5°C, then the cat has hot ears and a dry nose, There are reasons for concern, especially if you have symptoms such as:

  • the cat refuses food and water;
  • general lethargy, drowsiness;
  • the cat has hot ears, red, swollen, with an unpleasant odor;
  • hides from the light, from hands, behaves inappropriately;
  • The cat's nose is hot and dry, with dried purulent crusts;
  • signs of a cold (sneezing, coughing, runny nose, eyes).

Explanation, why is the cat hot, in this case, there can be one thing - there is an inflammatory process in the body.

The cat has hot ears There are also other reasons:

  • head and ear trauma,
  • infectious or viral disease;

What to do if the cat or kitten is hot?!

All of the above applies to kittens, but due to the development of the body, all sores are much more severe. The baby's immunity is fragile due to hormonal changes. Therefore if the kitten is hot, the kitten has a hot nose, and when measuring the temperature you see frightening numbers on the thermometer, you can’t hesitate, the baby needs to be shown to the doctor. Excessively kitten's hot paws also talk about elevated temperature.

So you've discovered that the cat is hot nose, stated elevated temperature -what to do further?

The animal should be shown to a specialist as soon as possible.

In order not to drag a sick cat to the clinic, the best option- call a veterinarian at home. The veterinarian comes to your home with all the necessary tools and medications to provide the necessary veterinary care.

What to do if your cat has cold paws? This question causes great confusion if you have never paid attention to the temperature of your pet’s paws. To begin with, do not panic, even if your pet’s limbs become cold, identifying the cause and preventing the consequences is quite possible. The difficulty of diagnosis lies in the lack of anamnesis; the owner can remember whether the pet ate or drank, but not everyone can answer when and since when its paws get cold.

It’s hard to say how cold a cat’s paw pads are because a pet’s body can change by almost a degree during the day. Most cats' paws remain soft and sensitive even into adulthood. Animals that live outdoors have rougher paw pads, which means their nerve endings are not as sensitive to air temperature.

Fine, paw pads are slightly cooler than the body, but hotter than the air. This situation continues most of the day, since cats sleep or doze up to 18 hours a day. It must be said that sleep and drowsiness are different states.

When dozing, the cat rests, but remains conscious, that is, this is one of the forms of wakefulness. Sleep is a state of rest and maximum relaxation, in which metabolism slows down, muscles rest, and the immune system works very actively. Because the immunity is able to influence the basic body temperature, its slight increase in a dream - this is the norm.

There is also a reverse option - heat and physical exercise also lead to cold paw pads. This happens because there are glands between the cat's toes that secrete fluid. Roughly speaking, the cat sweats its paws, sweat evaporates and cools the skin. In long-haired pets, such phenomena are almost unnoticeable, since the liquid remains on the fur and practically does not cool the body.

Important! When a cat sleeps, she should have warm paws, especially the fingertips.

Read also: How to stop cats from shitting in the entrance: 10 ways to fight with folk and modern methods

How to warm a cat's paws

As written above, your task is to determine the base body temperature and if it is normal, but the cat’s paws are still cold, you need to try to warm them. First, evaluate how warm it is in the home and how the pet behaves:

  • Does the cat walk on the floor or prefer to move on the top? The higher you go, the warmer the air. Perhaps your pet is freezing?
  • Perhaps the cat was moulting and the weather suddenly got colder - our pets are warmed by the undercoat, not the guard hair.
  • Does your pet climb into your bed to sleep? If so, she's looking additional heat sources.

The best option is insulated with thick backing. IN Lately Recommendations about insulating houses with heat-insulating fabric appeared on the forums. Yes, it doesn’t look very attractive, but you can’t lure cats out of their warm nests.

Note! During sleep, the temperature and heat transfer of a cat’s body increases, therefore (if the house is cold) the pet may freeze in its sleep.

Possible ailments

Cold extremities can indicate a number of ailments that may occur slowly or even unnoticeably. To compile an anamnesis, you need to observe your pet for 3-4 days, recording changes in the temperature of the paws.

Cooling of the extremities after or after, used for other purposes. Narcosis is a drug and the body is in a state of severe intoxication. Reduced body temperature protects the brain from the harmful effects of the chemical components of the drug. Even in the summer, after anesthesia, it is recommended to keep the cat on a heating pad until it comes to its senses and goes to a cooler place.

If a cat has hot ears, what does it mean and what to do?

Cats have a normal body temperature higher than humans, so sometimes your pet's ears may seem hot. To check if your pet is sick, you need to touch his nose; if it is wet and cool, then there is no need to worry. Dry and warm nose signals illness:
- infection;
- injuries;
- inflammation;
— diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- stones in the bladder.

The pet's temperature is immediately measured; 38-39 is considered normal. Observe the behavior of the animal; if the cat has become lethargic, sleepy, and constantly lies down, then this indicates ill health. In the presence of alarming symptoms, you must immediately contact a veterinarian. The pet needs to be given time, taken care of, and provided with proper care.

You can lower the temperature at home by using echinacea or astragalus tincture. The dose is calculated based on the weight of the animal, 8-10 drops of tincture per 10 kg. Give the cat a bowl of water, because at a temperature the pet will drink a lot.

If a cat has hot ears and paws, a warm dry nose, what does this mean?

A warm and dry nose combined with hot ears are signs that your pet is sick. The animal has an elevated body temperature, which is associated with diseases - infections, inflammation, gastrointestinal diseases.

If the cat's behavior is normal, without lethargy, then perhaps the pet is simply overheated. This is not scary, but it is still better to measure the temperature.

The cat has hot ears but a cold nose after childbirth, cesarean section, sterilization

After giving birth or cesarean section, cats may have a slight increase in temperature for a couple of days, this is not a cause for concern. Of course, if the ears are hot and the nose is wet, lethargy for several days, then it is possible that the pet is very heat and you need to urgently contact a veterinarian.

Sterilization should not cause a fever; the cat may have hot ears and a wet nose - this is normal. But if your nose is dry and hot, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

The cat has hot ears and head after castration, is a wet nose normal or not?

If a cat has been neutered, his ears may become warmer, but there should be no fever. Your pet needs supervision and care to make recovery from anesthesia easier. Wet nose and a hot head is an indicator that the cat does not have a temperature.

For any cat owner, the health of their beloved pet always comes first. At any slight hint of malaise, the owner becomes worried and worried. After all, animals cannot tell what and where it hurts, even if they feel very bad. The first thing everyone without exception does when they suspect something is to touch the noses of their cats. Some people check the temperature of their ears along with their noses. A wet nose, as an indicator of excellent health, is a stamp, as is an elevated temperature. Although the second option is not always a mandatory indicator of an approaching illness.

Sensitive owners always closely monitor the behavior of animals. And this is correct, since behavior is a direct indication of well-being. And if the nose is hot, and the cat is lethargic, refuses to eat, does not want to play, and lies down most of the time, this is already a reason to be seriously wary. If, with a hot nose, the fluffy is cheerful, cheerful, playful, and demonstrates an excellent appetite, you can relax. Why do cats have hot ears? In what cases is this the norm, and in what cases? dangerous signal. Any owner needs to clearly define this.

Elevated temperature is normal

Absolutely all owners are accustomed to touching the nose and ears to find out their temperature and determine the condition of the animal, even those who know that “dry and warm” is not an indicator.

Attention! The temperature of the ears and nose of cats may increase during different time days and in any situation.

Therefore, we should list the most common options when this is not a symptom of a disease, but only a consequence of something less dangerous. A hot nose and ears of a cat can be considered normal if he:

  • just woke up;
  • actively played;
  • experienced some mild stress or anxiety;
  • I was in a hot and stuffy room for a long time.

When looking for an answer to the question of why a cat has hot ears, their elevated temperature should not be considered a sign of disease. When the cat wakes up, his nose will always be dry and warm. Some animals are even hot. This is due to a resting situation, when the animal lies for a long time, and the glands on the nose practically do not produce secretions. But as soon as the fidget wakes up and makes a few active movements, the nose immediately returns to normal. After active games, the olfactory organ may also become somewhat warmer, but it will certainly remain moist. As soon as the games stop, the temperature returns to normal. This happens because the thermal regulation mechanisms in the body of animals work quickly and, in most cases, when the animal is not sick, properly.

Why does a cat have hot ears and nose? In search of an answer to this question, you should pay closer attention to the third and fourth points. Although not a sign of illness, elevated temperatures here are still a signal to correct the situation. If the cat changed its place of residence, got scared of something (someone), saw stranger, heard a sudden loud sharp sound, this may turn out to be easy or moderate severity stress, as a hot nose will indicate. In this case, the owner needs to do everything so that the animal calms down, stops worrying, worrying, and returns to a familiar, comfortable environment. Otherwise, stress can turn into frustration, and later into illness. You should also promptly correct the situation if the animal is in a stuffy room. In this case, his nose will also be hot and dry. It is necessary to ventilate the room, if possible, turn off the heating. Otherwise, the heat can turn into not just a hot nose, but dehydration, dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, and difficulty breathing.

If you are afraid of a possible illness, you should not base your suspicions solely on the elevated temperature of the nose and ears. If the animal plays happily, sleeps well, eats, and goes to the toilet regularly, the owner should not worry at all. If, along with hot ears, you notice some other symptoms, it’s time to immediately contact a veterinarian. You should not diagnose an animal on your own, because with a high probability you will most likely make a mistake, which will lead to disastrous consequences.

When elevated temperature is a sign of illness

When understanding the problem of why a cat has hot ears or the tip of its nose, you should clearly know when this is a symptom of a disease. Here, measuring body temperature can provide clarity. The normal body temperature of cats is 38°C. In Sphynx cats, the normal temperature is 39°C. If the animal is lethargic, refuses food, sneezes, ignores the toilet, or tries but cannot relieve itself, the first thing to do is take its temperature. Any, even slight, excess of values ​​is a cause for serious concern.

Advice! If the cat's nose becomes hot and his behavior has changed, the owner needs to quickly take him to the veterinarian.

There are several diseases that can cause a hot nose:

  • viral infection;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • cold;
  • ear mite

By and large, wondering why a cat has hot ears and nose, this symptom can be considered as a signal of many diseases. If you find a hot nose, measure and establish an elevated temperature, and the cat behaves strangely, not as usual, immediately take him to veterinary clinic. Only a specialist can give him an accurate diagnosis only after conducting a certain number of tests and studies. They will 100% confirm the symptoms of many ailments. This may include diarrhea, vomiting, sneezing, weakening of the limbs, or the appearance of any skin manifestations.

Sometimes an increase in the temperature of the olfactory organ and ears indicates that the animal is overeating or, conversely, undereating. Such ailment may be accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, weakness, and changes in body weight. Only a doctor can accurately determine the problem by analyzing research data. Only he can appoint drug treatment, special diet, say what should be excluded from the diet, and what, on the contrary, should be added to it.

On a note! Hot ears or nose may indicate instability mental state animal.

The departure of a beloved owner or a change of place of residence can result in extreme melancholy, since cats are incredibly emotional and affectionate. Melancholy can develop into depression, and depression into illness. And it all starts with a hot nose and a change in mood. When trying to find the answer to the question of why a cat has hot ears, you need to approach the problem comprehensively and begin to seriously worry when the animal’s behavior changes along with the body temperature.

Why do cats have hot ears? was last modified: September 12th, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova
