What diet is correct for myocardial infarction. Diet after a heart attack Foods allowed after a heart attack

The doctors did everything in their power to get you back on your feet, and now your task is to make every effort to successfully overcome the rehabilitation period. If you continue to harm your body by filling it with unnecessary fats and cholesterol from unhealthy foods, your recovery will slow down.

Lifestyle changes after a heart attack

Myocardial infarction is a disease in which, due to blockage of the coronary artery, the full blood supply to an area of ​​the heart muscle - or, scientifically, the myocardium - suddenly and abruptly stops. This leads to a pronounced lack of both oxygen and many nutrients. As a result, myocardial cells die. The damaged area of ​​the heart muscle can no longer take part in heart contractions, so the heart is unable to provide the necessary blood flow in the body. All organs and tissues begin to experience oxygen starvation, and this immediately leads to disruption of their function.

Most often, myocardial infarction occurs in people with atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries. During this process, cholesterol is deposited in the form of peculiar plaques on the walls of blood vessels that supply the myocardium with blood. These plaques are mechanically unstable and can rupture; in this case, their contents enter the lumen of the vessel and cause its blockage. In place of the dead myocardial cells, a scar is formed, which is not able to contract like the rest of the muscle. As a result, the remaining cells are forced to take on the load on themselves in order to maintain the blood supply to the internal organs at the required level.

However, vessels affected by atherosclerosis cannot always pass through themselves a sufficient amount of blood, and with it oxygen and nutrients to the myocardium. As a result, chest pain develops. This is a manifestation of oxygen starvation or, in scientific terms, ischemia. It is important to note that this situation increases the risk of another heart attack and even sudden death.

Changes in lifestyle after a myocardial infarction can reduce the likelihood of such complications. That is why doctors strongly advise all patients after a heart attack to adhere to a diet and follow the recommendations. The correct lifestyle after a heart attack, in particular, includes strict nutrition, otherwise the effect of other treatment methods - taking medications or spa treatment - will never be sufficient.

There is no need to talk about the importance of proper nutrition after a heart attack: it is obvious. Healthy eating is also recommended for all people who care about their heart health. It is important to emphasize that the recommended diet for heart patients after a heart attack is also the key to successful prevention coronary disease hearts.

Diet rules for heart patients after a heart attack

Features of the diet after myocardial infarction are determined by three periods of the disease. These include: the acute period (up to 2 weeks), the scarring period (from the 2nd to the 8th week) and the rehabilitation period (after 8 weeks). The therapeutic nutrition menu after a heart attack for such patients throughout all three periods is aimed at restoring processes in the myocardium and improving heart function. Diet therapy is aimed at correcting impaired metabolic processes and preventing atherosclerosis.

What diet is prescribed after a heart attack for successful recovery? First of all, it must be reduced energy value food with a gradual increase in it, animal fats, table salt, liquid, cholesterol, nitrogenous substances are limited. The diet menu after myocardial infarction is enriched with ascorbic acid, lipotropic substances, and potassium salts. Avoid foods that cause bloating (grapes, fruits with coarse fiber, milk). It is important to prevent weight gain and dysfunction of the digestive system.

Nutrition after myocardial infarction must be regular. The diet should include vegetables, wholemeal bread products, beans, nuts, pasta from durum wheat, brown rice, lean boiled meat, seafood, fruits.

“An apple a day keeps a doctor away,” says an English proverb. This is true. Apples contain a large number of pectin, which is very good for the heart. What food after a heart attack is most beneficial? During this period, the body especially needs fruits, which contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart muscle. These are apricots, prunes, dried apricots, figs, rose hips, black and red currants. It is important to remember that poor nutrition after a heart attack can trigger a relapse of the disease. It is recommended to use only vegetable oil for dressing salads and other foods.

The basic rules of the diet prescribed after a heart attack can be formulated as follows:

  • It is necessary to increase the number of meals to 6-7, but reduce the size of portions.
  • Reduce the calorie content of your overall diet. If a person overeats, it will only lead to insomnia.
  • Reduce consumption of animal fats and cholesterol in food.
  • Avoid hot and cold foods and be sure to heat food to medium temperature.
  • Eliminate salt from your diet.
  • Reduce bloating or gas in the stomach by eliminating carbonated drinks, sweet juices and bread from your diet.
  • Reduce the daily amount of liquid consumed to 1.5 liters, including soups and jellies in this amount.
  • Be sure to include foods containing potassium and magnesium in the menu: prunes, baked potatoes, nuts, beets, potatoes, buckwheat, citrus fruits, seaweed, watermelons.
  • Limit your sugar intake.

Diet of patients after a heart attack and what foods can be eaten

To reduce the load on the cardiovascular system, doctors recommend split meals, 1-2 more meals. The recommended diet after a heart attack is 5-6 times a day, and last appointment food is allowed no later than 3 hours before bedtime. In addition, foods that have a stimulating effect (strong tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate and spices) are excluded from the diet.

Nutrition after a heart attack makes it possible to avoid disorders fat metabolism or at least reduce them. Therefore, in this case, the diet is primary prevention recurrent myocardial infarction. Back in 1987, a group of experts on the study of atherosclerosis formulated the “7 golden principles” of the menu after myocardial infarction, adherence to which will help eliminate lipid metabolism disorders:

  • reduce fat intake;
  • sharply reduce the consumption of foods containing saturated fatty acids (animal fats, butter, cream, eggs), as they contribute to an increase in cholesterol in the blood;
  • increase the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found in certain foods (liquid vegetable oils, fish, poultry, seafood) and reduce blood lipid levels;
  • increase your intake of fiber and complex carbohydrates (vegetables and fruits);
  • When cooking, completely replace butter and saturated fats with vegetable oil;
  • sharply reduce the consumption of foods rich in cholesterol;
  • limit the amount of table salt in food to 5 g per day.

The chemical composition of this diet is characterized by the content of proteins - 80-90 g (of which 60% are animal), fats - 70 g (of which vegetable - 20%), carbohydrates - 350-400 g (of which 30 g are simple carbohydrates), energy value - 2300 kcal. The amount of liquid consumed by the patient during the day is 1.2 liters, including soup, compote, jelly, etc.

Gains great importance in diet therapy vitamin composition food products. The content of vitamins A, C, and D in them is especially important. These are the ones that affect metabolic processes in the myocardium. During myocardial infarction, their consumption increases.

What foods can you eat after a heart attack to increase your intake? water-soluble vitamins? This is achieved by including fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, the predominant use of some cereal products (buckwheat, oatmeal) and some meat products (veal). Increased fortification with fat-soluble vitamins is achieved through the inclusion of an optimal amount of vegetable fat in the diet.

In disorders of myocardial metabolism, changes in the electrolyte composition of intracellular and extracellular fluid are of particular importance. Considering this fact, the most significant for the myocardium are the redistribution and deficiency of potassium. Therefore, the menu after a heart attack, aimed at improving myocardial nutrition, contains an increased amount of potassium compared to normal nutrition. This is achieved by including fruits and vegetables, decoctions and infusions from them in the diet.

To others an important component for effective contraction of the myocardium is calcium. Introduction to food sufficient quantity dairy products after myocardial infarction containing relatively great content This microelement usually allows for optimal calcium supply to the myocardium. The deficiency of some microelements necessary for normal metabolism of the heart muscle - for example, manganese and magnesium - which is possible during myocardial infarction, is fully compensated by the use of a variety of products of both plant and animal origin.

What foods are good for the heart after a heart attack and what not to eat?

What foods can you eat after a myocardial infarction, and which ones are recommended to be excluded?

1. Fats

It is recommended to limit the intake of all fats containing polyunsaturated fatty acids in large quantities: limit the intake of butter, and eliminate margarine altogether. Useful products for the heart after a heart attack are olive, sunflower, and corn oils.

The intake of bacon, ham, minced lean beef, liver and kidneys is limited.

The list of foods that you should not eat after a heart attack includes: meat with visible fat, lamb brisket and ribs, pork (meat from the abdominal area), bacon with layers of fat, sausages, sausages, salami, pates, scrambled eggs with meat, duck, goose , poultry skin.

3. Dairy products

The following dairy products are recommended after a heart attack: skim milk, low-fat cheeses (for example, pressed cottage cheese), skim milk cheese, curdled milk cheese, kefir with low content fat

The intake of semi-skimmed milk, medium-fat cheeses, processed and spreadable cheeses is limited. Low-fat sour cream is used only for dressing dishes.

4. Fish and seafood

Products that are useful after a heart attack include all “white” fish of low-fat varieties, boiled or baked after boiling: cod, flounder, and fatty fish(herring, mackerel, sardine, tuna), salmon (chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon).

The intake of seafood (molluscs, crustaceans) is limited.

Undesirable foods after a heart attack include fish roe.

5. Fruits and vegetables

Recommended: all fresh and frozen fruits, boiled and baked vegetables, peas, beans, olives. Potatoes are boiled, peeled or “in their jackets” (eat the skins whenever possible). Also to useful products after a heart attack include fresh fruits, unsweetened canned fruits, walnuts. Dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, seedless raisins).

The intake of fried, stewed potatoes cooked in oil, fruits in syrup, candied fruits, almonds and hazelnuts is limited.

6. Flour and confectionery products

Flour products for heart attack are recommended: products made from wholemeal flour (wholemeal), bread made from it, as well as grain bread, bran bread, peeled bread, rye bread, unground (whole) cereals, oatmeal, wheat flour, oatmeal with water and milk. , puddings, cereals, brown rice and pasta casseroles, crackers cooked in the oven, oat cookies, yeast-free bread.

We allow limited intake of products made from white flour ( white bread, sweet cereals for breakfast, polished rice, biscuits).

We accept limited intake of cakes, confectionery, biscuits and seasonings cooked in oil, homemade snacks saturated fat.

Not recommended: cakes, puddings, saturated fat biscuits, dumplings, suet puddings, cream and butter condiments, all “store-bought” puddings and condiments, snacks cooked in “boiling” oil (fried side dishes), milk ice cream.

Limit intake of sugary drinks, low-malt drinks, low-fat liquid chocolate, packaged soups and alcohol.

What should be the diet after a heart attack in the first period?

The first period lasts 10-14 days after a heart attack. All dishes for the menu after a heart attack are prepared pureed and without salt. The calorie content of the daily diet is 800-1000 kcal. There are 7 meals a day every 2-3 hours. Immediately after a heart attack, a strict diet is prescribed. All this time, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor, who, if necessary, can adjust the diet.

You need to eat 5-7 times a day in small portions.

The following foods are allowed to be consumed:

  • vegetable decoctions and soups;
  • liquid, well-cooked porridge;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • carrot juice with the addition of vegetable oil (2 times a day, 100 ml of juice, always mixed with 1 teaspoon of oil).

The consumption of salt during this period is completely prohibited.

Sample menu after a heart attack in the first period for one day:

  • 50 g of boiled fish, half a glass of vegetable broth and jelly.
  • half a glass of tea with milk, milk porridge with a small piece of butter, grated apple.
  • half a glass of prune or yogurt decoction.
  • 50 g of boiled chicken, half a glass of rosehip broth.
  • 100 g applesauce, half a glass of rosehip decoction.
  • 50 g of cottage cheese, half a glass of rosehip decoction.
  • 50 g prune puree.

Diet menu after a heart attack for the second period

The second period begins 2-4 weeks after the heart attack. It corresponds to the period of scarring.

What kind of nutrition should you eat after a heart attack during the second rehabilitation period? The daily calorie intake is 1200-1400 kcal.

Chemical composition of food:

  • Proteins - 90-100 g
  • Fats - 70-80 g
  • Carbohydrates - 400-450 g

Salt can already be used, but limited quantities(up to 5 g per day). The daily volume of liquid is 1.2-1.4 liters (you can drink no more than 0.8 liters, and the rest goes to cooking). The diet should be divided into 7 meals (the last meal should be completed a couple of hours before bedtime). Before going to bed, you can drink juice or any of the fermented milk products.

Prohibited products:

  • fatty meats, fish and poultry, as well as lard and sausages;
  • pickles and smoked meats; strong coffee or tea;
  • any foods rich in cholesterol (egg yolks, offal and others);
  • alcohol;
  • horseradish, mustard and other hot seasonings.

If you are overweight, you will have to limit your consumption of bread, sweets and flour products.

List of products that are useful after a heart attack during the second rehabilitation period:

  • cereals (especially oatmeal and buckwheat);
  • berries, fruits (including citrus fruits) and vegetables (it is very important to eat cabbage, especially cauliflower);
  • milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, hard cheese, etc.);
  • milk and sour cream sauces (based on vegetable broth);
  • pasta;
  • seafood;
  • black lightly salted caviar (20 g 1-2 times a week);
  • lean varieties of meat, fish and poultry (150 g once a day);
  • strong meat and fish broths; greenery;
  • raisins, dried apricots, prunes, apricots, figs;
  • nuts;
  • beans, soybeans;
  • black bread;
  • butter (melted, unsalted);
  • vegetable oil (20-25 ml per day);
  • egg white (1 piece per day); compotes, jelly, jellies, mousses and jams;
  • tea with milk or lemon;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • vegetable, fruit and berry juices;
  • bran decoction with honey and lemon juice.

Sample menu after myocardial infarction in the second rehabilitation period for one day:

  • half a glass of prune decoction.
  • milk porridge, 50 g of cottage cheese with 10 g of sour cream, 2 egg whites, half a glass of tea with milk.
  • apple and carrot puree, apple fritters, half a glass of rosehip infusion or fruit juice.
  • 150 g of vegetable broth with croutons, 50 g of boiled chicken or fish, apple jelly.
  • half a glass of yogurt, juice or tea.
  • 50 g of boiled fish or chicken, beetroot and carrot puree, boiled cauliflower.
  • half a glass of curdled milk or 100 g of prune puree.

Nutrition after a heart attack in the third period

After the 8th week, the patient can gradually return to his usual diet, while following all the recommendations and adhering to seven meals a day.

For people with normal and low body weight, the energy value of the diet per day is 2500 kcal. Liquids can be drunk up to 1 liter. Salt intake is limited to 3-5 g per day. The diet of patients after a heart attack in the third period is enriched with potassium salts, which ensures the contractile function of the myocardium and removes fluid from the body. Potassium is found in dry vegetables, fruits and berries (apricots, dried apricots, raisins, dates, prunes, etc.).

However, some products (sorrel, lettuce, rhubarb, radishes, gooseberries, black currants, etc.) contain a lot of oxalic acid, which is prohibited for use in case of heart failure.

It is good to replace sugar with 1 teaspoon of honey, which contains vitamins, microelements, and biologically active substances. Drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach with 1 dessert spoon of honey helps normalize intestinal activity, which is especially important for bedridden patients.

Brown bread, salads.

Vinaigrettes, boiled fish, caviar from homemade vegetables.

Vegetable side dishes (except legumes).

One egg per day (only whites allowed).

Lean beef, lamb, poultry and fish once a day, 150 g in pieces, as well as in the form of steamed cutlets and meatballs.

Porridge and pasta dishes.

Low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, kefir).

Kissels, creams, jellies, mousses, raw, baked, boiled fruits and jams.

Drinks allowed: weak tea with lemon or milk, vegetable, fruit and berry juices, rosehip infusion, bran decoction with honey and lemon juice.

Excluded: strong meat and fish broths, fried meat, fish, and poultry dishes. Particularly dangerous are: lard in large quantities, spicy and salty dishes and snacks, canned food, smoked meats, sausages, alcoholic beverages, soft bread, as well as mustard, horseradish and other spicy seasonings, strong tea and coffee.

Overweight people need to normalize their body weight, as this will reduce lipid metabolism disorders and reduce physical stress on the heart muscle. For such patients after myocardial infarction, fasting days are recommended.

Nutrition menu after myocardial infarction for fasting days:

  • 500 g of oatmeal and 800 ml of fruit juice per day;
  • watermelon day (consume 300 g of ripe watermelon 5 times a day);
  • rice-compote day (5 glasses of compote, 100 g of rice porridge per day);
  • apple day (1.5-2 kg of baked or pureed apples per day).

Diet after myocardial infarction – acute disorder cardiac circulation, as a result of which a section of the myocardium remains without nutrition and dies (necrotizes), is an important part of rehabilitation. Myocardial infarction can be caused by various pathologies that affect the condition of blood vessels: hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, stress, physical inactivity, obesity, bad habits. Not least among the factors contributing to the development of pathology are gross nutritional errors.

Patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction should eat regularly, evenly distributing the daily menu into small portions.

The purpose of diet after a heart attack

The diet after a heart attack is designed to help accelerate recovery processes in the myocardium, create favorable conditions for normalizing coronary circulation, normalize metabolism, and ensure proper functioning of the intestines. Therapeutic nutrition reduces the load on the kidneys, relieves edema, helps strengthen the heart muscle, and helps in the fight against disorders heart rate and helps maintain all body functions.

After a major heart attack, table 10 according to Pevzner is indicated. This diet is used for cardiovascular diseases and diseases nervous system, it includes products that improve blood circulation and strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Table 10 provides balanced nutrition and at the same time spares the body.

Basic principles of diet after a heart attack for men and women

Both men and women who have suffered a myocardial infarction should become accustomed to following the following rules:

  1. Eat regularly, evenly distributing the daily menu into small portions. Neither severe hunger nor overeating are equally unacceptable.
  2. Limit salt intake. Salt helps increase blood pressure, fluid retention in the body and the occurrence of edema;
  3. Limit the consumption of fats and easily digestible carbohydrates.
  4. Eliminate from the diet foods that irritate the gastric mucosa, increase nervous excitability, and cause fluid retention in the body.
  5. Maintain drinking regime. In acute and under acute period the total daily volume of liquid is limited to 1-1.2 liters.
  6. Enrich the diet with microelements (primarily magnesium, potassium, iodine), vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, and foods that have an alkalizing effect.
  7. Culinary processing of products should be carried out using gentle methods in order to preserve the maximum amount of food in them. useful substances.
  8. Eating food at moderate temperatures - from room temperature to warm; too cold and hot dishes are not recommended.
  9. Limit your daily caloric intake. Since in the post-infarction period patients are limited in physical activity, it is necessary to ensure that the energy value of food corresponds to energy expenditure. Overweight patients are recommended to reduce their daily caloric intake by 200-300 kcal from the recommended value for their age and type of activity.
Potassium promotes excretion from the body excess water, helps eliminate swelling, is necessary for normal functioning vessels, capillaries, cardiac muscle.

Similar dietary requirements are imposed after stenting; in addition, in this case, you need to especially carefully monitor the drinking regime, since it is critically important to prevent dehydration, which leads to blood thickening.

Diet during different periods of a heart attack

For each of the main periods of a heart attack (acute, subacute and scarring), a special diet is recommended.

Diet for the acute period

What can you eat after a heart attack? In the first week after a heart attack, in the acute period, the basis of nutrition consists of liquid and semi-liquid, crushed and pureed foods. Allowed: steamed meatballs or cutlets from veal, chicken or fish fillet, viscous porridge, milk and dairy products, steam omelet, puree soups, vegetable stew, fruit and berry compotes, jelly, fruit drinks, rosehip decoction. Daily calorie content is 1100–1300 kcal.

Diet for the subacute period

In the second stage, which lasts two to three weeks, the diet becomes less strict. Dishes do not have to be chopped. The diet should contain fresh and cooked vegetables, easily digestible meat, eggs, dairy products, cereals, bran bread, vegetable and butter, and dried fruits. Daily calorie content is 1600–1800 kcal.

Diet for the scarring stage

The scarring stage begins around the fourth week after a heart attack and lasts from 2 to 6 months. At this time, the cardiovascular system adapts to new operating conditions. An easily digestible, balanced diet enriched with potassium is recommended. Potassium helps remove excess water from the body, helps eliminate swelling, and is necessary for the normal functioning of blood vessels, capillaries, and heart muscle. They are rich in dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, etc.), fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products and fish. You are allowed to consume up to 5 g of salt per day. Daily caloric intake is usually recommended for a given gender, age and type of activity.

All dishes must be prepared using dietary methods: boiling, stewing, baking, steaming. In the late rehabilitation period, grilling is allowed. Fried foods should be avoided.

Authorized Products

  • lean meat - veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit;
  • fish (especially fish northern seas, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids);
  • dairy products - milk, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • eggs;
  • cereals – oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, rice (especially unpolished);
  • bakery products - dried white bread, whole grain bread, soft cookies (“Zoological” and the like);
  • vegetables - any, primarily pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, all types of cabbage, onions, garlic, parsley, horseradish, dill, fennel;
  • oils – butter, vegetable (olive, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame).

As for spices, dry herbs that do not have a pungent taste are acceptable for consumption; for example, it is useful to add dried dill, parsley, basil, thyme, etc. to dishes.

What fruits are allowed after a heart attack? Almost any. Citrus fruits, apricots, bananas, grapes, dried fruits (primarily raisins, figs and dried apricots) are especially recommended. Berries are welcome in the diet - currants, raspberries, viburnum, blueberries, cranberries.

Since myocardial infarction often occurs in people with excess body weight, the consumption of high-calorie foods, especially fatty foods and confectionery products, should be limited or completely eliminated from the diet. Acceptable sweet dishes (in moderate amount): dried fruits, jam or preserves, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, fruit jellies and milk puddings. Sugar should be consumed in limited quantities, and even better, replace it with honey.

The list of products recommended for consumption is large enough to provide the patient with a varied and balanced diet every day

It is necessary to observe the drinking regime. It may be different for each period and for each patient (some patients limit their fluid intake as part of the fight against edema), but during the recovery period it is usually recommended to drink at least four glasses of water per day. Other drinks: fruit and berry compotes, unsweetened fruit drinks, jelly, freshly squeezed fruit, berry and vegetable juices, herbal infusions, weak tea. Sometimes it is acceptable to drink a cup of cocoa or coffee with milk.

All dishes must be prepared using dietary methods: boiling, stewing, baking, steaming. In the late rehabilitation period, grilling is allowed. Fried foods should be avoided. As for food recipes, no special recipes are required; anything that can be easily prepared at home from approved products will do.

Prohibited Products

After a heart attack, you should not eat fatty meats, sausages, offal, smoked meats, canned food, pickles, legume dishes, mushrooms, baked goods, chocolate, hot spices, strong tea, coffee, and sweet carbonated drinks.

Is it possible to drink alcohol? There is an opinion that red wine and some other alcoholic drinks are acceptable to drink in moderation, and strong drinks are allowed if you avoid binge drinking, but this opinion is wrong. Patients who have had a heart attack should completely give up not only vodka, beer, cognac and other strong alcoholic drinks, but also low-alcohol drinks - wine, beer, cider, etc. Simply put, all alcohol is prohibited.

Diet after myocardial infarction for men and women

Diet after a heart attack is no less important than diet.

Fractional meals are optimal - frequent meals at approximately equal intervals. There should be at least 5 meals per day: 3 main ones (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and two additional ones. The portions are small, the approximate volume being the size of the patient’s fist. The last meal is no later than three hours before bedtime.

Sugar should be consumed in limited quantities, and even better, replace it with honey.

This mode allows you to unload digestive system and at the same time ensure its optimal functioning. In addition, fractional nutrition allows you to optimize metabolism and normalize body weight. For patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction, it is advisable to follow a fractional diet for life.


An approximate menu for a week during the rehabilitation period after a heart attack is presented in the table.

Day of the week

Approximate diet


First breakfast: oatmeal, yogurt or soft-boiled egg.

Second breakfast: fruit salad.

Lunch: vegetable soup, steamed chicken cutlet with vegetable puree, dried fruits compote.

Afternoon snack: rose hip decoction, banana.

Dinner: boiled fish, steamed vegetables, herbal tea.

Late dinner: kefir.

First breakfast: two-egg omelette, toast, tea.

Second breakfast: fruit puree.

Lunch: vegetable soup with fresh herbs, boiled beef with a side dish of cauliflower, dried fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: jelly.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with pieces of fruit.

Late dinner: fruit salad topped with yogurt.

First breakfast: oatmeal with milk, tea.

Second breakfast: stewed vegetables.

Lunch: vegetable soup with rice, steamed chicken cutlet with vegetable side dish, fruit juice.

Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction, dry cookies.

Dinner: boiled fish, fresh cucumbers, compote.

Late dinner: a cup of cottage cheese with sour cream and raisins.

First breakfast: soft-boiled egg, toast with cheese, tea with lemon.

Second breakfast: baked apples.

Lunch: vegetable soup, beef with cauliflower and green beans, fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: cookies, tea, pear or apple.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, herbal tea.

Late dinner: ryazhenka.

First breakfast: omelette with tomatoes, compote.

Second breakfast: casserole with fruit.

Lunch: vegetable soup, steamed chicken cutlet, side dish of stewed cabbage, compote.

Afternoon snack: any fruit.

Dinner: fish balls and mashed potatoes.

Late dinner: yogurt.

First breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, tea.

Second breakfast: fresh vegetable salad, toast.

Lunch: chicken broth, boiled chicken with stewed vegetables, dried fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: berry jelly.

Dinner: stuffed zucchini, herbal tea.

Late dinner: milk pudding.


First breakfast: toast with cheese, tea.

Second breakfast: rice pudding.

Lunch: green borscht, grilled chicken fillet, grilled vegetables, berry juice.

Afternoon snack: milk or kefir, dry cookies.

Dinner: spaghetti with stewed vegetables.

Late dinner: yogurt.


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The main objectives of therapeutic nutrition are:

1. Contribute restoration processes in the heart muscle.

2. Improve blood circulation and metabolism.

3. Eliminate stress on the cardiovascular and central nervous system.

4. Ensure digestive organs are spared and normalized motor function intestines. Nutrition should correspond to the periods of the disease (acute, subacute, scarring), motor activity patient, take into account concomitant diseases and complications.


The diet is significantly limited in calories and food volume, which is then gradually increased. Avoid foods rich in animal fats and cholesterol (fatty meats, internal organs of animals, brains, caviar, egg yolk, animal fats, fatty fish, etc.), foods that cause fermentation in the intestines and flatulence (black bread, cabbage, legumes , milk in in kind etc.). The diet includes such products as cottage cheese, pike perch, cod, oat groats, as well as foods rich in vitamins C and P, potassium salts. Limit table salt and free liquid taking into account the period of illness, circulatory conditions and blood pressure.

The diet consists of three sequentially prescribed diets. The first diet is given in the acute period of myocardial infarction (the first 7-8 days), the second - in the subacute period (2-3 weeks), the third - during the period of scarring (starting from the 4th week).

In the first two days of severe myocardial infarction, give 7-8 times 50-75 g of weak semi-sweet tea with lemon, slightly warm fruit and berry juices diluted with water, rosehip decoction, compote liquid, liquid jelly, cranberry juice, mineral alkaline waters without gas.

In the future, easily digestible food is given in small portions 5–6 times a day, thereby preventing the rise of the diaphragm from complicating the work of the heart. Avoid very hot and cold foods; To improve the taste of unsalted dishes and appetite, give tomato juice, use table vinegar, citric acid, sweet and sour fruit juices, etc.

In the first days of illness, if the patient does not want to eat, there is no need to force him. After some improvement, those who have a reduced appetite should not be denied a small amount of foods rich in fats and cholesterol (eggs, caviar, cream, etc.). During the recovery period, if you are overweight, fasting days are necessary.


All dishes are prepared without salt. Low-fat varieties meat and fish are given boiled, fried and baked dishes are excluded. For the first ration, dishes are prepared in pureed form, for the second - mostly chopped, for the third - chopped and in pieces. Avoid cold (below 15 degrees) foods and drinks.


First diet: 1200–1300 kcal. Proteins 50 g, fats 60–70 g, carbohydrates 170–200 g. Vitamin content: A – 2 mg, B1 – 2 mg, B2 – 2 mg, PP – 15 mg, ascorbic acid – 100 mg. Quantity free liquid 800 g table salt 1.5–2 g (in products). The total weight of the diet is 1700 g. An approximate diet menu is given below.

Second diet: calorie content 1600–1800 kcal. Proteins 60–70 g, fats 60–70 g, carbohydrates 230–250 g. The content of vitamins is the same as in the first diet. The amount of free liquid is 1 liter. Table salt 1.5–2 g (in products, in addition 3 g are given to your hands). The total weight of the diet is 2 kg. A sample diet menu is given below.

Third diet: calorie content 2300–2400 kcal. Proteins 90 g, fats 80 g, carbohydrates 300–350 g. The content of vitamins is the same as in the first diet. The amount of free liquid is 1 liter. Table salt 1.5–2 g (in products, in addition, 5 g are given to your hands). The total weight of the diet is 2300 g. An approximate diet menu is given below.


First and second rations – 6 times; third – 5 times a day in small portions. The food temperature is normal.

Bread and flour products: first ration – 50 g of crackers made from premium and 1st grade wheat flour; second diet – 150 g of yesterday’s baked wheat bread; third diet - 250 g of yesterday's wheat bread, replacing 50 g of it with Rye bread(if tolerated).

Soups: first ration – 150–200 g, based on vegetable broth with pureed permitted cereals and vegetables, egg flakes; second or third rations - 250 g with well-cooked cereals and vegetables (borscht, beetroot soup, pureed carrots, etc.), let's say a weak low-fat meat broth.

Meat, poultry, fish: only lean types and varieties. The meat is freed from films, tendons, skin (poultry), and fat. The first diet is steamed cutlets, dumplings, meatballs, soufflé, etc. boiled fish, 50 g each; the second and third rations are boiled meat in pieces, products made from cutlet mass.

Dairy products: milk - in dishes and tea. Low-fat kefir and other fermented milk products and drinks. Mashed cottage cheese, soufflé (first ration), as well as puddings with cereals, carrots, fruits (second or third rations). Sour cream – for seasoning soups. Low-fat, unsalted cheese is the second or third part of the diet.

Eggs: first, second and third diets - protein omelettes, egg flakes for vegetable broths.

Cereals: first diet – 100–150 g of semolina porridge, pureed buckwheat, rolled oats with milk; second diet – 150–200 g of liquid, viscous unpoured porridge, 100 g of crumbly buckwheat, semolina casserole; third diet - 200 g of porridge, boiled vermicelli with cottage cheese, semolina casserole with apples, buckwheat-curd pudding.

Snacks: the first and second rations are excluded; third diet - soaked herring, lean ham, boiled jellied meat and fish, ripe tomatoes.

Vegetables: first diet – 100 g of mashed potatoes, carrots, beets (separate dishes and side dishes), pureed carrot-curd pudding; the second diet is supplemented with cauliflower and grated raw carrots; the third diet is stewed carrots and beets. Weight of dishes – 150 g.

Fruits, sweet dishes, sweets: first diet - applesauce, jelly, mousses, prunes, dried apricots - soaked, puree, 30 g of sugar or honey; the second and third diets are supplemented with raw soft fruits and berries, baked apples, compote, milk jelly, jelly, jam, meringues; up to 50 g of sugar, 15 g of xylitol instead of sugar.

Sauces and spices: second and third rations - to improve the taste of unsalted food - sweet and sour fruit juices, tomato juice, citric acid, vanillin, 3% table vinegar, sauces with vegetable broth and milk, boiled and lightly fried onions.

Drinks: first diet - 100-150 g of weak tea with lemon, milk, coffee drinks with milk, rosehip decoction, prune infusion, carrot, beetroot, fruit juices; the second and third rations are the same, 150–200 g each.

Fats: butter and refined vegetable oils - in dishes; on the third ration 10 g butter in your arms.


The following is excluded from the diet of patients with myocardial infarction:

fresh bread, baked goods, baked flour products, fatty types and varieties of meat, poultry, fish, liver, brains and other meat by-products, sausages, canned food, caviar, whole milk and cream, egg yolks, millet, pearl barley, barley, legumes, white cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, onions, garlic, spices, animal and cooking fats, chocolate and other confectionery products, natural coffee, cocoa, grape juice.



I. On an empty stomach: prune infusion.

First breakfast: pureed buckwheat porridge with milk, pureed cottage cheese with sugar (sugar from the daily allowance), barley coffee with milk (sugar from the daily allowance).

Second breakfast: applesauce (or any fruit) with sugar (sugar from the daily allowance), rose hip decoction.

Lunch: broth with egg flakes, boiled chicken, blackcurrant jelly.

Afternoon snack: pureed cottage cheese with sugar (sugar from the daily allowance), grated carrots with sugar, ...

Heart attack – clinical manifestation coronary heart disease. It is characterized by the death of a certain area of ​​the myocardium due to insufficient blood supply due to blockage of the artery.

The most common causes of heart attack include:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Surgical ligation of the artery during angioplasty
  • Coronary artery thrombosis
  • Spasms in the coronary arteries
  • Hypertension

Precipitating factors that can lead to a heart attack include:

The main reason leading to the disease is atherosclerosis. Due to fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels, atherosclerotic plaques form, which under certain conditions can rupture.

In this case, a blood clot is formed - a thrombus, which can block the artery. Stopped blood flow provokes necrosis of myocardial cells, in other words, myocardial infarction.

Damage to atherosclerotic plaque can also occur with high blood pressure. A heart attack can happen without a good reason - in the early morning hours or during sleep. It should be noted that heart attacks occur more often in men than in women. Increased risk have patients who have already had a heart attack before.

Atherosclerosis in all its manifestations is the most dangerous for the development of myocardial infarction.

The main symptom of a heart attack is very severe chest pain, which can last from 15 minutes to an hour, and does not stop even at complete rest, or can stop after a few hours or after taking strong painkillers.

Patients describe the pain as squeezing, burning, pressing, reminiscent of angina pectoris. but more pronounced, occurring in addition to physical activity.

Signs of a heart attack can appear either in a typical form or in an atypical form, which significantly complicates diagnosis.

Unusual symptoms of myocardial infarction are described in the Live Healthy program with Elena Malysheva.

You should know that pain during a heart attack can also be of an atypical nature, for example, pain in the arm, lower jaw, etc.

The disease occurs without pain, mainly in diabetics. Many patients exhibit signs of heart failure, characterized by shortness of breath, sweating, and a nonproductive cough. Some patients experience arrhythmia. Sometimes the only manifestation of a heart attack is cardiac arrest.

For a favorable prognosis of a heart attack, it is very important to correctly identify the symptoms.

A person who has had a heart attack. immediate assistance must be provided, since every minute works to save his life. First of all, you need to call a cardiac care team.

If the patient loses consciousness and there is no rhythmic breathing, it is necessary to perform resuscitation measures (artificial respiration).

The patient needs to be reassured and not to panic, to act quickly and harmoniously. You should not give in to the victim’s request to refuse to call emergency services.

If it is not possible for an ambulance to arrive quickly, the patient must be taken to the hospital by car. Upon arrival of the emergency team, the doctor must be informed about the measures taken.

First aid for a heart attack - important stage saving the life of the patient.

In the treatment of a patient with a heart attack, therapeutic nutrition plays an important role, which depends on the period of the disease - severe, subacute and recovery.

The diet for myocardial infarction has 3 diets, differing not only in nutritional value, but also in volume. In the first days of the illness, characterized by severe pain, nausea. general weakness, no need for food.

The patient is given a quarter glass of weak sweet tea to drink at a time, up to 8 times a day. Tea can be replaced with juices - orange, blackcurrant or rosehip decoction. Drinks must be warm.

Approximate diet:

  • White crackers – 60 g (per day)
  • Sugar – 30 g per day
  • On an empty stomach, give 100 g of fruit juice or prune infusion to drink.
  • At 8 a.m.: porridge with milk and cereal (30 g), grated apple, ½ cup of tea
  • At 11 a.m.: cutlet or boiled chicken (50 g), fruit juice or rosehip decoction (0.5 cup)
  • At 14:00: vegetable broth (1/2 plate), meat or fish balls with puree
  • At 17:00: 100 g applesauce
  • At 19 o'clock: 50 g of cottage cheese and 0.5 cups of kefir
  • At 21:00: 50 g prune puree

The duration of the first diet diet is up to 4 weeks, depending on the patient’s tolerance to dietary restrictions.

Diet 2, prescribed in the subacute period, is somewhat expanded. The total weight of the products is already 2 kg, carbohydrates - 200 g, liquid - 800 ml, proteins - 80 g, fats - 50 g, which is 1600 cal. Salt is allowed 3 g. Meals - 5, food temperature - normal.

The third diet recommended for the patient during the period when he is allowed to get out of bed is 2000 cal. This includes up to 300 g of carbohydrates, liquids can be consumed up to a liter, fats - 50 g, protein foods - 90 g. Total weight dietary nutrition is 2.5 kg, salt is allowed up to 5 g. Meals - 5, food temperature - normal.

After discharge from the hospital, a patient who has suffered a myocardial infarction is prescribed the 10 s diet, indicated for atherosclerosis. Its goal is to prevent the development of atherosclerosis. The diet is based on reducing calories, limiting the consumption of foods with high content cholesterol.

There are 2 options for this diet: for patients with excess weight and for patients with normal weight. The food is cooked boiled. The first version of the diet contains 90 g of protein, the second - 100 g. Accordingly: fat - 60 g and 70 g, carbohydrates - 250 g and 400 g. Calories: 2200 and 2700. Total weight is from 2 to 2.5 kg, liquids - up to a liter. Meal frequency – 5-6 times.

Patients who have had a myocardial infarction are allowed to:

  • Bread – gray, crackers, dry cookies.
  • Soups: with cereals, vegetables, dairy, once a week - low-fat meat (1/2 serving).
  • Meat and fish dishes: boiled, lean, soaked herring once a week, seafood is recommended.
  • Egg white omelette is allowed.
  • For vegetable dishes, salads and vinaigrettes are allowed, and you can also use potatoes and cabbage different types, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, legumes, pumpkin, greens. Sorrel, spinach, and mushrooms are prohibited.
  • You can use any fruits and berries.
  • Cereals, flour and pasta dishes: all sorts, limited if you are overweight.
  • Dairy products: any low-fat products.
  • Fats are predominantly vegetable.
  • Sweets are prohibited or limited.

The goal of dietary nutrition after a heart attack is to prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Prevention of myocardial infarction

To reduce the risk of heart attack, therapy is used against the formation of blood clots. For this purpose, patients may be prescribed aspirin. Patients who have had a heart attack in the past are prescribed beta blockers. The condition of people who have had a heart attack improves after taking large doses of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

During the preventive period, which can last quite a long time, it is important to control and maintain normal blood pressure and fight arrhythmia.

As an addition to treatment, you can use herbal infusions. which cannot in any way replace drug therapy. Important healthy image life, physical activity and proper nutrition.

If a heart attack occurs, it is of great importance correct diagnosis, timely provision of first aid and treatment with diet. Prevention of the disease is to reduce the risk of heart attack.

The human heart is a truly amazing organ that, despite its small size, is capable of supporting the vital functions of the entire organism. It is not surprising that sooner or later it begins to act up, like the engine of an old favorite car. But sometimes the heart cannot withstand the stress, nervous or physical, and then it is struck by a very serious illness - myocardial infarction. It forces you to completely reconsider your lifestyle, including nutrition. After all, whether the heart can recover directly depends on the diet. Let's find out what the diet after a heart attack is.

Strict requirements of a heart attack: no jokes with nutrition

In the old days, the disease that we call a heart attack was called “heart rupture.” Probably, these words to a large extent convey the seriousness of the situation. After all, in essence we are talking about the death of a section of the heart to which the life-giving flow of blood ceases to flow.

Even after relatively mild heart attack the patient must undergo rehabilitation and learn to live by new rules. A person gradually increases the load on the body, and therefore on the heart. Otherwise, the risk of a recurrence of a heart attack increases.

Taking this point into account, a daily diet. First of all, doctors will recommend reducing each serving. To do this, you can simply use plates of a smaller diameter. After all, on large dishes, even large volumes of food seem more modest.

A diet for myocardial infarction is necessary in order to maintain weight in shape, as well as to reduce the level of fats and salt that enter the body with food. It is with these goals in mind that you need to plan your own daily diet.

What are the dangers of being overweight after a heart attack? It increases the load on the heart because it has to pump much more blood to feed fat tissue. Besides, excess weight is also fraught with associated problems such as increased blood pressure and the occurrence of diabetes mellitus. The latter leads to a deterioration in the properties of hemoglobin, which means that this protein does not perform its function as efficiently as oxygen transfer. And this again hits the heart - the muscle begins to experience oxygen starvation.

Just keep in mind that vegetables and fruits should be eaten raw, boiled, or steamed. But you should not eat fried vegetable dishes or canned fruits.

Wholemeal cereals and breads contain a lot of fiber. It is valuable for patients who have experienced a heart attack, since it is not absorbed in gastrointestinal tract, helping to slow down the absorption of fats. Fiber also creates a feeling of fullness, deceiving the feeling of hunger.

After a heart attack, you should not overdo it with protein foods. It requires more energy to digest. To meet the body's needs, only about 400 g of cottage cheese, fish or lean meat per day.

Instead of the usual tea and coffee, you can drink rosehip infusion and cranberry juice, which will support your heart

Some dishes will have to be abandoned. The diet for a heart attack excludes the consumption of any canned food and sausages. The fact is that they contain excess salts, preservatives, fats and spices. And all this harms the metabolism, affecting the heart muscle.

Doctors also recommend avoiding foods rich in cholesterol. It can be found in all offal, so you have to forget about dishes prepared from brains, kidneys, liver, tongue and heart. You also need to remember a whole list of products that contain this substance in large quantities:

  • salmon and sturgeon caviar;
  • egg yolk;
  • butter;
  • seafood;
  • fatty meats;
  • lard.

Instead, you can eat egg whites and vegetable oils, low-fat dairy products and lean chicken, turkey and fish. And of course, there is no cholesterol in berries, vegetables and fruits.

Another important limitation concerns salt. If it is eaten in large quantities, complications arise, for example, blood pressure increases. In addition, salt negatively affects the effectiveness of taking medications. It retains water in the body, increasing the load on the heart.

After illness you should give up spicy seasonings, mustard and horseradish

Therefore, a diet for heart attack involves avoiding pickles, salted nuts, fish and chips. And in general, the salt shaker should be removed from the table so that there is no temptation to add salt to the dish.

In the diet of a core patient, those foods that have a stimulating effect are completely unnecessary. So you will have to give up coffee and strong tea, cocoa and chocolate.

It is important not only to create a menu for a diet during a heart attack, but also to eat food taking into account certain rules. So, the portions should be reduced. That is, it is better to switch to fractional meals: eat five or six times a day, but little by little. In this case, the last meal before bed should be no later than three hours before bedtime.

Recommendations regarding a patient's diet depend on how much time has passed since the heart attack. So, in the first week it is better to eat six times a day. For example, you can offer the patient pureed vegetable soup, lean meat or a steamed omelet. All food should be unsalted.

In the second and third weeks after a heart attack, it is allowed to eat ungrinded foods. But salt is still excluded.

From the fourth week the scarring process begins. Diet restrictions after a heart attack for a man at this time are no longer so strict. You can eat different dishes by adding a little salt. But its amount should not exceed 3-5 grams per day. Also, doctors will not allow you to drink more than one liter of fluid per day.

Let us add that such valuable products like dried apricots, prunes and raisins. They help normalize heart function.

In the first days after a heart attack, carrot juice will be useful, to which vegetable oil has been added at the rate of 1 teaspoon of oil per half a glass of juice.

When developing a diet after a heart attack and stenting, it is worth remembering the variety in the menu. After all, all beneficial substances must enter the patient’s body. And recovery is also facilitated by... the love and care of loved ones. So, not only prepare nutritious meals for your loved one who has suffered a heart attack, but also care for him, creating an atmosphere of calm.

The diet after myocardial infarction for men is aimed at helping a man recover quickly after of this disease. In addition, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle: give up cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.

Blood pressure and cholesterol levels should be carefully monitored. These measures prevent the recurrence of the disease. Do not forget that a heart attack often leads to the death of the patient. Balanced menu and the diet after myocardial infarction for men activates metabolic processes and enhances the effect of drug therapy. Men should give preference to foods containing low amounts of cholesterol and do fasting days.

According to cardiologists, a man who has suffered a heart attack and stenting in the past must follow important rules when compiling a daily menu.

The diet must contain large quantities of vegetables and fruits. Fats in case of heart disease are harmful to the body, so the use of butter and sour cream is prohibited.

Food should be cooked in olive oil or sunflower oil. The amount of protein should also be limited. You can eat no more than 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese or a small portion of meat.

The daily menu should include recipes containing polyunsaturated acids. Eating chicken and seafood is beneficial. Thanks to polyunsaturated acids, vascular walls are strengthened.

It is not recommended to consume salt immediately after a heart attack, especially for overweight and obese men. In the future, its quantity is limited. It increases blood pressure and worsens heart function, so the likelihood of a recurrent heart attack increases.

Canned foods, sausage, salted and smoked foods should be excluded from the diet. Drinking coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks, baked goods and sweets is also not encouraged. These are prohibited products at any stage: acute, subacute, scarring.

Experts advise people with heart disease to be careful about eating foods high in cholesterol. Therefore, you should avoid offal and stick to a diet.

Consumption of salmon caviar is not recommended. In rabbit meat, turkey meat, sea ​​fish, egg whites contain a small amount of cholesterol. We must not forget about fruits rich in microelements such as potassium and magnesium. They are very useful for heart diseases. Bananas, raisins and dried apricots contain many of these microelements. Eating zucchini, beets, and potatoes has a good effect on heart disease. Food for the table should be cooked in a double boiler or stewed, then the diet after myocardial infarction for men will be effective.

Not everyone knows what to eat during a heart attack, but the diet is aimed at reducing lipid levels in the blood. Freshly squeezed fruit juices and fresh fruit juices are useful. It is necessary to include parsley, almonds, and sunflower seeds in your menu. The amount of liquid must be strictly controlled.

It is recommended to drink no more than two liters of liquid. Meals should be frequent: at least six meals per day are recommended. What can you eat if you have a heart attack? At this disease compliance correct mode nutrition is especially necessary. It promotes faster scarring of the myocardial muscles; this process can last three weeks.

At this time, a man needs to eat low-fat soups, vegetable dishes and decoctions.

Nutritionists advise drinking carrot juice, adding a spoonful of vegetable oil to it. It is recommended to avoid fatty foods. For representatives of the stronger sex who suffer from excess weight and diabetes, the use of these products is especially harmful.

Don't forget that excess weight can lead to hypertension. It promotes the development of atherosclerosis.

If you have a heart attack, you need to give up flour products and sweet dishes. If you follow these simple rules, a man will easily get rid of extra pounds, cholesterol levels will decrease. Eating dietary cereals and honey is beneficial. Grapes, smoked meats, fried foods, mushrooms, and tomato ketchup should be completely avoided.

If a man has suffered surgery, during which a stent was installed, he needs to eat small meals six times a day. Consumption of alcohol and chocolate products is contraindicated. Daily caloric intake should be no more than 1100 calories per day. Fruit dishes and foods containing grains are beneficial. The amount of salt when preparing dishes should be limited (no more than 5 g per day). If a representative of the stronger sex follows these recommendations, he will be able to quickly recover from a myocardial infarction.

After a man is discharged from the clinic, he must still follow a diet, but the nutritional requirements are no longer so strict.

If a man has experienced massive heart attack, carbohydrates and protein should predominate in his daily diet. You should prepare cottage cheese dishes; you can add sour cream and raisins to them. A decoction of rose hips has a broad tonic effect. Dried fruit compotes and vegetable salads are useful.

Soups should be prepared from low-fat fish; liquid chicken broth is also useful. Rice should be used as a side dish. You can treat yourself to vegetarian borscht; there are many recipes for this dish. Daily caloric intake increases to 2200 calories per day. The number of meals is reduced to three. It is recommended to drink 200 ml of kefir at night.

The patient must drink plain still water (at least 0.6 l). You can strengthen blood vessels after a heart attack with seafood. They contain many useful substances and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and improve the condition of the body as a whole.

If a man suffers hypertension, he needs to carefully monitor the amount of fluid consumed. We should not forget that after a heart attack you need to eat varied, the diet should be carefully thought out.

While the patient was in the cardiology department, his diet was controlled by the attending physician. After a man is discharged from the hospital, he must follow all the specialist’s instructions. Late dinner is not recommended; you should have dinner no later than two hours before bedtime. If it is difficult for a patient to go to bed on an empty stomach, you can drink 200 ml of yogurt. You should eat no more than three eggs per week.

Nutrition after a heart attack allows the consumption of bread. You should choose bread made from premium flour, it should be well dried. You can also eat crackers.

Soups should be eaten in small portions of 150-200 ml. They need to be prepared this way: add a small amount of cereal or vegetables to the vegetable broth. You can add egg flakes to the soup. The meat used for cooking should not contain tendons or fascia. Chicken meat is allowed to be used, but the skin must first be removed. Cutlets and meatballs are made from minced meat.

Drinking milk is recommended and should be added to tea or dishes. The cottage cheese needs to be ground well and prepared into a curd paste. You can make a protein omelet from eggs. Vegetables can be consumed in the form of puddings. Oatmeal makes excellent diet porridge, you can pour a little milk into it, buckwheat porridge must be thoroughly ground. It is useful to eat semolina.

Consumption of various snacks is prohibited. Sugar should be consumed no more than 30 grams per day. You can replace it with honey. The tea should be brewed lightly. You can add a slice of lemon and a small amount of milk to your tea.

Fruit juices have a good effect on the cardiovascular system, medicinal decoctions. They are also recommended for men and women to prevent ischemic diseases. The recommended dosage of these drinks does not exceed 150 ml per day. The amount of liquid is 700-800 ml.

What else can you eat after a myocardial infarction?

The daily menu should include yogurt, a decoction made from prunes, and milk porridge with an apple. Drinks allowed: jelly, tea with added milk. It is healthy to eat stewed fish, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable broths, and puree with prunes.

In the second diet, you should consume no more than 1800 calories per day. The total weight of the dishes should not exceed two kilograms. The diet should contain fats in the amount of 60 grams, proteins - at least 70 grams, carbohydrates in the amount of 25 grams. Liquids should be drunk no more than one liter per day. The amount of salt is limited to three grams per day.

In the third diet, the recommended weight of consumed products should not exceed 2.3 kg. This type of diet is dominated by carbohydrates and proteins. The volume of liquid does not exceed 1.1 liters. Fresh bread is not recommended. During the scarring period, bread made from wheat flour can be eaten in quantities of no more than 250 g per day. Rye bread can be eaten only in the first diet, no more than 50 grams per day.

In the second and third diets, you can cook vegetable soups and soups with the addition of cereals. It is allowed to include weak meat broth with a low fat content in the diet after a heart attack. It is allowed to use sour cream, low-fat cheese, vanillin, lemon juice. The use of snacks in the second diet is prohibited. Porridges should be liquid or viscous. They need to be thoroughly ground. In the third diet, you can include snacks in the menu. Porridge, cottage cheese and buckwheat puddings, apple casserole, fruit jelly, and carrot puree are healthy. It is allowed to eat low-fat herring, ham, ripe tomatoes, and apple fritters.

After a myocardial infarction, the diet, first of all, should be gentle.

The doctors did everything in their power to get you back on your feet, and now your task is to make every effort to successfully overcome the rehabilitation period. If you continue to harm your body by filling it with unnecessary fats and cholesterol from unhealthy foods, your recovery will slow down.

Myocardial infarction is a disease in which, due to blockage of the coronary artery, the full blood supply to an area of ​​the heart muscle - or, scientifically, the myocardium - suddenly and abruptly stops. This leads to a pronounced lack of both oxygen and many nutrients. As a result, myocardial cells die. The damaged area of ​​the heart muscle can no longer take part in heart contractions, so the heart is unable to provide the necessary blood flow in the body. All organs and tissues begin to experience oxygen starvation, and this immediately leads to disruption of their function.

Most often, myocardial infarction occurs in people with atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries. During this process, cholesterol is deposited in the form of peculiar plaques on the walls of blood vessels that supply the myocardium with blood. These plaques are mechanically unstable and can rupture; in this case, their contents enter the lumen of the vessel and cause its blockage. In place of the dead myocardial cells, a scar is formed, which is not able to contract like the rest of the muscle. As a result, the remaining cells are forced to take on the load on themselves in order to maintain the blood supply to the internal organs at the required level.

However, vessels affected by atherosclerosis cannot always pass through themselves a sufficient amount of blood, and with it oxygen and nutrients to the myocardium. As a result, chest pain develops. This is a manifestation of oxygen starvation or, in scientific terms, ischemia. It is important to note that this situation increases the risk of another heart attack and even sudden death.

Changes in lifestyle after a myocardial infarction can reduce the likelihood of such complications. That is why doctors strongly advise all patients after a heart attack to adhere to a diet and follow the recommendations. The correct lifestyle after a heart attack, in particular, includes strict nutrition, otherwise the effect of other treatment methods - taking medications or spa treatment - will never be sufficient.

There is no need to talk about the importance of proper nutrition after a heart attack: it is obvious. Healthy eating is also recommended for all people who care about their heart health. It is important to emphasize that the recommended diet for heart patients after a heart attack is also the key to successful prevention of coronary heart disease.

Features of the diet after myocardial infarction are determined by three periods of the disease. These include: the acute period (up to 2 weeks), the scarring period (from the 2nd to the 8th week) and the rehabilitation period (after 8 weeks). The therapeutic nutrition menu after a heart attack for such patients throughout all three periods is aimed at restoring processes in the myocardium and improving heart function. Diet therapy is aimed at correcting impaired metabolic processes and preventing atherosclerosis.

What diet is prescribed after a heart attack for successful recovery? First of all, the energy value of food should be reduced with a gradual increase, animal fats, table salt, liquid, cholesterol, and nitrogenous substances should be limited. The diet menu after myocardial infarction is enriched with ascorbic acid, lipotropic substances, and potassium salts. Avoid foods that cause bloating (grapes, fruits with coarse fiber, milk). It is important to prevent weight gain and dysfunction of the digestive system.

Nutrition after myocardial infarction must be regular. The diet should include vegetables, baked goods made from wholemeal flour, beans, nuts, durum wheat pasta, brown rice, lean boiled meat, seafood, and fruits.

“An apple a day keeps a doctor away,” says an English proverb. This is true. Apples contain a large amount of pectin, which is very good for the heart. What food after a heart attack is most beneficial? During this period, the body especially needs fruits, which contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart muscle. These are apricots, prunes, dried apricots, figs, rose hips, black and red currants. It is important to remember that poor nutrition after a heart attack can trigger a relapse of the disease. It is recommended to use only vegetable oil for dressing salads and other foods.

The basic rules of the diet prescribed after a heart attack can be formulated as follows:

  • It is necessary to increase the number of meals to 6-7, but reduce the size of portions.
  • Reduce the calorie content of your overall diet. If a person overeats, it will only lead to insomnia.
  • Reduce consumption of animal fats and cholesterol in food.
  • Avoid hot and cold foods and be sure to heat food to medium temperature.
  • Eliminate salt from your diet.
  • Reduce bloating or gas in the stomach by eliminating carbonated drinks, sweet juices and bread from your diet.
  • Reduce the daily amount of liquid consumed to 1.5 liters, including soups and jellies in this amount.
  • Be sure to include foods containing potassium and magnesium in the menu: prunes, baked potatoes, nuts, beets, potatoes, buckwheat, citrus fruits, seaweed, watermelons.
  • Limit your sugar intake.

To reduce the load on the cardiovascular system, doctors recommend split meals, 1-2 more meals. The recommended diet after a heart attack is 5-6 times a day, with the last meal allowed no later than 3 hours before bedtime. In addition, foods that have a stimulating effect (strong tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate and spices) are excluded from the diet.

Nutrition after a heart attack makes it possible to avoid lipid metabolism disorders or at least reduce them. Therefore, in this case, diet is the primary prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction. Back in 1987, a group of experts on the study of atherosclerosis formulated the “7 golden principles” of the menu after myocardial infarction, adherence to which will help eliminate lipid metabolism disorders:

  • reduce fat intake;
  • sharply reduce the consumption of foods containing saturated fatty acids (animal fats, butter, cream, eggs), as they contribute to an increase in cholesterol in the blood;
  • increase the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found in certain foods (liquid vegetable oils, fish, poultry, seafood) and reduce blood lipid levels;
  • increase your intake of fiber and complex carbohydrates (vegetables and fruits);
  • When cooking, completely replace butter and saturated fats with vegetable oil;
  • sharply reduce the consumption of foods rich in cholesterol;
  • limit the amount of table salt in food to 5 g per day.

The chemical composition of this diet is characterized by the content of proteins - 80-90 g (of which 60% are animal), fats - 70 g (of which vegetable - 20%), carbohydrates - 350-400 g (of which 30 g are simple carbohydrates), energy value - 2300 kcal. The amount of liquid consumed by the patient during the day is 1.2 liters, including soup, compote, jelly, etc.

The vitamin composition of food products is of great importance in diet therapy. The content of vitamins A, C, and D in them is especially important. It is these vitamins that affect metabolic processes in the myocardium. During myocardial infarction, their consumption increases.

What foods can you eat after a heart attack to increase your intake of water-soluble vitamins? This is achieved by including fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, the predominant use of some cereal products (buckwheat, oatmeal) and some meat products (veal). Increased fortification with fat-soluble vitamins is achieved through the inclusion of an optimal amount of vegetable fat in the diet.

In disorders of myocardial metabolism, changes in the electrolyte composition of intracellular and extracellular fluid are of particular importance. Considering this fact, the most significant for the myocardium are the redistribution and deficiency of potassium. Therefore, the menu after a heart attack, aimed at improving myocardial nutrition, contains an increased amount of potassium compared to normal nutrition. This is achieved by including fruits and vegetables, decoctions and infusions from them in the diet.

Another important component for effective myocardial contraction is calcium. The introduction of a sufficient amount of dairy products into food after myocardial infarction, containing a relatively high content of this microelement, usually allows for optimal provision of calcium to the myocardium. The deficiency of some microelements necessary for normal metabolism of the heart muscle - for example, manganese and magnesium - which is possible during myocardial infarction, is fully compensated by the use of a variety of products of both plant and animal origin.

What foods can you eat after a myocardial infarction, and which ones are recommended to be excluded?

1. Fats

It is recommended to limit the intake of all fats containing polyunsaturated fatty acids in large quantities: limit the intake of butter, and eliminate margarine altogether. Useful products for the heart after a heart attack are olive, sunflower, and corn oils.

The intake of bacon, ham, minced lean beef, liver and kidneys is limited.

The list of foods that you should not eat after a heart attack includes: meat with visible fat, lamb brisket and ribs, pork (meat from the abdominal area), bacon with layers of fat, sausages, sausages, salami, pates, scrambled eggs with meat, duck, goose , poultry skin.

3. Dairy products

The following dairy products are recommended after a heart attack: skim milk, low-fat cheeses (for example, pressed cottage cheese), skim milk cheese, curdled milk cheese, low-fat kefir.

The intake of semi-skimmed milk, medium-fat cheeses, processed and spreadable cheeses is limited. Low-fat sour cream is used only for dressing dishes.

4. Fish and seafood

Products that are useful after a heart attack include all “white” fish of low-fat varieties, boiled or baked after boiling: cod, flounder, as well as fatty fish (herring, mackerel, sardine, tuna), salmon (chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon) .

The intake of seafood (molluscs, crustaceans) is limited.

Undesirable foods after a heart attack include fish roe.

5. Fruits and vegetables

Recommended: all fresh and frozen fruits, boiled and baked vegetables, peas, beans, olives. Potatoes are boiled, peeled or “in their jackets” (eat the skins whenever possible). Also useful foods after a heart attack include fresh fruits, unsweetened canned fruits, and walnuts. Dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, seedless raisins).

The intake of fried, stewed potatoes cooked in oil, fruits in syrup, candied fruits, almonds and hazelnuts is limited.

6. Flour and confectionery products

Flour products for heart attack are recommended: products made from wholemeal flour (wholemeal), bread made from it, as well as grain bread, bran bread, peeled bread, rye bread, unground (whole) cereals, oatmeal, wheat flour, oatmeal with water and milk. , puddings, cereals, brown rice and pasta casseroles, crackers cooked in the oven, oatmeal cookies, yeast-free bread.

We allow limited intake of products made from white flour (white bread, sweet cereals for breakfast, polished rice, biscuits).

A limited intake of cakes, confectionery, biscuits and seasonings prepared in oil, and homemade snacks with unsaturated fats is acceptable.

Not recommended: cakes, puddings, saturated fat biscuits, dumplings, suet puddings, cream and butter condiments, all “store-bought” puddings and condiments, snacks cooked in “boiling” oil (fried side dishes), milk ice cream.

Limit intake of sugary drinks, low-malt drinks, low-fat liquid chocolate, packaged soups and alcohol.

The first period lasts 10-14 days after a heart attack. All dishes for the menu after a heart attack are prepared pureed and without salt. The calorie content of the daily diet is 800-1000 kcal. There are 7 meals a day every 2-3 hours. Immediately after a heart attack, a strict diet is prescribed. All this time, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor, who, if necessary, can adjust the diet.

You need to eat 5-7 times a day in small portions.

The following foods are allowed to be consumed:

  • vegetable decoctions and soups;
  • liquid, well-cooked porridge;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • carrot juice with the addition of vegetable oil (2 times a day, 100 ml of juice, always mixed with 1 teaspoon of oil).

The consumption of salt during this period is completely prohibited.

Sample menu after a heart attack in the first period for one day:

  • 50 g of boiled fish, half a glass of vegetable broth and jelly.
  • half a glass of tea with milk, milk porridge with a small piece of butter, grated apple.
  • half a glass of prune or yogurt decoction.
  • 50 g of boiled chicken, half a glass of rosehip broth.
  • 100 g applesauce, half a glass of rosehip decoction.
  • 50 g of cottage cheese, half a glass of rosehip decoction.
  • 50 g prune puree.

The second period begins 2-4 weeks after the heart attack. It corresponds to the period of scarring.

What kind of nutrition should you eat after a heart attack during the second rehabilitation period? The daily calorie intake is 1200-1400 kcal.

Chemical composition of food:

  • Proteins - 90-100 g
  • Fats - 70-80 g
  • Carbohydrates - 400-450 g

Salt can already be used, but in limited quantities (up to 5 g per day). The daily volume of liquid is 1.2-1.4 liters (you can drink no more than 0.8 liters, and the rest goes to cooking). The diet should be divided into 7 meals (the last meal should be completed a couple of hours before bedtime). Before going to bed, you can drink juice or any of the fermented milk products.

Prohibited products:

  • fatty meats, fish and poultry, as well as lard and sausages;
  • pickles and smoked meats; strong coffee or tea;
  • any foods rich in cholesterol (egg yolks, offal and others);
  • alcohol;
  • horseradish, mustard and other hot seasonings.

If you are overweight, you will have to limit your consumption of bread, sweets and flour products.

List of products that are useful after a heart attack during the second rehabilitation period:

  • cereals (especially oatmeal and buckwheat);
  • berries, fruits (including citrus fruits) and vegetables (it is very important to eat cabbage, especially cauliflower);
  • milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, hard cheese, etc.);
  • milk and sour cream sauces (based on vegetable broth);
  • pasta;
  • seafood;
  • black lightly salted caviar (20 g 1-2 times a week);
  • lean varieties of meat, fish and poultry (150 g once a day);
  • strong meat and fish broths; greenery;
  • raisins, dried apricots, prunes, apricots, figs;
  • nuts;
  • beans, soybeans;
  • black bread;
  • butter (melted, unsalted);
  • vegetable oil (20-25 ml per day);
  • egg white (1 piece per day); compotes, jelly, jellies, mousses and jams;
  • tea with milk or lemon;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • vegetable, fruit and berry juices;
  • bran decoction with the addition of honey and lemon juice.

Sample menu after myocardial infarction in the second rehabilitation period for one day:

  • half a glass of prune decoction.
  • milk porridge, 50 g of cottage cheese with 10 g of sour cream, 2 egg whites, half a glass of tea with milk.
  • apple and carrot puree, apple fritters, half a glass of rosehip infusion or fruit juice.
  • 150 g of vegetable broth with croutons, 50 g of boiled chicken or fish, apple jelly.
  • half a glass of yogurt, juice or tea.
  • 50 g of boiled fish or chicken, beetroot and carrot puree, boiled cauliflower.
  • half a glass of curdled milk or 100 g of prune puree.

After the 8th week, the patient can gradually return to his usual diet, while following all the recommendations and adhering to seven meals a day.

For people with normal and low body weight, the energy value of the diet per day is 2500 kcal. Liquids can be drunk up to 1 liter. Salt intake is limited to 3-5 g per day. The diet of patients after a heart attack in the third period is enriched with potassium salts, which ensures the contractile function of the myocardium and removes fluid from the body. Potassium is found in dry vegetables, fruits and berries (apricots, dried apricots, raisins, dates, prunes, etc.).

However, some products (sorrel, lettuce, rhubarb, radishes, gooseberries, black currants, etc.) contain a lot of oxalic acid, which is prohibited for use in case of heart failure.

It is good to replace sugar with 1 teaspoon of honey, which contains vitamins, microelements, and biologically active substances. Drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach with 1 dessert spoon of honey helps normalize intestinal activity, which is especially important for bedridden patients.

Brown bread, salads.

Vinaigrettes, boiled fish, caviar from homemade vegetables.

Vegetable side dishes (except legumes).

One egg per day (only whites allowed).

Lean beef, lamb, poultry and fish once a day, 150 g in pieces, as well as in the form of steamed cutlets and meatballs.

Porridge and pasta dishes.

Low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, kefir).

Kissels, creams, jellies, mousses, raw, baked, boiled fruits and jams.

Drinks allowed: weak tea with lemon or milk, vegetable, fruit and berry juices, rosehip infusion, bran decoction with honey and lemon juice.

Excluded: strong meat and fish broths, fried meat, fish, and poultry dishes. Particularly dangerous are: lard in large quantities, spicy and salty dishes and snacks, canned food, smoked meats, sausages, alcoholic beverages, soft bread, as well as mustard, horseradish and other spicy seasonings, strong tea and coffee.

Overweight people need to normalize their body weight, as this will reduce lipid metabolism disorders and reduce physical stress on the heart muscle. For such patients after myocardial infarction, fasting days are recommended.

Nutrition menu after myocardial infarction for fasting days:

  • 500 g of oatmeal and 800 ml of fruit juice per day;
  • watermelon day (consume 300 g of ripe watermelon 5 times a day);
  • rice-compote day (5 glasses of compote, 100 g of rice porridge per day);
  • apple day (1.5-2 kg of baked or pureed apples per day).

Recipes for heart disease - here!



The main objectives of therapeutic nutrition are:

1. Promote recovery processes in the heart muscle.

2. Improve blood circulation and metabolism.

3. Eliminate stress on the cardiovascular and central nervous system.

4. Ensure the sparing of the digestive organs and normalization of intestinal motor function. Nutrition should correspond to the periods of the disease (acute, subacute, scarring), the patient’s physical activity, and take into account concomitant diseases and complications.


The diet is significantly limited in calories and food volume, which is then gradually increased. Avoid foods rich in animal fats and cholesterol (fatty meats, internal organs of animals, brains, caviar, egg yolk, animal fats, fatty fish, etc.), foods that cause fermentation in the intestines and flatulence (black bread, cabbage, legumes , milk in its natural form, etc.). The diet includes products such as cottage cheese, pike perch, cod, oatmeal, as well as foods rich in vitamins C and P, and potassium salts. Limit table salt and free liquid taking into account the period of illness, circulatory conditions and blood pressure.

The diet consists of three sequentially prescribed diets. The first diet is given in the acute period of myocardial infarction (the first 7-8 days), the second - in the subacute period (2-3 weeks), the third - during the period of scarring (starting from the 4th week).

In the first two days of severe myocardial infarction, give 7-8 times 50-75 g of weak semi-sweet tea with lemon, slightly warm fruit and berry juices diluted with water, rose hip decoction, compote liquid, liquid jelly, cranberry juice, mineral alkaline water without gas

In the future, easily digestible food is given in small portions 5–6 times a day, thereby preventing the rise of the diaphragm from complicating the work of the heart. Avoid very hot and cold foods; To improve the taste of unsalted dishes and appetite, give tomato juice, use table vinegar, citric acid, sweet and sour fruit juices, etc.

In the first days of illness, if the patient does not want to eat, there is no need to force him. After some improvement, those who have a reduced appetite should not be denied a small amount of foods rich in fats and cholesterol (eggs, caviar, cream, etc.). During the recovery period, if you are overweight, fasting days are necessary.


All dishes are prepared without salt. Lean varieties of meat and fish are given boiled, fried and baked dishes are excluded. For the first ration, dishes are prepared in pureed form, for the second - mostly chopped, for the third - chopped and in pieces. Avoid cold (below 15 degrees) foods and drinks.


First diet: 1200–1300 kcal. Proteins 50 g, fats 60–70 g, carbohydrates 170–200 g. Vitamin content: A – 2 mg, B1 – 2 mg, B2 – 2 mg, PP – 15 mg, ascorbic acid – 100 mg. The amount of free liquid is 800 g. Table salt is 1.5–2 g (in products). The total weight of the diet is 1700 g. An approximate diet menu is given below.

Second diet: calorie content 1600–1800 kcal. Proteins 60–70 g, fats 60–70 g, carbohydrates 230–250 g. The content of vitamins is the same as in the first diet. The amount of free liquid is 1 liter. Table salt 1.5–2 g (in products, in addition 3 g are given to your hands). The total weight of the diet is 2 kg. A sample diet menu is given below.

Third diet: calorie content 2300–2400 kcal. Proteins 90 g, fats 80 g, carbohydrates 300–350 g. The content of vitamins is the same as in the first diet. The amount of free liquid is 1 liter. Table salt 1.5–2 g (in products, in addition, 5 g are given to your hands). The total weight of the diet is 2300 g. An approximate diet menu is given below.


First and second rations – 6 times; third – 5 times a day in small portions. The food temperature is normal.

Bread and flour products: first ration – 50 g of crackers made from premium and 1st grade wheat flour; second diet – 150 g of yesterday’s baked wheat bread; third diet - 250 g of day-old wheat bread, replacing 50 g of it with rye bread (if tolerated).

Soups: first ration – 150–200 g, based on vegetable broth with pureed permitted cereals and vegetables, egg flakes; second or third rations - 250 g with well-cooked cereals and vegetables (borscht, beetroot soup, pureed carrots, etc.), let's say a weak low-fat meat broth.

Meat, poultry, fish: only lean types and varieties. The meat is freed from films, tendons, skin (poultry), and fat. The first diet is steamed cutlets, dumplings, meatballs, soufflé, etc. boiled fish, 50 g each; the second and third rations are boiled meat in pieces, products made from cutlet mass.

Dairy products: milk - in dishes and tea. Low-fat kefir and other fermented milk products and drinks. Mashed cottage cheese, soufflé (first ration), as well as puddings with cereals, carrots, fruits (second or third rations). Sour cream – for seasoning soups. Low-fat, unsalted cheese is the second or third part of the diet.

Eggs: first, second and third diets - protein omelettes, egg flakes for vegetable broths.

Cereals: first diet – 100–150 g of semolina porridge, pureed buckwheat, rolled oats with milk; second diet – 150–200 g of liquid, viscous unpoured porridge, 100 g of crumbly buckwheat, semolina casserole; third diet - 200 g of porridge, boiled vermicelli with cottage cheese, semolina casserole with apples, buckwheat-curd pudding.

Snacks: the first and second rations are excluded; third diet - soaked herring, lean ham, boiled jellied meat and fish, ripe tomatoes.

Vegetables: first diet – 100 g of mashed potatoes, carrots, beets (separate dishes and side dishes), pureed carrot-curd pudding; the second diet is supplemented with cauliflower and grated raw carrots; the third diet is stewed carrots and beets. Weight of dishes – 150 g.

Fruits, sweet dishes, sweets: first diet - applesauce, jelly, mousses, prunes, dried apricots - soaked, puree, 30 g of sugar or honey; the second and third diets are supplemented with raw soft fruits and berries, baked apples, compote, milk jelly, jelly, jam, meringues; up to 50 g of sugar, 15 g of xylitol instead of sugar.

Sauces and spices: second and third rations - to improve the taste of unsalted food - sweet and sour fruit juices, tomato juice, citric acid, vanillin, 3% table vinegar, sauces with vegetable broth and milk, boiled and lightly fried onions.

Drinks: first diet - 100-150 g of weak tea with lemon, milk, coffee drinks with milk, rosehip decoction, prune infusion, carrot, beetroot, fruit juices; the second and third rations are the same, 150–200 g each.

Fats: butter and refined vegetable oils - in dishes; on the third ration, 10 g of butter per hand.


The following is excluded from the diet of patients with myocardial infarction:

fresh bread, baked goods, baked flour products, fatty types and varieties of meat, poultry, fish, liver, brains and other meat by-products, sausages, canned food, caviar, whole milk and cream, egg yolks, millet, pearl barley, barley, legumes, white cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, onions, garlic, spices, animal and cooking fats, chocolate and other confectionery products, natural coffee, cocoa, grape juice.



I. On an empty stomach: prune infusion.

First breakfast: pureed buckwheat porridge with milk, pureed cottage cheese with sugar (sugar from the daily allowance), barley coffee with milk (sugar from the daily allowance).

Second breakfast: applesauce (or any fruit) with sugar (sugar from the daily allowance), rose hip decoction.

Lunch: broth with egg flakes, boiled chicken, blackcurrant jelly.

Afternoon snack: pureed cottage cheese with sugar (sugar from the daily allowance), grated carrots with sugar, ...

Diet for myocardial infarction as part of a quick recovery

A heart attack is a clinical manifestation of coronary heart disease. It is characterized by the death of a certain area of ​​the myocardium due to insufficient blood supply due to blockage of the artery.

Causes of myocardial infarction

The most common causes of heart attack include:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Surgical ligation of the artery during angioplasty
  • Coronary artery thrombosis
  • Spasms in the coronary arteries
  • Hypertension

Precipitating factors that can lead to a heart attack include:

The main reason leading to the disease is atherosclerosis. Due to fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels, atherosclerotic plaques form, which under certain conditions can rupture.

In this case, a blood clot is formed - a thrombus, which can block the artery. Stopped blood flow provokes necrosis of myocardial cells, in other words, myocardial infarction.

Damage to atherosclerotic plaque can also occur with high blood pressure. A heart attack can happen without a good reason - in the early morning hours or during sleep. It should be noted that heart attacks occur more often in men than in women. Patients who have had a previous heart attack are at increased risk.

Atherosclerosis in all its manifestations is the most dangerous for the development of myocardial infarction.

Signs of myocardial infarction

The main symptom of a heart attack is very severe chest pain, which can last from 15 minutes to an hour, and does not stop even at complete rest, or can stop after a few hours or after taking strong painkillers.

Patients describe the pain as squeezing, burning, pressing, reminiscent of angina pectoris. but more pronounced, occurring in addition to physical activity.

Signs of a heart attack can appear either in a typical form or in an atypical form, which significantly complicates diagnosis.

They can be expressed in the following forms:

  • Abdominal, characterized by abdominal pain and bloating, hiccups, vomiting, nausea.
  • Asthmatic, which is characterized by increasing shortness of breath, similar to asthma.
  • Cerebral, manifested by dizziness, loss of consciousness, and the presence of neurological symptoms.

Unusual symptoms of myocardial infarction are described in the Live Healthy program with Elena Malysheva.

You should know that pain during a heart attack can also be of an atypical nature, for example, pain in the arm, lower jaw, etc.

The disease occurs without pain, mainly in diabetics. Many patients exhibit signs of heart failure, characterized by shortness of breath, sweating, and a nonproductive cough. Some patients experience arrhythmia. Sometimes the only manifestation of a heart attack is cardiac arrest.

For a favorable prognosis of a heart attack, it is very important to correctly identify the symptoms.

First aid for myocardial infarction

A person who has had a heart attack. immediate assistance must be provided, since every minute works to save his life. First of all, you need to call a cardiac care team.

Before she arrives, do the following:

  • Place the patient in a sitting or reclining position with slightly bent knees
  • Restrain him from any movement
  • Provide air access
  • Free yourself from restrictive clothing
  • If nitroglycerin or validol is available, give it to the victim
  • If aspirin is available, also give to patient to reduce blood viscosity

If the patient loses consciousness and there is no rhythmic breathing, it is necessary to perform resuscitation measures (artificial respiration).

The patient needs to be reassured and not to panic, to act quickly and harmoniously. You should not give in to the victim’s request to refuse to call emergency services.

If it is not possible for an ambulance to arrive quickly, the patient must be taken to the hospital by car. Upon arrival of the emergency team, the doctor must be informed about the measures taken.

First aid for a heart attack is an important stage in preserving the life of the patient.

Diet after myocardial infarction

In the treatment of a patient with a heart attack, therapeutic nutrition plays an important role, which depends on the period of the disease - severe, subacute and recovery.

The diet for myocardial infarction has 3 diets, differing not only in nutritional value, but also in volume. In the first days of the illness, characterized by severe pain and nausea. general weakness, no need for food.

The patient is given a quarter glass of weak sweet tea to drink at a time, up to 8 times a day. Tea can be replaced with juices - orange, blackcurrant or rosehip decoction. Drinks must be warm.

After 2-3 days, the patient can be transferred to the first diet, consisting of:

  • proteins – 60 g
  • salt – up to 2 g (in products)
  • carbohydrates – 180 g
  • free liquid – 600 ml
  • fat – 30 g
  • calorie content – ​​1200
  • total weight – 1700 g
  • meals - 6
  • food temperature – up to 50º

Approximate diet:

  • White crackers – 60 g (per day)
  • Sugar – 30 g per day
  • On an empty stomach, give 100 g of fruit juice or prune infusion to drink.
  • At 8 a.m.: porridge with milk and cereal (30 g), grated apple, ½ cup of tea
  • At 11 a.m.: cutlet or boiled chicken (50 g), fruit juice or rosehip decoction (0.5 cup)
  • At 14:00: vegetable broth (1/2 plate), meat or fish balls with puree
  • At 17:00: 100 g applesauce
  • At 19 o'clock: 50 g of cottage cheese and 0.5 cups of kefir
  • At 21:00: 50 g prune puree

The duration of the first diet is up to 4 weeks, depending on the patient’s tolerance to dietary restrictions.

Diet 2, prescribed in the subacute period, is somewhat expanded. The total weight of the products is already 2 kg, carbohydrates - 200 g, liquid - 800 ml, proteins - 80 g, fats - 50 g, which is 1600 cal. Salt is allowed 3 g. Meals - 5, food temperature - normal.

The third diet recommended for the patient during the period when he is allowed to get out of bed is 2000 cal. This includes up to 300 g of carbohydrates, liquids can be consumed up to a liter, fats - 50 g, protein foods - 90 g. The total weight of dietary food is 2.5 kg, salt is allowed up to 5 g. Meals - 5, food temperature - normal.

After discharge from the hospital, a patient who has suffered a myocardial infarction is prescribed the 10 s diet, indicated for atherosclerosis. Its goal is to prevent the development of atherosclerosis. The diet is based on reducing calories and limiting the consumption of foods high in cholesterol.

There are 2 options for this diet: for patients with excess weight and for patients with normal weight. The food is cooked boiled. The first version of the diet contains 90 g of protein, the second - 100 g. Accordingly: fat - 60 g and 70 g, carbohydrates - 250 g and 400 g. Calories: 2200 and 2700. Total weight is from 2 to 2.5 kg, liquids - up to a liter. Meal frequency – 5-6 times.

Patients who have had a myocardial infarction are allowed to:

  • Bread – gray, crackers, dry cookies.
  • Soups: with cereals, vegetables, dairy, once a week - low-fat meat (1/2 serving).
  • Meat and fish dishes: boiled, lean, soaked herring once a week, seafood is recommended.
  • Egg white omelette is allowed.
  • For vegetable dishes, salads and vinaigrettes are allowed, and you can also use potatoes, various types of cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, legumes, pumpkin, and greens. Sorrel, spinach, and mushrooms are prohibited.
  • You can use any fruits and berries.
  • Cereals, flour and pasta dishes: all sorts, limited if you are overweight.
  • Dairy products: any low-fat products.
  • Fats are predominantly vegetable.
  • Sweets are prohibited or limited.

The goal of dietary nutrition after a heart attack is to prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Prevention of myocardial infarction

To reduce the risk of heart attack, therapy is used against the formation of blood clots. For this purpose, patients may be prescribed aspirin. Patients who have had a heart attack in the past are prescribed beta blockers. The condition of people who have had a heart attack improves after taking large doses of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

During the preventive period, which can last quite a long time, it is important to control and maintain normal blood pressure and fight arrhythmia.

As an addition to treatment, you can use herbal infusions. which should in no way replace drug therapy. A healthy lifestyle, physical activity and proper nutrition are important.

If a heart attack occurs, correct diagnosis, timely first aid and treatment with diet are of great importance. Prevention of the disease is to reduce the risk of heart attack.

How to eat after a heart attack: helping the heart recover

The human heart is a truly amazing organ that, despite its small size, is capable of supporting the vital functions of the entire organism. It is not surprising that sooner or later it begins to act up, like the engine of an old favorite car. But sometimes the heart cannot withstand the stress, nervous or physical, and then it is struck by a very serious illness - myocardial infarction. It forces you to completely reconsider your lifestyle, including nutrition. After all, whether the heart can recover directly depends on the diet. Let's find out what the diet after a heart attack is.

Video: nutrition for heart disease

Strict requirements of a heart attack: no jokes with nutrition

In the old days, the disease that we call a heart attack was called “heart rupture.” Probably, these words to a large extent convey the seriousness of the situation. After all, in essence we are talking about the death of a section of the heart to which the life-giving flow of blood ceases to flow.

Even after a relatively mild heart attack, the patient must undergo rehabilitation and learn to live by new rules. A person gradually increases the load on the body, and therefore on the heart. Otherwise, the risk of a recurrence of a heart attack increases.

Taking this into account, the daily diet is prepared. First of all, doctors will recommend reducing each serving. To do this, you can simply use plates of a smaller diameter. After all, on large dishes, even large volumes of food seem more modest.

A diet for myocardial infarction is necessary in order to maintain weight in shape, as well as to reduce the level of fats and salt that enter the body with food. It is with these goals in mind that you need to plan your own daily diet.

What are the dangers of being overweight after a heart attack? It increases the load on the heart because it has to pump much more blood to feed fat tissue. In addition, excess weight is also fraught with associated problems such as increased blood pressure and diabetes. The latter leads to a deterioration in the properties of hemoglobin, which means that this protein does not perform its function as efficiently as oxygen transfer. And this again hits the heart - the muscle begins to experience oxygen starvation.

Diet for a patient in the cardiology department

Just keep in mind that vegetables and fruits should be eaten raw, boiled, or steamed. But you should not eat fried vegetable dishes or canned fruits.

Wholemeal cereals and breads contain a lot of fiber. It is valuable for patients who have suffered a heart attack, as it is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, helping to slow down the absorption of fats. Fiber also creates a feeling of fullness, deceiving the feeling of hunger.

After a heart attack, you should not overdo it with protein foods. It requires more energy to digest. To meet the body's needs, only about 400 g of cottage cheese, fish or lean meat per day is enough.

Instead of the usual tea and coffee, you can drink rosehip infusion and cranberry juice, which will support your heart

These products can be harmful

Some dishes will have to be abandoned. The diet for a heart attack excludes the consumption of any canned food and sausages. The fact is that they contain excess salts, preservatives, fats and spices. And all this harms the metabolism, affecting the heart muscle.

Doctors also recommend avoiding foods rich in cholesterol. It can be found in all offal, so you have to forget about dishes prepared from brains, kidneys, liver, tongue and heart. You also need to remember a whole list of products that contain this substance in large quantities:

  • salmon and sturgeon caviar;
  • egg yolk;
  • butter;
  • seafood;
  • fatty meats;
  • lard.

Instead, you can eat egg whites and vegetable oils, low-fat dairy products and lean chicken, turkey and fish. And of course, there is no cholesterol in berries, vegetables and fruits.

Another important limitation concerns salt. If it is eaten in large quantities, complications arise, for example, blood pressure increases. In addition, salt negatively affects the effectiveness of taking medications. It retains water in the body, increasing the load on the heart.

After an illness, you should avoid hot seasonings, mustard and horseradish.

Therefore, a diet for heart attack involves avoiding pickles, salted nuts, fish and chips. And in general, the salt shaker should be removed from the table so that there is no temptation to add salt to the dish.

In the diet of a core patient, those foods that have a stimulating effect are completely unnecessary. So you will have to give up coffee and strong tea, cocoa and chocolate.

Features of eating after illness

It is important not only to create a menu for a diet during a heart attack, but also to eat food taking into account certain rules. So, the portions should be reduced. That is, it is better to switch to fractional meals: eat five or six times a day, but little by little. In this case, the last meal before bed should be no later than three hours before bedtime.

Recommendations regarding a patient's diet depend on how much time has passed since the heart attack. So, in the first week it is better to eat six times a day. For example, you can offer the patient pureed vegetable soup, lean meat or a steamed omelet. All food should be unsalted.

In the second and third weeks after a heart attack, it is allowed to eat ungrinded foods. But salt is still excluded.

From the fourth week the scarring process begins. Diet restrictions after a heart attack for a man at this time are no longer so strict. You can eat different dishes by adding a little salt. But its amount should not exceed 3-5 grams per day. Also, doctors will not allow you to drink more than one liter of fluid per day.

Let us add that such valuable products as dried apricots, prunes and raisins contribute to a speedy recovery. They help normalize heart function.

In the first days after a heart attack, carrot juice will be useful, to which vegetable oil has been added at the rate of 1 teaspoon of oil per half a glass of juice.

When developing a diet after a heart attack and stenting, it is worth remembering the variety in the menu. After all, all beneficial substances must enter the patient’s body. And recovery is also facilitated by... the love and care of loved ones. So, not only prepare nutritious meals for your loved one who has suffered a heart attack, but also care for him, creating an atmosphere of calm.

Article publication date: 02/08/2017

Article updated date: 12/18/2018

From this article you will learn: what diet should be followed after a heart attack, the role of proper nutrition for the health of the cardiovascular system. Useful and harmful products after .

Having had a myocardial infarction significantly increases the risk of developing a second heart attack. Scientific research has shown that a balanced and healthy diet can greatly reduce this risk.

A typical diet is rich in animal fats, easily digestible carbohydrates and preservatives. It has been proven that the combination of these products is to a certain extent responsible for the development of recurrent myocardial infarction, as well as other diseases, including some malignant tumors.

Doctors recommend that patients following a heart attack follow the Mediterranean diet or DASH diet.

Following a Mediterranean diet leads to a decrease in blood cholesterol and a decrease in blood pressure, which are among the main risk factors for developing a recurrent heart attack and stroke.

The DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is a balanced diet that was specifically created in the USA to reduce high blood pressure. It also reduces low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in the blood. According to the data scientific research The DASH diet reduces the risk cardiovascular diseases by 20%, coronary heart disease by 21%, stroke by 19%, heart failure by 29%.

Both of these diets also help normalize weight, which is very useful for the rehabilitation of patients after a heart attack. A nutritionist or cardiologist should create a heart-healthy eating plan.

How can you cook food

The diet after a heart attack should not contain fried or deep-fried foods. You can use more heart-healthy methods:

  • steaming,
  • boiling in water
  • stewing,
  • baking,
  • cooking in the microwave.

Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet includes traditional rules healthy eating countries bordering Mediterranean Sea– Italy, France, Greece and Spain. The cuisine in these countries differs slightly, but their diet is based on vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, olive oil and fish. Following this diet reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke by 30%.

The Mediterranean diet does not have a strict list of allowed or prohibited foods. It is the basis for daily healthy nutrition, which is based on the following principles:

  • Maximize your intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
  • Limit your consumption of red meat, replacing it with fish and poultry.
  • Olive oil can be used instead of animal fats.
  • Limit your intake of processed foods that are high in salt and saturated fat.
  • Do not consume a lot of dairy products, give preference to low-fat types.
  • Do not add salt to dishes at the table - it is already in the food.
  • You can snack on fruit or unsalted nuts rather than buns, chips, cakes or cookies.
  • Drink red wine with meals, but no more than 2 small glasses per day.
  • Water is the best non-alcoholic drink.
  • It is better to take food 5-6 times a day, but in smaller portions.

Mediterranean Diet Ingredients:

Vegetables and fruits

Doctors recommend eating at least 5-6 servings of vegetables and fruits per day. They are rich in fiber, antioxidants and vitamins, especially vitamin C, which help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


It is better to eat whole grains, such as whole grain bread and pasta, and brown rice. These foods provide the body with carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Help reduce blood cholesterol, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Fish and seafood

White fish (cod, flounder, hake, halibut) – good source low fat protein. Seafood (shrimp, crab, lobster, mussels) contains proteins and some important trace elements. Oily fish is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and D. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of recurrent myocardial infarction.


Include beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas, which are useful basis for making soups and stews. They provide the body with proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins. Eating legumes is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease.

Fats and vegetable oils

Vegetable oils rich in monounsaturated fatty acids are used to replace saturated fats of animal origin. Olive oil is traditionally recommended.

Healthy monounsaturated fatty acids are also found in olives, nuts and avocados.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts) and seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, poppy) provide the body with protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and are also rich in healthy unsaturated fatty acids.

You should not eat salted seeds, as salt can increase blood pressure.

Eating seeds in large quantities can cause obesity, as they contain a lot of fat.

White meat

Lean chicken, turkey and other poultry meats are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. It is best to remove all skin and any visible fat before consumption.

When white meat is included in ready-made food products (pies, shawarma, hamburgers), it contains much more fat and is not healthy.


Red wine contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances that protect the heart from disease.

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is harmful to health, so it is not recommended to drink more than 2 small glasses (125 ml each) of red wine per day.

Dairy products

Red meat

Beef, pork and lamb are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, but these meats are high in saturated fat. Consumption of red meat is limited to once a week.


Contains fiber, B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium. However, potatoes are rich in starch, which increases the risk of diabetes. It is better to eat potatoes boiled or baked. Potato consumption is limited to three servings per week.

Sweets and desserts

Can only be consumed occasionally in small quantities as they are rich in sugar and saturated fatty acids.

In the Mediterranean diet, the consumption of sweets or desserts is limited to three servings per week.

The DASH diet was developed by the US National Institutes of Health to lower blood pressure. Its principles are very similar to the Mediterranean diet, with minor differences.

  • Fruits and vegetables - how important source fiber, potassium and magnesium.
  • Whole grains - as an important source of energy and fiber.
  • Low-fat dairy products - as a source of calcium and protein.
  • Birds and fish are sources of protein and magnesium.
  • Nuts and legumes are rich sources of energy, fiber, protein and magnesium.
  • Non-tropical vegetable oils– as a source of unsaturated fats.

Consumption is limited:

  • saturated and trans fats,
  • sodium,
  • red meat,
  • sweets and sweetened drinks.

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Prohibited Products

Diet after a heart attack should reduce the risk of another heart attack. To do this, the diet should not include foods that increase blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar.

Prohibited and restricted products:

Name Characteristic
Processed foods Salts, nitrates and other preservatives are used to process products. These include sausages, frankfurters, hams, grilled chicken and other products. High levels of preservatives and salt are harmful to heart health.
Refined carbohydrates Refined carbohydrates are found in white bread, white rice, and sweets. The high degree of processing of these products removes most beneficial substances such as fiber, minerals, phytochemicals, fatty acids. In addition, processing may add trans fats, sodium and sugar, which are harmful to heart health.
Sweetened drinks Contains a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates
Saturated and trans fats They increase blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Sodium Helps increase blood pressure. The recommended sodium intake is 1,500 mg per day, which is the amount found in less than ¾ teaspoon of salt. You can replace salt with various spices.
Cholesterol Cholesterol found in red meat and full-fat dairy products can increase blood cholesterol levels.