Name of the plant. Large burdock or burdock. Burdock - a natural healer

This seemingly inconspicuous plant with thorny balls clinging to everything turns out to be a real treasure. Although many don't even notice it. Well, at most, they use its wide leaves as a covering material for seedlings so that the latter do not die from the heat in the sun.

In fact, this plant is ignored in vain, and is intensively destroyed on its own personal plots, considered a malicious weed. If this plant is used wisely, it can bring many benefits.

What parts of the plant are used?

For medicinal purposes, burdock can be used entirely: roots, leaves and, in fact, the burdocks themselves - the prickly seeds of burdock.

When is the right time to collect raw materials?

Let's start with the leaves. They can be collected at any time throughout the summer and even at the beginning of autumn, that is, from June to September inclusive. The age of the plant in this particular case is not important; we collect it both from a young bush and from a plant in its second year of life.

But with roots it’s a little more complicated. They can only be collected from annual plants in the fall, before frost. It is at this time that the burdock roots contain the most nutrients, because he was preparing for winter. If for some reason you did not have time to prepare the roots in the fall, you can collect them in the spring, from March to May. At this time, the roots are soft, filled with juice and fleshy. Then the plant begins to actively use the supply of nutrients, the root becomes porous, hard, and is not suitable for use either in medicinal or in cosmetics Oh.
By the way, it is not difficult to determine the age of the plant: burdock blooms only in the second year of life. This means that if the plant does not have flowers or seeds, then its root can be safely dug up.

Burdock seeds, small prickly balls, are collected as they ripen in the fall, from September to November.

Juice from burdock leaves is harvested in late spring and early summer. Preserve with alcohol in the proportion of 1 liter of juice - 200 grams of alcohol.

The shelf life of properly prepared raw materials is short, for leaves it is 1 year, for roots and seeds a little longer - up to 3 years. Freshly squeezed juice can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, no more, so it is preserved with alcohol, this extends the shelf life and use for about 1 year.

How to prepare raw materials?

We wash the leaves and lay them out on paper in a well-ventilated area or under a canopy, always in the shade; do not dry them in the sun!
The roots are dug out of the soil, washed well to remove soil and dirt, then the above-ground part is removed (you can do the opposite - first remove the above-ground part, then rinse thoroughly). Next, cut into pieces 10-15 centimeters long and dry well in a ventilated place.
The seeds are collected already ripe and dry.

What does burdock help with? Methods for preparing medicines

The list of diseases for which burdock helps is almost endless. For example, it has excellent antitumor properties, which allows it to be taken by people with oncological diseases. IN in this case Fresh or canned burdock juice is recommended for use. You need to take it shortly before meals, 15-20 grams 3-4 times a day, always in courses: you drink for a week - then a week of rest. Treatment lasts 10 weeks, that is, 5 courses: 5 weeks of admission - 5 weeks of rest.
By the way, the pulp remaining after squeezing the juice can be applied to wounds; they will heal faster, since the leaves have an excellent wound-healing and antibacterial effect.

The roots are usually used to make decoctions and infusions. They help with many diseases, such as diabetes, rheumatism, gastritis, eczema, ulcers, hair loss, gout, rickets, cholelithiasis and many others. There is more than one way to cook medicinal decoctions, infusions from burdock roots. For example, we take 100 grams of roots, preferably cut into small pieces, simmer over very low heat, without boiling, in one liter of water for about 30 minutes, strain, add boiled water to again get a liter of healing liquid, sweeten with honey and drink 50 grams each up to five times a day.

An infusion of burdock seeds (pour about 20 grams of seeds into a glass of boiling water, wrap it very carefully, by the way, you can use a thermos and leave for an hour and a half) is used for constipation.

But be careful: burdock also has contraindications for use! It cannot be assumed that everything medicinal herbs completely safe. The use of infusions, decoctions and others medicines from “burdock” is extremely undesirable for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for people with intolerance and allergic reactions to various herbs.

You should be extremely careful when using highly concentrated preparations that use any part of burdock in their formulation.

Clean body using natural method. "Burdock seeds"
Skin rashes, constipation and diarrhea, poor health, pain and increased fatigue is an intoxication that needs to be treated comprehensively. The problem is that medical supplies can lead to poisoning of the body and cause side effects. To get rid of intoxication, it is important to choose safe drug. Such as "Burdock seeds".

"Burdock seeds"- biologically active additive, which is capable of binding and removing toxic substances from the body. Unlike other drugs, dietary supplements do not have side effects, it can be used in combination with medical procedures or traditional treatment intoxication.

The drug contains crushed burdock seeds. They contain glycosides, arctigenin, citric acid, bardan oil and other components. Talc is used as an auxiliary element for easy digestibility.

To drink or not to drink? About indications and contraindications
Intoxication of the body is the main indication for taking the drug. In this case, the cause of poisoning is unimportant. It could be alcohol intoxication or from expired products. Other indications for taking Burdock Seeds:

It is recommended to use the drug as prophylactic during rehabilitation of cancer patients.
The components of the drug are safe, however, “Burdock Seeds” is not recommended for people who are allergic to dietary supplements or during pregnancy and lactation.

Positive properties
Main positive effect "Burdock Seed" The fact is that the drug relieves intoxication: alcohol, food, drugs. Other positive effects of the drug include:

  1. A mild diuretic and laxative that cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of waste products.
  2. Improvement of mineral metabolism.
  3. Anti-inflammatory, which eliminates skin diseases.
  4. Antitumor activity.
  5. Normalization of metabolic processes.
  6. Restoration and normalization of organ function.
  7. Antipyretic, which helps to easily cure infectious diseases.

The drug has no side effects. An overdose is impossible, since excess natural components are excreted through the kidneys within 12 hours.

Method of application

In the role preventive measures and for treatment the product is taken 3 caps. 3 r. per day along with meals.
Take the capsule with water room temperature volume 100-150 ml.
The course lasts for 3-4 weeks.
If necessary, the course is repeated after 2-3 weeks.

Release form
In the form of a plastic bottle with the drug in the amount of 190 capsules.

Burdock seeds should be stored in a cool and dark place.

Best before date
24 months.

Large burdock (burdock)

Large burdock (burdock)

He won’t bite painfully, And he won’t let go of his claws, How generous and how rich he is. Not a weed, but a real treasure!

Burdock- biennial herbaceous plant family Asteraceae. It grows everywhere near housing, in vacant lots, on the outskirts of fields and roads. WITH therapeutic purpose The whole plant is used. Burdock contains polysaccharides, essential oil, tannins, inulin, phytoncides, flavonoids, vitamin C, bitter and other substances. A decoction and infusion of the roots is used as a diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and phytoncidal agent in the treatment of skin diseases. For rheumatism, gout, joint damage, sore spots are wrapped with fresh burdock leaves. An infusion of burdock roots with almond oil, known as “Burdock oil”, helps strengthen hair.

Who doesn’t know with what effort it takes to tear off the prickly lumps of its fruits from clothes and hair. Not by chance burdock was considered a symbol of obsession in those days when people used plants as symbols and gave them with meaning - a lily as a sign of longing, a rose as a sign of love, a bell signified talkativeness, a reed - indecision (it always sways on the lake, even if there is no wind), a tulip - pride ( shedding petals, it does not bend), forget-me-not - loyalty and constancy, plantain - endurance, aspen and poplar - cowardice (their leaves always tremble), thistle - protection, rebuff (plucked, it dies instantly).

Aster family (Asteraceae) - ASTERACEAE

Description. A large biennial herbaceous plant 60-180 cm high. The root is fleshy, taprooted, slightly branched, up to 60 cm long, with a straight, elastic, furrowed, tomentose-pubescent stem. The leaves are petiolate, broadly heart-ovate, toothed. The lower leaves are large (up to 50 cm in length, slightly less in width). The flowers are collected in spherical baskets, arranged in the form of a shield or corymbose panicle. The flowers are tubular, bisexual, with a lilac-purple corolla; cup in the form of a tuft. The fruits are oblong, glabrous, ribbed, spotted achenes 5-7 mm in length with a tuft. Blooms in July - August; the fruits ripen in August - September.

Geographical distribution. European part of Russia, Caucasus, middle Asia, less often in Siberia, on Far East.

Organs used: roots.

Chemical composition . The roots contain the polysaccharide inulin (up to 45%), proteins (more than 12%), essential oil (up to 0.17%), fat-like substances (0.82%), palmitic, stearic acids and C26H54 hydrocarbon, as well as sitosterol and stigmasterol ; in the seeds - the glycoside arctigenin C27H34O11, which is broken down during hydrolysis into arctigenin C21H24O6 and glucose; fatty oil (up to 20%), consisting of glycerides of linoleic (58.5%) and oleic (19.1%) acids. The leaves contain tannins, mucus and about 0.03% essential oil.

Pharmacological properties and application. According to various authors, big burdock has antimicrobial activity, has an antifever (antipyretic) effect and is indicated for colds, effective for peptic ulcer stomach, liver diseases, hemorrhoids, urolithiasis, locally - for rheumatism, bruises, wounds, headaches (in the form of a compress on the forehead). There is evidence of the antitoxic effect of burdock preparations (for insect and snake bites, poisoning with mercury preparations, etc.).

Preparations from the roots of the plant in scientific medicine it is used as a diuretic. Infusion of its roots in almond or olive oil known as burdock oil and is used externally to strengthen hair. In folk medicine, burdock root, called burdock root, is recommended internally for rheumatism and gout, as a diuretic and diaphoretic, and also externally for skin diseases - eczema, acne and furunculosis.

To prepare a decoction, take 2 tablespoons of crushed root, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes over low heat, cool, filter and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day (Afonasyeva, 1981).

Burdock is used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat, upper respiratory tract And gastrointestinal tract(Florya, 1975).

In the Urals and Western Siberia burdock is used for dropsy, diabetes mellitus, gastritis, kidney stones, chronic constipation, scrofula, rickets, cancer of the stomach, uterus, esophagus, eczema, lichen, boils, ulcers, acne, seborrhea. Fresh juice leaves heal wounds. Lotions are made from the aqueous infusion of fruits to improve vision (Surina, 1974).

In Ukraine, burdock is used for diseases genitourinary organs, with stones in the liver, with trophic ulcers, tapeworms. The juice of the leaves is used to treat skin cancer. At skin itching For hair loss, a decoction of the roots is used. Fresh burdock leaves with coltsfoot leaves are applied to the chest for mastitis. Leaves boiled in milk are applied to wounds, abscesses, and boils. For skin cancer, a decoction of inflorescences and roots infused with vodka is used. A decoction of the roots is used for hemorrhoids, skin tuberculosis, joint tumors, venereal diseases, warts, malaria.

To prepare a decoction, pour 20 g of fruits into a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, leave until cool and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

To prepare an ointment from burdock root, take 1 part of the root decoction, thicken it to half and mix with 1 part pork fat.

To prepare an ointment from burdock leaves, take 20 g of dried burdock leaves, chamomile flowers, hoofed grass root, fireweed herb, pour 4 cups of boiling water, cook for 15-20 minutes, filter and add a spoonful of butter and glycerin in a 1:1 ratio ( Popov, 1973).

At the burdock root The diaphoretic effect is quite pronounced, and therefore it is used as an antipyretic and antifever agent.

In China, burdock roots and leaves are used for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

To prepare the infusion, take a tablespoon of dry burdock leaves in a glass of boiling water, infuse, filter and take a tablespoon an hour after eating.

Fresh burdock leaves are applied to burns, abrasions, cuts, and inflamed areas of the skin.

To prepare the ointment, take 75 g of fresh crushed root, 200 g of sunflower oil. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain.

In China, the whole plant is used in the treatment of syphilis, poisoning, and snake and insect bites (Fruentov, 1974).

In Korea they use burdock seeds. According to Korean researchers, the seeds contain up to 30% fatty oil and B vitamins. The seeds are used for sore throat, tonsillitis, pneumonia, scarlet fever, measles, colds, mumps, and edema. It is recommended to take 16 g per day. A decoction of seeds is prescribed along with other plants. Pills are prepared from the seeds - take burdock and duckweed seeds in equal proportions, grind them into powder, add honey. Take 5 g three times a day for nephritis. Seed juice is taken for loss of appetite and general weakness(Shpilenya, 1989).

In Belarus, a decoction of the root in water is taken for hemorrhoids and kidney disease. A decoction of the root in milk is given to drink for diathesis.

Burdock root is grated, mixed with lard and applied to rashes on the head and used for eczema.

At high temperature The patient is covered with fresh burdock leaves.

Decoction of burdock leaves drink like tea malignant tumors. Used for cataracts, warts, and liver disease (Ges, 1976).

It has been experimentally established that an extract from the root improves blood composition in patients with gout. The content of mucus and tannins justifies the use of burdock root tea for stomach ailments.

In China, the seeds are used externally for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Burdock root is taken for mercury vapor poisoning.

Young burdock leaves show antibacterial activity. The second fraction of plant alkaloids, obtained by electrolysis, inhibits tumor growth.

In Australia, the two-year-old root is used as a mild diuretic and choleretic agent(Kovaleva, 1971).

Infusion or decoction of roots taken as a blood purifier (Sklyarevsky, 1970). In Bulgaria in Lately The presence of sitosterol, a compound that is effective means for the treatment of adenoma prostate gland.

Burdock leaves used for dislocations and furunculosis (Petkov, 1988).

Pharmacological research has established that burdock preparations have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis and have an antitoxic effect in benzene poisoning (Minaeva, 1991).

For chronic constipation, the best results are obtained burdock seed decoction(Kulikov, 1975).

For sciatica and radiculitis, fresh leaves are applied to the sore spot (Turova, 1983).

Burdock leaf juice drink for tuberculosis, stomach ulcers and duodenum(Katukov, 1975).

Burdock seeds are dried, ground into flour, mixed with cow butter and this ointment is used to smear scabs for scrofula. People believe that burdock juice causes menstrual bleeding.

Methods of preparation and use

1. Pour one tablespoon of crushed plant roots into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, and filter. Prescribe half a glass 3 times a day.

2. One tablespoon of leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water, after 1-2 hours it is filtered and 1 tablespoon is administered orally every half hour to an hour after meals.

3. The same infusions, as well as the leaves, are used topically by applying to a damaged (burn, cut, abrasion) or inflamed area of ​​the skin. With absence fresh leaves use dried ones, but before use, soak them in warm water.

4. Chopped fresh roots (75 g) of burdock are infused for 24 hours in a warm place in 200 g of sunflower oil, then boiled for 15 minutes over low heat and filtered. This decoction is used topically.

5. Aqueous infusions of burdock leaves or roots are also used for rinsing the mouth and throat.

But let's remember the burdock. It can be found everywhere, but it especially loves garbage places, vacant lots, landfills. It grows in almost every garden and summer cottage. It’s as if he’s asking for a person. Indeed, this wonderful plant is very useful.

Burdock produces an excellent root vegetable, which will replace carrots, parsley, parsnips. Burdock roots can be eaten raw, boiled or fried, or made into cakes. In Japan, it has long been cultivated as a vegetable plant called gobo; it is grown in household plots and industrial plantations. Currently, burdock is already cultivated as a vegetable plant in Belgium, France, China, and the USA. Burdock roots should be collected in late autumn, in the first year of growth, when its root is juicy and nutritious and reaches the size of a large carrot.

Used in soups and peeled petioles of young burdock leaves, they contain a lot of vitamin C.

Dishes made from it are healthy diabetics, people suffering from eczema and others skin diseases. Used to strengthen hair growth Burr oil(10% extract from the root in olive or almond oil). This oil is good remedy for dry seborrhea, hair loss, dermatitis.

Popularly known original way to treat rheumatism: the joints are lubricated with ointment from burdock roots, then the patient lies down in the bathhouse on the shelves and lies there for half an hour, during which time he sips a warm decoction of burdock roots. When the sweat begins to dry out, the joints are again rubbed with ointment and bandaged with warm woolen scarves at night. The ointment is prepared from ground burdock root in equal volume with pork fat. Compresses made from fresh burdock leaves help with gout, arthritis, and polyarthritis. A decoction of leaves and roots is given to children for diathesis, liver diseases, constipation, skin tuberculosis and tumors.

Burdock roots, fried with potatoes: wash the roots, peel them, boil for 3 minutes, place in a frying pan, add the same amount of potatoes, vegetable oil, salt and fry until tender, add green onions before serving.

Soup with burdock petioles: take young burdock leaves, separate the petioles from them, peel them like carrots, cut into slices, boil and keep in water for 5-6 minutes, drain the water, and then season the soup with them 5-10 minutes before readiness.

Burdock fritters: Take a glass of finely ground burdock roots and add one glass wheat flour(preferably coarsely ground), pour a glass of kefir or yogurt, add salt and sugar, and an egg to taste. Bake pancakes on sunflower oil.

Burdock root coffee: Grind the washed roots, dry them, fry them in the oven until brown and grind them in a mill. Brew at the rate of one teaspoon per glass of boiling water. You can add an equal amount of chicory to the burdock. This coffee is especially beneficial for diabetics.

The healing properties and rules for using burdock are described in collections of traditional medicine. Burdock is a natural first aid kit that contains a remedy for any misfortune. Tinctures, decoctions, powders and cosmetic oils With active ingredients improve metabolism, treat skin diseases, help achieve a healthy and radiant appearance.

Almost all parts of the plant have beneficial properties. ethnoscience uses young leaves, roots and seeds of burdock. Burdock fruits contain a lot of essential and fatty oils, while the leaves contain phytoncides, mucus, vitamins and minerals. The root contains valuable inulin and other indigestible polysaccharides, protein, trace elements, and tannins.

The leaves are often used for external use. The sap of the plant kills pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Burdock lotions are used to treat wounds, treat ulcers, and relieve peeling.

Seed oil is included in cosmetic products. Burdock squeeze strengthens the roots, smoothes the surface of the hair shaft, improves appearance curls, gives shine and a healthy look.

For the treatment of internal diseases, burdock root remedies are often used.

In the plant of the first year of life it is concentrated greatest number useful substances.

The young root is eaten in Asian and European cuisine.

Burdock products improve metabolism. The plant is part of blood purification preparations. Burdock normalizes the functioning of the liver and kidneys, improves the patency of the bile ducts.

Burdock preparations prevent the deposition of salts. Cleanses the kidney ducts.

The plant has a mild laxative effect. It has a good effect on the functioning of all digestive organs. Used in treatment inflammatory diseases mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Burdock stimulates the production of pancreatic hormones. It is used to prevent diabetes. Normalizes blood sugar levels.

There is information about the antitumor effect of burdock. Plant alkaloids inhibit the growth of tumors. Burdock preparations can be used to prevent cancer.

Burdock ointment is applied to sore spots for joint pain. Decoctions of fresh leaves serve as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic. Fresh decoctions relieve itching and alleviate allergies. Burdock products are used to lubricate eczema and dermatitis.

Beneficial properties of burdock root

What diseases does it help with?

Burdock root is the most valuable part of the plant. Powder, oils, tinctures, decoctions, ointments and infusions are made from it. Burdock root accelerates the production of leukocytes in the blood, relieves inflammation, activates the movement of fluids in the body, and cleanses various ducts and pathways.

Remedies from burdock lend themselves to:

  • cholecystitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Burdock root contains mucus and tannins. It has wound-healing, cauterizing, regenerating, antiseptic effects.

Thanks to its properties it treats:

  • gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcer;
  • pancreatitis, hepatitis;
  • haemorrhoids.

Skin diseases are treated with phytoncides and tannins. They disinfect the wound surface, inhibit the spread of infection, inhibit the activity of bacteria and promote tissue regeneration.

Burdock is used in the treatment of:

  • furunculosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • burns;
  • acne.

Medicines based on burdock help with autoimmune diseases and diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

This list includes:

  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Burdock accelerates the elimination of toxins. It helps with food poisoning, fever and intestinal infections.

How to use?

Burdock root is taken orally as a decoction. For a glass of boiled water you need to take 10 g of dry plant material. The mixture is infused in a water bath for 30 minutes. After time, the solution must be filtered and its volume brought to the original volume.

The product is taken 2-3 times a day, half an hour before meals, exactly half a glass. The minimum course is two weeks. If necessary, treatment can be extended up to a month.

Fresh root Burdock can be eaten for diseases of the stomach and intestinal mucosa. The plant is dug up, cleaned, cut and eaten as soon as possible before it loses its beneficial properties. The dish can be included in the diet as often as necessary.

An ointment for external use is prepared from the plant. The fresh root is crushed. Pour in water so that it lightly covers the chopped mass. Boil by half. Cool. Grind with butter in a ratio of 1:4.

The ointment is stored in the refrigerator. Applied as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic for joint diseases. Morning and evening before full recovery lubricate burns, frostbitten areas, rashes, eczema, dermatitis spots.

Uses of burdock juice

What does it cure?

Fresh burdock juice contains active ingredients that promote the resorption of cysts and adenomas. Burdock is used to treat endometrial adenomyosis, polycystic kidney disease and ovarian disease.

A cake against cystic formations is prepared from fresh crushed burdock leaves. The juice, together with the remains of the plant, most actively exhibits its properties.

Two tablespoons of crushed burdock leaves should be mixed with a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of salt. Wrap the cake in gauze and place it on the site of the organ projection. Leave for an hour. The procedure should be repeated every day for a month.

How to drink juice?

The juice is prepared from fresh young leaves. They need to be collected, washed, minced, squeezed and filtered. The drink is stored in the refrigerator.

At cystic formations ovaries, the drug is taken orally three times a day in undiluted form, a teaspoon for two weeks. To increase efficiency, drink the juice before meals. To reduce the likelihood of side effects such as allergic reactions and intestinal upset - after the main meal.

If cysts are detected in the kidneys, undiluted burdock juice is treated for a month. Take according to the following scheme: for two days, 1 teaspoon twice a day, then for two days, a teaspoon three times - in the morning, at lunch and in the evening; again two days 2 times and so on until the end of the course. After a month's break, the scheme is repeated.

For endometrial polyps, burdock juice is taken together with golden mustache juice. Both plants need to be crushed, squeezed, and strained. Store the squeeze in the refrigerator. The procedures continue for six months. In the morning and evening, separately from food, you should take a tablespoon of herbal remedy.

How is burdock oil used?

Burdock oil is an affordable product. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Other types of oils are used to extract beneficial substances, mainly olive or almond, less often sunflower.

The use of the product has a narrow focus. Burdock oil contains fatty acid, minerals, proteins and polysaccharides. It stimulates blood circulation, improves nutrition of hair roots, restores healthy shine, accelerates growth, and reduces hair loss.

The oil is used in a course of twice a week for 14-30 days. A small amount of the product is applied to the scalp. Rub thoroughly, massaging for at least 10 minutes.

Hair is combed. The remaining product is distributed over the entire length. The curls are wrapped under film. Insulate with a towel or cap. Keep the product for at least 20 minutes. For maximum effectiveness, leave the oil overnight. Afterwards, the hair should be washed with a mild shampoo and rinsed with cool water.

For greatest effectiveness, burdock is mixed with essential oils of other plants:

  • for dry hair, add two drops of orange, lavender or patchouli;
  • Mint helps oily hair tea tree, geranium, eucalyptus;
  • Cypress, rosemary, and cedar are effective against hair loss;
  • Rosewood or sandalwood will help with split ends.

Burdock oil is used to soften rough areas of skin that have formed on the site of dried calluses and old wounds. The product is applied in its pure form for 20-30 minutes before taking a shower or bath.

To achieve an analgesic effect, the oil is rubbed into the skin of the breast for mastopathy and cystic formations of the mammary glands.

Burdock is used as an anti-aging agent. The oil is applied to clean facial skin. Rub in with massaging movements. Leave for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is carried out before taking a shower or bath.

Contraindications for use

Burdock products do not cause side effects, except allergic reaction. If the patient is particularly sensitive or predisposed to seasonal rhinitis, sinusitis, hay fever, he should not resort to treatment with burdock preparations.

The active substances of plant materials load the liver and kidneys. Despite positive influence of these components on organ systems, with serious pathologies they can provoke the opposite effect. Patients with limited liver and kidney function should consult a specialist about the advisability of treatment with burdock.

Burdock - the simplest and at the same time multifaceted medicinal plant. All kinds of products are prepared on its basis. The effectiveness of treatment lies in choosing the right method. What burdock juice cures cannot be corrected with hair oil or decoction. Each case requires its own medicine. The greatest effect is achieved from the combined use of burdock internally and externally.

Burdock seed tincture

20 g burdock seeds, 500 ml 70% alcohol.

Grind the raw materials, transfer them to a dark glass vessel, add alcohol, seal, leave in a dark, cool place for 14 days, shaking the contents daily, then strain through several layers of gauze or a fine sieve.

Moisten gauze folded in 3 layers in the prepared tincture, apply it to sore spot, wrap in cotton cloth, secure with a woolen scarf and leave the compress overnight.

Carry out the procedures daily. The course of treatment is at least 10 days.

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SEED SPROUTS Unlike dry cereals and legumes, raw foodists have much fewer complaints about their sprouts. It is believed that sprouted seeds have a special vitality, have high biological value, and are completely absorbed by the body. Scientists have found that

From the author's book

Tincture of lemongrass seeds to strengthen the immune system You will need: Schisandra seeds – 25 g Vodka – 400 ml What to do: Grind the seeds, pour vodka, leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking the bottle periodically. Strain, squeeze out the cake. Take 25–30 drops with water 3
