Creeping wheatgrass, its medicinal properties and contraindications. Wheatgrass root - medicinal properties, contraindications, application

Who among us doesn’t want to be healthy? The famous Russian herbalist Elena Zaitseva assures that the roots of wheatgrass (KP), burdock and dandelion relieve all diseases. These three “healers” are growing right under our feet.

Remember how often we get rid of them without thinking about how valuable they are? medicinal properties these plants have. It is believed that healing roots need to be dug up in the spring, since it is at this time that they contain the greatest amount of useful substances. Today we will learn about the beneficial properties and contraindications of wheatgrass root.

Let's meet: creeping wheatgrass

One of amazing gifts nature is the root of wheatgrass, a perennial herbaceous plant of the grass family.

Why creeping?

Everything is obvious. Numerous CPs have the ability to creep into different sides, occupying ever new areas of land. Just think: the rhizomes of this plant can go deep into the ground up to one meter. For this reason, it is very difficult for gardeners to combat it.

The root is similar to the veins of Mother Earth herself, who endowed her children with miraculous powers. Our ancestors used it throughout their lives as a medicine in the fight against a wide variety of ailments.

Medicinal properties of wheatgrass root

Most often for medicinal use Dried roots are used, which contain the following beneficial substances:

  • glucovanillin and inulin;
  • agropylene;
  • micro and macroelements: iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium;
  • Apple acid;
  • tannin;
  • amino acids.

Properly harvesting rhizomes

You need to take care of harvesting the healing rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass in early spring or autumn. Early in the morning we dig up the roots, shake them off the ground, and free them from leaves and stems. What follows is the most important stage preparations - drying roots. This can be done either in the sun, in which case the rhizomes are not washed, or in artificial dryers, in which washing is necessary.

Dry the CP in a thin layer in a dark room. Dried roots retain their healing powers no more than three years. They are stored in paper, canvas bags or wooden boxes.

What does wheatgrass root treat?

KP can be considered a universal cleanser for the body. It has a laxative, analgesic, enveloping, diaphoretic, as well as choleretic and expectorant effects. You should also remember about its unique ability to remove strontium-90 from the body due to tannin, which it contains in sufficient quantities.

KP helps restore the body's strength after antibacterial therapy. It neutralizes chemical compounds, returning the body to healthy norm. It is also recommended to use wheatgrass roots for hair with premature graying.

Preparations prepared on their basis are used for the following diseases:

  • joint diseases;
  • neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • rickets;
  • gout;
  • bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • hypertension;
  • furunculosis, chronic eczema, psoriasis, scrofula, acne;
  • dropsy;
  • diathesis;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • hair loss;
  • early graying.

Contraindications to the use of CP

At correct use Wheatgrass root does not cause side effects.

However, people who have the following problems should use CP with caution:

  • hypotension;
  • gastric ulcer in the acute stage;
  • acute pancreatitis.

Application of CP in folk medicine

In modern medicine, KP is part of some medicines. In Switzerland and Germany, the use of wheatgrass preparations is approved by the Ministry of Health. This plant is very popular in folk medicine. KP tincture is used for baths and douching, as well as for oral administration.

To cleanse the blood, prepare a decoction of two medicinal herbs: wheatgrass and burdock. To do this, add 40 grams of the roots of these plants to one liter of water. After boiling, the broth should sit for thirty minutes. You can add honey for taste. The decoction is drunk three times a day, 50 milliliters.

To expel salts from joints and overcome osteochondrosis, arthritis and radiculitis, we take equal proportions of KP, nettle root, string and heather. Steam two tablespoons of this collection in half a liter of boiling water in the oven for three to four hours. Healers recommend taking this infusion 200 milliliters twice a day.

At different skin diseases Baths from a decoction of KP are advisable. To prepare it, 50 grams of rhizomes are poured with five liters of boiling water and heated for steam. The resulting broth is infused for two hours and poured into a bath of water.

To treat farsightedness, a vodka tincture of KP is used. To prepare it you will need 100 grams of KP, 150 milliliters of vodka and 200 milliliters of water. Grind the raw materials to a powdery state and transfer them to a dark glass container. Mix the heated water with vodka and pour the powder over it. Close the container tightly and leave the contents for 20 minutes in a dark place.

The prepared product should be strained and taken 20 drops 2 times a day half an hour before meals. Treatment with tincture of wheatgrass roots in vodka is carried out for at least thirty days.

An infusion of three golden roots: wheatgrass, burdock and dandelion is considered a universal remedy in folk medicine. Dandelion roots are rich in vitamins, potassium and phosphorus salts. They cure anemia, treat stomach and liver diseases, and also fight diathesis, arthrosis and arthritis. Burdock roots contain inulin polysaccharide, mucus, essential oil, resins, protein, a large number of vitamin C, mineral salts. They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair: they give it strength, beauty and silkiness.

To prepare an infusion of burdock, wheatgrass and dandelion roots, take one spoonful of dry crushed roots and pour half a liter of boiling water. Let the broth infuse for two hours and strain it. Take half a glass of the healing infusion 15 minutes before meals. In a month and a half you can expect positive result. These life-giving plants can also be taken individually. Herbalists recommend the following treatment regimen with these roots: the first week - KP, the second - dandelion, the third - burdock.

Decoctions and infusions from KP have found application in the treatment of baldness and early graying. For such purposes, take two tablespoons of crushed CP and pour 300 milliliters of boiling water over them. Boil until the volume is reduced by one quarter. You need to take one glass of the decoction three times a day. At the same time, rub it into the hair roots for 10 minutes daily. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Now, knowing everything about the medicinal properties and contraindications of wheatgrass root, take its healing help and be healthy!

Creeping wheatgrass- Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski - perennial herbaceous plant from the family of bluegrass, or cereals (Poaceae, or Gramineae) with long rhizomes. The rhizomes are located horizontally in the soil, they branch, and the tops of such branches bend upward and reach the surface of the soil, giving rise to a new wheatgrass individual. The total length of the rhizomes of one plant can reach 15 m, and the area penetrated by them can reach several square meters. Stems are erect or ascending, from 30 to 150 cm high. Leaves have a flat linear blade, rough on top, and a long sheath.
The flowers are inconspicuous, collected 4 - 10 in inflorescences-spikelets, which together form a common inflorescence at the tops of the stems - a two-row spike 7 - 15 cm long. In each flower, the perianth is formed by two floral scales, 3 stamens, 1 pistil. The fruit is a grain long 5 -10 mm, enclosed in flower scales fused with it. It blooms in May - June, the fruits ripen in July - September. The flowers are pollinated by the wind.
Creeping wheatgrass is an almost cosmopolitan plant. In Russia it is found almost everywhere. Grows in gardens, vegetable gardens, vacant lots, under fences in populated areas, in meadows, edges, fields, fallow lands. A difficult to eradicate weed of fields and vegetable gardens, regenerated by seeds and cuttings of rhizomes. Even a very small fragment of rhizome, if it has at least one living bud, will give rise to a new plant.

Medicinal value of wheatgrass and methods of medicinal use of wheatgrass

Medical use have rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass. Found in rhizomes phenolic compound aveline, 5% fructanatriticin, 1.5% fatty oil, malic acid, 3-4% levulose, about 3% fructose, 3% mannitol, mucus, vitamin C, carotene and other substances. The grass contains 150 mg of ascorbic acid, 50 mg of carotene and a-alanine.
Rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass have been widely used since therapeutic purpose also in Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome, in medieval folk medicine, and are also widely used in modern folk medicine European countries and in homeopathy.
As a diuretic, an infusion of wheatgrass rhizomes is used for dropsy, swelling of various origins, inflammatory diseases urinary tract and urinary organs: cystitis, nephritis and urolithiasis. An infusion of rhizomes is used internally as an analgesic for gout, rheumatism, lumbago, various arthritis, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.
As an anti-inflammatory, emollient and expectorant, infusion of rhizomes is often prescribed for profuse sputum, cough, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as gastritis, enteritis, liver and gall bladder diseases. Taking an infusion of rhizomes normalizes intestinal function and is good remedy for constipation.
In folk medicine, an infusion of rhizomes is often used as a diaphoretic for colds and fevers. Due to the presence of sugars and vitamins, wheatgrass is considered a nutritious, tonic, restorative, sleep and appetite-improving remedy. It is used for colds, to improve vision, in the treatment hypertension, malignant tumors and diabetes.
For hemorrhoids, chronic constipation, chronic colitis, proctitis, proctosigmoiditis, the decoction is prescribed at night in the form of warm enemas of 30 - 60 ml.

A decoction (1:10) of wheatgrass rhizomes is prescribed 2 - 3 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals as a mild laxative and diuretic.
Decoction: 2 teaspoons of rhizome per 1 cup of boiling water. Boil for 5-7 minutes. over very low heat. Infuse, wrapped, for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 - 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Four teaspoons of wheatgrass rhizome per 1 glass of cold boiled water. Leave for 12 hours, strain. Pour the rest of the rhizome with 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, for 1 hour, strain. Mix both infusions. Take 1/3 cup 2-4 times a day for rheumatism and aching joints, for gout.

For gout, osteochondrosis, and arthritis, take the infusion. Ш Infusion: 2 tablespoons of crushed root, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in the evening, leave overnight in a tightly sealed container. The next day, take 1/2 cup of Zraz daily before meals.

For arthritis, pour 4 tablespoons of dry finely crushed rhizomes of wheatgrass into 1 liter of water and boil until the volume is reduced by 1/4. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

For skin diseases (the body's predisposition to skin diseases is indicated by dry, rough skin), boil 15 g of rhizomes with roots of wheatgrass for 10 minutes. in a sealed container, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 2-4 weeks.

Juice fresh leaves Creeping wheatgrass is taken for cholelithiasis, 1 glass 3 times a day for 15 - 20 days.

For illnesses gastrointestinal tract, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, make a decoction of 60 g of crushed rhizomes per 1 liter of water. Boil for 5 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Take 1/2-1 glass 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks.

At abdominal dropsy Boil 15 g of rhizomes with roots of wheatgrass for 10 minutes. in a sealed container, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

For constipation, use the juice of the grass wheatgrass (1:20) in the form of enemas.

For cold aches, take 2 - 2 times a day for 3-4 weeks, 200 - 600 ml of creeping wheatgrass juice, squeezed from rhizomes (April - early May, autumn) and grass. To do this, the rhizomes, washed in running water, are scalded with boiling water and passed through a meat grinder, diluted with water 1:1, squeezed through a thick cloth and boiled for 3 minutes.

For radiation sickness, infuse 2 tablespoons of crushed roots in 500 ml of boiling water (in a thermos) for 8 hours, strain, and squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Take during the day in 3 doses per 100 min. warm before meals.

Drink 1/2 cup of wheatgrass juice 3-4 times a day before meals. uterine bleeding and heavy menstruation.

In folk medicine, a decoction of wheatgrass rhizomes is used as a diuretic, expectorant, laxative, “blood purifier” and regulating salt metabolism. The decoction is prepared at a rate of 1:10, take 1 tablespoon 3 - 4 times a day.

For furunculosis, it is recommended to drink a strong decoction of the rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass (1:5) 1 glass 3 times a day. You can also drink 2-3 times a day for 3-4 weeks, 200 ml of juice squeezed from rhizomes (April - early May, autumn) and grass. The juice can be added to baths.

30 g of rhizomes are boiled in 1 liter of water until half remains. Take 100 ml Zraza per day for osteochondrosis.
For children's eczema, take 50 ml of wheatgrass juice, squeezed from rhizomes and grass, 2-3 times a day for 3 - 4 weeks, and bathe children in it.

For eczema, make a decoction of wheatgrass root (collected in May): for 20 g of roots - 1 cup of boiling water. Drink 200 ml 3 times a day before meals. Make lotions from the decoction externally.

For various skin diseases, take a bath once a week. To do this, place 100 g of wheatgrass and burdock rhizomes in an enamel bucket, fill half the container hot water and boil for 10 minutes. The duration of the procedure is 30 min. at a water temperature of 36 - 37°C.
It is recommended to combine baths with taking the decoction orally, 1 glass 3-4 times a day before meals. Ш To prepare it, pour 1 tablespoon of raw material into 1 glass hot water, boil for 10 minutes, cool and filter.

A decoction of the rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass: 2 tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials per 1 glass of hot water, boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain, squeeze, bring the volume to the original volume. Take 1/3 cup of Zraz a day before meals for cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Cold infusion of creeping wheatgrass: 15g of dry crushed rhizome per 2 cups cold water, leave for 12 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup of Zraz per day for coughs associated with colds and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

For urate and oxalate stones, take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day of a decoction of wheatgrass rhizomes: 4 tablespoons of dry crushed raw material per 5 glasses of water, boil until the volume is reduced by 1/4, strain.

When the type of stones has not been established, use a cold infusion of wheatgrass rhizomes: 15g of crushed dry raw material in 2 cups of cold water, leave for 12 hours, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 3 times a day.

To improve vision, take a decoction of the rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass (4 tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials per 5 cups of boiling water, boil until the volume is reduced by 1/4, strain) 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Cold infusion of creeping wheatgrass rhizomes: 15 g of dry crushed raw material in 2 cups of cold water, leave for 12 hours, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for rickets, scrofula, diathesis.

Wheatgrass decoction: 2 tablespoons of crushed dry rhizomes per 0.5 liter of boiling water, simmer for 12-15 minutes, leave for 2-3 hours. and drink 1/3 glass 3-4 times a day for ZOmin. before meals for 3 - 4 weeks for cancer.

Features of harvesting creeping wheatgrass

Rhizomes serve as the medicinal raw material for wheatgrass. Harvested in autumn or early spring, or in summer. After digging, they are shaken off the ground, washed in cold water, dried in the sun in windy weather and dried in the shade or in a dryer at a temperature of 60 - 70 ° C. Store in bags or wooden containers for no more than 2 years.
According to Raphael, wheatgrass is ruled by Venus, the ruling planet in Taurus and Libra.

In folk medicine, creeping wheatgrass is very popular, medicinal properties which, in the absence of medical contraindications, are useful for many diseases. This herbal medicine is ideal not only for men and women, treat this way alternative method you can even small child. The medicinal properties of the herb extend to almost all areas modern medicine, while ensuring positive dynamics of the main disease.

What is creeping wheatgrass

The perennial plant elytrigia repen of the Poaceae family is the most well-known representative genus Wheatgrass. The height of the stem can reach 150 cm, and the rhizomes lie at a depth of up to 15 cm. The spikelets are collected in a single spike, the number of flowers is up to 8 units. Leaves are bare, flat, elongated. The plant blooms in June–July and has several common names. Among these, the following are especially recognizable: dog grass, root grass, dandur grass, worm grass. The grass can reproduce by seeds and vegetatively.

Medicinal properties

Creeping wheatgrass is characterized by diaphoretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and laxative properties in the body. This multifaceted effect is ensured due to the peculiarities of the plant composition of the grass. These are silicon, malic and ascorbic acid, carotene, agroperine, saponins, peptides, polysaccharides, glycosides, essential and fatty oils, starch, carbohydrates and proteins. The plant is used not only for the purpose of effective treatment, but also as a publicly available method of prevention for women, men, and children.


Wheatgrass has taken a strong position in folk medicine, and it is used in otolaryngology, cardiology, traumatology, gastroenterology and more. According to their own pharmacological properties it is a powerful antiseptic, effective for treating colds, chronic constipation and pneumonia. For children this is effective treatment without side effects, since the plant composition of creeping wheatgrass adapts imperceptibly in the child’s body - without harm to health. Other applications are presented below:


Before using wheatgrass, you should consult your doctor for medical restrictions. The benefits of this medicinal plant border on a potential threat to health, so do not rush to start the course. For example, it is not recommended to use the weed in the following conditions:

Wheatgrass in folk medicine

From the rhizome, seeds and leaves you can prepare an aqueous decoction or alcohol tincture, and use this medicine strictly according to the prescription. Also useful is the juice of creeping wheatgrass, which is prescribed in concentrated or diluted form for diathesis, arthritis and osteochondrosis. In addition, such a prescription is appropriate for scrofula, skin rashes of different etiologies. Below are several effective recipes, in which the main ingredient is wheatgrass seeds or root.


This folk remedy intended for oral or external use – it all depends on medical indications and characteristics of the affected organism. For example, in case of gout, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse and dry the stems, and then chop them. Raw materials in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 4 hours. Strain, pour into a glass container, take 1 tbsp of wheatgrass internally. l. three times a day.

For eczema you can cook medicinal baths, and for medicinal decoction 2 tbsp required l. steam the chopped dried herb in 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse, strain, cool, add to a partial bath with warm water temperature 37 degrees. Such healing procedures spend 20 minutes up to 3-4 times a week before the onset of remission.


For radiation sickness, furunculosis, abscesses, barley, rosacea It is recommended to use the rhizome of the herb, which must first be washed, dried, and chopped (can be passed through a meat grinder). It is necessary to steam 30 g of prepared raw material with 1 liter of water, simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes after boiling. Take half a glass three times a day for 3-4 weeks.

In case of kidney stone disease or kidney problems, it is necessary to rinse and dry the rhizomes in advance, grind them through a meat grinder and dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio. Boil the mixture for 3-5 minutes, leave, cool, and store in a glass container. Take the decoction orally 1-2 tsp. before meals for 3-4 weeks.


For digestive problems, it is better to use seeds that are steamed in boiling water. For 1 tbsp. l. dried raw materials account for 1 tbsp. liquids. The finished medicine must be drunk at empty stomach, do not drink water. Eat only after 20-30 minutes. The course of treatment is until the alarming symptoms disappear completely.


What wheatgrass looks like - photo

Wheatgrass has more than a dozen species, but everyone knows the creeping grass, or, as it is called, dog grass. Cats and dogs really love to chew it, especially when the new leaves have just appeared. And for livestock, gray wheatgrass - best food. But a person constantly struggles with this, considering it harmful.

The bluegrass family is represented a huge amount plants, starting with grain and fodder cereals, ending with weeds, which include wheatgrass, although it is included in the nutrition of domestic animals.

Features of the grass structure:

  • By appearance the grass is distinguished by narrow plates of leaves of all shades of green, in some species with a slightly bluish bloom.
  • Parallel veins are laid along the leaf; the stem of the cereal looks like a hollow straw, rising from forty to one hundred centimeters in height.
  • The root system is fibrous in appearance, grows to a depth of 15 centimeters, and the length can reach hundreds of kilometers on one hectare with tens of millions of buds located on the rhizomes.
  • In summer, the panicle of the plant is covered with inconspicuous pale flowers, which from mid-summer to September turn into mature grains covered with a film.
  • In terms of fertility, the grass surpasses many of its relatives: up to ten thousand fruits can be collected from one spikelet.

The main feature of wheatgrass is its vitality: it is not afraid of cold, drought, and is hardy to the extreme. Falling even into unfavorable soil, its seeds remain viable for up to ten years, waiting good conditions for growth. Already at low air temperatures, about zero degrees, the weed begins to germinate, and when the temperature is above thirty, it develops with amazing speed.

The plant can be found everywhere, even in the northern hemisphere: on the sides of dusty roads and in well-kept gardens, in forest thickets and wastelands.

He loves well-moistened, humus-rich soils. These include swampy soil or loose sandy soil. In the old days, the plant was called creeping fire of the fields because farmers could not cope with weed grass, which made it difficult to obtain rich harvests of wheat and rye, constantly multiplying and destroying the crops.

The main condition for unlimited growth of wheatgrass is loose, moist soil. And if it rains from April to July, then the rhizomes of the plant begin to multiply wildly and become juicy and white. Each part of the root system grows close to the ground for some time, spreads, and then, bending upward, gives life to new wheatgrass. Even if you break the rhizome of a weed with a shovel when digging, you cannot hope that it will die. New grass begins to grow from the buds on the adventitious roots.

Wheatgrass resistance to diseases, frost, drought and others stressful situations allowed it to be crossed with wheat, a distant relative of the plant.

This is how new varieties of cereal appeared, which were successfully tested on virgin lands in the arid regions of Kazakhstan. The herbs are strengthened by the rush species sandy soils, dunes in the Baltic republics.

One can say about creeping wheatgrass that it loves to fill all the lands, absorbing large amounts of minerals necessary for nutrition, releasing elements into the soil that do not give life to cultivated species flora. But after five years of existence in one place, the wheatgrass itself leads to self-poisoning with phenols, and it leaves it, opening up new areas of growth.

From a botanist's point of view, this is weed- one of the most amazing, adapted to life in any conditions, always emerging victorious in a battle with a person.

Recently, many farmers have been sowing wheatgrass in their fields as an excellent high-quality feed or as a medicinal raw material. And although in wildlife wheatgrass grows without special troubles, but to dissolve it you need patience:

  • Growing grass seeds begins with preparing them and the soil. The seed material is soaked overnight in cold water, and then. Although the last action can be eliminated, and then the seeds are distributed over the area so that they do not come into contact with each other. And sprinkle them with a thin layer of earth on top, then stretch the film over the plantings. There is no need to do this when pre-germinating seeds. Wheatgrass is sown until mid-May.
  • Vegetative propagation is more acceptable for wheatgrass. Having separated the adventitious root with the bud-nodule, it is planted in the ground at a shallow depth. By digging up an area in advance where grass is already growing, you can give an impetus to its active reproduction. Then the plant even forgets to bloom and produce seeds. It doesn’t matter to her: it reproduces beautifully by rhizomes, capturing larger and larger areas.

Wheatgrass prefers well-lit areas with loose soil. By compacting the soil or deepening the grass roots, you can reduce its germination and productivity.

For those who want to start a business of growing fodder grains for household and farms, can benefit with almost no effort. The profitability of such plantings is great.

It seems that such a weed does not require any care, but this is not so. Yes, it is not too expensive, like, for example, for wheat. But there are some features of caring for bluish wheatgrass:

  1. Although forage grass is undemanding to the climate and uses moisture well upper layers soil, but still in severe droughts it requires watering.
  2. Depending on the composition of the soil, phosphorus is added if this element is deficient, or nitrogen is applied. The latter are applied in mid-autumn so that rain and snow precipitation can dissolve them well and bury them 20 centimeters into the soil. Spring fertilizing does not give results due to the dryness of the soil.

Wheatgrass in steppe regions is used on pastures during the summer when the grass is up to twenty centimeters high. The first time it is given to livestock is in May, and then as the grass grows.

From proper care wheatgrass depends on the amount of pet food.

To prepare large reserves of water in the soil in winter, snow barriers are installed in wheatgrass fields.

To increase productivity, the old grass stand is destroyed by plowing, giving way to new growth.

Wheatgrass contains many useful substances, it is rich in fatty oils, vitamins - carotene, ascorbic acid– fructose, malic, silicic acid, glycides, minerals. In ancient times, our ancestors immediately appreciated the benefits of grass leaves and its rhizomes. The roots, crushed into flour, were used to bake cakes and bread; they were used to make jelly, beer, and surrogate coffee; the herb was added to salads and soups.

And now traditional healers Creeping wheatgrass is used in many medicinal recipes:

  • A decoction of the rhizome is used in the treatment of cystitis, nephritis, and enuresis. They cure inflammatory processes in the stomach, intestines, pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system. It is effective for external and internal use for eczema, furunculosis, diathesis, scrofula, and rickets. A healing decoction is prepared like this: squeezed from fresh roots The juice is half diluted with water and boiled for several minutes. Take half a glass orally before meals three times a day. According to another recipe, crushed roots (two tablespoons) are poured with boiling water in the amount of two glasses, kept on low heat for several minutes.
  • Uterine bleeding, heavy menstruation can be stopped with the help of a stronger infusion of herbs, for which the portion of raw materials is doubled. It also helps with education hemorrhoids, constipation.
  • An infusion of the plant is used as compresses, lotions, and baths to treat skin problems, colds, coughs, and hemorrhoids. The drink is prepared simply: first, pour two tablespoons of the powder into half a liter of cold water and leave for a day. After straining, pour boiled water in the same amount, leaving for an hour. Both infusions, cold and hot, are combined and consumed before meals, one hundred milliliters three times throughout the day.
  • Fresh juice is used to treat arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, pneumonia, and bronchitis. It is taken for kidney stones and gall bladder stones.
  • If a person wants to lose weight, then best product You can't find wheatgrass for this. It will increase sweating, cleanse the body of waste and toxins, and improve metabolic processes in tissues.

Traditional healers assure that there is no disease that cannot be cured with creeping wheatgrass in the absence of contraindications to its use.

The raw materials for the medicine are prepared in autumn or spring by digging it up, washing it and drying it. Dry the rhizomes in a ventilated area until tender, and then grind them into powder with your hands. The medicine is stored in glass jars and used as directed for three years.

More information can be found in the video:

Everyone knows what this grass looks like - creeping wheatgrass. It can be found in a meadow or forest edge, on garden plot and along the road. Wheatgrass is a weed that is extremely difficult to remove from the garden - the root of an adult plant is very powerful and can grow in diameter up to 2.5 - 3 meters. Creeping wheatgrass grows very quickly, and its seeds are carried by the wind, on the wheels of cars or by birds over long distances.

Botanical features of creeping wheatgrass

Creeping wheatgrass belongs to herbaceous perennials from the Poa family, division - angiosperms, class: monocotyledons, order: Poaceae, grass family; genus: Wheatgrass. The kingdom of this weed is vast, because it grows almost everywhere. Thanks to the powerful root system, which is located in horizontal plane, the plant can extract moisture from a fairly large area. The roots branch out as they grow, sometimes coming to the surface and giving birth to new shoots of this perennial. The length of the roots of one wheatgrass can reach 13 - 15 m, and the area over which the perennial rhizome spreads can be up to 5 - 7 m 2. The height of the erect stems can be up to 1.5 m. The foliage is flat, its upper side is slightly rough.

The flowers are inconspicuous, collected in “spikelets” (in each inflorescence - 5 - 10 pieces), which are collected in a common spike up to 15 cm long. The fruits are a grain (about 10 cm long), it is enclosed in floral scales. The perennial blooms at the end of May - mid-June. The fruits ripen from July to September. Wheatgrass is wind pollinated.

It is extremely difficult to eradicate this weed. It can reproduce by seeds or root cuttings. Even a small piece of root left in the soil and having one or two living buds will certainly give life to a new plant.

The benefits and harms of wheatgrass for garden crops

Every gardener knows that weeds do more harm to cultivated plants than they do good. So, Wheatgrass suppresses the development of weak seedlings in the garden, displacing weak vegetable crops from the garden bed. But when tomatoes or cabbage have already gained strength and bloomed, then weeds are no longer particularly scary for them. But in the potato patch everything is different. Wheatgrass prevents the growth of potato tops, gnaws through potato tubers with its roots and takes food from them for itself.

Since you have to constantly fight wheatgrass in the garden, weeding the beds every week, we can say that it also has benefits - gardeners will regularly weed vegetable crops while simultaneously loosening the beds.

How to get rid of weeds without chemicals

Fighting wheatgrass in the garden is a long process. It is simply impossible to get rid of the roots of this perennial in one weeding, so after a while it will grow again. Is it possible to get rid of it without using chemicals? Yes, you can, you just have to work hard and be patient - it will take a long time to fight this perennial weed.

Useful properties of creeping wheatgrass (video)

The beds should be weeded regularly, and wheatgrass and its roots should not be thrown into a common heap - even dry roots of this weed can germinate again under favorable conditions. Therefore, it is better to collect this weed in a separate pile and burn it immediately.

There are many ways to combat creeping wheatgrass without the use of chemicals:

  • strangulation method;
  • picking rhizomes from the soil;
  • planting crops that suppress this weed nearby;
  • weeding.

If it is possible to leave the area occupied by wheatgrass free from planting, then the following procedure can be applied. The area occupied by wheatgrass is covered with thick black polyethylene., which will not allow the sun's rays to reach the plant, press down along the edges with stones, branches and leave for a couple of seasons. In this case, the wheatgrass will not receive sunlight, the process of photosynthesis will not take place in it, and the plant will simply die.

Medicinal properties and benefits of wheatgrass rhizome for the human body

Despite their negative qualities, wheatgrass is still beneficial for the human body. The juice of this plant and the roots of this weed are actively used in folk medicine. This plant contains the following substances:

  • glycides;
  • polysaccharides;
  • Apple acid;
  • fructose;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene
  • and other beneficial minerals and chemical compounds.

The roots of creeping wheatgrass have the following medicinal properties:

  • heal wounds;
  • have anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects;
  • relieve pain;
  • diuretic;
  • sweatshop;
  • enveloping.

Preparations based on the juice and roots of the grass help:

  • purify the blood;
  • remove harmful substances and toxins from the body;
  • lower “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • accelerate tissue regeneration;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • improve sleep;
  • appetite improves.

Treatment similar drugs does not replace medications, but is an addition to drug treatment. According to reviews, wheatgrass preparations help with the above diseases.

Wheatgrass in folk medicine (video)

Recipes and uses of wheatgrass in folk medicine

In folk medicine, juice, decoctions and infusions are prepared from the medicinal plant and its roots.

To prepare the juice, the roots along with the stems are thoroughly washed and passed through a meat grinder. Add the same amount of boiling water (warm) to the resulting mixture and squeeze the juice through gauze folded in several layers. Freshly squeezed juice is simmered over low heat for 180 seconds. Then it is cooled and you can drink it. The finished juice can be stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days., Then beneficial features disappear. Adults can drink the resulting juice one tablespoon before meals.

An infusion from the roots of this plant is prepared as follows: 1.5 tablespoons of dried chopped roots are poured into 200 ml of cold water and left for ½ day in the refrigerator. Then the resulting infusion is filtered, the squeezed raw material is poured with boiling water (200 ml) for 1/6 hour. Both infusions are mixed together. The resulting “potion” is taken for:

  • diabetes;
  • joint diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Harm and contraindications to the use of medicinal plants

In addition to the advantages, this plant also has disadvantages. Wheatgrass preparations are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • if a person has acute pancreatitis;
  • stomach upset;
  • stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer;
  • children under 3-4 years old;
  • in case of individual intolerance or allergic reaction to wheatgrass.

How to deal with wheatgrass (video)

This is weed perennial- a real disaster in the garden, because it is not possible to completely eradicate it right away. And although the plant is a typical weed, at the same time it is medicinal plant, juice and decoctions from the roots of which help with a number of diseases.

Gallery: creeping wheatgrass (25 photos)
