Do you need to worry if discharge appears after betadine? Discharge after vaginal suppositories Betadine

For quotation: Tikhomirov A.L., Lubnin D.M. Betadine in the practice of a gynecologist // RMZh. 2001. No. 6. P. 243

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology FPDO MGMSU

P After the introduction of PCR methods for identifying microorganisms into widespread practice, “banal” colpitis, which for half a century required the gynecologist to wearily remind the patient about the usefulness of douching with chamomile infusion, turned out to be not so “simple”. Chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma and other microorganisms forced gynecologists to comprehend the “aerobatics” of antibiotic therapy, sometimes using multi-component long-term regimens, the side effects of which in some cases are more severe than the disease being cured. Practicing gynecologists were completely misled by the appearance of the term “ bacterial vaginosis" Any descriptions of this pathological condition of the vagina are primarily intended for microbiologists, and the recommended therapeutic approaches are extremely controversial.

On the other hand, the number of sexually transmitted diseases is steadily increasing, and modern social norms behavior and attitude towards the problem of the state do not imply its future reduction.

Obviously, before causing an inflammatory process, the microorganism must enter and remain for some time in the place where this inflammation is localized. Antiseptics are designed to resist this process and cope with it. The effectiveness of antiseptics is mainly determined by the timely use of the antiseptic and the correctness of its selection. In gynecology, when carrying out various interventions, iodine, which has a wide spectrum of action, is most often used for these purposes. However, simply lubricating the vagina and cervix with cotton soaked in iodine before an invasive procedure is not always sufficient. To improve the quality of antiseptics, it is necessary to use such modern means, as Betadine (available as vaginal suppositories, solution and ointment).

Betadine is a complex compound of iodine and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), an inert synthetic polymer that acts as a carrier. Therefore everything pharmacological properties drugs are associated only with iodine. The question immediately arises: how, in this case, does Betadine differ from cotton wool with iodine? During contact with the skin and mucous membranes, iodine, which is in combination with PVP, is released gradually, evenly, without exhibiting an irritating effect.

Iodine belongs to the group of halogen antiseptics, its spectrum of action extends to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. The bactericidal effect of iodine is explained by its strong oxidizing properties; it actively interacts with the amino acids of proteins, as a result of which the quaternary structure of the protein changes and its catalytic and enzymatic activity is lost. Basically, iodine disrupts the structures of bacterial transmembrane proteins and enzymes that do not have membrane protection.

Compared to other antiseptics, Betadine has a number of significant advantages. Firstly, Betadine is more effective than other antiseptics in suppressing the proliferation of microorganisms even in large dilutions (up to 1/256). In addition, the physicochemical conditions in the site of inflammation, determined by pH, protein, blood, enzymes, have little effect on the action of Betadine. Secondly, Betadine has the widest antiviral spectrum of action, including enteroviruses, polio and herpes viruses, as well as adenoviruses and influenza viruses.

In the practice of a gynecologist, Betadine is extremely necessary drug. The first (and main) area of ​​application of Betadine is the prevention of postoperative complications. In particular, our experience is indicative. Before an abortion or diagnostic curettage, 80 women were prescribed Betadine for 7 days, 1 suppository 2 times a day, and immediately before the procedure, ultrasound resonance instillation was performed in cervical canal 10% Betadine solution for 2 minutes. As a result, we did not record a single case of inflammatory complications either on the day of discharge or 10 days later. Of the 80 women who did not receive preventive therapy with Betadine, 45% postoperative period I had to prescribe antibiotics.

Similar results were obtained in a study by Saratov colleagues. They were able not only to identify the effectiveness of Betadine for the prevention of inflammatory complications after medical abortion in women suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, but also to show its advantage over another antiseptic - chlorhexidine.

Thus, one of the areas of application for Betadine has clearly been identified - the prevention of inflammatory diseases. However, the question of the use of Betadine for bacterial vaginosis is even more pressing, since the question of the nature of this pathological condition and rational methods of its treatment has not yet been resolved. Traditional treatment regimens for this disease sometimes themselves provoke vaginal dysbiosis.

Questions of etiology, pathogenesis and, accordingly, effective therapy for this pathological condition remain open. Contradictions begin to appear already in the issue of diagnostic criteria. Thus, four are widely known diagnostic signs Amsel (pH more than 4.5; white homogeneous discharge covering the entire vaginal mucosa; positive test with CON; the presence of “key” cells), however, there is also a Nugent scoring system. This system is based on the count of bacteria in a Gram-stained smear, a defined morphology and staining pattern corresponding to Lactobacillus, Gardnerella and Mobiluncus. With a score of 7 to 10 points, a diagnosis of “bacterial vaginosis” is made, from 4 to 6 – an intermediate state of the flora, and less than 3 points – the norm. The Nugent system is used in the West along with the Amsel criteria. At the same time, in one multicenter study It was shown that in 11% of women diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis according to the Amsel criteria, the Nugent system did not confirm the diagnosis, and in 30% of women with bacterial vaginosis according to the Nugent system there were no Amsel criteria. In addition, in 50% of cases, bacterial vaginosis is generally asymptomatic.

Bacterial vaginosis cannot be classified as a sexually transmitted disease. This was convincingly shown in a study where bacterial vaginosis was detected in 12% of 52 virgins adolescence and 15% of 68 girls in the same age group who were already sexually active. However, bacterial vaginosis is sexually transmitted among women during homosexual relationships. Yes, the incidence is very high bacterial vaginosis among lesbians.

In our country, trigger factors for the development of bacterial vaginosis mostly include endogenous factors, while exogenous factors include factors that are, in fact, less common than bacterial vaginosis itself. IN foreign literature on the contrary, among the main trigger factors for the development of bacterial vaginosis are exogenous causes, such as frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse, frequent vaginal douches, changing sexual partners, wearing tight-fitting non-absorbent underwear, cunnilingus, the nature of the flora of the partner's sac and other factors.

Therapy for bacterial vaginosis has remained unchanged for a long time and includes the prescription of metronidazole or its analogues per os or 2% clindamycin or metronidazole cream per vaginal.

The beginning of the widespread use of Betadine in gynecological practice in our country has revealed its effectiveness in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. According to N.V. Rymashevsky et al. who studied quantitative characteristics vaginal microflora patients with urogenital disorders in reproductive age, after using Betadine, the number of microorganisms that cause the clinical picture of bacterial vaginosis, such as gardnerella, mobiluncus, peptococci and peptostreptococci, significantly decreased. At the same time, during therapy with Betadine, the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are an important component normal vaginal microbiocenosis. Therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment for bacterial vaginosis, after 7 days of using Betadine, 1 suppository 2 times a day, it is sometimes necessary to carry out the rehabilitation stage with eubiotics lacto- and bifidumbacterin intravaginally 2 times a day, 5 doses for a week.

Considering the significant role of exogenous factors in the development of bacterial vaginosis, its prevention is possible. In particular, Betadine vaginal suppositories can be used for this purpose. It is indispensable in situations of unprotected sexual intercourse or condom rupture. Betadine can replace frequent vaginal douches and douching in women prone to mysophobia (fear of infection). In addition, with for preventive purposes Betadine can be used during the premenstrual period in women with frequent relapses of bacterial vaginosis, since it is during this phase that the vaginal pH rises, which can promote the activation of anaerobic growth.

In addition to the prevention and treatment of bacterial vaginosis, Betadine directly and indirectly prevents the development of other, more serious illnesses. This is due to the fact that against the background of bacterial vaginosis, sensitivity to infection increases significantly various infections sexually transmitted diseases, in particular HIV infection.

Thus, it is necessary to clearly define the main areas of application of Betadine. Firstly, Betadine, as an antiseptic, is used for the treatment and prevention of bacterial vaginosis. Secondly, Betadine is used to prevent inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs during invasive interventions (installation of an IUD, abortion, diathermocoagulation). Thirdly, in Everyday life women Betadine provides prevention of sexually transmitted infections. In addition, Betadine - good alternative frequent vaginal douches and douching. And one last thing. When using Betadine, it is important to remember that the earlier it is used, the less antibiotics are needed.

The list of references can be found on the website


Betadine (trade name) (Aegis)


1. Chuvashkin D.N., Mikhailov A.V., Yarovskaya N.P. Betadine in the preoperative preparation of patients suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs., Breast Cancer 2001. reprint

2. Phillip E. Hay Recurrent bacterial vaginosis, Dermatologic Clinics, Vol. 16, No. 4, Oct. 1998

3. Jane R. Schwebke Asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis: Response to therapy, Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Vol. 183, No. 6, Dec. 2000

4. Bump RC, Buesching WJ: Bacterial vaginosis in virginal and sexually active adolescent females: Evidence against exclusive sexual transmission. Am J Obstet Gynecol Vol.158:935, 1988

5. Berger BJ, Kolton S, Zenilman JM, et al: Bacterial vaginosis in lesbians: A sexually transmitted disease. Clin Infect Dis 21:1402, 1995

6. Draper DL, Landers DV, Krohn MA, Hillier SL et al. Levels of vaginal secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor are decreased in women with lower reproductive tract infections Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Vol. 183, No. 5, Nov. 2000

7. N.V. Romashevsky et al. “Experience of using Betadine (EGIS) for the correction of vaginal dysbiosis in patients reproductive age”, Bulletin of the Russian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2000, No. 1

Betadine suppositories are universal pharmacy medicine, which is used to treat a variety of gynecological diseases. Traditional medicine is characterized by the presence of antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, which ensures high efficiency of therapy during the period of its use.

Betadine is a universal traditional medicine used to combat a variety of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

The traditional medicine is produced in the form of suppositories, which are inserted into the vagina of a representative of the fairer sex. The active substance of the traditional medicine is povidone-iodine. As excipient polyethylene glycol is used. The drug is sold in blisters, which are placed in cardboard packaging. One blister contains seven suppositories.

After the woman inserts the vaginal suppositories, it will dissolve. In this case, the release of iodine is observed. Using this active component viruses, fungi and pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. The active substance of the traditional medicine binds to the proteins of the pathogen cells. As a result, their coagulation is observed.

The molecules of traditional medicine are characterized by large enough sizes, which guarantees their local effect. Pharmaceutical medicine is not absorbed into the blood. This ensures the safety of its use. The active component of the traditional medicine penetrates shallowly into the tissue. Despite this, it is released quite slowly, which provides an excellent therapeutic effect. Due to its safety, betadine is allowed to be used by various categories of patients.

Vaginal suppositories are characterized by the highest possible effect. Despite this, before using traditional medicine, it is necessary to mandatory consult a doctor.

Betadine suppositories are characterized by a wide spectrum of action. That is why they are used for the treatment of various diseases in gynecology. Pharmacy medicine is a component complex therapy during therapy venereal diseases infectious nature. Traditional medicine is used to treat:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • genital herpes;
  • chlamydia.

If the patient has infectious processes in the genital tract, which arise as a result of the proliferation of fungi, then she is required to be prescribed betadine suppositories, the indications for which are different. Instructions for use recommend the use of vaginal suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis.

At inflammatory processes in the internal genital area, the use of traditional medicine is also recommended. Most often it is used to treat vulvovaginitis and colpitis. With the help of this traditional medicine it is also necessary to treat endocervitis and vaginitis. Traditional medicine is characterized high level effectiveness against gardrenellosis.

Pharmacy medicine is often used for preventive purposes. Candles can also be used after such medical procedure, like uterine probing. After installation intrauterine device The fairer sex must use suppositories.

Due to the wide range of effects, betadine suppositories are used for the treatment of diseases. Indications for use require the use of vaginal suppositories strictly in accordance with the instructions, which will ensure the highest possible therapeutic effect.

Despite the high effectiveness of the pharmaceutical drug, it is characterized by the presence of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use traditional medicine if you are hypersensitive to the main or auxiliary component. If the patient has impaired thyroid function, then the use of traditional medication is not recommended. If peeling is observed on the labia or the patient feels itching in this area, then it is not worth using pharmaceutical medicine for therapy.

Doctors do not prescribe traditional medication if the patient is taking medications that contain iodine. If a representative of the fairer sex has hyperthyroidism, then she is prohibited from using suppositories. A contraindication to the use of betadine is vaginal dryness. If a woman has allergies skin, then vaginal suppositories are not prescribed to her. For pathologies that are unclear and cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the women's genitals, traditional medicine is contraindicated.

Betadine suppositories are characterized by the presence of contraindications. That is why, before using a traditional medication, it is necessary to consult a doctor, who will first determine the contraindications.

The introduction of suppositories for the treatment of various gynecological diseases is carried out by a female representative into the vagina. Before this, it is imperative to carry out hygiene procedures.

If the patient develops infectious process, which is acute, then she needs to use one betadine suppository daily. To ensure the highest possible therapeutic effect It is recommended to use traditional medicine in the evening before bedtime. After inserting the suppository, the woman should not get up.

The course of therapy is determined by a gynecologist. This is influenced by the characteristics of the body of the fairer sex, diagnosis and level of neglect of the disease. On average, the course of therapy lasts from three days to two weeks. If the need arises, the daily dose of traditional medication can be doubled by the doctor. It is strictly forbidden to increase it on your own to avoid the appearance of side effects.

If the patient has had casual sexual contact or is being prescribed procedures to treat female diseases, then the traditional medication is prescribed for preventive purposes. For this purpose, it is necessary to use one suppository daily. The duration of prophylaxis should be at least 5 days.

It is recommended to administer the medicine to the patient in a lying position. The pharmaceutical medicine is injected deeper into the vagina. When treated with medication, a woman should use sanitary pads. Betadine can be used during menstruation. This allows the patient to complete the course of therapy without interruption. If after a week of using the traditional medicine there is no therapeutic effect, then the woman needs to visit a gynecologist. The doctor will clarify the diagnosis and prescribe rational therapy.

The main component of the traditional medicine is characterized by the absence of a negative teratogenic effect on the fetus. This is why many doctors allow the use of betadine suppositories during pregnancy. Gynecologists do not recommend using the medicine in the initial stages of bearing a child. This is explained by the possibility of iodine penetrating into a woman’s placenta. With increased doses of traditional medication during this period, the process of formation of the child’s thyroid gland may be disrupted.

The use of traditional medicine for the treatment and prevention of diseases in pregnant women in the later stages of pregnancy is permitted only if the benefit to her is greater than potential risks for the fetus. During the period of using traditional medicine, doctors should constantly monitor the woman’s condition. Fetal development is also monitored.

The use of betadine when a representative of the fairer sex is feeding a newborn child is only possible if the doctor monitors the therapy process. Since traditional medicine is characterized local influence and is not absorbed into the blood. That is why the baby's body in the womb active substance pharmaceutical medicine is not absorbed. Despite this, before using a traditional medicine, a representative of the fairer sex must consult a doctor.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of Betadine is permitted in rare cases. Traditional medication can only be taken after a doctor’s prescription.

If the patient has contraindications to the use of betadine, then he must be prescribed another pharmaceutical medicine that is characterized by a similar effect. Today, there are a variety of drugs that can be used to replace betadine with analogues:

  • Flucostat. With the help of this traditional medicine, diseases that arise as a result of exposure to streptococci that are sensitive to the active component of the mushrooms are treated. Also, with the use of this pharmaceutical medicine, candidiasis is eliminated.
  • Irunin. The use of traditional medicine is carried out for fungal infections of the skin, regardless of their location, deep systemic mycoses, in which there is pronounced damage to the skin and mucous membrane.
  • Itrakon. Thanks to the universal effects of this traditional medicine, the fight against mycoses that arise as a result of the influence of dermatophytes is carried out. Vulvovaginal candidiasis is also treated using traditional medication.
  • Rumicosis. The traditional medicine is used for the treatment of dermatomycosis, keratitis, which has a fungal etiology. With the help of pharmaceutical medicine, candidiasis and allergies, which are systemic in nature, are eliminated.

Thanks to the availability large quantity Betadine analogues provide the opportunity to maximize effective therapy. Price for medications quite low, which ensures their availability.

Many women leave their reviews about Betadine. Most of them are positive:

With the help of Betadine I was able to cure genital herpes. This vaginal suppository did not cause any side effects for me, since the doctor selected the dosage correctly. What I liked most was that the price of the traditional medicine was quite low.

Inna, 36 years old

Betadine is a very good pharmaceutical medicine. It has positive reviews. That is why I decided to buy it for the treatment of thrush. Thanks to the universal properties of the drug, I was able to overcome the disease very quickly.

Yulia, 27 years old

When I was diagnosed with colpitis, I was very scared. But the doctor advised me to undergo betadine therapy. I liked the fact that the traditional medicine works. With his help, I was able to eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the disease itself.

Tatyana, 30 years old

This medicine is a powerful disinfectant and antiseptic that is extremely effective against viruses, fungi, E. coli and other pathogens of pathological infections.

Betadine is commercially available in the form of elongated suppositories. Brown for intravaginal use. One candle contains:

  • 200 mg of povidone-iodine (corresponds to 24 mg of iodine) – the main substance;
  • polyethylene glycol is an excipient.

In pharmacies you can find Betadine in packages with 1-2 blisters, each of which contains 7 suppositories.

Betadine is inserted into the vagina and actively begins to decompose. During this, iodine enters the tissue, actively destroying everything harmful microorganisms, viruses and fungi.

Povidone-iodine works simply: its molecules bind to the proteins of infectious agents and this leads to their coagulation and death.

Since povidone-iodine molecules are quite large in size, they are not immediately absorbed into the blood and their effect is local. The active substance does not interact with mucous membranes when vaginal insertion suppositories.

Despite the fact that the drug molecules do not penetrate very deeply into the tissues, it therapeutic effect lasts longer due to its slow release. The drug is simultaneously:

  • antiseptic;
  • disinfectant;
  • antifungal;
  • antiprotozoal action.

The drug does not have a toxic effect, but its use without a doctor’s prescription is not recommended.

Since Betadine suppositories are antimicrobial agent wide range, it is effective against all pathogens of infectious diseases and is used for local treatment several diseases at once:

  • vaginitis in acute or chronic form;
  • vaginosis, caused by the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis;
  • candidiasis;
  • vaginal infections after steroid or antibiotic therapy.

It is also often used as an antiseptic prophylaxis before interventions in the vagina (surgical or diagnostic).

Contraindications to taking these suppositories are:

  • allergy to iodine or polyethylene glycol;
  • the patient has functional impairment thyroid gland;
  • thyroid adenoma or Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis was diagnosed.

The medicine should also not be taken at the same time as radioactive iodine as chemotherapy against cancer.

Children under 8 years of age are prohibited from using the drug, and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding are prescribed it only when emergency.

Betadine suppositories are used only inside the vagina once a day at night. The course of treatment is usually one week, after which it is recommended to take a break.

If the drug was prescribed as a medicine for acute or chronic infection, the course can be increased to 2 weeks. For acute vaginitis, it is recommended to place suppositories 2 times a day for one week, and for chronic vaginitis - once a day for two weeks.

  • carry out hygiene procedures (take a shower and wash thoroughly);
  • you need to lie down on the bed;
  • place a small cushion or pillow under your lower back;
  • spread your legs wide to the side;
  • insert a suppository into the vagina.

If Betadine is used as prophylactic or in the presence of complications (infectious or inflammatory) during or after the procedure gynecological interventions, then suppositories are used once a day at night every day for 5 days after the procedure. It may be prescribed before gynecological intervention according to another scheme, which must be prescribed by the attending physician.

A characteristic feature of the drug is its use regardless of menstruation (can be used during bleeding).
If, within a week after treatment, worsening of the symptoms of the disease and no improvement were noticed general condition, then you should consult a doctor to adjust the treatment or prescribe a repeat course of the drug.

Since the active substance medicinal product Povidone does not have teratogenic effects, then the use of Betadine suppositories during pregnancy is possible only in the first trimester of pregnancy, if the potential benefit to the mother is greater than possible risk for a child. The assessment is carried out by a doctor, taking into account all the features and indications.

Once pregnancy has passed the 3-month mark, the use of suppositories is not recommended. The drug can only be prescribed in special case and only with the permission of the attending physician and gynecologist.

During the appointment, doctors are required to monitor the condition of the child and the function of the mother’s thyroid gland.

During lactation, intake medicine is also prohibited and can only be permitted if absolutely necessary. In case of taking suppositories breast-feeding should be replaced with artificial one.

Despite the fact that Povidone-iodine does not have teratogenic effects, iodine that is absorbed into the mother's tissue can cross the placenta.
It can also enter the baby's body through breast milk, which is why before taking the drug you should make sure that the mother needs it and get permission.

The composition of the drug makes it quite easy to digest, without irritating effects and side effects. In terms of its properties, Povidone-iodine has much less irritant effect than concentrated regular iodine, but may still cause local irritation. Side effects of the drug also include:

  • contact dermatitis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • negative effect on sperm.

If the patient experiences some of these symptoms, you should stop taking the medication and contact your doctor. Due to the negative effect of iodine on sperm, it should not be used during pregnancy planning or the period of immediate conception.

An overdose of the drug is possible with repeated use of povidone-iodine, as well as taking suppositories orally. In the second case, acute intoxication may begin with the following symptoms:

  • metallic taste;
  • increased salivation;
  • burning or pain in the nasopharynx;
  • eye irritation and swelling;
  • skin manifestations;
  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea;
  • labored breathing;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • kidney dysfunction.

If you use the drug for a long enough time without breaks, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and subsequent problems may occur. If you suspect an overdose, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

As soon as the drug has been accidentally ingested, you should ingest foods containing large amounts of starch or protein (dissolve a large amount of starch in water or milk) and immediately go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital.

The main substance of the suppositories Betadine Povidone-iodine is incompatible with other disinfectants and antiseptics:

  • hydrogen peroxide or other oxidizing agents,
  • salicylic acid,
  • mercury and bismuth salts,
  • enzyme ointments,
  • alkaloid salts,
  • alkalis.

Concerning special instructions, then they can be separated into a separate list:

  1. If the patient has blood or purulent discharge, then these factors reduce the antimicrobial effect of the drug;
  2. The oxidizing properties of a substance can give false positives some studies;
  3. If the patient has thyroid dysfunction, the medication can only be used as directed by a doctor;
  4. If there is a history of renal failure, suppositories should also be used with caution;
  5. It is not recommended for use by patients who are already taking lithium preparations;
  6. Betadine is not recommended for use by children under 8 years of age;
  7. Virgins should replace the suppositories with another type of medicine with Povidone-iodine or be careful when administering it;
  8. The skin may turn brownish, but this can be easily treated with warm water and soap.

Betadine can be purchased at any certified pharmacy at a price from 370 to 450 rubles per package with one blister. Analogues of the drug are:

  • Iodoxide - from 248 to 300 rubles per package;
  • Povidone-Iodine – from 400 rubles per pack;
  • Iodosept - from 140 rubles per package.

Betaserc: indications for use of the drug are described in our publication.

Instructions for using Relief ointment are in this article.

Inflammatory processes in the genital area in women are best treated with local remedies. Betadine suppositories, which are prescribed very widely in gynecology, have a powerful disinfecting effect.

Betadine - description and action

Medicine Betadine For local application belongs to the class of antiseptic agents. It is presented in various dosage forms:

  • suppositories (suppositories) for intravaginal administration, weight - 0.2 g;
  • solution for gargling and for other purposes 10%, volume - 0.125, 1 l;
  • ointment 10%, 20 g in tube.

Suppositories are packaged in 7 pieces in a blister, in packages of 1 and 2 blisters. A pack of 7 candles costs 480 rubles, for 14 candles you will have to pay 590 rubles. The suppositories are dark brown in color and have a torpedo shape.

The active substance of the drug is povidone-iodine, and 200 mg of this substance contains about 24 mg of iodine. An additional ingredient is the preservative macrogol 1000.

You need to store the product in the refrigerator, since the temperature should not be higher than 15 degrees. Children's access to medicine must be strictly limited!

The main actions of the drug are disinfectant, antiseptic, antiprotozoal, antimycotic.

Candles help cope with various types infections - with bacteria, fungi, protozoa. As a result of the release of iodine, which has a bactericidal effect, the drug promotes the death of microbial cells within a minimum period of time. Iodine is able to block the proteins of pathogenic microbes, causing them to clot. As it works, the iodine becomes discolored.

The drug is almost not absorbed into the bloodstream, but is released slowly inside the vagina, which provides a prolonged effect. The result is:

  • elimination of itching, burning, pain;
  • restoration of the microflora of the reproductive tract.

The drug is non-toxic and not addictive. According to clinical trials, after using Betadine, its effect is observed after 15 seconds, and the complete elimination of microbes occurs in a minute. The substance works most actively against staphylococcus, streptococcus, coli, destroys a number of viruses.

Indications of the medicine

The drug is prescribed for various gynecological diseases. Indications for the use of Betadine suppositories include:

  • acute vaginitis caused by nonspecific pathogens;
  • chronic vaginitis, provoked by mixed microflora or single pathogens;
  • gardnerellosis(bacterial vaginosis).

For trichomoniasis, treatment with Betadine is auxiliary in nature - it complements systemic antibiotic therapy. Betadine suppositories are also prescribed for the treatment of thrush (vaginal candidiasis) caused by Candida fungi.

This disease may be caused by taking a long course of antibacterial or hormonal treatment, as a result of which vaginal dysbiosis develops in parallel.

Other indications for suppository therapy are the need to disinfect the vagina before operations or minimally invasive interventions, diagnostic procedures. The drug stops the development of relapse of genital herpes, and in combination with other drugs treats mycoplasmosis and chlamydia.

Instructions for use

How much and in what dosage to use the drug must be decided by a specialist - it depends on the indications and severity of the pathology. Before the procedure, you should wash your hands with soap and wash the genital area. Suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina in a lying position; before use, they can be moistened with water for more comfortable insertion.

  • acute vaginitis- in the morning, in the evening, 1 candle, course - 7 days;
  • subacute, chronic vaginitis- before bed once a day, course 2 weeks;
  • prevention of gynecological diseases for sexual contact without barrier protection - one suppository/day for 5 days (the medicine does not protect against HIV infection and only reduces the risk of contracting an STI), it is important to administer the first suppository no later than 2 hours from the moment of contact.

During menstruation, therapy should not be interrupted, although the effectiveness of the drug decreases. Therefore, it is advisable to plan a course after menstruation or in advance of its onset.

It is recommended to use sanitary pads throughout the course of treatment with Betadine.

During pregnancy, suppositories are allowed for use if there are indications for this.

Still, it is better to avoid using iodine in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it can negatively affect the endocrine glands of the fetus. During lactation, treatment is permitted according to strict indications.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the low systemic absorption, the medicine has a number of contraindications:

  • Dühring's dermatitis;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • neoplasms of the thyroid gland;
  • radioactive iodine therapy or diagnostic procedures using it;
  • age up to 8 years;
  • hypersensitivity, allergy.

Side effects during the treatment period are rare, mainly itching and redness of the skin of the genital organs. Contact dermatitis is very rarely observed, which requires discontinuation of therapy.

Long-term use of suppositories causes systemic absorption and may have a detrimental effect on the thyroid gland.

The drug Betadine has strong antiseptic properties. Betadine drugs are prescribed as part of complex therapy for infectious diseases genitourinary area. Most often, the drug is used in gynecology and urology for the treatment of urethritis, cystitis, and ureaplasmosis.


The active ingredient of the drug is povidone-iodine. The spectrum of action of Betadine is wide, it extends to fungi, viruses and bacteria, due to the presence of iodine in the composition. Betadine is produced in three dosage forms:

  • vaginal suppositories;
  • solution;
  • ointment.

The effect of application occurs instantly: 20 seconds after contact with mucous membranes it dies most of pathogenic microflora. For Betadine suppositories, indications for use may be as follows:

  • mixed and nonspecific vaginitis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • thrush;
  • treatment of fungal, viral and bacterial infections skin (ointment);
  • genital herpes;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia and mycoplasmosis;
  • treatment of bedsores and trophic ulcers;
  • infections urinary system: urethritis, cystitis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis;
  • infectious dermatitis;
  • treatment of abrasions, burns and scratches (solution or ointment).

In addition, Betadine is used during preparation for surgery for the sanitation of mucous membranes and skin, and for diagnostic procedures in obstetrics. The ointment is used to treat small cuts to prevent the development of infection.

To block the irritating effect of iodine, polyvinylpyrrolidone is added to the medicine. Despite the concerns of patients, Betadine suppositories are well tolerated and do not cause serious side effects.

Long-term treatment with Betadine promotes the accumulation of iodine in the body. The concentration of this compound occurs especially quickly when treating large areas of skin or severe burns. The level of iodine in the blood normalizes two weeks after taking the last dose of the drug.

Betadine should not be used simultaneously with other disinfectants, since their antiseptic effect is significantly reduced. First of all, this rule applies to hydrogen peroxide.

In addition, treatment with Betadine is contraindicated while using medications containing silver, taurolidine, and enzymes. The combination of these substances leads to the formation of alkaline mercury iodide. While taking Betadine, you should avoid lithium-containing medications (pills that are prescribed to treat mental illness).

Preparations similar to Betadine in composition:

  • Vocadine;
  • Iodosept;
  • Polyiodine;
  • Iodovidone;
  • Iodoxide.


The use of Betadine during pregnancy should be under the supervision of a physician. Iodine easily penetrates the placenta, so the concentration of the substance can exceed permissible limits and cause fetal malformations.

Important! The drug Betadine during pregnancy can be prescribed only when absolutely necessary, but in minimum dosage. These rules also apply to women who are breastfeeding. Excess iodine in the blood can provoke the development of thyrotoxicosis in a child.

Treatment with iodine-containing drugs is also contraindicated:

The use of Betadine for diseases of the urinary system is not recommended for people with individual iodine intolerance. Side effects occur rarely, mainly in women when using suppositories.

Vaginal suppositories have strong disinfectant properties, so they can irritate the mucous membranes of the vagina. At the beginning of treatment, some patients may experience the following side effects:

  • burning at the site of insertion of the suppository;
  • redness and swelling;
  • in rare cases, rashes in the form of small blisters.

Important! Betadine suppositories should not be used longer than prescribed. Abuse of the drug leads to a minimum of vaginal dysbiosis, and a maximum of iodine poisoning.

When the body is intoxicated due to excessive accumulation of iodine, the following signs appear:

  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • copious amounts of saliva;
  • swelling of the conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • sore throat;
  • disruption of the digestive organs;
  • heartburn;
  • hypersensitivity to iodine may develop severe swelling larynx to the point of suffocation.

Women planning pregnancy should know that Betadine has Negative influence on sperm, reducing their motility. The ability to conceive is restored after treatment is completed.

Any dosage form of Betadine affects the composition of the blood and urine. Povidone-iodine oxidizes the liquid, which can cause the results of urine, blood, and scintigraphy tests to be incorrect.

When signs are detected allergic reaction While using the drug, you must stop the drug and consult a doctor to select another medication.

Features of application

The effectiveness of the drug is due to the lack of resistance of microorganisms to iodine. Due to the biochemical properties of the element, there have not yet been any cases where povidone-iodine did not have a detrimental effect on fungi, viruses or bacteria.

Betadine is often included in complex treatment inflammatory processes Bladder and urethra. The therapeutic effect after starting treatment with vaginal suppositories for cystitis in women occurs after 2-3 days.

The prescribed drug acts in several directions:

  • prevents further spread of infection;
  • reduces pain when urinating;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • significantly reduces recovery time.

Betadine vaginal capsules are used for cystitis of any etiology. The drug is effective for urethritis caused by various infections:

The duration of therapy with vaginal suppositories depends on the course of the disease and intensity inflammatory process. The standard course of treatment is 1 capsule at night for 7 days. For advanced infectious diseases of the urinary system, treatment is extended to two weeks.

Rules for using Betadine suppositories:

  1. Remove the suppository from the blister and moisten.
  2. Introduce the suppository in a lying position; after insertion, it is not advisable to get out of bed earlier than an hour later.
  3. Iodine dissolves quickly in heat, so daily sanitary pads must be used when using candles.
  4. Menstruation is not a reason to stop the course of treatment; on the contrary, the drug can cure hidden infections.

Betadine in dosage form ointments are much less commonly used for the treatment of genitourinary diseases. As a rule, the ointment is prescribed to men when simultaneously treating both partners to treat the genital organ.

Directions for use: ointment is applied to clean skin 1-2 times a day, the duration of use of the ointment is no more than 15 days. A sign of the effectiveness of the drug is the dark brown color of the skin after treatment.

Do not forget that Betadine - aid for diseases of the urinary system. An iodine-containing antiseptic helps basic medications fight the infection faster. Before starting treatment of inflammatory processes of the bladder or urethra with Betadine, the doctor must determine the source of the disease and prescribe the main treatment.

Betadine suppositories are a universal pharmaceutical medicine that is used to treat a variety of gynecological diseases. The traditional medicine is characterized by the presence of antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, which ensures high effectiveness of therapy during the period of its use.

Betadine is a universal traditional medicine used to combat a variety of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Properties of the drug

The traditional medicine is produced in the form of suppositories, which are inserted into the vagina of a representative of the fairer sex. The active substance of the traditional medicine is povidone-iodine. Polyethylene glycol is used as an excipient. The drug is sold in blisters, which are placed in cardboard packaging. One blister contains seven suppositories.

After the woman inserts the vaginal suppositories, it will dissolve. In this case, the release of iodine is observed. With the help of this active component, viruses, fungi and pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. The active substance of the traditional medicine binds to the proteins of the pathogen cells. As a result, their coagulation is observed.

The molecules of traditional medicine are characterized by large enough sizes, which guarantees their local effect. Pharmaceutical medicine is not absorbed into the blood. This ensures the safety of its use. The active component of the traditional medicine penetrates shallowly into the tissue. Despite this, it is released quite slowly, which provides an excellent therapeutic effect. Due to its safety, betadine is allowed to be used by various categories of patients.

Vaginal suppositories are characterized by the highest possible effect. Despite this, it is imperative to consult a doctor before using traditional medicine.

Indications for use

Betadine suppositories are characterized by a wide spectrum of action. That is why they are used for the treatment of various diseases in gynecology. Pharmacy medicine is a component of complex therapy during the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases of an infectious nature. Traditional medicine is used to treat:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • genital herpes;
  • chlamydia.

If a patient experiences infectious processes in the genital tract that arise as a result of the proliferation of fungi, then she is required to be prescribed betadine suppositories, the indications for which are different. Instructions for use recommend the use of vaginal suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis.

For inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs, the use of traditional medicine is also recommended. Most often it is used to treat vulvovaginitis and colpitis. With the help of this traditional medicine it is also necessary to treat endocervitis and vaginitis. The traditional medicine is characterized by a high level of effectiveness for gardrenellosis.

Pharmacy medicine is often used for preventive purposes. Also, suppositories can be used after a medical procedure such as uterine intubation. After installing an intrauterine device, a representative of the fairer sex must use suppositories.

Due to the wide range of effects, betadine suppositories are used for the treatment of diseases. Indications for use require the use of vaginal suppositories strictly in accordance with the instructions, which will ensure the highest possible therapeutic effect.


Despite the high effectiveness of the pharmaceutical drug, it is characterized by the presence of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use traditional medicine if you are hypersensitive to the main or auxiliary component. If the patient has impaired thyroid function, then the use of traditional medication is not recommended. If peeling is observed on the labia or the patient feels itching in this area, then it is not worth using pharmaceutical medicine for therapy.

Doctors do not prescribe traditional medication if the patient is taking medications that contain iodine. If a representative of the fairer sex has hyperthyroidism, then she is prohibited from using suppositories. A contraindication to the use of betadine is vaginal dryness. If a woman has skin allergies, then vaginal suppositories are not prescribed to her. For pathologies that are unclear and cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the women's genitals, traditional medicine is contraindicated.

Betadine suppositories are characterized by the presence of contraindications. That is why, before using a traditional medication, it is necessary to consult a doctor, who will first determine the contraindications.

Features of use

The introduction of suppositories for the treatment of various gynecological diseases is carried out by a female representative into the vagina. Before this, it is imperative to carry out hygiene procedures.

If the patient develops an acute infectious process, then she needs to use one betadine suppository daily. To ensure the highest possible therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use traditional medication in the evening before bedtime. After inserting the suppository, the woman should not get up.

The course of therapy is determined by a gynecologist. This is influenced by the characteristics of the body of the fairer sex, diagnosis and level of neglect of the disease. On average, the course of therapy lasts from three days to two weeks. If the need arises, the daily dose of traditional medication can be doubled by the doctor. It is strictly forbidden to increase it on your own to avoid side effects.

If the patient has had casual sexual contact or is being prescribed procedures to treat female diseases, then the traditional medication is prescribed for preventive purposes. For this purpose, it is necessary to use one suppository daily. The duration of prophylaxis should be at least 5 days.

It is recommended to administer the medicine to the patient in a lying position. The pharmaceutical medicine is injected deeper into the vagina. When treated with medication, a woman should use sanitary pads. Betadine can be used during menstruation. This allows the patient to complete the course of therapy without interruption. If, after a week of using the traditional medication, no therapeutic effect is observed, then the woman should visit a gynecologist. The doctor will clarify the diagnosis and prescribe rational therapy.

Betadine and pregnancy

The main component of the traditional medicine is characterized by the absence of a negative teratogenic effect on the fetus. This is why many doctors allow the use of betadine suppositories during pregnancy. Gynecologists do not recommend using the medicine in the initial stages of bearing a child. This is explained by the possibility of iodine penetrating into a woman’s placenta. With increased doses of traditional medication during this period, the process of formation of the child’s thyroid gland may be disrupted.

The use of traditional medicine for the treatment and prevention of diseases in pregnant women in the later stages of pregnancy is allowed only if the benefit to her is higher than the potential risks to the fetus. During the period of using traditional medicine, doctors should constantly monitor the woman’s condition. Fetal development is also monitored.

The use of betadine when a representative of the fairer sex is feeding a newborn child is only possible if the doctor monitors the therapy process. Since the traditional medicine is characterized by a local effect and is not absorbed into the blood. That is why the active substance of the pharmaceutical medicine is not absorbed into the baby’s body in the womb. Despite this, before using a traditional medicine, a representative of the fairer sex must consult a doctor.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of Betadine is permitted in rare cases. Traditional medication can only be taken after a doctor’s prescription.

Betadine analogues

If the patient has contraindications to the use of betadine, then he must be prescribed another pharmaceutical medicine that is characterized by a similar effect. Today, there are a variety of drugs that can be used to replace betadine with analogues:

  • Flucostat. With the help of this traditional medicine, diseases that arise as a result of exposure to streptococci that are sensitive to the active component of the mushrooms are treated. Also, with the use of this pharmaceutical medicine, candidiasis is eliminated.
  • Irunin. The use of traditional medicine is carried out for fungal infections of the skin, regardless of their location, deep systemic mycoses, in which there is pronounced damage to the skin and mucous membrane.
  • Itrakon. Thanks to the universal effects of this traditional medicine, the fight against mycoses that arise as a result of the influence of dermatophytes is carried out. Vulvovaginal candidiasis is also treated using traditional medication.
  • Rumicosis. The traditional medicine is used for the treatment of dermatomycosis, keratitis, which has a fungal etiology. With the help of pharmaceutical medicine, candidiasis and allergies, which are systemic in nature, are eliminated.

Thanks to the presence of a large number of betadine analogues, the most effective therapy is possible. The price of medications is quite low, which ensures their availability.

Patients' opinions

Many women leave their reviews about Betadine. Most of them are positive:

With the help of Betadine I was able to cure genital herpes. This vaginal suppository did not cause any side effects for me, since the doctor selected the dosage correctly. What I liked most was that the price of the traditional medicine was quite low.

Inna, 36 years old

Betadine is a very good pharmaceutical medicine. It has positive reviews. That is why I decided to buy it for the treatment of thrush. Thanks to the universal properties of the drug, I was able to overcome the disease very quickly.

Yulia, 27 years old

When I was diagnosed with colpitis, I was very scared. But the doctor advised me to undergo betadine therapy. I liked the fact that the traditional medicine works. With his help, I was able to eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the disease itself.

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
You should consult your doctor and read the instructions before use.

Betadine suppositories: instructions for use


Each vaginal suppository contains 200 mg active substance povidone-iodine, as well as an inactive component

Macrogol 1000.

Indications for use

Suppositories Betadine are antimicrobial drug broad spectrum of action, effective against bacteria, fungi, spores, viruses and some protozoa ( single-celled organisms). It is used for the local treatment of acute and chronic vaginitis (nonspecific and mixed infections), bacterial vaginosis, infections caused by Candida fungi, trichomoniasis, as well as for the prevention infectious complications for gynecological interventions and diagnostic procedures. Microorganisms do not develop resistance to the drug. After using Betadine vaginal suppositories, the normal microflora of the vagina is quickly restored.


Betadine vaginal suppositories should not be used:

  • if you have increased sensitivity(allergy) to iodine or any other component of this drug;
  • if you have a lesion of the thyroid gland (such as nodular colloid goiter, endemic goiter, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, thyroid adenoma) or hyperthyroidism - dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • with herpes-like inflammation of the skin (the so-called dermatitis herpetiformis Dühring);
  • before therapeutic and diagnostic procedures using radioactive iodine;
  • in childhood until puberty.

Pregnancy and lactation

Povidone-iodine does not have a teratogenic effect; absorbed iodine penetrates the placental barrier and is excreted into breast milk.

The use of Betadine suppositories in the first trimester of pregnancy is possible if, according to the doctor's assessment, the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus.

Use of the drug in more later, and also not recommended during lactation, possible only under strict indications and requires careful monitoring of the thyroid function of the mother and child. If it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, it is necessary to decide on stopping breastfeeding.

Check with your doctor before taking any medicine if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Directions for use and doses

For intravaginal use.

Adults with acute infections The drug is usually used once a day, every night at night for 7 days. In case of subacute and chronic infections or lack of effectiveness, the course of treatment can be extended to 14 days, and the dose can be increased to two Betadine vaginal suppositories daily.

To prevent infectious and inflammatory complications during gynecological interventions, suppositories are used once a day, every night at night for 5 days before the procedure, or according to another regimen recommended by the doctor.

After washing, the Betadine suppository removed from the shell is injected deep into the vagina in a supine position daily 1 or 2 times a day (in the evening before bed, or in the morning and evening). It is recommended to moisten the suppository before use. During treatment with suppositories, it is recommended to use sanitary pads. The use of suppositories is possible during menstrual bleeding, therefore, the course of treatment should be continued regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle.

If there is no improvement within 7 days of treatment or if your symptoms worsen, consult your doctor.

Side effect

The drug is usually very well tolerated and is less irritating than iodine, but may cause local irritation. In very rare cases, skin reactions such as contact dermatitis and allergic reactions have been observed.

If any side effects listed or not described in this leaflet occur, stop treatment and consult your doctor.

The drug Betadine kills sperm, so its use is not recommended during planned pregnancy, or the course of treatment should be carried out before its onset.


Absorption of iodine during repeated use of povidone-iodine or accidental ingestion can cause intoxication, the signs of which are: metallic taste in the mouth, increased salivation, burning sensation or pain in the mouth or throat, irritation and swelling of the eyes, skin reactions, gastrointestinal disorders and diarrhea, difficulty breathing, pulmonary edema, metabolic disorders, impaired renal function. Long-term use of iodine preparations can lead to dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

If you suspect an overdose, consult your doctor immediately.

After accidental ingestion of iodine preparations, immediate administration is indicated. food products containing starch or protein (for example, a suspension of starch in water or milk).

If you take the drug orally, contact the department immediately emergency assistance the nearest hospital.

Interaction with other drugs

Povidone-iodine is incompatible with other disinfectants and antiseptics, with hydrogen peroxide and other oxidizing agents, salicylic acid, salts of mercury and bismuth, with enzyme ointments, salts of alkaloids, with alkalis.

The presence of blood and purulent discharge, as well as substances with acidic reaction reduce the antimicrobial effect of the drug.

Povidone iodine can be corrosive to metals. Plastic and synthetic materials are usually not sensitive to povidone-iodine, but discoloration may occur. Povidone-iodine is easily removed from textiles and other materials with warm water and soap. Difficult to remove stains should be treated with ammonia or sodium thiosulfate solution.

Precautionary measures

In some cases, the use of Betadine suppositories requires special caution. They can be used as directed and under the supervision of a physician:

  • in patients with chronic renal failure;
  • in patients receiving lithium therapy;
  • patients with impaired thyroid function.

Long-term use of Betadine can lead to the absorption of significant amounts of iodine through the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, after long-term use of suppositories, a thyroid function test should be performed.

The use of Betadine may reduce the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland and distort the results of diagnostic tests (thyroid scintigraphy, determination of protein-bound iodine, radioactive iodine measurements) or interfere with iodine therapy of the thyroid gland. After using the drug Betadine, before carrying out the listed procedures, you should wait a period, the duration of which should be determined by the doctor.

Povidone-iodine contamination may cause false-positive results in some cases. diagnostic studies, for example by detection hidden blood in feces or glucose in urine.
