Why do teeth turn yellow? How to whiten yellow teeth Why does the enamel on teeth turn yellow?

Today, yellow teeth are perceived by people as a flaw in appearance. The cult of a smile and snow-white teeth created by advertising encourages people to follow fashion trend and whiten teeth. But is yellowness of the enamel always a defect in appearance?

Signs of healthy teeth

Before making a final decision about the need for whitening, a person should be aware that few people have a snow-white tint by nature. Moreover, a yellow tooth is a sign of health. There is a simple explanation for this. The fact is that the enamel is practically colorless, but minerals give it a slight yellowness, thanks to which the teeth are strong, durable and better resistant to bacteria.

In addition, dentin, located under the enamel, is also responsible. He can't have White color, since it is also saturated with minerals. Therefore, yellowness, first of all, indicates that the teeth:

  • healthy and will maintain this condition for a long time;
  • less susceptible to the development of caries;
  • have strong enamel.

Of course, a completely snow-white smile, as in advertising, looks very beautiful and impressive. But this is a sign that the teeth are sorely lacking minerals, they are weak, fragile and sensitive.

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Causes of yellow enamel

If your teeth have a slight yellowish tint or color Ivory, This is fine.

If the teeth are very yellow, you need to look for the reason that provoked this condition.

Most common reasons are:

  1. Heredity. It is extremely rare, but it happens that a child inherits very yellow enamel from his parents.
  2. Smoking. All people who smoke cigarettes or hookah have yellow teeth. In heavy smokers, the enamel can even take on a brown and black tint.
  3. Lack of hygiene. If a person neglects or performs this procedure incorrectly, this is a prerequisite for the formation of plaque. Regular and proper cleaning teeth, dental floss, a good toothbrush and toothpaste allow you to keep your teeth in perfect order.
  4. Diet. If a person drinks a lot of coffee and black tea, grape and pomegranate juice, eats carrots and beets, this can stain the enamel. This does not mean that you need to give up these foods, but after eating them you need to rinse your mouth with water.
  5. Drug therapy. For example, when treated with Tetracycline, yellow teeth are always inevitable.
  6. Diets. This problem affects women to a greater extent. Strict diets can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. This deficiency can also change the tone of the enamel.
  7. Braces. If a person wears braces and does not perform good oral hygiene, this affects the color of the enamel.

If a person wants to whiten his teeth, he should consult a dentist. The latter will determine the cause of yellowness and, based on this, recommend the most suitable method bleaching.

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Types of teeth whitening

There are home and professional methods that allow you to whiten the enamel. Modern aesthetic dentistry offers clients the following methods:

  1. Chemical bleaching. The procedure can be performed either in the dentist's office or at home. If you trust a specialist, the procedure is carried out as follows: first, an individual impression is made, from which mouth guards are then made from polymer material and filled with whitening gel. The gel is based on hydrogen peroxide. The client must wear these aligners at home for 2 hours daily or every night for 14 days. This is the cheapest method to get rid of yellow plaque. But it is not suitable for sensitive teeth. In addition, it is quite problematic to choose the correct dosage of the gel for a specific client.
  2. Professional cleaning. This is a fast, inexpensive and harmless method. It not only allows you to whiten enamel, but is also a preventive measure. various problems with teeth.
  3. Ultrasonic method. People who want to whiten their teeth without harming them can use this technique. It will only slightly lighten the enamel, ridding it of deposits.

These methods allow you to lighten the enamel by several tones. In this case, the result lasts for quite a long time.

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Laser and photo whitening

There are 2 more methods of getting rid of yellow plaque. The first of them is photobleaching. The technique consists in the fact that the dentist covers all the teeth with a gel that contains hydrogen peroxide. After this, the enamel is exposed to ultraviolet light. Due to cold light, hydrogen peroxide begins to decompose faster, and thanks to oxygen it breaks down dark coating. After the procedure, the teeth must be treated with fluoride to reduce sensitivity. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not always achieve the desired result.

Laser whitening is the most effective way, but also the most expensive. It is similar to other methods, the only difference is the narrow focus of the laser action. This method allows you to get incredible results— make the enamel lighter by 12 tones.

For the effect to last longer, you need to give up smoking, black tea and coffee, which stain the enamel.

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Contraindications to bleaching

You need to be aware that not everyone can undergo the whitening procedure. This applies to both professional and home methods. Here is a list of main contraindications:

  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • caries;
  • cracks in the enamel;
  • exposed tooth roots;
  • poor quality fillings;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation;
  • orthodontic treatment, for example with braces;
  • acute periodontitis;
  • allergic reactions to active substance whitening gel.

If a person has no contraindications, the dentist will also remove the stone before the procedure. If there is at least one contraindication, you need to solve the existing problem and only then start whitening.

Often parents begin to panic when they notice that the child has yellow teeth; it seems to them that this is a sign of deviation from the norm and, probably, some kind of inflammatory process. In fact, yellow enamel can be given to a person from birth, and the naturalness of this phenomenon is well known to all dentists. Natural enamel is transparent and has a slight yellowish tint due to the presence of minerals in the dentin structure that enhance its strength. Thus, the yellowness of the teeth indicates a stable level of mineralization and saturation of the enamel with minerals, therefore, yellow teeth are an indicator of their healthy condition. In addition, an observant person knows that canines are often yellower than the anterior segments, and this is also considered the norm, since they are stronger due to the largest volume of dentin.

However, in some cases, yellow tooth enamel is due to long-term changes that are not based on natural causes. But in order to verify the correctness of this fact, it is still worth contacting a doctor for a consultation and finding out the correct answer to the question of why teeth turn yellow.

Patients who wish to become owners perfect smile Naturally, they imagine their teeth sparkling with immaculate whiteness, so even a slight yellowish tone seems to them an obstacle on the way to their dream. Yellow teeth, the causes of which can be both harmless and unpleasant, are quite common.

The main factors that determine the situation why teeth are yellow include the following:

  • natural factor associated with genetic heritage;
  • influence bad habits(uncontrolled consumption of strong coffee and tea, passion for smoking, including hookah);
  • abuse of foods rich in food dyes (carbonated drinks, juices, red wine, carrots and beets in excess quantities);
  • excessive consumption of foods high in sugar, which cause tooth decay and provoke other oral diseases;
  • reception medicines, especially tetracycline;
  • insufficient intake of minerals and vitamins due to excessive hobby diets;
  • destruction of enamel due to age-related changes;
  • consequences mechanical damage and injuries (violations of the pulp area);
  • poor-quality material of braces, due to which yellow teeth may appear in places where they come into contact with the enamel;
  • consequences of serious diseases and infections (sick kidneys, disorders circulatory system, hematogenous jaundice, fluorosis);
  • consequences of heavy metal vapor poisoning (the most dangerous factor)
  • improper oral hygiene with the formation of yellow plaque;
  • yellow tooth enamel from tap water oversaturated with iron and minerals.

Taking into account these factors, why yellow teeth are formed, the reasons for which it is advisable to consider in more detail.

Genetic predisposition and yellow teeth

If yellow teeth are natural, then most likely this hereditary trait is passed on, as they say, from father to son, with the segments initially erupting yellowish. The dentin layer is located under the transparent enamel, and can have either a bluish or yellowish tint due to natural choice. It is the yellow enamel that indicates that something is wrong with the teeth. for a long time there will be no problems, because thanks to increased level Mineralization of dental tissues increases the ability to resist microorganisms that provoke the development of carious processes.

But naturally snow-white tooth enamel is alarming, since its virgin whiteness indicates an insufficient amount of minerals, in connection with which it is possible to predict unpleasant sensations from hypersensitivity teeth, as well as possible development caries. It should be remembered that the structure of teeth is deeply individual, and this also applies to the variety of shades of enamel, which is always taken into account when restoring teeth.

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Why teeth are yellow: the influence of bad habits

People have the expression “smoker’s teeth,” and this is a reasonable sign, because it is no secret that smoking actively affects the change in the color of tooth enamel.

At the same time, teeth gradually turn yellow, transforming the pale yellow color into a darker shade, which seems to be firmly etched into the enamel. Moreover, this unpleasant process increases gradually and affects both cigarette lovers and people who are addicted to hookah (in the latter case, teeth turn yellow even faster).

People who are passionate about strong coffee and tea, even if it is green, also end up with the not very happy discovery that the yellowness of their teeth, unfortunately, has become their business card. The reason is the excessive amount of dyes present in these drinks, and their uncontrolled consumption, the so-called coffee addiction, leads to such an unaesthetic result.

As you know, everything in excess is not useful. So is the abuse of sweet foods, carbonated drinks, juices and even vegetables rich in food coloring can lead to a situation where teeth turn yellow.

Of course, you need to control the consumption of certain foods, not mindlessly follow your desires, strictly adhere to the norm of cups of coffee you drink, and it is best to give up the harmful addiction to smoking, which not only spoils your teeth, but also significantly worsens the condition of your internal organs.

Use of potent drugs

Prescribing tetracycline antibiotics, especially if long-term treatment is necessary, has a bad effect on the condition of tooth enamel, as a result of which teeth become yellow and lose their attractiveness. It is very difficult to whiten such teeth, since their yellowness is almost irreversible due to internal reasons.

You can often find yellow spots as the beginning of enamel destruction in people whose work involves acid production. The so-called yellow tooth can even appear due to acid necrosis, an extreme degree of enamel destruction, and depending on how long a person is exposed to harmful acid secretions, not only teeth, but also hair, nails, and skin suffer.

Inadequate oral hygiene

Inadequate oral hygiene to established standards can lead to the accumulation of a significant amount of dental plaque, which is unlikely to be gotten rid of at home. The fact is that dental deposits gradually mineralize and are deposited in the form of hard tartar, which can only be removed through professional cleaning. Performing daily hygiene procedures without skipping using a properly selected brush and paste can eliminate many undesirable consequences, including preventing the development of various pathological processes.

Sometimes the reason why teeth turn yellow can be braces due to their poor quality. Yellowish spots may form in areas where their attachments come into contact with the tooth surface. In addition, negligent hygiene does not remove pieces of food from under the braces, and as they decompose, they become a source of proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. For thorough cleaning, it is recommended to use an irrigator and dental floss(floss).

What to do if your teeth are yellow

If the teeth have turned yellow, then the reasons for the occurrence and development of plaque can be of a different nature, as already mentioned above. Therefore, only a specialist can give competent advice on how to whiten yellow teeth. A variety of techniques aimed at solving the question of what to do if teeth are yellow can effectively deal with yellowish plaque:

  • ultrasonic cleaning and techniques Air Flow, Zoom eliminate tartar and deep pigmentation;
  • You can lighten naturally yellow teeth using laser whitening, as well as using custom-made trays or standard strips purchased at a pharmacy;
  • for internal yellowness (tetracycline), if ultraviolet treatment does not help, it is rational to use veneers, which can give the tooth surface an impeccable shape and color.

At home, if your teeth have yellowed, you can try adding a little soda to your usual toothpaste and treating them with this mixture. But the most natural prevention against yellowing of enamel is to eat raw apples, as well as keep your teeth clean and tidy.

How to change the color of yellow teeth, where is the best place to go?

You can get accurate information about the work of specialized clinics, find out reviews, as well as the cost of services by contacting the “Dentistry Guide”.

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It is generally accepted that ideal teeth are white. But not every person is given the opportunity to have them. However, the yellowness of teeth is not an indicator of their ill health. So, let’s find out why a person’s teeth turn yellow and what needs to be done to avoid this.

When yellow is normal

Each person’s body is individual, as is the structure and characteristics of its chewing organs. The color of teeth does not depend on the whiteness of the enamel. This component of the tooth is almost transparent. In fact, the visual appearance of a smile depends on the layer of dentin located under the enamel. It can just naturally be white-bluish or yellowish. Most likely, this is a person’s genetic predisposition, that is, a trait that is inherited by a person. Yes, there are also naturally yellowish enamel. And this is also a factor of heredity.

Causes of yellowing teeth

Pathogenic microorganisms and other factors often cause the yellowness of the enamel. Sometimes this color reaches superficial, and sometimes deep tissues. Sometimes it's just a yellow coating that can be easily removed. So, we list the main reasons for yellow teeth:

  1. Intensive whitening. Often after such a procedure, the enamel becomes very thin, becomes vulnerable and turns yellow.
  2. Hereditary factor. If your parents have yellow teeth, then most likely this was passed on to you genetically. Sometimes the children of such parents immediately erupt yellowish, and sometimes the permanent teeth become this way.
  3. Smoking. If a person is a heavy smoker, then his teeth will gradually turn yellow. At first it will be just plaque, then the enamel will darken, and later the dentin. Smokers' teeth may be gray or brown. By the way, this is also typical for hookah smokers. After all, water, contrary to popular belief, does not remove nicotine.
  4. Excessive passion for strong tea, coffee. Their dark color gradually gives the enamel a yellow tint.
  5. Use of certain medicines. Their category includes tetracycline antibiotics. They negatively affect the enamel.
  6. Frequent consumption of foods with food dyes. They penetrate into the enamel, causing microcracks in it. Cheap carbonated drinks fall into the category of such products. Natural dyes also contain carrots and beets. And if you are a fan of vegetarianism and often eat these vegetables raw, then be prepared for yellowing of your teeth.
  7. Abuse of sweets. This leads to the constant deposition of carbohydrates on the teeth, which are fertile ground for the proliferation of microbes. Sweets are also a source of caries if you do not brush your teeth immediately after eating them.
  8. Dental injuries. Sometimes invisible cracks after impacts are a factor in the penetration of dyes from food, microbes and yellowness of the enamel.
  9. Age-related changes. As people age, so-called secondary dentin forms. This is what causes the deterioration of the appearance of tooth enamel.
  10. Work related to acids. Long-term exposure causes stains on teeth.
  11. Wearing braces and difficulties with oral care.
  12. Poor dental hygiene. Most often, it is this reason that leads to their yellowing. If you regularly skip brushing in the morning and evening, the plaque gradually hardens and the teeth turn yellow.
  13. Drinking iron-rich water. This occurs more often in rural areas where there are no filters or water pipes.
  14. Some internal diseases body. Jaundice, fluorosis, Addison's disease, renal failure often lead to discoloration of teeth for the worse.
  15. What to do about yellowing teeth

    Start by eliminating the above reasons. If the deterioration of the condition is caused by insufficient hygiene, then take better care of your teeth, use whitening pastes and deep-acting gels. You can seek help from a dentist, who will perform ultrasonic cleaning and then coat the enamel with a protective agent.

    Use special mouth guards (linings) filled with strong bleaching agents. They are applied at night or for several hours during the day.

    When antibiotics became the cause of yellowness, then better teeth bleach with ultraviolet light.

    The best way to prevent the problem is to regularly eat raw apples. The acids they contain perfectly whiten, prevent the formation of plaque and the penetration of dyes from products into the enamel. Therefore apples are best dessert, supporting the health of your teeth.

People encounter darkening of enamel quite often. Considering today's environmental situation and the quality of consumed products, this is already becoming the problem of the century. Let's look at the main reasons for tooth discoloration and safe methods of whitening, as well as preventive measures to maintain a Hollywood smile. Yellow teeth

Yellow teeth - disease or normal

According to experts, yellow teeth do not always indicate health problems. Yellowness is often a hereditary factor, when the color of the teeth is greatly influenced by the shade of the dentin (naturally white, yellow or blue). However, if previously the teeth were a source of pride for their owner and over a period of time they unexpectedly turned yellow, this is a reason to undergo an examination by both a dentist and a therapist - for general state health. Therefore, for each specific case this can be either a disease or the norm.

The main reasons for tooth discoloration

Among the main causes of yellowing of enamel in adults and children are the following:

From nature

Yellowness of teeth due to genetic predisposition person. As mentioned above, the reason is the natural shade of dentin. IN in this case, any measures taken to whiten teeth will not bring the desired effect.

  • consult with a specialist about possible ways eliminating yellowness (or lightening enamel);
  • maintain oral hygiene so that your smile does not acquire an even darker shade;

Bad habits

These include: smoking tobacco, frequent drinking of strong tea and coffee, addiction to hookah. When smoking regular cigarettes, a thin layer of plaque initially appears on the teeth, which becomes denser and darker over time. If teeth have changed their color under the influence of coffee, black tea and cigarettes, then whitening them is quite simple, because the coloring substances affect only the surface layer of enamel.

Smoking causes teeth to turn yellow
  • give up (or limit) bad habits;
  • undergo whitening procedures at the dentist;
  • use whitening toothpaste marked “for smokers”;

Important! Some hookah lovers believe that yellow teeth can only occur from smoking regular cigarettes. But they are mistaken: as practice shows, hookah smokers develop plaque even faster, since cigarettes have a filter that retains some of the harmful tars, but hookahs do not.

Taking medications and antibiotics

As a result chemical exposure, the enamel weakens and acquires a dark shade. This is especially observed with long-term use of Tetracycline.

Attention! The antibiotic Tetracycline is contraindicated for pregnant women (can affect the color of a baby's teeth) and children under 8 years of age (can lead to enamel discoloration).

Also have a negative impact antihistamines , antidepressants And drugs for hypertension.

  • if possible, stop (or reduce) taking medications;
  • consult a specialist;
  • use whitening paste;

Sugar consumption

With frequent consumption of sweet foods, drinks and desserts, a yellowish coating will inevitably form.

  • reduce the consumption of sweet foods, replacing them with sweet fruits;
  • clean your mouth after every meal of sweet food;
  • use mouthwash and safe bleaching agents (pastes, gels);


Food colorings

These substances are contained in almost all store-bought products. Dyes penetrate into microcracks in the enamel and gradually change its color. This also applies to alcoholic and carbonated drinks. Natural dyes are found in beets, carrots, berries, etc. The difference between natural and chemical ones is that the former do not destroy tooth enamel, but only temporarily painted.

  • before purchasing a product, carefully read the ingredients on the package (if there are a lot of dyes, it is better to discard the product or limit its use);
  • use whitening pastes;


With frequent unbalanced changes in the diet, a load occurs on the body, the teeth do not receive nutrients and, as a result, weaken and change the color of the enamel.

  • worth sticking to balanced menu saturated with necessary for bone tissue and tooth enamel with vitamins and microelements (calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, vitamins C, D, group B);
  • take multivitamin complexes;
  • consult a nutritionist when changing your diet;

Age-related changes

Partially destroy tooth enamel and lead to the formation of secondary dentin, tartar and stains (for this reason, older people tend to have the darkest enamel).

Old man
  • consult with your dentist about possible safe whitening methods;
  • maintain oral hygiene;
  • exclude harmful products and drinks:
  • take vitamin complexes;

Damage and injury

In case of all kinds of blows to the jaw, accidents, unsuccessful falls and other troubles, the enamel of the injured tooth may turn yellow (in case of damage to the pulpal area).

  • contact a dental clinic to eliminate the defect;
  • adhere to hygiene rules;


With prolonged contact of braces with teeth, food particles accumulate in some places, which ultimately leads to the formation of stains and yellow plaque. In addition, the material from which the braces are made (if it is of poor quality) has an important effect on the condition of the enamel.

  • consult with a specialist about further wearing of braces or replacing them with new ones;
  • use special orthodontic toothbrush for cleaning with braces or electric;
  • use rinse aid;


Insufficient oral hygiene

Untimely care for the condition of the oral cavity (or its complete absence) leads to the formation of a layer of yellow plaque.

  • brush your teeth regularly;
  • use one suitable for the specific type of enamel toothpaste and a brush;
  • use rinses and safe bleaching agents (but not often);

Serious illnesses

These include: Addison's disease, fluorosis, kidney and blood diseases, disorders of the adrenal glands, jaundice, various infections. Diseases affect the general condition of the body and lead to weakening of the enamel, gradually making it 2-3 shades darker.

  • find out the cause of the yellowness and eliminate the disease;
  • consult a dentist about possible methods whitening;

Important! In case of existing serious illnesses, teeth whitening is contraindicated. First you need to cure the disease, and then begin whitening procedures. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation and destroy the enamel.

Heavy metal vapor poisoning

Is one of the most dangerous reasons. In the event of such poisoning, the body’s defense systems are weakened and hazardous substances on outer layer enamel in the form dark coating(Thus, harmful substances are excreted from the body). In addition, irreversible changes in dental tissues are possible.

  • consult a doctor for advice and treatment (to remove heavy metals from the body);
  • carry out whitening procedures in a dental clinic;

Yellow teeth from water

If tap water is oversaturated with iron and minerals, then with prolonged exposure, plaque formation is possible.

  • use only filtered water;
  • brush your teeth with whitening paste (until the desired result is achieved);
  • Consult your dentist about possible whitening methods.

Dirty water

What to do? Safe methods of whitening

TO safe ways can be attributed:

  1. Laser whitening- a whitening gel is applied to the teeth, which is activated by a strong photon beam. The procedure lasts approximately 2 hours. The effect lasts for 10 years. This method is the most gentle and painless. Recommended for those with sensitive enamel;
  2. Ultrasonic whitening- first, teeth are cleaned mechanically, and then using professional equipment. Finally, polishing is done. The method is quite safe and suitable for those people whose yellowing is caused by the penetration of food dyes into the pores of the enamel;
  3. Various whitening pastes and gels- they can be used at home, but after consulting with a doctor (if the yellowness is caused by some kind of internal disease). In other cases, these products are also not recommended to be used constantly, since destruction of the enamel is possible;
  4. Special linings (mouthguards)- can be used both in the clinic and at home. A lightening agent is placed in the trays and placed on the teeth for 30 minutes. The method is not suitable for everyone and has contraindications (pregnancy and lactation, severe dental damage, serious illnesses, allergies to lightening components);
  5. Whitening strips and chewing gum - give a short-term effect and eliminate a thin layer of plaque. Suitable for almost everyone.

Attention! Before using any enamel lightening procedure, you should consult with your dentist about possible contraindications and side effects.

Why are my teeth yellow even though I brush them every day?

Teeth may appear yellow regardless of brushing and whitening procedures. The reason for this is various diseases(including infectious ones), long-term use medicines (including antibiotics), shortage useful substances, as well as a banal genetic predisposition.

One should not exclude the negative impact of abuse of bad habits (smoking, coffee, etc.). Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the existing yellowness of the enamel.

Myths and prejudices

Regarding yellow teeth, the following myths and prejudices are common:

  • Sinusitis affects the change in the color of the enamel - this disease does not affect the condition of the teeth in any way and does not change the natural shade;
  • Hot food and drinks can cause yellowing - hot foods only cause discomfort in sensitive enamel, but have nothing to do with changing the color of teeth;
  • Herbal decoctions stain enamel dark color- another myth, because herbal infusions do not contain dyes that can cause discoloration of teeth;
  • Apples contribute to darkening of the enamel (due to the iron content) - with moderate consumption apples will not only not provide negative influence, but will also strengthen your teeth.


Preventive measures to preserve the natural whiteness of teeth:

  • observe the rules of oral hygiene (brush your teeth 2 times a day);
  • give up bad habits and limit your consumption of sweets;
  • a minimum of canned foods in the diet;
  • consult with a specialist in choosing suitable hygiene products (paste, brush, rinse aid);
  • consume as little coloring products as possible;
  • add more natural foods to your diet, rich in calcium and useful microelements;
  • pass tap water through filters;
  • If the enamel color changes, do not self-medicate.

The yellowness of teeth can depend on many various factors. Each specific case is individual. To determine the exact cause, you need to contact your dentist. Remember: timely treatment can save the patient from many complications (if there is a serious illness). And by following a number of simple preventive procedures, you can maintain a snow-white smile for many years.

Why do teeth turn yellow? This question was asked by everyone who at least once discovered on the surface of tooth enamel yellow spots. There can be many reasons: from poor nutrition to the use of poor-quality hygiene products. You will learn more about the causes of yellowing of teeth and ways to combat the problem in this article.

Causes of problems

If you are concerned yellow teeth, then you should pay attention to the common causes that cause it.

Among them:

  • Heredity. Sometimes yellow enamel does not indicate dental problems, but rather is a sign of health. This happens when teeth are naturally yellow. Yellow tint Teeth are given strength by minerals found in dentin, which lies beneath the enamel. The enamel itself has no color - it is transparent. Minerals make teeth strong and protect against harmful microorganisms. The yellow color of teeth is transmitted genetically. In this situation, the child is most likely to have healthy and strong teeth. This is the case when yellow teeth are not a cause for concern. The enamel looks smooth and shiny.

Remember that the structure of everyone's teeth is different and the shade of enamel varies slightly. There is no need to worry if someone's teeth are whiter in color.

  • Hygiene problems. With irregular oral hygiene, a bad brush or poor-quality toothpaste, teeth may form. yellow plaque. It is observed mainly between the teeth and near the gums. Once these causes are eliminated, the color of your teeth will soon become lighter.
  • Food and drinks. Some food products contain natural or artificial colors. These include: tea, coffee, brightly colored carbonated drinks, some vegetables (carrots), berries (blueberries) or even chocolate. During their use, plaque forms on the teeth, which can be eliminated with timely hygiene.
  • Bad habits. One of the most known reasons Yellowing of teeth is caused by smoking. At regular use Due to nicotine, teeth are covered with a yellow coating; later this plaque is layered on the surface of the enamel and over time turns into tartar, which can destroy teeth. This applies not only to regular cigarettes, but also hookah, because hookah mixtures contain resins that settle on the teeth.

Alcohol, in particular wines that contain dyes, also has a negative effect on the color and health of teeth.

  • Medications. Sometimes teeth turn yellow due to taking antibiotics, mainly tetracyclines. An example of this is that women who took tetracycline during pregnancy experience yellowing of their teeth not only in themselves but also in their children.
  • Fluorosis. Or an excess of an element such as fluoride in the body can cause yellowing of teeth.
  • Oral diseases. In some diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis), a favorable environment arises for the appearance and proliferation of harmful bacteria, the presence of which gives the teeth a yellowish tint.
  • Diseases of internal organs. Yellowing of teeth may indicate development serious illnesses. Among them: kidney diseases, infectious diseases, jaundice, Addison's disease, etc.

If you suspect a disease that has caused yellowing of your teeth, the first step is to eliminate the disease.

  • Age-related changes. In people over 50 years of age, yellowing of teeth is natural process. The enamel wears out, and in its place an additional layer of dentin forms, which gives the teeth a yellow color.
  • Yellowing of one tooth. If yellowness appears only on a specific tooth or several, this may be due to uneven chewing load. The problem is fixed hygiene procedures. Sometimes, this may also indicate tooth disease or injury. Therefore, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Less common, but still important causes of yellowing teeth:

  • Wearing braces. During long-term wearing braces underneath may appear harmful bacteria, because oral hygiene is insufficient.
  • Diets. With frequent diet changes, teeth do not develop sufficient quantity nutrients and change color.
  • Drinking poor quality water. If the water is not sufficiently filtered, it will have a large number of minerals and trace elements that settle as plaque on tooth enamel.

Whitening methods

According to dentists, there are no medical prescriptions for teeth whitening if teeth are naturally yellow. Having decided on this method of eliminating yellow teeth, you should remember that frequent whitening leads to thinning of the enamel and an increased risk of tooth decay; the procedure can damage the protective shell, making teeth vulnerable to caries and more sensitive.

To date dental clinics have a large number of virtually painless methods of whitening and hygienic cleaning teeth:

1. Hollywood smile. Teeth whitening to achieve the “Hollywood smile” effect. Applies only to healthy teeth:

  • Using a laser . On average, the procedure takes 2 hours, and the effect lasts up to 10 years.
  • Mouthguards. Mouthguards with a special gel must be kept on the teeth for about 30 minutes, after which they are removed. This method can also be used at home.

2. Mechanical cleaning. Involves fighting plaque and tartar. It is carried out using the following procedures:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning. The effect of ultrasound allows you to clean your teeth not only from yellow plaque, but also from tartar. The result is noticeable for more than six months.
  • AirFlow technology. It involves exposing the surface of teeth to special powder, water and air. The impact occurs under high blood pressure and helps to cope with any types of yellowing of teeth caused by external conditions.

For those who do not have the desire or opportunity to have their teeth whitened by professional dentists, you can use one of the recipes traditional medicine.

Methods that effectively deal with yellow plaque on teeth:

  • Lightening with strawberry fruits. Apply a mixture of strawberries and flour to your teeth, wipe the surface with a piece of berry or rinse oral cavity freshly squeezed juice. Then you should wait a few minutes and brush your teeth with paste. Maximum effect can be achieved after 2 months of regular use.
  • Usage lemon juice. A mixture of 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, a pinch of salt and a pinch of baking soda can help combat yellowness if you rub it on your teeth every day for a week.
  • Cleaning with activated carbon. You need to crush 1 tablet of charcoal and brush your teeth with the resulting powder using a brush.
  • Tea tree oil rinse. To do this, you need to add a couple of drops of oil to a third of a glass of water and rinse your teeth with the resulting solution once a week.

After intensive whitening, yellowing of the teeth may also be observed. This is due to the thinning of the enamel. Therefore, consult with a specialist about the safety of the chosen whitening method for you personally and the absence of contraindications.

Reasons and ways to deal with the problem in a child

Yellowing of teeth can occur in children for the same reasons as in adults. The most common is the child’s reluctance to brush his teeth and adults’ lack of patience to fix this problem.

Special attention should be paid to factors not related to heredity that cause the appearance of yellow milk teeth in children.

The main ones:

  • exposure to infections during pregnancy;
  • the birth of a child due to premature birth;
  • complications during childbirth;
  • poor nutrition from the first months of life;
  • mother taking antibiotics during pregnancy.

Most often, the yellowing of teeth in children goes away along with training in regular hygiene and nutritional control, or with the loss of baby teeth. But sometimes, in order to eliminate yellow teeth in children, a separate intervention is required.

You can deal with the problem:

  • Using fluoride paste. As soon as your baby has yellow teeth, you can start brushing his teeth with a paste containing increased content fluorine

Sometimes using the paste does not help, in this case you should contact dental clinic, where the child will undergo professional cleaning.

  • When exposed to ultraviolet light. The procedure is prescribed by a doctor for children whose teeth have turned yellow due to exposure to antibiotics. Ultraviolet radiation has a destructive effect on the antibiotic.
  • Using medications. Rinsing and special ointments can help eliminate yellow plaque on teeth. Their use is prescribed by a doctor.


To prevent tooth enamel from darkening, you can use several simple tips:

  • brush your teeth regularly and thoroughly (at least 2 times a day);
  • give up alcohol too;
  • reduce consumption of sweets;
  • choose suitable oral hygiene products (paste, brush);
  • do preventive visits visit the dentist once every six months;
  • There is fewer products containing natural and artificial dyes.

Yellowing of teeth can be caused by both natural and person-dependent reasons. Today, this problem is easily solved with the help of bleaching. But you should remember that teeth whitening is not suitable for everyone, and before deciding to sign up for the procedure, you should consult with a specialist.
