Chlorophyllipt alcohol for gargling for children. Indications for use. Instructions for solution for oral and topical use

One of the most popular and truly in demand antimicrobial agents- This is chlorophyllipt. How often do we use it as a gargle against various sore throats? It perfectly disinfects the mucous membrane, protecting it from bacteria and infections. Chlorophyllipt is available in several dosage forms– alcohol and oil solution, spray, ampoules and even tablets. Chlorophyllipt is made from eucalyptus leaf extract. Given medicine not only destroys bacteria, but also relieves redness, swelling, and relieves pain.

Useful properties of chlorophyllipt

  1. The most common use of chlorophyllipt is to fight infections of the upper respiratory tract. Sore throat, laryngitis, tonsillitis - all of this can be perfectly treated with this drug. It is noteworthy that chlorophyllipt, along with antibiotics, is capable of destroying cocci, namely streptococci, which cause sore throat.
  2. Chlorophyllipt can be dripped into the nose to treat a runny nose and sinusitis.
  3. This medicine is successfully used in the fight against infections of the female genital organs. For example, in case of cervical erosion, a tampon is moistened with chlorophyllipt and placed in the vagina.
  4. A one percent solution of chlorophyllipt is used in the treatment of burns and other open wounds and ulcers. The solution can even be used internally - in the treatment of pathogenic microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Chlorophyllipt solution in ampoules is used for pneumonia or septic infections.
  6. Chlorophyllipt can also be used for dental diseases - for example, stomatitis or gingivitis. If your tooth falls out or gumboil comes out, rinse oral cavity chlorophyllipt solution three times a day.

As you know, this medicine used everywhere. However, in order to properly gargle with it, you need to know some rules.

Everyone knows that chlorophyllipt perfectly fights any sore throat. As soon as you eat something cold or have a slight cold, your throat begins to feel sore and feels uncomfortable when swallowing. To nip the disease in the bud, you need to immediately use chlorophyllipt. It will destroy painful bacteria, relieve swelling and inflammation, cleanse the mucous membrane, and relieve pain. After just one application, the onset of the disease recedes.

  1. Best for gargling alcohol solution. Dilute two teaspoons of the solution in a glass of boiled water and mix thoroughly. This concentration is the most optimal for children and adults.
  2. Gargle with the prepared solution, using the entire glass at a time. Each time you need to prepare a fresh solution. The water for the solution must be warm.
  3. You should gargle as often as possible to completely disinfect the mucous membrane from germs and bacteria. The optimal frequency is 3-4 times a day. However, if you urgently need to get rid of a sore throat, gargle every 2 hours. And then the next day you will forget about your sore throat.
  4. The oil solution is used to wet and wipe the tonsils and tonsils. You can use cotton swabs for this, but they are often inconvenient to use - they are too small. It’s better to wrap a piece of clean cotton wool or bandage around the pencil and soak the prepared swab in the oil mixture. Gently rub it on your tonsils and throat to remove the white pustules.
  5. It is very convenient to use on the road, at work or in hiking conditions. weak solution chlorophyllipt in the form of a spray. It is easy to use. Also on sale are compressed chlorophyllipt tablets for resorption.
  6. After gargling or any other type of throat treatment, you should not eat or drink for about half an hour. This allows the drug to continue to fight even after the procedure itself.


There is a lot of controversy about whether chlorophyllipt is safe and whether it can be used by children, pregnant and lactating women. In fact, the drug is truly safe and can be used by vulnerable categories of patients. It is made on the basis of natural ingredients, so it is absolutely harmless. However, it is important to observe some nuances here, the main one of which is individual intolerance to the medication.

If a person has an individual allergy to the components of chlorophyllipt, he may experience swelling of the mucous membranes. At the same time, the lips, mucous membranes of the mouth, and throat swell. Along with this, there may appear skin rashes. But how to check if you are allergic to chlorophyllipt? To do this, you need to take a small amount of slightly diluted medicine orally. 25 drops of a 0.25% chlorophyllipt solution should be diluted in a tablespoon of water and drunk. If swelling of the lips, sore throat and itching do not appear within 6 hours, then there is no allergy to chlorophyllipt. In fact, such an allergic reaction this drug– a great rarity.

Separately, I would like to say a few words about the use of chlorophyllipt by pregnant and lactating women. Chlorophyllipt itself is absolutely not dangerous (if there is no individual intolerance), but the alcohol with which it is infused is not needed at all female body. When treating pregnant women and during lactation, you should use a weak solution of chlorophyllipt in the form of a spray or an oil composition, but not an alcohol solution. In addition, the use of any medication must be agreed with the attending physician.

As you know, children of the first year of life do not know how to gargle. Therefore, when treating child's body It is better to use an oil composition for wiping the tonsils or a spray. If you only have a weak alcohol composition on hand, you can do the following - push back the child’s tongue with a spoon and use a pipette to drop a few drops of chlorophyllipt directly onto the mucous membrane of the throat. This is a harsh treatment method, however, it is very effective. Sometimes only direct impact on purulent inflammation capable of knocking down high temperature with sore throat.

If the child is over three years old, perhaps now is the time to teach the baby to gargle on his own. This skill will become very useful and necessary for your baby. First, teach your child to rinse his mouth and spit out water, just like a whale or elephant does. Teaching such a simple but such a necessary skill should be in game form. After this, you can explain to the baby that evil bacteria have settled in his throat and are causing him pain. And with the help of water it is very easy to drive them out. Show it to the baby own example, and he will very soon understand what you want from him.

Chlorophyllipt is an excellent medicine that should be in any first aid kit. It disinfects the mucous membrane, blocks further development and the proliferation of bacteria, heals open wounds, relieves inflammation and strengthens the overall immunity of the body. In addition to all these beneficial properties, chlorophyllipt has another attractive quality - its low cost. Use available ones, but such effective drugs– take care not only of your health, but also of your wallet!

Video: how to dilute chlorophyllipt

There is no need to prove to anyone that antibiotics are too strong remedies, they must be used with caution so that harmful microorganisms do not become immune to them.

For acute respiratory viral infections and sore throats, do not be tempted to resort to antibiotic treatment. It is better to gargle with chlorophyllipt, this will give a good therapeutic effect.

Naturally, many people have questions about this remedy, because in a wide circle of people suffering from throat diseases, few people know about chlorophyllipt. This article will help you get a lot interesting information about the increasingly popular all-natural drug, which has become a kind of lifesaver in the most various pathologies throat.

Brief description of the drug

Don't be afraid to use the drug natural origin. The basis of chlorophyllipt are extracts of eucalyptus and myrtle. Take a look at the bottle with chlorophyllipt - it’s pleasing to the eye green color, which is imparted to the solution by the mentioned plant extracts included in its composition.

Chlorophyllipt has a complex effect, replacing the action of several drugs at once:

  • destroys pathogens;
  • suppresses the proliferation of microorganisms;
  • reduces the formation of mucus and pus;
  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • stimulates tissue regeneration;
  • improves blood oxygen saturation;
  • stimulates the immune system.

Release forms

Chlorophyllipt has different variants applications, so it is available in several forms.

  1. Alcohol solution (concentration 1%). Designed for both indoor and outdoor use. Available in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 100 ml or 200 ml.
  2. Oil solution (concentration 2%). It is used externally and can be applied to mucous membranes. Packaging: 20 ml or 25 ml bottles.
  3. Drug for injection (concentration 0.25%). Ampoules 2 ml.
  4. Spray (concentration 0.2%). The drug is used to irrigate the larynx. 45 ml cans.
  5. Tablets in a dosage of 12.5 mg or 25 mg. Application: for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and larynx. It is recommended to dissolve. Available in combination with vitamin supplements.

To gargle a sore throat, purchase an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt at the pharmacy.

Extracts containing chlorophyllipt

Eucalyptus has a well-deserved reputation healing plant: Topical application of an extract from its leaves helps against inflammatory processes. Eucalyptus extract suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, showing its power as an antiseptic.

The effect of this extract can be figuratively compared to the nuclear bombing of a cluster of terrorists. Already after the first use, signs of a decrease in inflammation appear. Treat areas of inflammation again, following the recommendations, to complete the entire course of treatment.

Eucalyptus extract

Perhaps it is the power of eucalyptus in resisting a variety of microorganisms that partly explains the fact that these trees live for a very long time, up to 400 years. In addition, eucalyptus trees are the tallest trees on the planet, reaching a height of 155 meters. The diameter of the eucalyptus trunk is also amazing - up to 25 meters.

Myrtle extract is not much inferior to eucalyptus extract in healing properties. Myrtle extract has proven itself as a powerful antiseptic and bactericidal agent.

In its effect on pathogenic microorganisms, myrtle extract is not inferior to synthetic antibiotics, but it is better than them, because microorganisms do not adapt to it.

Eucalyptus extract is especially valuable in cases where it is necessary to fight microorganisms that have already developed resistance to antibiotics.

Myrtle extract

When neither penicillin nor streptomycin helps, myrtle extract will help.

Myrtle stimulates mobilization defense mechanisms body to fight harmful bacteria.

Myrtle extract is all the more attractive because it has a gentle effect on the patient’s body, without provoking allergic reaction. This remedy can treat a child’s sore throat without fear of allergies.

Myrtle has shown excellent results in the treatment of lung diseases - bronchitis and asthma. The upper respiratory tract is restored to functionality as a result of the use of myrtle extract.

Important information! The combination of eucalyptus and myrtle extracts brings them together healing properties and strengthens them. In our age, there is a great danger of infection by microorganisms that are resistant to antibiotics. Treat yourself with natural drugs, but still do not be tempted by their effectiveness and do not self-medicate.

A course of treatment

Gargle as recommended in the instructions for 7 days. This is the most common course of treatment. It is advisable to arrange the procedures between meals. Do 4-5 rinses a day, this will give the desired positive result.

In addition to rinsing, you can lubricate the tonsils oil solution chlorophyllipt - for this you will need to use a cotton swab and tweezers. This is indicated for tonsillitis.

It is convenient to irrigate inflamed tonsils with a spray. In spray active substance more than in solutions.

After a week's course of treatment, you should see your doctor again, especially if no significant positive result is observed.


Note! Make it a rule to act cautiously with any drug you have not used. The same applies to chlorophyllipt.

Do not rush to gargle with an alcohol solution purchased at the pharmacy. Test your body's tolerance to this drug by using its minimum dose and rinsing your mouth rather than your throat. Place 25 drops of the solution in a tablespoon of water and rinse your mouth. After the test, carefully monitor your condition for 8 hours.

The drug should be diluted with water. The required proportion is 1 to 40. To put it simply, this is a teaspoon of an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt per glass warm water. Hot water is not suitable for sore throat, and cold weather will cause the condition to worsen.

If the body is without negative reactions accepts the minimum dose of the drug, you can gargle without fear.

To enhance therapeutic effect subsequently, you can increase the concentration of the solution in the rinse, but only in strict accordance with the doctor’s recommendation.

Rinse properly

The duration of rinsing is at least five minutes. The solution should not be swallowed; while rinsing, you should say something close to the sound “y”, causing the throat to vibrate. If you accidentally swallowed part of the solution, you should not be afraid of this, since the solution is not poisonous.

Gargle with chlorophyllipt several times a day. Start with two such procedures - morning and evening, then increase the number of rinses to four. In 3-4 days of rinsing you will achieve a decisive victory over the disease. Irrigating the throat with a spray containing the same drug also helps.

Do not overdo it. The instructions for the chlorophyllipt solution say that it is advisable to maintain an interval between rinses of approximately four or five hours. After the procedure, refrain from eating for at least half an hour so as not to negate the effect of the drug.

Unfortunately, rinsing is not always advisable. There are inflammatory processes in the larynx that reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. Instead of rinsing, you have to opt for tablets; they are not swallowed, but dissolve.

Rinsing with chlorophyllipt during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Chlorophyllipt gave no reason to suspect that rinsing with it could harm the body of a pregnant woman and her fetus. However, there are no relevant studies on this matter, so it is better to exercise caution when prescribing this drug to pregnant women.

If the expected benefit from rinsing with chlorophyllipt exceeds existing risk, it is permissible to assign this procedure. The decision must be made by a doctor who weighs all the arguments in favor of such a decision and against it.

A diluted alcohol solution can be prescribed to a pregnant woman for gargling in the absence of individual intolerance.

Note! Breastfeeding is not a contraindication for gargling with chlorophyllipt, but you must obtain a doctor's prescription.

Side effects

Side effects almost never happen, but they are still not completely excluded. Possible side effects include:

  • allergies in the form of redness and swelling of the throat mucosa;
  • allergic skin rash;
  • nausea causing vomiting;
  • muscle spasms;
  • dry mucous membranes in the respiratory tract.

Important information! Of the above, the most dangerous is swelling of the mucous membrane: it can cause suffocation.

If you feel nauseous, you can prevent vomiting by taking an antiemetic medication.

You can choose other means

If you find that you have any of the above, refrain from gargling with chlorophyllipt in the future. A side effect indicates that your body is reacting negatively to the procedure.

Practitioners believe side effects from rinsing with a solution of this drug are very rare and are attributed to the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Patients under 18 years of age should prescribe the drug with caution.

Patients who have previously experienced allergic reactions can gargle with a diluted alcohol solution after testing the body's reaction to it.

Chlorophyllipt oil – completely natural preparation. Externally it looks oily clear liquid, rich emerald color. It contains two components: and oil (sunflower or olive, depending on the manufacturer). The active ingredient is chlorophyll from eucalyptus leaves.

It fights well against, even those strains that are not suppressed by benzylpenicillin antibiotics. The drug is also effective against other microorganisms.

Chlorophyllipt oil solution is used most often and due to cost

A characteristic feature of the product is that bacteria do not develop resistance to its effects, addiction and a decrease in effectiveness do not occur. Beneficial microflora is not destroyed. The pronounced properties of the medicine are antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

Indications for use

Chlorophyllipt is prescribed for various diseases throat: sore throat of different origins, pharyngitis (here), laryngitis, redness of the throat due to a cold.

Before starting therapy, regardless of the method of using the drug, it is necessary to determine the sensitivity to it, the tolerability of the components, and make sure that there is no. This can be easily checked by performing a simple test: dilute 25 drops of oil solution in 1 tbsp. l. water and drink.

Signs of an allergy (itching or rash on the body, hyperemia of skin areas, swelling of the mucous membranes) will make themselves felt within 8 hours. If no such complaints arise, the medicine can be safely used.

Directions for use: lubricate throat, drop into nose

For treatment to be effective, follow these recommendations:

  1. Before using Chlorophyllipt, you should rinse your throat with a clean warm water or . Chamomile or calendula are good for this; they will wash away mucus and pus, if there is any on the mucous membrane.
  2. Shake the bottle with Chlorophyllipt well and pour 10-15 drops into a teaspoon.
  3. Take hygienic cotton swab, dip it in the medicine and generously lubricate the inflamed areas of the throat. If necessary, add the product to a spoon.

A tingling sensation may be felt in the treated areas of the mucous membrane - this is a normal reaction, there is no need to be alarmed. Do not drink or eat for 30 minutes, so as not to wash off the medicine prematurely.

The procedure is recommended to be carried out at least three times a day. In advanced cases, when the throat is very sore, you can smear it five times a day. Relief will be felt fairly quickly if you do everything correctly.

If there is a very strong vomiting reflex and you can’t lubricate your throat, you can drop the oil solution into your nose, throwing your head back, 3-5 drops into each nostril. The drug from the nose will reach back walls pharynx, saliva will spread down the throat and will affect the lesions. This method is less effective than lubricating with medicine, but it can be used.

For even greater treatment effectiveness, you can use Chlorophyllipt.

An oil solution is not suitable for this, because oil will not dissolve in water, and the liquid will not be homogeneous.

For this procedure, it is better to take an alcohol solution. It contains Chlorophyllipt extract and medical alcohol.

Before use, the bottle should be shaken several times to thoroughly mix the sediment that often forms at the bottom and on the walls of the bottle. Then for a glass of warm water (temperature - 30-36 degrees) you need to take 1 teaspoon of solution. Stir the liquid and gargle thoroughly with it.

Rinse only with freshly prepared solution.

But after that you can lubricate your throat with an oil solution.

How to use for children and pregnant women: some features

In the instructions for the drug, the manufacturer indicates that the effect of the drug on children has not been studied and no such experiments have been conducted. It turns out that there is no specific ban, but there are no recommendations either.

In practice, pediatricians often prescribe the remedy to children. Like a drug plant origin, it is considered harmless to children.

The doctor or parents take responsibility for the use of Chlorophyllipt oil solution in the treatment of throat diseases in a child.

How can this medicine treat the throat of little fidgets? For children who use a pacifier (infants), drops onto the pacifier (3-4 drops) to treat the throat. It will spread through the mucous membranes with saliva and have the desired therapeutic effect.

For older babies and those who do not use a pacifier, Chlorophyllipt in oil is dropped into the mouth with a pipette, dripped onto the tongue or behind the cheek. The number of drops depends on the age of the child, varies from 3 to 10. From 3-4 years of age and older, you can try to lubricate inflamed areas of the throat with the product.

An oil solution is already used for schoolchildren in the same way as for adults.

Before use, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test for eucalyptus extract. 2-3 drops of the solution are dropped into the mouth. You should wait 6-8 hours for the reaction. If there is no rash, itching, swelling of the mucous membranes, or skin hyperemia, the product can be used.

The effectiveness and safety of the drug during pregnancy and lactation have not been studied. Therefore, the manufacturer does not assume responsibility for recommending Chlorophyllipt to pregnant and lactating women.

But gynecologists and therapists recommend it to them as a drug consisting of herbal components and not causing side effects. You should always weigh the expected benefits of treatment against potential risk for the health of the fetus or child. What is important here is the woman’s own feelings, the absence and good tolerance of the components.


Chlorophyllipt is a medicine developed in the Soviet Union. Now the drug is produced in Russia and Ukraine. The cost of Chlorophyllipt oil solution depends on the manufacturer, pharmacy markups and ongoing promotions.

Chlorophyllipt solution is used for severe pain in the throat

Thus, a 20 ml bottle of oil solution, which is produced in Russia, for example, by ZAO Vifitech, was sold in pharmacies at the end of 2017 at a price of 105 to 160 rubles.

In Ukraine, a bottle of 25 or 30 ml (for example, the manufacturer is OJSC Galichfarm) costs about 20 UAH.

Chlorophyllipt is a well-known antibacterial drug produced in the form of an oil or ethanol-based solution. Alcohol tincture is produced by Russian ("Vifitech") and Ukrainian ("Galichfarm") companies. Both options have identical properties.

Completely natural, with virtually no contraindications, this drug can be used topically without restrictions. However, Chlorophyllipt for gargling is recommended to be used only if indicated.

Composition and form of Chlorophyllipt alcohol

Alcoholic Chlorophyllipt is a solution of 1% concentration of extracts from eucalyptus leaves containing chlorophylls.

Composition of the drug:

thick chlorophyllipt extract (sum of chlorophylls: 10%-12%) - 1 g; medical alcohol (95%-96%) - up to 100 ml.

External characteristics of the drug:

dark emerald colored liquid; pronounced smell of alcohol; sediment of plant components may form on the walls and bottom of the bottle.

The drug is available in glass (dark, orange), as well as opaque polymer bottles of 25, 50, 100 ml.

The bottles are not equipped with a dosing device.

How to dilute Chlorophyllipt for gargling

Chlorophyllipt should be diluted for gargling according to the instructions:

Shake the bottle several times so that the liquid inside is mixed and the sediment is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume. Unscrew the cap. Measure a teaspoon of the solution and pour it into a clean, empty glass (200-250 ml). Add 100 ml of boiled water at a temperature of 30-36 degrees C to a glass. Stir the liquid until uniform.

One teaspoon contains 3-5 ml of solution.

How to breed Chlorophyllipt for children

The proportion of breeding for a child is similar to an adult. Depending on the age of the child, you can reduce the volume of the prepared solution and, accordingly, reduce the amount of the drug diluted in it. Let's say, a younger child school age You can dilute half a teaspoon of solution in 1/3 cup of water. From the age of 10, it is advisable to rinse in the same way as adults.

Instructions for conducting an allergy test

Chlorophyllipt, like any product containing plant extracts, is potentially an allergen and can cause corresponding reactions, including delayed ones. Before first use, a test application is required. For this:

Add 5 drops of solution to a tablespoon. Fill the spoon with water. Rinse your mouth with the resulting liquid. Spit. You should abstain from drinks and food for some time.

Signs of an allergic reaction appear within 8 hours:

itching; rash on mucous membranes and skin; redness, swelling of the face or mucous membranes.

If these reactions occur, use of the drug should be discontinued.

How to gargle with Chlorophyllipt solution

The instructions for rinsing with Chlorophyllipt do not differ in any way from standard procedure with the use of other medicines.

An important rule: rinsing should always be done with fresh solution.

Take a small amount of the solution into your mouth: about half the size of a regular sip of water. Tilt your head back slightly so that your gaze is directed towards the ceiling. Inhale deeply through your nose. Open your mouth slightly. Make a continuous vowel sound (“i”/”ы”/”a”) for 5-7 seconds. Repeat steps 3-5 three times. Spit out the solution. If you lose your breath, recover. Repeat the rinse cycle (steps 1-7) 8 to 10 times.

The duration of the procedure is on average 3.5 minutes.

How long to gargle with alcohol Chlorophyllipt

The rinsing procedure should be carried out 4 times a day.

How long to use Chlorophyllipt for gargling: until symptoms go away + 2 days after symptoms disappear. As a rule, antibacterial treatment should not last longer than 10 days.

Using Chlorophyllipt solution for newborns

The instructions for use do not contain an age limit on the use of the medicine as an antiseptic for the throat.

The presence of alcohol makes Chlorophyllipt not the best choice for treating children under 1 year of age.

If there is an established infection or carriage of staphylococcus, drops in oil are used.

Is it possible for pregnant women to gargle with Chlorophyllipt?

Use Chlorophyllipt (diluted in general rule) for gargling during pregnancy is possible.

When applied topically, the drug does not have a toxic effect on the fetus.

During the procedure, microscopic doses of ethanol are absorbed through the oral mucosa. Therefore, the manufacturer recommends discussing with your doctor the advisability of using the drug during pregnancy.

Instructions for use prohibit pregnant women from swallowing the solution. However, this applies to all medicines containing ethanol.

Gargling with Chlorophyllipt while breastfeeding

Chlorophyllipt is a natural and safe drug for topical use. Lactating women can use it if there are indications and appropriate use (staphylococcal infection).

Indications for use

The drug is unique, as is the plant from which it is produced. Eucalyptus has been used as an antibacterial agent for a long time. In those days when people knew nothing about bacteria and chemistry, it was noticed that rubbing wounds with eucalyptus decoction stimulated healing, and existing respiratory symptoms receded faster.

Modern extraction methods have made it possible to isolate a concentrated antibacterial extract, which is an order of magnitude superior in its antiseptic properties decoctions and infusions of eucalyptus.

Streptococci, which most often cause inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, are sensitive to eucalyptus extract. But the greatest value of Chlorophyllipt is that it kills staphylococci, including the most dangerous pathogenic species - Staphylococcus aureus.

Staphylococci, especially the aureus form, often demonstrate resistance to antibacterial agents and antibiotics. At the same time, they remain sensitive to eucalyptus extract. Thus, Chlorophyllipt in terms of efficiency of use and safety profile is the best remedy fight against staphylococci.

The alcohol solution has a wide range of applications and is used to treat confirmed carriage of staphylococcus (the main symptom is the presence of pus) or a corresponding infection, in particular:

treatment of wounds, treatment of burns (diluted with novocaine); gargling for sore throat and other throat diseases; nasal rinsing for sinusitis; inside when carrying staphylococcus in the intestines; other cases.

The instructions for use do not contain instructions on the use of the medicine for sore throat, sinusitis, etc. Some patients who read the instructions doubt whether it is possible to gargle with Chlorophyllipt. However, pediatricians and ENT specialists prescribe this remedy in cases of established staphylococcus.

Other types of Chlorophyllipt

Chlorophyllipt oil solution

Chlorophyllipt in oil is 2 times more concentrated:

thick chlorophyllipt extract (chlorophylls - 12%) - 2 g; oil - up to 100 ml.

The oil solution is used in all the cases listed above for the alcohol solution, including for treating the throat. Its advantage is the method of application: the drug does not need to be diluted in water, it should be dripped directly into the mouth, 10-20 drops. This method of using the drug is relevant for children who do not know how to gargle. Children's dosage - 5-10 drops.

The oil solution is also used nasally for staphylococcal carriage in the nose.

The oil solution causes less irritation to the mucous membranes. However, it is to the same extent allergenic as alcohol, and requires a preliminary test application as a general rule.

Spray Chlorophyllipt

The name of the Chlorophyllipt spray contains the additional word “Vialine”. This indicates a variation of the drug, which in composition and action is far from the classical form of alcohol and oil solutions.

The spray contains regular eucalyptus extract, antibacterial agent triclosan and excipients. Unlike solutions, the spray does not have pronounced antistaphylococcal activity. Although triclosan has a bactericidal effect, its widespread use in cosmetics led to the development of bacterial resistance to it.

The manufacturer of the Chlorophyllipt spray, the Ukrainian company Flori Spray, positions its product as a product for oral hygiene.

Due to the triclosan it contains, the spray is not approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Chlorophyllipt tablets

The tablet form of Chlorophyllipt is most convenient for use when respiratory infections. At the same time, in terms of its effectiveness, the drug is not inferior to rinsing with alcohol tincture.

Each tablet contains a thick dry extract of eucalyptus leaves weighing 25 mg. As excipients the drug contains sucrose, cellulose, citric acid.

The tablets should be actively absorbed without chewing. It is not recommended to keep the tablet in one place (for example, under the tongue), so as not to provoke a mucosal irritation reaction. Dosage - 1 tablet 5 times a day 30 minutes after meals.

Analogues of Chlorophyllipt alcohol solution

An exact analogue of Chlorophyllipt is a drug called Chlorophyllin OZ. It is produced by the Ukrainian “GNTsLS Pilot Plant” and is an alcohol solution with 1 percent chlorophyllipt.

Concentrated eucalyptus leaf extract (20%) is also included in other alcohol tinctures:

Chlorophyllong; Eucalyptus tincture.

Eucalyptus oil is present as an additional substance in sprays such as Ingalipt, Kameton. However, the antistaphylococcal effectiveness of these agents is lower.

Reviews of the drug Chlorophyllipt

People using Chlorophyllipt give good feedback about this drug. Pay attention to the following points:

excellent antibacterial effectiveness; absence of synthetic components and antibiotics in the composition.

Despite the fact that the main purpose of Chlorophyllipt is to fight staphylococci, patients noted that the drug also helped them with ordinary pharyngitis without symptoms staphylococcal infection.

If we talk about the use of alcoholic Chlorophyllipt in children, many parents prefer oil drops (for young children) or lozenges (for older children). Judging by the reviews, an alcohol solution is not the most suitable remedy for treating children.

Chlorophyllipt is a well-known antibacterial drug produced in the form of an oil or ethanol-based solution. The alcohol tincture is produced by Russian ("Vifitech") and Ukrainian ("Galichfarm") companies. The next video contains tips on how to use Chlorophyllipt for inhalation in a nebulizer.


Alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt for gargling - unique remedy with good antibacterial activity.

An obvious advantage of this drug is its ability to act on staphylococci that are resistant to other antibacterial and antibiotic agents.

The presence of alcohol in the composition makes Chlorophyllipt not the most successful medicine for children, who would be better suited oil drops with the same name.

It should be noted that Chlorophyllipt does not pose a danger to viruses and fungi. Treatment of a viral or fungal infection requires immunomodulatory, antifungal or antibacterial agents with wide range actions.

Chlorophyllipt solution is an indispensable medicine of natural origin for gargling for those who often suffer from tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis.

The drug is made from eucalyptus, active substance– leaf extract.

They have a similar effect medications chlorophyllin 03, eucalymin, galenophyllipt, also made from eucalyptus leaves, used for gargling.

Properties of chlorophyllipt, release form

Dosage forms of preparations made from eucalyptus leaves are used to treat staphylococcal respiratory tract infections, genitourinary organs, skin diseases.

The drug is used orally, intravenously, locally in the form of rinses, lotions, and inhalations.

Dosage forms for treating throat

The medicine is available in several forms. The most convenient form for treating the throat mucosa - spray. It is convenient to use at any time at work, at home, on the road.

The use of chlorophyllipt in a spray allows you to accurately dose the medicine, follow the instructions exactly, observing the regimen for treating the throat during sore throat, exacerbation chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis.

For sore throat, lozenges and an oily, alcoholic (1%) solution of chlorophyllipt are also used for gargling and oral administration.

They produce an alcohol solution of 0.25% for intravenous injections for severe pneumonia, lung abscess, sepsis.

Features of the action

Gargling and throat treatment are carried out with an alcohol and oil solution of chlorophyllipt. The effect of the drug on the mucous membrane is based on the antimicrobial activity of the extract.

Chlorophyllipt suppresses the activity of staphylococcal infection, which is common cause sore throat

The drug exhibits antifungal activity, suppresses the activity of viruses during colds and flu. The medicine in inhalations and rinses helps moisturize dry coughs and expectorate sputum.

The components of the drug enhance the regeneration processes of the mucous membrane, supplying zinc, manganese, and selenium necessary for tissue healing.

Cost of medicine

Solutions of chlophyllipt in oil and alcohol are offered for sale for gargling, the average prices are 100 rubles, respectively. and 200 rub.

An oil gargling solution is a green, thick liquid with a characteristic odor, packaged in dark glass bottles to protect from sunlight.


Chlorophyllipt has no contraindications for use as a gargle, except for individual sensitivity and childhood. Before using the drug, you must make sure that you are not allergic to the drug.

To determine sensitivity, you need to purchase an ampoule of a 0.25% alcohol solution of the drug, drop 25 drops into a spoon, add water to the spoon and drink.

If after 8 hours no signs of allergy appear - swelling of the face, lips, mucous membranes, chlorophyllipt can be used to treat sore throat and other throat diseases.

A subjective sign of an allergy to eucalyptus extract is the patient’s rejection of the smell of the drug.

Chlorophyllipt for children

An alcohol solution of the product is used for external treatment of a child from birth.

The drug is used instead of brilliant green umbilical wound, given orally to a newborn with mother's milk, administered intravenously for severe staphylococcal infections, sepsis. Immediately after birth, children, as a rule, do not show an allergy to chlorophyllipt.

As the child grows, the risk of allergies increases, so pediatricians limit the use of the drug for children under 12 years of age.

If it is determined that the child does not have an allergy, the medicine can be used on the doctor's recommendation. The limitation is the child’s ability to perform the procedure correctly.

Children can be offered chlorophyllipt for gargling only after the child learns to gargle without swallowing the solution.


Chlorophyllipt is used for sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, stomatitis, gingivitis, pneumonia in the composition complex treatment. Used to treat cervical erosions, vaginitis, and colpitis.

The drug is prescribed for intestinal dysbiosis, cholecystitis, to treat burns, trophic ulcers. The drug is active against strains of staphylococci resistant to antibiotics.

The drug is used to treat patients with a septic condition with prolonged severe staphylococcal infection, after surgery, childbirth.

Chlorophyllipt is approved for gargling during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How to use chlorophyllipt

To gargle, take a 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt and dilute it in proportions as indicated in the instructions for the drug.

Rinsing with an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt helps with bacterial staphylococcal tonsillitis, including purulent forms. Read more about the gargling procedure in the article Gargling.

Alcohol solution

Dilute an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt for gargling, following the instructions, having first performed a sensitivity test to the drug.

Do not rinse empty stomach, 1-1.5 before the procedure, the patient should eat food.

After gargling, do not drink or eat for at least 30 minutes. When rinsing with chlorophyllipt for a sore throat for better washing palatine tonsils make the sound “y”, for children this is a reason to play, they are more willing to carry out the procedure.

Chlorophyllipt should be diluted and used immediately; for sore throat, gargle for 5 minutes 4 times a day.

Chlorophyllipt can be diluted for gargling in one concentration for both adults and children. Take a teaspoon of 1% alcohol chlorophyllipt per 100 ml of heated water.

Oil solution

Oily chlorophyllipt is used for sore throat to lubricate the surface of inflamed tonsils. The procedure is carried out using a gauze swab soaked in the drug.

You should not lubricate your child's tonsils if he feels disgusted by the smell. This may indicate an allergy to the drug. In addition, there are non-violent methods of treating children that are no less effective and do not cause fear.

Inhalation with chlorophyllipt

Ways to treat children without tears include inhaling medications through a nebulizer. For inhalation, you need to take an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt, dilute saline solution, as 1: 10 - 1 ml of medicine requires 10 ml of saline solution.

Instead of saline solution, you can take mineral water without gas, preferably Narzan, Borjomi.

For details on how to do inhalations, read the article Inhalations with mineral water.

Features of application

Children under 12 years of age are treated with chlorophyllipt only in the absence of allergies on the recommendation of a doctor.

Do not allow the drug to come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes. It is not recommended to drink alcohol when treating with chlorophyllipt.

If a person has a tendency to experience pain in the throat - at the slightest hypothermia, or after drinking chilled liquid, as well as delicious ice cream - one should pay attention to a drug such as Chlorophyllipt, used for gargling.

This is a medicine of natural origin that has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. Those. it not only prevents the proliferation of harmful microorganisms, but also causes their death.

It is worth noting other beneficial properties of the drug:

  • Antipyogenic - significant reduction in the amount of mucus and purulent discharge
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Regenerating – rapid restoration of damaged tonsil tissue
  • Antihypoxic – saturation of blood with oxygen
  • Boosting immunity

The name of the medicine is due to the active elements included in the composition: chlorophyll extract extracted from eucalyptus. A variety of decoctions, as well as oils, have been used for a long time traditional healers for the treatment of various infectious pathologies human respiratory tract. For example, Chlorophyllipt oil for the throat is often recommended for the treatment of tonsillitis.

Available forms

This drug is available to the consumer in several forms:

  • Alcohol solution for gargling (1%) - used for both internal and external use. When used as a rinse aid, it must be diluted with water.
  • Oil (2%) - only for external use, as well as for treating mucous tissues.
  • Chlorophyllipt injection solution - for systemic administration into the bloodstream.
  • In the form of a spray - for local irrigation of the oropharynx.
  • The tablet form of the medication is used for absorption in the oropharynx for pathologies of the larynx and respiratory organs.

Proven effectiveness of the drug

Experts, during a consultation on the question of whether it is possible to gargle with Chlorophyllipt if the pathology of the oropharynx is suspected of being bacterial, answer that the drug does not have antimicrobial polyvalent activity, unlike other medications with antibiotics.

Chlorophyllipt solution, when used to treat the throat, is capable of destroying mainly only negative agents of staphylococcal nature. After all, it is they who most often make up the army of thousands of negative flora, being the root cause of the appearance of various pathologies of the human respiratory tract.

Advantages of the drug:

  • Pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect
  • The eucalyptus contained in it reduces painful sensations and eliminates mucus and pus accumulating on the tonsils
  • Effectively fights harmful microflora
  • Completely natural product without any artificial ingredients
  • Low cost compared to its analogues

The instructions for Chlorophyllipt indicate that its various forms: spray, tablets, and liquids have an equally powerful effect on local foci of infection.

Optimal areas of use

Chlorophyllipt for the treatment of throat in tablet form is intended for adequate therapeutic tactics pathologies of the oropharynx:

  • Pharyngitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Sore throats
  • Sinusitis

Oil and alcohol solution:

  • By douching, as a component of therapeutic tactics for inflammatory pathologies of the female sphere
  • If detected ulcerative defects tissues of the gastrointestinal tract
  • In the form of lotions for purulent and burn defects
  • Severe septic pathologies caused by flora more resistant to antibiotic therapy - administered intravenously
But the most popular method, nevertheless, remains the use of Chlorophyllipt as a ready-made mouthwash.

The alcohol form of the drug is used in surgery - for specific washing of cavities human body, for example, with peritonitis.

This remedy is also used by ENT specialists to gargle for sore throat. And that's not yet full list officially approved use of the drug. The instructions below describe in detail other indications for its very effective use.


How to gargle with Chlorophyllipt is explained in detail by a specialist during the consultation.

To do this, you need to purchase the recommended form - alcohol or oil - and treat the oropharynx. The frequency of use, as well as the duration of the course, is determined by the attending physician. As a rule, it is recommended to perform the procedure every 3-4 hours, after which you should not drink or eat for an hour. The course of treatment is 4-10 days depending on the stage and type of disease.

To treat the oropharynx with the oil form of Chlorophyllipt, roll up a cotton ball, soak it in the preparation, then carefully lubricate the local area of ​​inflammation.

The manufacturer has thought carefully modern form the use of Chlorophyllipt (in the form of a spray), which is very convenient to use at home or on the street, at the workplace or in vehicles.

How to dilute and gargle with Chlorophyllipt? To do this, just add a teaspoon of medicine to ½ cup of distilled or warm boiled water and rinse the oropharynx with the frequency recommended by a specialist. As a rule, the time interval between rinsing times does not exceed six hours.

It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the oropharynx with the prepared solution: to do this, take the product into your mouth, throw back your head and pronounce sounds, for example, “y”, and carry out the procedure for at least five minutes. Thus, the drug will have greater access to the local focus of inflammatory manifestations.

Chlorophyllipt in pediatrics

Chlorophyllipt oil for treating the throat of children is recommended if there are appropriate indications - inflammatory manifestations in the nasopharynx or oropharynx.

The only contraindication is the presence of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

When purchasing Chlorophyllipt alcohol for gargling in a pharmacy chain, you need to carefully read the instructions, in which the manufacturer indicates in detail how to use the drug, its indications and possible side effects.

Parents should ask a specialist how to dilute this drug for gargling a child’s throat before purchasing it from a pharmacy chain. As a rule, newborns are lubricated with an oil form this tool larynx, apply to the surface of the nipple before feeding it or add a few drops directly to baby food.

For older children, the drug is diluted in water (a tablespoon per 200 ml). When rinsing, adults must be nearby to prevent the child from swallowing the solution.

For older children age category You can already use Chlorophyllipt in the form of lozenges or spray.

Chlorophyllipt, used as a gargle, has excellent reviews - in children it not only eliminates negative flora, but also relieves pain. Children sleep well at night and are much less capricious during the day.


This solution, used as a gargle, has virtually no negative aspects in its use. The only point is its effect on the human body who has other allergic manifestations.

In this case, it is recommended to exercise caution and carry out preliminary next test: dilute 25 drops of Chlorophyllipt in 20 milliliters of distilled water, gargle and wait about 6-8 hours. In the absence of negative manifestations (itching and swelling of the tongue and lips), you can continue therapeutic measures to combat inflammatory pathologies oropharynx.

Chlorophyllipt for gargling is also prescribed to pregnant women with caution. It is recommended only in the absence of previously identified individual increased susceptibility to the components of the drug. Therefore, about methods of its use in in this case should be explained in detail by a specialist in obstetric practice.
