Painkillers for kidney pain: drugs, thermal procedures, traditional methods. Why does pain occur in the kidney area?


Kidney disease can be indicated not only by back pain, but also by a decrease in the amount of urine produced; pain or pain may appear when urinating. There may be swelling on the face and bags under the eyes. Due to the deterioration of urine outflow, general weakness and the presence of intoxication will appear. Body temperature may also increase or become unstable.

In some cases, cloudiness, sand, or blood appears in the urine. Due to poor cleansing function, blurred vision, skin rashes, loss of appetite and other unpleasant symptoms may occur.

If you suspect kidney disease, you should contact a urologist and undergo full examination, which includes a urine test, blood test, and ultrasound diagnostics. Most often, survey data is enough to diagnose accurate diagnosis and assign . In some cases, the urologist may refer the patient for additional consultation and examination with an oncologist and nephrologist.

For kidney examination additional diagnostic procedures. The safest and most informative is kidney ultrasound. This procedure allows you to obtain data on the shape and size of the examined organs, as well as identify pathological changes kidney structures.

It is worth noting that metastases have virtually no symptoms; the functions of this organ are rarely impaired. Foci are diagnosed, as a rule, during the examination, but it may be too late to begin effective treatment.

Despite this, extensive metastasis may occur arterial hypertension, that is high blood pressure, as the main vessels and the ureter are compressed. Hydronephrosis, that is, expansion of the calyces and pelvis, can also be observed, which can cause kidney failure.

More than a quarter of patients who are faced with a disease such as kidney cancer have metastases in distant organs and regional lymph nodes. Since the symptoms of renal metastases are specific to the affected organ, you need to know the symptoms of such manifestations.

Signs of dysfunction of other organs

Metastases in the lungs are manifested by constant shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness, frequent coughing, which worsens at night, and a feeling of tightness in the chest. Also, when you cough, you can see blood in the mucus.

Since kidney cancer can manifest itself as metastases to the bones, there is a gradual increase in lethargy, pain in the affected bone and in the spine area, increasing limitation motor activity, numbness lower limbs, pathological fractures, compression pain, complete immobility, hypercalcemia and bladder dysfunction.

If metastases have spread to the brain, symptoms such as dizziness, ataxia, depression, decreased thinking, speech and memory are observed. Facial asymmetry may also appear, mental disorders, personality changes, vomiting, nausea, drowsiness and different size eyes and pupils.

General symptoms in case of metastasis include anemia, low-grade fever, weight loss, increased ESR, decreased or increased temperature. Since some symptoms may be similar to those of another disease, it is important to undergo regular examinations in order to detect cancer and the presence of metastases in time.

June 15, 2017 Doctor

If a person experiences renal colic, his well-being is seriously affected. Appears strong pain syndrome, sometimes it becomes simply unbearable. How to relieve pain? There are many methods, but it is important to use only those that will not harm and will be aimed at treating the underlying disease.

Causes of colic

First aid

If a painful attack develops, you must urgently call ambulance. Patients, as a rule, are taken to a hospital, and after acute colic is relieved, treatment is carried out at home. Before the medical team arrives, you should try to alleviate the patient’s suffering by relieving pain. First aid is allowed to be provided to a person with left-sided colic and if there is renal pathologies in the anamnesis, when there is no doubt about the diagnosis. If right-sided colic occurs, the diagnosis of inflammation of the appendix should be excluded before taking any medications.

To reduce the severity of the attack, the following measures are allowed:

  1. Strengthen your drinking regime.
  2. Apply a warm heating pad, a bottle, a bag of sand to the lumbar area (allowed only for repeated colic due to the movement of a large stone during established diagnosis). You can also take a hot sitz bath for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Give the patient painkillers or antispasmodics to relax smooth muscles, against inflammation and acute pain. Baralgin, Papaverine, No-shpa, Revalgin tablets help well. If there is a health care worker in the family, you can administer the same drugs intramuscularly.
  4. In the absence of these drugs, it is allowed to dissolve a Nitroglycerin tablet to relieve the pain of an attack.

What should not be done as first aid measures? It is forbidden to take large doses of analgesics, especially if they do not have the desired effect. Also, you should not heat the lumbar area for a long time; it is better to carry out a short thermal procedure, and then apply it to your back dry heat(wrap it with a scarf or handkerchief). Any heating is prohibited, if any elevated temperature body, because in this case the cause of the disease is the inflammatory process.

Treatment in hospital and at home

There are a number of indications for hospitalization and treatment in a hospital:

  • renal colic on both sides;
  • a seizure in a child or pregnant woman;
  • having only one kidney;
  • lack of effect from home therapy;
  • elderly age;
  • presence of complications;
  • development of colic against the background of pyelonephritis, tumors;
  • the appearance of frequent, severe vomiting;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • lack of urination.

To relieve an attack, medications are administered in injections, using the above-mentioned antispasmodics, non-narcotic analgesics (a mixture of Novocaine with glucose, Pipolfen, Halidor, Atropine, Diphenhydramine, Diclofenac, Ketonal, Promedol, Platyfillin, Maxigan). You can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets and suppositories.

The use of painkillers and medications for smooth muscle spasms is continued until the stone passes and the patient’s condition improves. Antibiotics are prescribed if the cause of colic is an inflammatory process, or it occurs against the background of pyelonephritis. If there is no effect of medications and acute urinary retention, ureteral catheterization is performed. Often you have to do emergency surgery (endoscopic or abdominal methods) to remove the stone.

As the attack subsides and the patient’s health returns to normal, the patient is discharged. A further course of therapy must be carried out at home. It may include the following drugs:

  1. Products for optimizing blood circulation in renal vessels– Pentoxifylline, Trental.
  2. Uroantiseptics for relieving inflammation - Furomag, Nitroxoline.
  3. Medicines to improve the functioning of the entire urinary system and dissolve stones - Olimetin, Urocholum, Litovit, Uro-Vaxom, Canephron, Cyston.

Folk recipes

Any traditional methods therapy is allowed to be used only with the approval of a physician. Renal colic may accompany serious illnesses urinary system, which are dangerous and sometimes lead to human death. It is important not to delay treatment in a hospital, relying on folk remedies.

Stories from our readers

“I was able to cure my KIDNEYS with the help of simple remedy, which I learned about from an article by a UROLOGIST with 24 years of experience, Pushkar D.Yu...”

The following recipes exist:

  1. Brew a glass of horsetail herb in 2 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Strain and pour into a warm bath. Take a bath for 15 minutes.
  2. You need to eat watermelons (300-700 g per day), as this product has a diuretic effect and relieves attacks of colic - removes stones from the ureter.
  3. For acute pain, take cabbage leaf, crush it in your hands. Wrap the area of ​​the affected kidney with a warm cloth and leave until the condition improves.
  4. Brew a tablespoon of birch buds with 300 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink 100 ml of infusion three times a day. It is advisable to use this therapy over a course of 7-10 days.

Prevention of pathology

To no longer suffer from pain symptoms, you should follow your doctor's recommendations for the treatment of all kidney diseases. It is necessary to find out the reasons for the appearance of kidney stones and influence them with the help of drugs and diet. In the absence of contraindications, the water regime should be increased. Salt in the diet should not exceed the amount allowed by the doctor. Also, as a preventative measure, you should give up smoking and alcohol, lead an active lifestyle, and avoid hypothermia and the appearance of foci of infection in the body. In this case, the risk of exacerbation of kidney disease will be minimal.

Tired of fighting kidney disease?

SWELLING of the face and legs, PAIN in the lower back, CONSTANT weakness And fast fatiguability, painful urination? If you have these symptoms, there is a 95% chance of kidney disease.

If you don't care about your health, then read the opinion of a urologist with 24 years of experience. In his article he talks about RENON DUO capsules.

This is a fast-acting German remedy for kidney restoration, which has been used all over the world for many years. The uniqueness of the drug lies in:

  • Eliminates the cause of pain and brings the kidneys to their original state.
  • German capsules eliminate pain already during the first course of use, and help to completely cure the disease.
  • There are no side effects and no allergic reactions.

Spicy and chronic pathologies in the organs of the urinary system cause discomfort, disrupt the outflow of fluid, worsen general state. Frequent patient complaint of different ages- Kidneys hurt.

What to do at home? What medications and herbs are effective in treating diseases that cause pathological processes and pain in the kidneys? How to prevent new attacks? The answers are in the article.

Possible causes of pain in the kidney area

Negative symptoms in the kidney area are a consequence of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Often, discomfort develops against the background of malfunctions in the body and pathologies of neighboring organs.

The main causes of pain:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • renal colic;
  • gynecological and urological diseases;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • renal failure (acute and chronic);
  • kidney cyst;
  • improper functioning of the urinary system during pregnancy;
  • high load on the kidneys due to poor nutrition and drinking poor quality water;
  • hypothermia.

Learn how to provide first aid for renal colic and further treatment diseases.

Read about the causes of urolithiasis in men and the treatment of pathology at this address.

How to understand that your kidneys hurt

How can you tell if your kidneys are hurting? About incorrect operation important organs urinary system they say following symptoms sore kidney:

  • pain in the lower back;
  • at acute stage For many diseases, discomfort is felt in the groin area, legs, upper abdomen;
  • often the pain radiates to bladder, genital area;
  • urine test results worsen. Often, it is during a medical examination that doctors identify pathologies that a person does not pay attention to when chronic course, mild negative symptoms;
  • appear dark circles under the eyes, legs and face swell;
  • often develops arterial hypertension(pressure increases);
  • blood clots appear in the urine;
  • often feel thirsty, appetite decreases;
  • The color of urine often changes: the liquid darkens, becomes cloudy, and “flakes” appear;
  • with urolithiasis, sand and small irregularly shaped pebbles are noticeable in the urine;
  • weakness appears, drowsiness develops;
  • the volume of discharge when emptying the bladder is noticeably reduced;
  • urination is difficult, burning and discomfort often occur;
  • when the inflammatory process is activated, the temperature rises, in some cases up to +39 degrees;
  • Sometimes vision deteriorates and rashes appear on the body.

What to do at home

Many people believe that the best remedy for pain in the kidney area - these are herbal decoctions. Regular intake of properly selected herbal remedies really improves the patient’s condition, but renal pathologies can be completely cured only after a comprehensive examination, consultation with a nephrologist or urologist.

Common mistakes:

  • Selection of herbs and medicines on the advice of friends suffering from kidney disease. It is important to remember: what suits one person is contraindicated for another. In case of urolithiasis, it is important to take into account the chemical composition of the stones, otherwise therapy will not bring benefit, but harm. When detecting phosphates, one type of diet and medications is required, when detecting oxalates and urates, another.
  • Uncontrolled use of analgesics. To anesthetize does not mean to cure. After taking Paracetamol, Baralgin, Ibuprofen, No-shpa, Drotaverine, the condition improves for a while, the kidneys hurt less, but the problem does not disappear. Gradually, the inflammatory process becomes more active; strong painkillers are required, which also do not eliminate the cause of the discomfort, but only relieve the pain syndrome for a short time.

Conclusion! If you have unpleasant sensations in the kidneys, lumbar region, or bladder, you should rush to see a urologist or nephrologist, and not to the pharmacy for a painkiller. Advanced cases of urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, and other pathologies are difficult to treat and often develop dangerous condition– renal failure. At the fourth and fifth stage of chronic renal failure (chronic form disease) requires regular hemodialysis and kidney transplantation to replace the affected organ, which cannot perform the excretory and cleansing function.


If your back hurts in the kidney area, then you cannot experiment with replacing drug therapy with herbal medicine. The use of questionable methods sometimes ends tragically.

Tablets for stopping the inflammatory process:

  • Ciprofloxacin.
  • Verapamil.
  • Norfloxacin.
  • Cyclophosphamide.

If their effectiveness is low, these drugs are replaced with stronger antibiotics: Cephalexime, Amoxicillin.

To dissolve and remove sand and stones, tablets are prescribed:

  • Blemaren.
  • Allopurinol.
  • Ugly.

The effect of drugs for urolithiasis: they reduce the concentration of uric acid, dissolve urates. Effective compositions reduce the acidity level of urine and facilitate the removal of stones naturally.

Herbal medicines:

  • Nephroleptin.
  • Canephron N.
  • Cyston.
  • Urolesan.
  • Cystenal.
  • Olimethine.

On a note! The effectiveness of tablets containing a complex of herbal extracts has been proven by research and confirmed positive reviews physicians and patients with renal pathologies. Active diuretic effect accelerates the flushing of harmful salts from the kidneys. Herbal remedies are used during therapy and for prophylactic purposes.

Folk remedies and recipes

Herbalists recommend many mixtures based on medicinal plants to dissolve and remove salts. All herbal remedies can be used only with the permission of the attending physician. The use of inappropriate plants often worsens the condition of the urinary system. Under no circumstances should tablets be replaced by taking traditional medicines.

Proven means:

  • decoction of flaxseed. Take a teaspoon of healthy raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 2 minutes, leave for forty minutes;
  • decoction of rosehip root. Boil 2 tbsp. l. raw materials (water - 350 ml) for 10 minutes, let the liquid brew for half an hour;
  • Birch juice. Take the healing liquid daily for two weeks, a third of a glass twice a day;
  • infusion of carrot seeds. Proportions and method of preparation, as for a healthy drink made from flaxseed;
  • bearberry infusion. To prepare tea you will need 20 g of plant material and 300 ml of boiling water;
  • tea from lingonberry leaves. Healing drink It’s easy to prepare: steam a tablespoon of leaves in a thermos, take 250 ml of boiling water;
  • pumpkin in any form daily. Highest percentage useful substances preserved in baked pumpkin. With this method of preparation, the body easily absorbs the product;
  • chamomile decoction. For half a liter of boiling water, take a couple of tablespoons of healthy flowers;
  • infusion horsetail. Boiling water – 250 ml, vegetable raw materials – 1 tsp;
  • kidney collection. Nettle - 40 g, shepherd's purse, juniper fruits, rose hips and bearberry - 20 g each, sweet clover flowers and herb - 6 g each. Also add 120 g of dried rose hips. At 2 tbsp. l. 1 liter of boiling water is enough for the mixture. In a thermos, the infusion is ready in 3 hours;
  • herbal decoction with fir oil. Ingredients: lemon balm, oregano, knotweed, sage - 20 g each, the same amount of fir oil;
  • a decoction of St. John's wort and centaury. For 300 ml of boiling water - a teaspoon of herbs;
  • cucumber fasting days do it a couple of times a week. Eat 1.5 kg of juicy vegetables per day.
  • liquid – 2.5 l, no less;
  • refusal of spicy, fried, peppered foods;
  • minimum salt;
  • you should not eat a lot of offal, protein foods, meat, fish;
  • light soups with vegetable broth are useful;
  • a good option is a dairy-vegetable diet;
  • For each patient, the doctor develops an individual nutrition plan taking into account chemical composition kidney stones, if hard formations are detected;
  • You cannot drink alcohol, soda, or juices from packages;
  • Ready-made sauces, ketchups, canned food, and sausages are not beneficial;
  • It is harmful to drink coffee, strong black tea: drinks increase blood pressure.

When conservative treatment Does not help

Some diseases cannot be treated at home due to the low effectiveness of many methods. Application herbal decoctions, daily use of painkillers interferes with proper therapy purulent inflammation in the kidneys and bladder.

At severe forms diseases, exacerbation of urolithiasis, abscesses is required surgery, including urgent. The choice of the type of surgical intervention is made by a urologist after thorough examination patient, studying tests, performing ultrasound.

Learn about the causes of urolithiasis in women, as well as how to prevent the disease.

Effective methods for treating acute renal failure men have it written at this address.

Read about treatment on the page chronic pyelonephritis in women at home.

The help of a surgeon is needed in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of purulent pyelonephritis, urolithiasis when the ducts are blocked;
  • proliferation purulent cyst large buds;
  • detection of fibroma, adenoma, malignant neoplasm;
  • development of an extensive abscess of the right kidney;
  • thromboembolism.

Kidney pain during pregnancy

Discomfort develops with exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, severe form of urolithiasis, and renal colic. Among the reasons: hypothermia, inflammatory processes, infections, proper nutrition, circulatory disorders in the kidneys.

A sharp pain affects the right side, lower back, and reaches the genitals. In severe form pathological process possible complications, disruption of pregnancy, bad influence for the fruit.

If pain syndrome develops, it is important to contact a gynecologist and nephrologist in a timely manner. Prohibited uncontrolled reception analgesic and anti-inflammatory compounds. It is important to treat the disease that causes kidney pain. One of dangerous complications in advanced cases - purulent abscess.

With renal colic, possible premature birth. In case of acute pain, it is important to call an ambulance to preserve the health of the mother and fetus.

To prevent kidney pathologies, you need to eat right, avoid large amounts of protein foods, and drink less often. alcoholic drinks. Required condition - timely treatment diseases against which they develop negative signs in the organs of the urinary system. If you have kidney pain, you should not self-medicate, It is important to seek help from a urologist or nephrologist. Only by following a diet and taking medications can discomfort be eliminated and kidney failure and purulent tissue lesions prevented.

Why do my kidneys hurt? How to recognize the symptoms of kidney disease? How to get rid of pain? Find out the answers after watching the following video:

Often a person does not realize where the paired organ is located until pain in the lower back occurs and is accompanied by rapid fatigue and general weakness. In this case, you should urgently seek help from a doctor.

The main symptoms of kidney diseases are:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • reduction in daily urine volume;
  • change in urine color;
  • painful sensations during urination;
  • frequent urge;
  • temperature increase;
  • vision problems;
  • the appearance of various edemas.

If your kidney hurts, what should you do at home? First you need to determine which disease can cause pain.


To determine that it is the kidneys that are hurting, it is necessary to conduct the following experiment. Ask someone to hit the area of ​​pain with the edge of their palm. If the pain intensifies, it means kidney disease.

Often women and men have a question, what to do if the right or left kidney hurts at home? Unilateral pain often indicates two conditions:

  • hypothermia, which can lead to inflammation. Inflammation can be determined using tests. An increase in the number of leukocytes can be observed with pyelonephritis;
  • the presence of stones or sand in the organ.

Pain on both sides should alert you, as this may indicate prolapse of the paired organ. This happens by various reasons. Most often, due to a lack of subcutaneous fat in the body. Therefore it should not be allowed sharp decline weight, watch your diet. Another reason may be a sedentary lifestyle - being in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

Diagnosing this condition is difficult, since ultrasound is performed in a supine position, when the kidneys return to their normal position. This condition is dangerous in its development: at the third stage, disability occurs.

This disease is treated in the following ways:

  • wearing a corset in combination with a replenishing diet;
  • surgical intervention (this method is used extremely rarely).

Before deciding what to do for kidney pain at home, you need to understand the pain. The nature of the pain can determine the disease:

  1. Constant pain may indicate pyelonephritis, which is an inflammatory process.
  2. Aching pain may indicate cystitis (inflammation of the urinary tract).
  3. Periodic nature acute pain may indicate the presence of stones in the organ. They become especially strong at the time of urination.
  4. If the pain manifests itself more in daytime, this may be a sign of some kind of disease not only of the kidneys, but also of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Morning aching sensations indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the kidneys.
  6. Renal colic manifests itself as unilateral pain. Therefore, if there is pain in the kidney area on one side, you need to urgently consult a urologist.

First aid

Kidneys hurt - what to do at home? If the attack occurs unexpectedly, first aid must be provided. First, call an ambulance. Then the patient needs to take a comfortable position: lying or sitting. At the same time, breathe calmly, without taking sharp breaths. It is recommended to apply heat to the lower back. If the pain is not severe, you can try taking a warm shower. The main thing is that it is warm, not hot.

Diet for kidney treatment

Many people panic, what to do when their kidneys hurt at home? First you need to adjust your diet. To eliminate symptoms, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • reduce protein intake;
  • increase calorie intake;
  • reduce the amount of salt consumed;
  • periodically carry out fasting days.

You should avoid consuming cheeses, smoked meats, sausages, pickles, chocolate, mushrooms and meat broths. You need to slightly reduce cocoa, sea fish, nuts and cottage cheese.

You need to pay attention to the following products:

  • vegetable soups;
  • jelly, juice;
  • fruits and berries;
  • kefir;
  • cereals;
  • vegetable oil.

On fasting days, it is better to consume either one product or a combination of several.

Traditional methods of treatment

If kidney pain occurs, symptoms, causes and treatment at home are difficult to determine. But traditional medicine can be used to treat most kidney diseases.

Herbalists offer herbs as the main method of treatment. They have a diuretic effect, help treat chronic ailments and are used as preventative measures.

For infusions and decoctions, special fees are used:

  • parsley, bearberry and immortelle;
  • sunflower roots, cinquefoil, juniper fruits;
  • chamomile, horsetail and cornflowers;
  • cumin, calendula, knotweed;
  • St. John's wort, mint and other herbs.

However, before taking herbal infusions, the body needs to be cleansed of toxins. For this it is recommended next recipe: a teaspoon of dandelion roots is crushed and poured with boiling water. The liquid is infused until it cools completely. The medicine is taken in 3 doses.

If pain in the kidneys occurs periodically, treatment at home will help maintain the functionality of the organ. For this, traditional medicine recommends the following recipes:

  1. A collection of horsetail, lingonberry and bearberry leaves will help restore kidney function. The herbs need to be chopped and pour 1.5 tablespoons of the mixture into 300 ml of boiling water. Afterwards, the infusion should sit for about 2 hours. You need to take it 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. This recipe not only eliminates inflammation, but also helps remove the stone.
  2. Treatment can also be carried out with millet. To do this, fill a glass of cereal with three liters of water and leave for a day. The sediment that has formed at the bottom is ingested.
  3. Regular soda can improve the condition of illness. It is added to water or milk and taken 2 hours before meals. This mixture relieves swelling and creates an alkaline environment in the body.

When deciding what to do if your kidneys hurt, treatment at home, you need to know what not to do.

If you have kidney disease, you should not heat your lower back.

Stones in the kidneys

An excellent treatment is to crush stones into sand. For this, watermelons and infusions with sunflower roots are used.

To remove stones, use black peppercorns and seedless raisins. Divide the raisin in half and add pepper to it. You need to start the course with 1 raisin per day, increasing the dose taken daily by 1 piece until you reach 10 raisins.

From the 11th day the amount is reduced by the same amount. This medicine must be chewed thoroughly and washed down with water. After 20 days of this intake, you need to take diuretics or medications for 3 days. An infusion of birch branches is well suited for these purposes. This course must be completed 3 times.

How to treat kidneys in men if they hurt after drinking alcohol? Especially often the organ can suffer from beer. Colic in the lumbar part of the body may intensify.

If an exacerbation makes itself known in this way, you need to use a diet and give up alcohol. In this case, kidney herbal teas will help. It usually contains bearberry, lingonberry leaves and cat's whiskers. It has a number of contraindications, so you should consult a doctor before taking it.

For colic, drugs such as Tramolin, Veralgan, Metamizole, Mabron, Toradol are usually prescribed.

If there is an inflammatory process, Aminoglycosides, Macropen, Erythromycin, Fluoroquinolones will help.

You can help cope with the cyst with the help of herbal antiseptics Fitolysin and Canephron.

Knowing how to treat kidney pain can not only alleviate the condition, but also reduce the likelihood of further spread of the disease.

Medicines and folk remedies


  • Aminoglycosides;
  • Macropen;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Fluoroquinolones;
  • Tramolin;
  • Veralgan;
  • Metamizole;
  • Mabron;
  • Toradol;
  • Phytolysin;
  • Canephron.

Folk remedies:

  • herbal tea;
  • raisin;
  • soda;
  • peppercorns;
  • millet;
  • horsetail;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • bearberry;
  • herbal preparations.

Pain in the kidney area or in the kidneys themselves is one of the most unpleasant, persistent and severe, but do not despair. If you are wondering if your kidneys hurt, what to do at home, you will definitely find the answer later in the article. Kidney disease can occur for a variety of reasons, and the pain will vary. Kidney pain should not be ignored, and if it occurs, you should immediately seek advice and prescription specialized treatment to the doctor.

What causes pain in the kidneys?

There are no pain receptors directly in the renal tissue itself, but the renal capsule is rich in pain or baroreceptors, which are excited when pressure changes and stretches the capsule. Pain occurs when the kidney tissue swells; it begins to stretch the capsule and so-called visceral pain occurs, which is difficult to clearly localize. Most often, a sick person complains of nagging pain in the lumbar region and cannot accurately indicate the location of the pain. In other cases, the pain occurs due to urolithiasis, such pain is called renal colic.

When a stone moves from the renal pelvis system into the lumen of the ureter, severe painful sensations. Renal colic is characterized by acute and extremely severe pain in the area of ​​the affected ureter, because the stone injures inner surface ureter and reflexively causes its spasm, which only aggravates the pain.

When your kidneys hurt, you should never ignore these symptoms. Otherwise, significant progression of the disease and the development of serious complications can be allowed.

How to treat kidney pain

If you are wondering how to treat kidney pain, then try not to rush. It is not the pain that needs to be treated, but the disease itself that caused it. Depending on the pathological process that caused pain in the kidneys, it will be determined therapeutic tactics. To accurately determine the disease that caused the pain syndrome, it is necessary to undergo a full examination. To do this you will need to submit general analysis urine and pass ultrasound diagnostics organs of the retroperitoneal space, i.e. kidneys and ureters.

Before treating kidney disease with folk remedies, you need to consult your doctor and get his approval for the method you like. When the kidneys hurt due to an inflammatory process, it will be necessary drug treatment with the use of antibiotic therapy, but if the pain syndrome is caused by urolithiasis, then a wide variety of recipes can be used traditional medicine. Decoctions and infusions made from the leaves of birch, mint, and lingonberries have proven themselves well. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of dry leaves per 1.5 liters of boiling water. After pouring boiling water over the leaves, the decoction is infused for 3-4 hours, after which it is ready for use.

To treat urolithiasis and relieve pain, you can also use decoctions of wheatgrass rhizomes and oak bark preparations. Most decoctions of plant substances allow you to fight pain well and make it possible to relieve pain in short time. Decoctions also have anti-inflammatory activity, which in turn reduces swelling of the renal parenchyma and helps eliminate pain.

Herbal diuretic teas should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Renal colic

An attack of renal colic most often begins with acute unbearable pain in the lumbar region, but in some cases, renal colic may be preceded by increasing discomfort in this area. Renal colic develops as a result of urolithiasis, and even a small amount can trigger an attack. exercise stress in the form of walking or running.

A characteristic sign of renal colic is pain descending from upper sections lower back, which corresponds to the movement of urate stone along the ureter. Urate stone can completely close the lumen of the ureter, thereby causing severe pain.

First aid for developing renal colic is to take antispasmodic drugs, which are good for pain relief for the affected person. The first thing you need to do is get rid of muscle spasm, for this you can use antispasmodics and decoctions from herbal preparations. Along with the decoction and antispasmodic drugs you need to take painkillers. Besides drug therapy, you need to apply a heating pad with a warm or even hot solution to the lumbar area. Rest, warmth in place of pain and antispasmodics will help solve the problem of pain. Only A complex approach may help fight renal colic.

This is what urate stones look like in the kidneys, which cause renal colic

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies in the treatment of pain syndrome. Treatment at home is no different from treatment in a hospital setting, if you follow all the instructions of the attending physician and his recommendations. In addition, you can use it at home additional measures for the treatment of kidney diseases. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures help with a wide variety of diseases of the urinary system. It is much easier at home than in the hospital to prepare lotions that can be applied to the lumbar region in the projection of the kidneys. Treatment at home promotes rapid pain relief and recovery.

Over several generations of traditional medicine, many effective recipes for the treatment of urolithiasis. A decoction of Ivan tea has a gentle effect on renal system. The effect on the renin-angiotensin system resolves pain and stimulates moderate drainage of the urinary tract. There are a number of variations in taking a decoction of the herb Ivan tea. Usually from yesterday they are bred into warm water some finely chopped young herb sprouts. Drink 100 milliliters of infusion on an empty stomach. The course lasts for 2 weeks.

In practice traditional healers kidney collection is used - the most proven folk remedy. It contains sprouts of lovage, St. John's wort, tricolor violet, bearberry, wild strawberry, string, and sage. This collection is actively indicated during pregnancy complicated by urolithiasis. Obstetricians and gynecologists allow it to be taken even in the second trimester of pregnancy. In the second trimester, most women are contraindicated loop diuretics. At the same time, renal preparations have a reduced hypotensive effect. IN everyday practice patients may not be able to monitor levels as carefully blood pressure. The main effect that comes to the fore is the expulsion of urates from urinary tract.

The diuretic effect is based on beneficial biological properties herbs As a result, chlorides, uric acid and a large number of urea.

Experts recommend taking into account the mild effect of the renal collection with extreme caution. medicine in the daily diet. You should not abuse or drink this collection in large quantities. It is worth consulting your doctor and familiarizing yourself with the contraindications.

Most medicinal herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy

Diuretic effects are typical for sprouts of string, dill, burdock, hernia, and birch. To achieve the greatest effect in advanced cases, shepherd's purse herb is added to the main collection. In order to prepare the mixture, brew 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. After this, pour boiling water and leave for 6 hours. The patient takes it every 7-8 hours. For inflammatory processes that complicate the course of the underlying pathology, make a decoction of bear's ear. This decoction perfectly helps the kidney cope with inflammation. Usually a tea is prepared with this herb and drunk after meals. The course is 21 days.

However, we should not forget that any collection cannot replace full-fledged therapy in a specialized department, where specialists select a balanced optimal dosage of drugs aimed at achieving recovery. You should not treat yourself, but it is better to spend a small amount of time and consult a doctor.

We are accustomed to the fact that any disease requires the prescription of pills, injections and regular visits to the doctor. Is it possible to treat kidney problems at home? In our detailed review Let's look at popular ways to help a sick organ, starting with diet and drinking regimen, ending with medicinal herbs, massage and therapeutic exercises.

Before you start treating your kidneys at home, be sure to consult a doctor. The specialist must assess your health condition, prescribe necessary medications and “give the go-ahead” to the use of any folk remedies.

Correction of nutrition and water regime are the main rules for self-treatment of kidneys

Diet is the first thing you should pay attention to if you have kidney pain. By following simple rules, you can save the urinary organs from unnecessary work and achieve a faster recovery. To the main principles renal diet include:

  1. Prohibition of alcohol consumption in any form.
  2. Sharp limitation of spicy, fried and too salty foods, sausages, smoked meats, marinades.
  3. Fatty meat and lard can be replaced with lean beef and chicken breast.
  4. The basis of the diet is dairy and plant foods - vegetables, fruits, milk and dairy products should be on the table every day.

Helps with kidney diseases and compliance with the drinking regime. Inflammatory changes in the pyelocaliceal system without disrupting the functional activity of the organ are an indication for drinking 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. It is better to give preference to clean water, compote, or rosehip decoction. In chronic renal failure, the volume of fluid entering the body is reduced to 1-1.2 liters per day.

A simple way to restore normal work kidneys for infectious and inflammatory diseases - drink liquid at certain times. The main objectives of the drinking regime are:

  • stimulation of urination;
  • cleansing the internal structure of the kidneys from microorganisms, toxins, excess salts and calculi.

For this purpose, kidney patients are recommended to drink a glass of vegetable juice (cucumber, carrot or tomato) before bed and be sure to empty the bladder at the first urge, including at night. To cleanse the urinary tract, you can also drink 1-2 glasses clean water immediately after waking up.

Kidney treatment with herbs

How to treat kidneys at home with medicinal plants? The main goal of such therapy remains:

  • increase in daily diuresis (diuretic effect);
  • cleansing of the urinary organs (uroseptic effect).

Decoctions and infusions of herbs, as well as medicinal preparations, act quickly, and the kidneys usually stop hurting already on the 3-4th day of taking them. Best Recipes traditional medicine are presented in the table below.

Chronic pyelonephritis, chronic renal failure (after consultation with a doctor)
  • seeds and chopped parsley roots (dried) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water – 500 ml
Pour the plant material with water and leave in a thermos (or a jar wrapped in a warm cloth) for 1-2 hours. Strain the resulting solution and take 120 ml (half a glass) × 2 times a day. 10-14 days
Pyelonephritis, pyelitis, glomerulonephritis
  • raisins (dark) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 250 ml
Pour boiling water over the raisins and leave for a day. Take on an empty stomach in the morning. You can prepare a fresh solution daily. 2-3 weeks
Pyelonephritis, ICD
  • dried rose hips - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water – 1 tbsp.
Pour water over the rose hips and simmer over low heat for 12-15 minutes. Strain and take 1/3 cup before main meals. No limits

Note! Herbal treatment and medicinal plants has its contraindications, such as individual intolerance, allergic reactions, acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases.


Is it possible to treat kidneys at home with the help of sports? Yes, if it's exercise physical therapy. They are aimed at:

  • improvement of blood circulation in the retroperitoneal space and kidney area;
  • restoration of impaired urine flow;
  • strengthening the muscular framework that supports the kidneys, preventing nephroptosis.

Basic rules that must be followed when performing exercises if you have kidney pain:

  1. The best place to study is a clean, bright, spacious and well-ventilated room.
  2. Wear loose clothing that will not restrict your movements.
  3. If you experience back pain during an exercise, rest and move on to the next one. If the discomfort does not go away, stop exercising and consult a doctor.
  4. High fever, renal colic, intense back pain and bleeding from urinary tract– strict contraindications for physical therapy.

Exercise for kidney pathology consists of the following exercises:

  • diaphragmatic breathing;
  • rotation of the body from side to side;
  • squats;
  • body twisting;
  • arching of the back - “cat”;
  • shoulder blade stand – “birch tree”;
  • rotation of the hoop (without weighting);
  • elements of dance movements;
  • jogging, race walking– after consultation with specialists (nephrologist, therapist, and, if necessary, cardiologist).


Kidney massage at home can be considered as a measure to prevent exacerbation chronic diseases, but not as a first aid remedy. Some patients begin to actively knead and rub the kidney area when acute infection or renal colic, which is not recommended.

When acute symptoms subside and lower back pain disappears, you can begin the procedure. It can be done both in the clinic and at home. The purpose of the massage is:

  • elimination of muscle spasm;
  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • stimulation of the functional activity of the kidneys.

Since the kidneys are located in the retroperitoneum, it is not easy to gain “access” to them. The massage is performed both through the anterior abdominal wall and through the back muscles. When performing the procedure, remember that all movements should be smooth, easy and not cause you discomfort.

Above, we tried to figure out how to cure kidneys at home. In this difficult task, everything is important: from changing your lifestyle and nutrition to doing regular exercises. Don't neglect opportunities official medicine: only an experienced doctor will be able to give you the correct diagnosis and determine a plan for further action.

August 22, 2017 Doctor

Kidney pain is common. When your kidneys hurt, only a doctor can answer what to do at home to alleviate the condition.

Causes of the disease

He will introduce you in more detail to the features of the diet for renal pathologies, and also provide sample menu, Therapist.

Drug treatment

If pain in the kidneys occurs, contacting a specialist is mandatory. Timely diagnosis will allow you to quickly and effectively cope with the disease. The main principle of treatment of renal pathologies is complexity. Treatment is carried out with the following drugs:

  • Antispasmodics.
  • Painkillers.
  • Antiseptics.
  • Diuretics.

In order to prevent the development of kidney diseases, great attention must be paid to prevention. Prevention is always easier than cure. Mobility, physical activity, healthy image life, proper nutrition, and timely medical checkup will reduce the risk of kidney pain to a minimum.

Tired of fighting kidney disease?

SWELLING of the face and legs, PAIN in the lower back, CONSTANT weakness and fatigue, painful urination? If you have these symptoms, there is a 95% chance of kidney disease.

If you don't care about your health, then read the opinion of a urologist with 24 years of experience. In his article he talks about RENON DUO capsules.

This is a fast-acting German remedy for kidney restoration, which has been used all over the world for many years. The uniqueness of the drug lies in:

  • Eliminates the cause of pain and brings the kidneys to their original state.
  • German capsules eliminate pain already during the first course of use, and help to completely cure the disease.
  • There are no side effects and no allergic reactions.

Kidney pain is a very unpleasant phenomenon, which indicates the presence of a disease or some pathology. It can be nagging or acute, but it bothers you for a long time and rarely goes away on its own. Why does pain occur in the kidney area, and how to deal with it?

Causes of pain

Recognizing pain in the kidney area is not easy. They are easily confused with osteochondrosis, an attack of appendicitis, biliary colic, or exacerbation of a herniated disc.

If you are sure that you feel discomfort in this organ, most likely this is a sign of the following diseases:

  • Pyelonephritis – inflammation of the parenchyma, calyces and renal pelvis;
  • Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the glomeruli that is caused by viral infection, tumor, drug use, vasculitis;
  • Kidney failure is a dysfunction of the organ, which is accompanied by hypertension;
  • Kidney prolapse. Occurs due to their excessive mobility and impaired blood supply;
  • Malignant and benign tumors;
  • Urolithiasis disease.

These are the main causes of kidney pain. Very often, doctors cannot explain why dysfunction occurs in this organ. Sometimes unpleasant sensations appear due to heavy loads while playing sports. In this case, after some time they pass.

Symptoms of pain

Kidney diseases can be successfully treated if you see a doctor at an early stage. But how can you determine that pain is tormenting your kidneys?

There are characteristic symptoms that clearly indicate problems in this organ:

In turn, pain in the kidneys is a sign of some pathology. And based on the nature of the disease, the doctor can easily determine the disease.

Let's look at each case in more detail:

  • Pyelonephritis. Characterized by a constant feeling of heaviness. In this case, pain is often felt in the kidney on the right or left, although in fact it is bilateral;
  • Glomerulonephritis. Is different acute attacks, which pass, but after some time resume with renewed vigor;
  • Kidney failure. Accompanied by severe colic, which often leads to fainting;
  • Kidney prolapse. It differs in that the pain intensifies when a person is in an upright position. It can be so strong that even painkillers do not help;
  • Benign and malignant formations. On early stages the pain is practically not felt. It intensifies as the disease progresses;
  • Urolithiasis disease. The movement of stones can provoke, which is characterized by severe pain, often leading to loss of consciousness.

The localization of pain does not matter much. Typically, symptoms of pain in right kidney are no different from the symptoms characteristic of the left.

Drug treatment

If discomfort occurs and discomfort The question arises: how to treat kidney pain? Obviously, you won’t be able to cope with the problem on your own, so it’s better to consult a doctor. He will inspect and do necessary tests and will appoint ultrasonography. After diagnosis, the general picture of the disease will be visible, and the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Depending on the cause of the pain, conservative or surgical treatment is carried out. A conservative approach is most effective in the presence of stones and involves the use of drugs to dissolve them.

For inflammatory processes in the kidneys, steroids (Retabolil, Nerobol, Lespenefril), analgesics and other drugs are actively used. If there is serious damage organ and it can no longer perform its functions, dialysis is prescribed.

Doctors turn to surgical treatment for:

  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Benign adenoma;
  • Cancer;
  • Rupture or prolapse of an organ.

If surgery does not solve the problem, doctors go to extreme measures- organ transplantation.

Whatever the cause of the pain, only an experienced specialist can solve the problem. Never self-medicate without knowing the exact diagnosis. Some traditional methods may aggravate the situation, so they should be used only with the permission of the attending physician.

Traditional methods of treatment

  • Treatment with corn silk. Typically, kidney swelling is treated in this way. To prepare the tincture, you need to pour one tablespoon of stigmas into a glass hot water, boil for 20 minutes over low heat, then stand for 30 minutes and strain. Take 2 tablespoons every 3 hours.
  • Baths with horsetail. To do this, it is not necessary to completely immerse yourself in water with a decoction; you can limit yourself to foot baths or sitting in it up to your waist.
  • Bearberry tincture. It is a good diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. To prepare it, brew a tablespoon of herb in a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, then cool and add water to a full glass. Take 50 ml three times a day.
  • Blue cornflower tincture is recommended for cystitis and nephritis. To prepare the product, pour 400 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of flowers, then filter and take three times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.
  • Radish juice (can be added with honey). Take one glass during the day.

Diet and preventive measures

No matter how trivial it may sound, to avoid kidney problems, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. First, pay attention to what you eat and drink. It is low-quality food and various drinks with chemical additives that cause the main harm to this organ. Drink more tea, compotes, purified water, freshly squeezed juices. Do not abuse alcohol and smoking.

If colic is associated with a disease that is chronic, great importance has a diet. Required proper diet nutrition that will promote healing.

The diet is developed individually, taking into account the specifics of the disease, but in general it consists of the following measures:

  • Limiting meat and salt consumption;
  • Exclusion from the diet of canned, spicy and smoked foods;
  • Drink only soft water;
  • Conducted once a week fasting day, during which you need to drink a lot of water or eat diuretic foods: watermelons, cucumbers, apples.

Usually, kidney diseases require strict adherence to a diet and constant medical supervision. Be patient, as treatment can be complex and lasts several years.

Pain in the kidney area is not always associated with this organ and may be the cause various diseases. Discomfort and pain often occur with severe physical work, sports and injuries to other organs. Painkillers will help cope with colic, but will not solve the problem. Only an experienced specialist can determine their cause and prescribe treatment.

It is very important to do prevention, lead a healthy lifestyle, and adhere to a diet. This will reduce the likelihood of kidney problems at least several times.
