Quick pain relief. How to quickly relieve a headache at home. How to quickly relieve pain? Emergency painkillers

Pain is the most unpleasant sensation that occurs in our body. There is no desire or strength to tolerate it, so usually we immediately run to take pills. But is it possible to do without them?

Pain in the neck

Neck pain most often occurs as a result of working at a computer for a long time and poor posture. Of course, you cannot die from it, but it is very unpleasant. In order not to drink pharmaceutical drugs, let's turn to physical therapy.


The easiest way is to rotate your head in one direction and the other: clockwise for half a minute, and counterclockwise twice as long, about a minute. During exercise, the vertebrae may crack. Don't worry, they are tired of being in one position, without moving.

Stretching the neck muscles

The hand should be placed on the head. Moreover, the right one should lie on left side heads and vice versa. Alternately, gently pull your head in the direction placed in this moment hands. And hold it like that for ten seconds. Repeat the exercise several times with your right and left hands.

Tennis ball

This simple exercise needs to be done against a wall. Stand with your back to it and place the ball between your head and the wall. Hold it while performing circular movements with your body.

Knee pain

The pain in the knee joints is aching and excruciating, but I have to walk. What should I do? Our motto should be: “first remove the pain, and then figure out where it came from.”

The most quick fix Relieving knee pain is ice. Remember the football players. If a player's knee hurts during the game, the doctor will spray it with a cooling spray. What happens then? The effect is twofold:

- the skin cools down and the pain goes away, since the receptors do not work at this temperature - the signal does not reach the brain;
- When cooling, blood flow decreases due to the narrowing of blood vessels.

Thus, simple ice works wonders. This will relieve not only the pain, but also the swelling. If we talk about exercises, physical activity, then for knee pain this option is possible only if there are no physical injuries.

Milk for knee pain

This seems simply incredible, but scientists have proven that low-fat milk reduces the risk of osteoarthritis knee joint. The calcium and vitamin D it contains reduces the risk of fractures.

Leg pain

Legs are the most resilient part of the body, which is not surprising, because every day they are forced to support a person’s weight. Therefore, it is not surprising that they sometimes hurt. The most common cause of foot pain is uncomfortable shoes. Women suffer from this more often, since heels do not have a very good effect on the condition of the legs.

The easiest way to combat pain is massage. Baths with herbs, salt or soda, depending on the individual characteristics of your body, also relieve discomfort. But each part of the legs has its own exercises that help keep the muscles toned.

Leg exercises

1. For heel pain. Stand at some distance from the wall, facing it. Lean on your hands as if you want to do a push-up. Rise up onto your toes and hold this position for thirty seconds. Rest for a minute and repeat again. When lifted onto your toes, your legs should be tense.

2. Prevention of inflammation of the Achilles tendon (tendinitis). This exercise can be done anywhere. Rise up gradually onto your toes and fix your rise for a couple of seconds, then slowly lower yourself to the original position to stand on your entire foot.

3. Massage and cold will help quickly relieve pain and fatigue, relieve inflammation. Fill plastic bottle cold water and roll your foot across the floor. Change legs after five minutes.

There are many different methods to deal with the pain that arises. One of them is yoga. It is the asana “downward-facing dog pose” that will help maintain healthy legs. To do this, get on all fours, arch your back upward, while pressing your heels to the floor.

Tip: before going to bed, to relieve fatigue, place your legs on a pillow and lie in this position for a while. This will relieve fatigue and help the blood flow through the veins.

Attention! Folk recipes and exercises are not a substitute for qualified medical assistance. After the pain goes away, it is necessary to find out the source of its occurrence and remove it.

If the cause of the pain is of a different nature, cramps, burning, severe attacks acute pain, then we need to find the cause of the pathology. To do this you need to go through medical examination. After this, the doctor will prescribe a treatment program for you, and you can support it using traditional methods.

Chronic pain in the spine can be the result of diseases and injuries even after complete recovery. Treatment of pain syndromes using neuromodulation – modern procedure, widely used in developed countries. Osteochondrosis is a disease that very often leads to chronic pain. Chronic pain in the joints of the hands often occurs in people involved in strength sports. Research in pain physiology recent years make it possible to effectively treat patients with various, including chronic pain syndromes, without surgical intervention.

Pain management, or How to win pain syndrome

Professional athletes know very well that in addition to success and joy, sport also brings enormous stress, injuries, and, as a result, pain. Blows, fractures, sprains are constant companions of all serious sporting achievements, so the path of an athlete is always to overcome, first of all, himself and the reactions of his body. Over time, many people put up with chronic pain without giving it much importance. However, constant pain can be a sign of a serious illness.

We will look into how to recognize chronic pain and how to get rid of it in our article.

Acute and chronic pain

For a long time, doctors identified only one type of pain that occurs as a result of any damage or manifestations of disease. However, research over the past 30 years has allowed doctors to talk about another type of pain - chronic.

If acute or epicritic pain- this is the body’s reaction to direct tissue damage or inflammation, gradually fading as recovery and healing occurs, then chronic pain is a defensive reaction that can only intensify over time, thus becoming a source of new suffering and discomfort. Chronic is a pain syndrome that is observed in a patient for more than three months with a visible improvement in general condition.

Medical research shows that, in addition to discomfort, chronic pain can cause depression and other mental disorders. This is why it is so important to get rid of persistent long-term pain syndromes.

Causes of chronic pain syndrome

The mechanism of the transition of acute pain to chronic has not yet been fully studied, but it has already been revealed that the occurrence of constant pain syndrome is dictated not only by physiological, but also by psychological and social factors.

The main causes of chronic pain:

  • incompletely healed injuries . Athletes often neglect full rehabilitation after injuries, citing lack of time and the desire to quickly get back into shape. But untreated injuries can make themselves felt years later, which significantly overshadows sports and daily life athlete;
  • major operations . After surgery the body for a long time is under stress. Sometimes, even after fully recovering from surgery, patients continue to experience regional pain syndrome;
  • previous heart attacks, strokes . Acute pathological conditions brain and heart cause disturbances in the functioning of all body systems: nervous, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, etc. It is not always possible to fully restore all body functions. This leads to depression emotional state and the occurrence of chronic pain;
  • sedentary lifestyle can be both a consequence and a cause of constant discomfort;
  • psycho-emotional disorders : sleep disorders, depression can also cause chronic syndrome pain, for example, constant headache.

Statistical data
European doctors conducted a large-scale study, which involved 4,600 patients from 16 countries. The statistics are depressing: 20% of Europeans suffer from chronic pain, and one in five of them has been experiencing pain for 20 years or more. In Russia, on average, 34 out of 100 people are susceptible to chronic pain of one kind or another.

Treatment of chronic pain syndrome

To eliminate chronic pain, first of all, the cause of its occurrence and localization are established. Then, depending on the etiology, a number of different measures are carried out to eliminate the pain syndrome and prevent its recurrence.

Treatment methods for acute and chronic pain include:

Drug treatment (pain relief regimens)

To relieve pain, analgesics (for example, ketanov), paracetamol and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed; for elimination depressive states– sedatives and antidepressants (such as Prozac), which help not only improve a person’s general mood, but also create a favorable background for the action of painkillers. Most often, the doctor prescribes non-opioid analgesics, since opioids can be addictive and cause pain after stopping the medication. Drugs containing opioids are indicated only for very severe pain, for example, with cancer.


Medical and “amateur” (non-professional) massage is used to relieve muscle tension and hypertonicity, and is also an effective anti-stress method. Massage improves lymph and blood flow, which is important if chronic pain is caused by in a sedentary manner life or old trauma.


Physiotherapeutic procedures, such as magnetic influence, UHF, electro- and phonophoresis, have analgesic effect, not as pronounced as with drugs, but noticeable. Hydrotherapy, mud therapy, thermal procedures, and ultraviolet irradiation contribute not only to relief from pain, but also to an increase in emotional background.


Despite the fact that until recently the effectiveness of acupuncture was the subject of debate among doctors, it is now recognized that this method gives positive results in the treatment of patients with chronic pain. It is extremely important that the procedures are carried out by an experienced specialist.

Exercise therapy

Therapeutic gymnastics and other types of physical education (for example, qigong) help improve the general physical and psycho-emotional state of patients. For athletes, physical training procedures are especially important, as they are the first step towards returning to a normal training rhythm.

Psychological help

Individual and group classes with a psychologist will help a person understand the causes of pain and break the chain of pain-anxiety-depression-pain. The qualifications of the doctor and his experience in working with patients suffering from constant pain are also important here.

Relaxation therapy

This method includes aromatherapy, auto-training, communication with people and animals (for example, “dolphin therapy”), walks, and creative activities. All this helps the patient to relax, distract from worries and, thereby, alleviate the depressive state.

The main nuance of treating chronic pain is that all procedures give high and lasting results only in combination. If the patient receives only pharmacotherapy or a course psychological assistance, there is a high risk of not only a return, but also an intensification of the syndrome after the end of treatment.

How to quickly relieve pain? Emergency painkillers

However, situations arise when chronic and seemingly habitual pain suddenly flares up with new strength, turning into acute attack. Then you need to accept emergency measures to get rid of unpleasant sensations, because doctors say that it is impossible to endure pain, especially severe pain - this can cause various sad consequences, even anaphylactic shock and coma. Usually as pain relievers as soon as possible, use medications: in the form of injections, tablets or ointments. So, in acute muscle spasms injections of ketanov, ketorolac will help, for abdominal pain, “echoes” from operations and injuries - painkillers and antispasmodics, such as Nise, Nurofen, Diklak. For back and joint pain, creams, gels and ointments help well - Voltaren, Nimulid, Dollit, etc.

Non-pharmacological agents can also be used: herbal and aromatherapy, effects on biological active points, but these methods do not give such a quick and tangible result as medication.

Therapy of acute and chronic pain in Moscow

Pain syndrome, acute or chronic, significantly darkens a person’s life and therefore it makes sense to seek help medical assistance in order to get rid of unpleasant sensations forever, whatever their nature and whatever their cause. Unfortunately, not all municipal or even paid hospitals there is a direction that provides A complex approach to cure constant or sudden pain. For athletes, such services are almost never provided in Russia.

However, in Moscow there are centers that specialize in rehabilitation and relief of patients from the consequences of injuries and operations, chronic pain of various types. One of them is a rehabilitation clinic. Here qualified doctors different profiles combine their efforts to provide the entire necessary set of methods for maximum restoration of the patient’s health, both physical and psycho-emotional. Therapists, cardiologists, physical specialists, psychologists develop an individual course of measures, and a favorable environment: silence, peace, beauty of nature - contribute to the effectiveness of treatment. It is not surprising that the center has become a popular destination among athletes who come here to rehabilitate after injuries and stress.

License of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region No. LO-50-01-009095 dated October 12, 2017.

Monday, 04/23/2018

Editorial opinion

To prevent acute pain from becoming chronic, it is necessary to promptly contact the hospital, and athletes must contact the team physician. You should not self-medicate or let things take their course - this way you only risk worsening your condition. Various procedures: massage, gymnastics, even injections can be done at home, but only after receiving the necessary recommendations from a specialist.

If you want to heal the illnesses of loved ones, then this proven method will be useful to you!

From personal experience...

“I discovered this ability in myself when I was 5 years old. Then my mother had a very bad headache, and I put my hands on her head. My palms became warm, and I felt the pain travel through my hands to my head. Then I absorbed her pain, and then, with an effort of will, I crushed it. After a while, my and my mother’s headaches went away.”

How to treat ailments?

In order to develop this ability, you need to have:

  • great willpower;
  • the ability to sense illness¹;
  • compassion for someone from whom pain or illness is taken away.

Techniques for healing illnesses

1. First you need to find the source of the disease.

2. Then you need to put your hands on this place, concentrating your energy on them.

3. In the case of treating a headache, after some time the healer can feel how the aching pain passes through the arms to the head.

4. Then, through an effort of will, you need to squeeze out the cloud of black energy from your head. The headache will ache a little more and go away.

After this, the disease will also go away in the person who received help.

Healing Features

This technique can only be performed by those who have a strong will, otherwise the disease will strike the healer himself.

Moreover, it is impossible to help a person without true compassion and desire. Also, not every illness or pain can be healed; some of them can only be weakened, for example, AIDS² or cancer.

Grigory Pyzhov

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ You can find out more about how negativity feels in the article.

Migraine attacks do not necessarily mean a person has a serious illness, but if they occur frequently, you should visit the hospital. Rare headaches are best not treated with medications, but rather treated with effective and safe folk remedies.

How to get rid of headaches with massage

You can quickly relieve headaches through massage. To do this, rub your temples and the bridge of your nose with light circular movements. In addition, a massage of the frontal area using a balm helps relieve migraines. Golden Star" To achieve therapeutic effect, massage is carried out for at least 2-3 minutes. If the cause of headaches is the presence cervical osteochondrosis(the disease is often diagnosed in people who sit at the computer for a long time), you should ask loved one stretch you cervical-collar area.

Another way to relieve pain without pills is acupuncture. Thereby unconventional method treatment can effectively relieve migraines without the use of drugs. The technique is to perform acupressure by pressing on certain areas of the body with your fingers. How to quickly get rid of headaches without pills:

  1. Massaging the yongquan point. Exactly in the center of the foot there is a point, when exposed to which a person’s pressure decreases. If a headache occurs, it is recommended to massage this area on both legs using thumbs hands You need to massage, moving towards the toe, making 100 pressures (this takes about 2 minutes).
  2. Massaging the point above the nose. Apply at least 30 pressures to the area located directly above the bridge of the nose and parallel to the eyebrows.
  3. Massaging points near the eyes. It is necessary to simultaneously press on two symmetrically located small depressions near the outer corners of the eyes.
  4. Massaging a point on the head. If you draw a line from ear to ear through the crown, then desired point will be in the middle. It is necessary to press on it until slight pain appears.

Aromatic remedy

It is possible to combat migraines with the help of aromatherapy, which have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Aroma oils are removed muscle tension and vasospasm. To relieve headaches, you can add products to water when bathing, use them for massage, or simply breathe in their vapors, heating them with an aroma lamp. Which aroma oils help cure migraines:

  • almond;
  • eucalyptus;
  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • rosemary;
  • chamomile;
  • coconut

Treatment of headaches with compresses

If painful sensations were caused by overexertion or fatigue, it is worth doing wet compresses. Depending on the nature of the pain, warm or cold lotions are applied to the head. What to do if you have a migraine:

  1. When pulsating. Apply ice, previously wrapped in a towel/cloth, to your temples. It will also help lower your body temperature without the use of medication.
  2. When covering. Apply an ice pack to your forehead for 2-3 minutes.
  3. With pressure. Apply a warm, wet compress to the back of your neck.
  4. For migraines caused by stress. Fold a couple of paper napkins in half, place gauze soaked in a solution of valerian tincture (2-3 drops per 1/3 cup) between them and apply to the forehead/temples.
  5. For severe pain. Grind a cinnamon stick into powder, add a little water and lubricate your forehead and temples with the resulting mixture. This remedy effectively relieves vascular spasms, which often occur in winter due to the cold.

Folk remedies

How to relieve headaches at home without medications:

  1. St. John's wort infusion. Remove migraine and increase arterial pressure will help this remedy: pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs 250 ml barely boiling water. When the liquid has stood for 15-20 minutes, take 80 ml three times a day.
  2. White willow infusion. Herbalists recommend preparing and taking next remedy: Art. l. plant bark, pour 500 ml of fresh cool water. After 8 hours, the infusion can be drunk, and half a liter should be consumed throughout the day. If necessary, prepare the product again the next day. Its properties are similar to those of aspirin.
  3. Wine of Hippocrates. Add finely chopped lemon with zest and 1 tbsp to 500 ml of red wine. l. natural honey. The drink effectively relieves pain and replaces sedatives.
  4. Mint tea. Doctors recommend drinking mint teas with honey to combat migraines. It is better to drink the drink at night, as it has a light sedative effect.
  5. Juice chokeberry. Squeeze the liquid out fresh berries and consume 2 tbsp daily. l. the night before each meal.

How to get rid of migraines during pregnancy

Many pregnant women experience periodic headaches. Severe migraine is poorly tolerated during pregnancy, and it cannot be eliminated with the help of conventional medications. This is because a pregnant woman is prohibited from taking most types of pills. However, you should not endure migraines, because there are alternative methods. The most effective among them are:

  • compress from cabbage leaf(it needs to be tied tightly to the head);
  • a cup of strong, sweet coffee or tea (not suitable for hypertension);
  • coolness is an excellent cure for migraines, so a cold shower or an ice pack helps a lot;
  • rest and complete peace (you should curtain the windows, turn off all appliances and try to fall asleep);
  • use large quantities water (pain often occurs as a result of dehydration);
  • exclusion from the menu of foods that provoke headaches (smoked meats, cheese, onions, nuts, canned food, pickles).

Pregnant women can use all the methods described above to combat migraines. Massage, acupuncture and reflexology help a lot, and a woman can seek help from a specialist or perform the described procedures on her own. It is extremely important to visit frequently during pregnancy. fresh air and execute breathing exercises. But you should be careful when using aromatherapy, since many strong odors can provoke an even worse migraine due to hypersensitivity pregnant women.

How to relieve a child's headache

Headache in children does not necessarily mean they have serious illnesses and does not always require the use of painkillers. There are many harmless methods for treating migraines in children, for example:

  • ice compress to the neck or head;
  • nap;
  • massage of temples, shoulders and neck;
  • breathing exercises (deep breaths and exhalations with a delay of several seconds);
  • drinking cool water (a couple of glasses of liquid often helps relieve migraines).


In most cases, pain can be relieved without pills or other medicines and beneficial for the body. Moreover, you can always have a pain reliever with you. It's about taking conscious action against pain. Such pain relievers are not a mystery to many Eastern practices. We can use similar techniques with full understanding of what we are doing and what is happening to the body.

Why do we need pain?

Pain can be acute or chronic, somatic, internal, neuralgic. Pain that occurs for similar reasons has its own specificity, but different parts bodies. Even the classification of pain is quite complicated. The feeling of pain occurs when sensory nerve endings are irritated, great amount which is found in most parts of the body.

Pain is an emotional reaction to a damaging influence. For the body, giving such a signal is a means of self-preservation from destructive influences on it, therefore it is impossible to ignore the pain, it is a signal that something is wrong with the body, and our mind must make a decision about necessary actions. The presence of a pain mechanism is important for any living creature as a means of self-preservation. But the place of instinct in man is taken by reason. The signal must be taken seriously and try to find out the real reason its occurrence and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

The need for pain relievers.

However, pain from a defensive reaction that has played its informational role can turn into a pathogenic factor when getting rid of it becomes a primary task. Pain breaks normal work governing the body nervous system. It is impossible to endure pain unnecessarily because the muscles in the area of ​​pain contract, which compress the blood vessels, impairing local blood circulation and blocking the treatment of the damage that caused the pain.

Relief or complete elimination of pain is possible by influencing both pain receptors and nerve pathways, and on certain structures of the central nervous system. This is how painkillers work. However, pharmaceuticals that relieve pain block the normal functioning of the nervous system and, as a rule, have a lot of contraindications and undesirable effects. side effects. Then the anesthetic does not cure, but becomes an obstacle to the functioning of the body’s systems to eliminate problems that have arisen, complicating its self-medication and creating the preconditions for new pathologies.

Taking painkillers does not stop destructive processes, but makes them uncontrollable by consciousness. Therefore, use pharmaceuticals, which relieve pain, must be dosed, in exceptional cases and under the supervision of a doctor.

How to relieve pain without pills.

Techniques that help relieve pain without pills may be different, but their effect boils down to one thing. Instead of using pharmaceuticals to suppress the nervous system's response to a damaging stimulus, pain can be relieved without drugs by consciously changing this response. In this way, your mind shows that the signal about a problem has been received, appropriate measures are being taken, and there is no reason for the nervous system to continuously worry. At the same time, this is a conscious assistance to the nervous system itself in activating the body’s regenerative resources and self-healing.

1. To relieve without medication sharp pain in the outer parts of the body, you need to relax the muscles surrounding the center of pain. Get a massage or muscle rub. If there is no bleeding, you can use a warm heating pad or pepper patch.

If such pain finds you in the wrong place, imagine as realistically as possible that you are doing a massage in the place you need or applying a heating pad there. You should not imagine a heating pad in your mind, but try to feel real warmth in the place where you mentally applied it. You also really need to feel the slight movement of the mentally massaged or rubbed muscles. By imagining a massage or a hot heating pad, you give the nervous system an order to relax. Your thought and attention will become a pain reliever if the muscles that are contracted during pain relax. Then normal blood circulation will be restored and, accordingly, the body’s ability to treat the causes of the pain.

In this way, in clothes and without medications, you can relieve pain in the back (lower back), neck, legs or other places where it is possible to give a real massage or apply a heating pad there. We can also use this technique against tension headaches.

2. For prolonged or aching pain In the muscles, spine or joints, you can use the same methods, but it is more effective to use small movements against pain. Make small amplitude movements in different directions in the area of ​​pain, trying to make them as smooth as possible. Spasms or tight muscles will prevent smoothness from being achieved. To remove these obstacles, relax the muscles and, thereby, relieve pain without medications, slow down your movements, change their trajectory, try to smooth out the jerks (breaks in smoothness) that occur along the way. Don't try to force yourself or push through pain. Your goal is to find all trajectories in the area of ​​pain along which free and smooth movement is possible. The principle of small, smooth movements can also be used against toothache.

Real movements can be replaced with mental ones. Then their amplitude will become very small. By feeling and directing such microscopic movements, achieving their smoothness, you will relieve pain without medication. Interestingly, this method can become effective means, filming toothache in the gum of the upper jaw, although realistically upper jaw cannot move.

3. By observing your breathing, you will relieve a sore throat. By adjusting the smoothness of extension chest at chest breathing, you, slowly, but literally, in one or two minutes, will relieve pain in the ribs or back pain. Abdominal pain and abdominals can be removed by carefully observing the movement of the abdomen during diaphragmatic breathing.

Using medicinal properties of your breathing, you can relieve almost any kind of pain without any pills, including pain in the internal organs.

Why? Our entire body vibrates with the frequency of breathing. By careful observation you can learn to feel these vibrations anywhere in the body. By mentally directing your breath in the desired direction, you are actually monitoring the spread of real vibrations throughout the body. Respiratory system It is designed in such a way that when you exhale, the body warms and relaxes, and when you inhale, it contracts and cools. By mentally directing your exhalation to the place of pain, you give a signal to relax the muscles contracted during pain and improve local blood circulation in this area. And then the efforts of the nervous system are directed not to calls about problems, but to organizing treatment. And if you direct both exhalation and inhalation through the place of pain, it produces a massage effect. This way you can learn to relieve any pain, for example, headache or toothache, pain in organs abdominal cavity or knee pain.

4. Another way to relieve pain without pills can be called psychological. Treat the area of ​​pain the same way you would treat an injured pet. Mentally pick it up and warm it, stroke it, say kind words, smile at it. If your goal is to relieve pain by changing your emotional response and relaxing your muscles, why not do it with affection. In Eastern practices, similar techniques are also common for the prevention of pain and disease.

It is better to learn several ways to relieve pain in order to apply them in different circumstances.

Use audio recordings to relieve pain as pain relievers. . Audio recordings made against different types pain using the techniques described above. These medications are safer for the body than pills. But it is better to use them as teaching aid. After listening, feel the effect produced by the recording, so that later you can do the same yourself.

go to audio recordings for pain relief

You can master all the techniques described by following the links at the bottom of the page to learn how to almost always relieve pain without pills. Remember that you pay twice for each pain pill: first at the pharmacy and then at home, reducing your body’s ability to resist and recover. And every year this fee will increase.
