Endocrinologist - description, doctor's advice. What does an endocrinologist treat?

An endocrinologist deals with the treatment of diseases that appear as a result of certain dysfunctions endocrine glands. Currently, there are many diseases that this specialist deals with, which explains his popularity among all other specializations. In this case, several important issues: What does an endocrinologist do during an appointment? How does he diagnose and treat a particular disease, what tests does he prescribe?

Who is an endocrinologist?

Initially, it is worth considering what endocrinology is, and then smoothly move on to the question of what the responsibilities of a doctor in this field are. Endocrinology is an entire branch of medicine devoted to the study of how endocrine system which includes glands internal secretion, namely: thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, etc.

Naturally, an endocrinologist is a doctor who deals with the prevention and direct treatment of diseases that arise due to disruption of the above-mentioned organs.

Diseases treated by an endocrinologist

These are not all the diseases that an endocrinologist treats, but many of them are the most common among people all over the world.

  1. Diabetes mellitus is the most common disease, manifesting itself in partial or complete absence hormone insulin.
  2. Obesity - frequent illness, which is characterized by a large accumulation of adipose tissue in the body, which can result in serious complications.
  3. Hypothyroidism - a disease that occurs when there is dysfunction thyroid gland due to the lack of special hormones of this organ.
  4. Diabetes insipidus is an extremely rare disease, but requires careful attention to the patient, as kidney function is impaired.

Among other things, an endocrinologist in mandatory examines pregnant women, since during this period the woman experiences hormonal disbalance, which can cause problems in the functioning of the endocrine glands.

What an endocrinologist checks for pregnant women will be discussed further, so be attentive to the material that is useful to you.

Appointment with an endocrinologist

As you can see, a doctor with such a specialty must understand many diseases, and each of them has its own specifics. Self-treatment any disease will only worsen the situation. For example, a patient with diabetes will soon face complications ( renal failure, gangrene, vascular destruction), unless observed by an experienced endocrinologist. The same applies to people who are obese, because the lack proper treatment will cause disruption of the heart, kidneys, etc.

A highly qualified endocrinologist Olga Viktorovna sees patients with any of the endocrine diseases. This endocrinologist is considered one of the most the best specialists in Moscow, since a true professional not only knows the theory, but also applies his knowledge in practice.

All Olga Viktorovna’s patients can give their recommendations regarding the impeccable work of this doctor.

What does an endocrinologist do during an appointment?

What actions are performed during a consultation?

  • First of all, the patient is examined. At the appointment, the doctor asks what worries the person, since when he noticed certain deviations from the norm. The doctor identifies symptoms that indirectly indicate the presence of problems associated with disruption of the endocrine glands.
  • The endocrinologist measures the patient's height and weight, taking into account how proportionally his body is built.
  • The doctor must palpate thyroid gland.
  • A specialist examines a person’s lower limbs.

If any pathology is present, the doctor refers the patient for further examination, which is impossible without the use of special equipment. As a rule, this is an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, ultrasound of blood vessels lower limbs and so on.

What tests need to be taken?

Of course, you can’t do without a general blood and urine test. You will also have to take a blood glucose test, since in the case of diabetes, the blood sugar level may be too high.

With the results of the tests obtained, you will need to make another appointment with the endocrinologist. The specialist’s further actions will depend on the test results. Perhaps the patient will be referred for further examination, ultrasound, or specific treatment will be prescribed. It is also possible that a person will have to undergo hospital treatment, being in the hospital for some time.

What does an endocrinologist do during a consultation?

In some cases, people make an appointment with an endocrinologist. Doctor Olga Viktorovna provides professional consultation on all issues related to disruption of the endocrine system.

You will receive competent answers to all the questions that concern you. Perhaps you just developed diabetes or are faced with a problem such as obesity. Do not despair and engage in self-medication, which will not lead to anything good. Contact a real specialist who will give useful recommendations and prescribe the only correct treatment.

Endocrinologist during pregnancy

What does an endocrinologist do during an appointment during pregnancy?

  1. First, the doctor prescribes general blood and urine tests, as well as blood sugar tests.
  2. The doctor feels the woman's thyroid gland to check for possible enlargement.
  3. The specialist prescribes an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and a blood test for hormones.

It is worth remembering that hormone levels can affect the course of pregnancy, so it is necessary to monitor the health and proper functioning of the entire endocrine system during this period.

On the Internet you can watch a video of what an endocrinologist does at an appointment. If you see at least some symptoms of an endocrine disease, you should immediately consult an experienced doctor. Detection of the disease on early stage increases the chances of its effective treatment, but independent treatment will lead to dire consequences.

Professional endocrinologist Olga Viktorovna is always ready to receive you in her office. The health of the endocrine system is the key to your long and happy life.

An endocrinologist is a doctor who specializes in diseases involving dysfunction of the endocrine glands.

There are many diseases that he treats. Some of them require the involvement of doctors of related specialties. For example, in case of obesity, the patient is simultaneously monitored by an endocrinologist and a nutritionist, and in case of menstrual dysfunction, a consultation with a gynecologist cannot be avoided.

An important step in the work of an endocrinologist is diagnosis. It includes procedures:

  • inspection;
  • lab tests- as classical (blood biochemistry, general analysis blood) and specific (glycemic profile, determination of mineral levels, hormonal levels);
  • instrumental methods studies - ultrasound, scintigraphy, MRI, CT;
  • Sometimes the doctor may resort to a biopsy.

What does an endocrinologist treat?

As for diseases, they can be:

  • primary, caused by the pathology of the organ itself;
  • secondary, caused by pathology of other organs.


what diseases does an endocrinologist treat?


diseases accompanied by hypo- and hyperthyroidism - autoimmune thyroiditis, secondary hyperthyroidism, endemic goiter, diffuse toxic goiter, trauma, developmental anomalies (hypoplasia and aplasia), oncological processes, cysts

parathyroid glands

hypo- and hyperparathyroidism due to trauma, adenoma, cancer, removal of part of an organ, inflammation, lack of calcium and vitamin D, poisoning, radiation

adrenal glands

Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, adrenal insufficiency, tumors


diabetes mellitus: types 1 and 2, developing during pregnancy

male gonads

gynecomastia, male infertility, sexual impotence

female gonads

cycle disorders, female infertility, hirsutism, climacteric syndrome

hypothalamus and pituitary gland

Itsenko-Cushing's disease, acromegaly, hypothalamic syndrome, gigantism, etc.


obesity, osteoporosis, combined pathology, etc.

What does an endocrinologist treat in women?

The reason for contacting a doctor of this specialty may be any of the diseases described above or suspicion of it. It is worth noting that practically
all endocrine pathology is inherited, so you need to visit an endocrinologist with for preventive purposes and do this regularly if one of your relatives has been diagnosed with disorders of the endocrine glands.

Another thing an endocrinologist should treat in women, although it would be more correct to use in this case term gynecologist-endocrinologist?

  • Planning a pregnancy is a reason to visit a doctor. He will spend diagnostic measures in order to identify pathology and its timely correction. And if you already have some kind of pathology, the doctor will help you choose the optimal treatment regimen so that it does not affect reproductive function and the course of pregnancy.
  • During pregnancy, consultation with an endocrinologist is also necessary. Even in the exchange card there is a point where the doctor must enter his conclusion and recommendations.
  • Choice of hormonal contraceptives also should not take place without the participation of an endocrinologist. There are many such drugs, each has contraindications, which only an experienced specialist can take into account and choose the ideal option taking into account the characteristics of the body.
  • Menopause due to the fact that hormonal changes occur, it also requires examination by an endocrinologist.

What does an endocrinologist treat in men?

Men most often turn to this doctor for erectile dysfunction and/or infertility. In this case, he is also observed by a urologist.

Also, arterial hypertension, which affects men more, can arise due to pathology of the endocrine system, or more precisely, a problem with the adrenal glands. For example, volumetric processes manifested by increased blood pressure. Of course, without examination and examination by a doctor, it is impossible to detect the disease.

Regarding arterial hypertension- Patients often treat themselves, and, as a rule, unsuccessfully. Inefficiency antihypertensive drugs may indicate pathology of the adrenal glands, especially if it manifests at a young age.

Deviations in sexual development are also common in men, but not diagnosed in more recent years. early age. In this case, it is necessary to simultaneously solve problems with infertility.

Examination by an endocrinologist

Like any other doctor, it is important for an endocrinologist to know all the patient’s symptoms. Therefore, when going to a specialist, you need to remember when and in what order your complaints appeared, their dynamics. You should inform your doctor about what medications you took and whether they had any effect.

What else does an endocrinologist pay attention to?

  • Height, body weight.
  • Condition of skin, hair, nails.
  • Indicators such as arterial pressure, heart rate and pulse characteristics.
  • Condition and size of lymph nodes and thyroid gland.
  • The degree of development of secondary sexual characteristics.

After a preliminary examination, the specialist prescribes tests and additional methods examinations: general, hormone levels, ultrasound, tomogram, biopsy, etc.

Doctor's office

The endocrinologist's office must be equipped in such a way that everything can be done diagnostic procedures « on site" The following tools are required for this:

  1. stadiometer, measuring tape and scales - to obtain accurate anthropometric data and compare them with the norm;
  2. phonendoscope for listening to the heart;
  3. tonometer.

In addition, the doctor has equipment designed to examine patients with diabetes:

  1. to measure blood glucose levels - glucometer, test strips;
  2. lesion diagnostic kit nervous system- in fact, this is a neurologist's kit.

When should you see a doctor?

The symptoms of endocrine disorders are extremely diverse, and it is neither possible nor necessary to describe every pathology in one article. Instead, we have identified several groups of symptoms to make it easier for you to understand. So, when should you see an endocrinologist?

  • cycle disorders in women;
  • change in mood or behavior - sudden lethargy or anxiety, irritability, nervousness, weakness, trembling (tremor);
  • constant slight increase or decrease in body temperature, chilliness, numbness of the arms or legs;
  • changes in body weight, appetite;
  • thirst, muscle weakness, fatigue, feeling of lack of air, palpitations;
  • brittle hair and nails, dry or damp skin, increased sweating;
  • memory impairment, difficulty concentrating;
  • pain in bones, joints, frequent fractures;
  • decreased vision, photophobia, blurred or “floaters” before the eyes, bulging eyes;
  • problems with conception, etc.

Children should be shown to an endocrinologist if their immunity is reduced or their physical development age standards, abnormal puberty (early or late).

With these symptoms, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary to decide on tactics and identify the cause. In this regard, we strongly recommend not to neglect this opportunity and engage in self-medication.

If you suspect a pathology of the thyroid gland, you need to contact a specialist. This is where the patient becomes aware of what endocrinology is and how dangerous diseases in this area are. Pathologies of the endocrine system disrupt hormonal levels and, if left untreated, lead to serious consequences for good health.

Who is an endocrinologist

If you have thyroid dysfunction, you cannot do without taking medications. They can only be prescribed by a highly specialized specialist. An endocrinologist works fruitfully in a given direction, checks the functions internal organs that produce or are controlled by hormones. We are talking about the thyroid, pancreas, thymus and gonads, adrenal glands, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland. Correcting hormonal imbalance is the main task of an endocrinologist who successfully treats adult patients and children.

What does an endocrinologist treat?

An endocrinology specialist works in two main areas: pediatric endocrinology and diabetology. The first group covers age category children and adolescents who have problems with sexual development due to hormonal imbalance. The second area that an endocrinologist does covers such acute and chronic pathologies, such as diabetes mellitus and complications that can be caused by a characteristic illness. The disease is difficult to treat and can be congenital or acquired.

Other groups of diseases thatendocrinologist treats, are presented below:

  1. Acromegaly – accelerated production of growth hormone.
  2. Itsenko-Cushing's disease with extensive damage to the functions of the adrenal glands.
  3. Acquired diabetes insipidus due to progressive diseases of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
  4. – a disease when, due to iodine deficiency, the thyroid gland becomes pathologically enlarged.
  5. Pathologies with progressive disorders of calcium metabolism.
  6. Obesity, which equally occurs in women, children and men due to hormonal imbalance.
  7. Osteoporosis is a diagnosis that is accompanied by a decrease in density bone structures against the background of disturbances in hormone concentrations.

Why do you consult an endocrinologist?

If the patient experiences an unbearable feeling of thirst and complains of frequent urination, it is possible that this prevails in his body endocrine disease, How diabetes insipidus. In such difficult situation An endocrinologist will help - who it is and what it treats is already known. Do not hesitate to visit, otherwise the disease becomes chronic. Therefore, a visit to an endocrinologist is appropriate in the following clinical situations:

Endocrinologist - what treats women

More often, a specialist in diseases of the endocrine glands is needed by the fair half of humanity, especially in reproductive age. An endocrinologist is the first relevant specialist, a gynecologist is the second. Such highly specialized doctors in a duet successfully treat hormonal imbalance female body, normalize work reproductive system. They equally help young girls and older ladies during menopause to cope with ailments. In more detail, an endocrinologist treats the following diseases in women:

  • type 1 diabetes mellitus;
  • diabetes insipidus;
  • autoimmune thyroiditis;
  • violation menstrual cycle;
  • premenopausal syndrome;
  • problems with lactation;
  • excess male hormones among women;
  • multiple endocrine neoplasia;
  • benign cysts or malignant tumors thyroid gland.

Endocrinologist - what treats pregnant women

It is advisable to check the functioning of the thyroid gland even when planning pregnancy, otherwise a relapse of adrenal gland pathology, for example, may worsen during pregnancy against the background of radical restructuring hormonal levels. This dangerous condition, which may affect intrauterine development. Therefore, it is necessary to register with a doctor, undergo constant examination, and carry out a series of laboratory research for further correction biochemical parameters. In pregnant women, an endocrinologist treats the following pathologies:

  • diabetes;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • thyroid cancer;
  • neoplasms of the adrenal glands (oncological diseases).

Endocrinologist - what treats men

Representatives of the stronger sex also turn to this doctor, and also visit a urologist. Such highly specialized specialists know exactly what to do if there are pronounced symptoms of pathologies of the endocrine system. First, the suspected focus of pathology must be examined, and then immediate therapy must be initiated. An endocrinologist for men helps with the following clinical pictures:

  • apudoms;
  • nesidioblastosis;
  • androgen deficiency in men;
  • improper calcium metabolism in the body;
  • pubertal-adolescent dispituitarism.

What does an endocrinologist treat in children?

Under the influence of external and internal factors Hormonal imbalance can also occur in a child. Reception medical supplies with a diseased thyroid gland is strictly limited, so when characteristic symptoms you need to see a specialist doctor. It is necessary to check the thyroid gland, since at such a young age it is a very fragile organ child's body. In children, an endocrinologist treats the following extensive pathologies:

  • dwarfism;
  • gigantism;
  • diffuse goiter;
  • cerebral gigantism;
  • hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

Examination by an endocrinologist

The first step is to contact a specialist. The doctor will not only examine the patient, but also make decisions regarding further diagnostics, successful treatment conservative methods. Do it quickly to eliminate chronic development so dangerous pathologies. Initial examination with an endocrinologist - this is just the beginning; the doctor places the main emphasis on conducting a series of laboratory tests in order to determine the characteristics of the hormonal levels in a particular clinical picture. This is a blood test for hormones and sugar that checks for diabetes.

Examination by an endocrinologist

Having made an appointment with a specialist, the patient must understand what awaits him. The first examination by an endocrinologist involves collecting medical history data, an external examination of the clinical patient, and a more detailed study of the medical history. Next, a highly specialized specialist probes the inflamed thyroid gland for the presence of foreign nodules and neoplasms, gives a preliminary medical report in relation to the predominant disease. An analysis of sugar and hormones confirms all medical suspicions, but to be sure, the doctor recommends an ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

Video: what an endocrinologist does

Endocrinologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases of the endocrine system. It includes not only the thyroid gland, but also the hypothalamus with the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, etc. Diseases often have chronic form, so the endocrinologist registers his patients.

What does an endocrinologist treat?

There are a number of diseases that are treated this specialist. So, the endocrinologist treats:

  • Diabetes. Occurs due to insulin deficiency.
  • Type II diabetes (not diabetes). Appears when there is a lack of the hormone vasopressin. Main symptoms: desire drinking and repeated urge to urinate.
  • Diffuse goiter. Enlarged thyroid gland.
  • Hypothyroidism. Occurs when there is a lack of thyroid hormones.
  • Tumors of the thyroid gland.
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome. Disturbances are observed in the functioning of the adrenal cortex.
  • Autoimmune thyroiditis. Inflammation of the thyroid gland of an autoimmune nature.
  • Pancreatitis. Inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Acromegaly. Excessive production of growth hormone.
  • Hyperprolactinemia. Increased levels of prolactin in the blood.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Disorders associated with calcium metabolism. Conditions when there is too much or little calcium in the blood, or it is poorly absorbed.
  • Overweight.
  • Osteoporosis. A disease in which bone density decreases, which can lead to fractures.

When to go to the doctor?

Since an endocrinologist has a narrow specialization, a referral for consultation is obtained from a therapist when there are suspicions of pathologies in the functioning of the endocrine system. You can suspect endocrinological problems based on the following symptoms:

  • state increased fatigue, numbness of legs, drowsiness;
  • hair fall out;
  • heavy sweating;
  • sudden changes in weight for no apparent reason;
  • nervous disorders, depressive mood, tearfulness;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • nausea, constipation, insomnia;
  • excessive thirst, dry mouth, frequent urination, especially at night;
  • arrhythmias, feeling of internal trembling, heat;
  • “lump” in the throat, formation or enlargement in the neck area.

You should visit a doctor during menopause in women, as well as when planning and during pregnancy. After 45 years, both men and women should schedule a visit to the doctor at least once a year for preventive purposes.

At the doctor

At the first appointment, the endocrinologist examines the patient, feels the thyroid gland and lymph nodes, and in some cases examines the genitals. The patient's complaints are taken into account and detailed history his illness. The doctor asks questions about the way of life, bad habits, measures blood pressure and pulse. Hormonal disorders It is almost impossible to detect immediately, so the doctor always prescribes additional examinations.

The office is equipped with the following tools:

  • glucometer along with test strips for it;
  • electronic scales;
  • stadiometer and measuring tape;
  • test strips for detecting ketone bodies in urine;
  • diagnostic kit for diabetic nephropathy.

Pediatric endocrinologist

There is a separate branch in endocrinology for the treatment of children. What diseases does a pediatric specialist treat? Often these are problems related to sexual development or growth.

Symptoms that require taking your child to the doctor:

  • the baby is often sick, the immune system is weak;
  • noticeable delays in psychomotor or mental development, growth is slow or, conversely, too rapid (gigantism);
  • underweight or excess weight;
  • secondary sexual characteristics develop poorly, delayed sexual development.

We know many branches of medicine. All adults face therapy; little residents of our country are seen by pediatricians. There is not a single person who has not visited a dentist at least once in his life. There are cardiologists, gynecologists, orthopedists and traumatologists, surgeons and many other specialized specialists who help us overcome complex diseases of our body.

Endocrinologist - who is he? This question interests those who may be encountering this specialist for the first time. For a certain number of people, this moment comes already in adulthood, and some, unfortunately, are forced to become acquainted with it much earlier.

Endocrinologist - who is he?

A doctor of this specialization monitors the state of the body’s endocrine system. An endocrinologist is involved in diagnosing, treating, and preventing problems. hormonal regulation in our body. If any function of this system is disrupted, you should immediately contact a specialist.

In addition, endocrinologists treat the consequences of pathological processes of the endocrine system. They adjust the amount of hormones in the blood, restore metabolism in the body with medications, and work to restore human reproductive functions.

What branches does the science of endocrinology divide into?

When asking the question: “Endocrinologist - who is this?”, a person may not even suspect that this narrow specialization has several directions. Endocrinology is divided into three main types:

Organs whose condition is monitored by this specialist

What an endocrinologist does - who he is - can be understood from the list of human organs that this specialist primarily examines. All of them produce hormones to a greater or lesser extent.

What diseases are treated by an endocrinologist?

There are many diseases that these specialists treat. This is all pathological processes that arise in any of the listed organs. With the slightest change in the state of an organ that produces any hormones, its functionality also changes. Hormones are very capricious substances. If they are missing, a person may lose reproductive function or stop growing. If they are in excess, neoplasms or oversaturation of special substances in the body may occur. Therefore, endocrinologists very carefully examine all patients in order to help them live a normal life. The most common diseases treated by endocrinologists are:

  • diabetes;
  • endemic goiter;
  • autoimmune thyroiditis;
  • calcium metabolism disorders;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • obesity;
  • muscle weakness and others.

Conditions that require consultation with this specialist

Not every person will understand that something is wrong with them. We are accustomed to attribute many endocrine system disorders to hard days, stress, cold or heat, holidays with overeating and so on. You need to see an endocrinologist in the following cases:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • chronic weakness and fatigue;
  • sudden increase or decrease in weight;
  • trembling of hands or feet;
  • poor appetite;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • sleep disorders;
  • poor condition of nails or hair;
  • infertility without obvious cause;
  • pain in joints and bones.

Examination of a patient with problems with the endocrine system

Examination and treatment by a doctor of this specialization can be offered by public hospitals and any private clinic. An endocrinologist in any institution operates according to a certain algorithm. The examination of a patient who comes to the doctor for a consultation will always be step-by-step:

  1. First, the doctor collects anamnesis - complaints and medical history.
  2. After this, he proceeds to direct examination or palpation of parts of the body that are informative from the point of view of endocrinology: lymph nodes, genitals, thyroid gland.
  3. Studies the performance of the heart muscle and blood pressure.
  4. Prescribes additional tests or treatment.

The best endocrinologists in Moscow

Everyone would like to be treated by an experienced and intelligent endocrinologist. Reviews indicate that Moscow is rich in such specialists. We will list the most sought-after doctors in this specialization.

  • Sadykov Rustam Nazimovich. He has been working in this industry for more than 30 years, has the highest qualifications, and enjoys good reputation among patients.
  • Krestyanskaya Tatyana Valentinovna. It has highest category, is a candidate medical sciences, has a patented program for treating the nervous system with diabetes mellitus. More than 25 years in the profession.
  • Verbovskaya Anna Pavlovna. A young but experienced specialist, has the first category. He treats a wide range of pathologies of the endocrine system.
  • Shcherbakov Sergey Anatolyevich. Endocrinologist and nutritionist with the highest category. She independently performs ultrasound and interprets its results, develops programs for weight loss. Implements effective treatment many endocrine pathologies.
  • Nazhdova Yulia Konstantinovna. She has the first category and has completed additional training in all three areas of endocrinology. He has extensive experience in the treatment of pathologies of the endocrine system.
  • Zlatinskaya Elena Vladislavovna. Endocrinologist, nutritionist. Helps patients from 12 years of age to properly reduce and maintain weight, amounts to individual programs nutrition for pregnant women, children, athletes, containing all useful substances.
  • Kizyavka German Ivanovich. He has the highest qualification category and defended his Ph.D. thesis. Provides effective treatment for diseases of the endocrine system.

Prices for endocrinologist appointments

Endocrinologists today are in-demand specialists. Poor environment, poor lifestyle and nutrition primarily affect the production of hormones. An endocrinologist is called upon to defeat all ailments of the endocrine system.

Prices for the services of specialists in this area of ​​medicine in Moscow fluctuate depending on the doctor’s work experience, his category and scientific degree. Initial consultation You can get an endocrinologist in the city by paying from 1300 to 2300 rubles.
