Why are there dark circles under the eyes? What diseases? Preventive measures to eliminate black circles under the eyes. Dark circles under the eyes - causes in women

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The skin around the eyes is very sensitive and thin, so it quickly reacts to various negative factors.

The reason is that in this area the epidermis is 5 times thinner than in other parts of the body, while subcutaneous fat is poorly developed and there is practically no sebaceous glands. In addition, the skin around the eyes experiences additional facial stress.

The vessels in this area are located close to the surface, so they often shine through the skin, creating the appearance of circles. A negative reaction of the skin around the eyes can also manifest itself in the form of wrinkles and bags.

Why do dark circles appear under the eyes?

There can be many reasons for the appearance of circles under the eyes, and it is not always a disease:

Diseases that cause circles and bags to appear

Often, dark circles and bags under the eyes can also signal the presence of changes in the body caused by various diseases:

  • Kidney diseases(pyelonephritis, urolithiasis disease, tumors). In this case, the process of removing fluid from the body is disrupted, which provokes its retention and, as a result, the appearance of edema. With kidney disease, circles under the eyes become more noticeable after sleep. Kidney diseases may be accompanied by urinary disturbances, hesitation blood pressure, as well as pain in the back or lower abdomen, fever or chills. Non-inflammatory processes can occur without visible symptoms, and subsequently cause renal dysfunction. Their only sign may be darkening under the eyes, so if they appear without visible reasons, it is necessary to undergo tests;

Methods of disposal

If the cause of darkening under the eyes is health problems, then you can only get rid of them with the help of special treatment which will eliminate the cause of the disease. If the circles are cosmetic defect, then the following tools will help:

To prevent the appearance of circles, you need to eat right, sleep at least 8 hours a day, and use the right cosmetical tools skin care.

In some cases, to eliminate bags under the eyes, you should seek help from a beauty salon for lymphatic drainage massage or mesotherapy.

There are cosmetics that will help you quickly get rid of dark and black circles, if they are not the result of a disease. These include MDL Complex and Ridulisse C. You can also use a transdermal patch or use.

Circles and bags in newborns and infants

The presence of dark circles and bags under the eyes in infants may indicate not only genetic predisposition, but also about serious pathologies. First of all, their appearance may indicate problems with the kidneys or cardiovascular system.

Often the appearance of circles in newborns indicates infection with helminths or infectious diseases. The skin around the eyes of a child is the thinnest and most sensitive, so it quickly reacts to problems in the body.

Darkening under the eyes of a newborn can be a consequence oxygen starvation in the prenatal period or birth trauma.

If such a problem appears, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor, because to find out the cause and prescribe adequate treatment Only a specialist can.

Even the most beautiful girls leading the most correct lifestyle. There are many reasons for this: and Full time job at the computer, and lack of sleep, and endless nerves.

In some cases, the culprits may be vascular diseases, kidney and work problems thyroid gland. All this does not brighten our face, makes our eyes look dull, and adds age. In this article we are looking for ways to remove dark circles under the eyes at home as quickly and inexpensively as possible.

What does the color of the circles under your eyes tell you about your health?

In addition to the problems described above, it is worth considering that with age, the skin loses elasticity and moisture. This leads to darkening and decreased tone. Bruises may appear under the eyes, the epidermis becomes greenish, yellow or red, and bags form. Here's what traditional medicine thinks about this:

Bruises- disruptions in work gastrointestinal tract, unhealthy diet, a large number of spicy, fatty and salty foods in the diet. The way to fight is clear - it is worth reviewing the menu, making it more balanced and only after that start cosmetological therapy. By itself it will be useless.

To deal with a problem, you need to determine its cause.

Yellow circles- often such skin pigmentation is inherited from parents, but in combination with feeling unwell may indicate problems with the liver and gall bladder. The signal cannot be ignored.

Green circles on lower eyelids Oh- can also be hereditary. Another reason is the habit of wearing metal-framed glasses and a common allergy to it. It's easy to check - replace the frame with a plastic one for a while and watch the reaction. Liver and gallbladder in case of other symptoms of illness, they may also give a greenish tint.

Try a simple experiment with a plastic frame.

Reds- are a sign of allergies and intoxication. Their manifestation is typical in diseases of the respiratory system.

Bags under the eyes- we described in detail how to get rid of them in this article. But what could cause the appearance? In addition to simple fatigue, stress and lack of sleep, the symptom may be associated with kidney disease. If the problem cannot be corrected at home, you should consult a doctor.

How to quickly remove dark circles around the eyes at home?

Special masks, compresses, lotions and simple gymnastics, which we will talk about next. Naturally, they will be effective only if all of the listed health problems have been excluded.

You almost always have everything you need for healthy skin at home.

Thermal water compress

This miracle product for home moisturizing should firmly settle in every girl’s cosmetic bag. Soak two cotton pads with liquid and place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then apply to the lower eyelids for a quarter of an hour. The procedure should be carried out every evening before bed.

Tip: this compress can be made from green tea. Apply discs soaked in tea leaves to your eyelids, either cold or slightly warm. Or you can freeze the drink and wipe problem areas with tea ice cubes.

Herbal ice

In general, ice rubbing gives excellent results. There are many ways and additives with which they can be prepared. For example, frozen cubes from a mixture of parsley decoction and a teaspoon of honey, chamomile decoction, potato juice. If you regularly wipe your lower eyelids, you won’t be able to remove circles under your eyes at home quickly or in 1 day, of course, but the problem will become less noticeable. You will see this for yourself.

Masks for the skin around the eyes from improvised means can also be considered simple and working methods. Let's look at their recipes in a little more detail.

Use cosmetic ice


Grate one raw potato on a fine grater. We wrap the pulp in gauze, having previously folded it in several layers. Apply the compress to the eye area for half an hour. Afterwards we wash with water room temperature.


Every girl knows that the easiest way to freshen up her eyes is to apply cucumber slices to her lower eyelids. Let's intensify the moment and make a full-fledged mask. Mix a tablespoon of grated vegetable with the same amount of chopped parsley and sour cream. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.


If you believe the reviews in in social networks, it can get rid of the problem in one day. So it’s worth a try, especially since tomatoes, thanks to the lycopene in their composition, can perfectly whiten the skin, and lemon, rich in vitamin C, relieves inflammation and irritation.

Mix the tomato pulp pulp in equal parts with lemon juice and apply to the skin for 15 minutes.

Citrus fruits strengthen the walls of blood vessels and make redness less noticeable


Sage, chamomile, cornflower, parsley and dozens of other herbs fight dark circles. You can make hot and cold compresses from one or a complex of infusions.

To prepare a healing decoction, you need to steam 10 g of herb with 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then soak cotton pads in the solution and apply to your eyes. Use both cold and as ice.


Only you will need cottage cheese not the kind you are on a diet with, but fatty one. Add a little green tea to it, mix thoroughly and apply to the area under the eyes for 15 minutes. Afterwards we wash with water at room temperature.

Advice: among the mass of reviews on the Internet you can find enthusiastic ones about the benefits of troxevasin and bodyagi (a drug based on spongilla sponge), but professional cosmetologists speak out against their use for thin and especially vulnerable skin.

Train yourself to massage

How to quickly remove bags and dark circles under the eyes at home with the help of massage?

The exercises below are considered quite effective. The main rule is to massage every day after washing with your fingertips, without strong pressure or stretching. The movements should be light and tapping, we move from the corner of the lower eyelid to the temples, after which, with the same movements, be sure to apply the cream according to your skin type. This will help improve venous blood flow from the lower eyelid.

  1. Close your eyes and perform a rotation eyeballs clockwise. We repeat four times and perform the same exercise in the opposite direction.
  2. We look up, then down, and close our eyes. Open it up and look up and down. We do 10 repetitions.
  3. We look as high up to the left as possible, lower our gaze down, and look up to the right. We perform 10 times for each side.

How to quickly remove blue circles under the eyes using cosmetic procedures?

to you at help will come mesotherapy, lymphatic drainage, hardware and manual methods. Laser whitening is considered an effective but expensive procedure. Laser beams lighten the epidermis, thereby reducing circles and bruises. The effect will not be noticeable immediately, but after two to three weeks and, most likely, you will need repeated procedures afterwards.

Mesotherapy will help to cope with the problem


This is the method of administration useful substances through injections. Some people find the procedure painful, while others are simply crazy about it. Substances that stimulate cellular metabolism are administered in courses. Afterwards, especially careful care is required problem areas. Contraindications include pregnancy, allergies, diabetes and oncological diseases.

The right cosmetics

Good comprehensive care A cosmetologist will help you choose the right treatment for the skin around your eyes. Products in this series should be especially soft and delicate. If you choose them yourself, first figure out the color of the bruises. For brownish ones, creams with vitamin C and caffeine are suitable. Bluish and purple ones will like the composition with vitamins K and A - they perfectly strengthen blood vessels.

Get enough sleep!

And, of course, don’t forget about prevention. The best remedy there will be a full eight-hour healthy sleep. Try to go to bed no later than eleven in the evening and sleep on your back, since sleeping on your side or stomach provokes fluid stagnation in the body. It is also important to choose a good orthopedic pillow.

Tip: creams based on soy and citrus fruits will help make darkening less noticeable. chronic problem the first changes will become noticeable in about a month.

Choose the right cosmetics

How can a woman quickly remove circles under her eyes at home, taking proper care of her skin?

Perhaps the most important thing in the story of dark circles is to learn how to properly care for the skin around your eyes. By the way, it is ten times thinner than the similar one on the shoulders. It is she who first reveals her age, because... is always undisguised and more susceptible to outside influence.

  1. The basis of the basics is regular hydration. Water tones, nourishes and restores cell structure. The optimal product for regular use is a gel based on water, vitamins and plant extracts.
  2. Nutrition. Use products that compensate for the lack of natural lipids and stimulate collagen production. In these products you will find natural oils, phytoestrogens, lecithin, retinol.
  3. Never fall asleep with makeup on your face.
  4. Perform the exercises described above regularly. This will also keep the epidermis in good shape.
  5. Use cream with high content vitamin C - it strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Products with vitamin A are also good - it increases the flow of blood to the tissues, tightens them and thereby reduces the severity of dark circles.
  6. All products that you apply to problematic skin, store in the refrigerator.
  7. Sleep on a high headboard.
  8. Do not apply fatty creams before bed, use soft gels.
  9. Wear dark glasses if you always squint in the sun.
  10. Wash your face with cool water - warm water promotes swelling and makes “panda eyes” more pronounced.
  11. And most importantly, say “no” to bad habits. Lack of sleep, smoking and alcohol are the main causes of darkening of the lower eyelid.
  12. Try not to drink a lot of fluids before bed - this can cause swelling in the morning.

Treat your face with care

How to quickly remove circles under the eyes at home if you have absolutely no time, but your face needs to be clean and fresh? We use little feminine tricks - corrector. Watch the video below for a life hack on makeup for a problem area:

Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes are dermatological problems that are extremely common and which, unfortunately, are almost always “supplied” by the couple. Among banal reasons their occurrence: , influence harmful factors environment and total lack of sleep. But things, of course, can be a little more complicated.

“There are two types of dark circles. The first is circles under the eyes with a bluish tint, which are actually burst blood vessels and are noticeable because the skin in this area is very thin and delicate. The second is under-eye circles with a brownish tint caused by hyperpigmentation, which is often genetic but can be worsened by sun exposure,” Amy Fan, general manager of cosmetics company Onomie, explains to Byrdie.

Even though dark circles of any type can be difficult to deal with, it is still possible. We tell you how and with what products it is better to do this.

Why do they appear

Dark circles and atypical puffiness under the eyes are a combination of lifestyle (not the best, of course) and genetics. “They can become more noticeable after a week spent in the office, or several nights in a row that you ended up at the bar, or sometimes because of the sun or whatever,” comments Amy Phan.

Blueish circles under the eyes are almost always caused by fatigue. causes our body to slowly but very surely increase the level of cortisol, a stress hormone that destroys collagen, but replenishes vital energy for a tired body. This in turn causes the blood vessels to swell and dark circles to become more obvious.

Here's the bad news: dark circles are often genetic. That is, you can lead the healthiest of possible images life, completely eliminate fatty foods from your diet, but still see a not very pleasant picture in the mirror every morning.

How to get rid of them

Like most skin problems, under-eye circles can become larger and more noticeable as you age. The reason is that the skin becomes thinner, fat layer decreases, and collagen is lost, which makes any imperfections (especially on the face) more pronounced.

“But there are bad habits that will make the process go even faster,” warns Fan. “This includes a lot of eye rubbing when you remove makeup, active tanning without using it, and a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle.” Additional risk factors may include allergies and hormonal changes.

Correct makeup

If it is impossible to get rid of dark circles on your own (for example, when they are genetically determined), you need to turn to cosmetic corporations for help. What you need is a high-quality concealer that will hide the annoying flaw, allowing you to make the skin on your face truly flawless. Keep in mind that the blue tint will overlap with the red or pink. We hope you can decide on the brand yourself, but here are a couple of useful recommendations:

  • Choose a concealer with a tight-fitting lid, since you will often have to take this lifesaver with you;
  • To the owners oily skin Light-textured options in brushes are more suitable, and for girls with dry and normal skin, dense concealers with a creamy texture are more suitable;
  • Use it together with concealer - highlight the bridge of your nose, the corners of your eyes, the checkmark above upper lip and cheekbones to make the face overall fresh and rested.

Preventive measures

At night (7-8 hours) it will be useful in any case. Moreover, not only for the skin, but also for the functioning of the brain and immune system. There are other steps you can take to prevent dark circles from appearing or, if they are only an occasional problem, from getting worse. All attention is paid to products for the care of the eye area with natural ingredients. Well, and for something else.

“Ginseng, white lily, and alfalfa sprout, for example, have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling,” says Amy Phan. “In addition, antioxidants (for example, vitamins C and E) that target free radicals, unstable molecules that destroy the structure of the skin, work great here.”

The appearance of dark shadows under the eyes indicates the presence of some problem in the body. The skin around the eyes is very thin, and therefore its darkening speaks not even about cosmetic, but about medical problem. It is quite easy to identify the presence of such black circles, but it is worth remembering that they are not completely dark - their color can vary from yellow-brown to black-pink. So, today we will find out how to remove dark circles under the eyes, and also get acquainted with effective preventive measures.

Why do dark circles appear?

The most common such phenomenon is incorrect day mode and general lack of sleep. Indeed, many have encountered this, but sometimes the reason is precisely health problems.

That is why it is necessary to know why the skin in the periorbital zone darkens - this will allow you to identify the problem (if there is one) and begin to treat it.

Table. Possible reasons this problem.

Name, photoShort description

The area around the eyes is permeated with small capillaries, and in order for blood to move through them, red blood cells have to stand in a row and even divide in half. Sometimes, due to such pressure, the capillaries simply cannot stand it, their walls break through and the plasma flows into the subcutaneous space. There is nothing dangerous here, dark circles go away just like bruises.

Allergies lead to itching and irritation of the area around the eyes; a person rubs them vigorously, which injures the delicate skin covering. As a result, the same thing happens as described above - rupture of capillaries and subsequent release of plasma.

When the skin is exposed to UV rays, the body begins to produce melanin for protective purposes. It is quite natural that melanin is excreted closer to upper layers skin. Around the eyes, the latter, as we have already found out, is the thinnest, and therefore the tan appears here first. As a result, these “dark glasses” appear.

By itself, it does not lead to the appearance of dark circles, but with excessive stress on the body, the skin turns pale and against its background these circles become more noticeable. The effect of chronic fatigue is created.

Another common reason is that over the years, the skin around the eyes thins. This problem especially noticeable in females with the decline of sexual functions.

During these difficult periods, women often develop black circles under their eyes. The reason is simple - the same paleness of the skin.

A deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin C) can also cause dark circles.

If a person suffers from work disorders urinary system and at the same time he has the problem described in the article, then his body is most likely experiencing severe intoxication. This occurs due to incomplete removal of waste products.

Chronic heart/vascular diseases may be accompanied by the appearance of dark circles in the periorbital area.

Everything is the same here. The appearance of dark circles may be a symptom of one of these diseases.

The darkening of the skin around the eyes is explained by the disappearance of subcutaneous fat (in this area the fat layer is already very thin, because the fact that it disappears is especially noticeable here). The capillaries that penetrate the skin become brighter.

All this leads to thinning of the blood vessels (including those under the eyes), they become brittle and fragile. As a result, the risk of injury (and therefore plasma release) increases significantly.

With sudden weight loss, dark circles become more noticeable, which is only aggravated by a deficiency of microelements and vitamins.

The phenomenon may be the body's reaction to skin care products.

With a lack of iron, black circles may also appear, that is, we are talking about iron deficiency anemia.

Circles can occur due to excessive psycho-emotional excitability, severe nervousness, stressful situations.

How to get rid of them?

To do this, you need to find out the reason why dark circles appeared under the eyes. And it is not surprising, because subsequent actions to eliminate them depend on this.

Note! If the disease is to blame internal organs, then no cosmetic products will definitely help you! Be sure to consult a doctor for examination and complete a full rehabilitation course.

If the circles under the eyes did not appear due to illness, one of the remedies/cosmetic procedures described below will help.


The essence of this procedure is that injected into the area around the eyes fat cells patient, due to which the layer of fat thickens. The result will not be long in coming, but it will not be long-term, since over time the procedure will have to be repeated. Actually, this is the main disadvantage of lipolifting.

Another effective method, consisting injecting a special drug under the skin using a thin needle. According to doctors, the effectiveness of mesotherapy largely depends on physiological characteristics the patient, as well as his reaction to the drug.

Lymphatic drainage

For this cosmetic procedure used a special device that affects the desired areas of the skin through microcurrent. This improves blood circulation and dissolves dark circles.

Various cosmetics

Such products - and we are talking about moisturizing and nourishing creams– can be purchased at a pharmacy. They, penetrating into the epidermis, contribute to more rapid resorption hemoglobin, thanks to which a person gets rid of dark circles under the eyes. Moreover, such creams strengthen the walls of the capillaries, that is, they are a kind of prevention of possible hemorrhages in the future.

Note! On moisturized eyelids, the skin will not dry out, therefore, there will be fewer wrinkles and increased resistance to negative impact external factors.

Removing black circles without cosmetics

If you want to quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes (provided that they are not caused by a disease) easily and quickly, we recommend using the methods described below.

Method No1. Tea spoon

Step 1. Take a dessert or teaspoon (metal), its size will depend on how large your black circles are.

Step 2. Place the spoon in the refrigerator for three to four hours. Although you can just leave it there overnight.

Step 3. Place a spoon on the problem area. A few minutes will be enough.

Step 4. Finally, apply moisturizer. That's it, the procedure can be considered complete.

Method No2. Cold water

Step 1. You can wash your face with cold water.

Step 2. You can also drink a couple of glasses of cool water. The method is quite effective, and if you don’t notice any results, then just drink more water. Or, alternatively, wash your face with colder water.

Method No3. Raw potatoes

Step 1. Take a potato, peel it and cut it.

Step 2. Place a couple of slices on your eyes, then relax and just enjoy it.

Prevention measures

Here are the basic preventive measures that will help avoid this problem:

  • have a good rest. If you sleep less than 7 hours a day, then black shadows cannot be avoided;
  • keep a daily routine. Go to bed and eat at the same time - this will keep your body in good shape;
  • If you work at a computer, take a short break every hour. You can do a light warm-up or just close your eyes - this will relieve tension from them, therefore, the delicate skin underneath will not be injured due to constant rubbing;

  • spend more time on fresh air to saturate the blood with oxygen. This way the red blood cells will move more actively. If long walks are not possible, try to ventilate the room as often as possible;
  • wash your face with cool water in the morning. Rubbing your face with ice cubes is very useful (due to this, blood vessels are strengthened). Before going to bed, wash your face alternately with hot and cold water;
  • balanced diet. It will help maintain the tone of blood vessels and prevent their rupture;

  • get rid of bad habits (if any, of course);
  • avoid stress;
  • sunbathing under the sun for a long time, protect your face. Put it on Sunglasses, use special creams, wear a wide-brimmed hat;
  • do not use low quality creams. They will not protect the skin, but will only harm it;
  • start the day with a facial massage.

Important information! If you want to get rid of dark circles that are caused by some kind of disorder in the body, then be sure to seek help from a doctor and undergo full treatment!

As a result, we note that if the cause of dark circles is injury, then the problem can be solved with cold. During the first hour after the incident, apply something cold to the damaged area. That's all, take care of your eyes and consult a doctor in a timely manner!

Video - Black circles and bruises under the eyes

We women are always biased about our appearance and, noticing circles under our eyes in the morning, we try to carefully disguise them.

After all, it’s unlikely that any of us would want to be seen on the street, at work, or at a social party with such defects.

However, many of us do not think about the fact that these defects may be signs of serious pathological changes in the body.

Why do circles appear under the eyes? How to remove them and possible ways treatments – medical and folk.

The reasons why circles under the eyes appear can be very diverse. The main ones include chronic fatigue, nervous tension, lack of sleep and vitamin deficiency.

Another most common reason is poor nutrition - consumption of salty, spicy, fatty foods and alcoholic drinks in the evening. In this case, circles under the eyes will be additionally accompanied by puffiness.

If you are absolutely sure that these reasons could not in any way influence the occurrence of defects, then the question “why are there circles under the eyes?” - it would be logical to ask the doctor.

This is due to the fact that circles under the eyes can occur due to:

  • Traumatic brain injury or bruise of this area of ​​the face.
  • Smoking, which led to pathological narrowing vessels in the eye area and, as a consequence, to a lack of oxygen.
  • Allergic reaction on a certain food product, cosmetic ingredient, environmental element.
  • Violation of fluid metabolism, provoked by various dysfunctions of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
  • Problems at work blood vessels, which can arise as a result of disorders in the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.
  • Diseases of the liver, pancreas and thyroid gland, internal genital organs.
  • Inflammatory processes, occurring in the organs of vision. An example of this is conjunctivitis, a narrowing of the tear duct.

Often, circles under the eyes can be caused by a genetic factor, that is, heredity. Age-related changes also explain the appearance of these defects among middle-aged and “older” women.

Depending on the cause and severity of the disease, the circles may acquire one color or another. It can range from blue to black.

Why are circles under the eyes blue, yellow, brown or black?

  • Blue color defects mainly result from deterioration of vascular tone. Because of this, they expand and, as a result, blue “shadows” appear. Common causes are dehydration, lack of oxygen, anemia, and injury.
  • Yellow circles most often appear as a sign of hyperpigmentation. It’s unpleasant, but it’s a fact that they can be a signal of increased bilirubin in the blood, pathological changes in the kidneys, liver and gall bladder.
  • Circles Brown are also often associated with skin hyperpigmentation. Alas, there are more serious reasons. For example, diabetes, hepatitis, circulatory disorders.
  • Black circles may be caused by hemorrhage and blood stagnation, chronic fatigue. Reduced immunity against the background of a recent illness, cancer is not the whole list of reasons that provoke the appearance of black circles.

It is important that the color of circles under the eyes can be stable and changeable. In other words, black can eventually become, for example, blue, and blue can become yellow. In another case, one or another color may gradually fade away. It all depends on the type of disease and some physiological characteristics of the skin.

It is noteworthy that the more advanced the disease, the richer the color of the circles. Depending on this factor, they may become more expressive. So if you:

  • don't lack sleep,
  • do not experience long-term stress,
  • do not abuse smoking and alcoholic beverages,
  • Don’t belong to the group of people who are “for”
  • Are you experiencing any other warning signs...

You should definitely see a doctor, in particular a nephrologist, hematologist, ophthalmologist, or extreme case- to the therapist. Since in this case, only a specialized specialist will be able to help you solve your problem, based on the results of tests and a detailed examination.

Additional “alarming” symptoms include:

  • Stable or periodic swelling of the eyelids and areas under the eyes.
  • Weakness, loss of strength that appears as if out of nowhere.
  • Pain of various types in the abdominal area.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Violation heart rate,
  • Eye redness, dryness and bleeding.
  • Increased body temperature.

If these symptoms occur in combination with circles under the eyes, we can confidently indicate the presence of the disease. In this case, you should not delay a visit to a specialist and self-medicate.

How to remove circles under eyes at home

You can remove circles under the eyes at home using special gymnastics, massage and compresses. However, this is only possible if the circles are not provoked by any disease.

Gymnastics for the eyes consists of simple and familiar exercises:

  • You need to start blinking your eyes, first at a calm pace, and then speeding up. In the end, it is important to close your eyes tightly and blink them again - slowly.
  • Concentrate your gaze on a nearby object, and then move it to the most distant one. It will be good if these items are located one after the other.
  • Look in front of you, raise your eyes up, in front of you again and lower them down.
  • Look in front of you, turn your gaze to left side, look in front of you again, and then to the right.
  • Make rotational movements with your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Complete the exercises first with intense blinking, and then with weak blinking.

Each exercise should be repeated at least 2 times. Performing the whole complex does not take more than 5 minutes and it is advisable to pay attention to it 3 times a day - morning, lunch and evening.

Thanks to such simple exercise, you can quickly get rid of congestion under the eyes if you also carry out additional acupressure. It's very easy to do:

  • First you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin under your eyes.
  • Pressing the tips a little index fingers walk from the outer corners of the eye to the bridge of the nose.
  • The movements should be repeated 3-4 times and precisely along this trajectory.

You can also try to remove circles under the eyes using compresses. They can be prepared with:

  • Raw potatoes, grated on a fine grater.
  • Grated 1 small cucumber.
  • Boiled and chopped parsley root.
  • Mix with 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, sour cream and protein.

Rubbing with ice cubes also helps fight circles under the eyes. To prepare the cubes, you can use decoctions of chamomile, sage, mint and birch sap.

However, it should be remembered that traditional methods will be able to help if the circles were not caused by a disease. Otherwise, you will only aggravate the situation, which can lead to consequences that are difficult to correct.

