Teturam and alcoholic drinks. Teturam tablets for alcoholism: instructions for use, side effects and consequences of taking

Dosage form: & nbsp Pills. Composition:

One tablet contains:

Active ingredient: disulfiram - 150 mg.

Excipients: potato starch - 2.70 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 23.80 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.85 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 0.85 mg, stearic acid - 0.36 mg, magnesium stearate - 1.44 mg.

Description: Round, flat-cylindrical tablets, white or white with a slightly yellowish-greenish tinge, with a bevel. Pharmacotherapeutic group:Remedy for the treatment of alcoholism ATX: & nbsp

N.07.B.B.01 Disulfiram


Disulfiram inhibits the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase involved in the metabolism of ethanol, which leads to an increase in the concentration of acetaldehyde, which is a metabolite of ethanol, by 5-10 times. Acetaldehyde causes a number of unpleasant sensations: "flushing" of blood to the skin of the face, nausea, vomiting, feeling of malaise, tachycardia, lowering of blood pressure. As a result, a conditioned reflex reaction of aversion to the taste and smell of alcoholic beverages is developed. The strength of the reactions caused by the drug is proportional to the dose taken.

Pharmacokinetics:Absorption after oral administration is 70-90%. It is rapidly metabolized in the liver by reduction to diethyldithiocarbamate, excreted as glucuronide by the kidneys, or is transformed into diethylamine and carbon disulfide, the proportion of which varies from 4 to 53%. The latter is excreted through the lungs. The minimum content of disulfiram in the blood is about 20 ng / ml. Indications: used as adjunctive therapy chronic alcoholism in patients undergoing alcohol dependence treatment who intend to abstain from alcohol in order to achieve best effect supportive and psychotherapy. does not cure alcoholism. When used as monotherapy, without appropriate motivation and supportive treatment, it has no significant effect on alcoholic behavior in persons with chronic alcoholism. Contraindications:

Hypersensitivity, thyrotoxicosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system (including, pronounced cardiosclerosis, atherosclerosis cerebral vessels, severe myocardial damage, pre- and post-infarction conditions, aortic aneurysm, occlusion coronary vessels, arterial hypertension II-III stages and other diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary tuberculosis with hemoptysis, bronchial asthma, severe pulmonary emphysema, erosive lesions gastrointestinal mucosa, gastric ulcer and duodenum(in the acute stage), bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease, liver failure, diabetes, epilepsy, infectious diseases central nervous system, polyneuropathy, auditory neuritis and ocular nerves, glaucoma, malignant tumors, pregnancy, lactation. In some cases, when long-term intake teturama, acute psychoses can be observed, resembling acute alcoholic paranoid, acute alcoholic hallucinosis, or alcoholic delirium. The transition from hallucinatory syndrome to paranoid, paranoid to schizophrenic, etc. is possible.

Simultaneous (or in the recent past) intake of metronidazole, paraldehyde, ethanol or ethanol-containing drugs and products. Childhood under 18 years old.

Carefully:Patients over the age of 60, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer (in remission), endarteritis, residual disturbances cerebral circulation, psychosis against the background of taking disulfiram in the anamnesis. Pregnancy and lactation:It is contraindicated to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation. Method of administration and dosage:

Before starting treatment, the duration of abstinence from alcohol should be at least 12 hours. Dosage regimen at the beginning of therapy Within 1-2 first weeks of treatment single dose disulfiram should be no more than 500 mg / day. The drug is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, before breakfast. Usually taken in the morning, however, in the event of a sedative effect, the drug can be administered at night. To minimize or eliminate sedation, the dose can be adjusted downward.

Maintenance therapy The average maintenance dose is 250 mg / s (range 125 to 500 mg), the maximum daily dose 500 mg.

Duration of therapy complete recovery the patient, when he can exercise self-control over alcohol consumption. The drug should be continued until a stable remission is achieved.

Side effects:"Metallic" taste in the mouth, unpleasant odor (due to carbon disulfide) in patients with colostomy, hepatitis, neuritis optic nerve, peripheral neuritis, polyneuropathy of the lower extremities, neuropsychiatric disorders, memory loss, disorientation in time and space, asthenic syndrome, headache, skin allergic reactions... Side effects due to the association of disulfiramethanol: collapse, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, cerebral edema, cerebral hemorrhage. Overdose:

Symptoms: confusion, collapse, coma, neurological complications.

There is no specific treatment for an overdose of Disulfiram. In case of severe disulfiram-alcoholic reaction lasting 1.5 hours, oxygen therapy is used, inhalation of carbogen (a mixture of 95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide), high doses are administered intravenously ascorbic acid(up to 1 g), ephedrine sulfate and antihistamines... It is necessary to monitor the concentration of potassium in the blood serum, especially if the patient is taking digitalis drugs.


Disulfiram should be administered with caution to patients taking and its derivatives, since simultaneous reception drugs can lead to phenytoin intoxication. Before prescribing disulfiram, patients taking it should determine the baseline level of phenytoin in the blood serum and subsequently monitor the content of phenytoin in the blood in order to adjust the dose of the drug. enhances the effect of indirect anticoagulants and increases the risk of bleeding. In the case of simultaneous administration with oral anticoagulants, it is necessary to carry out more frequent monitoring of the content of prothrombin and correction of doses of anticoagulants. It is also necessary to adjust the dose of disulfiram at the beginning and after the end of the course of therapy, as it can lengthen the prothrombin time. Disulfiram effects, incl. neurotoxic, enhance tricyclic antidepressants (),. increases the risk of developing mental disorders, the occurrence of delirium.

When administered simultaneously with isoniazid, the risk of behavioral and motor coordination disorders increases. If these signs are detected, disulfiram intake should be discontinued. increases the plasma concentration of drugs metabolized in the liver, due to inhibition of microsomal liver enzymes. Enhances toxic effects phenazone, chlordiazepoxide and diazepam by inhibiting their metabolism. reduces the reaction to.

Special instructions:

The drug should in no case be taken in a state alcohol intoxication... It is unacceptable to prescribe the drug without notifying the patient. The patient's relatives should be instructed by the doctor about the peculiarities of using the drug.

Disulfiram should be used with extreme caution in the following concomitant diseases: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, epilepsy, chronic and acute nephritis, as well as in patients over the age of 65. There have been reports of drug hepatotoxicity, including liver failure requiring liver transplantation or fatal. Severe and sometimes fatal hepatitis caused by disulfiram therapy can develop many months after the end of drug treatment. The patient must be warned about the need to inform the doctor about all early symptoms manifestations of hepatitis, such as fast fatiguability, weakness, malaise, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, dark urine. Every 10-14 days from the start of therapy with disulfiram, the patient should undergo a control study of liver function parameters, including general and biochemical analysis blood.

Patients taking should not be exposed to ethylene dibromide and its vapors. The results of studies in rats have demonstrated that inhaled administration of ethylene dibromide with disulfiram increases the development of tumors and mortality in rats. There are no similar data on the effect of diethyl bromide vapors on patients. Alcohol react with disulfiram:

The patient should be informed about all the consequences of alcohol consumption during treatment with disulfiram. The patient should be warned about the inadmissibility of secret use of alcohol, as well as alcohol in the composition food products(sauces), medicines (alcohol-containing medicines), perfumery. Drinking alcohol at the same time as disulfiram, even in small amounts, causes facial flushing, throbbing in the head and neck, throbbing headache difficulty breathing, nausea, profuse vomiting, sweating, thirst, chest pain, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, decreased blood pressure, weakness, confusion and loss of consciousness, severe anxiety, dizziness, blurred vision. V severe cases respiratory depression, cardiovascular failure, seizures, and death may develop.

Alcohol addiction is a serious illness that cannot be dealt with on your own. To get rid of her and get her back normal life, and loved ones peace and joy, you need to fight and remember that the price of each gram of alcohol is the destruction of fate. Specialists and medicines, for example, Teturam, will be able to help in this matter. Reviews speak of him as the most effective means.

Composition, purpose, action

The composition of the drug does not include big list components. it medicinal product, which includes:

  1. Disulfiram - 150 ml.
  2. Starch.
  3. Silica.
  4. Stearic acid.

How does the medication work? The tablets have pharmacological action- block alcohol dehydrogenase. Teturam is discharged for treatment chronic addiction from alcohol, preventive measures in order to avoid relapses of alcoholism and as a medicine for detoxification when the body is poisoned with nickel.

The medicine suppresses the production of an enzyme in the liver (acetaldehyde), which is necessary for the decomposition of alcohol. Acetaldehyde accumulates in the body and provokes intoxication. There is nausea, vomiting, redness of the epidermis. Breathing becomes difficult, arrhythmia occurs, a feeling of fear.

The action of Teturam is aimed at causing the patient to react negatively to alcoholic beverages. After treatment, a person will not be able to tolerate not only the smell and taste of alcohol, but will not even be able to look at it. He gets sick when he tries a little drink.

Who should not use the medicine

Teturam tablets are prescribed with caution to people in old age (after 60 years) suffering from inflammation inner surface vessels who have suffered a stroke, with residual consequences of circulatory disorders of the brain, psychosis caused by disulfiram. The drug is categorically contraindicated for:

Treatment features

The drug must be taken under the strict supervision of a physician. Treatment begins only with the consent of the patient and his relatives. The patient is obliged to refuse to drink alcohol during therapy. Then the person deciding to quit the addiction with this medication passes thorough examination... He is warned about possible consequences, if the rules of therapy are not followed. The doctor prescribes Teturam tablets individually, determining the amount and time of administration. As a rule, the initial dose is 0.25-0.5 g per day.

Samples are carried out within 8-10 days, after which the dosage is adjusted. The test is carried out as follows: after taking the medicine, the patient is given 20-30 milliliters of vodka. If the reaction to vodka is not strong, the dosage of the drug is increased by 10-20 milligrams. After a couple of days, the test is repeated. After 4-5 days, the test is performed on an outpatient basis and is corrected again. The correct dosage of the drug Teturam (150-200 milligrams per day) can be used from 1 year to 3 years, depending on the duration of treatment, during which the dose is gradually reduced. The instructions for use recommend taking the tablets in the morning on an empty stomach.

During the trial, before the start individual treatment the patient may show signs of alcohol intolerance. Teturam tablets are absolutely safe for health, this is confirmed by the instructions for use and the composition of the drug, but in combination with alcohol, a severe reaction occurs, up to and including death. Also, a reaction can occur through negligence when taking Teturam medication and using products such as:

  • Sauerkraut.
  • Tea mushroom.
  • Kvass.

That is why the doctors' reviews warn about the consequences of treatment and require the most accurate adherence to the rules. The price of 1 package of 30 tablets is a little more than 100 rubles, the price of 50 tablets is 150-170 rubles.

The second option for treating alcoholism is stitching. Teturam is used as an implant. It happens like this: disinfection is carried out in the left iliac zone and local anesthesia... Then a 6 mm incision is made. Two tablets are inserted into the incision, deepening 4 centimeters, a suture is applied and sterile pad... The procedure is performed at least four times.

Possible complications and side reactions

After the end of therapy, doctors do not recommend returning to alcohol abuse. Their feedback speaks of the possibility serious complications... If you stumble again, health is the price. The work of the central nervous system is disrupted, the risk of developing a heart attack and thrombophlebitis increases. The appearance of hallucinations and psychosis is not excluded. With prolonged therapy with the drug Teturam, there may be side effects:

In rare cases, reviews speak of the appearance of fear, delirium, prolonged excitement. The use of the medication should be accompanied by the information and consent of the patient also for the purpose of a psychological attitude to change the lifestyle. He should be warned about the consequences of taking alcohol with such treatment, but also know that there is another, happy life without a pile.

If you mix pills without his knowledge, then a person can take alcohol and get big health problems or undergo stress and depression. Such a state is possible, since the psyche drinking person very shaken.

Treatment of alcoholism with Teturam requires a lot of time and close medical supervision, but the main rule of successful therapy is the desire of a person to part with the craving for alcohol.

Recovery from alcoholism is quite possible if you start an attack on it in the early stages and act in accordance with the instructions of the doctor, as well as with a sincere desire of the sick person to return to normal healthy way life. The main help in treatment is provided by medications, among which one of the best drugs are Teturam tablets. This can be seen by reading the numerous reviews of practitioners. long time narcologists, as well as treated patients - former victims of alcohol

In the article:

Orally and subcutaneously

Teturam effectively helps to fight against chronic form alcoholism due to the active substance disulfiram in the composition. These products can be taken orally and implanted under the skin. In the first case, the active substance, accumulating in the blood, inhibits the breakdown of ethyl alcohol in the body, which leads to an increase in the volume of toxic acetaldehyde in the blood. If after this a person drinks alcohol-containing drinks, his mixture with the medicine poisons the body with the manifestation of the corresponding symptoms. Thus, oral tablets teach the drunkard to feel aversion to alcohol, its very appearance, taste and smell.

Means for "insertion" under the skin provide the same effect, the only exception is that they, implanted under the skin, maintain the required amount of the active substance in the body, thereby providing a longer-lasting effect. The instruction assumes that any measures for the use of Teturam should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist, with the patient fully aware of the potential dangers. Here are some reviews on this topic:

Maxim, Moscow:
“Never self-medicate…! Teturam is taken in a complex manner to increase the effectiveness of other medications, in order to consolidate success in the early stages of the war against alcohol addiction! It is worth taking care of health - it is more valuable than money! "

Konstantin, Volgograd:
“The tool is excellent, it can really help ... the main condition is to go through a consultation with a specialist so as not to run into an individual allergic intolerance... You can not drink and take medicine at the same time, and after a course of treatment (at least during the first week) it is dangerous to drink alcohol. Yes, dear loving wives: just don’t come up with secretly mixing it into food - it’s extremely dangerous for life! The drunkard should take the pills deliberately. "

Mikhail, Moscow:
“My wife disguised this medicine as fortifying“ vitamins ”. I swallowed a pill in the morning at 10 o'clock, then "persuaded" 50 grams of vodka. Result: the pressure jumped to 187 per 100 with a heart rate of 115, I had to disturb the ambulance. ”Alexander, Khabarovsk:
“If during the use of the pills, a person accidentally swallows alcohol, let him be ready for harmful and dangerous consequences! ... Actually, without these consequences, which are a factor in restraining the desire to drink alcohol, alcohol addiction cannot be eliminated in any way. And the worst thing is that you cannot predict what the consequences will be, everything is decided by the state of the body and psyche. Anything is possible, up to and including death. "

Potential hazards

The remedy is contraindicated in many diseases, including different kinds oncology, diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine system, diseases of the lungs, hematopoiesis and gastrointestinal tract. Clarify if you can take this medicine, can only be a doctor, as well as instructions for use. About what happens if this rule is not followed, the corresponding reviews:

Elena, St. Petersburg:
“One pill was enough to make [the husband] suffocate after a simple glass of beer a rash all over his face. Everything worked out, but I don’t risk giving any more, I myself suddenly felt scared ”.

Zhanna, Khabarovsk:
“My brother (50 years old) drank Teturam. He swallowed a glass of wine while he was visiting, and an hour later - loss of consciousness, vomiting, the temperature jumped. The ambulance was taken to the hospital with the final diagnosis - ischemic stroke left side of the body. "

Galina, Barnaul:
“The result is obvious, tested on my uncle, whom the other half secretly poured into his food. Everything went well until his uncle took up the old thing - as soon as he drank a glass, he immediately felt bad - covered with red spots, he was shaking everything. Until he knew about the treatment, he blamed everything on vodka - allegedly burned. But one day, after a shot of vodka, my uncle felt very bad - his blood pressure began to go off scale, his pulse began to rise, his face turned pale, and he had to urgently call an ambulance. Thank God we were able to pump it out. "

Not without your own willpower

The effect of the treatment for alcohol dependence, which Teturam tablets help to carry out, is not long enough if it is not supported by the patient's own efforts and willpower. The converse is also true - the longer the drunkard stays in shape thanks to the drug, the stronger his self-confidence. The following reviews are about this.

Alexander, Moscow:
“Teturam is an unusually strong stimulant, but only when own desire stop drinking !!! Yes, in fact, such a desire itself disappears, since with the joint "drinking" of alcohol and Teturam, such things begin to happen to health ... But if there is no personal desire to recover, then two weeks pass after the course - and health allows you to drink again! ".

Alexander, Barnaul:
"The drug is very good, provided that the drunkard himself is determined to get rid of the craving for alcohol."

Inna, Moscow:
“A friend once told me that her husband was taking a course of Teturam as prescribed by a doctor. He recovered after 10 years of hard drinking, became a completely different person, he does not take a drop of alcohol for six months. The specialist said that for successful treatment there was one prerequisite: consent to take the medicine at will.

Opinions are positive and not too

Each person is individual, each has its own "limit" of health and endurance, allowing you to hold on to sobriety in the process of fighting alcohol addiction. Therefore, it is not surprising that opinions about Teturama range from extremely positive to completely negative. This in no way speaks about the quality of the drug - only about its effect on specific patients.

Alexandra, Voronezh:
“Again my husband began to kiss the bottle. One of the means of struggle was parting: she kicked him out, and more than once. Once, after long and painful conversations, we decided to seek medical help, and my husband consciously went to the specialists in narcology. Received a prescription for the familiar Teturam tablets. After a two-week course of treatment, they seemed to feel relief. My husband stopped going into binges, does not drink alcohol, in my opinion, more than two months.

Tatiana, Moscow:
“I didn’t notice any effect - my acquaintance drank a pill every morning for 4 days in a row, but didn’t stop abusing it”.

Victoria, Rostov-on-Don:
“The main action of Teturam is to“ knock down ”the craving for alcohol. For this, some are prescribed a pill a day, some - two or three. My husband drank two at a time. What can I say, the remedy did not help so much, the cravings did not disappear, but "side effects" appeared, and serious ones. The body begins to burn, red as beets, the heart flutters very much, the head is spinning, it makes me sick. So only because of the fear of the side effects of the pills, the craving for alcohol stops. My opinion: it will help someone, but not for someone. "

Andrey, Moscow:
“The drug is 100% good, except for one“ small ”drawback - a serious list of contraindications and adverse effects. I would not advise anyone to treat them without visiting a doctor and preliminary examination ”.

Tatiana, Lipetsk:
“One relative uses these pills from time to time if he does not have the willpower to get out of a long binge on his own. Strictly speaking, the principle of action of these pills is simple: if you dare to drink alcohol during the course of drug treatment, the body will give out a violent reaction in the form of nausea, vomiting, red spots on the body, tachycardia. All these symptoms lead to aversion from alcohol. "

Alexander, Moscow:
“Even if you kill me, I will not believe, there will be enough pills to get rid of a malicious alcoholic from addiction. No, it may, of course, be the case that the pills will contribute to the cure, but only in quality assistive devices... I personally know people who can resist not only pills, but even the most powerful coding. "

The choice is clear

Even if the drug Teturam had only positive reviews, it is still impossible to use it without a doctor's prescription and determining a dose that is optimal in terms of benefit and harmlessness. The danger of provoking side effects is too great or, on the contrary, giving the patient a portion of the medicine that is too small for a therapeutic effect. In general, the reviews are worth reading, but you should still rely on the opinion of a real practitioner.

Svetlana, St. Petersburg:
“My opinion is this - a working tool, but to achieve a truly powerful effect, you must not just drink it blindly. Positive reactions it is necessary, reinforcing, to direct. Drugs for alcoholism do not work in the same way as drugs, for example, for headaches - I drank, and there is no problem. In the case of treatment for alcoholism, an individual approach is important, of course, with the participation of a specialist in narcology. And, of course, for the treatment not to be useless, an appropriate attitude of the drinking person is necessary. "

Clinical and pharmacological group

A remedy for the treatment of alcohol addiction ..

Conditions of sale from pharmacies

Can be purchased with a doctor's prescription.


How much does Teturam cost in pharmacies? average price is at the level of 220 rubles.

Composition and form of release

Teturam tablets of 0.15 and 0.25 g are produced in packs of 50 or 30 pieces, as well as a powder substance.

  • The main active ingredient of the drug Teturam is disulfiram.

In addition, it contains the following additional components: potato starch, povidone, primellose, colloidal silicon dioxide, stearic acid.

pharmachologic effect

Once in the body, Teturam acts as an inhibitor of altaldehyde dehydrogenase, an enzyme that is involved in the metabolism of ethanol. As a result, the level of acetaldehyde in the blood increases.

This causes symptoms of intoxication:

  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • chills;
  • chest pain;
  • redness of the face;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • general weakness;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • difficulty breathing.

Because of similar symptoms drinking alcohol ceases to give a person pleasure. Gradually, he completely stops drinking alcohol.

After taking the Teturam tablet inside active substance rather quickly and almost completely absorbed into the systemic circulation from the intestine (bioavailability is 70-90%). It is evenly distributed in the tissues, metabolized in the liver with the formation of inactive decay products, which are excreted from the body mainly in the urine.

Indications for use

The tool is used as efficient method prevention of chronic alcoholism. Teturam can be used as a drug that guarantees the absence of relapses during the main treatment with other specific methods. The tool can be used by loved ones both in secret from an alcoholic, and consciously used by a drinker.

The active substance of Teturam - disulfiram is an antidote to nickel, for this reason, the agent can be used for detoxification in case of poisoning with this metal.



  • Malignant tumors;
  • Liver failure and kidney disease;
  • Diabetes;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation period;
  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Bleeding from gastrointestinal tract(GIT), erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa, exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum;
  • Severe pulmonary emphysema, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis with hemoptysis;
  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system in the stage of decompensation (including cerebral atherosclerosis, pronounced cardiosclerosis, coronary
  • insufficiency, aortic aneurysm, pre- and post-infarction conditions, arterial hypertension stage II – III);
    Neuritis of the auditory and optic nerves, polyneuropathy, neuropsychiatric diseases, epilepsy, infectious diseases of the central nervous system.

Relative (special care is required when applying):

  • Peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer in remission;
  • Cardiovascular diseases in the stage of compensation;
  • Endarteritis;
  • Psychoses due to a history of taking disulfiram;
  • Residual effects of cerebrovascular accident;
  • Age over 60.

Dosage and method of administration

As indicated in the instructions for use, Teturam tablets are taken orally. The appointment of the drug is made after complete medical examination, the doctor must warn the patient about the possible consequences and complications.

  • Recommended dosage: on an individual basis from 150 to 500 mg 2 times a day. Teturam-alcohol test is carried out after 7-10 days of therapy, it consists in the patient taking 20-30 ml of vodka (40%) after 500 mg of the drug. In the case of a weak reaction, the amount of vodka is increased by 10–20 ml. The alcohol dose should not exceed 120 mg.

Repeated tests with correction of alcohol and / or drug doses are carried out after 1-2 days in a hospital and 3-5 days later - on an outpatient basis. Maintenance therapy at a daily dose of 150-200 mg can be continued for 1-3 years.

Teturamalcohol tests must be carried out under the supervision of a physician, since it is impossible to predict the reaction to alcohol in each specific case. Often a person has severe, poorly tolerated sensations that require quick elimination... To relieve painful and excessive reactions with teturamalcohol tests, a number of drugs are used, most of which is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. It is because of the likelihood of such an intervention that the doctor must be present and observe the course of the teturamalcohol test.

Side effects

Against the background of the use of the drug Teturam, side effects such as:

  • swelling of the brain;
  • memory impairment;
  • headache;
  • collapse;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • skin rash;
  • angina pectoris;
  • a metallic or bitter taste in the mouth;
  • insomnia;
  • angioedema;
  • arrhythmia;
  • anxiety and a sense of fear;
  • hives;
  • tachycardia;
  • dizziness;
  • bronchospasm;
  • convulsions;
  • psychosis;
  • gastritis;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • optic neuritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • difficulty breathing.


In case of an overdose of the drug, neurological complications, depression of consciousness up to coma, cardiovascular collapse are possible. Therapy is symptomatic.

special instructions

Use with caution in patients with renal failure, liver disease, respiratory system.

Interaction with other drugs

When using the drug, it is necessary to take into account the interaction with other drugs:

  1. With simultaneous use with isoniazid, cases of dizziness, depression have been described; with caffeine - the excretion of caffeine from the body decreases; with metronidazole - acute psychosis, confusion develops; with omeprazole - a case of development of impaired consciousness and catatonia is described.
  2. With simultaneous use with perphenazine, the development of psychotic symptoms cannot be excluded.
  3. With simultaneous use, disulfiram inhibits the metabolism and excretion of rifampicin.
  4. With simultaneous use with anticoagulants coumarin derivatives (including with warfarin), the anticoagulant effect increases, the risk of bleeding increases.
  5. Disulfiram inhibits liver enzymes, therefore, with the simultaneous use of drugs metabolized in the liver, a violation of their metabolism is possible.
  6. With the simultaneous use of disulfiram with tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazine derivatives, MAO inhibitors, there is a risk of developing serious adverse reactions related to drug interactions.
  7. A case of the development of mania in a patient taking disulfiram and buspirone is described.
  8. With simultaneous use, the clearance of desipramine and imipramine from the body decreases.
  9. With simultaneous use with amitriptyline, it is possible to enhance the therapeutic effect of disulfiram, but it is also possible to increase toxic effect amitriptyline on the central nervous system.
  10. With simultaneous use, the concentration in the blood plasma of diazepam and chlordiazepoxide increases, in some cases accompanied by dizziness. Under the influence of diazepam, a decrease in the intensity of the disulfiram-ethanol reaction is possible. A case of increased toxicity of temazepam is described.
  11. With simultaneous use with phenazone, T1 / 2 of phenazone increases; with phenytoin - the effects of phenytoin are enhanced due to an increase in its concentration in the blood plasma, toxic reactions develop.
  12. With simultaneous use with chlorzoxazone, the concentration of chlorzoxazone in the blood plasma increases; with chlorpromazine - an increase in arterial hypotension is possible.


We offer you to read the reviews of people who used Teturam:

  1. Evgeniy. If you add it to food, then you need to warn the person that he was given with food. Most people stop drinking alcohol instantly. Especially those who are already familiar with teturam. The taste of bird cherry in the mouth instantly reminds of the consequences of the alcohol reaction - teturam.
  2. Arkady. I used to drink a lot and often, no exhortations helped. My wife decided to give me pills for alcoholism, I agreed, because I could no longer cope on my own. I began to take Teturam, after the very first dose I felt weak, I was not drawn to alcohol. I drank the remedy for a year and a half, I no longer fall into alcoholic binges.

Narcology practitioners believe that, in general, Teturam is effective drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence, but its use requires compliance with a number of conditions. Firstly, the consent and desire of the alcoholic to receive Teturam is necessary. Secondly, you need to understand the destructiveness of the disease and the desire to be cured.

In addition, doctors believe that taking Teturam alone will not help permanently cure alcoholism. The pills will have an effect that will last for a certain period of time, but in order for a person not to start drinking again, complex treatment, including psychotherapy, will be required. In other words, according to doctors, the reception of Teturam provides a certain "bright gap", which, in the absence of complex treatment, will be interrupted by a new breakdown and binges. After the binge will be new cycle taking pills, etc.

Unfortunately, Teturam can be ineffective when a person's willpower is weak. In such situations, doctors recommend not to take pills, but to make a "filing" at once.

How Teturam and alcohol interact

After prescribing Teturam tablets, doctors are asked what happens if they are drunk with alcohol and whether the medicine can be given to a drunk.

The drug is not compatible with ethanol, this is the basis for the treatment of alcohol dependence. A drunkard after undergoing a course of therapy with Teturam cannot drink alcohol under the threat of severe poisoning.

If you add to him a medicine with disulfiram in food or drink in secret, when he is not warned about the consequences of using ethanol, then after the usual dose of alcohol, the alcohol addict will receive severe poisoning. The help of doctors will be needed, and everything can end in death. The patient will become ill even from 20 ml of vodka, and a dose of 100 ml of strong drink is deadly for him.

The drinker learns that he has been mixed with a drug for a specific metallic taste... The medicine is easy to detect in the patient's blood; it will not be possible to hide the cause of the poisoning either from the doctors or from the alcoholic himself.

All this will noticeably worsen family relationships, undermine the patient's confidence in close relatives. It will be much more difficult to persuade him to undergo treatment. In addition, then he will definitely return to regular drunkenness.

Important! It is impossible to cure alcoholism by force. Treatment without the consent of the patient is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If a person mixes alcohol with Teturam, he immediately becomes ill, poisoning will occur immediately. Its consequences depend on how much alcohol he drank beforehand. Ethanol together with Teturam is the most dangerous poison.

It is possible to start therapy with Teturam tablets only when ethanol and its decay products are completely removed from the body and the risk of their interaction is minimized. It will be possible to take the drug on the second or third day after the last drink. Sometimes the removal of alcohol from the body is accelerated by detoxifying the patient.

When to drink alcohol

Teturam is excreted from the body for at least two days. The drug, when taken for a long time, accumulates in the patient's adipose tissue, from where it enters the bloodstream. When drinking alcohol, Teturam will interact with alcohol, poisoning will occur even fourteen days after the end of the course of treatment.

It happens that a certain amount of the drug remains in the patient's blood a year after stopping his intake. Therefore, no matter how much time has passed since the end of therapy, alcohol should be drunk with great care. The patient can only drink alcohol after consulting the attending physician.

The patient should not eat sweets with cognac or liquor, sauerkraut drinking kvass, kefir, non-alcoholic beer. It is also unacceptable to take medications in which ethanol is present. All of these foods contain some ethyl alcohol and can cause a disulfiram reaction.

What to do in case of poisoning

When drinking alcohol together with Teturam, the patient experiences a disulfiramic reaction. If the dose of alcohol is large, then it can happen:

  • swelling of the brain;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • breathing disorders;
  • severe arrhythmia.

If an alcoholic who is being treated with Teturam still drank alcohol and showed signs of acetaldehyde poisoning, he should be immediately taken to the hospital. Such poisoning is very dangerous and its consequences can be stopped only in a hospital setting. In severe cases, resuscitation is carried out.


It is permissible to use analogues of the drug that have an identical active substance or have a similar pharmacological action... Analogues of the drug are presented below:

  • Esperal;
  • Tetlong;
  • Alkodez;
  • Liveria;
  • Antaxon;
  • Naltrex;
  • Naltrexin;
  • Biotredin;
  • Naxon.

Before buying an analogue, consult your doctor.

Can Teturam be given without the knowledge of the patient?

It is impossible to give Teturam to a person without his knowledge, since the drug is completely incompatible with alcohol. Accordingly, if a person who secretly receives Teturam drinks alcohol, he will develop symptoms of intolerance, which, with a significant amount of alcohol consumed (more than 150 ml of vodka), can lead to death. Therefore, it is impossible to give Teturam without the knowledge of the patient - he must know and be aware of the danger to which he exposes himself if he tries to drink while taking the medicine.

If, while taking Teturam, a person drinks more than 50 - 80 ml of vodka, then he may develop severe violations work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, edema and convulsions, therefore, in such situations, the victim is urgently hospitalized in conditions intensive care unit and carry out symptomatic therapy.

Teturam after alcohol

Teturam should not be taken the day after drinking. You must first stop intoxication (for example, by taking Medichronal) and refrain from drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours. Thus, it is possible to start taking Teturam after drinking alcohol only for 2 - 3 days.

Shelf life and storage conditions

Store Teturam in a place well protected from children and the sun at a temperature not exceeding 25˚C. It is a prescription drug.

Shelf life is 4 years.

Previous Tetracycline eye ointmentNext Tiberal

Teturam - reliable and efficient medicine, which is used to treat alcoholism. Usually this remedy is prescribed when other drugs are not working properly. Overdose often leads to neurological complications, depression of consciousness, coma, so it is extremely important to know how to remove Teturam from the body in a timely manner and quickly.

General information about the drug

The drug contains a substance called disulfiram. In addition to this active component, there are additional auxiliary components. The manufacturer produces the drug in tablets and powder.

The main action of the drug is the blockade of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. This component increases the acetaldegin content and affects the biotransformation of ethanol. As a result, when a person drinks alcoholic beverages, ethanol biotransformation does not occur, and alcohol in the body accumulates at the level of acetaldehyde (see). Then the person's face turns red, sometimes vomiting occurs, the heart rate rises, malaise occurs and blood pressure decreases, and a feeling of fear appears.

Reception of Teturam provokes all the above-described effects, as a result of which a conditioned reflex is formed in a person, in which there is an aversion to alcohol. It is this aversion to alcohol and the presence of side effects that is considered the therapeutic effect of the drug.

In medicine, the drug is sometimes sutured under the skin. Also take tablets and powder to dissolve in water.

Interesting!The therapeutic effect develops within four hours, but after the drug is discontinued, the effect of the drug continues for two days.

When the tablets are implanted under the patient's skin, the medicine begins to act immediately, and after their removal, the effect is observed for another 5-9 months. The withdrawal of the drug occurs in the urine.

Indications for the use of Teturam

This remedy is indicated for patients for the treatment of alcoholism. Taking the medicine provokes an aversion to alcohol in patients. But you can take this remedy only when other drugs do not help, since the use of Teturam often causes strong side effects.

Teturam is shown:

  • with chronic drunkenness, as well as for the prevention of hard drinking, breakdowns
  • as a remedy for the treatment of nickel tetracarbonyl poisoning;

The subcutaneous tablet is indicated for the treatment of chronic drunkenness, as well as an anti-nickel agent.

Find out which ones will help you make a correct diagnosis

Read what to do if it appears: first aid, treatment.

How is the medication taken?

The use of Teturam tablets is carried out in three stages:

  1. The doctor examines the patient and prescribes a dose of the drug so that the active component accumulates in the blood in a sufficiently high concentration.
  2. Carrying out teturamalcoholic tests. Their main principle is to take alcoholic beverages immediately after using a high (1.5–2 times higher than usual) dose of the drug and causing side effects from the drug. Such tests are carried out only under the supervision of a physician. Their main task is to form conditioned reflex aversion to alcohol.
  3. After carrying out teturamalcoholic tests, the patient continues to take low doses of the drug for 3 years.

The daily dosage of Teturam is 150–500 mg 2 times. The term of testing is 7–10 days. Maintenance therapy - 1-2 days in a hospital, 3-5 days on an outpatient basis. 1–3 years of maintenance therapy.

Teturam overdose

Clinical manifestations Teturam overdoses manifest as neurological complications and cardiovascular collapse... Depression is also observed. Teturam poisoning is usually divided into three forms:

  1. Sharp.
  2. Chronic.
  3. Alcohol-teturam reaction.

The acute form of drug poisoning occurs 6-12 hours after the pill has been drunk. In this case, ataxia, tachycardia, the smell of acetone or sulfur from the mouth, blepharospasm are observed. A person can fall into a coma.

The chronic stage is characterized by weakness, the appearance of dermatitis, neuropathy and manifests itself 6-12 months after taking the medication.

Alcohol-teturam reactions occur 5-10 minutes after the patient, who is taking Teturam, drank alcohol. At the same time, the skin of the face turns red, dizziness, fear occurs, vomiting and nausea, chest pain, hypotension appear.

An overdose of Teturam can occur not only after using alcohol, but also after taking wine vinegar or alcohol-containing drugs, for example, Nitroglycerin, Valocordin, and some cough elixirs.

Important! A life-threatening dose is blood ethanol levels of 50 mg or more. This is 0.3–0.6 g / kg of human weight. In this case, an overdose develops immediately, within 5-10 minutes after drinking alcohol. The reaction lasts about 2-3 hours. If the measures were taken on time, a favorable outcome occurs in 4 hours.

The clinical picture with severe drug poisoning is characterized by headaches, nausea and repeated vomiting. The person is not aware of what is happening to him, the pressure drops sharply, there is a loss of consciousness.

In order to provide timely and correct assistance to the patient, he needs to know and tell the doctor that he is taking Teturam. Unfortunately, sometimes there are situations when the patient does not know that he is “on pills,” while relatives secretly add medications to his food. In such situations, it is extremely difficult to diagnose the cause of the appearance of all the above symptoms. Confirmation that the poisoning occurred while taking Teturam is a blood test for ethanol.

How to remove Teturam from the body

There is no antidote for the rapid elimination of a substance from the body. Therefore, doctors begin symptomatic treatment, which helps to reduce the severity of drug overdose:

  1. Patients in a coma are intubated. If they have hypotension at the same time, use infusion therapy and the introduction of norepinephrine.
  2. At the second stage of treatment, Pyridoxine is used in a dose of up to 1 g. If vomiting occurs, it is eliminated using Raglan or Ondansetron. Hyperthermia is treated with use of NSAIDs(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  3. At the third stage, high doses of vitamin C up to 1 g are used. The substance is introduced as an effective antioxidant. Also shown is the intake of Unitiol at 0.3 ml / kg of body weight, sorbents, saline laxatives. Sorbents are used twice, since Teturam is involved in enterohepatic circulation, as a result of which it is excreted into the intestine and reabsorbed from it.

In rare cases, they resort to blood transfusion or hemodialysis.

Find out why it appears: causes and treatment.

Read why and how to fix the problem.

Do you know that - defense mechanism? Find out how to help the victim.


Unfortunately, it is impossible to quickly remove the drug from the body, the effect will be observed for another two weeks after the drug is discontinued. The fact is that the active component accumulates in the subcutaneous fat layer, from there it enters the blood in small doses. Due to this, the concentration of the component in the blood is constantly maintained and is excreted only two weeks after the complete withdrawal of the drug.

Tablets for alcoholism "Teturam" is a drug based on disulfiram of provocative action, that is, it causes unpleasant symptoms that predispose to the development of aversion to alcoholic beverages. Narcologists say that the effectiveness of such therapy reaches 75%. However, the treatment regimen and the method of taking the medication - oral or "stitching" capsules under the skin - is chosen individually.

"Teturam" is available only in the form of white flat-cylindrical tablets. For "stitching" dosages of 100 mg are usually used, while for oral therapy - tablets of 150 and 250 mg. The active ingredient is disulfiram. It inhibits the activity of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of ethanol. As a result, the process of elimination of residual decay products and other toxins is slowed down. The body begins to perceive alcohol as a poison, against the background of which an aversion to alcohol develops.

Teturam and alcohol are incompatible things. If alcohol is consumed during treatment, the patient will develop severe clinical picture... The main symptoms will be stomach pains, intestinal disorder, nausea, vomiting and headache.

The bioavailability of the active substance is 70–90%. Once in the bloodstream, it accumulates in fatty tissues, from where it begins to gradually be released. The total metabolic cycle takes 48 hours, although the first Clinical signs can be seen 3 hours after taking the pill. Severe symptoms and a tendency to reject alcohol begins after three days of intake.

It is interesting that "Teturam" is excreted not only during urination and defecation, but also partially during exhalation.

How to use?

The instructions for the use of "Teturam" describe in detail all the features of the reception. The recommended dosages are indicated there, however, this information is presented for more information. Disulfiram is a powerful substance that can cause severe side effects, therefore, the possibility of treatment, dosage and duration of the course are determined by the attending physician on an individual basis.

Treatment begins only after the following measures have been taken:

  • in-depth examination for the absence of contraindications;
  • a course of detoxification therapy and complete elimination of withdrawal symptoms;
  • withdrawal of antipsychotics, antidepressants and sleeping pills 3 days before the start of therapy;
  • determination of the level of hepatic transaminases.

During therapy, the patient must be constantly monitored general indicators: condition, pulse, blood pressure and others, as well as donate blood for screening laboratory parameters.

In no case should Teturam tablets be given to a patient without his knowledge. If a person unknowingly continues to consume alcohol, this can lead to severe intoxication and even death. When 50-80 g of vodka is consumed, a heart and respiratory distress, and after 150 mg - death.


Disulfiram is considered basic drug in the treatment of alcoholism, because it is cheap and effective. However, such therapy is not available to all patients due to the wide list of absolute contraindications:

  1. diseases of the digestive system: erosive lesions, acute phase ulcers or gastritis, bleeding, liver and kidney failure;
  2. oncological processes;
  3. diseases of the central nervous system: mental disorders, epilepsy, infectious processes(meningitis, encephalitis);
  4. polyneuritis of any genesis;
  5. convulsive syndromes;
  6. violation of the production of hormones by the thyroid gland;
  7. diabetes;
  8. diseases of the spleen and bone marrow;
  9. respiratory system diseases: asthma, pulmonary emphysema, tuberculosis;
  10. severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  11. individual hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  12. early age;
  13. pregnancy and lactation.

With cirrhosis of the liver, the concentration of "Teturam" increases in the bloodstream, therefore clinical symptoms are more pronounced than with liver failure mild to moderate.

Concerning relative contraindications, in which the appointment of "Teturam" for alcoholism is allowed, but only with caution and in a hospital setting, then they should include the following syndromes:

  • advanced age (over 60 years old);
  • chronic cardiac and digestive diseases in remission;
  • endarteritis;
  • a history of strokes, infections of the central nervous system and psychosis that developed in the background.

Cross reactions

In addition to contraindications, "Teturam" has wide list drugs, the concurrent administration of which causes unpleasant drug interactions... Therefore, it is very important that the therapy is conducted by a qualified narcologist.

"Teturam" +Effects
  • the concentration of "Phenytoin" sharply increases, which leads to the manifestation of symptoms of an overdose;
  • the risk of side effects of both drugs increases
"Imidazole"development of delirium up to delirium tremens and alcoholic psychosis
  • depression;
  • dizziness;
  • impaired motor coordination
Anticoagulants (indirect)the therapeutic effect of anticoagulants increases, which can lead to internal bleeding
Chlorpromazinethe risk of developing hypotension increases
"Theophylline"increasing the concentration of "Theophylline" with the risk of overdose
  • the sedative effect sharply increases, which leads to dizziness and lethargy;
  • it is possible to suppress the therapeutic effect of "Teturama"
Antidepressants (tricyclic)increased aggressive reaction of the body to alcohol-containing drinks caused by "Teturam"

The table shows the main drugs. More full list presented in the instructions for use. Medicines containing the appropriate active substances are also capable of causing undesirable consequences. If combined therapy is necessary, these funds are still given to the patient, but only in a hospital setting, since constant monitoring of his condition is necessary.

Standard treatment regimen

The three-stage therapeutic regimen is a classic method for treating drunken patients and patients who have entered narcology due to severe intoxication. It cannot be called easy and comfortable, since during the treatment the patient experiences psychological discomfort and a severe clinical picture. Aversion to alcohol is instilled in three stages.

  1. During the first period (7-10 days), the patient is shown oral administration 250-500 mg of the drug per day, depending on the condition and history of the patient. The tablets are divided into 2 doses, usually morning and evening. They are recommended to be taken with meals. At this stage, prescribing less than 150 mg is meaningless, since it is necessary to achieve the accumulation of a high concentration of disulfiram in the bloodstream. And small doses will be quickly recycled and disposed of.
  2. The duration of the second treatment period is determined individually. It involves provocative tests, when the patient is simultaneously prescribed "Teturam" and alcohol. After consuming a high dose of the drug, which is usually twice that which was prescribed in the first stage, the patient is given 20-30 g of vodka to drink. After that, within half an hour, the patient begins an acute response of the body with characteristic symptoms: intoxication, headaches, nausea and vomiting. If this clinical picture has stopped after 20 minutes, then the test is considered weak and ineffective. Therefore, next time the amount of alcohol is increased by 10–20 g. The interval between samples is 1–2 days in a hospital setting and 3–5 days if the treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. Total amount samples are determined individually. the main objective this stage is to achieve in the patient a persistent feeling of alcohol rejection.
  3. The third period is necessary to consolidate the achieved effect. It can last up to 36 months, when the daily dose of the drug does not exceed 150 mg.

Due to the accumulation of disulfiram in adipose tissues, the therapeutic effect continues after discontinuation of the drug for about two weeks.

The "correct" reaction during the teturam-alcohol test is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • sharp redness of the face and local or systemic hyperthermia;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • general malaise;
  • hypotension.

Acute reaction to teturam-alcohol test

At the second stage of treatment, the development of acute alcohol poisoning due to the toxic effect of disulfiram. This is manifested by oppressed breathing, convulsive syndrome and severe throbbing headache with a feeling of fullness. Poisoning is also indicated by a prolonged “correct” reaction that lasts longer than 90 minutes. Depending on the symptoms that appear, treatment is prescribed.

Mandatory measures

  • 15 ml of methylene blue (1%) intravenously;
  • "Camphor" and "Cordiamin" subcutaneously;
  • "Strychnine", "Ephedrine", "Cititon" intramuscularly;
  • oxygen inhalation;
  • intravenous ascorbic acid solution with glucose

Additional measures for symptomatic indications:

heart painValidol, Corvalol, Nitroglycerin
pressure below 70/50"Mezaton" intravenously
deterioration in heart ratedropper with "Strofantin"
  • 10 ml of magnesium (25%) intramuscularly;
  • 15 ml of chloral hydrate (6%) - enema;
  • "Sibazon" intravenously
open vomiting and severe nausea
  • 10 ml of calcium chloride (10%) intravenously;
  • 0.5 ml "Atropine" (0.1%) subcutaneously;
  • 15 mg of belladonna extract orally
excessive excitement1 ml of "Aminazin" (2.5%) intramuscularly

Short treatment regimen

Narcologists note that in patients who deliberately decided to quit drinking, therapy is much easier and more comfortable, and the effect of it is longer, since there is a clear psychological message. For such patients, a three-week treatment regimen is recommended, involving only oral administration of the drug. The therapy goes like this:

It has long been proven that in 3 weeks you can develop a habit and get rid of it. Though alcohol addiction- This is a more complex biochemical attraction, but with a strong desire and through drugs, you can develop a tendency to a healthy lifestyle. However, if there is a craving for alcohol or in case of relapse, a repeated therapeutic course of disulfiram is indicated.

Sewing method

"Filing", or as the people say "encoding", is a procedure in which the patient is made a small incision in the skin, 8 tablets of 100 mg are put under the epidermis, and then sutured. In a couple of days, the tablets dissolve, and the active substance is deposited in the lipid tissues, from where it is released for at least six months. At this time, the patient feels all the unpleasant symptoms in the case of alcohol intake.

This treatment regimen is much more popular, since there is no need for long-term intake of pills and, moreover, painful tetura-alcohol tests. Its therapeutic effect is longer, although after about 9 months, disulfiram is completely removed from the body. If during this time a psychological rejection to alcohol has not developed, then there is a risk of relapse, just like after oral therapy.

The teturamic "filing" can cause polyneuropathy, therefore the "coded" patient is shown a mandatory course of B vitamins. this complication anyway has developed, then it is necessary to remove the tablets.

Consequences of admission

Treatment of alcoholism requires the use of sufficiently powerful and toxic drugs, such as disulfiram. Therefore, in the process of taking the drug "Teturam" can cause various side effects and undesirable consequences. They can be conditionally divided into three groups:

Adverse reactions caused by
properties of the drugsimultaneous intake of alcohollong-term use of the drug
  • metallic taste;
  • neuritis of the lower extremities and optic nerves;
  • asthenia;
  • rash and itching;
  • headache;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • disorientation;
  • memory impairment
  • angina pectoris;
  • arrhythmia;
  • cardiovascular collapse;
  • respiratory failure;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • heart attack
  • psychosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • thrombosis;
  • exacerbation of polyneuritis

With darkening of urine, the development of jaundice, severe asthenia or anorexia, it is necessary to urgently stop taking the medication and start a high-quality liver cleansing. Due to the high hepatotoxicity of disulfiram, there are cases when such treatment led to the need for liver transplantation or death. The development of paresthesias, manifested by stabbing sensations in the legs, indicates the development of an acute reaction, in which it is necessary to urgently stop treatment with Teturam.

Simultaneous intake of disulfiram with alcohol is very dangerous and causes a lot unpleasant symptoms... Therefore, it is necessary to completely eliminate the use of products containing ethanol. These are not only alcoholic beverages, but also certain foods, other medicines (usually syrups, tinctures, and oral solutions), and even cosmetics such as aftershave gel and mouthwash.

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