What should be the basal temperature before menstruation? Basal temperature is normal in early pregnancy

In their practice, doctors have long used basal temperature values ​​to diagnose many conditions and diseases of women. reproductive system. What do changes and fluctuations in the basal temperature graph mean? different phases menstrual cycle, we understand in the article.

What should it be basal temperature before menstruation

Data Collection Rules

Basal is the temperature of the mucous membranes, which can be measured in the oral cavity or rectally, the latter data being the most preferable. Their systematization is necessary to identify the moment of ovulation. But there are also additional appointments. Thus, gynecologists recommend keeping a basal temperature chart for:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • with prolonged and negative attempts to conceive;
  • calculating the moment of ovulation;
  • suspected inflammatory diseases of the appendages;
  • calculating the estimated date of menstruation.

The menstrual cycle consists of several phases that replace each other and are associated with changes in hormonal background women, therefore, with changes in the temperature of the mucous membranes.

Basal temperature before menstruation should be measured strictly at the same time of day, immediately after waking up, while lying in bed. Its changes will help determine when ovulation will occur, when menstruation will occur, etc.

Basal temperature before menstruation: chart

The average cycle lasts 28 days: the time when menstruation begins and the last day before bleeding begins. To draw up a graph, you need a coordinate system - temperature indicators from 36.5 to 38.0 and the days of the cycle. It is necessary to enter indicators and data daily - put the appropriate mark and draw up a curve.

What is the normal basal temperature before the onset of menstruation?

In the first phase, that is, the follicular one, the temperature remains within 37ºC, usually 36.5 - 36.8ºC. Before the onset of ovulation, about a couple of days later, it decreases, and then follows a phase of its sharp increase by 0.4 - 0.6º (37.2 - 37.4º). The permanent result lasts throughout the luteal phase, usually 12 - 16 days. High basal temperature before menstruation is characteristic of the entire second phase.

When there are a couple of days left before menstruation, the basal temperature drops. During menstruation, as a rule, the thermometer does not rise above 37ºС. Such fluctuations are the norm of basal temperature before menstruation. The most important thing is not the numbers themselves, but the difference between them, which should not exceed 0.4 - 0.5ºС.

Drawing up a chart of basal temperature before menstruation requires attentiveness and scrupulousness from the girl. Only correctly collected and analyzed data will help you navigate and understand whether everything is fine in your body or whether there are any abnormalities.

What does an elevated basal temperature before menstruation indicate?

The normal basal temperature before menstruation is no more than 37ºC. Some girls about 7 days before the start menstrual bleeding feel a rise in temperature. This is due to an increase in the hormone progesterone, which affects the thermoregulation center in the brain.

Result of 36.9ºC before menstruation, with no fluctuations in the graph in the ovulatory phase of the cycle - indicates the absence of a mature fertilized egg. Most likely, the analyzed cycle is anovulatory, which may be a variant of the norm. In young girls age group 20-25 years old, anovulatory cycles are diagnosed several times a year.

Basal temperature 37º before menstruation, and its increase by 0.2ºС is considered indirect sign successful conception. With a combination of elevated basal temperature before menstruation and its delay even by a day, we can talk about pregnancy. When the temperature rises above 37.3ºС, this is a deviation from the norm. This can be explained by chronic stress, inflammatory diseases reproductive system.

Indicators at 37.4ºС can be regarded as a lack of functioning of female sex hormones - estrogens. In this case, you won’t be able to get pregnant; you need to specific list research and treatment. Often such patients are treated by two specialists at once - a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.

A basal temperature of 38º before menstruation is considered very high and is a sign of serious inflammation.

When does basal temperature drop before menstruation?

Measuring temperature at the beginning of menstruation makes it possible to assume some pathological processes in the body of a girl. A drop in basal temperature before menstruation may be associated with endometritis.


Temperature human body fluctuates depending on the time of day. The lowest rates are observed in the morning. This morning temperature of the human body is called basal. The readings do not have to be the same during the same hours. It is generally accepted that the average human body temperature is 36.5°C, but in women it is about half higher than 37°C. monthly cycle. The basal temperature decreases slightly before menstruation. By fluctuations in indicators, you can determine the moment of ovulation and the beginning of menstruation.

Can there be a fever before menstruation?

Due to the characteristics of the body, women have an elevated BBT for about 2 weeks. Considering that the most uncomfortable temperature range for a person is 37-37.5°C, it is not surprising that women often have mood swings and bad feeling. The only consolation is that you can create a graph of basal temperature that correlates with menstruation.

What you need to create a schedule

To identify patterns in each specific case, basal temperature is measured daily for 3 months. BT is measured in the morning, at the same time and no later than 8 am. The duration of sleep before measurement should be at least 5-6 hours. Before measuring, you cannot show any physical activity, up to “sit up in bed.”

BBT is always measured with the same thermometer to avoid errors in readings. Digital or special basal thermometers are best suited for this purpose; they are able to record even minor changes in BBT. The measurement duration is at least 5 minutes, but some digital thermometers beep when the measurement is complete.

Measurement methods:

  • orally;
  • anally;
  • vaginally.

Due to good compression of the anal sphincter anal method considered the best. This method provides the most accurate data. Indications are collected from the first day of the monthly cycle: the next day after the end of bleeding. When menstruation occurs, measurements do not stop.

Normal schedule

At the end of menstruation, BT decreases to the usual average values ​​of about 36.5°C. Deviations of 1-2 tenths of a degree are normal.

From the first day after the end of menstruation they begin to draw up a schedule. Gradually, BTT begins to grow. During the follicular period (from the beginning to the middle) it gradually increases to 36.6-36.9°C.

In the middle monthly period, during the ovulation phase, the basal temperature rises to 37-37.4°C. This is the phase of the highest temperatures. The difference in BT between the follicular and ovulation phases is about 0.5°C. The ovulation period lasts approximately 2 weeks ± 2 days, depending on the individual length of the monthly cycle. A rise in temperature just before your period is not normal unless a woman is pregnant.

Can you have a temperature of 37 before your period?

This largely depends on the individual characteristics of the body, but 37°C is the lower limit of normal in the ovulation phase before the onset of menstruation. The average basal temperature before menstruation is 37.2°C. Sometimes women cannot understand why before menstruation the temperature rises to 37.5 and remains this way even after menstruation. The answer here is simple: most likely, the woman became pregnant. The second reason for increased BTT may be infectious or inflammatory diseases.

Temperature during menstruation 38

BBT 38° during menstruation is not normal, but it does occur. And such BT is not always bad news. If present low-grade fever Before your period, it is better to go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test. If there are 2 strips, you should visit a gynecologist to confirm pregnancy. Sometimes when it crashes hormonal balance a rapid test can show a non-existent pregnancy. If elevated BT persists for a long time, but there is no pregnancy, this is a sign of a disease that requires immediate treatment. You can’t put off visiting a doctor in the hope that it will go away on its own.

Normal basal temperature during menstruation

During menstruation, BT begins to decrease. Normally, on the first day it can be up to 37.4°C. But BTT is influenced not only by the phase of the menstrual period, but also by other conditions:

  • heat and stuffiness in the room;
  • general overheating of the body (sleeping with an electric blanket or under a too warm blanket);
  • possible diseases;
  • too short, less than 4 hours of sleep before measurement;
  • alcohol drunk the night before;
  • ingestion of food or liquid before measuring BBT;
  • violation of the BT measurement mode;
  • taking certain medications;
  • sexual intercourse in the morning before measurement;
  • diseases that disrupt hormonal balance.

If the bedroom is too hot, your basal temperature may be significantly higher than normal.

What should be the rectal temperature before menstruation?

3 days before menstruation, the basal temperature usually drops to 37°C and remains this way until bleeding begins, after which it begins to decrease. If throughout this period and in the first days of menstruation the basal temperature remains above 37°C, this may indicate pregnancy.

Temperature in the vagina before menstruation

The BT of the human body is the same everywhere, but due to the fact that in different places The thermometer sensor fits differently, the readings differ from each other. When measuring the temperature under the armpit, the readings will be the lowest. In the vagina the BTT is the same as in anal passage, but measurement readings may be lower. Or be the same. Depends on the sensitivity of the sensor and the tightness of the seal. Vaginal temperature during menstruation can also be lower than anal temperature due to moisture.

Attention! When measuring BT orally, saliva cools the sensor very strongly.

The difference between anal and oral indicators can be 0.5-1°C.

Why does the temperature rise before menstruation?

The menstrual period is divided into:

  • follicular;
  • ovulation;
  • luteal;
  • period.

The follicular egg matures. To create conditions for egg maturation, the production of estrogen is suppressed at the beginning of the phase. The lack of estrogen leads to an increase in BT during the second ovulation stage.

Important! Most low rate BTT occurs right in the middle of the monthly cycle: on the last day of the follicular phase.

Body temperature in the second phase of the cycle

The lower temperature limit in the second phase of the cycle is 37°C. Basal temperature rises in the middle menstrual cycle. 10 days before your period, the temperature is already stable between 37° and 37.4°C.

Temperature a week before menstruation

If menstruation occurs every 4 weeks, then even on the 23rd day of the cycle the basal temperature remains above 37°. The indicators may decrease slightly if the cycle is shorter than the lunar month or significantly longer. When the period lasts more than 28 days, all phases are somewhat “stretched” in time.

Attention! On the 20th day of the cycle, the basal temperature may drop by one tenth of a degree.

Temperature on the first day of menstruation

Immediately after the start of menstruation, BBT begins to decrease from 37°C and continues to fall until the end of menstruation. In case of pregnancy, the fall does not occur; the BTT indicators continue to remain above 37.5°C.

Temperature and delay of menstruation

BT from 37.5° to 38° in the second (ovulation) phase in combination with a delay in menstruation most likely indicates pregnancy. But we must take into account that increased BT can occur due to diseases of the organs that produce hormones, and hormonal imbalance can cause a delay in menstruation.

How many days before menstruation does basal temperature drop?

Basal temperature in the ovulation phase remains almost constant until bleeding begins. The body “hopes” for pregnancy. Data may fluctuate within 0.1°. If the initial BBT was high, a couple of days before menstruation it may begin to gradually decrease. But the readings drop sharply with the onset of bleeding. The indicators almost immediately return to the average level of 36.5°C.

Deviations in temperature readings in diseases

Although few people have an ideal temperature schedule, each woman has her own “norm”, determined experimentally. Deviations from this norm indicate some kind of disease. Sometimes a consistently elevated, but not very high BBT indicates low-grade inflammation.

Deviations from the schedule in one direction or another may indicate internal pathologies:

  • n significant reduction in BT on the eve of menstruation and again an increase in readings above 37° indicates endometritis;
  • increased BT, not changing for 18 days and absence of menstruation at normal times = pregnancy. But it’s better to check with a specialist;
  • an increase in BT to 37° s in the first half of the cycle indicates inflammation of the appendages. In this case, the increased BT remains in the second phase, without decreasing with the onset of menstruation. During bleeding, BT is also more than 37°C;
  • slow increase with less than 0.4° difference between the first and second phases serves as a symptom of progesterone deficiency. Insufficiency is also indicated by a decrease in the time of the second phase and an earlier than usual onset of menstruation.

A failure in the temperature chart in itself is not a sign of any disease. Many other factors influence the performance. But if there are regular deviations, you need to visit a doctor.

When to see a doctor

If there are significant or regular deviations from the established schedule, especially in combination with a delay or early arrival of menstruation, a visit to the doctor will be necessary. If the basal temperature in the second phase is above 38°, and the lower abdomen is felt severe pain, visiting a medical facility cannot be postponed for long. Medical examination is also necessary when confirming pregnancy.


The basal temperature before menstruation should not normally exceed 38°C. If such a BTT lasts longer than 18 days, you should consult a doctor.

Basal temperature is body temperature measured in the rectum or vagina. Data on its fluctuations healthy woman show the body's reaction to changes occurring in it. The graph of basal temperatures during the monthly cycle is an important indicator that assesses the state of a woman’s health and the processes taking place in her body.

This indicator will help to accurately determine fluctuations in progesterone, which is directly related to reproductive function. The measurement takes place according to a special technique that every woman must understand. This will help you pay attention to own health and decide on planning pregnancy, childbirth, or exclude the possibility of these processes, which are undesirable for yourself. In this connection, it is necessary to know what the basal temperature should be before menstruation.

It’s no secret that a woman’s well-being is entirely dependent on hormones, and maintaining a health scale requires attention Special attention. Temperatures must be measured daily and recorded. In this case, you will be able to create a menstrual cycle calendar. Subsequently, your numbers, converted into a graph, allow you to know:

  • about the onset of follicle maturation;
  • date of ovulation;
  • about hormonal disruptions occurring in the body;
  • date of the next menstruation;
  • predetermine the offensive gynecological diseases and inflammation;
  • about pregnancy.

Temperature measurement traditional way(in the armpit) does not show the full picture and cannot help with identification issues hormonal state body. Measuring rectal temperature is a fairly accurate method. It is effective if measurements are carried out according to all the rules and regularly, for 3-4 months.

Rectal temperature before menstruation is determined individually, through long-term observations of its changes. This is necessary to obtain reliable data and eliminate errors in further planning. To collect them, measurements must be performed as follows:

  • measurement is carried out for 5 minutes with a mercury thermometer and 1 minute with an electronic one;
  • use the same thermometer;
  • the temperature should be measured during the period of awakening, early in the morning, without getting out of bed, using a thermometer;
  • note any changes or fluctuations that occur, despite colds, stress, physical exercise etc.

An accurately constructed graph and the changes that occur in it will indicate the occurrence of a problem at early stage and, thanks to this, a woman will be able to avoid serious consequences or complications of emerging diseases.


The existing opinion that there is a fluctuation - a decrease or increase in basal temperature before menstruation - is confirmed among doctors. They are some standard indicators that need to be taken into account when using this method. There are two options for the course of events - with and without pregnancy. Let's look at the second version first.

Thus, starting observation using this method on the first day of menstruation, as a rule, it is detected normal temperature. It's nothing significant indicator, which you don’t need to pay attention to, but just add it to the table. Every day it falls and you need to give importance to the last day of menstruation, when the normal temperature is from 36.3 to 36.5 ° C. This time is considered the most favorable for the start of follicle growth, under the influence of estrogen.

On last stage its formation and upon the release of a mature egg, the temperature decreases by 0.1-0.2 ° C and lasts for several days, and then rises again to 37. This means that ovulation has occurred, which provokes an increase in the indicator. During this period they created optimal conditions for pregnancy.

At the exit of the follicle, the ovarian wall is injured, forming a body that produces progesterone. The hormone is responsible for fertilization and the preparatory process in the uterus to receive the fertilized egg. This increases the basal temperature to 37.0-37.5°. The stage lasts several days and proceeds with a gradual decrease in temperature.

The normal basal temperature before menstruation ranges from 36.5-37.5°C.

With a cycle of 28 days, implantation retraction may be noticeable on the graph - this is a decrease of 0.1-0.2 ° C in the temperature indicator, noticeable 1-2 hours before ovulation and it lasts 24 hours.

Temperature readings a week before menstruation

What should be the basal temperature before menstruation? Typical temperature values ​​a week before menstruation remain stable, normal level– 36.6. This is followed by a period when the temperature before menstruation is 37 and remains so for 10-14 days. Then it gradually declines before the start of a new cycle.

Temperature readings three days before menstruation

Three last days Before menstruation, the temperature drops and this is the most unfavorable time for conception.

You can afford unprotected sex due to low pregnancy prospects.

The elevated basal temperature before menstruation gradually declines. This indicates that menstruation will begin soon. The indicator decreases from 37.1 to 36.6°C. The temperature before menstruation 36 may depend on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.


During pregnancy, the indicators are similar only until the moment when ovulation occurs. Subsequent readings of basal temperatures before menstruation depend on whether fertilization of the egg has occurred, in other words, whether conception has occurred. If events develop when pregnancy should occur after ovulation, the basal temperature before menstruation is 37°C. In this case, it does not change for three days and is favorable period for conception, and also becomes the first sign of pregnancy, and its confirmation will be standard signs and test results.

Next there is a weak nagging pain lower abdomen and sparse bleeding from the vagina. This means that conception has occurred, and an embryo has been born at the inner walls of the uterine surface. Then the numbers level out and return to their previous levels. If conception does not occur, the amount of progesterone gradually decreases, which leads to a decrease in temperature.

The day when the temperature dropped sharply and then rapidly increased is usually considered the day of conception.

Non-standard temperature readings

Some deviations from accepted norms (for example, 38°C) are individual and may mean the development of various gynecological diseases. In any case, if they are detected, you need to pay attention to your health and seek advice from a specialist, like this:

  • with a lack of progesterone, menstruation appears prematurely, rectal temperature tends to constantly fall;

  • with endometritis – a noticeable increase in temperature;

  • with inflammation of the appendages, an increase occurs, etc.

Reception oral contraceptives And hormonal pills leads to a distortion of basal temperature indicators and the use of a graph in this case will not provide the woman with reliable information.

Basal temperature during menstruation has been measured for a long time and gynecologists around the world effectively use this method to determine the state of a woman’s reproductive health.

Probably every person has heard about such a “beast” as basal temperature (BT), but not everyone knows what it should be and why it is actually measured. In fact, having learned this once mysterious indicator, you can understand what processes take place in the individual’s body.

Often, measuring basal temperature is the prerogative of women. By this indicator, ladies determine ovulation and pregnancy. It is the basal temperature before menstruation that helps the fair half of humanity calculate a favorable day for conception and understand when the egg is ripe.

Therefore, today we will talk about what basal temperature should be before menstruation, as well as during the period of ovulation, we will analyze the main values ​​of this indicator.

What should the BT be?

Start a conversation about it important indicator women's health I would like to discuss the temperature measurement procedure itself.

BBT can be measured in the mouth, vagina and rectum. True, most experts believe that the most accurate readings will be if you measure the temperature in the rectum. According to doctors, receiving readings from armpit, we cannot cut off the influence various factors, for example, stress, hypothermia, etc.

It doesn’t matter when the basal temperature is measured: before your period a week or during it. The main thing is that the procedure should be carried out in the morning, immediately after waking up, you cannot get out of bed. You need to immediately take measurements with a regular thermometer.

The normal temperature for a woman who is not ovulating or pregnant is considered to be 36.9 degrees before menstruation. Based on this value, one can judge that the woman is currently not ovulating, or talk about an ovulatory menstrual cycle.

If the basal temperature during menstruation is elevated and its values ​​vary between 37-37.2 degrees, then this may indicate pregnancy; most likely, there will be no more “red days”.

If the temperature before menstruation exceeds 37.5, then this is a reason to contact a gynecologist. This figure may indicate an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs; in this case, consultation with a specialist cannot be avoided.

High basal rate before menstruation is often caused by a lack of estrogen, which in turn can cause infertility. If you have such symptoms, a visit to an endocrinologist and gynecologist is a must.

On the first day of your period and during it, the basal temperature is usually 37. A decrease in the basal rate below 36.9 before menstruation may also be a reason for thought.

Some doctors believe that low temperature may make it difficult to conceive a baby.

In addition, a decrease in the basal rate may indicate endometritis, with this disease, on the first day of menstruation, the temperature exceeds 37 degrees. Women who are going to track the dynamics of the basal rate should understand that for this it is necessary to take measurements daily for 3 menstrual periods, this is a minimum.

About the normal indicator before menstruation

For those ladies who decide to analyze their schedule, ideally they should see the following:

  • 2-3 days before menstruation the indicator will be about 36.7;
  • in 14-20 days, during the progesterone phase, an increase in the indicator will be observed, and at the time of ovulation it will reach 37-37.2 degrees.

If a woman becomes pregnant this month, BT will be increased before "red days". If a woman experiences bleeding, but the basal rate is high, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

BT and pregnancy

The processes of conceiving a baby and carrying it to term are directly related to menstrual cycles and, of course, affect everything internal organs and lady systems. Therefore, beauties who keep a BT chart will notice characteristic fluctuations on it, which will immediately indicate that the long-awaited fertilization has occurred.

But, of course, in order to determine everything with accuracy, you need to measure BT systematically and draw up a schedule carefully.

Even if you are on your period, do not skip the procedure.

If you did everything correctly, then when pregnancy occurs you will notice the following changes in the schedule:

  • BT will exceed 37 degrees and will linger there for about 3 days more than in previous months of observations;
  • If you look closely at the graph, then instead of the usual two waves of BT fluctuations, you will notice a third surge, which indicates pregnancy;
  • If BT remains high for 3 weeks or more, then this is pregnancy.

That's all. It's time to take stock. So, in order for you to be able to draw some conclusions based on your basal temperature, remember that you need to measure it not for one week, but for at least 3 menstrual cycles.

The collected data will help you draw conclusions about your health, determine the days of ovulation, track inflammatory processes etc.

Some women experience problems conceiving for a long time, and one of the ways to choose the best time to approach the long-awaited pregnancy is learn to measure basal temperature before menstruation, during ovulation and correctly draw up a schedule of changes in basal temperature by day of the menstrual cycle. So, what should your basal temperature be? during pregnancy you and how to correctly measure basal temperature before and during pregnancy.

Indicators of basal temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy in many cases may be of interest to the gynecologist. During this period, the temperature usually does not fall below 37 degrees. A woman should measure it while in a state of absolute calm.

Normal menstrual cycle accompanied by a basal temperature below 37 degrees during the first phase. Somewhere in the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs, the indicator rises sharply, by no less than 0.4 degrees. This basal temperature will remain throughout the entire second phase. A day or two before the start of menstruation, or on the first day of the cycle, the temperature should drop again. What should be the basal temperature during delay and early pregnancy from a woman? When on the first day of the cycle and further the basal temperature remains stably high and there are no periods, then we must assume that the woman has become pregnant.

How to measure basal temperature correctly? Measuring basal temperature should take place according to a schedule: in the morning, after waking up, at the same hour. At this moment, even small activities, including communication, are prohibited. Prepare the thermometer in the evening before going to bed. Reset former figures and place it on the nightstand near the bed. Using mercury thermometer The measurement process lasts about 5 minutes. If you use electronic device, place it under your tongue, purse your lips (slightly) and wait for 40 seconds to a minute. Below we will tell you in more detail how basal temperature changes during pregnancy and how best to measure temperature for correct charting.

Before measuring basal temperature
You need to sleep at least 3 hours. If you got up at 6 am and then went to bed again before 8, take measurements at 6, before you even get out of bed. Otherwise, you will only sleep for 2 hours continuously. The thermometer must be used the same. Write down negative factors(stress, illness, change of environment), then it will be easier to analyze the data. As soon as you take your temperature, write it down immediately so you don’t forget it later.

To find out what is normal basal temperature for you in individual phases of the cycle, take measurements over 3-4 months. To accurately determine the days of ovulation, a daily calendar of temperature fluctuations must be kept for 6-12 months. It is prohibited to use contraceptives of any type, wear IUDs, or use contraceptive drugs. They significantly affect the indicators in the process of measuring basal temperature.

Another serious factor- correct graphing of basal temperature, accurate records. Before the egg is released from the ovary, the temperature varies between 36.6-36.9 degrees.

Basal temperature is not unambiguous and each woman will have her own individual temperature fluctuation schedule. These fluctuations are caused by the production of sex hormones. As you know, basal temperature during pregnancy will be kept at a high level (above 37 °C). This indicator, along with the absence of menstruation on the corresponding days, is highly likely to indicate a successful pregnancy. Next, we will tell you what the basal temperature should be in certain cases, how to measure basal temperature correctly, and what a woman’s basal temperature may be during early pregnancy.

- click on the photo and expand the tables (basal temperature during pregnancy, during development women's diseases) and graphics with interpretation.

We hope that the prepared material will be useful to you. Now you know how to measure basal temperature and how it changes before menstruation, during ovulation,
