Ginger for immunity: what are its benefits. Recipes from ginger with lemon and honey for immunity - there is an effect! The best topic for the immune system. Drink with garlic

Hello, dear readers. With the onset of cold weather, most of us begin to think about strengthening our immunity. Of course, this does not apply to us, we always remember this and try to remind the readers of our blog. We have already written a lot about this, we even organized a competition on this topic. So today we will touch on the topic of health and show you how to make a ginger-lemon mixture for immunity. I won’t say that we do it often, but at least once a year, usually in the fall, as we do now. Children just don’t like to drink such “hot” tea. After all, it burns afterwards, and I will not be mistaken if I say that all children will drink this tea without much enthusiasm. If at all of course there will be.

Usually we don’t adhere to special proportions in ingredients, but today we decided to show you in detail.

Ginger mixture for immunity ingredients

I won’t say that it’s in every home; not everyone likes or buys ginger. But this should be in every home, especially in the fall.

  • Ginger root 100 - 150 grams
  • Lemon 2 pieces (about 400 grams)
  • Honey 400 grams

You can take other proportions, depending on what you will use this mixture for. We will make a ginger drink from this mixture to strengthen the immune system. First, let's prepare our ingredients for the mixture.

The ginger must be washed, dried, and any dried or spoiled parts must be trimmed off. You can, of course, completely peel the ginger, which some people do. But we usually don’t do this, and this time we didn’t clean it. We still strain the drink before drinking.

We don’t just wash the lemon, but place it in boiling water for 2 minutes. Of course, you could clean it, but the lemon skin contains a lot of essential oil, which we don’t want to throw away. Many may object, because now many fruits are treated with not very useful substances in order for them to be stored better.

That's why we put the lemon in boiling water for 2 minutes. Try it and see for yourself. After 2 minutes, the lemon becomes fragrant, and it smells like lemon, and not formaldehyde or any other chemical. And for some reason these lemons smelled like formaldehyde to me. I tried just pouring boiling water over the lemon, it didn’t help, I tried boiling water for 1 minute - the smell still remained. Only after 2 minutes the “extra” smell went away.

During this time, nothing will happen to the lemon, it will not cook and will not lose its beneficial properties, and we will receive more vitamins.

When we have prepared the lemons and ginger, we need to chop it. This can be done by any means, the fastest are a meat grinder or a blender. Although I admit honestly, this is not so easy to do. For example, if using a blender, it is advised to immediately add honey, this will make it easier to grind.

Well, if you use a meat grinder, as I did, then you can install a large mesh, and it’s not a fact that you won’t have to clean the meat grinder, especially if the ginger is no longer fresh. The fibers clog the meat grinder so much that the juice does not come out through the mesh. I cleaned it myself.

Now you need to mix the resulting mixture with honey. We take an approximate amount equal to the resulting mixture. As you can see in the photo, we got a little more than 400 grams of the mixture; the photo shows the weight including the plate.

I did not add everything that was left in the meat grinder to the general mixture, I brewed tea separately and drank it with honey. In the photo it stands separately in a small plate. I drank this tea for almost two days. No one except me wanted to drink this bitter tea.

But this tea is already from our ginger lemon mixture. Although this can no longer be called tea, but a drink. We simply pour a tablespoon of the mixture with 0.5 liters of warm water and leave to infuse. Not boiling water, but not more than 50 degrees. All this is explained by the presence of honey in the mixture.

I tried pouring boiling water over it, but I liked the drink more than the tea. And I liked it cold more than warm or hot. But if you need to warm up, you can drink a hot one. This mixture can also be added to tea. In general, the spiciness of the drink depends not on what kind of water you add, but on the infusion time.

I found it for you similar recipe on YouTube, where they grind and peel ginger.

After this magical mixture for immunity ends, after a short break, I will begin to further strengthen my health with nettle infusion. I wrote about him in the article “.”

Ginger with lemon and honey contraindications

Even this healthy drink how ginger tea can have its contraindications. The first thing you should remember is that bigger is not better. It is recommended to drink ginger tea in small sips. You shouldn't drink ginger tea yet. empty stomach. The walls of the stomach are irritated, and if there are also inflammatory processes or ulcers, then such tea is generally contraindicated. You will know about this immediately after consumption by a burning sensation in the stomach area.

You should not drink ginger tea before bed. This drink has a tonic effect, raises blood pressure and increases blood flow. It may even raise a person's temperature, so avoid drinking ginger lemon tea during high temperatures.

This tea thins the blood, so you need to be be careful people With open wounds and prone to nosebleeds and hemorrhoids.

Well, you probably shouldn’t forget about allergic reactions to ginger. He can call general deterioration health status, with unpleasant sensations in the stomach area. It may even cause stomach upset.

Ginger tea has a tonic effect, thins the blood, enhances metabolism and the flow of bile. Therefore, it is contraindicated for people with gallstones.

Well, if this mixture is too spicy for you or your children, then here is a sweeter option, with nuts, dried fruits and honey.

Ginger can be used not only to strengthen the immune system, but it can also be used. Always keep ginger in the refrigerator, and over time you will not need your first aid kit. Be healthy and all the best to you.

Lemon, ginger, honey - even individually, the ingredients of this miraculous mixture have the properties of protecting the body during the spread of colds.

Ginger warms, relieves coughs, and has antibacterial properties. A small piece of this root can help the body fight infection and improve immunity. Although the healing properties of ginger do not end there.

Lemon is the fruit that first comes to mind when a person begins to feel a cold approaching. Indeed, how nice it is to drink a cup of tea with lemon on a damp autumn day. Rich in vitamin With and phytoncides, lemon helps cope with harmful viruses and bacteria.

Honey is a natural antibiotic. There is nothing better to boost immunity weakened by disease. The most effective is linden honey, which is known for its diaphoretic properties. But you should not add honey to hot tea - this will significantly reduce all the healing properties of this product.

What happens if you combine all these wonderful products into one mixture? The result will be a medicine that is more effective than any fancy pill from the pharmacy for boosting immunity.

Why treat yourself chemicals When can you buy the ingredients of a miracle mixture in any store and prepare a delicious and healthy vitamin cocktail?

How to prepare a vitamin?

Prepare a mixture that enhances immunity and general state body, very simple. It doesn’t really matter in what proportion to mix the components, it’s just a matter of taste preferences. We present only the most common version of the recipe.

For approximately 300 grams of the finished composition you will need:

  • 250 grams of ginger root;
  • 1 large lemon;
  • 100 grams of honey.

Usually ginger in culinary dishes They are pre-peeled, but in the case of preparing a “health mixture” this is not necessary. You can grind the root in any way. in an accessible way: Grind in a blender or grate on a fine grater. It is better to remove the root fibers, this will make drinking the cocktail much more comfortable.

Lemon before adding to vitamin composition, pour boiling water over it. Lemon zest contains many health benefits, so you need to grind it together with the peel. To make this easier, cut it into small pieces. It is better to remove the seeds, they will add bitterness to the mixture. Some recipes suggest not grinding the lemon in a blender, but simply cutting it into thin slices. This is a matter of taste; the quality of the composition will not deteriorate.

It is better to take honey from trusted producers. The one that arrives on supermarket shelves does not always have the same qualities that are inherent in real honey. If you find honey that is too thick, you can melt it in a water bath to the desired consistency. As mentioned above, ideally it is better to use linden honey, but any other is quite suitable for healing the body.

Having prepared each of the ingredients of the mixture separately, all that remains is to mix them, and delicious medicine ready. There is no need to rush to try this miracle remedy for yourself. Let the cocktail sit, it will be much tastier.

You can store the mixture in a cool place, it should be protected from sunlight so that it retains its properties for as long as possible. beneficial features

Is it possible for everyone?

People who are allergic to the components of the mixture are not advisable to consume this cocktail.

For illnesses gastrointestinal tract Unfortunately, it is also not recommended to increase immunity in this way. Lemon has a negative effect on people with increased acidity, heartburn and painful reactions in the stomach area are possible.

This composition is useful for children if they are not allergic to honey or ginger. But it is advisable not to give it to a child under two years of age, since it is still difficult for a small body to digest ginger.

In the presence of chronic diseases It is better to consult a doctor before use for any contraindications, because in addition to the benefits, any product can cause harm.

What is the best way to use this miracle remedy?

As you wish! If you want, you can add it to tea and enjoy the taste of the drink at any time during the day.

I would just like to warn you about a couple of points that are worth paying attention to:

  • Boiling water kills most vitamins, so you should add the mixture in warm water. Can also be used cold water, but not excessively - after all, you want to boost your immunity, and not add problems to yourself in the form of a sore throat.
  • Every good thing must have its measure. Despite the fact that the resulting cocktail has a unique aroma and is very tasty, you should not consume it in jars. Otherwise, the medicine can become an enemy and cause more harm to health than good. A couple of teaspoons per day is enough to strengthen the immune system and improve health.

You can eat a teaspoon of the mixture early in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking warm water

How else to combine honey, lemon and ginger

To improve well-being during a cold or viral infection, doctors recommend supplementing drug treatment supporting folk remedies. This is where you should pay attention to a mixture of ginger, lemon and honey, but in a different form. This is the so-called ginger milk, the basis of which is a folk recipe Chinese medicine.

To prepare medicinal ginger milk, you need:

  • bring a glass of milk to a boil;
  • put 3-4 thin slices of fresh ginger root;
  • let it brew for 3-4 minutes;
  • add honey to taste and 1 tsp to a warm drink. lemon juice.

The drink must be drunk warm, after which they cover themselves with a blanket and rest. Ginger milk not only warms you well, it the main role– in the treatment of respiratory organs. Milk and ginger contain natural mucolytics - substances that affect the bronchi and stimulate their clearance of mucus. Honey helps thin mucus, so when taken together, this remedy helps relieve coughs and cure bronchitis.

Lemon juice in this drink is not only a source of vitamin C. It improves the taste of the drink, has a disinfecting property, and therefore helps to quickly relieve a sore throat.

Honey can be added to a cup of milk, or you can eat it as a bite. In this form it will be much more useful, since the contact of the beekeeping product with the hot liquid will be minimal.

Ginger milk has far fewer contraindications

Milk itself neutralizes irritant effect ginger, which means that discomfort in the stomach or intestines from the spice will be felt much less in those people who are prone to these symptoms.

Not contraindicated this remedy and for the treatment of childhood colds accompanied by cough and phlegm formation in the lungs. There is only one important cautionary factor - this is the presence of an allergy to honey, milk, ginger or citrus fruits. In addition, when high temperature such a drink is contraindicated, as it can contribute to a further increase in blood pressure.

Adults can drink 2 glasses of ginger milk a day, and children can drink half a glass 2 times a day. This regimen, repeated for 3-4 days, will allow the patient to quickly get back on his feet, strengthen the immune system and be less susceptible in the future. respiratory diseases.

Lemon with ginger in combination with honey is just the basis for a remedy to boost immunity. According to reviews, you can add dried apricots, raisins, walnuts. The mixture will not lose its healing properties, and perhaps it will acquire new flavors.

Nutritionists are skeptical various teas for weight loss, many of them cause irreparable harm to health. But if you use natural ingredients, follow the proportions and rules of administration, you can prepare a healthy and tasty drink that will help you quickly get rid of extra pounds. Ginger, honey and lemon are available products that can break down body fat, strengthen the immune system, slow down the aging process.

Ginger root contains trace elements, ascorbic acid, retinol, B vitamins, amino acids. This hot vegetable improves metabolic processes, slows down aging, and effectively burns fat deposits - which is why it is often used in cocktails for weight loss and rejuvenation. At regular use Drinks based on ginger root cleanse the body of toxic accumulations and toxins, lower cholesterol levels, and help digest food faster.

Lemon is often used in various recipes for weight loss. The easiest way is to drink 2-3 glasses of pure water throughout the day. This drink perfectly tones, reduces hunger, speeds up metabolism, and cleanses the body. A decrease in appetite is observed after the first week of drinking spicy drinks.

Benefits of lemon:

  • strengthens the immune system, gives vigor;
  • improves metabolic processes, normalizes the production of gastric juice;
  • reduces cholesterol and sugar levels;
  • helps break down fat deposits;
  • suppresses the feeling of hunger.

Honey reduces hunger, strengthens protective functions the body, invigorates and energizes, nourishes with all useful substances. In order to maintain beauty and health, you need to drink honey water in the morning in the proportions of 5 ml of beekeeping product per 200 ml of warm water.

Drinks based on ginger, honey and lemon are natural energy drinks. It is enough to drink 200 ml of this cocktail in the morning to feel energetic all day. The benefits of ginger-lemon mixture with honey are irreplaceable for students and knowledge workers - they improve memory and concentration, normalize work nervous system, about which there are many positive feedback. You can prepare spicy drinks for children, you just need to slightly change the ratio of the main ingredients and water.

Drinks made from ginger root, honey and lemon are useful for the treatment and prevention of colds - they destroy bacteria, replenish vitamin C deficiency, and help cope with respiratory inflammation.

Contraindications for ginger-honey-lemon mixture

When preparing drinks from lemon, honey and ginger, you must remember that if the ratios and rules are not followed, even the most healthy foods may cause harm.

Ginger should not be taken if you have a history of gastritis, ulcers, or high blood pressure and temperature. During pregnancy, you can use the hot root only after preliminary consultation with a doctor. During lactation, you can drink ginger tea for weight loss in small doses, reducing the proportions of the root in the mixture by half - otherwise such a drink can make the milk very bitter. In case of overdose, severe allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Honey should not be taken in case of acute rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, temperature above 39 degrees. Bee products are contraindicated in case of exacerbation of chronic organ diseases digestive system. If the proportions are constantly exceeded, you can gain weight, and problems with the heart and blood vessels often arise.

When lemon is contraindicated:

  • individual intolerance to citrus fruits;
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa, gums - stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • lemon is thinning tooth enamel, increases tooth sensitivity;
  • gastritis, frequent heartburn, ulcers;
  • chronic kidney diseases, stones in the urinary and gall bladder.

Mixtures of lemon, honey and ginger root should not be used for any form of hepatitis or hemorrhoids. Combined with some medicines These products can cause severe allergic reactions, so you should consult your doctor first. Tea with ginger and lemon is used in courses to avoid negative reactions.

Cocktail recipe for weight loss

Exists a large number of recipes for mixtures and cocktails made from ginger root, honey and lemon, which are effectively used to eliminate excess weight - they differ in the proportions of ingredients, the presence additional components. The main advantage of such drinks is that you do not have to adhere to strict diets while using them.

To achieve results faster, you need to remove from your diet fast carbohydrates, drink at least 2 liters clean water per day. You should start the day with 15 ml of olive or corn oil, I have porridge for breakfast. Drink fat-burning cocktails twice a day for 1–2 weeks.

1. The simplest recipe for a mixture for weight loss:

  • Peel, finely chop the lemon, mix in an equal proportion of fresh, unpeeled ginger root.
  • Pass through a meat grinder twice. Each component will require 150–200 g.
  • Add 200 ml of liquid honey, put in the refrigerator for 10–12 hours.

Take 5 g of the mass once a day 20 minutes before meals. Can be pre-diluted in water or warm tea.

2. Recipe for a classic ginger drink. Cut 35 g of ginger root into thin slices, add 1 liter of water. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes, filter, and cool. Pour in the juice of 1 lemon and 30 ml of honey - it is better not to add these components to hot water, they lose their beneficial properties. If there are no problems with digestion, you can increase the proportion of ginger in the drink, but such a cocktail will be bitter, and not everyone will like the specific taste.

3. The recipe for a simple and popular drink for weight loss is to grind 75 g of peeled ginger and 1 medium lemon in a meat grinder. Dilute 1.5 liters of boiling water, cool, strain, pour in 50 ml of honey. Drink a cocktail twice a day, 120–240 ml. Take the first portion in the morning a quarter of an hour before breakfast, the last one before bed, but no later than 21 hours, so as not to worsen the quality of sleep. The duration of the course is 2 weeks; you can continue losing weight with this drink after a month.

4. Recipe for ginger-lemon drink with honey from nutritionists from Sweden. Grind 40 g of peeled ginger root in a meat grinder, dilute with 2 liters of cool water. Add 30 ml honey, juice and pulp of two lemons, 2 g hot pepper. Take 120 ml of the weight loss cocktail before breakfast, 20 minutes before each meal, and drink 200 ml of the drink 2 hours before bedtime.

5. Recipe from eastern centenarians - grind 25 g of ginger root in a meat grinder, put the mixture in a thermos, add 10 g of large-leaf green tea, brew 2 liters of boiling water. After 2-2.5 hours, pour in 30 ml of lemon juice, 15 ml natural honey, drink 120–150 ml throughout the day.

6. Recipe for a fragrant cocktail for weight loss and cleansing - grate 5 g fresh ginger, mix with 5 g of green tea and 20 g of rose hips. Brew the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Add a quarter of a lemon, cut into slices, and 5 ml of honey to the cooled and strained drink.

7. Drink recipe for weight loss, cleansing, prevention helminthic infestations. Grind 30 g of ginger root and 2-3 cloves of garlic, put in a thermos, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. After an hour, filter, add the juice of half a lemon, 15 ml of honey. Drink in small portions throughout the day.

8. Cinnamon is another natural remedy that helps you lose weight. Mix cinnamon powder and crushed ginger in equal proportions; each component will require 5 g. Dilute the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water, leave in a closed container for a quarter of an hour. Filter, pour in 15 ml of fresh lemon juice and liquid honey.

Reviews on the use of ginger, honey and lemon for weight loss

You can find many positive reviews about the use of ginger and lemon in the fight against overweight and cellulite. Women note that it is impossible to radically lose weight with the help of such cocktails, but with a slight increase in body weight, you can achieve quick positive results.

“In one oriental restaurant I tried tea with honey, ginger and lemon. I really liked the taste, the feeling of lightness and cheerfulness. Later I read that such a drink allows you to lose weight, so I decided to test it for myself, although strong problems I don't have any problems with weight. I drink ginger-lemon tea with honey every morning, and in a month I managed to get rid of 3 kg without any training.”

Olga, Moscow region.

“I constantly struggle with excess weight, the main problem is that after losing weight the weight comes back. A friend advised me to drink tea to consolidate the results, which helps speed up metabolic processes. Brew regular tea, add 3 g of grated ginger root. Cool slightly, pour 5 ml of honey and a few slices of lemon into the water with ginger. I drink this drink in the morning - in 2 months after the last diet I have not gained any weight at all, I have even managed to lose 2 kg.”

Lilia, Moscow.

“I’m 19 years old, and I carefully monitor my weight - even 1 kg can ruin my mood for a long time. But I don’t like to go on diets; my recipe for losing weight is simple. I mix crushed lemon and ginger root in equal proportions, add 25 ml of honey per 100 g of the mixture. I dissolve 5 ml of the mixture in 200 ml of water and drink it in the morning and after lunch. So in a simple way you can get rid of 2–3 kg in less than a month.”

Veronica, St. Petersburg.

“To lose weight, I tried almost all diets, but I always failed, without sweets I became nervous and irritable. I've read a lot useful reviews about ginger drinks, I decided to try it. I mixed honey, chopped ginger and lemon pulp in equal proportions - about 5 g of each component, and poured warm water. I drank 150 ml of cocktail before each meal. My appetite decreased, and the sweet taste of honey helped me endure a two-week diet without depression or breakdowns. I repeat the course every six months, I manage to get rid of 2-3 kg in 2 weeks, the weight does not return.”

Kristina, Rostov-on-Don.

Tatiana, Nizhny Novgorod.

In autumn and winter, during flu epidemics, when everyone around you starts sneezing and coughing, it is very difficult not to get sick, especially if good health And strong immunity- not your advantages.

How to protect yourself from colds and protect yourself from viruses and bacteria? Simple and affordable foods such as ginger, honey and lemon can help increase the body's defenses.

Colds, flu, and viral infections are indispensable companions of chilly autumn and frosty winter. Usually we come to our senses and start swallowing pills in batches on the advice of friends, trusting advertising from TV, when an epidemic of a new virus is on the horizon or we are already getting sick. But you can stay healthy even during the most severe epidemic if you take care of your health in time and develop a strategy in advance to strengthen the immune system and increase the body’s resistance.

The simplest thing is to go to the pharmacy and buy immunity-boosting pills (immune-stimulating drugs, the benefits of which are not so obvious). Or you can choose natural remedies, which contain components that can stimulate the production of a special type of protein by cells - interferon (an important link immune defense organism) that is able to resist and cope with viral infection.

There are a lot of such wonderful products, created by nature itself and capable of strengthening the immune system (or at least preventing it from weakening in unfavorable conditions). Among them, honey, ginger and lemon take pride of place. Rich in vitamins a mixture prepared from these products - excellent remedy to increase the body's ability to resist influenza, viral infections and colds.

Read also: Ginger, cinnamon and honey – effective remedy for weight loss

Why is honey, ginger and lemon mixture good for health?

To answer this question, you need to understand how each of these products affects immunity.

How does honey affect the immune system?

Let's start with honey, the value and usefulness of which has been proven by thousands of years of experience in its use not only as natural product, but also as unique healing agent. Thanks to the vitamins, amino acids, and microelements it contains, honey promotes the production of interferon, which saves our cells from viruses and increases the body’s ability to resist them.

Natural honey is the healthiest and most delicious natural immunostimulant. And if you are not allergic to it, then it is unlikely to be found the best remedy to strengthen the immune system. Eat a tablespoon of it every day, and you are guaranteed best protection from viruses. Sweet prophylactic medicine You can give it a little at a time (a teaspoon at a time) even to small children.

Based on honey, you can create various mixtures using different additives and products. In our case it is ginger and lemon.

Ginger for immunity

The immune system mixture of honey, lemon and ginger makes optimal use of antiseptic, warming and anti-inflammatory properties healing root, as well as its ability to quickly cleanse the blood and stimulate its renewal. In addition, ginger has a pleasant aroma and specific taste (not as strong as, say, garlic, which has the same bactericidal properties).

Lemon and its beneficial properties

Third component useful composition for immunity – lemon. We almost always use lemon if we or someone in our family is sick. Add it to herbal infusions or regular tea, thereby replenishing the body essential oils, vitamin C, microelements.

Read also: Cranberry with honey for high blood pressure: application, recipes

Three recipes using ginger, honey and lemon for immunity

Compositions that use honey, lemon and ginger are recognized as perhaps the best for strengthening and enhancing immunity. They are together with exercise and full-fledged healthy eating help the immune system resist exposure pathogenic microbes, stress and strain.

Combination medicinal properties These products, their interaction with each other turns out to be surprisingly beneficial for the immune system and effective in promoting and maintaining health. But you should not take products “by eye” when preparing tea or mixture. It is better to observe moderation and follow the recommendations in the recipe.

So sweet and useful medicine can be given to adults and children (in the absence of allergies and contraindications). And cook delicious vitamin mixtures, teas and drinks made with honey, ginger and lemon are a snap. Here are a few compounds that can be used as a cure for colds and for prevention.

Recipe for strengthening immunity

  • Ginger root – (100-120 g)
  • Honey – 200 g
  • Lemon – 4 pieces

The mixture is prepared as follows: Peel the ginger, chop it (use a grater or blender), mix with finely chopped lemons. Once again we pass everything through a blender (meat grinder) and add honey. At the first sign of a cold, take 1 tablespoon at night.

To prevent colds, increase the tone and defenses of the body, you can use the same composition, but use it a little differently: during the week you need to drink a glass hot water(not boiling water) with one teaspoon of the mixture dissolved in it.

Ginger tea with lemon and honey recipe

  • Lemon juice – 50 ml
  • Ginger – 2 tbsp. grated root
  • Honey – 1 tbsp.

This tea is used as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent and at the first symptoms of a cold. Grated ginger is mixed with lemon juice and poured with boiling water (500 ml). Honey is added to slightly cooled tea.

If you mix ginger, lemon, honey, the recipe for immunity will turn out not only tasty, but also very effective. This mixture will help not only defeat colds, but also improve well-being, increase the vitality of the body, cleanse the veins and arteries, and lose weight. excess weight.

These products alone have beneficial properties and can be used to treat certain diseases. They also interact well with each other and together are able to create vitamin collection, which will not be inferior to medications.

The most important properties that honey has are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. This beekeeping product improves immunity. This occurs by stimulating the production of interferon. It is this substance of protein nature that prevents infection from entering the body and promotes rapid progression. inflammatory process. In addition, honey is used for general toning, strengthening and nutrition. It contains carbohydrates, amino acids, and vitamins, both fat-soluble (A, E, K) and water-soluble (B, C, P). Moreover, honey contains a large number of important micro and macroelements.


This product contains great amount vitamins Almost all B vitamins, folic and pantothenic acids, pyridoxine and choline. There is also a substance that promotes rapid regeneration and restoration of cells that are damaged due to disease. This substance is retinol, or in other words vitamin A.


Lemon is considered the most the best product in terms of vitamin C content. It also contains vitamins A, E, B, pectin, fiber, organic acids and minerals. With daily consumption of at least one piece of lemon, metabolic processes improve, cleansing of waste and toxins occurs, and stabilization hormonal background, immunity is strengthened. This citrus can be eaten for the prevention and treatment of seasonal diseases.


To prepare a ginger, lemon, honey recipe for immunity you will need:

  • About 500 g ginger;
  • 200 g. Honey

This mixture will significantly improve the body's resistance by activating immune system.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the lemons thoroughly with warm water and cut into 5 wedges. More is possible, but it is important that they pass through the meat grinder without the use of additional physical strength. The skin should not be removed, as it contains no less useful substances and vitamins.
  2. Wash the ginger, peel the skin and cut into small cubes. Alternatively, you can use a grater, however, this will require more strength and energy.
  3. Grind ginger and lemon in a meat grinder. You can also use a blender.
  4. Place the resulting mixture in a glass bowl and pour over honey.
  5. This mixture should sit for a week and only after that you can start using it.

This dish for immunity is used 1 spoon in the morning. It is best to do this half an hour before meals and wash it down with warm water. Regular consumption of this mixture will cleanse blood vessels and help you lose excess weight. At colds This mixture can be combined with tea and drunk 3-4 times a day.

How to properly prepare and store

Ginger, lemon honey recipe for immunity must be stored properly so as not to lose its beneficial properties. Besides, proper preparation will extend shelf life and increase the content of vitamins and nutrients.

Some tips:

  • It's better to use only fresh food. The lemon's skin should be thick, bright yellow and free of blemishes.
  • Honey sold in grocery stores rarely meets all standards, so it is better to buy it in markets from trusted sellers or in special stores.
  • It is better to take liquid honey. It will keep the mixture for a long time thick form and after a while it does not crystallize.
  • The ginger should be fresh (its surface should not be wrinkled).
  • If using a meat grinder is not possible, then you can cut the lemons into slices and grate the ginger. Place all ingredients in layers. After this, the lemon slices will remain in their original shape and are easy to use for sore throats.
  • As a container, it is best to use glass jars with lids that can be screwed on temporarily.
  • It is best to store honey, ginger, lemon for immunity in the refrigerator. You can also use any other dark and cool place.
