Flour and pasta. Mammary cancer

Every cancer patient asks the same question: “Why is medicine powerless in the fight against cancer?” And no doctor can answer this question. The whole world understands that treating cancer with chemotherapy, radiation and suppression of symptoms is a global mistake of modern medicine. This treatment has been brought to the point of absurdity and needs a complete revision, as it leads to a reduction in the life and death of patients. However, ready-made treatment protocols containing fundamental errors are protected by law and create legal pressure for doctors who use natural, logically correct, harmless, physiological methods of treatment. Medicine continues to search for drugs to fight cancer, improve devices for irradiating tumors, and so on. All this leads oncology to a dead end, since after traumatic treatment not a single organism is able to return to a state of self-regulation. And not a single one synthesized medicinal product against cancer and no surgeon will ever be able to replace the most complex and perfect system of self-regulation, self-control and self-healing of the body.

Everyone who has undergone treatment in cancer clinics experiences complete disappointment, extreme stress and pain.

Unfortunately, treatment of cancer patients in advanced cases, with very severe disease, and in old age does not provide a complete recovery. Despite this, you can live with this disease, control your condition, and even completely recover from this serious illness in 3-12 months.

Our specialists accompany patients during further treatment until recovery.

We hope that these materials will be interesting and in demand by practitioners and health workers of various specializations, and patients will find in them comprehensive answers to questions that arise during treatment.

Scheme of the development of the pathological process according to Reckeweg

The diagram shows that stage VI of the development of pathological processes as a result of exposure to various stress factors leads to the destruction of self-regulation mechanisms and the appearance of cancer. As a result of insufficient drainage and accumulation of toxins and waste in tissues, the body loses control over billions of chemical reactions, new metabolic pathways appear that are unusual for these tissues, organs, and cells. In this situation, the body produces large amounts of serotonin, the main regulatory neurotransmitter. Serotonin, in turn, is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is also used to synthesize antioxidants that neutralize toxins in body tissues. Thus, tryptophan reserves are quickly depleted when the body is “slagging.” Tryptophan is not synthesized, but comes exclusively from food, being an essential amino acid.

Each cell produces a series of highly acidic by-products of its chemical reactions. Drainage mechanisms in slagged tissues work very poorly, the tissue becomes acidic (the norm is an alkaline reaction). In a focus of acidic pH, the synthesis of DNA is disrupted - the basis of the life of each cell, containing detailed plans for the actions of a particular tissue and organ as a whole. Our body has a DNA repair system, discovered by Claude Halec in 1985. This enzyme, consisting of lysine-tryptophan-lysine, cuts defective DNA into pieces and glues these parts back together, correcting the error. A lack of tryptophan has a negative impact on the quality control mechanisms of the DNA reproduction process. When “defective” cells accumulate, they must be recognized and destroyed by the immune system. But the cells of the immune system are powerless in the acidic environment of this tissue. As a result of disruption of DNA, nutrition and respiration of these cells in “slagged tissue”, they acquire the ability to obtain energy from glucose in an oxygen-free way, which leads them to acute energy deficiency and the conversion of protein kinase C to protein kinase M - an uncontrolled enzyme that stimulates cell reproduction, regardless of any spatial boundaries. Such cells become primitive and lose control of self-regulation. On the other hand, under these conditions, a large amount of histamine is produced - a neurotransmitter that distributes water in the body. In turn, histamine promotes the production of vasopressin, leading to spasm blood vessels. The process of degeneration of cells exposed to anaerobic conditions acidic environment, becomes an avalanche. The reproductive patterns of such cells cannot be controlled!

Histamine also suppresses immune system function by stimulating suppressive white blood cells (suppressing the activity of bone marrow).

Vasopressin stimulates cortisone releasing factor (CRF), and cortisone increases the production of interleukin 1. Interleukin 1 accelerates the process of tissue breakdown to release protein material (primarily tryptophan). Cortisone interferes with the production of interleukin 2 and interferon, which are the first line of fight against infections and cancer cells. (Interferon triggers the release of ozone and hydrogen peroxide, which kill bacteria, fungi and cancer cells.)

The growth of a tumor and the involvement of cells of other organs and tissues in this process (metastasis) is due to the fact that the proteolytic enzymes of many cells lead to the dominance of cell decay and degeneration. Cell membrane receptors are synthesized less and less and do not perceive the physiological commands of the body.

One of the most unwanted and severe symptoms of cancer is pain. This is a consequence of the acidic environment (nerve receptors transmit signals to pain centers) in the affected organ and tryptophan deficiency. An important function of tryptophan is a significant increase in the pain threshold, and its lack leads to the development of severe, debilitating pain.

Multisystem dysfunction of the entire physiology of the body looks like this:

    DNA damage in the cell nucleus

    Inhibition of the DNA repair system up to complete cessation

    Anomalies and disruption of the synthesis of cellular receptors and complete disruption of hormonal balance

    General suppression of immune system function, even at the bone marrow level, leading to an inability to recognize and destroy “diseased” cells

    Acidification of the environment and depletion of tryptophan, leading to severe pain

Treatment of cancer and malignant tumors

People consider cancer to be an incurable disease, and medicine is useless in this regard. Simply put, for many, the word “cancer” sounds like a death knell.

So, the diagnosis is cancer. The person is scared, in oncology they know how to do this. Oncologists shout: “Don’t go anywhere, we will do everything, cancer can be treated!”

Further procedures are standard: surgery (what can be cut out will be cut out), radiation gun, chemotherapy. Moreover, the procedures are not cheap. The result is no immunity, the kidneys are destroyed, and the liver too. The person becomes weaker and eats almost nothing. Doctors: “What did you want? Cancer! Take the documents in your hands, we can’t help you anymore.”

The torment is behind us, we went through Auschwitz, voluntarily and for a lot of money. And only now the patient and relatives begin to look for alternative treatment. And time is lost, irreparable damage is caused to vital organs, they are destroyed by rays and chemistry. Unfortunately, it is often impossible to help many.

Or, as a continuation. For example, a person with tongue cancer was treated and the thyroid gland, which produces tumor necrosis factor and participates in the subtle mechanisms of the human defense systems, was burned with rays. After many chemo treatments, the kidneys fail. Other problems developed. Seeing the futility of orthodox medicine, a person is treated for cancer himself using alternative methods. Cancer wins, but weakens, and it goes to death. Oncologists: “We told you you needed treatment, but you took all sorts of nonsense!”

Cancer theories are brought into the field of genetics, where no one can look, neither a doctor nor an ordinary person. You have to take my word for it. Meanwhile, the human genome has not even been completely deciphered. Like Simoncini, I do not believe that genetics causes cancer.

Doctors know very well that all oncology research is one big failure. They know that the research is a complete lie. It's time to admit that nothing has been achieved in a hundred years. Vice versa. The truth is that the number of people who live well because of cancer is greater than the number of people who die from cancer.

This situation is very beneficial for many. And this is no coincidence. The system pushes out and persecutes doctors who don't follow the rules.

There is no need to hide the big secret, most people simply won’t believe it.

The immune system is the key to recovery! She needs to be helped, not hindered. We can see a well-planned war against human immunity.

I would like this information about cancer treatment to be received in the early stages, before the decision is made to do gamma rays and chemistry. The effectiveness of treatment is a controversial issue; much depends on how advanced the disease is and what health indicators are now.

In some cases there is no hope for complete healing. But you can try to stop the development of the tumor. Do not torture, do not cut, do not irradiate. You can maintain the process, remove or minimize pain. And when the time comes to die, die as a human being.

Regarding operations. Surgical intervention causes tumor stem cells to enter the bloodstream and lymph flow, causing tumors in new parts of the body. Oncosurgery has not revolutionized the treatment of cancer, since this is a systemic disease.

The less your body is damaged by radiation and chemotherapy, the better our chances.

Studies say that 18x ​​X-rays of one area can cause radiation sickness and permanent damage. Don't rush to make a ray gun - you will be burned and fried. There the doses are tens of thousands of times higher than those from X-rays. The personnel of the ray guns fly out of the room where the gun is located. Gamma rays themselves cause cancer. Example - Hiroshima. A lot of people have already suffered severe burns to internal organs, adhesions, pain and additional problems.

Do not rush to do chemistry - you will be poisoned, all vital organs will be affected. It is possible to defeat cancer, but due to the damage caused by radiation and chemicals, you may not survive. You live as long as your kidneys work! After several chemo treatments they stop working. And then a person will die, even without cancer, very quickly.

It is not true that there is no alternative for the treatment of cancer and tumors, there is one.

Symptoms of cancer and malignant tumors

Cancer often develops against the background of existing chronic diseases. Some of them are called precancerous. Many diseases are classified as precancer, including:
. stomach cancer - polyposis, hypoacid (low acidity) gastritis, peptic ulcer;
. Colon and rectal cancer - chronic. ulcerative colitis or proctitis, polyposis;
. breast cancer - mastopathy;
. thyroid cancer - nodular goiter;
. liver cancer - chronic viral hepatitis B or C;
. cancer Bladder- villous polyps;
. lung cancer - chronic tuberculosis;
. cervical cancer - erosion and dysplasia.

The main sign of the disease transitioning to cancer is a change in the nature of sensations already known to the patient previously. A patient who notices changes should visit a doctor. In the presence of a malignant tumor, the following symptoms are observed:

General weakness. Fatigue occurs when performing daily tasks, at work and at home. General weakness is caused by tumor intoxication - constant poisoning of the body with waste products of cancer cells: the larger the tumor, the stronger the intoxication. In the results of a clinical blood test, you can see low hemoglobin, and urine pH drops from normal value 7.4 to 5 ... 6 units.
. Loss of appetite in cancer is also associated with intoxication. First, a person loses interest and pleasure in food, then selectivity appears in the choice of dishes - more often the patient refuses protein foods. IN severe cases patients refuse any food offered to them, eat little by little and forcefully.
. Weight loss - this symptom is associated not only with intoxication, loss of appetite, but also with a violation of protein, carbohydrate and water-salt metabolism. The harmonious background is disrupted. For tumors gastrointestinal tract and organs of the digestive system, weight loss occurs due to poor intake of digestive enzymes and absorption of food masses. The most severe weight loss is observed in cancer of the pancreas, liver, esophagus and stomach. Less often - with an intestinal tumor. Of malignant tumors not related to the digestive system, these symptoms are most characteristic of lung cancer. For malignant tumors of the breast, larynx, thyroid gland, uterus, and facial skin tumors, patients do not experience weakness, loss of appetite, or weight loss.
. An increase in body temperature is one of the signs of tumor intoxication. The temperature rises in the evenings and ranges from 37.2 to 37.4°C. An increase in body temperature to 38°C and above indicates severe intoxication due to tumor disintegration and reattachment inflammatory process.
. Depression is a depressed state. The patient loses interest in everything, becomes withdrawn and irritable.
. Against the background of these symptoms, other “local” symptoms of cancer are noted. Only in advanced cases do cancer have such pronounced and vivid symptoms that the diagnosis is beyond doubt.

Symptoms of lung cancer

The cough, at first rare and dry, in the form of coughing, then begins to bother you during the day, evening and even at night. The cough intensifies, and later mucous sputum appears, which turns purulent.
. Shortness of breath increases slowly. If the tumor blocks the lumen of the bronchus or fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity, shortness of breath may sharply intensify.
. Hemoptysis is one of the most alarming and formidable symptoms. Once noted hemoptysis, even if it is only streaks of blood in the sputum, requires examination.
. Chest pain can be intense and not related to breathing. Often these pains are mistaken for “heart pain”. Pain in the anterior, posterior or lateral regions is often more severe, intensifies with deep breathing, coughing and is associated with tumor invasion of the pleura. It happens without pain; doctors can treat pneumonia and bronchitis for a long time. Lung cancer is dangerous because often there is no pain, just a cough. And when, after a few months, pain appears in another place, due to metastasis, an MRI is done - there is the fourth stage.
. Pain appears in the lower leg area, the phalanges of the fingers of the upper extremities thicken, and mobility in large joints is impaired. Sometimes patients suffer from inflammation of the veins, hoarseness develops, and The lymph nodes in the supraclavicular areas.

Symptoms of stomach cancer

Pain, often dull, in the upper abdomen and not associated with eating.
. Bloating and heaviness in the stomach area that occurs after eating, belching of air and subsequently food.
. Vomiting of food eaten the day before occurs when the outlet of the stomach is narrowed by a tumor. Vomiting brings relief. If the tumor narrows the entrance to the stomach, the passage for solid and then liquid food is impaired.
. Gastric bleeding - vomiting coffee grounds or the appearance of tarry stools.
. Pallor skin develops gradually, sometimes accompanied by tachycardia (increased heart rate), decreased blood pressure, headaches, and increased abdominal volume due to ascites - fluid accumulation.
. Enlarged lymph nodes on the left in the supraclavicular region or a painless lump in the navel area.

Symptoms of colon cancer are not particularly different from chronic or inflammatory diseases. For a long time, people prefer not to pay attention to the manifestations of the disease that they have, which leads to the detection of the tumor in late stages.
Colon cancer is accompanied by the following symptoms:
. loss of appetite, nausea, belching, feeling of heaviness and bloating in the epigastric region;
. constipation, leading to bloating, rumbling and resolution by diarrhea - the release of a large amount of liquid, foul-smelling masses, after which constipation occurs again. The tumor can cause retention of feces and gases and cause acute or chronic intestinal obstruction;
. the pain is strong, paroxysmal in the left half of the abdomen, sometimes taking on a diffuse character without clear localization. In the absence of obstruction, the pain is localized in the right half of the abdomen and is dull and aching;
. pale skin, increasing weakness, malaise, increased body temperature. In rare cases, a tumor can be detected by examining or palpating the abdomen even in the absence of any symptoms.

Rectal cancer, symptoms:

Constipation; feces after constipation have foul odor, semi-liquid consistency. Sometimes there is a violation of the shape of the fecal column - “ribbon-shaped feces”, “sheep feces”;
. feeling of incomplete bowel movement, false urge to stool;
. feces can be mixed with mucus, pus, sometimes only mucus is released when you urge. During development inflammatory reaction in the intestinal wall, diarrhea may occur;
. release of unchanged blood during defecation. Blood can be released into the feces, be on their surface in the form of a strip, or be mixed with them. Heavy bleeding practically never occur;
. the pain is dull, aching, and can radiate to the sacrum or tailbone. With tumors that arise in the lowest parts of the rectum, pain occurs early and is quite intense. With cancer of this part of the intestine, enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes may be observed.

Pancreatic cancer, signs:

Pain is one of the signs of the disease. Usually the pain is dull, aching and pressing, localized in the upper abdomen. Increased pain may occur after eating fatty foods or alcohol. When inflammation occurs, the pain may have a girdling character. Sometimes the pain is severe due to compression of the solar plexus;
. jaundice, which quickly increases, skin itching appears. Characteristically, dark-colored urine and light-colored (gray) feces. Feces are greasy and are poorly washed off the walls of the toilet with water;
. weight loss up to 10 - 15% per month;
. increase in body temperature to 38°C and above;
. upon palpation, you can feel the presence of a round, painless formation in the liver area - this is an enlarged gallbladder. Enlargement of the spleen and pain in its area are rare.

Esophageal cancer, symptoms:

Drooling is the first and fairly early symptom of a malignant neoplasm;
. impaired swallowing, when eating food there are unpleasant sensations, a feeling of scratching when passing a bolus of food or its retention at some level. Difficulty swallowing solid foods. Food has to be washed down, and then liquid food is difficult to pass. In this case, the patient experiences a feeling of fullness. Choking when eating;
. bad breath due to food remaining in the esophagus;
. vomiting of eaten food;
. pain behind the sternum or in the interscapular area, cough, hoarseness;
. progressive weight loss.

Symptoms of brain tumors

Frequent headaches that get worse when lying down.
. Nausea with or without vomiting.
. Decreased vision or double vision.
. Cramps.
. Difficulty thinking, confusion, or even coma.
. Other symptoms depend on the location of the tumor and may include weakness or unsteadiness, paralysis on one side of the body, dizziness, difficulty speaking, memory loss, loss of smell or hearing, or personality changes.

Mammary cancer

The most common disease found in women. In the early stages, there is a lump, a painless formation in the mammary gland the size of a “pea”, later - the size of a “nut” or more. The increase in size may be rapid or may not change size for months. The surface is lumpy, the tumor can be mobile along with the gland relative to the chest or be associated with it. The patient has the following symptoms:

Discharge from the nipple, often bloody, the nipple is retracted;
. the skin over the tumor may be retracted and hyperemic;
. there is an increase in body temperature;
. in the area of ​​the nipple, erosions and a weeping surface covered with scales and crusts may appear;
. there is an increase in lymph nodes in the subclavian and axillary areas;
. swelling of the upper limb on the affected side.

* * *
During an external examination, you should pay attention to changes in the color of the skin.
Paleness of the skin can be short-term or long-term. Short-term pallor occurs with strong negative emotional stimulation. Prolonged pallor of the skin and mucous membranes is associated with a decrease in the content of hemoglobin or red blood cells in the blood; may be caused by blood loss associated with tumor growth and destruction of blood vessels and tissues or the disintegration of the tumor itself.

Jaundice staining of the skin and sclera indicates a disease of the pancreas, liver, bile ducts associated with malignant tumors or compression of the bile ducts, or liver damage from metastases of tumors of the stomach and intestines. Jaundice is accompanied by itchy skin.

Darkening of the skin associated with bilateral damage to the adrenal glands by primary tumors or metastases.

Pigmentation disorder. There may be various spots: completely unpigmented, brown or almost black. When erosions, scales, and warty growths appear at the site of age spots, fast-growing pigment formations and tumors should alert the patient.

Malignant melanomas - they never experience hair growth. Melanoma is prone to decay and bleeding. The resulting defect may crust over, but not heal. If such changes are detected, you should immediately contact an oncologist.

A dense formation in the area of ​​the lower lip, painless, takes the form of an ulcer with roller-shaped edges or resembles growths in the form of a “cauliflower”. Growths can spread to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, to the skin of the face, and cover almost the entire lower lip. When the first signs appear, the patient should contact an oncologist.

Swelling in the area lower jaw. The cause may be a malignant tumor of the salivary glands. In the lower part of the neck on the left or right, from the center near the isthmus, a tumor of the thyroid gland can be observed, more often it is benign. The supraclavicular and subclavian areas should be examined, since various pathological processes are often localized there.

Enlarged lymph nodes. When lymph nodes are affected by tumor metastases, they enlarge and can merge with each other into conglomerates. The skin over them is of normal color.

The appearance of puffiness, pastiness of the face and neck, and then swelling with hyperemia or cyanosis. The symptoms that arise are associated with compression or germination of vascular or nerve formations localized inside the chest by the tumor.

When examining the chest, symmetry and equal participation of both halves in the act of breathing are important. Tumor processes lead to the lag of one of the halves of the chest, which indicates a disruption in the breathing process of individual areas or the entire lung.

With severe enlargement of the liver or spleen, less often with tumors of the stomach and intestines, pancreas, deformation occurs abdominal wall and its asymmetry, but this happens very rarely.

Changes in the contours of the upper and lower extremities, swelling associated with compression of blood vessels by a tumor. Edema of one upper limb occurs with cancer of the apex of the lung or metastases of breast cancer. Edema of both upper extremities - with metastases in the mediastinum.

Swelling, deformation large joints, as well as thickening of the nail phalanges of the fingers (like drumsticks with rounding and bulging of the nail plates like watch glasses) accompany lung cancer.

When examining the mammary glands (standing in front of a mirror), you need to pay attention to possible appearance asymmetry, changes in the contour or shape of one of the mammary glands due to retraction of the nipple or protrusion of the skin or uniform enlargement of the mammary gland, sudden swelling of the nipple. The appearance of lumpiness, changes in skin color over the mammary glands, the appearance of erosions, crusts in the nipple area are a manifestation of cancer.

After the examination, palpation is necessary. Palpation is based on subjective sensation and assessment of the organs and tissues being examined. During this study, the density, elasticity, mobility and pain of the examined area of ​​the body or organ are assessed. Palpation involves the fingertips; nails should not touch the skin. It is better to conduct the study in the bathroom, when the body is fresh and fairly well warmed up, or directly in the shower, when the hands and body are soaped. You can use cream to make it easier for your fingers to glide over the skin.
Palpation begins with palpation using stroking movements:

Skin and facial tissues;
. scalp;
. front and back surfaces of the neck;
. supraclavicular and subclavian areas;
. chest in front and sides;
. The mammary glands are palpated separately;
. armpits;
. stomach;
. groin areas;
. upper and lower limbs.

Tumors of the salivary glands can be palpated in the form of dense, bumpy, slightly painful or painless formations in front and slightly below the external auditory canal in the lateral parts of the face or in the submandibular region. In the neck area, in the supra- and subclavian, axillary and groin areas lymph nodes are palpable. Normally, they are not palpable, they are small oblong, painless formations. When affected by a malignant tumor, the lymph nodes increase in size and become dense to the touch. Sometimes they merge with each other into a conglomerate, which upon palpation is defined as an irregularly shaped tuberous formation.

It is better to palpate the abdomen while lying on your back with light stroking movements in a clockwise direction. You can detect dense formations, an enlarged liver in the right hypochondrium, and a spleen in the left hypochondrium. Palpation reveals the location of pain, intensification of existing pain.

In the groin areas, lymph nodes are determined by palpation; normally, they are rarely palpated.
Palpation of dense, painless formations on the external genitalia is a reason to consult an oncologist. It is necessary to conduct a self-examination at least once a month.
An identified tumor that has not yet shown itself in any way should alert you and force you to immediately seek advice from a specialist to make a diagnosis. The earlier a tumor is detected, the better the result of its treatment. However, not with rays and chemistry - this is a separate topic. Try not to worry, not to despair, but to tune in to fight the disease, believe in your healing.

If an alarming symptom occurs, you should immediately:
. check hemoglobin, take tumor markers, measure urine pH;
. do an x-ray, tomography;
. women can be examined by a gynecologist; if they have mastopathy, they can be examined by a mammologist or oncologist 2-3 times a year, just be examined;
. at the slightest changes in the stomach, it is necessary to perform fluoroscopy, fibrogastroscopy;
. if there is a change in the intestines, it is recommended to examine a proctologist, endoscopic examinations - colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, X-ray examinations, irrigoscopy.

Important! What not to do if you have cancer:
1) Radiation therapy. The rays leave severe burns, cause adhesions and problems (with the intestines, the thyroid gland is burned, the lungs). The rays themselves cause cancer and radiation sickness. If it seems to you that this is a trifle, I will give non-fictional examples.
a) Krivoy Rog. The woman has rectal cancer and was prescribed a course of radiotherapy before surgery. She stopped walking. Because of the burns, she could only lie with her legs spread. The burns led to perforation of the rectum and rectovaginal fistula - feces come out not only through the anus, but also through the vagina.
b) Moscow. Lungs' cancer. The man received radiotherapy in Germany. In place of the lungs there are burns and holes. For three months he did not live and did not die. While they poured it into a vein in a private clinic in Ukraine, he held on. He died two weeks after discharge.
2) Chemistry - without chemicals you can live longer, with less pain. Chemistry destroys the circulatory system, causing ischemia (lack of blood circulation) and hypoxia (oxygen starvation), which worsens the situation. These two procedures have shown their uselessness. It's time to admit that nothing has been achieved in the treatment of cancer over the past 100 years. In diagnosis - yes, in treatment - no. From experience, I will say that for those who began alternative treatment without undergoing radiation and chemotherapy, the treatment is more successful and the prognosis is more favorable, compared to those who underwent several sessions of radiation and chemotherapy.
3) Also, you should not do a biopsy (piercing and pinching off pieces of tissue for histological analysis). A biopsy provokes rapid growth of the tumor. The body seeks to encapsulate the problem, forming cysts and local neoplasms. If such a capsule is punctured, trophoblasts are sent to this place, which stimulate the uncontrollable growth of cancer cells. Survival rates after these three procedures drop sharply and the prognosis is poor.

Many patients experience panic when identifying a tumor during self-examination. Fear is a vague, pointless, anonymous, unmotivated emotion. Fear changes the direction of our bull; Pain, often dull, in the upper abdomen and not associated with meals. symptoms and behavior. When experiencing fear, the patient has only probable prognosis possible troubles and acts on the basis of this (often insufficiently reliable) forecast. Also, there are many examples of “false” cancer diagnoses.

Meanwhile, heroes and cowards experience the same fear, they just react to it differently.

Your attitude will make a very big difference. Do not panic! First, paint yourself a picture of the worst thing that could happen. Then, deal with it. It is important. After this, you will be able to calmly and effectively solve the problem. Now twist a hefty fig in your thoughts and go ahead

Survival of patients after chemotherapy for 5 years

In the medical journal " Clinical Oncology"(Dr. Morgan et al.) in 2004, an article was published that is amazing and terrifying at the same time. The article analyzes the results of the use of chemotherapy for various types of cancer in patients of stages 3 and 4 and shows the survival rate of such patients.

To conduct this study, scientists took patients who strictly followed the requirements of scientific medicine (the requirements of double-blind published studies on chemotherapy drugs recommended as effective) and tracked the survival of patients who took chemotherapy for 5 years (from 1998 to 2003).

These facts are not known to the general public, and what is even more dangerous, are not known to most doctors. The collected data show zero effectiveness of modern chemotherapy in patients with pancreatic cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, melanoma, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, uterine cancer, kidney cancer, and myeloma. No patient with these types of cancer who received chemotherapy treatment survived 5 years. For other types of cancer, chemotherapy also shows very low survival rates of 0.7% to 3%. Almost today, we can confirm the effectiveness of chemotherapy only for two types of cancer: Hodgkin lymphoma and testicular cancer. See table. at the bottom.

By analyzing the research data, the scientists in this article question the rationale for using chemotherapy as it is currently used. The alarming situation of ineffectiveness of the use of modern chemotherapy poses the task of urgently increasing its effectiveness and changing the current situation in the treatment of stage 3-4 cancer patients. It is unlikely that they will solve this problem, since this conveyor belt of death (surgery, rays, chemistry) has other goals.

Type of cancer

Inter number

Number of cases

over 20 years old

Percentage of survivors 5 years after chemotherapy

Head and neck cancer
(C -r head and neck)

160, 161



Esophageal carcinoma
(C-r oesophagus)




Stomach cancer
C-r stomach



0,7 %

Bowel cancer
C -r colon




Rectal cancer
C-r rectum




Pancreas cancer
C-r pancreas




Lungs' cancer
C-r lung




Soft tissue sarcoma
C -r soft tissue sarkoma




C-r melanoma




Mammary cancer
C-r breast




Uterine cancer
C-r uteris




Cervical cancer
C-r cervix




Ovarian cancer
C-r ovary




Prostate cancer
C-r prostate




Testicular cancer
C-r testis




Bladder cancer
C-r bladder




Kidney cancer
C -r kidney




Brain cancerC-r brain




Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma




Hodgkin's lymphoma




multipe Myeloma




We present a diagram of the development of a cancerous tumor (exclusive information from the Biocenter clinic)

The Biocenter Clinic has been specializing in unique diagnostic and treatment technologies that allow achieving success in a wide range of diseases, including those incurable in official medicine, since 1994.

During this time, the successes of our team in the treatment of complex diseases have been repeatedly noted at the most prestigious forums, conferences, and articles in various journals.

The clinic has become a unique medical institution using natural treatments in the field of physiological regulatory medicine and homotoxicology.

Our many years of experience show restoration of basic natural systems body - organs of excretion, metabolism, endocrine system, immunity, regeneration, hematopoiesis - the main key to solving the most complex medical problems in the most short time. The high efficiency of our programs lies in neutralizing the causes of the disease And restoration of the PNEI system(psychoneuroendocrine-immune system of self-regulation and self-healing).

Treatment programs are strictly individual for each patient. We deny the possibility of a template approach and the use of ready-made protocols in the treatment of diseases. The clinic's treatment and diagnostic programs are original and have no analogues. Treatment regimens are compiled on the basis of world best experience in the field of natural therapy, deep knowledge of the pathogenesis and biochemical characteristics of pathological conditions.

All procedures performed are harmless and physiological. Our specialists do not engage in symptomatic treatment and suppression of the body’s defenses; treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease.

Our clinic provides its patients with a unique service that is not provided by any other medical institutions. We accompany the patient, provide medical supervision, combine therapeutic treatments and do not leave patients for a single day until they have fully recovered.

Maintenance of programs developed by our specialists is provided free of charge.

At the same time, we did not become elite closed clinic. Treatment is available to all patients with a wide range of financial capabilities. At the same time, a pleasant team of health workers will work with you in an informal, friendly atmosphere of sympathy and support.

chief physician of the clinic
Ablyazova A.M.

Rehabilitation scheme for cancer patients developed at the Biocenter clinic


1. Vegetoresonance diagnostics + VEGA-test (allows you to determine the biology of the tumor)

3. Colon hydrotherapy

4. Restoration of intestinal microflora (rectal)

5. Socal treatment (2 liters per day)

6. Albendazole (table)

7. Fenasal (table)

8. Praziquantel

9. Antibiotics or fluoroquinolones (Tsifran) (injections)

10. Metrogyl 100.0x2 injections intravenously

11. Fluconazole, IV injections

12. Intraconazole 100 mg 2 times a day, tablet

13. Ketoconazole 200 mg once a day, tablet

14. Artemisin 1 tablet. 3 times a day

15. Wormwood 1 tablet 3 times a day

16. Celandine 1 tablet 3 times a day

20. Ground cloves, ¼ teaspoon 3 times a day

21. Todicamp 1 teaspoon 3 times a day

22. Walnut tincture in alcohol (Yuglon) 2 teaspoons per 50 ml of water

23. ASD fraction 2 (dose selected individually)

24. Propolis, 20 drops of 20% tincture per 100 ml of water

25. Groprinosin, tablet

26. Trichopolum 250 mg, tablet, 2 tablets 2 times a day

27. Castor oil 30-50 ml at night

Immune complex

Polyoxidonium, injections

Immunofan, injections

Lykopid, tablet

Glutoxim, injections

Liasten, table

Timalin, injections

Cycloferon, injections

Roncoleukin 1000000 (or other interleukins)

Laferobion (Laferon, Layfferon and other alpha 2 B interferons)

Immune Renew


Detoxification, liver restoration, hepatoprotectors

Sodium thiosulfate, IV injection

Reamberin 200.0, IV injection

Rheosorbilate 200.0, IV injection

Hemodez 200.0, IV injections

Reopoliglucin 200.0, IV injection

Ascorbic acid, IV injection

Succinic acid, tab.

Heptral, injections 200 mg

Thiotriazolin 4.0, IV injection

Sodium bicarbonate 4% 100 ml IV (depending on urine pH)

Karsil, tablet 2x3 times a day

Liv-52, tablet 2x3 times a day

Berlition, tablet, 1 in the morning on an empty stomach

Essentiale, caps, 2x3 times a day

Unrefined flaxseed oil, 2 tbsp. 3 times a day

Vitamins B-50, milgamma, neurobex

Gepar formula 2 t. 3 times a day

Holegon 1 t. 3 times a day

Liver tubing

Ion detox program 1 + oxygen enrichment

Oxidant therapy

Ozone therapy IV BAGT

2, 5, 9, 12, 15, 18

Sodium iodide 10 ml 1% IV

10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28

Anolyte (prepared in the clinic) 30 ml 3 times a day before meals

Antioxidant therapy

Vitamin A 1 tablet. 3 times a day

Vitamin E 1 tablet. 3 times a day

Coenzyme Q10 1 table. 3 times a day

Vitamin C-500, 2 tablets. 3 times a day

Dihydroquercetin 1 tablet. 3 times a day

Indole-3-carbinol, 1 tablet. 3 times a day

Selenium 1 tablet. 3 times a day

Zinc 1 tablet. 3 times a day

Superantioxidants 1 table. 3 times a day

MSM (sulfur) 1 tablet. 3 times a day

Glutathione 1 tablet. 3 times a day

Chlorophyll 1 tablet. 3 times a day

Vascular complex

Actovegin 5.0 + sodium chloride 200.0 IV

Mexidol 5.0 + sodium chloride 200.0 IV

L-lysine 10.0 + sodium chloride 200.0 i.v.

Latren 200.0 i.v.

Tivortin 100.0 i.v.

Thiocetam 10.0 IV

Doxazoline (or Cardura) tablet, 1x3 times a day

Chimes 1 tablet. 3 times a day

Aspirin cardio 1 tablet. 3 times a day

STSEK therapy (dextrorotatory spiral high-frequency vibration)

Salt wraps

Heparin 2-3 ml (2000-3000 units)

Enzymes and eczymes

Betaine HCl, caps., 1 time per day

Acidine pepsin, tablet, 1 time per day

Mezim-Forte, tablet, 1 time per day

Creon 10000, tablet, 1 time per day

Tsar vodka (Bolotov's balm) tbsp. 3 times a day


Clay 1 tsp. 1 per day

Zeolite 1 tsp. 1 per day

Full complex of minerals 1x3 times a day

Tissue therapy (regeneration, immune stimulation)

Autohemotherapy according to Filatov’s method, intravenous injections

Packed red blood cells intravenously (for low hemoglobin)

Parenteral nutrition

Oliclinomel 1.5 l IV if necessary

Infezol IV if necessary

Albumin IV if necessary

Bioresonance programs

See the “Articles” section “Bioresonance programs”, according to indications


Metabolic therapy

Amygdalin vitamin B17 (see “Cancer Treatment”

Pangamic acid B15 (see “Cancer Treatment”

Sodium dichloroacetate (DSA) (see "Cancer Treatment"

Dimexide (see “Cancer Treatment”

ASD fraction 2 (see “Cancer Treatment”

Flaraxin (see "Cancer Treatment"

Tryptophan 3 tablets. 3 times a day

The result of such a rehabilitation course in cancer patients is the restoration (full or partial) of self-regulation, a significant improvement in well-being, bringing all tests closer to physiological norm etc.

We have been successfully using a comprehensive rehabilitation scheme for cancer patients for more than 6 years and is recommended for widespread implementation in practice, including in oncology hospitals after chemotherapy and radiation.

The body of a cancer patient, especially after traumatic treatment in oncology centers, is in dire need of constant support for 9-12 months.

Our specialists carry out remote monitoring of patients after a rehabilitation course until complete recovery.

“Everything comes to an end—both good and bad. Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy are behind us. Hair begins to grow back, the head is no longer so dizzy and sick in the morning. The body is slowly recovering,” begins Alexander Myasnikov in his new book about cancer treatment chapter on life after surgery. How many years of life can you expect after cancer treatment? Can you improve your prognosis with diet, exercise, or medication?

The fate of all patients with oncology is different: some are observed for the first few years and slowly forget everything that happened, others experience relapses and need to permanent treatment. The main thing for everyone is strength of spirit, faith in yourself, in your destiny and your Guardian Angel! Never give up!

When I came to work in the oncology department at New York Hospital, the head asked me if I knew what was most important for determining the prognosis of treatment for a cancer patient? I began to list: the type of tumor, its location, the presence and number of metastases.... “Yes,” the manager agreed, “but this is not the main thing!”

Do you know what turned out to be the main thing? How active the patient is! Does he go to the store, do housework, cook food, serve himself, or take care of his appearance. There is a special scale for all types of activities with a point system for each. The amount determines the forecast.

For a cancer patient, everything is now important. For others, “the thunder has not struck yet,” but for him, the countdown of a new life has begun. New both physically and psychologically. Time has become tangible, the naive thoughtlessness familiar to most has been replaced by the understanding that it has a measure.

Today, cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension are all chronic diseases. All of them cannot be cured completely, they all require constant monitoring and treatment, and they all impose certain obligations on the patient’s lifestyle and behavior. Only an oncology patient lives under the constant pressure of the term “malignant process”, but a heart patient or a diabetic does not.

But let's look at it with an open mind: with timely detection of oncology, for the vast majority of tumors, survival over a 5-year period is 85-95%. That is a chance unfavorable outcome 5-15% for 5 years.

Now let’s calculate the unfavorable outcome for a 50-year-old person with no signs of any other heart disease, who is formally healthy. But - overweight, high blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, a smoker, a family history of heart disease or.

Let's enter all the risk factors and look at the chances of an unfavorable outcome by age 55, i.e. after the same 5 years. Do you know what number will appear in the answer? 33%! And no one, with rare exceptions, cares! They continue to lie on the sofa, smoke, snack on dumplings and sausages...

It's high time to change the emphasis. Oncology has become a chronic disease. A lifestyle full of stress, poor nutrition, physical inactivity, and bad habits kills faster and more relentlessly. But for an oncology patient there are also advantages! He no longer needs to explain the seriousness of the situation - the only bad thing is that he is scared half to death.

Let's understand that a lot is in our hands, the main thing is a sober look at things and no panic. So, what does a person need to know after primary treatment of a tumor?


After the experience, people sometimes rush to extremes: they begin to eat high-calorie foods based on the postulate “where the fat dries, the skinny dies” or are led by numerous (and, as a rule, unreliable) reports about the anti-cancer ability of certain foods and begin to consume them in appalling quantities , to the detriment of everything else.

Rule #1: cancer patient it is necessary to adhere to the same principles of proper nutrition as all other people. Focus on vegetables and fruits, more fiber products, less meat and more fish, limit animal fats, meat cooking, baking, and minimize salt consumption.

First, numerous studies have shown that this diet is optimal for almost all types of cancer. Secondly, surviving cancer is not an indulgence: it is stupid to recover after cancer surgery and die from a heart attack or stroke!

The benefits of certain diets for cancer are periodically discussed. For example, there was a study analyzing the effect of a special diet (lacto-vegetarians, potassium-rich foods, with low content sodium, fruit juices and vitamins) to prevent the development of... Another study looked at the benefits of a "macrobiotic" diet for cancer (mostly vegetarian, limited fat, high in fiber and carbohydrates). Despite the initial favorable impression, the researchers were unable to convincingly prove any special advantages over the usual principles of healthy eating (which these diets are similar to, by the way!).

Rule #2: Maintain a stable weight if you have a normal body mass index. There is no need for extremes here. Excess weight should especially be avoided. It is associated with higher recurrence rates in diseases such as breast, bowel and prostate cancer.

Rule #3: do not get hung up on searching for specific products with supposed antitumor activity. Their effect is usually questionable, but excessive consumption can be problematic.

For example, green tea. The polyphenols it contains may be beneficial against prostate and ovarian cancer. However, they are metabolized in the same biochemical chain as some chemotherapy drugs, and thus can alter their effect. The same applies to vitamin C - during chemotherapy you should avoid taking large doses.

The role of lycopene in preventing prostate cancer has been studied for several years. It is found in large quantities in tomatoes, red peppers and other red vegetables. Clinical trials have not yet confirmed its effectiveness. The same applies to the drug "Coenzyme Q-10", St. John's wort and melatonin.

About alcohol. There is no absolute ban. Statistics show that for the majority of patients who have undergone cancer treatment, moderate (moderate!) alcohol consumption (a glass of wine or beer a day) is harmless.

Exercise stress

The next thing you need to pay constant attention to is physical activity. In case of cancer, the leading symptom can be chronic fatigue, and we can only counteract it with regular physical exercise.

Numerous studies have proven that even the most weakened patient (not necessarily cancer), even the bedridden one, can benefit from regular physical activity and improve their prognosis and quality of life! While you have the strength to move, you must do it!

As for the overwhelming number of people who have undergone cancer treatment, the common postulate of all doctors applies to them: everyone should devote at least half an hour a day to some type of physical activity, five times a week!

Preventing relapses with medications

Prevention oncological diseases(primary or recurrent) with the help of drugs is called “chemoprophylaxis”. Doctors noted that taking certain medications used for other reasons can protect against the development of cancer. These observations reflect statistics large numbers, individual fate may turn out differently, but the chances of avoiding the disease increase. So...

Acetylsalicylic acid. Many years ago, doctors noticed the properties of acetylsalicylic acid to delay the development of colon cancer. Since then, numerous studies have been introduced to support this effect. For other types of cancer acetylsalicylic acid It can also be useful - prostate cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, esophageal cancer and some others. Therefore, when doctors are hesitant whether to give a patient aspirin to prevent heart disease or not (there are pros and cons), a family history of cancer, for example, of the colon, may sway the doctor's opinion in favor of aspirin.

Metformin. The active ingredient of several first-line drugs for the treatment of the second type. It has the unique effect of reducing the resistance of our receptors to the action of insulin. It is also used to treat infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome, metabolic syndrome and to lose excess weight. Strictly speaking, diabetes is a precancerous condition: insulin resistance underlies not only diabetes and heart disease, but also many types of oncology.

Statins- Cholesterol-lowering medications. These drugs may reduce the risk of ovarian, esophageal, and colon cancer. There is no exact explanation for this fact yet, and I don’t want to bore you with hypotheses. The situation here is the same as with aspirin - at the moment the scales swing: whether to take it or not - the presence of risk factors for oncology can make the choice easier.

Drugs used for prevention. If we reduce the logic of their prescription to a primitive level, it will sound like this: increased levels of estrogen can lead to breast cancer, so drugs that reduce the sensitivity of tissue to estrogen can have a preventive effect in terms of oncology.


Yes, it happens: the final stage of the disease can be accompanied by severe pain. Modern medicine has everything necessary to prevent this. That is, not to allow it at all. There is a whole branch of anesthesiology - “pain management” - aimed at just this.

However, there are often cases when terminal cancer patients did not receive adequate pain relief, and sometimes this ended tragically. And the problem here is the excessive regulation of the distribution of painkillers. Often the doctor runs away from their discharge as if from fire - there are more papers to fill out than to obtain an American visa!

I really hope that this criminal state of affairs will change in the near future! And for those who allowed the very existence of this problem, I wish you a pleasant eternity at the stake in Hell (which, if it doesn’t exist, it would be nice to create it specifically for such individuals!).


Thank you very much for the interesting and useful article, Dr. Myasnikov.
On all medical issues that interest me, I often turn to his opinion first.
Answer all possible questions without avoiding sharp corners!
Sometimes he even goes against the established authoritative stereotypes!
And it’s hard to disagree with him.
This article helped me a lot (2 months ago I watched a YouTube program on this topic!)
And then, while lying in oncology (ca.sigma 4th degree), she served me as the right guide in my new life.
Namely: daily exercise, walking for 30-40 minutes. 2 times a day, morning exercises, shower and to work (switched to 1/2 rate - this is feasible) chemotherapy courses every two weeks.
I'm already getting through the third one quite well.
A charge of vigor and optimism against the backdrop of a healthy diet.
Lost from 118 to 100 kg.
It became easier to walk.
But there is a need to rest more often.
Every 4-5 hours.
It's the same with food.
My appetite is good, but I have to eat at two and three in the morning, because I don’t have enough until the morning.
However, I get enough sleep!
Thank you for his mentality and correct, deep and at the same time popular approach to all medical topics!
Despite the fact that he is a doctor with 40 years of experience, it is impossible to cover everything!

Men - do sigmoidoscopy on time as expected!
Colon cancer is very insidious and low-symptomatic!!!

22.02.2019 15:53:38, Vladimir Sen neurologist

I completed a course in nutritional science. One of the topics was taught by an oncologist. Her words: “medicine is now at a very high level in the treatment of this disease. The only question is whether the patient’s liver can withstand the chemotherapy.” I drink phytocomplexes to cleanse it. It's better to play it safe.

I liked the article. It confirms my rules of life. I underwent surgery to remove a cancerous tumor along with a kidney. Now diet + exercise. The main thing is not to be discouraged and not to cry.

04/03/2018 08:45:48, Tamara

The attending doctor advised my aunt to take biobran for the fastest recovery of the body after chemotherapy, and in general drink it periodically in courses - strong immunity will not harm anyone. Biobran, being a plant immunomodulator, maintains immunity at the proper level.

25.11.2015 03:12:36, Ermak Sveta

Comment on the article "Cancer: life after treatment. Diet, exercise, medications"

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Most patients prefer to start treatment for ARVI at home. Nasal sprays, inhalations, nasal drops, syrups and antipyretics help get rid of the manifestations of a viral infection. But self-medication does not always allow you to achieve the desired result. Often the condition worsens and the patient requires emergency medical attention. Symptoms that indicate the need to see a doctor include high fever for several days, intense pain...

There are herbs that have healing powers significant role in the treatment of almost any disease! When an expensive, well-promoted drug from a pharmacy does not help, weed from your yard will help! Don’t rush to hopelessly die, try it in action folk herbs because they don’t just grow on our planet. Quite a few plants are very poisonous not only to humans; cancer cells, in turn, are also afraid of them. But the most important thing is not to overdo it, so that the treatment works...

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5.Hospitalize and treat by directive, compulsorily. 6. Pass off cancer pills as vitamins or any other pills. Cancer: life after treatment. Diet, exercise, medications.

Diet, exercise, medications. How many years of life can you expect after cancer treatment? Excess weight should especially be avoided. It is associated with higher recurrence rates in diseases such as breast, bowel and prostate cancer.

Cancer: life after treatment. Diet, exercise, medications. Statistics show that for the majority of patients who have undergone cancer, the problem here is the excessive regulation of the distribution of painkillers.

The diet for cancer depends on many different factors: the stage of development of the disease, the affected organ or system, the patient’s condition, the degree of disturbance of mineral metabolism in cancer ( protein-energy malnutrition , hypercalcemia , Iron-deficiency anemia , water-electrolyte disorders, etc.), treatment methods currently used.

In addition, with cancer, many patients develop concomitant damage to organs and systems, which also requires adjustment therapeutic nutrition. Therefore, for cancer diseases there is no single diet and, in principle, there cannot be.

Oncodiet for malignant diseases in the initial stages in the absence of concomitant diseases, outside the period and radiation exposure, it is based on a rational (healthy) diet. Nutrition should ensure energy adequacy and prevent development.

The diet should include all food groups, but dairy products should be predominant. herbal products. The diet must include at least 500 g of vegetables/fruits per day, as well as fermented milk products. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of any red meat, especially fatty, fried, smoked and sausage-meat products, increasing the consumption of meat, poultry and fish. Limit consumption table salt and foods containing a lot of salt.

Do not exceed the consumption limit ethyl alcohol(20 g/day) when taking alcoholic drinks. Do not eat too hot/cold food.

The food should be tastier and more varied than healthy person, since many cancer patients suffer from loss of appetite and disrupted taste sensations and habits, especially when the patient’s mobility is limited, which often leads to refusal of food. It is necessary to include fresh vegetables, fruits and juices from them, and whole grains in the diet more often.

First of all, you should take into account the patient’s tastes as much as possible and prepare his favorite dishes. In the absence of specific contraindications, the patient should eat what he currently wants.

The drinking regime is usual for the patient. In the absence of kidney disease, it is advisable to increase fluid intake through fermented milk drinks (kefir, yogurt) and milk, vegetable and fruit juices, tea, and table mineral waters.

The progression of diseases in cancer patients is accompanied by nutritional disorders, since malignant tumors cause metabolic disorders with shifts in various types of metabolism (protein, carbohydrate, energy and others). This is especially pronounced in cancer tumors at stages 3-4. As a rule, at this stage, patients are prescribed intensive antitumor treatment (radical surgery to remove the tumor, intensive courses, radiation exposure ), which negatively affect the nutritional status of patients.

Chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy have a particularly strong effect, causing nausea, changes in taste, aversion to food, vomiting, and later, intestinal fistulas and strictures. Many patients with stage 3-4 oncology experience psychogenic anorexia . These phenomena lead to the development cachexia and protein-energy deficiency with severe depletion of protein reserves.

In such conditions, in the intervals between courses of treatment, after feeling better, it is necessary to increase the amount of food taken and the frequency of meals. You need to eat whenever you want, and eat even if it’s not time to eat.

Meat pate is an energy-intensive and satisfying product

In case of absence or poor appetite, it is recommended to include in the diet energy-intensive products , allowing you to get a sufficient amount of nutrients in a small volume: red caviar, pates, eggs, sprats, honey, nuts, chocolate, cream, creams. They can also be consumed between main meals. To improve appetite, it is necessary to add spices to dishes, seasonings in the form of sauces, pickled vegetables, sour juices, which promote the secretion gastric juice, and speed up the digestion of food.

In the period between courses of chemotherapy, in the absence of contraindications, it is allowed to drink dry table wines, beer or stronger alcoholic drinks in an amount of 20-30 ml before meals. During chemotherapy courses, fluid intake should be increased, mainly through juices and fermented milk drinks. In the presence of edema or effusions into the abdominal/pleural cavity, fluid consumption, on the contrary, should be reduced and not exceed the volume of daily urine excreted by more than 400 ml.

Nutrition for cancer is adjusted depending on the symptoms and condition of the patient. Thus, the leading symptoms during chemotherapy are severe nausea and prolonged vomiting, which leads to dehydration and impaired water-salt metabolism.

  • do not take liquid or food 1-2 hours before chemotherapy administration;
  • in case of frequent attacks of vomiting, you should abstain from drinking and eating for 4-8 hours, and then take a little food, mostly liquid;
  • take food in small portions, 6-7 times a day and chew thoroughly, avoiding stomach overfilling;
  • nausea is reduced by eating sour and salty foods (cranberries, lemons, pickles);
  • food should be at room temperature;
  • exclude from the diet foods that have a strong smell and specific taste, whole milk, too fatty and spicy foods (you can reintroduce them into the diet after the nausea disappears);
  • Do not take liquid during meals, but take more in between meals.

When increasing severe complications patients are often due to severe nausea and vomiting, they completely refuse to eat. In such cases, exhaustion increases already from forced fasting and the patient must be transferred to artificial nutrition, starting with parenteral nutrition and, at the same time or after it, enteral nutrition (through a tube) is prescribed.

Parenteral nutrition for cancer is carried out by introducing nutrients bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, directly into the vascular bed or other internal environments body. The main components of parenteral nutrition are divided into: energy donors (fat emulsions, carbohydrate solutions) and protein nutrition (solutions), which are introduced into the patient’s body according to special schemes.

Enteral nutrition for cancer patients with increasing exhaustion of the body is a fairly effective way to feed patients. Tube diets consist of liquid and semi-liquid foods and meals that are delivered directly into the stomach/small intestine through a tube. Dense dishes are ground or ground and diluted with a liquid corresponding to the nature of the nutritional mixture (broth, milk, tea, vegetable decoctions, fruit juice). The temperature of the food is about 45 degrees.

Most often used Diet No. 1 or 2 , and when concomitant diseases- liquid diet food appropriate for the disease. For tube feeding, we can recommend special commercially produced food: composite , captain , enpits , ovolact and others. You can also use specialized baby food, for example, products from the Nutricia company, which can be bought in baby food stores. Such mixtures are well balanced and enriched with vitamins and microelements. They can be used as independent dishes, as well as added to other dishes and drinks.

A frequent manifestation of the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is stool upset, more often - diarrhea . The diet should be aimed at sparing the intestines and compensating for nutrients lost due to malabsorption . For this purpose, the diet includes products that reduce intestinal motility: pureed cereal soups, porridge in water, soft-boiled eggs, mashed potatoes in water, steamed meatballs from meat, poultry and fish, dishes from freshly prepared cottage cheese, bananas, pureed jelly apples, green tea, blueberry, chokeberry and currant mousses.

The consumption of foods rich in animal proteins is limited. Eat meals in small portions. When stool normalizes, the patient is transferred to a more varied and less sparing diet, limiting foods rich in fiber. Nutrition according to the diet type of pureed and non-mashed version of the diet for chronic enteritis .

A large group of complications are ulcers, which make it difficult to eat and inflammation of the esophageal mucosa ( esophagitis ), manifested by difficulty and pain when swallowing solid food, pain in the sternum, and less commonly, vomiting or regurgitation. Dietary nutrition in these cases should be based on maximum sparing of the mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus. Spicy, hot, salty and sour foods, dry dishes should be excluded.

The diet should contain only well-mashed food, consisting of semi-liquid warm dishes (slimy soups, omelettes, steamed meat and fish purees and soufflés, porridges, milk and jelly). Bread, hot sauces and spices, fried and whole-piece dishes are excluded from the diet. Alcohol, coffee, hot and cold food are prohibited. In the acute period, you can consume specialized children's dietary concentrates (porridge, meat, vegetables, fruit), yogurt, cottage cheese, non-acidic jelly, mild grated cheeses; as the acute symptoms subside - lightly salted broths, soups (cream soup) and then well-ground dishes.


Quite a lot of varieties of dietary nutrition for oncology have been proposed. Let's look at just a few of them.

Gerson's diet

Freshly squeezed juices are the basis of the Gerson diet

Animal fats, protein products (red meat) and processed foods (canned food, sausages, smoked meats, salted and refined foods) are excluded from the diet. It is prohibited to consume spices, legumes, nuts, berries, carbonated drinks, chocolate, ice cream, tea, coffee, sour cream, and alcohol. The diet includes a lot of organic vegetables and fruits, mainly in raw form (except pineapple, cucumbers and avocados). As well as bakery grain products, whole grain cereals rich in dietary fiber.

After 1.5 months of such a diet, low-fat dairy products can be included in the diet in small quantities. lean fish. At the same time, calf liver juice, bee products, thyroid extract, and coffee enemas are taken. Food should be cooked with a minimum amount of water over low heat.

Diet for cancer by Cornelius Moerman

  • Maintaining low blood levels glucose , which is achieved by limiting/excluding from the diet foods containing simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, jam, preserves, confectionery).
  • The diet contains mainly plant products, the consumption of animal proteins is limited in order to reduce the processes of protein synthesis by tumor cells.
  • The diet includes foods rich in fiber and foods that have anticarcinogenic activity ( carotenoids , green tea, garlic, cruciferous vegetables), and freshly squeezed juices (cabbage, beetroot, carrot, apple, blackcurrant).
  • The diet includes iodine and sulfur preparations, antioxidant vitamins, and citric acid.
  • It is necessary to consume bran and whole grain products.
  • With absence anemia Red meat, liver and preparations rich in iron are excluded from the diet. (for a sufficient amount to enter the body omega-3 acids you should consume a variety of nuts, sea ​​fish(3 times a week), flaxseed and olive oil).
  • To correct intestinal function and replenish calcium reserves, low-fat dairy products (kefir, yogurt) should be included in the diet, while simultaneously introducing cultures of beneficial intestinal microorganisms.
  • Consumption of table salt is limited.
  • Drinking regimen - up to 2 liters of liquid, it is advisable to drink melt or artesian water and prepare teas, infusions and decoctions with it.
  • Drinking coffee and alcohol is contraindicated.

Diet of V. Laskin

The basis of the author's anti-cancer diet is the consumption of large quantities, which has a pronounced antioxidant effect and the property of binding free radicals. As a result, recovery processes are launched in the patient’s body and intensified. To foods rich quercetin include buckwheat, brown rice and rose hips. The diet is carried out in 2 stages.

At the first stage, lasting 3-4 weeks, the diet is sharply limited. Red meat, sugar, and salt are excluded. The diet is based on buckwheat and plant products: berries (rose hips), fruits, vegetables, nuts.

Meals are separate (you cannot combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal). In the morning and before lunch, a nutritional mixture is prepared consisting of ground rose hips, vitamin flour and honey, which is diluted with water to a paste. During the day, for all three meals, buckwheat porridge with added fiber and seasoned with olive oil is consumed. Raisins are used for snacking green tea and freshly prepared juices diluted with water.

At the second stage, lasting about 1.5 months, the diet is expanded to include proteins in the form of chicken or fish. The menu can be enriched with dried fruits and nuts, bran. Protein consumption should not exceed 0.4-0.6 g per 1 kg of patient weight.


Oncological diseases of various organs and systems at all stages.

Authorized Products

The diet should contain energy-intensive, easily digestible foods: grain bread, wholemeal bread, soups and cereals made from millet, unpolished or brown rice, buckwheat flakes, crispbread, boiled potatoes, red caviar, soy cheese, butter, various types of red fish, tuna, herring, liver, olive, sunflower and flax seed oil, soft-boiled eggs, milk and dairy products, sour cream, chocolate, cheeses.

Poultry (turkey, chicken) and rabbit meat must be included in the diet. Red meat - in small quantities, mainly veal or lean beef. It is important to have “soft” vegetables and salads based on them in the diet - carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, cauliflower, beets, eggplants, asparagus, kohlrabi, herbs, wheat sprouts, kelp, as well as ripe fruits and berries ( pears, apricots, mangoes, tangerines, strawberries, peaches, peeled apples, melons, grapes, raspberries, bananas).

It is useful to include various nuts, dried fruits, honey and bee products in your diet. Dry and fortified wines, beer, and cognac can be added to the diet in small quantities. Among the drinks, green and Herb tea, non-carbonated mineral water.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

boiled cauliflower1,8 0,3 4,0 29
boiled potatoes2,0 0,4 16,7 82
boiled carrots0,8 0,3 5,0 25
boiled beets1,8 0,0 10,8 49

Nuts and dried fruits

nuts15,0 40,0 20,0 500

Cereals and porridges

semolina porridge with milk3,0 3,2 15,3 98
oatmeal with water3,0 1,7 15,0 88
white boiled rice2,2 0,5 24,9 116

Flour and pasta

noodles12,0 3,7 60,1 322

Bakery products

white bread crackers11,2 1,4 72,2 331


chocolate5,4 35,3 56,5 544

Raw materials and seasonings

honey0,8 0,0 81,5 329


milk 3.2%2,9 3,2 4,7 59
condensed milk7,2 8,5 56,0 320
kefir 3.2%2,8 3,2 4,1 56
cream 20% (medium fat content)2,8 20,0 3,7 205
sour cream 25% (classic)2,6 25,0 2,5 248
Ryazhenka2,8 4,0 4,2 67


boiled chicken drumstick27,0 5,6 0,0 158
boiled turkey fillet25,0 1,0 - 130


omelette9,6 15,4 1,9 184
soft-boiled chicken eggs12,8 11,6 0,8 159

Fish and seafood

boiled fish17,3 5,0 0,0 116
pink salmon20,5 6,5 0,0 142
Red caviar32,0 15,0 0,0 263
cod roe24,0 0,2 0,0 115
salmon19,8 6,3 0,0 142
herring16,3 10,7 - 161
cod (liver in oil)4,2 65,7 1,2 613
trout19,2 2,1 - 97

Oils and fats

vegetable oil0,0 99,0 0,0 899
peasant unsalted butter1,0 72,5 1,4 662
linseed oil0,0 99,8 0,0 898

Non-alcoholic drinks

water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
green tea0,0 0,0 0,0 -

Juices and compotes

compote0,5 0,0 19,5 81
juice0,3 0,1 9,2 40
jelly0,2 0,0 16,7 68

Fully or partially limited products

In the diet menu, it is necessary to limit red, especially fatty and fried meat (pork, bacon), as well as products made from it (sausages, smoked meats), cakes, butter creams, puddings. The consumption of vegetables that cause bloating is also reduced: beans, garlic, onions, lentils, peas, soybeans, coarse types of cabbage, red capsicum.

It is not recommended to eat hard-boiled eggs, salted, spicy and smoked foods, canned fish, and fresh bread made from wholemeal flour. The consumption of sour and unripe fruits, fruits with hard skin is limited: rhubarb, gooseberries, plums, grapefruit, oranges, lemons, currants. Highly carbonated drinks with preservatives, sour teas, and coffee made from over-roasted beans are excluded from the list of drinks.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

canned vegetables1,5 0,2 5,5 30
peas6,0 0,0 9,0 60
white radish1,4 0,0 4,1 21
celery (root)1,3 0,3 6,5 32
beans7,8 0,5 21,5 123
garlic6,5 0,5 29,9 143


grapefruit0,7 0,2 6,5 29
lemons0,9 0,1 3,0 16
plums0,8 0,3 9,6 42


gooseberry0,7 0,2 12,0 43
currant1,0 0,4 7,5 43


mushrooms3,5 2,0 2,5 30

Flour and pasta

pasta10,4 1,1 69,7 337
vareniki7,6 2,3 18,7 155
dumplings11,9 12,4 29,0 275

Bakery products

wheat bread8,1 1,0 48,8 242


cookie7,5 11,8 74,9 417


cake4,4 23,4 45,2 407

Raw materials and seasonings

seasonings7,0 1,9 26,0 149
mayonnaise2,4 67,0 3,9 627
sugar0,0 0,0 99,7 398
salt0,0 0,0 0,0 -


cream 35% (fat)2,5 35,0 3,0 337

Meat products

fatty pork11,4 49,3 0,0 489
salo2,4 89,0 0,0 797
beef18,9 19,4 0,0 187
bacon23,0 45,0 0,0 500


smoked sausage9,9 63,2 0,3 608


fried chicken26,0 12,0 0,0 210


hard-boiled chicken eggs12,9 11,6 0,8 160

Oils and fats

rendered pork fat0,0 99,6 0,0 896

Non-alcoholic drinks

black coffee0,2 0,0 0,3 2

* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Power Mode)

The menu and diet of cancer patients is determined by the characteristics of dietary nutrition depending on the affected organ or system, the stage of the disease, the patient’s condition and specific treatment methods and is compiled individually.

In the early stages and in the absence of gastrointestinal dysfunction, the menu is compiled on the basis of a prescribed physiologically complete diet based on the daily caloric intake at the level of 2900-3000 Kcal (proteins - 95-100 g, fats - 100-105 g, carbohydrates - 450 g).

The consumption of almost all products is allowed, with the exception of those not recommended, and all types of culinary processing. Spicy and most difficult to digest foods are excluded from the menu. Eating 4-5 times a day.

Drinking regimen - up to 2 liters of free liquid.

During the period chemo And radiation therapy the menu is compiled based on the enhanced diet prescribed to the patient, based on the inclusion of energy-intensive, high-calorie foods in the diet. The energy value of the daily diet should be at the level of 4000-4500 Kcal. 6-7 meals a day with additional snacks between meals are practiced. Liquids are consumed outside of meal times.

The menu for cancer of any organs of the gastrointestinal tract system is based on dietary Tables No. 1 – 5 , depending on the affected organ.

Advantages and disadvantages

Results and reviews

  • « ... My father has lung cancer, he was operated on and underwent several courses of chemotherapy. The condition was serious, severe vomiting and nausea. No special diet was prescribed. They fed him high-calorie foods: chicken broth soups, red fish, honey, chicken, various vegetables and fruits. In principle, they bought everything he asked for. Now his condition has returned to normal and he has been discharged from the clinic, but his mother still buys him more high-calorie foods. I really want him to live at least a little longer.»;
  • « ... I was operated on for stomach cancer, 1/3 of it was removed, and I underwent a course of chemotherapy. I eat according to Diet No. 1. Everything is gentle and ground. Doctors said that this is my diet for the rest of my life, although over time I can switch to an unprocessed version of the diet».

Diet price

The range of products varies significantly depending on the prescribed diet. The calculation was carried out based on average prices for products with a physiologically complete diet, as well as with enhanced nutrition during chemotherapy, when the diet included energy-intensive products (red caviar, honey, cream, red fish, etc.), which are the most expensive.

The average cost of food for a week with a physiologically complete diet varies between 2500-3000 rubles, and with enhanced nutrition 4300-4800 rubles.

Categorically cannot be used for canceror even if a malignant tumor is suspected, the following procedures and methods.
Electrotherapy : galvanization, low frequency pulse currents, electricity high frequency(darsonvalinization), alternating magnetic field of low and high frequency, electric field of ultra-high frequency and electric field of ultra-high frequency (decimeter and centimeter range).
Infrared and external radiation, ultraviolet radiation, that is, you cannot sunbathe or take physiotherapeutic procedures using these radiations, especially in solariums.
It should be remembered that ultraviolet irradiation from the sun damages the DNA molecules of skin cells and contributes to the development of malignant skin tumors. If it's sunny outside and you're out for a walk, you should wear Sunglasses and headdress;
Vibration therapy and ultrasound therapy; aeroionotherapy; treatment with variable air pressure (local pressure chamber); alpha and beta therapy.
A general contraindication for all neoplasms, including benign tumors with a tendency to grow, is course usecold and thermal hydrotherapy procedures, as well as the usemud therapy and ozokerite therapy.
Precautions should be taken when using household appliances with electromagnetic radiation. There are reports of the development of brain tumors with frequent use of radiotelephones. A working TV and computer, which are sources of weak electromagnetic fields, should be turned off at night. When watching programs on TV, you must be at a distance of 1.5 meters from it.

"Old-fashioned" mechanical methods of removing unwanted hair have become a thing of the past. They were replacedlaser hair removal, a safe and comfortable method of getting rid of hair forever. On the website of the Oxford Medical clinic www.oxford-med.com.ua you can learn about the benefits latest technology- Elos hair removal.

What drugs should not be used for cancer.

For malignant neoplasms the following should not be used:
1. Preparations containing bee poisons, for example, apizarthron, etc.
2. Preparations from the vitreous body.
3. Indirect anticoagulants, for example dicoumarin.
4. Estrogen hormonal drugs, for example folliculin.
5. Contraceptives, for example infekundin.
6. Hormonal gonadotropic preparations of the pituitary gland, for example, serum gonadotropin or chorionic gonadotropin.
Anabolic hormonal drugs and various stimulants of proliferative processes should be used with great caution and only as directed by the attending physician.

Vitamin E in the treatment of cancer

At the University of Glasgow, scientists conducted interesting research. Back in the 90s it was noted thatvitamin E (tocopherol)slows down the growth of cancerous tumors in the mammary gland. Now studies have been conducted confirming that vitamin E has a destructive effect on tumors in the skin. The extract was injected into the blood of patients vitamin E. Within a day, the tumor decreases in size, and after 10 days it completely resolves.
As already mentioned, the healing effect of tocopherol has been noticed for a long time. However, most research in this area was suspended due to the fact that it was not possible to deliver a large concentration of the vitamin specifically to cancer cells. The fact is thatvitamin E extractAlong with the therapeutic effect aimed at cancer cells, it also has a strong destructive effect on healthy tissue. Therefore, the treatment remained unsuccessful.
Scientists have proposed placing the healing extract in small balls whose walls are made of fat. Then the medicine can move through the bloodstream without damaging those tissues that do not need therapy.
Interestingly, vitamin E is found in almost all food products that humans consume. The largest amount is found in cocoa butter, palm oil, barley and wheat germ.
The problem of the selective effect of the extract was solved as follows.
Cancer cells attract transferrin because they need iron to grow. There are many receptors on the membranes of cancer cells that capture transferrin. Therefore, fat globules with tocopherol were coated with transferrin. As a result, attracted by this protein located on the surface, vitamin E beads go directly to the cancerous tumor and destroy it.
Previously vitamin E used as a powerful antioxidant that prevents free radicals from damaging healthy cells. This was an effective way to protect against many serious illnesses. The appropriateness of the dose is now being reconsidered vitamin E , which was recommended by doctors.
To prevent the occurrence of diseases, including cancer, it is necessary to consume foods that contain vitamin E. These include: vegetable oils, nuts, eggs, green vegetables (dill, parsley, basil, onions) and, of course, cereals.

Cabbage cures cancer

In recent years, dark green vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, kale, kale, kohlrabi and mustard greens have received huge headlines in the press as more scientific and medical research shows that they help people prevent cancer. Such prestigious American journals as the Journal of the National Cancer Institute and the Federal Bulletin reported that sulfur and histidine contained in green vegetable plants can inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors, help cleanse the human body of toxic environmental compounds, and prevent the development of colon cancer and increase the formation of anti-cancer substances in the body. In addition, they help reduce the concentration of lipoproteins - "bad" cholesterol - which causes hardening of artery walls. They also improve metabolism and inhibit the development of fungal infections.
Statistics show that in recent decades in a number of countries, primarily Japan and Finland, the percentage of stomach cancer has significantly decreased.
Experts attribute this fact to an increase in the consumption of orange, tangerine and other high-carotene juices by the population of these countries, as well as an increase in the consumption of green-yellow vegetables, including various types of cabbage.

Scientists are sure that cabbage cures cancer.

Professor T. Hirayama from the Japanese National Cancer Center studied the relationship between people's lifestyle, consumption of green-yellow vegetables and cancer incidence. The vulnerability of the human body to the worst lifestyle (unbalanced diet, systematic consumption of alcohol and regular smoking, etc.) was taken as 100%. However, even with this lifestyle, inclusion in daily diet Eating green-yellow vegetables reduces the risk of cancer by half.
As statistical studies have shown, the longest average life expectancy is observed in Japan, which, no doubt, is also associated with the consumption of large quantities of green and yellow vegetables by the Japanese. Similar examples can be found in Russia. For example, in the mountains of Dagestan, which has long been famous for its long-livers, the population daily eats a wide variety of cultivated and wild green plants, including green-yellow vegetables (an average of 0.5 kg per day).

Any improvement in the supply of oxygen to healthy cells is primarily used by cancer cells to accelerate the proliferation and spread of metastases.

A carbohydrate diet and refusal to eat proteins are contraindicated. The tumor's only food product is glucose, so the amount of carbohydrates and the total amount of food must be reduced. Losing weight is beneficial. However, proteins (boiled meat, poultry, fish) must be included in the diet. Fasting when treated with poisons is not recommended.

You cannot help poisons with other medicinal herbs and remedies, since any useful action on cancer cells partially or completely destroys the effect of the poison.

Urine therapy, acupuncture, manual therapy, hirudotherapy, and mumiyo can only cause harm in the treatment of cancer.

Smoking and alcohol in any quantities, fresh strong tea and coffee, acidic foods and sour drinks (neutralize poisons), seaweed, spicy, salty and fried foods are strictly contraindicated for cancer patients when treated with poisons.

What is possible and what is not possible in oncology?

People with cancer often wonder if they can eat certain foods and drinks if they have cancer, as well as what they can and cannot eat in general.

There is a general range of products that doctors recommend consuming in the presence of a malignant tumor. These include:

  • fresh, frozen, dried fruits and vegetables without syrup;
  • whole grain products (bread, cereals, pasta), as well as wheat germ, various seeds with increased level fibers;
  • protein foods such as beans, peas, lentils, tofu, eggs, low-fat meats, seafood;
  • healthy fats (avocados, nuts, seeds, nut or olive oil, olives).

What is strictly forbidden to consume if you have cancer?

  1. Products with high content carbohydrates (baked goods made from premium flour, muffins, white rice, refined sugar in all forms), since they nourish the tumor cell.
  2. Alcohol-containing drinks. Therefore, the question “Is alcohol okay for cancer?” has only a negative answer. The less alcohol a person consumes in principle, the better for his health. Regular consumption of alcohol contributes to the development of cancer of the oral cavity, pharyngeal gland, esophagus, larynx, mammary gland, intestines and liver.
  3. Fatty, chemically processed and fried foods (pork and beef, as well as store-bought products made from them, fried potatoes). These are strong carcinogens.
  4. Semi-finished products, products containing various stabilizers, preservatives, etc.

Some points are worth considering in more detail.

Is it possible to drink if you have cancer?

Drinking fluids when you have cancer is not only possible, but also necessary. Proper hydration of the body is especially important for patients receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The side effects of these treatments (nausea after chemotherapy, vomiting, diarrhea) increase the risk of dehydration. Therefore it is recommended:

  1. Drink six to eight glasses of liquid per day. In order to remember to drink, you can keep a bottle of water near you and drink small sips even when you don’t feel like drinking.
  2. Alternate food and water intake. You definitely need to take a break between them.

The following substances also help maintain fluid in the body:

  • decoction of fruits and dried fruits;
  • freshly squeezed juices (but the peculiarities of their action should be taken into account);
  • green tea, nutritional supplements, children's electrolytes;
  • soups, gelatin dishes.

Is it possible to take vitamins for oncology?

Our body needs nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and amino acids. Therefore, during a malignant process, it is extremely important to adhere to balanced diet. But this is not always feasible.

All cancer patients should monitor their levels of nutrients such as:

  • vitamins A, C, D;
  • minerals, particularly zinc, calcium, selenium and magnesium;
  • essential amino acids: phenylalanine, valine, threonine, toiptophan, isoleucine, methionine, leucine and lysine;
  • some plant substances: carotenoids, flavonoids, isoflavones.

In modern medicine, vitamins are widely used and biologically active additives(dietary supplements) in various pharmaceutical forms as additional or even alternative agents for the treatment of cancer.

Is it possible to use honey if you have cancer?

Honey has a powerful anti-carcinogenic effect because it contains natural biological components, flavonoids. They are antioxidants known for their antitumor effects. When ingested, antioxidants reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries, and also inhibit the destruction of collagen in the body.

The healing properties of honey are enhanced when combined with cinnamon, frankincense, turmeric, and ginger.

However, you need to be extremely careful when consuming honey. It is forbidden to put honey in boiling water. In this case, it becomes very toxic. Honey can only be consumed with drinks chilled to 42°C.

Is it possible to have dairy if you have cancer?

On given time There is still no clear information about the effect of dairy products on the body of a cancer patient. On the one hand, they include calcium necessary for humans. On the other hand, dairy products contain certain components that can negatively affect cancer formation.

Based on the Worldwide Data Review, the following links were identified between dairy products and certain cancers:

  • reducing the risk of developing and spreading colorectal cancer;
  • increased risk of prostate cancer;
  • Regular consumption of dairy products can reduce the risk of development and metastasis of ovarian and bladder cancer.

Is it okay to have coffee if you have cancer?

Judgments about coffee have changed a lot lately. If earlier it was believed that this drink had a negative effect on human health, today most studies point to the anti-cancer properties of coffee. Moreover, we are not talking about one or two cups, but about more than four cups per day.

Due to the antioxidant properties of coffee, it reduces the possibility of the occurrence and recurrence of such malignant diseases:

  • 4 cups of coffee reduces cancer of the head and oral cavity (by 39%);
  • 6 cups of coffee reduces prostate cancer by 60%;
  • 5 cups of coffee prevent brain cancer by 40%;
  • 2 cups of coffee reduces colon cancer by 25%. People who drink 4 or more cups of coffee per day have a 42% reduction in the risk of recurrence of intestinal cancer after surgery and treatment;
  • 1-3 cups of coffee reduces the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma by 29%.

Is it possible to have a massage if you have cancer?

Massage is one of available forms impact on the quality of life of cancer patients, as well as a way to improve the patient’s physical condition. But most schools of therapy say that massage is contraindicated for malignant tumors. There is concern that massage may provoke the spread of the disease due to its effect on blood circulation.

Researchers refute these suspicions. However, it is recommended to seek help only from qualified oncologist massage therapists. They are trained in special techniques that can positively influence the health of a person with a malignant tumor.

Is it possible to take antibiotics for oncology?

Antibiotics can be used for cancer. And research from the New York Cancer Institute even suggests that these antimicrobial drugs can destroy mitochondria in cancer stem cells.

The effect of antibiotics has been studied on such cancers as glioblastoma (the most aggressive brain tumor), tumors of the lungs, prostate, ovaries, mammary and pancreas, as well as skin.

Modern science has identified many innovative studies on the influence of certain factors on the malignant process. Therefore, it is important to know what is possible and what is not, as well as whether this or that remedy or action is possible in case of oncology.


Is it possible to eat chocolate and cakes if you have leukemia?

as soon as I started using drugs and alcohol I immediately went into remission

Is it possible to use Herbalife if you have breast cancer (a part has been removed, radiation has been completed)?

Is it possible to use licorice root in the form of a decoction or inhalation for metastases in the lungs? Could a short course cause my urine to turn purple?

Clarithromycin slows down metastasis, it creates good intracellular concentrations; it helped one friend destroy a breast tumor.

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The information on the site is presented for informational purposes only! It is not recommended to use the described methods and recipes for treating cancer on your own and without consulting a doctor!

Nutrition and diet for oncology

One of essential components treatment is the correct choice of diet and nutrition for oncology. In this case, advice from relatives and friends should fade into the background, because the recommendations of an oncologist and a professional nutritionist are priority. Eating right is so important that a well-chosen diet often has a decisive influence on the further prognosis of the disease.

It is very important that a sick person does not suddenly change one product to another. It is necessary to make changes to the diet gradually so that the body does not feel unnecessary stress. Useful food groups for various cancer diseases have been known for a long time and will be discussed further. Following proper nutrition during cancer is a step towards a full recovery.

What problems does nutrition solve for cancer?

  • Help in increasing the energy of the sick person’s body.
  • Ensuring the usual functioning of the immune system.
  • Ensuring that the patient’s body receives the required nutrients that inhibit the development of the disease.
  • Neutralization and further removal of tumor decay products.
  • Supports the functioning of various digestive organs.

Energy is simply necessary for a sick person so that he can live on and have the strength to fight the disease. The use of a diet for oncology is necessary to release, save and collect as much energy as possible, because part of it is spent on the body’s absorption of incompatible foods: fried, smoked, too fatty. If a person’s diet has been incorrect for a long time, this will naturally have a negative impact on his health. It is worth noting that obtaining vitamins in oncology is especially important.

If we take into account the advice of professionals, then products consumed for cancer should be as natural as possible, fresh, and not processed. heat treatment. An excellent solution is berries, fruits, and vegetables that have been recently picked. Also, food contains a huge amount of energy for a sick person. That is why many doctors recommend that cancer patients live in nature: in the country or in the village, where summer time have access to similar products. Fruits, vegetables and others fresh food have a positive effect on the body.

It should be noted that an increase in energy in the human body necessarily leads to an increase in immunity, which will independently fight cancer cells. Immune cells are most active in a slightly alkaline environment, so any food groups that lead to blood oxidation are contraindications for oncology.

Products with anti-cancer effects

Blackberries - a source of health

Strange as it may seem, products of this type are found everywhere, they are inexpensive and accessible. Representatives of the cruciferous group are considered especially valuable: Brussels sprouts and White cabbage, broccoli. The preparation of these products, taking into account the advice of nutritionists, should be steamed. However, they are best consumed fresh, because during heat treatment many beneficial substances are lost.

In addition, the effective anti-cancer substance lycopene is found in tomatoes. To ensure that the beneficial substances of tomatoes are better absorbed in the intestines, they are recommended to be consumed with olive oil.

Interestingly, just 4 grams of garlic per day also helps fight benign and malignant tumors. However, it is not recommended to consume garlic before surgery.

Green tea also has an inhibitory effect on neoplasm, which also has a stimulating effect on the liver, helps in blocking carcinogens and neutralizes the body from harmful toxins. The daily norm is 4-6 glasses of green tea. It is best to consume green tea in combination with soy.

Anti-Cancer Spices and Herbs

Among the spices and herbs that are usually used in oncology, turmeric can be noted, which helps to partially prevent the further development of cancerous tumors. In order for turmeric to be better absorbed in the body, it must be mixed with ginger or black pepper. It is recommended to take a teaspoon of turmeric during meals. Ginger root has an antitumor effect. It is best to use it as a decoction or in grated form. In addition, ginger helps reduce nausea in cancer patients. At the same time, ginger should be excluded from the diet if surgery is planned soon. It is better to replace it with fruits that have suitable properties.

The development of cancer cells is inhibited by chili pepper. A similar effect has: red beets, carrots, as well as any other vegetables and fruits that have a yellowish and reddish tint. Carrots should be consumed raw in combination with olive oil. It should be noted that the systematic use of half or a whole tablespoon olive oil helps not only stop the development of the disease, but also prevent the spread of metastases and prevent relapse. Taking vitamin E in oncology is especially important.

Onion for oncology

Any natural soy products are natural sources of complete protein. In addition, they contain a huge amount of substances that help neutralize harmful compounds and stop the development of malignant neoplasms.

Many herbs have a blocking effect on cancer: thyme, basil, rosemary, mint, marjoram. In addition, they help in limiting the spread of cancer cells to neighboring tissues and organs.

Oddly enough, mushrooms also help in the fight against cancer, as they have a stimulating effect on the immune system. Of course, any mushrooms must be pre-processed before consumption - they will still contain many useful substances.

Berries (blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, strawberries), forest and walnuts(pistachios, almonds).

Among the fruits that have a positive effect on cancer, it is worth highlighting a group of citrus fruits: tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, lemons. In addition, the peel of these fruits is often used to brew it with tea or make compote. Pomegranate juice also helps.

Nutritional guidelines for cancer also require that the patient's diet include foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. Surprisingly, fatty acid may also be useful: flaxseed oil and seed.

During the treatment of cancer, it is extremely important to maintain the correct microflora in the intestines. They can help with this following products: onions, tomatoes, wheat, asparagus, garlic. Alimentary fiber found in large quantities in prunes, which also gives a good laxative effect. Blueberries will help reduce the formation of gases, which will also eliminate fermentation and putrefactive processes from the intestines.

From all of the above, it can be noted that in case of cancer, many foods can be included in the diet that will not only help in the treatment of cancer, but will also prevent the development of secondary diseases that are provoked by chemotherapy and radiation therapy. A diet for cancer should be prescribed by a nutritionist and oncologist who are familiar with the characteristics of the patient’s body and can foresee the occurrence of all negative aspects.

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You need to contact a dermatologist and surgeon. Treatment methods may vary depending on what your case is. These lesions are usually treated with cauterization, surgical excision, or radiation. .

Cancer - treatment and prevention can accept any traffic thanks to WP Super Cache caching

Cancer treatment options are not limited to chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. Along with following the main treatment regimen, patients can follow some additional recommendations. This will help strengthen the immune system, improve well-being and help the body fight serious illness.

1. Try to protect yourself from stress

Successful treatment requires the mobilization of all forces, both physical and mental. And nervous experiences, troubles in the family, conflicts at work - all this has a colossally destructive effect on health. Therefore, the first thing to do is to make yourself as comfortable as possible. psychological conditions, in which it will be easier to be treated and recover.

2. Get plenty of rest and avoid sleep deprivation

The relationship between lack of sleep and breast cancer is being actively studied abroad. Several research groups have already published the results of their work. It has been found that lack of sleep disrupts the production of sex hormones, so women who work at night or suffer from insomnia have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. There is also evidence that lack of sleep contributes to the appearance of prostate tumors in men...

  1. If your doctor tells you to make certain dietary changes, stick to the diet your doctor recommends.

Its main principle is to eat freshly prepared food three times a day. buckwheat porridge from 100g buckwheat. The dish is prepared in water; you can add herbs (parsley, dill) and garlic to it. Also, half an hour before each meal, you should eat rosehip flour pulp (fruits ground in a coffee grinder). Keep in mind that rosehip seeds are difficult to grind, so you shouldn’t be particularly zealous in grinding them.

More detailed information about the Laskin diet and its varieties, as well as a detailed description of menu options, can be found on the Internet or read in the book “Dr. Laskin’s Anti-Cancer Diet” by V. Dobkin.

1. After chemotherapy or radiation therapy, patients often experience nausea and aversion to food. But even in such a situation, it is necessary to eat well so that the body has enough strength to fight the disease. To improve appetite:

  • try to prepare your favorite dishes that you will eat more willingly;
  • season food with spices, they enhance the taste of dishes and reflexively cause a feeling of hunger;
  • take “aperitifs”: infusion of dill, anise seeds, wormwood; You can look for ready-made products at the pharmacy, for example, “Appetizing” drops.

2. Prefer natural honey to sugar. This product contains several hundred biologically active substances that are beneficial to health. But it’s better not to “abuse” them either - 2 teaspoons a day will be enough.

4. Drink more, especially during the notorious chemotherapy. This cleanses the body of toxins and metabolites. Pay attention to natural juices and green tea - these are rich sources of antioxidants that help the body resist disease.

5. Add foods that have anti-cancer properties to your diet. For example, parsley has these. The substance it contains, apigenin, is a flavone, a compound with powerful antioxidant and some antitumor effects. Also, similar properties were found in mango, avocado, and pomegranate fruits.

Supplements and drugs

Below are several of the most popular dietary supplements and medications that can be used in cancer patients. The list is quite large, so, as you understand, we are talking about choosing between titles, and not about taking them all at once.

The drug contains special molecules that are carriers of information about the proper functioning of the immune system. When taking the medicine, this information is transmitted to the human immune system, which normalizes its functioning. Numerous studies have shown that the drug enhances antitumor immunity, increases patient survival, improves well-being that has worsened after chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and in some cases even stops the progression of the disease.

2. Alveo (manufactured by Akuna). Dosage - up to 180 ml. in a day.

Herbal harmonizing tonic Alveo promotes drainage of intercellular spaces, establishing and encouraging the functioning of body systems. It is also important as a preventative and auxiliary treatment because it contains unique plant substances, which are little or none in food, which harmonize metabolism and optimize physiological functions.

Alveo can greatly help the body, especially after chemotherapy, which greatly weakens the immune system.

3. Extra-Befungin (manufactured by Tentorium). Dosage – 1 tsp. three times a day.

The dietary supplement is created on the basis of chaga mushroom extract, St. John's wort and propolis. All of these components are known in traditional medicine as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anticancer agents, as well as sources of health-promoting compounds. In cancer patients, dietary supplements can be used to generally improve well-being, as part of the fight against anemia, and to eliminate the consequences and complications of the main treatment.

The supplement contains components of three mushrooms (shiitake, maitake, reishi), which are used in Japanese folk medicine and, according to some data, have antioxidant and anticancer effects. ANCC helps to avoid or reduce the severity of side effects of therapy, strengthens the immune system, and helps the body recover faster after aggressive and traumatic treatment of tumors.

5. Refnot. A dose of ED per day is administered in the form of injections according to a specific scheme associated with the chemotherapy being performed.

Refnot contains tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF). Normally, this substance is secreted in the human body by macrophages and monocytes. It “stands guard” of the body’s antitumor defense, as it has a detrimental effect on atypical cells. The introduction of tumor necrosis factor as part of the drug Refnot improves the condition of patients and improves the effect of chemotherapy.

Incorrect dosages and incorrect administration of the drug can cause harm, so treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a physician. As an alternative to Refnot, you can use agents that increase the production of your own TNF, for example, the Transfer Factor mentioned above.

In one of the schemes, it is recommended to start taking Melatonin (or Melaxen) with 3 mg and increase the dose by one tablet every day until the number reaches 7. Melatonin is a safe drug for health, and even in a very high dose it will not cause poisoning. However, this scheme is not currently approved by specialists, so it may not be used.

The components of the supplement are embedded in cell membranes and support their structure. This prevents free radical oxidation, the rate of which increases noticeably due to the action of ionizing radiation and chemotherapy drugs, as well as under the influence of the tumor process itself.

Many people are critical of advice about a healthy lifestyle and taking dietary supplements for cancer. Like, if official medicine cannot defeat cancer, then good sleep, juices, dietary supplements and Transfer Factor will not have the slightest positive effect on a person. This same opinion is actively supported by some doctors.

According to all “norms”, this woman should have already died or be in the last stages of cancer. But for some reason her disease is developing much more slowly than it should. Now she feels good, works, and continues to receive treatment using her own methods.

Contraindications for cancer

Forecasts regarding the reduction in the number of cancer patients are not yet very encouraging. But still, millions of people are already known who have overcome the disease or are in a state of stable remission. Every year, about 10 million cases of illness are registered on the planet, but almost 30 million who have overcome this disease are also impressive.

What foods should you not eat and why?

The nature of nutrition plays an important role in the development of malignant and benign tumors. Cancer patients are advised to reduce their intake of high-calorie and fatty foods, especially those high in fat. Proteins, on the contrary, should not be abandoned; their amount in the diet can be increased.

Vitamins only as prescribed by a doctor!

Recent research by scientists suggests that thoughtless use of vitamin supplements not only does not protect against cancer, but can also contribute to its development. For example, vitamin E, although it acts as an antioxidant for the body and protects it from the action of harmful molecules, however, in large doses it affects oxidative processes in the opposite way, damaging cells.

Smoking is prohibited!

This bad habit takes about 20% of the responsibility for illness. It is one of the most well-known factors that contribute to the rapid development of the disease. The carcinogens contained in smoke number in the dozens. Once you learn about cancer, you will have to quit smoking once and for all. It has been scientifically proven that cancer patients who smoke develop cancer tumors faster than non-smokers due to a weakened body and poor immunity.

Saunas and sun tanning: contraindications and their causes

There is a stereotype in society that speaks in favor of heat for health and associates cold with our diseases. But any thermal procedures during an exacerbation of cancer are strictly contraindicated.

Cancer and alcohol are incompatible!

Excessive alcohol consumption should also be combated. Doctors recommend avoiding alcoholic beverages even for patients with milder illnesses. For cancer patients, especially during chemotherapy, alcohol is contraindicated and can lead to unpredictable consequences, including death. If strong alcoholic drinks increase the likelihood of developing cancer in the liver, oral cavity and esophagus, then imagine how seriously they can destroy areas of organs already damaged by tumors?

Massage only from trusted specialists!

Most schools of therapy advocate that massage for malignant tumors is contraindicated and can provoke metastasis due to its effect on blood circulation. Some scientists refute these statements, however, they recommend contacting only experienced oncologists. If your doctor does not prohibit massage, then it is not contraindicated for you, but the specialist should be familiar with the technique of performing the procedure for cancer patients and consult with your doctor about the duration of the course and its intensity.

Other contraindications for cancer

Cancer patients should avoid anything that stimulates metabolism, negatively affects the body, or somehow weakens the immune system.

About the dangers of self-medication

You should not self-medicate, get involved in unconventional methods (hirudotherapy, aromatherapy, cryo- and urinotherapy, acupuncture, manual therapy), drink healing herbs and fees unless agreed upon and prescribed by your treating physician. For example, aromatherapy, indicated for many diseases, can worsen the health of cancer patients, since essential oils often promote the removal of drugs from the body and can negatively affect the final result of therapy. You should also exclude all measures for intensive cleansing of the body, and refrain from any kind of diet. They weaken your body and allow the disease to progress.

Popular oncology clinics and centers

The Clinic of the Institute of Oncology in the capital of Japan, Tokyo, widely uses the latest scientific achievements and the most advanced technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The clinic’s specialists practice an interdisciplinary approach to treatment malignant neoplasms. Go to page >>

St. Mary's Clinic in South Korea provides various medical services, including cancer treatment. The successful treatment of various oncological diseases is largely facilitated by the excellent technological equipment of the clinic: specialists use PET-CT, CyberKnife, etc. for treatment. Go to page >>

The Israeli Asaf HaRofeh Medical Center considers the treatment of malignant tumors one of the most important areas of its activities. The clinic's doctors are highly qualified and have many years of successful experience in treating a variety of oncological diseases of any complexity. Go to page >>

One of the main directions in the work of the Austrian Vienna Private Clinic- effective treatment of various oncological diseases. The clinic’s oncologists successfully apply well-known cancer treatment methods, while adapting them to the individual characteristics of each patient’s body. Go to page >>

The Swiss Hirslanden Clinic is ready to provide clients with services for the diagnosis and treatment of various oncological diseases. The high results of the cancer treatment clinic are largely due to the excellent diagnostic facilities, which allow us to detect and treat cancer at an early stage. Go to page >>

The French Clinic Forsyles provides patients with cancer wide range services, including offering rehabilitation therapy courses. To carry out diagnostics, the clinic uses only modern equipment, for example, ultrasound Doppleroscopy. Go to page >>

The Johns Hopkins International Center in Singapore places great importance in its work on scientific research in the field of oncology and implementation in clinical practice the most modern scientific developments. The Center successfully diagnoses and treats almost all types of cancer. Go to page >>

The British Clinic London Bridge Hospital considers the diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors one of the priorities in its activities. The clinic’s specialists effectively treat cancer of any location and complexity. The staff consists of doctors with extensive experience and high qualifications. Go to page >>

Nutrition for cancer

What should nutrition be like for cancer patients? What foods are absolutely contraindicated for this or that form of cancer?

Herbal medicine in oncology

Herbal medicine can provide significant assistance not only in the treatment of cancer, but also in their prevention.

Heredity and cancer

Many people who have cancer in themselves or in their relatives are interested in the question: is cancer inherited?

Cancer during pregnancy

Treatment of cancer during pregnancy is quite difficult, because most medications are toxic.

Pregnancy after cancer

What are the prospects for pregnancy after cancer? Should you wait until after cancer treatment?

Cancer Prevention

Prevention is an important part of the overall fight against cancer. How to reduce the likelihood of cancer?

Palliative treatment of cancer

What is palliative cancer treatment? How can it affect the quality of life of a cancer patient and change it for the better?

New cancer treatments

Scientists have developed quite a lot of promising methods for treating cancer, which have not yet been recognized by official medicine. But everything can change!

Cancer statistics

Cancer incidence statistics, unfortunately, are disappointing: there is an increase in the number of cases, while the disease is getting younger.

About “folk” medicine

Sometimes it is possible to defeat cancer using “folk” methods, but there are many more of those who relied only on them and ended up leaving this world ahead of time.

How to fight cancer?

How to find strength to fight cancer? How not to fall into despair over possible disability? What can serve as hope and meaning in life?

How to help your loved ones?

How can you help a loved one live with a cancer diagnosis? Is a “white lie” necessary? How to behave so that loved ones suffer less?

Stress and cancer

There is an opinion that constant stressful situations can lead to the development of cancer. Is it so?

Fighting cachexia

Many cancer patients often suffer from sudden weight loss. What causes this and is there any way to deal with this problem?

Caring for bedridden patients

The rules for caring for patients who are forced to constantly remain in bed have their own characteristics and must be known.
