The inner side of the child's cheek is swollen. What to do if your cheek is swollen. What not to do

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Toothache is one of the most unpleasant phenomena that not only adults, but also children often face. It is almost impossible to endure such torment. And for kids, painful sensations become real torture. Therefore everyone loving parent should know how to help with a toothache in a child. Of course, the best solution would be to seek help from a dentist. However, situations are different, and it is not always possible to visit dental clinic. That is why we want to tell you how you can relieve toothache in children before seeing a doctor. How to treat toothache in a child?

To understand how to help your child cope with pain before visiting the dentist, you first need to understand the reasons for its occurrence. After all, painful sensations in the oral cavity do not arise just like that; they are a symptom of various dental diseases.

Thus, painful sensations can be caused by caries, that is, damage to tooth enamel; pulpitis - inflammation of the internal cavity of the tooth or periostitis - an inflammatory process in the periosteum and soft tissues of the jaw. Each of these diseases characterizes the degree of development of inflammation in the tooth. If it is not treated at the caries stage, the inflammatory process begins to progress, causing more dangerous conditions.

It is important to note that in children of the first and second year of life, such trouble can be caused by teething, as well as inflammation of the ear or mucous membranes of the mouth. Caries and its complications in children at this age are extremely rare. As a rule, children from 3 to 5 years old experience this disease.

Pulpitis occurs due to advanced caries. The infection penetrates through damaged enamel, causing the development of a purulent process. In such a situation, constant tugging pain occurs. Most often, pulp inflammation occurs in children aged 4 years and older.

Periostitis is a dangerous condition that causes severe pain in the tooth and swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth. If your baby's cheek is swollen, you should immediately show him to the dentist. Often this condition in children is accompanied by high fever. It is difficult for the child to open his mouth, his speech is distorted.

The main symptoms of teething in children are swollen red gums, increased salivation, increased body temperature, moodiness, anxiety. The baby puts toys and fingers into his mouth. If you are breastfeeding, your baby may try to bite and pinch your nipple while feeding. Also, the baby often scratches his gums, as itching appears during the teething process.

Toothache in children: tablets, medications

Today, many products are produced to relieve pain in teeth. medicines. Thus, when teething in babies, it is recommended to use local anesthetic ointments and gels. Such drugs provide pain relief due to the action of the anesthetics they contain, for example, lidocaine. These substances block pain receptors located in the gums, as a result of which the pain is dulled or completely disappears. The gels also contain herbal and anti-inflammatory components, which make it possible to relieve inflammation from the gums. The gel or ointment acts instantly.

The most effective anesthetics used to relieve teething pain are the following drugs:

  1. Kalgel is an effective remedy that contains lidocaine and the antiseptic cytilperidine. The product does not contain sugar and acts almost instantly.
  2. Cholisal-gel - this medicine has an antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The gel has a special structure that allows it to stay on the gum mucosa for as long as possible. The effect lasts about 3 hours.
  3. Dentinox-gel - contains chamomile tincture, so it perfectly relieves inflammation.
  4. Kamistad gel baby - contains lidocaine and chamomile, quickly penetrates the gum tissue, relieves swelling and pain.

It also quite effectively relieves itching and swelling in the gums. antihistamines- Parlisin and Fenistil drops.

All of the above medications help not only with teething in one-year-old babies, but also with pain in older age.

Toothache in children: homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies consist of natural ingredients that act systemically, facilitating the process of teething and the general condition of the baby. The most effective medications are:

  1. Traumeel S ointment contains exclusively herbal ingredients. The drug perfectly relieves swelling, itching and pain. Apply the ointment to the baby's gums three times a day.
  2. Dentinorm Baby drops also consist of plant extracts and act systemically.
  3. Viburkol suppositories effectively help babies not only during teething, but also during other diseases. Suppositories have a sedative, analgesic, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory effect.

How to get rid of toothache in a child at home: traditional methods

Folk remedies also help relieve toothache in children. However, you should remember that some plants can cause an allergic reaction in a baby, so when using them, be extremely careful. It is strictly forbidden to use for children in such situations. alcohol tinctures herbs

We invite you to find out what methods traditional medicine will help quickly, safely and effectively relieve toothache in children:

  1. Rinsing the mouth with decoctions of lemon balm, chamomile and sage. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of herb with a glass of boiling water, let it brew, strain and rinse the baby’s mouth every hour if the toothache is severe.
  2. A good antiseptic effect is produced by rinsing with a soda solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon baking soda in a glass of warm boiled water.
  3. Ice will help relieve swelling from the gums. Place a piece of ice wrapped in a handkerchief on your baby's cheek.
  4. Propolis tincture has excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. This product can also be used to rinse oral cavity.
  5. And finally, a decoction of oak bark. This remedy perfectly relieves toothache. Brew 1 tbsp. spoon of plant material with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes and rinse your mouth with it every 2 hours.

Toothache and fever in children

If teething in babies is accompanied by fever, then anti-inflammatory drugs must be used to relieve the fever. Such remedies act systemically, so their effect lasts quite a long time - up to 12 hours. The best anti-inflammatory drugs for children are Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. They effectively relieve unpleasant symptoms not only during teething, but also during caries and pulpitis.

Analogs of these medications are Panadol, Ibufen, Bofen, Nurofen. They are produced in the form of syrup, tablets, and suppositories. However, it is important to know that Paracetamol is contraindicated for children under two months of age. In addition, this drug does not need to be given to a child simply to relieve toothache without fever.

For babies aged three months, you can use Ibuprofen in the form of a suspension or rectal suppositories, and tablets are recommended for children from 6 years of age.

Acute toothache in a child at night

This problem often occurs during teething. The baby wakes up and cries, touches his cheek, tries to scratch it. For the treatment of severe pain in children, it is recommended to use local anesthetics- gels and ointments. If the pain does not go away, and is also accompanied by a rise in temperature, severe swelling appears, and the child is shivering, call an ambulance immediately.

If a toothache occurs at night in a child over 3 years old, this indicates the development of pulpitis. In such a situation, it is necessary to let the child rinse his mouth with a soda solution or an infusion of oak bark. Also, to relieve acute pain, children bandage garlic pulp to the wrist of the hand opposite to the diseased tooth. You can give your baby a pain reliever - ibuprofen and its analogues. In the morning, the child must be shown to the dentist.

What to do if a child has a toothache and a swollen cheek?

Similar symptoms are characteristic of periostitis - a complication of caries. If you notice that your child’s cheek is very swollen and he complains of severe tooth pain, then the baby should be seen by a doctor immediately. Before visiting the dentist, you can rinse your mouth with a soda solution or herbal decoction. To relieve swelling, you need to smear the baby’s gums with honey (if there is no allergy) or use cold.

A good antiseptic that relieves swelling and pain in the oral cavity is the drug Stomatidin. If pain and swelling are accompanied by an increase in temperature, then you can give the child anti-inflammatory or painkillers (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen). And it’s best not to self-medicate, but to immediately run to the dentist for help. The fact is that swelling of the gums indicates the development of an inflammatory process in it, which can provoke tissue suppuration. This situation requires immediate medical intervention. So if after rinsing and using local anesthetics the child does not feel better, immediately call an ambulance.

How to soothe toothache in a one-year-old child?

The period of teething in one-year-old babies becomes a difficult test not only for him, but also for his parents. Some children tolerate the appearance of baby teeth quite calmly, but most toddlers lose sleep, become capricious and even refuse to eat. This behavior of the baby is associated with constant toothache.

Local anesthetics and homeopathic remedies, which we talked about at the beginning of our article. Massaging the gums will also help soothe toothache in a one-year-old baby. Wrap forefinger with a cotton swab or soft bandage, soak it in a soda solution and massage the baby’s gums in a circular motion.

Cold will help relieve teething pain quickly. Place your baby's pacifier in the freezer for a few minutes and let your baby suck on it. Honey can relieve swelling and itching from the gums. They lubricate the baby’s oral cavity with it twice a day.

Antipyretic drugs (paracetamol and ibuprofen) must be used when the child has an elevated body temperature. They will lower the temperature and also have an analgesic effect, significantly easing the condition of your little one. Consult your pediatrician before using them.

How to treat toothache in children: Komarovsky

The well-known pediatrician recommends that parents whose children are faced with such a problem, without wasting time, seek help from a dentist. The fact is that the cause of painful sensations in the oral cavity can be hidden not only in a diseased tooth, but also in inflammation of the lymph nodes, ear, and nose. Only a specialist can determine the root cause of pain. Therefore, it is better to show the baby to the doctor - he will tell you than to numb the aching tooth.

But before that you need to examine the child yourself. Perhaps the cause of tooth pain is stuck food. Examine your baby's mouth and remove the object if it is stuck between the teeth.

If painful sensations continue to bother the baby, and there are no suitable medications at home, then a regular saline solution is suitable for treating toothache: 1 teaspoon of salt per glass warm water. It is necessary to treat the baby’s oral cavity with this product before visiting a specialist. In addition, during the period of toothache, the baby should not eat sweet, spicy, or salty solids.

And one more thing: Dr. Komarovsky is categorically against the use of any medications to relieve toothache in children without preliminary consultation with a specialist. All that is required from parents in such a situation is to show concern and calm the child during the dental examination. The remaining recommendations for the treatment of diseased teeth in children will be given by the attending physician.

Take care of your kids and don't get sick!

Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya

Almost all parents face this problem in one way or another - their beloved baby’s cheek is swollen and red. What could this be and what should I do? Should I call a doctor or try to relieve the pain on my own? In this article you can read about the possible causes of this symptom, as well as learn about methods of treating it.

Symptoms of swelling of the cheek on the inside

Almost always the cheek on the inside swells due to some inflammatory processes that arise on the mucous membrane. These processes are facilitated by a large number of microflora living in the oral cavity.

Visually the cheek looks like this:

  • the mucous membrane is swollen, there may be a visible defect;
  • the vessels are hyperemic (full-blooded);
  • plaque is often visible;
  • The outside of the cheek is swollen, it hurts if you touch it.

Possible causes of inflammation

There are many reasons that can provoke inflammation of the oral mucosa, which is abundantly colonized by microflora, both beneficial and pathogenic (causing inflammatory diseases). Also, soreness of the cheek is caused by mechanical damage caused by teething or any injury. These causes of inflammation will be discussed in more detail below.

Diseases of teeth and gums

Inflammation of the gums – gingivitis – causes swelling of the cheek and pain in this area. Gingivitis affects the gums in isolation, without affecting the periodontal junction. Prerequisites for the occurrence of gingivitis can be improperly performed dental procedures, the accumulation of microbial plaque on the teeth, poor oral hygiene and insufficient dental care in general. Most often, gingivitis is caused by streptococci, which are normally part of the microflora, less often by viruses or fungal infections (candidiasis).

Gingivitis often occurs in children, in patients diabetes mellitus, people lacking vitamin C. The disease also affects those who for a long time does not treat caries and people with immunodeficiency. Acute gingivitis manifests itself in the form of swelling and redness of the gums, cheeks, and bleeding. If gingivitis is left without proper attention, it can spread to the periodontal junction and periodontitis will occur.

Dental diseases can also cause cheek swelling. A striking example there may be periostitis (pictured) - inflammation of the periosteum (outdated name - gumboil). The disease is accompanied by severe pain, swelling of the gums and cheeks, fever and the formation of a purulent abscess. Most often, periostitis is a complication of pulpitis or periodontitis. Periostitis is caused in most cases by the same streptococcal flora of the oral cavity.

Caries, pulpitis and periodontitis also lead to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. The reasons for the occurrence of caries first, and then two other diseases, are damage to dentin and the penetration of the same flora that inhabits the oral cavity. A striking manifestation of all these diseases is an increase in the size of the gums and cheeks.

Infection and fungal infection

It is worth mentioning the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the oral mucosa in children. In childhood, the oral mucosa is much thinner than in an adult, so it is more susceptible to various damages. Also in children, due to age characteristics less developed the immune system and the mucous membrane contains less lysozyme, a protein with bactericidal properties. These factors can lead to colonization of the mucous membrane by fungi of the genus Candida and the occurrence of candidiasis (thrush).

Children often encounter stomatitis - inflammation of the oral mucosa, leading to the formation of ulcerative defects. Stomatitis is most often caused by a virus herpes simplex. Moreover, the older the child, the lower the likelihood of infection of the oral cavity with the herpes virus due to the formation of immunity to it. It should be mentioned that stomatitis can also be caused by Candida fungi and due to allergic reactions.

It is possible that the cheek may become enlarged due to mumps, or, as it is popularly called, mumps. In this case, the swelling will spread to the ear and reach the submandibular lymph nodes. This disease can be very severe and requires consultation with a pediatrician.

Inflammation that occurs after tooth extraction

Many mothers note that after dental treatment their beloved child’s cheek is swollen and painful. Tooth extraction often leads to complications, which manifest themselves in the form of alveolitis (inflammation of the socket of the extracted tooth), bleeding and hematoma, cysts and even gumboil. All these complications can lead to swelling of the gums and cheeks, swelling and pain, from minor to high-intensity pain that accompanies gumboil (purulent abscess) and alveolitis.

Patients note enlarged lymph nodes, enlarged cheeks on the injured side, pain when swallowing, and increased temperature. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to serious consequences, including hospitalization in the department of maxillofacial surgery.

Consequences of injury

Injuries to the cheek or oral mucosa are divided into acute and chronic:

  • Acute injuries occur after strong biting of the cheek or its damage with sharp instruments during dental procedures. Such an injury manifests itself in the form of a hematoma, which leads to a visual increase in the size of the cheek, the appearance of pain and a defect in the mucous membrane at the site of injury. This type injuries can either go away on their own or lead to the development of an ulcer due to infection of the wound.
  • Chronic injuries include permanent mechanical damage mucous membrane due to malocclusion, sharp edges of teeth, the presence of removable and bridge dentures. Excessively spicy and hot foods also lead to damage to the gums and mucous membranes, where inflammatory processes subsequently occur.


Teething is one of the most common causes of cheek swelling in infants. Typically, signs of teething occur 3-5 days before teething occurs.

The gum, which is located at the site of the future tooth, becomes swollen, turns red, increases in size, and a small bump or bump may even appear in this place. Often the inflammation spreads to the cheek, causing swelling. During teething days, infants experience sleep problems, irritability, poor appetite, refusal to eat, and increased salivation. If an infectious process occurs in the gums, a rise in temperature may be observed, but normally this should not occur.

It is important to know that all these signs of teething are physiological and will not cause harm to the baby, except, perhaps, temporary discomfort. Most mothers know about the timing of teething and are calm about the swelling of the mucous membranes of the cheeks and gums of their babies.

So, what to do if your child’s cheek is swollen and very painful? First of all, you need to try to find out from the child whether he bit his cheek or whether there was any other damaging factor. If your child is too young to talk, it is best to leave the medical history to a professional and go straight to the pediatrician and then to the dentist. At dental diseases Self-medication is also not worth it, since untreated caries or abscess can lead to dire consequences, including the occurrence of odontogenic sepsis.

In simple cases, you can resort to medication or traditional methods. These methods will be given below.


Methods using medications:

  • First of all, you need to rinse. A solution with iodine and salt or the well-known Miramistin is very suitable for these purposes. These solutions have good antibacterial properties and are often enough to relieve swelling and inflammation. Chlorhexidine solution is also used, which can be bought at any pharmacy.
  • In advanced cases, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics based on the sensitivity of the pathogen to them. They also take into account how old the patient is, because antibiotics have many age-related contraindications. It should be remembered that in no case should you choose antibiotics on your own; they may not only not be beneficial, but also cause great harm to a young child’s body.
  • To treat stomatitis in children, you can use various healing ointments and pastes, which contain painkillers and antibacterial substances. It is best to purchase them on the recommendation of a pediatrician.
  • It is strictly forbidden to apply warm compresses to the sore spot. The reason is that this can contribute to the spread of the inflammatory process to healthy tissue.

Home methods

Is it possible to use traditional methods if the cheek is swollen? It is possible, but with great caution. Propolis tincture is considered a good, proven remedy. It relieves inflammation and is a good antiseptic. It is necessary to dissolve 5 drops of tincture in 200 ml of warm water and rinse your mouth. To achieve the best effect, rinsing is recommended 2-3 times a day.

Decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile or calendula, are also widely used. Like propolis, they help relieve inflammation and relieve pain in a swollen cheek. Regular rinses natural antiseptics allow you to quickly relieve all symptoms of the disease.

Prevention of oral inflammation

There is no specific prevention as such. In these cases, it is recommended to pay more attention to dental and oral hygiene, avoid chronic damage by correcting the bite, and undergo frequent dental checkups. Good results are achieved by a diet that limits sweets, which are known to be very harmful to teeth. Rinsing your mouth after meals can also have a positive effect.

Toothache is one of the most common and acute pains. If in the case of adults it is enough to use an anesthetic drug, then for children many medications are simply prohibited. Parents often have a question: “What to do if a child has a toothache and there is no way to see a specialist?” In this case they will help folk recipes and drugs that are approved for children from an early age. We'll talk about this in more detail in the article.

Oral examination

What about alcohol

What not to do

    Pull out a tooth yourself.

    Eat solid food.

Healthy baby teeth

    Clean them day and evening.

Every person has experienced toothache and almost everyone knows that sometimes it is simply impossible to endure. What to do if the disease overtakes a child? Obviously, it is best to see a dentist, but sometimes there is no opportunity to do this in the next few hours. Then parental experience will come to the rescue. The mother needs to understand the possible cause of the symptom and know how to provide first aid to the patient.

No one is immune from toothache, so every parent should know quick pain relief methods

Causes of toothache in children

Toothache is usually called any pain that radiates to the tooth, but in fact, discomfort is caused by many reasons. There are 4 main categories:

  • gum disease;
  • exposure or inflammation of the nerve;
  • pathology of the root part;
  • enamel lesions.

The last point is the most common cause of toothache in children. The fact is that enamel protects tooth tissue from external influence. Microbes that enter the body with food affect the enamel, destroying it. A cavity is formed - caries. On initial stage it rarely brings discomfort, but not timely treatment leads to the fact that the destroyed area increases.

Subsequently, the bone tissue is destroyed, and the microbes reach the root of the tooth. When it is damaged and the nerve is damaged, the patient experiences severe pain. This requires more serious treatment than filling.

Other reasons for appearance pain symptom relate:

  • periodontitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • cracks and chips of tooth enamel;
  • exposure of the neck of the tooth;
  • teething;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • pain after filling;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth.

How to relieve a child's suffering?

Acute pain occurs suddenly or worsens over a long period of time. You can’t do without a visit to the dentist, but any mother needs to know how to relieve pain aching tooth and provide first aid.

Before you start giving your child medications, it is necessary to understand the nature of the symptom. In children 1 and 2 years of age, milk teeth can be cut; in children 5-7 years old, we can talk about teething permanent teeth. Children are also susceptible to inflammation of the mucous membranes and otitis media. With such diseases, the pain radiates to the jaw.

First aid at home

When providing first aid at home, parents need to take into account the age of the child and his individual characteristics.

First, examine the baby’s oral cavity - perhaps the tooth hurts due to a mechanical injury, a stuck piece of food, or due to the teething process. If none of the above is identified, then use the following tips:

  1. Have the patient rinse their mouth with warm water. If inflammation of the gums is visible, then prepare it for rinsing. brine(for 1 glass of water there is 1 teaspoon of salt).
  2. Eliminate foods from the menu that may aggravate the condition. This includes spicy and sour foods, too cold, hot or hard foods.
  3. If you are sure that the pain is caused by caries, apply cotton wool with Novocaine to the affected area or give the baby painkillers according to age.

The tooth hurts very much

If a tooth hurts badly, you cannot do without painkillers. After rinsing and cleaning your teeth from food particles, find the location of the caries. Apply a cotton swab soaked in a solution of Lidocaine or Novocaine to the affected area. These drugs are sold ready-made in pharmacies. They act very quickly, but their effect is short-lived. It is better not to waste time and consult a doctor while the symptoms are relieving.

The pain appeared at night

Pain at night does not allow you to fully rest, which is why it is so important to relieve the symptom. If your tooth suddenly gets sick, prepare a saline solution and add a few drops of iodine to it. It is necessary for the child to rinse his mouth thoroughly with this mixture. After this, you can apply ¼ Analgin tablet to the sore tooth.

If the child is small and you are not sure that such an analgesic is harmless, use children's painkillers. From the first months of life, Ibuprofen and Paracetamol can be given. It is advisable to see a dentist in the morning. Remember that if night pain is accompanied by fever and fever, you must call an ambulance.

The tooth under the filling hurts

Tooth pain under a filling most often indicates an unsuccessful procedure. Perhaps an infection got into the open area or the doctor did not notice pulpitis, and now the exposed nerve is making itself felt. In any of these cases, you will have to visit the dentist soon. The doctor will check the condition of the tooth under the filling and prescribe treatment. You can alleviate the child’s condition with the help of folk remedies: rinsing with a decoction of chamomile or oak bark, using a saline solution.

Rinsing with decoctions of various herbs or saline solution effectively relieve toothache.

You can use garlic paste. To do this, mash a few cloves and apply the mixture to the wrist on the side opposite to the toothache. Bandage the paste and leave it for a while.

The baby is cutting a tooth

The first milk teeth appear at 5–7 months. Most often at this time the baby behaves restlessly and is often capricious. The symptoms of teething often resemble the first signs of a cold, so it is important for mom to be able to distinguish between them. The following symptoms indicate that the pain is caused by teething:

  • the gums are red and swollen;
  • there is a white stripe in the place of the potential tooth;
  • the child has profuse salivation;
  • During this period, infants chew on everything because their gums itch;
  • the child's sleep becomes more sensitive;
  • the child reacts painfully to hot food because the gums have become more sensitive.

Optional signs include diarrhea, mucus from the nose, fever, and ear pain. Relieve unpleasant symptoms with special gels. Among them:

  1. Holisal. Has an analgesic effect, relieves inflammation and swelling.
  2. Kalgel. The composition includes lidocaine, which cools the gums and reduces pain. The downside is the short-term action.
  3. Dentinox ointment quickly and effectively relieves pain. Instructions for use do not recommend the drug during breastfeeding.

All gels are best used when absolutely necessary, as lidocaine can cause allergic reactions. Please note that such products must be used several times a day.

Inflammation on the gum near the tooth

When gum inflammation occurs against the background of toothache, doctors most often suspect pulpitis. It occurs under a filling or where a tooth is exposed. Other causes are possible, but some of them are rare in children younger age. However, to possible factors relate:

  • gingivitis;
  • tartar in the subgingival area;
  • flux.

Relieve inflammation by rinsing with herbal decoctions. Use chamomile, oak bark, sage. It is necessary to rinse several times a day.

Remedies effective for toothache

All pain relievers are considered first aid measures, since the cause of toothache cannot be cured at home, and without professional treatment acute relapses will constantly recur. Medicines are divided according to the method of action and form of release: pain-relieving ointments and gels, homeopathic remedies, antipyretic and analgesic drugs, folk remedies.


We have already listed gels that alleviate the child’s condition when teething. It is worth noting that there are also homeopathic medicines in this category:

  • Traumeel C ointment relieves pain, relieves inflammation and itching.
  • Dantinorm Baby drops have a wider spectrum of action. The drug is created on the basis of an extract from natural herbs, therefore it is indicated for babies from birth. It has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components. The advantage of the drops is that they not only help relieve pain, but also treat other signs of teething: mucus in the nasopharynx, a slight increase in temperature, upset stool.

If a young child has a toothache and a fever, use an anti-inflammatory drug based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. The substances will lower the temperature, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. Popular medications include Nurofen, Panadol, Ibuprofen, Bofen. They are sold in the form of suspensions, suppositories, tablets (used for children over 6 months).

Dental drops are included in a separate category of medications. They act locally, soothing and anesthetizing a specific tooth. Often the drops are plant-based, so they are safe for children. Stomagol, Denta, Dentinox are used. Instructions for use will help you become familiar with age restrictions.


Unlike medical supplies, folk remedies have almost no side effects or contraindications, but when choosing them it is important to base their choice on the age of the child. Not all herbs are suitable for children under 3 years of age; alcohol tinctures are prohibited for children. Herbal decoctions are excellent for relieving pain after filling.

To relieve symptoms, use one of the following recipes:

  1. Decoction of lemon balm, chamomile or sage. For 1 glass of boiling water there are tbsp. l. dried flowers. A fresh decoction is made before each rinse, the procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day.
  2. At severe inflammation or swelling of the cheek, you can apply cold for a short time. You should be careful not to chill the dental nerve.
  3. Propolis tincture is sold in finished form. Dilute a little product in warm water and rinse the tooth several times a day.
  4. Oak bark will numb the tooth. Prepare the rinse in the same way as other herbs.
  5. Has an antiseptic effect soda solution. To prepare 1 tsp. dissolve soda in 200 ml of water. You can also add 1 tsp. salt.

For severe toothache, you can briefly apply a cold compress to your cheek. What should you not do?

While waiting to see a doctor, the most important thing is not to make the situation worse. You cannot do the following:

  • warm the sore spot;
  • feed the child spicy, hot, cold, solid foods;
  • Give your baby strong painkillers intended for adults.

Your task is to calm and distract the child. Give him first aid, distract him with educational games or cartoons. Do not create unnecessary emotional stress.

How to prevent the problem?

Acute pain indicates that you did not detect the problem in time. To prevent such emergency situations from occurring, it is necessary to follow preventive measures.

Among them:

  • an already one-year-old baby needs to be taught dental hygiene using a special children’s brush;
  • limit the amount of sweets - they harm not only your teeth, but the entire body;
  • do not buy modern chewing gum and various “toffees” for your children - they include many substances that destroy enamel;
  • limit the amount of seasonings and dyes in children's products;
  • after each meal, give your child plain water, ask older children to rinse their mouth;
  • choose toothpaste and a brush that is suitable for age - hard bristles can damage the enamel;
  • Periodically examine your child’s oral cavity and visit the dentist twice a year.

Following preventive measures will help to recognize the carious process in time and begin its treatment. At the initial stage, the problem will not cause difficulties. In advanced cases, the child is tormented sharp pain, and the treatment will be long.

  • Causes
  • Clinical picture
  • First aid
  • Treatment
  • Prevention

One of the most unpleasant moments is when a child has a toothache, and this can happen to him at any age. It is not always possible to immediately contact a dentist, and during this period of time parents have to somehow solve the problem themselves.

The most important thing is to relieve the pain before seeking professional medical help. And much here will depend on the factors that contribute to its appearance.


Many people mistakenly believe that a child’s tooth can hurt only because of caries. Some people know about pulpitis and gumboil. In fact, there can be a large number of reasons, because there are plenty of diseases of the oral cavity, gums and teeth in medicine. And all of them can become provoking factors:

  • pulpitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease - inflammation of the internal tissues of the tooth, causing very severe pain;
  • caries - slow destruction of hard tooth tissues, paroxysmal, It's a dull pain occurs under the influence of an irritant (cold, high temperatures);
  • periostitis (flux) - inflammation of the periosteum, the tooth hurts unbearably;
  • abscess - accumulation of pus in the tissues surrounding the tooth;
  • herpes stomatitis most often affects people between the ages of 6 and 17;
  • single ulcer on the oral mucosa due to trauma;
  • enamel erosion;
  • fistulas;
  • gingivitis - inflammation of the gums.

Sometimes a tooth hurts after filling, this may be due to other reasons:

  • soft tissue injuries during the treatment of caries or pulpitis - the pain goes away on its own within a few days, less often - weeks;
  • violation of filling technology: excessive light flow can destroy the pulp;
  • the body’s reaction to a filling material that will need to be replaced with another;
  • the filling was placed without proper treatment, the doctor could have made a mistake in the diagnosis;
  • formation of voids in the tooth cavity after filling;
  • rough opening, careless treatment of the cavity.

If a child complains that his tooth hurts, it is important to understand why. Even before visiting a doctor, parents need to examine their oral cavity. Some symptoms are so obvious that even a layman can make a diagnosis.

Origin of name. Medical term“gingivitis” comes from the Latin word “gingiva,” which translates to “gums.”

Clinical picture

It is necessary to observe what symptoms accompany toothache in order to understand exactly what happened and what treatment awaits the child.

  • Itching, skin rash indicate intolerance to the silver amalgam included in the filling;
  • the child’s cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt - this is how gingivitis, mumps, trauma, inflammation can manifest themselves facial nerve or salivary glands, sinusitis, lymphadenitis, diphtheria, allergies;
  • redness and swelling of the gums are signs of gingivitis;
  • temperature is a symptom of inflammation;
  • if a baby tooth hurts, in 90% of cases it turns out to be caries;
  • ulcers, white plaque on the gums and oral mucosa - stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • a baby tooth wobbles and hurts - a consequence of injury, since the natural process of baby teeth falling out should not be accompanied by pain;
  • a painful reaction to cold and sweet things goes away within a minute, there is no discomfort at night, brownish-yellow spots on the teeth are caries;
  • a prolonged (up to 10 minutes) reaction to cold, causeless pain, especially at night - this is pulpitis.

Do you want to understand why your child has a toothache? Carefully examine the place in the mouth that he is complaining about. This will allow you to identify the symptoms of the disease even before visiting a doctor and determine how you can help him in a given situation.

Medical educational program. Pulp is the name given to soft dental tissue. The term comes from the Latin word “pulpa,” which means “soft.”

First aid

Don’t know what to do if your child has a toothache, but there is no way to immediately go to the doctor? First aid in such situations is to relieve pain. It is impossible to cure complex and dangerous diseases of the oral cavity, gums and teeth at home. But it is quite possible to alleviate the condition of the sufferer. And this can be done with the help of medications, which should always be in the family medicine cabinet, or folk remedies.


Let's first look at how to numb a tooth at home using medications.

  • Paracetamol

The substance has an antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect that lasts for 6 hours. Begins to act within 20 minutes. Allowed from 3 months. Contained in suppositories or syrups: Tsefekon, Efferalgan, Panadol Baby (Panadol).

  • Ibuprofen

Contained in Nurofen suspension. Allowed from 3 months. It has a rapid analgesic and antipyretic effect. The effect occurs after 30 minutes and lasts 6-8 hours.

  • Nimesulide

This substance can be found in Nise tablets or Nimesil. Allowed from 2 years. Dosages depend on body weight. The effect becomes noticeable after 30 minutes. Valid for 12 hours.

  • Dental drops

For older children, dental drops are suitable - a complex medicinal preparation based on amphora, tincture of valerian, essential oil peppermint. They have a disinfectant, analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and soothing effect. You can buy the following drugs from this group in pharmacies: Denta, Xident, Dentaguttal, Fitodent, Eskadent, Dantinorm Baby, Stomagol, Dentinox.

Looking for something to give to a suffering child? All these medications allow you to quickly numb a tooth at home before going to the doctor. In this case, you need to carefully read the instructions for the medicine and strictly follow the age-specific dosages indicated in it. If your medicine cabinet is empty or you are not a fan of modern pharmacology, you can try folk remedies.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for toothache are not as effective as medications. But for the most part, they do not have any harmful effects on the child’s health. Moreover, most of them are used locally.

But with all these advantages, you need to take into account that they can cause an allergic reaction (honey, herbs) or burn the gums (garlic, alcohol tinctures). So the product must be tested and used in minimal doses.

  • Mouth rinse

Produced every 2-3 hours. Keep the solution in your mouth for no more than a minute. For this you can use:

Soda solution (0.5 teaspoon per glass of water);

Saline solution (teaspoon per glass of water);

Decoctions of medicinal herbs: sage, chamomile, lemon balm, St. John's wort, thyme, mint, blackberry, aspen or oak bark, chicory root, viburnum and raspberry leaves.

  • Acupuncture

For 5 minutes, massage the top of the ear from the side of the tooth that hurts.

  • Compresses

If a hole has formed, you can put a cotton wool soaked in:

Mint solution;

Clove oil;

Water tincture of propolis;


An aqueous solution of aspirin;

Garlic juice.

You can also put a piece of lard, a clove of garlic, or a tiny piece of aspirin in the hollow.

These are effective and, most importantly, safe folk remedies that help a child endure toothache before visiting a doctor. In addition, during this period of time, parents should adhere to the recommendations of pediatric dentists.

To prevent your tooth from hurting even more, you need to follow useful and simple tips.

  1. Food should be soft, semi-liquid.
  2. After eating, you need to rinse your mouth with warm water so that remaining food residues do not irritate the inflammatory focus.
  3. Nothing cold or hot should be consumed.
  4. It is not allowed to heat a tooth that hurts.
  5. Distract your child with games and cartoons.
  6. Make an appointment with your pediatric dentist as soon as possible.

Now you know how to help if your child has a severe toothache before visiting the clinic. There is a choice of means and methods, the main thing is not to delay it. An unforgivable mistake would be a frivolous attitude towards the current situation. Sometimes, after using one or another drug, the discomfort goes away, and parents decide to postpone the visit to the doctor. At this time, asymptomatic inflammation can become more extensive, and therefore dangerous. The result is often flux and surgery. However, each diagnosis will require appropriate treatment.

Note to parents. If a child has a toothache, he should not be given painkillers such as analgin or aspirin for oral use. They are contraindicated under 15 years of age.


Only pediatric dentist can deliver accurate diagnosis a child who has a toothache. In accordance with the disease, he will decide on the treatment method and prescribe subsequent auxiliary therapy.

  • Pulpitis

It is treated with arsenic, which kills the nerve. It is removed and a resorcinol-formalin mixture is placed in the tooth to prevent tissue decomposition. The canals are cleaned and only then a permanent filling is placed.

  • Periodontitis

The cavity is opened, the decayed tissue is removed, and a filling is performed. In advanced cases, treatment involves the use of a phenol-formalin mixture, enzymes, and antibiotics.

  • Periodontal disease

Physiotherapeutic procedures, pharmacological therapy, and dental treatment are expected. Gum massage, darsonvalization, and enhanced hygiene (systematic cleaning and rinsing of the mouth) are prescribed. Sanitation, relief of inflammatory processes, and professional cleaning of plaque and stone are carried out. They may prescribe immunomodulatory drugs and vitamin complexes. Consultations with an endocrinologist, pediatrician, or neurologist are often required.

  • Caries

To treat caries of primary teeth, in addition to traditional preparation, silver plating and remineralization are used. In modern clinics, therapy can be performed using a laser. Reduces to removing carious surfaces.

  • Periostitis

Requires surgical intervention: the tooth is removed, if necessary, the gums are opened and drained (i.e., freed from pus). After this, antibiotics may be prescribed.

  • Abscess

Treatment boils down to draining (opening) the abscess, destroying the infection, and preserving the tooth, if possible. After this, antibiotics are prescribed for a course of 5 days and mouth rinses. disinfectant solutions. Sometimes a tooth has to be removed. If the abscess was started and managed to go down to the neck, hospitalization and surgery are prescribed.

  • Stomatitis
  • Fistula

If the fistula is small, treatment involves cleaning the dental cavity from pus and filling it. But in most cases, the tooth is removed.

  • Gingivitis

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat gingivitis. Mouth rinses are recommended.

If a child begins to complain that his tooth hurts, you cannot put off visiting a doctor. This can be costly, resulting in complications and unpleasant consequences for overall health. And to avoid such problems, children with early childhood You need to be taught to properly care for your oral cavity.

Did you know that... green tea, according to dentists, is it useful to use as a disinfectant for the oral cavity? Rinsing with it suppresses streptococcal infections, strengthens gums and prevents caries and periodontal disease in children and adults.


In order for children to have toothache as little as possible, it is necessary to engage in prevention from the very beginning. early years. These simple rules are known to everyone, but not all parents pay enough attention to them.

  1. Brush your teeth thoroughly every morning and evening.
  2. Use only age-appropriate children's toothpastes.
  3. Choose the right toothbrush.
  4. Rinse your mouth with warm water every time after eating.
  5. Limit your consumption of sweets.
  6. Get checked by a dentist twice a year.
  7. Self-examination of the oral cavity by parents every 2 weeks.

Children often have toothache due to their love of sweets and reluctance to brush their teeth. But if from an early age parents teach them about oral hygiene and proper nutrition, dental examination will be of a preventive nature only and will not scare anyone.

We carefully examine your mouth and find out the cause.

For better visibility, take a flashlight. Often toothache is triggered by the presence of a foreign body in the body. If this is confirmed, take a pair of handy tweezers and carefully remove the object from the gum or tooth. Try using dental floss. If you understand that you cannot cope with the task, be sure to go to the doctor. With your wrong actions you can seriously harm and make things even worse.

Perhaps your baby is teething. Little children cannot tell what hurts them. They cry a lot and rub the sore area. How to relieve symptoms? In this case, a toothache remedy for children in the form of a gel with lidocaine will help you. Be sure to visit a pediatrician to rule out individual intolerance to the substance and avoid a sharp deterioration of the condition.

True tooth pain can indicate a variety of problems. A child may have caries, pulpitis, enamel cracks, etc. Soreness can be of different types, nagging, intense, dull, provoked by cold or hot food, sweets. Swelling and hemorrhage may make themselves felt. Sometimes increases The lymph nodes located above the collarbones, body temperature rises. Toothache radiates to the ears and temples.

If you have not taken care of the condition of your child's teeth in advance, he will suffer from unpleasant symptoms until medical attention is provided.

How to relieve toothache in a child

What to do if a child has a toothache, how to numb the pain so that he calms down when it is not possible to immediately visit the dentist?

  1. What can you give your child? Initially, suggest that he rinse his mouth with a solution of warm soda or salt. Let your baby hold the water in his mouth for at least one minute. The procedure is repeated every two hours. Sometimes this is enough to relieve toothache. The manipulation is effective for inflammation of the gums and cracked enamel.
  2. Do acupressure of the ears. Massage the upper part of the ear thoroughly for five minutes.
  3. If the pain is caused by a hole, insert a tampon with mint oil or propolis into it. You must be sure that the child is not allergic to the substance. Do not use aspirin or other analgesics under any circumstances. This will help children with toothache, but may disrupt the functioning of other organs. Please note that the drug instructions prohibit giving these medications to children under 12 years of age.
  4. If a 3-4 year old child has a toothache, then at that age it is allowed to give paracetamol and panadol.
  5. Try not to provoke pain: give your baby only soft food and water room temperature. There is no need to warm up. The procedure increases inflammation, and therefore pain.
  6. Try to cheer up your child, distract him, turn on your favorite cartoon, play a game. Go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Home preventive measures

Examine your baby's mouth every month. At the first symptoms of enamel damage, be sure to consult a doctor. Get regular preventative checkups. When your child's first teeth erupt, you need to see a doctor. The dentist will analyze the condition of the oral cavity and identify the presence of features that increase the risk of caries.

Watch how your child eats. If he chews on one side, he is most likely experiencing toothache on the other side.

To help your baby take care of his oral hygiene, buy him baby toothpaste and a brush. It is best to consult a doctor.

Many children grind their teeth in their sleep. In the process of such creaking, the enamel is damaged and the likelihood of caries increases. To prevent this, visit a specialist. He will make mouth guards for your child to prevent tooth enamel from being worn away.

Sometimes the pain goes away on its own within two to three days. This alarm signal that the disease has progressed to chronic stage. A regular source of infection appeared in the baby's oral cavity. This insidious disease will make itself felt with the most unpleasant and unexpected painful sensations. Don't let the disease take its course. All of the above actions should be used only as a quick first aid and should not be used to treat the underlying pathology.

Correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment Only a doctor can help your child. When you prescribe medications for toothache yourself, you will be responsible for the consequences.


Many people believe that pain in the tooth occurs due to carious lesions. Also, some may attribute unpleasant feelings to pulpitis and gumboil, but in fact there can be many more reasons for the appearance of pain.

Attention! In the dental field, there are a large number of diseases of the gums and teeth, which often become provoking factors for the appearance of pain in the teeth.

The causes of tooth pain include the following factors:

This disease is accompanied by paroxysmal, aching pain; it can manifest itself under the influence of irritating factors - cold, high temperatures:

Sometimes pain in the tooth can occur after filling. In these cases, pain can be caused by completely different reasons:

Sometimes the pain appears suddenly, but often the pain usually appears gradually over a period of time. If appropriate assistance and timely dental treatment are not provided in a timely manner, severe complications with increased pain may ultimately occur. Therefore, you should not neglect the problem; even adult patients cannot withstand severe pain in their teeth, so is it worth talking about small children.

General clinical picture

If you experience pain in a tooth, you should carefully monitor the symptoms that accompany this process. The nature of these signs will help to identify the exact provoking cause of the pain and in the future it will be possible to carry out effective treatment.
What may be the symptoms of tooth pain in children:

If you want to understand why a child has a toothache, then you should carefully study all the symptoms and signs that accompany discomfort. It is also worth carefully examining the site of the diseased tooth. This will help determine why the child has a toothache and provide first aid before the doctor arrives.

First aid

First of all, if a child has toothaches, he should be taken to see a dentist. However, it often happens that it is not possible to immediately carry out dental treatment - at night, the pain appeared in kindergarten, when parents are at work.
In these cases, you can reduce pain using the following means:

It is also worth noting a few important nuances:

Use of medications for toothache in children

Important! If a child has tooth pain, these unpleasant sensations can be eliminated with the help of medications. The main thing is to use drugs specifically designed for small children that do not have a harmful effect on the growing body.

You can quickly relieve toothache in children using the following medications:

The use of folk remedies for toothache in children

It often happens that there are no painkillers for children at home, and the pain may appear suddenly. In these situations, you can use folk remedies that can reduce discomfort in the tooth.
Types of folk remedies to reduce tooth pain:

What not to do

During pain relief, many inexperienced parents may unknowingly use various methods that can aggravate the situation and cause complications. Many doctors argue that improper use of home pain relievers can only worsen the child’s condition.
Therefore, it is worth remembering what you should not do when relieving toothache in children:

Preventive measures

In order for children to experience toothaches as rarely as possible, it is worth following certain preventive measures from a very early age. Be sure to adhere to the following important recommendations:

If you follow all the recommendations for prevention, you can maintain the health of baby teeth until the period of their natural loss. Typically, children experience tooth pain due to increased consumption of sweets, so it is worth monitoring how much sweets your child eats; it is advisable to reduce the amount of these products in his diet, or better yet, completely eliminate them. If pain cannot be avoided, then you should immediately consult a dentist; the doctor will be able to accurately determine the causes of toothache in the child and carry out the necessary treatment.

How many teeth do 4 year old children have?

Baby teeth require attention and care. The fact is that their enamel is permeable and much thinner than that of permanent ones. The pulp of a baby tooth occupies most of the volume of the tooth. For this reason, the first teeth are more susceptible to caries, while carious cavities reach the pulp much faster. In an adult, before pulpitis (the onset of inflammation of the pulp), caries develops for several years. To bring children's teeth to pulpitis, six months is enough. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the child has a metabolic disorder or does not receive adequate nutrition. This is where caring for baby teeth comes to the fore.

How many teeth do 4 year old children have? Almost all children by the age of 4 have 20 baby teeth - this is a complete set. There can only be 16 primary teeth; this individual characteristic of the body is the norm.

Why does a 4 year old child have toothache?

At this age, the child cannot yet accurately determine what hurts him.

In fact, your throat or ear may also hurt. First, you should make sure that it is your teeth that hurt. Toothache usually occurs during eating, suddenly, when something hot, cold or sweet comes into contact with a sore tooth. If a child's teeth hurt while eating, the cause is most likely caries. With the development of caries, the enamel and hard tissues of the tooth (dentin) are damaged. In children under four years of age, these tissues are still very soft, since the process of mineralization and tooth formation is not yet complete. Toothache that occurs spontaneously and does not go away for hours can be caused by pulpitis, that is, destruction of the soft tissues of the tooth.

My child has toothache, what should I do?

You need to know that all the remedies given below help relieve pain temporarily. It is imperative to see a dentist as soon as possible. Otherwise, the pain will remind you of itself again at the most inopportune moment.

  • "Ibufen." This drug is useful to have in a children's first aid kit; it copes well with pain and fever. If a 4-year-old child has toothache, you can give paracetamol in accordance with the age-appropriate dosage.
  • Rinse with baking soda. Warm rinsing will soothe toothache. You need to dilute a teaspoon of soda in a glass of boiled, warm water, and rinse the child’s mouth at intervals of 15 minutes.
  • Herbal rinse. For rinsing, you can use an infusion of mint, sage or St. John's wort. The infusion should be warm. When rinsing, it is recommended to hold the solution on the side of the diseased tooth.
  • Folk remedies can be used to treat teeth in children aged 4 years. Between the gum and cheek, on the side of the diseased tooth, you should put a piece of lard or a clove of garlic. You should not put anything into the “hollow” yourself. This may cause harm. A piece of propolis, for example, can cause an allergic reaction.


Even completely depriving your baby of sweets cannot guarantee the absence of dental problems. However, sweets in a child’s diet should still be kept to a minimum. It is also worth limiting the consumption of foods that are too cold or too hot. The fact is that they can provoke the formation of microcracks in the tooth enamel, which in turn can develop into caries.

The diet should include sufficient quantity minerals and vitamins, fruits and vegetables: they strengthen gum tissue and clean teeth.

It is important to accustom your child to a toothbrush as soon as the first teeth appear. You can instill a child’s love for daily hygiene in game form, using different children's models.

Even if nothing bothers your child, do not forget to visit the dentist regularly for preventive purposes. Such visits will help identify caries at the very beginning of the disease. It is much easier to solve dental problems at an early stage.

By following basic preventative measures, you will save yourself from unnecessary worries, and your child will not have toothache.

Why can your baby have toothache?

You can often hear parents say that there is no need for their children to visit the dentist while they still have baby teeth in their mouths. This axiom is not true at all. The fact is that the health of the primary teeth will depend on the condition of the temporary teeth. Therefore, you need to take care of them from childhood.

“Can a child’s baby tooth hurt?” Dentists give a positive answer to this question. The process of enamel destruction occurs very quickly. In 2 weeks you can lose a tooth completely. An unpleasant situation arises with the discovery of caries. In this case, doctors resort to emergency procedures: silvering and fluoridation.

If the process is very advanced, the enamel has to be drilled. For a child, this process can result in enormous stress. At the age of 4-5 years, dentists suggest doing the procedure under general anesthesia. There are many negative aspects, among them is a huge burden on the baby’s body. Many children have difficulty recovering from anesthesia. To avoid such situations, you need to consult a doctor on time and take care of your teeth.

Oral examination

If a child has a toothache, you need to first of all figure out the cause. To do this, examine the baby's oral cavity. Children cannot always accurately determine the location of pain. But the reason may not even be in the tooth, but in the gum affected by stomatitis. For children under 5 years of age, this diagnosis is very common. The crumbs “pull” everything into the mouth, no wonder it’s easy to spread an infection or bacteria.

If, however, the cause is in the tooth, you need to act in the following way:

    Carefully examine the source of pain. If there is noticeable darkening on the enamel, and there is swelling nearby on the gum, the situation can be quite serious. In this case, you cannot warm up the cheek. Not excluded purulent abscess and nerve inflammation. The best solution would be to rinse and see a doctor as soon as possible.

    If a hole is noticed in the tooth, but the gum remains unchanged, the pain may be caused by food stuck in the affected area. In this case, it would be appropriate to clean the mouth and rinse.

    Very often a child’s baby tooth hurts while it is being replaced with a permanent one. And here the task of parents is to facilitate the process, not to give the baby solid food, to exclude sweets from the diet. Under no circumstances should you pull out teeth yourself using thread or other improvised means. In this way, you may not only not help the child, but also harm.

Doctors advise that at the first signs of discomfort and pain in the oral cavity in children, contact the dental office.

Relieving the condition with herbs

If a child has a toothache, it is necessary to relieve the condition with the help of herbs, which should be in the mother’s medicine cabinet. Among them are:

    Sage. The herb should be brewed with water. The proportions are as follows: 1 tablespoon of plant per 1 glass of water. In this case, you cannot use tap water; it must be boiled. The broth is poured into a metal container, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 5-7 minutes. After this it is left to cool. Next you should strain. It is necessary to rinse the mouth with a decoction at room temperature.

    Plantain. In this particular case, it is its root that is used, not the leaves. The spine is placed in auricle on the side on which the tooth hurts. And leave it for an hour. After this, it is carefully removed. This method should be used very carefully so as not to damage the baby’s eardrum.

    Oregano. Prepare a decoction based on the proportions of 1:10. It will be enough to bring the water to a boil and pour it over the grass. Leave to infuse for 1-2 hours. Afterwards, rinse your mouth with this decoction.

    Propolis. Known to everyone for its analgesic effect. It should be used with caution by allergy sufferers, as it can cause a severe reaction, including Quincke's edema.

Many parents are interested in: “The child’s baby tooth hurts, what should I do?” First of all, you need to pull yourself together and assess the situation. If the baby’s cheek is not swollen, there is no fever, the general condition is normal, you can calmly wait until the morning and not immediately go to the doctor. To alleviate the situation, experts recommend using herbal or soda rinses.

Can medications be used?

A fairly popular question is: “A child has a toothache, what should I give?” If a mother has painkillers in her medicine cabinet that are approved for children, they can certainly be used. Will alleviate the condition:

    Nurofen or any other ibuprofen-based drug. It will quickly relieve pain for 5-7 hours.

    "Paracetomol." The effect is the same as that of drugs containing ibuprofen.

    Viburkol candles. Excellent for helping to cope with toothache. Relief occurs within 5-10 minutes.

    Special ointments for gums. For example, Dentokids. They are usually used for children who are teething. But even in adulthood they will be indispensable in the first aid kit. They “freeze” the sore spot. Thereby dulling the pain. Their only drawback is short action the obtained effect (no more than 1 hour).

Whether or not to use this or that remedy should be decided individually by the attending physician.

What about alcohol

You can often come across the question on forums: “A child has a toothache, how can I relieve the pain?” The answers are sometimes baffling. Many people advise rinsing your mouth with vodka or alcohol. Like, the pain will subside and the germs will go away. This advice is stupid and has nothing to do with medicine. Remember, children and alcohol are incompatible concepts. The baby may accidentally swallow alcohol and burn his mouth; this will only worsen the situation and lead to alcohol poisoning.

It's better to take advantage people's councils and methods. For example, the use of garlic, salt and onions. All these ingredients are ground until a paste is formed. After this, carefully apply it to the diseased tooth and press it with a cotton swab. Relief occurs within 20-30 minutes.

Remember, after alcohol enters the baby’s mouth, some of it enters the bloodstream. And this is very dangerous for children.

What not to do

    Warm your cheek. This can provoke purulent flux.

    Rinse your mouth with alcohol. Risks severe burns and poisoning.

    Use by adults medicines(paracetamol, aspirin, analgin and others). They are only permissible from 12 years of age.

    Pull out a tooth yourself.

    Eat solid food.

The best way to relieve pain is to see a doctor immediately.

If your child complains of toothache, use the following tips:

    Contact your dentist as soon as possible.

    Monitor your baby's food intake. No solid food should be present. All dishes must be served at room temperature. Hot and cold can provoke new pain if the integrity of the tooth or enamel is damaged.

    Eliminate from food: salt, pepper, sugar. Desserts are prohibited.

    While the child's mouth is covered, the jaws are in a relaxed state. In this position, the pain decreases and is relieved high blood pressure from the tooth.

Remember, even after procedures or medications, the pain does not go away instantly. Therefore, it is worth distracting your baby with games or an interesting cartoon.

Healthy baby teeth

To avoid seeking help from a doctor from early childhood, you need to properly care for your teeth. For this:

    Clean them day and evening.

    Go to the dentist every six months for a check-up.

    After eating, rinse your mouth.

    Once your child is older, start using dental floss.

In this case, the teeth will be healthy and strong.

How to make going to the dentist easier

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to get by in life without doctors. Children get sick, but specialists can help. Sooner or later the child will have to go to the dentist. For many kids this becomes real stress. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to explain to the child from childhood that the doctor is not an enemy, he is ready to help in any case. Hard time. Children should never be intimidated by doctors. This is a big mistake many parents make.

Many people ask: “What to do if a child has a toothache?” First of all, you need to examine the oral cavity. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, but if it is not possible to get to him, you can alleviate the baby’s suffering by rinsing the mouth with herbs and using approved medications. Remember, there is no need to self-medicate, this will only make the situation worse.

Why is my child's cheek swollen? This is possible if there is an inflammatory process in the body; in this case, actions must be urgent. Swelling can be caused by a purulent sac in the tooth cavity, a disease respiratory tract, allergies, insect bites. In all these situations, self-medication is absolutely unacceptable. As soon as it becomes noticeable that the child’s cheek is swollen, you should immediately go to the nearest medical institution and consult a specialist.


This is an infectious disease that affects salivary glands and nervous system. The disease is highly contagious and occurs most often in children of all age groups. After suffering an illness, the child develops a strong immunity that remains for life.

The mumps virus enters the body by airborne droplets, it is carried throughout the body by the bloodstream and penetrates the salivary glands. There it multiplies and is excreted in saliva. If the disease is not treated in time, the virus will spread to other glands, for example, to the pancreas, breast, ovaries, etc. The disease begins with a high temperature, symptoms of the intoxication process immediately appear, children complain of pain when chewing behind the ears. Already on the second day, the salivary gland swells, but the color of the skin remains natural. The process usually begins on one side, but after a few days the second gland swells.

Mumps can be treated at home, but if the form is very severe, for example, when other glands of the body are involved in the process, the child is hospitalized. At simple forms diseases at home, mumps can be eliminated with anti-inflammatory drugs. There is no specific medication directed against the causative agent of the pathology, so therapy is mainly aimed at relieving symptoms.

One of the conditions for treatment is diet - nutrition should be gentle, preference should be given to boiled and stews. Sweets, smoked meats, pickles, drinks with dyes are locked. If the child has a high temperature, give Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

Acute pulpitis

Pulpitis is a lesion of the nervous tissue of the tooth, which is caused by caries in an advanced stage. The child has a severe toothache, the gums and cheek are swollen, the tissues of the bone element are severely destroyed, from the mouth bad smell rotten. Symptoms can vary in intensity, but when the first signs appear, you should take your child to the dentist. The doctor will either remove the tooth or clean it root canals and seals the cavity.

Odontogenic periostitis

Flux is an inflammatory process in the periosteum, in which a purulent abscess forms on the gum at the root of the tooth. Through the carious cavity, bacteria penetrate into this area and provoke there pathological changes. In this case, the cheek becomes very swollen, the temperature rises to 37°C, the tooth hurts, the child is lethargic and weak, and swelling is visible on the gum. It is necessary to urgently contact a dentist, otherwise the flux will open and a fistula will form through which necrotic masses will flow out.

Gum diseases

This may be gingivitis, periodontal disease or periodontitis. With the first pathology, the edge of the gum is affected; the mucous membrane hurts and bleeds due to mechanical irritation. If the disease progresses greatly, the inflammatory process penetrates deeper, resulting in swelling of the soft facial tissues.

Periodontitis and periodontal disease affect the areas around the teeth. This causes swelling and detachment of the gum from the bone element. If the disease continues to develop, then the teeth become loose, pus appears, if the process continues, then suppuration of the jaw bone is possible - osteomyelitis.

After tooth treatment

Children may have a swollen cheek after dental treatment. This can happen if:

  • tissue damage occurred: the doctor accidentally injured the mucous membrane with instruments;
  • an infection was introduced - the rules of asepsis were not followed and bacteria entered the oral cavity, which caused an inflammatory process.
  • The child developed an allergy to anesthesia.

However, if a child had a tooth removed and slight swelling occurred, this is considered normal. Only a doctor can determine the exact reason why a child’s cheek is swollen after dental treatment. In order to find out, it is necessary to take an x-ray. Inflammatory processes are treated with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, but if it is an allergic reaction, then it is necessary to give the child an antihistamine.

With the onset of summer, insect bites become a common reason for visiting doctors. Children are most susceptible to damage. The cheek may become swollen if the child was bitten by a wasp, bee or bumblebee.

After an attack by a stinging insect, it is necessary to remove the sting from the wound. This must be done very carefully so as not to break it, otherwise part of the sting will remain in the skin and cause additional inflammation and suppuration. Then it is necessary to neutralize the poison; for this, the wound can be treated very weak solution vinegar. The bite site must be disinfected with an antiseptic, then apply ice or a towel soaked in cold water.

Swelling and itching can vary in intensity. To reduce the risk of severe swelling, you need to give your child Suprastin, Diazolin or another antihistamine.

Traditional recipes help well in these cases. For example, you can apply a compress of vinegar solution, lemon juice or onion juice:

  1. Every 15 minutes, apply a solution of soda - 1 tsp - to the bite site. for 1 glass of water.
  2. Menthol paste relieves itching well; apply it to the bite site every half hour.
  3. The wound can be treated with brilliant green.
  4. Tincture of calendula, propolis, sour cream, oil tea tree, clove oil, alcohol, cologne, Corvalol - all this can be used to wipe the wound to relieve itching and pain.
  5. If possible, pick a leaf of dandelion, bird cherry, eucalyptus, mint, calendula or plantain, rinse it well and rub until the juice comes out. Then apply to the bite site.

You should contact your doctor immediately if:

  • the swelling does not go away, but increases;
  • the temperature has risen;
  • increased heart rate;
  • lethargy and lethargy appeared;
  • swollen airways, lips, or tongue;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • nausea and vomiting appeared;
  • cold, sticky sweat appeared;
  • the child lost consciousness.

Allergic reactions

An allergy is the body's response to a substance coming from environment, which is perceived as harmful. An allergic reaction can be expressed in different ways - lacrimation, cough, runny nose, redness of the skin, and swelling can also occur.

Allergies can develop to dust, animal hair and saliva, plant pollen, insect poisons, food, etc. The most severe type of allergic reaction is considered to be Quincke's edema. Its danger is that the child may experience asphyxia. If your baby suddenly has swelling of his cheek, lips, tongue, tonsils, while it is difficult for him to breathe, he must immediately call an ambulance - this is an extremely dangerous condition. After this, it is necessary to remove the allergen (if known).

If the allergic reaction is caused by an insect bite, then you need to apply a pressure bandage above the affected area. The same should be done if the swelling is caused by the injection of some drug under the skin. It is necessary to unbutton the child’s clothes to make it easier for him to breathe and provide a flow of fresh air.

Even if parents know that the swelling was caused by some product, under no circumstances should the stomach be rinsed, otherwise vomit may enter the lungs. You need to dissolve 3-5 tablets in a glass of water activated carbon and give the patient a drink. For less dangerous allergic reactions, it is necessary to stop the child’s contact with the irritant and give him an antihistamine, for example Suprastin.

Caries in a child

Caries is a well-known dental disease that is accompanied by tooth decay. It develops as a result of poor oral hygiene, abuse of sweets, as well as indigestion. If your child has gastritis, liver problems or a predisposition to other diseases gastrointestinal tract, then his saliva will contain increased content acid, which also contributes to the formation of carious cavities.

If the disease remains untreated for a long time, the tooth cavity can completely rot, thereby providing an excellent testing ground for pathological flora.

Bacteria that reproduce in carious cavities, provoke an inflammatory process, which results in the formation purulent sac. Swelling of the cheek in a child is accompanied by toothache, which can radiate to the ear, fever, general intoxication and weakness.

You should not give your child rinsing solutions - until the carious tooth is removed, the outflow of pus is impossible. In this case, it is also useless to relieve pain; analgesics do not work well during a purulent process. Therefore, do not waste time on useless procedures that can cause complications, but contact your dentist immediately.

Almost all parents face this problem in one way or another - their beloved baby’s cheek is swollen and red. What could this be and what should I do? Should I call a doctor or try to relieve the pain on my own? In this article you can read about the possible causes of this symptom, as well as learn about methods of treating it.

Symptoms of swelling of the cheek on the inside

Almost always, the inside of the cheek swells due to some inflammatory processes that have arisen on the mucous membrane. These processes are facilitated by a large number of microflora living in the oral cavity.

Visually the cheek looks like this:

  • the mucous membrane is swollen, there may be a visible defect;
  • the vessels are hyperemic (full-blooded);
  • plaque is often visible;
  • The outside of the cheek is swollen, it hurts if you touch it.

Possible causes of inflammation

There are many reasons that can provoke inflammation of the oral mucosa, which is abundantly colonized by microflora, both beneficial and pathogenic (causing inflammatory diseases). Also, soreness of the cheek is caused by mechanical damage caused by teething or any injury. These causes of inflammation will be discussed in more detail below.

Diseases of teeth and gums

Inflammation of the gums – gingivitis – causes swelling of the cheek and pain in this area. Gingivitis affects the gums in isolation, without affecting the periodontal junction. The prerequisites for the occurrence of gingivitis may be improperly performed dental procedures, the accumulation of microbial plaque on the teeth, poor oral hygiene and insufficient dental care in general (we recommend reading:). Most often, gingivitis is caused by streptococci, which are normally part of the microflora, less often by viruses or fungal infections (candidiasis).

Gingivitis often occurs in children, patients with diabetes, people lacking vitamin C. The disease also affects those who do not treat caries for a long time and people with immunodeficiency. Acute gingivitis manifests itself in the form of swelling and redness of the gums, cheeks, and bleeding. If gingivitis is left without proper attention, it can spread to the periodontal junction and periodontitis will occur.

Dental diseases can also cause cheek swelling. A striking example would be periostitis (pictured) - inflammation of the periosteum (outdated name - gumboil). The disease is accompanied by severe pain, swelling of the gums and cheeks, fever and the formation of a purulent abscess. Most often, periostitis is a complication of pulpitis or periodontitis. Periostitis is caused in most cases by the same streptococcal flora of the oral cavity.

Caries, pulpitis and periodontitis also lead to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. The reasons for the occurrence of caries first, and then two other diseases, are damage to dentin and the penetration of the same flora that inhabits the oral cavity. A striking manifestation of all these diseases is an increase in the size of the gums and cheeks.

Infection and fungal infection

It is worth mentioning the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the oral mucosa in children. In childhood, the oral mucosa is much thinner than in an adult, so it is more susceptible to various damages. Also, due to age characteristics, children have a less developed immune system and the mucous membrane contains less lysozyme, a protein that has bactericidal properties. These factors can lead to colonization of the mucous membrane by fungi of the genus Candida and the occurrence of candidiasis (thrush).

Children often experience stomatitis - inflammation of the oral mucosa, leading to the formation of ulcerative defects on it. Stomatitis is most often caused by the herpes simplex virus. Moreover, the older the child, the lower the likelihood of infection of the oral cavity with the herpes virus due to the formation of immunity to it. It should be mentioned that stomatitis can also be caused by Candida fungi and due to allergic reactions.

It is possible that the cheek may become enlarged due to mumps, or, as it is popularly called, mumps. In this case, the swelling will spread to the ear and reach the submandibular lymph nodes. This disease can be very severe and requires consultation with a pediatrician.

Inflammation that occurs after tooth extraction

Many mothers note that after dental treatment, their beloved child’s cheek is swollen and hurts (we recommend reading:). Tooth extraction often leads to complications, which manifest themselves in the form of alveolitis (inflammation of the socket of the extracted tooth), bleeding and hematoma, cysts and even gumboil. All these complications can lead to swelling of the gums and cheeks, swelling and pain, from minor to high-intensity pain that accompanies gumboil (purulent abscess) and alveolitis.

Patients note enlarged lymph nodes, enlarged cheeks on the injured side, pain when swallowing, and increased temperature. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to serious consequences, including hospitalization in the department of maxillofacial surgery.

Consequences of injury

Injuries to the cheek or oral mucosa are divided into acute and chronic:

  • Acute injuries occur after strong biting of the cheek or its damage with sharp instruments during dental procedures. Such an injury manifests itself in the form of a hematoma, which leads to a visual increase in the size of the cheek, the appearance of pain and a defect in the mucous membrane at the site of injury. This type of injury can either go away on its own or lead to the development of an ulcer due to infection of the wound.
  • Chronic injuries include permanent mechanical damage to the mucous membrane due to malocclusion, sharp edges of teeth, and the presence of removable and bridge dentures. Excessively spicy and hot foods also lead to damage to the gums and mucous membranes, where inflammatory processes subsequently occur.


Teething is one of the most common causes of cheek swelling in infants. Typically, signs of teething occur 3-5 days before teething occurs.

The gum, which is located at the site of the future tooth, becomes swollen, turns red, increases in size, and a small bump or bump may even appear in this place. Often the inflammation spreads to the cheek, causing swelling (we recommend reading:). During teething days, infants experience sleep problems, irritability, poor appetite, refusal to eat, and increased salivation. If an infectious process occurs in the gums, a rise in temperature may be observed, but normally this should not occur.

It is important to know that all these signs of teething are physiological and will not cause harm to the baby, except, perhaps, temporary discomfort. Most mothers know about the timing of teething and are calm about the swelling of the mucous membranes of the cheeks and gums of their babies.


So, what to do if your child’s cheek is swollen and very painful? First of all, you need to try to find out from the child whether he bit his cheek or whether there was any other damaging factor. If your child is too young to talk, it is best to leave the medical history to a professional and go straight to the pediatrician and then to the dentist. For dental diseases, self-medication is also not worth it, since untreated caries or an abscess can lead to dire consequences, including the occurrence of odontogenic sepsis.

If a child has a swollen cheek, this is a sign of an inflammatory process in the body.

A swollen cheek in a child may appear due to diseases of the respiratory tract or diseases of the oral cavity, or due to insect bites. It is not recommended to self-medicate. At the first sign, you must visit a medical facility for consultation and further treatment.

Why is my child's cheek swollen?

First and enough common reason swollen gums or cheeks - inflammation of the lymph nodes in the face and neck. This happens when there is a cold or when an infection gets into the child’s mouth, gums or body. When teething in young children, you can observe the following picture: the child’s cheek is swollen.


Mumps - infectious viral disease, which most often affects children. People also call it mumps in another way - due to swelling in the area of ​​the parotid salivary gland. Mumps is characterized by high fever, swelling in the cheeks, and impaired general condition child (diarrhea, vomiting, nausea).

In boys, the disease is more severe, and sometimes with complications. Treatment consists of bed rest, taking antiviral drugs, antipyretics, and following a gentle diet.


Untreated teeth can be another reason when a child has a swollen cheek. For example, periodontin can cause swelling not only of the cheeks, but also of the gums and even lips. In this case, the first thing you need to do is cure all the teeth and put the oral cavity in order.

Insect bites

Camping can be another one of those causes of swollen cheeks. An allergic reaction may occur due to an insect bite, causing the cheek to swell. In this case, you should not guess why the child’s cheek is swollen, and do something on your own without harming him, but immediately contact the clinic for qualified medical care.

Cheek swelling due to injury

Another cause of swelling may be a cheek injury. If the integrity of the tooth has been compromised and the chip has injured the cheek from the inside, it is necessary to make a roller of sterile cotton wool and place it between the tooth and the cheek. Then go to the dentist. The doctor will polish the chipped area and put a filling, if necessary.

A cheek injury can be caused by more than just a piece of a chipped tooth. The cause of swelling may be insect bites, as well as injuries caused by blunt objects. In these cases, compresses (cold and hot) and special ointments, which can be found in any pharmacy, will help relieve swelling. Suprastin, an antihistamine, helps well against insect bites.

The cause of swelling is the lymph nodes

Often mothers ask the question “The child’s cheek is swollen, what should I do? The tooth doesn't hurt and obvious signs There are no traces of dental problems."

Indeed, the reasons for the formation of a tumor on the cheek are not always problems with the teeth and oral cavity. Inflammation of the lymph nodes and upper respiratory tract may be accompanied by swelling of the cheek. It is possible that your cheek is swollen, and an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever such as Ibuprofen can help relieve the swelling.

First aid

It is not always possible to get qualified help in a short time. Therefore, everyone should know how to provide first aid if necessary.

The most effective way, used at home, is a mouth rinse. For these purposes, you can use a decoction of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties, for example, sage or chamomile. Regular rinsing with a decoction of herbs will help relieve swelling. Propolis tincture will be no less effective in combating the inflammatory process.

  1. Use herbs to rinse. Mix crushed oak bark, with chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow and sage. To prepare the decoction, for a half-liter jar of boiling water, take 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs. After boiling, cook for 3-5 minutes and strain the broth. The product is ready for use.
  2. Rinse with chamomile solution. Steam two tablespoons of flowers with a glass of boiling water, wrap and let the solution brew for 20 minutes. Rinse your mouth every 15-30 minutes.
  3. Can be used at home, antiseptic drugs : Stomatidin, Mevalex and Givalex. Dilute the drug with warm water and rinse your mouth every 4 hours.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to heat the tumor. This can aggravate the patient's condition and cause the development of an abscess.
  5. Painkillers if the tumor is accompanied by pain. The analgesics Solpadeine and Ketanov help well, but the latter has certain contraindications. Ketanov has a strong effect and can relieve any pain.
  6. Antipyretic drugs are used for fever. Ibuprofen and paracetamol are good at reducing fever and are analgesics that will help relieve pain.

How to deal with swelling

The most common cause of cheek swelling is diseases of the oral cavity and teeth. The question arises: “If your tooth hurts, your cheek is swollen, what should you do?”

In any case, if your cheek is swollen, you should immediately seek qualified help. You should not delay your visit to a specialist, as the cause of the tumor can be very serious.

If an abscess has formed that causes swelling, it is necessary for the doctor to open it and install drainage to drain the pus. After removing the pus, the dentist will prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. If an abscess is identified, do not heat the sore spot under any circumstances. Rubbing at the site of swelling is also not recommended.

Watch your health carefully. If you have questions or doubts about the appearance of a cheek tumor, we will be happy to advise you and answer exciting questions. The photos and videos offered on our website will allow you to familiarize yourself with the problem. We hope the information received will be useful to you.

A 4-year-old child has a swollen cheek. A tumor in the area of ​​the eye and bridge of the nose has a normal temperature.

The child's cheek and eye were swollen. My daughter's cheek was swollen at first, but her tooth did not hurt.

Cheek is swollen and hurts good time days. Please advise what I should do. I have.

Lymphadenitis near the ear My daughter is 1 year and 8 months old. 20 days ago I found a swelling.

My baby's cheek is swollen My baby's cheek is swollen left cheek, closer to the ear. This is the third time.

My cheek is swollen, my tooth hurts. I had a toothache. They put a filling in. After 2 weeks, it fell out.

My cheek is swollen and my eyes are swollen. About two days ago, I had a toothache that wasn’t very bad—an upper canine.

Swollen cheek, wisdom tooth A day ago in the morning I woke up with a swollen cheek, I thought I had bitten it.

Removal of a baby tooth A 7.5-year-old child had a toothache and was given a pill. On Sunday.

My cheek was swollen, my gums hurt. On July 30, I had an appointment with the dentist, she cleaned my canals.

Swollen cheek Have a nice day! A day ago I had a tooth treated with anesthesia, an injection was given in the cheek, and she appeared.

The gums became swollen after the freezing ended. I was treated for caries on the penultimate tooth (molar) and.

Consequences of nerve removal 3 days ago I had a nerve removed in my tooth, the pain does not go away.

Swelling on a child's pussy A 2-year-old child has a small swelling.

The hand is swollen Please tell me that my child’s hand is swollen and swollen in the forearm.

3 answers

Remember to evaluate the doctors' answers, help us improve them by asking additional questions on the subject of this question .
In addition, remember to thank doctors.

It started out like stomatitis, since 2 teeth were removed, especially after the X-ray was completed, it means there was definitely a problem with the teeth. As I understand it, the teeth were baby teeth. Since the dentists have not prescribed anything, it is possible to assume that there is nothing terrible. Rinse your mouth with a lukewarm infusion of sage (good for oral diseases). Give the food well chopped for now.

From tooth

Cheeks may become swollen due to diseased teeth and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. There are a lot of such diseases, some of them are the following:


If a person has a toothache and a swollen cheek, then this is one of the symptoms of gumboil (periostitis), that is, inflammation of the periosteum. Additional signs of the disease include a sharp increase in pain when pressing on the damaged tooth, as well as visible swelling of the facial area due to the disease.

With gumboil, the gums become very swollen and hyperemic, in some cases a fistula appears - white lump With purulent discharge. The patient also experiences deterioration in health, fever, weakness, severe headaches, etc.

If the flux is not complicated by a purulent infection, treatment can be carried out at home, but under the supervision of a doctor. The dentist selects antibacterial drugs, prescribes painkillers, and also recommends local therapy methods, such as rinsing or cold compresses. Treatment of periostitis can last up to 3 weeks. If the flux is complicated by a purulent infection, then the patient requires surgical intervention and further observation in the hospital.

Inflammatory infiltrate

The disease occurs in the perimaxillary tissues and often develops against the background of periodontitis or pulpitis. This dangerous disease, which without treatment can lead to the development of abscesses and phlegmon, the development of sepsis.

The main signs of an inflammatory infiltrate, in addition to a very swollen cheek, is the painful condition of the teeth a few days before the onset of swelling. The disease first spreads to the soft tissues, then it may affect the area under the eye, and then the brain or the area under the jaw. Inflammatory infiltrate requires urgent attention to a specialist.

Periodontal disease

Quite often, cheek swelling appears in people who have lost most of their teeth due to periodontal disease. In this case, patients do not feel painful discomfort, but simple rinsing does not eliminate swelling.

A cheek tumor due to periodontal disease can only be treated with surgery - all affected teeth must be removed and removable dentures installed.

Incorrect growth of wisdom teeth

A swollen cheek can appear without wisdom tooth pain - this indicates its improper development. This phenomenon occurs due to inflammation of the hood (the area of ​​mucous membrane hanging over the crown of the tooth). Food debris stuck in the hood leads to inflammation, and as a result, swelling of the cheek or gums.

Also, swelling may indicate the development of a purulent inflammatory process. If the wisdom tooth has already erupted, then sometimes while eating food a person bites his cheek, which leads to swelling.

In this situation, the best solution is to visit a dental clinic. In most cases, the only option to correct the problem is to remove the wisdom tooth. After the procedure, swelling of the cheek may remain, so in the first days you should try not to brush your teeth near the area where the figure eight was removed. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with a saline solution, and to avoid complications, you should not disturb the hole that remains after the extracted tooth.

After treatment

Quite often, cheek swelling appears after dental treatment for the following reasons:

  • After nerve removal. If during dental treatment the nerve was not completely removed, the result is an aggravation in the form of swelling of the cheek. In this situation, you should immediately contact your dentist to save the tooth.
  • An allergic reaction to the filling material, which often does not appear until the next day. The situation can be corrected by a dentist who will remove the filling and install a new one made of hypoallergenic material.

  • After tooth extraction. Swelling occurs in case of complex surgery. To avoid this, you must abstain from solid food, alcohol and hot drinks for 24 hours after treatment. If swelling does appear, you need to apply ice to the sore spot and hold it for at least 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times.
  • After an incision on the gum. If the inflammatory process has led to the formation of pus, then to eliminate it, the dentist makes an incision, after which the swelling of the cheek first increases and then begins to decrease.

From the blow

If bone tissue are not damaged, treatment is carried out with cold or hot compresses. It is also recommended to use potato slices or special ointments as compresses. If swelling and pain increase, consult a doctor immediately.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

The disease is accompanied severe pain one half of the face, distortion of expression, swelling of the cheek, muscle twitching in the area of ​​the affected nerve, etc. Treatment of inflammation trigeminal nerve should begin without delay under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

Therapeutic therapy includes prescribing various groups drugs: antiviral, painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoids, antispasmodics, vitamins. The doctor may also recommend physiotherapeutic procedures - electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, UHF, paraffin-ozokerite.

After anesthesia

Swelling of the cheek may appear after dental treatment in the place where anesthesia was performed. It occurs due to an allergy to the injected drug and is located exclusively at the puncture site. In this case, the color of the skin changes, itching appears, and in severe situations, necrosis of the membrane occurs. To prevent this from happening, before starting treatment, the doctor should ask the patient about the presence or absence of allergic reactions to certain drugs. First aid for such swelling is to take antihistamines, then consult a doctor.

Other reasons

  • Infections brought from outside. It is impossible to independently determine which infection (viral or bacterial) caused the swelling and what to do to treat it, so an urgent visit to a doctor is necessary.
  • Cyst sebaceous gland. In this case, the edema looks like a rounded swollen area. A cyst is formed when the follicles that secrete sebum are blocked. Treatment of swelling requires the mandatory intervention of a dental surgeon; surgery may be necessary.
  • Oncological diseases. In this situation, it is necessary to contact an oncologist who will remove the tumor and prescribe subsequent restorative treatment.

The child has

  • The first cause of swollen cheeks or gums is inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck and face. This happens as a result of infection in the child’s mouth or body, as well as colds.
  • Mumps (mumps) is an infectious viral disease, which most often affects children. The disease is accompanied by high body temperature, swelling of the cheeks, and deterioration of the general condition (diarrhea, vomiting, nausea). After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes antiviral and antipyretic drugs, bed rest and a gentle diet.
  • Caries. Bad teeth can also cause a swollen cheek. For example, periodontitis (a complication of caries) causes swelling not only of the gums, but also of the cheeks and lips. In this case, all diseased teeth should be treated.
  • After tooth extraction. Children often have a swollen cheek after surgery, this especially manifests itself on the 3rd day and is sometimes accompanied by bruises. Light bleeding in the first 2 hours and pink saliva for several days after the procedure is also normal.

In case of physiological swelling after tooth extraction, a child, like adults, needs to apply ice to the cheek and give medicine prescribed by the doctor for pain relief. However, if the child’s bleeding continues for more than 12 hours, and the pain intensifies, the temperature rises, the jaw becomes numb and the swelling increases, then nothing can be done on your own; you should urgently consult a doctor.

If your cheek is swollen due to inflammatory processes on the gums, cysts or untreated carious teeth, you will have to visit the dentist, and the sooner the better. You may already have an abscess, and your delay could lead to serious damage to nearby tissues in the mouth. The doctor will need to numb the area, cut the gum, drain the pus, and then place a drain to drain it if it develops.

After cleansing the pus, a course of treatment with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents is usually also prescribed. So in this case, swelling of the cheek is a dangerous symptom. Keep in mind that before visiting a doctor, you should under no circumstances apply any warm compresses or rub the tumor site.

Swelling of the cheek is possible after tooth treatment, when a filling has been installed, but the root canal has not been treated. Unfortunately, you will have to make another visit to the dentist. This is the body's reaction to filling. Sometimes there is no other choice but to remove the filling and continue treatment in some other way. But the doctor will tell you about this only after the examination. Before visiting him, you can only rinse your mouth with a weak soda solution.

You can also try putting cotton wool soaked in juice from Kalanchoe leaves on the tooth area, or applying a compress made from a paste of crushed leaves of this plant.
Aloe can also help with flux. You should apply the pulp of the leaf to the gum and hold it for an hour and a half. If you don’t get the desired effect right away, repeat the compress.

The dentist can warn you about the possible appearance of a tumor if there was a complex tooth extraction. For 24 hours after this, you should not chew solid food or drink hot foods, as well as alcohol. But if your cheek is still swollen, apply ice to it for 10 minutes, then remove it and repeat the procedure after half an hour. The capillaries narrow under the influence of cold, and the swelling should decrease.

A day after tooth extraction, rinse your mouth with a salt solution (0.5 teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water). Under no circumstances touch the area where the tooth was with hard objects or fingers. Firstly, you can further injure the unhealed wound and, secondly, there is a risk of infection there. Also refrain from brushing teeth that are located next to the wound. In a few days you will be able to do this, but better first Time to use a soft toothbrush.

Edema, swelling and hard formations result from the “accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the cheek.” Swelling in the cheek area can vary in severity, painful or not.

Also, the reason for the appearance of swelling determines its location - on one cheek, on both cheeks at once, below or above, outside or inside. Sometimes swelling can affect areas such as the neck, gums, jaws, eyes, lips, salivary glands, face and area around the ear. The problem affects both adults and children.

Associated symptoms

But you should be careful and distinguish between normal swelling of the cheek after tooth extraction and after infection in the wound. Although the second, if you follow the basic recommendations, happens extremely rarely.


Toothache caused by any of the problems mentioned, including dental abscesses, infection or tooth decay, can also cause the cheek to become enlarged, especially on the side of the diseased tooth. Typically, swelling of the cheeks is accompanied by some pain.

Root canal filling, extraction and cleaning procedures

Dental procedures such as tooth extractions, root canal cleanings, and cosmetic dental surgery cause short-term swelling from the procedures performed. Swelling, pain and discomfort should disappear after a few days.

Trauma, piercing or surgery to the cheek

Facial surgery may be accompanied by short-term swelling. Also, swelling on the face may appear after piercing or injury. When soft tissue is damaged due to a bruise, nose job, puncture, or other injuries, it is normal to experience slight swelling of the cheek. In such cases, the swelling is accompanied by pain, slight bleeding, as well as redness and bruising. The severity of these symptoms is directly related to the size of the affected area. The swelling will subside over time. To help reduce swelling and pain, try a variety of home remedies, such as cold compresses or pain relief medications.

Mumps and swollen parotid glands

Mumps or mumps is another possible reason the appearance of swelling on the cheek. Its main symptoms are elevated temperature body, fatigue, muscle and headache, lack of appetite, swelling of the cheeks, neck, and then swelling of the salivary glands. Symptoms of mumps begin 16-18 days after infection and can last up to 7-10 days.

Allergic reaction

Individual intolerance to certain foods, pet hair, medications, some components of cosmetics and other substances can provoke an allergic reaction, which can sometimes cause swelling of the cheeks and eyes, nose, face, tongue or lips. Allergic reactions are often accompanied by hives, itching, rash, watery eyes, nasal congestion and other symptoms.

Lymphadenopathy or swollen lymph nodes

Sometimes swelling can appear due to inflammation of the lymph nodes that are located behind the ear. Swollen lymph nodes can be due to dental infection, cancer, and others.

Inflammation of the salivary glands

For inflammation of the salivary parotid glands, which are located in the cheek, the localization of swelling is closer to the ear or eye. Swelling of the submandibular and sublingual glands is manifested by swelling of the lower part of the cheek and near the chin.

The cause of swollen salivary glands is most often bacterial or viral infections which lead to swelling and inflammation. Common reasons swelling of the salivary glands are HIV, mumps, salivary stones, tumor, Sjögren's syndrome, malnutrition, influenza A, poor hygiene and dehydration.

With sialolithiasis (clogging of the salivary duct with stones), swelling of the cheek may occur.

Before starting treatment for inflamed glands, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis. Only after this the doctor will be able to select the necessary medications.

Swollen cheekbone

Sometimes swelling of the cheeks may occur as a result of swelling of the cheekbone. This can happen due to factors such as:

  • trauma (for example, from a blow);
  • sinusitis;
  • salivary gland infections;
  • infection or tooth extraction.

In this case, swelling may be in the area of ​​the upper or lower jaw on either side or simultaneously on both. It may be painful when you lie on the affected side.


Bulimia is a psychological disorder associated with sudden changes in food intake, in which a person suffers from bouts of food alcoholism (drinking large quantity food in a short period of time), followed by an attempt to get rid of the consumed food (purging), by inducing vomiting, debilitating physical activity and taking laxatives.

Uncontrolled fast eating and gastric reflux after eating usually destroy teeth and cause swelling of the salivary glands and cheeks. Treatment for this condition includes working with a psychologist to develop behavioral changes, taking antidepressants, physiological therapy and stress management courses.

Other reasons:

  • Cystic acne – Cystic acne on the cheek can lead to swelling, especially on the acne-affected side.
  • A skin boil or abscess is “a localized infection in the skin that begins with redness.” , lead to the formation of pus under the skin, and, as a result, swelling.
  • Neoplasms and Keloids – Keloids are caused by excess scar tissue formation and are usually painless.
  • Cellulite is purulent inflammation subcutaneous tissue, due to which the skin swells and turns red, and a local increase in temperature is also possible.
  • Sinus swelling in the cheek. Sometimes severe sinusitis, especially maxillary sinusitis, can lead to swelling in the cheeks. This will be accompanied by symptoms such as cheekbone pain, swollen and red cheekbone, nasal discharge and fever.
  • Side effects of certain medications. Some people have experienced swelling of the cheeks and gums after taking novocaine (Novacaine).
  • Ingrown hairs
  • Rosacea (rosacea)
  • Sebaceous cysts
  • Seborrhea
  • Cancer of the salivary glands, skin or mouth
  • Malnutrition
  • Hereditary angioedema
  • Burns
  • Ulcers on the inside of the cheek
Swelling of the cheeks on the inside

Sometimes the swelling is located on the inside of the cheek. This can be caused by most of the reasons already mentioned - dental problems (decay and infection), ulcers, swollen salivary glands, mouth and cheek ulcers, trauma, infections (bacterial or viral), tooth abscess, lymph node problems (especially preauricular, submandibular nodes and tonsillar lymph nodes), mumps.

Additionally, various procedures such as fillings, oral surgery, tooth extractions, cheek piercings can also lead to swollen cheeks inside the mouth.

This problem occurs in both adults and children and can be accompanied by numbness in the cheek. Treatment of swollen inner cheek will depend on the underlying cause of the disease.

Swelling of the cheeks and gums

Swelling of the cheeks and gums can be caused by any of the reasons mentioned.

In addition, gum problems may be associated with gingivitis, teething syndrome, herpetic stomatitis, parulis, periodontal disease, malnutrition, ill-fitting dentures, and viral or fungal infections. It is also known that pericorinitis (inflammation of the soft tissue of the gums) leads to swelling of the gums and cheeks.

With this type of swelling, the affected area may be numb and painful when chewing. To reduce swelling, you can try applying a cold compress, rinsing with a saline solution, and using antifungal medications.

Swelling of the cheek in a child

Swollen and reddened cheek in a child

In children, this problem can be caused by a broken bone, allergic reaction, infection, tooth abscess, filling, some gum infections, mumps and others. The swelling can turn the cheeks red, cause toothache, and can also spread to the jaw and neck depending on the cause. Also small child swelling may be associated with teething, which is not dangerous and will go away on its own.

Swelling of the jaw

Swelling of the cheek, jaw, and neck area can be caused by any of the causes of cheek swelling discussed above. It may be accompanied by pain or numbness depending on the underlying cause of the swelling.

Common causes include blunt force trauma, dental surgery, oral surgery, corrective jaw surgery, chin surgery, dental problems, salivary gland infections, and others. They can affect both the cheeks and jaw.

Swelling of the cheeks and eyes

Sometimes puffy cheeks can be accompanied by puffy eyes, especially if it's caused by allergies. At the same time, eye problems can also cause swelling in the cheeks. Make sure you have been given the correct diagnosis.

Pain with swelling

Not all swelling is accompanied by pain. Normally, swelling may be minor painful sensation, or there will be none at all. Sometimes cysts, tooth abscess, allergic reactions, swelling due to malnutrition, etc. do not cause pain.

If swelling is still painful, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications can be used, as well as cold compresses to reduce inflammation and swelling.


The treatment option for a swollen cheek will depend on the underlying cause. You should seek medical help for diagnosis and proper medication. Conventional Methods Treatments for swollen cheeks include:

Medicines– These may include antibiotics, antivirals, anti-inflammatory drugs, or other prescribed medications, depending on what caused the swelling.

Antihistamines– if the swelling is caused by an allergic reaction, you need to use antihistamines and avoid allergens.

Home Remedies– You can also try a number of home remedies to reduce swelling.

How to relieve swelling at home?

Besides drug treatment There are some methods that can help you cope with swelling at home. Some of these treatments will be good for treating swelling caused by dental problems.

Warm and cold compresses

At mild degree For swelling caused by injury, dental treatment, or surgery, warm or cold compresses can be used.

A good effect can be achieved by applying a cold compress with ice to the affected area. To do this, several ice cubes should be wrapped in a piece of cloth or towel and applied to the swelling for 20 minutes.

Potato compress

Apply potato slices to your cheek for 15-20 minutes 2-3 times a day. This will help reduce pain and swelling.

Eat soft foods, avoid hot drinks and reduce salt intake

Eating chips or any other hard foods can put pressure on the tooth and increase swelling in the cheeks. Instead, eat soft foods and avoid hot drinks. Too much salt intake, among other things, can cause swelling of the face and cheeks.

other methods

  • Maintain good oral hygiene. It is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day to prevent the growth of bacteria. This will reduce the chance of infection or destruction of tooth enamel, which can lead to swelling of the cheek.