Elevated uric acid. Causes, treatment, diet. If uric acid in the blood is elevated, causes and what to do

Hyperuricemia is diagnosed based on the results laboratory research blood. Analysis done in a clinic with a doctor’s direction(taken in the morning on an empty stomach, and most often it is complex in nature). Normal values ​​depend on the gender and age of the patient. Thus, a value from 120 to 300 µmol/l is usually for children and adolescents (up to 14 years).

After 60 years gender also doesn't matter the norm is in the range of 210-480 µmol/l. For women under 60 years old normal indicators range from 160 to 320, and for men – 200-420 µmol/l. There are several reasons for increased uric acid concentrations.


Fermentation disorders in purine metabolism may have innate character. Availability specific syndromes Kelly-Siegmiller type or metabolic disorder contributes to an increase in uric acid in the blood. However, such conditions are recorded quite rarely, and hyperuricemia usually occurs against the background of the following pathologies:

  • , in which uric acid is synthesized in huge quantities and accumulates in . If you delay treatment and endure pain, you can provoke kidney failure and problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  • Kidney dysfunction, leading to the accumulation of uric acid and the formation of stones, as well as polycystic disease and acidosis.
  • Various diseases(eg anemia or leukemia) and blood disorders. An increase in the concentration of low-density lipoproteins contributes to both atherosclerosis and the acceleration of uric acid synthesis.
  • Endocrine pathologies type of hypofunction parathyroid gland, acromegaly or may also cause hyperuricemia.
  • Dermatological diseases(psoriasis, erysipelas on the leg, eczema).
  • Tuberculosis, pneumonia or typhoid fever.
  • Obesity.

There is a high concentration of uric acid in the blood in case of poisoning methyl alcohol . In addition, there are cases of hyperuricemia unknown origin when doctors cannot determine the cause of the phenomenon.

Eating disorders

Very often it is excess food that provokes increased synthesis of uric acid. Fatty and purine-rich foods– main cause of gout and atherosclerosis. In addition, such a bad habit as frequent alcohol consumption, significantly increases the risk of hyperuricemia. Particularly harmful in in this case is beer.

Taking medications

Often, the synthesis of uric acid is affected by drugs taken to treat another disease. For example, diuretics(Furosemide) promote the loss of potassium, which is important for normal functioning kidney

Continuous monitoring is required when using such medications chemical composition blood and specialist supervision.

Symptoms of increased uric acid levels in the blood

Hyperuricemia does not have specific signs, allowing it to be diagnosed solely based on the results of examination and questioning of the patient. In the early stages, the disease most often does not manifest itself in any way, then the following symptoms appear:

  • joint and muscle pain, stomach and lower back;
  • digestive disorders ();
  • excess body weight;
  • itching and burning in the urethra;
  • bedwetting urine in children.

In addition, hyperuricemia is often accompanied by downgrade or upgrade blood pressure , as well as the formation of specific deposits on teeth(tartar). Additional diagnostic signin children may be red diathesis spots on the face or hands. However, the only reliable way to detect increased uric acid is biochemical blood test.

How to reduce uric acid levels in the blood: types of treatment

Since the main cause of hyperuricemia is nutritional disorders, the doctor first of all prescribes a diet. Restriction of salt and some animal products in the diet allow you to quickly bring the indicators back to normal. Additionally, therapy is used with special medications that remove excess harmful compounds. In addition, if uric acid in the blood is elevated, treatment with folk remedies also gives positive result and is often recommended by representatives official medicine. A complex approach using all methods is the most effective method.


Revision of the diet is the main and most effective way normalization of uric acid levels in the blood. Restrictions you will need to enter quite tough, however, the result will not be long in coming. Not only the foods consumed matter, but also the way they are prepared. Necessary completely eliminate fried foods from the menu, giving preference to such types heat treatment like stewing, baking and boiling.

In order to reduce the concentration of uric acid from the diet, you should exclude:

  • Fatty meat, as well as soups and broths based on it. Animal fats themselves significantly affect the composition of the blood, increasing its viscosity, and meat protein is a source of purines.
  • Offal., kidneys, and tongue also contain a lot of purines, causing hyperuricemia.
  • fatty varieties and especially, canned food from it with added oil (mackerel, sardines, trout and others).
  • Smoked meats and various sausages industrial production.
  • Pickled and salted vegetables.

Alcohol is also contraindicated in increased rates uric acid. Beer and wine are especially high in purines.

Restrictions regarding food rich in proteins. Lean meat and fish, poultry can be eaten no more than 3 times a week, without using oil when cooking. For the same reason it should use carefully food rich in proteins legumes, mushrooms and. Vegetables are generally beneficial for hyperuricemia, however sorrel, spinach, radish and cauliflower you can't eat often. It should also be significantly reduce consumption of chocolate, cheeses and coffee, as sources of purine.

The basis of the diet during treatment should be potassium-rich vegetables and fruits (both fresh and boiled), with the exception of those indicated above. Useful Also dairy products moderate fat content, various cereals, potatoes and bran bread. You should eat exclusively lean meat, giving preference to boiled poultry.

It is important to limit your salt intake to the maximum: the total daily amount should not exceed 7 grams. The drinking regime also needs correction. For hyperuricemia, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water daily (alkaline mineral water is also useful).

Nutrition during the development of gout (video)

Medicines for hyperuricemia

To reduce the synthesis of purines and increase the clearance of uric acid in the kidneys, they are usually prescribed Allopurinol and Probenecid. Both drugs have proven effective in treating hyperuricemia, but their use requires special caution. Yes, Allopurinol contraindicated with pronounced renal failure and often causes unwanted side effects.

The use of Probenecid is also associated with a number of difficulties: premedication with antiallergic drugs is required, are observed negative reactions for introduction. In addition, the cost of the drug is very high.

Important! Drug treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor and requires his constant supervision. Very often, a standard dose requires correction by a specialist, so self-medication is completely unacceptable.

Blood test for uric acid is performed during a standard biochemical examination, and each of us has taken it many times.

It is known that the basis of life on earth is proteins, from which all living organisms are composed. Proteins are called the basis of life, and even life itself is called (by Friedrich Engels) “the mode of existence of protein bodies.” But in order to synthesize proteins, there is hereditary information encoded in the form of individual genes. Genes are sequences of nucleotides, and the nucleotides that make up the DNA strands are in turn made up of nitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. Of these, adenine and guanine are purine bases because they contain a purine group in their molecule.

These substances contain nitrogen, and like any metabolite, nucleotides must be broken down from time to time. Therefore, their final breakdown product exists in the blood purine bases, which is called uric acid.

Uric acid in the human body

By removing uric acid human body freed from excess nitrogen. Normally healthy person the concentration of this compound in plasma is balanced on the one hand by the process of synthesis of this compound, and on the other hand by the rate of excretion by the kidneys.

But not only its own nucleotides and DNA disintegrate during renewal cell nuclei, a person can absorb a lot of purine bases from food. Everyone knows gout, or the “disease of kings.” With this disease, there is so much uric acid in the blood that its excess is deposited in the joints in the form of sharp crystals, causing severe pain.

Gout was called “the disease of kings” because there are a lot of purine bases in delicious dishes: in the liver, in the brain, in the tongue, in red wine, in pates. We can say that any exquisite European cuisine heavily loads the body with purine compounds. In gout there is a significant impairment purine metabolism, excess uric acid can damage not only joints, but also various internal organs.

The concentration of this compound may also increase if it is poorly excreted by the kidneys. It is clear that if a massive breakdown of its own cells occurs in the body, this also causes a sharp increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood plasma. This occurs after taking drugs that have a cytotoxic effect, as well as during the breakdown malignant tumors. The condition of elevated uric acid in a blood test is called hyperuricemia. And this state is medical practice strongly associated with atherosclerosis, coronary disease heart disease, overweight, urolithiasis.

Indications for the study and preparation rules

How to take the analysis correctly, and what indications exist for this study?

In order for the interpretation of a blood test for uric acid to be correct, you need to follow some measures before taking the test.

As usual, it is taken venous blood on an empty stomach, always after a period of overnight fasting, which lasted at least 8 hours. Water, of course, can be drunk. The main thing is that on the eve of the study the patient does not eat food that is rich in protein and purine bases.

It is also necessary to exclude processes that can lead to increased protein breakdown: these are psycho-emotional stress, heavy physical labor, and sports training.

Drinking alcohol, especially wine or beer, can significantly increase the level of uric acid in the blood and distort test results. Research urinary blood on products of purine metabolism is necessary if the following diseases and conditions are suspected:

  • gout;
  • urolithiasis (it is known that stones called urates can be deposited from uric acid in the renal pelvis);
  • comprehensive assessment of kidney function in chronic kidney diseases;
  • lymphoproliferative pathology.

Also at different malignant neoplasms increased decay occurs various cells, which also leads to a surge in the level of this nitrogenous compound.

Normal values

In a blood test, uric acid is designated as Uric acid. We present normal values:

  • in children under the age of 14 years, concentration fluctuations are normally within the range of 120 - 320 micromol per liter;
  • in adolescents, young men and adult men, there is more uric acid in the blood than in women, and normal values ​​range from 210 - 420 µmol/l;
  • in girls and women over 14 years of age, the value of this blood plasma metabolite is in the range of 150-350 µmol/l.

The determination of uric acid should take into account age: children have increased protein synthesis, and nucleic acids are required for anabolic processes. In old age, on the contrary, decay processes predominate, so the level of uric acid in old people is higher than in children. In what diseases and conditions is a change in the concentration of this metabolite observed?

Level up

In laboratory practice there are various methods determination of uric acid. But, regardless of them, high values occur with the following pathological diseases and states:

  • first of all, it is gout, which occurs more often in mature and elderly men;
  • hereditary deficiency of the enzyme that transforms purines into uric acid - this disease is called Lesch-Nyhan syndrome;
  • malignant neoplasms of the blood, multiple myeloma, various forms and;
  • alcoholism;
  • long-term complete fasting;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • taking medications such as diuretics, cytostatics, salicylic acid derivatives;
  • for family hereditary conditions - with so-called idiopathic hyperuricemia;
  • with various diets with a high protein content;
  • with increased physical activity;
  • finally, increased analysis on uric acid in the blood can be with late toxicosis of pregnant women and with eclampsia, as well as with malignant pernicious anemia, caused by .

If the concentration is low

What does a decrease in serum uric acid indicate in patients? This does not happen so often, but conditions still occur in which a deficiency of purine bases occurs. For example, the drug allopurinol is often prescribed to a patient with gout. It reduces uric acid in the blood serum, and in case of overdose it may be less than it should be.

Various defects reduce the concentration of uric acid renal tubules, which leak more of it into the urine than necessary. Uric acid is reduced in a biochemical blood test and in a diet with low content purine (eg. vegetarian diet no legumes). The concentration of this metabolite also decreases in diseases such as hepatocerebral dystrophy or Wilson-Konovalov disease.

Uric acid is primarily clinical practice, a reliable marker of nitrogen metabolism disorders and increased cell breakdown, as well as kidney damage.

Uric acid in the blood: norms and deviations, why it increases, diet to reduce

It would seem that a substance such as uric acid is difficult to combine with blood. In urine it’s a different matter, that’s where it belongs. Meanwhile, various metabolic processes are constantly taking place in the body with the formation of salts, acids, alkalis and other chemical compounds which are excreted in urine and gastrointestinal tract from the body, entering there from the bloodstream.

Uric acid (UA) is also present in the blood and is formed in small quantities from purine bases. Necessary for the body purine bases mainly come from outside, with food products, and are used in the synthesis nucleic acids, although they are also produced in some quantities by the body. As for uric acid, it is the end product of purine metabolism and, in general, is not needed by the body. Its elevated level (hyperuricemia) indicates a violation of purine metabolism and can threaten the deposition of unnecessary salts in joints and other tissues, causing not only discomfort, but also serious illnesses.

Uric acid level and increased concentration

The level of uric acid in the blood of men should not exceed 7.0 mg/dL (70.0 mg/L) or be in the range of 0.24 - 0.50 mmol/L. In women, the norm is slightly lower - up to 5.7 mg/dl (57 mg/l) or 0.16 - 0.44 mmol/l, respectively.

The UA formed during purine metabolism must dissolve in the plasma in order to subsequently leave through the kidneys, but plasma cannot dissolve more than 0.42 mmol/l of uric acid. Normally, 2.36–5.90 mmol/day (250–750 mg/day) is removed from the body in urine.

At its high concentration, uric acid forms a salt (sodium urate), which is deposited in tophi (peculiar nodules) in various types tissues with affinity for MK. Most often, tophi can be observed on ears, hands, feet, but favorite places are the surfaces of the joints (elbow, ankle) and tendon sheaths. In rare cases, they are able to merge and form ulcers, from which urate crystals emerge as a white dry mass. Sometimes urates are found in the bursae, causing inflammation, pain, and limited mobility (synovitis). Uric acid salts can be found in bones with the development of destructive changes in bone tissue.

The level of uric acid in the blood depends on its production during purine metabolism, glomerular filtration and reabsorption, as well as tubular secretion. More often increased concentration MK is a consequence of poor nutrition, especially for people with a hereditary pathology (autosomal dominant or X-linked fermentopathy), in which the production of uric acid in the body increases or its excretion slows down. Genetically determined hyperuricemia is called primary, secondary follows from a number of others pathological conditions or is formed under the influence of lifestyle.

Thus, we can conclude that The causes of increased uric acid in the blood (excessive production or delayed excretion) are:

  • Genetic factor;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Renal failure (impaired glomerular filtration, decreased tubular secretion - UA does not pass from the bloodstream into the urine);
  • Accelerated nucleotide metabolism (lympho- and myeloproliferative diseases, hemolytic).
  • The use of salicylic drugs and.

The main reasons for the increase...

Medicine calls one of the reasons for the increase in uric acid in the blood unhealthy diet namely, consuming an unreasonable amount of foods that accumulate purine substances. These are smoked products (fish and meat), canned food (especially sprats), beef and pork liver, kidneys, fried meat dishes, mushrooms and all sorts of other goodies. The great love for these products leads to the fact that necessary for the body purine bases are absorbed, and the final product, uric acid, turns out to be unnecessary.

It should be noted that products of animal origin, which play an important role in increasing the concentration of uric acid, since they carry purine bases, usually contain a large number of cholesterol. Being carried away by such favorite dishes, without observing measures, a person can apply Double punch according to your body.

A diet low in purines consists of dairy products, pears and apples, cucumbers (not pickled, of course), berries, potatoes and other fresh vegetables. Canning, frying or any kind of “witchcraft” over semi-finished products noticeably worsens the quality of food in this regard (the content of purines in food and the accumulation of uric acid in the body).

...And the main manifestations

Excess uric acid is carried throughout the body, where the expression of its behavior can have several options:

  1. Urate crystals are deposited and form microtophi in cartilage, bone and connective tissues, causing gouty diseases. Urates accumulated in cartilage are often released from tophi. This is usually preceded by exposure to factors that provoke hyperuricemia, for example, a new supply of purines and, accordingly, uric acid. Salt crystals are taken up by leukocytes (phagocytosis) and are found in synovial fluid joints (synovitis). This is an acute attack gouty arthritis.
  2. Urates entering the kidneys can be deposited in the interstitial renal tissue and lead to the formation of gouty nephropathy, and then renal failure. The first symptoms of the disease can be considered a permanently low specific gravity of urine with the appearance of protein in it and an increase in blood pressure ( arterial hypertension), later organ changes occur excretory system, pyelonephritis develops. The completion of the process is considered to be the formation renal failure.
  3. Increased uric acid content, formation of salts(urates and calcium stones) when it is retained in the kidneys + increased acidity of urine in most cases leads to the development kidney stone disease.

All movements and transformations of uric acid that determine its behavior as a whole can be interconnected or exist in isolation (depending on who it is).

Uric acid and gout

When talking about purines, uric acid, diet, it is impossible to ignore this unpleasant illness, How gout. In most cases, it is associated with MK, and besides, it is difficult to call it rare.

Gout predominantly develops in mature males and sometimes runs in families. Elevated levels of uric acid (hyperuricemia) are observed long before symptoms of the disease appear.

The first attack of gout is also no different in the brightness of the clinical picture, just that the big toe of one of the feet hurts, and after five days the person again feels completely healthy and forgets about this annoying misunderstanding. The following attack can appear after a long period of time and is more pronounced:

Treating the disease is not easy, and sometimes it is not harmless to the body as a whole. Therapy aimed at the manifestation of pathological changes includes:

  1. At acute attack– colchicine, which reduces the intensity of pain, but tends to accumulate in white blood cells, preventing their movement and phagocytosis, and, consequently, participation in inflammatory process. Colchicine inhibits hematopoiesis;
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs that have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, but negatively affect the digestive tract;
  3. Diacarb prevents stone formation (participates in their dissolution);
  4. Anti-gout drugs probenecid and sulfinpyrazone promote increased excretion of sUA in the urine, but are used with caution if there are changes in urinary tract, in parallel, high fluid intake, diacarb and alkalizing drugs are prescribed. Allopurinol reduces the production of uric acid, promotes the reverse development of tophi and the disappearance of other symptoms of gout, therefore, probably, this drug is one of the best means treatment of gout.

The patient can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment if he takes on a diet containing a minimum amount of purines (only for the needs of the body, and not for accumulation).

Diet for hyperuricemia

Low-calorie diet (table No. 5 is best if the patient is okay with his weight), meat and fish - without fanaticism, 300 grams per week and no more. This will help the patient reduce uric acid in the blood and live full life without suffering from attacks of gouty arthritis. Patients with signs of this disease who have excess weight, it is recommended to use table No. 8, remembering to deload every week, but remember that complete fasting is prohibited. Lack of food at the very beginning of the diet will quickly raise the level of sUA and exacerbate the process. But about additional income ascorbic acid and B vitamins should be seriously considered.

All days while the exacerbation of the disease lasts should proceed without eating meat and fish dishes. Food should not be solid, however, it is better to consume it in liquid form (milk, fruit jellies and compotes, juices from fruits and vegetables, soups with vegetable broth, porridge “smear”). In addition, the patient should drink a lot (at least 2 liters per day).

It should be borne in mind that a significant amount of purine bases is found in such delicacies as:

On the contrary, the minimum concentration of purines is observed in:

This is a short list of foods that are prohibited or allowed for patients who detect the first signs of gout and elevated uric acid in a blood test. The second part of the list (milk, vegetables and fruits) will help reduce uric acid in the blood.

Uric acid is reduced. What could this mean?

Uric acid in the blood is reduced, first of all, when using anti-gout drugs, which is absolutely natural, because they reduce the synthesis of uric acid.

In addition, the cause of a decrease in uric acid levels can be a decrease in tubular reabsorption, a hereditary decrease in UA production, and in rare cases, hepatitis and anemia.

Meanwhile, reduced level the final product of purine metabolism (as well as increased) in urine is associated with a wider range of pathological conditions, however, urine analysis for UA content is not so common; it is usually of interest to specialists dealing with a specific problem. It is unlikely to be useful for self-diagnosis for patients.

Video: uric acid in joints, doctor’s opinion

Not everyone knows what uric acid is in the blood and why it increases.

It turns out that the result of the reaction after the transformation of purine bases, which are the core of DNA and RNA nucleotides, is called uric acid.

This final product is synthesized by the liver and excreted by the kidneys. In order to determine the level of uric acid in the blood, it is necessary to conduct a biochemical analysis.

Thanks to this manipulation, all changes in this biological product are monitored, and as a result, the level, namely an increase or decrease, can be judged about the presence of pathology in the human body.

A uric acid test is necessary in the following situations:

  • when signs of gout appear, namely acute pulsating painful sensations in area thumb feet or in the ankle joint itself;
  • if one of the person’s direct relatives has a similar disease;
  • to identify a possible kidney defect;
  • if a person is diagnosed with urolithiasis;
  • in the presence of cancer and chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • when examining for renal failure, since it is the kidneys that remove the main amount of this acid;
  • when determining the origin of inflammation of the articular part;
  • to guide gout treatment.

To assess the metabolism of purines in the body, a test is required to determine uric acid in the blood. What is it and why is it carried out? Diagnostics is necessary to determine the extent to which this substance enters, is transformed and excreted by the kidneys.

This study provides the specialist with valuable information about the functioning of certain organs. To detect gouty arthritis, urolithiasis and for understanding possible risks in case of heart diseases, manipulation aimed at establishing the level of uric acid becomes the most popular. Plays an important role this examination and during monitoring during chemotherapy.

Uric acid in the blood is increased

Uric acid in the blood is increased various reasons and initially the process of increasing acidity is invisible, and this fact can only be clarified based on the results of the tests. As a rule, this problem is identified when taking tests during an examination as a preventive measure.

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If uric acid in the blood is elevated, a person will experience the following symptoms:

  • severe pain in the joint area as salts crystallize;
  • appearance on skin small ulcers or other defects;
  • the amount of urine excreted by the body changes downward;
  • the appearance of red spots on the elbow and knee joints;
  • violated heartbeat, and sudden changes in blood pressure occur.

And to get rid of this defect, you will need to adhere to a diet and change your entire lifestyle. If a disease with such a symptom is detected, the specialist prescribes complex therapy.

Strong increase in acid in biological fluid appears in the following cases:

  • eating foods that produce this acid as a result;
  • heavy load on the liver during the production of uric acid;
  • impairment of the excretory properties of the kidneys due to diseases such as liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, nephritis.

There are a number of other reasons that provoke an increase in acid in the blood, namely:

  • obesity;
  • leukemia;
  • decreased synthesis of B vitamins;
  • long-term therapy medicines, in particular diuretics and anti-cancer drugs.

To determine the level of acid, a blood test is performed. You can see the results in just 2 days. But in order to get the correct result, you need to prepare for taking it. First of all, people go to the laboratory on an empty stomach, and the last meal is consumed 8 hours before the procedure.

In the morning, before this procedure, you are allowed to drink only water.

It is also important whether a person accepts medicines. If they are used, then the test will be postponed. You must wait 2 weeks after taking medications. But there are cases when this is impossible to do, then the person must indicate what drugs he is using and their dosage. And lastly, this is diet. It should be followed for at least 2 days before the planned test.

During preparation it is necessary to exclude the following types products:

  • meat;
  • liver;
  • offal;
  • legumes;
  • alcohol;
  • fish.

All of the above products have a strong effect on correct result, which is why their use must be abandoned.

Uric acid in the blood: norm and treatment methods

Uric acid in the blood - the norm varies from person to person age category and gender is noticeably different. Moreover, this indicator can change with a noticeable margin. Therefore, a single definition permissible level does not exist.

People suffering from this defect often ask the question of how to reduce acid in the blood. In order to reduce the level of this substance in the blood, it is necessary to balance the menu.

The diet for this defect involves the complete exclusion of the following products:

  • alcohol;
  • broths with strong broth;
  • fish and meat products;
  • smoked delicacies and spicy seasonings.
  • mushrooms and legumes;
  • cocoa, coffee and chocolate products;
  • tomatoes and spinach.

With an increased level of uric acid in biological fluid, the following types of products will be very useful:

  • apples preferably green;
  • onions, garlic and herbs;
  • citrus fruit;
  • wheat and rye bread varieties;
  • eggs;
  • carrots, pumpkin and beets;
  • fermented milk products;
  • cucumbers, cabbage and watermelons;
  • potatoes in any form;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • olive oil.

Unfortunately, once an increase in acid levels in the blood is detected, the diet must be followed throughout life. The reason is that this disease can recur and at any moment the uric acid in the blood can increase, the norm will no longer be the same as before and in order to achieve it, you need to monitor your diet.

And to make the right balanced diet and select the appropriate products, you must seek advice from a specialist. But before you get good advice from your doctor, you should undergo several types of tests.

This is necessary in order to choose the right and effective diet for healing purposes. The course of treatment and medications are prescribed only by a doctor. Medical therapy takes place only under strict control this specialist, since throughout the course it is necessary to regularly check the level of acid in the blood and urine. In some cases, diuretics are prescribed. They do a good job of removing uric acid. But it is worth noting that these drugs sometimes act in the opposite way. On the contrary, they can increase the acid content.

In addition, if a person suffers from gout, then such medications are contraindicated for him. Allopurinol, this remedy blocks the synthesis of uric acid in the liver. Duration of treatment with this drug is 2-3 months. But when using it, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and time of administration.

This medicine has several analogues, namely:

  • Milurite;
  • Zilorik;
  • Foligan;
  • Allopur;
  • Prinol;
  • Apurin;
  • Atizuril;
  • Gotikur;
  • Uridoside.

At the same time, it is strictly not recommended to carry out the replacement yourself without consulting a specialist. These drugs have common property, they inhibit the absorption of acid into the renal tubules. If the level of uric acid in the blood is relatively low, you can resort to traditional medicine.

Such methods have been proven for decades and many people still use them today:

  • Tincture from lingonberry leaves. To prepare this infusion, you need to take 1 teaspoon of dried lingonberry leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. Wrap the infusion well and leave for an hour. Then filter through cheesecloth and take a sip every hour until you drink all the prepared liquid.
  • Collect fresh nettles, rinse them thoroughly under running water and pass them through a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting slurry. Drink the resulting liquid 1 teaspoon 3 times a day undiluted.
  • The next method will require 2 medium-sized onions. They are washed under running water along with the peel. Then they are sent to cook without cutting and with the peel on. The onion must be simmered over low heat for about 45 minutes until it is completely softened. As soon as the vegetable falls apart from cooking, wrap the onion broth and leave until it cools completely. Then filter through cheesecloth, and the resulting decoction is consumed 3 times a day, 4 tbsp. spoons. The course of treatment with this decoction is 2 weeks.
  • A tablespoon of dry birch leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water, then simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. The finished broth is wrapped and allowed to brew for a couple of hours. The resulting and settled mixture is filtered through cheesecloth and divided into 3 parts, which must be consumed throughout the day.

To establish accurate diagnosis, you need to spend a certain amount of time and undergo regular tests to monitor the course of the disease. A person suffering from this disease must strictly follow all doctor’s prescriptions.

This applies not only to the course of therapy, but also to strictly adhere to the diet. Success in recovery depends only on the person himself, how correctly he will follow all the recommendations. And the most important thing is to believe in recovery, because faith always works miracles.

About half of people in adulthood complain of gradually increasing pain and discomfort in the joints. This is especially true for those who are overweight.

All these unpleasant symptoms are usually accompanied by increased blood pressure and poor general health.

In addition to advanced age, the objective cause of this condition may be uric acid, or rather its increased content in the blood.

The level of uric acid in the blood in men, women, children

For an adult, it is considered normal to have a uric acid level of 150 to 420 µm/l, depending on gender.

If it exceeds the specified norm, then this may be the basis for diagnosis hyperuricemia.

Uric acid and the mechanism of its formation

Uric acid is a natural organic matter, it is synthesized by the human liver from purines, which are found in a large number of foods.

Once in the blood, uric acid enters chemical reaction with carbon dioxide and leaves the body through the kidneys.

Foods that contain large amounts of purines include:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • seafood;
  • liver;
  • confectionery;
  • fruit syrups;
  • some legumes.

Uric acid plays a very important role in the metabolic process; it performs many functions aimed at ensuring normal life body:

  • neutralizes free radicals and prevents the onset of cancer;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functions of the brain and central nervous system.

Elevated uric acid in the blood - causes

Why do elevated uric acid levels occur?

The blood of a healthy person under various circumstances may contain different quantities uric acid, since everything depends on the diet, physical activity, the presence of bad habits and chronic diseases.

Minor fluctuations in the concentration of this substance usually do not cause any pathologies.

If the body, for various reasons, cannot cope with its processing, then excess uric acid, turning into salts, can settle in human organs and tissues. This condition can be qualified as a pathology called hyperuricemia.

There are two types of this disease.

Idiopathic hyperuricemia It is rare and is a global disorder of purine processing that is inherited. For this reason, this type of hyperuricemia is diagnosed at an early age.

Secondary hyperuricemia is a widespread disease that occurs as a result of a disorder of purine metabolism. This may be caused pathological changes various organs.

Let us briefly list the diseases in which an increase in uric acid levels may be observed.

  • Inflammatory processes that occur in gallbladder and liver (cirrhosis,).
  • Obesity.
  • Inflammatory processes in the kidneys associated with disorders of their functions.
  • Chronic acute infectious diseases of the respiratory system, complicated by inflammatory processes.
  • , provoked by an insufficient amount of vitamin B12 and metabolic disorders.
  • Increased blood sugar.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Toxicoses of pregnancy, which provoke the development of acidosis.
  • Alcohol poisoning.

Separately, it should be noted that an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood can occur as a result of long-term use of certain medications (Furosemide, Aspirin, Phenothiazines, Theophylline, Adrenaline, etc.). These are substances that contain components that inhibit the metabolism of purines in the human body.

These may turn out to be drugs used in chemotherapy, diuretics, and long-term medications for tuberculosis.

Those at risk include fans of strict diets, as well as people who abuse foods with high content purines.

Symptoms of high uric acid in the blood

High amount of uric acid in childhood often manifests itself with various dermatological problems. These could be various types of rashes. This conceals some of the insidiousness of hyperuricemia.

It happens that enormous effort and money are spent on getting rid of allergies and skin diseases during the time when real reason These symptoms are associated with a completely different pathology.

Nonspecific symptoms of increased uric acid in the blood are considered to be fatigue, constant fatigue, frequent education in oral cavity and dense deposits even with proper sanitation and dental treatment.

Secondary hyperuricemia is more often diagnosed in the male half of the population after 45 years of age. This is due to the greater predisposition of men to bad habits and poor nutrition.

Elevated uric acid in the blood - diet and treatment

Combating hyperuricemia, treatment high content uric acid levels in the blood should begin with a review of the diet. It is necessary to exclude components rich in purines from it.

Meals should be regular, but in small doses. All kinds of fasting and any other diets are prohibited. The patient should not drink any kind of carbonated drinks, alcohol, tea, etc.

Consumption is minimized next dishes: smoked meats, meat by-products, fried and fatty meats, sausages, meat broths, anchovies, legumes, sweets, pastries, chocolate, white bread.

It is important to limit your salt intake, therefore, for a patient with hyperuricemia, seasonings, sauces, and homemade preserves are prohibited.

On the contrary, the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits is not limited. Freshly squeezed juices, kefir, and cottage cheese will not harm.

Drink plenty of fluids is a good prerequisite for removing excess uric acid from the body. You can achieve tangible results by drinking up to 15 glasses of water a day.

Hyperuricemia can occur due to various reasons. Accordingly, treatment methods must be adequately related to the level of uric acid accumulated in the body and the cause of this disorder.

It is very important not to limit yourself to taking only painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications, since in this case only temporary relief is possible. At the same time, when improper treatment you can start the problem, subsequent relapses are possible, which can pose a serious threat to life.

If a patient has it, then he automatically falls into the risk group for developing gout. Therefore, weight loss is the basis for further successful treatment.

If the uric acid level approaches critical, then drug treatment is prescribed. The treatment regimen is prescribed by a doctor who constantly monitors the patient’s condition.

The action of these drugs should be aimed at intensifying the process of removing uric acid, as well as reducing its production in the liver.

These may be diuretics: diacarb or furosemide together with sulfinpyrazole, allopurinol or other blockers of uric acid synthesis.

From folk remedies If uric acid in the blood increases, a decoction of a herbal mixture is recommended ( Birch buds, nettle and lingonberry leaf), drink 1 glass 2 times a day for a month.

In a normal diet, it is worth including a decoction of rose hips and bran in your diet.

I hope the site answered the question of why the level of uric acid in a person’s blood increases, described the main symptoms and gave recommendations for changes in diet and treatment this state, dangerous for further progression if dangerous signs are ignored.
