Causes of cellulite. Cellulite (gynoid lipodystrophy) or "orange peel"

Factors that can cause cellulite are varied. But they are all divided into two groups. The first includes lifestyle risk factors, the second includes risk factors associated with the presence of diseases. According to many authors, even if cellulite begins with one or two provoking causes, in the future there are more and more of them, and soon they merge together.

The problem of cellulite is a natural result of the life we ​​live. Among the main reasons for the occurrence and development of cellulite are poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress and bad habits.

All problems caused by nutrition are associated not with the amount of food consumed, but with the loss of quality of the latter. The diet of most people with cellulite is based on "convenience" fast foods, which are poor in essential nutrients for the body's sustenance and rich in fat, sugar, salt and the chemicals used to produce them. And consuming large amounts of artificial colors, food additives and substitutes can cause metabolic disorders in the body. Failure in the functioning of the adaptation system leads to tissue damage and fluid stagnation, resulting in weight gain and weakening of veins and lymphatic vessels.

Fatty and salty foods aggravate cellulite

High consumption of saturated fats aggravates the process of cellulite formation. It has been established that the problem of cellulite is most acute in countries where saturated fats make up a significant part of the population's diet, for example, in France. In Japan, where it is difficult to find a person suffering from cellulite, the population consumes exclusively polyunsaturated fats. Fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes, i.e. Products that should form the basis of a healthy diet are in the background for most people. This leads to a deficiency of essential microelements, disruption of the sodium-potassium balance and stagnation in the intercellular space. Too much salt in the diet also causes fluid to accumulate in the body, which, under the influence of gravity, sinks into the legs, contributing to the appearance of cellulite or exacerbating an existing condition.

Diets form cellulite in the lower part

The way you eat food also affects the formation of cellulite. Irregular eating and snacking, replaced by the consumption of sweet and fatty foods, forms cellulite in the lower part of the body. Overeating, haste in eating and poor chewing of food causes problems with peristalsis and, as a result, constipation and flatulence. Various medications, which have a laxative effect, only aggravate the problem, as they interfere with the normal course of physiological processes. The same can be said for pain pills and tranquilizers.

Lack of education and knowledge in the field of nutrition leads to the abuse of various diets, which only worsens the condition of cellulite. The longer women diet, the more they lose weight on top, but as they gain weight, their buttocks and thighs become even thicker. Therefore, weight fluctuations associated with periodic dieting - the so-called yo-yo effect - change the shape of the body, making it pear-shaped. A number of researchers note that at least half of adult women and a quarter of adult men use different diets two or more times a year. This problem is especially acute in adolescence, since experiments with destructive diets begin precisely during this period. About 80% teenage girls periodically go on a diet and, therefore, already at this age create an imbalance in the body and future problems with the figure.

Sedentary lifestyle causes cellulite

Limited mobility and a sedentary lifestyle can become... A sedentary lifestyle is characterized by improper blood circulation, shallow breathing, weak lymph flow, stagnation in the intestines and some other factors, which later lead to serious health problems. Sitting for long periods of time puts pressure on the thighs and buttocks, preventing normal blood flow to these areas and damaging capillaries. This pressure does not allow the tissues to be properly supplied with oxygen and nutrients, and blood and lymph from the burst vessels infiltrate into the tissues. And this is already the beginning of the development of the next stage of cellulite.

Not all physical exercises help prevent or treat cellulite. Sports that require extra strain on the legs ( tennis, athletics, basketball, volleyball, aerobics), only aggravate the development of the disease, since during exercise the joints become loose and the load on the venous network increases. A particularly good effect in the treatment of cellulite is achieved by swimming, skiing, cycling, and taking long walks. Quantity and character physical exercise must be selected strictly individually.

Stress and cellulite

Stress and tension make an equally significant contribution to the problem of cellulite. nervous system. They have a destructive effect on all systems of our body, affecting digestion, blood circulation, excretory systems, disrupting normal sleep and reducing overall energy levels. In a stressful state, fat deposition occurs in the following places: on the upper abdomen, under the ribs, above the navel or at the back of the head, where a lump forms - " widow's hump"Due to stress, the neck becomes a hotbed of arthritis, pain and spasms. Stress is an inevitable component of our Everyday life. Stress disrupts the functioning of all major systems of the body: respiratory, cardiovascular, genitourinary, digestive, endocrine. All this throws the body out of balance and creates favorable conditions for the formation of cellulite.

The degree of imbalance in the body due to nervous shock depends on how stress is perceived and how it is dealt with. Therefore, ways to overcome stressful situations and unnecessary worries have a huge impact on the mental and physical health and on the figure. About 75% of all diseases are provoked by stressful situations, which leave an imprint on the appearance and, of course, provoke the appearance of cellulite.

Nicotine, caffeine - causes of cellulite

Bad habits include smoking, alcohol abuse and caffeine in large doses. All this leads to excessive clogging of the body with by-products of oxidative reactions - free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that attack cells, penetrate inside and damage vital cellular structures.

The most dangerous substance that contributes to the formation of cellulite is caffeine, which is found in coffee and tea, so overuse these drinks, especially strong ones, do not contribute to successful treatment cellulite. Caffeine interferes with the absorption of some essential minerals and especially iron. it, by promoting the production of adrenaline, creates increased load on the adrenal glands, which regulate water balance in the body. Changes in the activity of the adrenal glands and an unstable amount of adrenaline in the blood lead to an imbalance of sodium-potassium balance, which is one of the main causes of cellulite formation.

Characterizing the effects of nicotine on the body, it is noted that, firstly, it binds oxygen, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen that could be used by cells. Secondly, it has a negative effect on blood hemoglobin, which is the main carrier of oxygen. All this impairs the efficiency of oxygen metabolism in the blood. Thus, nicotine has a huge impact on the formation of cellulite, since oxygen is a powerful stimulant of the blood purification system.

Posture is a risk factor for cellulite

Most authors identify the main group of associated risk factors, which include: poor posture, prolonged immobility, crossing legs when sitting, wearing high-heeled shoes, wearing tight clothing.

With poor posture, organs are positioned incorrectly, which significantly reduces the efficiency of their functioning and leads to additional stress on the circulatory system. Sitting or standing in one position for a long time contributes to fluid stagnation in the lower extremities. Crossing your legs while sitting leads to compression of the veins and disrupts normal blood circulation in the lower extremities.

Wearing unsuitable shoes for a long time causes deformation. calf muscle, disrupting normal blood circulation lower limbs, and promotes changes in posture. Tight clothing, belts, straps, underwear that tight-fit the body contribute to the accumulation of fluid above and below the girth. With prolonged action, swelling and deformation become permanent or even irreversible.

Hormones and cellulite

Analysis of modern domestic and foreign literature shows that most authors are unanimous in their opinion: cellulite is hormonal in nature. The triggering moments in the formation of cellulite are adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, and the beginning and end of taking birth control pills. Basic cause of cellulite in these cases there is an excess of female sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Taking this into account, several periods of cellulite risk can be distinguished: during puberty, while taking birth control pills, during pregnancy, and during the period before menopause.

As studies conducted at the Boston Medical Center showed, cellulite appeared in adolescence during puberty in 12% of respondents, during pregnancy in 20%, while taking birth control pills in 20%, and during menopause in 25% of women surveyed. cellulite intensified, and in 15% the appearance of cellulite disappeared.

Particularly interesting is the period of puberty, which can be called critical. During this period, in girls, a balance of hormonal processes is established and the volume of fat cells (adipocytes) becomes constant. Influenced various factors fat cells may hypertrophy. Considering this fact, we can say that it is from this period that excess fat deposition begins to form, which ends with the appearance of signs of cellulite.

According to the GaLeni laboratory, cellulite occurs due to poor circulation in 64% of women, from lack of physical activity in 54% and due to excess weight in 50% of women.

Bad heredity and cellulite

Predisposition to cellulite can be congenital. But this does not mean at all that cellulite is inherited; rather, we are talking about a predisposition to it. Therefore, it is very useful to study the family medical history, with special emphasis on cases with obesity, varicose veins, and swelling of the ankles. If at least one of these factors is inherited, the likelihood of cellulite increases.

However, the way of life is also inherited. Opinions, ideals, values ​​learned in early childhood, remain for life. These include the culture of food preparation and consumption, attitudes towards physical activity and exercise. In other words, it is these inherited habits that in most cases push the body towards the development of cellulite.

Cellulite is a serious problem for female beauty. However, women often do not know the real reason cellulite. At first it is practically invisible, but after some time the “orange peel” increases and makes the female body unattractive. In addition, pain in the joints, back, and bruises on the body appear due to increased fragility of blood vessels. Thus, cellulite is a cosmetic defect and serious illness, which may become a threat to happy life women.

Places where cellulite may appear

Cellulite appears in certain places on the female body. There are so-called “critical” areas that are most susceptible to “orange peel” formation.

We must not allow the disease to develop, because over the years it is much more difficult to remove cellulite.

Probably all women are interested in the question: why does cellulite appear? So, let's look at the most vulnerable places that are susceptible to the appearance of cellulite.

  1. Stomach. The reasons are liver failure and constipation. Even the most minor disruptions in the body can provoke stagnation of blood in the vessels, and this can cause the appearance of “orange peel”.
  2. Hands. Cellulite forms on the upper arms. If a person is overweight, the skin on the hands becomes flabby.
  3. Ankles. The causes of cellulite in the ankle area are due to poor circulation.
  4. Hips. “Pads” form on the thighs. “Orange peel” in this area is a fairly common phenomenon. This problem may cause lordosis. The causes of cellulite in the thighs are poor circulation in the lower abdomen and a sedentary lifestyle.
  5. Caviar. formed in the form of transverse stripes, covering the calf area. The lower leg swells, becomes deformed, and the skin becomes flabby.
  6. Knees. Slow elimination of toxins can cause the appearance of cellulite in the knee area. Because of this, an unsightly pad is formed over the knee joint, which can increase in size.
  7. Buttocks. If present, gait is impaired. If the load is distributed incorrectly, lordosis occurs.
  8. Back of the head area. Thickening may also occur in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae. It appears due to stoop or curvature of the spine, arthritic pain.
  9. Breast. This is a rare occurrence. However, it can cause breast deformation and requires medical examination.

Causes of cellulite

The factors that can contribute to the appearance of cellulite are many and varied. So, if you have cellulite, the reasons may be the following:

  1. Hormonal disorders. Signs of these disorders are irregular periods and various kinds of “female” problems. Hormonal levels increase, which, in turn, leads to inhibition of metabolism.
  2. Unbalanced diet. Some foods are not advisable to eat. These are various sauces, smoked foods, fried and pickled foods, sweets, baked goods, etc. A lack of vitamins and microelements also causes cellulite. Cellulite on the legs is an indicator of poor nutrition. To feel good, it is better to eat often, but in small portions.
  3. Lack of water. When there is a lack of fluid in the human body, salts accumulate. The skin has a dry and flabby appearance. This is another reason why cellulite appears on the legs. You need to drink 2 liters of water per day.
  4. Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol are factors that can trigger the appearance of cellulite. Alcohol slows down the removal of fluid from the body, and smoking impairs the process of enriching cells with oxygen. By protecting the body from harmful substances, our hormones redirect them to places that are less dangerous for the body.
  5. Physical inactivity. A very effective way to balance metabolism and reduce the amount of fat is physical activity.
  6. Incorrect breathing. Due to improper breathing, there is a lack of oxygen in the blood. Therefore, try to breathe with full lungs.
  7. Stress. In this case, the reasons for the appearance of cellulite are negative emotions and nervousness, which affect our lives and disrupt important processes in the body.
  8. Heredity. This is not the least common cause of cellulite. If the mother was the owner of “orange peel”, then there is a high probability of its manifestation in her daughter.

Stages of cellulite development

  1. Appears in adolescence. During this time, we do not think about the consequences of our lifestyle.
  2. In this case, serious swelling appears. The venous system cannot remove large amounts of fluid. Because of this, the pressure inside the tissues increases, swelling is formed, which contributes to the appearance of compactions.
  3. The outflow of fluid worsens, the process of oxygen saturation of tissues is disrupted. The swelling increases and begins to compress the arteries. Thus, oxygen does not reach the tissues. This, in turn, leads to the formation of a “mesh” of connective tissue, from which the “orange peel” is formed.
  4. The most painful. At this stage, additional fibers appear around the connective tissue “mesh”, which affect the nerve endings, which causes pain. Only surgery can help here.

Pay more attention to your health to maintain beauty and youth for a long time.

Jamilya Atabieva, dietician-nutritionist, obstetrician-gynecologist, world karate champion

No one is immune from the appearance of cellulite! It occurs in women and men, in young and older people, in fat and thin people. Occurs on the buttocks, legs, arms, and abdomen. This is a global problem that is very difficult to combat.

– this is a violation of microcirculation and lymphatic drainage of the subcutaneous fat layer, which ultimately leads to the proliferation of connective tissue, the appearance of nodules, tubercles, pits and bluish spots. These irregularities cause the skin to look like an orange peel. The thinner the layer of epidermis in a person, the stronger the manifestation of cellulite.

There are several stages of cellulite:

Stage 1. Slight increase in subcutaneous fat. There are no visual changes, but if you lightly squeeze the skin with your fingers, you can see it. At this stage, the body often copes with the problem on its own, especially if you lead an active lifestyle.

Stage 2. The bumps and pits become slightly noticeable. At this stage, you can still fix everything if you eat right, exercise, and get massages.

Stage 3. The orange peel is very noticeable. It is no longer possible to get rid of it on your own. Need help from a specialist.

Stage 4. The holes deepen. Sometimes pain and bruising appear on the body. You will need the help of a surgeon.

So what causes cellulite? This is important to know in order to understand how to deal with the problem and take preventive measures.

What are the reasons?

1 Female physiology

According to statistics, cellulite occurs in almost 90% of women and nature itself is to blame for this. It was she who laid down that the main function of the weaker sex is bearing children. Therefore, girls at the age of 17-18 begin to accumulate a small amount of fat in the hips and abdomen. This applies to absolutely all girls, even thin ones! It’s just that at this time the body is still successfully coping with the problem on its own, especially if a person leads an active lifestyle and eats right. As you age, when your metabolism begins to slow down, you have to make more and more efforts to burn off this fat.

2 Sedentary lifestyle

If you are most If you spend time sitting, your risk of getting cellulite increases many times over. Muscle tone weakens, blood stagnates, and not the most beneficial substances begin to be deposited in the most vulnerable parts of the body. Hello, orange peel!

3 Pregnancy

More precisely, the reason is not even that, but a change in hormonal levels in women. Enemy beautiful skin- hormone estrogen. Surges and declines in hormones occur during puberty, pregnancy, and breastfeeding, after menopause. All these factors encourage the body to stock up on fat and store it in the thighs and abdomen.

Smoking and other bad habits

Smoking and alcohol also slow down the removal of toxins and waste from the body. In addition, nicotine constricts blood vessels, which threatens the appearance of edema.


Unfortunately, this factor cannot be discounted. Low fat burning rate and slow metabolism can be inherited.


Strong antibiotics, diuretics, even sleeping pills can disrupt metabolism and negatively affect other important processes in the body.

Excessive consumption of fatty, fried, salty and spicy foods leads to the formation of cellulite. Everything is simple here. From such food, the removal of harmful substances from the body slows down, hence the fat. ABOUT proper nutrition that will help fight cellulite, we will talk below with an expert. For now the next point.

Lack of fluid

Not only excess fluid is harmful, but also its lack. Water helps our body get rid of waste and toxins, which means it promotes healthy skin.

9 Diets

Especially strict mono-diets. When, after a long fast, the body gains access to adequate nutrition, it not only shouts “Hurray!” greedily begins to absorb everything previously inaccessible to him, but also strives to make a reserve for the future. Can you guess what this stock is like?! Yes, these are fat cells!

In addition to the direct causes of cellulite, there are many indirect ones. Private snacks on the run, stress, overwork. The presence of an “orange peel” may also indicate a more serious problem - a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidney disease.

How to get rid of it?

Some doctors call cellulite a disease, while others consider it a cosmetic defect that does not affect health in any way and therefore does not require treatment. Both approaches are wrong. Cellulite cannot be called a disease in the full sense of the word. However, this is not a completely normal skin condition. Areas of the body with cellulite do not receive necessary vitamins and accumulate toxins. Therefore, the appearance of “orange peel” is a signal that the body needs attention and support.

“It is very difficult and practically impossible to get rid of this effect on your body,” says Jamilya Atabieva, a nutritionist, obstetrician-gynecologist, certified psychologist, and also a world karate champion. – But it is possible to reduce manifestations. And you need to start from the “depths”, and not from the “tops”.

So, what does our expert advise?

! Water and balanced diet– this is what lies at the core and what you should first pay attention to.


You need to drink your quota of water. This is the only way to remove all toxins and waste from the body. To find out your daily requirement, you need to multiply your weight in kg by 35. Make sure that water gets into your field of vision: place a bottle of water at your workplace, and a decanter at home. Always carry it with you in small bottles. You can stick bright stickers on containers so that every time you catch your eye on the bright “marker” you drink a few sips of liquid. Water “externally” is also beneficial - a contrast shower and massage of problem areas with a stiff brush will help improve microcirculation in the subcutaneous fat layer.

Balanced diet

Every meal should be balanced. Your diet must contain fats, proteins, and carbohydrates (in the right amount, without abuse). The feeding rhythm is every 4 hours.

The less protein, the worse condition skin, which means there is a greater chance of “orange peel” spreading throughout the body.

There is a misconception that simply cooked food does not taste good. And this is the main thing that a dietician-nutritionist has to deal with. The reality is that for 10 of your usual and not quite “correct” dishes, there are 20 simple, tasty and healthy ones.

Healthy foods

What to include in your daily diet? What products will help in the fight for healthy and beautiful body?


We don’t often remember this fruit when planning our menu at home, but in vain. Avocado contains essential amino acids, vitamins A, vitamins B, C, D, a lot of microelements, as well as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium. This is a strong antioxidant. The fruit helps reduce blood cholesterol, improves microcirculation, affects skin condition, and improves hormonal levels.


Whole grain wheat, oats, rye. Cereals are rich in magnesium, which improves the condition of smooth muscles of blood vessels, accordingly, microcirculation and lymphatic drainage improve, leveling out the “orange peel” effect.

Nuts and seeds

They contain essential amino acids, improve microcirculation, have a beneficial effect on hormonal levels and the beauty of the skin in general. The leader at this point is linseed oil. It contains a record content of essential amino acids, as well as Omega3 and Omega6. By drinking one spoon of oil in the morning on an empty stomach, you completely cover a person’s daily need for the right fats and “start” the body’s work.


Reduce the risk of blood clots and improve blood flow. They contain a large amount of vitamins, calcium, microelements, antioxidants - which promotes organ rejuvenation.


Dill, parsley, green salad, spinach. Lots of calcium, vitamins, minerals, trace elements. Thanks to greens, blood viscosity is reduced, microcirculation is restored - the result is an improvement in the condition of the skin, including problem areas.

What to exclude from the diet?

You need to stop eating fatty and fried foods. Or reduce them to a minimum. The most harmful are trans-isomers of fatty acids, which are found in fast food, chips, and store-bought sweets - it is best to avoid these altogether. Limit/remove alcohol (extra empty kilocalories + fluid retention in the body) and smoking (impaired microcirculation). Coffee - if you are unable to eliminate it altogether, then replace it with natural black coffee and without sugar. And it can be given sweetness by a substitute of natural origin, for example, based on stevia. And it’s important! Stop adding salt to dishes to avoid swelling.

Of course, this is only the base that will help keep your skin youthful and healthy. There are many other ways, for example, sports, it can be either a fitness club or regular walking, as well as aerobics, dancing, running. This can also be mechanical influences - massage, “wraps” and hardware procedures from a cosmetologist.

Remember! Even if you don’t have the strength and inspiration to implement everything right away, it is important to take “honest” and, most importantly, regular small steps towards your goal. And then you will succeed!

Photo: ShutterStock/;

Currently, the problems of preserving and/or restoring the aesthetic appearance are becoming increasingly urgent. Aesthetic health has a significant impact on a person’s adaptation in society, his quality of life and social well-being.

In the structure of reasons for visiting dermatological and cosmetological institutions, cellulite occupies a leading position. Its prevalence among women aged 20-35 years is about 96%, and over 35 years old - an average of 80%.

General overview

The term “cellulite”, used in relation to certain objective changes in skin characteristics in problem areas of the body in most women, is incorrect and is used only in everyday life. A more accurate formulation of these changes is “estrogen-dependent local lipodystrophy” or gynoid (i.e. female type) lipodystrophy.

Cellulite is not normal, but it is not a disease either, despite the presence of the suffix “itis,” meaning inflammation. This and other terms used to define this condition, in International classification there are no diseases.

Gynoid dystrophy is an aesthetic, cosmetic defect characterized by certain specific transient or permanent tissue changes, which are based on local degenerative processes in the subcutaneous fatty tissue and dermis of problem areas, manifested by irregular skin texture and the so-called “orange peel” effect.

What causes cellulite?

This cosmetic defect almost never occurs in men. It appears relatively rarely in teenage girls during puberty. This served as the basis for some authors to call the cosmetic defect in teenage girls the term “juvenile cellulite.” But the irregularity of the skin relief in areas susceptible to this cosmetic defect (on the buttocks, on the legs, mainly on the hips and to a lesser extent in the area of ​​the knees and ankle joints, on the hands) occurs in the vast majority of women of reproductive age (85%).

The main manifestations in the form of dystrophic changes in the fatty tissue of the listed zones in females, their age-related correlation and compliance with hormonal changes of the reproductive period are explained by the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female body.

What does cellulite look like post-anatomically?

The pathological picture is represented by hypertrophied adipose tissue cells grouped into lobes. The latter are surrounded by septa consisting of thickened fibrous fibers. Hypertrophy of fat cells occurs due to an increase in the activity of the processes of formation and accumulation of fats or a decrease in the activity of metabolic processes (for various reasons). In these tissues, there are disturbances in blood microcirculation and lymph flow, the severity of edema of the interstitial (intercellular) tissue, which further disrupts the blood flow in the capillaries and the outflow of lymph.

Thus, gynoid lipodystrophy is not a pathological condition, but physiological feature subcutaneous fat tissue of local (estrogen-dependent) areas of the woman’s body.

Causes and mechanism of cellulite development

It develops as a result of the influence of various factors, combined into two groups:

  1. Internal.
  2. External.

In every individual case Some reasons are of a primary nature, others are of a secondary nature. However, despite the fact that the causes of cellulite may be different, the fundamental mechanism of its development is similar in all cases. This similarity manifests itself in the final result in the form of a local disruption of metabolic processes that cause the formation of fat cells different sizes and forms, swelling of interstitial tissue and the development of fibrosis.

Internal etiological factors

These include mainly factors:

  • anatomical;
  • hormone;
  • vascular and discirculatory;
  • genetic.

Anatomical factor

The fact of the presence of lipodystrophic changes in women and their absence in men long time was based on hypotheses that took into account differences only in the anatomical structure of fatty tissue. In accordance with this version, subcutaneous fatty tissue is divided by elastin septa, which in women are arranged crosswise, and in men - in a strictly horizontal direction.

In this regard, with an increase in the volume of fat cells in men, the elastin elements stretch evenly, resulting in a uniform, without the formation of relief, skin tension. In women, the consequence of an increase in the volume of adipocytes with a cruciform structure of adipose tissue is a raised skin surface, or the “orange peel” symptom, which cannot be a pathological condition, that is, a disease.

Other hypotheses were only clarifying the first. For example, it was assumed that the lack of regularity in the location of fatty tissue is characteristic only of the lower layers, but they protrude the upper layers, creating relief of the dermis. According to another hypothesis, cellulite was divided into primary, which is a hypertrophy of cells located only in the superficial layer of adipose tissue, and secondary, which develops as a result of age-related or sun-induced decrease in skin elasticity.

These assumptions are united by the characteristics of typical changes (hypertrophy) of fatty tissue and the identification of one or another of its layers as the object of changes. They have a certain significance in the morphological and clinical picture. However, as a cause, these hypotheses contradict the empirical observations of dermatologists and cosmetologists, since gynoid lipodystrophy is present not only in overweight women, but also among those whose indicators are close to the lower limit of normal.

Hormonal factor

The implementation of hormonal changes can occur at the level of the central nervous system through the hormones of the hypothalamus and tropic hormones of the pituitary gland, as a result of which the content of estrogen and prolactin in the blood increases. The latter have a general anabolic effect, which contributes to the activation of fat formation and accumulation.

Particularly significant severity of lipogenesis processes is observed during periods of life accompanied by maximum hormonal changes - adolescence, pregnancy, menopause. Therefore, the individual hormonal characteristics of each woman, certain changes in her body, can participate in the mechanism of cellulite development or become its direct cause.

In addition, the theory of the formation of the changes discussed in the article, based on the biochemical processes occurring in adipose tissue under the influence of endocrine factors, is convincing. Among its many functions, subcutaneous fatty tissue also performs endocrine function, attracting particular interest in terms of explaining the causes and mechanisms of development of gynoid lipodystrophy.

The female body has such a feature of the reproductive period of life as the regularity of hormonal fluctuations, which determine the ability to conceive and bear a fetus. The defining characteristic of the hormonal background is the corresponding activity of the ovarian tissue in which estrogens are produced.

However, in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, localized in the femoral and gluteal zones, in the area of ​​the lower parts of the anterior abdominal wall and (to a lesser extent) in the area of ​​the posterior surface of the shoulder, in the area knee joints biochemical processes of aromatization of male sex hormones (androgens) occur. The result of these processes is the peripheral synthesis of estrogens.

At the same time, the subcutaneous tissue of these zones is exposed to local estrogen. This is especially pronounced during pregnancy and lactation. One of the functions of female sex hormones is the destruction of collagen fibers, including in the cervix, which is important for its gradual preparation for childbirth and increasing the degree of extensibility during childbirth. This is associated with an increase in the appearance of cellulite in many women after childbirth.

The main stages of the mechanism of development of gynoid lipodystrophy are the following:

  • an increase in estrogen levels leads to activation of the synthesis of collagenase (an enzyme that breaks down) in the dermis and hypodermis, as a result of which the number of collagen fibers in the tissues of estrogen-dependent zones decreases;
  • when a critically low quantitative level of collagen fibers is reached, hypertrophied adipocytes acquire a chaotic arrangement and form groups in the form of small and large nodes that protrude in the superficial dermal layers;
  • accumulation critical quantity enlarged fat cells against the background of estrogen stimulation leads to activation of differentiation of preadipocytes (precursors of fat cells) and the formation of new adipocytes;
  • new fat cells also participate in the aromatization of androgens, which leads to the synthesis of even more estrone, and this, in turn, further enhances the synthesis of the collagenase enzyme.

Thus, the degree of spread and severity of cellulite processes is determined by the overall level of estrogen content. Women who have this level are high tend to develop and spread the manifestations of gynoid lipodystrophy more quickly than other women.

To other, less significant internal etiopathogenetic factors endocrine in nature, leading to an imbalance of lipolysis and lipogenesis and contributing to the appearance and/or development of cellulite or accelerating its course, include:

  • dysfunction of the endocrine glands of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and adrenal glands;
  • hypofunction thyroid gland;
  • dysfunction of the pancreas, especially diabetes;
  • ovarian diseases (tumors, polycystic disease, oophorectomy);
  • metabolic disorders, as well as diseases of the liver, biliary system, stomach and intestines, contributing to disturbances in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Vascular and discirculatory factor

This factor is the second (after hormonal) in importance in the development of gynoid lipodystrophy. It may not only be a consequence of the influence of some other causes, but often serves as the initial cause of the development of this condition. Histological examination of tissue in the area of ​​cellulite reveals not only hypertrophied fat cells, but also the presence of signs of edema, fibrosis and sclerosis, which is associated with impaired tissue nutrition as a result of disruption of normal blood and lymph circulation.

This is explained by the following mechanisms. Enlarged (hypertrophied) adipocytes compress small vessels. This leads to a deterioration in microcirculation, a slowdown in the outflow of venous blood and lymph outflow, an increase in the permeability of the vascular wall and the release of the liquid part of the blood into the interstitial tissue, swelling of the latter and even more pronounced compression of blood vessels, impaired blood microcirculation and a slowdown in the outflow of lymph.

In addition, chronic swelling of interstitial tissue is also associated with the influence of progesterone in the follicular phase menstrual cycle. As a result of a cyclic increase in the concentration of progesterone, a temporary physiological increase in the secretion of aldosterone occurs, a hormone that reduces the excretion of sodium salts from the body. The latter retains water, which is another reason for the increase in its volume in the fluid of the intercellular structure, that is, edema of the interstitial tissue.

Chronic edema that develops in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle also leads to disruption of blood microcirculation and lymph flow, and this, in turn, is a factor in activating the transformation of preadipocytes, stimulating the function of fibroblasts, and the development of fibrosing and sclerosing processes.

Thus, the main reason for the development of cellulite is both the direct local effect of estrogens on tissues and the influence of progesterone in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The longer this effect, the more pronounced the hypertrophy of fat cells, the phenomena of edema and fibrosis and, therefore, the earlier their external signs appear, progress and spread.

Therefore, the definition of local estrogenic lipodystrophy as age-related changes, and not as a disease, is fully justified, since, starting from adolescence, the subcutaneous fatty tissue of estrogen-dependent zones in women is under constant influence of estrogens. As age increases, this leads to the progression of cellulite.

The duration of the menstrual cycle depends on the duration of the luteal phase and can range from 21 days to 35-40 days for different women. The individual duration of the follicular and ovulatory phases is relatively constant. The longer the luteal phase, the longer the increased levels of progesterone remain in the body and, therefore, characteristic symptoms cellulite is more pronounced.

Depending on these factors, the following main groups of women are distinguished who are susceptible to more rapid development and progression of age-related estrogenic lipodystrophy. These are women:

  1. With a relative or absolute increase in estrogen levels in the blood.
  2. Those whose menstrual cycle length exceeds the average, that is, more than 30-32 days.

Other, less significant internal risk factors, which are based on disorders of microcirculation and lymphatic drainage:

  • pregnancy, in which, in addition to an increase in the content of prolactin and insulin in the blood, compression of the abdominal organs, veins and lymphatic vessels occurs by the enlarged uterus, which leads to a slowdown in the flow of venous blood and lymph and disruption of microcirculation;
  • varicose veins;
  • primary and secondary lymphostasis;
  • heart failure;
  • cirrhosis or fibrosis of the liver, leading to impaired blood flow from the portal vein;

The listed pathological conditions cause a decrease in venous and lymphatic outflow and, consequently, impaired microcirculation and fluid retention in the lower extremities of the abdomen and buttocks. All this leads to stimulation of fibroblast function and the development of fibrosis of interstitial tissue in the thighs, buttocks, abdominal wall, legs, knee and ankle joints.

Genetic factor

The main one is the polymorphism of certain genes that encode enzymes of the two phases of detoxification. The consequence of their polymorphism is high sensitivity to disorders of estrogen metabolism. The latter can arise as a result of the influence of negative environmental factors against the background of an existing genetic predisposition.

External risk factors

As a result of external influence, internal factors are realized or their influence is enhanced. Processes caused by external factors can lead to the development of local “secondary” lipodystrophy, which is associated not so much with the individual characteristics of the body itself, but with its general condition, the woman’s lifestyle and the nature of her diet.

The main ones external factors are:


Nicotine increases the risk of hyperestrogenemia. It helps reduce the activity of cytochrome, which is responsible for the transformation of estrogens into 2-hydroxyestrogens, which are a more active form of female sex hormones, especially during the premenopausal period. Nicotine also suppresses lipolytic processes (the breakdown of fats), first causes dilation and then spasm of peripheral vessels with disruption of microcirculatory blood flow, the development of lymphostasis and chronic venous insufficiency. In addition, it leads to accelerated destruction of collagen fibers in the skin, due to which dystrophic changes develop in the subcutaneous tissue, and causes resistance to treatment for obesity. Thus, smoking activates absolutely all factors contributing to the development of gynoid lipodystrophy.

Excess body weight

Obesity leads to the accumulation of estrogens in subcutaneous fat. This is due to the content of a large amount of the enzyme aromatase, which transforms androgens, which are synthesized in the adrenal glands, into estrogens. In addition, obesity significantly increases the risk of vascular disorders, aggravates venous insufficiency, but, first of all, contributes to the progression of lymphostasis.

Improper diet and poor nutrition

Deficiency in food products of vitamins, macro- and microelements, many of which are part of enzymes involved in the metabolism of sex hormones. With their deficiency, the function of enzymatic systems is disrupted, which leads to the accumulation of estrogens in the body. It is also necessary to limit foods that contribute to the development of cellulite - high-calorie foods and animal fats and plant origin, flour products, products containing easily digestible carbohydrates, extractives and spices, marinades and other products containing a significant amount of salt, sweet and carbonated drinks, as well as drinks containing caffeine (strong tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, etc.) , products with low fiber content, potassium salts.

Taking certain medications

Taking oral combined contraceptive drugs, as well as estrogen drugs in medicinal purposes, long-term therapy with beta blockers, antithyroid hormones and antihistamines.

Physical inactivity

Physical activity promotes the processes of hydroxylation and destruction of excess estrogen. With a sedentary lifestyle, there is a decrease in oxygen saturation of tissues, a slowdown in metabolic processes and disruption of tissue nutrition, which leads to the activation of collagenases (enzymes that destroy collagen proteins). In addition, as a result of physical inactivity, due to a decrease in muscle activity that promotes the “pumping” of lymph through large lymphatic vessels, lymphostasis develops in the soft tissues pelvic area and lower extremities.


Frequent and/or prolonged stressful conditions, prolonged negative psycho-emotional stress contribute to the acceleration of the processes of destruction of collagen fibers, dysfunction of the neurovegetative system, resulting in the development of disorders of the regulation of vascular tone, sometimes quite persistent. This leads to prolonged vascular spasms, disruption of the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and a slowdown in the outflow of metabolic products.

The accumulation of external influences on the body can significantly accelerate the progression and increase the severity of cellulite, which is associated with the peculiarities of estrogen metabolism. It is not so much the presence of gynoid lipodystrophy itself that depends on external factors, but rather its characteristics.

Stages of cellulite

In the development of gynoid lipodystrophy, four clinical and morphological stages are distinguished.

Stage 1

Pathomorphological examination reveals thickening of the hypodermal areolar layer, differences in the size and shape of fat cells, expansion of capillaries and increased permeability of their walls, diapedetic (through the vascular wall without damaging it) pinpoint hemorrhages, microscopic spindle-shaped aneurysms in postcapillary venules.

At this stage clinical manifestations absent - the skin surface over the areas of development of cellulite processes is not visually changed, it is smooth and with an even texture. The subcutaneous tissue is soft on palpation, and sometimes slight swelling may be noted. In these areas, longer persistence of hematomas and healing of microtraumas are observed.

Stage 2

The histological picture is hypertrophied and hyperplastic preadipocytes, the basement membrane of the capillaries is thickened, the capillaries are dilated in some areas, microscopic hemorrhages, bundles of argentophilic connective tissue fibers are found around the capillaries.

Upon palpation over the lesions, a decrease in skin temperature, a decrease in skin elasticity and an increase in swelling and density of subcutaneous fat are determined. When you tense the muscles in the area of ​​the lesion or take your fingers into a fold of the skin above the lesion, pallor and unevenness of the skin surface in the form of an “orange peel” appear.

Stage 3

Called micronodular or microlobular. Pathomorphologically, it is characterized by the progression of changes that are described in the 2nd stage. In addition - new formation of connective tissue (fibrous) fibers, growth of new capillaries, expansion of venules, numerous microaneurysms, formation of small nodules, blurring of the border between the hypodermis and dermis, association of hypertrophied adipocytes into small lobules, the beginning of the development of sclerosis of fat cells and their inclusion in connective tissue structures deep dermal layers. Thus, this stage is already fibrous cellulite.

Its clinical manifestations are a clear “orange peel” effect, not only with muscle tension or skin folding, but also in a calm state. The surface of the skin is flabby and has a bumpy texture. Its elasticity over the lesions is significantly reduced, it is dry, pale and cold on palpation, and with deep palpation, which is accompanied by pain, multiple small, the size of a grain of rice, painful nodules are determined.

Stage 4

Macronodular, or final, irreversible (quite rare). Its histological and clinical picture characterizes already “advanced” cellulite. Histological picture reveals loss of lobular structure subcutaneous tissue. Groups of small nodes form large nodes, surrounded by a connective tissue capsule and penetrated by coarse fibrous fibers that look like cords. There is diffuse sclerosis of fat cells and their replacement with fibrous tissue, microscopic varicose veins small vessels, small hemorrhages, atrophy of the epidermal layer of the skin and telangiectasia.

The clinical signs of this stage are more pronounced compared to those of the 3rd stage. Large nodes are noticeable in a calm, relaxed state. The skin over the lesions is cold, with a bluish tint and a venous “mesh”. The general texture of the skin is wavy and bumpy. Upon palpation, large painful nodes are identified, fused to the dermis.

Let's answer the main question: how to get rid of cellulite?

Methods to combat cellulite

Results after LPG massage

Some cosmetologists and specialists from individual companies producing cosmetological devices and preparations consider it as a pathological condition. In order to remove cellulite from the buttocks and other areas of the body, they recommend “destructive” agents and hardware techniques that are aimed at removing subcutaneous fat tissue or destroying it. Based on information about the causes and general mechanism of development of local estrogen-dependent lipodystrophy, it becomes clear that such methods of therapy are absolutely unacceptable.

The fight against cellulite must take into account the stages of its development and concomitant pathology. It consists in eliminating or limiting the influence of external factors, in complex application drugs and methods aimed at correcting impaired blood microcirculation, activating venous outflow and lymphatic drainage.

Combination of electric pulse influence with, etc.

So, cellulite, or local age-related estrogen-dependent, or gynoid lipodystrophy is not a pathological condition. It is a physiological feature of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the so-called estrogen-dependent areas of the body. It is precisely this approach to defining this cosmetic defect it is necessary to be guided in the choice of methods of its treatment and prevention.

I know what word horrifies almost EVERY woman! From the word “cellulite”☺

It happens that upon discovering this very “orange peel” on their body, many begin to feel REAL horror...

Very often, we begin to develop complexes, urgently review our wardrobe, frantically purchase half a store of all kinds of anti-cellulite products, and also urgently sign up for an anti-cellulite massage and to the gym at the same time, and at the same time we also begin to “starve” ourselves.

Oh, yes, and despite all this, thoughts do not give us rest... A swarm of questions in our heads: how did he appear? Why? From what? What to do now? Why should I do this? And so on…

Do you have something like this? But - all this can be solved, you just need to know HOW to solve it.

This is the question we will deal with with you - we will analyze in more detail what cellulite is, the causes of cellulite, why cellulite occurs, the stages of its development and the main signs.

From this article you will learn:

The main causes of cellulite - why does orange peel appear?

What is cellulite?

This is the same skin condition that is “painfully familiar” to many women on the buttocks, abdomen, and even on the arms, shoulders, and sometimes even on the face (yes, yes, there is such a problem!), when our skin becomes very uneven .

And we notice “lumps” and “hollows” on it.

It is for this reason that cellulite is called “orange peel”!

In simple terms, cellulite is a place of accumulation of metabolic products of the body, which our body simply could not and the normal way remove waste and toxins from the cells, since something in it is disturbed, something suffers and does not work correctly.

The reason for this is a general metabolic disorder in the body. First of all, water-fat metabolism.


But WHY it appeared (in fact, the very causes of cellulite) - we will analyze below.

Since in the female body there is initially more fat mass than in male body, then, of course, mainly women are susceptible to cellulite.

Although, this problem has not escaped men either.

It’s interesting that it was only back in 1973 that cellulite was called an appearance DEFECT for the FIRST TIME!

This happened on the pages of Vogue magazine, where at that time an article about cellulite by one of the owners of a beauty salon appeared.

The most interesting thing is that until 1973, cellulite was considered a completely NORMAL phenomenon for the female body!

In fact, cellulite has always “existed,” but it was not considered a flaw in the female body.

Look at the paintings of ancient masters, where they depicted naked beauties of our time.

Everyone has cellulite. And it is visible very clearly.

The artist didn’t even hide it when he painted the picture! Because it never even occurred to him or his models that there was a problem and some kind of “enemy number one”...

On the contrary, in those days, cellulite “dimples-tubercles” were considered a necessary “attribute” Female Beauty! It’s not for nothing that artists carefully “drew” these features on their canvases!

And now we are fiercely, simply “to the death”, fighting against these “dents”☺

Cellulite from a medical point of view

Professional specialists, of course, do not use the term “cellulite”.

Doctors have their own name for this disease. And not even one.

Fatty lipodystrophy, liposclerosis, edematofibrosclerotic panniculitis, nodular liposclerosis, edematous fibrous panniculopathy, panniculosis...

If you look at it from a medical point of view, cellulite is such structural changes in the subcutaneous fat layer of the body that lead to serious violation blood circulation in these places. They also lead to disruption of lymph movement (lymphatic outflow).

There is no consensus on cellulite in the medical world.

Many doctors are of the opinion that cellulite is a DISEASE, and not just some kind of “cosmetic and aesthetic defect”.

Other experts do not believe that cellulite is a disease at all, but consider it simply an indispensable “component” of the subcutaneous fat layer on the body of an adult woman.

The main signs of cellulite - how to determine whether there is cellulite or not?

  • How to determine the presence of cellulite?

To determine if you have cellulite, do this simple test: grab and squeeze the skin on your thigh with both hands.

If you see what is popularly called “orange peel”, and cellulite is very similar in appearance, then yes, this is the very first sign of cellulite...

If, without even squeezing the skin, you simply visually see all sorts of irregularities, “dimples and bumps” on your thighs or buttocks, then you have this problem, and at a stage that needs to be solved URGENTLY!

Stages of cellulite development

Today, experts distinguish 4 stages of cellulite development:

  • 1st stage. Pre-cellulite stage (initial) of cellulite development.

And it begins with the fact that in the tissues, or more precisely in the capillaries, the blood flow slows down, which increases the permeability of the capillary walls, the venous outflow of blood is disrupted, and the circulation of fluid in the body’s lymphatic system is disrupted.

There are no obvious (visible) signs at this stage of cellulite development.

But a symptom that something is ALREADY wrong can be the appearance of bruises from mild, minor blows, as well as insignificant, but still swelling of the body tissues, as well as heaviness in the legs.

I would like to note that swelling, fragility of capillaries (), and heaviness in the legs can be symptoms of other disorders in the body, much more serious than cellulite...

Therefore, be vigilant, girls, and watch your health, because it is the basis of our beauty, youth and well-being!

  • 2nd stage. The initial stage of cellulite development.

Gradually, swelling begins to appear more and more. More and more water and toxins accumulate in the subcutaneous fat layer.

The supply of oxygen to cells becomes worse and worse.

Changes become visible only when the skin is pinched into a fold or with strong muscle tension, and they appear in the form of an “orange peel” effect.

Pallor may also be noted at this stage. skin, a significant decrease in skin elasticity in areas affected by the problem.

  • 3rd stage. Micronodular stage of cellulite development.

At this stage, the fat cells seem to “stick together” into “clusters”. The once elastic septa in the subcutaneous fat become quite rough, very similar to scars.

Swelling and general disturbance of microcirculation increases (progresses). Externally one can observe a clearly visible effect " orange peel"without any special tests.

The skin may develop a “finely nodular” appearance. With your fingers you can clearly feel small and medium-sized “nodules” under the skin.

Tissue swelling is already quite noticeable, as are capillary “stars” on the skin. If you press deeply on the skin, noticeable pain appears.

  • 4th stage. Macronodular stage of cellulite.

Lymph stagnation, significant edema are already quite clearly evident in the body tissues, and the venous outflow of blood is already very much impaired.

Insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues contributes to even greater formation of scars in the tissues and increased swelling.

Externally, “nodes” on the skin are clearly visible. They are quite large, very painful, as if “fused” to the skin.

These large “nodules” can be quite easily felt with your fingers; all depressions and areas with obvious hardening are easily felt. Very pronounced swelling of the body tissues, severe pain when pressing with your fingers on the affected area.

If you measure the local temperature, then in the affected areas it is clearly increased (that is, inflammation occurs).

What stage of cellulite is most common?

The fourth stage is the rarest. The most common stages of cellulite are the second and third.

The fourth stage is very difficult to treat, even surgical intervention is possible.

And for the second and third stages of cellulite, it is enough to make regular personal efforts to eliminate the problem.

Causes of cellulite in women

Firstly, you need to know that almost every woman over twenty years has the first (initial) stage of cellulite.

Cellulite can often be observed even in girls during adolescence, at the time of puberty.

All modern research on this issue affirms one truth - the appearance of cellulite largely depends on the lifestyle we lead, and not on heredity or other reasons.

The causes of cellulite, which medical experts consider to be the main ones in the occurrence of this unpleasant phenomenon:

  1. Hormonal disorders (diseases) and hormonal changes(pregnancy, puberty).
  2. Especially - diseases of the thyroid gland and pancreas, disorders of the ovaries.
  3. Circulatory disorders, problems with “thick” blood, varicose veins, disorders in the lymphatic system.
  4. Bad ecology.
  5. Unhealthy eating, overeating, eating at the wrong time.
  6. Insufficient consumption clean water during the day.
  7. Frequent stress.
  8. Lack of sleep.
  9. Sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work.
  10. Sudden weight fluctuations (sudden weight gain and sudden weight loss).
  11. A large number of medications taken.
  12. Smoking, alcohol.
  13. Hereditary factor.

Please note that doctors place the hereditary factor in LAST place!

I draw your attention to this, because I often hear from girls that, they say, “my mother is like that, and so is my grandmother, so it’s hereditary for me”... In other words, “what can you do about it...”...

Heredity comes last. So this is absolutely NOT a reason to give up, my dears! They CANNOT be lowered, because EVERYTHING IS IN OUR HANDS!!!

Now let's take a closer look at all these reasons for cellulite, which are why it appears.

Why cellulite appears - the main reasons

Causes of cellulite:

  • Hormonal disorders in the body

The process of fat accumulation in the body of a healthy person is NORMAL process. That's how it should be.

A healthy person MUST have fat on his body!

The question is that the accumulation of fat is quantitatively within the healthy norm. And the “norm” is different for everyone...

How can we understand that something “wrong” is happening to our body?

You should definitely be alert to such signs (changes in the functioning of the body that were not there before), such as an irregular monthly cycle, gynecological problems, especially if they appeared after you started taking birth control pills.

This is a very “insidious” invention ( birth control pills). They are easy to use, they are effective, yes.

But the craze for these “miracle pills,” which have gained wide popularity all over the world, ultimately leads to the fact that the level of hormones in a woman’s body becomes significantly higher than the normal, healthy level.

And this, unfortunately, is fraught with, at a minimum, a violation general exchange substances in the body, the accumulation of toxins that begin to accumulate faster than they are eliminated, at least...

  • Unhealthy, unbalanced diet. Food "at the wrong time."

Truly healthy and proper food for our body is the food that will bring us maximum vitality, maximum energy.

And the one that is already “in excess” - for this we already have to pay with our health, our appearance (which, of course, over time will NOT please us, but only upset us), pay and feeling good and good mood...

What food causes cellulite:

  1. Cellulite is caused by everything that is NOT healthy - fatty, fried, “excessive meat and dairy”, “excessive flour”... fatty meat, various store-bought sauces and any sausage, frankfurters, sausages. Canned food, absolutely any smoked meats. Fried potatoes, especially french fries, pies, pasties, etc... All fast food, including chips, crackers, snacks, “quick breakfasts”, instant cereals and purees (when stirred - and you’re done) All store-bought pickles, all marinades, fish caviar, bouillon cubes... And also White bread, chocolates, all sorts of baked goods, cookies, cakes, ice cream...
  2. Cellulite will occur if you drink inappropriate quantities of tea and coffee, as well as carbonated sweet drinks...
  3. If you don't make sure your diet contains sufficient quantity fresh (raw) vegetables and herbs (which give us the best coarse fiber necessary for normal bowel function and timely removal of toxins from the body).
  4. If we don’t eat enough fresh fruits and berries...
  5. Eating at the wrong time (after 17-18 pm) will interfere with normal work, which means that it will be overloaded with “super-work”, and the functions that it should perform will no longer be performed normally! How will this end? Well, cellulite is at least...
  • Not drinking enough water

We VITALLY need clean and fresh water in order to remove decay products (toxins) from the body that accumulate in our tissues during the life of the body.

And yet, if we want to drink, then we drink coffee, compotes, juices... It’s also good if these are fresh juices, otherwise, as a rule, these are store-bought ones!..

We drink anything, but not clean fresh water...

Water, if present in our diet, is a rather small amount.

What happens to our appearance as a result?

The skin becomes dry, flabby, elasticity suddenly disappears... What about cellulite? Cellulite, on the contrary, “suddenly” appears from somewhere...

  • Bad habits: smoking, alcohol.

It would seem, what does cellulite have to do with it? But in fact, it’s very “even”!

The connection here is the most direct. There are simply a lot of scientific studies that prove that every cigarette smoked and even a very small amount of alcohol drunk increases the likelihood of cellulite many, many times!!!

And if you ALREADY have cellulite, then alcohol and cigarettes only worsen the whole situation, causing cellulite to progress and progress...

Alcohol, even in its “light version” - beer, shakes, non-fortified wine, champagne - retains fluid in the body and contributes to the accumulation of toxins in tissues.

Smoking greatly impairs the supply of oxygen to cells, and this leads to the so-called “ oxygen starvation».

  • Physical inactivity

This is a lack of active movement, lack (or insufficient amount) of physical exercise, sedentary lifestyle, “sedentary” work, etc...

Physical activity is the BEST way to normalize your metabolism, speed it up, “disperse” the blood throughout the body, thereby actively enriching the blood with oxygen and burning unnecessary toxins.

And also the most effective way reduce the amount of cellulite and fat on the body without losing muscle tone and skin elasticity!

Active sports, especially fresh air, this is a wonderful prevention of cellulite and very effective method fight him!!!

What do we usually prefer?

Sit! Sit with your eyes glued to your computer monitor. In transport, we also strive to quickly sit down in the vacant seat. While talking on the phone, we look for a bench, a chair, a sofa to sit down...

How does a woman usually sit? Yes, throwing one leg over the other, thereby simply disrupting the blood circulation in the legs in a real “killer” way! And when one leg “goes numb,” we change legs and begin to “mock” the other...

What is the result? At the very least - cellulite.

  • Body diseases

Very often, the occurrence and progressive growth of fatty deposits on the body provoke the presence of existing diseases.

From arthritis and scoliosis to constipation and kidney dysfunction... Anything from a disease can serve as a catalyst for the growth of cellulite.

Because any disease of the body is in itself ALREADY a metabolic disorder in the body. And on this very “soil” such “side effects” as cellulite and a number of other disorders and health problems arise.

  • Wrong daily routine

We OFTEN go to bed after midnight, eat at night, sleep little and poorly (well, how else can you sleep with a full belly?). We start and end our day differently from what Nature intended...

As a result, our body, tired and exhausted, can no longer perform everything normally.” restoration work", the main part of which, by the way, he performs at night!

What is it CORRECT mode day? This means going to bed at 21-22 o'clock, getting up no later than six in the morning.

Start your morning with a couple of glasses of clean water and exercise and jogging.

This is food on time, which means that last appointment food, which must be very, very light, ideally vegetable, 4-7 hours BEFORE bedtime.

You need to sleep a sufficient number of hours. If you go to bed early, right time, then the body itself will control how much it needs for full recovery.

The time from 10 pm to midnight is the most important time for our body, for our health, for our Beauty! And for the absence of cellulite, of course, too...

If we don't maintain a reasonable and healthy daily routine, our ENTIRE body suffers.

First of all, the digestive system begins to suffer and hormonal system, bad violations begin to occur there.

  • Fluctuations in body weight in one direction and the other

Meaning speed dial weight and fast weight loss. This moment has a very bad effect on both the skin and the muscles of our body.

And also it simply completely “cuts” our hormonal system.

In this case, cellulite is simply guaranteed... Therefore, you need to know that it is very NOT safe to lose weight quickly and gain weight quickly.

  • Taking medications

Here we are talking about uncontrolled reception, and about too many different “pills”.

When we have our own “pill” for all occasions.

One is “from the head”, the other is “from pressure”, the third is “from motion sickness”, the fourth is from “not stabbing in the stomach” and so on...

This is bad. And this shouldn’t happen!

I understand that often there is simply a real need to take medications. Everything happens in life, illnesses and injuries.

But if possible, you need to reduce the use of drugs from the pharmacy, replacing them with more natural ones, finding for yourself alternative methods treatments, methods offered by traditional medicine, etc...

Because our body suffers greatly from ANY drug “violence”, even not too significant.

Every drug has its side effects. This means that there is no 100% safety for our

Taking pharmaceutical tablets, etc. disrupts many processes in the body - from the process of digestion, blood circulation and to the removal of toxins from body cells.

All systems simply begin to wear out. Cellulite appears as a logical consequence of all this.

  • Bad ecology

You may ask: “Where is it good?” And you'll be right. Yes, the current environmental situation in the world is not encouraging, that’s for sure...

In addition to the GENERAL situation, there are a lot of specific places where the ecology is simply “off scale” in its harmfulness.

Our body simply “slips”, conscientiously trying to remove from the body everything that enters it from the air, etc. toxins...

And this is a very strong provoking factor for the appearance of cellulite on the body.

  • High heels

It is beautiful, and also fashionable, stylish, impressive, elegant.

Every woman wants to “carry herself” proudly, and for this, so that the gait itself is, as they say, “from the hip” and so that men turn around, we often wear high-heeled shoes.

And this, to put it mildly, is not physiological. That's putting it mildly...

When the foot is in such an unnatural position, EVERYTHING is disrupted: blood circulation, lymph outflow are disrupted, there is a load on the spine, on the forefoot, toes...

This is fraught with not just fatigue and heaviness in the legs, it threatens cellulite - at a minimum, and varicose veins and problems with the spine (especially the lower back) - at a maximum...

  • Wearing clothes that are too tight or too tight

In modern fashion trends there is a lot of “elastic-fitting”: jeans, trousers, tights, leggings, tights with a “stretch” effect, elastic waistbands, bodysuits, shorts...

We really want to look slimmer, and we wear all this “tight beauty”, endure some inconveniences for the sake of it, this very Beauty, often without even realizing what harm we are doing to our health!…

In addition to all this, tight clothing contributes to the development and rapid progression of cellulite deposits!

  • Improper breathing

How do we usually breathe? Our breathing is short, very rapid, confused, right?

Well, how else can you breathe, existing in constant haste, bustle, stress, “force majeure” and “time pressure”, right?

What does such incorrect, too shallow breathing lead to? Moreover, our blood is not sufficiently supplied with oxygen, the body’s detoxification functions are not performed in a timely manner and in full, and so on...

You need to learn to breathe correctly. Well, what about stress, you ask? You can't get them anywhere!

Yes, that’s right... Then the solution is this: master breathing techniques, at least one or two. And do them regularly. Little by little. One teaspoon at a time. But the effect will ALREADY definitely be!

  • Stress

Where would we be without them... It’s just some kind of “inevitable companion” of modern man...

The mass of negative emotions that we experience throughout the day is constant nervous tension, irritability, aggressiveness.

Frequent tearfulness, hysterics, nervous breakdowns...

The same “force majeure” and “time pressure” are simply finishing us off...

Not only does our psyche suffer from all this, our physical body begins to suffer! Ailments and diseases begin...

From such a rhythm of life and such a level of stress, not only cellulite will appear, honestly...

  • Heredity (genetic predisposition)

And yet, the information that heredity is almost the most important factor, which provokes the development and progression of cellulite, is already outdated.

All modern scientific research unanimously states that the presence or absence of cellulite is, first of all, influenced by the lifestyle we lead!

This is our mode of life:

  • what time do we go to bed,
  • What time do we get up?
  • how we eat.
  • Are we moving enough?
  • Do we exercise?
  • Are we drinking enough clean water?
  • Do we know how to relax and rest?
  • Do we have bad habits and diseases? And so on…

All this together determines how likely it is to develop cellulite on our body!

  • Psychological factor in the development of cellulite

You know, this factor is a very important point that you should pay your very close attention to!

Unfortunately, this is rarely talked about as the strongest factor provoking the development of cellulite...

All the factors that we talked about above are factors at the PHYSICAL level. That which directly concerns our body and influences it, so to speak, by “material methods”

But there is also the level of our thoughts and emotions, our feelings. Psychological level, let's call it that.

Those who are interested in psychological issues, are engaged in esotericism, those who understand what psychosomatics is, they know how strongly all our thoughts, feelings, emotions influence our physical body...

As a matter of fact, all our problems physical body have their roots precisely there - in the sphere of our feelings and thoughts.

It has been proven quite a long time ago, and far from me, that problems must be solved at once “in two moves”: work with physical manifestations (diseases) and work with your feelings and thoughts, since the reason may be THERE.

As for cellulite specifically, it’s an accumulation, right? The accumulation in oneself of everything that is no longer needed, that which is superfluous, that which does not bring any benefit, but only harm.

Looking from a psychological point of view, cellulite is:

  1. These are our accumulated and unforgiven grievances against someone (or even ourselves!), some disappointments, unfulfilled expectations, unfulfilled desires and dreams...
  2. These are thoughts of regret about something done or NOT done once...
  3. This is a feeling of fear that something will NOT work out, something will NOT turn out the way we want...
  4. This is not acceptance of Life itself as it is, resistance to it...
  5. This is not acceptance of yourself, your Body. These are constant “nitpicking” about oneself and too high demands on oneself and others, respectively...

Exists on this moment there is even a lot of scientific research on this issue, and there are results of these studies that any psychologist will tell you about. Esotericist - even more so

Girls, everyone has this, so after reading all of the above, you don’t need to grab your head and think about how “different” I am... No! Absolutely not!

The question is not to try to get rid of the negative things that happen to us, suppressing them in ourselves (as a result - cellulite), but to try to live them correctly, let go of them in time (the same grievances) and learn to accept yourself and Life in general.

If we work through everything on time and live correctly, without accumulating an exorbitant “load” of grievances and disappointments, without carrying negativity in our hearts, then the body will be much healthier, and the body will become much more beautiful (by the way, this has also been proven a hundred years ago) just like that, fact!)

And then everything will be very good!

  • Cellulite in men

Here's something, but men are not familiar with cellulite. That is, even a man of large build and overweight will not find any signs of “orange peel” on his body.

And even big belly with subcutaneous fat on it in men you can’t call cellulite...

It turns out that it’s all about hormones and collagen fibers, the structure of which in men differs from the structure of collagen fibers in us women...

Therefore, when fat is distributed, it does not accumulate in cavities, men simply do not have them, fat is distributed evenly.

There is something similar to cellulite on the body of those men who have hormonal disorders, when there is hypersecretion of estrogens, which provoke changes in microcirculation in the subcutaneous fat tissue.

Men with a thin build, unlike women with a thin build, do not have cellulite manifestations on their bodies at all.

Well, friends, today we talked about what cellulite is, how to recognize it in yourself and what are the reasons for its appearance.

In the next article we will figure out what you can do with all this. Namely - HOW TO FIGHT CELLULITE.

I will tell you what you can do on your own, and how experts can help us with this.

If you liked the article and the information was useful, then share it with your friends on social media. networks!

See you all soon, bye-bye!
