How to cope with nervous exhaustion. Causes, symptoms and treatment of exhaustion of the nervous system Nervous fatigue

In a hectic world, stressful situations happen very often. But in my head, as always, the slogan “Control yourself” rings like an alarm bell. Such suppression can quickly lead to nervous exhaustion. We take blows at work, school, in the family, we constantly endure and, as a result, we lose mental and thinking abilities and other delights of life. Among other consequences, one of the most common is - So exhaustion? See below for symptoms and treatment of the disease.

Causes of nervous system exhaustion

Before considering the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to describe exactly the causes, the elimination of which will be the main cure for the patient. The first and main one is overwork. If you think that when you put off work until the last minute and rest during this time, you are giving yourself a good break, then I can say that you are wrong. Subsequent shock work will not only bring everything to naught, but will also aggravate the current situation. And working “until you’re blue in the face” operates on the same principle. Maybe some or some Vasya-Petya-Masha-Klava can maintain a similar pace. But if you

the threshold of nervous exhaustion, periodic breakdowns and depression breathing down your neck, which means it’s time to change jobs. Otherwise, it’s not far from a stroke with a large bouquet of diseases. The best solution for any person is alternation mental activity, tension with emotional release, change from energy to inhibition. Otherwise, depression awaits you in its sad and very heavy embrace.

Exhaustion of the nervous system: symptoms

Now let's move directly to the disease. So, what can we say on the topic " Nervous exhaustion. Symptoms and treatment"? One of the first signs is pain in the chest and cardiac arrhythmia. It manifests itself differently for everyone. Blood pressure can also jump, headaches appear, and the digestion process is disrupted. The patient is often tormented by insomnia and nightmares, nausea and vomiting . At the same time, the person loses libido. Chronic forgetfulness gradually develops, it becomes difficult to remember or say anything. It is disrupted. The more clearly all these signs are expressed, the greater the need for inpatient treatment. Outbursts of anger may appear for any reason or without it. Next, the person plunges into alcohol, drugs and smoking, which further aggravates the condition.

Nervous exhaustion: symptoms and urgent treatment

If you underestimate this unhealthy condition, the consequences can be simply catastrophic. Often, either the patient himself or his family simply brushes off the signs, letting the disease take its course and not recognizing the existence of a problem. In some cases it may be necessary hospital treatment with the use of medications. Only a doctor can correctly prescribe them. Self-treatment can lead not only to deterioration of the condition, but also to death.

Therapy in in this case It will be most correct if you combine it with normalizing your daily routine, sleep, and making your work easier. All causes of stress must be eliminated. Taking vitamins, exercise and fresh air will also be useful in the list of activities. So, no matter what the nervous exhaustion, the symptoms, there is only one treatment - a change in lifestyle in a qualitatively positive direction.

Every day people experience stressful situations, worries, increased mental and physical exercise, negative emotions. And all this is reflected in our activities nervous system. Normally healthy person Energy reserves are constantly depleted, but with the right rhythm of life and adequate stress, everything is quickly restored during sleep and rest. These processes are in balance, which allows the body to function normally.

Nervous exhaustion occurs when increased loads on the nervous system are not compensated for by an increase in recovery time. Thus, the main reason is overwork. Unfortunately, most people do not pay enough attention to this problem; people want to do everything and do not pay attention to their mental state. It seems to everyone that the body’s reserves are limitless, and one can easily continue to work at a frantic pace to the detriment of sleep and rest. But against the background of prolonged nervous exhaustion, depression can develop, which is very difficult to treat.

Symptoms and signs of nervous exhaustion:

The clinical picture of the disease is quite diverse and can be hidden under the guise of pathology of many organs and systems:

1. Psycho-emotional manifestations of depletion of the central nervous system appear first, but in most cases go unnoticed, because even the patients themselves, when visiting a doctor, very rarely focus on them:

  • irritability for any reason, something that previously did not cause any special emotions begins to provoke outbursts of aggression;
  • rapid fatigue, when a person cannot fully perform his duties at work and at home, he needs to take frequent breaks. People with nervous exhaustion feel tired even in the morning after seemingly full sleep;
  • inability to concentrate, there is a feeling that everything around is interfering, distracting: cars are making too loud noise outside the window, extraneous sounds are annoying;
  • lethargy, general weakness when it seems that even to perform a simple movement one has to make incredible efforts;
  • unreasonable fears, anxieties, fear of making a mistake;
  • insomnia, especially difficulty falling asleep, constantly tormented by unpleasant thoughts that are simply impossible to get rid of. If sleep does occur, it is shallow and short-lived, may be accompanied by scary and incomprehensible dreams, and after waking up you feel tired and exhausted;
  • low self-esteem, a person feels like a failure, focuses on his shortcomings and repeatedly exaggerates them;
  • fog in the head, when there is no clarity of thinking, everything seems blurry and incomprehensible.

2. Symptoms from the cardiovascular system:

  • stitching pain in the region of the heart;
  • feeling of heaviness, pressure behind the sternum;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • fluctuations blood pressure with a downward tendency;
  • excessive sweating, pallor, marbling of the skin;
  • coldness of hands, feet.

3. Gastrointestinal manifestations:

  • stool disorder - there may be either diarrhea or constipation;
  • colic, cramping pain in a stomach;
  • decreased appetite.

4. Changes in the central nervous system:

  • headache paroxysmal in nature (like a migraine), aggravated by psycho-emotional stress - as with astheno-neurotic syndrome;
  • dizziness;
  • “veil” before the eyes;
  • noise, ringing in the head.

5. Signs of vitamin deficiency, nutrients and general exhaustion of the body:

  • weight loss;
  • increased fragility of teeth and nails;
  • hair loss;
  • allergic reactions;
  • herpes;
  • decreased immunity.

Stress and depression with nervous exhaustion

Stress, nervous exhaustion and depression are parts of one pathological process. You could even call these stages of the disease. Constant stressful situations give rise to exhaustion of the nervous system, and prolonged existence in conditions of constant lack of substances necessary for normal functioning nerve cells, ultimately leads to a worsening of the condition and the development of depression. Being in depressed state provokes new stress. Thus it turns out vicious circle, which can be very difficult to break without qualified medical care.

Treatment for nervous system exhaustion

Therapy in mild cases is carried out on an outpatient basis; in more severe situations, treatment is indicated in specialized departments of hospitals. Basic principles:

1. Normalization of work and rest regime- the main key to success in the treatment of nervous exhaustion. Mental stress should alternate with physical labor, i.e. It is important to change the type of activity throughout the day, not forgetting about breaks.

2. Night sleep at least 8 hours. Before you go to bed. it is advisable to take a walk on fresh air at least 20-30 minutes, you can drink weak tea with mint, take a warm bath with chamomile infusion.

3. Nutrition during the treatment of nervous exhaustion should be balanced, contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Fatty, fried, salty foods and overuse seasoning

4. Refusal of alcohol and nicotine.

5. Psychotherapy.

6. Medications must be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor:

  • antidepressants (amitriptyline, sertraline);
  • sedatives (grandaxin, adaptol);
  • drugs that restore energy reserves V nerve cells(mildronate, actovegin);
  • vasodilators (sermion, cavinton).

7. Traditional treatment with exhaustion of the nervous system, including the central one, is based on the following recipes:

  • Angelica officinalis: 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of chopped rhizomes and leave until it cools completely. Drink during the day in 4-5 doses (after meals), for a course of 21 days;
  • heather: 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed dry grass, pour 500 ml of water, let simmer for 10 minutes, wrap and leave until completely cool. Drink in small portions per day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Taking vitamins

If you are suffering from nervous exhaustion, you should not buy vitamin-mineral complexes with which the shelves of pharmacies are replete; it is better to direct your attention to separate groups vitamin preparations, beneficial for the nervous system, which in high doses can help treat the disease:

  • B vitamins (milgamma, neuromultivit, magne B6);
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Take courses for less than 3-4 weeks

Nervous exhaustion and the causes of its formation. The article will discuss how to protect yourself from this problem. Methods to combat it in the event of physical and mental pathology of a similar nature will also be announced.

The content of the article:

Nervous exhaustion is special condition, which arises against the background of moral and physical overexertion. In a frantic rhythm Everyday life We often do not pay attention to the state of our nervous system. Going to the doctor as soon as possible warning signs overwork is also usually postponed indefinitely, which is not a reasonable solution to the problem. However, the consequences of nervous exhaustion can be extremely dangerous and unpredictable, so it is worth understanding the causes of this physical and mental pathology.

Causes of nervous exhaustion

Life in megacities is always characterized by the need for an accelerated pace of solving any emerging problems. However, rural life also dictates certain conditions for survival in search of one’s place in the sun.

Psychologists, having examined the problem voiced in detail, determine the causes of nervous exhaustion as follows:

  • . Any human body is designed for certain reserves of internal energy, because in existing reality There is nothing eternal and stable. Of course, life sometimes dictates to us the most difficult conditions to realize oneself in this world. However, all this can result in nervous exhaustion if the worker is unable to perform his usual hard work without harming the functioning of your body.
  • . Even if a person is not standing with a jackhammer in a mine, his body may weaken for the reason stated. Some knowledge workers are willing to spend 24 hours a day developing new ideas, to the detriment of their health. As a result, after such a daily routine, they receive an unwanted bonus in the form of nervous exhaustion.
  • Insufficient time to recuperate. Sleep is not a luxury, but a natural need for everyone human body to restore your physical and moral abilities. Consequently, lack of sleep and rest after a busy day can end very badly for many reactive workaholics.
  • Experienced stressful situation . Trouble is trouble, but you have to survive it without significant damage to your mental state. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between imaginary grief and real grief, when all the colors of life fade for a person after suffering a blow of fate.
War is war, and lunch and rest must be on schedule. This is exactly what psychologists think when it comes to nervous exhaustion. The listed causes of mental illness are not jokes, because the problem is directly related to the future of a person, which may simply not exist.

The main symptoms of nervous exhaustion in humans

Sometimes it is very difficult to identify an individual who can successfully hide his critical condition under the guise of bravado. However, even the most mentally strong people behave quite typically when nervous exhaustion occurs.

Signs of nervous exhaustion:

  1. Depression. Such a condition can lead any person to nervous exhaustion, which he did not expect. A subject with a complete decline in vitality does not want anything or anyone, because his reference point for healthy desires is violated. The only dream in this state is to isolate yourself from the whole world for a long period of time in order to restore your strength.
  2. Pain in the heart area. The voiced organ can cause many problems to a person with signs of nervous exhaustion. Overfatigue is not sighs under the moon when it comes to a malfunction of the nervous system with characteristic cardiovascular pathologies in the victim. Pain in the heart area is the first a wake-up call the onset of nervous exhaustion, which may be the first and last warning for the victim.
  3. Disturbed sleep. Night rest is natural process, unless the case concerns those subjects who are susceptible to insomnia. One should only feel sorry for them, because staying awake at the wrong time can negatively affect general health person. A subject who has not had enough sleep behaves aggressively and begins to cause problems for people around him with his outbursts of irritability.
  4. Systematic headache. Migraine is laziness to work, as our wise ancestors taught us. However, in some cases this is a joke takes on some double meaning. An aspirin or citramone tablet becomes a ritual for a person who, due to chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion, suffers from periodic attacks of headaches.
  5. Characteristic forgetfulness. In this case, one should not confuse a person driven by everyday life and circumstances with an absent-minded personality. The eccentric stepsons of Fortune are victims of coincidences who, physically and mentally, can feel great. They are accustomed to a chronic streak of bad luck, to which they manage to adapt in any case. The situation is worse with those people who experienced nervous exhaustion of the body for a completely different reason. Trying to find out everything and everywhere, they end up getting nothing because they simply forget about the most important things planned.
  6. Excessive aggressiveness. Every person can flare up, because many factors in life lead us to emotions. However, with obvious nervous exhaustion, the people’s body begins to fight, because it receives a powerful impulse about the need for self-preservation. At best, this will manifest itself in isolation and detachment from the whole world of the affected individual, but there are also critical options with a chronically tired aggressor.
  7. Alcohol abuse or tobacco products . Very often we try to relax after a busy day using all kinds of means. At best, your leisure time will be filled with watching a cult film or a walk in the park. However, some people have a different idea of ​​relaxation, negatively fueling an already exhausted body with cigarettes or strong drinks. Even though a calming phase begins, it does not last long and turns into another reason for the progression of nervous exhaustion.
The described pattern of behavior of a person with chronic fatigue does not make him a pleasant person to talk to. These symptoms of nervous exhaustion often plunge the victim into a kind of communication vacuum. However, no one is immune from the occurrence of such a problem, so a desperate person needs to be helped to get out of a crisis situation.

Features of recovery after nervous exhaustion

If a person is not an obvious masochist and an enemy of his health, then he will take all measures to combat exhaustion. In this case, he can cope with the problem on his own, resorting to the help of specialists in a critical situation.

Getting rid of nervous exhaustion on your own

Any individual himself is able to control what happens in his life. Therefore, you can try the following methods to eliminate nervous exhaustion:
  • Clear daily routine. At the same time, you shouldn’t go to extremes by arranging a systematic Groundhog Day for yourself. You should be very clear about what needs to be done in the near future. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, because it has long been present in our reality. Experts recommend making a list of feasible tasks for the week in order to clearly understand your prospects for the near future.
  • Analysis of your own actions. Before you start fighting nervous exhaustion, you should recognize the obvious fact that it still exists. An alcoholic will never confirm his weakness, and a workaholic will die at work with a clear conviction of the correctness of such a life routine. For a sane person, the sense of self-preservation will tell you how to treat nervous exhaustion. An experienced person simply will not find himself in such a situation, having calculated in advance possible consequences nervous exhaustion.
  • Increased self-esteem. Some workaholics are constantly trying to prove to the world how efficient they are. In their opinion, otherwise they will be counted among the losers who are not worthy of respect. You should clearly define for yourself that no one owes anything to anyone, provided that the matter does not involve helping a person in trouble. Everyone should think about their own “I” so as not to become a passive victim in the hands of fate.

Drug treatment for nervous exhaustion

A visit to the doctor for nervous exhaustion is not weakness, but a normal reaction of an adequate person to a problem that has arisen. As is known, a driven horse is shot. Such black humor should still turn on the instinct of self-preservation in any subject, which will not hinder him at all.
  1. Vasodilators. The human brain constantly needs a flow of blood and oxygen into it. Consequently, drugs such as Tanakal or Mexidol will help him with this with rather minor material costs. It is worth remembering that self-medication has never brought recovery to a person. Initially, you need to consult a doctor to start taking the mentioned medications in the fight against nervous exhaustion.
  2. Vitamin complex. In this case, the main thing is not to make the oil oily, so as not to cause significant damage to the body instead of benefit. B vitamins will perfectly help in a situation where there is an urgent need to activate metabolic processes in nerve cells.
  3. Nootropics. As you know, these medications can make the treatment of nervous exhaustion productive. Brain cells need constant nourishment, which is no secret to anyone. In this case, we are definitely not talking about a thorough study of the hundred thousandth volume world encyclopedia, but about working to regain your health. Ceraxon and Pantogam, which are well-known nootropics, can become powerful weapons in the fight against nervous exhaustion in a desperate subject.
  4. Sedatives. Calm does not always come at our first desire, which is an everyday fact. In this case, sedative medications will come to the rescue, which the shortest possible time can eliminate nervous exhaustion. Motherwort and valerian are the best helpers in this matter, so very often experts recommend the mentioned components.

Traditional medicine in the fight against nervous exhaustion in humans

In this case, the previously mentioned valerian helps a lot, but there are other ways to combat nervous exhaustion:
  • Honey. This product not only has quite pleasant taste, but can also work wonders for chronic fatigue in humans. A teaspoon of this remedy on an empty stomach will help you gain with regular use. peace of mind.
  • Knotweed herb tincture. The voiced recipe will help if necessary, if you strictly follow the recommendations of specialists. A tablespoon will be enough medicinal plant, which will need to be filled with half a liter of boiling water. After infusing such a drug for an hour, you can use half a glass of it before eating.
  • Infusion of mint leaves. This gift of nature has long been very popular among the people, because it has real abilities to mitigate the manifestations of nervous exhaustion. You can take the infusion orally, and also add mint leaves to the bath. In this case, you need to pour a tablespoon of herb with 200 grams of boiling water. The next step is to steep the infusion for 40-50 minutes so that the mint has time to release the healing juice that is so necessary for treatment.
How to treat nervous exhaustion - watch the video:

Chronic fatigue is an alarming fact that it is time to take your health seriously. Very often a person is faced with the question of how to recover from nervous exhaustion. This can only be done with a sound approach to a rather serious mental and physical pathology that can nullify any human endeavor in life.

Nervous exhaustion (" nervous weakness», chronic fatigue, asthenic neurosis) is the most common in modern world form of neurosis. This condition It is very difficult to detect by the person himself and to diagnose by doctors, because its symptoms are varied. Nervous exhaustion, symptoms, treatment, causes will be discussed in this article.

What are the reasons?

Usually, main reason Experts call this condition overwork. When a person accumulates less energy What it spends, the body begins to deplete. This also applies to the nervous system. The human brain gets tired of bad habits, insufficient sleep, too much physical or mental stress, stress, anxiety. If you constantly live at this pace and do not take breaks, then you risk encountering a problem such as nervous exhaustion. We will look at the symptoms below, but remember that you should not seek treatment from a therapist who will treat the consequences (chronic ailments, decreased immunity). In this case, go to a psychotherapist who will eliminate the original cause.

Nervous exhaustion: symptoms

This condition, as we have already said, is very difficult to diagnose, since it is hidden under a huge amount symptoms. Let's look at the most obvious and common signs.

A terrible symptom is depression

There are many symptoms that experts call “masking symptoms.” These include ringing in the ears, vomiting, dry mouth, abdominal pain, movement disorders. However, nervous exhaustion also has a very formidable “hidden” symptom - depression. Why is he formidable? Because there are several types of depression, and only a specialist can identify the one that can be treated. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Depression with “strange” pain

Nervous exhaustion in this case is manifested by “incomprehensible” pains and sensations throughout the body. They can concentrate in the area of ​​the heart (then we are dealing with a cardialgic variant), in the head area (cephalgic depression), in the joints (arthralgic). If there is no specific localization, and sensations “wander” everywhere, then a panalgic variant occurs.

Depression with signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia

In this case, significant regular pulse fluctuations will be observed, blood pressure. There may be malfunctions in normal operation internal organs. A little elevated temperature bodies, gases, sweating also indicate this type of depression.

Drug-addicted look

Against a background of depressed mood and nervous exhaustion, a person often begins to take drugs or abuse alcohol. It seems to him that in this way he will get rid of everyone discomfort, will lift your spirits, but this does not happen, and the situation only gets worse.

Behavioral changes and insomnia

These are two more types of depression. The first is more characteristic of adolescents, when discipline is considered by them to be a violation of freedom, an invasion of personal life. Laziness noticeably replaces overly active behavior. Insomnia (insomnia) was discussed above. The person cannot sleep normally and feels constant drowsiness during the day.

Problems in treatment

Nervous exhaustion, the treatment of which must be tailored to all causes and symptoms, is a common ailment that, unfortunately, is neglected by many. In many cases, attempts are made to treat neurosis itself and the accompanying disorders. different drugs, including antidepressants. However, it must be borne in mind that many drugs or have a mass side effects and contraindications, or simply will not have the desired effect. Because of this, specialists are forced to use several means at once in order for at least some help, which, naturally, is fraught with consequences. The fact is that such an approach (especially in old age) can lead to even bigger problems. What to do? Of course, if you are dealing with an advanced case, then there is simply no other choice, every minute is decisive. But if everything is just beginning, then we advise you to try the following recommendations.

Nervous exhaustion: how to recover

  1. First of all, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause that caused this condition. As a rule, this turns out to be a psychological trauma that arose in childhood. Either the child was raised harshly, or he often observed conflicts in the family, or too many demands were placed on him. There are a lot of situations. An intrapersonal conflict arises, provoking such neuroses in the future. This conflict is located in the subconscious, so a person is unable to change anything on his own. It is necessary to contact a psychotherapist who will help you deal with deep-seated experiences and eliminate the cause of neurosis.
  2. You cannot do without the correct alternation of work and rest. According to statistics, a considerable part of cases occur due to the fact that a person is trying to cope with a large amount of work or tasks in record time. Don’t forget to take breaks during activities, rest actively, and move more.
  3. Normal good sleep- the path to healing. Try to get up at the same time every day, do not read, watch TV, or work on a laptop in bed. Lie down only when you are very tired, do not try to fall asleep “forcibly”, the body itself will tell you when to take a horizontal position. A few hours before bedtime, do not drink alcohol, caffeine, or eat.
  4. Physical activity in the form hiking or swimming will help improve the condition.
  5. Relaxation. This includes meditation, listening to light compositions, yoga, and baths.

In this article we looked at what nervous exhaustion is. You now know the symptoms and treatment. Do not delay returning to normal and full life, take care of yourself!

Nervous exhaustion (neurasthenia, asthenic neurosis, “nervous weakness”, nervous fatigue, chronic fatigue) is the most common in modern society form of neurosis.
As a rule, nervous exhaustion occurs when a more or less prolonged mental trauma is combined with excessively strenuous work and physiological lack of rest, sleep, etc.
It is worth noting that with the correct treatment of nervous exhaustion It passes quickly enough and the person recovers. However, people often turn to treatment of nervous exhaustion not to a psychotherapist, but to doctors who treat not the cause, but only the consequences of this neurosis (decreased immunity, exacerbation chronic diseases etc.). And since the cause is not eliminated, complete recovery does not occur.
Usually, nervous exhaustion begins unnoticed and manifests itself as slight fatigue. If this fatigue is ignored by a person, then it gradually accumulates and begins to be accompanied by. And the more time passes, the more acute these symptoms become.

Nervous exhaustion, SYMPTOMS:

- Irritability. This symptom of nervous exhaustion characterized by a sharp but short-lived outbreak of irritation. A person is irritated by literally everything: sounds, close people, his own habits.
- Impatience. A person tolerates any waiting, even minute ones, very poorly.
- Increased sensitivity to sounds, light, smells.
- Sleep disorders. Wherein symptom of nervous exhaustion It is difficult for a person to fall asleep - thoughts are spinning in his head, his sleep is anxious and superficial, and he often has nightmares. When waking up, you feel tired and exhausted.
- Recurrent headaches, migraines. They occur at the slightest load and are compressive in nature.
- Low self-esteem. A person becomes unsure of himself and perceives himself as a “loser.”
- Sexual disorders. Wherein symptom of nervous exhaustion observed: decreased sexual desire to total loss, orgasmic dysfunction, erectile dysfunction - in men, subsequently leading to impotence, etc.
- Weakness, chronic fatigue, loss of strength, lethargy, feeling of overwork, any movement requires incredible effort, decreased physical activity. There is a constant need for rest, after which health improves for a short period of time.
- Inability to concentrate. For this symptoms of nervous exhaustion characterized by difficulty in comprehending and grasping information, everything around is distracting. When trying to engage in intellectual activity, a person moves on to something else. At the same time, even in a relaxing environment, he strives for activity.
- Difficulty remembering, constant “fog” in the head. Intellectual activity unproductive.
- Psychosomatic disorders. Here symptoms of nervous exhaustion may be: headache, unpleasant bodily sensations, skin problems, loss of appetite, visual disturbances, allergies, etc.
- Depressed mood negative emotions, life is not happy, doubts, constant feeling anxiety.

Nervous exhaustion, TREATMENT:

TO treatment of nervous exhaustion you need to approach it comprehensively. Often they try to treat neurasthenia only with medications (tranquilizers, antipsychotics, etc.), but these drugs have many side effects and do not guarantee results.

Therefore for quick treatment nervous exhaustion you need:
1. Eliminate the causes of neurasthenia. For treatment of nervous exhaustion It is important to know that the main reason here is more or less long-term psychological trauma that occurs in childhood. Usually these are conflicts in the family, a very tough type of raising a child. For example, when parents make demands on a child that exceed his capabilities. The child, in turn, tries to meet the requirements placed on him, but does not achieve results.
This contradiction between his “want” and reality gives rise to an intrapersonal conflict, which subsequently leads to the development of neurosthenia. This conflict is at the level of deep experiences. On the one hand, a person has high self-esteem, which does not allow him to give up his claims. On the other hand, he experiences a feeling of inferiority, realizing the unattainability of his goals. A person feels that he is unable to change anything and goes into illness.
For treatment of nervous exhaustion it is especially necessary to resolve this conflict. Because it is the triggering mechanism for neurasthenia.
2. Proper organization of work and rest. According to research, nervous exhaustion occurs when a person for a long time forced to work with a significant workload in a short time frame. Therefore, in order to speed up treatment of nervous exhaustion, a person during his work needs to take breaks for active rest.
3. Normalization of sleep. For the earliest possible treatment of nervous exhaustion take advantage simple rules:
- Get up at the same time every morning;
- Do not do extraneous activities in bed (working on a laptop, reading, eating, watching TV);
- Go to bed only when you are very tired;
- When lying in bed, do not force yourself to fall asleep, do not lie in bed awake for more than half an hour;
- If you can’t sleep, get up and do something;
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and large amounts of food before going to bed.
4. Physical exercise also necessary for treatment of nervous exhaustion. The simplest thing is long walks in the fresh air and swimming.
5. Regular meals.
6. Relaxation. This could be anything that allows you to relax: warm baths, hypnosleep, meditation, music with nature sounds, etc.

Correct treatment of nervous exhaustion leads to full recovery, life will begin to be seen and felt as something good and pleasant!
