Calcium d3 nycomed chewable. Calcium - D3 Nycomed: instructions for use

Instructions for use:

Calcium-D3 Nycomed is a regulator of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, replenishing the lack of calcium and vitamin D3 in the body.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed belongs to pharmacological groups correctors of cartilage metabolism and bone tissue in combinations, vitamins and vitamin-like products in combinations.

pharmachologic effect

Calcium-D3 Nycomed is a combination drug of calcium and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), necessary in case of:

  • Regulation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism;
  • Replenishing calcium deficiency in hair, teeth, muscles, bones, nails;
  • Reducing resorption (resorption) and increasing bone density;
  • Replenishing the deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3, necessary for the mineralization of teeth;
  • Regulations muscle contractions, nerve conduction;
  • Normalization of blood clotting;
  • Decreased production of parathyroid hormone, which stimulates the leaching of calcium from bones.

Vitamin D3 in the preparation increases the absorption and distribution of calcium in tissues and organs. Entering the body, the components of the drug are absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract: vitamin D3 - by the small intestine, calcium - by the proximal section small intestine. The biological availability of calcium in the drug Calcium-D3 Nycomed is about 30%. About 1% of calcium is distributed in the extracellular space and inside cells, the rest of calcium is distributed into bone tissue. Vitamin D3 is partially metabolized by the liver into calcitriol (the active metabolite).

The active components of the drug are excreted from the body through the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract; additionally, calcium is excreted through the sweat glands.

Release form Calcium-D3 Nycomed

Calcium-D3 Nycomed – round chewable tablets, white, biconvex, without a shell, uneven edges and small inclusions are possible:

  • Orange flavored tablets – 20, 50, 100 pieces. Plastic bottle in cardboard packaging;
  • Tablets with menthol flavor - 20, 50, 100 pieces. Plastic bottle in cardboard packaging;
  • Lemon-flavored tablets (Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte) – 30, 60, 120 pieces. Plastic bottle in cardboard packaging.

Analogues of Calcium-D3 Nycomed

Analogues of Calcium-D3 Nycomed active component– Calcium + vitamin D3 Vitrum, Calcium-D3-MIK, Complivit calcium D3, Natekal D3, Revital Calcium D3, Calcium D3 Classic.

Analogs of the drug according to the mechanism of action are Vitrum Osteomag, Calcohel (homeopathic), Kalcemin, Kalcemin Advance, Calcium-D3 Actavis.

Indications for use Calcium-D3 Nycomed

According to the instructions, Calcium-D3 Nycomed is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency in the body in the following cases:

  • Osteoporosis (menopausal, steroid, senile, idiopathic, etc.) for prevention and in combination with the main treatment;
  • Osteomalacia – softening of bones as a result of impaired mineral metabolism;
  • Hypocalcemia – with a decrease in the content of ionized calcium in the blood serum;
  • The body's increased need for the components of the drug is a period of intensive growth in children after 12 years of age.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed during pregnancy

According to the instructions, Calcium-D3 Nycomed is recommended to be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding to compensate for the deficiency of vitamin D3 and calcium. Hypercalcemia due to drug overdose may have an adverse effect on fetal development. The maximum daily dose of the drug components is calcium 1500 mg, and vitamin D3 600 IU.

The drug can be taken during lactation, but you should be aware that cholecalciferol and calcium can penetrate into breast milk. For calculation daily dose drug in this case, it is necessary to take into account other sources of entry of these components into the body of the mother and child.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician and under his supervision.


According to the instructions, Calcium-D3 Nycomed is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, peanuts and soy;
  • Hypervitaminosis D3;
  • Hypercalcemia;
  • Hypercalciuria;
  • Nephrothiasis;
  • Expressed renal failure;
  • Active form of tuberculosis;
  • Phenylketonuria;
  • Sarcoidosis;
  • Hereditary fructose intolerance;
  • Glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • Sugar-isomaltase deficiency.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed should be prescribed with caution for moderate renal failure, immobile patients, elderly people, and children under 12 years of age.

Method of use Calcium-D3 Nycomed

According to the instructions, Calcium-D3 Nycomed is taken orally, chewed or swallowed whole. Adults and children over 12 years of age: 1 tablet 2 times a day, morning and evening, during meals or according to the regimen prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Drug interactions

According to the instructions, Calcium-D3 Nycomed with simultaneous administration interacts with these drugs as follows:

  • Cardiac glycosides - the drug potentiates the toxic effects of glycosides in hypercalcemia. Monitoring serum calcium levels and ECG is necessary;
  • Tetracycline drugs - calcium reduces their absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Tetracyclines should be taken 2 hours before or 4-6 hours after taking the drug;
  • Bisphosphonates - calcium reduces their absorption. Take at least one hour before the drug;
  • GCS - reduce calcium absorption. It is possible to increase the dose of the drug;
  • Thiazide diuretics – increase the risk of hypercalcemia. Regular monitoring of serum calcium is necessary;
  • Levothyroxine - calcium reduces its absorption. The gap between doses of drugs is at least 4 hours;
  • Antibiotics of the quinolone group - calcium reduces their absorption. Taken 2 hours before or 4 hours after taking the drug.

Calcium absorption reduces intake food products containing oxalates and phytin. Therefore, according to the instructions, Calcium-D3 Nycomed can be taken 2 hours after eating cereals, spinach, sorrel, and rhubarb.

Side effects

When taking Calcium-D3 Nycomed, according to reviews, stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, and constipation are possible. Sometimes uncontrolled use of the drug can cause hypercalcemia or hypercalciuria.

In case of a severe overdose of Calcium-D3 Nycomed, according to reviews, it can cause thirst, polyuria, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation, headache, weakness, dizziness, fainting states. With prolonged use, the formation of calcification of blood vessels and tissues is possible.

Storage conditions

Calcium-D3 Nycomed is stored at room temperature, in a dry place, out of direct sunlight.

Shelf life: 3 years from the date on the package.

Calcium D3 Nycomed is used to prevent excessive synthesis of parathyroid hormone, which increases bone resorption. The drug is based on natural calcium and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). These substances help regulate phosphorus-calcium metabolism and replenish calcium deficiency. Thanks to sufficient number It is calcium that quickly restores bone tissue, improves blood clotting, and mineralizes teeth and bones.

Thanks to vitamin D3, calcium absorption in the gastrointestinal tract is regulated, after which it is distributed throughout the body in the correct ratio.

Release form: chewable round tablets.

They are white and double convex. If you notice any jagged edges or blemishes, don't worry. For this drug this is quite normal. Tablets can have orange, menthol or lemon flavor; one package can contain 20, 30, 50, 60, 100 or 120 pieces.

  1. Severe renal failure.
  2. Hypercalcemia, that is increased content calcium in blood fluid.
  3. Hypervitaminosis D (vitamin D overdose).
  4. High levels of calcium in the urine.
  5. Age up to 3 years.
  6. Acute form of tuberculosis.
  7. Sarcoidosis.
  8. Individual intolerance to one ingredient.
  9. Sucrose-isomaltose deficiency.
  10. Phenylketonuria.

Side effects include an allergic reaction in the form of a runny nose, swelling, redness of the skin, itching and burning. Constipation, nausea, vomiting, flatulence and headache.

Composition of the drug

The drug is based on calcium carbonate and vitamin D3. Excipients: sorbitol, sucrose, povidone, aspartame, magnesium stearate and flavorings (mint, lemon, orange).

Instructions for use

This drug is intended for internal use directly during meals. The tablets can be chewed or dissolved.

The course duration ranges from 1 to 2 months. Dosage is determined based on age and indications. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before use.

Calcium D3 Nycomed can be used during pregnancy, but even in this case the dosage is determined by the doctor. Why is it so important to stick to a certain dose?

An overdose of calcium or vitamin D3 leads to unpleasant consequences and complications. For example, hypercalcemia or hypervitaminosis D develops. In addition, the consequences of an overdose can be the following manifestations and pathologies:
  1. Anorexia.
  2. Urolithiasis disease.
  3. Cardiac arrhythmia.
  4. Nausea and vomiting.
  5. Fast fatiguability.
  6. Mental disorders and depression.
  7. Muscle weakness.
  8. Thirst.

If, after all, the dose was too high for you, you need to take action. First of all, the doctor will prescribe thiazide diuretics and cardiac glycosides.

Interaction with other drugs and products

When using the drug Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte, you need to take into account the interaction with other groups of medications. For example, if you take the drug along with cardiac glycosides and thiazide diuretics, then the development of hypercalcemia is quite possible. If there is a need for simultaneous use, calcium levels in the body should be monitored throughout treatment.

Expert opinion

Pain and crunching in the back and joints over time can lead to dire consequences- local or complete restriction of movements in the joint and spine, up to disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use natural remedy, which is recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky... Read more"

If the drug is taken together with a barbiturate or phenytoin, the effectiveness of treatment is significantly reduced. Glucocorticosteroid drugs reduce the level of calcium absorption, which is why the dosage will have to be increased.

And calcium, in turn, reduces pharmacological effects a drug such as Levotrexin. If simultaneous use is necessary, you should take breaks between doses of 4 hours. But quinoline drugs can be taken 6 hours after taking the drug. If you are taking a laxative that contains vegetable or mineral oil, you should increase the dose of vitamin D3. Some foods also reduce the absorption of calcium. These are spinach, grain crops, sorrel.

Cost of the drug

The cost of the drug is influenced by several factors. First of all, this is the number of tablets in the package, dosage and pharmacy selling the product:

  1. For 20 tablets you will pay about 250 rubles.
  2. 30 chewable tablets costs around 300 rubles.
  3. 60 tablets – 500 rubles.
  4. 120 – about 650 rubles.

Analogues of the drug

First of all, it is worth noting the drug “Beresh Calcium Plus D3”.

"Vitrum Calcium with Vitamin D3" costs a little less, but the degree of effectiveness is good.

The drug "Calcium-Active" has the lowest cost. The effectiveness is slightly weaker, so it must be used for an excessively long time.

A little about secrets

Have you ever experienced constant pain in the back and joints? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medications, creams, ointments, injections, doctors and, apparently, none of the above has helped you... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, since they will lose customers! Nevertheless Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and understandable. Read more"

Only the attending physician can tell whether it is worth replacing Calcium D3 Nycomed with cheaper analogues. Since it depends on many factors and, first of all, on the characteristics of the body.


Valentina Sergeevna: not long ago I began to notice that in knee joints peculiar clicks appear. I read somewhere that this happens due to a lack of calcium, so I decided to take the course first. But then the question arose, which remedy is better. The pharmacy recommended Calcium D3 Nycomed to me. Of course, it is expensive, but it has completely justified itself. Because only 10 days were enough to get rid of the click.

Marina: I have been suffering from pain in my joints for a long time because I am on my feet all day. I went to the doctor, but no serious abnormalities were found. But the doctor advised me to take a course of Calcium D3 Nycomed tablets. After completing the course of treatment, I began to feel simply great. Of course, the pain began to go away after about a week, but now it’s gone altogether. Even at the end of the working day. A wonderful tool.

Stanislav Prutikov: A traumatologist prescribed me Calcium D3 Nycomed after a broken leg. This is necessary for the speedy fusion and strengthening of bones. Yes, that's what happened. Despite my age (56 years), I got back on my feet pretty quickly. There were no consequences, and my leg didn’t hurt. The only thing I'm dissatisfied with is high cost. I wanted to take cheaper pills, but didn’t take the risk. After all, it happens that a stingy person pays twice.

Govorukhina Ekaterina: I really liked the drug. After giving birth, I didn’t feel well, so I underwent a full examination of the whole body. Deviations were found in articular system and lack of calcium and vitamins. I was prescribed this drug along with vitamin therapy. The course of treatment is a month. After this period, I took tests again, and it turned out that the levels of vitamins and calcium had returned to normal. And I myself began to feel great.

Kostya: My grandmother was diagnosed with osteoporosis, so the doctor said that she needed to replenish her body with calcium and something else. In general, he prescribed Calcium D3 Nycomed. Although my grandmother resisted (the product is expensive), I bought it anyway. She was treated for a long time. I don’t remember exactly how long I drank this particular calcium, but her bones became significantly stronger. Good drug, I recommend.

How to forget about back and joint pain?

We all know what pain and discomfort are. Arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and back pain seriously spoil life, limiting normal activities - it is impossible to raise an arm, step on a leg, or get out of bed.

The effect of the complex vitamin medicine Calcium D3 Nycomed is aimed at normalizing the metabolism of minerals, in particular calcium and phosphorus. It is included in the list of medications for complex therapy certain pathologies that provoke a disruption in the normal percentage of phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D in humans.

The composition of the drug includes two main elements:

  1. Calcium carbonate - 1250 g, which is equivalent to 500 mg of the microelement;
  2. Colecalciferol - 5 mcg, which is equivalent to 500 IU of vitamin D3.

Tablets with a mint flavor with a mint flavor; the version with an orange flavor contains orange oil; the version with a lemon flavor contains lemon oil.

Release form

The product is manufactured in the form of rounded, whitish, uncoated tablets intended for chewing. Curved edges and minor inclusions are sometimes noticeable on the tablets.

All plastic bottles are sealed with a screw cap and placed in paper boxes, each accompanied by instructions for use.

Specificity of pharmacological effects

The effect of the drug is due to the properties of its active ingredients. Chewable tablets contain calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus, which are involved in vital metabolic reactions in the body.

The pharmacological effect of Calcium D3 Nycomed is aimed at:

The main components of the medication begin to be absorbed into the general circulation from the intestines in an unequal manner. The maximum percentage (80%) is absorbed by colecalciferol, and the minimum is Ca, almost 20% of the whole dosage. The trace element Ca is characterized by the property of uneven concentration. The main percentage of calcium is localized in the bones and only a small percentage - Vitamin D3 - after entering the general circulation, it is fragmentarily metabolized in the liver, then in the kidneys with the formation of a metabolite that determines the biological effect.

Calcium is excreted from the body through bowel movements and sweat, vitamin D3 is excreted only through bowel movements.

The effectiveness of the drug during pregnancy

The drug can be used during breastfeeding, taking into account that the ingredients included in the composition may pass into breast milk. To accurately calculate the daily dose of the drug, it is necessary to take into account other sources of these elements entering the woman’s body.


The drug Calcium D3 Nycomed has certain advantages. He:

  1. Effective when used to compensate for the lack of calcium and vitamin D3;
  2. Used in complex treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, diseases of the joints and spine;
  3. An effectively selected combination of active elements makes it possible to use the smallest number of chewable tablets to achieve the desired pharmacological result;
  4. The medicine can be taken for a long time.

Drug interactions

When using Calcium D3 Nycomed in parallel with thiazide diuretics, there is a risk of developing hypercalcemia.

"Loop" diuretics improve calcium excretion by the kidneys.

Glucocorticoids can reduce calcium absorption and therefore, patients taking medications in this group are prescribed an increased dosage of Calcium D3 Nycomed.

Using the drug together with sodium fluoride or bisphosphonates may inhibit their absorption. For adjustment, it is recommended to take the drug 2 hours after taking the listed medications.

Calcium D3 Nycomed for one-time use

interacts with the following drugs:

  • Medicines with a glycoside structure that have a cardiotonic effect. The drug blocks the toxic effects of glycosides in hypercalcemia. The percentage of calcium in the blood serum should be monitored.
  • Medicines containing tetracycline. The effect of calcium is aimed at reducing their absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Medicines containing tetracycline should be used 2 hours before or 4 hours after taking the medicine.
  • Levothyroxine. The action of calcium makes it difficult to absorb. The interval between doses of drugs should be at least 4 hours.
  • Antibiotics of a number of quinolines. Calcium blocks their absorption. It is recommended to use 2 hours before or 4 hours after using the product.

Instructions for use

Calcium cannot be taken in undiluted form, as it is not absorbed by the body. The microelement can become fixed in the kidneys and cause the formation of stones.

Calcium D3 Nycomed is a vitamin and mineral complex-drug that helps stabilize Ca levels in the body without negative effects.

Schoolchildren and adolescents need Ca during adolescence. The dosage for a child is adjusted by a doctor.

For older patients age group It is allowed to take the drug Calcium D3 Nycomed only under the supervision of a doctor, the duration of use is determined by the severity of the disease. If elderly patients have a deficiency of Ca or vitamin D, the drug is taken for about 4 weeks. The interaction course of therapy is prescribed individually.

Spectrum of action

Calcium D3 Nycomed is taken for the treatment and prevention of calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency in the body in the following pathologies:

  • Osteoporosis different types: Menopausal; Steroid; Senile; Idiopathic. The drug is used for prevention and in combination with primary treatment;
  • Osteomalacia, when softening of the bones occurs as a result of a failure of mineral metabolism;
  • Hypocalcemia. The pathology is expressed by a decrease in ionized calcium in the blood serum;
  • Increased need of the body for the components of Calcium D3 Nycomed during adolescence.


The drug should not be used in the presence of certain pathologies, namely:

  • Those who are immobile for a long time due to health reasons;
  • With renal failure;
  • After 60 years;
  • For children preschool age and up to 14 years old.

Side effects

When taking the drug the following are possible:

  1. Stomach pain;
  2. Nausea;
  3. Diarrhea, constipation;
  4. Flatulence.

Uncontrolled consumption can cause the formation of hypercalcemia or hypercalciuria.

In case of overdose, the patient may experience:

  1. Intense thirst;
  2. Polyuria;
  3. Loss of appetite;
  4. Nausea;
  5. Constipation;
  6. Headache;
  7. Weakness;
  8. Fainting.

In some patients, prolonged use of the drug can cause calcification of blood vessels and tissues. Possible manifestations of such negative reactions as:

  1. Anorexia;
  2. Increased fatigue;
  3. Mental disorder;
  4. Arrhythmias;
  5. Urolithiasis;
  6. Muscle weakness.

In case of manifestation dangerous reactions You should immediately stop using the drug and seek medical help.


According to the latest data, the cost of the drug ranges from 210 to 700 rubles:

  • 20 - 30 chewable tablets cost about 310 rubles;
  • 60 tablets – 480 rubles;
  • 120 tablets – 680 rubles.

Analogs with a more reasonable price

As more available funds with similar effects are used:

All of the listed products, in comparison with Calcium D3 Nycomed, have a less pronounced therapeutic effect on the body and require quite a long period of use, which must be taken into account when choosing analogues.

Composition of 1 chewable tablet:

  • – 1250 mg (in terms of elemental calcium – 500 mg);
  • cholecalciferol – 5.0 mcg, which corresponds to 200 international units;
  • – 390 mg;
  • isomalt – 62.0 mg;
  • povidone – 36.4 mg;
  • Magnesium stearate – 6.00 mg;
  • – 1.0 mg;
  • orange oil in the amount of 0.97 mg or mint flavoring weighing 31.9 mg;
  • mono and diglycerides fatty acids– 0.0008 mg.

Compound Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte(1 chewable tablet):

  • calcium carbonate – 1250 mg (equivalent to 500 mg of elemental calcium);
  • vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) – 10 mcg (400 IU);
  • sorbitol – 390 mg;
  • isomalt – 49.9 mg;
  • povidone – 36.4 mg;
  • Magnesium stearate – 6 mg;
  • aspartame – 1.0 mg;
  • lemon oil – 0.78 mg;
  • mono and diglycerides of fatty acids – 0.0006 mg.

Release form

  • Orange or mint chewable tablets Calcium D3 Nycomed white, without a shell, biconvex, round in shape with a corresponding aroma. Small dotted inclusions and uneven edges are allowed. Tablets are packaged in polyethylene bottles high density 20.50 or 100 pieces. The cardboard package contains 1 bottle of medicine and an annotation for the drug.
  • Calcium Nycomed D3 Forte– round chewable tablets with lemon flavor. The biconvex tablets are uncoated and are sold in high-density polyethylene bottles of 30, 60 and 120 pieces. A cardboard box contains 1 bottle and instructions for use of the drug.

pharmachologic effect

The drug refers to combined pharmaceutical preparations that regulate the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body and replenish the deficiency of the main structural element. The biochemical role of calcium lies in the physiological construction of bone tissue, mineralization of teeth, the processes of coagulation and transmission of nerve impulses, and the implementation of muscle contractions. In response to its increase in the systemic circulation, bone tissue density increases and calcium excretion by the kidneys decreases.

Cholecalciferol is responsible for the absorption processes of the element in gastrointestinal tract and its distribution in the body. Oral administration drug inhibits synthesis parathyroid hormone – natural hormone parathyroid gland, which significantly affects phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Accordingly, the amount of calcium absorbed from the digestive tube increases and its resorption (leaching) from bones and other organs decreases.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Calcium is absorbed from the proximal digestive tube in the amount of 30% of the dose taken, after which the element enters the systemic bloodstream, where 50% is in active ionized form, that is active substance binds to citrates, phosphates, and some other anions and protein structures. The main building component is eliminated by the intestines, sweat glands and kidneys. When calculating excretion, it should be taken into account that renal excretion of calcium depends not only on glomerular filtration, but also from tubular reabsorption.

Vitamin D3 absorbed predominantly from small intestine, from where to main blood flow About 80% of the dose taken arrives, where it binds to specific transport globulin. The metabolism of cholecalciferol includes two stages - first, the vitamin is converted into 25-hydroxycholecalciferol by hydroxylation, after which, upon reaching the kidneys, it is transformed into the active form - 1,25-hydroxycholecalciferol . The unchanged vitamin is stored by the body in muscle and fat tissue. Cholecalciferol is excreted through the urine and intestines.

Indications for use

  • prevention and comprehensive treatment ;
  • calcium and/or vitamin D3 deficiency;
  • bone fractures.


Absolute contraindications for use pharmaceutical drug:

  • hypervitaminosis D;
  • hypercalcemia – increased calcium in the blood;
  • hereditary fructose intolerance;
  • immobilized patients;
  • hypercalciuria – the appearance of calcium in the urine;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • nephrolithiasis and other diseases in the pathogenesis of which the formation of calcium stones is noted;
  • active form ;
  • sucrose-isomaltase deficiency;
  • increased sensitivity to the constituent components of a medicinal product or to food products such as soy and peanuts;
  • children under 3 years of age.

Side effects

  • From the outside metabolism: hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria.
  • From the outside gastrointestinal tract: (constipation ), flatulence , , nausea , abdominal pain , .
  • From the outside skin And subcutaneous tissue : rash , , .

Instructions for Calcium D3 Nycomed (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use of the pharmaceutical product indicate that medicine It is used orally, and the tablets should be chewed or dissolved during meals. For prevention osteoporosis The dosage of Calcium D3 Nycomed is used: 1 tablet 2 times a day or 2 tablets 1 time a day. With the aim of complex therapy given pathological condition Take 1 tablet of Ca D3 Nycomed 3 times a day. The duration of such treatment is prescribed individually, based on biochemical parameters metabolic processes and the condition of bone tissue, teeth and skin derivatives (hair and nails).

For liquidation deficiency states The duration of the course of treatment is at least 4-6 weeks, and the dosage must take into account the age category of the patient:

  • children from 3 to 5 years old – 1 or ½ tablets per day;
  • from 5 to 12 years – 1-2 tablets per day;
  • adults and adolescents over 12 years old – 1 tablet 2 times a day.

The instructions for Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte differ only in the dosage of the drug and the duration of the course conservative therapy, therefore, when prescribing these aspects medicinal correction Phosphorus-calcium metabolism should be further discussed with your doctor.


In case of an overdose of a pharmaceutical drug, symptoms develop that indicate hypercalcemia :

  • anorexia ;
  • dry mouth, thirst;
  • muscle weakness;
  • nausea and other dyspeptic disorders;
  • polyuria ;
  • bone pain;
  • mental disorders;
  • nephrocalcinosis ;
  • (with a prolonged increase in blood calcium concentration);
  • (in especially severe cases);
  • soft tissue calcification;
  • organic kidney damage.

If symptoms of excess are detected calcium And vitamin D3 you should immediately stop taking the pharmaceutical drug, Tiazide diuretics And cardiac glycosides (features of the pharmacokinetics of therapeutic properties are indicated in the “Interactions” section) and consult your doctor. As a rule, with therapeutic purpose"loop" diuretics are prescribed (the drug of choice is ), oral glucocorticosteroids, , bisphosphonates. In case of overdose, it is necessary to monitor the following physiological indicators:

  • content of electrolytes in blood plasma;
  • renal function and diuresis;
  • central venous pressure;
  • electrical activity of the heart.


When used in combination with Calcium D3 Nycomed and cardiac glycosides potentiation possible toxic effect the latter, therefore, if it is necessary to use them simultaneously, careful monitoring of electrocardiography and calcium concentration in the blood is recommended.

Calcium may reduce absorption capacity groups quinoline And row , and , bisphosphonates , therefore, these drugs should be taken no earlier than 2 hours before or 6 hours after using medications based on the physiological “builder” skeletal system body.

Glucocorticosteroids , barbiturates ,laxatives , phenytoin And reduce the bioavailability of an oral therapeutic agent, that is, the active components are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract in smaller quantities, therefore it is necessary to adjust the dosage or dosage regimen of Calcium D3 Nycomed during conservative treatment involving a combination medicinal product with other pharmaceutical products.

Thiazide diuretics in pharmacy are sometimes called savings, since pharmaceuticals this series inhibit tubular reabsorption of calcium and some other micro- and macroelements, as a result of which regular monitoring of calcium in the blood serum is required to avoid hypercalcemia and overdose.

Use food products , which contain oxalates (sorrel, potatoes, spinach, rhubarb) or (most crumbly cereals), reduces the ability of calcium to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, so the daily diet should be adjusted in a special way. You should not take the pharmaceutical drug within four hours of eating any of the foods listed above.

Terms of sale

The sale of a pharmaceutical drug involves over-the-counter dispensing at pharmacy kiosks.

Storage conditions

The medicine should be stored in a tightly closed bottle in a dry place out of the reach of children. Temperature– no higher than 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

special instructions

Brief information about the manufacturer

Nycomed - Swiss pharmaceutical company, founded back in 1874 with headquarters in Zurich, and is widely known for such medicinal products as, And Calcium D3 . Until a certain time, it was one of the 30 largest corporations in the world in terms of sales volume in the market of conservative therapeutic agents. In September 2011, it was purchased by a Japanese company Takeda, one of whose areas of interest is metabolic diseases and their correction using drug treatment. Therefore, the official Nycomed website is now represented by an Internet resource managed by Takeda.

Effect of a pharmaceutical drug on spheres Everyday life

Calcium D3 Nycomed is a combination drug with designated selectivity therapeutic action, that is, the active components of chewable tablets and their auxiliary components do not affect the ability to concentrate, long-term attention or other areas of daily life. During the course of treatment, independent driving of vehicles and work with technical complex mechanisms is allowed.

Analogues of Calcium D3 Nycomed

Level 4 ATX code matches:

The drug belongs to the group combination drugs to regulate calcium levels in the blood and the content of a structural element in the tissues of the body. Of course, there are various analogues of chewable tablets. As a rule, drugs are presented directly with a biogenic component and excipients for a more complete realization of its therapeutic properties. So it should be noted:

  • - mainly used for children's age category to prevent calcium deficiency;
  • Ideos - chewable tablets prescribed for senile, age-related osteoporosis or its occurrence due to menopause;
  • - used for idiopathic progressive calcium deficiency and its complications in the form of bone fractures or dental problems.

These drugs are prescribed if there are any absolute or relative contraindications to Calcium D3 Nycomed, for example, with increased sensitivity to its auxiliary components, in order to avoid or the development of adverse consequences of conservative therapy. The price of Calcium D3 Nycomed analogues is usually higher, which gives a clear advantage to this pharmaceutical product to correct phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

Calcemin or Calcium D3 Nycomed - which is better?

is one of the most popular analogues of Calcium D3 Nycomed. This is a combination pharmaceutical preparation, the composition of which includes calcium carbonate , vitamin D3 , copper and zinc oxide, manganese sulfate and sodium borate. Film-coated tablets are prescribed not only for disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, but also to compensate for the deficiency of certain microelements having important biological significance For normal functioning body.

Calcium dosage and cholecalciferol in Calcemin is an order of magnitude less than in chewable tablets Calcium D3 Nycomed, which leads to fewer side effects and a sharply reduced chance of overdose. But the composition of the drug also determines more long-term medication course therapy for, therefore it is prescribed mainly for children adolescence and women during pregnancy or lactation. Calcium D3 Nycomed, in turn, copes much more effectively with its main task - regulating phosphorus-calcium metabolism and eliminating related complications.

Calcium D3 Nycomed for children

IN childhood Metabolic progressive diseases are especially difficult to tolerate, because the young organism is still at the development stage and the stock of compensatory and adaptive mechanisms has not yet been fully formed. Calcium and vitamin D deficiency is one of the most pressing problems described by pediatric orthopedics, because due to this pathological failure may form a large number of severe nosological units up to mental delays and physical development , that’s why it’s so important to undergo regular medical examinations and promptly correct all diagnosed violations.

How to take Calcium D3 Nycomed for children should be found out exactly from the treating pediatrician, because its dosage is selected individually taking into account the current level of blood calcium, concentration parathyroid hormone and some other biochemical indicators.

The standard regimen of conservative therapy involves prescribing 1 tablet 1-2 times a day from 5 to 12 years of age, and for adolescents over 12 years of age - 1 chewable tablet 1-3 times a day. It should be understood that an excess of a pharmaceutical drug, as well as its deficiency, can lead to the adverse effects described in the “Overdose” section.

With alcohol

Alcohol abuse is common cause deficiency states , since alcohol promotes the leaching of micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamin structures from tissues and organs, therefore bad habits should be completely excluded during the period of a conservative course of treatment with chewable calcium-based tablets. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to significantly limit the amount of alcoholic beverages, caffeine and smoking in the future.

Calcium D3 Nycomed during pregnancy and lactation

Insufficiency of micro- and macroelements for pregnant women is a common condition, because the woman’s body provides not only its own needs, but also supplies the necessary structural “building blocks” for the normal organization of the child’s tissues and organs. Especially often manifested calcium deficiency – one of the main components of the skeleton, muscular organs and nervous system, however, it is quite difficult to digest, therefore the use of special drugs that compensate for the state of deficiency is recommended. Medicines are prescribed if observed following symptoms lack of calcium during pregnancy:

  • back pain;
  • numbness of the upper and lower extremities;
  • hair loss and brittle nails;
  • tooth decay;
  • leg cramps.

Calcium D3 Nycomed during pregnancy is the drug of choice to compensate for the deficiency of a structural element in the mother’s body. First of all, the drug is relatively short term allows you to eliminate calcium deficiency and restore pathologically altered body functions. It should also be noted that oral form the use of chewable tablets is more physiological and to a lesser extent can cause any side effects or adverse consequences for the woman and her unborn child.

Calcium D3 Nycomed tablets can also be used for breastfeeding , however, it should be taken into account that the active components of the pharmaceutical drug have the ability to penetrate into breast milk during lactation, and therefore it is necessary to accurately correlate other sources of calcium and vitamin D into the newborn’s body. When prescribing Calcium D3 Nycomed to a young mother, you should definitely find out the symptoms hypervitaminosis And hypercalcemia at small child in order to stop using the drug in a timely manner.

Only at first glance it may seem that abundance in grocery stores automatically eliminates modern man from the lack of many nutrients and vitamins.

In reality, even with the most balanced diet There is a shortage of elements important for successful life in the body.

Primarily vitamin D3 and calcium. To replenish the necessary substances, specialized drugs are used, such as Calcium D3 Nycomed.

Vitamin D3 is responsible for the absorption of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Normalizing its amount in the body contributes to:

  • Accelerate metabolism
  • Normalization of the quality of bone tissue composition
  • Promotes successful absorption of phosphorus, magnesium and calcium in the intestine
  • Acts as a hormone, helping to regulate carbohydrate metabolism
  • Participates in the formation of nerve conduction

Note! IN natural state produced by direct exposure to human skin ultraviolet rays. May come from animal products. Not present in plant foods.

The vitamin helps maintain bone tissue. It is necessary for the fair sex during the months of waiting for the birth of a baby, as it contributes to the normal formation of the unborn child, its bones, teeth and nails.

Composition of the drug

The composition of the drug includes vitamin D3 (cocalceferol), calcium carbonate and Excipients, including a variety of additives for the formation good taste(most often menthol and citrus fruits).

Operating principle

The main principle of action is to compensate for the lack of vitamin D3 in the human body. Normalization of calcium metabolism in bone tissue, teeth, nail plates, hair, muscles. It becomes normal to regulate the metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus.

Good to know! The calcium included in its composition ensures the normalization of the process of normalizing nerve impulses, takes part in the processes of forming the optimal level of blood clotting, and ensures the contraction of muscle tissue. Recommended for use by women, especially during pregnancy, lactation, and premenopause.

What is the operating principle based on?

The inclusion of D3 ensures successful absorption of calcium in the intestine. When combined, the substance helps prevent the increase in the production of paratheoid hormone, which prevents the leaching of calcium from bone tissue.

  • The product is recommended for use for the prevention or treatment of identified deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3 in the body.
  • It is indicated as part of complex therapy, which is prescribed for the treatment of osteoporosis.

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"I cured my bad back on my own. It’s been 2 months since I forgot about the pain in my back. Oh, how I used to suffer, my back and knees hurt, Lately I couldn’t really walk normally... How many times did I go to clinics, but they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all.

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Instructions for use of the drug

The tablets are convenient to use independently. They can be chewed, dissolved, or administered orally with water. The product can be taken with meals or separately.

The dosage of the product is determined depending on the purpose of use:

  • When introduced into complex therapy during the treatment of osteoporosis, a daily dose of 2-3 tablets is prescribed.
  • When used to prevent osteoporosis, take 2 tablets per day.
  • Can be used 1-2 tablets per day to prevent calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency. When prescribed to children under 3-5 years of age, the dosage prescribed by the pediatrician is used.

Indications for use

The direct indication for use is course treatment osteoporosis. The drug is also prescribed when a deficiency is detected during pregnancy and premenopause.

Taking the drug can be recommended for all women over 45 years of age to prevent the leaching of calcium from bone tissue.

Pain and crunching in the back can lead to dire consequences over time - local or complete limitation of movements, even disability.

People, taught by bitter experience, use natural remedies recommended by orthopedists to cure their backs and joints...

Contraindications for use

The drug has a minimum number of contraindications for use. Despite appearance in the form of sweet lozenges, it is recommended to use it only after consultation with your doctor.

It's connected with existing contraindications for use:

  • Possible appearance allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, itching, rash.
  • Negative manifestations of the metabolic system, manifested in the form of hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria.
  • Negative manifestation of the reaction digestive system, which can cause constipation, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and dyspepsia.

Calcium D3 Nycomed is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age. Children from 3 to 5 years old can use it only as directed by a pediatrician.

The medication should only be taken under the direct supervision of the attending physician. If side effects occur, stop taking the drug immediately.

Such phenomena include:

  • Thirst
  • Dyslexia
  • Stomach ache
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased fatigue
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Heart failure and some other symptoms.

Note! An overdose can be detected when long-term use large doses, which include over 2500 mg of calcium per day. If the dosage is exceeded, soft tissue calcification and renal failure may occur.

Cost of Calcium D3 Nycomed

The cost of a standard package of the drug varies from 280 to 300 rubles.

Use of Calcium D3 Nycomed during pregnancy

Calcium D3 Nycomed is one of the medications recommended for use during pregnancy to create conditions for the successful formation of the fetal skeletal system. Can also be used during lactation.

At this time, it is necessary to strictly use dosages that are safe for the health of the child and mother:

  • During pregnancy, the calcium dosage is 600 mg of vitamin D and 1500 mg of calcium per day.
  • The intake rate during lactation is determined by the attending physician, comparing the intake of these substances into the woman’s body with other medications and food products.

Interaction with other drugs

The dosage of use is determined individually, taking into account the characteristics of the action of the drugs used in therapy:

Calcium D3 Nycomed reduces the quality of absorption of chylons and tetracyclines from the intestine. For this reason, you should take chylon and tetracycline antibiotics 4-6 hours before taking Calcium D3 Nycomed.

Bisphosphonates are taken one hour before taking the drug so as not to reduce the level of their absorption by the intestine.

The risk of developing hypercalcemia increases when taken simultaneously with diuretics belonging to the tazide series.

Good to know! Ca absorption reduces the consumption of foods that include chitin and oxalates. These include, for example, cereals, spinach, rhubarb, and sorrel. It is recommended to take the drug no less than two hours after eating such foods.

User reviews

During pregnancy, my nails began to peel. The attending physician recommended starting to use Calcium D3 Nycomed. The problem disappeared within two weeks after starting treatment.

Marianna, 21 years old

I started to notice extreme fatigue, hair became thin and dull, teeth began to crumble. On the advice of my wife, I started taking this medicine. After consulting with a doctor, I took a course of 6 weeks. I feel great. I plan to use the medicine in for preventive purposes at least 2-3 times a year.

Vladimir, 34 years old

With age, I discovered that my nails became very brittle and unsightly white spots appeared on their surface. In addition, my knees began to hurt badly.

I was recommended to start taking Calcium D3 Nycomed, 2 tablets per day. I chose the lemon flavor. Now my nails are shiny and beautiful again, my knees have stopped hurting. No wonder this remedy is recommended for older women. It literally brings back youth.
