Algorithm of first aid for myocardial infarction. Acute myocardial infarction emergency care nurse action algorithm. When is it necessary to start performing first aid?

By myocardial infarction, doctors mean acute clinical form coronary heart disease. This condition causes necrosis of entire areas of the middle layer of the organ, caused by weak or absent blood supply, which in turn can even lead to death.

Myocardial infarction is a direct result of obstruction of the vessels supplying the above-mentioned area and is caused in 9 out of 10 cases by atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. A person with this problem, in the absence of proper qualified treatment, receives serious complications, and in some cases even death! Regardless clinical manifestations if you suspect a heart attack, you should immediately call an ambulance/emergency medical service, and before her arrival, try to provide the highest quality, prompt and qualified assistance to the victim.

The first signs of myocardial infarction

The warning signs of the onset of myocardial infarction are quite clear and allow the problem to be diagnosed in 70 percent of cases.

  1. Severe chest pain . A very unpleasant feeling occurs unexpectedly, paroxysmally, while the pain syndrome can “give” between the shoulder blades, in left shoulder, arm, part of the neck. Lasts from thirty minutes to two hours.
  2. Paleness and profuse sweating. A person with myocardial infarction quickly turns pale and cold, sticky sweat appears all over the body.
  3. Fainting and borderline states. Almost always, especially in the first phase of an attack, a person may faint several times. Less often, he develops an unreasonable feeling of fear, sometimes - unclear hallucinations of an audio and visual nature.
  4. Arrhythmia and heart failure. Almost half of the patients who survived myocardial infarction had clear signs of heart failure, from shortness of breath and nonproductive cough to atrial fibrillation and short-term sudden stop hearts.
  5. Low effectiveness of nitroglycerin. A person does not feel significant relief after taking nitroglycerin - drugs in this group, which dilate blood vessels, can only be used as additional remedy, along with prescription narcotic analgesics, and only under certain conditions.

Emergency care before the ambulance arrives. What to do?

At the slightest suspicion of a myocardial infarction, you must call an ambulance, while concentrating as much as possible on providing first aid to the person, and if you are the patient, follow the recommendations below.

First aid for myocardial infarction. Algorithm of actions.

  1. Place the person in a chair with a backrest or in a reclining position so that the upper part of the body is located as high as possible - this will reduce the load on the heart.
  2. Calm the patient emotionally or with Valocordin to reduce the heart rate.
  3. Unbutton too tight and tight clothes, loosen all knots, tie, scarf, especially if signs of imminent suffocation begin to appear.
  4. Be sure to check your blood pressure and pulse rate - if they are normal, you can give nitroglycerin/aminophylline (if it drops sharply, this procedure can lead to cardiac arrest).
  5. Several aspirin tablets actively thin the blood - be sure to give them (if the person is not allergic) with maximum dose up to 300 milligrams. A faster effect of the drug is obtained by chewing it in the mouth.
  6. Has your heart stopped? Is breathing agonistic or absent? Does it take a long time for a person to regain consciousness? Should start immediately cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In the absence of a defibrillator, perform artificial respiration, chest compressions, or in extreme situations, precordial short swipe fist to the sternum area. The basic scheme is 15 pumping movements, two inhalations/exhalations, one launch-impact, all this should be done for a maximum of 10 minutes.

Actions of a patient during a heart attack

  1. If you suspect a myocardial infarction, immediately inform people nearby, if possible, call an ambulance yourself and inform your family about the situation.
  2. Try to calm down and take a sitting/reclining position.
  3. If you have medications with you, take aspirin, nitroglycerin (preferably aminophylline) and Corvalol.
  4. Try not to move, report your symptoms to the arriving emergency team.

How important is first aid for a heart attack?

First aid for myocardial infarction can save a person from further complications, and in some cases, save a life! Timely and adequate actions taken in the first 30 minutes after the onset of an attack significantly increase the chance of a positive outcome general treatment, and also reduce the risks of irreversible changes in the cardiovascular system.

Possible complications of myocardial infarction

The above condition can lead to a number of complications, although early stages development and progression of myocardial infarction, and after its treatment in the hospital.

Potential Risks

  1. Primary - shock, pulmonary edema, ventricular fibrillation, pericarditis, hypotension of various etiologies, myocardial rupture.
  2. Secondary - cardiac aneurysms, thromboembolic complications, chronic heart failure, Dressler's syndrome.

The first heart attack always comes unexpectedly. Prevention of this condition is usually aimed at preventing repeated attacks with maximum control body.

The main negative factors causing relapses of the problem are high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, disorders of carbohydrate metabolic processes and high blood clotting. The main prevention in these cases is a carefully selected comprehensive drug therapy, preventing the appearance of fatty plaques, adding the necessary enzymes to the body, normalizing blood pressure, etc. At the same time, changing the dosage or introducing new medications without the consent of the attending physician is strictly prohibited!

Most often the following scheme is prescribed:

  1. Antithrombotic therapy with clopidogrel and aspirin.
  2. Taking beta blockers (carvedilol, bisopropol) and statins.
  3. Consumption of Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins.
  4. Therapy with unfractionated heparin and ACE inhibitors.

Except medicines, an important role in prevention is played by a diet with a minimum of salt, processed foods, sausages, sausages and other products containing both cholesterol and milk fat (cheese, cottage cheese, butter, sour cream, milk). In addition, you will have to give up smoking and alcohol - an exception is made only for a glass of red wine.

As a supplement, the doctor prescribes physical therapy and moderate loads in the form of cycling, dancing and swimming, as well as daily walking - everything in moderation and no more than 40 minutes several times a week.

Useful video

Myocardial infarction. Symptoms and what to do before the ambulance arrives

How to recognize myocardial infarction

The symptoms of an upcoming attack are unambiguous and make it possible to identify the problem in 70% of all cases.

Table No. 1. Harbingers of the onset of an attack

Symptom Short description
It appears sharply and unexpectedly, and can “radiate” to the back, shoulder or arm, and sometimes even to the neck. It can last from half an hour to two hours.
During a heart attack, a person suddenly turns pale, and the whole body is covered in sticky cold sweat.
In almost all cases, people lose consciousness during attacks. Sometimes there may be a feeling of fear, visual or auditory hallucinations.
About 50% of people who survive a heart attack have obvious symptoms of failure, ranging from a dry cough and shortness of breath to sudden cardiac arrest.

If a person experiences one or more of the above symptoms, they should receive first aid immediately.

First aid: important points

There is a clear sequence necessary actions which must be adhered to. The first step should be to call the hospital to see a doctor (preferably a cardiologist).

At the same time, it is important that as little time as possible passes from the moment the attack is detected to the doctor’s manipulations, so it is advisable that someone close to you meets the team on the street. If help is provided correctly, it may save a person's life.

Important information! To reduce the load on the heart, it is necessary for the patient to lie horizontally, having previously taken a sedative medication.

Nitroglycerin works well to eliminate pain; a tablet of which must be placed under the tongue so that the drug gets into the blood faster. Under the tongue there are arteries through which active ingredients penetrate almost instantly circulatory system and arrive at their destination. For this reason, the pain stops quite quickly.

Sometimes an attack is indicated only by a stopped heart: there is no breathing or pulse, the patient loses consciousness. In such cases, resuscitation measures must be taken as early as possible, even before the ambulance arrives. To start the heart, you should perform a precordial blow (a sharp and strong blow to the chest area).

If this does not give any results, then you need to resort to indirect cardiac massage.

The outline of this procedure is as follows:

  • thirty compressions on the chest (can be done at random intervals, but about one hundred compressions per minute);
  • ventilation (“mouth to mouth”).

Both stages are performed alternately. The patient's head should be tilted back slightly, while the body should lie on some hard surface. If signs of life do not appear, then resuscitation should be carried out until doctors arrive.

If cardiac asthma develops during an attack, the person looks distracted and restless, forced to sit down and lean on something to enhance breathing movements.

The breathing rate suddenly increases (up to 45-50 per minute), the face looks exhausted, the skin turns pale, the lips turn blue, and sweat appears on the body. In the absence of timely help, pulmonary congestion will continue to develop, and asthma will develop into pulmonary edema. The patient will breathe noisily and hoarsely, cough (during coughing, red sputum will be released). This is an extremely serious complication that must be avoided.

First aid for myocardial infarction algorithm of actions

When providing assistance, you need to follow the following algorithm.

Table No. 2. Providing first aid

Action Short description
It is highly desirable that doctors be resuscitators or cardiologists.
The patient will be helped faster if the doctors are met by someone close to them.
The patient should lie on a hard surface with his head tilted back slightly.
It is necessary to ensure maximum air flow into the room. If it is very hot outside, you can additionally turn on the air conditioning.
The person needs to be given a sedative (valerian, motherwort, etc.). It is also important that it is quiet and that the patient does not become nervous.
Next you need to immobilize the patient. Often this requires the help of several people at once.
A tablet of this drug must be placed under the tongue to relieve pain. Nitroglycerin is taken several times, the interval should be about 15 minutes.
Then the patient should chew aspirin (in the absence of an allergy to the drug). To relieve heart pain, you can use analgin or NSAIDs.

If there are signs of cardiac arrest (no breathing, no pulse, the person has lost consciousness), then you need to do the precordial stroke described above and cardiac massage with artificial respiration.

Video - First aid for a heart attack

What should a patient do during an attack?

  1. If a person suspects he is having a heart attack, he should immediately tell others about it and, if possible, call the hospital.
  2. Then he should calm down, sit or lie down.
  3. If medications are available, the patient should take nitroglycerin and aspirin.
  4. It is also recommended not to make any movements, and to describe the symptoms to the arriving medical team.

The importance of first aid during a heart attack

In case of competent assistance, subsequent complications can be prevented, and sometimes, a life can be saved. If adequate measures are taken in a timely manner within half an hour after the occurrence of a heart attack, then the likelihood of a positive outcome will increase significantly, and the risk serious changes in the body, on the contrary, will decrease.

Preventive actions

The first heart attack in all cases appears unexpectedly. As for prevention, it is in this case is to prevent recurrent attacks and control the body.

The main negative factors provoking relapse include:

  • high blood pressure;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • violation of carbohydrate metabolism.

The essence of prevention in such cases is in well-developed complex drug therapy aimed at providing the body with the necessary enzymes, preventing the formation of fatty plaques, normalizing blood pressure, etc. The dosage should be determined by a doctor, and changing it yourself, as well as introducing new drugs, is strictly prohibited.

As a rule, in general outline the diagram looks something like this:

  • aspirin and clopidogrel (against blood clots);
  • Omega-3;
  • statins and beta blockers (the latter includes, for example, bisopropol);
  • ACE inhibitors and unfractionated heparin.

But not only medications are important, but also a special diet that includes a minimum amount of salt, sausages, processed foods, milk, sour cream, butter and other products that contain milk fat and cholesterol. You should also give up alcohol (except perhaps a glass of red wine) and cigarettes.

Additionally, physical therapy and other loads may be prescribed ( hiking, cycling, swimming - no longer than forty minutes, no more than several times a week).

Video - Prevention of heart attack

Summing up

First aid for a heart attack should be provided even before the arrival of a team of qualified doctors. But quite often people do not know what to do to save the patient. According to statistics, approximately 50% of all cases of heart attack die due to fear or ignorance of others who failed to provide timely assistance.

What is myocardial infarction?

Do not think that myocardial infarction is a special type of life-threatening pathology that develops out of nowhere. In fact this state is an acute consequence of coronary heart disease, in which the blood supply to the heart muscle is disrupted.

Poor circulation in itself is not fatal. Yes, it slows down the supply of oxygen to the heart and nutrients, which significantly complicates the work of the most important organ of living beings. However, if you fight this condition, take antiplatelet agents, beta blockers, antiarrhythmics, drugs and products containing heart-healthy Omega-3s as prescribed by your doctor. fatty acid, then you can live a completely happy life.

It is important to understand that in the vast majority of cases, coronary circulatory disorders are caused by a pathology such as vascular atherosclerosis, when harmful cholesterol settles on the walls of blood vessels, reducing the lumen through which blood flows. The more such cholesterol enters the body, the more difficult the situation, because over time, cholesterol plaques on the walls blood vessels they become larger and larger, and at some point they can almost completely block the blood flow.

With more or less preserved blood flow, it makes sense to talk about vascular atherosclerosis and associated coronary heart disease, but as soon as the volume of blood entering the heart becomes too small or blood circulation in some area stops altogether, we are talking about the development of myocardial infarction.

The cause of acute circulatory disorders can also be vascular thrombosis, therefore, in case of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, it is very important to monitor the viscosity of the blood, taking anticoagulants that prevent its clotting. Coagulated blood can form clots, which, in their movement through the vessels, can form a serious obstruction to blood flow at the point of narrowing of arteries and veins.

The severity of the condition during a heart attack depends on how severely the coronary circulation is impaired. If a cholesterol plaque or blood clot completely blocks the blood path, it develops acute condition. A person has 20 to 40 minutes left, after which heart cells begin to die due to a critical lack of oxygen.

If there is not a blockage, but a strong narrowing of blood vessels, due to which the blood flow has become very weak and the heart has ceased to receive the oxygen it needs so much, a pre-infarction condition occurs, the symptom of which can only be pain in the chest for a long time. Mild symptoms or their absence become an obstacle to timely diagnosis dangerous condition, which could prevent myocardial infarction. The patient and the people around him can simply ignore such manifestations of a very life-threatening disease, and they turn to doctors for help when the symptoms become acute and can lead to death at any time.

The process of necrosis of heart cells is irreversible. There are no magic pills that can restore dead cells, so the affected area of ​​the heart remains a weak spot, which can later cause repeated heart attacks.

According to statistics, myocardial infarction occurs more often in people over 65 years of age. In more at a young age This diagnosis is given mainly to men. The likelihood of the disease in women is much lower due to specific sex hormones. An interesting point is that among the black population of the planet, the percentage of people who have suffered a myocardial infarction is noticeably higher compared to the incidence rates among light-skinned inhabitants of the planet.

Risk factors for developing myocardial infarction are:

  • bad habits, and in particular smoking,
  • high blood pressure (hypertension),
  • sedentary lifestyle (hypodynamia),
  • overweight,
  • high levels of cholesterol in the blood, which contributes to the development of vascular atherosclerosis,
  • violation carbohydrate metabolism, manifested in an increase in blood sugar levels, which, in the absence of appropriate measures, leads to the development of diabetes mellitus.

Myocardial infarction is an irreversible process of death of heart cells, so it is easier to prevent it than to then treat it and be subject to a recurrence of the life-threatening condition for the rest of your life.

Symptoms of acute myocardial infarction

In order for first aid for myocardial infarction to be provided in a timely manner, it is imperative to know the symptoms that precede cardiac arrest due to oxygen starvation and the death of its cells. You need to understand what is here time is running for minutes and seconds, therefore, the sooner the patient is provided effective help, the greater the chance of saving a person’s life.

How can you tell if a person has had a myocardial infarction? This question worries many, because this pathology can ruin even young man, and strangers will not even suspect that he has heart disease.

We are used to thinking that ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension and similar pathologies of cardio-vascular system- This old age diseases, about which young people should not even worry. This is fundamentally wrong. Therefore, if the symptoms described below are observed in young people and middle-aged patients, you should not come up with a logical reason, but urgently provide emergency assistance until doctors arrive.

So, what symptoms may indicate acute myocardial infarction, requiring immediate measures to save the patient’s life:

  • Severe heart-squeezing pain behind the sternum, which lasts more than 15 minutes (sometimes even for 2 hours). With myocardial infarction, pain is felt not only in the area of ​​the heart, it tends to radiate to the interscapular region, to the neck, shoulder or arm on the left side, which is a little confusing for a person ignorant of medical issues.

This obligatory symptom of myocardial infarction, however, is also characteristic of such a pathology as angina pectoris. Distinctive feature pain during a heart attack is that it cannot be completely relieved with the help of a strong cardiac analgesic that increases blood circulation, which is considered to be nitroglycerin, which helps with acute pain in the heart.

Nitroglycerin can only reduce pain, which will alleviate the patient’s condition, so you should not completely stop taking it.

  • Paleness of the skin. You may notice that the face and other exposed parts of a person’s body during a heart attack take on an unhealthy whitish or yellowish tint. This is understandable, because we are talking about a violation of the blood supply not only to the heart muscle, but also to the entire body. Therefore, such a symptom should definitely alarm people from the outside. In parallel, phenomena such as dizziness, chills, difficulty breathing, especially inhaling, and nausea may also occur.
  • Hyperhidrosis. During an attack of myocardial infarction, a protrusion appears on the patient’s forehead, face and back. cold sweat, which, against the background of increased pallor, may indicate the possibility of fainting. In many cases this is what happens. The patient may several times a short time lose consciousness and come to, so it will be quite difficult to communicate with him.
  • Quite often, patients with myocardial infarction begin to experience a sudden fear of death, begin to panic, and exhibit physical activity that is inappropriate to the situation. Some of them even have hearing and visual hallucinations. A person may talk nonsense, try to get up and run somewhere, it is difficult to keep him in place, which is vital in such a situation.
  • In more than half of patients with myocardial infarction, obvious symptoms of arrhythmia and heart failure can be observed: difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, cough without sputum production (cardiac cough), heart rate detected by palpating the pulse. Blood pressure is not indicative of myocardial infarction: some patients have elevated blood pressure, others have severe hypotension.
  • Some patients may complain of rather strange pain symptoms. Some talk about incomprehensible pain in their fingers, others complain of sudden pain in their teeth and jaw, others complain about painful sensations in the abdominal area.

All of the above symptoms are the first obvious signs of a heart attack, which indicate necrotic changes within the patient’s body. First aid at the first signs of a heart attack consists not only of calling an ambulance, but also of caring for the patient until the ambulance arrives.

Of particular danger are atypical forms of myocardial infarction, the symptoms of which are largely reminiscent of other pathologies that do not indicate heart problems. For example, the abdominal (gastralgic) form of heart attack is characterized by symptoms gastrointestinal disorders. In such patients, complaints are reduced mainly to weakness, nausea, often accompanied by vomiting, severe pain in the epigastric region, bloating, and digestive disorders. In parallel with these symptoms, a drop in blood pressure and signs of tachocardia can be diagnosed.

Symptoms of the asthmatic form are generally similar to an attack bronchial asthma. Patients may complain of difficulty breathing that suddenly develops severe shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air. They become restless and look for a body position that will make it easier to breathe. In this case, the patient’s breathing rate is 2-2.5 times higher than normal. Due to hypoxia, their skin is clearly pale, lips cyanosis, and profuse cold sweat appears. Congestion in the lungs leads to the fact that patients' breathing becomes loud and bubbling, and a cough appears with the release of reddish sputum.

There is no severe heart pain in this form, so the thought of a heart attack arises mainly only when medications that make breathing easier do not have an effect. The danger of this condition is that in the absence of medical care, congestion in the lungs is observed, causing swelling an organ that is no less dangerous than myocardial infarction itself.

A rather rare, but most insidious condition is considered to be a painless (silent) form of a known pathology. In this form, even the obligatory specific symptom – pain – is absent. Patients may report unexplained severe weakness, decreased performance, exercise intolerance, worsening general condition, something that had not been felt before.

An atypical variant of myocardial infarction can also be called exertional angina, the symptoms of which are detected in 1 out of 10 patients diagnosed with a heart attack. Often the only manifestation of this disease is pain in the chest area from the heart area, which occurs during walking and active movements. A heart attack in such patients is discovered in most cases by chance, when they go to the clinic with complaints of heart pain, and the results of an electrocardiogram confirm myocardial damage.

It is clear that it is difficult for a non-specialist to diagnose myocardial infarction based on such unusual symptoms for this disease. The only thing that can be done in such a situation, if it does not yet seem critical, is to create peace for the patient and seek help from doctors by calling ambulance.

First aid for suspected heart attack

As we see, there are quite a lot of symptoms in a typical myocardial infarction, so that it is possible to more or less accurately diagnose the pathology before the doctors arrive and provide first aid to the patient. It is clear that first of all you need to take care of calling an ambulance or helping the patient get to the hospital as soon as possible by stopping passing transport.

When calling an ambulance, you must definitely clarify what is suspected of a myocardial infarction. In this case, a special team from cardiology or an intensive care team usually arrives. If the patient is on the street, you need to indicate his exact location and wait for the car with the patient.

However, let us recall that in case of fatal dangerous pathology, which is a myocardial infarction, time passes not in hours, but in minutes and seconds, which means that the patient may not wait for the car without our help. It is urgent to take all measures to save a person’s life that are available to anyone.

First, you need to give the person a comfortable position. He needs to be seated comfortably or laid on his back, with something under his head so that the upper part of the body rises noticeably above the lower part. The head should be thrown back slightly, and the legs should be raised and bent at the knees. It is desirable that the surface on which the patient will lie is smooth and hard. This position of the patient with myocardial infarction reduces the load on the heart and allows you to gain valuable time.

As already mentioned, a specific symptom of myocardial infarction is the fear of death, which causes incredible anxiety in patients, making it difficult to lay them down and force them to remain in this position until the ambulance arrives. To cope with excessive anxiety, it is recommended to calm the patient with words or give him a sedative. Typically, in such cases, Valocardin, Barboval, valerian and other drugs with a similar effect are used. Sometimes you even have to use physical strength to keep the patient from active movements that are dangerous for him in this state.

Since a common symptom of myocardial infarction is difficulty breathing due to oxygen deprivation, measures must be taken to facilitate oxygen access to the patient. If a crowd of curious people has gathered, you need to force them to part. And in the event that a person has a heart attack indoors, it is necessary, if possible, to turn on the air conditioner or fan, open the windows wide and not impede the access of air to the patient’s bed.

It is necessary to try to free the patient's neck and chest from constricting clothing by unbuttoning buttons or untying the laces on clothing.

Nitroglycerin can be used to dilate blood vessels and relieve severe pain, which even in itself sometimes causes premature death. The tablet must be placed under the patient’s tongue, holding the lower jaw if necessary so that the medicine does not fall out of the mouth. Next pill can be given to the patient no earlier than a quarter of an hour later. The analgesic effect of nitroglycerin can be enhanced with the help of Analgin or other painkillers or NSAIDs.

But, as we know, it is not worth relying only on Nitroglycerin and analgesics in case of myocardial infarction. Additionally, it is recommended to give the patient Acetylsalicylic acid (a little more than half a tablet) or a 325 g tablet of Aspirin. This drug is a means of thinning the blood and facilitating its easier movement through the vessels, preventing thrombus formation.

With the help of Nitroglycerin and Aspirin, in most cases it is possible to somewhat improve blood circulation and slow down the process of necrotization of heart tissue. However, the patient will still need the help of a cardiologist or cardiac surgeon.

If the process develops too quickly and the measures taken do not give the expected result, you need to carefully monitor the patient’s condition before the ambulance arrives, checking the pulse, breathing, and heartbeat. If possible, you should also check your blood pressure, which drops noticeably as your heart weakens.

If a person has lost consciousness, his pulse has become weak and intermittent, as has his breathing, and his heartbeat cannot be heard, there is a high probability that, despite all efforts, the patient’s heart has stopped. This is the most crucial moment during first aid for myocardial infarction. Here, under no circumstances should you get lost, panic or fall into a stupor, because a person’s life now hangs by a thread.

The first thing to do is perform a pericardial shock. This procedure, despite the apparent cruelty and the possibility of causing injury in the form of broken ribs, in many cases it helps to start the heart and save a person’s life. The blow is applied once to the sternum area closer to the heart. You need to punch quickly and quite hard.

If such a procedure does not bring any effect, it’s time to start artificial respiration and performing chest compressions. Typically, these manipulations are taught to children from school and college, but the information is quickly forgotten without practice, and not everyone in a state of excitement is able to quickly navigate and carry out the necessary manipulations, which in fact are not particularly difficult.

Indications for cardiopulmonary resuscitation are the absence of 2 out of 3 vital signs: breathing, pulse, consciousness. In the absence of all 3 signs of life, biological death, And resuscitation measures it is pointless to carry out.

To perform an indirect cardiac massage, the hands are brought together, fingers crossed, and with the palms they begin to rhythmically and quickly press on the patient’s chest in the area between the mammary glands. Pressure frequency is approximately 2 times per second. Hands should not be taken away from the chest during the massage to prevent displacement to the side.

The pressure should be such that compression chest was at least 5 cm. Indirect cardiac massage can be stopped only while artificial respiration is performed and the pulse is checked in the area of ​​the carotid artery.

In between direct cardiac massages, artificial respiration is performed using the mouth-to-mouth method. The ratio of these two procedures is 30:2, i.e. For 30 presses there are 2 inhalations and exhalations. At the same time, they constantly monitor whether the patient has a pulse, indicating that his heart has begun to work. In this case, the resuscitation procedure as part of first aid for myocardial infarction is stopped.

If the pulse does not appear, it is recommended to continue manipulations until the ambulance arrives, but no more than 10 minutes, after which the irreversible processes in the body, incompatible with life. Even if you bring a person to his senses, there is no guarantee that during resuscitation there have been no critical changes in the functioning of the brain, nervous system and other important organs and systems.

Indicators that a person is returning to life, in addition to the appearance of a pulse in the carotid artery, are considered to be a change in skin color from pale to pink and the appearance of a reaction of the pupils to light.

Algorithm of first aid actions for myocardial infarction

Once again, let’s briefly go through the first aid scheme for myocardial infarction, which everyone needs to know in order to, if necessary, save a person’s life by being there in difficult times.

So, if you see a person on the street with obvious signs of a heart attack or if you suspect a heart attack, you should not turn away and walk past, but try to provide all possible first aid, which consists of several important points:

  • Call an ambulance by calling “103” (toll-free number from any phone). We make sure to tell the dispatcher about the suspected heart attack and, if possible, provide information about the patient from his words or documents.
  • To meet the emergency room, we involve another person from outside or a relative, so as not to be distracted from providing pre-medical care.
  • We lay the person with a heart attack on his back on a hard, flat surface (on the street this could be a bench; in warm weather, the floor will do if there are no suitable surfaces). We place a homemade cushion under the person’s neck and shoulders, lifting top part torso. We tilt the patient's head back.
  • If a person is unconscious but breathing, we place him not on his back, but on his side to prevent asphyxia.
  • We take all measures to ensure that the patient has good access to oxygen (we ask the curious to make way, unfasten the buttons on clothes in the neck and chest area, untie the tie). If the patient is indoors, you should try to open all the windows in the room or turn on the air conditioner for cooling. In hot weather, you can lightly moisten the patient's face, lips and chest with cool water.
  • If the person is restless and active, ask other people to help hold him in place in a lying or semi-sitting position.
  • If there are no signs of life, we proceed to resuscitation measures (pericardial stroke, chest compressions combined with artificial respiration), but you need to understand that if the patient has no consciousness, breathing and pulse, the chances of salvation are virtually zero.

Providing first aid for a heart attack before the ambulance arrives includes drug therapy, helping to reduce the intensity of symptoms and delay the onset of sad consequences:

  • "Nitroglycerine". This heart drug allowing to reduce the intensity of heart pain and slightly improve blood circulation. The tablet is placed under the tongue. You can give 3 tablets at intervals of 15 minutes.
  • "Aspirin". A popular anticoagulant that reduces blood viscosity and increases blood flow. The dose effective for myocardial infarction is 300-325 g. It is given once.
  • "Analgin" or any of the NSAIDs approved for heart disease. Will help reduce the intensity of pain. Usually single dose is 1-2 tablets.
  • Sedatives (tablets and tincture of valerian, tincture or infusion of motherwort, “Barboval”, “Corvalol”, “Zeleniena drops” and other drugs). Indicated due to the fact that in case of myocardial infarction as specific symptom there is a fear of death. This measure also helps overly restless patients.

The question of where to urgently get the above drugs usually does not arise, because most people with myocardial infarction are already regular patients cardiologist, so they constantly wear necessary medications with myself.

But even if a person did not know about his illness, you can always find a passerby nearby who has a “mini-first aid kit” with him, because we do not have as few “heart disease” patients as we would like. IN as a last resort, you can ask someone to go to the nearest pharmacy. If a heart attack occurs at work, in a store, or in an office, there should always be an emergency first aid kit with the necessary medications.

If you study the first aid diagram for myocardial infarction, you will find that there is actually nothing complicated in it, but these simple manipulations can help save a person’s life.

First aid for a heart attack at home

So far we have talked about situations in which the reader could act as a saver of someone else's life. But no one is 100% insured against myocardial infarction, and any of us, sooner or later, can experience all its horrors. Our diet and lifestyle leave much to be desired; we actually make the disease ourselves, which means we must learn, if necessary, to effectively help ourselves if there is no one nearby who can help.

Let's talk about situations when a heart attack catches a person at home. It’s good if there are caring friends or relatives nearby who call an ambulance, meet it, give medicine and carry out all the necessary manipulations to save the person they love. Alas, this is not always the case. Old man may be lonely, which means there is usually no one to help him. And there are situations when at the right moment none of the loved ones are simply at home, and the patient has to rely only on himself.

Of course, you can always turn to your neighbors for help, but where is the guarantee that they will be there? The safest thing to do is to learn to count not on someone else, but on yourself.

If a heart attack finds you alone at home, the main thing is to try not to panic. You should immediately call an ambulance (and, if possible, call your family) to your address, making sure that the emergency doctors can enter the room even if you lose consciousness and cannot open the door. It is necessary to leave the lock open on the entrance doors of the apartment and, if possible, the entrance (locking doors to the entrance and the absence of an intercom can significantly delay the time of providing medical assistance).

Next, you need to open the windows and either use the air conditioner, loosen the collar of your clothes, take the necessary medications, which we wrote about in the previous paragraph. After this, it is best to lie down on an elastic surface, place a pillow or rolled blanket under your head, throw your head back and wait for the doctors to arrive. Active movements in this state can only do harm.

Concerning home first aid kit, then it should always have a supply of necessary medications: heart medications, analgesics, sedatives, etc. In addition, the first aid kit itself should be in a place where it can be easily reached if necessary.

While walking on the street, traveling to and from work, shopping and other establishments, it is advisable to have the most necessary medications needed to provide first aid to yourself, your family, or even strangers (in your bag, pocket, cosmetic bag, etc.) .d.). They won’t take up much space, but they may well save life and health.

Briefly about the treatment of myocardial infarction

Treatment of acute myocardial infarction is carried out in a hospital setting under the supervision of medical staff. In this case, both drug methods and non-drug therapy are used.

The following is used as emergency medical aid for acute myocardial infarction:

  • "Nitroglycerin" in the form of tablets, capsules or solution for intravenous administration,
  • thrombolytics (“Streptokinase”, “Urokinase”, “Alteplase”),
  • anticoagulants (“Aspirin”, “Heparin”),
  • beta-blockers (Metoprolol, Atenopol,
  • antiarrhythmic drugs (mainly Lidocaine),
  • analgesics (“Morphine” plus the neuroleptic “Droperidol”, “Promedol”),
  • ACE inhibitors (Captopril, Lisinopril, Ramipril).

Less commonly prescribed:

  • calcium antagonists (Diltiazem, Verapamil),
  • magnesium preparations (if necessary).

In severe cases, when medications fail to dilate blood vessels and restore blood flow, transluminal percutaneous coronary angioplasty is used. For large infarctions, surgical treatment using coronary artery bypass grafting, intracoronary stenting, transluminal balloon angioplasty, etc. is indicated.

Treatment of myocardial infarction and prevention of its recurrences involves diet, lifestyle changes, and moderate physical activity (first under the supervision of a doctor).

The use of all of the above treatment methods allows 80% of patients to return to their normal life, however, does not eliminate subsequent medication use that will last for the rest of your life.

Prevention of myocardial infarction

Everything in our lives happens for the first time. If these are pleasant moments, we crave their repetition, and if they are painful, we want to forget about them forever. Anyone who has experienced a heart attack, of course, does not want to go through the pain again. But where it’s thin, it breaks, so if you’re not careful, you can risk another heart attack (and even more than one).

Judging by the high mortality rate of myocardial infarction, this condition is easier to prevent than to treat. First you need to reconsider your lifestyle and diet. Rejection of bad habits, physical activity, walks in the fresh air, weight control and limiting the consumption of foods with high content bad cholesterol have already helped many people prevent the development cardiovascular pathologies, among which it is worth highlighting vascular atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, which become the most common causes of myocardial infarction.

If heart problems cannot be avoided, you must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations for their treatment. The doctor prescribes drugs from the group of statins, which prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels; this prescription should not be ignored just because these drugs are not cardiac. If the patient has high blood pressure, it is imperative to take medications that help lower it (ACE inhibitors).

It is necessary to fight with increased viscosity blood, taking anticoagulants and thrombolytics that prevent the formation of blood clots inside the vessels. If there is increased heart rate and nervousness, beta blockers will help. And, of course, don’t forget about diet.

All of the above measures will help prevent repeated myocardial infarctions, which are usually much more severe than the first.

First aid for myocardial infarction is Urgent measures, which help save the life and health of a sick person. But if you take care of your health in time and take preventive measures, such help may never be needed. And we can only wish our readers health and longevity.

The first signs and symptoms of myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction is easily confused with other diseases, for example:

  • Gastritis with abdominal pain, bloating, weakness, low blood pressure, tachycardia. An electrocardiogram will help clarify.
  • Asthma, in which a person begins to choke. He is given drugs to make breathing easier, but this does not make him feel any better.
  • Cerebral palsy resembling a stroke. Confusion of consciousness and speech is observed.
  • Heart attack without pain, often found in patients diabetes mellitus. Shortness of breath and fatigue are the only symptoms.
  • In 10% of patients, so-called “angina pectoris” is observed. Pain occurs only when walking. Often, such patients themselves come to the hospital, the ECG registers their symptoms, the first signs of a heart attack.

The following video will also talk about the symptoms of myocardial infarction and its features:

Among women

The signs of a myocardial infarction in women are slightly different from those of a man. Pain during a heart attack in women is localized in the upper abdomen, jaw, back, and neck.

The attack strongly resembles heartburn. In most cases, a woman first experiences weakness and nausea, and only then pain. Such symptoms are often ignored by women, which often leads to death. Therefore, it is better to call an ambulance in such cases to save life.

In men

Unlike the female half, in men the symptoms of myocardial infarction are as follows:

  • chest pain;
  • frequent breathing intermittently;
  • rapid heartbeat without a clear rhythm;
  • weak pulse;
  • loss of consciousness, fainting;
  • weakness;
  • cold, clammy sweat;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pale facial skin.

Myocardial infarction with atypical symptoms can cause difficulty for a doctor when making a diagnosis. It is especially dangerous for a person’s life when the manifestation of a heart attack is accompanied by a variety of options various diseases. Such cases are unfavorable and usually end in the death of the patient.

First aid

Before the ambulance arrives

The main goal of first aid is to restore the necessary and maintain blood supply to the affected area of ​​the heart muscle. The health and life of the patient depends entirely on timely measures taken before arriving at the hospital.

So, here is the algorithm of actions (first aid) for myocardial infarction:

  1. Place the patient with his head raised. If he has low blood pressure and a weak pulse, he is pale, then it is better to put the patient with a low head position. If there is shortness of breath, the patient should be seated with his legs elevated.
  2. Unlike an attack of angina, Nitroglycerin does not help relieve pain. Moreover, if you have low blood pressure and a weak pulse, it is better not to give this medicine. But if you have shortness of breath, it is better to give a Nitroglycerin tablet - it will reduce shortness of breath.
  3. Measure the pressure.
  4. If there is no allergy, the patient should chew (chew) 300 mg (half a tablet) of Aspirin.
  5. To calm the patient, you can give Valocordin.

Read on to find out what first aid a nurse and doctor will provide for acute myocardial infarction.

The following video will tell you in more detail about the features of providing first aid for myocardial infarction before the ambulance arrives:

Upon her arrival

If the patient's transportation period takes more than half an hour, emergency doctors begin to administer all necessary medications. Emergency care for a patient with an acute attack of myocardial infarction within 72 hours from initial signs diseases, prescribes the following medications:

  • Thrombolytic (antiplatelet) in the form salicylic acid 150-300 mg orally or intravenously. This could be Tiklid 0.25 g twice a day;
  • Anticoagulants in the form of Heparin or Fraxiparin;
  • Nitroglycerin is administered intravenously in this way: an isotonic NaCl solution is added to an ampoule with a 1% solution to obtain a 0.01% solution. Administer drip-wise (25 µg/1 minute - 1 ml of 1% solution over 4 minutes).
  • Beta-blockers, such as Anaprilin 10-40 mg 3 times a day or Vasocardin 50-100 mg 3 times a day or Atenolol 50-100 mg 3 times a day.
  • Inhibitor - Capoten 12.5-50 mg 3 times a day.

A patient with myocardial infarction is transported to the intensive care unit or intensive care unit.

There are such combinations medical supplies, which are used for pain syndrome of acute myocardial infarction. These include:

  • Neuroleptanalgesia with a characteristic analgesic and anti-shock effect. A combined injection of 1-2 ml of 0.005% Fentanyl solution and 2-4 ml of 0.25% Droperidol solution is used. Instead of the first drug, you can use 1-2 ml of a 1% solution of morphine hydrochloride, 1-2 ml of a 1% solution of promedol and the same amount of omnopon.
  • A combination of narcotic analgesics such as 1-2 ml of a 1% solution of morphine hydrochloride and the same amount of promedol, minor tranquilizers (for example, Seduxen 2-4 ml) and antihistamines (for example, 1-2 ml of a 1% solution of Diphenhydramine);
  • Anesthesia is a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide, which is often used by ambulance crews.

In acute myocardial infarction, all drugs should be administered intravenously slowly. First, they are diluted in 5-10 ml of isotonic NaCl solution or 5% glucose solution. To completely relieve chest pain, analgesics are often reintroduced. After eliminating pain, the next goal of medical care is to eliminate all kinds of complications, such as cardiac asthma, arrhythmias, cardiogenic shock. For myocardial infarction without complications, medications are prescribed that limit the area of ​​dead tissue. These are nitrates, beta blockers and thrombolytics.

Medical practice in the treatment of myocardial infarction completely depends on the patient’s condition, concomitant diseases, age and many other factors. There should be no talk of self-medication; treatment should only be carried out by a highly qualified doctor. If the result is positive after treatment, it is important to go through all stages of rehabilitation after the illness and follow a diet.

Consequences extensive heart attack in men What is the pressure during myocardial infarction in women

Studying such pathological disease cardiology deals with myocardial infarction. It is this science that will help prevent the earlier development of this disease, help survive and live after a heart attack.

What is myocardial infarction?
Myocardial infarction refers to acute heart diseases. A heart attack is caused by blockage of blood vessels, as well as the death of some or several areas of the heart muscle. As a result of the manifestation of this disease, an acute disruption of the heart is detected.

Previously, there was an opinion that men over fifty years of age were susceptible to myocardial infarction. Currently, there is a rejuvenation of this disease and there are documented cases of patients aged thirty years and younger.

Myocardial infarction is an emergency because the risk of death is very high in the first two hours. If you suspect a heart attack, you should urgently call an ambulance. From the ambulance the patient immediately goes to the cardiology intensive care unit of the hospital. In cases of myocardial infarction, self-medication is tantamount to death.

Symptoms (signs) of myocardial infarction.

A characteristic symptom (sign) of a heart attack is an attack of severe pain in the chest or, as they also say, behind the sternum. The pain is so severe that the patient may call it tearing or burning. The pain may spread upward and to the right, and also radiate to left hand. If you look closely at the man, you will notice that he has turned significantly pale and covered in sweat. If the pain is severe, the person may even lose consciousness.

Typically, pain during a myocardial infarction occurs suddenly, during sleep or in the morning. In this case, the pain is wave-like, each time getting stronger and stronger. In this case, the pain does not go away even after taking nitroglycerin.

First premarital care for myocardial infarction. What to do?

If there is a suspicion that the patient has a myocardial infarction, then it is necessary:

  • Call an ambulance
  • Provide the patient with rest. To do this, you need to lay him down and raise his head or provide him with a semi-sitting position.
  • Give the opportunity to breathe deeply; to do this, you need to carefully remove or unfasten tight clothing
  • Give the patient medications. Usually it is either validol - 1-2 tablets. under the tongue, Valocordin - 25-30 drops. It happens that these drugs do not help, then you need to use nitroglycerin - 1-2 tablets. under the tongue.
It is important to know: in case of a heart attack, urgent qualified medical care is needed. Self-medication may not have a positive effect. Delay in acute stage may be fatal. Even with a severe heart attack, with correct diagnosis and timely treatment can save the life of the patient.

Life after myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction is considered very dangerous disease, except possible death patient, he is also dangerous for the development of all kinds of complications. The main complications after a heart attack are the so-called concomitant cardiovascular diseases. The main diseases include arrhythmia, arterial hypertension, heart failure and others.

Myocardial infarction puts a boundary between life before and after it. It is possible to recover from a myocardial infarction, but it is more difficult for elderly patients and those who have other serious illnesses. After a heart attack, there is a danger of its recurrence, so the patient and his relatives must clearly understand what he can and cannot do.

Therefore, people who have had a heart attack need to completely change their lifestyle. And you need to understand that such a change will last a lifetime. The rehabilitation period, which will last several months, is especially important. You need to strictly and carefully follow all the doctor’s recommendations, avoid active sports, fatty foods, and completely eliminate alcohol and cigarettes. Also, a person who has had a heart attack will face constant visits to a cardiologist, frequent tests and diagnostics of the heart’s functioning.

Myocardial infarction is a type of ischemic heart disease characterized by irreversible damage to the heart muscle as a result of deterioration in blood flow through the coronary arteries.

The further outcome of the disease, including the possibility of saving a person’s life, will depend on timely and correct therapy in the first minutes of an attack.

First aid to a patient during an attack of myocardial infarction is based on the peculiarities of its course and requires the person providing it to have the most basic knowledge about the pathology. During an attack, a certain area of ​​the heart muscle dies and the reason for this is poor blood supply to the heart muscle.

Predisposing factors in this case are physical activity, hypertensive crisis, stressful situations, overexcitement or strong emotional stress.

Rules for providing first aid for myocardial infarction

First aid for myocardial infarction should be carried out in a certain sequence. And of course, the very first step will be a phone call to the ambulance service to call a doctor, preferably a cardiologist. It is important to reduce the time between the onset of a heart attack and the doctor’s manipulations, so it is advisable for one of your relatives to meet doctors on the street. Correctly provided medical care can save a person's life.

To reduce the load on the heart, it is better for the patient to take a horizontal position after drinking a sedative.

A nitroglycerin tablet will help cope with painful sensations. The medicine is placed under the tongue - this way nitroglycerin enters the blood faster. In the sublingual region there are arteries through which active substance almost immediately enters the blood circulation and reaches its destination. In this regard, pain relief occurs in a short time.

In some cases, only cardiac arrest indicates a heart attack. The person loses consciousness, has no breathing, and cannot feel a pulse. All resuscitation measures should begin as quickly as possible, before the ambulance arrives. The so-called precordial blow, carried out in the sternum area, can start the heart.

It should be short and strong. Without any effect, it is necessary to perform an indirect cardiac massage. His scheme is as follows: 30 chest compressions (the interval is arbitrary and calculated, about 100 compressions in 1 minute) and ventilation (the so-called mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration).

These two stages are carried out in combination with alternating frequencies. In this case, the sick person’s head must be tilted back a little, and the body lies on a solid plane. Until doctors arrive and signs of life appear, resuscitation measures should be carried out.

In the event that cardiac asthma develops against the background of a myocardial infarction, the person becomes very restless, does not find a place for himself, takes a forced sitting position and, in order to strengthen breathing movements, he leans his hands on the bed. The respiratory rate increases sharply from 16-18 to 40-50 per minute. The patient's facial expression is pained and exhausted, the skin becomes pale, the lips are blue and cold sweat appears.

If the necessary assistance is not provided in time, congestion in the lungs begins to progress and cardiac asthma develops into pulmonary edema. Breathing becomes noisy and bubbling, hoarse breathing can be heard from a distance. The patient begins to cough and at the same time liquid reddish sputum is released. It is necessary to try to avoid such a serious complication of a heart attack before the ambulance arrives.

First aid algorithm

The sequence of first aid actions should be as follows:

  1. Call an ambulance. It is best if this is a specialized cardiology or resuscitation team of doctors.
  2. It is recommended that an ambulance be met by one of the relatives in order to shorten the gap between the attack of myocardial infarction and medical procedures.
  3. The patient should be placed on a hard and flat surface, with the head slightly tilted back.
  4. Open all windows and doors to allow as much air as possible into the room. fresh air. If it is very hot, open the window and turn on the air conditioning.
  5. Give to the patient depressant(motherwort or valerian). There should be silence in the room, not allowing the sick person to become nervous.
  6. It is necessary to remove physical activity, sometimes this requires the help of several people.
  7. The patient should put one nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue to relieve a painful attack.
  8. Nitroglycerin should be given two to three times at intervals of 10 or 15 minutes.
  9. Give the patient a 325 g tablet of aspirin to chew.
  10. Try to relieve heart pain with analgin or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

If there are some prerequisites that the heart has stopped (the person is not breathing, he is not conscious, there is no pulse, blood pressure no), the following immediate resuscitation measures should be started:

  • Give the patient a precordial blow, that is, hit the sternum with your fist, hard and fast. This can be very effective in the first few seconds for ventricular fibrillation.
  • If the previous action is ineffective, perform artificial respiration and perform the necessary indirect cardiac massage. These activities continue until the ambulance arrives. After every 15 shocks (pumps) in the heart, two inhalations and two exhalations are made and the pulse is checked. If a pulse does not appear, rescue actions are repeated again.


Timely and correct first aid for myocardial infarction is provided before the arrival of qualified doctors. However, very often people have no idea and do not know what should be done to save a person.

Cardiovascular diseases rank first in the frequency of deaths among patients of different ages Moreover, every year, heart attacks and strokes tend to become younger. This article will discuss how to properly carry out urgent Care in case of myocardial infarction before the arrival of the medical team, as well as the rules of care for post-infarction patients.

Myocardial infarction is called necrosis (death) of a section of the heart muscle as a result of prolonged oxygen starvation and insufficient blood supply to it. A heart attack is a common complication of coronary heart disease, so it is important to know the clinical picture and be able to distinguish it from an attack of angina.

Myocardial infarction has several stages of progression, each of which has its own characteristics. clinical symptoms:

Heart attack stage How does it manifest clinically?
Stage of damage Characterized by pronounced violation blood circulation in a certain area of ​​the heart muscle, which is accompanied by a burning, persistent pain behind the sternum. The pain is not relieved by nitroglycerin and other cardiac medications that the patient usually took during an angina attack
Acute stage It begins 2 hours from the damage stage and can last up to several days (usually 2-3 days). Necrosis (death) develops in the area of ​​circulatory disturbances in the heart muscle, which is clinically accompanied by disturbances in heart rhythm (slowing or increasing heartbeat), progressive weakness, shortness of breath, and changes in blood pressure. In some patients, body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees. At this stage, recurrences of infarction and severe complications are especially common.
Subacute stage Characterized by the replacement of dead areas of the myocardium connective tissue. The subacute stage of a heart attack develops 5-7 days after the onset of damage and lasts up to 8 weeks. Clinically, the patient experiences shortness of breath, heart rhythm disturbances that worsen after the slightest exertion, increased blood pressure, and periodic chest pain. If angina attacks continue, this can lead to another heart attack.
Stage of scar changes It continues for the first six months after a heart attack and is characterized by the formation of a scar at the site of injury. At this stage, the healthy part of the heart muscle adapts to the new state and begins to work fully. The patient’s pulse and blood pressure parameters are normalized, and signs of heart failure disappear

Myocardial infarction symptoms and first aid

Clinical signs of acute infarction depend on the form of the disease:

  1. Abdominal– symptoms similar to a seizure occur acute pancreatitis. The patient is worried severe pain in the epigastric zone, nausea, vomiting, increasing weakness and rapid heartbeat.
  2. Asthmatic– clinical symptoms are similar to an attack of bronchial asthma; the patient experiences shortness of breath, complains of lack of air and tachycardia.
  3. Cerebral form – the main symptoms are dizziness, sharp pain behind the sternum, darkening of the eyes, depression of consciousness. This form occurs most often, and the patient experiences panic and fear of death.
  4. Asymptomaticthis form myocardial infarction is typical for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and is caused by a decrease in sensitivity due to angiopathy.

The main clinical signs of a heart attack of any form are:

  • pain behind the sternum, which does not go away for several hours, after taking nitroglycerin and other heart medications - usually the pain radiates (gives) to the left collarbone, neck, lower jaw on the left;
  • increasing mental agitation, which soon gives way to apathy;
  • fear of death and panic;
  • pain in the epigastric region, nausea and vomiting are not always found, but can make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

Important! Measures to assist in the event of a myocardial infarction should be provided to the patient immediately, since progressive necrosis of the heart muscle quickly leads to life-threatening complications - heart failure and cardiogenic shock.

Emergency care algorithm before the ambulance arrives for a patient with suspected heart attack

First aid for a heart attack consists of the following:

  • call an ambulance;
  • give a Nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue, and if there is no such drug in the house, then drop Corvalol, Valocordin;
  • give a painkiller to drink or inject it;
  • calm the patient down - give him sweet warm tea to drink;
  • apply warm heating pads to the feet and cover the patient with a blanket;
  • provide access to fresh air and free the neck and chest from constricting clothing;
  • count your pulse and measure your blood pressure.

What to do in case of myocardial infarction with the development of pulmonary edema?

If the patient hears moist wheezing from a distance and increases in shortness of breath, cyanosis of the lips and swelling of the veins in the neck, then before the ambulance arrives it is necessary:

  • sit the patient on the bed, supporting his back with pillows, and be sure to lower his legs down;
  • make it hot foot bath- this will reduce the influx venous blood to the heart;
  • apply tourniquets to the legs - this reduces the return of venous blood to the heart muscle, which somewhat reduces the load on the myocardium;
  • give a diuretic, for example, a Furasemide tablet;
  • give the patient a Dexamethasone or Prednisolone tablet to take - this will help reduce vascular permeability, thereby reducing pulmonary edema.

Important! If the patient has lost consciousness and does not respond to anything, then before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to immediately begin resuscitation efforts - artificial respiration and chest compressions. You will see how to do this correctly in the video in this article.

Emergency medical care for myocardial infarction begins with an ECG using a portable device that every cardiology ambulance team carries with them. Myocardial infarction is characterized by an arcuate rise S-T segment above the isoline and the presence of a pathological Q wave.

After confirmation of the diagnosis, the patient is required to be hospitalized in the intensive care unit, and before that, he is immediately administered medications on the spot to relieve pain and prevent the development of cardiogenic shock and other dangerous complications.

Medicines for myocardial infarction: first aid

Emergency care for a heart attack begins with relief of anginal status (incessant pain caused by an acute circulatory disorder in the heart muscle), since pain not only causes agony for the patient, but also increases the load on the myocardium, which can lead to the development of complications.

To relieve anginal status, the following drugs are slowly administered intravenously to the patient:

  1. narcotic analgesics with a neuroleptic - omnopon solution 1%, promedol or morphine hydrochloride in combination with droperidol 0.25% in a ratio of 1 to 2, respectively (for example, 1 ml of omnopon and 2 ml of droperidol). Neuroleptanalgesia in this combination has a pronounced anti-shock effect, relieves pain and prevents the development of life-threatening complications.
  2. Combination administration of tranquilizers with narcotic analgesics and antihistamines - for example, morphine solution 1% 1 ml + seduxen 2 ml + diphenhydramine 1% 1 ml.
  3. Anesthesia with nitrous oxide and oxygen is carried out by a specialized ambulance team in order to deliver the patient to the hospital and does not cause cardiogenic shock during transportation.

Important! All listed drugs administered intravenously slowly after preliminary dilution in 5-10 ml of 5% glucose solution or isotonic sodium chloride solution. Drugs sometimes need to be administered repeatedly to completely relieve pain.

Treatment of heart attack

Providing assistance during myocardial infarction is not limited to pain relief; after urgent measures the patient is prescribed drugs that will restore blood flow in coronary vessels, will reduce the load on the heart muscle, prevent the formation of blood clots and the development of a recurrent heart attack:

  1. Thrombolytics– a group of medications that thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. This group includes Acetylsalicylic acid, Akard, Aspirin cardio, Magnicor. Since drugs in this group have irritant effect to the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to take them after meals or prescribed simultaneously with proton pump inhibitors.
  2. Anticoagulants– heparin or fraxiparin.
  3. Beta blockers– metaprolol, anaprilin, atenolol. The dosage is selected individually at the minimum effective dose.
  4. Nitroglycerine intravenously in isotonic sodium chloride solution.
  5. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors– the drug Capoten 3 times a day, starting with a minimum effective dose, but not more than 50 mg at a time.

First aid for a heart attack involves the administration of these medications in the first 2 days from the onset of the damage stage.

Caring for patients after a heart attack

The nurse's first aid to patients who have suffered a heart attack is the mandatory prevention of bedsores, which can develop after just 6 hours of continuous, motionless lying. Severe heart attack patients cannot get out of bed for several days until the crisis has passed, so the main task of the nurse is to massage the patient every 2 hours and change body position (inversions), if allowed by the doctor.

To prevent bedsores, the nurse treats the patient's skin twice a day. camphor alcohol. It is also important to educate the patient breathing exercises to prevent the development of hypostatic pneumonia.

Dietary food for patients with heart attack

During the first days of myocardial infarction, nutrition should be especially strict, since it is important to spare the heart muscle as much as possible and limit the load on it. The patient must be fed in small portions 6-7 times a day.

All dishes are served in semi-liquid ground form, warm, without salt and butter. In the first days, the patient can eat boiled oatmeal in liquid form, always with water and without oil or salt. Also recommended carrot juice with the addition of a teaspoon of sunflower or olive oil before eating.

On the second or third day, you can feed the patient with pureed meat (baby food), pureed vegetable soups, fermented milk products. Gradually, the diet is expanding, but the patient is still not allowed to do much; detailed instructions will be given by the attending physician; the general principles of the diet are described in table No. 10.


First medical aid for myocardial infarction should be provided to the patient as soon as possible - this is what the future prognosis and life expectancy will depend on. In the absence of complications and proper care, the patient almost completely restores all his functions within six months.

Of course, in the future he will have to adhere to strict restrictions in diet, exercise, avoid stress and regularly take medications - this is the price of life.


Good afternoon, doctor. My husband has low blood pressure all the time after a heart attack, what should I do in this situation? He had heart surgery and has been in this condition for more than 2 months now. What could this be connected with and how can I help the patient?

Hello. Patients who have had a heart attack and heart surgery suffer from hypotension for up to several months. The main reason for this condition is poor circulation and loss of elasticity of the coronary vessels.

In addition, the cause of tone disturbance may be the patient’s failure to perform physical activity prescribed by the doctor and constant bed rest. The clinical picture is typical – dizziness, weakness, tachycardia, cold extremities, darkening of the eyes. If the pressure is always low, the heart muscle suffers from a lack of oxygen and nutrients, which can lead to a second heart attack.

You definitely need to see a doctor; perhaps the cardiologist will reduce the dosage of medications, which also slightly reduce blood pressure. Be sure to pay attention to the diet - the patient should receive sufficient quantity proteins and carbohydrates. Baked potatoes, dried apricots, dates, apricots, raisins, and figs have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle.

If sudden weakness, ringing in the ears, or rapid heartbeat appears, immediately try to give the patient a horizontal body position, cover him with a blanket, and give him sweet warm tea. If, despite these actions, there is no improvement, then call an ambulance.

Good afternoon. Please tell me, my grandmother suffered a heart attack, first aid was not provided to her immediately, unfortunately, we found her unconscious only in the morning (the heart attack happened in the evening or the night before), now she is in in serious condition in intensive care, what are the prognosis? The doctors don't tell us anything. Grandmother is 67 years old, thanks in advance for your answer.

Hello. It is very difficult to predict, since everything is individual. You are now required to purchase all the necessary medications and follow the doctor’s recommendations. As soon as the patient regains consciousness, it is important to provide her with complete balanced diet and moral support (eliminate worries and stress, have positive conversations).

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 284

Heart attack (myocardium) is a disruption of normal blood circulation that occurs due to blockage of large vessels of the organ. The lack of oxygen supply to the tissues provokes their hypoxia and subsequent necrosis, which negatively affects the contractile function of the heart.

Timely and correct first aid for a heart attack is one of the main factors that influence the risk of complications and the duration of rehabilitation.

How to recognize a seizure yourself

Emergency care for myocardial infarction plays an important role in the patient’s subsequent recovery, so it is necessary to be able to correctly recognize the symptoms of the pathology and distinguish them from signs of other disorders.

The distinctive signs of a heart attack are:

  • Acute heart pain. This syndrome in acute violation of cardiac circulation has a pressing, squeezing, burning character. Because of the sharp cutting sensation, the pain that accompanies a heart attack is called “dagger-like.” It can be localized in the left half of the chest or behind the sternum, radiating to the left arm, neck, shoulder, jaw and upper abdomen. The pain syndrome persists for 15 minutes or more, which distinguishes a heart attack from other heart diseases.
  • Heavy sweating panic fear of death. Vegetative nervous system reacts to sharp pain increased activity of the sweat glands. At the same time with profuse sweating and pain, the patient experiences tachycardia (increased heart rate), panic and severe fear of death, which are characteristic signs of a heart attack.
  • Dizziness, weakness and disturbances of consciousness. The cerebral form of the pathology provokes the occurrence of neurological disorders. Severe weakness and fainting conditions complicate the diagnosis of myocardial infarction and first aid.
  • Nausea (less often vomiting). This symptom is most characteristic not of angina, but of abdominal form heart attack. However, nausea can also occur due to strong fear, changes in blood pressure and pathological reactions of the nervous system.
  • Shortness of breath, feeling of suffocation. Lack of air and sudden pallor caused by hypoxia may indicate either a heart attack or angina pectoris, or a heart attack. Shortness of breath increases the patient's sense of panic.
  • Lack of response to antihypoxants. There are several heart diseases whose symptoms are similar to those of a heart attack. Angina pectoris is provoked by a lack of oxygen in the myocardium and is relieved by taking drugs that reduce the tissue need for oxygen (Nitroglycerin and its analogues). During a heart attack, the pain syndrome does not disappear or weaken after taking antihypoxic drugs.

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    At least twice a year 15%, 589 votes

    More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 433 vote

    I take care of my health and rent once a month 6%, 249 votes

    I'm afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 4%, 167 votes


Symptoms of the pathology may be mild or appear atypical, so calling an ambulance and an ECG are necessary even with an atypical clinical picture.

Why is first aid important?

The time factor is the most important in the treatment of acute circulatory disorders, therefore the quality of first aid for a heart attack directly affects the patient’s rehabilitation prospects.

The risk of developing severe heart failure and the size of the necrotic area depend on how quickly doctors were able to eliminate the clot blocking the coronary artery, and restore blood circulation. Providing assistance before the ambulance arrives can improve the rheological properties of blood, reduce oxygen consumption by ischemic tissues and reduce the risk of death by 2-3 times.

Provide emergency medical care and it is necessary to take the patient to the hospital in the first few hours after the onset of pain: the most effective methods of treating a heart attack (angioplasty and thrombolysis) are effective within 1.5-6 hours after the onset of the attack.

During angioplasty, a conductor with a balloon is inserted into the lumen of the affected artery, with the help of which the blood clot is removed and the vessel is expanded. After this, the walls are strengthened with a special frame (stent). The time from the onset of an attack to angioplasty should be no more than 1.5 hours.

The thrombolytic complex can be administered by emergency doctors before arriving at the hospital, but measures must be taken within 6 hours after the onset of pain.

What to do when providing first aid

What needs to be done to provide first aid for myocardial infarction (algorithm of actions at the first symptoms of the disorder):

  1. Call an ambulance. If the person is conscious, this must be done first. If there is no breathing or pulse, or the patient is unconscious, the patient must first be released. Airways and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
  2. Lay the patient down with his knees slightly bent and his upper body raised with a pillow, folded clothing or other available item. Open a window in the room and free the patient's chest and neck from tight clothing.
  3. If there is no allergy to the drug, give the patient an Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) tablet. The dosage of the drug should be 250-300 mg (1 tablet of standard Aspirin or 3-4 low-dose cardiac Aspirin). In order for the medicine to act as quickly as possible, the tablet must first be crushed or chewed.
  4. If possible, it is necessary to meet the ambulance crew and prepare in advance medical documents person (card, hospital statements, insurance policy). This allows doctors to quickly provide assistance in case of a heart attack and correctly assess the patient’s condition.