What to do if your cat has a swollen paw. What to do if your cat has a tumor? Edema associated with internal organ disease

What is edema, how and why it can manifest itself in a cat, and what to do about it, we will try to tell you in this article. So, edema is the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space. Edema develops against the background of changes in vascular permeability and changes in osmotic pressure in the blood and tissues. Swelling can be local, and involve some part of the body in the process, for example, a paw, muzzle, a certain area of ​​skin and subcutaneous tissue. Or it can be generalized, and then fluid accumulates throughout the interstitial (intercellular) space and body cavities. With generalized edema, the distribution of this fluid is usually uneven; for example, the edema is more pronounced on the side on which the animal lies for a long time, or on the limbs.

Causes of edema formation:

  • The most common cause is tissue injury. With bruises, wounds and other soft tissue injuries, tissue and blood vessels are destroyed, cells are crushed, and inflammatory process. Because of this, local accumulation of fluid occurs in the affected area. Infiltrate (lymph) can mix with blood, saturate the tissues and form cavities. Externally, this can manifest itself as local swelling, with hemorrhages (bruises), hematomas and lymphatic extravasation.
  • Allergic reaction. Against the background of the body’s immune reaction to the allergen, aseptic inflammatory reaction, with changes in vascular permeability. Most often we see swelling due to contact allergies to insect bites, household chemicals. When an allergen is inhaled or swallowed, the mucous membranes of the mouth and larynx may be involved in the process, and pulmonary edema may develop. This is extremely dangerous condition requiring immediate medical attention.
  • Swelling due to impaired outflow of blood and lymph. In animals, this most often occurs when their limbs and ears are pinched with ropes, rubber bands, wires, etc. If blood circulation in the affected area is not restored in time, tissue death (necrosis) will occur. We can also see this with vein thrombosis, with impaired outflow due to tumor growth, with metastasis in lymph nodes etc.
  • Systemic (generalized) edema develops against the background of cardiovascular, hepatic or renal failure. These are life-threatening conditions, as they often result in pulmonary edema and death. Most often develop on late stages underlying disease and are difficult to correct. Manifested by swelling of the limbs or the side of the body on which long time the cat is lying.
  • Autoimmune edema develops against the background autoimmune diseases when the body begins to “fight” with itself. They are quite rare and vary significantly in clinical picture.

What to do if you notice swelling in your cat?

Cats are very graceful and flexible animals. Their ability to deftly overcome even very high obstacles is admirable. But sometimes the owner may notice that the cat has a limp and a swollen paw, and there is no trace of grace left. This is a reason to carefully assess your pet’s health status and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Swelling of the limb (edema) occurs because fluid accumulates in the tissues, in their intercellular space: lymph, blood or pus.

The cause of swollen paws can be various circumstances. To determine them, you need to carefully observe your pet. Swelling does not occur on its own. Additional signs and symptoms will certainly be present.

  1. Limb injuries (fracture, bruise, dislocation, sprain, cut, laceration) are one of the common causes of edema. In these cases, you can additionally notice following symptoms: the animal is limping, does not lean on its paw; violation of the integrity of the skin - when they are damaged to the point of bleeding soft fabrics sharp objects; suppuration, redness at the site of injury; increase in body temperature. The pad on a cat's paw is covered with delicate skin. Therefore, it is often she who can get injured and swell.
  2. Allergy in its severe manifestation is another reason why a paw may swell. Mostly spicy allergic reaction occurs when poison enters the body from an insect bite or after contact with chemicals. As a rule, there is no pain or it is not too noticeable, the area of ​​​​edema is cold. Allergy is not accompanied by swelling alone. May appear: itching; lacrimation, copious discharge saliva; runny nose.
  3. Fungal infection (mycosis) can also cause the paw to swell. Diagnose fungal infection these can help associated symptoms, such as: peeling of the skin, for example, on the pad; bad smell; cat dandruff. The fungus develops when the animal’s immune system is weakened. Basically, those pets that often walk outside are susceptible to this.
  4. Inflammation of the joints (arthritis) is accompanied by local asymmetrical swelling in the limbs. Joint diseases usually develop in older cats, limit their mobility, and cause pain.
  5. A recently born kitten may develop a disease such as hyperparathyroidism due to disruption of hormone production. Symptoms may include swelling of the limbs, lameness in the front or back legs due to muscle pain.
  6. At venous insufficiency and diseases accompanied by blockage of blood vessels (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis) hallmark– this is the regular occurrence of asymmetrical edema.
  7. Kidney diseases and their accompanying renal failure, as well as illnesses of others internal organs(heart, liver) also provoke the formation of edema. Characteristic sign- it's just swelling hind limbs. Such swelling begins from the tips of the paws, gradually spreading upward. There is no fever or pain.
  8. Lymphadenitis is inflammation of the lymph nodes. It occurs with pain and severe swelling paws if the axillary lymph nodes are inflamed.
  9. The most serious reason that a cat has a swollen paw is mammary cancer. Swelling of the limb in this case occurs because malignancy blocks the circulation of lymph in the vessel, causing its stagnation. Only the paw on the side of which the mammary gland lesion has developed becomes swollen.

Diagnostic methods

The decision on how to help a pet, what to do if he develops swelling of the limbs without visible damage, is made after identifying the cause. Diagnosis is carried out by:

  • external examination of the injured limb and the animal as a whole;
  • assessing blood counts to detect infection;
  • conducting an echocardiogram to assess heart function;
  • conducting an x-ray examination to exclude or confirm a fracture.

Help and treatment

If a cat has a swollen paw and is limping, what should the owner do? In some cases, first aid can be provided at home. But only if there is no serious damage.

When signs of inflammation are visible on a swollen paw, you should contact veterinary clinic behind professional help. With such signs, antibiotics are necessarily prescribed, and surgery may also be required.

Depending on the cause of the pathology, help is provided to the pet in different ways:

  1. If there is swelling due to serious injury or after surgery, remove painful sensations possible with injection homeopathic medicine Traumatin. In addition to the analgesic effect, it has many other properties that will help alleviate the condition: anti-inflammatory; hemostatic; regenerating; immunomodulatory.
  2. You can reduce hematoma and swelling after injury using cold compresses.
  3. To eliminate allergic swelling, use antihistamines. Additionally, you can administer an injection of Diphenhydramine.
  4. Cope with unpleasant symptoms for fungal infections, special ones will help veterinary products(Fungin, Imaverol), used to treat animals.
  5. Relieve the condition venous stagnation You can massage your paws. It will restore blood circulation. Thrombolytic drugs are prescribed for treatment and prevention.
  6. When treating arthritis and eliminating accompanying swelling, complex treatment is prescribed: Meloxicam will help relieve pain; to eliminate inflammation, a course is prescribed antibacterial drugs. For example, Sinulox, low-toxic and safe for animals; Chondroprotectors are used to restore joints.
  7. When swollen paws are a consequence of kidney, liver, or heart disease, then the underlying disease is treated first.

When paw swelling is one of the symptoms of a serious illness, the animal should be treated only after examination veterinarian and according to his appointments.

Pets should be cared for in such a way as to provide them with safe, healthy life. This task is very responsible.

Neoplasms (tumors) in cats – pathological growth modified tissues that are not regulated by the body. Characteristic feature is the almost endless division of qualitatively changed cells with the transfer of incorrect DNA to daughter cells. Identification on initial stages can prolong life, but often at this stage diagnosis is difficult due to the weak manifestation of symptoms.

Causes of swelling in cats

Some researchers associate the appearance of neoplasms with the deterioration of the environmental situation and the consumption of low-quality feed by animals. The substances they contain act as carcinogens that damage cellular DNA, triggering uncontrolled growth processes.

According to another theory, some tumors have viral etiology. Some types of viruses are considered carcinogenic, but when they enter the body they are actively suppressed immune system. Due to the influence of a number of factors, they enter an active stage, causing qualitative changes and uncontrolled growth.

Provoking factors include:

  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Hereditary pathology.
  • Chronic and some acute diseases internal organs.
  • Low quality feed.
  • Poor nutrition (underfeeding, overfeeding).
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Harmful effects of the environment.
  • Regular stress.
  • Lack of walks, physical inactivity.
  • Exposure (one-time or regular) to ionizing radiation.

Cat tumor symptoms

There are 2 types of tumors: benign and malignant. The former are characterized by relatively slow growth, the presence of a capsule, and the absence of direct negative effects. They do not grow into neighboring tissues, but as they increase in size they are able to compress them, causing disturbances due to mechanical action (impaired patency, ischemia).

With malignant tumors in cats, symptoms appear faster and are severe. These neoplasms do not have a capsule and grow quickly, capable of germinating into neighboring tissues and organs, spreading the pathological process.

Due to rapid growth, the constant release of toxic compounds from decaying tissues, symptoms of intoxication come to the fore - weight loss (even cachexia), an increase in neurological symptoms, blood changes. Malignant tumors can metastasize - spread to other organs (even distant ones). Often, doctors first find metastases and only after that begin to search for the primary site of the tumor.

Mammary tumors in cats

The initial stages can last for several months, and sometimes years, without visible manifestations. The animal's condition changes when the process becomes widespread. Tumor of the glands of cats appears poor appetite, fast weight loss, apathy, attempts to hide from others. In this case, constantly growing bumpy growths appear on the mammary glands, pain increases, and ulcers and bleeding are possible.

The first manifestation is a tumor in cats on the abdomen, which is represented by multiple nodules. Over time, their sizes increase, and it is possible to unite the nodes into a large conglomerate. Due to the small size of the primary lesions, diagnosis is difficult.

Tumor on the neck in cats

Often the appearance of a tubercle on the neck indicates the development of mastocytoma - a neoplasm originating from mast cells. It can disrupt general and local immune reactions, and without treatment, grow into the skull with subsequent brain damage.

A tumor on the neck in cats can also be a manifestation of skin or subcutaneous fat cancer. Such neoplasms are dangerous due to compression of the central nerve bundle And great vessels, can lead to death in a short time.

Other localizations

Neoplasms can develop anywhere, but there are several other typical locations:

  • A tumor on the paw in cats may be a manifestation of osteocytoma. This is a neoplasm originating from bone cells. Its danger lies in its rapid progression. In the later stages, the animal has pronounced cachexia, the inability to move, and bleeding from opening ulcers.
  • An ear tumor in cats is most often a sign of a ruptured vessel in the thickness of the cartilage or soft tissue. Develops as a result of injury, symptoms initially develop quickly, then subside just as quickly. Without proper treatment a dense tubercle remains. However, sometimes true tumors associated with pathological cell growth are found on the ears.


Pledge successful treatment– diagnosing pathology at an early stage. In a clinical setting to clarify the diagnosis and control general condition of the body are carried out:

  • Clinical and biochemical analysis blood, urine.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs.
  • X-ray diagnostics (if necessary, using contrast agents).
  • A thorough physical examination.

If the presence of neoplasms is suspected, it is advisable to perform a biopsy followed by cytological analysis, which will indicate the type of tumor and help clarify the prognosis.

Treatment of tumors in cats

Cancer is a pathology that does not tolerate delay or the use of methods alternative medicine. Therapeutic measures depend on the stage of the disease, the type of altered cells, susceptibility to different drugs. The leading method of treatment remains surgical removal tumors in cats with excision of surrounding tissues and nearby groups of lymph nodes. Additionally, chemotherapy or radiological methods are prescribed to eradicate the remaining pathological cells.

Processes in the last stages with the presence of distant metastases are difficult to treat. In such cases, palliative symptomatic therapy aimed at improving the quality of life. If painkillers are ineffective, euthanasia is advisable.

With this they read:

Papillomatosis in dogs - treatment of viral papillomatosis

If a dog has growths similar to papillae in the mouth area, benign papillomatosis can be suspected. This disease is characterized by the formation of warts, most often in oral cavity, on the lips

Mammary tumors in cats: treatment and removal surgery

Mammary tumors are a common disease among cats. The malignant nature of the neoplasms is more common. Mostly older cats over 8 years of age are at risk. In females that were sterilized before the first sexual heat (“estrus”), these neoplasms practically do not occur.

The cat's paw is swollen - what should I do? The first step is to find out the reason why the animal’s limb began to swell. It is unlikely that you will be able to determine anything on your own, so in any case you will have to visit a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. Further in the article we will look at all the possible causes of swollen paws in cats, find out how the diagnosis is carried out and what treatment is required for each case.


If a cat's paw is swollen, then there is a reason for it, because swelling or swelling cannot occur on its own. Swelling appears due to the accumulation of fluid (lymph), blood or pus in the intercellular space.

Various circumstances can cause swelling. To understand what happened, you need to observe the pet for some time, because some symptoms should appear. If a cat has a swollen paw, this must be preceded by certain prerequisites.


Cats are inquisitive creatures, they can get various injuries: lacerations, bruises, dislocations, fractures, sprains, cuts. Not only the paw itself, but also its pad can be damaged, so the animal’s limb should be examined in detail.

If a cat's paw is swollen due to an injury, and he is limping, does not support himself, or can barely hold the sore limb elevated, first check the integrity of the skin to exclude lacerations. purulent wounds. If there are any, you can provide first aid yourself: wash the wound, clean the accumulation of blood and pus, treat it with an antiseptic, and bandage it. Next, you need to contact a veterinarian: you may need a course of antibiotics to prevent infection.

If lacerations no, then you will need to take the cat for an x-ray to determine the presence or absence of a fracture. If necessary, the veterinarian will apply a splint.

To ease your pet's condition while you wait for the doctor, you can apply a cold compress.

Allergic reaction

If your cat's paw is swollen after a walk, it's most likely due to acute manifestation allergies. This may be a consequence of poisons and toxins entering the animal’s body, or may also be the result of insect bites. Allergies are often accompanied by increased watery eyes and a runny nose, and the swollen area itself is often cold to the touch.

If the issue is an allergy, then quickly take the animal to the veterinarian so that he can prescribe and use an antihistamine. fast-acting remedy. You may need an injection with Diphenhydramine.

Fungal infection

Cats walking outside and animals with low immunity are especially often exposed to such infections. If a cat's paw is swollen, and at the same time peeling, dandruff and an unpleasant odor from the animal appear, such symptoms are inherent in mycosis.

It is necessary to consult with a veterinarian about treating the animal and prescribing immunity-boosting medications. To eliminate the fungus, a doctor may prescribe Imaverol or Fungin.

Joint inflammation

Older animals, animals with injuries, and those lacking vitamins and minerals may develop arthritis. The disease is accompanied not only by pain (which the cat cannot talk about), but also by asymmetrical swelling: the animal becomes limited in its movements, its flexibility and dexterity are not worth talking about.

Only a veterinarian can diagnose arthritis. Treatment is carried out in a course, the following drugs can be prescribed:

  • "Meloxicam" - relieves pain syndromes.
  • Antibacterial drugs are mandatory because they can quickly relieve inflammation and reduce the severity of pain.
  • "Sinulox" is one of the safest drugs for animals, as it is non-toxic.
  • Chondroprotectors - help restore damaged joint tissue.
  • Hyperparathyroidism

    This disease does not affect adult animals; it only affects recently born kittens. If a kitten has swollen paws (or one) and is limping (as a result of muscle pain), then medical intervention simply cannot be avoided. Take your cat to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible for a diagnosis and treatment.

    Venous insufficiency

    If this is not the first time a cat’s paw has swollen, and a similar condition occurs systematically, then most likely he has venous insufficiency.

    In diseases that are accompanied by blockage of blood vessels (this may be thrombophlebitis, thrombosis), swelling in the extremities is often observed.

    For the prevention and treatment of venous insufficiency, thrombolytic agents, diet, and vitamins are prescribed.

    To alleviate the animal's condition, you can massage its paws, this will help restore normal blood circulation.

    Chronic diseases of internal organs

    If a cat's back paw is swollen, but he does not feel pain (does not limp, does not moan, does not show any signs of pain and does not have a temperature), then the animal needs to be fully diagnosed. A characteristic sign of kidney, liver, or heart disease is swelling only on hind legs, but there are no other symptoms.

    A limb can also swell due to diseases of the internal organs: the process of inflammation begins from the tips of the paws, and gradually the swelling spreads higher. Be sure to get your pet examined; timely therapy will help prolong his life.


    If inflammation occurs in the axillary lymph nodes, then the animal begins to experience swelling of the paws. In this case, the cat feels severe pain and discomfort. If you suspect lymphadenitis, then do not resort to self-medication; you will not be able to relieve your pet’s suffering on your own. Bring the cat to the veterinary clinic, the doctor will administer an anesthetic and prescribe therapy.

    Cancer tumor

    No, swelling on the paw is not the tumor itself, it is only a consequence of it. If an animal develops mammary cancer, it begins to interfere with the circulation of lymph in the vessels and thereby causes its stagnation.

    The disease is detected through tests and x-rays. If a diagnosis is made, they may offer surgery which will help prolong the life of your pet. Next, a course of medications is prescribed.

    If a cat has a swollen paw, only a doctor can tell you what to do in this situation after examining the animal. We talked about possible reasons edema, diagnostic methods, possible treatment. And if your animal's limbs become swollen, you should definitely take him to the vet. It is important to remember that you cannot self-medicate, because the health of your beloved pet depends on the correctness of the measures taken.

    A domestic cat, especially if it is a young animal, personifies not only peace and comfort, but is also associated with an active lifestyle. Fluffy pets play with pleasure, jump from heights, run, and frolic.

    If a cat is lame on its paw, the owner will immediately notice the problem. The reasons can be very diverse - from minor injury to serious problems with the musculoskeletal system.

    Read in this article

    Causes of lameness in cats

    Lameness is a disorder motor function an animal in which there is incomplete contact of one of the limbs with the ground. In this case, the body weight is transferred to healthy paws. The owner may notice stiffness of movement, uneven, slow gait. The animal refuses to perform usual movements (jumping on the sofa, jumping from a height). The cat does not allow the affected limb to be stroked and constantly licks it.

    Veterinary experts note many reasons why a cat stops lean on one of the limbs and begins to limp:

    • Long claws. Untimely cat claws result in excessively long claws interfering with the normal support of the limbs when the animal moves.

    In addition, the claw can grow into the soft tissue of the paw, causing painful sensations and lead to lameness.

    • A common reason for a cat to be lame on its paw is splinter. Fluffy fidgets love to climb trees. Such fun often leads to the fact that in delicate tissues cat's paw sharp wooden splinters get stuck. Sticking into an animal's paw, the splinter causes pain and discomfort when moving, changing gait.
    • The causes of sudden lameness in a pet are most often injuries such as bruises, dislocations, sprains and ligament tears. The activity of an animal often plays a cruel joke on it. Jumping from heights is a common cause of sprains and tears. cruciate ligament. Limb injuries are observed in free-ranging cats.

    Running away from dogs, participating in a fight with relatives, climbing trees and hills, furry pets are often exposed to bruises and problems with ligamentous apparatus. The most common traumatic dislocations are observed in the hip, elbow and wrist joints.

    • A more serious cause of severe lameness is limb fracture. In this case, the owner can observe not only the presence of lameness in the animal, but also the dragging of the injured paw. As a rule, the animal tries not to step on the broken limb due to severe pain and keeps her hanging.
    • The owner often observes how the cat is limping after an injection. This phenomenon is temporary and is due to the fact that during the injection the needle was inserted too deep into the muscles. After a few hours the lameness caused intramuscular injection, stops.
    • A persistent problem in a young animal may be caused by genetic diseasedysplasia hip joint . This pathology of the musculoskeletal system occurs in many breeds of domestic cats and is negative sign, which breeders should get rid of. With dysplasia in cats, the owner may observe that the cat is limping on its hind leg.

    As a rule, strong changes in a pet's gait can be observed at the moment when the animal begins to move after sleep or rest. As you walk, the severity of lameness decreases. Fast-growing cat breeds, such as Maine Coon, British and Bengal cats, are predisposed to this disease.

    • In the first stages viral disease calcivirosis the owner may observe the so-called lameness syndrome. At the same time, the pet also notices increased joint pain. This is due to the localization of the calcivirosis virus in connective tissue joints.
    • Osteodystrophy– another reason that occurs when phosphorus-calcium metabolism and vitamin D absorption are impaired. Softening and deformation of bones develop, which leads to gait disturbances and lameness. Breeds such as Scottish Fold and Scottish Straight are susceptible to the disease.
    • and arthrosiscommon reasons lameness in older animals over 7 years of age. Besides expressed sign, an elderly pet experiences swelling of the joints, increased local temperature, and pain when palpated.
    • A serious reason why the cat began to limp constantly may be oncological pathology - osteosarcoma. Most often, the disease develops after 6–7 years.

    The variety of factors leading to lameness must be taken into account by the owner when detecting this phenomenon in a pet.

    What should the owner do?

    Having noticed an uncertain, shaky gait in a furry beauty, the owner should take measures to identify the factors leading to lameness. First of all, it is necessary to examine the sore paw for the presence of foreign bodies: splinters, splinters, glass, etc.

    If a cat is limping on a front paw, it is necessary to examine and feel the soft tissues of the limb to find out if there are ingrown nails that are interfering with the normal movement of the animal. If overgrown claws are detected, trimming them at home will return the pet to a normal gait.

    After examining the paw pads, the injured limb should be carefully examined. , open fractures are easy to notice during visual inspection. In the absence of visible damage, you should feel the joints of the affected limb for swelling, swelling, pain, and increased local temperature.

    If a cat has a sore paw, is limping and has dragging limbs, viral calcivirus should be ruled out. With this disease, in addition to gait disturbances, nasal discharge, sneezing, and conjunctivitis are observed. You should not diagnose your pet on your own. Determine that lameness is caused specifically viral infection, can only be done by a veterinary specialist based on laboratory tests.

    If the problem is not related to a splinter, wound, or visible damage, the owner should take the limping cat to a specialized facility. Most reliable method X-ray examination is used to diagnose hidden injuries of joints and bones.

    Through x-ray a veterinary specialist will see displacement of bones during a fracture, dislocations, ruptures of ligaments, disruption of the normal configuration in the joint, phenomena of hip dysplasia and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. This method is painless, can be performed in some cases without anesthesia, with light sedation of the animal.

    We recommend reading about. You will learn about congenital and acquired heart diseases, symptoms and signs that the owner should pay attention to, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
    And more about what to do if your cat has severe salivation.

    Treatment Options

    The owner can help the pet on his own only if he discovers an overgrown nail, a splinter, small wound on a limb. If lameness is caused by a wound, the wound surface should be thoroughly cleaned of contamination and treated disinfectant solution. Even with minor damage skin the animal should be shown to a veterinarian.

    If a dislocation is suspected as the cause of the lameness, under no circumstances should you adjust it yourself. If a cat has a swollen paw or is limping, the pet should be taken to a veterinarian immediately.

    This should be done quickly, as swollen tissues make it difficult to diagnose and reduce the dislocation. In a clinical setting, if necessary, the animal will be given anesthesia for pain relief and relief. muscle spasm and set the dislocated joint back into place. After this manipulation, the cat will be given a fixing bandage or splint. In some cases, when dislocations occur, they resort to surgical method treatment.

    For fractures, veterinary specialists use immobilizing bandages and apply plaster. When open fracture Bone fragments are removed from the wound, and if necessary, surgical excision of damaged tissue is performed.

    Treatment of hip dysplasia and arthrosis of certain joints at first is conservative in nature and includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, and chondroprotectors. Massage and physiotherapy provide good results. For exacerbations, painkillers are used.

    For lameness caused by antiviral and antibacterial therapy. For osteodystrophy, a sick pet is prescribed mineral supplements calcium and phosphorus, vitamin D. Good effect correction of the animal's diet and dosed ultraviolet irradiation.

    Arthritis requires complex treatment, which is based on anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agents and painkillers. An important role in the treatment of inflammatory phenomena in the joint is played by adherence to a special therapeutic diet.

    If you notice lameness in your pet, you should not hesitate to visit a veterinarian, and also self-medicate. The phenomenon associated with gait disturbance can be caused by serious reasons (dislocations, fractures, joint dysplasia) that require professional help.

    X-rays help make a correct diagnosis of a sick animal. IN severe cases veterinary specialists resort not only to conservative treatment, but also to conduct surgery on the joint.

    To learn how osteosynthesis is used to treat a tibia fracture in a cat, watch this video:
