The use of sulfur ointment for skin diseases. Sulfuric ointment. Sulfur ointment for seborrhea

Sulfur is often used in medicine; there is a regular and precipitated form.

The first is used orally (using tablets or capsules), the second should be applied to clean and dry skin.

1 glass jar (25, 30, 40, 50 g each).

2Aluminum tube (30 and 40 g).

Packaging - cardboard box or box.

Composition of sulfur ointment:

  • purified water;
  • sulfur in the amount of 6, 10 or 33 g (depending on the packaging);
  • emulsifier T2;
  • Vaseline (for ease of application).

Sulfur based ointment is natural product, which can be prescribed to pregnant women and people with liver problems, but prior consultation with your doctor is still required.

Cream with sulfur for the face is a thick mass of oily consistency, which has a rich yellow color and has a specific smell. The product is packaged in glass bottles and aluminum tubes. The active component is sulfur (ground, precipitated). Auxiliary components include:

  • emulsifier;
  • medical Vaseline;
  • purified water.

The medicine may have a different composition. Instead of Vaseline, an ointment base made of paraffin and mineral oils is presented. Thanks to the emulsifier, sulfur penetrates better into inflamed tissues. Because of the Vaseline, the ointment has a greasy texture. The proportion of sulfur in the preparation is 10%, however, there is a release form containing 33% of this main component.

Purified sulfur is used as a basis for preparing suspensions that are consumed orally, but precipitated sulfur cannot be used for these purposes, since in this case hydrogen sulfide (a very toxic substance) is formed. Beneficial features Precipitated sulfur has been proven repeatedly, which has made it possible to include it in ointments, powders and other preparations for external application.

The product is represented by different percentages of the active substance, so the composition of sulfur ointment includes:

  • 6, 10 or 33 g of this chemical element;
  • purified water;
  • petrolatum;
  • emulsifier T2.

Sulfur ointment has a creamy structure, light yellow in color, with small grains to the touch, and a rather unpleasant odor. Available in the form of an ointment with an active substance content of 5 – 10 – 20 – 33%. Packaged in jars of 25 - 40 g, in tubes of 30 and 40 grams.

The cost at which you can purchase sulfur ointment in pharmacies ranges from 40 to 100 rubles.

The composition also includes the following substances:

  1. White soft paraffin.
  2. Ethers fatty acid and glycerol polymer.
  3. Water.

Thanks to this composition, the ointment not only helps fight acne and acne, but also moisturizes, softens and nourishes the skin.

In the industry, two types of sulfur are used in the manufacture of medicinal materials: purified and precipitated. The first is used for the production of emulsions, which are necessary for internal administration. This is impossible in precipitated sulfur, since when it interacts with the cells of the gastrointestinal tract, a dangerous metabolic product such as hydrogen sulfide is formed, which causes side effects.

Therefore, precipitated sulfur is used exclusively for external application. Getting into the skin and even being absorbed locally, this material exclusively suppresses pathogenic microorganisms without causing harm to humans. Quantitatively, ointments are produced with a sulfur content of 6, 10 and 33 g.

Composition of 100 mg ointment:

  • active substance: sulfur – 33.33 mg;
  • additional components: petroleum jelly – 40 mg; emulsifier T2 – 6.67 mg; purified water – 20 mg.

Despite the fact that dermatologists often prescribe the product to pregnant and lactating women, there have been no comprehensive studies on the effect of sulfur on the fetus and the penetration of the substance into breast milk.

Do not allow the product to come into contact with mucous membranes. If this happens, they must be washed with plenty of water. Sharing the drug with other antiseptics is prohibited: this can cause a chemical burn to the skin.

The composition of a simple Sulfur ointment from any manufacturer includes sulfur (precipitated, ground) as an active ingredient in a mass part of 333 mg per 1 gram.

The basis of the ointment is most often a consistent emulsion consisting of purified water, soft paraffin, mineral oil and T-2 emulsifier.

Release form, composition, packaging

The product is difficult to wash off clothes and bedding. Moreover, it cannot be washed off the skin with water. For these purposes, use heated vegetable oil, in which a cotton pad is moistened and the remaining ointment is wiped off.

Some domestic pharmaceutical companies are engaged in the production of sulfur ointment. The reason for this is the low price of the product. If necessary, the medicine is prepared in a pharmacy. Doctors even suggest preparing the drug at home due to the simplicity of the recipe and the availability of ingredients. Of course, the ointment prepared in a factory or pharmacy will be more stable. The product prepared according to all the rules can be stored longer.

The ointment is produced in glass or plastic containers, in metal tubes. Standard packaging is 25 g. This amount of ointment costs from 18 to 35 rubles. The cost depends on the manufacturer and the pricing policy of the pharmacy. Preparing the ointment according to the recipe will cost even less. In compounding pharmacies, the price only includes the cost of ingredients, packaging and a small premium for the pharmacist's work.

This medicinal product is produced in the form external ointment in tubes and jars of various capacities (from 15 to 70 grams).

Effective talker

Depending on your skin type, side effects may vary in duration and strength:

  • redness;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • irritation;
  • manifestations of allergies.

To get rid of these symptoms, it is enough to use moisturizing creams.

The components of the sulfur extract, upon contact with the skin, eliminate bacteria that form inflammatory processes.

Sulfur irritates the areas of application, which increases blood flow to the affected area and triggers natural cell repair processes, thereby eliminating skin damage. With the help of this effect, new cells appear, with the help of which the stratum corneum is formed.

The active components of the sulfur component have the ability to penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis and eliminate infection deep in the pores of the skin, thereby reducing the likelihood of further spread of the disease to healthy areas of the skin.

Sulfur ointment has a simple composition. Its only disadvantage is high concentrations of sulfur (from 10 to 50%). The product is well tolerated by all categories of the population, since sulfur is present in the cells of the body and participates in physiological processes.

Side effects may occur if the body is individually sensitive to sulfur or T-2 emulsifier. Increased susceptibility can be suspected if, after applying the ointment:

  • red spots appear on the skin;
  • the patient feels itching or burning at the treatment site;
  • there is redness or swelling around;
  • a small blistering rash forms.

Due to the drying effect of the ointment, the appearance of peeling on the skin is possible. Typically, dry patches disappear quickly. Dryness, as a side effect, is accompanied by pronounced hyperkeratosis (formation of large dry scales).

The drug has been used for a long time, so we can say with confidence that it is safe and side effects sulfur ointment is practically absent. With prolonged use, as reviews indicate and the instructions say, it can cause allergic reactions and redness, but on the other hand, its therapeutic effect can cover all these shortcomings.

Sulfur ointment against acne can be used as part of a special mash. This substance is recommended to be used to cauterize individual pimples using a cotton swab.

To achieve the desired result you need to make 2 chatterboxes. One is used before bed, the other is applied during the day.

To do this you need to take 1 bottle of 2% salicylic alcohol and 3% boric acid. It is recommended to mix these substances.

Pour the resulting mixture into 2 containers. You should put Sulfur ointment in one of them, and Salicylic-zinc ointment in the other. It is recommended to take half a teaspoon of the drug for 30 ml of liquid. Then it is recommended to shake the composition well.

Sulfur powder should be used before bedtime, and zinc powder should be applied during the day. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, you should take medications to improve metabolic processes and remove toxic substances from the body.

Patients who are hypersensitive may experience allergic manifestations.

In the case of parallel use with other external medicinal products, the formation of new compounds is possible, the effect of which may be unpredictable, and therefore other drugs for topical use can only be used with the permission of a dermatologist.

Interaction with medications that are oxidizing agents (potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide) can cause a chemical burn.

Beneficial properties of sulfur ointment

Sulfur ointment has a number of positive properties due to the presence of the active ingredient - sulfur. It is thanks to her that the composition has a healing effect on problematic skin, namely:

  1. Prevents inflammation, reducing the number of acne.
  2. Destroys pathogenic bacteria, which provoke the occurrence of acne.
  3. Heals by stimulating the formation of new cells.
  4. Softens, allowing active components to act deep in the pores.
  5. Increases blood circulation in the skin, irritating its sensitive receptors. At the same time, post-acne scars heal quickly and traces disappear.
  6. Eliminates keratinized epidermis, allowing cells to breathe and renew themselves.
  7. Forms sulfides that cleanse the skin and dry it.

Sulfuric ointment

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Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

External use of sulfur ointment practically does not lead to the absorption of its ingredients (including sulfur and petroleum jelly) into the human blood supply.


There are many indications for the use of sulfur ointment; doctors recommend using this drug because of its low cost and harmlessness to the body.

Prescribed when pain occurs. Helps get rid of dead cells, quickly restores the stratum corneum, which promotes accelerated healing open wounds.

The main indication for use is scabies. 10 percent Sulfuric ointment helps get rid of symptoms, slows down the development of the disease and temporarily stops it, however, for complete rehabilitation, doctors recommend additional therapy.

Sulfur ointment 33 percent has a more pronounced effect; it irritates the upper layer of the epidermis and causes blood to flow intensively into this area. This promotes rapid healing and active fight against diseases.

  • pediculosis;
  • foot and nail fungus;
  • people with dandruff;
  • getting rid of age spots.

The doctor may prohibit the use of the drug if there is an allergic reaction to the components.

Another contraindication for sulfur ointment may be dry skin, since the medicine acts quite strongly and irritates the upper layers of the epidermis, which can lead to increased pain and worsening of the disease.

  • Scabies;
  • Acne treatment;
  • Elimination of inflammatory formations, including acne;
  • Acne;
  • Purulent formations;
  • Foot fungus;
  • Pathogenic nail fungi;
  • Dandruff;
  • Seborrhea;
  • Lice and nits;
  • Psoriasis disease;
  • Ringworm of all types;
  • Demodectic mange;
  • Pigment spots, especially during the postpartum period.

Widely used for excess sebum production and clogging of skin pores. Helps eliminate germs in pores and reduce their spread.

Sulfur ointment is contraindicated if the body is individually sensitive to the drug. To check this, just apply a small amount of ointment to the skin of your wrist. If itching, burning, swelling, red spots or a rash appear at the treatment site, the drug should not be used on other areas of the skin.

Products containing sulfur cannot be used together with oxidizing agents - peroxide or solutions of potassium permanganate. When they are combined, chemical burns are likely to occur. The reason for this is the high ability of sulfur to react with active oxidizing agents. If the skin area must first be treated with one of these products, the area where the solutions are applied must be washed with a large amount of clean water. The ointment is applied no earlier than an hour after disinfection.

Simple sulfur ointment is contraindicated in newborns and children under 3 years of age. At older ages, the drug is used as prescribed by a doctor, if treatment with approved drugs is impossible for some reason.

Indications for the use of this medicinal product (in complex therapy) include external manifestations of diseases such as psoriasis, lichen, sycosis, seborrhea, mycoses, acne, scabies.

Sulfur, which is the active ingredient of the drug, has a fairly strong irritating effect, for which reason it (Sulfur ointment simple) is not used to treat children under 3 years of age and patients with individual hypersensitivity.

Following the reviews, sulfur ointment for acne effectively copes with diseases such as:

  • acne, acne;
  • single pimples;
  • psoriasis;
  • seborrhea;
  • dermatitis;
  • scabies, subcutaneous mite;
  • mycosis.

Sulfur ointment for acne spots eliminates the effects of acne, as well as scars and scars. The most important thing is that the drug is absolutely non-toxic.

As for contraindications, there are very few of them. It is not recommended to use simple sulfur ointment for acne on the face:

  • in case of hypersensitivity to sulfur, which can lead to an allergic reaction, therefore it is first necessary to carry out a test, and then begin to use it for its intended purpose;
  • in case of any damage to the skin;
  • during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children under three years of age.

Mode of application

1Before application, thoroughly rinse the affected area.

2Use laundry soap to increase dryness (the substance works better).

3Rub with massaging movements onto dry skin.

The course of treatment should not be more than 10 days; if the disease does not go away, then you should stop for 2-3 days, and then continue.

For pregnant and nursing mothers

Sulfur ointment is also prescribed during pregnancy. Before a course of treatment, it is better to consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and give permission to use the medicine.

There is no danger to the unborn baby or mother’s milk, but irritation can affect the functioning of internal organs and increase stress in the body, which is undesirable during this period.


During clinical trials no symptoms of overdose were identified, however, if an excessive amount is applied, severe redness may occur. They last for about a day, but this period may be longer.

Apply the drug to the area of ​​open wounds with caution.

The active ingredient is benzyl benzoate in a 10% or 20% ratio. The price is quite low, but it is used exclusively for the treatment of scabies. At the same time, the side effects are more pronounced and lead to redness and pain in almost all cases of use.

The use of the drug varies depending on the disease being treated.

In order to get rid of scabies, you need to use the product for some time. Scabies is an infection of the skin caused by scabies mites, accompanied by severe itching. Sulfur ointment for scabies is applied to the skin in the evening after a shower and is not washed off the skin for 24 hours. The medication should be applied for three days, and washed off on the fourth. Change bed linen daily.

Sulfur ointment for foot and nail fungus is used with a concentration of 10%. It should be applied only to thoroughly dried foot skin, after steaming it. Treatment of foot and nail fungi is carried out twice a day for 7 days.

To properly treat nail and foot fungus, you should follow the following rules of prevention:

  1. Wear natural shoes
  2. Carry out cosmetic nail procedures only after disinfection of instruments
  3. After a pool or sauna, it is necessary to treat your feet and nails with antifungal drugs.

The appearance of age spots can be caused by metabolic disorders during pregnancy, as well as during the period of recovery of the body after pregnancy. Sulfur ointment is used to treat increased pigmentation. It is used with a concentration of the active substance of up to 10%. Thus, the drug exfoliates the upper layer of the dermis and age spots, among other things.

For psoriasis, treatment is carried out with sulfur ointment high concentration- 33%. Apply to the damaged area once or twice a day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.

Sulfur can be used as an additional means of combating lice and nits.

Mode of application:

  1. Comb your hair and moisten it with water
  2. Dilute the drug in warm water in a 50/50 ratio
  3. After preparation, spread the resulting mask onto your scalp and hair.
  4. Cover your head with a plastic cap or bag for 30 minutes
  5. After time has passed, wash off the ointment and rinse your head and hair with a vinegar solution with water (1:1)
  6. After which, lice and nits are combed out with a comb
  7. Carry out the procedure for a week until lice and nits are completely eliminated.

It should be noted that the ointment does not have strong action on lice, and does not help against nits. It is ineffective, but quite safe and is used as a remedy against lice and nits in young children, pregnant women and women during lactation, due to its non-toxicity.

You can use sulfur ointment during pregnancy and lactation, since the drug does not contain toxic components. But first, before using the medicine, pregnant and lactating women should consult with their doctor.

When used correctly, cases of overdose have not been identified. But, the drug cannot be applied in a dense layer and left for a long time - such use can lead to drying of the skin.

An overdose of sulfur ointment is impossible. Not a single case of intoxication with the components of the drug has been reported yet.

As indicated in the instructions for use, simple instructions for use of Sulfur Ointment allow it to be used exclusively externally, applying it 2-3 times every 24 hours to skin areas affected by a particular disease (preliminarily cleansed).

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Duration of one treatment course, as a rule, is limited to five days with a possible repetition after a few days.

Throughout the entire period, no unpleasant effects of overdose were observed.

It is recommended to apply simple sulfur ointment only to a clean body. The layer of the drug should be thin, this will not allow the fatty film that protects the skin to be disturbed and will ensure the normal functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Otherwise, air exchange with the environment is disrupted in the skin.

Sulfur ointment is applied in a thin layer to the inflamed area of ​​skin in case of acne or acne. The procedures are performed within 7-10 days. If you are diagnosed with cystic acne, this drug will not help. For treatment, another chemical is prescribed. To enhance the effect of the medicine, it is important to eat a balanced diet, excluding flour products, carbonated drinks, salty, spicy and very fatty foods.

There are no recorded precedents for taking Sulfur ointment in simple overdoses.

Storage conditions

Sulfur ointment should be stored in a dark place; it is unacceptable to leave the product in direct sunlight. The optimal temperature for storing medicine should not be above 20 and below 15 ° C.

The shelf life of the ointment is 2 years. When using the drug after the storage time has expired, irritation and inflammation of the skin will occur. It is prohibited to use the ointment after the expiration date.

Buy this remedy You can do it at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Sulfur ointment is an inexpensive and effective remedy for combating skin diseases.

The price of sulfur ointment in all regions of Russia does not exceed 70 rubles. Despite the low price, the product is very effective and practically harmless.

The chemical product is sold in retail pharmacies without a medical prescription.

According to the instructions, liniment should be kept in a factory container. Temperature– no higher than 25°C. The shelf life is 2 years. If any damage or defects are found on the packaging therapeutic agent disposed of.

Store at temperatures up to 25°C. Shelf life from the date of production is 2 years.

Can be bought without a doctor's prescription.

The shelf life for simple sulfur ointment is 2 years from the date of its manufacture. It is important to store the drug in its original, undamaged original packaging, in a dark, dry place, out of reach of children, at an air temperature no higher than 25° C.

For purchase at a pharmacy this drug There is no need for a prescription from a dermatologist.

The ointment should be stored in the manufacturer’s original packaging (jar, tube), keeping the temperature no higher than 25 °C.

An analogue of sulfur ointment - sulfur-tar ointment: what helps, instructions for use

If necessary, the following similar drugs can be used:

  • Medifox - used to prepare a solution against various skin diseases. To prepare, simply dilute the product with boiled water. The average cost is 120 rubles.
  • Benzyl benzoate - available in the form of an emulsion to eliminate many skin diseases. The average cost is 100 rubles.
  • Salicylic acid– recommended for eliminating skin blemishes on various stages progression. The average cost is 60 rubles.
  • Permethrin ointment- an effective remedy against demodicosis, which is often prescribed to patients, with the exception of children under 3 years of age. Unlike sulfur ointment, it does not have a strong unpleasant odor. The average cost is 280 rubles.


Benzyl benzoate

Salicylic acid

Permethrin ointmentEach type of drug has a similar effect on the epidermis as sulfur ointment and can cause additional types side effects, which are recommended to be read before use.

No less popular for the treatment of inflammatory processes on the skin of the face and body are such drugs as salicylic and sulfur-salicylic ointments. Salicylic ointment is made on the basis of salicylic acid. For the first time this substance was isolated from natural material. It was contained in willow bark. The modern pharmaceutical industry uses industrially produced acid.

The product exhibits antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, and also has a pronounced keratolytic effect, especially when applied in a significant concentration under occlusive dressings. Considering all the medicinal properties that salicylic ointment has, the instructions for use recommend its use to get rid of infectious skin lesions for the speedy healing of damage.

The properties of the drug allow its successful use for removing warts and softening calluses. The drying effect has a beneficial effect on the feet, relieving them from excessive sweating.

Sulfur-salicylic ointment combines the healing properties of sulfur and salicylic acid; the instructions suggest using it in the treatment of infectious and fungal skin lesions. The components of the drug tend to enhance each other’s effects, providing an even stronger healing effect.

Sulfur-salicylic ointment is a fairly effective remedy that is used to treat many skin diseases.

The medication is used for the following ailments:

  • Burns.
  • Various acne and rashes.
  • Scabies.
  • Wounds on the body affected by infections.
  • Inflammation of the skin.

The product contains the following components:

  • Salicylic acid.
  • Petrolatum.
  • Sulfur.

The ointment promotes wound healing, serves as an antibacterial agent, and relieves inflammatory processes on the skin.

Now let's consider the method of using the remedy, taking into account the ailment for which it is used.

  • In order to treat this disease with this remedy, you need to take an ointment with a 2% concentration of active ingredients.
  • We initially treat sore spots with a disinfectant.
  • Next, apply a thin layer of the medication to the affected areas of the skin.
  • In this case, you can make light massage movements.
  • It is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a day.
  • It is worth noting the fact that this ointment, unlike sulfuric ointment, can be worn under a bandage.
  • In this case, preference should be given to a bandage that would prevent air from entering the affected areas.
  1. Seborrhea:
  • For this disease, you need to act as follows. We always carry out the procedure several hours before we wash our curls.
  • We use only 2% ointment.
  • Take the product and apply it to the affected areas.
  • In no case should you apply a bandage over the product when treating seborrhea, because in this way you can disrupt normal work follicles.
  • After the specified time, wash your curls with regular shampoo.
  1. Acne and rashes:
  • We will use 5% ointment.
  • To do this, take a little product and apply it to the site of the rash or pimple.
  • There is no need to lubricate the entire face with ointment, because the medicine dries out the skin.
  • It is recommended to do the procedure twice a day.
  • Before repeating the procedure, you need to thoroughly clean your face of any remaining ointment.
  • At this disease use a 2% solution.
  • Apply the ointment in a small amount, but over the entire affected area.
  • It is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a day.
  • Use sulfur-salicylic ointment until the symptoms of the disease pass.
  • If you use the ointment for more than 2-3 weeks and there is still no result, consult a doctor.
  1. Burns:
  • In the case of burns, use 5% ointment.
  • The procedure is done 2 times a day.
  • Apply the product with gentle movements, never rubbing the ointment.
  • So, we remove the blisters and then apply the product.
  • Burns can be treated in this way for no more than 3 weeks.

Now let's talk about contraindications to the use of the ointment, as well as about its use by women who are carrying a child and breastfeeding:

  • It is prohibited to use the drug for children under 2 years of age, people with kidney problems (failure), as well as those who are allergic to the components.
  • It is not recommended to use the ointment during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, sometimes doctors prescribe this drug by reducing its dosage. In any case, before you start using the medication, you should definitely consult your doctor and check if you are allergic to this ointment.

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This remedy is used to combat various infections that affect the skin of the body.

The remedy helps fight the following diseases:

  • Scabies.
  • Lichen.
  • Various rashes.
  • Pimples, blackheads.
  • Sulfur.
  • Birch tar.
  • Petrolatum.

The ointment is very easy to use. In almost all cases, the method of applying it is the same:

  • For scabies and psoriasis, the product is applied to the entire body, with the exception of hairline heads.
  • The ointment is rubbed in with gentle, light movements.
  • The procedure must be repeated several times a day.
  • After several hours, as soon as the ointment is absorbed, you need to take a shower, and then be sure to change your clothes and bedding.
  • Things need to be washed and then ironed.

For lichen, all actions are similar to the above, but apply the product only to the affected areas, and not to the entire body.

To treat acne, you need to apply the drug specifically to them, after which you should wait about an hour and wash off the medication with water.

Now a few words about contraindications to the use of ointment:

  • Women carrying a child and nursing mothers should consult a doctor before using the ointment.
  • People who are prone to allergic reactions should also use the product with caution. Before you start using the product, be sure to check this point.

The product contains:

  • Sulfur.
  • Zinc oxide.
  • Petrolatum.

This medication is used for the following diseases:

  • Ulcers.
  • Wounds.
  • Inflammation of the skin.
  • Seborrhea.
  • Scabies.
  • Purulent wounds.

In all cases, use the ointment as follows:

  • Apply the product in small quantities to the affected areas.
  • For scabies, you need to apply the ointment to your entire body.
  • It is recommended to apply the product several times a day.
  • The course of treatment with this drug ranges from 1 to 3 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.
  • The ointment is applied with massage movements, lightly rubbing it in.
  • You can apply the drug to gauze and apply it to the affected area.
  • When applying the ointment, follow the general rules: make sure that the product does not get into your mouth or eyes.

It is important to know that the product is not used in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • For the treatment of children.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you can use it strictly as prescribed by your doctor.

As you can see, you can treat unpleasant ailments not only with the help of expensive medications. Sometimes it is enough to be patient and use means that are quite accessible to all of us.

1Floracid. In most cases it is used to treat bronchitis, but it also helps to get rid of some skin diseases.

2Ketodine. For the treatment of nail fungus and lichen.

3Dalacin. To get rid of various infections reproductive systems and oral cavity.


5Fuzimet. For the treatment of purulent-inflammatory sores.


Benzyl benzoate

Salicylic acid

special instructions

The main difficulty in using the ointment is its subsequent removal from the treated areas of the skin. It is almost impossible to wash off the drug with ordinary water. Experts advise taking one tablespoon of refined vegetable oil, boil it in a water bath for five minutes, then use cotton balls and gentle warm strokes to remove the ointment from the skin.

It is not recommended to smear rashes and pimples with the product in question for a long time. The fact is that sulfur can accumulate in the body, especially in the blood. Therefore, professional cosmetologists advise taking a seven-day break after each week of therapy. This treatment can be repeated three to five times.

During acne treatment, it is recommended to adhere to healthy eating and active lifestyle. It is important to at least temporarily give up fried, smoked and spicy foods and eliminate alcohol from your diet. Doctors advise eating more soups, cereals, lean meat. WITH regular use hold off on strong coffee and tea.

After each application of the drug, hands should be washed thoroughly.

If you must use this medication on your face, avoid getting it in your mouth, eyes, or nose.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

The use of sulfur extract during pregnancy is not recommended, however, there may be individual cases when the use of sulfur ointment is used for pregnant women.

In this case, the following features of use should be taken into account:

  • Sulfur extract is prescribed by a doctor, in a small dosage once a day;
  • Before application, it is recommended to perform a sensitivity test;
  • The entire period of treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor; in case of side effects, the use of sulfur ointment is stopped.

During breastfeeding, the use of this method of treating skin diseases is not recommended.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the medicine should be prescribed only by a healthcare professional. At this stage of life, the use of many drugs is not recommended. Despite the fact that this composition has virtually no contraindications, before using the medicine it is necessary to diagnose the absence of an allergic reaction to the ingredients contained in the composition.

Only after preliminary tests can the drug be used to treat acne, scabies and other skin diseases. In order to find out if you are allergic to this drug, a few milligrams of the product are applied to the area of ​​the arm bend. If there are no symptoms characteristic of an allergy within 24 hours, further use of the medicine according to the instructions is allowed.

Sulfur is found in various cosmetics, such as soaps, creams, ointments and lotions.

Absolute safety of use and clinical effectiveness This medication has not been specifically studied during pregnancy or breastfeeding. For this reason, during these periods, the drug can be used only if its potential benefit for the expectant (full) mother significantly exceeds the possible negative action to the fetus (baby).

Subcutaneous acne

The product is used as follows:

  • The skin at the site of subcutaneous formation must be thoroughly cleansed.
  • The product is applied in a thick layer to the pimple itself. Also, you need to grab a small area of ​​skin around it.
  • The layer of the drug should be about 5 mm.
  • You need to sleep on your back so as not to stain your pillow.
  • The procedure must be repeated every evening until the subcutaneous pimple resolves. In some cases, the pimple matures quickly. In such a situation, you need to consult a doctor to remove the purulent contents. Never try to do this yourself to avoid unwanted complications.

Allergic reactions to the components of sulfur-salicylic ointment - itching and burning of the skin, contact dermatitis.

Meaningful drug interactions When treated with sulfur-salicylic ointment together with other drugs, it was not detected.

The drug is not available in the pharmacies presented; analogues (substitutes) are available, the use of which must be personally agreed upon with the attending physician:

Simple sulfur ointment is a homogeneous fatty composition light yellow color, intended for external use only. Depending on the amount of active substance included in its composition, 10% or 33% liniment is distinguished. As excipients, the preparation uses soft paraffin (vaseline), purified water, and an emulsifier.

The ointment is widely used as part of the treatment of various skin diseases. How to use the product? It is applied to the entire surface of the affected area of ​​the skin, excluding the area of ​​the face and scalp. The ointment should be rubbed in thoroughly, and during treatment Special attention should be given to hard-to-reach places: the genitals, groin area, armpits, elbows, and the space between the fingers and toes.

In accordance with the annotation to the prescription of the drug, sulfur ointment is contraindicated for use in the presence of hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the product used. Otherwise, using the drug for too long can cause the development of unpleasant side effects. Failure to comply with the dosages prescribed in the recipe can lead to the development of burning and itching.

Sulfur has found wide application in various areas of human life, so this substance can often be found in descriptions of cosmetic preparations, packages of soap, gels and even baby creams. This is a fairly gentle drug that can be used by children aged two months and older.

Among the pronounced disadvantages of sulfur ointment, the following negative properties can be identified. For example, the drug severely stains not only the skin, but also bedding. The ointment has a strong, unpleasant odor, so during treatment experts advise using the old one. bed linen and clothes. Unlike other types of external use, this ointment practically does not cause dry skin.

When the components that make up the drug interact with the skin, acids and sulfides are formed. They act on pathogenic microorganisms, stopping their vital activity. In this case, sulfur does not enter the systemic circulation, which ensures a minimal risk of side effects.

Possible: skin irritation, dermatitis, rarely - local hypersensitivity reactions.

Currently, when applied topically

No cases of interaction with other drugs were identified.

The active component in sulfur ointment is a powerful antiseptic that kills not only bacteria, but also scabies mites, as well as some types of fungi. Upon contact with physiological fluid that appears on diseased skin, the medicine begins to actively release pantothenic acid and sulfides, which produce a therapeutic effect.

Despite the fact that sulfur ointment is generally considered to have no negative effect on the body, modern doctors came to the conclusion that this is not entirely true. According to experts, today it is possible to find another completely safe and at the same time even more effective medicine. Medicine has now begun to classify sulfur-based ointments as not sufficiently effective and safe.

There are strict restrictions for treatment with sulfur ointment. Violation of them threatens serious deterioration of the condition and the appearance of negative side effects. In some cases, a victim of illiterate use of the product may even require medical assistance.

  • for children under one year old (ideally, do not use the product until the baby is 3 years old);
  • when carrying a child;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • if the body reacts negatively to the medicine.

Until the age of 12 years, the ointment is used only for acute medical indications, when it cannot be replaced with another drug. In such a situation, the patient requires constant medical supervision throughout the treatment.

In most cases, sulfur ointment is well tolerated and does not cause side effects. However, if the product is used for an excessively long time or its dosages are too large, a negative reaction of the body may occur.

The main side effects that you may experience are:

  • intense itching;
  • pronounced burning sensation at the time of application of the composition;
  • redness and swelling of the treated area.

If you have a negative reaction to sulfur ointment, you need to reconsider the treatment regimen. It is advisable to visit the doctor who prescribed the use of the product. At his discretion, therapy will be continued or discontinued depending on the patient's condition.

During treatment with the drug, it is possible that side effects in the form of skin reactions. They are:

  • hives;
  • burning;
  • rashes;
  • swelling.

During treatment with the drug, swelling may occur.

They often appear due to hypersensitivity to the active substances of the drug. Therefore, before using the ointment, it is recommended to do skin test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to your wrist and observe the reaction for 2 hours. If redness, burning or itching occurs, you should stop taking this drug.

The components that make up the drug do not affect the action of other medications.

Sulfur-zinc ointment

Sulfur-zinc ointment contains sulfur and zinc in the form of oxide. Zinc is known for its wound-healing properties. It is used for dermatitis and acne, as well as in cosmetology. Concomitant use sulfur and zinc in one ointment strengthens it antiseptic properties and the ability to stimulate skin cell regeneration. Therefore, sulfur-zinc ointment is prescribed for the treatment of weeping dermatitis, wounds, weeping skin inflammation, as well as purulent eczema and bedsores.

Contraindications and side effects

Sulfur ointment is considered one of the safest medications with a minimal list of side effects.

The instructions indicate that if used for an excessively long period of time, exceeding the recommended time limits, irritation, redness, and excessive dryness of the skin may occur.

Avoid applying sulfur ointment directly to open wounds and burns. It is allowed to lubricate the skin area around them with a protective layer.

Be healthy!

Sulfur, which is part of the composition, does not itself have a therapeutic effect on the skin, but by reacting with other substances and forming chemical compounds (acid and sulfides), it successfully fights many skin diseases. Here's what sulfur ointment treats:

  • scabies;
  • psoriasis;
  • burns;
  • skin rash;
  • acne;
  • seborrhea, etc.

Although, according to the instructions, the main purpose of the drug is to combat scabies, the use of sulfur ointment is not limited to this. It can both soften and dry the skin, remove unbearable itching, fight irritation and activate protective functions skin, promoting its rapid healing. We can assume that the product practically does not harm human skin, the only thing is that sometimes it dries out the epidermis.

The main indication for use is scabies, a disease that can affect a person at any age. Treatment should be carried out in consultation with a specialist. The duration of treatment as indicated in the instructions is from 3 days to a week, and depends on the stage of development of the disease. The medication is applied to previously cleansed skin, and this should be done at night before going to bed, and in the morning you can only remove the remnants of the drug, if any remain. During the treatment period, bathing is contraindicated; it is recommended to constantly change bed linen.

The use of liniment has been confirmed as an effective remedy for fungal infections of nails and skin, although the instructions are silent about this. The drug is effective in combating the fungus that causes seborrheic dermatitis. Surprisingly, the product helps in healing wounds and cracks in hemorrhoids and, judging by the reviews, is very successful. If you dilute it in equal proportions with warm water, then this solution can be used against lice and to combat nits.

All medications have disadvantages. This tool is no exception. There are the following contraindications for sulfur ointment:

  • childhood up to 2 years;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • increased sensitivity.

Indications for the use of the drug are different. Sulfur ointment is prescribed for skin problems when the following diseases are diagnosed:

  • fungal infections;
  • seborrhea - at the same time, the product is harmful to the hair and worsens its condition;
  • demodicosis;
  • acne, including teenage acne;
  • various forms of lichen;
  • sycosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • scabies.

The use of sulfur ointment is usually part of complex therapy. As an independent, main medicine, this drug can be used only in the initial stage of the disease. At the first sign of skin problems, you can apply sulfur ointment even before consulting a doctor. If the unpleasant phenomenon is not eliminated within 3 days, you will still need to visit a doctor.

The product has also found application in cosmetology. A preparation containing sulfur is often used to reduce age spots, as well as cleanse the skin of blackheads. However, doctors do not recommend using ointment as a care product, since the sulfur included in the composition can be harmful if applied to the skin too often.

In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug,

does not apply.

Sulfur liniment should not be used to treat children under 3 years of age, or if they are individually intolerant to this drug. If an allergic reaction develops while using the medicine, wash off the product with a swab dipped in vegetable oil and consult a doctor immediately. Taking into account the side effects that have appeared, he will change the treatment regimen.

The medicinal substance has contraindications for application, which should be taken into account during therapeutic therapy.

Prohibitions include:

  • individual reaction to the constituent components;
  • increased dryness of the epidermis.

When used, the following side symptoms may occur:

  • dry skin;
  • allergic reactions;
  • itching and redness of the epidermis at the site of application;
  • swelling of the skin.

Sulfur has no effect on internal organs humans and cannot cause serious side symptoms, however, if discomfort from using the drug occurs, treatment should be discontinued.

Despite the popularity of this drug, you need to know that it is advisable to use it for treatment after consultation with a doctor, who will draw up an individual regimen for using the drug. In addition, to eliminate many diseases, it helps only in complex treatment.

Sulfur ointment has few contraindications. These include individual intolerance to sulfur and age category children under three years of age.

During drug therapy, side effects in the form of an allergic reaction, manifested by rash and itching, rarely occur. Swelling of the face or throat, dizziness and migraines may occur. If this happens, you need to consult a dermatologist who will decide whether to discontinue the remedy.

Sulfur ointment is approved for use during pregnancy, as it is applied topically and does not affect the fetus. However, expectant mothers and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before using the drug.

  • scabies;
  • depriving;
  • psoriasis;
  • acne;
  • seborrhea;
  • Rosacea.

Since the medicine does not contain preservatives, it can be used even by pregnant women and children. The only contraindication to the use of the medicine is individual intolerance to the components from which the product is made.

Just a few decades ago there were not as many pharmacological drugs on pharmacy shelves as there are today. At that time, doctors very often prescribed the following for the treatment of various diseases of the skin and the body as a whole. simple remedies like Vishnevsky ointment, Ichthyol and Sulfur-tar ointment.

  • Pimples and blackheads;
  • Ringworm of the skin;
  • Demodectic mange;
  • Scabies mite.

In addition, this remedy, judging by the reviews and recommendations of doctors, is effective for the treatment of other skin diseases that are characterized by the addition inflammatory process, as well as bacterial or fungal infection.

  • What does it help with?
  • Where can I buy
  • Instructions for use
  • Use for psoriasis
  • Contraindications
  • Analogs
    • Sulfur-tar ointment for animals
  • Reviews
  • Video

Sulfur-tar ointment consists of three main components: birch tar, precipitated sulfur, medical petroleum jelly, which is an auxiliary component. The ointment has a thick consistency, brown color and a characteristic pungent odor. Sold in pharmacies in various packages (aluminum tube, dark glass jars of various sizes). There are no preservatives, dyes, flavors and other chemical compounds in the composition of the drug.

The ointment is used externally; its main pharmacological properties are determined by its composition. Mainly used for various infections, fungal infections of the skin, dermatitis caused by violation immune system(seborrhea, lichen - except pink, scabies, psoriasis).

Availability of the drug Sulfur-salicylic ointment*

The composition of the ointment with salicylic contains significantly less sulfur than simple sulfur ointment. It contains only 2g 100g base (2%). In addition to sulfur, the ointment also contains 2 g of salicylic acid. It significantly enhances the antibacterial and antiseptic effect. It also regulates the secretion of sebum, which provides a drying effect.

Besides, salicylic acid penetrates deeply into the skin and causes increased blood circulation. What accelerates tissue regeneration.

Sulfur-salicylic ointment cleanses pores and dries out inflammation. However, the composition with salicylic acid is irritating. Therefore it is used for oily skin and do not use for dry. For dry skin, a simple one-component ointment with sulfur is better suited.

Salicylic acid is often used to treat acne. It can cause a burn (if applied as a compress) or dry out the skin too much (if you frequently wipe your face with acid or alcohol). Therefore, they began to use salicyl in a complex manner, adding it to preparations along with other components.

The list of diseases for which sulfur-salicylic ointment is used includes juvenile acne, ringworm, mites under the skin and demodicosis.

Now let’s look at what sulfur ointment helps people with.

Side effects

The drug has been used for a long time, so we can say with confidence that it is safe, and there are practically no side effects of sulfur ointment. With prolonged use, as reviews indicate and the instructions say, it can cause allergic reactions and redness, but on the other hand, its therapeutic effect can cover all these shortcomings.

Be healthy!

Treating scabies with sulfur ointment was popular fifty years ago. Sulfur treatment is still prescribed in post-Soviet countries. European medicine uses other, more aggressive means.

In order to remove ticks with sulfur ointment, in the evening before bed it is applied to the entire surface of the body. For children, the ointment is even rubbed into the face and under the hair.

After sulfur ointment, you should not wash for 24 hours. Afterwards, if necessary, you can take a shower, dry the skin and reapply the ointment.

The choice of concentration of sulfur ointment for scabies is determined by age. For children it is recommended to use a 10% composition, for adults - 20% sulfur ointment. The duration of treatment is a minimum of 3 days – a maximum of 7-8 days. After a week, the person is considered cured.

Use in cosmetology

Psoriasis is characterized by the presence of highly inflamed, hyperemic areas of the epithelium that itch and peel. Sulfur-tar ointment helps reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease and stops the development of pathological processes within 4-5 days.

For psoriasis, it is recommended to apply ointment at a concentration of 5% or 10% to previously cleansed skin before going to bed. After application, lightly rub the product into the affected areas of the skin, covering small areas around them. The procedure should be repeated for about 4 days, after which it is necessary to take a break for 3 days and resume using the ointment.

Use hay tar ointment to treat psoriasis with caution, since the component included in the product, birch tar, can cause dryness and irritation of the skin, exacerbating the patient’s condition. It is recommended to start using the ointment with a minimal amount. You need to apply the product to the problem area and check the skin reaction.

Even taking into account the fact that sulfur-tar ointment is a rather aggressive product for the skin of the face, it is often used as an auxiliary therapy in the complex treatment of acne.

In case of a sluggish process with the presence of pustular and papular formations and the release of pus, the proposed drug has a resolving and exfoliating effect. Thanks to this, even deep subcutaneous acne quickly dissolve, skin relief is leveled.

The optimal method of use should be developed by the attending physician, but, as a rule, the ointment is used once a day for 10-14 days.

After careful and gentle cleansing The product is applied to the skin in a thin layer directly onto the rash; it is not necessary to rub in. The product must remain on the skin for at least 5 hours so that the active components of the medicine can penetrate the inner layers of the dermis.

Before use, thoroughly wash the affected area and dry the body. After applying the product, you should not perform water procedures for 12 hours. The cream is applied directly to the area of ​​inflammation, the only exception being scabies, in which healing composition it is necessary to smear the entire body.

There are several techniques for using ointment:

  • Rubbing;
  • Applying a bandage soaked in medicine.

Rubbing is most often used. But knowledgeable people Warn: sulfur ointment stains clothes and bedding. It is very difficult to remove traces of it and get rid of the specific smell. The bandage helps eliminate this unpleasant manifestation.

The instructions for using sulfur ointment indicate that the drug should be applied to clean, dry skin. The dosage and amount of the product used depends on the type of disease and its severity.

Let's consider the use of the drug for certain diseases.

Sulfur ointment and demodicosis

Ironworm infection is called demodicosis. The use of sulfur ointment for demodicosis consists of applying it to the face twice a day (morning and evening). Treatment periods are long, from one to three months.

Interaction with other drugs

Sulfur ointment has no analogues that would be identical to its composition, with the exception of the preparations Sulfur, Precipitated Sulfur. They are widely used combined agents based on sulfur: sulfur-salicylic and sulfur-tar ointments.

Sulfur-salicylic ointment

Also, drugs such as Medifox, Benzyl benzoate, Spregal and others have similar effects. The cost of the drug is low: the price of the ointment varies from 40 to 50 rubles.

Medifox Benzyl benzoate Spregal

Sulfur ointment often provokes dry skin; in such cases, you can use drugs that have a similar effect on the skin.

These analogues include:

  • zinc ointment - prescribed to eliminate inflammatory and fungal diseases of the epidermis, including dermatitis and lichen. Also used to remove seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. The action of the substance is to activate the natural process of cell regeneration and removal harmful microorganisms;
  • sulfur-salicylic drug - used to treat skin;
  • Vishnevsky liniment – ​​reduces the development of harmful microorganisms and restores damaged skin areas;
  • sulfur-tar ointment - used for fungal and infectious skin diseases.

Sulfur ointment is affordable. You can buy the medicine for 30 rubles.

Sulfur ointment for nail fungus

Fungal infections of the skin and nails are also treated with sulfur ointment. It is applied to the nail plate and adjacent areas of the skin once a day (at night, after a bath, just before bed). The treatment period for fungus with sulfur ointment is about a week.

Sulfur ointment is universal. Its composition acts against various fungal infections. However, it may not be effective enough. In this case, sulfur ointment is replaced with a more aggressive drug - sulfur-salicylic ointment.

Other ointments for fungus

Additional Information

Despite the fact that dermatologists often prescribe the product to pregnant and lactating women, there have been no comprehensive studies on the effect of sulfur on the fetus and the penetration of the substance into breast milk.

Do not allow the product to come into contact with mucous membranes. If this happens, they must be washed with plenty of water. Sharing the drug with other antiseptics is prohibited: this can cause a chemical burn to the skin.

The product is difficult to wash off clothes and bedding. Moreover, it cannot be washed off the skin with water. For these purposes, use heated vegetable oil, in which a cotton pad is moistened and the remaining ointment is wiped off.

Sulfur ointment for face

The use of sulfur ointment for the face is explained by its keroplastic properties. Sulfur sulfide helps exfoliate old skin cells and form new ones. This maintains the elasticity of the skin and the youthfulness of the face.

In addition, the antiseptic properties allow the ointment to be used for various types of acne. Sulfur ointment for acne on the face helps cure medium acne (pimples). Severely inflamed acne requires more aggressive medications.

By using sulfur ointment for acne, we also regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Sulfur normalizes the secretion of sebum, on which pathogenic bacteria multiply. This also affects the number and size of acne - there are fewer of them.

Sulfur ointment is a simple preparation that combines several cosmetic properties. It prevents the proliferation of bacteria (it is their metabolic products that clog pores with “blackheads”). It dries out inflamed pores (in the accumulations of which infection multiplies). It also exfoliates dead cells (which accumulate in the recesses).

Does sulfur ointment help against wrinkles? No sulfur composition– antiseptic properties and a slight keratolytic effect, but it is not able to remove even small facial wrinkles.

Patient reviews

Snezhana, 42 years old, Tyrnyauz

I use sulfur ointment everywhere. It’s a little itchy – I apply it. It helps and costs a penny.

Ivana, 34 years old, Dzerzhinsk

I used sulfur ointment to treat my daughter’s lichen. The doctor prescribed treatment with iodine and sulfur ointment. He said that these simple remedies for lichen are time-tested. And what cheap drugs They help as well as the expensive ones. Within a week, the lichen was gone.

Mikhail, 50 years old, Sapozhok village

I read on the forums that sulfur ointment helps with nail fungus. I tried it. I applied it under the bandage at night and washed it off in the morning so it didn’t stink. After a week I noticed slight improvements. After two weeks it was already noticeably better. In general, I cured it, cheaply and cheerfully.

Artem Rodionovich, Kuznetsk

Sulfur ointment for fungus helps at the onset of the disease. If the fungus is old, it will not help.

Reviews from those who have used the medicine are overwhelmingly positive. Treatment with this drug prescribed by a specialist usually takes place successfully and in the shortest possible time.

Sulfur ointment is effective against various skin diseases and, when used correctly, brings fast recovery. Due to the aggressive effects of the main component in the composition, you should not use the drug for a very long time.

Marina, 47 years old: My husband and I just couldn’t cope with the problem of foot fungus. We tried all sorts of chatterboxes and expensive ones. cosmetical tools, but no result. Then my mother advised me to use an old, proven remedy - sulfur ointment. This is what really turned out to be effective. The fungus disappeared as if by hand, but bad smell I had to endure the ointment.

Oksana, 32 years old: More from adolescence I suffer from acne that appears on my face and other parts of the body from time to time. I try to eat right and exercise, but the ugly acne doesn’t care about my efforts. Only alcohol and sulfur ointment can save you. First I dry my face and then treat it with the product. The effect lasts for a long time.

Evgeniy, 61 years old: I have a rather embarrassing problem because it makes me feel uncomfortable in the summer at the beach or in the pool. It is impossible not to notice the manifestations of psoriasis, so I have long been actively searching for effective and available means to deal with your problem. By the way, the most common sulfur ointment copes well with the expressed signs of the disease - I highly recommend trying it.

The use of the drug is popular among consumers. This is due to its low cost and effectiveness. Thus, numerous positive reviews of sulfur ointment, which saved nail fungus, prove this.

Ivan, 22 years old: I am an athlete, I often travel: training camps, competitions. Another victory was overshadowed by the appearance of fungus on 2 toenails at once. There is no time to go to the doctors, but the trainer suggested using sulfur ointment. I started painting my nails during competitions. On day 4 I noticed improvements. And after 2 months there was no fungus left. Good remedy True, the smell is disgusting, but the effect is worth it.

Matvey, 42 years old: For several years I thought that nail fungus was my cross: not a single remedy helped. It seems to me that my dermatologist was also desperate to find the right medicine for me, so he turned to another doctor. She offered me this medicine. At first I thought what was this cheap remedy can’t help, especially since my fungus was deep by that time.

The effectiveness of the drug has been verified many years of experience use. Patients note a rapid elimination of disease symptoms, and with long-term use, a complete cure. The medicine provides preventive action, which is especially important in eliminating a skin disease called acne, prevents skin diseases from becoming chronic.

The low price by today's standards distinguishes the medicine from others, which allows long-term therapeutic courses even for a patient with an average income. Sulfur ointment protrudes classic example: Cheap medicines can be more effective than expensive brands.

On the territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union They know that almost any skin ailment can be cured using a proven method - using a cream made with the addition of sulfur. The medicine is in the medicine cabinet of most families and helps to quickly heal from any rash. The drug has no contraindications, with the exception of intolerance to any substance included in the composition.

Sulfur ointment was prescribed to combat scabies mites. The product is effective, but has a drawback - strong odors marks on clothing that are difficult to clean.


My daughter suffered from dandruff for a long time, we tried various expensive shampoos, a sulfur preparation came to the rescue, applied once a day for 10-15 minutes. After three days of use, the problem disappeared.


When acne appears, I use a sulfur preparation. The result is noticeable immediately, is inexpensive, and one jar lasts for a long period.


The child became infected with lichen from an animal. The problem was eliminated with the help of the drug. It is enough to apply and fix with a bandage for three days.


Medicinal sulfur effectively helps with acne marks on the skin. Apply once a day and leave for half an hour, after which it is removed. Lack of smell and consistency that is noticeable to others.


The medicinal substance has wide application. Sulfur quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms on the skin and helps fight fungal diseases.

Correct use reduces the risk of side effects. However, the drug has contraindications, such as an unpleasant odor and the ability to dry the skin after long-term treatment. Therefore, it is additionally recommended to use moisturizers.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Article updated: 05/22/2019

Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us - therefore, we will be glad to hear your feedback about sulfur-tar ointment in the comments, it will also be useful to other users of the site.

My five-year-old son developed itchy skin between the fingers. The itching intensified at night, preventing the child from sleeping. He goes to kindergarten, and I thought that the child had caught some kind of skin infection. After examination, the doctor confirmed my suspicions. My son had scabies. Treatment was prescribed, which included sulfur-tar ointment.

I used sulfur-tar ointment on the advice of my cosmetologist. Acne and pimples constantly appeared on my face. After applying the ointment, the rashes began to disappear. There were no marks left on the pimples. The price of the drug is low, but the results are excellent. I recommend!

Composition, varieties

The composition of sulfur ointment is based on the presence in the structural formula of precipitated sulfur - the active substance in different concentrations (5, 10, 20, 33%). There are also additional components:

  • white Vaseline;
  • emulsifier T-2;
  • purified water.

Creamy texture with light yellow tint. With tactile touches, small grains are felt. The smell is distinctive and quite unpleasant. Sold packaged in tubes (30, 40 g) or small jars (25 to 40 g).

There are varieties of the drug that include structural formula, in addition to precipitated sulfur and medical petroleum jelly, other substances that enhance healing characteristics.

  • When including salicylic acid, which enhances antibacterial effect, produces sulfur-salicylic ointment with good antiseptic characteristics. This product has a drying effect and is therefore not recommended for dry skin. By increasing blood circulation, it promotes tissue regeneration.
  • Due to the inclusion of birch tar in the composition, a sulfur-tar ointment with a specific pungent odor is obtained. Tar significantly increases the antiseptic effect of the product.
  • If the additional substance is zinc oxide, known for its wound-healing effect, a yellowish or white sulfur-zinc ointment is produced. Such integration enhances the antiseptic and regenerating properties.

All ointments based on the presence of precipitated sulfur in the structural formula have identical properties and a similar scope of application.

The medicinal substance for external use has the following composition:

  • precipitated sulfur;
  • petrolatum;
  • purified water.

The medicinal substance is produced in the form of an ointment with a thick consistency, with a yellow tint. The drug has an unpleasant faint odor. Produced in tubes or glass jars.

The ointment consists of three ingredients:

  • precipitated sulfur (5%);
  • birch tar (5%);
  • medical Vaseline (as an auxiliary component).

Purified sulfur is used as a basis for preparing suspensions that are consumed orally, but precipitated sulfur cannot be used for these purposes, since in this case hydrogen sulfide (a very toxic substance) is formed. The beneficial properties of precipitated sulfur have been proven repeatedly, which has made it possible to include it in ointments, powders and other preparations for external application.

The product is represented by different percentages of the active substance, so the composition of sulfur ointment includes:

  • 6, 10 or 33 g of this chemical element;
  • purified water;
  • petrolatum;
  • emulsifier T2.

The composition of the medicine includes: active ingredients, How:

An auxiliary component is petroleum jelly (80%), which has a softening and exfoliating effect.

Sulfur-tar ointment is a combination drug intended for the treatment of skin diseases in humans and animals.

These components complement and enhance each other's effectiveness.

The basis of Sulfur-Tar Ointment is simple, but sufficient effective complex components, which are represented by the following natural substances:

  1. Sulfur is an active natural component that has a wide spectrum of action. It has antimicrobial and antibacterial effects, disinfects and dries the skin. When liniment is applied to the skin, this substance interacts with the components of the skin, producing pantathenic acid and sulfide components. This process provides insecticidal and antimicrobial properties. At the same time, the effect of sulfur combines perfectly with the effect of tar, enhancing its positive properties. Sulfides produced with sulfuric acid effectively cleanse the skin, activate blood microcirculation and promote the regeneration of damaged epidermal cells.
  2. Tar is the second active component of this drug, which has a bactericidal and antiprotozoal effect. It is active against mites that cause demodicosis and scabies, as well as some bacteria. Tar disinfects the skin and prevents reproduction pathogenic microorganisms. Tar is no less effective for neutralizing fungi, and therefore has some antifungal activity.
  3. Vaseline is the third component of sulfur-tar ointment, which perfectly softens and nourishes the skin, increases the effect of the active ingredients and gives the preparation the necessary consistency. In addition, Vaseline promotes tissue regeneration and eliminates skin flaking.

The main active substance of all ointments with sulfur is sulfur. The drug contains it in concentrations of up to thirty-three percent. If the composition is pure, then it contains no additional active substances. When the ointment is combined, it contains additional medicinal components, which, when interacting with sulfur, enhance one or another property of the drug.

In addition to sulfur, a simple sulfur ointment also contains auxiliary ingredients:

  • petrolatum;
  • purified water;
  • emulsifier.

The sulfur ointment contains no substances that can easily cause allergies, which significantly reduces the number of contraindications to the use of the product. It is allowed even for persons prone to skin allergies.

Besides the classic simple drug, there are also several combined ones. So, there is sulfur-salicylic ointment, which contains salicylic acid, which is why the product is often used to get rid of age spots. Sulfur-zinc ointment and sulfur-tar ointment are also produced. Previously, sulfur-mercury combined ointment was also used in medicine.

Active substance: precipitated sulfur 333 mg.

Excipients: emulsifier T-2, white petroleum jelly, purified water.

Sulfur ointment for seborrhea

Seborrhea - cutaneous fungal disease, which received the simple name “dandruff”. The cause of seborrhea (or seborrheic dermatitis) is a fungal infection of the skin in the scalp. It is manifested by itching and flaking, while small particles of skin (dandruff) appear on the hair.

Sulfur allows you to cure fungal infection. To do this, sulfur ointment is applied to the skin between the hair once a day. Treatment time is 7-10 days.

Instructions for use

According to the recommendations, the ointment should be applied to the skin, avoiding the hairy areas of the head and face. The instructions have certain instructions for use depending on the sulfur content in the composition. Sulfur paste is sold in pharmacies without a prescription and is sold in glass jars or aluminum tubes.

Sulfur ointment is a product for external use. According to the instructions for use, it is recommended to apply the ointment to a clean skin surface, excluding the area of ​​the scalp and face. The intensity of treatment and duration of therapy will largely depend on the severity of the disease and its form.

The medicine in question is considered safe for patients, but before starting treatment we recommend consulting with a dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate dosage of the medication, determine the frequency of treatment of problem areas and the duration of therapy.

Before the session and after 24 hours, you must completely change your underwear and bed linen. It is important for the patient to wash himself under running water in the shower. Since this is a safe drug, the course of treatment can be prolonged at the discretion of the attending physician.

Despite the natural composition of the ointment, you should consult a doctor before use. After the examination, the specialist will explain how the ointment can be used for a specific case and whether the use of this product is advisable.

The duration of use of the drug is unlimited. The ointment is generally used for 10 days.

Sulfur-tar ointment is used to treat different types of lichen:

  • Ringworm (causes trichophytosis, microsporia);
  • Pityriasis (colored, multi-colored);
  • Red flat;
  • Shingles (together with antiviral therapy).

For lichen, the ointment is applied to problem areas of the skin before going to bed under a bandage if severe itching is observed. The course of treatment is 14–21 days, depending on the course of the disease. The doctor monitors the treatment course, adjusting the use of the drug depending on the dynamics of recovery.

For seborrhea, both sulfur-tar and sulfur-salicylic ointments are used, combining their use with hydrogen sulfide baths and treatment with multivitamins. This course of treatment, subject to diet, allows you to get rid of the disease in a short period of time. The ointment is rubbed into the damaged areas of the skin for 8 days and on the tenth, after a one-day break. If necessary, the course is repeated.

Sulfur-tar ointment is also used to treat acne and acne. After the 13th day of applying the product, the skin becomes smoother, pimples become less noticeable, irritability and redness of the skin disappear. The application regimen is as follows: apply a small amount of medicine to the pimple and the skin around it. The procedure is repeated daily, before bedtime.

The use of the drug practically does not cause side effects. Rarely, an allergic reaction may occur, which is manifested by redness of the skin, rash, itching, hives, and swelling.

To prevent an allergic reaction, it is recommended to conduct a test before use. You need to apply a small amount of ointment to the skin of your wrist and wait about an hour. If after time a negative reaction does not appear on the skin, you can freely use the ointment to treat the affected areas of the epithelium.

It is not allowed to use the product after the expiration date (expiration date is 2 years). It is recommended to store the ointment in a cool place protected from light.

When using sulfur ointment, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. If it is violated, there is a risk that the medicine will cause harm instead of benefit. You can safely use the composition only for a short time, but even in this case you will definitely need to remember certain precautions. The main ones are:

  • avoiding contact of the product with the eyes and mucous membranes;
  • avoiding the combination of ointment with other drugs, since sulfur can form various compounds with a number of their components that can affect tissue in the most unpredictable way. This is especially true for treatment with iodine and sulfur ointment;
  • the medicine leaves stains and an odor on things, which are almost impossible to get rid of - because of this, you should not use things that are valuable during the treatment period.

Depending on what disease occurs, the duration of therapy is determined. The composition can be applied several times a day. Usually the course of treatment does not exceed 10 days. Sometimes it is extended for a longer period. In this case, it is necessary to use products to moisturize the skin in parallel, since sulfur with prolonged use provokes drying of the skin.

Disinfectant antiseptic. Application: scabies, psoriasis, lichen, demodicosis, acne.

Estimated price (at the time of publication of the article) from 31 rubles.

Today we will talk about simple sulfur ointment. How and why is it used? What are the contraindications? How to use the product during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and childhood? What similar means exist?

Skin diseases are not uncommon, and at times it can be difficult to identify their cause, but the signs can suggest what kind of leprosy has befallen the person. Treatment cannot be delayed here, but help will come sulfur ointment - instructions for use and what it helps with are discussed below.

Sulfur compounds, when they enter the skin tissue, provide a healing effect because they have an antifungal and bactericidal effect.

This feature provokes a rush of blood, which helps wounds heal quickly. It is important to note that thanks to this composition, the drug intensively restores the stratum corneum of the skin.

Sulfur ointment is a well-known and widespread medicine in pharmacology. We are talking about a universal drug that not only relieves inflammation, but also heals, disinfects and treats the skin.

The use of sulfur ointment is an affordable, safe and effective way to get rid of a variety of dermatological diseases. It’s paradoxical, but few of our compatriots know how to use this correctly effective means for one problem or another.

This topical issue and dedicate today's article.

As with any other medication, in order to quickly achieve progress in treatment, you must follow the recommendations of your doctor when using the drug. General rule To use sulfur ointment, apply it to the affected areas of the skin in a light layer 2-3 times a day.

Let us consider each of the pathologies in more detail.

Each type of skin disease requires a certain type treatment.

Sulfur ointment for lichen

Usually the word lichen refers to fungal infections of the skin. This infectious disease in medical terminology is called microsporia or trichophytosis, and in the generally accepted version - ringworm. To treat it, you can use an inexpensive salicylic-sulfur composition. However, there are other, more effective means.

The sulfur composition has remained popular in the treatment of lichen in animals. Thus, veterinarians recommend using sulfur ointment for cats with large areas affected by lichen, if it is necessary to treat the entire body. It is also recommended to supplement treatment with internal antifungal medication.

Sulfur ointment - instructions for use for treatment

applied externally. When treating scabies, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the skin daily for 5 days. After a 5-day course of treatment, you should take a bath and change your underwear and bed linen.

When treating acne and other skin diseases, apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected area 1-2 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Externally, apply sulfur-salicylic ointment to the affected areas of the skin 1-2 times a day, to enhance the keratolytic effect - under an occlusive dressing. When treating seborrhea of ​​the scalp with sulfur-salicylic ointment, apply 2-3 hours before washing the hair.

The ointment is used externally only. The average dosage of the medication is 2-3 g.

There are rules for using the medication. If there is scabies, it is applied in an even thin layer to the cleansed affected areas, without touching the scalp, and lightly rubbed in. IN severe cases an occlusive dressing is applied. The procedure is performed at night for 5-7 days. After treatment, it is recommended to change bed linen, clothes and take a shower. To prevent the risk of re-infection, it is necessary to iron the laundry with a hot iron.

The ointment is used externally only. The average dosage of the medication is 2-3 g.

In case of lichen, it is recommended to combine treatment of the affected areas with this ointment with the use of garlic juice. In the morning, the skin is treated with a weak solution of furatsilin, and then a little freshly squeezed garlic juice is applied. And before going to bed, without washing anything off, you need to rub in the ointment.

The procedure is repeated for 4 days, and then a break is taken for 2-3 days. After this, treatment activities are resumed.

Sulfur-tar ointment is often prescribed for the treatment of lichen and scabies in children. The dosage of the drug is similar to that recommended for adults. Children under 12 years of age should apply the ointment only to the face and scalp.

To avoid negative manifestations, before starting treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct dosage of the drug, determine the frequency of treatment of problem areas and the duration of treatment.

In addition, the medication is used to treat skin diseases in animals: lichen, dermatitis, trichophytosis. However, the jar containing the product must have a corresponding mark. The ointment is applied in an even thin layer to the affected surface of the animal’s skin 1-2 times a day for 7-20 days. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the pathology and is determined by the veterinarian.

Use during pregnancy

Sulfur ointment during pregnancy is prescribed in cases where the expectant mother is at risk of developing acne, scabies, rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis. Sulfur is an antibacterial agent that prevents the development of bacteria on the surface of the skin. Sulfur ointment, reviews of the drug on the Internet indicate, is an effective and absolutely harmless drug. The ointment effectively cleanses pores and has a positive effect on overall appearance skin.

Sulfur ointment is considered absolutely harmless for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, as with any other medications, the use of the drug requires strict adherence to the prescription and dosage.

Clinical studies testing the safety of the drug during such periods have not been conducted to date. In dermatological practice, this drug is prescribed to women expecting the birth of a child, as well as to mothers who are breastfeeding a newborn. With this therapy, it is assumed that sulfur and petroleum jelly, when used externally, practically do not enter the bloodstream.

During pregnancy and lactation


There is no complete analogue of sulfur ointment. There are remedies that partially replace it and act against some diseases that the composition with sulfur eliminates.

  1. Acyclovir. The medicine is used against viruses, including shingles, caused by the herpes virus. Use to eliminate fungus or any non- viral diseases This ointment is useless.
  2. Acigerpin. Also an antiviral composition, effective against herpes zoster.
  3. Various compositions containing sulfur.
  4. Virolex. An antiviral drug used against shingles caused by the herpes virus.

The choice of the drug that will be most effective in getting rid of skin problems is made by a doctor.

There are no exact analogues of sulfur-tar ointment. However, you can buy medications in pharmacies that have a similar effect. These include:

  • Sulfur-salicylic, or sulfur ointment;
  • Crotamiton;
  • Lindan;
  • Peruvian balsam;
  • Malathion;
  • Permethrin;
  • Benzyl benzoate;
  • Psoriderm;
  • Spregal;
  • Tetmosol.

Among the analogues of sulfur-tar ointment, there are no pharmaceutical products with identical composition components. Dermatologists prescribe the following drugs as substitutes for the liniment in question:

Only a doctor selects an effective analogue. Self-medication is often ineffective, and in some cases only worsens the disease. The compositions of the listed medications are different, therefore it is important to pre-adjust the treatment regimen.

In cases where sulfur-tar ointment cannot be used, it is possible to select substitute drugs that are also effective in the treatment of skin pathologies.

At the pharmacy you can purchase alternative drugs used to combat similar diseases:

  • Medifox. A domestic product that is a concentrate for preparing an emulsion. To do this, add a third of the bottle to 100 g of boiled water. Successfully copes with scabies when applied once a day for three days. The emulsion is thoroughly rubbed into the skin, with the exception of the face, neck and scalp. On the fourth day, you should take a shower with soap and change your bed linen. The main difference from sulfur ointment is the absence of a pungent odor.
  • Benzyl benzoate. Produced by both Russian and foreign manufacturers. May take the form of a lotion, emulsion, or ointment. Apply to the surface of the body with the exception of the face and scalp. The ointment is effective for treating scabies in children, and for adults it is recommended to use an emulsion. This ointment does not have a strong odor, and the emulsion does not stain clothes and washes off well.
  • Salicylic acid. To get rid of acne, blackheads and other skin problems, patients are advised to choose the drug in a concentration of 1%, since more saturated drugs can cause peeling of the skin. The face should be wiped with the solution several times a day. This reduces inflammation, removes pigmentation, and destroys bacteria.
  • Magnipsor. Effective ointment against psoriasis (not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, children under 7 years of age). Apply a thin layer to all affected areas of the body twice a day; if necessary, rub the product into the hair areas with light movements. Treatment lasts until spots form at the site of the plaques and the skin stops peeling. Unlike sulfur ointment, the remedy is effective at different stages of the disease.
  • Permethrin ointment. An effective remedy against demodicosis, which is often prescribed to patients, with the exception of children under 3 years of age. According to the instructions, the course lasts two weeks, but on the doctor’s recommendation it can be extended. Liniment is rubbed into problem areas twice a day, and in special cases it can be used three times during the day. Unlike sulfur ointment, it does not have a strong unpleasant odor.

special instructions

The main difficulty in using the ointment is its subsequent removal from the treated areas of the skin. It is almost impossible to wash off the drug with ordinary water. Experts advise taking one tablespoon of refined vegetable oil, boiling it in a water bath for five minutes, then using cotton balls and gentle warm strokes to remove the ointment from the skin.

It is not recommended to smear rashes and pimples with the product in question for a long time. The fact is that sulfur can accumulate in the body, especially in the blood. Therefore, professional cosmetologists advise taking a seven-day break after each week of therapy. This treatment can be repeated three to five times.

During acne treatment, it is recommended to maintain a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. It is important to at least temporarily give up fried, smoked and spicy foods and eliminate alcohol from your diet. Doctors advise eating more soups, cereals, and lean meats. Hold off on regularly drinking strong coffee and tea.

There are no special instructions for the use of sulfur-salicylic ointment.

Simple sulfur ointment - instructions for use, price, analogues

Considered pharmaceutical drug It is available in pharmacies without a prescription due to its relative safety. Many people wonder how much does sulfur-tar ointment cost? The price of the drug in Moscow pharmacies varies from 30 to 169 rubles. If your nearest pharmacy does not have the medicine, you can always order it online with free delivery to the nearest point of sale.

Ointment from a domestic manufacturer has a lower price from 30 to 90 rubles; a 20 g jar of the drug produced in Germany costs from 300 to 400 rubles. In some pharmacies, sulfur-tar ointment is sold for about 130 rubles per 15 g.

The product is cheap, and anyone can afford it. A 25 g package rarely costs more than 20 rubles. It is not difficult to purchase sulfur ointment, as it is available in the vast majority of pharmacies.

How much does sulfur ointment cost? The cost of the drug may vary in different pharmacy chains and specialized sales centers. The difference in prices is usually due to the location of sale and the individual approach to pricing on the part of the analyzer. For example, prices in pharmacies in Ukraine and Moscow may differ significantly. So, average cost for a jar of ointment with a volume of 25 g is 16.4 rubles.

The composition of a simple Sulfur ointment from any manufacturer includes as an active ingredient sulfur (precipitated, ground) in mass part 333 mg per 1 gram.

The basis of the ointment is most often a consistent emulsion consisting of purified water, soft paraffin, mineral oil and T-2 emulsifier.

Release form

This medicinal product is produced in the form of an external ointment in tubes and jars of various capacities (from 15 to 70 grams).

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

External use of sulfur ointment practically does not lead to the absorption of its ingredients (including sulfur and) into the human blood supply.

Indications for use of Sulfur ointment

Indications for the use of this medicinal product (in complex therapy) include external manifestations of diseases such as, sycosis , mycoses , .


Sulfur , which is the active ingredient of the drug, has a fairly strong irritant effect, which is why it (Sulfur ointment simple) is not used to treat children under 3 years of age and patients with individual hypersensitivity .

Side effects

Patients with hypersensitivity may experience.

Sulfur ointment, instructions for use

The healing agent Sulfur Ointment simple instructions for use allow it to be used exclusively externally, applying it 2-3 times every 24 hours to skin areas affected by a particular disease (preliminarily cleansed).

When complex treatment The therapeutic regimen and rules of personal hygiene for the patient are established by the doctor on an individual basis. Often the drug is indicated for use without rinsing off throughout the entire recommended 5 days of therapy.

Sulfur ointment is also prescribed in parallel with other medications. Depending on the lichen it may be solution , alcohol, corticosteroids , antifungal external preparations and other medications.

The use of Sulfur Ointment requires applying it in a thick layer to problem areas of the skin. Sulfur ointment from acne used in conjunction with, reception multivitamin or other medications prescribed by a dermatologist.

The duration of one treatment course is usually limited to five days with a possible repetition after a few days.



In the case of parallel use with other external medicinal products, the formation of new compounds is possible, the effect of which may be unpredictable, and therefore other drugs for topical use can only be used with the permission of a dermatologist.

Interaction with drugs that are oxidizing agents (,) can cause a chemical burn.

Terms of sale

To purchase this drug at a pharmacy, you do not need a prescription from a dermatologist.

Storage conditions

The ointment should be stored in the manufacturer’s original packaging (jar, tube), keeping the temperature no higher than 25 °C.

Best before date

The drug is able to retain all its medicinal properties for 2 years.

special instructions

After each application of the drug, hands should be washed thoroughly.

If you must use this medication on your face, avoid getting it in your mouth, eyes, or nose.

For children

Due to its toxicity, the ointment is not prescribed to children until they reach 3 years of age.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

The absolute safety of use and the clinical effectiveness of this therapeutic agent have not been studied specifically. For this reason, during these periods the drug can be used only if its potential benefit for the expectant (current) mother significantly exceeds the possible negative effect on the fetus (baby).

Reviews of Sulfur ointment

At mild flow skin diseases, reviews of simple sulfur ointment, when used exclusively for indications, are usually positive. Reviews of sulfur ointment from various people, and even talk about a fairly quick positive effect of its use, but, unfortunately, often short-lived. This is also confirmed by reviews of sulfur ointment from and with. Most likely, this is due to the penetration of the disease present in the patient deeper than the skin, from which sulfur ointment does not always help and the treatment process requires the addition of other medicinal drugs used to treat a particular disease state.

Sulfur ointment price, where to buy

Traditionally, the cost of this treatment is minimal and available to absolutely all categories of the population.

In Russia, regardless of the region and manufacturer, the drug costs the same as it costs in the capital. So, on average, you can buy 25 grams of this product in Moscow for 40 rubles.

The price of Sulfur ointment in Ukraine is on average 10 hryvnia per 25 grams.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine

Pharmacy Dialog

    Simple sulfur ointment (tube 30g)

    Simple sulfur ointment (25g jar)

Latest update of the description by the manufacturer 31.07.1998

Filterable list

Active substance:


Pharmacological group

Composition and release form

The ointment contains sulfur in a precipitated and consistent water/vaseline emulsion in a mass ratio of 1:2; in cans of 25 g.

Directions for use and doses

Apply to the skin once a day, in the evening, for 7-10 days. After treatment is completed, take a bath and change your underwear and bed linen. Children are treated with an ointment with a lower (5-10%) concentration of sulfur (prepared according to a doctor’s prescription in a pharmacy).

Storage conditions for the drug Sulfur ointment simple

In a cool place, protected from light.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Sulfur ointment simple

2 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Instructions for medical use

Instructions for medical use - RU No.

date last change: 04.08.2016

Dosage form

Ointment for external use.


Composition, per 100 g ointment:

Active substance:

Precipitated sulfur - 33.3 g.


Medical Vaseline, T-2 emulsifier, purified water.

Description of the dosage form

Yellow ointment.

Pharmacological group

Anti-scabbing agent.

pharmachologic effect



Increased individual sensitivity to the drug, children under 2 years of age, pregnancy, lactation.

Directions for use and doses

Externally. In children over 2 years of age and adults, the course of treatment lasts 5 days. On the first day, treatment is carried out in the evening before bed after washing thoroughly in the shower with warm water and soap. The ointment is rubbed into the skin of the hands, then the torso and legs, including the soles and fingers. After treating the skin, only clean linen and clothing should be used. On the 2nd and 3rd days they take a break from treatment, while the remaining ointment is not washed off from the skin. On the 4th day in the evening, the patient washes with soap and rubs in the ointment as on the first day, using the remaining ointment, and changes all the linen again. Hands should not be washed for 3 hours after treatment; Subsequently, hands are treated with ointment after each wash. If the ointment is washed off from other areas of the skin, they must also be re-treated.

The ointment is completely washed off the skin on the fifth day of treatment.

Side effects

In rare cases, local allergic reactions (itching, urticaria) are possible.


Not found.


When used externally, no interactions with other drugs were detected.

special instructions

Sulfur is quite toxic and can irritate mucous membranes and respiratory organs.

Impact on the ability to drive a car and equipment:

Does not affect.

Release form

Ointment for external use 33.3%.

25 g are placed in aluminum tubes.

25 g are placed in a glass jar for storing medicines, sealed with a lid that is tightened with a sealing element.

Each jar or tube, along with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard pack for consumer packaging.

20 cans are placed in a cardboard box for consumer packaging with instructions for medical use attached in an amount corresponding to the number of cans (for hospitals).

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 15°C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.

R N002865/01 dated 2012-09-11
Simple sulfur ointment - instructions for medical use - RU No. LS-000358 dated 2018-04-03
Simple sulfur ointment - instructions for medical use - RU No. LP-000471 dated 2011-03-01
Simple sulfur ointment - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N003021/01 dated 2010-02-04

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
B35-B49 MycosesFungal infection
Fungal skin infections
Fungal skin lesions
Fungal infections of skin folds
Fungal infections of the bronchial mucosa
Fungal infections of the oral mucosa
Fungal infections
Fungal skin infections
L21 Seborrheic dermatitisSeborrheic dermatitis
Increased sebum secretion
Seborrheic eczema
Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp
Seborrheic pyodermatitis
Seborrheic eczema
L40 PsoriasisGeneralized form of psoriasis
Generalized psoriasis
Hyperkeratosis in psoriasis
Dermatosis psoriasiform
Isolated psoriatic plaque
Disabling psoriasis
Inverse psoriasis
Koebner phenomenon
Common psoriasis
Psoriasis of the scalp
Psoriasis hairy parts skin
Psoriasis complicated by erythroderma
Genital psoriasis
Psoriasis affecting the scalp of the skin
Psoriasis with eczematization
Eczema-like psoriasis
Psoriasiform dermatitis
Psoriatic erythroderma
Refractory psoriasis
Chronic psoriasis
Chronic psoriasis of the scalp
Chronic psoriasis with diffuse plaques
Squamosal lichen
Exfoliative psoriasis
Erythrodermic psoriasis

Simple sulfur ointment: instructions for use: price, reviews, indications.

Sulfur ointment is a remedy that has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

This drug is used in the treatment of diseases such as acne, scabies, etc.

This medicine can be used very easily and comfortably at home.

Composition of sulfur ointment

The composition of this ointment consists of 3 parts:

  1. Water;
  2. Petrolatum;
  3. Sulfur.

A ten percent remedy promotes the appearance of new cells, healing of small wounds, scratches and abrasions.

Thirty percent remedy helps improve blood flow and improve metabolism in the skin. Thanks to this, the healing of marks after psoriasis and scars occurs much faster and more efficiently. This is very important for those people who have been suffering from acne and rashes for a long time.

Blackheads and pimples are formed due to the fact that dead cells that appear over time close the pores and provoke bacterial activity.

The medicine perfectly removes all these cells from the skin and prevents the development of inflammatory processes.

Simple instructions for use

Apply the drug in a very thin layer, this will help get rid of unexpected negative reactions.

  • Food related to fast food;
  • Smoked;
  • Fried;
  • Fat;
  • Canned food and canned food;
  • All carbonated drinks;
  • Sweet;
  • Baked.

It is worth knowing that this drug can provoke allergic reactions, so before use you need to do a test on a piece of skin.

What diseases does sulfur ointment help with?

This drug helps with the following pathologies:

  • lice and nits;

How to treat scabies with sulfur ointment

To cure such a complex disease as scabies, you need to use six percent.

Scabies is an infectious disease that occurs due to...

The main symptom of this infection can be called: .

This disease can be transmitted through contact with sick people.

This does not depend on violations of personal hygiene.

If you are attacked by this unpleasant disease, then the product is applied to the entire body for three days per day.

Seborrheic dermatitis and its treatment

For this disease, sulfur is a fairly effective remedy.

It helps to cope with itching, burning, helps remove flaking and dandruff caused by it.

The ointment is good because it fights the very cause of the disease, that is, the fungus, which is the first problem.

Sulfur ointment and acne

Acne is a rather unpleasant, but very common problem.

Acne especially interferes with the lives of teenagers during puberty, this is due to the fact that the child’s body matures and undergoes hormonal changes.

Treatment for this disease sometimes goes away on its own, and sometimes it can be treated without results for years.

The skin is a unique protector of the body.

Thanks to it, bacteria and infections cannot get inside, but remain on the skin.

But sometimes this barrier becomes overloaded and it is at these moments that the skin needs medical help.

Pimples appear on various reasons, and it is on them that the dosage of sulfur ointment that will be used depends.

It has proven itself very positively; our ancestors used this remedy to combat many diseases. If this tool is used correctly and in a timely manner, it can give amazing results.

To cure acne caused by subcutaneous mites, you can apply a thin layer of the drug to problem areas and leave it for five days.

Such a long time will provide an opportunity for the product to be fully absorbed and begin its saving mission.

True, there is a small nuance: this is the best time to stay at home, since the drug can stain decent clothes and emit an unpleasant odor.

You can wash your face with tar soap before applying the product.

Tar soap can also be used daily instead of regular cleansers.

Sulfur ointment during pregnancy

This ointment will help a woman look much better, as it removes all inflammation on the skin of the face and makes it fresh and clean.

This drug is completely safe for pregnant women, lactating women and children, so it can be used without fear for your health and the health of your child.

Indications for use

The main purpose of this drug is for seborrheic patients under three months, pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding babies.

This drug is distinguished by its safety and simplicity compared to similar ones for the treatment of the above diseases.

In rare cases, sulfur ointment may cause minor dry skin.

In most cases, this remedy is used on the face.

How to prepare mash and what it helps with

Two chatterboxes are prepared, one is used in the morning, and the other before the patient goes to bed.

Salicylic alcohol in the amount of one bottle is mixed with the same bottle of boric acid.

Then this mixture is divided into two parts and placed in different containers.

Sulfur is added to the first part, and salicylic-zinc should be in the second. Everything needs to be shaken really hard.

The resulting yellow, that is, sulfuric liquid is applied before bedtime, and the white, that is, zinc liquid in the morning or during the day.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications include individual intolerance; in other cases, the drug has no clear contraindications. During pregnancy, you should consult your doctor before use and only then can you use it.

TO side effects may be considered mild if there is an allergy to the drug, but such manifestations are very rare.

But still, to avoid this, you should initially check your skin for allergies, that is, apply a small amount of sulfur ointment to a small area of ​​the skin.

If after some time there are no negative reactions, then the product can be used without fear.

Sulfur ointment - price

You can buy this product at any pharmacy; the price of sulfur ointment is 40 rubles for 25 grams
low enough and can be accessed by anyone.
