Diarrhea (ICD diagnosis code: A09). Diarrhea in children. Prolonged diarrhea Functional diarrhea


Diarrhea - profuse or watery stool and/or increased urge to have bowel movements. Risk factors include failure to comply with personal hygiene rules when eating; age, gender, genetics do not matter. Although diarrhea is not a disease in itself, its occurrence may be a symptom of an underlying disorder. In some cases, attacks of diarrhea are accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating, loss of appetite and vomiting. IN severe cases diarrhea can lead to dehydration, which can threaten the patient's life, especially if the patient - Small child or old man. Attacks of diarrhea most often indicate the presence of gastroenteritis or food poisoning.


Diarrhea that suddenly appears in an otherwise healthy person is most often caused by spoiled food or contaminated water. In such cases, the disease can last from several hours to 10 days. This type of diarrhea most often affects people traveling to developing countries, where food preparation may not be properly hygienic and sanitary standards. The disease can also be caused viral infection transmitted through close contact with a sick person. - the most common cause of diarrhea in infants and children younger age. People with reduced immunity For example, patients suffering from AIDS appear to be more susceptible to viral gastroenteritis. In addition, the course of the disease in such patients is more severe. Prolonged diarrhea may be caused by chronic inflammation intestines, occurring in diseases such as, or in some other disorders characterized by the inability to absorb nutrients small intestine. Lactose intolerance, a disorder in which the body cannot break down and absorb lactose (the natural sugar found in milk), can also cause diarrhea.

Diagnosis and treatment

In most cases, diarrhea goes away within one or two days. Other symptoms that may accompany diarrhea, such as headache, weakness and drowsiness are most likely caused by dehydration. If diarrhea lasts more than 3-4 days, you should see a doctor. Your doctor may need to test a stool sample to determine whether your diarrhea is caused by an infection or a malabsorption of nutrients. If your diarrhea does not go away within 3 to 4 weeks, or if there is blood in your stool, your doctor may want to refer you for additional tests. diagnostic procedures, which may include: contrast radiography of the intestine, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy.

Choice special treatment for diarrhea depends on the cause of the disorder. If the patient needs to quickly relieve an attack, the doctor may prescribe antidiarrheal drugs, such as loperamide. The use of antidiarrheal drugs should be avoided if the disease is caused by bacterial infection, since such medications can prolong the course of the infection. Antibiotics are necessary only for the treatment of prolonged diarrhea with an established bacterial nature.

You can prevent dehydration or compensate for fluid loss using the following simple methods:

  • drink plenty of fluids, for example mineral water still, weak sweet tea or a ready-made anti-dehydration solution sold in a pharmacy;
  • While the symptoms of the disorder persist, be sure to drink at least 500 ml of liquid every 1–2 hours;
  • Do not give milk to children, because it may make diarrhea worse. However, if you suffer from diarrhea infant, should continue breastfeeding, and also give the child extra water;
  • do not be in the sun; You should stay in a cool place to prevent additional fluid loss through sweat.

Features of the development of the disease in children

Vomiting and diarrhea in children - vomiting and loose stools caused by allergies, infections, incl. digestive tract. More typical for children under 5 years of age. Risk factors depend on the cause of the disorder. Genetics and gender don't matter.

Bouts of vomiting and diarrhea often accompany the child in early childhood, but are more typical for children under 5 years of age. Vomiting and nausea usually go away within 24 hours, but diarrhea will have to be treated for several days. It is important to start treatment as quickly as possible because the child may become dehydrated.

Most cases of vomiting and diarrhea are caused by a viral or bacterial infection of the digestive tract. In young children, vomiting can be caused not only by a stomach infection, but also by any other infection, such as inflammation of the middle ear or, in rare cases, inflammation meninges. If the cause of vomiting is an infection, other symptoms will be noticeable, such as heat, lethargy and lack of appetite or thirst. A sick child may experience abdominal pain, cry and stomp his feet.

Chronic vomiting with diarrhea is usually not caused by infection, but is a symptom of other disorders, such as cow's milk protein allergy and gluten hypersensitivity.

If a child vomits for several hours, he or she will become dehydrated. The following symptoms are characteristic of it in childhood:

  • unusual drowsiness and irritability;
  • excretion of small amounts of concentrated urine;
  • sunken eyes (in newborns - retraction of the fontanel).

If a child with diarrhea and vomiting begins to become dehydrated, consult a doctor immediately. In most cases, these symptoms do not require special treatment. It is necessary to create all conditions so that the child drinks plenty of fluids, but do not give him fruit juices or too much milk. At first, dehydration can be prevented by means of restoring water balance, which are available without a doctor's prescription: they contain an optimal balance of minerals and salts. If your child's symptoms do not go away within 24 hours (or worsen), you should contact your doctor. He will check the water level and the presence of infection. If the child has severe dehydration he will be hospitalized and treated with drugs for parenteral administration. If the disorder is caused by food hypersensitivity, a diet may be recommended. As a rule, treatment is successful.

RCHR (Republican Center for Health Development of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Version: Archive - Clinical protocols Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2007 (Order No. 764)

Diarrhea and gastroenteritis suspected infectious origin(A09)

general information

Short description

Prolonged diarrhea an episode of diarrhea that begins as acute is considered but lasting 14 days or more.

Protocol code:P-P-019 "Diarrhea in children. Prolonged diarrhea."

Profile: pediatric
Stage: PHC

ICD-10 code(s): A09 Diarrhea and gastroenteritis suspected infectious origin


Classification (1-A):

1. Prolonged diarrhea - diarrhea lasting 14 days or more, but without symptoms of dehydration.

2. Severe prolonged diarrhea - diarrhea lasting 14 days or more and the presence signs of moderate or severe dehydration.

Risk factors and groups

Long or frequent use antibiotics, immunosuppressants, artificial feeding, history of infections, malnutrition,deficiency anemia, exudative-catarrhal diathesis, celiac disease, syndromemalabsorption (2-A; 4-A; 5-C).


Complaints and anamnesis:

Detailed information about the nature and volume of nutrition, drinking regime;

Nature and duration loose stool, uncharacteristic in consistency and frequency for a child of a specific age, 14 days or more (1-A).

Physical examination:

Frequent (more than 3 times/day), loose, watery stools with admixtures of mucus, greens, but without blood; possible flatulence, bloating;

Identifying signs of moderate or severe dehydration:

Restlessness or increased irritability;

Impaired consciousness (lethargy/low level of consciousness), sunken eyes;

Straightening of the skin fold (slow or very slow - more than 2 seconds);

Presence of thirst, the child drinks greedily or, on the contrary, drinks poorly, refusal child from eating or drinking, vomiting after any food or drink.

Identifying Signs of Dehydration(1-A):

Lethargic or unconscious

Sunken eyes

Cannot drink or drinks poorly

The skin fold straightens out very slowly(2 seconds or more)



If the patient has any 2 of the following signs:

Restless, painfully irritable

Sunken eyes

Drinks greedily, thirst

The skin fold straightens out slowly



If the patient does not have enough signs (only 1) to be classified as moderate or severe dehydration No dehydration

Laboratory research: A stool pH of 6.0 or more indicates the presence of persistent diarrhea; identification of opportunistic flora in diagnostic titers;with lactose tolerance test - low level blood glucose, sugar determinationin feces and urine (6-C).

Instrumental studies: No.

Indications for consultation with specialists: consultation with a gastroenterologist if there is no effect of treatment within 5 days.

List of basic and additional diagnostic measures:


Expanded general analysis blood;

The coprogram must include pH determination;

Bacteriological cultures for pathogenic 3-fold and opportunistic flora.


Consultation with a gastroenterologist;

Stool analysis for dysbacteriosis;

Lactose tolerance test.

Differential diagnosis

It is necessary first of all to exclude the presence invasive diarrhea (blood in the stool) and any symptoms of dehydration degrees:

If there is dehydration - severe, prolonged diarrhea and the patient is sent to the hospital;

No dehydration - treatment in an outpatient setting for 5 days (1-A).

Treatment abroad

Get treatment in Korea, Israel, Germany, USA

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Treatment Goals- normalize stool consistency and frequency accordingly child's age.

Non-drug treatment: Nutritional therapy plays a decisive role.

The diet is physiologically complete, with a normal content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, 6 times a day to achieve total energy value no dietless than 110 kcal/kg/day. Culinary processing: all dishes are cooked boiledor for a couple. Products that enhance the processes of fermentation and rotting are excluded.intestines, as well as strong stimulants of bile secretion, gastric secretion,pancreas, foods that irritate the liver ( fatty varieties meat,rich broths, smoked meats, whole milk, sauces and spices, chocolate, coffee,carbonated and cold drinks). The basis of the basic diet is complete orpartial elimination of presumably intolerant nutrients (lactose, proteincow's milk, sucrose, starch), for children on artificial feeding - adaptation of feeding, replacement of lactose mixtures with lactose-free ones containingcow protein substitutes or fermented dairy products(3daytime Biolact, Narine, etc.).
(2-A; 3-A; 5-C: 6-C)

Drug treatment:

1. Oral rehydration with ORS solutions.

If dehydration is present, hospitalization and rehydration therapy plan A, B or C (see relevant protocols).

If there are no signs of dehydration, preventive rehydration with solutions ORS (plan A): up to 2 years of age - 50-100 ml ORS after each loose stool,over 2 years old - 100-200 ml.
In case of impaired glucose absorption and deterioration
condition of the child (increase in stool volume, thirst and appearance of signsdehydration) requires IV rehydration in a hospital setting.

3. Zinc for 10 - 14 days at a dose: children up to 6 months. - 10 mg 1 time per day; over 6 months - 20 mg 1 time per day (4-A).

5. Lyophilized suspension of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - 10-15 doses/day. , 5 days.

6. Pancreatin 1000-2000 mg/day, 5 days.

Indications for hospitalization: any symptoms of dehydration severity or the presence of another serious disease.

List of basic and additional medications

Essential medications:

Zinc (4-A);

Folic acid;

Vitamin A;

Metabolic product normal microflora intestines containing organic acids, lyophilized suspension of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli;

Pancreatin (Creon).

Additional medications:


Combined probiotics.

Indicators of treatment effectiveness:

Relief of diarrhea;

Weight gain.


1. Exceptional breast-feeding up to 6 months

2. Avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics, especially under 2 years of age (2-A).


Sources and literature

  1. Protocols for diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Order No. 764 of December 28, 2007)
    1. References: 1. WHO Integrated Disease Management Program Childhood, module diarrhea (A); 2. Management of a child with a serious infection or severe violation nutrition. Guidelines for care in first-level hospitals in Kazakhstan. WHO, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2003 3. Feeding and nutrition of infants and children early age. Methodological recommendations for the European region with special emphasis on the republics of the former Soviet Union. WHO Regional Publications, European Series, No. 87 (A); 4. National Guideline Clearinghouse www.guideline.gov. Brief Summary/ Dyspepsia: managing dyspepsia in adults in primary care. (A) 5. Proceedings of the Intercountry Technical Consultation on Hospital Management of Diarrhea, Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 16-18, 2006. Presentation by WHO expert, Professor O. Fontaine (A). 6. Intestinal dysbiosis in children. A manual for doctors. Supplement to the journal "Pediatrics and Children's Surgery of Kazakhstan", Almaty, 2004. (C) 7. Malabsorption syndrome in children. Supplement to the journal "Pediatrics and Children's Surgery of Kazakhstan", Almaty, 2004. (WITH)


List of developers:

Golovenko M.V., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases, AGIUV. In June 2006, she was trained at a seminar on evidence-basedmedicine in Scientific center medical and economic problemshealthcare.

Kuttykuzhanova G.G., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department childhood infections of KazNMU.

Nauryzbaeva M.S., Ph.D., Head of the Research Center for IMCI at the Research Center for Pediatrics and pediatric surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Functional diarrhea is a disturbance in the functioning of the intestines, which results in a frequent urge to defecate. The stool becomes watery, and bowel movements occur at least 2-3 times a day.

This type of diarrhea is not a disease, but an unpleasant symptom often indicates the development of hidden disorders digestive system. How can functional diarrhea be cured, and does it have its own, specific symptoms? Let's talk.

Symptoms of functional diarrhea

The main difficulty of diagnosis is that symptoms can vary depending on the course of the disease. For example, functional diarrhea may be accompanied by diarrhea alone or in combination with constipation. And yet it is possible to highlight sample list symptoms, and here are the most common ones:

  • an increase in the amount of feces (up to 4–5 times a day), in which pathological impurities such as pus or blood do not appear;
  • pain may appear, but it disappears immediately after defecation;
  • pain may occur in the joints, sacrum and spine;
  • often functional diarrhea is accompanied by headaches;
  • in the first half of the day the urge to defecate becomes constant, and the person is tormented by the sensation incomplete emptying intestines.

The disease may occur without visible improvement or worsening for several years. At the same time, the person himself experiences anxiety,
the problem affects him emotional condition. Thus, with prolonged functional diarrhea, depression and the appearance of increased irritability are common.

The disease often develops against a background of stress, and it affects mainly people aged 30 to 50 years, with women being more susceptible to this disorder.

Sometimes functional diarrhea suddenly ceases to appear, and sometimes a person runs to the toilet every 2-3 hours. Despite the fact that the disease does not simultaneously cause any problems with well-being, against the background of the development of such a disorder, problems often arise in the gastrointestinal tract.

The main causes of the disease

Despite the fact that this problem is common, doctors cannot always tell why problems in the intestines have arisen. The most common reasons are 2:

  • increased sensitivity of the nerve endings in the rectum to the pressure of feces leads to the rapid release of the latter from the body;
  • disorders of the nervous system also affect the appearance of such chronic form diarrhea.

Against the background of severe nervous disorders or due to regular stress the problem appears most often. Thus, a person may experience functional diarrhea before defending a thesis or on the days of important interviews. Everything in the human body is interconnected, therefore severe stress causes deterioration of the entire gastrointestinal system.

Some experts believe that such disorders may be directly related to heredity. If a person’s parents felt the urge to defecate in stressful situations, then he himself may suffer due to the influence of a similar problem.

When a person is nervous, the body produces large quantities of adrenaline and other potent chemical substances. As a result, these substances affect the functioning of the central nervous system. Everything in the body accelerates functional processes, including work intestinal tract. The urge to defecate occurs more often, and the stool becomes liquid, but without impurities.


Typically, functional diarrhea goes away on its own after eliminating the factor that caused it. If the problem does not go away on its own within 3-4 days, you should consult a doctor. What drugs are most often prescribed by a specialist? This:

  1. Antidiarrheal drugs such as Imodium or Loperamide.
  2. Eubiotics are also prescribed, for example, “Baktisubtil”, “Bifiform”, “Linex”.
  3. Sorbents are prescribed, as well as astringents, in particular, “Smecta”, “Polyphepan”.

You can take such medications on your own, but there is a risk of not guessing the diagnosis. It is likely that the diarrhea is not due to nervous disorders, but with serious problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If after a couple of days the symptoms increase elevated temperature, heartburn or bloody stool, you should consult a doctor immediately. Functional diarrhea is not capable of causing such alarming symptoms, although it can bother a person for several weeks or even months.

Despite the fact that minor symptoms are not typical for this disease, in its long stage it can be extremely dangerous. So, due to frequent bowel movements, they are washed out of the body. useful microelements, dehydration occurs. Functional diarrhea, developing long time, can even lead to death, especially when it comes to the weakened bodies of children or elderly patients. In addition to taking medications, you need to drink sufficient quantity water to prevent dehydration.

Functional diarrhea often occurs modern man, accustomed to living under stress. You shouldn’t ignore it, because with the help modern drugs You can overcome the problem in just a couple of days.

A long period of time (more than six months) passes from the onset of symptoms to the diagnosis of the disease.

In children, the onset of symptoms of functional diarrhea occurs at birth or during kindergarten. Manifested by frequent bowel movements, without pain, more than 3 times a day. Feces are unformed and liquid every day for a month or more.

This type of diarrhea belongs to the group functional disorders intestinal tract. The main difference from irritable bowel syndrome is the absence pain symptom and discomfort during bowel movements. Functional diarrhea is prone to relapse; the presence of a mental component in the resulting illness is seen. Diarrhea is not a disease, but indicates the development of undiagnosed lesions internal organs.

Doctors are unable to fully explain why functional indigestion occurs. Medical statistics indicate an increase in patients motor function intestines, which leads to accelerated movement of contents through the internal channels of the intestines. As a result, the number of urges to evacuate increases, and poor absorption of fluid occurs in the lower intestinal tract. According to medical standards, in stool should contain no more than 60-70% moisture. In patients suffering from functional diarrhea, the rate increases to 75-90%.

Doctors believe that motility of the digestive tract and frequent urge to go to the toilet, recognized as symptoms of a functional disorder, manifest themselves in two cases:

  • 1 case. Disruption of the normal movement of food in the intestines is caused by the psychological and emotional state of the patient (chronic, acute or nervous stress).
  • Case 2. Excessive sensitivity of the nerve endings located in the inner walls of the intestines to fecal pressure.

In patients suffering from functional diarrhea, the urge to defecate occurs at the slightest stretch of the wall of the intestinal tract. The patient’s negative psycho-emotional state provokes increased motility of the digestive system, and the intestinal walls become more sensitive to irritation. This is observed in young animals: in children school age and students before exams. In adults, it develops before an interview or during new job. Conflicts with relatives and other situations associated with anxiety and uncertainty are also considered to be the cause. The impetus for the appearance of a functional disorder in the intestines can be any emotional stress, not only bad, but also positive: wedding, birth of a child, career At work.

Central nervous system responsible for and controls the functioning of all internal organs and systems of the body. A sharp change in a person’s emotional state leads to the release of adrenaline into the blood, acting as an irritant on the central nervous system. The result: accelerated organ function and disruption of nerve function, including increased movement of the digestive system.


The difficulty in diagnosing functional diarrhea lies in permanent shift symptoms depending on the course of the disease. Periods of diarrhea may be followed by periods of constipation. Doctors were able to identify symptoms and compile a list of the most common signs:

  • The excretion of feces increases up to 5 times a day. In this case, the stool does not contain any blood or pus.
  • Sometimes discomfort appears and goes away after the process of emptying the rectum.
  • Diarrhea is accompanied pain syndrome in the joints, spine and sacral area.
  • Patients experience headaches.
  • The first half of the day is characterized by an increased number of bowel movements with a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines.

The patient's condition with functional diarrhea does not get worse, and there is no improvement either. This can continue for several years. The patient is in a restless state because the situation that has arisen affects his emotional state. It has been noted that with diarrhea, a person experiences increased irritability and depression.

Chronic stress often causes functional disorders and diarrhea. People aged 30-50 years, mainly women, are at risk.

There are cases when diarrhea suddenly stopped, and then again the person felt a constant urge to go to the toilet. During the course of the disease there are no manifestations of problems in health. But diarrhea often leads to disturbances in the function of the gastrointestinal tract.


Diarrhea is a consequence of the resulting internal violation. For diagnosis and subsequent treatment, doctors use normative document ICD-10.

Classification of diarrhea according to ICD-10

ICD – international classification diseases. It was developed by an organization that unites doctors all over the world, providing a common understanding of diagnoses in medical practice. Actual information about diseases is contained in ICD-10.

The classifier contains data about the disease and what diseases can appear against its background. According to ICD-10, the difficulty of diagnosing diarrhea consists of many causes unrelated to the gastrointestinal tract.

Diarrhea is divided into types:

  • Osmotic diarrhea. The development of the disease occurs due to impaired absorption of moisture and incomplete digestion of food. Poorly digested food bolus and medications, moving in the intestinal passage, exert additional pressure on the walls of the organ, promoting water retention;
  • Hyperkinetic diarrhea. Motor activity of the intestines increases, manifested by overactive muscle contractions. This condition is caused by irritable bowel or excessive production of thyroid hormones.
  • Exudative diarrhea. Inflammation in the intestines provokes the appearance of this type of diarrhea. The situation worsens when liquid contained in small blood vessels.
  • . In the intestinal lumen, an increased amount of moisture and sodium is released. This process does not take place even in the absence of food. At the same time, the amount of feces decreases slightly. The reason for the appearance secretory diarrhea becomes negative impact on the intestines pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria.

What causes diarrhea:

  • Chemotherapy drugs.
  • Abuse of laxatives from folk recipes(hay, buckthorn).
  • Malignant or benign tumors.
  • Absorption dysfunction bile acids after surgery to remove part of the ileum.

According to ICD-10, the code for diarrhea of ​​an infectious nature is from A00 to A09, the non-infectious nature is code K52.9, the cause is other diseases - the code is set according to the underlying disease.

For reliable diagnosis diarrhea laboratory and instrumental methods examinations.

Instrumental examination: colonoscopy, gastroscopy, plain radiography of the abdominal area, ultrasound of the peritoneal organs, irrigoscopy.

Laboratory research: biochemical analysis blood, general blood test, feces for general analysis and dysbacteriosis, general urine analysis.

The diagnostic process will require consultation the following doctors: endocrinologist, urologist and gynecologist. If you suspect an emotional component of the disease, you should talk to a psychotherapist.


Therapy is carried out jointly by the doctor and the patient in an outpatient setting. Factors that provoke the occurrence of unpleasant symptom functional diarrhea. A plan is drawn up to reduce or eliminate the impact of the factor on the course of the disease. A diet is prescribed, usually changing during the course of treatment. The composition is being corrected diet menu, frequency of meals, amount of food. To solve the problem of dysbiosis, probiotics are prescribed, the use of which is also adjusted depending on the results of therapy.

To recover faster, patients are advised to minimize negative stressful situations or seek advice from a psychotherapist.

IN dietary ration there are no food products that provoke allergies, which leads to increased motor activity intestinal tract and the occurrence of flatulence. If persistent diarrhea gets worse while taking medications, the gastroenterologist decides on the need to change the drug that provokes increased bowel movements. The doctor also has the right to refer you for consultation to another specialist to adjust the treatment of the corresponding disease with pharmaceuticals.

Continued prolonged diarrhea is stopped with antidiarrheal drugs: Loperamide, Imodium and others similar medicines. Sorbents are prescribed to bind and remove toxins from the body, antacids are prescribed to neutralize acids. The daily dose of medication depends on the degree of damage and the patient’s individual data.

Clinical case of ineffectiveness of the measures taken therapeutic actions leads to the need to prescribe antidepressants to the patient.


Specifically for functional diarrhea preventive actions not developed. Stand out general rules, compliance with which will allow maximum protection against the appearance of external signs diseases:

  • Maintaining body hygiene. Wash your hands after going outside, before eating and after visiting the toilet.
  • Maintaining food hygiene. Be sure to wash vegetables and fruits. Conduct heat treatment products.
  • Try not to consume raw water or suspicious foods.
  • Eliminate foods that provoke an allergic reaction from your diet.
  • Stay calm and avoid stressful situations.

Functional diarrhea description

Functional diarrhea is a frequent urge to have bowel movements and/or frequent, loose, watery stools twice a day or more.

Functional (corticovisceral or nervous) diarrhea usually occurs in difficult periods life and/or emotional stress(before defending a dissertation, passing exams, making important decisions, prolonged stress, fear). Prolonged diarrhea can lead to dehydration and threaten the patient's life, especially in frail patients, young children or the elderly.

Functional diarrhea symptoms

Functional diarrhea is a disease that does not have general or local organic pathology and is characterized by:

A slight increase in stool frequency (from 2 to 4-6 times a day) without pathological impurities in the stool (blood, mucus, foam, bile and pus);

Severe pain, which in most cases decreases after defecation;

An imperative urge to defecate in the first half of the day and a feeling of incomplete bowel movement;

Absence of “alarm” symptoms indicating severe organic pathology - fever, anemia, unmotivated weight loss, increased ESR;

Pain in the joints, spine and sacrum;

Frequent paroxysmal migraine headaches;

Other subjective complaints are a feeling of lack of air, a lump in the throat, and the inability to sleep on the left side.

Highlight different variants course of irritable bowel syndrome, characterized by different symptoms abnormal stool frequency: frequent stool, constipation or alternating diarrhea and constipation.

A long course of the disease, which can last for years, without established cause diseases, and in most cases without dynamics towards worsening or improvement, significantly affects the neuropsychic status of patients (the majority are women from 30 to 40 years old). Therefore, there may be depressive states, phobias, which significantly increases the symptoms of irritable bowel, forming the so-called “ vicious circle" At the same time, stress has a specific effect on patients - the regulation of proper intestinal function is turned off and a stress attack causes hyperkinetic activation of the activity of the colon and small intestine, leading to functional diarrhea. Experts believe that patients suffering from functional (“ nervous diarrhea"or "bear disease"), have a hereditary predisposition to its development.

Functional diarrhea treatment

In most cases, the functional type of diarrhea goes away on its own within a few days, after elimination causative factor development of irritable bowel syndrome or nervous dyspepsia.

If you have diarrhea that lasts more than 3 days, you should consult a doctor. The local therapist prescribes an examination plan to establish a diagnosis, and, if necessary, refers to specialists - a gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist, who prescribe additional laboratory examinations(blood test, coprogram, bacterial culture of stool and others) and diagnostic procedures (contrast radiography of the intestine, colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy).

For true functional diarrhea, sedatives are prescribed medicines, tranquilizers, special diet And
