Circles in a child under the eyes - which means. How to properly establish the cause of the appearance of bruises (dark circles) under the eyes of the child. Bruisies under the eyes of a child

The crumble is quite small, and in the native face, incomprehensible bruises under the eyes. Is that possible? Do I need to run to the doctor, or is it a sign of fatigue and lack of sleep? Experts state that dark circles under the eyes of a child - causing concern that the cause of frequent appeal to the doctor.

Bruisies under the eyes of a child - to worry or not

Single cases of the appearance of bluish circles under the eyes do not indicate the presence of an ailment, moms can calm down. However, signaling about overwork or lack of sleep, they require to pay the closest attention to the regime. How long did Kroch spent on the TV on the day? Yes I. computer games Also must be strictly dosed. Lack of vitamins, prolonged stay in a stuffy room, decline physical activity - Real reasons for the periodic occurrence of blue circles.

It happens differently - the circles under the eyes of the child are manifested with enviable regularity or even ceased to disappear. This sign should alert parents and serve as a reason for medical consultation. Similar manifestations in combination with some other symptoms can convincingly indicate the presence of the disease.

Circles under the eyes of the child - the possible causes of their appearance

Circles in a child under the eyes can have different color shades, prompting about the reasons for their appearance:

- Blue - crumbosses are located very close to the surface of the gentle and thin skin. The reason is heredity, most likely, the nearest relatives also have such anomalies;

- blue - the overwork is guilty, it is possible to have a heart problem;

- dark purple, almost black - lack of iron, dehydration;

- reddish tint - allergic;

- brown - problems with liver or bile ducts;

- gray-yellow - raising the level of bilirubin in serum.

There are many factors affecting the appearance of bruises under the eyes of the child, each of which requires a special method of treatment. Therefore, it is worth considering them in more detail.

1. Glice invasion - the presence of unwanted "guests" not only paints in brownish color delicate skin under the eyes, but also causes a number unpleasant sensations - nausea, pain in underground area, irritability and restless sleep.

2. Dark circles under the eyes of the child, in combination with the swelling of soft tissues and the eyelids, can convincely indicate problems in activities gOOD SYSTEM. After various infections In the nasopharynx, caused by streptococci, the children are possible the development of inflammation of the shorteners of the kidneys, glomerulonephritis. Confirming the diagnosis of symptoms are pain in the lumbar region, increased temperature, shortness of breath, headache and problem urination.

3. Vegetically represented dystonia is a fairly frequent reason for the presence of circles under the eyes of a child. Related symptoms - Pallor and dizziness, headaches, weakness and fatigue, intolerance to the stuffiness.

4. Allergic to food, pollen of plants, domestic pets can cause reddish stains under the eyes, as well as in nasolabial folds, on the wings of the nose and cheeks. The doctor will help identify the culprit and restore former attractiveness. Such manifestations are possible in the presence of half anode, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis.

5. Chronic tonsillitis And, as its consequence, immunodeficiency. Additional symptoms - lump in the throat, the presence of a yellow or white color, pain when swallowing, frequent exacerbations. You can also add any newly transferred infection, weakening immune system.

6. Anemia - a lack of iron long before changes in blood test can manifest itself with bruises under the eyes of the child. This illness is especially dangerous for newborns. If the circles under the eyes of the child do not disappear for a long time and are combined with pallhy increased sleepyBut there are no changes in blood, the doctor prescribes regular control over the content of hemoglobin in the blood.

7. Adenoids are the lack of nasal respiration, nightpoint and snoring, circles under the eyes of a child - typical signs of their presence.

8. Injuries - bruises under the eyes of a child can be a consequence of the resulting impact on the upper half of the face. If the fracture of the nose bones occurred, there are peculiar "glasses" around the eye of the child. In this case, the doctor should be attached to the place of injury and be sure to see the doctor.

Dark circles under the eyes of the child can signal and the presence of other diseases - bronchitis, cholecystitis, colitis, hepatitis, problems with thyroid gland. Pediatricians note that almost any infection is accompanied by fever, as well as its chronic form, significantly reduces protective functions children's body and causes bruises under the eyes of a child, his pallor. Therefore, without professional assistance Parents could not do. Only a doctor, conducting the necessary research and comparing existing symptoms, can with confidence to put the correct diagnosis.

Attention! Sudden teen eye, sharp weakness and the appearance of deep shadows under the eyes signals about heart problems. Immediately call ambulanceยป!

How to determine the cause of bruises under the eyes of a child

First of all, mom needs to hurry with the appeal to the doctor. If necessary, the doctor appoints a kid survey - blood and urine tests, ultrasound examination, consultations from specialists:

- Cardiologist checks arterial pressure And prescribes an electrocardiogram. These examination methods help confirm or disprove availability. vegeta dystonia and congenital defects hearts;

- Nephrologist checks the work of the kidneys, you will need to pass additional urine tests and make an ultrasound;

- Neuropathologist will tell how to get rid of headaches, will help organize gentle regime, recommends soothing means.

Nobody spends the treatment of directly circles under the eyes of the child because of his absence. Finding the reason for the change of appearance, the doctor appoints comprehensive treatment, the successful result of which will also get rid of such a phenomenon like bruises under the eyes of the child. Pharyngitis and anemia, glice invasion and liver disease - course medical therapy aims to get rid of the underlying disease. It may include:

โ€” anticlineal drugs;

- immunostimulants;

- vitamins;

โ€” massotherapy.

If the doctor finds that bruises under the eyes of the child arose due to the presence of infectious damage internal organs, It is possible to use antibiotics.

How to make invisible bruises under the eyes of the child

We already know that the bruises and circles under the eyes of the child depend on the set of factors, and for their faster disappearance it is necessary to deal with the root cause. However, if for two-year-old kidsFor example, the change in appearance does not spoil the mood at all, then for older children it can cause complexes. Mommy can help with his younger daughters and make unattractive bruises less noticeable. For this there are many ways:

1. Cutting sachets from the cup with tea to the eyes and lie down for 10-15 minutes.

2. Silver spoons help, keep them for the same time.

3. Slices fresh cucumber Perfectly remove the swelling, whiten the skin and significantly reduce the circles under the eyes of the child.

4. Flat pieces of raw potatoes or mass of grated vegetable in a mixture with a small amount of milk returned elasticity, removed swelling, whiten. Hold 10-15 minutes.

5. Conventional slices of ice from the refrigerator will be perfectly replaced by washing and reliably remove the bruises under the eyes of the child.

6. Light I. effective exercisethat is even small - tightly clogged, to take up to six and widely open your eyes. Repeat it 10 times. Help I. light massage Supported area.

Circles under the eyes of a child - how to prevent their appearance

Perhaps a child just too tired? Often emerging bruises under the eyes of the child can be the result of an incorrectly organized mode. Night sleep Schoolchildren should not be less than eight hours, more younger kids additionally need holidays during the day. It is mistaken to assume that the seat takes off the fatigue accumulated per day. Much more efficiently - a walk through the Avenues of the Park, active games with friends, sports exercises with dad. Circles under the eyes of a child, subject to the absence of ailment, will never appear if the baby falls on time in a comfortable bed, sleeps in a well-ventilated room, it rests enough time, and atmosphere reigns at home mutual love and calm comfort.

The closest attention should be paid to the full and right nutrition, because the bruises under the eyes of the child may well appear due to avitaminosis or monotonous menu. The growing body of your child needs an appropriate age minerals, vitamins, dairy products and fresh vegetables.

It is not worth going on the capricist and for dinner or breakfast to delight his chips with sweet soda - besides harm, you will not get anything from such nutrition. Every day the child should get rich in iron products - chicken yolk, buckwheat, liver, sea cappist, raisins, black currant, apples and walnuts.

A child with dark circles under the eyes - the phenomenon is not rare. Someone has them from birth and remain for the whole life, for other children it is a situational sign, a symptom of formed individual characteristics, physiological response to some factors or a sign of a starting disease. What reasons dark circles In the eye area, there are methods of prevention and symptoms of what diseases may be similar "bruises"?

Children are characterized thinner than in adulthood, skin, especially in the eye area. Proximity to the surface and concentration of blood vessels in the field of the lower eyelid contribute to changing the color of the skin.

As a rule, such features are hereditary, and if the circles under the eyes of the child, as well as some swelling of the lower eyelid, "bags" are observed against the background of complete health and are also distinguishable for the nearest relatives, it is likely that it is an individual feature like a form The nose or eye color, and therapy does not require.

But it is not necessary to confuse genetically inherited features and dark circles disappearing after rest, improving nutritional conditions, lifetime, establishing a day mode. Simplicity refers to pathological manifestations, the reaction of the body to unfavorable conditions.

It is for the reason that in children in the field of the lower eyelid, thin skin and the accumulation of blood vessels are noted, dark circles may occur as a consequence of an abnormal load on the body. The movement and composition of blood change, the color of the skin becomes darker. Such "bruises" under the eyes can be observed during infectious and somatic diseases. But often they testify to household factors provoking a negative reaction.

In the first place among the "household" reasons for changing the color of the skin around the eyes there are violations of the mode of sleep and wake. Insufficient or intermittent due to high nervous load sleep, overexcitation before placing in bed, games, especially computer, reading in bed, and for preschoolers - skip day sleep Do not allow the child to receive the required amount of recreation hours, and its quality is significantly reduced.

Lack of oxygen, long stay in a stuffy room, hypodynamine also affect the composition of the blood and the effectiveness of blood supply to tissues. This is the second prevalence of the Synyakov's cause under the eyes of both children and adults.

At school age, when a child partially passes to uncontrolled independent meals (and sometimes with parents' condustion and feeding), the third reason is added: diet violations. Chips, dry breakfast, sweets, carbonated drinks with lots of synthesized additives and low nutrient value, Fast food, factory cooking food violates metabolism. The child does not receive the necessary nutritional components, imminent immunity, the composition of the blood changes.

Overwork due to an overpriced or uneven load, inability to organize a day mode, unnecessary schoolboy requirements educational institution or parents, attempts to have time for classes in the "Drumkruzh, a circle in the photo" negatively affect both the physical component of health and on nervous system. There is also no full-fledged night rest in this case. The result is numerous illnesses, including instability for seasonal infections, irritability, sleep disorders and, of course, circles under the eyes.

Prevention B. this case quite simple by definition, but it is often difficult to follow the rules healthy image Life without changing the habits of all family members.

Prevention household reasons The appearance of circles under the eyes includes:

Prevention against the background of an existing immunity reduction may also be in the reception vitamin preparations For choosing a pediatrician.

Changing the skin color in the field of the lower eyelids or around the eye can also be a symptom of development pathological conditions, dysfunctions and diseases of internal organs. With suddenly appearing "bruises" under the eyes of the child should contact the pediatrician.

Bruisies under the eyes of a child is a fairly common problem. Sometimes they even have an infants. But it is not always connected with some diseases. It happens that dark circles under the eyes are observed in one family for several generations. Often circles in the child appear suddenly in 3-5 years. Sometimes they are associated with overwork and constant inappropriateBut sometimes with a deficiency of iron and even more serious diseases. But it is not necessary to panic when they appear. Timely appeal to the doctor will help put accurate diagnosis And begin treatment.

The reasons

In many children, the appearance of dark circles is due to the individual characteristics of blood vessels that are too close to the skin. The fact is that the skin is around the eyes and 4 times thinner than on the face. And here subcutaneous tissue on the lower eyelids Hardly ever. The skin thickness is about 0.5 mm, so it is shifted through it blood vessels. When in the capillaries in this area is stagnant venous blood (and oxygen, in contrast to arterial, there is no), then the child has a dark leather under the eyes, it becomes a dark shade precisely because of the close position of vessels. Such a feature of the skin and vessels can be inherited. Then the bruises under the eyes will be observed even in a newborn. If other family members also have dark circles under the eyes and no chronic diseases internal organs, then worry about nothing. But to show the child to the doctor still stands.

There are other reasons why bruises with bruises under the eyes appear. They can be reduced to the following:

The reason may be some congenital abnormalities of ENT organs. In such cases, it often happens that the circles become more noticeable in crude and cool weather, and they can be practically not visible in warmth.

Characteristic symptomatics

Dark circles under the eyes of their tint can talk about what is happening in the body. If the eyes are encountered blue colorThis is the result of the fact that the vessels go close to the skin. This condition does not require intervention. Red eyes testify to fatigue, that the child was sitting in front of the computer monitor. In such cases, eye proteins covers the hacked vascular mesh, the skin around the eye blushes, and then darkens. So blue and purple circles under the eyes say that the child is needed by rest. Sometimes red eyes are at a cold, but in this case there are quite obvious additional symptoms - cough, runny nose, etc. Red eyes are characteristic of those who suffer allergies. If the circles are so dark that they seem black, this is a sign of anemia, lack of iron or dehydration of the body.

Blue and purple circles Around the eye can be a sign of cardiovascular diseases. This is characteristic of heart defect. In such cases, blood circulation is disturbed, the amount of reduced (i.e. outside the compound with oxygen) increases hemoglobin.

With kidney diseases, additional symptoms are pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back, problems with urination, temperature rise, weakness. Similar symptoms can give problems with the liver. But the skin around the eye acquires a yellowish gray shade. This is due to the increase in the level of bile pigment of bilirubin. Sometimes the skin around the eye acquires a brownish shade. This speaks about the diseases of the gallbladder.

Dark circles, accompanied by an edema, give adenoids, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other diseases. They are characterized by such symptoms as an increase in temperature, headache, weakness and general signs Inxication, sore throat, etc. Some kidney diseases are a consequence of the same nasopharynx infection, which causes pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Therefore, it is necessary to treat these diseases when the first signs appear.

In cases where bruises are caused by overwork or dehydration of the body, can cope with them on their own. But there are situations when you need to immediately consult a doctor:

  1. 1. If dark circles appeared suddenly. Weakness are observed and difficulty breathing. The child itself is pale and sluggish. This testifies to heart disease, so you need to immediately call ambulance.
  2. 2. When the appearance of dark circles is accompanied by a pallor or yellowing of the skin, an increase in temperature, stomach pain. This speaks of liver or kidney disease. If the pain is strong, and especially localized in the loin area, you need to call an ambulance, as it can be renal colic.
  3. 3. If dark circles appear under the eyes, headaches often arise, the child torments permanent thirst, there is a sharp increase in weight. This is a reason to turn to the endocrinologist. In children, such pathologies are also dangerous in what can lead to a delay in growth and development.

The exact diagnosis will install only the doctor. To do this, he can designate additional research โ€“ general analyzes blood, urine and feces, radioscopy of organs chest, Ultrasound. We will have to go to the reception not only to a cardiologist or nephrologist, but also to a gastroenterologist or an otolaryngologist.

How to get rid of?

The symptomatic treatment of dark circles under the eyes of the child does not exist. After all, they can be caused by the most different diseases. Treatment is aimed at eliminating their cause. If it is influenza or ORVI, then give antiviral drugs, if a bacterial infections - Antibiotics.

With a terretous dystonia used sedatives (Basically, these are publicly available drugs of Valerian, hawthorn and mother-in-law), but sometimes nootropics (diazepam, piracetam, etc.). And at cartoons, and with hypovitaminosis, the doctor prescribes complex vitamin and microelement drugs, glycine and glutamic acid. It is necessary to take them strictly in the dosage specified by the specialist. ITRs can prescribe stimulants on vegetable basis - Celebrations of lemongrass and Eleutherococcus.

If dark circles under the eyes are caused by problems with peripheral and cerebral blood circulationIt requires drugs to restore normal microcirculation. These can be Cavinton and Cinnarizin, nicotinic acid.

With elevated intracranial pressure Dehydration therapy is needed associated with eliminating excess fluid. For this purpose is prescribed diakarb, which has a diuretic effect. It is prescribed with potassium preparations.

Close attention requires endocrine pathology and kidney disease in children. And the kidney problems in the child are usually secondary and due to the presence of diabetes or congenital autoimmune diseases. Some of them are treated only in a hospital, for others, it is enough to use drugs like Kanefron N.

Of folk remedieswhich can be removed bruising under the eyes, the binds are recommended. They are effective only for those cases when the circles are caused by overwork and inclipboard. You can make a row of cold milk, from tea welding, you can even just put on a piece of fresh cucumber or sliced \u200b\u200bof raw potatoes.

Prevention of circles under the eyes of a child is no less important than treatment. Child needed full holiday And a dream from 8 hours a day. This is especially true of schoolchildren who, in addition to homework, are often visited by various circles and sections. Perhaps something will have to refuse. Especially since another reason for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, some experts consider stress. From parents need to be traced that the child be more in the fresh air, not overwhelmed, he needs to provide positive emotions. When stress, the doctor may prescribe the sedatives mentioned above.

Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by an excessive visual load. So the time spent before the screen of the TV, laptop or any other gadget should be limited. Schoolchildren need to make gymnastics for the eyes. The child needs and full-fledged food in which everyone would required vitamins and trace elements.

The skin located near the eye is very thin and sensitive. And the appearance of ethnic or black circles - as the first bell of unwanted, occurring inside the body. Many parents are familiar to such a situation when dark circles appear under the eyes under the eyes. And they appear not only in children school age, but also in crumbs under the age of 3 years.

Momchka should be immediately identified, because often the circles are not a signal of excessive loads that the child is experiencing and not at all in insomnia. This can declare himself attached a disease. Therefore, it is advisable to clarify which factors provoked a change in the color of the skin under the eyes of a child.

Causes for concern

If the appearance of circles refers to isolated cases, there are no reasons for excitement. They only sign the fact that the child is overwritten or laid. It requires a review of the day mode, and allocating more time to sleep and rest. And restrictive measures to access the computer and long viewing of television gear. Deficiency, storage stick, lack of sports activity worsens not only appearance, but also the body as a whole.

Attentive mom will notice if the sinusiness under the bottom centuries begins to appear regularly. And this is already a reason to visit the doctor. Circles under the eyes in combination with other symptoms can signal about the occurrence of the disease.

Often parents are trying to independently establish the cause without referring to help in medical institution. Since they know the baby's regime, its food and the degree of workload during the day. Naturally, stress, physical exercise, poor nutrition can lead to dark circles. But this phenomenon is more often from schoolchildren than in children of breasts.

To the common reasons for the appearance of dark spots include:

See also:

Cough and runny nose without temperature in infants: Prevention measures

Parents should not be diagnosed independently. The baby needs to show a pediatrician who will identify the cause and prescribe a medical course.

Parents' actions

Purple, pink, reddish or dark spots Under the eyes can be a different shade. It depends on the individual characteristics of the baby and the body that gives a signal about the presence of a problem.

There are some ways using which can be removed blue under the eyes:

  • Revision of the child's power. Daily diet Be sure to consist of juices, vegetables, fruits, soup and meat.
  • Exclude fast foods, chips and sweet soda.
  • A schoolchild boy needs to be diverted to full Son. About 8 hours a day. Crocham also requires afternoon sleep, not less than 2 hours.
  • Walking. They are mandatory for children of all ages.
  • It is recommended to monitor the amount of fluid that the child drinks throughout the day.

When the kid wakes up with dark circles under the eyes, it is sluggish, apathetic and dried, probably worth reconsider and more rationally distribute the load assigned to the child? Perhaps baby requires rest. If you do not take action on time, then the case does not limit dark circles - the child is guaranteed breakdown and physical exhaustion.

Important: Finding out the reason for the appearance of circles under the eyes, it is necessary to eliminate it and provide good care.

Signals of probable diseases

It is believed that the change in the color of the skin under the eyes of the crumbs is an internal failure signal. In school children - it may be a sign of emotional fatigue or as a result of active sports. When the color of the skin is changed under the eyes, you should not wait for everything to be resolved everything, but go to the reception to a specialist.

Dark circles are signals about possible diseases, bronchitis, or thyroid failure. Any infection by the forces instantly weaken the immune system of the child and cause the appearance of bruises under the eyes and the pallor of the skin. Without professional medical care not enough. Only a pediatrician based on research and when comparing symptoms will put, accurately diagnoses, and blocks the cause of the circles.

Prevention of ailment

Despite the detected pathology, the prevention of circles is desirable to be carried out systematically. To do this, it is necessary to take the following measures:

  • Eliminate long-term physical and mental load of the child
  • Teaching daily hygiene
  • Walking and active games on the street
  • Properly built food
  • Harmonious day of the day, in which time is distributed to classes, recreation, sports and hobbies
  • Hardening
  • In case cold illness do not do home treatment, but contact the clinic
  • With a tendency to allergies, exclude the contact of the child with an allergen

Give an accurate answer why black circles appear under the eyes difficult. This pathology can be corrected by cosmetics, changing the routine of the day and. But maybe the skin color is distorted due to hidden Disease. Be careful to your baby, watch the appearance of changes on the face of the child and do not ignore the help of specialists. And remember golden Rule The fact that the disease is easier to prevent than then long and expensive to treat.

Jul 7, 2016 Violetta Leak

According to the statistics of each third baby, bruises or circles under the eyes can be observed. In this regard, parents are worried about a few questions. Do you need to keep your child to experts or everything will do it? Bruises - Is it just a result of inappropriate and fatigue? We will try to figure out and find answers to these questions.

The child appeared bruises under the eyes: all causes of dark circles under the eyes of children in the table

If the bluette circles under the eyes of the child rarely appear - Parents can calm down slightly. In this case, the cause of the appearance of blue circles can be:

  • long seating with a TV or computer;
  • insufficient finding outdoors;
  • not adherence to sleep mode.

Remove the bruises in this case will help compliance with the day of the day. If the bruises do not disappear under the eyes - it is necessary to visit the doctor. Especially if dark circles are not the only symptomCorrection.

There are some symptoms that prompt causes of circles appearance, namely their color shades. Of course, only in color, no doctor will make a diagnosis, one way or another will need full examinationHowever, the direction of finding the main reason will give.

What does the color of dark circles say under the eyes?

  1. Circles under the eyes have blue - Most likely it is hereditary anomaly. That is, the vascular from your baby is too close to the skin surface.
  2. Blue colour - Most likely your baby is overwhelmed. However, blue circles can signal and heart problems.
  3. T. emno violet circles They talk about the dehydration of the body and the lack of iron.
  4. Circles reddish color - warn about allergies.
  5. Brown bruises - Problems with the liver.
  6. Gray-yellow Under the eyes, most likely, talks about increased quantity Bilirubin in the blood.

I would like to emphasize once again, the color shades are just one of additional symptoms. To put an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a full survey from specialists.

Causes of bruises under the eyes in children

The reason for the appearance of bruises under the eyes in children Additional symptoms
Heredity Blue circles under the eyes of the baby - most often the result of the genetic code. That is, blue circles were used in several generations. Thin skin, as well as the genetic features of the structure of the eye, is the reason for the appearance of blue circles under the eyes.

Skin cover in the region of the eyelid is especially fine and gentle, because there is no fat stalls anatomically here. That is why blood vessels in these places shine more intensively. Blue vascular becomes noticeable.

So, blue circles under the eyes of the baby do not apply any harm, and parents can calm down and carefully look at their eyes in the mirror.

Fatigue / Overwork / Violation of the Mode How much time does your child spend from a TV or computer? How often does he walk? Is sports? What is the lighting in the children's room? Is he familiar with such a thing as a day of the day? "Answer yourself to these questions, and you will become clear - why your baby has circles or bruises under the eyes from time to time. As a rule, they have blue.

Additional symptoms in this case can be: headache, rubbed in eyes, lethargy, bad sleep. Actually your child on this moment Healthy, but, continuing such a lifestyle, he will certainly undermine his health. The blue circles under the eyes are the first signal that should be in urgent to revise the mode and lifestyle of your child. Take care of your baby's health. At this stage, it all depends on you - parents.

Avitaminosis The disadvantage in the body of any vitamin leads to a rather serious disease - avitaminosis. Avitaminosis can lead to very serious consequences And circles under the eyes - this is only the top of the iceberg. Avitaminosis causes serious problems With leather. The kid can develop eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.

The child disappears, he loses in weight, his teeth and hair begged.

There is a violation in growth, muscle dystrophy may occur.

The child often sick, begins to lag in development.

He often complains about joint pain.

Once again we want to note that vitaminosis is serious disease and unsystematic feeding by vitamins does not help here. With any of the above symptoms, it is necessary to urgently undergo a full examination.

Unbalanced nutrition As studies have shown, more than 70% of moms feed their children incorrectly. For example, of three children aged from one year to three years, only two children get sufficient number gland. But the protein most kids are obtained in unnecessary. The nutritional situation is most acute in children after a year. Since most kids up to a year receive maternal milk, in which there is everything for proper nutrition. Yes, and pediatricians in this period of life of the baby constantly monitor and advise young mammies.

As soon as the child turned the year, the situation is radically changed. And the statistics given above are convincingly proven. At the age of three years, each fourth baby has overweight. And this may later lead not only to bags under the eyes, but also to, cardiovascular diseases, Delay in development, etc.

The main symptoms that can be determined that something is wrong with the nutrition:

1. Bad mood, apathy. Lack of vitamins of group B, lack of omega-3 acids.

2. Permanent hunger.

3. Irritability, plasticity.

4. Brush nails and hair. Lack of vitamin E, a, calcium, vitamin D.

5. Bad memory. Insufficient amount of iron.

6. Dry skin, cracks appearance, bruises under the eyes.

Make a diet balanced nutrition Pediatrician will help children's doctor nutritionist.

Cleers It is that the main reason Many chronic diseases. As a rule, helminths are activated at the time when a person decreases immunity.

How to determine that the child has worms? - This question is worried about all parents. First of all, it regularly take tests for the presence of worms.

What symptoms should make parents consult a doctor?

General weakness, nervousness, bad appetite, Restless sleep.

Pain sensations in the abdomen. Stool violation, increased gas formation.

Anemia - Malokroviya.

Frequent toxic-allergic reactions.

Anemia / lack of iron in the body This disease is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin levels and an insufficient number of erythrocytes in the blood. Anemia in the people is often referred to as Malokrovia. The main reason for the development of anemia is most often becoming a lack of iron in the blood. Symptoms of anemia:

1. Pale skin Covers, Bruisies under the eyes.

2. Liver nails, secant hair.

3. Pale uches.

4. Cracks in the corners of the lips, on the palms.

5. lethargy, plasticity, superficial sleep.

6. Violation of the cardiovascular system.

7. Redued appetite, constipation or diarrhea.

We listed far from all symptoms of anemia. But already it becomes clear that there are bad jokes with this disease. You can not postpone the visit to the doctor.

Chronic nasophary diseases Tonnsillitis chronic, as a rule, leads to immunodeficiency.

The presence of adenoids is also frequent cause circles under the eyes.

Children complain of a lump in her throat, they hurt them. In the throat and in the language there is a white or yellow raid.

With adenoids, breathing is hampered at the kid, he scribes at night and screens.

Allergy Allergy is very often the cause of red circles under the eyes. Allergies can cause: food, animal wool, plants pollen, etc. The child scratches eyes, becomes irritable and fusible. Very often, red spots appear on the cheeks and wings of the spout.
Caries The child should immediately show the dentist. Caries can lead to the most serious negative consequences.
Vegeta dystonia Skin covers are pale, the child complains of headaches and weakness. He can't carry a foolot.
Injuries This reason is known to all parents. The child hit or hit his opponent. However, if the baby appeared at the symptom of "points", then it is necessary to urgently go to the surgeon, in order to exclude the nasal fracture.
Liver diseases Early diagnosis of liver diseases plays great value in further treatment. Remember this and try not to miss the beginning of the disease. To the development of liver diseases can lead: cholestatic disorders, toxic effects, hereditary violations metabolism. For example, diabetes. During the diagnosis, it is rather difficult, since the main symptom is the increased liver size. And only the doctor can be placed with this symptom. What can the parents see:

the jaundice of the scool and skin, a colorless chair and dark colors of urine, brown circles under the eyes.

The main reasons for the appearance of bruises under the eyes of the child up to the year

Causes of dark circles under the eyes of the first year of life:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Complicated childbirth.
  • Unbalanced Mom Menu.

Let us dwell in more detail on the last factor - on the nutrition of a nursing mother. After all, the health of the baby directly depends on its nutrition. Therefore, after his birth (especially in the first months), the mother must adhere to a strict diet. New dishes in its diet must be included gradually. Parents must track the reaction of the infants for each new product. The nursing mothers menu should include: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, alimentary fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Approximate diet of a nursing mother:

  • Non-fat meat - daily. Rabbit, turkey, chicken, veal.
  • Non-fat fish.
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, cheese, ryazhenka, kefir - daily.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Ceres.
  • Creamy and vegetable oil.
  • Pasta without eggs.
  • Nuts.
  • Herbal teas, frost, wild rose.

Dark circles under the eyes in children - how to quickly cure the cause?

  1. First of all adjust the day of the day Child.
  2. Try spend more time with a child on the street .
  3. Take up with baby sports exercises.
  4. Limit the TV and the game on the computer.
  5. Carefully treat diet And for mom (if a child is on breastfeeding), and for the baby.
  6. Regularly p helling a children's room and make wet cleaning in it.

In addition, it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor, to undergo a survey and establish the exact cause of the appearance of bruises under the eyes. If necessary, timely start the course of treatment.

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