Emergency concentration tablet. Action of emergency means. Contraindications for use

During sexual intercourse, something unexpected can happen, it can happen contrary to circumstances, or a woman, while preparing for it, forgets to use contraceptives. All these events require urgent measures, especially if they occurred during the period when the lady entered the ovulation phase. Emergency contraception as a method of protection against unwanted pregnancy It lives up to its name and is used quite often. The main requirement for it is the use contraception no later than three days after sexual contact.

In what cases is EC needed?

Firefighter, as it is also called, contraception must be truly operational. The sooner a contraceptive is used, the higher the likelihood that an unwanted pregnancy can be avoided. In addition, her methods must be used strictly according to the instructions, otherwise the desired effect may not be achieved.

Contraceptives, which are classified as emergency contraception, contain a critical dose of hormones that actively affect the woman’s body. They do not allow sperm to penetrate into the uterine cavity, and create unfavorable conditions for the egg to attach to the endometrium.

The great advantage of such products is their availability, no need for a prescription and constant availability in pharmacies.

Urgent use of special-purpose contraceptives is required if:

  • people did not plan sexual contact and were not ready for it;
  • the man's condom broke;
  • the woman forgot about taking contraceptives daily;
  • her IUD or cervical cap fell out;
  • the partner was unable to control himself, using the tactic of interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • ejaculate by various reasons still got into the woman’s genital tract;
  • the numbers in the calendar were mixed up;
  • spontaneous peeling occurred contraceptive patch;
  • the next injection of the drug was missed;
  • rape happened, etc.

All these unpleasant circumstances may well lead to an unwanted pregnancy, and if the partners are not spouses or are not connected by love, then in the event of the birth of a child, an excessive burden will fall on them.

It also happens that a husband and wife are not yet planning to expand their family due to housing or financial circumstances and are preparing for parenthood a little later.

Representatives of the fair sex who have recently become mothers and are in their period breastfeeding, it is advisable to avoid the use of such EC methods. And yet, if they are necessary, they can only be used once. But in this case, you can continue to breastfeed the baby only after a day or another period of time when the drug is completely removed from the body.

Despite the fact that such contraceptives are not the method of choice for preventing unwanted pregnancy, they are still preferable to abortion. Therefore, it is better to use them at the right time.

And it’s even better to be careful and not get involved random connections, carefully monitor the phases and intake of daily contraceptives.

In addition, do not forget that most emergency contraception methods are not able to protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Failure to conceive also does not guarantee the occurrence of negative reactions in the body. Therefore, after using such drugs, it is still advisable to donate blood for infections, do a smear for microflora, and also undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

EC methods and methods

Are used various options protection against unwanted pregnancy. The first type of contraceptives contains levonorgestrel. These drugs must be taken once no later than three, maximum four days that have passed since the intimate meeting. It is also possible for a woman to take one tablet twice every twelve hours. This is enough reliable method contraception, suppressing the ovulation phase.

This method of protection from unplanned pregnancy reliable about seventy percent of the time. How faster woman If she takes the necessary emergency contraception, the more confident she is that fertilization will not occur.

These drugs are quite safe, they have minimal negative influences on the body. But they are not suitable for permanent use. Excessive enthusiasm for them can lead to failure menstrual cycle and changes in hormonal levels.

Second type of contraceptives represents intrauterine device With high content copper It must be urgently implanted no later than five days after sexual intercourse. Installation of an IUD may also become reliable protection from unwanted conception.

The action of the intrauterine device is reduced to the chemical contact of the ions of the substance with the vaginal mucus. They negatively affect both the ejaculate and the egg. This method of protection is almost one hundred percent effective.

After the IUD is installed, a woman can use it for three to five years, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations. After this, she will decide for herself whether to continue using the IUD or choose another method of contraception.

This emergency method cannot be used if pregnancy has already occurred. In addition, individual intolerance to copper must be taken into account.

The third type of contraception is the use of daily combined oral contraceptives containing the hormones estrogen and gestagen. They should be taken according to a certain scheme: take two tablets immediately after sexual contact and two more twelve hours later.

When taking these drugs, you may experience various adverse reactions in the form of nausea or even vomiting. Therefore, if this happens within an hour after taking the contraceptive, then you need to take another pill. It is better to endure the unpleasant sensations right away, as they will soon pass and do not create additional stress on the body.

Means and preparations for emergency contraception

You can take a closer look at these effective methods for EC.

Application pharmacological drugs includes pills that dramatically change hormonal background women. For urgent protection against unwanted pregnancy, contraceptives containing Levonorgestrel or Mifepristone are used.

Levonorgestrel-dominant drugs(Postinor, Escapelle or Eskinor F):

  • stop the process;
  • prevent the appearance of an egg formed from a follicle;
  • affect the composition of vaginal and uterine mucus.

These effects make it possible to create unfavorable conditions for the fertilization process.

In addition, they do not allow the egg to gain a foothold in the endometrium. Fallopian tubes stop actively contracting. The internal structure of the mucous membrane of the organ also changes, which leads to its rejection. After taking Postinor or Escapel, uterine bleeding immediately begins and does not stop for several days. Sometimes it coincides with the beginning of menstruation.

If a sperm penetrates the uterine cavity and manages to reach the egg, it will still not be able to attach to the endometrium. The embryo will not develop. The cells will die or remain immobilized and come out along with the ensuing bleeding.

Contraceptives containing Mifepristone(Zhenale, Miropriston, Mifegin or Pencrofton) also effectively stop the ovulation phase, affect the epithelium lining inner surface uterus, do not allow it to interact with the egg, and also create conditions unsuitable for fertilization. The organ itself significantly increases its tone and enhances contractility, which prevents pregnancy from occurring.

Combined contraceptives, taken according to the relevant recommendations (Logest, Marvelon, Mercilon, Microgynon, Miniziston, Novinet, Regulon, Rigevidon or Femoden). They actively influence the general hormonal background of a woman, thereby making the process of fertilization absolutely impossible. These pills are slightly less effective and are approximately eighty percent reliable. In addition, they have a range of plugging actions.

About application high copper intrauterine device has already been described in detail. It should be implemented no later than the fifth day following the sexual contact. Ions chemical substance actively influence the secretion secreted by the female genital organs, preventing possible fertilization. It is better not to use this method of contraception for women who do not yet have children, and especially for those who suffer from any diseases. For healthy women who have given birth, this method of contraception is recommended due to the fewest side effects.

Whether the contraceptive worked can be determined by some characteristic features. These include the following important factors:

  • menstruation did not appear three days after using EC;
  • instead of them, weak ones arose bloody issues;
  • breast enlargement began with swelling of the nipples;
  • the woman feels sleepy all the time;
  • she feels marked weakness, etc.

These signs indicate an incipient pregnancy. Therefore, before using any drug, you must carefully read the instructions for use attached to it. Any minor mistake can lead to fertilization occurring.

Folk remedies EC

Many women quite effectively use home methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy. They were used by our distant ancestors when there were no methods of contraception.

Folk remedies are especially indicated in cases where it is not possible to carry out any other procedure to protect against fertilization (the partners are in a distant village or the woman has many contraindications).

Of course, it is advisable to use more reliable methods of protection, but in such cases you have to get out of this situation on your own.

Folk methods of emergency contraception most often include:

  • Vaginal microenema with citric acid. The solution is prepared as follows. A glass of boiled water is mixed with freshly squeezed juice or a teaspoon of the substance. After this, the stream is directed into the vagina and the product should remain there for at least ten minutes. Then you need to wash yourself well so as not to burn the mucous membranes.
  • Application of manganese. Should not a large number of dissolve the powder in a glass of water and douche. The solution must be pink, otherwise severe damage may occur. internal cavity organs. Acidic environment prevents motor activity sperm. In this case, also after the procedure, you need to wash yourself thoroughly with a large amount of soap that creates an alkaline environment.
  • Peel the lemon fruit, separate one segment and place it in the vagina. A sharply acidic pH will create extremely unfavorable conditions for conception. After using this method, exposure to a large amount of soap is also necessary.
  • In a similar way An Aspirin tablet introduced into a woman’s genital tract works, which also creates a sharply acidic environment, neutralizing the activity of sperm.
  • Immediately after sexual intercourse, a quarter of a piece of laundry soap should be placed in the vagina, after wetting it. It should remain there for about half a minute, then it is removed and thoroughly washed with plenty of water.

It is not recommended to use these methods constantly. They can be used no more than three times a year. But, as a one-time emergency remedy, they are quite reliable. All of them have side effects and negatively affect the mucous membrane of the female genital tract. In addition, they are capable of causing strong allergic reactions.


Emergency contraception, as already mentioned, should only be used in the most extreme cases. But even so, there are a number of contraindications to it.

The most common ones include:

These diseases do not allow you to quickly remove drugs from a woman’s body and provoke an exacerbation in her chronic diseases and increase the symptoms of inflammation.

In addition, even healthy women should not use EC constantly, much less take it into service as a daily contraceptive. This method can cause a number of complications in the body. Even its one-time use is permissible only if emergency, but it is completely unsuitable for regular use.

Side effects

However, even women who use emergency contraception only occasionally may experience a number of negative responses from the body. Among them, the most common is a disruption of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of bleeding in the middle, a significant delay or too much early start next menstruation. The process itself may also undergo dramatic changes. The discharge can become extremely scanty or excessively abundant, disappear completely within three days or drag on for ten days.

The duration of the menstrual cycle also changes in any direction, and there is also a loss of its regularity.

EC, as already mentioned, should only be used in the most extreme cases. And women must not forget that sperm are capable of long time remain in the genital tract, therefore, after the expiration of these contraceptives, nothing will interfere with the possibility of fertilization.

Besides, great value has a time factor. The sooner a certain drug was applied, the more reliable the result.

Despite the presence of a large number of side effects, women actively use emergency contraception. It is better to choose such contraceptives in advance in consultation with a gynecologist and have them in the house only for extreme case. Sometimes it becomes the only means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex take this risk in order to avoid even more severe consequences in the form of an abortion.

After using emergency contraception, a woman needs to think about her choice permanent method protection that more reliably protects against the possibility of unforeseen conception, and also has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

Of course, if a woman is responsible for her health, she carefully considers the best way to protect herself from all the troubles associated with the intimate side of relationships. But it is impossible to foresee everything all the time. Life is multifaceted, and the surprises it sometimes presents are not always pleasant and predictable.

It happens that
– The condom breaks or slips off;
– Coitus interruptus is unsuccessful;
– Two or more oral contraceptive pills are missed;
– Unprotected sexual contact occurs (due to various circumstances).

In all these cases, the risk of becoming pregnant is quite high. However, there is no need to panic. You can also prevent unwanted pregnancy after sexual intercourse using so-called emergency or postcoital contraception.

This is a representative of the old generation of hormonal drugs. One tablet contains 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel (synthetic hormone). It must be applied in two stages. The first Postinor tablet should be taken within 72 hours after sexual intercourse, or preferably immediately after it. Next pill 12 hours after the first. The effectiveness of taking Postinor depends on how long after unprotected act you took this remedy:
94% - if the pill was taken within 24 hours after the act;
86% - if the pill was taken within 25-48 hours after the act;
57% - if the pill was taken within 49-72 hours after the act.

Side effects are common after taking it:
Feeling nauseous
Feeling broken
Painful and unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the mammary glands and lower abdomen
Temperature increase

Contraindications to taking Postinor are:
Serious illnesses liver (hepatitis (even previously suffered), cirrhosis).

Postinor can only be used by women with a regular menstrual cycle.

It can be used for a maximum of 96 hours from the date of possible fertilization. Contains twice the amount of levonorgestrel (1.5 mg), so only one tablet is required. The risk of pregnancy is on average 1.1%. Contraindications and side effects are the same as for Postinor.

Gynepristone or Agesta

However, according to the World Health Organization, the first choice method for emergency contraception should be drugs containing the anti-hormone mifepristone. On this moment Available in pharmacies are Ginepristone and Agesta. Their effectiveness is 98.8%. One tablet containing 10 mg of mifepristone should be taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Gynepristone (Agesta) will practically not harm your work reproductive system, but even after taking it you may experience the following side effects:
Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen
Feeling weak
Headache attacks
Vomiting or nausea
Allergic rash
Increased body temperature
Failure of the menstrual cycle

Ginepristone (Agesta) should not be used for problems with the liver and kidneys, for changes and disturbances in hormonal levels, as well as for some other diseases.

Frequent use of Ginepristone (Agesta) reduces the effectiveness of its action.

It is necessary to use drugs intended for postcoital protection against pregnancy strictly in accordance with the instructions. This is done on an empty stomach (from the moment last appointment eat at least 2 hours) and do not eat anything for 2 hours after taking the pills.

If emergency contraception causes vomiting within three hours of use, the effectiveness of the drug is sharply reduced. An additional dose must be taken.

Remember that even after you have accepted birth control pills emergency action, after some time you need to contact your personal gynecologist:
To check whether you have unwanted infections - these drugs do not protect against diseases transmitted through sexual contact
To make sure that pregnancy has not yet occurred (this is especially true if your period is delayed for more than a week after taking the pills or if your menstrual flow is suspiciously scanty).
So that the doctor, after observing your menstrual cycle for some time, prescribes treatment, if necessary, to stimulate ovarian function.

Emergency contraception is not so harmless: it can cause hormonal disbalance and dysfunction of the reproductive system. In addition, their use is less effective than the systematic use of conventional birth control pills or careful use of condoms.

But it’s better to take advantage of them than to take risks: the body will cope with the consequences of taking them quite quickly, and you will have to take care of a child born as a result of an unplanned pregnancy for the rest of your life.

What to do if the condom breaks?

So, if you suspect you might be pregnant, it's best to take the necessary steps.

1. Decide which drug you will use. It is better to opt for the drugs Ginepristone or Agesta. By the way, these drugs are cheaper than Postinor.

2. Go to the pharmacy as soon as possible. Better yet, use your phone and find out what is available and where. At the pharmacy, they may advise you in the old fashioned way about Escapelle and Postinor, and for Ginepristone or Agesta, require a doctor’s prescription. In any case, it makes sense to go to the gynecologist first. If Ginepristone or Agesta are basically not available, then buy Escapelle.

3. If you find yourself abroad, there may be similar drugs under other names. For example, instead of Postinor, you may find Plan B, Levonelle, NorLevo and others. And if you are not ready to communicate, for example, in a Turkish pharmacy, then better drug Take emergency contraception with you.

4. If you find yourself on a camping trip or in some place where traces of civilization are barely visible, then it would be a good idea to take care of emergency contraception in advance. Otherwise, you should get hold of regular birth control pills by hook or by crook. Of course, they were not originally intended for such purposes, but in case of emergency they can be used, and quite successfully. They, like the drugs described above, must be taken the sooner the better (maximum period - 72 hours). They are used as Postinor in 2 doses (the second dose 12 hours after the first is taken). But the number of tablets in 1 dose, depending on the concentration and composition of hormones, may be different:
– Containing ethinyl estradiol (MARVELON, MINIZISTON, MICROGENON, FEMODEN, RIGEVIVIDONE): dose – 4 tablets;
– Containing ethinyl estradiol (NON-OVLON, BISECURIN, OVIDON, OVULEN, ANOVLAR): dose – 2 tablets;
– Mini-pills (MICROLUT, EXCLUTON, OVRET) contain the same active substance, as Postinor, but in very small quantities, so the dose to achieve the effect must be “impact” - 20 tablets.

And now about some psychological aspects for the young and inexperienced.

1. Girls, finding themselves in such a situation, very often begin to worry greatly about their health. Believe me, this situation happens to many, and to some, 5-6 times during an active sexual life. Excessive nervousness will harm you more than any drug.

2. If you are still young and feel guilty about buying emergency contraception, then visit a pharmacy in another area that you will probably never visit again.

3. Of course, it is better to ask your partner to buy the pills, but, as a rule, young people are also embarrassed to do this. If your man unconditionally agrees to take the situation into his own hands, rest assured: you can count on him in the future. If not, act on your own, and you will sort out your relationship later: now you have a more urgent matter.

4. If you don’t feel the moral strength at all, call a friend as a “support group.” She may even agree to buy the drug for you, but you shouldn’t abuse this: in the end, it’s best to solve your problems yourself.

5. Tablets " emergency assistance"are relatively expensive, but this is not a reason to refuse to buy them. You can ask or borrow money
– Your partner (which is quite logical)
- At a friend's
- Mom’s, after all

For the last two, it is better to come up with a plausible excuse rather than name the real reason However, this depends on the degree of closeness of your relationship.

Not every woman always strives to become pregnant or plans this event in her foreseeable future. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, there are many methods of contraception, including emergency methods called postcoital. They are applicable within 72 hours from the moment of intercourse, which took place without protection or the use of others contraceptives, for example, IUDs or oral medications.

When are postcoital methods of contraception acceptable?

Any means of emergency contraception are not harmless to the body. For this reason, their use is limited and only justified when it is really necessary.

Postcoital contraceptives get their name due to the fact that they must be taken after the act has been completed and sperm has entered the vagina. They will prevent the onset ovulatory cycle or, if conception occurs, they will not allow the embryo to settle in the uterine cavity.

An unwanted pregnancy can occur for a number of reasons, sometimes completely independent of the woman’s wishes. To avoid pregnancy, many people resort to emergency contraception. Situations that can lead to unplanned conception and require postcoital oral contraception include:

  • unprotected sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar or completely stranger man in the absence of prolonged or Serious relationships with him;
  • sexual violence;
  • incorrect use of standard contraceptives;
  • low-quality barrier contraceptives.

Regarding the last point, examples include:

  • a condom that breaks during intercourse;
  • prolapsed intrauterine device;
  • missed dose of oral contraceptive;
  • broken, displaced or ruptured contraceptive diaphragm/cap;
  • incompletely dissolved spermicidal agent.

Emergency hormonal contraceptive pills

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IN modern medicine There are several types of postcoital contraception. A large group consists of hormonal-based drugs. They contain a significant dose of synthetically produced substances that are analogues of sexual female hormones. Hormonal emergency contraception is divided into two subgroups:

  1. Oral. It is represented by birth control pills, which are taken within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.
  2. Prolonged. Consists of giving injections or injections.

Birth control pills after intercourse for 72 hours of the hormonal type are made with levonorgestrel. This substance prevents fertilization. Cervical mucus delays ovulation and prevents sperm from entering the egg. The effectiveness of these emergency contraceptives is affected by how many hours have passed since intercourse. If a day has passed, then the guarantee is 95%, 25-48 hours - 85%, 49-72 hours - 58%.

The most popular options are:

  1. Postinor. You need to take 2 tablets with an interval of 12 hours between doses. There are always two pieces per package. It is prohibited to use the drug more than three times a year due to the severe harm it causes to the ovaries.
  2. Escapelle. It is enough to take one Escapelle tablet, but if you vomit, you need to take another one. Contraception with Escapel is effective for 4 days from the moment of unprotected intercourse.

Another common representative of hormonal “fire” contraception is the drug Regulon. It contains a large dose of synthetic analogues of hormones such as progestogen and estrogen. Regulon slows down ovulation and inhibits the passage of sperm through the cervical canal. The maximum effectiveness of Regulon is observed during the first 24 hours.

Non-hormonal emergency contraception

Most emergency contraceptive pills, due to the large amount of hormones they contain, negatively affect the body and the functioning of its individual organs, causing an imbalance. Because of the negative consequences, women often refuse of this type contraception and prefer non-hormonal emergency contraceptives.

Non-hormonal birth control pills after sex are based on mifepristone. It has the following properties:

  • prevention or inhibition of ovulation if taken within 3 days of sexual intercourse;
  • changes in the internal uterine lining - the endometrium, which acts as an obstacle to the fertilization of the egg;
  • increased contractions of the uterus and rejection of the fertilized egg.

Due to its ability to lead to the death of a fertilized egg implanted in the uterus, mifepristone in large doses can be used to terminate pregnancy in the early stages of up to 6 weeks. If pregnancy occurs after taking it, it will still have to be terminated due to high risk fetal damage. If a woman started taking such contraceptives not in order to avoid getting pregnant, but with the aim of terminating a confirmed pregnancy in the early stages, then it is better to do this not at home, but under the supervision of specialists in a hospital (we recommend reading:).

The most famous are Ginepriston, Zhenale, Agesta. These contraceptive pills after sex are taken one at a time 2 hours before meals, taking into account that 2 hours must also have passed since the last meal. However, due to the fact that mifepristone is a very strong substance and quite dangerous, causing many side effects, its use should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Combined oral contraceptives for emergency contraception (Yuzpe method)

It is worth mentioning another option for emergency protection after sex - oral use of combined contraceptive pills. This postcoital contraception is called the Yuzpe method. This method consists not of a one-time, but a double dose of the drug. The interval between taking the medication should be 12 hours. In this case, you need to drink not 1 tablet at a time, but several, from 2 to 4, washed down with a small amount of ordinary clean water.

The contraceptives used for this method are usually taken one pill at a time, but on an ongoing basis. In an emergency situation, their dose is increased to quickly ensure the interruption of a possible unplanned conception. Maximum term when this approach is effective is 72 hours after unprotected copulation.

It is also important to correctly calculate the required dose to achieve the effect. If this is done incorrectly, the reception will be useless or serious harm will be caused to the woman’s body. For this reason, what should be the dosage of the drug as an emergency contraceptive is decided solely by a specialist.

The most likely drugs that a doctor will prescribe for this purpose are: Marvelon, Miniziston, Rigevidon, Microgenon, Silest and others. Taking them according to the Yuzpe scheme gives a 75% guarantee. However, side effects cannot be excluded - nausea, vomiting, migraine and menstrual irregularities.

Emergency contraceptives during lactation

After the birth of a child, the question of preventing a second pregnancy from happening is especially pressing, except in those cases when the family, on the contrary, wants to have the same age.

What kind of contraception a young mother should resort to is not an easy decision, since she usually breastfeeds the baby, and with breast milk the baby gets everything that the woman eats and takes. As a result, it is so important for nursing mothers to emergency situations safe contraception.

Emergency contraception methods during the lactation period are divided into two groups:

  1. Intrauterine device. Its installation does not require the ingestion of tablets, and the woman can continue to breastfeed her baby. For the IUD to be effective, it must be installed no later than 5 days after having sex without using contraceptives. The advantage of the procedure is that after it the effect remains in the future. Preference should be given to coils containing copper, which, when released into the uterine cavity, has a spremicidal property. The most popular are T Cu-380 A and Multiload Cu-375. The latter is considered more reliable.
  2. Reception hormonal pills. Medications with levonorgestrel are recommended, for example, you can take an Escapella tablet once. Having chosen this option, breastfeeding must be interrupted for 36 hours. Regular pumping will help avoid disturbances in the production of breast milk. However, the baby will need to be fed formula milk.

Which contraceptives are the least dangerous?

When choosing a means of emergency protection, the main issue is the safety of its use. Alas, there are no fast-acting contraceptive drugs that are completely safe to use. However, while some of them can cause significant harm to the body, others are considered the least dangerous.

The safest medications contraceptive effects are considered to be those used according to the Yuzpe regimen. With low dosage they have minimal range side effects without losing efficiency, which remains at 90%.

Consequences of emergency contraceptive pills

All medications are potential sources of side effects or can lead to all sorts of health consequences, and birth control pills are no exception.

  • uterine bleeding;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • heavy discharge during menstruation;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • infertility;
  • impaired hemostasis and blood clot formation;
  • allergic reaction;
  • intestinal damage.

In addition to the high risk of encountering unpleasant consequences from using emergency contraceptives, a woman may experience wide range side effects:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, in the area of ​​the uterus and genital tract;
  • drowsiness and lethargy;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting reflex;
  • increased irritability;
  • migraine and dizziness;
  • soreness in the mammary glands.

However, according to statistics, the above symptoms are observed only in every 5 women who take the pills. Others tolerate their effects much easier. In any case, before use, consultation with a specialist is required, who will take into account all contraindications and individual characteristics.

Traditional methods of contraception after unprotected intercourse

In addition to contraceptive methods that are used in traditional medicine after unprotected copulations, they are also used traditional methods. Many women, not wanting to deal with pills or get an IUD, prefer their grandmother’s recipes. However, they do not guarantee a 100% result, and it is better to resort to their help only when it is not possible to go to the doctor or buy a pharmacy contraceptive.

Among the most common folk remedies note:

  1. Lemon juice and water. The irrigator performs douching. To prepare the solution, take 200 ml of boiled water and 1 large lemon. After the procedure, the vagina should be washed with plain water to maintain its normal microflora.
  2. Potassium permanganate solution. The proportion in which it is prepared is 1:18. They undergo a douching procedure. However, if the rules for treating the vagina were violated in this process, then there is a high risk of damage to the genitals, since potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent.
  3. Slice of lemon. A medium slice of lemon must be peeled and placed in the vagina for 1-2 seconds, after which you need to remove the pulp and wash it off.
  4. Laundry soap. A piece of soap, no larger than a matchbox, is inserted into the vagina for 10-15 seconds. Immediately after removal, rinsing with warm water is required.
  5. Aspirin. It acts in a similar way to lemon juice, reducing sperm activity.

It is important to understand that all these methods are quite dangerous to health. They violate acid balance vaginal environment, which is fraught with serious consequences. Plus, their effectiveness is not so high (only 60%), and the result is achieved only if they are used no later than 5-7 minutes from the moment of intercourse.

Emergency (urgent) postcoital contraception is carried out after unprotected sexual intercourse (within 1-3 days) to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Usually used for emergency contraception hormonal method(antigestagens, gestatens) or intrauterine contraception (introduction of an intrauterine device).

Emergency contraception is used if:

  • rape has been committed;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse occurred;
  • interrupted sexual intercourse was performed incorrectly;
  • the condom broke during sexual intercourse;
  • other similar situations.

Hormonal method

Attention! Before using the drug, carefully read the instructions for use. It should be remembered that with a large number of sexual acts, the effectiveness of the drug decreases.

1) Antigestagenic drugs

  • Gynepristone or Agest - a modern hormonal postcoital drug. Compared to Postinor, it is almost harmless. Used within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.

2) Progestin drugs

  • Escapelle is an exclusive new means for emergency contraception. Recommended for use within 96 hours after unprotected sex. The earlier the pill is taken, the more effective it is.
  • Mifegin (Mifepristone) - modern drug, with the help of which medical (non-surgical) termination of pregnancy is performed for a period from the first day of missed menstruation to 8 weeks. To carry out this procedure, you must contact a gynecologist licensed to use the drug.
  • Postinor - hormonal drug for emergency contraception from the “last century”. The earlier the pill was taken, the more pronounced the contraceptive effect. Postinor contains a very high dose of the hormone levonorgestrel, which has a very noticeable impact on the ovaries. Therefore, after using the drug, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted. This drug should not be used more than 2 times a year and should not be considered as one of the possible contraceptives! This especially applies to young women under 18 years of age whose hormonal balance has not yet been established. .

After taking emergency contraception:

  • your next period may start earlier or later than usual;
  • menstrual flow may be more abundant, in which case you should consult a doctor;
  • be sure to consult a gynecologist before the start of your next menstruation to be examined for sexually transmitted infections; at the appointment, tell them that you used emergency contraception;
  • if three weeks after taking emergency contraception you have not started menstruation or have signs of pregnancy, immediately visit a gynecologist;
  • if pain occurs in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a gynecologist;
  • Before the next menstruation, it is necessary to use barrier methods (condom).


  • thromboembolism and uterine bleeding in the past;
  • severe liver diseases;
  • severe attack of headache (migraine);
  • age over 35 years;
  • long smoking history.

Possible side effects of hormonal emergency contraception:

  • headache;

    pain in the mammary glands;

    stomach ache;

    various menstrual cycle disorders;


Side effects of emergency contraception usually decrease or disappear completely within two days.

Due to the possible damaging (teratogenic) effect of hormones on the fetus, medical abortion is recommended if emergency contraception fails and pregnancy occurs.

Intrauterine contraception

Intrauterine emergency contraception involves the insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD) in the first 5-7 days after unprotected intercourse, which prevents implantation of an already fertilized egg.

The method is somewhat more effective than the method of hormonal emergency contraception, however, when using it, one should take into account the individual characteristics of the woman, her desire to continue to use this particular method of protection against unwanted pregnancy for a long time, as well as all possible contraindications to the introduction of intrauterine devices.

Emergency insertion of intrauterine devices is not recommended for young people nulliparous women, and also when large number sexual contacts and partners, during casual sexual intercourse. If a woman wants to get an intrauterine device, but has been sick often in the past inflammatory diseases genital organs, you need to use antibiotics immediately before inserting the intrauterine device and in the next 5 days.

Main operating principle emergency contraception(it is also called postcoital) - in disruption of the process of ovulation, fertilization or movement of the egg, as well as its implantation and further development embryo. This can be achieved different ways, both quite effective and not very effective. Moreover, we should not forget that the more effective a method of postcoital contraception can be, the more it can harm health.

Method one: immediately take a shower

The simplest, cheapest, practically harmless and ineffective way is douching, for example spermicide, boiled water with the addition of lemon juice or very weak solution vinegar. Yes, in acidic environment sperm must die. But since some of them only need one and a half minutes to get to the cervix and fallopian tubes, then the effectiveness of this “folk” method of protection is questionable. According to statistics, in approximately 60% of cases, such “emergency contraception” ends in pregnancy.

Method two: install a spiral

Intrauterine device (IUD) Usually administered within 5 days after unprotected sex, this method is quite effective (about 99%), but is not suitable for everyone. And it’s difficult to call this method of preventing pregnancy “emergency” contraception. It is advisable to insert the IUD at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, when the cervix is ​​softened and there is the least risk of injury. An ultrasound and tests are required in advance; the IUD is also not recommended for those who have not given birth, those who have a large number of sexual contacts, infections or inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs.

Method three: POC

The method is effective, popular and far from safe for women's health, as it seems to some. Action progestin-only oral contraceptives(they are gestagens, ChPOK, ChPK), containing a very large amount levonorgestrel (postinor, escapelle) based on the so-called blockade of ovulation (slowing down or preventing the release of the egg) in the first phase of the cycle and blocking fertilization or implantation of the egg in the second, as well as preventing the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity (due to the fact that hormones cause thickening of the mucus in cervical canal). The sooner the pills are taken, the better. It is recommended to take such contraceptives in the first 24-72 hours after sexual intercourse. It is believed that in the first day the effectiveness of such emergency contraception is up to 95-97%. A larger dose has a similar effect. progestin COCs (mini-pills).

The main danger of such post-coital contraception is that it greatly affects hormonal levels. It is no coincidence that it is considered undesirable to resort to this method more than once or twice a year. And, even more so, POCs cannot replace planned contraception.

Larisa Ivanova

gynecologist, Central Clinical Hospital No. 13, Moscow, doctor highest category, Ph.D.

Such pills do not provide a 100% guarantee against pregnancy. Such drugs contain a large dose of hormones, which, roughly speaking, are aimed at causing premature menstruation. They often cause severe bleeding and cycle disorders, ovarian dysfunction, normal operation which then takes a very long time to recover.

Method four: according to Yuzpa

Yuzpe method, proposed more than 30 years ago by a Canadian doctor Albert Yuzpe based on loading dose combined estrogen-progestogen drugs (COCs), approximately 3-6 times greater than the amount of hormones that enters the body during routine contraception. You should also take the pills no later than 72 hours after unprotected sex. In addition to its strong influence on the menstrual cycle, global single dose hormones often cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness. Doctors estimate the effectiveness of emergency contraception using the Yuzpe method at 75-90%, and even less on days close to ovulation.

Method four: progesterone steroid

Pills are again used as emergency contraception, but only based on a steroid mifepristone– an antagonist of the pregnancy hormone progesterone. This same active ingredient, by the way, is also the basis of drugs for medicinal abortion ( medical abortion). The effectiveness of similar emergency contraceptives (eg gynepristone) is assessed by doctors as quite high, according to some data up to 97-98%. However, they also have quite a lot of contraindications and side effects (including disruption of the ovaries and menstrual cycle).
