White fluid comes out of the eye. Causes and treatment of discharge from the eyes

Exist different reasons the appearance of white discharge in the corners of the eyes. Some of them are not dangerous to health, but some conditions require mandatory consultation with a doctor. Inflammation can be infectious or non-infectious in nature. The cause is often conjunctivitis, eye fatigue, stye, sinusitis, or simply a weakened immune system. If white coating in the corners of the eyes are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, then this a clear sign any disease. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help prevent the development of complications.

What is white discharge in the corners of the eyes?

The consistency and color of discharge from the eyes varies. A more common situation is when a person wakes up in the morning with his eyelids and eyelashes glued together. This occurs due to the discharge drying out overnight. In general, eye discharge is a thick or thin substance, sometimes mixed with mucus or pus. In some cases, discharge is an indicator of some kind of infection that has entered the tear ducts. As a result, the normal secretion of large sebaceous glands, as indicated by profuse lacrimation. The discharge may have a different color:

  • white;
  • green;
  • pale yellow.

In the latter case, it often has a mucus-like structure, which indicates a bacterial infection. Not too thick discharge indicates an allergy. They are abundant in orbital cellulite syndrome. The condition is often accompanied by a number of other symptoms, such as:

  • sore eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • blurred vision;
  • burning and itching of the eyelids;
  • photosensitivity;
  • cough, fever, nasal congestion.

Causes of white discharge in the corners of the eyes

Common causes of discharge are allergies, mechanical damage, irritation and diseases, both eye and other infections. Action chemical substances and ultraviolet radiation, uncomfortable or dirty lenses, fatigue due to long work at the computer - all this leads to problems with the organs of vision. More specific causes of eye discharge are:

If the discharge contains pus, then in most patients this indicates the development of some kind of infection due to damage to the body by bacteria. Such discharge is white, yellowish or even greenish color. They are not clear and watery, as with normal allergies or eye fatigue. The discharge has a thick, sticky texture, which causes the eyes to stick together. The causes of this symptom are:

White discharge in the corners of the eyes appears even more often in newborns than in adults. During the first couple of weeks, infants experience white or yellowish crusts. They do not cause discomfort and are easy to separate. This is a normal phenomenon, because children's body adapts to the environment. In the womb, the baby is protected from everything: ultraviolet rays, infections, bacteria. Once born, a child immediately faces all negative factors.

As a result, the newborn turns on protective functions, but before them normal operation A certain time passes, during which white matter is observed in the corners of the eyes. If the symptom persists for a long time, then the reasons are:

  • dacryocystitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • trachoma;
  • keratitis;
  • allergy;
  • cold;
  • dry eyes.

Treatment of white discharge in the corners of the eyes

If this unpleasant symptom persists for a long time or appears periodically, then this is a clear sign of infection, and not simple allergies or fatigue. You cannot diagnose yourself. Only a specialist can do this. Self-medication, especially if diagnosed incorrectly, can only worsen the situation. In general, therapy includes the following activities:

  1. Use of antibiotics. Prescribed in case of eye damage bacterial infection. Drugs in this group are prescribed in the form of tablets, eye ointments or drops. Doctors recommend drugs such as Albucid, Ciprofloxacin, Tetracycline and Ophthalmoferon.
  2. Eyelid massage and rinsing tear ducts. They are additional procedures. To wash out purulent exudate, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Regular tea leaves will also work.
  3. Taking antihistamines. Prescribed to relieve inflammation due to allergies. These include Lecrolin and Opatanol.
  4. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs of steroidal and non-steroidal nature. They help quickly eliminate inflammation, but have many side effects. Examples are Ibuprofen and Dexamethasone.
  5. Instillation of drops. In this case, special means are used to relieve tension and fatigue. These include Visin, Levomycetin, Maxitrol, Normax.
  6. Installations with a solution of dicaine 0.5% or trimecaine 3-5%. Prescribed for meibomitis.
  7. Surgical intervention. Indicated if there is a foreign object in the eye. Surgery is often performed when eyelashes grow into the eyelid.

Drug treatment

The basis is still medications in the form of tablets, ointments or drops. First of all, ophthalmologists advise removing the exudate itself from the eyelids. To do this, use a weak solution of the antiseptic Furacilin or potassium permanganate. A cotton swab is moistened in it, which is then used to wipe the eyes from the outer corner to the inner. If the discharge is very thick, it is necessary to perform a light massage of the eyelids. Among the medications used to eliminate the problem are:

  1. Visine. These are vasoconstrictor and decongestant drops based on tetrizoline. The substance is a sympathomimetic that stimulates alpha-adrenergic receptors. The effect of the drops lasts for 4-8 hours. They reduce redness and swelling of the conjunctiva. The advantage of the drug is that it is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation. Visin is used for hyperemia of the conjunctiva when exposed to bright light, smoke, dust, chlorinated water and for swelling and redness due to seasonal allergies. These drops are contraindicated for angle-closure glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, age under 2 years, arterial hypertension, corneal dystrophy, pheochromocytoma. It is necessary to instill 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. After the procedure, local reactions are possible: blurred vision, redness, burning and pain in the eyes, dilation of the pupil.
  2. Normax. The active ingredient of this drug, norfloxacin, is an antibiotic. The medicine is available in the form of drops and tablets. They are indicated for external and internal otitis, conjunctivitis, trachoma, keratitis, corneal ulcer, blepharitis. The dosage is determined by the disease. Contraindications include sensitivity to fluoroquinolones, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Side effects include allergies, itching, and rash.
  3. Maxitrol. Contains neomycin and polymyxin, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Indications for use are blepharitis, keratitis, iridocyclitis, keratoconjunctivitis. It is necessary to instill 1-2 drops every 4-6 hours. Maxitrol should not be used for shingles, tuberculous or fungal eye infections, chicken pox, or the condition of the cornea after removal of a foreign body. After instillation, itching and swelling of the eyelids are possible.
  4. Levomycetin. Based on chloramphenicol, available in the form of drops and alcohol solution. Their action is antibacterial, so they are used for bacterial infections, including blepharitis, keratitis, scleritis, and conjunctivitis. In every conjunctival sac It is necessary to instill one drop 3-4 times a day. Side effects and contraindications are numerous, so it is better to study them in detailed instructions.

Folk remedies

On the background drug treatment You can use a number of folk remedies. Their recipes involve instilling medicinal decoctions into the eyes. They are also consumed orally or used for compresses. Are effective following recipes:

  1. Take 3 large spoons of chamomile or calendula flowers. Steam them with 200 ml of boiling water. After cooling, strain. Soak cotton pads in the broth and apply them to the eyelids for 15 minutes. Repeat up to 5 times a day.
  2. Add a couple of drops of fresh St. John's wort juice to the calendula decoction prepared according to the previous recipe. Next, pour the liquid into a container, where you then immerse your face for a few seconds. You can simply wipe your eyes with the same product.
  3. Mix plantain leaves, sage, hop cones, string and birch buds in proportions 3:3:2:3:2. Next, brew the herb collection with 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it stand for about an hour. Take the decoction orally, 100 ml 3 times throughout the day.
  4. Take a couple of elderberries and brew them like regular tea. Use the cooled rinse or lotion. It eliminates itching and inflammation well.


16888 02/20/2019 4 min.

The appearance of white discharge from the eyes can look scary - and in some situations the reasons are actually quite negative. But this doesn’t always happen, so it’s important to first figure out what exactly triggered it. this problem– and what to do to cope with it.

Symptom Definition

White discharge from the eyes (or mucous), as a rule, is not infectious in nature, and has a liquid structure that does not dry out in crusts, as is the case on the ocular mucosa. This symptom is not accompanied by redness of the conjunctiva, burning and itching, or swelling of the eyelids. But if the listed symptoms were established while the consistency of the discharge remained unchanged, then you need to contact an ophthalmologist for advice.

Most often, if the secreted substance is white, this is the first sign that inflammatory processes are not occurring in a person’s body. Which, however, does not eliminate the need to consult a specialist and further treatment.


When such discharge appears in a person, the reasons can be quite simple and not particularly dangerous. In particular, this may be a consequence of such phenomena How:

  • cold;
  • allergic reactions;
  • friction of eyelashes on the eyeball in case of dry conjunctiva;
  • getting any foreign object into the eye.
  • dry eyes.

Sometimes the reason can be something very simple domestic reason. For example, if you forgot to wash off your mascara.

If this is the reason, then the discharge will go away as soon as the immediate factors causing the irritation disappear.

A completely different reason may occur in children - in them the so-called dacryocystitis is often the cause. It is common in newborns due to the way their lacrimal organs are structured.

In this case, you no longer need to contact an ophthalmologist, as in most other cases, but an otolaryngologist, in other words, an ENT specialist. It may be necessary to probe and rinse the child's tear ducts, and in some cases, surgical intervention may be required in the future.

Possible diseases

Not only mild and relatively insignificant pathologies can cause white purulent discharge. Sometimes these are real diseases. Let's figure out what's most common provokes the appearance of this pathology:

Diagnostic methods

As soon as you discover that you have this kind of discharge, you must not delay it, but do it as quickly as possible. go to the ophthalmologist.

There is no need to draw conclusions on your own, only a specialist can tell the exact reason why the indicated pathology arose, and then prescribe the appropriate treatment. In some cases, in addition to the ophthalmologist, you will have to visit an ENT specialist.


There is no single approach to treatment of this disease,it is the ophthalmologist who must decide what measures to take. Typically, antiallergic measures or removal of a foreign body from the eye, if any, are required.

In the case of conjunctivitis of infectious origin, such discharge appears only on initial stage development of the disease, after which they acquire a yellowish tint, which indicates the presence of pus. IN in this case The treatment approach is based on identifying the type of pathogen. As a rule, they prescribe:

To treat barley, ointments are mostly used, because The drops did not work well due to the specific nature of their application to the damaged structure. Drops can only be used if complex therapy for the treatment of meibomitis and chalazion.

As for the treatment of dacryocystitis in children, in this case we will not give recommendations, because in its drug therapy An exclusively individual approach is practiced depending on developmental characteristics visual system and nasopharynx of the child.

If excessive lacrimation is diagnosed, the ophthalmologist may prescribe an additional examination of the patient.


Prevention is always easier to treat, so let's look at some simple steps you can take, to prevent the occurrence of discharge in principle:

  • Protect your eyes. Try to avoid injuring them and getting foreign substances into them as much as possible.
  • Treat your body. Even a prolonged cold can provoke discharge, so be sure not to delay treatment of diseases.
  • Limit eye strain. To prevent dry eye syndrome from developing, reduce your load.



White discharge from the eyes can be scary, but in reality it doesn't always mean something to be scared of. However, it’s almost always the same characteristic feature negative processes that occur in the body. Therefore, you should not delay the examination; the faster you deal with it, the faster you can cope with it and restore your health. The main thing is not to delay and not resort to unwanted self-medication.

Causes and mechanisms


  • Type: mucous, purulent.
  • Volume: abundant or scanty.


  • Redness of the eye.
  • Tearing.



  • Severe lacrimation.

Additional diagnostics

  • General blood analysis.
  • Allergy tests.
  • Probing the lacrimal canal.
  • Dacryocystography.
  • Rhinoscopy.


Discharge from the eyes

Discharge from an adult's eyes can vary in color and consistency. Most often, a person discovers such a nuisance as glued eyelids as soon as he wakes up. In adults, in most cases, they are temporary and disappear in a few days.

  • Discharge from the eyes
  • Causes of the unpleasant syndrome
  • Diagnosis of the disease that caused the discharge
  • Treatment of the disease
  • White discharge from the eyes - why it occurs and how it should be treated
  • Symptom Definition
  • Causes
  • Possible diseases
  • Diagnostic methods
  • Treatment
  • Prevention
  • Video
  • conclusions
  • Causes and mechanisms
  • Symptoms
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Blepharitis
  • Dacryocystitis
  • Additional diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Causes and treatment of white discharge from the eyes
  • Causes and symptoms
  • Purulent and white discharge from the eyes
  • Discharge from the eyes of a child
  • Relief and treatment
  • Discharge from the eyes - causes and treatment
  • Purulent discharge (yellow, brown)
  • Video about conjunctivitis - the main cause of discharge from the eyes
  • White (mucous) discharge from the eyes
  • Discharge from the eyes of a child
  • What to do if there is discharge from the eyes
  • Discharge from the eyes
  • Causes
  • Associated symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Prognosis and prevention
  • Mucus accumulates in the corners of the eye - is this normal?
  • White discharge from the eyes
  • What could white discharge mean?
  • By the way, take a look here:
  • Home Remedies
  • Call a doctor when. .
  • Discharge from the eyes: causes and treatment
  • Possible reasons and typical symptoms eye diseases
  • How to relieve pain and speed up recovery

But sometimes discharge from the eye indicates the presence of serious problems, and such a person requires serious treatment.

Causes of the unpleasant syndrome

  • dacryocystitis;
  • trachoma;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratitis.

Treatment of the disease

Source: discharge from the eyes - why it occurs and how it should be treated

The appearance of white discharge from the eyes can look scary - and in some situations the reasons are actually quite negative. But this doesn’t always happen, so it’s important to first figure out what exactly triggered this problem - and what to do to cope with it.

Symptom Definition

White discharge from the eyes (or mucous), as a rule, is not infectious in nature, and has a liquid structure that does not dry out into crusts, as is the case with purulent deposits on the ocular mucosa. This symptom is not accompanied by redness of the conjunctiva, burning and itching, or swelling of the eyelids. But if the listed symptoms were established while the consistency of the discharge remained unchanged, then you need to contact an ophthalmologist for advice.

Most often, if the secreted substance is white, this is the first sign that inflammatory processes are not occurring in a person’s body. Which, however, does not eliminate the need to consult a specialist and further treatment.


When such discharge appears in a person, the reasons can be quite simple and not particularly dangerous. In particular, this may be a consequence of such phenomena as:

  • cold;
  • allergic reactions;
  • friction of eyelashes on the eyeball in case of dry conjunctiva;
  • eye injury;
  • getting any foreign object into the eye.
  • dry eyes.

Sometimes the cause can be some very simple everyday reason. For example, if you forgot to wash off your mascara.

If this is the reason, then the discharge will go away as soon as the immediate factors causing the irritation disappear.

A completely different reason may occur in children - in them, the cause is often inflammation of the lacrimal ducts, the so-called dacryocystitis. It is common in newborns due to the way their lacrimal organs are structured.

In this case, you no longer need to contact an ophthalmologist, as in most other cases, but an otolaryngologist, in other words, an ENT specialist. It may be necessary to probe and rinse the child's tear ducts, and in some cases, surgical intervention may be required in the future.

Possible diseases

Not only mild and relatively unimportant pathologies can cause white purulent discharge. Sometimes these are real diseases. Let’s figure out what most often provokes the appearance of this pathology:

  • Conjunctivitis. Of all the diseases that can occur in humans, this is the most common. This will be the first version to be checked by an ophthalmologist. Often we are talking about viral conjunctivitis, although other forms are not excluded.
  • Stye of the eye. Often, stye of the eye also leads to the appearance of purulent discharge. This usually occurs at the end of the disease, when the substance that has accumulated during the course of the disease flows out of the eye. Most often, this cause occurs in children and the elderly.
  • Cold. Sometimes the cause of discharge is common colds. When they pass, the discharge stops forming after them. Types of conjunctivitis

Diagnostic methods

As soon as you discover that you have this kind of discharge, you should not delay, but go to an ophthalmologist as quickly as possible.

You should not draw conclusions on your own; only a specialist can tell the exact reason why the indicated pathology arose, and then prescribe the appropriate treatment. In some cases, in addition to the ophthalmologist, you will have to visit an ENT specialist.

There is no single approach to the treatment of this disease; it is the ophthalmologist who must decide what measures to take. Typically, antiallergic measures or removal of a foreign body from the eye, if any, are required.

In the case of conjunctivitis of infectious origin, such discharge appears only at the initial stage of development of the disease, after which it acquires a yellowish tint, which indicates the presence of pus. In this case, the treatment approach is based on identifying the type of pathogen. As a rule, they prescribe:

  1. Drops and ointments based on antibiotics: drops - Floxal, Tsipromed, Levomycetin, ointments - Erythromycin, Hydrocortisone, Tetracycline.
  2. Antiviral agents are selected individually based on the identified pathogen. Among the most common are Oftalmoferon, Acyclovir, Okoferon.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drops - Diclofenac, Diklo F, Nevanak, Zinc Sulfate, etc.
  4. Antiallergenic drugs - Opatanol, Olopatadine, Allergodil, Vizalergol. Floxal is used in the treatment of white discharge from the eyes

To treat barley, ointments are mostly used, because The drops did not work well due to the specific nature of their application to the damaged structure. Drops can only be used in the case of complex therapy for the treatment of meibomitis and chalazion.

As for the treatment of dacryocystitis in children, in this case we will not give recommendations, because in its drug therapy an exclusively individual approach is practiced, depending on the developmental characteristics of the child’s visual system and nasopharynx.

If excessive lacrimation is diagnosed, the ophthalmologist may prescribe an additional examination of the patient.


Prevention is always easier than cure, so let's look at some simple measures that can be taken to prevent discharge from occurring in the first place:

  • Protect your eyes. Try to avoid injuring them and getting foreign substances into them as much as possible.
  • Treat your body. Even a prolonged cold can provoke discharge, so be sure not to delay treatment of diseases.
  • Limit eye strain. To prevent dry eye syndrome from developing, reduce your load.


White discharge from the eyes can be scary, but in reality it doesn't always mean something to be scared of. However, almost always this is still a characteristic sign of negative processes that occur in the body. Therefore, you should not delay the examination; the sooner you figure out the root cause of the problem, the faster you can cope with it and restore your health. The main thing is not to delay and not resort to unwanted self-medication.

Problems with the organ of vision are very unpleasant and significantly worsen the quality of life of patients. And one of the most common situations in ophthalmology is discharge from the eyes. Once faced with such a phenomenon, everyone will want to know why such a symptom appeared and how to eliminate it.

Causes and mechanisms

Local changes become both an independent disease and a sign of general disorders. Quite often they appear during a cold, and hypothermia and decreased immunity are predisposing factors. Danger inflammatory pathology is that the infection can spread to the eye itself, which will lead to a deterioration in its function. The diseases occur not only in adults, but are also typical for children. Therefore, it is especially important to identify the cause of changes in time. Early diagnosis greatly facilitates further treatment and increases its effectiveness.


Any symptoms require analysis and detail. First, the doctor interviews the patient to identify complaints and find out how the disease began and progressed. When examining discharge from the eyes, one should note their characteristics. The main characteristics of the symptom include:

  • Color: white, yellow, greenish.
  • Type: mucous, purulent.
  • Consistency: liquid, viscous, thick.
  • Volume: abundant or scanty.
  • Frequency of occurrence: in the morning or throughout the day.
  • Provoking factors: rubbing the eyes, pressing on the lacrimal sac.

At the same time, a physical examination is carried out, which includes inspection and palpation. This allows us to establish objective signs of pathology. The complex creates a general picture of the disease, allowing a preliminary conclusion to be made.

If the eyes are running, then diagnosing the problem begins with finding out all the symptoms that are present in the patient.


Inflammation of the conjunctival mucosa is the most common reason eye discharge. Based on the type of pathology and its origin, the symptoms may have some differences. The most common signs of conjunctivitis are:

  • Sensation of a foreign body, cutting.
  • Redness of the eye.
  • Swelling of the mucous membrane and eyelids.
  • Tearing.

With bacterial inflammation, purulent discharge appears, which mainly collects after sleep. Due to the viscous and cloudy secretion, the eyelids stick together and plaque forms on them. First, one eye is affected, but due to poor hygiene, the infection spreads to the second.

Quite often, conjunctivitis appears to be a sign of general respiratory disease. A viral infection is characterized by signs of general intoxication: fever, weakness, malaise, body aches. A runny nose occurs, and patients are bothered by a sore throat and cough.

Conjunctivitis with adenovirus infection- a sign that allows you to distinguish it from others colds. It can occur immediately or after some time from the beginning. The discharge is often scanty, enlarged follicles are visible on the mucous membrane, and sometimes a filmy coating forms. Inflammatory phenomena in the eye persist even after the temperature normalizes.

Small mucous discharge also appears in the allergic form of conjunctivitis. But in this case, the foreground comes severe redness and swelling of the eyelids, burning and itching in the eyes. The addition of secondary bacterial flora leads to suppuration of the exudate, the mucus becomes white-yellow or greenish.

Except viral infections, conjunctivitis may be one of the manifestations of Reiter's syndrome. This is a condition caused by chlamydia. It is characterized by defeat urethra, mucous membrane of the eyes and joints. Conjunctivitis is often combined with keratitis, iridocyclitis, and uveitis. Its manifestations can be scanty, but concomitant urethritis and arthritis are unlikely to go unnoticed.


When the eyelids become inflamed, viscous fluid may also be released from the eyes. But most often this is observed with demodectic blepharitis, which occurs due to tick-borne infestation. The outer edge of the eyelids itches a lot, especially in the morning, and sometimes the itching becomes almost unbearable. Stinging occurs in the eyes, sticky secretions collect, which stick together the eyelashes, further transforming into scales and crusts. The eyelids thicken and turn red. The disease has chronic course, demodicosis can also affect other areas of the face: eyebrows, smooth skin.


In cases where sticky fluid flows from the eye, it is necessary to think about a disease such as dacryocystitis. It occurs due to obstruction of the lacrimal canal (with ARVI, rhinosinusitis, nasal polyps, congenital anomalies, after injuries). Tears stagnate in the bag, which leads to the addition of secondary flora and the development of an inflammatory reaction. The secretion turns from transparent to cloudy mucopurulent.

Clinical picture Dacryocystitis is quite typical. The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • Severe lacrimation.
  • Swelling below the inner corner of the eye.
  • When pressed, pathological exudate is released from the lacrimal openings.

The acute process is characterized by more striking signs. The skin turns sharply red, the swelling becomes painful, the eyelids are swollen, and the palpebral fissure does not close completely. Swelling may spread to the cheek and nose. Patients complain of pain in the orbital region, fever and other signs of intoxication. And after a certain time, a fluctuation forms in the center of the swelling, then pus breaks through the fistula outward or into the nasal cavity. The danger is that phlegmon of the orbit may form.

Discharge of pus from the eyes during dacryocystitis is a fairly characteristic sign, which, in combination with other symptoms, suggests a diagnosis.

Additional diagnostics

To clarify the diagnosis and obtain reliable information about the character pathological process, you need to use additional methods. Laboratory and instrumental studies that are indicated for patients may include the following procedures:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Analysis of discharge from the eye (microscopy, culture, PCR).
  • Examination of eyelashes for demodicosis.
  • Allergy tests.
  • Biomicroscopy of the eyelids and conjunctiva.
  • Probing the lacrimal canal.
  • Dacryocystography.
  • Rhinoscopy.


Therapeutic tactics involve influencing the source of the problem and the mechanisms of pathology development. This can mainly be achieved conservative methods. They cannot do without medications:

  • Antiseptics (Albucid, Vitabact).
  • Antibiotics (Tsipropharm, Tobrex, tetracycline ointment).
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Indocollir).
  • Antiallergic (Lecrolin, Visallergol).
  • Glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone ointment).

When you have a cold, it is important to increase the activity of the body's defenses, for which interferon preparations (Nazoferon), immunomodulators (Anaferon, Polyoxidonium), vitamins ( ascorbic acid). Dacryocystitis during the period of infiltration is also treated with physiotherapy (UHF therapy, dry heat). And if an abscess forms, surgical methods will have to be used, because the pathological exudate must be removed from the lacrimal sac. This is done by creating an anastomosis between it and the nasal cavity (dacryocystorhinostomy). Currently, the operation is performed minimally invasively (endoscopically or laser).

If there is discharge from the eyes, then the only thing the right decision will seek help from a doctor. Only a specialist can understand the cause of the changes and how to eliminate the pathology. And the patient should refuse even the thought of self-medication, and rely on medical recommendations in everything.

Source: appearance and treatment of white discharge from the eyes

Do you have white discharge in your eyes? What could it be? An infection or allergen that gets into the eye causes inflammatory process on the skin at the base of the eyelashes.

A sign of inflammation or disease is discharge from the eyes, which varies in color and structure. When they dry out, crusts may form on the eyelids, making it difficult for the patient to open their eyes in the morning. Let's figure out why this happens and how to treat it this disease eye.

Causes and symptoms

A sign of the presence of the disease is discharge from the eyes, which varies in color and structure.

Infectious inflammation of the eyelids causes the development of blepharitis, the appearance of which is facilitated by:

Excess secreted subcutaneous fat.

Using low quality cosmetics or allergies to the components of cosmetics.

Spread of infection during a viral illness.

Violation of hygiene rules for eye care, touching the face with dirty hands.

Blepharitis is manifested by thick purulent discharge from the eyes with the formation of scales, redness of the eyelids and their swelling. The patient experiences lacrimation.

Various forms of conjunctivitis, for example adeno viral conjunctivitis or allergic conjunctivitis, are also accompanied by discharge from the eyes. Inflammation of the conjunctiva leads to eyelashes sticking in the morning from the pus released overnight.

Sometimes thinner, clear, ichorous discharge may appear that does not dry out and may indicate a cold or an allergic reaction.

Sometimes thinner, transparent discharge may appear that does not dry out and indicates a cold or an allergic reaction.

The main symptoms of the disease are:

Increased light sensitivity.

Itching and burning in the eye area.

Discharge from the eyes, due to bacterial and viral infections, can also be accompanied by coughing, fever, sneezing and difficulty in nasal breathing.

When the infection or irritant is eliminated, the mucus in the eyes will also disappear. The reasons for the appearance of discharge are the same, regardless of whether an adult or a child is sick.

Purulent and white discharge from the eyes

The main reason for the formation of pus is the presence of various forms of conjunctivitis in the patient

The main reason for the formation of pus is the presence of various forms of conjunctivitis in the patient. Purulent discharge from the eyes can also occur due to injury to the eye or when a foreign object gets into it.

Suppuration of a viscous consistency, yellow or Brown is the body's response to various diseases, such as bacterial conjunctivitis, herpes of the eye, trachoma, fungal keratitis. During the disease process, many dead cells and metabolites accumulate, which the body tries to get rid of. Azidrop eye drops are an effective remedy for conjunctivitis.

You can learn about the differences in symptoms and features of the development of atopic and allergic conjunctivitis from the article.

Styes of the eye also cause purulent discharge. Purulent abscess gradually matures and at the end of the disease, as a rule, the accumulated substance flows out of it. Purulent inflammation more common in children and the elderly.

In the photo: white discharge from the baby's eyes

Why does white discharge appear in the eyes? Provocateurs are colds and viral conjunctivitis. Transparent, liquid, slightly sticky whitish mucus occurs under the influence of allergens, due to dry eyes and as a result of friction of the cilia on the eyeball. It does not form crusts and does not cause unnecessary discomfort.

Many people wonder why white discharge appears in the corners of the eyes? After sleep, a white coating forms in this place, which is not particularly paid attention to, but in vain. This symptom may indicate disorders in the body.

For what reasons white discharge from the eyes appears in the morning, a specialist will help you find out by conducting the necessary examination.

Discharge from the eyes of a child

Children have abundant yellow discharge may appear from the eyes due to dacryocystitis - failure of the lacrimal canals to pass through

In addition to the listed diseases, in children, profuse yellow discharge from the eyes may appear due to dacryocystitis - failure of the lacrimal canals to pass through.

The component flows out abundantly when pressed. Newborns are especially susceptible, due to the anatomy of the lacrimal organs.

This article will tell you how to treat allergic conjunctivitis in a child.

The problem should be solved not by an ophthalmologist, but by an ENT doctor. He probes the lacrimal ducts and washes them. Sometimes surgery is necessary.

Relief and treatment

It is possible to cure mucus in the eyes with integrated approach to the problem. After establishing the reasons for its occurrence, the ophthalmologist prescribes treatment.

The causes of discharge can be various diseases. Only a doctor knows how to treat discharge from the eye in an adult, and even more so in a child.

That’s why you shouldn’t put off visiting an ophthalmologist, much less self-medicate.

To relieve discomfort, you can do the following:

Apply eye drops using products prepared according to folk recipes(decoction of chamomile, rowan and other medicinal plants).

Apply a cotton swab moistened with a solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate to the eyes. If these drugs are not available, boiled, cooled water will do.

Rinse eyelids with saline solution.

Eliminate the irritant (in case of allergic discharge). To do this, clean the house and eliminate inappropriate cosmetics.

Massaging the eyelids helps remove thick discharge.

It is possible to cure mucus in the eyes with an integrated approach to the problem. After establishing the reasons for its occurrence, the ophthalmologist prescribes treatment. Therapy may consist of antibacterial and antiviral drugs, eye drops and ointments, antihistamines and hormonal drugs, but only after consulting a doctor. If all recommendations are followed, the disease quickly recedes.

Discharge from the eyes - causes and treatment

If one morning you can hardly open your eyes, and when you go to the mirror, you find swollen, inflamed eyelids covered with unpleasant yellow crusts and streaks of strange fluid under the eyes - this means that your organ of vision is affected by some kind of infection or is susceptible to an allergic reaction.

The cause of inflammation can be anything, including remnants of mascara that you simply forgot to wash off, or excess sebum that you naturally have. And as a result, the development of blepharitis, manifested by inflammation of the skin at the base of the eyelash line.

Depending on the infection that caused the inflammation, the discharge can be purulent (yellowish), white, transparent, etc.

Their manifestation is the same in adults, children and even animals. True, treatment in each case should be prescribed individually.

Purulent discharge (yellow, brown)

Purulent discharge appears as a result of the formation of a yellowish or brown thick inflammatory substrate - pus - in the eye (eyes). This is the “merit” of the large number of leukocytes (white blood cells) present here, which the body mobilized to fight bacteria, and in addition, the result of the vital activity of microorganisms. The discharge that sticks together in your eyes is a natural reaction of the body to progressive conjunctivitis - an acute lesion of the transparent spherical membrane covering the human eyeball.

Video about conjunctivitis - the main cause of discharge from the eyes

White (mucous) discharge from the eyes

Another type of discharge is whitish or white, completely liquid and transparent. Such sticky oozing crusts do not dry out and do not cause significant concern. They can occur with a cold, allergic reactions, dry eyes, or eyelashes rubbing against the eyeball. Such discharge, as a rule, disappears immediately as soon as the irritating factors are eliminated.

Discharge from the eyes of a child

In children, in addition to these eye diseases, the cause of discharge from the eyes is often inflammation of the lacrimal ducts (dacryocystitis). This disease is especially common in newborns - this is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the lacrimal organs.

This problem is no longer the responsibility of an ophthalmologist - it is dealt with by an otorhinolaryngologist (ENT doctor). For diagnosis and treatment in this case, probing and washing of the lacrimal canals are used, sometimes it is also necessary surgery in conditions pediatric ENT- departments.

What to do if there is discharge from the eyes

The best thing to do if you find yourself in the situation described above is to wash your face with warm boiled water and immediately visit an ophthalmologist. Only a specialist can determine the cause that caused this pathology, and then prescribe adequate treatment.

If you find discharge from your eyes of any kind, you should not tempt fate and wait until the disease progresses to chronic form. Treating an advanced disease is always more difficult and expensive than acting in hot pursuit. It is urgent to see an ophthalmologist so that the doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

If you have any complaints about vision, you can contact specialized ophthalmological clinics: doctors will carry out an examination in a short time thorough examination eye examination using modern diagnostic equipment and, based on the results, the most effective treatment will be prescribed.

Source: from the eyes

Discharge from the eyes is one of the signs of a pathological or physiological process in the eyes. Have different color, consistency and very often cause discomfort in humans. Accompanied by a number of other symptoms.

Normally, discharge from the eyes is a tear fluid that washes, moisturizes and cleanses the cornea. It is produced in small lacrimal glands located in the corner visual organ. Lysozyme contained in tears destroys microorganisms and prevents further development inflammation.

The reason for the appearance pathological discharge can be:

  1. Allergic reaction. If there is hypersensitivity to dust, pollen, household chemicals and other antigens, many organs, including the eyes, react. Conjunctivitis develops, an inflammatory process within the mucous membrane, which ultimately leads to the active release of clear serous or cloudy purulent exudate.
  2. Foreign body. A foreign body can be considered fine metal dust settling on the inner surface of the eyelid, an ingrown eyelash, or a very small object. As a result, inflammation also develops, but in this case the liquid takes on a whitish tint.
  3. Infection. The most common cause of pathological exudate. Microorganisms can be divided into two parts: nonspecific and specific flora. The first is characterized by serous or purulent yellow discharge. When the second multiplies, the manifestations may be different, and the liquid may acquire a yellow, whitish, or red tint due to blood cells.

Concomitant factors for the formation of the disease are:

  • decrease in human immune strength due to primary or secondary immunodeficiency;
  • improper, irrational nutrition with insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals;
  • occupational hazards when working with metals, minerals and microparticles;
  • hereditary predisposition, anatomical features of the eye;
  • untimely treatment acute form disease with its transition to a chronic course.

Associated symptoms

Discharge from the eyes is not the only sign of any disease. The clinical picture consists of at least three or four additional symptoms.

  • During an infectious inflammatory process, discomfort initially appears, which after a certain amount of time develops into pain syndrome. The mucous membrane becomes red, and the surrounding tissues swell. Possible formation general symptoms, the patient is concerned about elevated body temperature, malaise, weakness, nausea and loss of appetite.
  • With allergies, tissues also take on a red tint. Itching, burning, and swelling of the eyelids come to the fore. The clinical picture is complemented by rhinitis with clear liquid discharge from the nose, sneezing, and coughing.
  • If it is in the eye foreign object, then the patient speaks of a subjective feeling of something superfluous in the eye, which prevents him from calmly looking and blinking. If the body blocks the tear duct, the surface of the eye becomes dry, which increases the discomfort several times.
  • Discharge from the eyes while long time on the surface of the eyelids, tend to dry out. In the morning after sleep, the patient sometimes cannot open his eyes, since the formed crust holds the eyelashes and skin together very tightly.
  • As any inflammation progresses, visual acuity is sometimes impaired, which indicates the involvement of the visual apparatus in the pathological process: nerve fibers and endings.


Diagnosis of a disease accompanied by discharge from the eyes begins with a general examination by an ophthalmologist. Visual acuity is checked, intraocular pressure is sometimes measured, and the doctor also looks at the fundus of the eye to determine associated disorders. Next, the patient is sent for laboratory and instrumental examination.

In general and biochemical analysis blood, it is possible to increase the number of leukocytes, C-reactive protein, and increase the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Urine remains unchanged unless there is a concomitant diagnosis. Sometimes the blood is checked for the amount of immunoglobulin E; if this indicator increases, hypersensitivity is confirmed immune system to any allergen.

The bacteriological analysis of secretions is of greatest importance. If infection of the organ membranes is suspected, the specialist takes a smear, places it in a sterile container and sends it for examination. In the laboratory, culture is carried out for nutrient medium, after a few days, the type, strain of bacteria and their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs are determined. The last manipulation is necessary to correct the treatment and speedy recovery of the person.

If you have an allergy, you need to do a skin test. The doctor makes several scratches on the inner surface of the forearm, applies a few drops of various allergen solutions and reads the result after fifteen to twenty minutes. If there is itching and redness in the area of ​​the scratch, the test is considered positive.


Treatment mainly depends on etiological factor and neglect of the pathological process.

  • If infection is present, therapy begins with the use of systemic and local antibiotics or antiviral drugs. Doctors usually recommend Albucid, Tetracycline in the form of ointment, Ciprofloxacin in drops, Ophthalmoferon.
  • To reduce inflammation in allergies, experts suggest a combination of antihistamines (Lecrolin, Opatanol) and anti-inflammatory drugs of steroidal and non-steroidal nature (Dexamethasone, Ibuprofen).
  • To remove crusts and wash out purulent exudate, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or you can turn to old folk methods: Brew strong tea or prepare a decoction of chamomile and sage, soak a cotton pad in it and gently clean everything with smooth movements.
  • If there is a foreign object in the eye, surgery is necessary. For example, when an eyelash grows in, the eyelid is turned outward, the eyelash is removed, and hair follicle destroyed using laser or diathermocoagulation. You can determine a small particle yourself or using special optical equipment. The body is removed and surrounding tissue treated with disinfectants.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis is most often favorable if the patient consults a doctor in a timely manner and undergoes an adequate course of treatment.

Prevention includes:

  • limiting contact with suspected allergens and sick people;
  • usage individual funds for personal hygiene: towels, scarves, cotton pads, cosmetics, in particular mascara and eye shadow;
  • timely treatment of inflammation neighboring organs;
  • proper nutrition;
  • regular examination by an ophthalmologist, especially in the presence of occupational hazards;
  • thorough washing of hands and face;
  • constant support of immunity with the help of vitamin complexes.

Sokolova Angelina Evgenievna

Source: mucus accumulates in the corners of the eye - is this normal?

When we wake up in the morning, the first thing we do is wash our face to invigorate ourselves and remove dried mucus in the corners of our eyes. This is a common occurrence and should not cause concern. But what to do when mucus appears all day long? What provokes its release?

The appearance of mucus in the morning, usually in dry form - common occurrence almost all inhabitants of the planet. The fact is that our visual organs function even in a dream. The protective layers of the eyes prevent the mucous membrane from drying out. One of them, the outer layer, meibum - a transparent oily liquid - is the morning specks familiar to us. When a person's body temperature drops during sleep, this liquid solidifies and forms dry crusts.

However, there are times when mucus accumulates in the corners of the eye, and its amount is large. This causes discomfort, but can also signal an eye disease. Each of these cases has its own reasons:

If mucus appears throughout the day, there may be an infection in the eye. In this case, you should pay attention to hygiene and immediately contact an ophthalmologist to identify the true cause.

Spending a long time at the computer or in front of the TV is also bad for eye health. In such situations, dry eye syndrome may develop. The mucus in such cases looks like jelly.

Those who wear contact lenses, are also susceptible to excessive mucus production. An incorrectly selected accessory or poor care for it will lead to not entirely pleasant sensations and excessive discharge from the eyes.

Malfunctions gastrointestinal tract may affect mucus production in the eyes. Therefore, you should pay attention to your diet and visit a gastroenterologist.

To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, you should not delay consulting a specialist. The ophthalmologist will prescribe competent treatment, which, in turn, will help avoid complications in the future.

If you experience any unusual discharge from your eyes, you should consult a doctor immediately. This is especially true for those who begin to worry about yellowish lumps of mucus in their eyes.

You can also treat your eyes with chamomile infusion: 1 tbsp. l. dry grass pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and infuse for 15-20 minutes. Strain and cool. After this, use a cotton swab dipped in the infusion to wipe your eyes, paying attention to the corners.

Simple hygiene procedures and a correct lifestyle will help significantly reduce the abnormal occurrence of mucus in the eyes. Take care of your eyes and be healthy.

Source: eye discharge

White discharge from the eyes is one of the circumstances that is completely ignored by most. However, discharge may be a sign of a bacterial infection. Read this article to learn more about it.

Have you ever noticed white discharge leaking from your eyes? If so, do you notice discharge every day? Well, if yes, this article will tell you why you should not ignore this fact. What does it look like? Eye discharge is a watery or thick substance other than the naturally lubricating tears that the eyes produce. Continuous discharge of this fluid or semi-liquid substance may be a sign of inflammation or serious eye infections. It is also likely that white discharge in the corners of the eyes is a strong indicator eye disease, which may impair your vision.

What could white discharge mean?

Discharge from the eyes may be green, white, or pale yellow in color, and sticky, foamy, and mucus-like. It may also be due to pressure placed on the lacrimal sacs or meibomian glands. Pressure can occur when a person rubs their eyes hard. We often notice white discharge in our eyes in the morning, which sometimes makes it difficult to open our eyes. It's as if our eyes were glued together.

  • You may wake up with watery eyes and swollen eyelids. Accordingly, a completely reasonable question arises - why does white discharge appear in the eyes? This indicates that they were attacked by bacteria. Very oily skin can also be one of the reasons for mucus-filled eyes. Bacterial infections can lead to blepharitis. This is one of the types of inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. Due to this, the eyes produce a yellowish, mucus-like substance.
  • A sticky yellow discharge from the eyes is secreted to protect the eyes from bacteria or viruses, causing infections, a condition called pink eyes. This pink eye infection attacks the membrane that protects the eyeball.
  • Discharge from the eyes can also be a sign of allergies, such as pollen allergy or dust allergy. This type of discharge is watery and not as thick.
  • It can also be a symptom of itching due to frequent eye blinking due to sudden exposure to dry wind.
  • The onset of conjunctivitis is characterized by mucus discharge from the eyes, eye inflammation, sticky eyelids or a hard crust when waking up in the morning. The discharge may also be accompanied by a runny nose and sudden colds. The cause of conjunctivitis can be either fungal, viral or bacterial.
  • Corneal ulcers, whether bacterial or fungal in nature, can be characterized by severe pain, accompanied by a grayish-white discharge and blurred vision.
  • Pus-filled discharge may be a characteristic feature of Stevens-Johnson syndrome. This condition may also contribute to vision problems coupled with eye pain.
  • A condition called herpes ocular pemphigus is characterized by a hard crust of the eyes, thick, covered with blisters. The person also experiences blurred vision and excruciating pain in the eye.
  • Heavy discharge from the eyes can also be a symptom of orbital cellulitis. This symptom is accompanied by other symptoms such as headache, fever and distorted vision. Psoriasis is an eye-related disease in which the eye secretes a large number of a substance filled with mucus and pus, which further causes itching and reddened eyes.
  • Red eyelids strong pain with excessively moist eyes are early signs trachoma.
  • When your child is concerned about sticky or stringy, thick discharge, you should seek advice from a medical expert. This could be a sign of a sinus infection or a cold that your baby may be suffering from or on the verge of getting sick.

Thus, we discussed above about white discharge in the corners of the eyes and the reasons for their occurrence. Now you need to act based on the cause of this illness.

Home Remedies

Continuous white discharge from the eyes is annoying. You can try the following simple but effective home remedies to improve your eye condition.

A cold compress can work wonders and treat eye problems effectively. Take a wide-mouth container and add a few ice cubes from the refrigerator's ice tray. Add some water to the ice in the container. Moisten soft cloth in ice water and apply a compress to the affected eye. Do this several times. Your eyes will feel fresh and will also be free from stickiness.

If your eyelids are crusty, dip a soft cloth in warm water and apply this compress. The feeling of tightness and itching will disappear and your eyes will feel much lighter.

Call a doctor when. .

  • Discharge from the eyes increases and the color changes to green with pus;
  • The area around the eyes and the eye itself becomes very painful;
  • The discharge from the eyes becomes thick enough that it practically robs you of normal vision.

Mix honey with milk, and use a cotton swab to gently apply a compress to the infected eyes. Know that cold milk is preferable for a compress to achieve a soothing effect.

Fennel seeds can also serve as a remedy to soothe irritated eyes. Add fennel seeds to the water and let it boil. Once the water has cooled, strain the water and apply to infected eyes.

Raw potatoes are a good home remedy that can be used to help infected eyes. Cut one thin slice of medium-sized raw potato and place it on your eye. Using this medication for three to four nights will cause significant changes in the condition of your eyes.

For problems such as conjunctivitis and pink eye, add salt to boiling water. Dip a soft cloth or cotton swab and place it on the affected eye.

Drops of rose water can be applied to the affected eye or a few drops can be placed on a cotton ball and placed on the eye. The eyes will feel comfortable and the burning sensation will decrease.

If the problem persists, it is better to visit the clinic. Do not neglect this state, because your eyes are truly windows that open the world to you!

Source: from the eyes: causes and treatment

If you experience various discharges from the eyes, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms, after which you should consult a doctor:

  • if your eye discharge is yellowish or white;
  • if the discharge dries out and a yellow crust forms;
  • if you experience redness, swelling or pain in the eyelid area.

Possible causes and typical symptoms of eye diseases

Discharge from the eyes may indicate infection from regular mascara or other external irritants. This is evidenced by inflamed eyelids, on which a crust or ichor forms, which oozes from the eyes. In this case, such manifestations are characteristic of blepharitis, which causes inflammation at the very base of the eyelashes. This is accompanied by the release of yellow pus with a thick consistency.

In addition, discharge from the eyes can be the result of such a dangerous disease as conjunctivitis. In this case, gluing of eyelashes and corresponding purulent discharge are also observed. This disease is caused by damage to the membrane of the eye due to exposure to a viral infection.

Sometimes what comes out of the eyes is not purulent and yellow, but transparent ichor, which has a more liquid structure. In addition, unlike purulent, it does not dry out, but is constantly released. Such discharge from the eyes signals the appearance of a cold or allergy to external irritants:

  • pollen of flowering plants;
  • particles of paint or contaminated water;
  • strong wind with dust particles;
  • drying out of the transparent membrane or strong friction of the eyelids on the eyeball.

In these cases, they do not indicate any disease and disappear almost immediately after the cause of the allergy or irritation is eliminated.

How to relieve pain and speed up recovery

The appearance of liquid discharge from the eyes, as well as swelling of the eyelids, in most cases indicate an infection. For treatment, special drops containing an antibiotic are usually used. However, they should be taken by a specialized specialist.

There are many methods to get rid of unpleasant painful sensations.

  1. If you cannot open your eyes on your own when waking up, you need to wipe your eyelids with a cotton swab, after moistening it in warm water.
  2. You should wash your eyelids regularly aqueous solution table salt in the proportion of half a teaspoon of salt to a tablespoon of boiled water.
  3. If thick discharge appears, it is necessary to massage the eyelids and remove the accumulations with a cotton swab.
  4. Personal toiletries must be used
  5. During treatment, you should completely avoid cosmetics.

If you follow these recommendations, as well as apply modern medications and be constantly monitored by an ophthalmologist, you can quickly win developing disease or warn her. However, it should be remembered that discharge from the eyes is not always a consequence of the disease, so first you need to analyze the reasons for its appearance and try to eliminate them.


Discharge from an adult's eyes can vary in color and consistency. Most often, a person discovers such a nuisance as glued eyelids as soon as he wakes up. In adults, in most cases, they are temporary and disappear in a few days. But sometimes discharge from the eye indicates the presence of serious problems, and such a person requires serious treatment.

Causes of the unpleasant syndrome

Discharge from the eye becomes a protective reaction of the body to the effects of aggressive factors. environment. It could be an infection, an allergen, or mechanical damage. In most cases, they suggest that a person, and in particular his organs of vision, are affected by one or another ailment.

What diseases can discharge from the eye indicate:

  • conjunctivitis (allergic, bacterial or viral);
  • dacryocystitis;
  • trachoma;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratitis.

Also, discharge is possible when infection penetrates into the organ of vision, weakened surgical intervention, during the rehabilitation period. Uncomfortable or dirty lenses can also cause an unpleasant symptom. Discharge from the eyes of a person can appear when exposed to chemicals and ultraviolet radiation, as a result of long work at the monitor due to dryness and fatigue of the visual organs.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva most often causes a similar symptom. The cause may be infection of the organs of vision with pathological bacteria and viruses or a reaction to an allergic irritant. This disease can lead to serious consequences in the form of endophthalmitis or corneal ulcers. Inflammation of the lacrimal sac or dacryocystitis is caused by dysfunction of the nasolacrimal ducts, which provokes congestion in the eye. Trachoma, that is, a chronic inflammatory process in the conjunctiva and cornea, causes chlamydial infection. With keratitis, the cornea becomes inflamed for infectious reasons.

Blepharitis, manifested by inflammation of the ciliary edge of the eyelids, may have several causes:

  • excessively oily skin;
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • reaction to demodex dust mites;
  • infections of neighboring organs or brought from contaminated objects.

Discharge from the eye is usually accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms:

  • cloudiness, burning and itching in the organs of vision
  • painful sensation and increased lacrimation;
  • redness, swelling, photosensitivity.

With bacterial or viral lesions, cough, runny nose, aching sensations in the joints, and fever are also possible.

Discharge from the eyes accompanying a certain disease can lead to serious complications, including loss of vision. And if they don't pass quickly or are accompanied severe itching and pain, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist.

Diagnosis of the disease that caused the discharge

Depending on the cause of the inflammatory process, discharge from the eyes may have different structures and shades. Based on their appearance, it can be assumed that ailments should be treated. However, the diagnosis must still be made by a doctor, based on examination of the contents and other tests.

What do different discharges from the eyes indicate:

Structure and shade Why do they arise? Additional symptoms Possible disease
Purulent - thick, viscous, yellow-gray, greenish or brownish in color. Due to the accumulation of leukocytes as a reaction of the body to the activity of pathogenic bacteria. They form hard crusts that make it difficult to open your eyes in the morning, or a film on the front of the eyeball. Bacterial conjunctivitis, ocular herpes, trachoma, fungal keratitis.
Foamy structure, yellowish or green with the formation of crusts and scales. The reasons are different: from a reaction to dust mites to infection with pathological microorganisms. Swelling and itching of the eyelids appear, discharge usually occurs in the morning. Blepharitis.
Mucous white Due to exposure to viruses. Redness, increased tearing, first there is discharge from one eye, then the second one joins. Viral conjunctivitis, colds.
Abundant yellow It is provoked by congestion in the organs of vision. The component flows out strongly when pressed. Dacryocystitis.
Transparent, liquid The body's response to a stimulus external environment: pollen, animal hair, etc., as well as severe fatigue eye. Both eyes are affected at once. They disappear after eliminating the irritating factor. Allergic conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome.

Thread-like discharge most often occurs with filamentous keratitis, rarely with allergic conjunctivitis. The first disease is a variety chronic inflammation cornea, which occurs due to dysfunction of the lacrimal glands. Such discharge from the eyes is accompanied by sensitivity to light, burning, and dryness of the nasopharynx.

Thread-like keratitis is treated with emollient ointments, drops - analogues of human tears with vitamin and mineral complexes.

Treatment of the disease

Complex therapy for eye discharge is important not only for a child, but also for an adult. At the first symptoms of an ophthalmic disease, you should consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination and prescribe lab tests discharge, which will help determine its cause and prescribe treatment.

But before going to the clinic, you should give yourself first medical care: remove an unpleasant substance from the eyelids. It is washed in the direction from the outer to the inner corner of the eye with a swab moistened weak solution antiseptic, for example, furatsilin. If the discharge is very thick, massage the eyelids and remove the substance with a cotton swab.

Treatment of an unpleasant symptom depends entirely on the disease that caused it. Your doctor may prescribe antibacterial or antiviral drops, ointments, and oral medications. Chronic conjunctivitis may require hormonal treatment, and the allergic version may require antihistamines. When treating dacryocystitis, adult patients restore the patency of the nasolacrimal duct using surgical intervention. Additionally, you will need to take antiviral and antibacterial agents during recovery.

Traditional methods of treatment can also be used, but only after consultation with a specialist, otherwise there is a risk of worsening the situation.

At home, it is best to do rinses and compresses:

  1. Eye discharge can be easily treated with an aqueous solution of table salt. To prepare it, you need to dilute a pinch of powder in a large spoon of warm boiled water.
  2. You can wash your eyes with infusion of chamomile or calendula. To prepare the first, brew three large spoons of flowers in 200 ml of boiling water. After cooling, filter. The same infusion is also suitable for lotions (cotton pads soaked in it should be applied to the eyes for a quarter of an hour, five times a day). The same applies to calendula-based products. But there you need to take two spoons of raw material for a similar amount of hot water.
  3. Washing and lotions made from fresh tea leaves are useful. Black tea works better. In this case, compresses are kept for no longer than seven minutes.

During the treatment period (and not only) you should use personal toiletries.

You will have to give up decorative cosmetics until the end of your illness and greatly reduce your visual stress. If there is discharge from one eye, both should still be treated.

Why eyes water - reasons, treatment with drops and folk remedies

The pathology when the eyes water is called lacrimation - this is a common problem that can signal various diseases and disturbances in the functioning of the lacrimal glands and cornea.

  • Why eyes water - reasons, treatment with drops and folk remedies
  • Symptoms of teary eyes
  • Why do my eyes water?
  • On the street
  • The child has
  • One eye is watering
  • Why do tears flow from my eyes for no reason?
  • Increased lacrimation with a cold
  • Eyes itchy and watery
  • What to do when your eyes are watery
  • Drops against teary eyes on the street
  • Folk remedies
  • Video: Tearing eyes
  • Mucus and discharge from the eyes: causes and treatment
  • Causes and mechanisms
  • Symptoms
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Blepharitis
  • Dacryocystitis
  • Additional diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • What to do if your eyes are watery? Effective treatment: drops and reviews of drugs
  • Why can your eyes water?
  • Types of drops for watery eyes syndrome
  • Watery eyes: what to do, treatment, drops, reviews
  • Allergodil
  • Review of the drug Allergodil
  • Tobrex
  • Review of Tobrex drug
  • Okomistin
  • Review of the drug Okomistin
  • Albucid
  • Review of the drug Albucid
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In most cases, the disease goes away on its own, but ophthalmologists do not recommend leaving tears in your eyes unattended. It is important to know what to do for watery eyes, how to treat it and what folk remedies to use.

Symptoms of teary eyes

The secretion product of the lacrimal glands is tears. The daily rate of secretions is up to 1 ml of tears without exposure to external irritants, which perform important function in the body – cleanse the eye shell of foreign bodies and bacteria. In case of increased lacrimation with photophobia or redness of the eyes, the daily rate of manifestations increases to 10 ml. Normal tears caused by crying are not related to the problem of lacrimation and are not noted as a pathology.

Fluid when crying is also characterized by nasal discharge and redness, but is short-term in nature and caused by psycho-emotional stress. Upon completion of the stressful state, the person stops crying (secreting liquid) and calms down. The difference between the pathology and ordinary tears is that the symptoms of tearing of the eyes do not cease to appear for a long time. The following symptoms are identified:

  • irritation;
  • dacryocystitis (nasal pain);
  • feeling of a foreign particle;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • burning.

Why do my eyes water?

The reasons are different - in some cases, the problem of excessive outflow of eye fluid is solved by replenishing vitamins B12 and A. These microelements ensure the proper functioning of the organ of vision. With vitamin deficiency due to poor nutrition or restrictive diets, a person develops a dangerous illness - xerophthalmia. The disease leads to transparency and the development of an inflammatory process in the cornea. Subsequently, the patient completely loses vision due to the death of the cornea. Other reasons why your eyes become watery are:

  • allergic reaction;
  • seasonal exacerbation;
  • stress;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • penetration of foreign particles;
  • migraine;
  • corneal injury;
  • incorrectly selected contact lenses;
  • viral infection;
  • eversion of eyelids;
  • narrowing of lacrimal openings;
  • disruption of tear production;
  • age-related disorders;
  • sinus diseases;
  • sinusitis;
  • pathology of the lacrimal sac.

On the street

The visual organ is sensitive to the influence of the environment and its changes. The situation when the eyes water on the street is a natural defensive reaction if the visual organ is simply slightly moistened. When the flow of tears cannot be stopped, this is a reason to consult an ophthalmologist. There are the following reasons for watery eyes on the street:

  • windy weather (the mucous membrane tries to protect itself from drying out);
  • strain of vision in the sun, looking into the distance, concentrating on one object;
  • overwork;
  • incorrectly selected glasses increase stress when walking;
  • ingress of street dust and debris;
  • allergy (to pollen);
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • spasm of the tubules;
  • rhinitis.

The child has

The eye fluid has antiseptic and bactericidal properties, washes and nourishes the cornea, protecting it from damage and drying out. The reasons why a child’s eyes water are the same as those of adults: when exposed to stress, influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, or a foreign body, the fluid that accumulates in the tear duct begins to be released. Mothers should know that a child’s increased tearfulness may be due to other conditions:

  • allergies (more often occurs in children older than one year);
  • infection;
  • avitaminosis (lack of vitamins);
  • obstruction of the lacrimal canaliculi (can be observed in a newborn baby at 2-3 months).

One eye is watering

When the tear duct becomes clogged, one eye begins to water. If this symptom appears, it is necessary professional help doctor, because ignoring it will lead to narrowing of the lacrimal canal. This will be followed by a secondary infection, which subsequently develops into a purulent form of dacryocystitis or acute peridacryocystitis (phlegmon of the lacrimal sac). If there is increased secretion of eye fluid, you should visit not only an ophthalmologist, but also:

Why do tears flow from my eyes for no reason?

IN in good condition the tear leaves through the nasolacrimal duct in the nose. If there is an obstruction in the tear ducts, then the fluid has nowhere to go. If a situation arises where tears flow from your eyes for no reason, you should go to ophthalmology clinic to diagnose the condition of the ducts. Having discovered unfavorable results of tests and studies, the specialist will rinse the lacrimal ducts for the patient.

Increased lacrimation with a cold

Infection of a person with colds is characterized not only by redness of the eyes and tearing, but also by general weakness, malaise, cough, runny nose, and fever. Why do your eyes water when you have a cold? An organism that is vulnerable to illness is exposed to pathological changes, affecting all organs, including the visual ones.

The inflammatory process involves not only eyeballs. The surrounding tissues begin to ache: the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and sinuses. Swelling of the nasal septum and swelling occurs. The passages to the sinuses close, making it difficult for mucus to drain, putting pressure on the eye sockets. The tissues of the nasolacrimal canal swell, it becomes blocked, and the only way to remove fluid is the lacrimal canal.

Eyes itchy and watery

The adverse effects on the body are evidenced by two unpleasant symptoms: increased lacrimation and itching. The reasons that cause this phenomenon can be simple (it’s easy to get rid of them by eliminating the irritants), and more serious, requiring treatment. List of diseases that cause itchy and watery eyes:

What to do when your eyes are watery

In cases of increased tear production in response to irritating factors, by eliminating them, you can get rid of the cause of the outflow of tears. If lacrimation occurs with the flu or other colds, then all efforts must be directed toward treating the underlying disease. Tears and other symptoms (discharge of pus, itching, redness) can be caused by:

  • disruption of the visual system;
  • congenital pathology;
  • infection, penetration of bacteria.

The first thing to do is consult an ophthalmologist. The specialist will take a smear, conduct research, determine the exact cause of the disease and prescribe careful treatment in the form of drops, ointments, and other medications to help cope with the disease. Next, you should compensate for the lack of vitamin A by consuming:

Drops against teary eyes on the street

People who need to be outdoors for long periods of time may need drops to prevent eye water while outdoors. Effective means The doctor will select one based on the individual characteristics of your visual organ. The drops have anti-inflammatory properties. The instructions should indicate that they can be used for problems caused by microorganisms. Drops have the following effects:

Tears can gently rinse the mucous membrane and eliminate potentially dangerous harmful microbes and foreign particles. If you have to cry more often than necessary (due to the incessant secretion), then people turn to drops. You can buy them at the pharmacy. The convenient bottle allows you to comfortably use the medication anywhere. The following popular eye drops are prescribed:

  • Levomycetin;
  • Torbex;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Normax.

Folk remedies

If it is impossible to use medications, you can resort to help herbal remedies. You can alleviate the condition and remove inflammation with increased tear production yourself using prepared lotions and rinsing solutions. Folk remedies for watery eyes cope well with the problem. Treatment is carried out using solutions prepared according to the following effective recipes from the table:

Red rose, blue cornflower flowers

Video: Tearing eyes

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Source: and discharge from the eyes: causes and treatment

Problems with the organ of vision are very unpleasant and significantly worsen the quality of life of patients. And one of the most common situations in ophthalmology is discharge from the eyes. Once faced with such a phenomenon, everyone will want to know why such a symptom appeared and how to eliminate it.

Causes and mechanisms

Local changes become both an independent disease and a sign of general disorders. Quite often they appear during a cold, and hypothermia and decreased immunity are predisposing factors. The danger of inflammatory pathology is that the infection can spread to the eye itself, which will lead to a deterioration in its function. The diseases occur not only in adults, but are also typical for children. Therefore, it is especially important to identify the cause of changes in time. Early diagnosis greatly facilitates further treatment and increases its effectiveness.


Any symptoms require analysis and detail. First, the doctor interviews the patient to identify complaints and find out how the disease began and progressed. When examining discharge from the eyes, one should note their characteristics. The main characteristics of the symptom include:

  • Color: white, yellow, greenish.
  • Type: mucous, purulent.
  • Consistency: liquid, viscous, thick.
  • Volume: abundant or scanty.
  • Frequency of occurrence: in the morning or throughout the day.
  • Provoking factors: rubbing the eyes, pressing on the lacrimal sac.

At the same time, a physical examination is carried out, which includes inspection and palpation. This allows us to establish objective signs of pathology. The complex creates a general picture of the disease, allowing a preliminary conclusion to be made.

If the eyes are running, then diagnosing the problem begins with finding out all the symptoms that are present in the patient.


Inflammation of the conjunctival mucosa is the most common cause of eye discharge. Based on the type of pathology and its origin, the symptoms may have some differences. The most common signs of conjunctivitis are:

  • Sensation of a foreign body, cutting.
  • Redness of the eye.
  • Swelling of the mucous membrane and eyelids.
  • Tearing.

With bacterial inflammation, purulent discharge appears, which mainly collects after sleep. Due to the viscous and cloudy secretion, the eyelids stick together and plaque forms on them. First, one eye is affected, but due to poor hygiene, the infection spreads to the second.

Quite often, conjunctivitis appears to be a sign of a general respiratory disease. A viral infection is characterized by signs of general intoxication: fever, weakness, malaise, body aches. A runny nose occurs, and patients are bothered by a sore throat and cough.

Conjunctivitis with adenoviral infection is a sign that allows you to distinguish it from other colds. It can occur immediately or after some time from the beginning. The discharge is often scanty, enlarged follicles are visible on the mucous membrane, and sometimes a filmy coating forms. Inflammatory phenomena in the eye persist even after the temperature normalizes.

Small mucous discharge also appears in the allergic form of conjunctivitis. But in this case, severe redness and swelling of the eyelids, burning and itching in the eyes come to the fore. The addition of secondary bacterial flora leads to suppuration of the exudate, the mucus becomes white-yellow or greenish.

In addition to viral infections, conjunctivitis can be one of the manifestations of Reiter's syndrome. This is a condition caused by chlamydia. It is characterized by damage to the urethra, mucous membrane of the eyes and joints. Conjunctivitis is often combined with keratitis, iridocyclitis, and uveitis. Its manifestations can be scanty, but concomitant urethritis and arthritis are unlikely to go unnoticed.


When the eyelids become inflamed, viscous fluid may also be released from the eyes. But most often this is observed with demodectic blepharitis, which occurs due to tick-borne infestation. The outer edge of the eyelids itches a lot, especially in the morning, and sometimes the itching becomes almost unbearable. Stinging occurs in the eyes, sticky secretions collect, which stick together the eyelashes, further transforming into scales and crusts. The eyelids thicken and turn red. The disease has a chronic course; demodicosis can also affect other areas of the face: eyebrows, smooth skin.


In cases where sticky fluid flows from the eye, it is necessary to think about a disease such as dacryocystitis. It occurs due to obstruction of the lacrimal canal (with ARVI, rhinosinusitis, nasal polyps, congenital anomalies, after injuries). Tears stagnate in the bag, which leads to the addition of secondary flora and the development of an inflammatory reaction. The secretion turns from transparent to cloudy mucopurulent.

The clinical picture of dacryocystitis is quite typical. The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • Severe lacrimation.
  • Swelling below the inner corner of the eye.
  • When pressed, pathological exudate is released from the lacrimal openings.

The acute process is characterized by more striking signs. The skin turns sharply red, the swelling becomes painful, the eyelids are swollen, and the palpebral fissure does not close completely. Swelling may spread to the cheek and nose. Patients complain of pain in the orbital region, fever and other signs of intoxication. And after a certain time, a fluctuation forms in the center of the swelling, then pus breaks through the fistula outward or into the nasal cavity. The danger is that phlegmon of the orbit may form.

Discharge of pus from the eyes during dacryocystitis is a fairly characteristic sign, which, in combination with other symptoms, suggests a diagnosis.

Additional diagnostics

To clarify the diagnosis and obtain reliable information about the nature of the pathological process, it is necessary to use additional methods. Laboratory and instrumental studies that are indicated for patients may include the following procedures:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Analysis of discharge from the eye (microscopy, culture, PCR).
  • Examination of eyelashes for demodicosis.
  • Allergy tests.
  • Biomicroscopy of the eyelids and conjunctiva.
  • Probing the lacrimal canal.
  • Dacryocystography.
  • Rhinoscopy.


Therapeutic tactics involve influencing the source of the problem and the mechanisms of pathology development. Basically, this can be achieved using conservative methods. They cannot do without medications:

  • Antiseptics (Albucid, Vitabact).
  • Antibiotics (Tsipropharm, Tobrex, tetracycline ointment).
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Indocollir).
  • Antiallergic (Lecrolin, Visallergol).
  • Glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone ointment).

When you have a cold, it is important to increase the activity of the body's defenses, for which interferon preparations (Nazoferon), immunomodulators (Anaferon, Polyoxidonium), and vitamins (ascorbic acid) can be used. Dacryocystitis during the period of infiltration is also treated with physiotherapy (UHF therapy, dry heat). And if an abscess forms, surgical methods will have to be used, because the pathological exudate must be removed from the lacrimal sac. This is done by creating an anastomosis between it and the nasal cavity (dacryocystorhinostomy). Currently, the operation is performed minimally invasively (endoscopically or laser).

If there is discharge from the eyes, then the only correct solution is to seek help from a doctor. Only a specialist can understand the cause of the changes and how to eliminate the pathology. And the patient should refuse even the thought of self-medication, and rely on medical recommendations in everything.

Waking up in the morning, you have difficulty opening your eyes, and when you try to blink, your eyelashes keep sticking together from time to time.

You rush to the mirror in a panic and discover that your eyelids are slightly swollen, there are yellow or yellow-brown crusts on your eyelashes, and there is accumulation and streaks of fluid under the eye and in the inner corner of the eye. yellowish color. In this case, the mucous membrane of the eyes may become inflamed, which will manifest itself as redness and increased sensitivity to light.

All this indicates that your eyes are inflamed and the reason for this is some kind of infection, and perhaps, in some cases, this is a manifestation of an allergic reaction.

Anything can be a favorable environment for the development of infection, a weakened immune system, remnants of mascara that you have not completely washed off (this applies to female audiences), an excessive amount of fat on the skin, which subsequently leads to the development of inflammation of the skin at the base of the eyelashes, this type of inflammation is called . Discharge from the eyes may be the result of development, in which gluing of eyelashes is also noted.

The nature of discharge from the eyes can be different, depending on the cause, the discharge can be yellow (purulent), white, transparent, and in some cases they can be mixed.

Purulent discharge from the eyes

Purulent discharge from the eyes is often horrifying, but this is nothing more, nothing less than a manifestation of the body’s protective reaction to bacteria.

In this case, purulent discharge is caused by an increase in the number of leukocytes, these are white blood cells in our body that actively fight foreign agents in the form of bacteria. In addition to all this, the characteristic color of the discharge is also due to the life processes of microorganisms. In the overwhelming majority, this symptom indicates the progressive development of conjunctivitis, but it is quite possible that it is something else. Only an ophthalmologist can tell you exactly what disease you are facing, so don’t delay your appointment.

White (mucous) and clear discharge from the eyes

In addition to purulent discharge, you may encounter white, transparent discharge from the eyes, which can be completely runny and sticky. As a rule, they do not dry out and do not crust over the eyes. Often occur with a cold, an allergic reaction, seasonal allergies, or exposure to strong winds, which causes the mucous membrane of the eyes to dry out when the eyelashes come into contact with the surface of the eye. Such discharge in most cases is not dangerous; it goes away on its own as soon as the factor causing it is eliminated.

Discharge from a child's eye

When it comes to eye discharge in children, the cause may be inflammation of the lacrimal ducts, the so-called dacryocystitis. Most often, newborn children are susceptible to this disease, and it occurs due to anatomical features structure of the lacrimal ducts.

The treatment of such a disease is carried out by an otolaryngologist, and not an ophthalmologist, as many believe. In the diagnosis and treatment of dacryocystitis, probing of the lacrimal canals and their lavage are used; in some cases, surgical intervention may be required, which is carried out at the pediatric ENT department.

What to do if there is discharge from the eyes

The best and first thing to do is to wash your face with warm boiled water, rinse your eyes with furatsilin and immediately go to a visit to an ophthalmologist. Before going to the doctor, you can drip a 20% Albucid solution - these are antibacterial drops. Of course, you should not self-medicate, but after washing your eyes with boiled water, it is better to drip drops. When you visit a doctor, do not forget to describe all your sensations, so that differential diagnosis was accurate.

If you notice discharge from your eyes, you cannot ignore them; it is best to consult an ophthalmologist to check the condition of the mucous membrane of the eyes, or conjunctiva.

In the meantime, you can familiarize yourself with the types of discharge from the eyes and their possible causes.

Excessive lacrimation

Excessive lacrimation can occur at any time of the day, depending on the cause that caused it. Most often, tears begin to flow when you leave a warm room into the cold. Tears often flow in the evening when a person goes to bed.
The most common reasons are as follows.

  • Corneal irritation. This may happen due to mechanical damage, eye injuries.
  • Allergic reaction. People with allergies often suffer from excessive lacrimation when inhaling, for example, pollen from allergenic plants. Tears flow heavily even when fluff flies from the poplars.
  • Windy, cold or frosty weather.
  • Blockage of the lacrimal ducts. This can happen, for example, due to an infection that has entered the eye and caused an inflammatory process.
  • In older people, there is sagging of the lower eyelid, which is why tears are not retained on the eyelid and constantly flow out.
  • TO typical reasons include various reasons psychological in nature.

There are also relatively rare causes of lacrimation.

  • Incorrectly fitted contact lenses.
  • The action of any chemical irritant.
  • Inconsistency of the oculomotor muscles in their actions.
  • Disease of the lacrimal gland itself.
  • Eye strain from reading for a long time, especially in dim light.
  • And vice versa: the light or flash is too bright.

Discharge of pus and/or mucus

Purulent and mucous discharge occurs quite often. In the morning, a person sometimes cannot open his eyes: the eyes are swollen and stuck together, dry crusts have formed on the eyelids, and the eyes have an inflamed appearance.
Typical reasons for such discharge are as follows.

  • Conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the conjunctiva - the mucous membrane of the eye. Inflammation is usually caused by an allergic reaction or a viral or bacterial infection. There are many types of conjunctivitis itself and conjunctivitis in combination with other inflammations. There are: blepharoconjunctivitis - a combination of blepharitis with conjunctivitis (the eyelids become inflamed), keratoconjunctivitis - a combination of keratitis with conjunctivitis (the cornea becomes inflamed) and episcleritis - inflammation that passes without discharge.
  • Dry eye syndrome.
  • Inflammation in the glands of the eyelids.

When should you see a doctor?

If the discharge from the eyes dries out in the form of crusts, it has yellow and permanent in nature, if swelling of the eyelids, redness and pain in the eyelids appear - in all these cases you should consult an ophthalmologist.
