We prepare a hercules decoction for babies. How to properly give oatmeal to a baby

In order for a baby to grow healthy and strong, he must, along with nutrition, receive the full range of necessary foods. useful substances. In the first 5-6 months of life, such beneficial substances reach the baby through breast milk or formula milk. And after the first six months of life, the need to eat other, adult food increases. First introduced into baby's complementary foods vegetable purees or porridge. But there is one famous dish - oat broth for babies. This drink is used both as a source of nutrients for supplementary feeding, and as a remedy. Previously, it was believed that if a baby does not get enough breast milk, then he should definitely be supplemented with a decoction of rolled oats almost from the first or second month of life. However, now in such a situation, experts recommend trying to increase lactation, and not rushing to introduce this and other decoctions into the baby’s diet. Why? The answer is in this article.

Oats are the healthiest grain. But in its original form, it requires long-term heat treatment, which is why manufacturers steam and flatten the purified grains. After undergoing this processing, oats turn into the familiar oat flakes. Cooking oats in this form is much faster - 5-10 minutes.

When to use oatmeal

Oatmeal decoction has been used since ancient times to feed young children. Currently, Hercules decoction for infants is also used in some cases:

  • For constipation in a baby. As you know, oatmeal is rich in fiber, which improves intestinal motility. Oatmeal decoction really helps in the fight against constipation in infants. The main thing is not to abuse it.
  • If a child is underweight. Oatmeal broth has high energy value. That is why many pediatricians recommend giving oatmeal decoction to children with poor weight gain.
  • As a supplement to mother's milk, especially in times of deficiency. Oatmeal broth is very nutritious product. It allows the body to feel full and long time don't feel hungry.

When feeding a baby after 7 months, the mixture can be diluted with oatmeal decoction.

The benefits of oatmeal broth

The beneficial properties of oatmeal are countless:

  • Oats contain a lot of vitamins (C, A, E, K, B), which support healthy condition skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes.
  • Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, which improves intestinal function.
  • Antioxidants in rolled oats remove toxins and waste from the body and strengthen the immune system.
  • Hercules porridge contains many carbohydrates and amino acids necessary for the growth of a child.

Despite all the “pros”, this drink still has “cons”:

  • Contains gluten, which can cause allergies in children. Until approximately 6 months of age, children do not have enzymes in their bodies that break down this complex protein. If you give your baby oatmeal before 6 months, the gluten contained in it will not be absorbed, which can provoke an allergic reaction.
  • If oatmeal infusion is abused, the child's stool can become very weak, which can lead to the risk of dehydration. Therefore, when giving a child oatmeal, it is necessary to observe the measure.

There is a lot of discussion about at what age a newborn can try oatmeal. We would like to remind you that gluten-containing cereals (semolina, oatmeal, wheat) are introduced into complementary foods for a child no earlier than 7 months. Oatmeal broth also contains gluten, so we do not recommend it for early introduction into the baby’s diet, especially if the baby suffers from allergies.

The ideal age for the first try of oatmeal broth is 7-8 months of age. Even if a child under 6 months has constipation, oatmeal broth should not act as remedy number 1. modern market there are many various means to safely combat constipation in infants. If you have problems with stool, as well as underweight and lack of milk, first of all, you need to contact pediatrician. If you give a rolled oats drink too early, you must get the approval of your pediatrician, otherwise you risk the health of your baby!

The decoction should be introduced into complementary feeding for infants in the same way as other products - absolutely healthy child, during the break between vaccinations, in the first half of the day, starting with 0.5 teaspoon, observing the body’s reaction throughout the day. In the absence of one, gradually increase daily dose up to approximately 50 ml per feeding. It is better to find out the maximum volume from your pediatrician, because... Each child has individual characteristics.

Please note that it is advisable to give oatmeal decoction to the baby as complementary foods no more than once a day, 2-3 times a week, alternating with complementary foods from other products. And as a supplement, oatmeal broth should be given to infants only on the recommendation of a doctor!

Preparation of hercules decoction

On the water. Most safe way preparing oatmeal decoction for children under 1 year of age - using water. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. Before cooking the oatmeal broth, sort and rinse the oatmeal.
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon of flakes into 100 ml of cold water.
  3. Place the bowl with the cereal over low heat and cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Let the broth cool slightly.
  5. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  6. Serve the broth to your child without adding sugar, salt or other ingredients.
  1. Before preparing the decoction, sort and wash the flakes. If desired, grind them with a blender.
  2. Boil 200 ml of milk and add 1 tablespoon of cereal.
  3. Cook the mixture for 20-30 minutes over low heat.
  4. At the end of cooking, pour another 50 ml of milk into the pan to get rid of any lumps that have formed.
  5. Strain the mixture through a sieve.
  6. Add a little sugar if necessary.

Let's sum it up

A decoction of rolled oats is recommended for feeding children suffering from constipation. Despite all the value and benefits of this product, it is not advisable to give it to children younger than 7 months, since oatmeal contains the allergenic substance gluten. You should not overuse the hercules decoction, so as not to provoke diarrhea in the baby. Oatmeal decoction perfectly saturates the body. Infant up to 1 year of age, the decoction should be eaten only in water.

Many may have heard about how healthy jelly is, but how to prepare oatmeal jelly so that its usefulness is preserved? In this article we will share with readers several recipes for delicious oatmeal jelly.

Oatmeal jelly has no contraindications, the exception may be individual intolerance, but these are quite rare cases. It has powerful healing and nutritional properties, giving energy. And the main advantage is natural product nutrition, which is often included in a weight loss diet.

How to cook oatmeal jelly - a classic recipe?

Classic cooking options oatmeal jelly consist of a minimum of products so that the drink contains the maximum volume useful microelements and a minimum of additives.

Hercules recipe

Hercules flakes - popular healthy breakfast among adherents of proper nutrition.

To prepare an equally healthy drink, take:

  • 160 g Hercules porridge;
  • 1.7 liters of water;
  • 50 g rye flour bread crusts or 50 ml kefir;
  • salt.

Prepare oatmeal jelly from Hercules according to the following scheme:

  1. Sourdough: in a 3 liter jar, pour Hercules porridge a little warm water, throw in a crust of bread or kefir. Close well, cover, place in a warm place for 1-2 days.
  2. Filter through a sieve, thoroughly grinding the oatmeal cake. Mix the resulting liquid and leave it in the cold overnight.
  3. The concentrate should separate from the kvass. Let's separate these two factions. A thick concentrate is necessary for jelly.
  4. Next, the concentrate is mixed with water in proportions 1:2 and boiled. The drink is drunk warm or at room temperature.

Cooking with oatmeal

We will need:

  • 3 stacks oatmeal;
  • 2.5 stacks water at room temperature;
  • 1 slice of white bread;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Pour the cereal into the pan and add water. Place the bread, cover with a cloth and place in a warm place for a couple of days to ferment.
  2. Then filter the mash through a sieve or cheesecloth, and pour in another 2 glasses of clean water.
  3. Place the resulting liquid on the fire, stir with a spatula, and add salt. Bring to the boiling point.

TO cereal crops, which ripen by the beginning of autumn, include oats or, as they are called, rolled oats (crushed oat kernels of a large fraction). This name means strength, power and health, which were noted in the Greek mythical character Hercules. Oats are the main food for horses, which is why these animals are strong and hardy.

The consumption of rolled oats by a person helps his body maintain balance in metabolism, in the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, bone, endocrine and brain system. Eating oatmeal, both by adults and children, is considered very healthy nutrition. A large number of microelements in rolled oats gives the body strength, facilitates and accelerates digestion, protects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines from inflammation, slagging, gas formation and ensures normal, regular bowel movements.

You can prepare a decoction from oatmeal - medicine which helps with vascular problems, gastrointestinal, muscle hypotonia and weakness of the musculoskeletal system. Small children at the age of three months, in combination with breast milk, can be fed with “Baby” porridge, which is made from oats, or buckwheat, or rice. Patients who have undergone a complex operation are prescribed easily digestible but balanced food, among which rolled oats take first place. Hercules decoction is used for parenteral nutrition seriously ill patients.

Valuable qualities of Hercules

The fortified complex contained in rolled oats completely replenishes the required level of vitamins in the body and is easily absorbed. The complex contains vitamins B, A, E, K, P, PP, D.

Lanolenic, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic, linoleic and arachilonic acids constitute a complex of organic unsaturated fatty acids, which are contained in oatmeal.

Oat fruits contain a large number of mucus that characterizes rolled oats as coating agent, useful for lesions of the mucous layer of the esophagus, stomach and intestines.

Oatmeal contains insulin-like substances that help balance blood glucose levels. When consuming oat products, the condition of diabetic people improves.

For patients with alcohol and drug addiction, and smoking abuse, taking a decoction of rolled oats helps cause an aversion to consuming toxic products and restore the body's defenses. This property of rolled oats is provided by scopoletin contained in the kernel of the grain.

Tryptophan contributes to the formation of fibers and maintenance of muscle tone. This amino acid is part of vegetable proteins, which are contained in oatmeal.

Ingestion of carotene into the body along with the oatmeal product ensures normal heartbeat, and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the appearance of cholesterol plaques, fragility and permeability.

At pathological processes in the body, which are accompanied by edema, you can use a decoction of rolled oats as a diuretic. Ridding tissues of excess fluid can lead to the process of removing stones from the bladder and kidneys. In this case, to the numerous properties of the oat product, a stone-removing effect is added.

Hercules has an antipyretic effect and also enhances the process of sweating.

For patients who have a high allergic predisposition to many substances, oatmeal is not contraindicated, as it is hypoallergenic due to the absence of gluten.

For people prone to obesity, oatmeal replenishes the body with all necessary substances, but not the accumulation of lipids and carbohydrates that contribute to weight gain. That's why, long-term use oatmeal and rolled oatmeal decoction can help reduce excess body weight and at the same time preserve the body’s energy.

The use of cosmetic products based on oatmeal leads to cleansing, nutrition, regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin.

Removing toxins from the body, radionuclides that accumulate during poisoning, as well as after use radiation therapy in cancer patients, a hercules decoction helps. This remedy is very useful for liver pathologies and the function of the biliary system.

The ability to oppress cancer cells, oatmeal has anti-carcinogenic properties.

Method of preparing and taking rolled oats

How to prepare a healthy oat product to treat or maintain the body’s immunity is a simple question. There are certain rules for preparing Hercules remedy. They must be followed because beneficial effect You may not get it, but on the contrary, harm the body. By subjecting the flakes to prolonged heat treatment, you can lose important microelements and vitamins.

Recipe 1.

If it is not possible to purchase ready-made rolled oats, then for decoction Oatmeal will do cereal that needs to be ground. To do this, it is necessary to remember that during the production of rolled oats, by heat treatment, soaking and pressing the grains, they are cleansed of harmful elements. This substance includes phytic acid, which reduces the activity of minerals and trace elements when they enter the body. Phytin interferes with the easy absorption of phosphorus, which is responsible for activity brain activity and nutrition bone tissue.

To obtain useful raw materials from oat grains, before grinding, they need to be soaked in water for twelve hours, dried, ground and prepared as a decoction.

The oat product can be consumed every morning on an empty stomach. To do this, just one tablespoon of flakes, pour a glass of hot water up to 90% and simmer over low heat for five minutes. Crackers, honey, dried fruits are added to a cup of decoction, and adding sugar, salt and fat can reduce the effect of the benefits.

Babies from the age of three months, with the development of diathesis or digestive problems, can be helped with a decoction of oatmeal. At the same time, in the morning and evening, the child should drink one teaspoon of the decoction. Older children can be given a tablespoon or half a glass per day.

Adults, in the presence of pathology, drink oatmeal in small doses throughout the day. To do this, you can constantly cook fresh product or save it cooked in the morning in a thermos.

Recipe 2.

When following a diet in the case of treatment of serious illnesses, the oat product is prepared in a certain way. To do this, you will need oat grains, preferably sprouted and pre-soaked for twelve hours in purified water. The dried product is reduced to flour. Add one spoon of flour to boiling water (two hundred grams), stir until lumps disappear and remove from heat. The product is kept in a closed container for about an hour, after which it is filtered and immediately drunk while warm.

Recipe 3.

Unground oat grains, also in the amount of two spoons, can be soaked in filtered water (one liter) for 24 hours and boiled over low heat for twenty-five minutes. After cooking, the container with the product is wrapped and left to infuse and cool for ten hours. The finished product is diluted with boiled water to half a liter and drunk one hundred grams before meals per day.

Treatment with such oatmeal decoction for pancreatic pathology will require a month's course.

Recipe 4.

Therapy for illness renal system consists of preparing a decoction from unhulled oats. For the recipe, take five hundred grams of oat grains and pour them into a three-liter container with boiling water, where the product simmers for thirty minutes. The filtered product is drunk chilled, one hundred grams per day before meals, sixty minutes before.

Recipe 5.

If you add rosehip decoction to the oatmeal broth, as well as one hundred and fifty grams of aloe juice and honey, the resulting medicine helps get rid of kidney stones and bladder. This drug is taken two hundred grams after eating, in one daily dose.

Dishes with rolled oats

Taking the hercules product can be combined with the beneficial properties of other ingredients. These include: nuts, berries, fruits, raisins, sunflower, flax and zucchini seeds, cocoa, prunes, candied fruits and dried fruits, honey, as well as cinnamon or other spices. Oatmeal can be used to make baked goods and also be used in other easily digestible dishes. So that rolled oats are preserved as much as possible nutrients, then to swell the flakes, just pour a little hot boiled water and leave for five to seven minutes.

For the stomach and good digestion food, as well as active peristalsis in the intestines, it is very useful to eat steamed oatmeal with the addition of a fermented milk mixture (low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, feta cheese or yogurt).

For men, Hercules helps to gain not only physical, but also sexual strength. You can enhance the effect by adding parsley and dill to oatmeal.

Recipe for making oatmeal jelly: soak oatmeal with plenty of water overnight. In the morning, strain the liquid and boil it over low heat. You can add cherries, apples, strawberries, as well as citrus fruits, nuts and honey to the jelly. Taking such jelly helps relieve heartburn and inflammation of the walls of the esophagus and stomach.

For blush on the cheeks, shine in hair and elasticity of nails, oatmeal with carrots is useful. This vegetable has antioxidant properties, anti-aging, anti-diabetic, and improves vision. Carrots can be used raw or boiled, grated and sprinkled with steamed rolled oats.

So, it is necessary to affirm that for blood diseases, nephrotic and digestive pathologies, oatmeal decoction is very useful, which can be taken constantly. The question arises: Does Hercules have contraindications for use? It is difficult to answer this question, but any product has two sides, and a person also has individual intolerance to substances.

Allergy to oatmeal is quite rare, but such cases do exist. Patients who have undergone severe operations on the liver and biliary system, as well as those who have stones in gallbladder, should not get carried away with oatmeal, in order to avoid stress during fermentation and other metabolic processes. Patients with heart failure and serious illnesses cordially - vascular system, should be careful with oatmeal so as not to enhance redox processes, in order to avoid stress on the heart. For weakness excretory function kidneys, you need a fasting diet, which contains oatmeal and its decoction. IN severe cases kidney diseases, oatmeal is not in first place, since some of the substances it contains are difficult to process by the renal system.

Modern mothers are going through an amazing time - a kind of “renaissance” has come for natural breastfeeding, at the same time accessible various options organization of artificial feeding, a wide choice of mixtures and cereals, including for children with complex manifestations of allergies. But in many families, several generations ago, there were no such alternatives, and if breastfeeding could not be established, cow’s and goat’s milk, liquid semolina. The recipe for Hercules decoction for babies was also extremely popular.

There is nothing dangerous for the child in the decoction itself, but many modern pediatricians, and after them “advanced” mothers, are openly skeptical about this species baby food. It's hard to say what's more here - common sense and desires for the baby to have the “best” baby food or contempt for Soviet period shortage, when this was the only way to feed a baby - “cheap and cheerful”.

Let's try to understand this difficult question - is it possible for a modern baby, in the presence of more “professional” mixtures, to still offer a regular oatmeal decoction? Will this harm his health, or cause a deficiency of nutrients in the body?

The benefits and harms of oat decoction for an infant

Hercules, or oat flakes, is a product made from whole oat grains, produced using a special technology that allows you to preserve the original nutrients, microelements, vitamins for which this “real stimulant of life” is famous. Thin, light "petals" of flakes can be prepared very quickly, while heat treatment cereals significantly longer.

A certain rustic reputation (“horse feed”) attached to this valuable crop allows parents to be skeptical about the products that are made from it. However, those who decide to take care of their health know that oatmeal for breakfast is the best start to the day, and a slimy decoction of oats is an excellent neutral cleanser, indicated, among other things, during periods of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. What beneficial substances does regular oatmeal contain?

Amino acid methionineactivation recovery processes in tissues;
normalization of the production of enzymes and hormones;
promoting the elimination of toxins.
Biotin (B vitamin)hair growth, skin renewal and dermatitis prevention.
Ironprevention of anemia.
Siliconregulation of metabolism.
Magnesiumnormalization of the activity of the central nervous system.
Phosphorus and calciumnormal formation and development of teeth, bone tissue and joints.
Natural antioxidantsincreasing the body's resistance to infections and negative impacts environment.
Dietary fiber beta glucansneutralization bad cholesterol;
normalization of hematopoietic and circulatory processes.
Proteins and fiberactivation of metabolic processes;
growth and development of muscle tissue.

In addition, oatmeal porridge gently envelops the gastric mucosa, is easily digestible, and perfectly stimulates and cleanses the intestines.

It is logical to assume that at that time, when baby food was rare and it was impossible to “grab” it in the store, Hercules decoctions were the best option for feeding a baby. So, it is clear that the composition of oatmeal is really diverse and this is not worst way feed the child.

In addition, in the absence of contraindications, this product will help mitigate the manifestations food allergies, which happens to babies who are on artificial feeding. This decoction cannot be a complete replacement for breast milk or formula - its composition is not identical to milk, but it will help out as a temporary dietary measure.

Caution: Gluten!

Refusing to use hercules decoction for babies, many mothers refer to the presence of gluten in its composition. Perhaps this fear has been fueled by the advertising tricks of manufacturers who place the “Gluten Free” sticker on their product labels? Or the mention of a mysterious substance after a list of products included in, for example, cookies is striking: “May contain traces of gluten.” What's so scary about this vegetable protein?

The problem with gluten is that it represents serious danger for people with celiac disease or predisposed to gluten sensitivity. Eating even small amounts of gluten-containing foods suppresses the immune system and destroys the mucous membrane small intestine and leads to many serious illnesses, the genesis of which is associated with a decrease in the absorption of nutrients.

Until now, celiac disease was considered a common pathology (1 in 5,000-10,000 people), but thanks to the dissemination of information and surveys, it was possible to establish that between the ages of 3 months and 15 years, 1 in 380 children are susceptible to this disease. Therefore, it makes sense to observe the baby’s food reaction in order to eliminate risk factors during the subsequent transition to cereals and other “adult” foods.

Is there a danger to the health and development of a baby whose diet is supplemented with oatmeal decoction? beneficial features which pediatricians and complementary feeding consultants are undoubtedly familiar with? Gluten is present in oats, but in less dangerous quantities than, for example, in wheat, barley, and rye. In addition, there are special varieties of oatmeal that do not contain the notorious gluten. Therefore, you can choose a “digestible” product.

Hercules decoction as complementary food for babies

Pediatricians now advise not to get carried away with early food experiments and even reject “Soviet” complementary feeding tables. It is considered safe to start expanding the diet from six months of age, optimal - after the appearance of the first tooth. Until this time, the main food should be breast milk or a high-quality adapted formula.

Complementary foods should be selected individually, taking into account the health characteristics of the baby, as this directly affects the development of his body and the formation of immune defense. If the baby has not shown any “food inconveniences,” then you can give the baby an oatmeal decoction. It is better to do this in the form of pedagogical complementary feeding - the mother eats herself and “treats” the baby. This way, the baby receives the same product both from breast milk and in its “pure form,” which improves the production of enzymes and normalizes digestion.

Preparation of hercules decoction

How to cook hercules decoction for babies? This recipe has probably been preserved by mothers and grandmothers in many families.

Tip: To significantly reduce the time it takes to prepare an oatmeal decoction for your baby, you can grind the flakes in a coffee grinder.


Ingredients: For one feeding you will need 1 tbsp. oatmeal, 250 ml of liquid (water, water with milk, skim milk).

Tip: To improve the taste, sometimes add a little sugar and salt, previously diluted with water, to the boiling liquid.

The flakes need to be poured with boiled water and boiled over low heat for half an hour. After this, add the required dose of boiled milk and boil for another 5 minutes, add sugar and salt. Then turn off the heat and cool the broth. Strain the cooled liquid through clean gauze. It is better to cook two portions at once, but no more - the broth must be fresh. The baby is fed from a bottle or with a spoon - the consistency of the broth resembles jelly.

Advice: You need to pay attention to this nuance in the recipe for hercules decoction - if the child is on breastfeeding, then the decoction is prepared in water with a slight addition of milk (better goat milk than cow milk). And if the baby is “artificial”, then you need more milk (1 part milk, 2 parts water).

Despite healing qualities decoctions, each of them should be used after consultation with a qualified specialist, and not on the advice of friends or relatives. Hercules decoction for babies is no exception. Only after you have established for sure that the new product does not cause rejection in the baby, can you make it a permanent dish on the children's table.

The first months of a baby's life are the most important. The task of every mother is to help the baby go through the period of adaptation with maximum benefit for him. Nowadays, on store shelves you can see a lot of varieties of baby food formulas. But more and more young mothers stop trusting advertised products and are increasingly turning to methods that have been proven over the years. Oatmeal broth rightfully competes with modern mixtures.

Oatmeal or Hercules?

Oats belong to the cereal family. It is full of vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber, beta-glucans, protein and fiber. If you cook it oatmeal, it will take a lot of time, since long-term heat treatment is required. To solve the problem, this cereal began to be processed in a special way. First, the collected grains are steamed, after which they are flattened. As a result of this processing, the time for preparing oatmeal was significantly reduced, but the beneficial properties remained unchanged. This porridge was called “Hercules”.

The difference between oatmeal and Hercules is the cooking time

The benefits of oatmeal broth

Most often, oatmeal decoction for infants was used when there was little or no breast milk. Thanks to him, the child ate enough and received a large amount of nutrients. Hercules decoction for infants is the optimal solution for complementary feeding; it can replace milk and formula. This is especially important since babies are often allergic to milk and dairy products. In addition, cow's milk is contraindicated for children under one year of age, goat's milk can be given, but only diluted, and modern formulas still need to be selected correctly, because each child's body is individual.

Oatmeal decoction can be made with both milk and water, it does not cause allergic reaction, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you can independently regulate the thickness depending on the baby’s needs.

Positive aspects of oatmeal broth:

  • improves brain activity;
  • helps improve metabolism;
  • normalizes glucose levels;
  • removes toxins;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • promotes the development of the skeletal system;
  • accelerates tooth growth.

What you shouldn't forget

No matter how the benefits of oatmeal broth are praised by mothers, grandmothers and whatever positive reviews other mothers talk about it, don’t forget that every child is unique. Everyone reacts differently to the same foods. Whether or not to give additional complementary feeding to a baby should be decided only by the baby’s mother after consultation with a pediatrician.

At what age should it be given? Pediatricians advise administering oatmeal decoction to infants no earlier than three months of age. Giving it to newborns is strictly prohibited.

Before three months This will be heavy food for a child’s stomach and may do more harm than good in the future.

Oats contain gluten protein - gluten, which is difficult for the body to digest.

For this reason, pediatricians advise giving oatmeal in the form of porridge only when the baby is 9-10 months old.

Hercules decoction contains gluten in small quantities and can be used in more early age. But you shouldn’t overuse this complementary food either, since oatmeal has a laxative effect and can lead to diarrhea.

It is necessary to begin introducing new foods in small quantities. If the baby does not have an allergic reaction, the stool remains normal, and there are no tummy problems, then you can gradually increase the volume of the decoction

When is oatmeal necessary?

Having a majority positive aspects and reviews, doctors recommend oatmeal decoction for babies in some cases:

  • For frequent constipation. Due to the fiber content in oatmeal flakes, the decoction copes well with defecation problems.
  • If a woman has little milk of her own. Oatmeal in general is very nutritious, and the child will feel full for a long time. For greater effect, you can make a thicker decoction, in the form of jelly.
  • If you are underweight. Sometimes a woman may have enough milk, but it may not be fat enough, or the baby simply refuses to latch on for reasons known only to him. To solve this problem, you can buy adapted mixtures and prepare them based on oatmeal decoction.

The need to introduce oatmeal broth into the baby’s diet should be confirmed by a pediatrician after a preliminary examination of the child.

Cooking method

There are several cooking methods useful decoction. Each mother tries to improve the recipe to her own taste: she boils the flakes for a long time or grinds them into flour and infuses them, makes them with diluted milk or water.

The standard recipe is:

  1. 1 tbsp. Pour boiled water over a spoonful of rolled oats flakes and simmer over heat for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Next, add 250 ml of water (diluted or skim milk), bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Cool the resulting liquid and strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. You can use a blender, but then the liquid will be thicker.

The indicated proportions are designed for one feeding, they can be increased if desired, but you should not cook for too long either. Food for a baby should always be fresh.

Hercules decoction undoubtedly has many advantages, but breast milk has the greatest value for infants. Any products and mixtures should be used with caution, only after consultation with a specialist. Then you can be sure that the child will get the maximum benefit and will grow up healthy, active and happy.
