If a liquid with an odor is released from the navel. Fungal infection - purulent discharge. Discharge and abdominal pain

Discharge from the navel area is a pathology, since this area of ​​the body should be dry. There should be no itching or other extraneous discomfort. It is important to know why there is discharge from the navel with unpleasant smell in women, the reasons for this manifestation. You should contact a specialist doctor immediately. He will appoint complex treatment which will help eliminate mucus.

Causes of navel discharge in adults

There can be quite a lot of reasons that lead to the appearance of discharge from the navel with a corresponding unpleasant odor in women - heavy weight, poor hygiene, fungal infectious diseases.

If the navel area has become red and there is a slight swelling and discharge, then it is necessary to reveal the causes of this anomaly:

  • Bacterial infections – insufficient hygiene (accumulation of sweat, detergents etc.), leads to the fact that favorable conditions arise at the navel for the emergence of various bacteria. As a result, a smell appears, mucus in umbilical region. He becomes yellow color or brown tint, there is slight swelling and severe itchy pain in this area.
  • Fungus - here the main symptom that most often manifests itself will be pain and large cluster purulent discharge. The reason for this symptomatology is the appearance of fungi of the genus Candida, which love moist and warm surfaces and multiply very quickly in such conditions.
  • Fistula - the bladder is connected to the umbilical region by the urinary duct, which must close after birth. But sometimes this does not happen, and this duct is subject to “attacks” of infections, leading to the formation of a fistula and, as a result, the release of mucus.
  • Surgery can provoke inflammatory manifestations.
  • – can lead to deterioration of the navel area, which becomes moist, discharge (similar to cottage cheese) and an odor appear.
  • Atheroma - neoplasm of the duct sebaceous gland(otherwise a cyst), which when mechanical damage(scratch) can become inflamed and cause discharge and odor from the navel.
  • Extra pounds can cause inflammation in the navel area, where sweat and dirt accumulate and bacteria develop accordingly.
  • Insufficient hygiene.

It is important to find out why the smell and discharge from the navel appeared in an adult. This will help to assign effective therapy, which will quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of the navel and diagnosis of discharge

If you find that your navel has become wet, purulent discharge and a strong odor, then you need to try to eliminate possible root causes:

  1. Follow all rules of body hygiene. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the navel area and dry it completely.
  2. If the navel is deep, then it must be treated with a cotton swab moistened with any antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Remove dirt, lint and skin particles.

Having eliminated the basic points related to hygiene, you should then (provided the symptoms of the disease persist) contact a surgeon who will perform full examination and then prescribe the necessary treatment.

Methods for diagnosing diseases associated with discharge.

  • Examination of the patient.
  • Blood test for content ( increased level) leukocytes.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Examination of a smear of the navel area for the presence of an infectious pathogen.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  • X-ray of the navel area.

Treatment method:

  1. If the cause of discharge from the navel with an unpleasant odor in women is the umbilical fistula, then only surgical method you can get rid of problems in the future.
  2. In cases related to diabetes mellitus requires the creation of a rational menu and its correction in order to reduce blood sugar levels. Thus, the symptoms will disappear on their own.
  3. Excess weight is also easy to eliminate, just lose weight and carefully maintain hygiene.
  4. Causes associated with bacteria and fungi can be eliminated by treating the affected navel area antiseptics. After the discharge from the navel is washed off with water, it is necessary to treat it with a cotton swab soaked in saline or hydrogen peroxide (disinfecting germs) and wipe the navel dry. Next you need to anoint antibacterial ointment, which will gradually relieve unpleasant symptoms.

In order to dry the umbilical area, you can use Syntomycin or Zinc ointment. Levomekol is also well suited for these purposes. Some patients treat the area with brilliant green. However, you should not use brilliant green solution when severe redness and bleeding.

Folk remedies for the appearance of discharge and odor from the navel

Can be used at home traditional methods getting rid of inflammation in the umbilical area.

  • Remedy No. 1. Salty water.
    Salt is known to be wonderful natural antiseptic and its use will help get rid of fungal infections. One tablespoon of the product is diluted in a glass of warm water and the navel is treated with this mixture; the procedure must be repeated three times a day.
  • Remedy No. 2. Use of oils.
    Oil tea tree is very effective in treating a weeping navel, which perfectly kills all infectious diseases and relieves inflammation, healing the wound. A few drops of tea tree oil mixed with half a teaspoon olive oil, moisten the cotton wool and apply it to the wound for five minutes. Treatment should be continued until complete recovery.
  • Remedy No. 3. Vinegar.
    Vinegar is an acid that can kill any infection and therefore, soaking a cotton swab in vinegar and treating the umbilical wound can kill bacteria. Treatment with vinegar is done several times a day and then the discharge will become smaller and the smell will gradually disappear.
  • Remedy No. 4. Alcohol.
    Pure alcohol is antiseptic and antimicrobial agent, which perfectly disinfects wounds. Alcohol also relieves pain and removes redness quite well.
  • Remedy No. 5. Use of spice – turmeric.
    A spice like turmeric has antiseptic properties and helps fight infection in the navel area. One teaspoon of spice is diluted in forty milligrams of water and the affected area is lubricated with this mixture. The procedure must be repeated until the symptoms disappear completely.
  • Remedy No. 6. Aloe.
    Very good and effective remedy, from suppuration in the navel area, this is aloe. This plant has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes wound healing.

If the symptoms do not disappear and there is still discharge and smell from the navel, then you need to contact a specialist to find out all the root causes and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

Body healthy person does not emit any sharp or unpleasant odors. The only exception is sweat. Its release is not a pathology, but evidence of normal thermoregulation of the body. Sweating does not require treatment, but every adult has to mask and prevent its occurrence with the help of deodorants and antiperspirants.

An unpleasant smell from the navel should alarm you and prompt you to visit a doctor. For women, there can be many reasons for this strange manifestation. By the way, any changes in this part of the body often signal the development of serious diseases.

Main reasons

The scar that forms at the site of the umbilical cord must remain dry throughout subsequent life. Among the causes of odor from the navel in a woman, it is worth noting inflammation or the presence of anomalies in the genitourinary area - these problems are most often diagnosed among the fair sex. The scar itself, in the central part of the abdomen, as a rule, does not emit any aroma. Regardless of the reason, a woman's navel odor occurs due to discharge.

Foul-smelling rumen fluid is quite common in medical practice. The following factors can cause an unpleasant odor and discharge from the navel in women:

  1. Poor quality or irregular care of the body and the umbilical area in particular.
  2. Infection with a bacterial or fungal infection.
  3. Disorders of the genitourinary system.
  4. Inflammation due to chronic diseases.

Before starting treatment, the doctor must understand the reasons why the navel smells unpleasant. Despite the fact that this symptom brings a lot of discomfort, you should not try to get rid of this symptom on your own. Be sure to consult with a qualified professional.

Poor hygiene

First of all, the doctor should pay attention to anatomical features your navel. In some women, the scar is too narrow or deeply retracted. This structure is most favorable for the accumulation of sebum and dead cells, and therefore for the proliferation of bacterial microflora. So, for example, if dust, particles of clothing, debris, or sand get into the area of ​​a retracted scar, tissue injury and infection are likely. At first, there may not be any smell from the navel. Most likely, itching will be felt and if the scar is not treated in a timely manner and is not eliminated foreign bodies, rotting processes will begin, which will become the very cause of the unpleasant odor from a woman’s navel.

Infections and inflammation

If the foul-smelling discharge becomes purulent and other symptoms appear (fever, swelling, hyperemia of the navel and periumbilical area), the doctor has the right to suspect omphalitis. This is one of the common bacterial diseases caused by anaerobic microorganisms. The foul-smelling pus released during omphalitis has a yellowish tint, but as the disease progresses, the liquid may turn brown and acquire a thicker consistency.

Another one potential cause odor from a woman’s navel is due to a fungal infection. Typically, the scar itches, burns, and the skin peels or becomes wet (depending on the type of pathogen).

Among the representatives of fungal microflora, Candida is the most common. This microbe prefers to live in the navel even in a healthy person, without interfering at all normal health. Problems begin when candida actively multiplies. This happens in two cases - against the background of weakened immunity and in the presence of constant moisture in the scar area. Characteristic feature candidiasis are curdled discharge with a sour milky aroma.

Pathologies of the genitourinary system

Illnesses can cause unpleasant-smelling discharge from the umbilical area. urinary tract and genital organs, as well as anomalies of their development. In women, the cause of navel odor is most likely to be:

  • Cyst Bladder. Manifests this pathology emergence painful sensations in the abdomen, persistent low-grade fever.
  • Endometriosis. A very common disease in young and mature women, which is characterized by the proliferation of the uterine mucosa and its penetration into the peritoneum. The pathology can only be cured surgically.
  • Abnormal structure of the urinary ducts. Between the navel and bladder Each person has a kind of connecting tube - the urachus. Normally, after birth, this duct closes, but sometimes, for reasons that we will not understand, this does not happen. As a result, a urachal cyst or fistula develops, problems with urination are possible, and mucus and an unpleasant odor appear from the navel. In childhood, the pathology may not manifest itself in any way, this really happens, but sooner or later it is discovered with age. The anomaly can only be cured surgically.

What else can cause discharge?

You can't keep silent about others possible reasons odor from a woman's navel. Treatment of the problem directly depends on the provoking factor. To inflammation of the umbilical region and discharge purulent fluid may lead to:

  • Benign tumors. These include wen and atheroma, which do not have a direct effect on the scar, but when an infection or minor injury occurs, they provoke the development of a painful inflammatory process.
  • Excess weight. As stated at the beginning of the article, sweating is not a disease. But people with excess body weight are prone to increased sweating, which makes their body constantly wet, which means it creates all the conditions for the rapid proliferation of bacteria on the body, especially in the skin folds and navel.

Navel in pregnant women

Discomfort and unpleasant odor from the umbilical cavity sometimes bother women expecting a new addition to the family. With an increase in abdominal volume future mom may notice that the skin around the scar is constantly wet. The cause of this phenomenon is most likely a slight inflammation due to changes in tissue stretch.

Consequences of piercing

Fashionistas who decide to get a piercing often consult a doctor with symptoms such as discharge from the umbilical area. If the puncture was made without using antiseptic drugs and compliance with hygiene rules, the consequences may be unpredictable: from severe inflammation until bleeding and blood poisoning.

Treatment Options

Let's dwell on how to get rid of the smell from the navel. Any of the diagnosed diseases and pathological conditions requires appropriate treatment. For example:

  1. An umbilical fistula or cyst is a direct indication for surgery. Otherwise, serious complications are possible.
  2. For omphalitis and other inflammations of an infectious nature, doctors resort to conservative therapeutic methods. The basic principles of treatment for this disease are regular treatment of the umbilical scar with antiseptic and antibacterial drugs, maintaining dryness and cleanliness of the body.
  3. If discharge from the navel is a consequence of pathological processes caused by diabetes mellitus, the woman needs to undergo treatment course to reduce the percentage of sugar in the blood.

Preventive treatment of the scar

For diseases of the genitourinary area that provoke odor from the navel, the first thing to do is treat them. In all other cases, you can get rid of such an unpleasant manifestation by washing the scar daily with a soft washcloth and soap, and then water procedures- disinfecting with “Chlorhexidine” or “Miramistin”. For a woman, especially an overweight one, it is important to prevent dirt plugs from forming in the navel.

When the problem of a weeping umbilical area arises and other unpleasant signs are noted, inflammation of the navel can be assumed. In adults, this pathology can lead to neglected form to the formation of an umbilical fistula. Typical symptoms of the disease are redness and swelling of the skin around the navel, and specific secretions collect in its cavity.

Inflammation of the navel mainly occurs in newly born babies, but it also happens at older ages. The pathology is accompanied by a change in the shape of the navel; it becomes convex and hot, especially near the source of inflammation. Therapeutic measures determined by the cause of the condition. With omphalitis, surgery is usually not required; surgery only involves the presence of a fistula.

Omphalitis develops due to a bacterial or fungal infection, usually caused by streptococci, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, coli. Against the background of inflammation, fistulas form. They develop from birth or can be acquired. In the first case, the pathology is formed as a result of an unclosed canal in the intestine or urinary system.

Acquired fistulas are formed due to a long-term inflammatory process occurring in the abdominal wall; in these cases, the abscess is opened and separated through the navel.

The navel can become inflamed due to the peculiarities of its structure. For example, a narrow or strongly retracted navel canal interferes with the discharge of dead epidermal cells and sebaceous secretions. It is precisely such circumstances that, if hygiene rules are ignored, can lead to infection, which will cause pathology.

A puncture in the navel, like other wounds, without proper care, can also cause inflammation in this area.

Simple inflammation

IN mild form In general, a person’s well-being remains unchanged. In the cavity of the navel there are compartments with impurities of pus, which, when dried, form a crust. A long-term process of inflammation can cause the formation of granulations at the bottom of the wound. In addition, against this background, there is a possibility of the formation of mushroom tumors.

In the complex phase of omphalitis pathological process covers nearby tissues, when palpated, they appear painful feelings. At the same time, the patient’s general well-being gradually worsens. With the development of phlegmon in the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, the temperature can rise to 39 degrees or more. The navel cavity looks like an ulcer, which is surrounded by a dense cushion of skin.

When pressing on the area near the navel, pus may separate from the wound. The tissues are visibly inflamed and swollen. The phlegmonous form can develop into a necrotic state, when inflammation covers not only outer fabrics, but will also spread inward. This stage of omphalitis is the most dangerous; it occurs quite rarely with severe impairment of the functions of the immune system.

If inflammation affects all layers abdominal wall, then peritonitis may occur.

This entails the death of skin tissue and fiber under the skin near the navel, and subsequently their detachment from adjacent tissues occurs. The skin at the site of inflammation darkens, like a bruise after a significant injury. Ulcers of varying sizes may appear. Infectious process is able to cover the vessels around the navel, which threatens the development of sepsis.

Treatment measures

It is difficult to determine what caused the inflammation of the navel without resorting to the help of a surgeon. It will be necessary to carry out bacteriological culture of the discharge from this area. Taking into account the cause that provoked the inflammation, we select optimal options for treatment. Omphalitis is mainly treated locally, but if a fistula is detected, surgical intervention is required. With timely measures taken to treat omphalitis and the correct method of therapy, the disease goes away quickly, and the likelihood that complications will arise is minimal.

When the navel is inflamed, it is necessary to clean it daily with solutions with an antiseptic effect: peroxide and furatsilin. In addition, the site of inflammation is lubricated with a solution of 70% alcohol and 1% brilliant green. Additionally, antibiotic ointments or syntomycin emulsion liquid are applied. If granulations occur, the wound should be additionally washed with three percent peroxide, and a solution of silver nitrate is used for cauterization. Ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed locally.

Treatment of phlegmonous and necrotic omphalitis

To treat complex forms of omphalitis, it is necessary to stay in a hospital setting. Severe course diseases, general intoxication require additional measures, conducting general treatment with prescription of antibiotics wide range actions. In this case, the choice of drugs depends on the results of bacterial culture of navel discharge, taking into account the sensitivity of pathogens to certain antibiotics.

If the inflammation of the navel becomes purulent, it is necessary surgery. To prevent the spread of infection to nearby tissues and organs, the wound should be drained, and purulent compartments should be removed with a special probe.

Fistulas are treated only by removal by stitching the intestinal walls or by repairing bladder defects.


Inflammation of the navel mainly occurs in newborn babies, but the pathology also occurs in adults. Provoke a painful condition various infections, as well as congenital or acquired umbilical fistula. Omphalitis in its simplest form can be treated easily and quickly by simply treating the umbilical area with antiseptics once a day. In addition, essential physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. Hygiene of the inflamed area is also mandatory, but the main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Phlegmonous and necrotizing omphalitis are treated inpatiently: under the supervision of a surgeon in an operative manner.

There are a lot of bacteria living in the belly button, but you can forget about them if you follow good hygiene. Mostly, such bacteria are harmless, but sometimes they become dangerous. We'll cover what can cause your belly button to smell bad and how to keep your belly button clean and healthy.

The navel or navel is the depression in the middle of the abdomen. It appeared in the place where the umbilical cord was previously attached in the womb. Belly buttons come in all shapes and sizes, but regardless of their... appearance, an infection may appear there.

  • If bacteria in the belly button multiply too much, a yeast infection may occur.
  • The navel skin needs to be cleaned regularly to keep it healthy.
  • There are certain risk factors, such as poor hygiene, that increase the likelihood of an unpleasant odor.

What causes bad odor?

Most belly buttons are pressed inwards, making them an ideal trap for sweat, dead skin cells and dirt. Few people wash their belly button with soap, so bacteria multiply actively. The most common cause of belly button odor is poor hygiene. All parts of the body need to be washed regularly to stay clean and healthy.

The skin is home to trillions of bacteria that multiply naturally and are usually harmless. But there are folds of skin in the navel that provide favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria. Most of these bacteria, however, do not exceed the norm and do not cause odor. But if there are too many bacteria, they can lead to a persistent unpleasant odor.

Any infection should be evaluated by a doctor, as treatment and lifestyle changes may be required.


Candida- This is a yeast that lives on the skin. They usually do not cause problems, but in warm and humid environments they begin to multiply more actively. If this happens, a fungal infection may develop.

Candida often multiplies in oral cavity and throat, causing thrush. Yeast infections also often appear during

A type of infection known as candida intertrigo can appear in folds of the skin, e.g. armpits, groin or navel. The skin may become red and scaly, and sometimes blisters form. This infection can be treated antifungal drugs and lifestyle changes that include keeping skin cool, dry and clean and avoiding tight clothing. Very often, such an infection develops in people with diabetes and obesity.


Another The cause of the smell from the navel is an inflamed cyst or fistula. A cyst is a fairly common occurrence that usually does not cause pain. However, an infected cyst becomes red, inflamed, and painful. An unpleasant odor appears when pus begins to come out of the cyst.

Navel fistula manifested by the release of a small amount of fluid with a strong unpleasant odor and granulomatous tissue changes in the navel area.

What could be the smell from the navel and why?

Certain parts of the body, including your armpits and legs, are more likely to sweat and have foul odor. This happens because bacteria break down sweat and create waste products that have strong odor. If your belly button has become a trap for dead skin and sweat, it will likely have a sweaty odor to match. Fungal infection also, most often, causes an unpleasant odor, especially if pus has formed in the umbilical area.

When should you see a doctor?

If there is an infection in the navel, you should consult a doctor who will tell you how to fix it and prescribe medication, if necessary. Symptoms of infection are redness, itching and swelling. Sometimes fluid or pus may ooze and harden to form a crust around the belly button.

It is also important to see a doctor if you suspect you have a cyst. The cyst could become infected, rupture, or come out, which could lead to additional problems.


If the smell appears as a result of contamination in your navel, you should wash it more thoroughly. If the cause of the odor is an infection, you should consult a doctor who will give recommendations and prescribe treatment, if necessary.

How to clean your belly button

Proper cleaning of the navel prevents the accumulation of dead skin cells, sweat and oils that the body naturally produces. Regular cleaning also removes germs.

Use warm water and mild soap, as well as a washcloth to gently clean the area around the navel and the cavity itself. Rinse your navel clean, warm water and dry with a towel to make sure there is no water left inside.

Showering or bathing regularly will help prevent skin and odor problems. Often people do not pay enough attention to body parts such as the navel or legs while bathing, although they need the same regular cleaning as other areas of the body. It is especially important to wash these areas after sweating, such as in hot weather or after exercise.

At various diseases a change in the secretion of the mucous membranes is the main symptom. But what happens when an abnormal liquid substance is present where it should not be. It is not uncommon for navel discharge to bother people of all ages from birth to old age.

Clinical picture

A mark of the place that once connected the body of mother and child, in the form of a depression with a nodule. Holes in abdominal cavity no, except for the unhealed navel of newborns, the area belongs to skin and has no mucous membranes. The only liquid that is present normally is sweat. Pathological conditions may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Thick white curdled masses;
  • Yellow-green purulent discharge;
  • Serous substance - liquid like water in significant quantities can have a dirty tint;
  • Bloody issues;
  • Unpleasant odor;
  • Hyperemic, that is, hot, red and swollen tissues in this area;
  • Itching and pain;
  • Rash and sores;
  • Dried crusts are scabs.

Symptoms serious condition when the pathological process turns into inner part abdominal wall:

  • Heat;
  • Blue and purple spots in the navel area;
  • Acute pain;
  • Open sores;
  • Symptoms of severe intoxication are nausea, vomiting, headache.

Attention! The described condition without medical intervention will lead to peritonitis and sepsis, and, consequently, to the death of a person in a matter of hours.

Discharge from the umbilical stump of a newborn

With babies, everything is a little different, because the hole in the peritoneal area has not yet healed. The umbilical cord had many vessels and channels for removing waste from the bladder and intestines. Infection is highly likely and leads to inflammation. The symptoms are:

  • Clear vascular pattern on the abdomen;
  • The discharge is serous or purulent;
  • The child is lethargic, eats poorly, cries a lot and spits up often.

Thrombophlebitis of the umbilical vein occurs, then blood will appear from the unhealed hole when stroking the tummy. The abdominal wall is always tense.

Transparent discharge in large quantities may be a sign of an unclosed canal, which was intended for intrauterine urine excretion.

Causes of navel pathology

The most common one is infectious inflammation, scientifically it is omphalitis. The stomach is almost constantly under tight clothing, add sweat here and you get a dark, damp, warm place. An ideal environment for the development of bacteria. The deeper the depression, the worse it is. Therefore, overweight people who sweat a lot and have a very deep notch along with skin folds often suffer from infectious inflammation in the navel area. TO pathological manifestations Any microorganism can cause it, even candida. Then the discharge is curdled and white, as it should be with thrush. If the culprit of the disease is a bacterium, the liquid will be purulent with an unpleasant odor.

Women experience bloody issues from the navel cavity. This happens with endometriosis, when hormone-dependent endometrial tissue spreads in the form of clots throughout internal cavity belly. It can affect organs and the abdominal wall. A feature of this condition is the frequency of discharge associated with menstrual cycle. That is, blood appears during menstruation.

In newborns, thrombophlebitis of the veins in the navel occurs if special procedures were carried out after childbirth. resuscitation measures, namely the installation of a catheter in this area.

Internal localized suppuration or hernia can lead to the formation of a fistula. This is the channel that secretions make out. They also occur in postoperative scars.

A rare anomaly of newborns is a urachus cyst. The latter is a duct from the bladder to the umbilical cord. To remove waste from a child in utero through the mother's body. It happens that for some reason this canal does not close up as it should, and urine continues to be released through the navel. Or the fusion is incomplete, then a cyst or appendage is formed, which is diagnosed in adulthood. Manifests itself in the form of chronic inflammatory processes bladder and kidneys with blood in the urine, pain, problems with emptying liquid waste.

Treatment of fungal infection

Candidiasis or other pathology with a pathogen from this group is destroyed with special antibiotics. In most cases, it is the white, cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor in an adult that arises from the navel. Creams and ointments with a similar substance are used to help. Often pregnant women experience fungal inflammation of the navel. And since oral medications against candida and other microorganisms of this series are very toxic, treatment can only consist of regular cleansing and applying ointment or cream. Such remedies as Nystatin or Pimafucin are suitable.

Attention! Such inflammation often occurs in diabetics, HIV-infected people, and people who have been taking hormonal and antibacterial drugs for a long time.

Treatment purulent inflammation navel

Depending on the extent of the process, a conventional broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug is selected. Method of administration: both orally and by injection. If the effectiveness is insufficient, a culture of a smear from the navel is performed to determine sensitivity to various groups drugs and choose the most effective one. Externally apply dressings with ointments, for example, Levomekol, which is effective against most microorganisms.

Bacterial inflammation of the navel tissue in newborns is treated in the same way. The only difference is the dosage medicine. In addition, it is necessary to treat the navel with antiseptics several times a day. Regular greenery will do.

Postoperative sutures

Incisions and punctures of the abdominal wall after surgical intervention may become infected due to improper processing or its complete absence. Then purulent yellow and white discharge appears, which is accompanied by abdominal pain. This condition threatens peritonitis and sepsis, so it is necessary to urgently consult a surgeon.

Attention! Liquid transparent discharge odorless and with small inclusions of ichor are normal in the first days after surgery.

Sometimes, as a result of surgical intervention, cystic cavities are formed in the navel, which leads to periodic discharge of various types. Treatment is only possible surgically - the cyst is opened, emptied and sutured.

If it is revealed that the cause of the discharge is the remaining duct between the navel and the bladder, then this problem is solved surgically - the rudiment is simply removed. If an infection is present, a course of antibiotics is first given.

Discharge during piercing

Purulent masses may not come out of the navel itself, but from the puncture hole. Infectious inflammation occurs when infection occurs during piercing with untreated instruments and hands, as well as after insufficient hygiene and care during the healing period. This problem is treated with antibiotics. It is advisable to show the site of the inflamed puncture in the navel to the surgeon, he will advise how to properly treat the wound.

Sometimes transparent copious discharge odorless – are the body’s reaction to metal. If they do not go away within a few days, redness, itching and swelling of the navel occur, then we can talk about allergic reaction. The solution would be to remove the decoration, accept the available antihistamine, for example, Zodak or Zyrtec, and when the symptoms disappear, choose an earring made of hypoallergenic material. Medical steel, silver, gold do not cause reactions.

Pathology of the navel in women

Bloody discharge with endometriosis is a sign of a long-running process. The treatment required is very complex and long. Sometimes large endometrial clots have to be removed surgically.

Discharge with an unpleasant odor during pregnancy causes panic among expectant mothers. In most cases, the problem is caused by fungal inflammation, which develops well during this period. The pathology cannot harm the child, but if it is not treated, the mother will infect the baby after birth. Children suffer from severe oral lesions that make it almost impossible to breast-feeding. During this period, only creams and ointments with an antifungal effect are allowed.

How to find out what is the reason?

Pathological discharge is serious, no matter if it comes from the navel or another place. Therefore, you need to go to a doctor - a pediatrician, therapist, surgeon or dermatologist. In diagnosis, the defining test is a smear, which will determine the pathogen and effective medicine. And an ultrasound will show cysts, Urachus-type anomalies and thrombophlebitis.


Don't forget about your navel while hygiene procedures, especially for pregnant women, diabetics, people with overweight And increased sweating. The newborn should be protected until the umbilical stump is completely healed. In the first month, treatments are carried out with brilliant green, bathing water is disinfected with potassium permanganate or boiled.
