Celandine-based oil is your reliable home doctor. Celandine oil: properties and uses

Among a number of unpretentious plants, famous for their useful properties, celandine occupies not the last position. Some people continue to treat it like a weed, and when they find it on their household plots trying to get rid of it.

For the rest, this is a real find, to which you can find an excellent application. For example, an oil is prepared from this plant, which helps with various ailments, especially when it comes to skin diseases.

Celandine oil includes a rich combination of substances and components that have positive properties when used for treatment various diseases skin, in particular acne, age spots, warts, fungus, eczema.

This miraculous product contains the following ingredients:

  • organic acids such as citric, succinic, malic;
  • alkaloids that help reduce sensitivity and eliminate vascular spasms;
  • sanguinarine - a substance that eliminates pain and helping to speed up the process of digestion;
  • essential oils that cope with numerous skin problems;
  • carotenoids are antioxidants;
  • vitamins A and C;
  • glycosides that increase appetite;
  • saponins with diuretic and laxative effect;
  • resinous substances, the action of which is aimed at optimizing metabolic processes in the body;
  • flavonoids that improve vascular elasticity.

Thanks to this composition, the remedy gained immense popularity in ancient times, when people tried to heal with its help. deep wounds and actively fought against skin diseases.


The oil has a lot of properties that have a beneficial effect on human body.

Useful properties and application of celandine oil

Among them should be highlighted:

  • cupping pain;
  • regeneration of damaged skin areas;
  • withdrawal skin itching and allergic rashes;
  • effective effect in the treatment of benign and malignant formations:
  • successful elimination of papillomas, warts, calluses, spots;
  • active neutralization of viruses and bacteria;
  • treatment of diseases of the oral cavity;
  • assistance rapid healing wounds and repair of damaged tissues.


Celandine oil, the properties and use of which are known to a large number of people, is used to eliminate skin problems, in particular:

  • warts;
  • papillomas;
  • calluses;
  • herpes;
  • dermatitis;
  • skin tuberculosis;
  • furunculosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • microbial eczema;
  • acne;
  • multi-colored lichen.

An extract from celandine oil has also found wide application in gynecology in the treatment of:

  • erosion of the cervix;
  • vaginitis;
  • whiter.

Often, dentists, when problems are found in their patients, recommend that they use the remedy.

It could be:

The use of oil by women for cosmetic purposes has never let them down.

It is applied when:

  • peeling of the skin;
  • irritations;
  • redness;
  • itching;
  • pigment spots;
  • acne marks.

The use of celandine oil for psoriasis

In patients with psoriasis, the skin suffers, which becomes covered with red spots and flakes. Lesions are localized mainly on the elbows, knees, and sometimes on the head or forehead. Change in diet, regular intake medicines doesn't always turn out effective method getting rid of the disease. Itching and inflammation are reduced, but the desired effect does not occur.

The oil is applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day for a month. After application, the mixture is not washed off.

The systematic use of oil allows you to achieve following results:

  • elimination of severe peeling of problem areas;
  • reduction of itching and irritation;
  • the skin becomes smooth.

An effective remedy for the treatment of psoriasis will be such a recipe:

  • 2 tbsp celandine;
  • 1 tbsp leaves walnut and blackberries;
  • 1 tbsp fish oil;
  • 2 tbsp honey;
  • 3 tbsp fly in the ointment.

The leaves are ground, and then the rest of the ingredients are added, except for the fish oil. The resulting products are thoroughly mixed and infused for 2 hours, after which the fat is added.

For dry and aging skin

Celandine oil − effective remedy, which helps to cope with many cosmetic problems, but few people are aware of it therapeutic effect for dry and aging skin. The components of the product help to increase the elasticity of the upper layer of the epithelium, and this is a direct way to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

For cooking nourishing mask For the face, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tsp celandine juice;
  • 1 tsp olive oils.

All elements are mixed. The resulting product is applied to the face for 25 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off with warm water.

For acne

For people trying to get rid of acne, celandine oil is an ideal option. To achieve a quick positive result, a mask based on this miraculous component should be used daily. At first, the situation may worsen, but this is only a reaction of the skin to the oil, which soon disappears.

Before applying the product, you need to cleanse the skin of impurities. The time of using the mask should not exceed 40 minutes. The course of treatment is at least 1 month.

It should be remembered that celandine oil is used exclusively in its own form, that is, it is categorically not recommended to mix it with other folk remedies.

From calluses

Almost every person has had to suffer from prolonged friction or pressure from uncomfortable shoes, resulting in calluses.

One of the most effective folk remedies that perfectly cope with this problem is celandine oil.

A positive result is achieved if the following rules are observed:

  • the skin before applying the product is well steamed using hot soapy-soda water;
  • the cleaned surface with the affected areas is dried with a towel;
  • in order to avoid possible irritation of healthy areas of the skin, the corn is sealed with adhesive tape around the edges;
  • using a cotton swab, 1 drop of the product is gently applied to the corn.

After a week of prescribed procedures, the corn disappears, after which this area is covered with a moisturizer for several days. If this way did not help, it needs to be repeated after a week break.

From acne

Due to its beneficial properties, celandine oil is successfully used to combat acne.

The main advantages of using this tool in the treatment process are:

  • antiseptic action;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • fight against anger.

Acne is caused by microbes and bacteria, so the treatment must be followed integrated approach. If there are no contraindications, the specialist together with medications oil based on celandine is prescribed as additional method therapy.

For eczema

Celandine oil (properties and uses this tool has a beneficial effect) effectively helps with eczema. This pathology is accompanied by unpleasant clinical picture, in particular the formation of pustules, vesicles on the skin. Also manifested severe itching and burning.

Celandine oil in this case will serve as an excellent anti-inflammatory tool against lesions. Freshly prepared oil is applied to the affected areas 3-4 times a day.

With furunculosis

Furunculosis, though not terrible, but quite unpleasant disease. Single boils are treated quickly, but if there are several boils in one area, the treatment process may be delayed.

For the treatment of furunculosis with celandine oil, you need:

  • 1 st. celandine;
  • 1 liter of sea buckthorn oil.

The specified amount of the plant is ground and mixed with oil. Inflamed areas are rubbed with the product several times a day.

From childhood rashes

Many mothers, even with careful care for the delicate skin of their baby, often have to unsuccessfully deal with the resulting diaper rash. The child also suffers from irritation.

Celandine oil is a product that actively affects the affected areas, while removing inflammation, redness, and soothing the skin.

From seborrhea and dandruff

Hair follicles, absorbing all the healing components of celandine oil, are strengthened, and their growth is also accelerated. In addition, the method of using this tool helps to cope with hair problems such as dandruff and seborrhea.

To prevent the occurrence of dandruff and seborrhea, it is necessary to thoroughly rub the product into the scalp before each washing procedure and pass for 30 minutes. After that, the head can be washed with ordinary shampoo.

From foot mycosis

Celandine oil, the properties and use of which in the fight against mycosis of the feet stood out noticeably among the abundance of official and traditional medicine, is used by many who have had to deal with this ailment.

Unbearable itching, constant peeling, cracks in the feet - a symptomatology with which celandine oil is successfully and productively fighting. The main condition for a quick positive result is to start applying the oil on early dates manifestations of pathology.

Celandine oil therapy involves the following activities:

  • wash your feet and dry them thoroughly;
  • lower cotton pads into a container with oil;
  • apply cotton wool on feet affected by mycosis at night in the form of a compress.

If mycosis struck most feet, then gauze is used instead of cotton pads, which is also wetted with the product. After that, legs are tied with it, and socks are put on top.

From burns

Celandine oil for burns has a calming effect on damaged areas. Redness is removed, the temperature decreases and pain sensations are dulled. The tool promotes accelerated cell regeneration and the healing process.

Immediately before applying the oil, the burnt areas are cooled with cold water or ice, then cotton pads moistened with the product are applied to them.

Nail fungus treatment

In the process of treating nail fungus, celandine oil has the following effective therapeutic effect:

  • stops the inflammatory process;
  • relieves pain;
  • eliminates burning sensation and itching;
  • promotes healing and regeneration.

The baths worked well. A liter of water is heated up to 50°C. 4 tablespoons are also added there. oils. Similar procedures, the duration of which is 30 minutes, are carried out daily in the morning and evening.

Against warts

Neoplasms on the skin in the form of warts are successfully removed with the help of celandine oil. Compresses are popular, involving the application of gauze soaked in oil to the growths for 12 hours. After the specified time, the bandage is changed and this should continue for 7 days.

For a stronger effect, areas with warts must be washed and steamed in warm water by adding salt or soda.

Against papillomas

Papillomas are formed as a result of the activation of papillomaviruses. To achieve the expected effect, the resulting growths are carefully cauterized with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

Taking advantage cotton swab, oil is applied to the growths. It is very important not to allow the product to come into contact with healthy areas of the skin, as this can cause burns or allergies.

With herpes

The infection often causes rashes on the lips or genitals. In order for the expected result to come as soon as possible, the remedy must be used at the earliest stages of the disease.

Even in ancient times, people used this method and considered it the most effective.

With herpes oil based on celandine:

  • eliminates the virus
  • reduces pain and stops inflammatory processes;
  • promotes healing of ulcers;
  • normalizes the immune system.

Lubricate the affected areas with oil, trying not to exceed allowable rate, since careless actions can result in allergic reactions or mucosal burns.

With versicolor

Not everyone knows that celandine-based oil has unique properties that help get rid of versicolor:

  • has a strong anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves pain;
  • fights pathogenic microorganisms.

The agent is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. Such an event should be carried out at least 3 times a day, and the duration of the entire course of therapy is 2-3 months. This procedure will have a special effect if you apply the product after taking a bath.

From excessive body hair growth

Using celandine oil, you can solve the problem with excess body hair. This natural remedy it is recommended to wipe problem areas, thereby muffling excessive activity hair follicle.

Celandine oil is applied every day with a thin layer. You need to leave such a mask for 1.5-2 hours. Then the product is washed off with a mild soap, after which the skin is necessarily treated with an ointment based on calendula or chamomile.

From age spots

Age spots or freckles on the face are a problem that celandine-based oil perfectly copes with. The result is no worse than with the use of famous cosmetics or in beauty salons.

healing effect oil is achieved due to the alkaloids and essential oils contained in it. A natural remedy is applied directly to problem areas, but you should act carefully and not overdo it with the amount.

Celandine oil in gynecology

Oil based on celandine has been successfully used not only for the treatment of diseases associated with the skin, but also for pathological disorders on the mucosa.

This makes it possible to use the plant for the treatment of female diseases, namely:

  • candidiasis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • cervical erosion.

In some cases, the specialist prescribes an agent for taking it orally, however, the greatest effectiveness should be expected from local application facilities. Tampons soaked in celandine oil are inserted into the vagina for 20 minutes, after which they are carefully removed from there.

How often you need to carry out this procedure, and how much it should be applied in terms, is determined by the attending physician, depending on the disease and its severity.

Application in dentistry

Oral cavity- an ideal place for the accumulation of various bacteria and microorganisms, therefore many people are faced with such diseases:

  • periodontal disease;
  • periodontitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis.

Celandine oil is used to actively combat pathogens of these diseases. The agent is applied to the affected areas and left for several minutes. The question of the duration of therapy is best resolved with a specialist.

Hair masks

The problem with hair is one of the most common, but there is a simple method to get rid of it.

These are masks prepared on the basis of celandine oil:

Contraindications and possible harm

Celandine, although it is rich in the content of various useful components is considered by some to be poisonous. Many treat it with extreme caution.

In fact, this is a powerful medicinal product, so when using celandine-based oil, you need to be extremely careful. If allergic reactions occur, stop using it immediately.

It is strongly not recommended to replace the main treatment recommended by the attending physician with celandine oil.

side effects I can be:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation.

Before starting treatment with celandine oil, it is not superfluous to consult a doctor. It must be remembered that celandine helps to slow down the course of the disease, so it is worth treating this ailment together with drug therapy and diet.

Procurement of raw materials

The collection and harvesting of the plant before preparing the oil is of no small importance. In order to further remedy served for a long time and with high quality, harvesting must be done diligently and correctly.

Plants are collected and dried. This can be done year-round, but the most useful substances prevail in it from April to May. You need to dry the grass on paper, however, the use of newspapers or magazines in this case is best avoided. The room must be well ventilated.

Preparation of oil from dry raw materials

Celandine oil, the properties and use of which are not familiar to all people, can help and provide a positive result. Cooking it at home is not difficult.

This will require the following components:

  • celandine in fresh or dry form;
  • refined oil (olive, peach, vegetable or linseed).

The grass is placed in a small container, preheated oil is added there. This mixture should be infused for about 2 weeks. First, the container is placed in a sunny place, then it is placed in a cool room. In this case, it should be constantly shaken.

After the expiration of the term, the resulting product is filtered and bottled in pre-sterilized bottles and placed in a cool place.

fresh leaf recipe

Fresh, freshly plucked top leaves can also be used to make oil. 750 gr. raw materials will require 0.5 liters of oil.

The preparation procedure consists of the following steps:

The filtered agent is ready for use.

Added: 2015-07-06

Celandine is considered the most effective natural remedy for the treatment of various skin diseases. It can be used in its pure form, using a fresh plant, or you can buy a ready-made cosmetic product, for example, celandine oil. It has anti-inflammatory, healing, cleansing, antiviral, antifungal, antiallergic effects and is used mostly in dermatology to combat skin imperfections.

Composition of celandine oil

Celandine oil is a storehouse of healing substances. It contains: vitamin C, alkaloids, bitterness, carotene, resinous substances, saponins, organic acids (citric, malic, succinic), flavonoids.


Celandine oil can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is used to remove colitis, warts, papillomas, psoriatic plaques. The oil is useful for eborrhea, furunculosis, acne, skin tuberculosis, herpes, microbial eczema, versicolor, itchy dermatosis.

  • Celandine oil is used by mothers of newborns to relieve irritation on the baby's skin.
  • Plant oil is used even in dentistry for the treatment of gingivitis, periodontal disease and stomatitis.
  • Celandine oil has found application in gynecology. With its help, diseases such as cervical erosion, leucorrhea, vaginitis are treated.

widely used celandine oil in cosmetology. It helps to remove redness, age spots, blackheads and acne marks, scars, small scars, peeling, microcracks etc.

Celandine oil improves skin elasticity and prevents early education wrinkles.

Application methods

  • For the treatment of acne and skin irritations, celandine oil is used in combination with means for daily care. To do this, add 3-4 drops of oil per 1 teaspoon of cream (dosage for 1 time). In addition, to cleanse the skin of acne, you can gently apply a couple of drops of oil to the affected areas of the skin, leave them for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse.
  • To remove a wart or callus, the oil is applied in its pure form to problem areas. The procedure should be carried out 2 times a day.
  • For the treatment of gynecological diseases, you can use tampons soaked in oil. They are used 1-2 times a day. This prescription can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. Self-treatment gynecological diseases can lead to disastrous results.
  • The oil can be used to prevent early skin aging and remove pigmentation. For these purposes, the agent is suitable both in pure and diluted form.
  • In case of skin irritation in children, it is necessary to moisten gauze or a cotton swab in oil and wipe the affected areas with it.
  • For the treatment of dental diseases, applications and compresses with oil are used.

How to cook celandine oil at home?

To make your own butter, use simple recipe. First, prepare a liter glass jar with a lid, fresh celandine(about 500 g), olive(sunflower, almond) oil - 100-150 g.

Take a fresh celandine that has recently been cut, rinse it, put it in a jar, press down a little and fill it with oil. Put in a dark place for 2 weeks so that the oil is well infused and saturated with celandine juice. After that, strain the oil through cheesecloth, squeezing out all the juices well. It is important that the juice and oil mix well, forming a healing agent.

Oil, unlike fresh juice celandine, stored longer, does not cause adverse reactions, burns, etc.


individual intolerance, hypersensitivity skin. Oil should be used as needed, without exceeding the dosage.

Celandine oil has been used for a long time in various recipes and dosage forms. It is used for various ailments, it is not expensive, but to make fresh useful product from grass everyone can.

Celandine is a herb known for its beneficial properties even to our grandmothers. The bright yellow flowers of the warthog could be found in almost any garden where it grew like a weed. But those who know about the beneficial properties of such a guest among plantings, such a plant served and helped. It is not for nothing that the warthog was given such a speaking, popular name: the plant will help cleanse the body, as well as cope with various ailments.

Since celandine (warthog) has been used for a long time, they learned to make and medicinal oil. This product has healing, cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore is often used in traditional medicine. It contains vitamin A, organic acids, alkaloids saponin, carotene and flavonoids. The medicine heals wounds well, disinfects and relieves pain. Also, a remedy such as celandine oil can relieve itching and redness from the skin, therefore it is also used in cosmetic purposes.

Such a product can be inexpensively bought at a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself. After all, it is not difficult to make it, given that this herb grows everywhere. Next you will see detailed instructions how to make celandine oil.


To prepare the medicine at home, the aerial part of the celandine is usually used. Although this healer can be found in cities, in search of this plant it is better to go where there are no roads, and the area is not littered and dustless. You can go to the collection in May or June, when the period of its flowering is just beginning. Choose a spot where the grass will grow in the shade. You need to pluck that part of the plant that is at a distance of 10-15 cm from the ground.

It will be easy to recognize a warthog among other plants. Bright yellow flowers simply cannot be overlooked. See how beautifully this beautiful yellow blooms in the middle of other forest grass.

It is better to use gloves during collection, as celandine juice leaves caustic marks on the skin that are difficult to wash off. Also, the warthog is poisonous, so take care of your eyes while picking grass. You can dry the grass in the attic or any other place where there is good ventilation and no sun. To do this, it is best to wind the plant in small bundles and hang it above the floor. Only when the warthog is completely dry, you can start preparing the medicinal composition.

Cooking process

  1. To make the product, you need 2 ingredients - this is a dry herb and any fragrant cosmetic oil(almond, apricot or peach).
  2. Next, the celandine must be put in a glass dish.
  3. The oil for pouring it should be hot, and it is best to heat it in a water bath.
  4. Then they pour the plant so that it slightly covers the grass.
  5. Then, it is necessary to close the vessel well and leave to cool.
  6. Then the product is rearranged in a cool place and given a week for it to brew well.
  7. After the expiration date, strain the contents and add the same amount of oil there, but not hot anymore.

How is it used?

Homemade celandine oil can be used cosmetically to treat calluses and warts. To do this, lubricate problem areas 2 times a day. To get rid of acne and other cosmetic defects, the agent is added to the cream. For every 10 ml of cream, add 3 drops of the product. This cream with celandine cosmetic oil is suitable for daily facial care.

At gynecological diseases, use tampons lubricated with medicine 2 or 3 times a day. This product is also good for the treatment of fungus. In this case, they are smeared with steamed toenails and the skin around. After half an hour, the oil is removed with a napkin. The use of this medicine twice a day helps to get rid of the disease completely.

Where is it applied?

The product is used for external use only. Celandine oil is often used in medicine for a variety of skin diseases and irritations. For psoriasis, for example, I use a composition with the addition of wax and lanolin, which is used to treat the affected areas before bedtime. This herb is also popular in cosmetology to rid the skin of peeling and age spots. Often it is recommended to relieve irritation on the skin of a child and is widely used in gynecology.

The herb and products from it have long been used against warts, as its name speaks well. To do this, several times a day, the composition lubricates places with unpleasant formations until they completely disappear. However, be careful: in its pure form, the juice of this plant can cause a burn.

What do the reviews say?

Many women praise celandine oil because of universal application to both adults and children. It is absolutely safe for babies: it is often added to baby baths, lubricates seizures and irritations. The reviews also said that the medicine is very effective in fighting acne. People praise it as it can cure boils and get rid of warts. The effect of the composition of this herb on the skin has been emphasized many times. It makes it more elastic, healthy and beautiful. And age spots, in general, removes at the moment.

Judging by the reviews, people also praise the fact that celandine oil can be easily prepared or bought at a pharmacy inexpensively, and it helps even better than expensive products. The main thing is not to forget about the instructions and not to overdo it with the use, so as not to cause allergies and personal intolerance. In general, negative reviews about cosmetic product was not, which once again proves its harmlessness and healing abilities.


Watch the video, where they will once again talk about all the beneficial properties of the herb. It will also open other prescriptions for medicines from it.

Celandine is a perennial herb known for its healing properties from ancient times. Its name is associated with the ability to cleanse the human body of various skin diseases.

Celandine is poisonous and traditional medicine not used in pure form. For safe and effective treatment it is more expedient to use an oil extract of the plant.

The composition of the medicinal oil includes the following substances:

  • halidonine and homochelidonine - alkaloids that reduce sensitivity nervous system and relieve spasms of blood vessels;
  • sanguinarine - an alkaloid that speeds up digestion and has an analgesic effect;
  • organic acids (citric, malic, succinic, etc.);
  • carotenoids - have antioxidant properties;
  • vitamins A and C;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids - improve the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • resinous substances - have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body;
  • saponins - have a diuretic and laxative effect;
  • glycosides - increase appetite.

The oil extract of celandine has many useful properties:

  • restores damaged tissues;
  • reduces pain;
  • fights microbes and bacteria;
  • relieves skin itching;
  • used to remove warts, papillomas, age spots;
  • has a calming and wound-healing effect;
  • effective in the treatment of malignant tumors;
  • useful for problems with teeth and gums.

How to cook at home

For cooking remedy at home, you will need dried celandine grass and vegetable or cosmetic oil.

In the treatment of skin diseases, it is better to use unrefined olive oil or corn oil, for cosmetic procedures- almond oil, avocado, apricot, peach.

Place chopped herb in a glass bottle or jar and pour warm oil so that it is 1-2 cm higher than the raw material level. Leave the resulting mixture in a dark, cool place for 7 days, periodically shaking the contents.

Heat the finished oil in a water bath and carefully strain through cheesecloth. It is better to store the medicine in a dark container for no more than three months.


For nail fungus

Celandine is one of the most effective and proven means in the fight against nail fungus. There are several treatments:

  1. Warm bath with ordinary baking soda. In 3 liters of water dissolve 1 tbsp. soda and keep the legs or arms in it for 10-20 minutes, then the damaged nails are smeared with celandine oil.
  2. essential oil compresses tea tree. Celandine oil is mixed with tea tree essential oil and applied to problem areas, covered with plastic wrap for 2 hours.
  3. Alcohol tincture. In a glass of 70% alcohol, add 8 drops of celandine oil and let it brew for 24 hours. Treat pre-steamed skin with the resulting solution.
  4. Lemon mask. Half of the crushed lemon is added to the medicinal oil and this composition is applied to the nails, you can put on socks or gloves on top, withstand the compress for 1 hour.

From papillomas

Papillomas - benign neoplasms caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), or arising on the skin and mucous membranes as a result of a decrease in immunity. Due to the presence of strong alkaloids in its composition, celandine will help to quickly get rid of papillomas.

Problem areas with growths are pre-cleaned and treated with an antiseptic, then the medicinal plant oil is applied. Do not allow the substance to get into the eyes and on healthy areas of the skin, so as not to get burns. Papillomas should be cauterized 2-3 times a day until they disappear completely.

Treatment of papillomas with celandine has its pros and cons. The advantages include: ease of use, painlessness, accessibility, efficiency.

Disadvantages of use: the likelihood of scarring, possible allergic reaction, at improper treatment there is a risk of re-growth of papillomas.

For skin diseases

Thanks to their useful properties the oil form of celandine is widely used in the treatment of many skin diseases.

Eczema is a dermatological disease of adults and children that occurs due to adverse factors. environment, against the background of the disease internal organs or emotional disorders.

Regular lubrication of the affected areas with celandine oil will help relieve irritation, itching, redness and relieve pain.

Psoriasis is a skin disease caused by a weakened immune system, which results in the appearance of plaques in the form of scales. Celandine gently affects damaged skin, eliminates dryness and irritation. The use of the plant reduces the formation of new compacted areas on the skin, protects against penetration harmful bacteria and microbes.

Due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, celandine is highly effective in getting rid of psoriasis and other skin problems.

From burns and wounds

Celandine copes well with the healing of thermal and sunburn, wounds and scratches. If a burn occurs, you must first cool the affected area using ice or cold water. Then the burn surface is treated with a cotton pad moistened with plant oil.

Lubrication of problem areas with celandine alleviates the condition, lowers the temperature that has arisen, relieves pain and burning.

For hair

The oil form of the plant is successfully used in getting rid of dandruff, itching, oily skin head, stops hair loss.

For the treatment of seborrhea, you need to mix 100 g of oil and 300 g of black bread, apply the composition to the hair roots, rinse off after 30-40 minutes and wash your hair with regular shampoo.

The use of a medicinal plant for treatment and prevention will allow you to maintain the beauty and health of your hair for a long time.

For face

Celandine oil extract can be used to treat acne, blackheads, age spots and other skin problems.

In the presence of acne and other similar inflammations, treatment with a cotton swab dipped in oil is used. After 15-20 minutes, the excess product is removed with a paper towel.

To treat acne, eliminate dry skin, plant oil is added to everyday cream (4-6 drops per 20 g of cream). Such a cream will have a brightening effect, prevent aging, make the skin smooth and moisturized.

The duration of the use of the drug is not more than a month, then you need to take a break.

Cosmetic oil of celandine

Used in the production of cosmetic oils aqueous extract plants, which is mixed with base oil. Sometimes some vitamins or antioxidants are added.

You can also make your own oil. To do this, you need dry grass, which is harvested in the summer during the flowering of celandine.

Collection is best done under favorable weather conditions, always with gloves. All parts of celandine have healing properties. Dry the grass in a dark place, avoiding proximity to other plants.

Cooking steps:

  • place the dried herb in a glass container;
  • pour the plant with cosmetic oil (grape seed, sea buckthorn, peach, etc.) so that it is 2-3 cm higher than the raw material;
  • leave the dishes with the mixture in a warm place for 1 hour;
  • move the container to a cool place where the sun's rays do not penetrate. Keep the composition tightly closed for one week, remembering to shake the contents regularly;
  • after 7 days, strain the resulting oil and add any cosmetic oil to a ratio of 1:1.

The resulting product is best kept in the refrigerator, the shelf life is up to 12 months.

Benefits of using cosmetic oil:

  • nourishes the skin due to the presence of organic fatty acids in its composition;
  • improves the condition of the hair, delivering beneficial substances to the scalp;
  • helps to relieve inflammation in colds and viral diseases;
  • used in the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and lungs;
  • successfully copes with the treatment of tumors of a different nature, slows down the growth of dangerous cells;
  • used in gynecology for diseases of the mammary glands (mastopathy) and pelvic organs (thrush, erosion of the cervix);
  • alleviates joint pain, nervous disorders, convulsions;
  • in dentistry it is used to improve the condition of the gums and teeth;
  • added to skin and body care products for a healthier appearance.


  1. Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
  2. Children under 3 years old.
  3. Individual intolerance to plant components.

When treating with the oil form of celandine, side effects may occur:

  1. When applied to the skin, there is a risk of an allergic reaction. Therefore, before the first use, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test to the drug.
  2. When using the drug inside, headaches, nausea, lowering blood pressure are possible.

celandine - medicinal plant, which is widely used in the treatment of many diseases and has been successfully used in the cosmetic industry. The most popular is the oil extract of the plant, which has a wide range action due to its antibacterial, antipruritic, wound healing, antiallergic, and regenerating properties.

The healing properties of this unpretentious herb have long been known to the people. It is especially popular and effective in the treatment of skin problems. Even the name "celandine" is perceived as "pure body". This amazing plant always aroused respect, as it helped to get rid of many diseases in people.

Traditional healers prepare decoctions from it, insist, and also make oil. Harvested for the winter, passing through a meat grinder.

Useful properties are not only the plant itself, but also the oil from it, it has excellent healing properties, helps in the treatment of furunculosis, relieves itching in eczema and psoriasis. Celandine oil is rich in medicinal substances, a lot in it:

  • alkaloids (there are about 20 of them);
  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • flavonoids;
  • saponins.

So that the celandine retains all its medicinal properties, you have to prepare it properly. Firstly, the grass should be collected at a time when it blooms, it is during this period, in May-July, that celandine accumulates in itself the largest number medicinal ingredients.

When collecting, it is necessary to cut the grass, leaving 10-15 cm from the root. Experienced healers collect it on the day of greatest saturation. beneficial substances- this is on the 14th day lunar calendar. The cut grass is placed in a shady and ventilated place, it must be turned over during drying. Dry celandine is crushed, and it is ready for the manufacture of oil from it.

Cooking process

For cooking you will need:

  • fresh or dried celandine;
  • glassware;
  • any unrefined oil (olive, sunflower, almond can be).

Before use, it is desirable to pasteurize the oil in a water bath, over low heat. Next, you need to place the chopped grass in a bowl, preferably in glass, pour vegetable oil so that its layer covers the grass and protrudes 2-3 cm above it. After that, the dishes are left warm for one hour, and then placed in a dark, cool place for a week. During the week, it must be stirred so that the medicinal substances are absorbed. The tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

From the fungus

To fight it insidious disease, it is necessary to smear with oil the places affected by the fungus several times a day. To get the result of such a treatment, before rubbing, you can make baths by stirring two or three tablespoons of soda in three liters of hot water, put your feet or hands in a hot bath and keep for about 20 minutes. The procedures should be continued until the symptoms disappear.

Exists at traditional healers and another recipe. In case of fungal infection of the nails, you need to take a rag or gauze in several layers, moisten it in oil, fix it on the diseased nails overnight. Over time, diseased nails will begin to crumble and die, and healthy ones will grow in their place.

For cosmetic purposes

Celandine oil helps to get rid of acne, with its help you can achieve a good result. To do this, apply a thin layer of the product on a place on the face where there are acne, hold for a few minutes, then clean the face, rubbing it with a dry cotton swab. After the first application, there may be a reaction in the form of an increase in skin rashes.

At correct use funds after several procedures, acne begins to decrease and completely disappear.

For hair

This tool helps rapid growth hair. Prepare a potion by mixing 5 tablespoons burdock oil with 2 tablespoons of celandine oil. Then the mixture is carefully rubbed into the head. You need to keep the mask for about two hours, then wash your hair. It is also used against dandruff. For a remedy for dandruff, you need to take 300 grams rye bread mix with butter in an amount of 100 gr.

The resulting composition should be rubbed into the scalp and left for about half an hour, then rinse hot water.

With papillomas

Despite the fact that celandine is considered a poisonous plant, it is popular in the fight against papillomas. From the orange juice released from it, there may be an allergic reaction on the skin up to a burn. The oil does not have this property, it can be treated by both adults and children. But people prone to allergies should use it with caution.

It is used to get rid of papillomas. Even a small amount helps if you apply it three times every three minutes to the desired area. Repeat this procedure preferably 2-3 times a day. The result will not be long in coming. Before use, you need to make sure that it is papilloma that we have before us, and not an unknown neoplasm. Essential oil celandine - good remedy and from polyps.

For face

In early spring, facial skin requires vitamin and medical masks. The celandine mask is one of those. To prepare it, you need to take crushed dry lavender and linden flowers with the addition of petals. chamomile and mix with 10 drops of celandine oil. Next, pour hot water and mix gently. After repeated stirring, it is necessary to infuse for about 10 minutes in a warm place. The finished gruel is applied to the face and décolleté. The mask is left for 20 minutes, then washed off warm water. Also, our “miracle remedy” tones the skin tired during the winter, nourishes it, and clears dark spots.

At problematic skin you can use a cream in which a few drops of celandine oil are added. It has a brightening property, prevents early aging and skin aging.

With psoriasis

  • 5 grams of melted beeswax;
  • 20 grams of lanolin.

All components are mixed with 5 drops of celandine oil. It turns out an excellent ointment for lubricating the affected areas during exacerbations of psoriasis. It has wound healing and analgesic, as well as sedative properties.

Do not forget to store it strictly in the refrigerator.


Products containing alkaloids have some contraindications for use. For example, pregnant and lactating women and children should not be treated with celandine. Before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Individual intolerance in humans can also be observed.
