Why teeth ache: common causes. Aching toothache: causes and what to do. Aching teeth, what to do

Each of us knows how unpleasant it is when one tooth hurts. It becomes impossible to perform work and usual daily activities. Sometimes the pain is so severe that a person cannot survive without painkillers. Swallowing pills, we often put off visiting a specialist.

One of the most unpleasant situations is when all teeth begin to hurt at once. IN in this case the patient will no longer be able to delay the visit medical institution. So why do all your teeth hurt at once and what to do about it, read on.

The nerves of the teeth are a single chain. The branches of each nerve pass into each tooth, forming a single plexus. Small nerve endings are branches trigeminal nerve.

When a problem appears in a particular area, the pain spreads throughout all the fibers of the jaw.

It is for these reasons that a person feels as if his entire jaw hurts. Soreness runs through the nerves of the entire jaw and sometimes it is very difficult to detect the causative pathological source.

How does pain manifest itself?

The nerves of the teeth are a single chain

Symptoms can be completely different. Sometimes a person experiences severe sharp pain, sometimes aching character. The clinic can make itself felt at night and disappear in the morning.

Aching pain usually occurs in a person’s sleep. This is due to the fact that in calmness the blood flow begins to increase, and the adrenal glands produce an insufficient amount of hormones.

Sometimes the pain becomes pulsating. Often, after eating cold and hot foods, you feel as if all your teeth hurt at once. In this case, the discomfort goes away quite quickly.

One way or another, to determine the right reason this phenomenon worth to visit dental clinic.

What causes the problem

Eat certain types groups and pathologies, when a person feels as if all his teeth hurt at once. Some are of a dental nature, while others have nothing to do with teeth.

Feeling like all your teeth hurt , can be caused by the following factors:

The discomfort is not always of a dental nature. If you visit your dentist regularly and feel that everything is fine, other factors may be causing your pain:

Pain in pregnant women

During the period of gestation, a woman’s body weakens greatly, because at this moment it begins to work for two. In this case, the load increases significantly and the likelihood of various diseases increases. When future mom does not particularly monitor his diet, consumes little useful substances, then the teeth begin to lose their strength.

Competent therapy implies adherence to the principles of prevention, which will not lead to the development of serious consequences. Control your diet, maintain oral hygiene, use different additional funds care

In times of severe pain, do not take medications because they can cause harm. You need to urgently seek medical help.

What to do if all your teeth hurt at once

As soon as you experience such symptoms, you should immediately come to the doctor for an appointment. Keep in mind that the sooner you are correctly diagnosed and treated, the it will pass faster discomfort. Under no circumstances should you try to treat yourself without the help of specialists.

Before visiting a medical facility, you can significantly alleviate your symptoms with the help of folk methods. Pain can be relieved with pharmaceutical drugs with analgesic effect. Under no circumstances should you warm up the pathological area.

Under no circumstances should you heat a sore tooth.

If everything is to blame dental pathologies, it makes sense to rinse oral cavity soda solution or apply a compress with a few drops fir oil on a bandage.

A decoction of oak bark can relieve you of suffering.. When severe pain in your teeth occurs, add one large spoonful of boiling water and leave to infuse. You can rinse your mouth with this infusion.

A feeling of discomfort occurs when various diseases. A symptom is the result of some illness, and not an independent phenomenon.

Only a qualified doctor can understand the problem and solve it by prescribing correct treatment. Therefore, under no circumstances delay visiting a specialist.

Alternative medicine

Very good action has aspen bark. Prepare a decoction of this remedy. Pour boiled water over the wood shavings and leave for thirty minutes. Rinse your mouth with this liquid.

If you are experiencing soreness throughout your jaw, consider the following method. Add a drop of vinegar and a little black pepper to a spoonful of salt. Mix everything together. Take a spoon with the mixture and hold it over the fire for a minute. From what we got, we make some kind of peas and apply them to the gums.

Grate the horseradish and place it in a jar, fill half the container with vodka and cover with a lid. This infusion will be prepared over the course of three days. During this time, you will need to shake the container periodically. After some time, strain the mixture well and prepare an infusion.

Medicine not only wins severe pain, but also heals the slightest cracks. It should be used as a rinse, keeping it in the mouth for at least three minutes. The product is absolutely harmless to the body.

How to deal with aching pain

A decoction of sage helps overcome aching toothache

Recipes traditional medicine help overcome aching pain, especially if a person does not have the opportunity to quickly see a doctor. This can happen at night or somewhere in nature.

In this situation it is necessary:

  • apply a compress to the pathological lesion;
  • rinse your mouth thoroughly with soda solution;
  • rinse your mouth with calendula tincture and make lotions with a cotton swab;
  • prepare a decoction of sage. Fill it with boiled water and leave for an hour. Use for rinsing.

Remember that the symptom is not always dental in nature. In some situations it is even possible psychological reasons. Therefore, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo a set of examinations that exclude or confirm the presence of a dental disease. Do not trigger existing oral diseases, such as caries, gingivitis, etc. Sooner or later this will lead not only to severe illness, but also to other more serious consequences. The sooner you contact a dental clinic, the better it will be for you.

Today, almost every person has experienced toothache. If upon occurrence acute pain In teeth, it almost immediately becomes clear what the cause is, but when a tooth aches, it can be difficult to determine not only the cause, but also the true source of inflammation. Let’s take a closer look at why teeth ache and what to do in such situations.

Causes of pain

Before starting to list all the possible causative agents of aching pain, it should be noted that they may indicate serious violations in previous treatments or new problems that have arisen. Because the It's a dull pain in the tooth can talk about various violations, then for an accurate diagnosis you should contact a qualified specialist immediately. Any discomfort, even the slightest, may be a prerequisite for serious illness or indicate:

  • for poor quality filling;
  • dental nerve damage;
  • incorrect treatment;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • a consequence of serious sinusitis (the whole jaw aches at once);
  • the occurrence of caries;
  • incorrectly installed crowns;
  • possible occurrence of flux (tumors around the diseased tooth and general deterioration states);
  • development of pulpitis;
  • progression of cardiovascular diseases.

When teeth ache, the reasons may be hidden in completely different problems. For example, such unpleasant sensations may well be a consequence of gum inflammation. Diseases such as periodontal disease or periodontitis can be harmful to any area of ​​the jaw. Such discomfort can also be a manifestation of an acute allergic reaction to all kinds of medical supplies, used in various treatments.

In the absence of the problems listed above, an adult often feels that his tooth is aching when his wisdom teeth erupt. Since evolution has modified the human jaw so that it no longer requires additional teeth, and the body still continues to produce them, many feel during this process severe discomfort. “Eights” may not even appear, but they cause not just pain, but also the occurrence of tumors.

To correctly determine the cause painful sensations, you must immediately contact a specialist and begin treatment correctly. Only a complete diagnosis can accurately determine the problem.

Pain after filling

They can also arise from various reasons, but everything depends on the qualifications and quality of the dentist’s work. If, after installing a filling, there is pain under or around the tooth, then most likely the dentist did not select the correct materials for making the filling. This may affect general state person in case of an allergic reaction to the components of the material. Also, incorrect manipulations can lead to damage to the adjacent area of ​​the tooth or a loose fit of the filling to the tooth surface. Discomfort can also be caused by insufficient calculation of subsidence, when the filling after installation prevents the patient from leading a normal lifestyle.

If a tooth ache after filling by a trusted and experienced specialist, the reason may be improper care behind the oral cavity, especially behind healed areas.

Pain after crown installation

If a few days after installing the crown, the tooth underneath it begins to ache, you should immediately consult your doctor, since such sensations are not hypersensitivity. Most often, such aching pain occurs when re-development caries under the crown. This occurs due to poor quality work by the dentist, who did not sufficiently clean the surface of the tooth. Other reasons could be:

  • allergic reaction to medications or crown material;
  • poor quality work of the dentist;
  • poor oral hygiene.

Pain after nerve reduction

In any case, when a tooth aches in the first days after the procedure, this is considered normal. The process of recovery and adaptation to a new state can aggravate pain when temperature changes in the oral cavity or when eating too sweet or sour foods. If such reactions do not disappear after a few days, you need to pay attention to this. It is best to see a professional dentist again before placing crowns or fillings on the area where the nerve was removed, as this will make repeat procedures easier.

More often similar discomfort occurs when the nerve endings from the tooth are not completely removed. This can happen due to inattention, negligence and for many other reasons, but the result is the same - the remaining nerve endings, traumatized by the procedures performed, give rise to pain in the tooth. For elimination discomfort a repeat procedure is required to completely remove all remnants of nerve endings. If an artificial structure has already been installed on the tooth, then to remove the nerve it will first need to be removed.

Pain after pulpitis treatment

Many people are tormented by the question of why their teeth ache after various medical manipulations. This is due to the body’s adaptation to a new state, and with proper treatment, all discomfort should go away at first. The same applies to eliminating pulpitis, but if after it the pain only intensifies, you should consult a doctor.

Inexperienced dentists may leave fragments of their instruments in the dental canals after completing work, which, when rejected by the body, cause painful sensations. In addition, when there is pain under a tooth after treatment, you should pay attention to the quality of the canal filling and the presence of injuries around the tooth root. The dentist's manipulations could damage the gums around the tooth, making the filling larger the right size and so on.

Also, discomfort can be caused by an allergic reaction to medications, instruments or other materials of the specialist’s work.

Pain after caries treatment

When a tooth hurts (aching pain occurs during temperature changes) immediately after treatment of serious dental caries, you should not pay attention to it in the first days. Pain will result dental procedures and should disappear on their own. If this does not happen, and even worse, the pain intensifies, then you should contact your doctor for a re-examination, since there is a risk of more serious diseases.

Optimal solution to the problem

Of course, first of all you should make an appointment with the dentist, but if the next visit is not soon, then you should eliminate the discomfort yourself or at least reduce it. By the best means For this purpose there are medicinal painkillers. To eliminate pain that is not too distracting, it is enough to take Askofen, Nurofen or Spazmolgon. In cases where the tooth aches too much, the pain turns into acute spasms, you will need to purchase more strong drugs, such as “Ketanov”, “Ketorol”, “Nimesulide” and others.

Very often, toothache takes you by surprise, when it is not possible not only to quickly visit the dentist, but also to take medicine. In such cases, you will need a more loyal home solution that can provide no less pain relief. By the way, for children or pregnant women, options with rinses or compresses are also more acceptable, in as a last resort with the No-Shpy technique.

Loyal funds for everyone

So, you can apply a regular piece of lard or ice to a sore tooth to relieve discomfort. You can use cotton swabs soaked in calendula infusions as a compress, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or grated onion and garlic in equal proportions.

Traditional methods for adults

Not every child knows how to rinse their mouth, and since some solutions are strictly forbidden to swallow, it is better to prepare rinsing mixtures only for adults. So, many people advise rinsing a sore tooth with vodka or other strong alcoholic drink. This procedure really helps relieve pain, however, the effect does not last for long time. To eliminate pain, you can rinse your mouth with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, which should never be swallowed. To prepare it, just add a few drops to a glass of cooled boiled water.

You can also add to a glass of liquid:

  • a couple of drops of tea tree oil;
  • a large spoon of baking soda;
  • a similar amount of rock or sea salt;
  • 3 tablespoons turnip root.

In the latter case, to prepare a decoction, boil the mixture and leave for half an hour. You need to rinse your mouth with warm broth.


Any pain will be best removed by a properly selected medicine, but it is much safer for the body to use folk remedies. Many of them are also able to cope well with pain, while having much fewer contraindications. So, during pregnancy it is best to use rinses or compresses.

Why do my teeth ache even after visiting the dentist again? This may be evidence of more serious damage not only the teeth, but the jaw as a whole. Such symptoms require careful integrated approach in diagnosis, since damage to the facial nerve may also be the cause. Try to always take care of your teeth, visit the dentist periodically, and then you will not know what a nagging toothache is.

Aching tooth? Then you urgently need to see a dentist. Only a specialist will help you get rid of these unpleasant sensations. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated.

If your teeth hurt, the reasons can be very diverse. And that's not at all good sign. Most likely, the patient is suffering from caries, pulpitis. The simplest option is increased sensitivity tooth enamel. It is very important to find out the problem as soon as possible in order to remove it.

Clinical picture

Aches in the teeth can be very diverse: aching, acute. It often appears periodically. Most often this phenomenon occurs when a person is sleeping. At this moment, the blood flow to the jaw increases, all sensations in this place become more intense.

If the cause of the aches is pulpitis or periodontitis, then the pain will be throbbing, even unbearable. This often happens after eating too cold or, on the contrary, hot food. Such sensations may pass quickly.

Causes of limited aches

Why does my teeth hurt? If the problem is limited in nature, i.e. one or just a few individual teeth suffer, then the reasons may be the following:

  • mechanical damage to enamel;
  • caries process is underway;
  • gum disease;
  • presence of a defect (enamel damage);
  • the tooth was turned to install a crown.

Causes of systemic aches

If the aches are systemic and all teeth are affected at once, then the reasons may be completely different:

  • enamel due to use large quantity citrus fruits or due to mechanical aggressive effects (whitening, use of tooth powder, use of a brush with stiff bristles).
  • Tooth wear pathological nature. It may be associated with an incorrect bite or weakened dental tissue.
  • Metabolic disorders in the body.
  • Periodontal problems.
  • Poor hygiene.
  • Violations hormonal levels body (menopause, pregnancy, taking appropriate medications).
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Poor nutrition leading to malnutrition minerals and vitamins.
  • Infections of the oral cavity or ENT organs.

It is very important to identify why your teeth are hurting. Otherwise, it will be impossible to get rid of this problem.

How to reduce discomfort?

First aid to reduce dental aches (even before visiting a specialist) may consist of using methods such as:

  1. Rinse “salt + soda”. This is great disinfectant. It is better to add a few more drops of iodine to the solution. In this case, the drug will be as effective as possible. Preparing the solution is simple. Mix 2 small spoons of the main ingredients in a glass of warm water. It is better to rinse 2-4 times a day.
  2. Decoctions from medicinal herbs. Will fit medicinal plants with a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. These include sage, chamomile, and lemon balm. Preparing the decoction is quite simple. For 1 liter of water, take a large spoon of chopped herbs. Everything is put on the fire so that the composition boils. Next, the product is infused for at least 2 hours. Now you can rinse with warm broth.

Besides folk recipes If your tooth hurts, you can take a painkiller tablet. This could be Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Baralgin or other common medications.


How to treat if your teeth hurt? The causes of this phenomenon determine its therapy. Only a doctor or even several specialists can help identify them. There is no need to run the problem. When the first symptoms occur, you need to go to the hospital.

In case it hurts lower teeth, you can make special lotions from toothpaste. The product is applied for 10-15 minutes, then it should be spat out, but do not rinse your mouth. This treatment should last at least 2 weeks.

Dentists often prescribe a special paste that can block the sensitivity of the nerves. If a tooth ache, these unpleasant sensations will immediately disappear after its use.

If the cause is problems in the enamel, then the doctor may suggest undergoing laser procedure for its restoration. It will take no more than 30 minutes, and the effect will be amazing. The pain will go away quickly.


Both lower and upper teeth They will stop whining and aching if you follow a number of preventive measures:

  1. Go to the dentist every six months professional cleaning teeth.
  2. Always rinse your mouth after eating.
  3. You need to brush your teeth thoroughly 2 times a day.
  4. The brush should have soft bristles.

Special diet

It is important to follow a certain diet if your teeth are hurting. What to do with your menu?

  1. Food should not be cold or hot.
  2. Products will be beneficial rich in vitamin A. These include liver, eggs, carrots.
  3. It is recommended to include as much calcium in your diet as possible. This means you will have to eat a lot of cabbage, dairy products, and greens.
  4. Finally, teeth really need fluoride. Nuts and seafood in sufficient quantity must be on the menu.

In this case, you will have to exclude or limit the use of:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • citrus fruit;
  • seeds;
  • all kinds of sweets;
  • sour foods.

After all, they can cause aching in the teeth.

Tooth ache during pregnancy. What to do?

Pregnancy - special condition women. And what to do if your tooth starts to break? All the discomfort that the expectant mother feels is passed on to her baby. Any pain that occurs must be eliminated immediately. Folk remedies will help with this. If they do not help, you will have to resort to medications. Pregnant women are allowed:

  • take "Drotaverine";
  • drink “No-shpa”;
  • during the first trimester, use Grippostad;
  • take the Tempalgina tablet;
  • use "Pentalgin".

A good remedy for aches and pains during pregnancy is Kalgel. This is a special drug that relieves pain and discomfort in babies when teething. Thanks to the slight freezing effect, the pain will subside.

No matter how intense the pain in your teeth is, it is important to see a doctor. Only a dentist can correctly determine the cause of this disease. Based on this, he will prescribe the correct treatment. It is not recommended to tolerate and self-medicate. After all, this can lead to unexpected and very unpleasant consequences.

Many people have experienced a feeling of aching in their teeth and causeless discomfort in their gums and cheekbones. This condition appears closer to night, when there is no way to come to the dentist. Why does my teeth hurt? Let's consider all the reasons for this condition and methods for eliminating pain.

Everyone knows the symptoms of pain during caries. But why can they get completely sick? healthy teeth, what is the reason? This pain manifests itself very unpleasant symptoms for different reasons:

  • cold/hot consumption;
  • consumption of sweet/sour foods;
  • in the cold wind;
  • when touched.

For some, pain occurs only when eating cold/hot foods or exposure to cold wind or when swimming in a cool body of water. Other's pain symptoms appear upon contact with an acidic/sweet environment. There are other cases: a feeling of pain when touching a toothbrush or other objects. It is not uncommon to experience prolonged pain after visiting the dentist.

Unreasonable aching pain in the jaw after a walk in winter or cold autumn can be constant. My teeth are healthy, but my cheekbones are cramped.

Note! Tooth hypersensitivity is not always associated with a dental problem.

The first sign of the development of pathology is an acute reaction of the enamel to a change temperature regime. If this problem occurs, you should immediately make an appointment with your dentist. If you ignore this fact, the next problem will be a reaction to sweet/sour foods. Then the pain will occur simply when you touch the jaw or gums.

Dental examination

When examining the oral cavity, the dentist uses several methods to determine the location of pain and its cause. Doctor:

  • taps teeth with a dental instrument;
  • affects them with cold;
  • sends for radiography.

The main task during the examination is to find out the localization pain syndrome, its intensity. Often the pain spreads throughout the jaw, which leads the patient into a state of despair.

Causes of aching teeth:

  • thinned enamel;
  • cracks in the enamel;
  • exposure of the neck of the tooth;
  • gum problems;
  • enamel whitening;
  • somatic diseases internal organs;
  • hormonal changes;
  • frequent stress;
  • hereditary factor;
  • malocclusion;
  • tooth extraction.

Thinning enamel

This is a common cause of pain. The protective layer is not able to protect soft fabrics tooth from the influence of cold/heat, chemical influences acids. When consuming the products, a person experiences excruciating pain, which goes away over time. People refuse cold drinks, hot food, and sweets so as not to experience a painful condition.

Thinning can occur with constant enamel whitening by professional or folk remedies. Therefore, dentin and the inner layers of dental tissue suffer from changes in temperature or changes in acid-base reaction. If you do not eat pickles and sweets, do not eat ice cream and hot soup, the pain does not manifest itself.

Also, thinning of the enamel can occur due to a lack of vitamins in the diet necessary to maintain the density of the covering layer. Because of this, dental problems arise, and the teeth become hypersensitive to any influence.

Night grinding of teeth and abnormal jaw structure contribute to the rapid abrasion of the covering layer. An incorrect bite leads to thinning, as the teeth chew food in extreme mode. It is advisable to correct the bite in childhood. The listed reasons lead to generalized abrasion of the enamel layer, which causes aching of all teeth.

Cracks in enamel

This condition can occur due to mechanical impact on the teeth due to impact, trauma, or excessive pressure. Sometimes, instead of cracks, chips appear, which opens the way for various pathogenic bacteria to the dentin. All this causes discomfort when eating and drinking.

Enamel can crack due to a lack of minerals, as well as when intensively brushing your teeth with too hard toothbrushes. Cracks often appear with frequent consumption of too cold or hot drinks, as well as with a sharp contrast in temperature.

Gum diseases

Gum pathologies occupy one of the first places among dental diseases. Loose gums harbor entire colonies of pathogenic bacteria; the affected tissues cannot firmly hold the teeth. As a result of the development of periodontitis, the cervical zone of the molars is exposed, which reacts sharply to any temperature changes or a shift in the acid-base balance.

Somatic diseases

Our body appears to be unified system, in which all organs are interconnected. A problem in one organ negatively affects another or affects an entire organ system. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract affect the condition of teeth and enamel.

Also affects the condition of teeth nervous system. At constant stress Caries appears, gums hurt, enamel becomes covered with cracks.

Inflamed facial nerve located in close proximity to the teeth, leads to discomfort in the jaw or individual molars. The nerve becomes inflamed due to stress and hypothermia.

Teeth may hurt when frequent colds, laryngitis and sinusitis. Often, damage to enamel and dentin appears due to osteochondrosis. cervical region spine. Infection in a flu-like state can penetrate the dental nerves.

Another reason why teeth hurt is hormonal imbalance. Almost all pregnant women experience unpleasant sensations in the jaws in the first months of pregnancy. My teeth ache, my jaw hurts, and this condition is often accompanied by a headache. Subsequently, individual molars begin to deteriorate. The same situation occurs during menopause, when the body cannot cope with hormonal changes.

With angina pectoris, pain in the jaw or teeth is also noted. Also, attacks of angina may be accompanied by drying of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, which causes a feeling of thirst.

Localization of pain syndrome

Pain syndrome occurs:

  • local;
  • generalized.

At local syndrome A single molar responds to the impact. The cause of this condition is carious tissue damage or a reaction to orthopedic products - dentures, crowns.

With generalized syndrome, the entire jaw ache. The cause of this condition is gum pathology, severe thinning of the enamel layer, or pathological changes in the tissues of teeth.


What to do if you have aches in your teeth or jaw? Treatment is determined by the cause of the pain:

  • pathology of periodontal tissues;
  • elimination of carious areas;
  • strengthening the enamel layer;
  • laser/ultrasound treatment.

To reconstruct the enamel layer, various mineral compositions based on potassium and fluorine are used. This procedure takes a certain period of time depending on the degree of thinning of the enamel coating.

For inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, first aid is to urgently take analgesics. If the nerve becomes inflamed late in the evening, you should see a neurologist the next day.

If your jaw hurts and your temperature rises, you need to take an antipyretic and pain reliever. Ibuprofen, Analgin, Sedalgin, Pentalgin help well. The gums can be lubricated with gels containing novocaine or.

Traditional methods

First aid consists of quick elimination pain. If your jaw hurts late in the evening, you won’t be able to get to the dentist. Among available funds To eliminate pain, you can use herbal rinses and soda solution.

Sage grass

It will help cope with sore gums and partially relieve aches in the teeth/jaw. Rinse the mouth with sage steam several times a day (as the pain syndrome manifests itself). The herb is brewed and the warm infusion is used to rinse the mouth. A cup of boiling water requires a pinch of dry raw materials.

pharmaceutical camomile

Analgesic and wound healing agent. Dry herbs are brewed using the same technology as sage. You should rinse your mouth with a warm infusion; you should not use a hot or cold solution. The temperature of the infusion should correspond to body temperature. The infusion must be kept in the mouth to medicinal substances managed to penetrate the gum tissue. Chamomile effectively eliminates inflammatory processes.

Oak bark

The medicinal components of oak penetrate into all tissues of the oral cavity. A tablespoon of bark must be poured with boiling water in an enamel cup and simmered in a water bath. Afterwards, the steam must infuse, and then it is filtered. Napar oral baths oak bark can eliminate many oral problems.

Soda with salt

It helps not only with flux and inflammation of soft tissues, this solution is also used for toothaches. IN warm water dissolve a teaspoon of both ingredients and rinse your mouth. It is advisable not just to rinse your mouth, but to hold the solution for several minutes: make baths. If the pain is intense, you should not rinse at all. Active movement of liquid in the oral cavity can increase the pain, so it is better to simply hold the solution and spit.

Clove oil

Applications with essential oil Cloves are an effective pain reliever. The oil must be 100% natural and not cosmetic. For applications, place a few drops on gauze or cotton wool and apply to the sore spot for 15-20 minutes. However, clove extract may cause allergic reaction, therefore, they preliminarily test the effect of the oil on back side wrists. If the skin does not turn red from a few drops of the product, you can apply it to the gums or tooth.


How to avoid aches in the jaw and teeth? To do this, you need to establish good nutrition.

Dentists advise consuming foods high in tocopherol (vitamin A). It is present in products (vegetables/fruits) orange and yellow color, as well as in egg yolk and liver.

It is not recommended to consume sour fruits and citrus fruits if you have dental problems.

Calcium is essential construction material for hard dental tissues and enamel coating. A lot of calcium is found in dairy/fermented milk products, hard cheeses, fresh herbs and cabbage.

If there is a lack of fluoride, which is responsible for the density of the enamel coating, you need to eat more nuts and any types of seafood. There is also a lot of fluorine and calcium in seaweed. In the lake and river fish fluorine is several times less.

Remove from menu:

  • citrus juices, sour fruits/berries;
  • carbonated drinks, mineral water with gas;
  • seeds in skins;
  • candies, chocolate.

In addition to the diet, it is necessary to take care of the enamel, so brushing your teeth should be done with a brush with soft bristles. Toothpaste should be gentle: buy toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

After each snack, you should rinse your mouth with body temperature water or special medicinal solutions.

Sensitive or bleeding gums should be massaged regularly. Massage promotes blood flow to tissues, along with which they receive nutrients. The gums can be gently massaged with a soft-bristled brush or a finger wrapped in gauze. Movements should be light and do not put pressure on loose tissues. If you intensively massage your sore gums, they will start to bleed.

Massage can also be performed with medicinal oils ( medicinal oil chamomile, rosehip oil or sea buckthorn). Can also be used for massage medicinal ointments or gels. The procedure is carried out several times a day if a problem with the gums appears. To prevent gums, simply massage them when brushing your teeth.

Bottom line

Why does my teeth hurt? Only a dentist can answer the question after a detailed examination of the oral cavity. If a hereditary factor is excluded, the causes of dental discomfort may be jaw injuries, abnormal bite, somatic diseases, malnutrition, or mechanical damage enamel cover. Aches and pains can also appear when using orthopedic structures: dentures, crowns.

If there is a thin layer of enamel, it is prohibited to whiten teeth with harsh cleanings and chemicals. You should also not use hard toothbrushes or whitening toothpastes.

Toothache, as a rule, has its own localization.

However, sometimes it happens that all teeth hurt at once.

You can deal with the problem different ways, but first of all it is necessary understand the reason for its appearance.

Causes of toothache

All teeth can hurt for the following reasons:

The causes of toothache may be not only dental.

Only a specialist can accurately determine the disease when examining the patient and conducting diagnostics.

Causes depending on the nature of the pain:

  • Pain pulsating in nature. Appears after drinking cold and hot drinks.
  • Aching pain. Possible caries. Pain of this nature also occurs with periodontitis.
  • Minor pain. Appears at the initial stage of the carious process.
  • Pain strong, sudden may indicate pulpitis.
  • Constant pain with short breaks in the gum area indicates gingivitis.

What can you do at home?

To avoid being taken by surprise by pain, you need to know what to do if all your teeth hurt at once. On one's own You can eliminate pain with the help of medications and folk remedies.

Traditional methods

Pharmacy products

Doctor's help and self-medication

If several teeth hurt at once, but the pain is insignificant, then you can eliminate it yourself. Minor, short-term pain may occur due to cold or hot food, or with increased enamel.

However, if the pain is severe, throbbing or aching, you should not self-medicate. This could be a signal O serious illness , which must be treated in a doctor’s office, because only he will tell you exactly why all your teeth hurt at once.

Specialist first thing examines the patient and determines the cause pain. Once it is installed, a suitable remedy is selected and the appropriate procedures are carried out. For example, if your teeth hurt due to caries, the doctor will begin to treat them.

The filling may need to be changed. If your gums are inflamed, a specialist will suggest the best medicine that will fight the disease and harmful bacteria.

It is imperative to see a doctor, otherwise complications will arise and curing the disease will become even more difficult.

It is unlikely that you will be able to determine the cause of toothache on your own. Only an experienced specialist can do this.


To avoid toothache, you must follow some rules:

Following these rules, toothache it will be possible to prevent. If you experience any discomfort, the first thing you should do is consult a doctor.

Under no circumstances should you procrastinate with the problem. This will lead to even more pain and inflammation.

The cause of toothache is not always dental, so one should not be surprised if a specialist prescribes tests for the patient, conducts thorough diagnosis. You cannot prolong the illness or self-medicate, because the cause may be serious.

Dentist help is sometimes necessary. Only he can help the patient get rid of a serious oral disease.
