Women's diseases: when treatment is necessary. Bougienage of the cervical canal - what is it, indications and possible consequences

The cervical canal of the cervix is ​​located along the entire length inside the cervix, serving as a corridor between the slit-like cavity of the uterus and the vagina. The development of this organ ends when girls reach puberty.

Before pregnancy, the canal does more protective function from implementation pathogenic microorganisms into the uterine cavity during menstruation. It is through this that menstrual blood passes. The role of protection in it is played by mucus secreted through a layer of epithelial cells that line the entire passage from the vagina to the uterine cavity. Since the cervical canal is expanded during menstruation, mucus production is at its maximum during this period.

Dimensions cervical canal V different periods lives change. In women of childbearing age, but who have not yet given birth, during menstruation the canal is expanded only to 2 mm. Closer to 20-25 years, a woman’s body is preparing for its main purpose, and that’s it reproductive organs increase slightly in size. The main thing is to conduct an ultrasound before planning a pregnancy to know for sure anatomical structure reproductive organs.

For the cervical canal, the length and diameter are important, because this will influence the future passage of the child through the birth canal. Any deviations from the norm can cause serious complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

What role does the cervical canal play during pregnancy?

The cervical canal during conception and pregnancy has its own anatomical features.

At the time of conception, the mucus in the cervical canal becomes thicker in order to retain sperm for their safe movement into the uterine cavity. With successful fertilization of the egg, the cervix narrows as much as possible, and at the exit into the vagina a dense plug of mucus is formed, which protects the fetus from various infections and viruses that enter a woman’s body from the external environment. The mucus plug is the first to come off before birth. If this does not happen, it is removed during childbirth.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, when diagnosing using ultrasound, importance is attached to the length and width of the cervical canal. The last indicator indicates a threat of miscarriage, therefore, if the cervical canal is dilated, the woman is sent to the hospital. The expansion of muscle tissue occurs during this period because the cervix is ​​weak and cannot independently hold the attached fetus in the future. This deviation from the norm occurs at 15-18 weeks of pregnancy, when the baby is rapidly developing in the womb.

Narrowing of the cervical canal can be carried out during pregnancy only in full confidence in the viability of the unborn child.

The procedure is carried out in a hospital setting either with medications or using a medical ring (pessary), which is used to tighten the canal and is not removed until almost the end of pregnancy. In some cases, sutures are quickly placed on the cervix, which are removed at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Polyps as a cause of cervical dilatation

If dilation due to a polyp is detected during the diagnosis of the cervix, it is recommended to first treat this disease before planning a pregnancy. Conception with this disease is difficult, since the polyp blocks the lumen and prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterine cavity.

The appearance of a polyp in the canal during pregnancy can cause relaxation of the walls of the cervix and pose a threat to the life of the child. Of course, during pregnancy the polyp is not removed, they just continue to monitor it. If the cervical canal is dilated to 3-5 mm when a polyp is diagnosed, the woman is sent to the hospital for conservation under constant medical supervision.

Some polyps disappear after childbirth. If this does not happen, treatment is continued immediately after the birth of the child.

The first sign of enlargement of the canal is the appearance of small blood discharge from the vagina. It is necessary to immediately contact a gynecologist in order to take timely measures to prevent miscarriage.

What gynecological diseases cause dilation of the lumen of the cervix?

Like all reproductive organs, the cervical canal of the cervix also undergoes changes during hormonal changes in the body during menopause. The walls of the cervix lose their elasticity and produce less mucus, causing the vagina to become dry.

With the onset of menopause, women experience aggravation of diseases that arise against the background of previous abortions, colds genital area and curettage after childbirth. Diseases such as fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts - all this causes hormonal disbalance and random bleeding. The uterus loses its tone, the muscles relax. With each bleeding, the cervical canal expands, and deprived of mucus, it causes microflora to enter the uterus, which only aggravates existing diseases.

The cervical canal can also be dilated due to an increase in the thickness of the myometrium as a result of cell proliferation in endometriosis. This is facilitated by various ailments that are present during menopause: pressure surges, excess weight, diabetes, dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Another disease that causes dilation of the cervical canal is chronic cervicitis. This disease occurs as a result of previous colds and untreated foci of inflammation. It is advisable not to ignore liquid mucous discharge, including that occurring after sex or urination.

Changes in the internal state of the uterine cavity may result from side effects after taking hormonal drugs, decreased metabolic processes and smoking.

Actions to take when dilating the cervical canal

If the diagnosis is established by ultrasound results, there is no need to panic. Only a timely visit to a doctor will help diagnose the cause of the enlargement of the cervical canal. This condition can be corrected if the causes of changes in the organ from the norm are eliminated.

The main thing is to monitor the condition of your body, especially for women entering menopause or who are preparing to become a mother in the future.

Determining the condition of the cervix is ​​a mandatory element gynecological examination. Such an examination can reveal not only a variety of pathological changes mucous membrane, but also expansion of the cervical canal.

This symptom in some cases is a formidable sign of ongoing pathological processes, although sometimes it is considered as a component of natural changes in the reproductive system. Therefore, an isolated conclusion about the presence of dilatation of the cervical canal is not a clear cause for alarm. It must be assessed in relation to a specific clinical situation.

Cervical canal - what is it and what is its function?

The cervical canal (canalis cervicis uteri) is a natural linear space inside the cervix that connects the uterine cavity with the lumen of the vagina. Under normal conditions, it has a spindle-shaped shape due to 2 physiological terminal narrowings. They are called the external and internal pharynx.

The cervical canal is lined with a special cylindrical epithelium, which performs a barrier and secretory function. The mucus produced by its cells contains a large number of glycoproteins and is essentially a hydrogel with a finely porous structure. Moreover, its consistency, acidity and permeability are not constant, but change depending on the woman’s hormonal background, the day of her cycle and a number of other factors.

The cervical canal performs several functions:

  • Barrier

The mucus contained in the lumen of the canal is a natural obstacle to bacteria and viruses, forming a “plug” and thereby preventing ascending infection of the uterine cavity. In addition, the cervical tissues have a local immune system that provides additional protection against most microorganisms. She is presented immunocompetent cells, produced by them humoral factors and antibodies. It is thanks to the cervix that the uterine cavity maintains its sterility.

  • Creation of a selectively acting barrier on the path of spermatozoa

Varying during the ovarian period menstrual cycle hormonal background affects the acidity and viscosity of cervical mucus, which has a regulatory effect on male germ cells. Before the mucous plug liquefies, its pores increase in diameter, the pH becomes alkaline, and the cervical canal opens slightly. All this creates favorable conditions for the penetration of sperm from the vagina into the uterine cavity. And the parietal reverse flow of mucus that occurs during this period is a factor that allows us to “weed out” functionally incomplete male germ cells that are not capable of progressive, targeted movement.

The cervix is ​​the natural and only route for the evacuation of blood, rejected endometrium, physiological and pathological secretions. Violation of its patency leads to the accumulation of secretions, progressive expansion of the uterine cavity with the reflux of contents into the fallopian tubes, provokes an inflammatory process.

  • Formation of the birth canal, ensuring the natural expulsion of the fetus, its membranes and separated placenta

This is ensured by the expansion, shortening and centralization of the position of the cervix during contractions in the 1st labor period.

The cervical canal is often considered as a special anatomical formation, giving it increased attention when examining a woman.

What does it mean - the cervical canal is dilated?

Normal in an adult nulliparous woman with sufficiently developed genital organs, the length of the cervical canal is on average 3.5-4.5 cm, and the diameter at the widest part does not exceed 8 mm. Its external pharynx has a round shape and a diameter of 5-6 mm. And after giving birth naturally it takes on a slit-like shape with several radiating traces of tissue tears along the edges and no longer closes so tightly.

Permissible width of the lumen of the cervical canal outside the process labor activity– up to 8 mm. An increase in diameter above this indicator is the basis for diagnosing enlargement (dilatation). This is complemented by shortening of the cervix, which is sometimes used as an independent criterion.

A closed cervical canal is the norm during pregnancy until the onset of labor. Its expansion exceeding the average statistical size is spoken of in several cases:

  • there is an expansion of the internal pharynx up to 2 mm or more already at the end of the first trimester of gestation, with a normal diameter of the remaining parts of the cervical canal;
  • the cervical canal is slit-like expanded in the upper third, and there is often a significant increase in the number of cervical glands;
  • there is a funnel-shaped deformation of the internal pharynx; with sufficient specialist skills, it is often possible to record prolapse of the membranes;
  • expansion of the canal along its entire length, with a simultaneous decrease in the length of the cervix and its softening.


Confirmation of the presence of dilation during a routine basic gynecological examination is usually not possible, except in cases of gaping of the external os. For reliable diagnosis Intravital imaging techniques are required, and ultrasound is usually sufficient. In this case, preference is given to a vaginal sensor, although it is also possible to use a conventional transabdominal one. Measuring the cervix during an ultrasound is called.

A more accurate visualization method is . Of course, this technique is not used for primary diagnosis pathology of the cervix. MRI is performed at the second stage of examining the patient to reliably determine the nature of her changes.

Smear analysis for dilatation of the cervical canal – additional method diagnostics, allowing to confirm the presence of the inflammatory process and determine its nature. To exclude STDs as the cause of cervicitis, a serological blood test is performed for major infections.

Why is this dangerous?

If the cervical canal is dilated in the absence of pregnancy, this does not pose an immediate danger to the woman’s life. But such dilation is a symptom of various pathological processes in the cervix or body of the uterus, which requires adequate diagnosis and timely, comprehensive treatment.

Expansion of the cervical canal during pregnancy - definitely pathological sign. It may be a manifestation of:

  • Threatened spontaneous abortion early stages pregnancy. At the same time, in addition to the expansion of the cervical canal on ultrasound, there are signs of pathological hypertonicity of the uterus. Incipient detachment of the ovum with a retrochorial hematoma can also be detected, while maintaining the viability of the embryo.
  • , which is diagnosed from the 2nd trimmeter of pregnancy. Additional diagnostic ultrasound signs of this condition are a funnel-shaped expansion of the internal os, a decrease in the length of the cervix at less than 20 weeks to 3 cm, a decrease in the ratio of the length of the cervix to its diameter (at the level of the internal os) to less than 1.5. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency - cause recurrent miscarriage pregnancy.
  • Abortion in progress or incomplete spontaneous abortion (in early pregnancy), premature birth (after 26 weeks of gestation).

Therefore, if dilation of the cervical canal is diagnosed during pregnancy, the doctor needs to decide as soon as possible treatment tactics and assess the advisability of urgent hospitalization of the patient.

Main causes of pathology

Why is the cervical canal enlarged? There are many reasons for this condition:

  1. Threat of miscarriage.
  2. Cystic lesion of the cervix (the so-called Nabotov cyst), usually with anechoic contents. These can also be multiple small cysts up to 1 mm in diameter.
  3. Other benign tumor-like formations of the cervix. Possible fibroids, sarcomas, hemangiomas, leiomyomas.
  4. High-grade adenocarcinoma of the cervix.
  5. “Born” fibroids or.
  6. , adenomyosis.
  7. Acute or chronic cervicitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal), including those developing as a result of STDs.
  8. Tumors of the uterine body of significant size, leading to stretching of the internal os.

In women of reproductive age, dilation up to 12 mm or more can be observed for some time after a completed spontaneous or medical abortion, during the recovery period after childbirth, after therapeutic and diagnostic interventions with cervical dilation.

Dilatation may be due to progressive atrophy of uterine tissue against the background of severe estrogen deficiency. In this case, the cervical canal is usually dilated unevenly, and there may be concomitant prolapse of the vaginal vault and uterus. And as the process of age-related involution of the reproductive system progresses in the postmenopausal period, dilation is replaced by narrowing to 3 mm or less, and subsequent atresia (fusion).

What to do?

Therapeutic tactics are determined by the main cause of changes in the cervix.

An obstetric pessary on the cervix to prevent its opening

In the presence of polyps and tumors, the issue of surgical treatment, while in women of reproductive age, preference is given to organ-preserving operations. The exception is adenocarcinoma. In this case, with extensive damage and signs of malignancy with germination into surrounding tissues, a decision may be made on radical intervention with hysterectomy and subsequent chemotherapy radiation therapy in accordance with the principles of cervical cancer treatment.

For endocervical cysts, conservative therapy with the use of systemic and local antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents is indicated. Moreover, in the case of a confirmed STD, it is carried out under the supervision of a dermatovenerologist, with simultaneous treatment of all sexual partners and examination of family members. The woman must subsequently be kept under dynamic registration and regularly undergo control tests for STDs and HIV.

If confirmed, therapy is carried out in accordance with current clinical guidelines. Usually they start with complex conservative treatment using hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs. Physiotherapy, absorbable agents, and vitamins are prescribed as auxiliary measures. With widespread and intractable conservative therapy Surgical treatment is indicated for adenomyosis.

The identified dilation of the cervical canal is the basis for an urgent decision on the issue of hospitalization of a pregnant woman due to a threatened abortion or premature birth. Assign hormonal drugs, antispasmodics, magnesium preparations and other tocolytics, prevent placental insufficiency. In the case of diagnosed isthmic-cervical insufficiency and a history of miscarriages, additional measures are taken to strengthen the cervix.

These include:

  • Special sutures are placed on the neck, which are removed at 38 weeks. Currently in use different variants suturing with approximately equal effectiveness, the choice of method remains with the doctor.
  • Installation of a pessary - a special latex ring placed on the cervix to prevent its opening. Possible only on early stages isthmic-cervical insufficiency, sometimes in addition to suturing.
  • On average, in the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, pregnancy can be prolonged in 2/3 of cases.

Dilatation of the cervical canal is an important diagnostic finding that requires a comprehensive assessment of the woman’s condition and a search for the main cause of such dilatation. Special attention pathology is required in pregnant women, as it is a sign of a high risk of miscarriage current pregnancy. Regular preventive examinations and visits to an obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound examinations as prescribed by a doctor make it possible to timely diagnose this pathology and select optimal treatment with minimal losses for the patient.

The cervical canal is the transition of the cervix directly into the body of the uterus. Most often, it has a conical or cylindrical shape; in the center there is an opening through which the uterus communicates with the vagina. Normally, the length of the cervical canal is 3-4 cm.

In everyday life, the term “cervix” is more often used, meaning the canal as well. However, anatomically, the cervical canal is only a part of the cervix, the same opening that connects the uterine cavity to the vagina. It opens with the external pharynx directly into the vagina, and the internal pharynx into the uterus.

What are the functions of the cervical canal?

Having considered external structure cervical canal, it is necessary to say about its functions. First of all, it protects the uterus from various types of infections and pathogens.

As you know, the vagina contains a huge number of microorganisms, in some cases pathogenic. However, the uterine cavity always remains sterile. This is achieved thanks to cells located directly in the cervical canal. They produce mucus, the properties of which vary depending on

So, at its beginning and end, a rather viscous mucus is released, which has an acidic environment. Most microorganisms die under such conditions. In addition, such an environment prevents the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity, which, under its influence, lose their mobility. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, the level of estrogen in the blood increases, which leads to the fact that the mucus changes its environment to an alkaline one and becomes more liquid. It is at this time that male reproductive cells have a chance to enter the uterine cavity and fertilize the egg.

With the onset of pregnancy, under the influence of progesterone, the mucus becomes more viscous and forms a plug that reliably protects the fetus from infection from the outside. Thus, the discharge of the cervical canal is nothing more than mucus.

What pathologies of the cervical canal exist?

Normally, the cervix is ​​closed. Its opening occurs only before the birth process begins. However, not all women, having heard from a gynecologist on preventive examination they know that the phrase that the cervical canal is closed is the norm. In practice this is not always the case, and deviations do occur. These include congenital anomalies:

  • development of 2 cervical canals;
  • fusion of the cervical canal.

The latter violation is much more common. In this case, the correct communication between the vagina and the uterine cavity is disrupted. At the same time, they say that the cervical canal is closed, once again indicating that this is a pathology. In most cases, the disease is asymptomatic and does not make itself felt. However, with the onset of puberty, girls with this disorder begin to complain of a prolonged absence of menstruation. As a result, blood begins to accumulate inside the uterus without leaving it, which can lead to dire consequences. The only solution to the problem situation is surgical intervention.

Separately, it is necessary to talk about when the cervical canal is dilated, because not everyone knows what this can mean. A similar phenomenon is usually observed in pregnant women; in about a week, the cervix begins to open slightly, causing the canal to expand. If this phenomenon observed earlier, the woman is hospitalized due to the threat of miscarriage.

If a similar situation occurs in non-pregnant women, treatment is prescribed in which hormonal drugs are used to increase the tone of the uterine myometrium and close the cervical canal.

Sometimes the cervical canal may become partially or completely closed. Bougienage of the cervical canal is an expansion internal genital area with help surgical instruments. The operation is performed under anesthesia, so the patient does not feel pain. After surgery, there is a high recovery rate.

What is cervical dilatation?

This is a surgical operation performed as a result of narrowing or complete atresia (fusion) of the cervical canal. Pathology occurs in women of reproductive age due to various reasons.

But often narrowing or fusion of the cervical canal occurs due to curettage or age-related changes. These actions have bad influence on the condition of the cervix.

The patency of the cervical canal is restored using simple surgery. It is carried out using a special instrument - a bougie (hence the name of the procedure).

Bougienage happens the only way out for treatment serious pathologies that limit a woman’s ability to have children. This type of intervention is also performed for women during menopause.

Some patients describe this procedure as scary. This is not true, because the woman does not feel pain during the cervical canal dilatation operation due to the action of anesthesia. Medical centers equipment is used that allows to reduce the patient’s time in hospital.

Women who do not know what cervical bougienage is sometimes refuse to undergo the intervention. By doing this, they expose themselves to danger, because in this case the development of inflammatory and oncological pathologies is possible. In addition, a blockage of the cervical canal can lead to infertility.

Indications and features of the procedure

Bougienage is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • infectious pathologies (herpes, syphilis, chlamydial infection, toxoplasmosis);
  • reception medical supplies During a long time;
  • effect on the body ionizing radiation;
  • carrying out the procedure of curettage of the uterus;
  • cauterization of the uterine epithelial layers using electrocoagulation or the use of silver nitrate;
  • cancer of the cervix and uterine body;
  • abortion;
  • endometritis or endocervicitis;
  • stenosis or atresia of the cervix;
  • hypertrophic scarring.

The procedure is performed in a hospital setting using general anesthesia. Local anesthesia is not prescribed because it is ineffective. The type of anesthesia is determined by the doctor after thorough examination the patient's body.

The operation implies that a special instrument, a bougie, will be inserted into the cervical canal. Without anesthesia, the patient would be in pain , because it leads to traumatization of the mucous membranes. The bougies increase gradually, otherwise the neck is likely to rupture.

Trauma to the tissue always leads to re-closure of the cervical canal. Correctly performed dilation of the cervical canal guarantees the absence of complications.

Bougienage is not done if it developed as a result malignant process. In this case, more radical operations are necessary. Bougienage is prohibited if the duration of false amenorrhea in a woman is more than six months. In this case, recanalization of the cervix is ​​performed.

Preparation for surgery and procedure

In order for the operation to go well, the patient should undergo a series of preparatory tests. They are needed not only to confirm the diagnosis, but also to check general condition health. The set of diagnostic measures includes:

  • general examination blood;
  • biochemical research;
  • test to determine the presence of sexually transmitted infections in the body;
  • test for HIV and AIDS, syphilis and the presence of hepatitis B, C pathogens in the body;
  • blood clotting test (allows you to determine the risk of severe bleeding during and after surgery);
  • colposcopy;
  • microscopy of a smear from the vagina and cervix;
  • an electrocardiogram (this should be done to detect the probable risk of developing heart problems);
  • fluorography;
  • probing;
  • bacterial culture from the vagina;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

At the request of the woman, a consultation with an anesthesiologist can be scheduled. Doctors usually prohibit eating and drinking on the day of surgery. The prohibition is due to the fact that during the use of intravenous anesthesia, nausea and vomiting may occur.

The cost of bougienage in different clinics can vary significantly. When choosing a clinic, you should take into account its reputation and the qualifications of its doctors.

Let's look at how bougienage of the cervical canal is carried out.

  1. The patient is placed in a gynecological chair. She is given intravenous anesthesia.
  2. The doctor performs treatment of the genitals to maintain the maximum degree of sterility and prevent infection.
  3. A medical speculum is inserted into the vagina (it expands access to the cervix).
  4. For primary expansion, the smallest bougie is used. After the expansion with its help is completed, a second, larger tool is taken.
  5. The operation is completed when a bougie of the required diameter enters the cervical canal.

The gradual introduction of the instrument is aimed at reducing the likelihood of rupture during surgery. The doctor chooses the most gentle regimen.

After the operation is completed, the woman usually goes home. But sometimes the doctor may recommend staying in the hospital for at least a day. This will help reduce the chance of bleeding.

Ambulatory treatment is permissible only if women do not have pathology of the heart and blood vessels. Local anesthesia in some cases can be carried out using local anesthesia.

Postoperative period and healing of the cervix

After bougienage of the cervix, the patient can return to normal life in about 2 weeks. During this time, everything completely passes painful sensations.

If the pain intensifies within 14 days, you should urgently visit a doctor. A woman may experience a recurrence of infection. For this purpose, it is possible to install an alloplastic channel.

During postoperative treatment the patient should take anti-inflammatory drugs and suppositories to speed up the wound healing process. They are prescribed only by a gynecologist, focusing on the woman’s health condition and the presence of individual intolerance to certain medications.

You should immediately consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • discharge of blood and mucus from the genitals;
  • persistent pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increase in body temperature.

To prevent the development of negative consequences of bougienage of the cervical canal, the patient should take antibacterial drugs.

Depending on severity clinical case use tablets or injection forms. To prevent the development of thrush, you need to take antifungal agents (most often they are prescribed in the form of suppositories).

To prevent infection, the following measures must be taken:

  • treat in a timely manner inflammatory processes in the uterus and cervical canal;
  • take place regularly medical examinations in order to detect inflammatory pathologies and malignant neoplasms(such inspections must be carried out starting from adolescence);
  • abortions should be performed only in a hospital setting and only by qualified personnel;
  • do not use douching without control and the need, do not use aggressive solutions;
  • from childhood you need to follow the rules healthy image life, exercise regularly;
  • do not use chemical contraceptives without supervision;
  • avoid infection infectious pathologies;
  • during pregnancy Do not take medications that have a toxic effect on the baby.

Consequences and possible complications of bougienage

Possible consequences of bougienage may be:

  • inflammatory pathologies in the pelvic area;
  • bleeding from the uterus;
  • violation of the integrity of the neck (perforation);
  • inflammatory processes.

All these phenomena cause repeated narrowing of the cervical canal and the need to carry out new operation. This is why women are advised to stay a few more days after surgery so that they can be monitored. possible risks and take timely measures to eliminate complications.

The use of a laser during bougienage can significantly reduce the likelihood of complications, reduce the length of a woman’s stay in the hospital and increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Sometimes a hematometra can form in the uterine cavity - an accumulation of blood due to a violation of its outflow during menstruation. This is a very rare and dangerous phenomenon. Without treatment, it is fatal.

With a hematometer it appears very strong pain, pale skin, drop in blood pressure. Treatment is usually surgical. The doctor removes the anatomical obstruction to allow blood to escape. At severe complications The uterus is completely removed.

The operation of bougienage of the cervical canal is an intervention prescribed to restore its normal width and prevent complete fusion.

If the operation is performed in accordance with medical appointments, using the latest technologies, the likelihood of complications will be very low. A woman needs to monitor her health and consult a doctor promptly when the first signs appear gynecological pathologies.

In the presented video you can see what the cervical canal looks like after bougienage.

Every representative of the fairer sex should regularly visit a gynecologist and monitor the condition of her women's health. May be observed various states cervix, and one of them is one in which the cervical canal is dilated. It is very important to understand what this means. This is exactly what we will find out in this article. We will find out the reasons for this phenomenon, and also consider diagnostic methods and methods of its treatment. Please read the information provided carefully in order to protect and equip yourself as much as possible.

What is the cervical canal

In fact, most women only have general idea about the structure of your reproductive system. And most of the fair sex do not even think about what the cervical canal is (whether it is dilated or not, a gynecologist will tell you). But this organ of the reproductive system plays a very important role in the body.

The cervical cavity has a rather interesting structure. It is a hollow channel that can be compared to a spindle with two constrictions at the ends. This cavity is located in the area of ​​the uterus and is about four to five centimeters long. However, if a woman gave birth or had an abortion, then the cervical canal can be elongated to seven or eight centimeters. In some cases it may be expanded. The cervical canal is the connection between the uterus and vagina.

Herself inner surface the cavity consists of epithelial cells that produce a special mucous secretion. This tissue consists of special receptors that can respond to the level of hormones in the body. That is why the amount and viscosity of menstrual mucus depends on what phase of the woman’s menstrual cycle for a given period of time.

As you know, determining pregnancy at a very short time is not always an easy task. However, an experienced doctor will be able to determine this by the color of the mucous membrane. If fertilization has occurred, it usually takes on a bluish tint.

Whether the cervical canal is dilated or not can only be determined by visiting a gynecologist. The doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina and thus examines the entrance to the cavity. If the girl has not given birth yet, then the entrance will look like a small dot. But for a woman who has given birth, it will turn into a small gap.

What functions does it perform?

Barrier and protective function

It is in this place that special mucus is produced, which serves as an excellent barrier against various bacteria and viruses that enter the body from the outside. Such mucus can form a plug, providing reliable protection. Moreover, this cavity has its own unique immune system, capable of producing immune cells. It is thanks to the cervical canal that the female reproductive system can be completely sterile.

Ensuring conception

Many patients wonder why the cervical canal is enlarged. It is very important to find out whether this is normal or pathological in order to understand the state of your health.

As you know, for conception to occur, it is very important that the sperm travel a long way from the vagina through the cervical canal. We have already said that a large amount of mucus is produced in this place, which performs a protective function.

However, on certain days of the cycle (before ovulation), the mucus begins to thin out, resulting in a more alkaline environment. In order for the sperm to pass to the egg, it is very important that the cervical canal of the cervix is ​​slightly dilated. This is what contributes to the onset of conception. Therefore, if a couple decides to have a child, it is very important to choose the most favorable period for this. By the way, the mucus produced by the canal is capable of weeding out weak and non-viable sperm, so only the strongest and healthiest will move towards their goal.

Output function

Blood and pathological discharge. If the channel is in pathological condition, then the removal of these secretions will be impaired, which means that there is a high probability of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Birth canal

If the cervical canal is dilated along its entire length, then most often this indicates the onset of labor. During the labor process, centralization and shortening of the cervix occurs directly during contractions.

How to understand that the cervical canal is dilated

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon. In a normally developed nulliparous woman, the maximum width of the canal is usually up to eight millimeters. However, if this indicator increases, this may indicate the presence of pathology. If a representative of the stronger sex becomes pregnant, the cervical canal closes. But expansion is usually observed in such cases:

  • The internal pharynx is expanded to two millimeters. In this case, the cervical canal is expanded in the middle third.

  • A slit-like expansion in the upper third may also be observed, which is usually accompanied by active work iron
  • Enlargements include the case when the cervical canal is expanded along its entire length. At the same time, softening of the uterus and shortening of its cervix are also observed.
  • There is also a condition in which the cervical canal is funnel-shaped and the internal os is closed.

Reasons for expansion

In fact, there are a huge number of reasons for the occurrence of such a condition. If the cervical canal is not dilated, what does this mean? Usually, if it closes and a mucus plug forms at its end, this indicates that the woman is pregnant. However, if the canal is dilated during pregnancy itself, this will indicate its termination.

There are also other reasons for expansion. Let's look at which ones:

  • There are polyps or cysts in the cervical canal. In this case, most often the cervical canal is dilated and anechoic contents are present. This content most often includes liquid or blood.
  • The presence of other benign formations in the canal, such as sarcoma or fibroma. However, the occurrence of malignant tumors cannot be ruled out.

  • Dilation can occur in the presence of pathologies such as endometriosis and adenomyosis, as well as when inflammatory diseases and sexually transmitted pathologies.

In representatives of the fair sex who are capable of bearing offspring, enlargement can be observed after an abortion, childbirth, and also during certain diagnostic procedures. However, the condition will soon return to normal, as the body needs a recovery period.

With the onset of menopause, both expansion and narrowing of the canal can occur. Typically, during postmenopause, the cervical canal is not dilated. What does it mean? This suggests that reproductive age women is over, and the level in the body female hormones decreased significantly. The canal may narrow to more than three millimeters. Subsequently, its overgrowth is usually observed.

What is the danger?

If the cervical canal is dilated and other indicators are normal, then this usually does not pose a mortal threat to the fair sex. However, most often this phenomenon indicates that there are some problems in the female reproductive system. pathological processes, which require diagnostics and selection of the optimal treatment method.

If the cervical canal expands during pregnancy, then this may conceal serious danger. Let's look at what the possible risks are:

  • If a woman is in the early stages of pregnancy, then there is simply a huge risk of spontaneous abortion. When conducting ultrasound examination Usually, a phenomenon such as uterine hypertonicity is also diagnosed.
  • There is such a thing as isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which can be diagnosed starting in the second trimester of pregnancy. Usually this phenomenon leads to its interruption, since the baby may be born prematurely.

That is why, if a pregnant woman has been diagnosed with a phenomenon such as enlargement of the cervical canal, it is very important to carry out all kinds of diagnostic measures in a timely manner and urgently prescribe the necessary treatment to the patient.

Carrying out diagnostic studies

Usually, during a primary gynecological examination, changes can only be noticed if the external os is in an expanded state. But to get more accurate results usually carry out this diagnostic procedure like an ultrasound. The process of measuring the cervix is ​​called cervicometry. Maximum results can be achieved by performing an MRI of the pelvic organs. Typically, this procedure is performed if the patient has already been diagnosed with any pathological processes in the reproductive system.

It is also very important to take a swab. With its help, you can determine the presence of inflammatory processes, as well as sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment methods

Depending on why the cervical canal is dilated, the treatment method will be selected. If polyps or tumor-like formations were found in it, then in this case doctors usually resort to surgical intervention. At the same time, the fair sex has the opportunity to preserve the functions of the reproductive system. However, if the formations have become malignant, then radical intervention must be performed, which is usually accompanied by the use of radiation and chemotherapy.

In the presence of endocervical cysts, as well as cervicitis, doctors usually prescribe conservative methods treatments that include antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory medicines(“Azithromycin”, “Cefixime”, “Erythromycin”, “Doxycycline”). If a woman has been diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases, then in this case she must register. At the same time, her sexual partner should also be tested and, if necessary, begin treatment.

If a woman has been diagnosed with adenomyosis, then in this case a complex treatment is prescribed conservative treatment, which uses anti-inflammatory as well as hormonal medications(“Marvelon”, “Duphaston”, “Anteovin”, “Dysmenorm”). In some cases, doctors also recommend that the fairer sex undergo additional restorative therapy, which includes the use of vitamin supplements, absorbable medications, and physical therapy. If conservative treatment methods do not give the desired result, then in this case the doctors decide to carry out surgical intervention.

If an enlargement of the cervical canal was discovered during pregnancy, then in this case the woman should be urgently sent to hospital, since in this case there is a high risk of miscarriage or premature birth. In this case, the patient is prescribed hormonal medications, antispasmodics, vitamins, and everything possible is done to prevent placental insufficiency. If necessary, such protective measures:

  • The application of special sutures to the cervix, which are usually removed at the thirty-eighth week of pregnancy;
  • Sometimes a pessary is installed. This procedure involves placing a special latex ring on the cervix, which prevents it from opening. Most often, this method is used on its own, and sometimes in combination with suturing.


Every woman should monitor her health, including the health of her reproductive system. It is very important to visit a gynecologist regularly for routine examinations. Usually, dilatation of the cervical canal does not occur on its own (unless, of course, this concerns natural process childbirth). Most often, it signals that infectious and inflammatory processes are present in the female reproductive system, as well as benign or malignant formations. Therefore, do not ignore visits to the gynecologist, especially for women during pregnancy. Timely diagnostic and curative measures will be able to protect your health, as well as the life of your unborn baby.

Take care of your health right now. This will help you eliminate further risks and dangers. Take care of yourself.
