How much kefir can you drink per day? Interesting facts, contraindications and recommendations: how much kefir you can use per day. When is the best time to drink kefir?

As is known, dairy products have a positive effect on digestive processes, supply the body with calcium and have many beneficial properties. Today we will look at one of these products - kefir, which is constantly present in the diet of most people.

What is the richness of the popular drink?

Kefir is one of the products proper nutrition. Thanks to its rich and varied composition, it allows you to maintain a healthy body.

The fermented milk product boasts of containing the following substances:

  • probiotics;
  • organic acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • natural sugars;
  • fats;
  • vitamins (PP, A, C, H, group B);
  • (, copper, sulfur, iron,).

The most consumed product is considered to have a fat content of 3.2% - it contains the optimal amount of fat, which ensures excellent taste. Its calorie content (per 100 g of product) is 60 Kcal.

Did you know? Kefir was first made in the Caucasus. A beautiful legend is associated with this, which says that the Prophet Muhammad gave the mountaineers several peas, from which they first prepared delicious and medicinal drink.

Carbohydrates contained in the drink are presented in the form of lactose, galactose and glucose.

The main part of the lactose that a fermented milk product contains is lactic acid, so the drink is absorbed by the body much more better than milk. More than 100 million lactic acid bacteria are concentrated in 1 ml of the product, which allows them to have a beneficial effect on health, since they do not die from exposure gastric juice.

The benefits of fermented milk product for the human body

Kefir is loved not only for its excellent taste, but also for its positive and even therapeutic effects on the human body. If we compare this drink with other fermented milk products, it can be noted that it ranks first in terms of usefulness.
Kefir allows you to restore the natural balance in the body, which is possible thanks to microelements - fluorine, copper, iodine, and vitamins that stimulate energy production. Under influence useful microelements The nervous system and skin are restored and metabolic processes are normalized.

Due to the fact that this fermented milk product is easily digestible, it also helps digest other foods, normalizes the process of digesting food and facilitates the functioning of the entire body.

Important! People whose diet is dominated by meat products have increased acidity in the intestines, which increases the risk of colonization by pathogens, worsening their health and causing the development of serious illnesses. Such people are recommended to regularly drink kefir, which helps solve this problem.

Metabolic problems caused by lack of sleep, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle lives affect not only the deterioration general well-being, but over time lead to more serious problems. But if you consume kefir, the body's metabolism will speed up, which will lead to normalization of the person’s condition.

The drink allows you to restore microflora gastrointestinal tract in case of dysbacteriosis, eliminate harmful bacteria that provoked the development of disorders.
A positive effect of kefir on muscle and bone tissue thanks to its high calcium content.

The drink allows the body to recover after surgery or serious illnesses, as it stimulates the immune system.

Good drink helps calm you down nervous system, so it is useful to drink a little kefir at night to solve the problem of insomnia. This effect is achieved thanks to tryptophan, an aromatic amino acid.

Some scientists have suggested, based on research into the effects of probiotics, that they inhibit the development of tumor formations in the body by destroying carcinogenic compounds and stimulating the immune system.

Low fat or fat

There are many opinions about which kefir is healthier and better - low-fat or full-fat. Most people argue that a low-fat drink is worse than a full-fat drink because to give it a thicker consistency, various thickeners are used during its production, which affect the beneficial properties of the product. It is known that some beneficial substances from a low-fat drink cannot be fully absorbed in the body due to a lack of fat.
It is also worth noting that of all kefirs of different fat content, the low-fat product contains a minimal amount of vitamins and beneficial bacteria, therefore, if there are no contraindications or excess weight, then it is healthier to drink kefir with medium fat content or full fat. It allows the beneficial components to be almost completely absorbed and provide maximum positive effect on the body.

The above facts do not mean that you cannot drink low-fat kefir; you just need to pay attention to the composition of the drink and choose a product without additives or thickeners.

Important! Low-fat kefir is very useful during weight loss and helps reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

What time of day is best to drink?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question about the greater benefits of kefir in the morning or evening, because in different time day you can achieve positive results, but radically different effect. In the morning before meals, a drink allows you to get rid of extra pounds because it helps you lose weight. The fact is that kefir in an amount of 200 g contains about 10% of the daily value of protein for men and 7% of the daily value for women, so it is useful to drink it in the morning to build up muscle mass, replenish energy reserves, which will last at least until next appointment food.

It is allowed to drink fermented milk product during protein diets, so in the morning on an empty stomach or as a supplement to breakfast, the drink will be very useful.
In order for the body to get everything it needs from food, it must be broken down by “good” bacteria in the intestines. Initially, they promote the digestion of food, and after that absorption occurs in the intestines. useful substances. These processes are slowed down and disrupted due to the predominance harmful bacteria in the intestines, which provokes deterioration of food absorption, vitamin deficiency, bloating, diarrhea, constipation.

Homemade hair mask recipe

Prevent the formation of split ends, strengthen the roots, influence the speed of hair growth, and also improve general state hair, you can make it shiny and strong with the help of kefir.

The fat content of kefir should be chosen taking into account the type of hair: a low-fat drink is suitable for oily hair, medium fat for normal hair, and high fat for dry hair.

In order to make a mask, you need to slightly heat the kefir so that its temperature is comfortable - up to 39-40 degrees, and generously lubricate the hair along the entire length, treating the area at the roots and dry ends well. Put a plastic bag on top and wrap your head with a towel to achieve a greenhouse effect. Leave this mask on for one hour and wash off warm water with shampoo. You can perform the procedure about 1-2 times a week until the desired effect is achieved. To enhance the effect of the product and get more pronounced effect, you can add egg yolks to kefir, as well as burdock, Castor oil or jojoba oil.

Did you know? It is known that in European countries Before the First World War, they did not drink kefir and did not know about this drink. And in 1925, purchases of the fungus were established, and its mass production and consumption began.

Contraindications for consuming kefir include:

  • age up to one year - the microflora in the intestines at this period of a child’s life is practically absent and the process of its active formation is taking place;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • individual lactose intolerance.
  • presence of epilepsy.

Harm from consuming kefir can occur if the recommended doses are exceeded or if an expired, low-quality product is used. In this case, it is possible to get an upset stomach and signs of food poisoning.
In order not to be poisoned by this drink, you need to keep it in the refrigerator. It is not recommended to leave it open in a warm place - it can quickly deteriorate.

Kefir is a very healthy fermented milk product, but in order for it to bring only benefits, you must take into account the characteristics of your body and not exceed the recommended daily norm consumption.

Kefir is a drink that we have been familiar with since childhood.

Many people love and drink it. Nutritionists advise people who are overweight to consume kefir.

Some people drink it at night to get rid of insomnia.

History of appearance

In the North Caucasus, odes are written about this drink. It was the Ossetians who first invented kefir.

And for a long period of time, this nation had a monopoly on the miracle drink.

Mine original recipe They kept the preparations in the strictest confidence.

How did kefir become an affordable product for a wide range of consumers?

There is a beautiful legend that says the following:
“One powerful and famous highlander fell in love with a Russian girl who did not reciprocate his feelings. The prince kidnapped her.

After a while, the lover was imprisoned in a Russian prison. The treasured kefir grains were demanded as a ransom for him. Since then, we have had an excellent opportunity to taste this drink of the gods.”

In Russia, kefir began to be produced only at the beginning of the last century. Our country owns the rights to production. Only two countries - Canada and Japan - have a license to produce kefir.

Secrets of centenarians

This drink is rightfully considered legendary. His healing properties difficult to overestimate. For preparation, a special starter is used, the composition of which is a successful combination of many microorganisms.

The starter contains 22 types of bacteria, of which:

  • lactic acid streptococci,
  • yeast,
  • acetic acid,
  • lactic acid sticks.

There is a close relationship between all these components, and this is the reason for the beneficial effect on the human body.

World-famous scientists tried to recreate sourdough artificially. But all their attempts were in vain. They never managed to create the necessary balance of bacteria, and kefir, as such, did not work out.

Kefir is a fermented milk product that is produced by double fermentation of milk.

During milk fermentation, another fermentation process occurs in parallel, in which fungi and microorganisms participate.

After kefir grains are poured with fresh milk, the process of alcoholic fermentation begins.

As a result of this, no a large number of alcohol

It is this detail that gives the drink an unusual freshness, sharpness of taste and a foamy, creamy consistency.

Fermented milk products should occupy a worthy place in every person’s diet.

Chemical composition

Beneficial features

Having analyzed the composition of this fermented milk product, scientists put it in first position in terms of useful qualities. The drink has a beneficial effect on:

Kefir is endowed with light diuretic effect , so it is recommended to drink it for people who have problems with edema.

This product is able to regulate the speed of digestion. A fresh drink acts on the body as a mild laxative.

Then, like kefir, which is more than 3 days old, can hold the stool together. This needs to be taken into account.

People suffering from constipation should drink only fresh kefir. The drink “gets along” well with baked goods (the benefits of amaranth bread are written on the page).

Kefir is good to drink for people who are weakened after a long illness.

It helps restore the body's defenses.

The product is indicated for elderly people and infants from 8 months of age.

Before this period, children should not be given kefir.

The drink has also found wide application in cosmetology:

  • included in face masks (the use of amaranth oil is written about),
  • improves the condition of hair () and skin.

Scientists managed to prove it. That people who regularly consumed yogurt were less susceptible oncological diseases(about the tincture wax moth read the article).

Kefir does not cause allergic reactions. Therefore, people who have been diagnosed with allergic diseases can drink it.

Which kefir is more beneficial: full-fat or low-fat?? There is no clear answer to this question.

If you have set a goal to lose weight (), buy kefir with a low fat percentage.

If you want to extract the maximum nutrients from the drink, drink full-fat kefir.

Possible harm

Some people should stop eating kefir and replace it with yogurt, fermented baked milk or sour cream.

This fermented milk product should not be used if:

  • digestive disorder,
  • peptic ulcer,
  • diseases duodenum,
  • in case of milk protein intolerance.

This product is contraindicated in cosmetology people with dry skin.

There are circumstances when the use of kefir is permissible only if certain rules are observed.

For example, with stomach and duodenal ulcers, you can drink low-fat and non-acidic kefir while the exacerbation of the disease is easing and this should be done between meals.

If after you drink kefir and your stomach hurts, this indicates that you should pay attention to existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

You should not take kefir if you have pancreatitis and gastritis with high acidity.

People prone to diarrhea should not abuse the drink.

How to determine quality

If you want kefir to become a truly healthy and longevity drink for you, you need to be able to choose it accurately.

There are dozens of varieties and brands of these products on the shelves of our stores.

There is daily kefir, designed for two days and multi-day. The longer it is stored, the higher the content of carbon dioxide and alcohol in its composition.

If kefir has a shelf life of 10 days, and point of sale If it has been lying there for 4 days or more, then it is not worth taking it.

Before buying kefir, make sure that it does not contain “E” additives. It will no longer be a natural, but a synthetic product.

Don't forget to look at the production date and deadline. The manufacturer is required to indicate the number of lactic acid bacteria on the packaging.

If you find that the whey has separated from the kefir, set the drink aside. You cannot drink it, since the technological process was disrupted during its production.

It is best to drink kefir at a comfortable temperature, taking small sips.

In order to maintain normal health, it is enough to drink 1 - 2 glasses of an invigorating drink a day.

What is kefir and how beneficial it is for the body - the answers are voiced in the video.

Nutritionists around the world say that eating food before bed is very harmful and is strictly prohibited. But this rule does not apply to fermented milk products. A drink such as kefir is particularly beneficial. It is recommended to be used both for weight loss and for athletes to saturate the body with protein. What are the benefits of kefir at night? And what is the best way to drink it?

Useful properties of kefir

All the benefits and uniqueness of kefir lie in the fact that the drink is saturated with fermented milk bacteria. Regular consumption of kefir restores the balance of beneficial bacteria and fungi in the intestines. Kefir is also famous for its large amount of proteins. So, 100 grams of drink contains at least 3 grams of protein.

Only kefir, and not milk, and not even yogurt, has rich vitamin composition. Just 150-200 grams of fermented milk drink per day will compensate for the lack of vitamins K, A, E, D in the body. This drink is considered the best, and most importantly a natural probiotic. Not only the microflora is restored, but everything metabolic processes.

Is it possible to have kefir at night?

The benefits of kefir are undeniable. Is it possible to use the product at night, before going to bed? If a person seeks to improve his health a little digestive system, a glass of kefir a day will help him with this. If the goal is to lose weight, a glass of drink should replace a full meal. Fermented milk product is allowed even at night.

If you drink half a glass of kefir before bed, it will perfectly quench your thirst, speed up metabolic processes in the body, and normalize the functioning of the nervous system. The main benefit of the product before bed is the high level of lactobacilli. So, the following effect appears:

  • Prevention of diseases of the digestive system;
  • Normalization of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Prevention of liver pathologies.

Also, drinking a fermented milk product at night will speed up the process of digestion and breakdown of fiber. To maximize the effect, doctors advise drinking a drink that has a shelf life of no more than 5 days. With each subsequent day, the number of beneficial bacteria drops sharply.

What kind of kefir to drink at night?

In order for such a diet to be provided maximum benefit, it is important to use the product correctly. The goals that a person pursues are also taken into account. The simplest option is a glass of pure kefir before bed. It is especially useful to take this product for those who suffer from gastritis and liver diseases. Also, this potion can be combined with various supplements, which also benefit the body.

Kefir with bran

This dinner option is the most popular when following a weight loss diet. Bran is rich in fiber, and kefir is rich in protein. Thanks to the fermented milk product, fiber is digested very quickly and absorbed to the maximum. This cocktail at night for 14 days will help you get rid of 4 extra pounds. The bran can be steamed a little in boiling water before adding to kefir.

Kefir with garlic

Not everyone is ready for such a combination. But it is this cocktail that is considered the best remedy to cleanse the body. A nighttime potion will speed up the weight loss process, but only if you follow a strict diet during the day. Garlic will stimulate intestinal functions. After just a week of regular consumption, you can get rid of toxins and a couple of extra pounds. But, this combination is strictly prohibited for people with a history of heart disease. Essential oils, contained in garlic, negatively affect the functions of the cardiovascular system.

Fermented milk drink with apples

One of the most effective diets is a diet based on apples and kefir. If you follow all the rules, you have a chance to get rid of 5 extra pounds in just 7 days. To achieve this effect, you need to consume kefir with 1% fat content, and the period of its preparation should be no more than 2 days. Taking a potion with apples at night is acceptable and not only when dieting. With a normal diet, an apple-kefir dinner will improve the condition and functioning of the digestive system. They are considered the most useful. Also, do not cut off the apple peel. It contains most of all useful components.

Kefir and sugar

One of the acceptable options for using kefir at night is its combination with sugar. But not all nutritionists welcome such a dinner. Excessive amounts of sugar throughout the day lead to excess sugar in the body. Sugar is added only to satisfy the feeling of hunger. If a person is following a strict diet for weight loss, sugar must be replaced with another additive.

Fermented milk product combined with cinnamon

A spice like cinnamon normalizes blood glucose levels. Therefore, it is often included in the diet when losing weight. It is customary to replace sugar and even salt with cinnamon. If you completely eliminate salt and sugar from your diet, you can achieve good results in losing weight. Kefir with this spice before bed is very useful. In addition to weight loss, the following effect will appear:

  • Complete cleansing of the body;
  • Prevention of helminthiasis;
  • Restoration of kidney function;
  • Restoration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

The cocktail can replace the last meal, or act as a snack. It all depends on the severity of the diet, and whether it is followed at all. It is useful for this type of drink.

Combination of kefir and oil at night

If the diet is poor and there is no routine, constipation often develops. Kefir and sunflower oil at night they will ensure normal intestinal motility and relieve constipation. For a glass of fermented milk drink, add 2 tablespoons of butter. It is recommended to use olive, flaxseed, or sunflower vegetable oil.

Kefir and honey cocktail

Most athletes completely replace sugar with honey in their diet. It is also useful to add honey to kefir. Useful composition beekeeping product quickly saturates the body and dulls the feeling of hunger. If you drink such a cocktail before going to bed, it will neutralize negative impact stress, overwork, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized. In addition, the drink will quickly get rid of excess fluid.

Kefir-banana cocktail for the night

When a person is on a diet, he minimizes the consumption of carbohydrates, both fast and slow. To satisfy hunger, it is advised to start the work of the whole body. A cocktail of kefir and a banana before bed will restore normal level glucose in the body will reduce the amount bad cholesterol, will speed up metabolic processes.

Fermented milk drink with prunes before bed

Both in folk and traditional medicine Prunes are actively used for weight loss. Prunes have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, eliminating waste, toxins, and constipation. To lose weight, it is enough to drink a glass of potion with 2-3 prunes every evening before bed. If you eat more dried fruits, you can cause intestinal upset, cause flatulence, and diarrhea.

How to properly use kefir before bed?

If there is no need to follow a strict diet or lose a large number of kilograms, doctors advise drinking only 1 glass of kefir before bed or throughout the day. At the same time, the usual diet is not disrupted or changed.

Abruptly switching to eating only fermented milk products is strictly prohibited. In this case, the body will receive enormous stress due to the diuretic and laxative effects. Kefir can replace only one of the main meals, preferably dinner.

What other beneficial properties does kefir have?

In addition to the fact that the potion has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, experts note the following properties of the product:

  • Normalizes kidney function;
  • Indicated for cholecystitis;
  • Restores the functions of the pancreas, which is very important for diabetes;
  • Calms the nervous system, eliminates anxiety;
  • Provides prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

A fermented milk drink can slightly increase your appetite. If you drink a glass of kefir before bed, a person will be able to have a full breakfast in the morning. Therefore, a kefir dinner is useful for those who are not used to eating in the morning. And due to the large amount of calcium in the product, the potion restores the structure of hair and nails, strengthens bones and tooth enamel.

The drink is useful for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But, you need to include kefir in your diet only in the third trimester of pregnancy. It is at this time that a woman needs to increase the level of calcium in her body. Also, the product stimulates the production breast milk, provides the body of both mother and baby with all the necessary beneficial components.

Who is bad for kefir at night?

Despite the fact that kefir is useful for breastfeeding, it should be used with extreme caution. Any fermented milk products irritate the baby’s intestines, leading to colic and bloating. Doctors advise starting to give the potion to children only after one year. Enzymes and probiotics will promote rapid development local immunity digestive system.

As for an adult, in 96% of all cases the product is extremely beneficial. But, there are a number of features of the body when the product is prohibited for consumption, especially before bedtime. These factors include:

  • Period of exacerbation of gastritis;
  • The first six months of pregnancy;
  • Casein intolerance;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Increased formation of gases.

Experts advise excluding this product from your diet if you have a history of pathologies such as chronic pancreatitis, increased stomach acidity. In order to exclude unpleasant consequences, before consuming any product, it is better to consult a doctor.

Kefir is not only a tasty dietary drink, but also a useful therapeutic and prophylactic remedy!

Kefir has a positive effect on human body, especially on the intestinal microflora. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of kefir in preventing intestinal disorders.

Kefir - a cure for old age

Famous biologist I.I. Mechnikov said that digestion is closely related to aging: “We age because we self-poison with putrefactive substances from our own large intestines.” Birds were given as an example. As you know, birds do not have a large intestine, so they release undigested remains as they fly. As a result, no harmful substances enter the bird’s blood and they live longer than elephants. However, the ostrich, unlike other birds, has an intestine where putrefactive processes occur. As a result, the ostrich lives only about 30 years, while the eagle, for example, lives 3 times longer.

Mechnikov I.I. also claimed that lactic acid bacteria prevents the process of putrefaction in the intestines and just a couple of glasses a day are enough for healthy digestion and an increase in life by 30 years. we can say that kefir is a cure for old age.

Kefir has an antibiotic effect. It has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. The basis of kefir is kefir grain- a symbiosis of many beneficial microorganisms, acetic acid bacteria and yeast, lactic streptococci and bacilli.

They do not allow pathogenic flora to develop in the intestines and can restore microbiocenosis (symbiont microorganisms that are actively involved in the formation of the body’s immunobiological reactivity, metabolism, etc.).

Medicinal properties kefir are based on the bactericidal activity of fermented milk bacteria against pathogens of various gastrointestinal infections.

In general, just a couple of glasses of kefir a day are enough to protect the intestines from various diseases and get rid of dysbiosis (caused, for example, by antibiotics).

Unlike milk, kefir is absorbed by our body much faster. Kefir is useful to drink for those recovering from an illness, the elderly and children (but children can only be given to children from 7-9 months in small portions)

Beneficial properties of kefir or how kefir is useful

  • cleanses the stomach and intestines;
  • immunostimulates
  • relieves fatigue
  • useful for people with nervous system disorders and sleep disorders;
  • slightly diuretic;
  • stimulates the production of digestive juices in the stomach and intestines;
  • It copes wonderfully with thirst and replenishes the lack of moisture in the body.
  • reduces the risk of cancer!

Kefir, according to its effects, can be divided into 3 types depending on the strength.

  • One-day (weak)
  • Two-day (average)
  • Three-day (strong)

The higher the strength of kefir, the higher its effect on the production of digestive juices, which speeds up the cleansing process. For example, one-day kefir has a laxative effect, relieving constipation. While three-day kefir, on the contrary, strengthens.

There are many varieties of kefir, such as: biokefir, bifikefir and bifidok. They differ in the number of bifidobacteria, which improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and tone the cardiovascular and nervous system, removes side effects antibiotics and reduces the risk of cancer.

You can talk about the benefits of kefir for a very long time. In addition to using kefir as a healthy, medicinal drink, it is also good for skin and hair and you can make masks with it. In addition to kefir, you can cook many delicious dishes.

Is it good to drink kefir at night?

As mentioned above, kefir is very useful. But is it possible to drink kefir at night before bed?

Answer: Yes, drinking kefir at night is beneficial and here’s why:

  • A glass of kefir before bed relieves the feeling of hunger, while it does not put a heavy burden on the body.
  • Kefir calcium is absorbed only at night. Therefore, to obtain the required portion of calcium, you can drink kefir at night.
  • Kefir drunk at night is completely digested by the morning, as a result you will wake up with a good morning appetite, which is very useful for losing weight - after all, it is better to have a good breakfast and eat a little during the day than to skip breakfast and then overeat too much from hunger.
  • Kefir has a calming, relaxing effect, so drinking kefir at night is useful in order to quickly fall asleep and sleep well.

What is the best way to drink kefir at night?

Kefir, familiar to everyone, is one of the most popular fermented milk drinks, which helps improve digestion, lose weight, and normalize intestinal microflora. Many people have a ritual of drinking kefir at night, and the benefits and harms of this habit have been deeply studied by nutritionists and doctors.

Is kefir good for you at night?

Kefir has many medicinal and preventive properties, which are significantly enhanced if you drink this fermented milk drink at night. If you drink kefir before bed, the calcium from it will be absorbed by the body as much as possible and will increase due to normalization intestinal microflora, and in the morning the body will easily get rid of unnecessary substances. It also has a diuretic effect, light enough so as not to disturb your night's rest.

Kefir contains a large number of lacto- and bifidocultures, which are extremely beneficial for the body, especially with poor nutrition, constant underestimation of the diet due to diets, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract due to taking antibiotics. From others active ingredients Kefir contains B vitamins, iodine, phosphorus, molybdenum, and calcium.

The range of diseases for which kefir is recommended as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent is very wide - this cardiovascular diseases, anemia, neuroses, gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, doctors note the calming properties of kefir - drinking the drink at night helps you fall asleep faster and more peacefully due to the amino acid tryptophan. Although some experts attribute the soothing effect to the alcohol contained in kefir, in fact its content is insignificant - 0.04-0.05%.

Is it harmful to drink kefir at night?

Kefir at night is harmful for people with diseases that provoke increased acidity of gastric juice, a tendency to the occurrence of fermentation and gas formation processes in the intestines. It is not recommended to drink daily kefir at night - it can cause diarrhea. Some doctors do not recommend kefir because high content proteins, because It is believed that the body spends almost the entire night absorbing them and does not have time to recover. If a person feels overwhelmed after drinking kefir before bed, he should really replace this drink with herbal tea.

What are the benefits of kefir at night for weight loss?

People looking to reset overweight, sometimes they wonder whether kefir can be taken at night when losing weight. Nutritionists give one answer to this: kefir is a miracle product that accelerates metabolic processes and helps get rid of excess weight.

If you drink kefir every day at night instead of last appointment food for the purpose of losing weight, this reduces the total daily caloric intake and improves digestion, which ultimately also has a beneficial effect on the result. In addition, a glass of kefir can replace daytime snacks. In total, you can drink three glasses of this fermented milk drink a day.

How to choose the healthiest kefir?

The first thing experts recommend paying attention to is the date of manufacture of the product. It is usually stored for up to 7 days; a longer period indicates the presence of preservative components in the drink. Young kefir – made less than 24 hours ago – has laxative effect, more mature - strengthening. This must be taken into account if there are any problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

For those who only want to improve their health and are not concerned about the problem of losing weight, experts recommend drinking the classic 3.2 percent fat content (calorie content 100 g - 56 kcal), because Calcium from this drink is absorbed the best way. For those losing weight, types of kefir with reduced fat content are produced - 1% and 2.5% (calorie content 40 and 50 kcal, respectively). There is also a completely low-fat fermented milk drink, but it is the least useful in terms of calcium absorption.
