Human internal rhythms are approx. Fight the clock. Bypassing the retina

Biological rhythms- periodically recurring changes in character and intensity biological processes and phenomena in living organisms. Biological rhythms physiological functions so accurate that they are often called the “biological clock.”

There is reason to believe that the time counting mechanism is contained in every molecule of the human body, including DNA molecules that store genetic information. The cellular biological clock is called “small”, in contrast to the “large” one, which is believed to be located in the brain and synchronizes all physiological processes in the body.

Classification of biorhythms.

Rhythms, set by the internal “clock” or pacemakers, are called endogenous, Unlike exogenous, which are regulated by external factors. Most biological rhythms are mixed, that is, partly endogenous and partly exogenous.

In many cases the main thing external factor The photoperiod, i.e., the length of daylight hours, regulates rhythmic activity. This is the only factor that can be a reliable indication of time and is used to set the "clock".

The exact nature of the clock is unknown, but there is no doubt that there is a physiological mechanism at work that may involve both neural and endocrine components.

Most rhythms are formed during the process of individual development (ontogenesis). Thus, daily fluctuations in the activity of various functions in a child are observed before birth; they can be recorded already in the second half of pregnancy.

  • Biological rhythms are realized in close interaction with the environment and reflect the peculiarities of the organism’s adaptation to the cyclically changing factors of this environment. The rotation of the Earth around the Sun (with a period of about a year), the rotation of the Earth around its axis (with a period of about 24 hours), the rotation of the Moon around the Earth (with a period of about 28 days) lead to fluctuations in illumination, temperature, humidity, tension electromagnetic field etc., serve as a kind of indicators, or sensors, of time for the “biological clock”.
  • Biological rhythms have large differences in frequency or period. There is a group of so-called high-frequency biological rhythms, the periods of oscillations of which range from a fraction of a second to half an hour. Examples include bio fluctuations electrical activity brain, heart, muscles, other organs and tissues. By recording them using special equipment, they obtain valuable information about the physiological mechanisms of the activity of these organs, which is also used for diagnosing diseases (electroencephalography, electromyography, electrocardiography, etc.). The rhythm of breathing can also be included in this group.
  • Biological rhythms with a period of 20-28 hours are called circadian (circadian, or circadian), for example, periodic fluctuations throughout the day in body temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, human performance, etc.
  • There is also a group of low frequency biological rhythms; these are peri-weekly, peri-monthly, seasonal, peri-annual, perennial rhythms.

The basis for identifying each of them is clearly recorded fluctuations of any functional indicator.

For example: The approximately weekly biological rhythm corresponds to the level of excretion in the urine of some physiologically active substances, about a month - menstrual cycle in women, seasonal biological rhythms - changes in sleep duration, muscle strength, morbidity, etc.

The most studied is the circadian biological rhythm, one of the most important in the human body, acting as a conductor of numerous internal rhythms.

Circadian rhythms are highly sensitive to the action of various negative factors, and disruption of the coordinated functioning of the system that generates these rhythms is one of the first symptoms of a disease in the body. Circadian fluctuations have been established for more than 300 physiological functions of the human body. All these processes are coordinated in time.

Many circadian processes reach maximum values ​​during the day every 16-20 hours and minimum values ​​at night or in the early morning hours.

For example: At night a person has the most low temperature bodies. By morning it increases and reaches a maximum in the afternoon.

The main reason for per diem fluctuations physiological functions in the human body there are periodic changes in the excitability of the nervous system, depressing or stimulating metabolism. As a result of changes in metabolism, changes in various physiological functions occur (Fig. 1).

For example: The respiratory rate is higher during the day than at night. At night, the function of the digestive apparatus is reduced.

Rice. 1. Circadian biological rhythms in the human body

For example: It has been established that the daily dynamics of body temperature has a wave-like character. At about 6 p.m., the temperature reaches its maximum, and by midnight it decreases: its minimum value is between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. The change in body temperature during the day does not depend on whether a person is sleeping or engaged in intensive work. Body temperature determines speed biological reactions During the day, metabolism is most intense.

Sleep and awakening are closely related to the circadian rhythm. A decrease in body temperature serves as a kind of internal signal for rest to sleep. Throughout the day it changes with an amplitude of up to 1.3°C.

For example: By measuring body temperature under the tongue (with a regular medical thermometer) every 2-3 hours for several days, you can quite accurately determine the most appropriate moment for going to bed, and use temperature peaks to determine periods of maximum performance.

Grows during the day heart rate(heart rate), higher arterial pressure (BP), more often breathing. Day after day, by the time of awakening, as if anticipating the increasing need of the body, the content of adrenaline in the blood increases - a substance that increases heart rate, increases blood pressure, and activates the work of the whole organism; By this time, biological stimulants accumulate in the blood. Reducing the concentration of these substances in the evening is an indispensable condition good sleep. It is not for nothing that sleep disturbances are always accompanied by excitement and anxiety: in these conditions, the concentration of adrenaline and other biologically active substances in the blood increases, the body long time is in a state of "combat readiness". Subject to biological rhythms, each physiological indicator can significantly change its level during the day.

Life routine, acclimatization.

Biological rhythms are the basis for the rational regulation of a person’s life schedule, since high performance and good health can only be achieved if the rhythm of life corresponds to the rhythm of physiological functions inherent to the body. In this regard, it is necessary to wisely organize the regime of work (training) and rest, as well as food intake. Deviation from correct mode nutrition can lead to a significant increase in weight, which in turn, disrupting the vital rhythms of the body, causes changes in metabolism.

For example: If you eat food with a total calorie content of 2000 kcal only in the morning, weight decreases; if the same food is taken in the evening, it increases. In order to maintain the body weight achieved by the age of 20-25, food should be taken 3-4 times a day in strict accordance with individual daily energy expenditure and at those hours when a noticeable feeling of hunger appears.

However, these general patterns sometimes hide the diversity of individual characteristics of biological rhythms. Not all people experience the same type of fluctuations in performance. Some, the so-called “larks,” work energetically in the first half of the day; others, “owls,” - in the evening. People classified as “early people” feel drowsy in the evening, go to bed early, but when they wake up early, they feel alert and productive (Fig. 2).

Easier to tolerate acclimatization a person, if he takes (3-5 times a day) hot meals and adaptogens, vitamin complexes, and gradually increases physical activity as he adapts to them (Fig. 3).

Rice. 2. Work capacity rhythm curves during the day

Rice. 3. Circadian rhythms life processes under constant external living conditions (according to Graf)

If these conditions are not met, so-called desynchronosis (a kind of pathological condition) may occur.

The phenomenon of desynchronosis is also observed in athletes, especially those training in hot and humid climates or mid-altitude conditions. Therefore, an athlete flying to international competitions must be well prepared. Today there is the whole system activities aimed at maintaining habitual biorhythms.

For the human biological clock, the correct movement is important not only in the daily rhythm, but also in the so-called low-frequency rhythms, for example, in the periweekly rhythm.

It has now been established that the weekly rhythm is artificially developed: no convincing data have been found on the existence of innate seven-day rhythms in humans. Obviously, this is an evolutionarily fixed habit. The seven-day week became the basis of rhythm and rest in ancient Babylon. Over thousands of years, a weekly social rhythm has developed: people are more productive in the middle of the week than at the beginning or end of it.

The human biological clock reflects not only daily natural rhythms, but also those that have a longer duration, such as seasonal ones. They manifest themselves in an increase in metabolism in the spring and a decrease in it in the fall and winter, an increase in the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood and a change in excitability respiratory center in spring and summer.

The state of the body in summer and winter time to some extent corresponds to his condition day and night. Thus, in winter, compared to summer, the blood sugar level decreased (a similar phenomenon occurs at night), and the amount of ATP and cholesterol increased.

Biorhythms and performance.

Rhythms of performance, like rhythms physiological processes, are endogenous in nature.

Performance may depend on many factors acting individually or jointly. These factors include: level of motivation, food intake, environmental factors, physical fitness, health status, age and other factors. Apparently, the dynamics of performance are also affected by fatigue (in elite athletes - chronic fatigue), although it is not entirely clear in what way. Fatigue that occurs when performing exercises (training loads) is difficult to overcome even for a sufficiently motivated athlete.

For example: Fatigue reduces performance, and repeated training (with an interval of 2-4 hours after the first) improves functional state athlete.

During transcontinental flights, the circadian rhythms of various functions are rearranged at different speeds - from 2-3 days to 1 month. To normalize cyclicity before the flight, you need to shift your bedtime by 1 hour every day. If you do this within 5-7 days before departure and go to bed in a dark room, you will be able to acclimatize faster.

When arriving in a new time zone, it is necessary to smoothly enter the training process (moderate physical activity during the hours when the competition will take place). Training should not be of a “shock” nature.

It should be noted that the natural rhythm of the body’s life is determined not only by internal factors, but also by external conditions. As a result of the research, the wave nature of changes in loads during training was revealed. Previous ideas about a steady and straightforward increase in training loads turned out to be untenable. The wave-like nature of changes in loads during training is associated with the internal biological rhythms of a person.

For example: There are three categories of “waves” of training: “small”, covering from 3 to 7 days (or slightly more), “medium” - most often 4-6 weeks (weekly training processes) and “large”, lasting several months.

Normalization of biological rhythms allows you to carry out intense physical activity, and training with a disturbed biological rhythm leads to various functional disorders (for example, desynchronosis), and sometimes to diseases.

Source of information: V. Smirnov, V. Dubrovsky (Physiology physical education and sports).

The internal rhythm of the body is a periodic alternation of the body’s capabilities and preparedness for certain external influences depending on the time of day, annual season, human age and other natural periods. Almost none of the scientists doubt the existence of such rhythms; the debate is only about their cause and consequences.

Knowing these rhythms allows you to make the best decisions, for example, when is the best time to vaccinate your children, take an exam, cook lunch, rest, when to fear a heart attack, drink wine or drive a car, etc. During any hour of the day or night, reactions to specific stimuli human body are different, but they tend to repeat themselves in a 24-hour rhythm that determines life activity. Knowledge of the functioning of organs and systems will facilitate its “operation”.

There are several known domestic and foreign developments on the topic “our internal clock”. They differ in detail: each has its own accents and original finds worthy of attention. But the goal is the same: to understand this rhythm and act in accordance with it, and not against it.

3.00 is the so-called “shift hour”. At this time, the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system takes control of the body. As a result of the narrowing of the blood vessels of the skin, a “warm-up phase” begins, during which the body temperature increases, and the body gradually prepares for work.

4.00 - many people begin to feel short of breath. In some diseases, the lungs may be the weakest part of the body at this time. The smooth muscles of the bronchi contract, Airways narrowed as much as possible, it becomes difficult to breathe air. Healthy people do not feel anything.

5.00 - almost nothing reaches the kidneys. Kidney activity is minimal. Throughout the night, they sent less urine to the bladder and removed less harmful substances. In this case, the biological rhythm is favorable for us, since if the kidneys were equally active all the time, we would have to jump up in the middle of the night repeatedly.

6.00 is the start time of activity. The “internal clock” awakens all systems. The heart begins to work faster, blood pressure increases. More glucose and amino acids appear in the blood, which cells need to obtain energy and materials for the synthesis of substances that support life processes.

7.00 - less worries with morning calories. The digestive tract is in the highest tone, this is the most appropriate moment to empty the lower part of the colon. And the stomach in in better shape- He can easily handle breakfast. Most of Carbohydrates received from food will be metabolized into energy, which will be used in the coming hours. Therefore, morning calories are less of a concern even if you are overweight. The concentration of the male sex hormone (testosterone) in the blood is 40% higher than at midnight. Therefore, many men feel the strongest sexual need without having time to satisfy it (a little stress!).

8.00 - the heart is in danger! During these hours, the heart is burdened not only by an increase in blood pressure and an acceleration of the rhythm of contractions. Another danger appears, especially for a diseased heart, the venous vessels of which are narrowed due to the atherosclerotic process. The clumping of platelets (blood platelets) reaches a daily maximum. This means that platelets have the greatest tendency to form blood clots (thrombi), which can completely block the already narrowed blood vessels heart muscle. The most serious consequences This may result in myocardial infarction.

9.00 - maximum cortisone, minimum lymphocytes. Cortisone, a hormone of the adrenal cortex, reaches its maximum level in the blood. One of the consequences of this is that the number of lymphocytes decreases to its lowest level within 24 hours. Since lymphocytes play a particularly important role in immune system, the strength of the body's defense reactions sharply decreases. Therefore, factors that cause infectious diseases can easily manifest their dangerous effects.

10.00 - the brain is fully active. This is the most suitable time for intense mental activity. Works best also short term memory, storing information only for a few hours. The general mood reaches its maximum.

11.00 is the most favorable moment of the day. Most bodily functions are at the highest levels. The body is capable of completing any task.

12.00 - from now on it’s only “downhill”. The "midday high" is still ongoing, but the ability to perform at peak performance is beginning to decline. Of course, after reaching the peak of activity, rest is necessary.

13.00 - the rhythm forces us to rest. Drowsiness occurs every 4 hours during the day and this is completely natural physiological cycle. It's just that people have at different ages and with other activity settings it has different intensity- from slight yawning and the desire to take a nap to falling asleep on the go. This cycle is most pronounced around 13.00. Anyone who must work at this time is forced to apply more effort, and the results are significantly lower, since productivity decreases by an average of 20%.

14.00 - finally take a break for yourself. The Afternoon Low continues. The body and mind are in a kind of relaxation, unable to mobilize. Rest is simply necessary.

15.00 - a new surge of energy. The ability to exert tension begins to return. The “internal clock” rearranges the autonomic nervous system: from its sympathetic division, which provides high returns, to the parasympathetic, which controls the period of rest. The results are felt, however, with a great delay, only after a few hours.

16.00 - time for preventive vaccinations. At this time, vaccinations are most productive, as they cause the least immune reaction, differing in this from morning vaccinations. Do you think doctors don't know about this? No, it’s just more convenient for them to get vaccinated in the morning, otherwise their wards (students, schoolchildren) will run away without waiting for “such nasty” vaccinations, and neither the younger generation nor adults who are inattentive to their health want to know that they are vitally necessary.

17.00 - repeated peak. A person's capacity for effort reaches a second, albeit somewhat smaller, maximum. The heart pumps more blood again, the muscles are stronger. If you have the opportunity now, do it physical exercise, get the greatest boost of energy. It's also time for a glass of wine. In the late afternoon hours, the body processes alcohol 5 times easier than in the early morning. But... let us remind you that drinking is still harmful!

18.00 - desire for peace and relaxation. Body temperature at this time is the highest - about 37.4 °C, i.e. 1 degree higher than at 3.00 am. But from now on, body temperature will gradually decrease (of course, healthy person). At the same time they slow down their pace important functions body, physical potency decreases, the desire for rest and peace begins to prevail.

19.00 is not a good time for stress. The best hours for the body are already behind us. Even to stress, the body reacts clearly weaker. In a similar stressful situation, at noon the number of heart contractions increases by 35%, and now - only by 25%.

20.00 - peak driving abilities. At this time, drivers react very quickly and correctly. The reaction time is the shortest during the day and is 0.095 s. At 22.00 a person reacts much more slowly, and at 2.00 there is a “just nowhere” reflex; from 7.00 a tolerable time for the reflex returns.

21.00 - “stop” for the stomach and intestines. The digestive tract is already resting. The stomach is able to secrete very little digestive secretion; Around midnight, the discharge stops almost completely. Therefore, a large dinner “sits like a stone in the stomach” and can seriously disturb sleep (elderly people remember this, because the stomach puts pressure on the heart when you lie down!).

22.00 - children grow in their sleep! The child's pituitary gland releases a lot of growth hormones about an hour after he falls asleep. They act, in particular, on growth cartilage tubular bones, stimulating increased cell division in them. Parents, remember - children grow in their sleep!

23.00 - best to be in bed. Sleeping until midnight is the healthiest. It may be objected to us that this is the case with “larks”, and that it is better for “night owls” to fall asleep later, since at this time they have the most fruitful work. Everything is correct, however, studies of the 80-90s showed that the “bird” attitude is by no means an innate, but an acquired state (conscious violence against the natural biorhythm), and in the first half of the night the sleep is sound, deep, in the second - restless, accompanied by dreams .

It goes without saying that there is no absolute regulation of the life of the human body during the day. But the activity of the body leaves its mark not only on the individuality of each person, but also on the notorious “translations of time.”

There are tides in all human affairs, and those who use them skillfully succeed in their plans, says Shakespeare; but the fact of the matter is that you need to see them in time...

They say that nature abhors emptiness, but loves rhythm and cyclicality. There are many domestic and foreign developments on the topic “The internal rhythm of the body”, which differ in details, but their goal is the same - to understand this rhythm, to act in accordance with it, and not in spite of it.

Rhythm (Greek “rhythmos” from “reo” - flow) is the repetition of the same event or the reproduction of the same state at regular intervals. Biological rhythm is a uniform alternation in time. various conditions organism, biological processes or phenomena. But not every repeating phenomenon can be called a biorhythm. Biorhythm is a self-sustaining and, to a certain extent, autonomous process. The range of biological rhythms inherent in terrestrial organisms is extremely large. Rhythms are known whose period is measured in fractions of a second (rhythm of electrical activity of the brain, skeletal muscles), seconds (pulse rate, breathing) and at the same time, biological fluctuations with periods reaching several years are described.

The most well-known and studied are the so-called circadian biological rhythms with a period of about 24 hours. The term “circadian” is translated as circadian (from the Latin words “circa” - around and “dies” - day). Why are these rhythms called not just circadian, but circadian? It turned out that in a person isolated from the outside world, primarily from natural light, the duration of the sleep-wake cycle, regulated only by well-being (the desire to sleep or stay awake), usually becomes somewhat longer than under normal conditions (on average, without taking into account individual variations, approximately 25 hours).

In other words, the day under these conditions remains close to 24 hours in length, which is why the sleep-wake rhythm of a person in isolation is called circadian, or circadian.

The leading circadian rhythm in humans is the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. In accordance with this rhythm, other vital functions also fluctuate. The rotation of our planet around its axis and therefore the regular alternation of light and darkness throughout the day clearly divided the life of all the creatures inhabiting it, including you and me, into two parts. We are active during the day and sleep at night. And this fundamental rhythm, the monotonous course of the daily clock, serves as an indispensable condition for maintaining the normal functioning of people. There is every reason to assert that circadian periodicity is characteristic of all functions of our body, without exception, starting from intracellular processes and ending with the functional functions of the entire organism. Currently, over 300 physiological indicators with a circadian rhythm have been discovered in the human body, and their number is constantly growing as evidence accumulates.

Drowsiness occurs every four hours during the day, and this is a natural physiological cycle. There are fluctuations in body temperature, breathing rate, hormone secretion, etc. This means we are talking about the whole circadian system. Such a system is by no means a simple sum of daily fluctuations. The rhythms of various physiological functions are clearly coordinated with each other, forming a single, well-ordered ensemble.

At every hour of the day and night, our body’s reactions are different, but they are repeated in a 24-hour rhythm that determines a person’s life. The intensity of most life processes increases during the day and decreases at night, therefore, the maximum phase of their circadian rhythm occurs during the day, and the minimum phase occurs during the night hours. However, there are also processes that, on the contrary, occur more actively at night than during the day: these are the processes of tissue growth (which is why the growing body of a child needs sleep much more than the body of an adult), including hair growth (it has been noted that beard growth occurs at night). in men it grows faster than during the day).

Now we have already somewhat lifted the curtain on this mystery. We know that rhythm is so close and so necessary to us, because it is a living reality of the life process, that our well-being and success in all areas are largely related to how wisely the principle of rhythm is used in our everyday life. Of course, there is no absolute connection between the events of the life of the human body and the time of day (not only individuality leaves its mark, but also the notorious “time transfers”). However, the general “scenario of events” is unchanged, and you can actively use it to correct your actions so as not to come into categorical contradiction with the optimal option for changing the activity of organs and systems, developed over many millennia by our body.

1:00. For "larks" the deep sleep phase begins, and for "night owls" the deepest sleep phase begins. best period for active creativity.

During sleep, tissue consumption of oxygen and production decreases. carbon dioxide; the mass of circulating blood decreases, as well as the intensity of gas exchange in the lungs. Blood pressure decreases.

2:00. Increased sensitivity to cold (do not leave the window open at night or prepare a warmer blanket). The salivary and gastric glands fall into a state of relative functional rest. If you work on the night shift, then at this time there is a minimum of efficiency and quality of work.

3:00. A few hours before we wake up, the hypothalamus starts working first. It sends the necessary commands to the pituitary gland, which “conducts” all organs internal secretion. The minimum level of melatonin production, which is responsible, among other things, for our restful sleep and many mental reactions, including endurance.

4:00. Minimum heart rate and breathing rate in a healthy person. Our body receives a portion of the stress hormone cortisone, and this portion is necessary for us to be productive after waking up.

5:00. The influence of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system begins to predominate, which will last until 13:00. Metabolism increases, which in the future will ensure the rapid completion of large volumes of work. Kidney activity is minimal. Waking up in such early hour and the inability to fall asleep later can be a sign of depression.

6:00. The “awakened” pituitary gland, with the help of hormones, signals the endocrine glands: “Rise!” (A biological “alarm clock” goes off, which wakes up all systems of the body.) Metabolism is activated. The level of sugar and amino acids jumps. Blood pressure increases.

7:00. Maximum production of glucocorticoids by the adrenal glands. The tone of the digestive tract increases. It is better if breakfast is substantial: proteins, fats and carbohydrates received at this time are absorbed better. The concentration of the male sex hormone testosterone in the blood is 40% higher than at midnight (this is why morning sex is healthier for the body than evening sex).

8:00. Daily peak performance in larks. And at this time there is a daily peak of sensitivity to pain. So try not to make an appointment with the dentist this early.

9:00. Enters the blood greatest number sugar so that it can be burned in the “furnaces” as quickly as possible muscle cells. Glycogen and sugars quickly enter the oxidation cycle, releasing a lot of energy. Therefore, in the first half of the day we can immediately get into work and complete short time significant physical and mental stress. The maximum level of adrenaline in the blood is also achieved, which explains the fairly high level of mental activity.

10:00. Maximum brain activity. It's a good time for intense mental activity. Short-term memory, which is responsible for immediate matters, also functions well. The general mood reaches its maximum. Best time for making plans for the day, holding meetings and taking exams.

11:00. Most physiological functions are at the highest levels. The body is capable of performing any load tasks. Maximum performance.

12:00. The morning energy reserve is melting before our eyes. Blood supply to the brain and glucose delivery decreases - it's time to eat something sweet.

13:00. After lunch, fats predominate in the blood. These “suppliers” of energy burn out slowly, but they ensure the completion of a large volume of work. It follows from this that in the second half of the day it is advisable to perform work that requires significant energy expenditure (but not emergency execution). The activity of the sympathetic nervous system decreases. It's time to take a little break. Drowsiness occurs every four hours during the day, and this is a natural physiological cycle.

14:00. There is a decrease in the activity of all body systems. If possible, devote this hour to quiet work that does not require brainstorming.

15:00. A new surge of strength. The ability to experience stress and tension returns. The body has had a little rest and can already withstand the blow. The maximum concentration of the good mood hubbub - serotonin - is recorded.

16:00. The best time for... preventive vaccinations. They are now the most productive, as they cause the least immune reaction, differing in this from morning vaccinations.

17:00. Repeated peak of activity. The heart pumps blood more aggressively again, the muscles are stronger. The most stressful moment of the day. The best time to go “on the carpet” to the authorities.

18:00. Body temperature at this time is the highest - about 37o - almost one degree higher than at three in the morning. If you are healthy, starting from this time it will gradually decrease, but if you have a cold, it will increase. The pulse becomes 5-10 beats slower. The activity of the central nervous system decreases. The body is especially sensitive to the effects of drugs at this time. Check the dosage carefully, otherwise, for example, an extra aspirin tablet can cause stomach irritation.

19:00. This is the worst time to be stressed. The body hardly resists negativity. In a similar stressful situation, at noon the number of heart contractions increases by 35%, and now - only by 25%. 40% higher than at midnight (this is why morning sex is healthier for the body than evening sex).

20:00. Peak driving ability. At this time, drivers react very quickly and correctly. The reaction time is the shortest during the day and is 0.095 s. At ten in the evening a person reacts much slower, and at two in the morning the reflex is simply nowhere. Peak activity of the spleen and lymph nodes.

21:00. The stomach and intestines gradually “fall asleep”. The stomach secretes very little digestive juice, and around midnight its secretion stops almost completely. Therefore, a large dinner at this time and after can seriously disturb sleep. Ultrasounds will be the most accurate.

22:00. Tissue growth processes are activated, including hair and nails. The child’s pituitary gland begins to secrete a lot of growth hormones (this is why the growing child’s body needs sleep more than the adult’s body). At night, the tone of the muscles that close the eyelids and the muscles that lock the bladder is increased.

23:00. During this period of the day, the maximum concentration of melatonin is recorded - the main carrier of epiphyseal orders, responsible for night sleep. It is best to take a horizontal position - at least just lie in front of the TV. Night owls are especially recommended to rest.

24:00. The laying of energy reserves occurs mainly at night, and at the beginning the supply of glycogen increases, and then fats. The activity of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland increases, which, by the way, is associated with activation labor activity at this time of day. At night, during the rest period, reparation systems are activated.

Biorhythms are the cyclical nature of processes in a living organism. The main external rhythms influencing human biocycles are natural (Sun, Moon...) and social ( work week...) The leading internal chronometers of the human body are located: in the head (epiphysis, hypothalamus) and in the heart. Biorhythms can change, synchronizing with external rhythms - light cycles (change of day and night, light).

From the day of birth, a person is in three biological rhythms - physical, emotional and intellectual:

23 day rhythm— this is a physical rhythm, it determines a person’s health, strength and endurance;
28 day rhythm— this is an emotional rhythm, it affects the state of the nervous system, mood, love, optimism, etc.;
33 day rhythm is an intellectual rhythm. It determines the creative abilities of an individual. Favorable days of the 33-day rhythmic cycle are characterized by creative activity, and a person is accompanied by luck and success. IN unfavorable days creative decline occurs.

Each of the three long-term rhythmic cycles begins with the birth of a person. Its further development can be depicted as a sinusoid (graph). The higher the curve rises, the higher the ability corresponding to this mark. The lower it falls, the lower the corresponding energy. Periodic days are considered critical when the curve is at the intersection of the scale. Is not favorable time.

Thus, biorhythm calculation not at all complicated. Starting from the exact date of your birth, count how many days you have lived. To do this, multiply 365 days a year by the number of years lived, and multiply the number of leap years by 366 days. Leap years were: 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980,1984, 1988, 1992, 1996 , 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 , 2016.

Calculate the total number of days lived. Now you know how many days you have already lived in this world. Divide this number by the number of days of the biorhythm you want to calculate: 23, 28, 33. The remainder will show you where you are currently on the curve. For example, if the remainder is 12, then it is day 12 of the biorhythm that you are counting. This is the first half of the cycle and is usually favorable. If the cycle is at zero on the chart, then it is a bad day. In addition, the days when the biorhythm lines cross the horizontal line in the center of the graph are the so-called critical days when your abilities are completely unpredictable. On such days a person feels a loss of strength and lack of energy.

Each biorhythm has 3 periods: a period of high energy, a period of low energy and critical days of the biorhythm. Let's take a closer look:

23 day rhythm

High energy (0-11 days): good physical well-being, resistance to stress, illness and high Vital energy, strong sexual desire, the danger of overestimating one’s strength.
Low Energy (Days 12-23): increased fatigue, at this time it is recommended to rest more and conserve energy.
Critical days (11, 12, 23 days): reduced resistance to disease, tendency to erroneous actions.

28 day rhythm

High energy (days 0-14): intense emotional and spiritual life, favorable time for friendship and love, increased creativity and interest in new things, a tendency to increased emotionality.
Low energy (days 14-28): lack of self-confidence, passivity, underestimation of one’s capabilities.
Critical days (14, 28 days): tendency to mental conflicts, decreased resistance to disease.

33 day rhythm

High energy (0-16 days): ability to think clearly and logically, ability to concentrate, good memory, creative activity.
Low energy (days 17-33): decreased interest in new ideas, slow reactions, creative decline.
Critical days (16, 17, 33 days): inability to concentrate, inattention and distraction, tendency to erroneous actions (high probability of accidents).


Circadian rhythms according to the “biological clock”


4-5 hours (in real, geographical time, as for acupuncture points) - the body is preparing to awaken.

By 5 a.m., melatonin production begins to decrease and body temperature rises.

Shortly before waking up, around 5:00 a.m. geographical, real local time, the body begins preparing for the upcoming wakefulness: the production of “activity hormones” - cortisol, adrenaline - increases. The content of hemoglobin and sugar in the blood increases, the pulse quickens, blood pressure (BP) rises, and breathing deepens. Body temperature begins to rise, phase frequency increases REM sleep, the tone of the sympathetic nervous system increases. All these phenomena are enhanced by light, heat and noise.

By 7-8 o'clock, night owls have a peak release of cortisol (the main hormone of the adrenal glands) into the blood. For early risers - earlier, at 4-5 hours, for other chronotypes - about 5-6 hours.

From 7 to 9 am - get up, exercise, breakfast.

9 hours - high performance, fast counting, short-term memory works well.

In the morning - assimilation new information, with a fresh mind.

Two to three hours after waking up, take care of your heart.

9-10 am - time to make plans, “use your brain.” "The morning is wiser than the evening"

9-11 hours - immunity increases.

Medicines that enhance the body's resistance to disease are effective.

Until 11 o'clock - the body is in excellent shape.

12 - reduce physical activity.

Brain activity decreases. Blood rushes to the digestive organs. Gradually, blood pressure, pulse and muscle tone begin to decrease, respectively, but body temperature continues to rise.

13 ± 1 hour - lunch break

13-15 - midday and afternoon rest (lunch, quiet time, siesta)

After 14 hours - pain sensitivity is minimal, the effect of painkillers is most effective and lasting.

15 - works long term memory. Time - to remember and remember well what is needed.

After 16 - increase in performance.

15-18 hours is the time to go in for sports. Thirst, at this time, should be quenched abundantly and often with clean boiled water, hot or warm - in winter (to prevent colds, gastrointestinal diseases and kidney diseases). In summer you can have cold mineral water.

16-19 - high level of intellectual activity. Housework

19 ± 1 hour - dinner.

Carbohydrate foods (natural - honey, etc.) promote the production of a special hormone - serotonin, which promotes a good night's sleep. The brain is active.

After 19 hours - good reaction

After 20 o'clock mental condition stabilizes and improves memory. After 21 hours, the number of white blood cells almost doubles (immunity increases), body temperature drops, and cell renewal continues.

From 20 to 21 - light physical exercise is good for health, hiking outdoors

After 21 hours - the body prepares for a night's rest, body temperature drops.

22 hours is time for sleep. The immune system is strengthened to protect the body during the night's rest.

In the first half of the night, when it prevails slow sleep, stands out maximum amount growth hormone, stimulating the processes of cell reproduction and growth. No wonder they say that in our sleep we grow. Regeneration and cleansing of body tissues occurs.

2 hours - those who do not sleep at this time may experience depression.

3-4 hours is the most deep dream. Body temperature and cortisol levels are minimal, melatonin levels in the blood are maximum.

Biological rhythms in life

Flying by plane from east to west is easier than flying from west to east. To adapt, the body (young, healthy) needs approximately a day for each time zone, but not less than three to four days. The speed at which the biorhythms of the human body are captured by an external rhythm strongly depends on the difference in their phases. On average, it takes one and a half weeks for sufficient adaptation and acclimatization in new conditions. This does not depend on the position of the hands on the watch dial, but on the sun above your head. Local, local features of geomagnetic and other fields and radiations that differ from the usual ones also have a noticeable effect.

Human daily chronotype: morning (larks), afternoon (pigeons) and evening (owls). The nighttime activity of night owls affects their health - myocardial infarctions occur more often in them than in early risers, and their cardiovascular system burns out faster.

To increase productivity and labor efficiency, it is recommended to take into account the chronotype, individually for each employee, when drawing up a schedule, work schedule for personnel at enterprises and, especially, dispatchers and operators.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and ergonomic requirements, work and rest schedules - necessary condition work of a modern enterprise.

Performance decreases sharply from thirty degrees Celsius, halving at an ambient temperature of +33-34°C.

Shift work schedule (for example, from night shift to day shift) - no more than once a month, taking into account the time required for adaptation (1-2 weeks).

Industrial accidents and traffic accidents on the road more often occur at certain hours:
- from 22 o'clock to 4 o'clock - a person has the lowest response rate.
- between 13 and 15 hours - first, the general pre-lunch rush, after - “afternoon depression”.

To prevent “afternoon depression”, resting after lunch for 10-20 minutes or taking a “midday nap” can be effective, but not more than 1.5 hours, otherwise there will be the opposite effect.

Human performance is higher from 10 to 12 and from 17 to 19 hours.


“Specially conducted research and practice sports training show that the most favorable period for intensive training is from 9 to 18 hours and that it is undesirable to carry out large volume and intensity loads early in the morning and late in the evening” (N.A. Agadzhanyan et al., 1989).

Human biorhythms: Sleep

Try to always go to bed and get up at the same time. Otherwise - desynchronosis. The first 4-5 hours of normal, natural sleep (deep, without interruptions) are mandatory; this is a vital daily minimum for the human body.

For insomnia and to quickly fall asleep (normal - within 5-15 minutes):
1) lie down comfortably, close your eyes, don’t think about anything (reduce bioelectrical activity brain);
2) focus your attention on the diaphragm (its movement during breathing) and on the inner ankles (ankles) of the legs.

In a sound sleeper, the main source of sensory information about the environment is the ears (“light sleeper”), therefore, in order not to wake up from noise, you need to ensure silence (including using anti-noise soft “earplugs” made of hypoallergenic polymer, having good SNR (noise reduction), at a level of 30 dB or more), taking into account increased sensitivity hearing at night - with eyes closed and during sleep (10-14 decibels better compared to daytime days). Loud, sharp, frightening sounds can wake up a sleeping person for a long time and cause insomnia.

It is difficult to fall asleep on an empty stomach, therefore, dinner is around 18-20 hours or 2-3 hours before bedtime. Don't overeat at night. The usual duration of restful sleep is 7-9 hours. Not only its duration is important, but also its quality (continuity and depth first three, mandatory cycles, 1.5 x 3 = 4.5 hours)

Poor, restless sleep, nightmares, with a recurring obsessive plot - may be a consequence cardiovascular diseases(bradycardia - rare pulse, arrhythmias), symptoms of snoring and respiratory arrest disease ( sleep apnea), lack of oxygen in the room. The aeroionic composition of the air in apartments, without ventilation or the use of an aeroionizer, also requires improvement.

Before waking up, a dream movie is seen (playing it is resetting the ballast nervous tension, unrealized ideas, unpleasant visual pictures that have accumulated over the past days, after processing and organizing information entered into the short-term and long-term memory of the brain, adaptation to complex life situations). The more intense the eye movements during “rapid eye movement” sleep (REM phase), the better the dream reproduction. At the moment of falling asleep, a series of slides or pictures appears in the mind.

Laboratory studies have shown the necessity of the REM sleep phase for the survival of the body. A mouse deprived of this dream phase for 40 days died. In people, when blocking REM sleep with alcohol, there is a predisposition to hallucinations.

Dreams in the “rapid eye movement” phase (after slow-wave sleep and before waking up, to wake up or to “turn to the other side”) appear according to individual biorhythm - every 90-100 minutes. (in the morning - cycles are reduced to the first tens of minutes, see the graph in the picture), in accordance with the intraday cyclicity of change (increase) general temperature body and redistribution of blood in the body (from its periphery, from the extremities to the center of the body, inward), growth blood pressure, acceleration of breathing rate and heart rate.

Short-term memory is involved in remembering dreams, therefore, up to 90% of the content of a dream is forgotten within the next half hour, after waking up, unless, in the process of remembering, emotional experience, ordering and comprehension, its plot is recorded in the long-term memory of the brain.

Human biorhythms: remembering sleep

According to feedback from enthusiastic researchers and practitioners at high levels, lucid dreaming(OS) is cooler than many modern computer games.

Many people see dreams, but not everyone tries to remember and remember them at the moment of waking up (especially during short awakenings between the first cycles, before returning back to slow-wave sleep).

If there is very little time for rest, you can sleep from 10-11 pm to 3-4 am (“mandatory program” - the first three night cycles in a row, without waking up, that is, the duration of sleep will be 4-5 hours). In this case, the following are restored, sequentially: the brain, body and physical strength, emotional sphere.

The duration of night sleep required for the human body also depends on the season. In winter - it should be at least half an hour longer than in the summer.

A natural sleeping pill is fatigue and/or certain moments in the 90-minute cycles of the body's individual biorhythm when body temperature drops.

A sufficient night's sleep promotes weight loss (if you are overweight, it normalizes it). In this case, dinner no later than four hours before bedtime. Night food is excluded, you can only drink clean water, in small quantities (to flush the esophagus, avoid dehydration and to fall asleep as quickly as possible). The effect will be more noticeable - at high physical activity, during daylight hours.

Frequent lack of sleep causes the body to wear out and age faster. During the slow-wave stage of normal, deep sleep, a control scan of the digestive, respiratory system and the heart (as having the most clear rhythmicity), and with fast wave - the cardiovascular and lymphatic, reproductive and nervous systems, as well as the liver, kidneys, muscles and tendons (i.e. organs that do not have an obvious short-period rhythmicity). After collecting and processing this information, a sequentially planned and coordinated restoration of the insides (visceral sphere - stomach, intestines, etc.) of the body is carried out. This process mainly involves the most powerful “computational processors”, for example, in the visual and motor areas of the cerebral cortex. In the case when you really want to sleep, but systematically there is no such opportunity, physical changes may occur in internal organs and the risk of developing pathologies (stomach ulcers, etc.) increases significantly

A sleep-deprived and very tired person who becomes drowsy while driving a car is just as risky to his health and dangerous to others as a driver who is intoxicated.

Scientists, and not only British ones, have found that it is possible to slow down the aging of the brain if you stabilize your biorhythms - by simply following a sleep schedule, this natural circadian (that is, cyclically repeating every day, every 24 hours) rhythm.

As for acupuncture points) - the body is preparing to awaken.

By 5 a.m., production begins to decrease and body temperature rises.

Shortly before waking up, around 5:00 a.m. geographical, real local time, the body begins preparing for the upcoming wakefulness: the production of “activity hormones” - cortisol, adrenaline - increases. The content of hemoglobin and sugar in the blood increases, the pulse quickens, blood pressure (BP) rises, and breathing deepens. Body temperature begins to rise, the frequency of REM sleep phases increases, and the tone of the sympathetic nervous system increases. All these phenomena are enhanced by light, heat and noise.


By 7-8 o'clock, night owls have a peak release of cortisol (the main hormone of the adrenal glands) into the blood. For early risers - earlier, at 4-5 hours, for other chronotypes - about 5-6 hours.

From 7 to 9 am - getting up, physical exercise, breakfast (meal - after sunrise).

9 hours - high performance, fast counting, short-term memory works well.

In the morning - assimilation of new information, with a fresh mind.

Two to three hours after waking up, take care of your heart.

9-10 am - time to make plans, “use your brain.” "The morning is wiser than the evening"

9 - 11 hours - immunity increases.

Medicines that enhance the body's resistance to disease are effective.


Until 11 o'clock - the body is in excellent shape.

12 - reduce physical activity.

Brain activity decreases. Blood rushes to the digestive organs. Gradually, blood pressure, pulse and muscle tone begin to decrease, respectively, but body temperature continues to rise.

13 +/- 1 hour - lunch break

13-15 - midday and afternoon rest (lunch, quiet hour)

After 14 hours - pain sensitivity is minimal, the effect of painkillers is most effective and lasting.

15 - long-term memory works. Time - to remember and remember well what is needed.

After 16 - increase in performance.

15-18 hours is the time to go in for sports. Thirst, at this time, should be quenched abundantly and often with clean boiled water, hot-warm water in the winter (to prevent colds, gastrointestinal diseases and kidney diseases). In summer you can have cold mineral water.

16-19 - high level of intellectual activity. Housework


19 +/- 1 hour - dinner.

Carbohydrate foods (natural - honey, etc.) promote the production of a special hormone - serotonin, which promotes a good night's sleep. The brain is active.

After 19 hours - good reaction

After 20 hours, the mental state stabilizes, memory improves. After 21 hours, the number of white blood cells almost doubles (immunity increases), body temperature drops, and cell renewal continues.

From 20 to 21 - light physical exercise and walking in the fresh air are good for health.

After 21 hours - the body prepares for a night's rest, body temperature drops.

22 hours is time for sleep. The immune system is strengthened to protect the body during the night's rest.


In the first half of the night, when slow-wave sleep predominates, the maximum amount of somatotropic hormone is released, stimulating the processes of cell reproduction and growth. No wonder they say that in our sleep we grow. Regeneration and cleansing of body tissues occurs.

2 hours - those who do not sleep at this time may experience depression.

2-4 hours is the deepest sleep. Body temperature and cortisol levels are minimal, melatonin levels in the blood are maximum.
