At times, vision decreases. Causes of sudden deterioration of vision. Age-related vision impairment

Medical Center highest category AILAZ

To paraphrase famous expression, alas, all organs are submissive to old age - this is true, and the eyes are no exception. Over the years, the eyes can be affected by age-related cataracts or retinal dystrophy... To avoid loss of vision or other possible threats, you need to be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist - this is the only way to protect your eyes.

There are such vision diseases as, for example, acute attack glaucoma - when the clock is counting: the sooner you see a doctor, the greater the chance of maintaining your vision. So, what signs of visual impairment can cause greatest danger?

1. Sharp deterioration of vision in one eye

If you have already passed the 60th birthday and if you have at least one of the listed diseases: myopia, hypertension, diabetes, there is a high risk that vision loss is caused by vascular disorders. In this case, emergency health care- consult a doctor as soon as possible!

2. The feeling of a black curtain in front of the eyes that covers some part of the field of vision

This is a serious symptom that is often observed with retinal detachment. Here, as in the previous case, the sooner you start treatment, the greater the chance of keeping your eyes healthy.

3. Sharp pain in the eye, redness, blurred vision, may cause nausea, vomiting

This is how an attack of angle-closure glaucoma can occur. Rise sharply intraocular pressure, and this can damage the optic nerve. There is an urgent need to reduce intraocular pressure - up to surgical treatment. This will not go away on its own - you need to see a doctor.

4. Gradual or sudden narrowing of the field of view

If your field of vision gradually narrows, over time you will only be able to see what is directly in front of you. This is called "tube" vision and may indicate glaucoma: a narrowing of the visual field due to a lesion optic nerve- just one of its main signs. Treatment is also necessary here, otherwise vision will deteriorate.

Glaucoma - insidious disease and often patients are not aware of its existence. On the site medical center AILAZ You will find glaucoma self-diagnosis questionnaire .

5. Gradual deterioration of central vision, blurred, unclear image (straight lines look wavy, curved)

This may indicate a disease in the central area of ​​the retina - the macula, which is essentially responsible for normal vision. This disease is age-related - older people are often susceptible to it. Glasses do not help; without treatment, vision steadily declines. Today, there are many treatment options depending on the form of macular degeneration.

Another reason for a sudden decrease in vision is a retinal tear in the central zone. If you do not immediately contact an ophthalmologist and begin treatment, your vision is unlikely to be restored.

6. When everything in front of your eyes is as if in a fog, the brightness and contrast of vision decreases

Thus, cataracts can develop, causing clouding of the lens. In this case, vision decreases gradually, down to the ability to only distinguish light. We are talking about planning here. surgical intervention- removal of cataracts followed by implantation of an artificial lens. At the same time, it is worth seeing an ophthalmologist, since sometimes cataracts cause intraocular pressure, and this is an indication for urgent surgical treatment. In addition, cataracts cause the lens to enlarge and harden, which can make it difficult to remove—another reason to visit an ophthalmologist regularly: to avoid wasting time.

Modern technologies make it possible to remove cataracts and replace them with transparent ones artificial lens painlessly and in a matter of minutes. You don't have to endure the discomfort of blurred vision. Decide to undergo examination and surgery.

7. Dark spots, partial blurred vision, feeling of fog or haze before the eyes

If the patient is suffering diabetes mellitus, the likelihood of eye damage is quite high, and the longer the duration of diabetes, the more likely changes in the eye are. Regular visits to an ophthalmologist are mandatory. If necessary, the ophthalmologist will prescribe complex treatment: not only appropriate medications, but often also laser treatment. Timely treatment will allow you to preserve your vision.

8. Burning sensation, sand in the eyes, sensation foreign body, lacrimation or, conversely, a feeling of dryness

This is a typical description of dry eye syndrome, the symptoms of which can worsen with age. As a rule, this disease does not cause any particular danger to vision, but severe dry eye syndrome can cause some pathological conditions. An experienced ophthalmologist will necessary examination and prescribe moisturizing drops.

On the medical center website AILAZ you will find self-diagnosis questionnaire for dry eye syndrome .

9. When the image appears double

When you see double, there can be several reasons, and it is not necessarily a “visual” problem. The reason for this may be intoxication, vascular disorders, diseases nervous system, pathology from the outside endocrine system. If double vision appears, it is better to immediately be examined by several doctors: a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist and an endocrinologist.

10. Floaters before the eyes

As a rule, floating spots, threads, “spiders” before the eyes are caused by destruction of the vitreous body. This is due to age-related changes in its structure and does not cause danger. With age vitreous loses its density, liquefies and does not adhere as tightly to the retina as before. When its fibers stick together and lose transparency, they cast a shadow on the retina and are perceived as defects in the visual field. This is clearly visible on a white background: snow, a sheet of paper. Destruction of the vitreous body can be caused by arterial hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, head, eye and nose injuries.

At the same time, a spot that suddenly appears before the eyes, a “curtain,” may be the result of a serious pathology that requires surgical treatment, for example, hemorrhage in the retina or vitreous body. If symptoms appear suddenly, within one day, immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

What to do if your vision decreases? Objects will be blurry, inscriptions will not be legible, this causes great inconvenience.
In order not to lose your vision completely and restore lost vision, you need to determine the reason why it suffers.

Are you having any problem? Enter “Symptom” or “Name of the disease” into the form, press Enter and you will find out all the treatment for this problem or disease.

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any medications have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required, as well as detailed study of the instructions! .

What to do

Treatment and preventive measures

If a decrease in visual acuity is detected, it is necessary to begin treatment in a timely manner. In the absence of diseases, prevention is necessary visual impairment.

Otherwise they may start irreversible processes, and visual ability can be completely lost.

If there is initial deterioration, you should consult a doctor. He will examine and prescribe adequate treatment. Medicines prescribed by a doctor must be taken on time. These will be eye drops, different vitamins or changing your diet.

In addition to taking medications, you must follow the following rules:

  • Give your eyes rest more often, do not sit in front of the computer for a long time;
  • Read only while sitting; instead, you can listen to audio books;
  • Do eye exercises, it will take no more than 10 minutes a day;
  • Review your lifestyle, walk more and eat only healthy foods;
  • Sleep at least 7 hours a day, during this time eye muscles recover from overexertion;
  • Drink vitamins A, B2 and E;
  • Fight bad habits: smoking and alcohol.

By following simple rules, visual function can be preserved for a long time.

Simple and effective gymnastics

To improve vision sharpness, eye exercises are performed every day.

It is important to do it when your eyes are tired: after reading books or working at the computer.

  1. You need to close your eyes tightly and then open them wide. Repeat 5 times with an interval of 30 seconds.
  2. Work eyeballs up, down, right, left. Repeat 3 times every 2 minutes. Repeat the same with closed eyelids.
  3. Make circular movements with your eyeballs, first with your eyelids open. Then repeat with closed ones. Do the exercise 3 times with an interval of 2 minutes.
  4. Blink quickly for a few minutes a day.
  5. Close your eyelids tightly for a few seconds, then open them. Repeat at least 5 times.
  6. It's good to have a bright painting or a large photograph on the wall opposite your computer. From time to time you need to take a break from the monitor and look into the distance bright spot in the form of a picture.

Types of visual impairment in adults

Loss of vision can be a medical and social problem.

It falls in older people, recently and in very young people. Many people suffer from farsightedness, myopia, cataracts and glaucoma.

Types of visual impairment:

  1. Myopia is poor vision of objects at a distance. The greater the degree of the disease, the worse person distinguishes objects located in the distance. More often, this type of deterioration occurs in people who spend a long time near computer screens.
  2. Farsightedness - objects are blurry near or at a distance.
  3. Astigmatism - with this disorder, objects appear blurry. Often accompanied by farsightedness or myopia. A complication will be strabismus.
  4. Presbyopia - objects that are close to you will be blurry. People over 40-45 years of age are most often affected, otherwise presbyopia is called “age-related farsightedness.”

    There is no need to let things get worse, as eye fatigue and headaches may occur.

  5. Amblyopia - with this type, one-sided loss of vision can be observed, which can develop into strabismus. The cause will be a congenital defect of the eyeball.

Negative effects of computer

There are a number of reasons that affect visual function; based on them, it is necessary to select a treatment method.

One of the most important reasons for decreased visual acuity is constant exposure to computer and TV monitors.

The computer affects the ability to see:

  1. When constantly near monitors, the eye muscles stop working. If you constantly look at the screen, the muscles that regulate the lens will weaken and become sluggish. This happens with any muscle if there is no even slight load.
  2. When near computer screens, too much light hits the retina, and the surroundings are usually completely dark. You should work at the computer in at least some light.
  3. The eyeball is always moist, and due to constant exposure to the monitor, the eyes blink less often, becoming dry.

Unilateral visual impairment

Decreased visual acuity is fraught with total loss. It may decrease due to various diseases. For example, in connection with diseases of the optic nerve.

With obstruction of the retinal vessels, which more often occurs in people with high blood pressure and heart disease, unilateral partial or complete loss of vision may occur.

With mental trauma and increased nervous excitability, there is also a risk of visual disturbances.

Another cause of unilateral decrease in acuity is hemorrhage in this eye. This can happen due to injury or pathology of the blood vessels of the eyeball, for example, with diabetes mellitus.

When optic neuritis is caused by infection, retinal detachment occurs, leading to unilateral visual impairment.

Diet affects eye health. Each type of pathology has its own approach to nutrition.

  • Vitamin A. For example, with “ night blindness» eyes are susceptible to styes or inflammation of the cornea. For treatment, you need to eat foods rich in vitamin A, for example, carrots. It can be eaten fresh, grated and seasoned with sour cream, or stewed with onions and cream.
  • Calcium. Eat foods high in calcium, such as cottage cheese, greens and cheese.
  • Vitamin B1 and C. The vitamin is found in blueberries. If you eat a handful of berries a day, it will help restore visual acuity. You can eat fresh or frozen berries; it is useful to eat blueberry jam.
  • Bitter chocolate. This product contains flavonoids that help strengthen the cornea and protect blood vessels. But chocolate with additives is not suitable for treatment.
  • Lutein. It is found in large quantities in spinach. Its use will reduce the risk of cataracts.

At any age, you need to take care of your eye health, because if you skip treatment and don’t start prevention, you can completely forget about clear images around you. By following simple rules, doing exercises, changing your lifestyle, and undergoing treatment, you can preserve your vision for a long time.

Why vision may deteriorate after laser correction

Due to the emergence of new technologies, it has become possible to get rid of visual problems using laser correction. But, as with every innovation, both opponents and fans of this technology appear. Many people complain that after surgery their ability to see decreases again. But you should blame yourself for this. Because doctors, on the contrary, are interested in preserving their reputation.

Before the operation, a series of examinations are carried out to determine whether it is possible or not for the person to undergo correction. There are a number of diseases for which there is no point in performing surgery; it will have no effect. These are glaucoma, cataracts, arthritis, retinal detachment and thinning of the cornea.

After correction, temporary deterioration is acceptable, but it still goes away after rehabilitation.

If patients complain of worsened vision some time after correction, the reasons will be:

  1. Eat serious reasons, which were not eliminated by the operation. The correction is aimed at improving vision, but not at eliminating these causes.
  2. Before the operation, you must correctly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. You need to abstain from contact lenses, alcohol and cosmetics for a week before surgery.
  3. After the operation, you must follow the doctor's recommendations. During rehabilitation, eye strain is prohibited, physical exercise- It is prohibited to visit swimming pools, saunas, baths. When sleeping, lie only on your back.
  4. If the operation is successful, it may get worse, but this is temporary and goes away quickly.
  5. It is not excluded, of course, medical error, you must immediately consult a doctor and report all your complaints.

Vision is constantly falling, how to prevent it

There are several reasons for permanent loss of vision. The ability to see depends on the condition of the lens, retina, and eye muscles.

  1. The reason may be that people spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor or reading books. From focusing your gaze on written texts for a long time, the eye muscles get tired and weaken. This causes the lens to lose its ability to adapt to changes in distance to the image. To prevent this from happening, you need to take short breaks and perform eye exercises. For example, alternately concentrate your gaze on near and distant objects.
  2. The second reason is retinal aging. On the retina there are visual pigments. Over time, these pigments are destroyed, and then vision deteriorates. You need to eat foods with high content vitamin A. These products include: carrots, meat, milk, eggs, blueberries.
  3. The next cause of visual impairment is poor circulation in the retina. Since the retina is responsible for the quality of vision, it requires constant blood circulation. To prevent any abnormalities in the retina, it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist at the first discomfort. For good blood circulation, your doctor will prescribe you special diet and drugs that help maintain the retina in good shape. You should not abuse steam rooms, saunas and other things that increase eye pressure.
  4. Eye-strain. Bright lighting is dangerous for them; staying in dark rooms also significantly impairs their vision. In bright light, you should protect your eyes with dark glasses and do not read in a darkened room. You cannot read in public transport, since when moving it is impossible to fully focus on the text.
  5. The mucous membrane plays an important role. If there are problems with the lacrimal glands, this also affects visual acuity. If a person has dry eyes, then you need to use special drops.

If you experience symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately.

  1. The image of familiar objects became blurry and unclear. This will be: a store sign, a regular bus number.
  2. People's faces blur, and it feels like they are in a fog.
  3. Floaters or black dots appear in the visual field.
  4. Pain in the eyes.

When working with a computer, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Properly organize your workplace. Place the monitor so that the light falls on it from the left side, the distance from the eyes to the monitor is from 60 to 70 cm.
  2. The size of the text should be such that it is comfortable to read without straining your eyes.
  3. You need to take breaks from work every 20 minutes. Try to relax or take a walk.

Decreased vision after 40 years

There is an opinion among people that after 40 years the body begins to exhibit diseases that only exist. But all these are myths. If a person takes care of his health, then even after 70 years he will feel good. The same cannot be said about vision.

Everyone knows well that its sharpness depends on the retina and the refractive ability of the lens. Over time, it loses its properties and can no longer instantly focus on a particular object. The eye muscles lose their elasticity and can no longer hold the lens well in the desired position.

A person develops farsightedness, which is called age-related. And those who suffer from myopia hope that thanks to this, after 40 years they will recover from their disease on their own. But in this they are very mistaken. U myopic people on the contrary, even more problems arise than there were before this time. One such problem may be a retinal tear, which can be repaired with a laser. But to prevent this from happening, it is better to regularly come for examination to an ophthalmologist.

To at least slightly stop the deterioration of vision, you need to consider several rules:

  1. Wear glasses prescribed by your ophthalmologist.
  2. Carry out correction using lenses. To do this, a lens is placed on one eye. And it turns out: one eye for distance, the other for close range.
  3. And take vitamins.

Effective vitamins for eyes

Many vitamins are found in fruits, vegetables and other foods. But there are times when products are not always available. Pharmacies sell vitamins in tablets:

  1. Vitamins "Lutein Complex" are a product of the company Ekomir. They are taken 3 times a day for a long time.
  2. Vitamins Optix is ​​a product of a company with the same name. The course of taking vitamins is no less than 3 months.
  3. Dopelhertz Active eye vitamins are a product of the Dopelhertz company; these vitamins must be used consistently.

In addition to these vitamins, there are many more similar drugs. These drugs can be taken at a time when vision has deteriorated for health prevention.

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Thanks to the eyes, a person receives over 80 percent of information from his environment. Therefore, changes associated with visual acuity cannot be ignored. If there is a sudden deterioration in visual function, you should visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Causes of sudden deterioration in vision

A sharp decrease in visual functions can change a person’s quality of life for the worse. Gradual deterioration of vision, as a rule, does not cause much concern. But sometimes the process happens suddenly. Let's consider what to do if your eyes suddenly become worse at seeing, and why this happens.
Decreased visual acuity can be either temporary or permanent. Contrary to generally accepted beliefs, this process is often associated not only with ophthalmological problems, but also with pathological conditions the body as a whole.
In some cases, the lack of normal refraction occurs due to difficulty focusing the gaze. This may manifest itself as an inability to see the outlines of objects due to their blurriness and indistinctness. The picture often blurs, a veil appears before the eyes, the shapes and sizes of the objects and objects in question are distorted. All these symptoms indicate that it is time to pay attention to eye health.

There are two types of vision loss or deterioration, namely:

  • One-sided - when a local problem is implied (the cause may be vascular pathology, or refraction is impaired due to a defect in the eye tissue).
  • Bilateral (most often referring to a neurogenic disorder).

The causes of visual impairment are also divided into two types. They are classified as ophthalmological (when the problem is directly related to eye pathologies), as well as general (i.e., those symptoms that relate to diseases of other organs or systems).

A temporary and sudden drop in vision can be a consequence of overwork, when a person does not observe occupational hygiene and does not alternate workloads with rest. A similar situation may arise against the background of lack of sleep, prolonged time spent at a personal computer or laptop, or in front of the TV (especially if employment is directly related to the regular use of technology).

Spontaneous refractive errors can be a consequence of such ophthalmic pathologies as:

  • Chemical or mechanical damage eye. IN in this case Examples include bruises of the organs of vision, including the eyeball, as well as thermal burns, hit foreign objects.
  • Hemorrhages localized in the retinal area. The reasons for their appearance vary: excessive physical activity, insufficient elasticity of the vascular walls, prolonged labor, intraocular hypertension, etc.
  • Eye infections that are especially dangerous in acute period leakage. These can be fungal or viral infections, as well as diseases caused by the development of bacteria. It is logical to include ulcers of the eye membranes, conjunctivitis, blenorrhea, and keratitis under this point.
  • Partial or complete retinal detachment that requires immediate attention medical assistance.
  • Migraine.

The listed conditions are classified as severe. If such symptoms occur, it would be advisable to immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

get worse visual function maybe with temporal arteritis or in the case of intracranial hypertension.
Factors such as:

  • Venereal diseases;
  • Toxic neuropathy;
  • Circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • Tumors (malignant and benign), cervical osteochondrosis;
  • Improper functioning of the endocrine system;
  • Retrobulbar neuritis;
  • Damage or fractures to the base of the skull.

A person may face a problem if he suffers from diabetes for a long time. So-called diabetic retinopathy is fraught with the appearance of cataracts. Farsightedness and nearsightedness can also cause sharp decline visual functions, especially in advanced conditions.
When considering the causes of refractive errors, it is impossible to ignore natural age-related changes.

Deterioration of vision: what symptoms should alert you?

To promptly identify problems with visual apparatus, it is necessary to understand what symptoms indicate a decrease in refraction or other pathologies associated with visual functions.
A decrease in the sharpness and clarity of perception is the first sign that a person has begun to see worse. In this matter it is necessary to rely on the principle of comparison. If previously a person clearly and clearly distinguished objects on which vision became worse to focus, then this indicates the presence of some kind of pathology. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the distance of objects that have become blurred.
Partial visual impairment is defined as when a person sees well enough, for example, by focusing straight ahead, but the clarity disappears when he or she looks to the side. The situation will be similar when changing lighting.

Another good reason to contact an ophthalmologist is pain in the eyes, which can occur unexpectedly in bright light.

What to do if your vision begins to deteriorate sharply?

At the first sign of vision loss, the reaction should be immediate. It is necessary to apply as much as possible effective measures to stop the loss of visual function and prevent complete blindness. In most cases, a complex will help slow down the process or completely stop it therapeutic actions, which is selected individually by the doctor after the cause of the change in refraction has been established.
Contacting a specialist should be the first reaction to the deterioration of vision that has occurred. But before visiting the ophthalmologist, it is necessary to take measures to allow your eyes to rest. It is advisable to exclude any stress for some time - this will not only reduce the rate of deterioration of refraction, but will also enable the doctor to more reliably determine the relevant causes.
To help your eyes recover and not become overstrained, it is advisable to reduce your time spent near the monitor and TV. During the acute period, it is recommended to replace technical gadgets with walks fresh air and healthy sleep.

Gymnastics for the eyes will help restore tone to the visual muscles and enhance their performance. It is recommended to do exercises several times every day.

Visual exercises quite simple. Here is an example of such a simple complex that will strengthen the visual system:

  • Switching vision. To perform this, you need to move the focus from near to far. For example, you can take an ordinary pencil or pen and go to the window during daylight hours. Holding the object in front of you, you should alternate moving your gaze from it to distant street objects.
  • "Pendulum" is another one effective remedy to tone the eye muscles. To perform this you will need the same pen or a similar oblong object (for example, a pointer, etc.). First, you need to fix it in a position directly in front of you, then move it to the side, focus your gaze, then return it back to the center, and later move it to the opposite side (to the left).

The exercise time varies between 5-7 minutes.

Often, when vision deteriorates, to relieve symptoms, doctors prescribe medications that support and restore visual function. During the treatment period, it is extremely important not to ignore the relevant recommendations. The ophthalmologist may prescribe drop formulations and vitamin-containing preparations. In some cases, the specialist recommends diversifying your diet. healthy products nutrition. Following the recommendations from the list will help restore visual acuity and avoid unwanted consequences in the future.
If eye pathologies are detected, a person, despite the previously known lifestyle, must refuse bad habits at least for the period while recovery is underway.

Qualitative healthy sleep also has a beneficial effect on the healing process if vision begins to deteriorate. This state allows the eyes to relax, get rid of tension, and restore resources.

As a conclusion, we note: to stop vision deterioration, you need to do eye exercises, use special means protection when working at the computer, get enough sleep, adjust your schedule so that there is a “window” for rest. During the winter-spring period, when many people experience a lack of minerals and useful substances in the body, you can use pharmaceutical vitamin-containing products for the prevention possible problems with the visual apparatus.

Giving up bad habits will have a beneficial effect on the blood flow process, eliminating oxygen starvation cells and tissues of the eyes. Periodic consultation with a doctor, which should be carried out at least once every one and a half to two years, guarantees timely detection of problems (the success of the therapy often depends on early diagnosis).

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We receive more than 80% of information about the world around us through our eyes. Therefore, when vision deteriorates, many people begin to panic. It will be possible to answer the question of why vision decreases only after a thorough diagnosis by an ophthalmologist. In this article we will only look at the most common reasons visual impairment.

How can you tell if your vision is deteriorating?

  • Presbyopia.

This is the name for age-related farsightedness, which develops in people over 45 years of age. Her main reason consists of the lens losing its elasticity and ability to change shape. As a result, the refractive power decreases, and it becomes difficult for a person to distinguish small print and see objects located nearby. As changes in the lens progress, visual acuity without proper correction may decrease from year to year.

  • Astigmatism.

With this refractive error, light rays are concentrated not in one, but in several foci, which is why the image doubles or becomes blurry. The cause of astigmatism is the impaired sphericity of the cornea or the curved shape of the lens. This disease can be aggravated by myopia or farsightedness, in which case the deterioration of vision becomes even more obvious. To correct astigmatism, special toric lenses are needed.

Is vision deteriorating due to eye disease?

Various ophthalmological diseases can be the reason why vision deteriorates.

  • Cataract.

One of the most dangerous diseases, which without adequate treatment leads to blindness. It is an irreversible clouding of the lens that most often occurs in older people. If your central vision deteriorates and you look at surrounding objects as if through a veil, this is serious symptom, indicating cataract. The danger of the disease is that early symptoms may be invisible because the opacification begins in the peripheral areas of the lens and does not affect the optical zone for some time. However, the disease is constantly progressing and without treatment, vision will inevitably deteriorate.

  • Retinal detachment.

Another serious illness, dangerous for complete loss of visual function. If vision has deteriorated in only one eye, flashes or sparks flash before the eyes, a veil effect has appeared, these may be symptoms of retinal detachment.

  • Diabetic retinopathy.

In diabetes mellitus, the functioning of the eyes is impaired and so-called diabetic retinopathy occurs. With this disease, the capillaries of the retina are affected, and the eye tissues do not receive the necessary blood supply. A sharp drop in visual acuity or its complete loss in one eye indicates irreversible changes in functioning visual system.

  • Keratitis.

This inflammatory disease cornea, which leads to clouding and can result in loss of the eye if appropriate treatment is not carried out. With keratitis, vision deteriorates as a result of decreased transparency of the cornea. With early diagnosis, keratitis can be effectively treated, and then visual function will be fully restored. If therapy is not started in a timely manner, an eyesore may remain.

  • Glaucoma.

A most dangerous disease that leads to destruction of the optic nerve and ends in blindness. Significant symptoms of progressive glaucoma are decreased peripheral vision, gradual expansion of the affected area and limited visibility. People over 60 years of age are at risk for developing glaucoma; those who have increased intraocular pressure; patients with diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders, cardiovascular diseases. Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness in the world, so if you notice worsening peripheral vision or other symptoms, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

  • Macular degeneration.

Age-related macular degeneration of the retina is a lesion of the macula - the central zone of the retina, which leads to gradual loss of vision. With this pathology, a person’s perception of the shape, size, and color of surrounding objects is impaired. For example, a table leg may have an uncharacteristic shape and be different from the other three. When viewed from a different angle, one distortion disappears, but another appears. Also, macular degeneration is characterized by the perception of objects in a reduced form; flashing dots or luminous lines may appear before the eyes. Sometimes visual acuity with such distortions can remain normal. With wet macular degeneration, retinal detachment can occur, and then vision deteriorates sharply, and a veil appears before the eyes.

This is far from full list dangerous eye diseases affecting vision. However, diagnosing yourself without having medical education, dangerous. Only an experienced doctor can accurately answer the question of why your vision has become worse.

Poor vision is a reason to see a doctor

In addition to refractive errors and ophthalmological diseases, there are many other reasons why vision deteriorates. In any case, when the first symptoms appear, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist.

The specialist will conduct diagnostic measures, determine the exact cause of vision problems and prescribe adequate treatment. In many cases early diagnosis helps to save the situation, stop the progression of dangerous diseases, and correct existing disorders.

If a person's vision deteriorates, then there are two groups of visual impairments that can cause this effect.

The first group is refractive error. That is, there are problems with light rays passing through the lens and focusing on the desired area of ​​the retina. This group includes:

  • Myopia, also known as true myopia. It happens when the eyeball grows unevenly and is too long. As a result, the rays of light cannot converge normally at one point, and vision begins to deteriorate. Primary myopia is observed in children and progresses no longer than until the age of twenty. If the deterioration of the condition is observed (or appears for the first time) later, it may be caused by hormonal disbalance, infection or spasm of the eye muscles, due to which the eyeball, again, becomes deformed.
  • Children's farsightedness. In this case, the problem is that the eyeball is too compressed, short, and the focal point of the light appears to be behind the retina. It is observed in children as a variant of the norm - their eyes gradually grow and the problem goes away.
  • Age-related farsightedness. Caused by problems with the lens - it loses its elasticity and cannot focus the rays. It is observed in people over forty-five - either due to an abundance of work that requires eye strain, or due to illness.
  • Astigmatism. The reason for this pathology is a violation of the shape of the eyeball. Because of this, the rays of light entering the eye are focused at several points at once, and as a result, a person cannot see either far or near.

The second group of disorders are various eye diseases:

  • Glaucoma. One of the most dangerous diseases, which often develops rapidly and ends in blindness. The reason for this is increased eye pressure, due to which the vessels are compressed and oxygen starvation begins, followed by tissue degradation.
  • Cataract. Cloudiness of the lens, which begins unnoticed, but gradually worsens and can lead to complete blindness. Most often observed in older people due to changes in the structure of the eye tissues, but it can also be congenital.
  • Retinal detachment. It results from a lack of oxygen, develops quickly and can lead to loss of vision. Among specific symptoms- flashes of light that the eye perceives, but which in reality do not exist.
  • Diabetic retinopathy. Due to problems with circulatory system the eyes do not receive enough oxygen and the tissues in them begin to degrade.
  • Keratitis. Inflammation of the cornea, which is accompanied by the appearance of ulcers on it. Gradually leads to blindness, accompanied by pain.

With most eye disorders, the loss of vision goes unnoticed by the patient, as it progresses gradually. The best way to identify them is early stage– undergo preventive examinations with an ophthalmologist every year.

Causes of decreased vision

Diseases cause vision loss - it changes due to the degradation of blood vessels, due to problems with the lens, due to deformation of the eyeball. However, not a single disease develops on its own - they all have factors predisposing to development.

In the case of eye disorders this is:

  • Lack of eye muscle activity. Light passes through the lens, the rays fall on the retina, which sends signals to the brain - and the person reads the image. But in order for the rays to focus, the lens must move, becoming either flatter or more convex. And for this the eye muscles must work. If they don’t work (a person is used to looking at a monitor or phone screen for hours), then they gradually lose tone and the ability to change the position of the lens. This is how age-related farsightedness often develops.
  • Poor circulation. Oxygen is supplied to the tissues with the blood, and the tissues of the eye are very sensitive to its lack. Therefore, if a person has problems with the circulatory system, sooner or later he will begin to have problems with his eyes. The reason may be diabetes, bad habits, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure or thrombosis - the effect is always the same.
  • Eye-strain. Extreme fatigue can provoke muscle spasm, causing the lens to “jam” in one position. Plus, the retina suffers from tension and the blood vessels are partially compressed.
  • Dry mucous membrane. It occurs due to fatigue, the eye seems to be “blurred”. As a result, vision decreases temporarily, and if this occurs frequently, keratitis may develop.

Diseases can be caused by hereditary diseases or genetic predisposition. It is because of them that vision in children usually declines.

It is interesting that even before a person develops a full-blown disease, his vision will temporarily decline. This can be noticed, for example, after working at the computer all day - in the evening, when the eyes are dry and tense, vision usually drops, and returns to normal in the morning. But if nothing is done, one day the problem will become really serious.

Deterioration of vision during pregnancy

Deterioration of vision often occurs during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. And in some cases, women simply cannot adequately assess their own condition due to concomitant anxiety.

The best way to make sure that your vision is not deteriorating due to pregnancy is to see a doctor.

Modern restoration methods

IN modern world invented great amount ways to restore vision, even if the problem is quite serious and has already developed into a full-fledged disease. For example:

  • Myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism, depending on the reasons, are corrected either surgically or with the help of glasses and lenses, if the person does not have sufficient quantity funds, has contraindications or is simply afraid of surgery;
  • cataracts can also be treated surgically - the cloudy lens is cut out and a thin lens is inserted in its place plastic lens, which, although not able to focus depending on the level of illumination, still stops the loss of vision and compensates for the problem at least partially;
  • glaucoma is treated either conservatively or surgically - in the first case, if the pressure in the eye can be reduced simple methods, in the second, if the pressure grows quickly, uncontrollably and there are no other ways to contain it;
  • retinal detachment can also be treated surgically;
  • but diabetic retinopathy is compensated as conservatively as possible, since the cause predisposing to its development cannot be removed;
  • Keratitis is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, and quite successfully.

The most dangerous are glaucoma and retinopathy - it is not always possible to remove their causes, therefore, even surgery does not always help. Everything else is either treated or compensated quite successfully, especially if you don’t delay going to the doctor.

Of course, there are many more reasons why a person’s vision may become blurred than this short list, but the rest are less common - and are also treated quite successfully.

But if the problem is not yet a disease, but that the eyes get tired, dry out and move too little (and this is the problem of most modern people who are used to most spend time at the computer) surgical correction and no medications are required. It will be enough to put in some effort: do exercises for your eyes, drip moisturizing drops into them and include foods that are healthy for your eyesight in your diet.

The simplest set of eye exercises looks like this:

  • close your eyes tightly and then open your eyes wide;
  • blink quickly;
  • look up, down and to the sides without rotating your head, close your eyes and repeat;
  • rotate the eyeballs - first with the eyelids open, then with them closed;
  • stretch out your hand and look at forefinger, and then look at something in the distance;
  • stand by the window - look first at a point on the glass, and then at something in the distance;
  • extend your hand, look at your index finger, move your hand from side to side, then lower it, without changing the direction of your gaze.

Charging should take about five minutes and be repeated several times a day. Its main purpose is to increase muscle tone and improve blood circulation. If during the process they begin to appear discomfort, you should consult a doctor.

Eye drops

An ophthalmologist should prescribe eye drops. Usually their purpose is to moisturize the mucous membrane so that it does not dry out and, accordingly, vision does not deteriorate.

Folk remedies for oral administration

The best remedies he recommends ethnoscience to correct declining vision, these are a variety of juices and decoctions, full of vitamins and useful substances. For example:

  • juices from pumpkin, carrots, blueberries - preferably freshly squeezed;
  • juice from nettles and apples – freshly squeezed, mixed in a 1:1 ratio;
  • a drink of chicory, parsley, carrots and celery - squeeze everything out, mix in equal proportions and drink half a standard glass once a day;
  • parsley decoction - take parsley root, mince, add honey and a little lemon juice, mix and take a teaspoon before meals.

Additionally, traditional medicine advises dripping blueberry juice into your eyes (but this is a dubious remedy), as well as making contrast lotions, for which you need to dip cotton swabs alternately in hot and cold water. cold water, and apply to the eyes.

Healthy foods

And, of course, it will be useful to include in your diet foods that are rich in vitamins and can improve blood circulation. This:

  • blueberries - you can eat them plain, in the form of jam, in the form of juice, and even drink concentrated tablets;
  • carrots are rich in vitamin A, you can eat them raw, grate them with sugar, drink juice or make jam;
  • pumpkin – excellent healthy ingredient, from which you can make soups, cereals, desserts, jams and even candied fruits;
  • broccoli, onions, garlic, spinach, fruits, fish, cottage cheese, real dark chocolate.

It is important to remember that if vision loss is truly serious, you need to see a doctor and not self-medicate with diet.


To prevent serious problems with vision, you need:

  • do exercises without allowing your muscles to relax and your eyes to get too tired - this is especially true for people who work at the computer or watch TV for a long time;
  • eat foods that are good for your eyesight – in any form;
  • avoid dry eyes and use moisturizing drops;
  • visit an ophthalmologist once a year to preventive examination- This The best way notice a decrease in vision at the very beginning and quickly figure out the cause.

It is necessary to treat diseases in time, support chronic diseases if possible, in remission, monitor your condition, know why vision may deteriorate in the first place, and refrain from bad habits. And, of course, if something goes wrong, consult a doctor immediately, and not hope that the problem will somehow go away on its own.
