Sunberry berries: beneficial properties and contraindications, recipes. Sunberry sunberry: cultivation, benefits and application

In the Solanaceae family there is a wonderful sunny berry, which is still little known in the vastness of Europe. From a scientific perspective, sunberry is a hybrid of the common nightshade, which is considered a weed in our country. The hybrid form was first developed by American breeders, and the plant began to be actively grown.

Sunberry is a low perennial tree (up to 1.5 m), with beautiful black berries, growing in clusters of 8-10 pieces, the size of a cherry. They resemble small tomatoes, although the plant is not so sensitive and is also resistant to drought and cold.

Its inflorescences do not have such beauty - the flowers are small, 10-15 pieces in a cluster, and externally resemble potato flowers. The flowering period is quite long.

The plant has a powerful stem that forms many stepsons. The shape and appearance of the leaves are exactly the same as those of the nightshade.

The days of mass flowering, formation and ripening of berries are the period when the beauty and decorativeness of sunberries is maximum.

This hybrid has many useful qualities. Its fruits contain compounds identical to adrenal hormones. Sunberry berries cut well inflammatory processes: pneumonia, arthritis, myocardium, in addition, they have an anticonvulsant, sedative, and diuretic effect. Due to the presence of a coloring substance in the fruits, the plant improves blood composition. But the main useful property of sunberry is its ability to inhibit development cancer cells and slow down the aging process.

Not only the berries, but also the leaves of this beautiful bush are famous for their healing qualities. It is important to consider that sunberry belongs to the nightshade family, therefore the stems and leaves may contain poison and must be used with caution. Infusions and decoctions of dry leaves are good helpers for skin ailments, gastritis, colitis, hypertension, cystitis, various neuroses and even mental disorders.

The plant cannot yet boast of several varieties. If you still decide to grow it at your dacha, contact specialized stores for seeds. Since it often happens that instead of a valuable crop, dishonest sellers offer ordinary wild nightshade.

Sunberry can be grown on any type of soil, because the bush is quite unpretentious. There is only one caveat: it is advisable not to plant the plant on acidic soil - this can reduce the high yield of berries. Sunberry responds well to manured soil. It is recommended to grow it in the place where cucumbers or zucchini grew. Bushes can be grown directly in the beds, between vegetables. There are exceptions here - the plant does not like to be between relatives - potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, however, if you plant it next to them, the proximity will not be negative. Nightshade can also be grown as an annual, since it is in the first year that it has the highest yield.

Each sunberry produces a large number of seeds, but for successful cultivation It is better to use seedlings. Nightshade has a long growing season, and this reduces the chances of getting ripe fruits from seed propagation.

Growing conditions

The optimal place for growing sunberries is where there are minimal drafts. The soil before planting should be prepared in the same way as for tomatoes. Combine two parts of garden, forest and turf soil plus a part of sand or sand itself, adding a liter of turf ash. At the exit you get a bucket of the mixture. There is no need to make holes for planting.

As we have already found out, growing Samberry using seedlings is a more practical method than using seeds. open ground. It is better to plant seedlings at the end of winter or in the first days of spring. The seeds should first be soaked in a manganese solution for 20 minutes, then rinsed with water.

Nightshade seeds have a hard time germinating, so they need help. To do this, the seed must be cut in the place where the sprout will appear and placed in a moist environment. Can be wrapped in a wet cloth for several days to stimulate growth. Sprouted seeds are sown in the prepared mixture to a depth of half a centimeter; deeper planting can cause rotting of the seedlings. The box must have a drainage layer. Future sunberries can even be sown in the same container with tomatoes and peppers.

The seeds feel good at room temperature; watering is needed systematically, but infrequently. The first shoots emerge after three months, then they are planted in a separate container and placed in a warm place with sufficient lighting.

Sunberry in open ground

When the plant has five to seven leaves and the weather does not threaten frost, the sunberry can be transferred to open ground. Most often this is the last ten days of May or the beginning of June. Future bushes are placed at a distance of at least 70 cm from each other. During the period of growth and fruiting, sunberries should be fed with mullein at least twice a season. If you want to get your own seeds, they must be taken from previously ripened berries. And although growing sunberries using seeds, as mentioned above, is rarely used by gardeners, there is a chance to increase the early ripening of fruits.

Sunberry begins to bloom in early June and continues until the first frost. It is worth noting that nightshade, unlike tomatoes, does not need to be pinched inflorescences. And only when the first cold weather approaches, experienced gardeners advise removing a couple of stepsons from the bush so that flowering slows down and the main energy is directed to ripening the berries. Nightshade is not afraid of early frosts, but for your own peace of mind, you can cover the plant with covering material.

In short, the general unpretentiousness of the sunberry and its high resistance to various diseases and pests make caring for it a pleasure.

Basic care for the nightshade hybrid is as follows:

  • Bushes should be watered only when for a long time the weather is hot and dry;
  • Sunberry welcomes fertilizing, but if the soil on which it is planted is fertile enough, there is no need to fertilize the plant.
  • It often happens that the cargo large quantity berries strongly bends the branches towards the ground. In this case, they must be propped up with slingshots or tied to a support.
  • During the pruning period, which occurs in the autumn months before the first frost, it is important to properly care for the plant. Pruning as such is not performed on sunberries; it is important to trim off the buds and stepsons on time and correctly.
  • The nightshade hybrid, like other garden crops, loves the soil around it to be loose and weeded.

Application of sunberry

Thanks to its high productivity, especially in the first two to three years, decorative nightshade will not only delight you with its beauty, but will also be able to give you from five bushes to a bucket of berries. The main ripening period is September. However, there is no need to rush into collecting fruits. Even if the berries are a little overripe, their taste will not become worse. Nightshades do not rot, they just wilt slightly. And fresh berries are not so tasty due to the lack of sourness. After the first frost, somewhere in mid-October, it’s time to harvest. And nightshade scatterings become most delicious after they are doused with boiling water.

Sunberry fruits cannot be stored for a long time, therefore the best option will grind them with sugar or squeeze out the juice.

In addition to the fact that sunberry fruits are very useful fresh, they can be used to prepare various compotes, jams and original pie fillings.

Nightshade berry jam has a delicious taste. To prepare it, they take about four to five kilograms of fruit and the same amount of sugar, and pass the berries through a meat grinder. To enrich the taste with piquant sourness, you can add another lemon to the mixture.

Since sunberries are rich in pectin, they freeze well. Therefore, nightshade makes a wonderful jelly. To do this, grind the ground berries through a sieve, removing unnecessary seeds and dense peel. Then the mass is boiled with chopped lemon and the jelly is ready. Sunberry goes well with cranberries, barberries, gooseberries, and red currants, which give nightshade jam the missing acid.

Sunberry in tomato has an original taste. The recipe for the dish is simple: blanch the berries in boiling water for several minutes, then transfer them to jars prepared in advance for sterilization, which are filled to the top with boiling water. tomato juice. Sterilize for about half an hour and twist.

Sunberry in marinade is no less popular than jam. There are many various recipes pickling the fruits of decorative nightshade. You can find them in culinary magazines or on Internet sites and prepare one that suits your taste.

Sunberry berry (video)

Many scientists long years are looking for a way to slow down aging, reduce the risk oncological diseases, improve vision, but so far there are only such means Excipients. For example, the famous sunberry berries are famous for similar properties. Any gardener, even with basic knowledge, can grow a harvest of these berries.

The benefits of sunberries go beyond the abundance useful components, but they are also very tasty. They are used as raw materials for making jam, in cooking, confectionery, or simply eaten.

The history of sunberry

Today, sunberry berries can be meet anywhere in the world. On the territory of our country, they are just beginning to grow such a crop, but local breeders have already achieved considerable success. positive results in this case. Sunberries are famous for their dietary and beneficial properties, which is why they quickly gained their popularity and spread throughout the globe.

Sunberry berries are the result fruitful work famous Canadian breeder Luther Burbank. He was engaged in developments using Darwin's methods and received this useful variety berries through crossing different types parent forms. Traveling around the world, Luther of Burbank found and used nightshade in his developments, which grew exclusively in Europe, as well as another variety of these berries from the African continent.

Crossing helped to inherit the African varieties' unpretentiousness to care and climatic conditions. Moreover, it is significant increased the size and yield of berries. Nightshade, which grows in Europe, gives sunberries a unique taste that is so appreciated by gourmets around the world.

The height of Canadian blueberries can reach 150 cm. You can recognize the plant by characteristic features stem, which has a tetrahedral structure and powerful stepsons located on it. It is especially interesting to observe the bushes during the ripening of the crop. The whole plant proper care may be dotted with large blue-black berries that are comparable in size to cherries. From each bush you can collect at least one bucket of harvest, and this is quite easy to do, since blueberries are collected in clusters, which have an average of 15 berries.

Ways to use sunberry

Sunberry translated from in English is called - sunny berry. It is difficult to say why exactly this name was chosen for this blueberry variety, because, in fact, shrubs can grow even in the shade and still produce a large amount of harvest. Even despite its unpretentiousness, the sunberry still loves warmth, like all varieties of nightshade. Blueberries are used to make a variety of products, such as jam, marmalade, wine, and syrup. Sunberry has also found application in medicine.

Long-term observations of doctors have given results that clearly indicate positive properties of berries for diseases such as:

  • neuroses;
  • joint pain;
  • headache;
  • gastritis;
  • diabetes;
  • cystitis;
  • hypertension;
  • vision problems;
  • varicose veins;
  • angina pectoris.

In addition, blueberries are also used to treat ulcers or purulent wounds. To do this, the berries are crushed and mixed with sour milk in proportions 1:1. For sore throat, another treatment method using blueberries is used. Berry juice Sunberry is mixed with water in proportions of 1:3 and gargled. In addition, we must not forget that this variety of blueberry also has calming and even hypnotic effects.

Preparing for the winter period will be useful, because it is at this time that the body often lacks useful components, but you need to do it correctly. In order to eliminate the nightshade taste from sunberries, all berries must be removed before harvesting. pour boiling water over and let them stand in this state for several hours. After time has passed, the water is drained and processing can begin. It is recommended to preserve berries with a small amount of sugar, because this way the final product will be much tastier.

Contraindications to the use of sunberry

Sunberry has many beneficial properties, but it also stands out few negative consequences.

This plant is unpretentious, can tolerate frost, and is resistant to diseases and insect pests. It is enough to plant three young plants grown from seeds in the spring to make jam or preserves from the ripe berries. To like these preparations, you need to prepare them correctly.

Features of sunberries

These large, strange berries, the size of a cherry, and black in color, are also called sun berries. In 1905, this plant was obtained by the American Luther Burbank as a result of crossing African and European nightshades. From the African nightshade sunberry they took large fruit, decorative look and productivity, and from the European small-fruited, creeping “parent” - edibility and specific taste after additional processing (cooking different dishes). By the way, this amazing self-taught breeder also managed to create white blackberries, pitted plums, blue poppies, yellow strawberries... At the moment of ripening, sunberry bushes look like small trees strewn with clusters of shiny black large juicy berries. The height of the plant is from a meter to one and a half, its stem is thick, tetrahedral, supporting the weight of powerful stepsons. You can collect about a bucket of large berries from the bush. In the summer, some of our friends, noticing unknown berries on a bush, immediately try to try them. But after tasting it, some are disappointed, frown or even spit. But the whole point is that ripening occurs unevenly. It lasts from August to October. The black color does not even mean that it is time to pick the fruit. It is better to determine their ripeness by touch: they should be elastic, like small balls, and soft. It is acceptable for the berries to “reach” the required condition and ripeness in room conditions. And yet they taste bland.

Attention! To improve the taste, before you start processing, pour boiling water over them, and after 3-5 minutes, be sure to drain this water.

What are the benefits of sunberry?

It has been noted that these berries can improve visual acuity and have a diuretic, antiseptic, anthelmintic, hemostatic, and laxative effect. If you take 3 parts juice and part water and mix it, you will get good rinse For , .

The berries contain a lot of pectin, anthocyanins, flavonoids, vitamins, selenium, and silver. They help with liver diseases, gastrointestinal problems. To normalize blood pressure, you need to eat 6 berries every day for a month.

You can make an elixir from ripe berries to improve your health. Pass the washed berries through a meat grinder, then squeeze the juice through gauze. Take 2.5 liters of juice, add 2.5 liters of boiled water, 1.5 kilograms good honey, mix everything. Then pour the elixir into clean jars, seal, and refrigerate. Dosage: before meals, 30 ml (that’s two tablespoons). This remedy gets rid of high blood pressure, treats rheumatism, gout, asthma, improves memory, vision, and removes toxins.

Juice from the leaves and stems is recommended to treat annoying eczema, running forms, seborrhea. For 100 ml of juice squeezed from stems and leaves, take 2 tablespoons of juice from berries and two whites of raw eggs. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mixture as a dressing.

For medicinal purposes, you can dry the leaves or grass for future use. In the future, they can be used to make an infusion for the treatment of headaches, rheumatism, neuralgia, and skin ailments. For a glass of boiling water you will need 2 teaspoons of raw materials (crushed). Cover with a lid, wrap, leave for 2 hours. Take the strained product 15 minutes before meals four times a day, a tablespoon. This infusion reduces the content, which is important for diabetics.

Some people find it more convenient to take a tincture. For it, take 50 grams of fruits or herbs (chopped) and pour 0.5 liters of vodka in a jar. After two weeks of infusion in a dark place, you can begin filtering. This tincture should be taken from 20 to 30 drops three times a day, before meals, with water.

MirSovetov offers several options for processing ripe berries. Just don’t forget to pour boiling water over them first, we mentioned this earlier.

  1. A gentle way. Take washed sunberry and ranetki fruits (in equal quantities). Pass everything through. For a kilogram of the resulting homogeneous mass, take a kilogram of granulated sugar and mix. Leave it in the room for five hours so that the sugar grains dissolve. Transfer everything into sterile jars and put them in the refrigerator. This healthy mixture you need to eat 100 grams per day.
  2. Jam from ripe fruits. Take sunberry berries (1 kilogram) and Japanese quince fruits (grate 5 pieces on a coarse grater). Instead of quince, you are allowed to take one of the following components:
  • small lemon (peeled and finely chopped);
  • 5 medium Antonovka apples (they must first be peeled and then finely chopped);
  • a handful of barberry berries.

Place everything in a saucepan or basin, sprinkle with granulated sugar (1.5 kg), leave for five hours to infuse. Then add 200-300 ml of water. Place on the fire, let the mixture boil slightly, then reduce the gas, stir the mixture for another twenty minutes. Turn off the gas. Let the mixture sit after removing from heat for about 12 hours. Then cook it until ready. The jam will have a pleasant aroma if you add ginger or a little vanilla to it. Instead of the above, you can take cherry leaves, lemon balm(in small quantities).

  • Another way to make jam. For 2 kilograms of sunny berries, take the same amount of sugar (or 1 kilogram of fructose). Add finely chopped lemon, previously peeled. Cook this mixture for approximately 30 minutes. All that remains is to put the finished jam into sterilized jars and put it away for storage.
  • Vegetable caviar. To prepare it, take a kilogram of sunberry fruits, 300 grams of onions, 500 grams of carrots, 70 grams sunflower oil, salt, spices. Cut the sunberries into halves. Chop the onion too, and grate the carrots using a coarse grater. Next, fry everything separately. Pass the warm ingredients through your meat grinder, the resulting vegetable puree heat in a frying pan, adding salt, a little sugar, spices (for example, ground allspice), herbs.
  • A few caveats

    Do not trust unscrupulous sellers of garden crops who sometimes try to pass off small sunberry plants as “highbush blueberries.” These berries still have a rather bland taste; when fresh, they are unlikely to delight you. Do not give tops to pets, there is a risk of food poisoning. If you eat a lot of berries, they will have a strong laxative effect, which will lead to diarrhea. For the same reason, do not eat jam with cereals or various dairy products. And another rare undesirable effect is that there are people in whom sunberries cause allergic reactions.

    How to grow sunberry

    And now MirSovetov will reveal several features of growing this plant in the country. Cultivation is carried out by seedlings from seeds. But they do not germinate quickly. Therefore, first soak them for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate (warm). Then rinse them with water and wrap them in a piece of damp cloth for three days. Sow the hatched seeds in cups filled with nutritious soil in advance. This is done at the same time as you are studying. bell pepper or tomatoes.

    Sunberry grows on any soil, but if it is acidic, then you should add dolomite flour before planting. The site must be sunny to obtain good berries. To prevent cruciferous flea beetles from “running into” your plants, do not place the plantings in the places where you grew radishes, cabbage and other cruciferous plants last year. But the Colorado potato beetle does not feed on this plant, although it, like potatoes, is from the nightshade family. Send seedlings into open ground at the same time as tomatoes. Leave 80 cm between plants - as the bushes grow, they spread out under the weight of the berries. In the first week, small plants can be covered with cut plastic bottles for better survival.

    Sometimes growing bushes need to be hilled up and supported. No pinning required. But in the fall, pluck out new shoots and flowers to give the berries already on the bush a chance to gain weight and ripen. Make sure that the berries do not come into contact with the soil. Even with rare watering and one-time fertilizing, you will still get a good harvest. Typically, mass collection of multiple clusters is carried out at the very end of September or early October.

    And don’t forget to collect seeds from the largest fruits for planting them next season, because this plant is an annual.

    With a minimum of effort, you can grow an ornamental bush with a large number of healthy berries on your site. Even in a dry summer, you can make jam, pies, and candied fruits from sunberries.

    IN last years, in addition to traditional personal plots Exotic crops are becoming increasingly common. This seems to be becoming a fashion trend. A measure of the modernity and seriousness of the hobby of gardening. Among the variety of exotic plants that have managed to establish themselves in temperate latitudes, I would like to dwell on a fairly new one that has not yet received wide publicity.

    Description of the berry

    Sunberry (Galbrey)– hybrid the nightshade family. This bush was obtained by crossing the African nightshade and the European small-fruited creeping nightshade. It reaches a height of one and a half meters. More often it grows up to 90 cm. Very fruitful. Sunberry - translated from English as sunny berry. Named so by its creator, American gardener and breeder Luther Burbank (1849 - 1926).

    This hybrid is valued primarily for its fruits. Sunberry berries are large and black in color. It is because of this that this plant is also called blueberry forte or Canadian blueberry. The fruits can reach sizes collected in clusters of 10-15 pieces. Contains vitamin C and carotene. Saturated with elements such as iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, copper, zinc, nickel, chromium, silver, and this is almost the complete complex of trace elements necessary for a person.

    Canadian blueberries are quite high in calories - they contain up to 220 kcal per 100 g of berries. The reason for this is the high content nutrients: proteins, fats, fructose and glucose. There are such active compounds: anthocyanins, bioflavonoids, tannins, chlorophyll.

    Sunberry nightshade fruits have healing properties, can be used in the prevention and treatment of joint diseases, improve blood composition, digestion, and appetite. Increases visual acuity.

    Often, due to the consonance of the name, people think that the composition of the medical drug “Blueberry Forte” includes Canadian blueberries. However, it is not. Besides the name, medical drug and blueberries forte have nothing in common. Although eating sunberry nightshade fruits also has a beneficial effect on human vision.

    Conditions for successful growth

    Blueberry forte is an unpretentious plant. Grows easily in middle lane how to withstand autumn frosts. The fruits have time to ripen. Galbry grows on almost any soil. You don’t have to thin out or stepchild. However, it is recommended to tie up the stepsons to avoid the berries touching the ground. It begins to bloom from the beginning of summer until the first frost. However, the plant also has its own preferences.

    Site selection

    The requirements for the site are quite simple. This can be any part or garden. Closed or open. It is advisable that there is no strong wind in the selected area. The plant responds well to shading. However, this reduces the yield. The berries grow small and have a tart taste. You can plant galbri between rows of other crops (except for other nightshades: potatoes, tomatoes, etc. In the latter case, the plant will grow and develop poorly.

    Canadian blueberries cannot be planted within city limits. This is due to the fact that the plant pulls all the heavy metals from the soil. For example, zinc, arsenic, cadmium, manganese.

    Ideal soil for planting

    Important! Sunberry does not like acidic soil.

    How to grow sunberry seedlings from seeds

    Blueberries forte are easy to grow. It is enough to buy seeds at a garden store or get them from fruits grown in your garden. If you want to “breed” Canadian blueberries from fruits from your own plot, you should take into account some conditions.

    Seed preparation

    The seeds are extracted from ripe black berries. Use the largest berries from the most prolific and early clusters. Seeds can also be purchased at specialty store. Nightshade seeds are very similar to tomato seeds.

    Sowing scheme

    It is optimal to plant galbry seedlings in open ground. Seeds take a long time to germinate, up to three months. Before planting, it is better to treat the seeds, soak them in weak solution potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, then rinse in a running water cold water and place in a damp cloth or gauze for 2-3 days. Make sure that the shadow does not dry out. It is better to sow in February or early March. It is sown in a container with nutrient soil (plastic cups can also be used) to a depth of 3-5 mm. Before planting, make sure the container has enough holes for drainage. Seedlings germinate at room temperature and moderate humidity. Water better warm water.

    Seedling care

    The container with seedlings should be moved to a warm, well-lit place. It is better to plant them in separate containers (cups). It is better to place seedlings in a room with windows facing south. It is better if the containers with seedlings are placed on the windowsill. Galbry is very light-loving. It is recommended to spray the seedlings 1-2 times a day with a spray bottle. There should be enough moisture. However, make sure that it is good. Excessive moisture can harm young roots. At good conditions seedlings grow quickly.

    Did you know? The sunny berry has no officially named varieties. Consider this fact when purchasing seeds. Do this only in specialized places.

    Planting sunberries in open ground and further care

    The timing of transplanting blueberry forte seedlings into open ground coincides with the time of planting tomato seedlings, namely the end of May - the beginning of June. A young plant should have 5-7 leaves. It is better to choose a place at the rate of 70 by 70 cm for each bush. There should be about half a meter between the rows. Do not forget, sunberry grows up to one and a half meters - this is quite simple. In addition, it is necessary Free access to the plant when harvested

    Watering and fertilizing the plant

    Sunberry nightshade is unpretentious to watering. However, make sure that the soil does not dry out too much. In dry summers it is better to water regularly. This should be done either early in the morning (5-6 am) or in the evening (19-20 pm). The water should be warm, not lower than 23°C.

    Blueberries forte do not need special ones. They can show quite good results growing on ordinary soil. However, to guarantee positive results, it is better to fertilize the plant at least twice a season with mullein. Can be dissolved in water and poured under the root.

    Soil care and tying

    As such, soil care is very simple. You just need to weed as needed and loosen the soil between the rows. The frequency of loosening is about once every two weeks. This procedure will allow the soil to be saturated with oxygen, and, therefore, the nightshade root system will develop better. Weeding allows you to remove unnecessary operations. Perform soil cultivation operations carefully. The depth of loosening is within 6-8 cm. It is best to loosen the day after rain or watering. To do this, you can use a regular squeegee.

    Don't damage the roots. This can lead to crop losses.

    Straight bushes don’t even need to be tied up. If you want to save the harvest, it is better to tie up the plant. To do this, it is enough to use slingshots or some other supports. The fact is that there can be a lot of berries and the stepson branches cannot support the weight of the fruit and tend to the ground. The berries should not touch the soil.

    Harvesting and harvesting

    About a month before harvest (September - October), it is advisable to tear off the buds and new stepsons. This is done with the aim that the plant directs all its forces to the development of the fruit, and not to flowering and shoots.

    Harvesting is best done after the first frost. This is somewhere around the end of October - beginning of November. From the cold, blueberries forte lose their astringency, become sweeter and more pleasant to taste. They ripen in batches. Therefore, the collection will take several approaches at intervals of several days. Moreover, fertility will increase each time.

    Did you know? Canadian blueberries do not rot on the bush. Therefore, do not rush to collect them in September and early October. Let them hang until frost. They will wilt a little, but the taste will improve.

    Sunberry berries do not have a long shelf life. The simplest and convenient way storage - freeze the berries in the freezer. In addition to simplicity, this method will also improve the taste of the sunny berry.

    You can grind the fruits of nightshade forte with sugar or squeeze the juice out of them.

    For fresh consumption, it is better to scald the berries with boiling water. They will become sweeter.

    Sunberry or garden nightshade is an annual plant with a stem structure similar to a tomato, and appearance berries - with blueberries. Unique plant was born thanks to the efforts of a breeder from the USA, who crossed close members of the nightshade family: Guinean highbush blueberry and creeping European nightshade. In the vastness of our country Sunberry is also known as sunberry, garden nightshade, blueberry forte or Canadian blueberry.. Moreover, all names are of equal importance and equally common.

    It should be noted that reviews of Sunberry are quite contradictory. Scientists, breeders and amateur gardeners have repeatedly noted both clear positive effects on the body and complete absence any results. Therefore, in order to remain as objective as possible, we will consider not only the beneficial properties, but also the possible harm of sunberry.

    Beneficial features

    Garden nightshade berries contain an impressive amount of biologically active compounds: ascorbic and galacturonic acid, galactose, steroids, lipids, carotene, tannins, anthocyanins, pectin, fructose, saponins. In addition, sunny berries are rich in calcium, iron, selenium, potassium, sodium, and silver.

    Such an impressive and varied composition has a rejuvenating and tonic effect on the body. Berries normalize metabolic processes and harmonize the functioning of all organs and systems. When taken regularly, they slow down aging and strengthen the spirit and body.

    Sunny berries used for:

    Treatment of liver and gastrointestinal diseases
    Normalization of blood pressure
    Eliminate chronic headaches
    Treatment of rheumatism, joint diseases
    Strengthens eye muscles and relieves fatigue when working at a computer for long periods of time
    Cleansing the body
    Prevention of constipation and hemorrhoids
    Relief of pain from sore throats, pharyngitis, stomatitis, etc.

    Sunberry has pronounced antiseptic properties, helps the body cope with infections, has an anti-inflammatory effect. If you eat a handful of berries every day during the season, you can thoroughly cleanse the blood and remove waste and toxins from the body. Quite often, sunberry is used as an excellent diuretic instead of chemical drugs.

    Due to the presence of a large number of pectin compounds, garden nightshade soothes pain due to inflammation of the stomach and intestines. At food poisoning works like sorbents, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and facilitating the digestion of food. Regular consumption of sunberries is indicated for hemorrhoids, stool problems, and kidney diseases.

    Why are sunberries harmful?

    Among uninformed people you can often hear the opinion that sunberries are poisonous. In fact, there is some truth in this. Sunberry belongs to the nightshade family, many subspecies of which are truly unsuitable for food use. In the fruits and ground parts of such plants contains dangerous chemical compounds: lead, arsenic, mercury and cadmium. However, in sunberry these substances are in negligibly small dosages, so it is impossible to get poisoned by the berries (unless you greatly exceed the recommended daily norm reception).

    However, you should not overuse Canadian blueberries. Naturopaths and nutritionists It is advised to limit yourself to a maximum of two handfuls of sunberries per day. This amount is enough to get all the useful biologically active substances from the sunny berries, but not to provoke the development allergic reaction. Otherwise, due to the abundance of antioxidants and plant flavonoids, sunberry can cause skin rashes or itching. For the same reason, berries should not be given to young children whose bodies are just developing.

    Who are contraindicated for sun berries?

    For those who suffer from individual intolerance
    Pregnant women
    Children under twelve years old
    For drivers if they have planned long journeys

    Before traveling, drivers should limit their consumption of sunberries, as they can cause drowsiness and make you somewhat disorientated, which is unacceptable while driving. However, it is also better for passengers not to overload on sunberries on the way, since in quantities of more than 200-300 grams per day, the berries can have a pronounced laxative effect.

    It should be noted that blueberries forte are quite high in calories: one hundred grams of berries contain more than two hundred kilocalories. Therefore, they are not recommended for use by people who are obese or on a diet.


    Wild nightshade species should not be eaten. Even if the berries are completely similar in appearance to sunberries, they can differ radically in chemical composition and, moreover, contain toxic substances. As a result, taking such fruits will not bring any benefit, and in some cases it will even cause serious food poisoning.

    What do sunberries taste like?

    Remember the juicy, sour currants. Add to this some pleasant tastelessness and tartness of blueberries with their characteristic sweetish aroma. Now try combining all these characteristics in sunny sunberries, adding a little of the smell of freshly cut grass. This is what garden nightshade will taste like.


    In the article we talk about the beneficial properties of sunberry, translated from English as “sunny berry”. You will learn about chemical composition plants and recipes that are used in treatment various diseases. The described contraindications will help you avoid negative impact berries on the body. Our recommendations are designed to improve your well-being.

    Sunberry first appeared in South America. The exotic plant was produced by crossing African and American nightshade. Sunberry grows up to 1.5 meters and has a massive stem. The berries ripen in clusters and are bluish-black in color, reminiscent of blueberries, but black nightshade is larger.

    The berries are practically not consumed fresh due to their unusual fresh taste. Relatively recently, people learned more about the properties of the plant. It turned out that it contains great amount useful substances, valuable for human health.

    Chemical composition of the plant

    • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on blood vessels and the endocrine system.
    • Vitamin A is an antioxidant that removes toxins from the body.
    • Manganese affects hematopoietic processes.
    • Zinc is responsible for the functioning of the pancreas.
    • Copper in combination with nickel normalizes hemoglobin synthesis.
    • Silver has antibacterial properties.
    • Pectins cleanse the body.
    • Selenium slows down the aging process.

    100 g of product contains 220 calories. High calorie content berries should be taken into account by obese people.

    Vitamins and microelements contained in the plant have therapeutic effect on the human body.

    Benefits of sunberry

    Black nightshade is considered a natural sorbent, so it is used for poisoning and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Sunberry eliminates possible consequences poor nutrition, improves liver function.

    Chronic headaches are treated with a tincture of the solar product.

    The mild laxative effect of sunberry relieves constipation and hemorrhoids.

    The product is used as a medicinal and prophylactic from many diseases (gastritis, colitis, tonsillitis, ARVI, chronic constipation And so on).

    • Calming;
    • Laxative;
    • Diuretic;
    • Coughing property.

    Application of sunberry

    Growing black nightshade has caused mixed reactions among amateur gardeners. Some of them, for their own benefit, associated sunberries with blueberries, which is not true. Sunny berries are significantly inferior to blueberries in taste, but have many other advantages.

    It is difficult to determine what the berry tastes like; there are sour and tart notes.

    Nutritionists believe that two handfuls of nightshade per day are enough to maintain all body functions.

    Recipe for strengthening immunity


    • Pine nuts – 1 cup;
    • Berries - 3 cups;
    • Flower or linden honey - 1 glass.

    How to cook: Combine sunberries with pine nuts and grind in a blender. Add honey. Capacity with remedy Cover tightly and store in the refrigerator.

    How to use: Before meals, take a tablespoon.

    Result: Helps restore strength after illness, strengthens the immune system, and adds energy.

    A medicine that replenishes iodine deficiency in the body


    • Acacia honey – 1 glass;
    • Sunberry - 2 cups;
    • Feijoa fruits – 1 cup.

    How to cook: Grind the fruits to the consistency of minced meat. Add honey. Mix thoroughly. Store the medicine in the refrigerator.

    How to use: Take twice a day, before breakfast and lunch, a tablespoon.

    Black nightshade is used in the treatment of joints, wound healing, and skin inflammation. Make porridge from the berries, add sour milk in a 1:1 ratio, stir. This compress is applied to the inflamed area for 3 hours.

    Recipe for skin diseases


    • Egg whites – 2 pcs.;
    • Juice from leaves – 100 g;
    • Berry juice – 2 tablespoons.

    How to cook: Connect all components. Use as lotions.

    Tincture with berries has wide range impact. With its help, they eliminate sore throats, improve the functioning of the nervous system, and minimize inflammatory processes.

    Contraindications and side effects

    You should stop eating sunny berries following cases:

    • Individual intolerance;
    • Pregnancy and lactation;
    • Children under 12 years old.

    Since sunberry has a mild sedative effect and causes drowsiness, drivers should not overuse the product.

    Excessive consumption of berries provokes stomach upset.

    Improper use of sunberry leads to undesirable consequences, such as poisoning and deterioration of health.

    What to remember

    1. Sunberry is a hybrid of the nightshade family.
    2. The berries of the plant have medicinal properties and a specific taste.
    3. Sunberry contains important for human body elements.
    4. The product is used in the preparation of folk recipes.
    5. An overdose of sunberry-based drugs provokes side effects.


    In the CIS countries, sunberry has not yet gained such popularity as in South America, the berry’s native country. Unfortunately, the first information about the product caused a lot of indignation, because unscrupulous gardening sellers called the plant “large and tall blueberries.” Since the statement was so different from reality, a scandal erupted.

    What is a berry?

    Sunberry is a plant belonging to the Solanaceae family. The berry is the product of crossing two types of nightshade: European and African. The American scientist Luther Burbank took up this matter in 1905. The breeder took two non-poisonous, but still inedible plants and got a “sunny” berry.

    Externally, the culture resembles a small tree 1-1.2 m high, strewn with black berries the size of cherries. They are collected in clusters of 10-15 pieces. The taste of the product is quite specific and bland, reminiscent of black nightshade. Because of this, sunberries are almost always consumed in processed form.

    Useful composition

    Although the berry does not excite the receptors with its great taste, it is a storehouse of nutrients.

    It includes the following components:

    • Vitamin A – helps remove toxins, protects against the harmful effects of free radicals, and maintains sharp vision;
    • vitamin C – has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous system, supports human immunity;
    • minerals: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, silver, chromium, manganese, nickel, selenium and copper;
    • bioflavonoids;
    • tannins and anthocyanins;
    • chlorophyll;
    • pectins.

    The variety of nutrients gives us the right to claim that sunberry has a therapeutic and preventive effect on the body, allowing us to maintain youth and good health for many years.

    The energy value of fresh fruits is 220 kcal per 100 g, but in jam and other dishes the calorie content increases, so overweight people should use the product with caution.

    Effect on the body

    The benefits of sunberry lie in the complex effects of nutrients on human health.

    More specifically, the berry has the following effect:

    • neutralizes the effect of toxins in the body, so the fruit can and should be consumed in case of poisoning;
    • restores liver function in case of poor nutrition;
    • helps get rid of constant headaches (if you take sunberry tincture);
    • facilitates the flow gastrointestinal diseases(gastritis, colitis), eliminates congestion in the intestines, relieves spasms;
    • has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, removes from tissues excess water and produces a diuretic effect;
    • reduces arterial pressure;
    • is prevention colds and helps to recover faster from ARVI and sore throat;
    • renews blood and improves its quality composition;
    • relieves insomnia;
    • normalizes blood sugar levels;
    • strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents their “fragility”.

    The berries are consumed in the form of jam, tinctures and decoctions. To treat runny nose and increase stomach acidity, leaf juice is used. To cleanse the body, get rid of constipation and lower blood pressure, you need to consume no more than 5 tbsp. l. berry jam a day.

    External use of sunberry

    The fruits are a wound healing and antiseptic. If you fry the berries in butter, and then bring it to a puree state, you can apply the resulting pulp to burns. The damage will stop hurting and heal faster. Just remember to cool the mixture.

    This product is very good for dry skin. Apply the mixture to your face, hold for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. For oily skin it's better to take fresh berries(1/2 cup) and egg whites(2 pcs.). They must be pureed and the above steps repeated.


    Sunberry may cause harm to people who are prone to food allergies. High concentration of antioxidants, flavonoids and ascorbic acid may cause skin rashes, redness and itching. Therefore, when eating berries, do not forget about a sense of proportion.

    Excessive amounts of fruit are likely to cause stomach upset due to high content pectin, which is a natural laxative. Another caveat is that berries cause drowsiness, so you should not drive a vehicle after eating them.


    What is sunberry? Translated from English it is “sunny berry”. Nowadays, gardeners and gardeners love to experiment with new types of edible plants, placing them on their site. Sunberry came into use from South America and belongs to the nightshade family (like tomatoes or potatoes). If you take an interest in the description of this culture from various sources, they will turn out to be quite contradictory. When selling seeds, it is sometimes recommended as a tall blueberry. She's really no different pleasant taste, but acceptable after cooking.

    About the origin of sunberry

    Sunberry has no natural origin, being the result of selection. American gardener L. Burbank took as a basis the poisonous black nightshade, growing in California and Europe. The result of crossing with African nightshade turned out to be edible, as intended. This is its non-poisonous variety, or more precisely, a hybrid. Sunberry grows up to 1.5 meters and produces fruit in clusters that are blueberry-colored but about the size of a cherry. The new plant pleased with its productivity and weather resistance.

    Berry composition

    As the plant begins to spread throughout our territory, it would not hurt to become familiar with its properties. Some of those who tried sunberry abandoned the idea of ​​growing the berry in their garden because it was not tasty. But there is also an opinion about its significant usefulness. Sunberry fruits, the beneficial properties of which are determined by their composition, include the following substances:

    • Vitamins C and A strengthen the immune system, help improve the health of blood vessels and nerves. The antioxidant carotene protects against toxins.
    • Micro and macroelements: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium. Selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, chromium and silver are present.
    • Active compounds: flavonoids, chlorophyll, tannins.
    • Proteins, carbohydrates, fats. The product contains 220 kcal for every 100 grams.
    • Pectins that cleanse the body.

    The Sunberry product, new to us, has beneficial properties and contraindications, which we will consider further; its composition is quite suitable for food use and recovery.

    Beneficial features

    Sunberries can be classified as medicinal product. They are beneficial for joints, vision, blood, digestive tract. Two areas of application have been identified: medicinal, preventive purposes and cooking. Let's take a closer look at the benefits.

    Sunberry - medicinal plant

    This is evident in the following use cases.

    • Treatment of liver diseases and support of its function during rehabilitation of the body after eating fatty foods.
    • The berries contain a significant content of pectin, which helps with poisoning, as a sorbent of natural origin. So sunberry is beneficial and gastrointestinal tract. This is pectin cleansing of the body, fighting constipation.
    • Sunberry can normalize blood pressure, relieves headache, strengthens blood vessels.
    • Sunberry puree is used for burns by applying to the affected area.
    • Helps in cosmetics for dry skin. To do this, use face masks made from puree. If the skin is oily, mix the puree (half a glass) with 2 egg whites.
    • Fresh fruits heal wounds and boils. They are applied for quick healing.
    • For a sore throat, gargle with berry juice and water.
    • Berries help with loss of strength.
    • Supports thyroid function in case of iodine deficiency.
    • Refers to products containing antioxidants, flavonoids, and vitamins.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    Alternative medicine has developed a number of recipes using sunberries. Some of them are listed below.

    • Loss of strength is treated with a mixture of pine nuts and honey (1:1), to which 3 parts of berries are added. After chopping and mixing, leave in the cold. Before meals you need to eat 1 tablespoon of the mixture.
    • The thyroid gland, whose function is impaired due to iodine deficiency, can be strengthened with a mixture of sunberry, feijoa and acacia honey. Ratio: 1 part honey and feijoa and 2 parts berries. Take the same as in the previous case for breakfast and lunch.
    • If you complain of high blood pressure, prepare the flowering plant in the period before the ovaries form. Chop the stems and flowers, squeeze out the juice (1/2 liter), add 2 tablespoons of honey. Take a tablespoon in the morning and at lunch.
    • Headache is treated with cut stems and berries, filled with water at 90 degrees C, infused for 12 hours. Apply the compress for 30 minutes until the pain disappears.
    • For abscesses, you need to make porridge from the berries, add sour milk and keep the compress on the affected area for up to 3 hours.
    • Seborrhea is treated with a mixture: 200 g of fruit, 100 ml of vodka and water, 1 packet boric acid. Leave for half a day in a place protected from light. Before washing your hair, apply to the skin under the hair 40 minutes before the water procedure.
    • For insomnia you need to make juice from the leaves and mix it with honey. Take a tablespoon half an hour before bedtime.

    Cooking Recipes

    Fresh berries are bland and not very pleasant to eat. But you can make jam. Pies with sunberry filling are also acceptable.

    1. Jam is prepared at the rate of: 2 kg of fruit, the same amount of sugar, lemon. Boil for 30 minutes, place in clean jars.
    2. The pie is made from any type of dough: yeast, sponge or puff pastry. For the filling, take fresh sunberries and mix them with 2-3 tablespoons of sugar. You can also make pies.

    Harm, contraindications and disappointments

    There are obstacles to the widespread distribution of this plant and its seeds on the market. This is not only the lack of sufficient taste qualities. If you succumb to advertising and get carried away with cultivation, it will become clear that the crop is almost completely unsuitable for eating fresh. Another agricultural problem is that the tops are unsuitable for livestock feed and can cause poisoning.

    Food hazards are possible under the following conditions:

    • Sunberry has been found to cause allergies in the form of skin rashes or allergic digestive disorders.
    • A significant amount of berries with pectin can upset the function of digestion and stomach. You should also avoid combining them with milk.
    • When preparing jam or pies, do not forget about the risk of excess weight. After all, such products are very high in calories and can spoil the quality of the insulin hormone.
    • The effect of the calming properties of the fruit sometimes turns into drowsiness, which is not recommended when driving.
    • Pregnant women may experience uterine contractions from sunberries, so you should not eat berries during this period.

    Sunberry is suitable for inclusion in the diet or prevention of illnesses. But you need to keep in mind that harm is not excluded when excessive consumption berries and in case of personal intolerance.

