What is best to take for varicose veins. Which tablets for varicose veins on the legs are better and more effective? Treatment of varicose veins on the legs


Higher education:


Kuban State medical University(KubSMU, KubSMA, KubGMI)

Level of education - Specialist

Additional education:

“Cardiology”, “Course on magnetic resonance imaging of the cardiovascular system”

Research Institute of Cardiology named after. A.L. Myasnikova

"Course on functional diagnostics"

NTsSSKh them. A. N. Bakuleva

"Course in Clinical Pharmacology"

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

"Emergency Cardiology"

Cantonal Hospital of Geneva, Geneva (Switzerland)

"Therapy Course"

Russian state medical institute Roszdrav

Treatment of varicose veins is not an easy task. It should be started when the first symptoms appear; this will protect you from surgery and significantly improve your quality of life. It is impossible to cure varicose veins with one medicine; it requires integrated approach. Therefore, phlebologists recommend combining medications with compression agents and traditional methods. Conservative therapy gives results only on initial stage diseases. What is the best treatment for varicose veins?

How to recognize the first signs of varicose veins?

In order to begin treatment for varicose veins in time, you need to know what symptoms indicate an impending disease. In total, varicose veins have 6 stages:

  • the onset of the disease, which is indicated by swelling, heaviness in the legs and night cramps of the lower leg muscles, night changes in the temperature of the legs - they are either hot or cold;
  • the first stage is characterized by the appearance of spider veins;
  • on the second, the veins begin to thicken and form nodules on them;
  • on the third, severe swelling of the legs is added in the evening.

The last two stages are education trophic ulcers. A change in skin color on the legs in the affected areas should also alert you. It takes on a brown tint. The greatest success in treatment can be achieved at the initial and first stages. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you need to visit a doctor and start treatment.

The problem of varicose veins is especially acute for pregnant and nursing mothers. Manifestations of the disease greatly worsen the condition, and treatment options are limited. Therefore, when evaluating drugs for varicose veins, we will pay attention to the possibility of its use during these periods.

TOP – 10 remedies for varicose veins

Medicines for varicose veins are divided into several groups. They have different purposes. Some strengthen blood vessels, others thin the blood, others treat symptoms, and others relieve pain and relieve inflammation. There is not yet one drug that would have a comprehensive effect on the problem. Doctors recommend combining external agents - gels and ointments - with tablets and capsules. Traditional medicine does not lag behind official medicine and also offers a huge number of recipes for decoctions, tinctures, compresses, lotions and ointments.

The drug Troxevasin has long been widely known and is used in the treatment of varicose veins. different stages diseases. The active substance troxerutin is an angioprotector. It increases the tone of the veins and the elasticity of their walls. Troxevasin is available in the form of gel and tablets. Used to treat symptoms of varicose veins. Today doctors recommend a medicine with an updated formula - Troxevasin Neo. The active ingredients heparin and dexpanthenol have been added to the composition, which significantly expands the spectrum of action of the drug:

  1. Troxerutin eliminates heaviness in the legs, swelling, painful sensations, reduces capillary fragility, relieves inflammation. It improves trophism (cellular nutrition) of surrounding tissues, promotes their healing, and prevents stagnation.
  2. Heparin thins the blood and prevents blood clots from forming. Improves local venous blood flow and microcirculation. Has an anti-inflammatory effect and restores connective tissue.
  3. Dexpanthenol or vitamin B5 is able to penetrate through all layers of the skin and be converted in the body into pantothenic acid. It, in turn, is part of coenzyme A, which participates in metabolic processes. By improving metabolism, dexpanthenol helps restore damaged tissue.

By combining external use (gel) and internal use (tablets or capsules) at the initial stage, you can completely get rid of varicose veins. At later stages of the disease, Troxevasin Neo can bring significant relief even when treating trophic ulcers.

The drug can be considered one of the best due to its complex action. Another advantage of the medicine is its budget cost. Most remedies for varicose veins cannot be used during pregnancy. Troxevasin Neo has no such contraindications except for the 1st trimester. It is not advisable to take it during lactation, as the drug may pass into breast milk.

A new development by French scientists is the drug Detralex. The drug formula contains two active ingredients A:

  • diosmin protects and strengthens blood vessels, reduces the distensibility of veins, reduces congestion, reduces the fragility of small vessels, improves lymph flow;
  • hesperidin is a venotonic substance and also has an antioxidant effect.

The drug is used in symptomatic therapy varicose veins It will help with swelling, pain, improve microcirculation, relieve inflammation and eliminate venous stasis. To increase the effectiveness of Detralex it is necessary to combine it with means for external use. It is also advisable to follow a diet and avoid stress on the legs, which provokes aggravation and further development varicose veins A course of treatment is required. The advantages of the medicine include the possibility of its use during pregnancy. The disadvantage is the high price and the inability to take pills while breastfeeding.

Phlebodia 600

Phlebodia 600 are tablets with the active ingredient diosmin. The main objective of the drug is to increase venous tone, improve gas exchange in tissues, reduce lymph pressure on blood vessels and protect against free radicals. Its effect is essentially similar to that of Detralex. The main indication for use is lymphovenous insufficiency. Phlebodia treatment is carried out in courses; in advanced cases, they can last up to six months. There are no contraindications for use during pregnancy. Cannot be used during lactation. The disadvantage is the high cost of the drug.

Lyoton 1000 is a leader among external agents with an anticoagulant effect. It is suitable for patients who are at high risk of vein thrombosis. The active substance is heparin. Due to its composition, the gel penetrates well into soft tissues and has a thinning effect on the blood. This is a highly specialized drug that is effective for the treatment of varicose veins on the legs only in combination with angioprotective agents. The main indication for use is thrombophlebitis, trophic disorders - pigmentation, thickening of the skin along the veins, ulcers, swelling. The advantage of the drug is that it can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


This is another drug to help with varicose veins, consisting of several components - troxerutin, heparin and dexpanthenol. It allows you to significantly reduce your arsenal medicines. Its action is similar to Troxevasin Neo (gel) - angioprotective, anticoagulant, venotonic and anti-inflammatory. However, reviews indicate that Venolife is less effective in treating varicose veins. This is explained by the fact that the concentration of active substances in it is lower. The gel can be used to prevent the formation of blood clots, relieve swelling, improve tissue trophism and microcirculation. The advantage of the drug can be considered the possibility of its use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The medicine has conflicting reviews from patients on the one hand, and positive results instrumental and laboratory studies - on the other. It contains one natural component – ​​dry extract of red grape leaves. Antistax demonstrates an excellent preventive effect. When using it in medicinal purposes There is a significant improvement - pain is relieved and cramps go away, swelling decreases. The action is provided by substances contained in grape leaves:

  • bioflavonide isoquercetin is a powerful antioxidant that reduces capillary fragility and relieves edema due to plasma exudation;
  • quercetin has antispasmodic and anti-edematous effects;
  • resveratrol prevents platelets from accumulating on the vascular wall and forming a blood clot by improving and healing the inner epithelial layer of blood vessels.

Available in the form of gel, spray and capsules. Doctors willingly use it in preparation for operations and in postoperative treatment. The disadvantage of the drug can be considered high cost, since it requires a long course of treatment. It is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

horse chestnut

If among synthetic drugs we gave the palm to Troxevasin Neo, then in folk medicine it undoubtedly belongs to horse chestnut. The effectiveness of treating varicose veins is due to the content of several substances in the plant:

  • escin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thins the blood and has an antibacterial effect;
  • esculin prevents the formation vascular network(strengthens capillaries and other small vessels) and blood clots;
  • tannins have the ability to bind protein and fix it on the vascular wall, thereby increasing its strength;
  • rutin reduces the permeability of the vascular wall;
  • kaempferol helps tissue regeneration, heals ulcers and has an anti-cancer effect.

The result of using folk remedies based on horse chestnut achieved at course treatment. It is expressed in a decrease in swelling, swollen veins, heaviness, itching and pain go away. The disadvantage of horse chestnut is that it cannot be treated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Like any folk remedy, it is only an addition to drug therapy. Created based on horse chestnut extract effective medicines, helping with varicose veins - Venitan, Venoplant, Aescusan and others.

Its benefits for the treatment of varicose veins are even recognized official medicine. Great amount useful substances– acids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals – allow you to fight several manifestations of varicose veins at once. Using apple cider vinegar allows you to:

  • normalize vascular tone;
  • increase skin elasticity and avoid thinning, which usually accompanies the disease;
  • relieve swelling;
  • increase smooth muscle tone;
  • relieve inflammation by antiseptic properties apple cider vinegar.

Not suitable for the treatment of varicose veins Apple vinegar, produced industrially. The homemade version is easy to make yourself from fresh apples. There are two possible ways of use - external and internal. Concentrated vinegar is used for baths, compresses, wraps and douses. For oral administration it must be diluted. The product can only be used if there is no risk of blood clots.

Compression products

Compression stockings and knee socks are 50% of the success rate for treating varicose veins. Their main purpose is to improve the functioning of the venous valve mechanism, the venous-muscular pump and microcirculation, that is, the ability of capillaries to absorb extracellular fluid. These goals are achieved by applying pressure to the muscles in specific locations. There are preventative underwear, and there is therapeutic underwear. The more severe the stage of the disease, the more pressure should be applied by the stockings. Prophylactic is available for free sale, medicinal is sold only with a doctor's prescription. Compression garments from the American brand Venoteks Therapy have proven themselves to be excellent. At a low cost, it has good wear resistance. The product line contains special underwear for pregnant women.

Wound healing dressings

Late stages of varicose veins are characterized by the appearance of trophic ulcers. This is a serious condition that often requires inpatient treatment and nursing care. To help with trophic ulcers they are used different means depending on the condition and stage of treatment. One of them is healing dressings, which allow you to clean the wound and absorb exudate. For this purpose, doctors prefer to use German HydroClean products. This is a multi-layer dressing soaked in Ringer's solution. It effectively draws out the purulent contents of the wound. The bandage is valid for 24 hours.

Our review is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation for the use of the treatments for varicose veins described above. Specific prescriptions can only be made by the attending physician, based on the patient’s condition and the individual characteristics of his body.

Should only be performed by a doctor. At the first manifestations of this disease, you should immediately contact a medical facility, since this disease is very insidious. Varicose veins are a pathological process in blood vessels, expressed in the stretching of vascular tissue and the formation of nodes on the walls of the arteries. The danger of this disease is that blood flow is disrupted and blood stagnates in the veins. The entire human body, all organs and tissues suffer from this condition.

Drugs for the treatment of such disorders in other areas of the body are the main components of the treatment of this disease. The attending physician will select a complex individually for each patient necessary funds. Tablets for thinning the blood for varicose veins, strengthening the blood vessels of the legs and relieving venous stagnation, this the most important events to improve the patient's condition. In particular severe cases of this pathology, the patient is treated surgery, however, most of Such patients are cured by taking medicines for varicose veins in the legs and other areas.

The main thing is to start treating this disease as soon as possible, only in this case can you count on the fact that the disease will not cause much harm to the body and will not progress further. Drugs for varicose veins can cope with this situation only if they are selected correctly.

The course of therapy is usually quite long, about six months, and sometimes more. In any case, the most effective venotonic drugs should be included in therapy for varicose veins veins In addition to the main treatment, such medications are also included in the package of measures after surgical intervention.

It should be noted that this disease can only be cured at a very early stage of development, usually such an ailment is incurable, and tablets for varicose veins on the legs can only create a kind of barrier that prevents the development of complications and further spread pathological process.

In order to avoid consequences such as trophic ulcers and thrombophlebitis, you need veins in the legs and tablets used for varicose veins. The first signs of this disease serve as a signal to begin therapy; they cannot be ignored.

Early symptoms:

  1. Feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  2. Pain in the lower extremities, burning and buzzing.
  3. General weakness and fatigue.
  4. Swollen veins in the legs.
  5. Formation of small spider veins.

Later, the symptoms intensify, bringing more and more discomfort to the person, which requires more serious monitoring and treatment.

Late symptoms:

  1. Swelling lower limbs.
  2. Convulsive manifestations, especially at night.
  3. Severe fatigue and weakness.
  4. Noticeable skin pigmentation in affected areas.
  5. Trophic ulcers.
  6. Increased body temperature.

The last degree of vascular damage is difficult to treat; medications for varicose veins in the legs are required in large volumes and doses; moreover, a person in this case needs to completely change his lifestyle and diet.

What medications are needed?

To treat this disease they use different drugs, but there are some that are especially popular and accessible.


  • tablets for varicose veins with a venotonic effect, as well as any phlebotropic drug;
  • drugs against varicose veins, which effectively reduce the inflammatory process;
  • blood-thinning drugs for varicose veins, which are considered one of the most important components of treatment. With the help of such medications, blood consistency improves and its viscosity decreases, which
    prevents the formation of blood clots;

Restoring vascular tone is another of the most important tasks of doctors. Recent medical research has proven that phlebotonics are especially effective in treating varicose veins.

These elements are created on the basis of diosmin and hesperide, components of flavonoids natural origin. These developments have shown that using such drugs for the treatment of varicose veins, it is possible to protect venous cells, improve the activity of capillaries and stabilize the outflow of lymph. The best therapeutic effect is observed when using both flavonoids included in the remedy for varicose veins. The course of taking such medications is usually 3 months, then, after a short break, it is resumed. It must be taken into account that such drugs must be taken during the hot season, when the blood vessels are overloaded. During this period, a person drinks a lot of water, and heat air enhances negative impact on arteries and veins. If this disease is complicated by venous insufficiency, then this medicine for varicose veins must be taken constantly, without interruption, only the dose should be slightly less, about half. Therapy for these patients is always carried out according to a certain scheme, courses of treatment alternate with short breaks.

Tablets for varicose veins on the legs with a thinning effect are considered the second most important in the treatment of this disease. The action of these drugs is aimed at reducing blood viscosity. By increasing fluidity, the formation of clots and blood clots can be prevented. The danger of venous thrombosis is that when a blood clot detaches from the vessel wall, the blood flow carries it to small arteries human body. By blocking the lumen of such a vein, the blood clot prevents blood from flowing into this area, which can lead to fatal dangerous consequences such as ischemic stroke, pulmonary embolism and heart attack.

To reduce discomfort, pain and inflammatory process, anti-inflammatory analgesics are often used in therapy. In addition, the course of treatment includes medications for swelling of the legs due to varicose veins and additional funds. The primary task of the doctor is to stop the pathological process of vein destruction and reduce the risk of complications. Only the doctor decides which pills to take for varicose veins; you cannot adjust its treatment on your own.

List of effective drugs

There is a huge selection of products used for varicose veins of the legs and other areas of the body. There are the most effective medicines, most often prescribed by doctors.


  1. Detralex. It is used for varicose veins of the lower extremities; it is considered the most effective remedy for preventing stretching of the vascular walls. In addition, this drug eliminates blood stagnation and swelling. Contains diosmin.
  2. Antistax. Created on the basis of red grape leaves. Most effective when. The product helps improve blood microcirculation, as well as reduce tissue swelling. and legs are often carried out using this drug. In addition to taking capsules orally, there is the possibility of external use in the form of a gel.
  3. Venoruton. The medical drug contains rutin. The product reduces the permeability of capillary walls and also significantly increases the tone of the veins. In addition, with the help of Venoruton, the effect of increasing the density of blood vessels, their elasticity and relieving inflammation of an esudative nature is achieved. Available in the form of capsules for oral administration and gel. Many people use this drug for prophylaxis, when heavy loads on your feet. Instructions for use contain all data on therapy and dosages.
  4. Troxevasin. A fairly well-known remedy that combines the properties of antioxidant, phlebotropic and angioprotective effects. In addition, it is used as an anti-inflammatory medication. Available in capsule and gel form. Almost any woman who wears high-heeled shoes uses Troxevasin gel to prevent varicose veins.
  5. Aescusan. Aescusan tablets are made on the basis of escin and horse chestnut fruit extract. This medicine has several useful properties, such as venotonic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, angioprotective. Aescusan tablets are often used in the treatment of advanced-stage varicose veins, as it promotes the healing of trophic ulcers and the relief of convulsive manifestations. On early stages When the vascular pattern just begins to appear, this medication can quickly restore the condition of the veins.
  6. Chimes. This drug belongs to the drugs that stimulate blood flow and enhance circulation in the small vessels. Such properties help in reducing venous stagnation. It is enough to take 1 tablet of the drug per day to significantly improve the situation.
  7. Aspirin and drugs containing it. Aspirin is known to be a blood thinner. There is a huge selection of products containing aspirin designed to reduce blood viscosity. Whatever the varicose veins, pelvic or on the legs, in any case, aspirin-containing medications are needed first.
  8. Trental. It is an angioprotector that improves blood quality by reducing its viscosity. In addition, it prevents the conversion of platelets and red blood cells into blood clots, and also improves cell metabolism. A fairly popular drug among doctors, which is used both in tablets and as injections.
  9. Venolife. This product is available only in the form of a gel for external use. The action of the components of this drug is aimed at improving vascular microcirculation and accelerating the regeneration of destroyed tissues at the cellular level. The effect is achieved quite quickly if you use Venolife as often as possible, up to 4 times a day.
  10. Lyoton. This gel tops the list of external remedies for varicose veins. The main component of this drug is hepatrin, which improves blood. The properties of the gel also include improving blood flow and preventing the formation of blood clots.
  11. Indomethacin. This drug can significantly improve the condition of a person suffering from varicose veins. The action of the product is aimed at reducing tissue swelling, relieving the inflammatory process, and providing pain relief in the affected areas. Indomethacin is often included in tablets used for varicose veins in the legs.
  12. Diclofenac. This injection is for use only in extreme cases, as it has many contraindications. Nevertheless, Diclofenac is considered one of the most effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. This remedy is often used as an ointment by patients with varicose veins, since its effectiveness is also high. Diclofenac is available in tablet form. Your doctor will prescribe how to take this medicine, independent use this medication is unacceptable.

How to treat varicose veins, tablets, ointments or injections, is decided by the physician. There is no most effective remedy for varicose veins; complex therapy is necessary. In addition to taking medications, it is very important to regulate your lifestyle and properly organize your diet.

Tablets for varicose veins on the legs are one of the most common and popular dosage forms used in the composition complex treatment of this disease. Such drugs are much more effective than local agents in the form of ointments or gels, since they act on the walls of blood vessels from the inside, strengthening them and eliminating the causes of pathological changes.

Medicines for varicose veins must be taken for a long time (at least 3 months), only in this case a pronounced therapeutic effect is achieved. Tablets for varicose veins improve vascular tone, relieve inflammation, normalize blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, eliminate congestion and thereby prevent the progression of the disease and development dangerous complications. Persistent positive effect helps to achieve a competent combination of drugs in tablets with local means, wearing compression garments, physical therapy and lifestyle adjustments. Effective tablets for varicose veins should be selected by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the severity of symptoms, possible contraindications and concomitant diseases.

Drug therapy for varicose veins: groups of drugs

The list of tablets for varicose veins on the legs is extensive; it includes various medications that differ from each other in their mechanism of action, properties and content of active substances. In medicine they are divided into several main groups:

  • Venotonics (phlebotonics). Drugs whose action is aimed at increasing the tone of the veins and improving blood circulation. The use of medications in this group helps to improve the outflow of lymph, eliminate congestion and strengthen the walls of venous vessels. Popular representatives of phlebotonics are the drugs Detralex, Phlebodia, Venarus, Glivenol, Venoruton, Aescusan. They can be prescribed at any, even advanced stage of varicose veins. Venotonic drugs also exhibit a decongestant effect, improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and eliminating congestion in blood vessels.
  • Anticoagulants (disaggregants). Increased viscosity blood is one of the reasons provoking the development of varicose veins. The action of anticoagulants is precisely aimed at reducing blood clotting and eliminating the threat of blood clots. Blood thinning significantly reduces the risk of thrombosis and other life-threatening conditions. Popular representatives of this group are Curantil, Vasobral, Troxevasin and even the well-known aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), the regular use of which in minimal doses helps to thin the blood.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Preparations from NSAID groups used to treat varicose veins of the deep veins of the lower extremities. They quickly relieve symptoms of inflammation, eliminate discomfort and have an anesthetic effect. Popular drugs are Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Aescin. The tablets have a pronounced analgesic effect, they are recommended to be taken during an exacerbation of the pathological process.
  • Antioxidants. For varicose veins, drugs with an antioxidant effect help normalize lipid metabolism, accelerate cell renewal and activate energy processes in blood vessels. This helps improve blood microcirculation and the most in a positive way affects the general condition of patients. Representatives of this group are Ginkor-Fort, Antistax, vitamin E (in capsules).
  • Enzyme therapy products. Enzymes in tablets are prescribed for thrombophlebitis. Active enzymes have anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and antiplatelet effects, eliminate lymphovenous insufficiency and activate the immune system. Prominent representatives of this group are Wobenzym and Phlogenzym.

All medications are prescribed by a phlebologist. Only a specialist can determine the need for the use of certain drugs, take into account possible contraindications, accompanying pathologists and advise what pills to take for varicose veins. Let's take a closer look at the representatives different groups anti-varicose drugs and learn more about their properties, methods of use, contraindications and cost.

The best pills for varicose veins on the legs

Tablets for varicose veins Detralex. A complex venotonic and angioprotective agent based on bioflavonoids - diosmin and hesperidin. Works to increase the tone and elasticity of venous vessels, improve blood circulation processes and prevent the formation of blood clots. Taking the drug allows you to eliminate venous congestion, reduce the distensibility and permeability of blood vessels, get rid of swelling, pain, cramps, a feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs. Detralex effectively fights venous insufficiency and helps reduce inflammatory reactions. The drug is effective at different stages of varicose veins, even in severe cases, with trophic changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue(trophic ulcers).

There are few contraindications to the use of Detralex: hypersensitivity to the components and the period of breastfeeding (lactation). While taking the drug, it is possible adverse reactions from the digestive side, nervous system, in rare cases - allergic reactions. Therefore, the drug should be used as prescribed by a doctor and in full accordance with the instructions. The standard dosage of the drug is 2 tablets per day, the course of treatment is long (from 3 to 12 months). The cost of a package of Detralex (30 pcs) is about 700 rubles.

Venarus tablets for varicose veins. A venotonic agent, an analogue of Detralex, consists of the same active substances - hesperidin and diosmin. The difference between drugs is in the manufacturer and the method of processing the active substances. Detralex is a French drug that costs more than the Russian Venarus. In a French-made product, the active components are processed using micronization technology, so they are better absorbed and provide quick therapeutic effect. Otherwise, the effects of the drugs are almost identical.

Venarus is prescribed to eliminate symptoms venous insufficiency, relieving pain and feeling of heaviness in the legs. Contraindications are also the same - these are the lactation period and individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Venarus can cause disturbances from digestive system(nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), from the central nervous system - dizziness, general malaise, headache. Sometimes skin reactions (itching, rashes) are possible. The standard daily dose of Venarus is 2 tablets, taken with meals at lunchtime and in the evening. In general, according to patient reviews, the Russian drug Venarus is easier to tolerate and causes less side effects. The cost of the drug is from 500 rubles per package.

Tablets for varicose veins Phlebodia. A venotonic drug based only on diosmin. Its content in 1 tablet reaches 600 mg. Thanks to this feature, the drug can be taken half as often as other venotonic agents. Phlebodia is absorbed much easier than Detralex or Venarus, since the active component of the drug is processed using special technology. The side effects and contraindications for these medications are almost identical. But the use of Phlebodia is also prohibited in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, since there is insufficient clinical data confirming its safety for this category of patients. The standard dosage of Phlebodia is only 1 tablet per day, which should be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is 2 months. average cost drug – 560 rubles.

Glivenol- a drug with a venotonic effect, used to treat venous circulation disorders. The basis of the drug is the active substance tribenozide. Glyvenol is produced in the form of dragees and capsules. The use of the medication allows you to strengthen the veins, improve their tone, eliminate fragility and permeability of blood vessels and cope with congestion.

The drug has a complex effect and additionally exhibits anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, helps cope with swelling and painful sensations. Like most venotonics, the drug is prohibited for use in case of individual intolerance to the components, as well as during lactation and in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The standard dose is 200-400 mg (1-2 tablets) up to three times a day with meals. Glivenol has a very reasonable price; a package of the medicine costs from 140 rubles.

The drug in capsule form is prescribed as part of complex therapy chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins. The medication effectively stops the internal inflammatory process, has a venotonic effect, reduces capillary permeability and fragility, and eliminates swelling.

The active substance of the drug, troxerutin, helps eliminate the symptoms of venous insufficiency. Troxevasin is also used for severe course varicose veins, accompanied by a violation of tissue trophism.

In addition, the medication is prescribed as aid after sclerotherapy or surgical removal venous nodes. The drug is not recommended for pregnant women, persons suffering from renal failure or ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, hypersensitivity to its components.

Troxevasin capsules are taken with meals, with a sufficient amount of liquid. At the beginning of therapy, 1 capsule is usually prescribed three times a day; after 2 weeks of treatment, this dose is reduced to the minimum. In general, the duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks. The cost of Troxevasin in tablets starts from 320 rubles per pack of 50 capsules.

Troxerutin Zentiva. Venoprotective and venotonic agent. 1 capsule of the drug contains 300 mg of troxerutin. The drug is an analogue of Troxevasin and has identical indications and contraindications for use. Troxerutin tablets exhibit angioprotective properties that help cope with the symptoms of venous insufficiency.

Taking the medicine helps eliminate pain, heaviness in the legs, helps strengthen blood vessels, reduce inflammation and swelling. Troxerutin is taken three times a day, 1 capsule (with meals).

The drug should be taken with a sufficient volume of liquid. When carrying out maintenance therapy, the dosage is reduced and 1 tablet is prescribed twice a day. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. The cost of the drug is from 350 rubles per package.

A drug with a vasodilating and angioprotective effect, normalizing blood microcirculation by improving its fluidity. The active component, dipyridamole, exhibits antiplatelet and immunomodulatory properties, and also prevents thrombus formation in varicose veins.

The drug is used as part of complex treatment for disorders of blood microcirculation, venous thrombosis and their complications. Medicines in this group have many contraindications and side effects, so they are prescribed strictly according to indications, and the doctor determines the dosage and duration of treatment on an individual basis. The average cost of the drug is 600 rubles.

Aescusan– a herbal medicine from the group of angioprotectors, used to eliminate venous circulation disorders. Produced in different dosage forms, including in the form of dragees and tablets.

The basis of the drug is horse chestnut extract (escin), which has venotonic and exudative properties. The action of escin is aimed at normalizing blood flow in the veins, eliminating swelling and reducing inflammatory manifestations. The drug is used for varicose veins, trophic disorders, symptoms of venous insufficiency.

Taking pills helps cope with pain, cramps in calf muscles, swelling. Aescusan should not be prescribed if you have an individual intolerance to its components, during pregnancy, or with renal failure.

The tablets are well tolerated and only in isolated cases do allergic reactions or side effects develop while taking them. digestive tract(nausea, dyspepsia). The standard dose of the drug for adults is 2-3 tablets three times a day. At the end of the main course of treatment, 1 tablet of Escusan is prescribed three times a day as maintenance therapy. The price of the medicine is from 330 rubles.

– a venotonic agent that is used for venous circulation disorders, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs. The combined product contains Ginkgo biloba extract, troxerutin and heptaminol. The drug normalizes blood circulation, exhibits antioxidant properties, reduces the permeability and fragility of blood vessels and activates metabolic processes.

Ginkor-Fort quickly relieves pain, reduces inflammation and neutralizes free radicals that provoke the development of degenerative processes. There are very few contraindications for use - hypothyroidism and individual sensitivity to the components of the medication.

There are no side effects from taking the drug; only in isolated cases are there possible allergic manifestations. Instructions for use of the drug prescribe to eliminate lymphatic and venous insufficiency to take 2 capsules in the morning and evening. The standard course of treatment takes 30 days. The cost of a package of Ginkor-Fort of 30 capsules is about 500 rubles.

Wobenzym- a combined product that combines active animal enzymes and plant origin. It has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiplatelet and analgesic effects. Used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis and lymphedema, used to prevent postoperative complications, thrombosis.

The composition of the drug includes a whole complex active ingredients, including pancreatin, rutoside, lipase, amylase, trypsin, etc. Contraindications to the use of the drug are conditions associated with blood clotting disorders and individual intolerance to its components. The doctor selects the dosage individually, taking into account the severity of the symptoms and the general condition of the patient. The average cost of Wobenzym is 500 rubles per package.

Almost everything effective means from varicose veins have a toxic effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, during treatment it is necessary to minimize Negative influence medications, taking them during or after meals and drinking plenty of liquid.

Long-term treatment with venotonics can affect kidney function, so you should not extend the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor or exceed the indicated dosages of the drugs. You cannot use medications for varicose veins on your own or change the dosage and frequency of taking pills. Antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants affect blood clotting; indiscriminate use of such drugs can provoke unwanted complications from the hematopoietic system.

Medicines for varicose veins are taken in courses, between which there must be a break so as not to provoke addiction and reduce the effectiveness of therapy.

Taking medications should be combined with herbal medicine, use local drugs(ointments, creams), wearing compression garments and therapeutic exercises. This is the only way to achieve a lasting positive effect and prevent further progression of the disease.

When the vessels become enlarged and overfilled with blood, varicose veins occur. Due to the deformation of the venous vessels, pain begins, and in order to improve your own well-being, you need to take measures aimed at eliminating the cause - varicose veins.

The best treatment method is the combination of several drugs, which are characterized by different effects - one drug narrows the vascular bed, another improves blood flow, and some eliminate pain. However, choose your own best medicine from varicose veins is difficult - you need to take into account many factors and focus on Current state veins

General treatment tactics

Important! Lyoton is prescribed to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding only according to strict indications.

Such means include the following:

  • Ginkor;
  • Troxerutin.

Gels Troxevasin and Troxerutin are derivatives of vitamin P.

These drugs are for local application have the following positive impacts on venous vessels:

  • increases the tone of the vascular walls;
  • eliminates swelling of the lower extremities;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • increases the resistance of venous channels to adverse events;
  • reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process of blood vessels;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots.

Troxevasin and Toxerutin are used for varicose veins, characterized by swelling, pain in the lower extremities and convulsive syndrome. It can also be used for thrombophlebitis and lesions skin against the background of varicose veins.

Important! Gels are contraindicated for use on open wound surfaces.

No less popular is pharmacological agent Ginkor, which is recommended for use for chronic venous insufficiency, as well as for superficial phlebitis.

Sclerosing drugs

After the diagnosis of venous dilatation of the veins is made, the patient is often prescribed medications that provoke sclerosis (gluing) of blood vessels.

This category includes the drugs Fibro-Vayne and Aethoxysclerol. Pharmacological form Fibro-Veina is a solution for intravenous injections. When it enters the vessel, the drug activates the process of thrombus formation. Thus, the veins stick together and are excluded from the general blood flow of the body.

The drug is used exclusively for lesions of superficial venous vessels and under the condition of physiologically correct patency of deep vessels.

Attention! Fibro-Vayne is also approved for use if necessary surgical intervention and provided there is a large volume of affected vessels.

The need is determined by the impossibility of removing all damaged canals in one surgical procedure on one day.

This medication is prescribed only in the absence of contraindications, which include the following pathological conditions:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • acute thrombosis;
  • varicose veins of deep veins;
  • insufficiency of the valve apparatus of a pronounced nature.

The dosage of the drug is determined individually by a specialist based on the individual characteristics and parameters of the patient.

Ethoxysklerol has a similar effect.

However, it has a larger list of contraindications, which include the following:

  • acute heart disease;
  • 1st trimester of gestation;
  • acute thrombosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • heart failure last stage chronic character;
  • states of shock;
  • pregnancy over 36 weeks;
  • stage of decompensation;
  • microangiopathy;
  • febrile conditions.

It is used with caution in elderly patients.

Other medicines

The following medications can be used for this purpose:

  • No-shpa;
  • Spasmalgon;
  • Papaverine;
  • Pentoxifylline.

Trental has an angioprotective effect and enhances blood microcirculation. However, it is not recommended for use in thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Papaverine is a representative of the group of antispasmodics and relaxes the muscles of the vascular walls, expanding the lumen. It is effective for pain caused by varicose veins. No-shpa and Spazmalgon are characterized by the same effect on the venous blood vessels.

Interesting to know! Ascorutin, which contains rutin and ascorbic acid. Has a beneficial effect on the condition blood vessels. It is indicated in cases of increased risk of blood clots and a high likelihood of developing thrombophlebitis.

Also, to enhance the positive effect of taking medications for varicose veins, patients are advised to reconsider their own eating habits and wear specialized compression garments. Also subject to availability ulcerative lesions It is recommended to use wound healing dressings for the skin.

If VVV is suspected, no medication can be prescribed by the patient independently - each drug has its own contraindications and indications, and can also lead to a number of negative effects on the body. For this reason, the appointment must be made only by a specialist who can competently evaluate everything possible risks and select the optimal therapy. It is impossible to select effective medications for varicose veins without the participation of a doctor.

What effect do medications have?

The main task of medications is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize venous outflow. Phlebotropic venotonic drugs can cope with this task; they are the main ones in therapy.

Numerous studies have been able to prove that the best phlebotonics are those that contain natural flavonoids, namely: hesperides, diosmin. It has a protective effect on the cells of the veins, in addition to stimulating the outflow of lymph.

Most phlebotropic drugs must be taken in a course of up to 3 months. In addition, it is important that the treatment occurs precisely at summer time of the year. The thing is that at this time the load on the blood vessels increases, and all because the air temperature is high and the person drinks a lot of liquid.

When varicose veins are diagnosed, treatment should be comprehensive from the very beginning, this will avoid relapse.


Medicines for varicose veins from this group are prescribed by a doctor, who also determines the dosage and duration of treatment. It all depends on what stage of development the disease is at.

Below we look at the most effective drugs:

Drug name Description

The drug strengthens the walls of blood vessels, eliminates congestion, and relieves swelling. Taken twice a day, duration of therapy is up to six months.

The drug is a venotonic, aimed at increasing vascular tone, relieving swelling and eliminating vascular fragility. The duration of treatment is from 2 to 6 months, determined individually for each patient.

Available in several forms: capsules, spray, gel. At the early stage of development of varicose veins, the drug is most effective. Blood microcirculation improves. The maximum allowable course of treatment is 6 weeks.

Produced on the basis of rutin. The drug increases the tone of the veins and reduces the permeability of the capillary walls. Vessels become more elastic and dense.

The medication has several properties: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. Available in two forms: capsules, gel. To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to combine two forms at once.

Developed based on horse chestnut fruit. After completing the course of treatment, inflammation is relieved and tone increases.

Instructions for taking or applying each product can be found in the package; it must first be discussed with your doctor.

Blood thinners

Antiplatelet agents in the form of tablets or injection can improve blood fluidity, and this good prevention against the formation of blood clots.

Only a specialist can prescribe drugs from this group.

Drug name Description

The gel is based on heparin, a substance that increases blood fluidity and helps prevent the formation of clots. It is necessary to apply the gel to pathological areas several times a day.

The composition contains substances that accelerate tissue regeneration and improve blood microcirculation. The course of treatment with gel is up to one month.

The drug improves blood microcirculation in small vessels, stagnation of venous blood decreases. The course of treatment and method of application is determined by the phlebologist.

It is an angioprotector, improves blood properties, its viscosity decreases. After completing the course of treatment, cellular metabolism improves.

These are anticoagulants.

The video in this article explains in more detail how the drugs work.

Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs

This medicine for varicose veins is prescribed to relieve severe pain, swelling, reduce fever, etc. The process of development of varicose veins into thrombosis and thrombophlebitis will be stopped.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

  1. Diclofenac - relieves pain, especially if administered intramuscularly. Can be used in gel form for local use. Cannot be used by pregnant women and adolescents under 16 years of age.
  2. Indomethacin has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Contraindications for use are exactly the same as for the drug above.

Blood thinners for varicose veins and these drugs used together have the greatest effect.

When should you go to the hospital for help?

When ARV develops, not everyone rushes to the hospital.

But there are some symptoms that should never be ignored:

  • severe pain occurs in the area of ​​the affected limb;
  • the skin in the pathological area becomes hot, and upon palpation a thickening is felt;
  • the skin becomes bluish-red;
  • shortness of breath appears, general state weakened;
  • Bleeding begins from varicose veins.

The doctor decides what medications to take for varicose veins; without them, no treatment will be effective. Many drugs act in combination, having several actions at the same time. It is believed that the effectiveness of such drugs is much higher.

The initial manifestations of varicose veins on the legs are most often treated with ointments and gels, which have a targeted effect on the foci of the disease. They are able to prevent thrombosis, relieve fatigue and swelling, while medications in this group are easy to use and do not cause discomfort. But sometimes it's necessary internal treatment venous dilatation of the veins, when the disease has reached a fairly serious stage, and external medications do not have the desired effect. For oral use, several groups of medications are used at once, each of which helps to curb the development of varicose veins of the legs.

Among the main causes of problems with the veins of the lower extremities are the following:

  • genetic mutation, as a result of which there is a violation of collagen synthesis with an increase in type I fibers (type I collagen causes increased rigidity of connective tissue with the phenomenon of residual deformation) and a decrease in type III fibers (type III collagen increases the elasticity of connective tissue while maintaining its original shape);
  • morbid obesity;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • compression of the vein from the outside;
  • problems with hormonal levels that occur not only in adulthood, but also in childhood and adolescence;
  • medications: use of oral contraceptives, hormonal replacement therapy, chemotherapy;
  • age over 40 years, smoking;
  • previous heart attacks, strokes, thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, paroxysmal hemoglobinuria;
  • inflammatory diseases of the colon;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, which cause additional pressure on all vessels and veins of the lower extremities, which can also lead to their expansion;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • light activity, which involves frequent sitting or lying, which causes stagnation of blood in the veins;
  • constant excessive physical exercise, which are mostly associated with carrying heavy objects and putting stress on the legs, etc.

Sometimes varicose veins of the lower extremities are provoked by even a minor injury, most often this happens with problems with blood pressure, when the arteries and veins have already been damaged due to existing illness. It is also worth closely monitoring the condition of your legs if the patient constantly suffers from acute respiratory diseases.

Attention! Women are especially susceptible to varicose veins, as their legs suffer greatly from wearing high heels and platforms.

Phlebotonics for varicose veins


Quite a popular drug, which is also prescribed for all types of hemorrhoids. It has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, strengthens them and improves blood flow. The duration of use of Detralex completely depends on the patient’s condition and the severity of the inflammatory process in the veins. Usually in the first seven days it is recommended to take one tablet of the drug after breakfast and dinner. After a week, the treatment regimen changes, and the patient must take two tablets at once at lunchtime. When using Detralex, you should definitely take into account the presence of diseases gastrointestinal tract, since the medication has a rather aggressive effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.


A medicine unique in nature, which contains red grape leaves. They provide good elasticity of blood vessels and increase the clearance between their walls. This allows not only normal blood circulation, but also significantly restores pressure in the arteries and veins of the lower extremities. At the same time, swelling is significantly reduced and cramps disappear. The drug is used in a dosage of two tablets once a day. Take the medication after breakfast with a small amount of water. The duration of therapy using Antistax is two to eight weeks as recommended by a doctor.


It has also proven itself excellent in the treatment of varicose veins of the legs. The medication is able to relieve swelling, pain and cramps, as well as strengthen weakened blood vessels and muscles, which prevents the formation of blood clots. To get good therapeutic effect The patient is recommended to take Venoruton 1 tablet twice a day, preferably after breakfast and dinner. The usual duration of therapy is two weeks. In very rare cases, treatment can be continued for eight weeks, if there are real indications for it.

Ginkor Fort

Relatively inexpensive drug, the action of which is primarily aimed at suppressing seizures and blood thickening. Take the medication strictly as prescribed by the attending physician, as he has a solid list of contraindications and recommendations. Classic scheme Treatment involves taking two Ginkor Fort tablets, divided into morning and evening doses. The duration of therapy is determined individually for each patient. Usually the appointment lasts two weeks.

Attention! Medicines from the phlebotonic group are usually prescribed only for chronic form varicose veins.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs


Quite a powerful analgesic that relieves pain and inflammation well. The dosage of Diclofenac depends entirely on the patient’s health condition and the intensity of pain. It is recommended not to exceed daily dose 100 mg tablets, which is equal to one pill. In rare cases, when severe pain the dose can be increased to 150-200 mg active substance. It is not recommended to take Diclofenac for more than five days, as it causes side effects in almost every patient.


A medication that has proven itself in the treatment of varicose veins of the legs. It perfectly relieves inflammation, swelling and pain. It is necessary to undergo therapy in courses, gradually increasing daily dosage. At the initial stage of therapy, the patient is recommended to take 25-50 mg of the active substance up to four times a day. When increasing the dose to 150 mg, it should be divided into only three doses. This way you can be treated for a short time. If the patient needs long-term treatment, you should take no more than 75 mg in 1-3 doses. The duration of therapy is strictly individual. If you have side effects, you can first try reducing the dose. If this does not help, Indomethacin is completely discontinued.

Attention! This group of drugs causes complications with the heart and retina, which is why it is not recommended to use them often to eliminate inflammation and pain.

Drugs against venous thrombosis of the lower extremities


A good medicine that can also be prescribed to pregnant women with varicose veins of the lower extremities. You can take the medication from 12 years of age. In this case, the dosage depends on the complexity of the varicose veins process and its stage. The patient may be advised to take 75-225 mg of the active substance. The prescribed dosage should be divided into three to six doses. The duration of treatment is determined individually, taking into account current and past medical history. It is usually recommended to drink Curantil for two weeks.


The drug thins the blood and prevents the formation of clots and blood clots. It is usually prescribed only for severe cases of varicose veins. Patients are recommended to take two tablets per day. In this case, the dose can be taken immediately or divided into two doses. The duration of therapy when taking Trental depends entirely on the success of the treatment. Sometimes a few days of treatment is enough to prevent a life-threatening condition.


This medication can only be used by adult patients in order to prevent the development of complications that are most common in childhood. Patients with varicose veins should take one Aspirin tablet once a day. The duration of therapy in this case is two weeks. If the medication is poorly tolerated, it can be taken every other day, one tablet at a time. In this case, you should check with your doctor about the exact duration of the course.


Treatment with this medication is also only possible for two weeks, since the drug can cause unwanted reactions from the heart, brain, lungs and reproductive system. On the first day of treatment, patients take 150 mg of the active substance, and then 75 mg. If any unwanted reactions occur, including nausea and vomiting, you should definitely inform your doctor. Sometimes patients need to completely discontinue the medication.

Attention! This group of medications thins the blood well, which is why you should strictly follow the dosages and prescriptions of your doctor. Also, in case of injuries and operations, you should definitely inform your doctor about taking blood thinners.

Video - How to cure varicose veins
