Treatment of all existing diseases. Universal medical reference book. All diseases from A to Z

A-Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All sections Hereditary diseases Emergencies Eye diseases Childhood diseases Male diseases Sexually transmitted diseases Women's diseases Skin diseases Infectious diseases Nervous diseases Rheumatic diseases Urological diseases Endocrine diseases Immune diseases Allergic diseases Oncological diseases Diseases of veins and lymph nodes Diseases of hair Diseases of teeth Diseases of blood Diseases of the mammary glands Diseases of ODS and injuries Diseases of the respiratory system Diseases of the digestive system Diseases of the heart and blood vessels Diseases of the large intestine Diseases of the ear, throat, nose Narcological problems Mental disorders Speech disorders Cosmetic problems Aesthetic problems

Grace and beauty cannot be separated from health.
Cicero Mark Tullius

The medical directory of diseases that you see in front of you is an electronic encyclopedia containing the most complete updated information about various human diseases.

The medical directory of diseases includes detailed description more than 4000 nosological units. It reflects both the most "popular", common diseases, and those, systematized information about which is not presented in almost any online edition.

The structure of the medical reference book is built in such a way that it is possible to find the disease of interest in the alphabetical heading, the corresponding section, or through the search line. The description of each disease contains a short definition, classification, information about the causes and mechanisms of development, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment, prevention and prognosis. Such a clear unification of articles, according to the authors of the online edition, will allow the reader of a medical reference book of diseases to receive the most comprehensive information, on the one hand, and not "get lost in the wilds of medical labyrinths" on the other.

To date, the content of the medical reference book of diseases consists of 30 independent sections, two of which ("Aesthetic problems" and "Cosmetic problems") are related to the field of Beauty, and the rest represent Medicine itself. This close symbiosis of aesthetics and health gave the name to the entire site - "Beauty and Medicine".

On the pages of the medical directory of diseases, you can get comprehensive information about women's, nervous, children's, skin, venereal, infectious, urological, systemic, endocrine, cardiovascular, eye, dental, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, ENT diseases. Each section of the medical directory of diseases corresponds to a certain clinical direction (for example, Women's diseases - Gynecology, Children's diseases - Pediatrics, Diseases of the teeth - Dentistry, Aesthetic problems - Plastic surgery, Cosmetic problems - Cosmetology, etc.), which allows the user to jump from the description diseases to information about diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Articles posted in the medical directory of diseases are written by practitioners medical professionals and are thoroughly pre-screened prior to publication. All reviews are written in an accessible popular science language that does not distort reliable information, but also does not allow one to descend to the level of populism. The medical directory of diseases is updated and updated daily, so you can be sure that you are receiving the most reliable and up-to-date information from the world of medicine.

The versatility of the medical directory of diseases lies in the fact that it will be useful to a wide range of Internet users faced with this or that health problem. Medical Directory of Diseases is a doctor who is always at your fingertips! At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that the information presented here is for informational purposes only, does not replace an in-person consultation with a specialist doctor and cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment.

"Praemonitus praemunitus" - "Forewarned is forearmed," said the ancients. Today this winged Latin dictum is as relevant as possible: everyone needs to take care of themselves and their health. Health is the only everlasting fashion and the greatest luxury that is incommensurate with any earthly blessings. To be healthy means to be successful, to know the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood, to live a long and active life.

Health and beauty are inseparable; moreover, beauty is a reflection healthy state organism. After all, in order to have perfect skin, slim figure, luxurious hair, first of all, you need to take care of your physical and mental health.

We hope that the medical directory of diseases will become for you a reliable and understandable guide to the vast world of medicine.

Health to you and your loved ones!
Best regards, K team

Diseases have accompanied humans for thousands of years. So, numerous references to various epidemics that took great amount human lives have been preserved in written sources to this day. However, even despite the fact that the modern level of development of medicine, as well as the technical equipment of medical institutions are very different from what doctors used several centuries ago, many diseases are still a serious problem for mankind. As a rule, it is these pathological conditions that occur in acute or chronic forms that are the main cause of death of people even today. You should also take into account the social significance of diseases, which is due to the inability of the able-bodied population to work during illness, as well as the risk of disability in certain diseases.

A disease is understood as a pathological state of the body, which is based on a violation of its normal structure or functioning. As a rule, diseases are accompanied by certain symptoms.

The history of the study of human diseases began in the prehistoric period, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds. Today, the main source of information about the diseases of that time is the remains of people, on which both the results of various injuries and severe, chronic diseases can be traced. At the same time, the first finds, by which one can judge the diseases that a person suffered, as well as the level of development of medicine, date back to 35 millennium BC and belong to the Neanderthals.

However, the greatest development of medicine took place in the ancient world. As a rule, from this period, human diseases went down in history as epidemics that claim millions of lives. This, in turn, served as one of the incentives for the development of medical art. It is believed that the first doctor whose name has survived to this day is Imhotep. This Egyptian, who lived approximately in 2650 BC, was an adviser to one of the pharaohs. In addition, thanks to Imhotep, a textbook was created, which included recommendations for the treatment of wounds, bone fractures and even tumors.

An example of the influence of epidemics on the life of people of that period is the case that occurred during the Peloponnesian War and described by one of the surviving people, the historian Thucydides. Thus, during the siege of Athens, crowds, lack of food and poor quality of medical care became the main reasons for the spread of infectious diseases, which led to ¼ of all deaths of that period. Even then, Thucydides noticed that people suffer from diseases. of different ages, genders and nationalities.

It should be noted that it was in the ancient world that the importance of reducing morbidity through the implementation of disease prevention was emphasized. This was done both through the popularization of the rules of hygiene, and with the help of certain dietary rules.

Also, much attention was paid to the mental state of a person, which was justified by the close connection of the physical and spiritual components of the individual. Thus, during the Zhou dynasty in ancient China, doctors promoted meditation and observance of moderation during their activities to promote health, while in ancient India, great attention was paid to oral hygiene. Roman baths and aqueducts are also examples of the popularization of hygiene as a means of preventing disease.

Initially, in ancient Rome, only the elite paid attention to the rules of hygiene, since, due to their influence, they had access to the benefits of civilization. At the same time, it was believed that good health increases spiritual purity. However, towards the end of the Roman period, the ruling elite was interested in improving sanitation for the lower classes in order to reduce the prevalence of disease. But after the fall of the Roman Empire, public health concerns remained only in the major cities.

In the Middle Ages, diseases had a significant impact on people's lives, when epidemics of plague, cholera, smallpox in large settlements led to significant losses among the population, even in peacetime. However, no success has been achieved in the fight against these infectious diseases.

The turning point in understanding the course of disease came after the discovery of the existence of microbes (by Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek in the 17th century) and their disease-causing properties (the work of Louis Pasteur in the middle of the 19th century). The parallel development of epidemiology, as well as the widespread development of vaccination, made it possible to significantly reduce the incidence and increase the number of positive outcomes.

In the modern world, maintaining the health of the population at a high level is one of the most important tasks, the implementation of which is entrusted to both government organizations and private companies. So, events are regularly held aimed at promoting healthy way life, keeping cities clean, vaccinating in accordance with a specially designed calendar, organizing quarantines during epidemics and controlling sewer systems. As a rule, the state is interested in reducing the number of diseases, not only because it has to spend funds from the budget on treating patients, but also because sick citizens are not able to fulfill their responsibilities. A present risk disability of the working-age population even more strongly affects the state of the state budget.

In this regard, today the priority is not only the development of new methods of treating a variety of diseases, but also their timely prevention.

The role of private companies in the human fight against disease is due to the creation various means helping to cure disease. So, private organizations create the latest equipment, prostheses, pharmaceuticals.

Diseases of children are a serious problem, which is associated with the presence of an influence on the formation of the personality and consciousness of a child. This is due to the fact that it is during the period from birth to puberty that children go through the main stages of the socialization process, which can be difficult due to the existing ailment.

Hereditary and genetic diseases are also a big problem, most of which appear before the age of 5 years and are associated with metabolic or musculoskeletal disorders. As a rule, measures aimed at identifying them are carried out during pregnancy without fail using both invasive and non-invasive methods.

After the child is discharged from the hospital, the occurrence of the disease in children is monitored at periodic examinations in accordance with the established schedule. The local pediatrician should conduct the examination, which allows to identify hydrocephalus, dysplasia of the hip joints and other pathologies that require the earliest possible intervention of the doctor.

The child is characterized by increased physical activity associated, as a rule, with children's games. This is often accompanied by various injuries, up to and including fractures of the extremities. At the same time, fractures in children have a number of features that are due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the musculoskeletal system. So, for children, the development of fractures of the "green twig" type is characteristic, which is due to a well-developed periosteum and a low degree of mineralization. bone tissue... However, the likelihood of the development of epiphysis - damage to the growth zone of the bone is also high. And this, in turn, is fraught with a violation of the growth of the bone in length and the curvature of its axis.

Infectious diseases in children

It should be noted infectious diseases children who occupy a leading position in the morbidity structure in this age group. Quite often, infectious pathology proceeds in an erased form and does not have vivid symptoms. There are a number of factors conducive to the spread of infectious diseases in children's groups:

  • the level of immune defense is slightly lower than in adults, which is due to the incomplete maturation of the lymphoid organs;
  • behavioral features;
  • frequent stay in crowded collectives.

The development of infectious diseases in children most often occurs at certain critical periods. During these time intervals, a decrease in the level of immune defense is noted, which makes the body more susceptible to the effects of foreign agents.

The first critical period lasts for a month after the birth of the baby. The allocation of this period is due to the lack of the child's body of the ability to independently produce its own antibodies, in connection with which the immune defense is represented mainly by class G immunoglobulins, obtained from the mother's body during the prenatal period through the placenta. After giving birth, the baby also receives antibodies from the mother with breast milk, represented by class A immunoglobulins. This class of antibodies provides local protection only to the mucous membranes, since they do not enter the bloodstream. Therefore, due to practically complete absence independent immune defense, infectious diseases in children are quite common. This period is especially difficult in premature babies.

The second critical period is observed at the 4th month after the birth of the child and is due to the depletion of the pool of class G immunoglobulins against the background of insufficient synthesis of its own class M antibodies. The greatest susceptibility in this period is observed to infectious diseases, the pathogens of which are transmitted by airborne droplets and intestinal tracts.

It is in the second critical period that hereditary pathologies of the humoral or cellular components of immunity begin to appear. This is due, first of all, to the beginning of the predominance of the baby's own immune forces in the structure of immunity over the residual effect of the protective forces of the mother's body.

The formation of the third critical period is influenced by both the increased cognitive activity of the child (everything that falls into the hands will certainly end up in the mouth), and the cessation of breast milk feeding. As a rule, this period is typical for the age of 2-2.5 years. During this period, children are prone to diseases transmitted by contact and everyday life.

The fourth critical period is formed in the period from 5 to 7 years. It is based on the restructuring of the child's immunity, which is manifested by a decrease in the absolute number of lymphocytes, which, with a low level of immunoglobulins A, leads to an increase in susceptibility to diseases transmitted by airborne droplets and intestinal tracts. It should be noted that quite often at this age there is also an increase in class E immunoglobulins, which indicates allergic reactions.

The fifth critical period develops in adolescence and is associated with a discrepancy between the size of the lymphoid organs, which play an important role in the functioning of the immune system, with the actual size of the body. Also, the functioning of the immune system affects the state of the immune defense. reproductive system, which, through humoral influences, reduces the efficiency of the activity of some immunocompetent cells.

Quite often, infectious diseases are in the nature of epidemic outbreaks. In this regard, it is of great importance to carry out quarantines and vaccinations, which are carried out to form an artificial defense against infections.

Diseases of an adult are of the most diverse nature and vary widely depending on the conditions of life. As a rule, factors such as working and rest conditions, the presence of bad habits and hereditary diseases have a significant impact on the health of an adult and the development of pathological conditions.

Quite often, human diseases are of a long-term nature and do not interfere with a person in ordinary life, since they do not have pronounced symptoms for a certain period of time. In such situations, the danger lies in the fact that the basis pathological process lies both reversible and, often, irreversible changes in normal tissues. An example is the human immunodeficiency virus, the incidence of which is constantly increasing throughout the world. With this viral disease, for several years, a person may not even suspect that he has a life-threatening pathology, but after 5-8 years, most of those suffering from this dangerous disease the first signs of immunodeficiency appear, which leads to further death.

Diseases in men

Diseases in men are often associated with the peculiarities of their existence. So, labor activity male people are more often associated with physical labor, compared with women. This, in turn, often affects the condition of the musculoskeletal system and is accompanied by the appearance of hernias of the spine and the anterior abdominal wall.

In addition, the male population, according to statistics, often leads the wrong way of life. There are a number of diseases in men and women that are caused by smoking or long-term intake alcohol. However, due to the fact that these bad habits prevail among males, then characteristic diseases are found in them much more often. For example, smoking for several years leads to chronic bronchitis, which is based on irreversible changes in the respiratory system caused by frequent exposure to harmful smoke. Further, the pathologically altered epithelium respiratory system can become the basis for the development of the oncological process (for example, according to statistics, 90% of people suffering from lung cancer, previously were heavy smokers).

Alcohol is also one of the most common causes of gastrointestinal problems in men. So, in people who regularly take drinks containing alcohol, it is much more common chronic gastritis and pancreatitis. Also, regular consumption of alcohol negatively affects the state of the immune defense.

Often the cause of illness in men is various injuries sustained during recreation (at ski resorts, when jumping into the water) or road accidents (especially when riding a motorcycle). In such situations, even timely high-tech assistance is not a guarantee of the patient's recovery.

Infectious diseases in men are no exception, which, according to a number of statistical studies, are more susceptible to bacterial and viral diseases... So, for 30% of men who have undergone an infectious process, there are 22% of women. This may be due to the higher testosterone levels in males. So, in a study conducted by scientists from the Stanford University School of Medicine in December 2013, it was found that high testosterone levels reduce the effectiveness of the cellular response. This, in turn, not only reduces the effect of vaccination, but also increases the likelihood of infection in the adult male population. Also in this study, it was found that the indicators of immune defense in men with low level testosterone levels in the blood do not differ much from the corresponding characteristics of the immunity of women.

Infectious diseases in women, in comparison with men, are somewhat less common. So, this phenomenon is based on a higher level of immunoglobulins in women and pro-inflammatory cytokines in the blood. It should also be noted that there is a different mechanism of activation of immune defense during invasion of microbes and a higher incidence of autoimmune diseases.

Diseases of women are often caused by dysfunction of the reproductive system. A particularly big problem is chronic inflammatory processes in the endometrium and fallopian tubes associated with genital infections. Quite often they long time are asymptomatic and lead to irreversible changes in the body.

One of the most unfavorable consequences of such diseases in women is infertility, which occurs due to the difficulty in migrating the ovum. In such situations, it is sometimes possible to carry out in vitro fertilization in order to obtain the desired pregnancy. However, in vitro fertilization, due to the high doses of hormones that are used to prepare the mother's body for pregnancy, can be accompanied by various complications.

Pregnancy is a special condition for the female body. Any illnesses suffered during this period can negatively affect not only the health of the mother, but also her child. The most dangerous are infectious processes in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the main organs are laid. At the same time, quite often diseases that have mild symptoms, can lead to serious consequences for the child. In this regard, as well as for the timely detection of hereditary disorders, regular medical examinations in the first, second and third trimesters.

Diseases in the elderly

In most cases, diseases of an elderly person are chronic and are often detected only several years after their onset. Such diseases, which are quite widespread, include hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity and atherosclerosis. As a rule, each of these diseases is accompanied by severe damage to the body systems, which significantly reduces the life of the population. The big problem with these chronic diseases is the need for regular treatment.

Also, diseases of an elderly person are often caused by age-related degenerative changes in the body, most clearly represented in the musculoskeletal system. These include osteoporosis, arthritis and other pathologies that significantly impede human motor activity. Also the cause of the violation motor activity there can be chronic heart disease (coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis) and trauma (hip fracture).

Bacterial and viral diseases in older people, they have a number of features due to morphological changes in the organs involved in the work of immunity, which include:

  • involution of the thymus;
  • bone marrow degeneration;
  • degeneration of lymphoid tissues.

Involutional changes in the thymus gland lead to a decrease in efficiency cellular immunity, since the maturation of T-lymphocytes occurs in it. In the future, the progression of thymic degeneration leads to an increase in the likelihood of developing infectious and oncological processes. Also, in addition to a decrease in the effectiveness of cellular immunity, in old age there is a decrease in the absolute number of antibodies, which strongly affects the effectiveness of the fight against pathogens of infectious diseases.

Today, one of the most common causes of death in old age is oncological diseases, the development of which is associated, as a rule, with damage to the genetic apparatus of cells and disruption of the immune system. According to forecasts, soon this pathology should take first place in mortality in Russia after the blood vessels. The greatest problem in the fight against this, often fatal, disease is the long duration of the preclinical period, which leads to a strong neglect of the process by the time it is detected.

There are a huge number of diseases, attempts to classify which have been made for a long time. The whole difficulty in creating a single, universal classification that takes into account all the features of diseases is that even the same pathology can occur in individuals of even the same age in different ways, with different severity of the clinical picture.

In practice, in most cases, the international classification of diseases 10 is used, which is generally accepted for use throughout the world. It is required so that doctors and scientists from different countries of the world can jointly develop methods of treating the same diseases, as well as their forms, leveling the obstacles that arise in the language barrier.

Today, in most medical institutions in Russia, the main medical document is the medical history. There are a number of requirements that must be followed when completing this document. Also in this document it is necessary to indicate the code of the disease using the list of diseases (ICD 10). An incorrectly indicated disease code is a gross error and may serve as a basis for sanctions against a doctor by the insurance company.

By the nature of the flow

One of the most common at all times was the classification of diseases, which is based on the duration of the course. Moreover, all diseases are divided into:

  • sharp;
  • chronic.

Deciding whether a disease is acute or chronic is possible only by using criteria specific to a particular disease. As a rule, acute and chronic forms of diseases pass through the same periods (latent, prodromal, peak and completion) of the disease. However, the decisive factor in determining the form of the pathological process is the duration of the phase of completion of the disease.

By etiology

Also, the classification of diseases is widely used, which is based on the division of pathological processes that occur in the body, in accordance with the cause of their development.

So, in accordance with the etiological principle, all diseases can be divided into:

  • infectious diseases;
  • non-communicable diseases;
  • trauma;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • mental disorders and cognitive dysfunction.

However, this classification is not accurate, since quite often a combined effect of several factors is required for the development of the disease, which makes it difficult to assign the disease to a specific group.

The fight against infectious pathology is of great importance and is due to the significant prevalence of these diseases, which caused 9,200,000 deaths (almost every 5th person) in 2013. For the first time, the role of external pathogens in the development of pathological processes of an infectious nature began to be discussed in Europe during the Renaissance. The first to express these ideas was the Italian physician Fracastoro. Significant progress in the study of infectious diseases was associated with the invention of the Levenguk microscope, which made it possible to visualize bacteria and protozoa. Also, John Snow, William Budd, Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, Edward Jenner and many other scientists had a strong influence on the development of the theory of infectious diseases.

Other etiology

Non-infectious diseases include a large group of diseases not associated with foreign microorganisms, which is based on long-term disruption of the functioning of organs and body systems against the background of progressive organic and functional changes. The isolation of this group of diseases is caused by their wide, almost ubiquitous distribution, as well as the fact that they cause death of more than 38 million people every year. It is known that there is a relationship between income and prevalence, as well as the number of deaths from this pathology.

The most common noncommunicable diseases include:

  • illness of cardio-vascular system(the death rate from them exceeds 17.5 million people annually);
  • oncology (mortality from them exceeds 8.2 million people annually);
  • respiratory diseases (mortality from them exceeds 4 million people annually);
  • diabetes mellitus (mortality from them exceeds 1.5 million people annually).

The development of these diseases is strongly influenced by the way of life, in particular - bad habits, poor quality of food, insufficient level of physical activity and the irreversibility of the aging process. A characteristic feature of most non-communicable diseases is their long course and gradual progression.

Genetic disorders and malformations can often be detected during pregnancy, but they are often diagnosed in children and adults only after the onset of symptoms of the disease.

Genetic disorders are caused by the occurrence of changes in DNA, which can be both the result of the transfer of an existing mutation, and the emergence of a new one. In the future, the implementation of the altered genetic material becomes the cause of various pathological changes.

Malformations are called various deviations in the human body caused by exposure to harmful factors in the prenatal period, that is, at the time of the formation and maturation of organ systems.

Human life is associated with active movements. This often leads to various injuries, the severity of which can vary widely from minor bruises to irreversible consequences associated with damage to vital organs or the musculoskeletal system.

Mental and cognitive processes have a huge impact on a person, as they are directly involved in the formation of his consciousness. In this regard, any, even the most insignificant, mental disorders can lead to a significant decrease in the quality of life.

Localization is understood as the main topographic-anatomical zone or organ in which the pathological process has developed. Clarification of the localization of the underlying pathology is required to establish an accurate diagnosis, as well as to assess the prevalence and dynamics of changes caused by the disease. When determining the place of development of pathology, both local complaints and instrumental research methods can be used.

What is ICD 10 and does it reflect the entire list of diseases?

All of humanity suffers from various diseases, but the approach to their treatment may vary depending on the level of medicine and the capabilities of the medical institution providing specialized care. You should also take into account the research base, which is not uniformly developed in different countries, but plays an important role in the development of the most effective methods of treatment. Therefore, quite often there is a need to adopt the experience of other peoples or countries in the treatment of pathological processes, which requires a general list of diseases that have uniform criteria for assessing the disease.

The first international list of diseases was presented in 1893 and literally translated as "International List of Causes of Death", the analogue of which in Russian was the International Classification of Diseases, or ICD 1. It was developed by the International Statistical Institute. The numerical designation that follows the abbreviation indicates the version of the classification, of which there are currently 10.

In 1948, the development of the International Classification of Diseases was commissioned by the World Health Organization. Therefore, only ICD 6 was the first result of compiling a single list of diseases under the leadership of WHO, which is still doing this. Since 1967, WHO has invited all countries to use the most recent version of the ICD to assess statistics such as mortality and morbidity.

ICD 10 was approved in May 1990 at the forty-third World Health Assembly. This list of diseases is cited in over 20,000 scientific articles and used in over 100 countries around the world. Today, ICD 11 is being developed, with final approval expected in 2018.

The causes of diseases are of the most diverse nature and strongly depend on the conditions of functioning of a particular organ. As a rule, establishing the causes is of great importance in eliminating harmful effects on the body and the subsequent organization of effective treatment.

The signs of the disease, in turn, play a great role in the diagnosis of the disease and, as a rule, become the main reason for seeking medical help. In addition, their severity, in most cases, determines the degree of decline in the quality of life. In accordance with the possibility of assessing the symptoms of the disease, the objective and subjective signs of the disease are distinguished.

Objective signs of the disease are assessed by physical examination or using special equipment. They are characterized by the presence of manifestations that can be studied not only by the patient himself, but also by other people. So, the presence of an inflammatory process can be assessed visually (for example, when localized on the skin) and instrumental (for example, in pneumonia, an X-ray examination allows one to judge changes). In most cases, when establishing a diagnosis, the doctor relies on the objective symptoms of the disease.

The presence of subjective signs of the disease is due to the presence of the underlying disease. They are based on the patient's feelings caused by local or systemic changes in the body. The complexity of assessing subjective symptoms is due to the fact that a specialist can assess their severity only when interviewing a patient, without confirming the results obtained with objective data.

The most common subjective signs of the disease include the following symptoms:

  • pain;
  • nausea;
  • fatigue.

Nevertheless, the assessment of the subjective signs of the disease is of great importance, since it allows not only to assess the dynamics of the course of the pathological process, but also the severity of its effect on the body. Often, it is subjective symptoms that become the main reason thorough examination, at which objective changes are detected.

Diseases of the sense organs

The sense organs play a huge role in a person's life, as they allow one to assess the environment and its direct impact on a person. Thus, the sense organs ensure human interaction with the outside world.

The sense organs consist of three functional divisions:

  • peripheral department;
  • wiring part;
  • central department.

In most cases, the causes of diseases of the sense organs are due to the influences of the external or internal environment on the parts of the analyzer, which leads to corresponding pathological changes. In the future, these changes lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the sense organ, up to a complete loss of function.

Damage to the conductive part of the analyzer can be associated with both external factors (various injuries and various toxic effects) and internal (neuropathies caused by diabetes mellitus, tumor growth and atrophy of nerve fibers against the background of ischemia).

At the heart of the disruption of the central section of the analyzer is organic or functional damage to the area of ​​the brain responsible for processing incoming information. This can be due to exogenous (trauma) or endogenous (stroke) factors.

Diseases of the eyes have a significant impact on the quality of human life, since it is these sense organs that are responsible for receiving more than 90% of information about the world around us. Thus, even the slightest disturbances in the functioning of this sense organ lead to significant discomfort.

It is customary to divide eye diseases into two large groups. The first group of diseases includes diseases associated with a malfunction of the structures responsible for receiving and processing information about the external world, and the second group includes pathologies that affect the auxiliary systems that ensure the stable functioning of this sense organ.

The first group of eye diseases includes damage:

  • optical system;
  • photoreceptor system;
  • luminous flux regulation systems;
  • accommodation systems.

The first signs of this group of diseases are a decrease in the quality of the information received. This can be manifested by a narrowing of the field of view, a decrease in the clarity of the image. Often the pathological process has a chronic course, and therefore the deterioration of vision is not noted immediately (as with cataracts, when the loss of visible areas occurs gradually, in separate zones). In most cases, with timely referral for help and the absence of contraindications to treatment, there is a possibility of correcting existing disorders with partial or complete restoration of vision.

The second group of eye diseases includes damage:

  • oculomotor system;
  • lacrimal apparatus and eyelids;
  • systems of secretion and absorption of aqueous humor.

As a rule, diseases of this group have acute course and lead to significant discomfort, often not associated with a decrease in the quality of visual information. However, a delay in timely medical care can lead to the subsequent development of severe, sometimes irreversible complications with significant visual impairment.

Diseases of the eyes can be the result of infection, trauma and various chronic diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertension). Quite often there are ametropias (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, anisometropia), which are associated with a violation of the functioning of the accommodation system of the eye and are often hereditary.

Diseases with damage to the organs of hearing and balance

Hearing is an important feeling in modern society, as it allows people to communicate with each other. The peripheral part of the organ of hearing is represented by the outer, middle and inner ear. However, in the inner ear, which is in the pyramid temporal bone and is innervated by the VIII cranial nerve, there are also structures responsible for balance. The inner ear includes:

  • vestibule and semicircular canals (responsible for balance);
  • snail (responsible for hearing).

Diseases inner ear may be associated with vascular diseases, trauma and inflammatory processes. Also, a malfunction of this part of the auditory analyzer can be the result of hereditary diseases and malformations.

Most often, the work of the organ of hearing is affected by infectious processes that affect the middle ear. This is due to the fact that the tympanic cavity in its composition is communicated through the Eustachian tube with the pharynx, which leads to the spread of infectious processes and their frequent chronicity. Children are highly susceptible to the development of otitis media, which is due to anatomical features.

In young children, signs of acute otitis media are crying and fever, while in adults, local (ear pain, hearing loss) and general symptoms(fever, intoxication, weakness).

The skin contains receptors responsible for the perception of temperature, mechanical stress and pain. They are important for assessing the condition. skin, and also allow to prevent their injury (when squeezed, hypothermia or heating). The reason for the disruption of the functioning of receptors located in the skin can be direct damage to it (as a rule, with burns or mechanical injuries). Also, a violation of sensitivity is very often observed against the background of such a chronic disease as diabetes mellitus, in which not only peripheral receptors are damaged, but also the pathways.

As a rule, the main manifestation of damage to peripheral skin receptors is a violation of their normal functioning. Moreover, if the local lack of sensitivity indicates the local nature of the pathological process, then the vastness of areas of decrease or loss of sensitivity without preliminary local impact(severe burn) allows you to think about the systemic nature of the disease.

Diseases of the glands

The glands are understood as the structures of the body that ensure the formation and secretion of certain compounds. Depending on the method of isolation of the synthesized compounds, the following glands are secreted:

Diseases of the glands of external, internal and mixed secretion can be caused by a wide variety of reasons and require timely diagnosis and treatment in connection with a significant disruption of the body.

The glands of external secretion carry out the release of synthesized compounds through special ducts into the cavity of the organs or in external environment... These glands include sebaceous, mammary, salivary and a number of other glands. Most often, the causes of diseases of these glands are associated with a violation of the outflow of synthesized compounds, which subsequently leads to the development of an infectious process.

Also, one of the common causes of damage to the mammary glands is the development of an oncological process against the background of mastopathy, caused by hormonal changes in the female body. Today, it is breast cancer that ranks first in terms of morbidity among women.

Diseases of the endocrine glands

The endocrine glands do not have special ducts for the elimination of the compounds synthesized by them, and therefore the formed substances go directly into the bloodstream. These organs include the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid and a number of other glands, the diseases of which greatly disrupt the functioning of the body. This is primarily due to the high biological activity of the hormones synthesized by these glands.

The causes of endocrine gland diseases also vary widely, but the role of infectious pathology in the morbidity structure is very insignificant. Much more often, the cause of these diseases is the discoordination of the functioning of endocrine structures, which is based on hereditary disorders, as well as neoplasms.

The glands of mixed secretion include organs from which the formed compounds are secreted both through special ducts and directly into the bloodstream. These organs include the pancreas and sex glands.

Typically, diseases are among the most common in the world. In this case, the defeat of the endocrine part of the pancreas leads to the development of diabetes mellitus, while obturation of the outflow tract of pancreatic juice develops acute or chronic pancreatitis, which is accompanied by damage and, often, destruction of the parenchyma. The first signs of diabetes mellitus are polydipsia and polyuria, while with acute pancreatitis severe pain syndrome develops. At chronic pancreatitis if a significant part of the pancreas is destroyed, exocrine insufficiency is noted, which is manifested by impaired digestion of food and absorption of nutrients.

Diseases of the gonads are often infectious and can lead to infertility.

Digestive system diseases

The digestive system provides the body with all the nutrients it needs to survive. However, quite often there are various pathologies that disrupt its functioning.

Diseases of the oral cavity, in most cases, are caused by a violation of oral hygiene, as well as a high prevalence of bad habits. This, in turn, leads to the development of caries and stomatitis, which is manifested by bad breath, bleeding gums, premature tooth decay and other unpleasant manifestations. As a rule, the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity is carried out by dentists.

Diseases of the esophagus

Diseases of the esophagus are the most common concern of the elderly and are caused by exposure to inappropriate food. So, the use of too hot water leads to damage to the esophageal mucosa, which in the future can lead to various strictures or diverticula.

Reflux esophagitis is widespread today, caused by the reflux of acidic gastric contents into the esophagus after eating. This disease should be given importance, since untimely treatment can subsequently lead to the development of the oncological process.

It is in the stomach that the main chemical treatment food, which is due to the high concentrations of pepsin and hydrochloric acid. In this regard, stomach diseases are often associated precisely with the aggressive influence of these aggressive environments on the body's own tissues.

To the most frequent illnesses stomach include:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • stenosis of the stomach;
  • stomach cancer;
  • functional dyspepsia.

Diseases of the stomach are often caused by hereditary disorders, as well as the impact of a number of harmful factors, which include:

  • improper and irregular nutrition;
  • stress;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking.

Also recently, H. pylori bacteria play a significant role in the development of stomach diseases such as gastritis and ulcers. This bacterium lives in the surface layers of the gastric mucosa and upsets the balance between protective and aggressive effects.

The most common sign of dysfunction of the stomach or the development of its disorders is pain syndrome, as well as other signs of digestive disorders (belching, heartburn, vomiting).

Bowel disease

Absorption of nutrients occurs in the intestine. The small and large sections of the intestine are distinguished. Diseases small intestine most often associated with infectious and autoimmune (Crohn's disease) pathology. As a rule, the main symptom of enteritis in such cases is diarrhea.

Colon diseases can also be associated with infectious or autoimmune (ulcerative colitis) pathology. However, functional (constipation) and organic (benign and malignant neoplasms) disturbances in the work of the large intestine.

Diseases of the liver are accompanied by a violation of its functioning of varying severity. This organ is the most real biochemical laboratory of the body, since it not only detoxifies most harmful compounds, but also synthesizes many protein compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

First of all, liver diseases are accompanied by changes in parameters that can be assessed in a biochemical blood test. So, when there is an increase in the levels of AST and ALT, as well as a number of other indicators, depending on the cause of their development.

A big problem today is the widespread occurrence of liver diseases such as viral hepatitis B and C. In most cases, their transmission occurs through sexual or parenteral routes. However, due to the introduction of disposable instruments into medical institutions, the parenteral route predominates among drug addicts (the hepatitis C infection in whom, according to some data, exceeds 80%). A big problem in the treatment of these diseases is the high frequency of chronicity, exceeding 90%. In the outcome of diseases, in most cases, cirrhosis and liver failure develop.

One of essential functions the liver is the excretion of bilirubin (a breakdown product of hemoglobin) with bile from the body. Violation of the evacuation of this compound leads to the development of jaundice (the main symptom is yellowing of the skin), which can be suprahepatic, parenchymal and subhepatic in nature. The danger of these conditions is the toxic effect of bilirubin on many tissues, as well as a violation of the coagulation properties of blood.

The most common cause of jaundice is the obstruction of the extrahepatic bile ducts with gallstone disease... In this disease, stones are formed in the gallbladder, which periodically lead to obstruction of the extrahepatic ducts. With this pathology, preference is given to surgical intervention.

The liver has high regenerative abilities, which allows it to withstand prolonged exposure to various toxic compounds. However, with prolonged alcohol abuse or chronic viral hepatitis, a severe form of liver disease - cirrhosis - can develop. With this severe pathology, there is a violation of the structure of the organ with a violation of its functioning. In the outcome of cirrhosis, in the absence of the opportunity to carry out liver transplantation, a fatal outcome is often observed.

Kidney disease

The kidneys are an important organ of the excretory system, as they purify the blood from various compounds, and also take part in maintaining normal blood pressure, water-electrolyte and acid-base balance. In this regard, kidney disease can cause serious disturbances in the body.

One of the most common kidney diseases is urolithiasis disease, in which stones form in the renal pelvis (as well as the ureters or bladder). Further, their migration along the urinary tract not only leads to pain syndrome, but is also accompanied by a violation of urine evacuation. As a rule, treatment of this condition should be started as early as possible, as it can lead to irreversible damage to the kidneys.

Kidney disease is almost always accompanied by changes in quality and quantitative characteristics urine. Indicators such as color, volume, density of urine, the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and cylinders are assessed. Symptoms of kidney disease can also include:

  • decrease or increase in the amount of urine;
  • back pain;
  • nocturia;
  • blood in the urine.

Often the cause of the development of kidney disease is infectious processes, the spread of which is vertical (from the lower urinary tract- to the top). In such situations, it is possible to develop pyelonephritis, a severe infectious disease in which the kidney tissue is damaged. Pyelonephritis can lead to irreversible disruptions in the functioning of the organ, and therefore requires timely treatment.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels today in Russia occupy a leading position in the structure of mortality. The most common are the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis.

Hypertension often develops in people over 50 who are exposed to stress. In most cases, this disease lasts for several years. At the same time, people quite often do not notice an increase in blood pressure, and therefore the main complaints arise during hypertensive crises. As a rule, this pathology requires lifelong administration of drugs, since it significantly increases the risk of developing concomitant pathologies.

The development of coronary heart disease in old age is observed in the majority of the population not only in Russia, but also in the world. At the heart of this disease is the discrepancy between the need for and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the myocardium during physical and emotional stress. This almost always leads to the development of pain syndrome and, at critical moments, may be accompanied by the development of myocardial infarction.

Atherosclerosis is a widespread disease associated with the accumulation of lipids in the intima of blood vessels, which subsequently leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the vessel and, accordingly, a decrease in its functionality. Depending on the location, the progression of atherosclerosis leads to coronary artery disease, ischemic stroke, intermittent claudication and gangrene.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

In most cases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children and adults are the result of trauma and are characterized by dysfunction of the limbs. So, bone fractures, dislocations, sprains, ruptures of muscles, tendons and ligaments can occur. With timely medical care in the absence of damage to large vessels and nerves, a complete restoration of the lost function most often occurs.

In old age, due to the predominance of resorptive processes in the bone tissue, osteoporosis occurs in many people. The danger of this process is that the fragility of bone tissue increases, which often leads to the development of fractures. At an even later age, many people experience osteoarthritis, which is based on the destruction of the contacting surfaces of the joints with the development of severe pain syndrome and joint instability.

The nervous system, along with the endocrine system, controls the functioning of organs and body systems. In this regard, the identification and treatment of diseases nervous system should be carried out in a timely manner. As a rule, the most common cause of damage to the nervous system is vascular disease (atherosclerosis), endocrine disorders(diabetes mellitus) and various injuries that are accompanied by damage to the brain or nerves. Also, the development of certain diseases is greatly influenced by the course of the prenatal period and the first 6 months of the baby's life, since it is during these periods that the nervous system matures.

As a rule, diseases of the nervous system are accompanied by characteristic neurological symptoms (absence of normal or the presence of pathological reflexes, impaired cognitive or mental activity).

How disease symptom tables can help

Tables, like various diagrams and diagrams, are used to facilitate the perception of information. In this regard, you can use different tables of diseases to make a differential diagnosis between several pathologies in the presence of similar symptoms.

However, even knowing the symptoms of the disease and using a table containing a huge number of different signs of a particular pathology, a person without medical education with a high degree of probability runs the risk of making an erroneous diagnosis. This is due to the fact that the body of any person is a complex system in which various organs are closely interconnected. This leads to the fact that for any pathological changes the body most often develops a response, which manifests itself in the form of various symptoms (an example is inflammation).

Thus, a table of diseases from the Internet can not only mislead a person, but also delay the provision of specialized medical care. qualified doctor... And this, in turn, is fraught with the development of various complications.

But also the table of diseases on the Internet can be of significant help. So, quite often the appearance of slightly pronounced manifestations of a particular pathology reduces the quality of life of people, however, they postpone a visit to the doctor until the last, explaining this by the absence of health risks. The information that harmless symptom can talk about the presence dangerous disease, will significantly reduce the time from the appearance of signs of illness to visiting a doctor. An example is the appearance of regular weakness and fatigue, as well as a sharp and significant weight loss, which can be regarded as one of the signs of an oncological process. However, patients to the last can explain this by stress and the wrong way of life. In such situations, if the patient learns that such a clinical picture may correspond to a life-threatening disease, he will soon visit a specialist who will confirm or deny the alleged diagnosis.

Treatment of diseases in Russia is carried out by doctors who have documents confirming the right to provide medical care. Today, treatment is carried out on an outpatient or inpatient basis, which is determined by the severity of the underlying disease.

What to do if a disease is detected

The surest solution when signs of illness appear is to seek medical help. This can be done both by calling a specialized brigade by numbers "03" or "911" (if grave condition patient), and by visiting the clinic. In the hospital, the doctor will be interested in the history of the progression of the disease, as well as the patient's complaints. If there are indications for hospitalization, the patient is admitted to the hospital, where he receives the necessary treatment in full. Compliance with the doctor's recommendations is of great importance.

Treatment of diseases without consulting a doctor is fraught not only with incorrect diagnosis of the disease (which can cause its progression due to a delay in the provision of necessary assistance), but also the development of adverse reactions in response to self-administration of drugs. In addition, often self-administration of medicines can change the manifestations of the disease, which further significantly complicates the work of the doctor.

    We will try to give readers basic information and concepts about what health and disease are, what are the causes of various diseases, and how you can prevent them by eliminating these causes. “Your health is in your hands” - this is actually the case. Know how not to get sick and not be dependent on doctors, medicines, pharmacies.


An abscess is an abscess, a pus-filled cavity in any part of the body. An abscess occurs due to the penetration of microbes (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.) into the body (through a wound, skin damage), which cause purulent inflammation in the tissues. Usually, an abscess develops as a complication of acute surgical diseases. If the abscess is located on the surface, its symptoms are redness and swelling of the skin, soreness that becomes worse with pressure, an increase in temperature in the affected area, and sometimes the entire body. If an inflammatory purulent process occurs in deeply located tissues, a correct diagnosis usually requires laboratory research, X-ray.


Adenoiditis is an inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsils. The adenoids become inflamed due to frequent colds as a consequence of various infectious diseases. Adenoiditis most often occurs in children aged 3-10 years. A child with adenoiditis constantly has a stuffy nose, which causes the habit to breathe through the mouth and keep it ajar all the time. Adenoiditis often accompanied by headaches, diseases of the nasopharynx, ear diseases which can lead to hearing loss. This disease is especially common in children who are often ill (more than 4 times a year). In adults, untreated on time adenoiditis lead to the development of chronic diseases - sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.

Anemia symptoms and treatment

Treating anemia consists in a change in the condition caused by a lack of hemoglobin in the blood (a protein responsible for the transfer of oxygen) and, as a rule, erythrocytes (red blood cells). Anemia has many causes: blood loss (with heavy menstruation, hemorrhoids and other bleeding), illness various bodies, unhealthy diet, pregnancy and lactation, hypersensitivity to certain medications, etc., The main "culprit" for the development of anemia is usually a lack of substances such as iron in the body, folic acid, vitamin B12.

Bronchial asthma treatment

Asthma is classified as mild, moderate, and severe by severity. Treatment bronchial asthma is determined by the doctor on the basis of a complex of clinical and functional signs, including the frequency, severity and duration of attacks of expiratory dyspnea, as well as the patient's condition during periods free from attacks.

Gastritis symptoms and treatment

Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining (inner) lining of the stomach wall. When the inflammation spreads to the duodenum, gastroduodenitis is formed. The causes of gastritis and gastroduodenitis are varied:


Hypertension - high blood pressure not associated with other medical conditions internal organs... At the onset of the disease, the pressure rises from time to time, with the transition to the chronic form, it becomes constantly increased.

Secondary hypertension- a violation in which an increase in pressure occurs due to diseases of the kidneys, heart, endocrine glands and other organs. Often the cause of the development of hypertension is neuropsychic stress, and a hereditary factor also plays a role.


Headache is not an independent disease, but possible symptom a whole variety of diseases; it is sometimes extremely difficult to pinpoint the "culprit" of a headache. Here are just a few of a number of possible causes: an increase or decrease in blood pressure, a violation cerebral circulation(with migraine), the presence of toxic metabolic products in the blood. In order to identify and eliminate the cause of headaches, a competent medical diagnosis is needed: as a rule, it is not the symptom - that is, the headache - that needs to be treated, but the underlying disease that caused it.

Intestinal dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis is a collective concept that does not mean an independent type of disease. Dysbacteriosis means an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, while the number of beneficial bacteria decreases, and harmful pathogenic or opportunistic pathogens increases.


Pain with pulpitis appears without external stimuli, the patient can accurately determine its source (that is, indicate which tooth hurts), pressure on the tooth or tapping on it significantly increases the pain. With pulpitis, the dentist's help is required immediately in order to avoid serious complications, such as the development of an abscess, phlegmon, osteomyelitis. Tooth trauma, breaking off a part of the crown, as a result of which a pulp rich in nerve endings is exposed, can also cause toothache, sharp, acute and extremely intense.

Heartburn causes

Heartburn is an acid reflex in which a certain amount of gastric juice thrown from the stomach into the esophagus, from where it reaches the oral cavity. The inner mucous membranes of the esophagus and oral cavity are not protected from the corrosive action of acidic gastric juice, therefore, heartburn is expressed in a strong burning sensation that a person feels in the epigastric region, behind the breastbone and in the mouth.


Another involuntary and uncontrolled physiological reaction in humans is. Let's try to figure out what it is, is it useful or harmful to health, is it necessary get rid of hiccups and how it can be done.

Sciatica symptoms and treatment

Sciatica neuritis sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the body, extending from the lower part spinal cord pr pelvic area to the legs! Peripheral nerve damage is caused by cold, infection, or trauma. Has the following symptoms - burning, tingling, "goose bumps", numbness, soreness when pressing along the nerve, shooting pains in the gluteal region, back of the thigh and lower leg. With this disease, gluteal hypotension develops and calf muscles, decreased reflex of the Achilles tendon.

How to cure a runny nose

A runny nose (rhinitis) is an inflammation of the lining of the nasal cavity, accompanied by a disorder of its functions - breathing, smelling, lacrimation, etc. In other words, this is a common cold, it is one of the most common colds and requires serious treatment. This article explains how to effectively treat a common cold caused by various causes. As a rule, rhinitis is caused by viruses and bacteria, but the onset of a runny nose is a sudden severe irritation of the nasal mucosa - for example, dust or chemicals, as well as hypothermia - general or specific parts of the body, most often the legs.


Flatulence - bloating associated with increased gas production in the intestines, less often swallowing air and intestinal dyskinesia. The amount of gases and, accordingly, the tendency to flatulence in healthy people depends on the nature of the diet, age, lifestyle and other factors. Under normal conditions, gases usually accumulate in the stomach, in the right and left folds of the colon. These gases are formed due to the swallowed air, their release during digestion in the stomach and intestines, as well as the neutralization of gastric juice with soda (taken for heartburn). Gases are excreted through the rectum, part of it is absorbed into the bloodstream and then excreted through the lungs.

Urolithiasis disease

Urolithiasis is a disease associated with metabolic disorders in the body, in which, as a result of metabolic disorders, stones are formed in the kidneys and urinary tract. Recently, due to a change in diet, a sedentary lifestyle, exposure to a variety of unfavorable environmental factors urolithiasis is becoming more common.


Obesity is an excessive accumulation of fat in the body, its deposition in the subcutaneous tissue, omentum, and other tissues and organs. Obesity is often cited as one of the main problems of many people in our society. Both men and women of any age face it. It should be noted that such problems as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, varicose veins, arthrosis of the joints, atherosclerosis of the vessels, intervertebral hernias and even oncological diseases come with extra pounds.


Burn disease (hyperthermia) - pathological damage to body tissues as a result of local exposure to temperatures above 55-60 ° C, aggressive chemical substances, electric current or ionizing radiation.


Otitis media is an LOP disease that is an inflammatory process in the ear. Acute suppurative otitis media begins with the infection entering the middle ear. The course of purulent otitis media is divided into three phases:

At the beginning of an inflammation of the middle ear, there are outflows from the ear canal;
- a perforation of the tympanic membrane appears, the outflows become purulent;
- the degree of inflammation decreases, the amount of pus gradually decreases, and the outflows disappear completely, and the edges of the hole in eardrum gradually connect.


Pyelonephritis is an infectious and inflammatory kidney disease in which inflammation affects both the renal tissue (parenchyma) and the pelvis. Pyelonephritis can be caused by many things. The most common pathogens are Escherichia, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. A co-infection is possible.


Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs. It is usually caused by pneumococci. There are 34 types of them in nature. Symptoms of the disease are fever, weakness, painful breathing, delirium, and sometimes vomiting. With lobar pneumonia, a lobe or a whole lung is affected with the involvement of the pleura in the process; with focal - a small area of ​​the lungs; with chronic, inflammatory changes are observed mainly in the interstitial tissue of the lungs and lesions of blood and lymphatic vessels. Protracted forms of pneumonia are considered, in which recovery occurs 2-4 months after the onset of the disease. Recurrent pneumonia has an undulating course with exacerbations and lasts 1-2 years.


Gout is a violation of urate metabolism in the body with the deposition of uric acid salts in the tissues of the joints, cartilage and bones, causing their destruction. With a prolonged course of the disease, complete destruction of cartilage and bones can occur. Mostly men (85-90%) of hypersthenic constitution at the age of 30-50 get sick. It used to be thought to be caused by abuse fatty foods... But in fact, she can attack anyone, regardless of economic status. The disease is accompanied by painful swelling and inflammation of the joints, especially in the thumb.


Prostatitis is an infectious inflammation prostate, accompanied by frequent painful urination. The prostate is the glandular organ that surrounds the bladder neck in men! It can become infected or grow in size with age. V initial stage hypertrophy of the prostate in the elderly and old age patients complain of increased frequency and some difficulty in urinating, especially at night. You have to push for a while, the jet is sluggish and interrupted. As the disease progresses, the symptoms intensify, at times urinary retention and bladder distension occur. When it is overstretched, urine is involuntarily excreted drop by drop.


The common cold is caused by a filtering virus, followed by a secondary occupier, toxic microorganisms that infect the nose, throat and respiratory tract. Colds - a number of diseases, including infectious diseases associated with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract; they may also include rheumatism, neuralgia, and lumbago. Among the causes of colds are fluctuations in temperature and humidity and the associated hypothermia of the whole organism or its individual parts; low body resistance.


Psoriasis commonly referred to as lichen scaly. However, unlike lichen infection, psoriasis is not a contagious disease, but a chronic one. Currently, doctors believe that psoriasis is a systemic disease, since it is accompanied not only by skin lesions, but also by joints, dysfunctions of the immune, nervous and endocrine systems. Usually, psoriasis causes small pink-red nodules, or papules, with white-silvery scales on the skin that can be easily scraped off. At the same time, itching is terribly tormenting, the papules themselves are pronounced.


Sciatica is a disease caused by damage to the roots of the spinal nerves, mainly in osteochondrosis intervertebral discs... Characterized by pain, tension in the muscles of the back, movement disorder, etc. Radiculitis can be caused by infectious diseases (flu, tonsillitis, rheumatism, typhoid fever), trauma to the roots themselves, and also occur as a result of metabolic disorders, bone changes in the spine, cartilage lesions located between the vertebrae. Most often, there is radiculitis of the lumbosacral spine (sciatica), less often - the cervical and thoracic spine. Distinguish between acute and chronic sciatica. Sciatica is often accompanied by severe pain, which is aggravated by stretching of the roots, when, for example, straightening the leg at the knee joint, when coughing.


Rheumatism is a common infectious and allergic disease with damage to connective tissue, mainly the cardiovascular system and joints. The course of the disease can be chronic with periodic exacerbations ("attacks") and remissions.

Symptoms are varied and depend on the area of ​​the inflammatory lesion. In rheumatic fever, fever, swelling of the joints with sharp soreness. Rheumatism of the brain can manifest itself as chorea - rapid involuntary uncoordinated movements, twitching of the limbs, etc. In rheumatic heart disease (inflammatory heart disease) - malaise, fever, palpitations, heart pain, shortness of breath, etc. Rheumatic heart disease often leads to the formation of heart defects.

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis is autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system spontaneously turns on, which begins to attack the body's own tissues, as if they were foreign. Soft forms rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by discomfort in the joints; in serious cases, painful deformities of the joints and damage to internal organs are possible.

Most medical reference books are designed for a narrow circle of specialists: doctors, pharmacists, students of medical schools. It is rather difficult for an ordinary person who does not know medical terminology to understand the information contained in them. The book you are holding in your hands is intended for a wide range of readers who are not related to medicine by the nature of their work. In it, in the most simple and accessible form the most characteristic signs of common diseases and conditions of the body are outlined, the symptoms and possible manifestations diseases that any person can independently detect in themselves. All this can help you timely identify pathology in the early stages, describe your condition in more detail when you go to a doctor, which means it will contribute to an early correct diagnosis and, accordingly, effective treatment.

A separate section of the book is devoted to drugs. Here a general description of drugs is given, possible routes of administration and excretion of drugs, their metamorphosis in the body, dosage features, individual sensitivity, etc. are described. Particular attention is paid to the rules for choosing a drug.

However, it should be remembered that neither this guide nor any other medical book will ever replace a doctor. It will only help you navigate the variety of pathologies and determine which of the specialists it is better to contact in the first place: a therapist, infectious disease specialist, surgeon, traumatologist, and whether someone else.

Be healthy!

Chapter 1

Abdominal pain

Various diseases can cause abdominal pain:

Gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer, enteritis);

Liver and gallbladder (hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis);

Kidney (urolithiasis);

Genital organs (ectopic pregnancy, adnexitis);

Spine (osteochondrosis);

Nervous system (sciatica);

Abdominal muscles (myositis);

And even the chest organs (pleurisy).

Pain varies by location:

In the upper right abdomen (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis);

In the upper left abdomen (gastritis, peptic ulcer, hernia of the esophageal diaphragm);

In the middle of the abdomen (esophagitis, hernia esophageal opening diaphragm);

In the lower right abdomen (appendicitis, adnexitis);

In the lower left abdomen (sigmoiditis, adnexitis).

In addition, the pain differs: in nature (a burning sensation indicates irritation, pressure indicates overstretching, spasm - about strong contractions); time of appearance (connection with food intake, frequency); frequency (single, rare, frequent).

Comparative characteristics of diseases in which abdominal pain is one of the leading symptoms are presented in table.

Table 1.1. Abdominal pain

Survey... General analysis of urine and blood, biochemical blood test, fecal examination, X-ray and ultrasound examination of organs abdominal cavity, examination of the accessible sections of the intestine with an optical flexible probe.

In no case should you use painkillers until the cause of the pain in the abdomen is finally identified! This can obscure the picture of a serious "accident" in the abdominal cavity and thereby delay the provision of immediate medical attention, which in mandatory will lead to severe complications, sometimes fatal.

Muscle pain

Muscle pain is a symptom that reflects muscle damage.

Most often, this symptom occurs in inflammatory muscle diseases (myositis). The pain in such diseases increases sharply with movements, contractions and feeling (palpation). Characterized by the presence of muscle edema, its protective tension. Movement in the corresponding part of the body is limited.

Quite often, there is also muscle pain without signs of inflammation (myalgia), which develops after excessive and unusual physical exertion, with electrolyte disturbances in the body and malnutrition of muscle tissue. The emergence of this type of pain can be promoted by acute infectious diseases, hypothermia, diseases of internal organs, psychoemotional effects. Pain occurs spontaneously in the muscles on palpation, it can be both localized and widespread.

In turn, the pain is accompanied by hemorrhages, bruises, muscle ruptures.

In addition, there are a number of diseases in which, along with muscle pain, there is a symptom of muscle weakness. Sometimes it even takes precedence over pain. Such diseases are:

Myopathy - it is characterized by muscle weakness, fatigue, atrophy, decreased tone of the affected muscles. This condition can be the outcome of chronic myositis;

Myasthenia gravis - develops as a result of a violation of the processes of transmission of neuromuscular excitation. With this disease, the symptom of muscle weakness is most pronounced, it occupies a leading place in the picture of the disease;

Myotonia is a sharp difficulty in relaxing muscles after their strong contraction. After several repeated attempts, muscle relaxation still occurs.

Comparative characteristics of diseases in which muscle pain is one of the leading symptoms are presented in table. 1.2.

Table 1.2. Muscle pain

Survey... General analysis of blood and urine, biochemical blood test, research functional state muscles (electromyography), X-ray of the affected area, if necessary, examination of a piece of muscle tissue (biopsy).


Chest pain

Chest pain can have a variety of origins. For example, they can be caused by pathology of the spine, ribs, muscles, intercostal nerves or internal organs. Pain in the region of the heart is discussed in the next section, Pain in the region of the heart.

Superficial chest pain (thoracalgia) occurs due to damage to:

Skin (dermatitis, shingles, erysipelas);

Muscles (myositis);

Breast (mastitis, mastopathy, tumor);

Ribs (periostitis, osteomyelitis, neoplasms);

Intercostal nerves (neuropathy);

Spine (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis).

Such pain, aching or stabbing, sometimes quite intense and prolonged, intensifies with sudden movements of the body, on the sore side in the supine position. Superficial pain can also occur as a result of secondary reflex damage to the structures of the chest due to diseases of nearby internal organs (pleura, lungs, heart, esophagus, stomach, gall bladder, liver). By location, it can be anterior (sternal, clavicular, sectoral, etc.) or posterior (in the area of ​​the scapula - scapalgia or scapulalgia, in the area thoracic spine - dorsalgia).

Deep pain in the chest area is caused by damage to internal organs:

Pleura (pleurisy);

Lungs (croupous pneumonia, abscess, tuberculosis);

Trachea (tracheitis);

Thoracic aorta (aortitis, aortic aneurysm, thromboembolism);

Mediastinum (mediastinal emphysema, neoplasms).

Superficial chest pain is fairly easy to define. Pain resulting from skin lesions is accompanied by elements of a rash.

The cause of deep chest pain is more difficult to determine. This is practically impossible without additional examination methods. But according to some characteristic signs, one can assume the presence of one or another pathology.

Quite often, in one person, chest pain can occur simultaneously under the influence of not one, but several reasons, which greatly complicates the diagnosis.

Comparative characteristics of diseases in which one of the leading symptoms is chest pain is presented in table. 1.3.

Table 1.3. Chest pain

Survey necessarily includes general and biochemical blood tests, X-ray images.

Treatment. Symptomatic treatment aimed at relieving pain. Basically, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with a good analgesic effect are used - aspirin, paracetamol, naproxen, diclofenac, analgin, nise, ketorol, nurofen, xefocam, piroxicam, meloxicam, movalis, celebrex, nimesil. Further treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease is prescribed by the doctor after the diagnosis is made.

Pain in the region of the heart

This is the most common reason for seeking medical attention. Such pain can occur due to:

Eating disorders of the heart muscle (anginal pain);

Functional diseases of the cardiovascular system (cardialgia);

Diseases of the heart and its membranes, large vessels;

Other diseases (musculoskeletal frame of the chest, mediastinal organs, abdominal cavity, etc.).

In identifying the cause of anxiety in the region of the heart, clarification of the characteristics of this pain plays a key role:

What kind of pain it is - pressing, shooting, stabbing, paroxysmal, growing or throbbing;

When pain occurs - is it associated with physical activity, changes in body position (flexion, extension, rotation, head rotation, etc.), food intake;

What are the duration pain- are short-term, long-term or permanent;

Where pain occurs - in the middle of the chest, in the area of ​​the left nipple, in the left half of the chest, etc.;

When and under what conditions the pain disappears - during rest or in a certain position of the body;

The effectiveness of taking nitroglycerin - pain disappears, decreases or no effect;

Sensations when pressing on the intercostal spaces, muscles of the chest, spine - there is soreness at certain points or there is no sensation.

It is important to find out the associated conditions and the presence of chronic diseases.

Comparative characteristics of diseases in which one of the leading symptoms is pain in the region of the heart is presented in table. 1.4.

Table 1.4. Pain in the region of the heart

Survey... Electrocardiography, general and biochemical blood analysis, chest x-ray, ultrasound examination of the heart.

Treatment... In case of pain in the region of the heart, first of all, it is necessary:

Provide physical and psychological peace (stop all types of stress, take a comfortable body position);

Provide enough fresh air in the room, access to it should be free (open a window, if possible, remove all those present from the room, unfasten the collar, remove the tie, clothes that hold down the chest);

Take validol or nitroglycerin, sedatives(tincture of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, heart drops, corvalol);

If there is confidence that the pain is not associated with a pathology of the heart and blood vessels, but is a consequence of damage musculoskeletal system(osteochondrosis, radiculitis of the thoracic spine), then it is more advisable to immediately take anesthetic anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, nise, nimesil, movalis).

In any case, it is necessary to seek medical help from a doctor, because, for example, against the background of banal rajulitis, coronary heart disease can occur and untimely treatment will lead to serious complications.

Spine pain

This is one of the main symptoms reflecting pathological changes in the axial skeleton.

Most often, pain occurs due to degenerative changes in the vertebral bodies, intervertebral joints, discs, ligaments (deforming spondylosis, intervertebral osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis). Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine of varying severity are detected in almost every elderly person by X-ray examination. However, diseases include cases when these changes are accompanied by clinical manifestations.

One of the most common causes of pain in the spine is also its inflammatory lesions (spondyloarthritis). Most often they represent one of the manifestations of systemic diseases of the musculoskeletal system or an infectious process in the body.

Limited pain can occur when the vertebral bodies are destroyed by tumors (benign, malignant, metastatic) or trauma.

Common pain can be caused by bone mineralization disorders (osteoporosis).

In addition, pain in the spine can spread from other internal organs. Typically, this kind of pain occurs during the exacerbation of the underlying disease.

Comparative characteristics of diseases in which pain in the spine is one of the leading symptoms is presented in table. 1.5.

Table 1.5. Spine pain

Survey... X-ray of the spine in two projections, tomography.

Treatment... Before clarifying the diagnosis and prescribing targeted treatment, it is possible to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as anesthetics both internally and externally (diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, nise, ketorol, nurofen, xefocam, piroxicam, meloxicam, movalis, celebrex), nimesil ...

Joint pain

This is one of the main symptoms reflecting damage to the musculoskeletal system. Most often, pain appears:

With arthrosis (osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis) - degenerative lesions (up to 80% of all joint diseases);

Arthritis - inflammatory lesions joints (rheumatic, rheumatoid, infectious).

However, pains of this nature can also occur with diseases of other organs and systems (systemic lesions of connective tissue, metabolic disorders, hormonal changes, etc.). Joint pathology due to non-rheumatic diseases of other organs is commonly called arthropathy.

Joint pain varies:

By localization:

- one or more joints;

- small or large joints;

- unilateral or symmetrical lesion;

Character - intensity, constancy, frequency, duration, rhythm during the day, the presence of painless intervals, a feeling of stiffness, restriction of movements;

The conditions for the occurrence of pain are related to the load, movement, walking up and down stairs, food, weather.

Changes in the area of ​​the affected joints have the following signs:

Redness of the skin in the joint area;

An increase in skin temperature in the joint area compared to the surrounding and symmetrical areas;

Limited mobility in the joint;

Deformation (swelling, puffiness);

Defiguration (bone growth) of the joint.

Comparative characteristics of conditions in which joint pain is one of the leading symptoms are presented in table. 1.6.

Table 1.6. Joint pain

Survey... General analysis of blood and urine, biochemical blood test, electrocardiogram, radiography of the affected and symmetrical joints, diagnostic puncture of the joint followed by examination of the articular (synovial) fluid.

Treatment... Before clarifying the diagnosis and prescribing targeted treatment, it is possible to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as anesthetics, both internally and in the form of ointments, gels, topical creams (diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, nise, ketorol, nurofen, xefocam, piroxicam, meloxicam, movalis, celebrex, nimesil).


Headaches are one of the most common reasons for visiting doctors of various specialties. Almost everyone has experienced a headache at least once in their life.

Highlight the main types of headaches.


- migraine;

- tension headache;

- beam headache;

- various forms of headache not associated with structural damage.


- associated with a head injury;

- vascular disorders;

- non-vascular intracranial disorders;

- the use of certain substances or refusal to take them;

- infection;

- metabolic disorders, pathology of the skull, neck, eyes, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or other cranial or facial structures.

Cranial neuralgia.

Unclassified headache.

In addition, depending on the reason, they distinguish six types of headaches.

Due to increased intracranial pressure - dull, constant, covering the forehead and temples.

Due to inflammation, the neck, head and muscles usually hurt.

Vascular - acute pain, may be accompanied by fainting and loss of consciousness.

Reflex (phantom) - is reproduced from a person's memory due to long-term trauma.

Due to insufficient nutrition of the brain (vascular-ischemic), pain attacks are very diverse in frequency, intensity, localization, duration, memory, attention, and self-control deteriorate over time.

Due to the compression of the nerve endings (neuro-ischemic) - the pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness and signs of damage to one or another part of the brain.

Headache warning signs, the appearance of which requires immediate medical examination and qualified treatment:

The appearance of a headache for the first time at the age of over 50;

Waking up at night due to headache;

Sudden onset of severe headache;

Increased headache over time

Increased headache with coughing, physical exertion, straining;

Feeling "rushed" to the head;

Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, hiccups in the morning.

Comparative characteristics of the most common diseases in which headaches are the leading symptom is presented in table. 1.7.

Table 1.7. Headache

Survey... Measurement of blood pressure is mandatory, preferably at the height of the attack, consultation of a neuropathologist, ophthalmologist, ENT, performing an EEG (electroencephalogram) and X-ray of the skull. If necessary, angiography, computed tomography.

Treatment... For headaches, the following therapeutic measures are possible:

Cold compresses on the painful area;

Symptomatic therapy - the use of painkillers (aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen or combined drugs - baralgin, tempalgin, iralgesic, benalgin, maksigan, spazmalgon, etc.);

Herbal treatment (rosemary, maiden feverfew);

Reduction of stress load, good rest and sleep, walks in the fresh air;

Manual therapy - acupressure, classical massage;


However, the doctor can prescribe treatment aimed directly at the cause of the headache only after examination.


Constipation means a prolonged delay in bowel movement (more than 48 hours) or difficult, systematically rare and insufficient emptying intestines.

Constipation manifests itself as follows symptoms:

Difficulty in the act of defecation;

A small amount of stool (less than 100 g per day);

Increased hardness of feces;

Feeling incomplete emptying intestines.

Factors that contribute to constipation are:

The nature of the diet (dry eating, insufficient amount of fiber in the diet);

Lifestyle (decreased physical activity);

Habits (inability to perform an act of defecation in an unusual place);

Intestinal infection;


The action of chemicals;


Injury to the abdomen;

Central nervous system changes.

Allocate sharp(are temporary and disappear after elimination of the causes of constipation) and chronic constipation.

Depending on the reason, they distinguish the following types constipation.

Constipation due to inaccuracies in the diet ( alimentary). Most common. It develops when eating food depleted in fiber, calcium salts, vitamins, as well as in violation of the diet, dry eating and insufficient fluid intake. Excessive consumption of black coffee, strong tea, cocoa, strong wines and chocolate contributes to the occurrence of this type of constipation.

Neurogenic constipation... It is also very common. It usually begins in childhood, when at school the child suppresses the urge to defecate, embarrassed to leave the classroom during the lesson. Subsequently, many people cannot have a bowel movement at all, anywhere other than at home. However, in such a situation, poor living conditions and morning rush sometimes force people to temporarily refrain from this natural need. The stool of such people is hard, in the form of small round balls, reminiscent of a sheep's.

Reflex constipation... Accompanies diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, appendicitis) and the urinary tract (pyelonephritis, pelvic disease in women). Constipation appears and intensifies during the period of exacerbation of the disease. In the stage of stabilization of the disease (remission), stool normalization occurs.

Constipation due to sedentary life ( hypodynamic). Most common in people with long-term compliance bed rest, emaciated, weak and elderly people, in women who have given birth many times.

Inflammatory constipation... Occurs as a result of inflammatory bowel disease. It is accompanied by an admixture of mucus, pus and blood in the stool, pain from gas colic, fever, bloating, weakness.

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