Why does my right knee hurt? The main causes of pain in the knee joint, when bending the knee, when walking. Therapeutic gymnastics and massage

Pain in knee joint- one of the most common unpleasant sensations that every person has experienced at least once. The progression of diseases that can cause pain is due to the fact that the human knee consists of many structures, and every day they are all subjected to enormous loads. The damage may affect one of the ligaments or tendons, or specific sacs that fill with fluid, as well as cartilage tissue. This symptom may be a signal of diseases not only related to the knee, but also common diseases organism or systems.

  • Etiology
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Prevention

It is also necessary to distinguish during which movements pain occurs, for example, pain in the knee when bending is characteristic of people leading an active lifestyle, and often indicates a violation of the structure of joints and bones. Such spasms mainly appear on late stages the course of the disease, when it is impossible to do without treatment with surgical intervention.

knees rarely hurt and crack when squatting, this may indicate that the cartilage tissue is being worn away (mainly observed in athletes due to constant running). Pain on the inside occurs due to various pathologies joint or the appearance of neoplasms. The appearance of pain after childbirth is due to the fact that during pregnancy the female body underwent many changes, due to which some diseases could develop.

It is important to determine why pain in the knee joint is expressed, because some diseases can only be cured with the help of surgical intervention, and for some it will be enough to use traditional medicine.


As mentioned above, there are many reasons why knees hurt, and they are not always directly related to injuries, diseases and bruises of the knee joint. The first group of factors consists of disorders that directly affect the knee joint, among which are:

The second group of reasons consists of other influences that cause pain in the knee joint:

  • excessively high body weight;
  • external injuries or bruises of the knee joint;
  • working conditions that require a person to be on their feet for several hours at a time;
  • intensive physical exercise– this is why this disorder is most often observed in professional athletes, for example, after running;
  • incorrect posture while working;
  • wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes.

There are several reasons why a woman’s knees hurt during pregnancy:

  • increase in body weight (in some cases up to twenty kilograms);
  • lack of calcium and other minerals in the body;
  • the production of a specific hormone that softens ligament tissue.

After childbirth, all unpleasant sensations should go away on their own, but if this does not happen, you should consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of the diseases described above. After childbirth, a woman may experience pain in her knees when squatting, standing, and straightening. This is caused by the following reasons:

  • intense muscle work during childbirth;
  • involuntary sudden movement during the birth of a baby can cause dislocation;
  • if a woman had various ailments of the musculoskeletal system before childbirth;
  • When breastfeeding a child, fluid accumulates in the female body, which has a detrimental effect on the joints, which is why pain is felt when standing up and straightening the knees.


Except bright pronounced signs– pain different intensity and crunching when squatting, this manifestation has additional symptoms characteristic of the disease that caused the knee to hurt when walking or other leg movements:

  • sleep disorders;
  • increased body temperature;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • increasing pain when walking. There is a noticeable improvement in a sitting or lying position;
  • noticeable swelling of the injured knee - can be observed from the inside;
  • inability to shift weight on the affected limb;
  • deformation of the kneecap;
  • color change skin on the knee;
  • fever.

When the first signs appear, you should immediately contact medical institution to carry out diagnostics and prescribe effective treatment.


Since many disorders are caused by knee pain when walking, after running, when squatting and standing up, diagnosis should consist of:

  • a detailed survey of the patient regarding the appearance of the first symptoms, the intensity of pain, the location of its appearance (from the outside or inside), possible reasons(for example, when walking, after running or childbirth), which causes pain;
  • palpation of the knee by the attending physician to find out a more complete picture of the localization of pain, as well as to identify swelling;
  • patient's blood analysis for general and biochemical studies;
  • radiography - in which any pathologies in the structure of the knee will be clearly visible;
  • fluid collection using a puncture - carried out if the attending physician suspects bone tuberculosis;
  • puncture of fluid from the knee joint;
  • arthroscopy - performed in cases of meniscus injury, which causes pain in the knee on the inside. This method is carried out not only for diagnosis, but also during treatment;
  • bone tissue density measurements;
  • Ultrasound of the knee;
  • patient examinations using MRI and CT.


There is no one way to cure all diseases and disorders. The treatment method for each patient is prescribed individually and depends on the cause and degree of intensity of the spasms, if the knee hurts when walking, after running, when squatting or standing up. Treatment methods that are prescribed to all patients without exception, including women after childbirth:

  • reducing the load on the lower limbs so that not the slightest symptoms arise;
  • applying a fixing bandage to the damaged knee;
  • warming the knee with warming ointments or compresses. As prescribed by the doctor, use cold compresses, but no more than fifteen minutes a day;
  • anti-inflammatory medications.

If necessary, treatment is carried out with surgical intervention.

In addition, there are folk remedies that can reduce the symptoms, but they can only be used after consulting a doctor. Such pain treatments include:

  • iodine network;
  • compress from your own urine;
  • a mixture of raw potatoes with kerosene;
  • lotions from apple cider vinegar mixed with egg yolk;
  • ointment made from crushed potatoes with horseradish;
  • onion compress, for this you need to cut it in half and apply half on the outer and inner sides of the knee;
  • a solution of cologne and dandelion;
  • tinctures of elecampane root and alcohol;
  • press compress black elderberry, chamomile and pine;
  • calendula lotion;
  • a mixture of mustard and honey.


To avoid knee pain when walking, after running or squatting, you must:

  • stick to healthy image life;
  • always watch your posture;
  • maintain normal body weight;
  • warm up the muscles before training to avoid knee spasms after running and exercise;
  • wear only comfortable shoes;
  • promptly treat all diseases that can lead to this disorder;
  • pass preventive examination in the clinic several times a year;
  • perform gymnastics if a person’s lifestyle or working conditions are in a standing or sitting position;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • At the first symptoms, especially after childbirth or running, consult a doctor.


Structure of the knee joint

Diseases and frequent injuries knees are caused by both the constant load of the patient’s own weight and complex structure the knee joint itself. It is formed by three bones - the tibia, femur and patella. The upper and lower parts of the joint are separated by two discs (menisci), and the contacting surfaces of the bones are covered with articular cartilage, which absorbs shock.

On the outside, the knee joint is strengthened by ligaments, and the patella is connected to the thigh muscles by tendons. When any structures (tendons, cartilage, periarticular bursae) are damaged, pain occurs in the knee joint and its mobility is impaired.

Knee injuries

Ligament damage

A sprain, rupture or tear of the ligaments causes a person to experience severe pain in the knee when bending the leg or at rest. The most common causes of such injuries are sudden movements, falls, lifting and carrying heavy objects. With such injuries, swelling of the knee joint is often observed, and sometimes the bone joints become unstable. If the pain is localized on the inside of the knee, this indicates damage to the collateral ligament. The rupture may be partial or complete. Knuckle protrusion syndrome and discomfort in the front of the knee may indicate a sprained cruciate ligament.


To fractures of the lower zone femur and the upper part of the tibia can be caused by falls from great heights or strong external impacts. Acute cutting pain is usually accompanied by swelling of the knee. Sometimes the skin in the area of ​​the fracture turns pale, and visible dents and bumps can be seen on the surface. For such injuries, you should immediately consult a doctor, who will perform movement tests and prescribe treatment.

When the knee joint dislocates, the bone comes out of the joint. As a rule, complete dislocations are accompanied by ligament ruptures and fractures. If minor subluxations are not treated, they may develop habitual dislocation, leading to displacement of the bones of the joint due to any injury or slight bruise.

Meniscus tear

Sports and work-related injuries to the front of the knee are the most common causes of meniscal damage. When sharp pain subsides, the patient begins to experience discomfort on the outside of the knee or in the center, as well as difficulty bending the leg, as well as when climbing stairs.

Small mechanical injuries and knee bruises do not lead to serious consequences; treatment may not be carried out. Hematoma and swelling disappear after 7-14 days without outside intervention.

Common knee diseases

There are a number of diseases causing pain in the knee, and they can be interconnected, and also be a consequence of each other.

Arthritis refers to a group of diseases characterized by pain in the knee joint when walking, swelling and edema. Inflammation is often accompanied by an increase in temperature, which has little effect on medication treatment. Knee pain usually worsens in the evening or at night, or when the weather changes. There are several types of arthritis - infectious, reactive, rheumatoid, juvenile, psoriatic, all of which are the initial stages of the development of polyarthritis of several groups of joints.

With arthrosis, the interarticular cartilage tissue is affected and the process of its restoration is disrupted. The cartilage becomes brittle and inelastic, causing acute pain in the knee, inflammation of the joint, and lameness. Arthrosis is diagnosed in patients of all ages, and doctors note that rheumatological diseases are increasingly beginning to affect young people. Gonarthrosis develops very slowly, the disease progresses with age. The cartilage tissue gradually wears out, the distance between the bones decreases, as a result of which blood vessels and nerves are compressed.

Bursitis is an inflammation of one or more joint capsules, which leads to swelling, redness of the knee, and decreased mobility.

Synovitis is a common complication arthritis, gonarthrosis and bursitis. The inflammatory process takes place in the synovial bursa. The disease is characterized by severe burning pain in the knee joint and swelling. Synovitis occurs aseptic and purulent.

Vascular pain

Reason vascular pain is a circulatory disorder. In this case, discomfort is felt in both knees, usually depending on changes in weather and atmospheric pressure. Painful sensations intensify after physical exertion and during hypothermia, but are not accompanied by a violation motor function. Blood circulation is often impaired in adolescents during the period of active growth; with age, the intensity of pain decreases. The doctor prescribes treatment in the form of warming ointments and light massage.


With this disease, cartilaginous nodes form in the knee joint, as a result of which it outer surface becomes swollen. The patient begins to feel a crunching sensation when bending the leg. Chondromatosis leads to deformation of the joint, its disfigurement, limitation of activity and severe pain, their causes are pinched tissue.

Meniscopathy (meniscal cysts)

The main causes of meniscus disease are old injuries or chronic injuries to the knee. In the acute stage, pain in the knee can be quite severe, it has a sharp pulsating character. This disease can lead to inflammation in the synovial bursae and the development of gonarthrosis.

Patellar Chondropathy

The disease is associated with degenerative changes in the cartilage, their main causes are long-standing injuries to the patella or its chronic damage. The pain in the knee intensifies with any physical activity; it is difficult for the patient to lean on it; cracking, crunching and clicking noises can be heard during movement.

The nature of the pain and the probable causes of its occurrence

Based on the nature of the painful sensations, tentative conclusions are drawn about the reasons for their occurrence:

  • sharp acute pain accompanies fractures, ligament and meniscal tears, exacerbation of rheumatoid, gouty and reactive arthritis, as well as acute bursitis;
  • pulsating indicates an advanced stage of deforming arthrosis or meniscus injury;
  • aching is characteristic of arthritis outside the acute phase and gonarthrosis
  • pain at rest is often a manifestation of gout and arthritis, and when walking - osteochondritis or gonarthrosis

Examination and diagnosis

First of all, the patient is examined and several motor tests are performed, after which the following types of examinations may be prescribed:

  • radiography
  • computed tomography (CT)
  • densitometry
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • arthroscopy (examination of the joint using an arthroscope)

In order to determine the causes of knee pain and prescribe treatment, they additionally do a general and biochemical blood test, as well as rheumatic tests.

Treatment and prevention of joint diseases

You should not neglect such a symptom as pain in the knee joint. An injury or illness can be serious, so you need to urgently contact a specialist - a therapist, orthopedist, traumatologist, neurologist or rheumatologist. Treatment is prescribed after an accurate diagnosis is made, and therapy depends on the cause of the pain.

If discomfort occurs in the knee, you should first of all reduce the load on the joint and ensure its rest - reduce or eliminate sports activities, refrain from long walks, prevent sudden movements.

With arthrosis, pain is relieved with a warm compress, a warm bath or hydromassage. However, it should be remembered that during the inflammatory process, these actions can lead to an exacerbation of the disease and increased pain.

In case of injury, the leg should be placed on a hill and a cold compress should be applied and ice should be applied. Abrasions and wounds must be pre-treated antiseptic solutions. All actions are performed before urgently consulting a doctor, which is mandatory.

If knee pain is the result of an injury, you should urgently consult a surgeon or traumatologist. Treatment for severe knee injuries may include measures such as bone realignment and casting. In some cases it is required surgery to eliminate the consequences of a fracture, open reduction and extraction of bone fragments.

After removing the plaster, treatment is continued with a chiropractor, massage and physiotherapy are performed, electrophoresis, magnetic and laser therapy are used.

Arthritis requires complex treatment, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants and glucocorticosteroids. If pain in the knee joint accompanies inflammatory disease eg synovitis, bursitis or infectious arthritis, antibiotics are used, and cystic formations removed or blocked with hydrocortisone and diprospan solution.

To prevent joint diseases, you should adhere to the diet recommended by your doctor, wisely combine work and rest, reduce stress and normalize body weight. In case of inflammatory processes, it is necessary to reduce the content of saturated fatty fats and salt in food. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of foods with vegetable oils, B vitamins and omega-3,6 acids. The presence of these substances in food reduces the intensity of inflammation and increases the rate of tissue regeneration.



As a result of the predominance of the rate of bone destruction over the processes of their formation, a gradual decrease in their density occurs; this disease is called osteoporosis (see symptoms and treatment of osteoporosis).

  • Along with severe pain in the knee, pain is observed in other joints: wrists, forearms, hips, along the spinal column, lower back, between the shoulder blades.
  • A feature of the pain syndrome is that it intensifies with prolonged mechanical stress and being in an uncomfortable body position.
  • Additional signs include: changes in posture, cessation of growth, stooping, destruction of dental tissue, frequent fractures, convulsions.

The diagnosis can be made after a thorough examination and the results of specialized studies, including radiography (the doctor may suspect pathology after a long course of the disease), magnetic resonance and computed tomography, dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry.

Among biochemical methods, studies of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, markers of bone tissue formation and degradation, and the amount of calcium-regulating hormones can be used.

Flat feet

This is the name of the pathology of the development of the foot, which is expressed in a change in its shape (flattening of the arch), the result is the loss of its main function - shock-absorbing ability.

  • Pain in the knee joint when bending is pronounced (it is easier for a person to bend over to touch the floor than to squat).
  • There is pain in the hips, feet, and back.
  • The main symptom is a visually noticeable deformation of the bones of the feet (unnaturally wide foot, protruding bone in the area thumb on the leg, flat foot, very long toes).
  • A more detailed examination reveals a change in the location of the knee joints, disproportionately formed calf muscles compared to other muscle tissues of the leg, unnatural posture, clubfoot, and heaviness in gait.

Diagnosis is carried out using X-ray images of the feet in a vertical position of the body (it is necessary to study 2 projections - direct and lateral). A preliminary diagnosis can be established based on the results of a visual and instrumental examination (podoscopy).

Vascular pain

Variant of the norm

Pain occurs as a result of difficult blood circulation; the problem is relevant for adolescents and is not a serious pathology. Associated with not enough rapid growth vessels and their bandwidth compared to accelerated bone formation.

There is predominantly aching pain simultaneously on both joints, which does not lead to impaired mobility or limitation of movements. Gradually, the discomfort subsides and by the age of 19 years is reduced to zero. May be accompanied by aching pain in other joints (hip, shoulder, wrist, etc.).

As a result of vascular damage by atherosclerosis

With atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, cholesterol deposition is observed on their surface (see how to reduce cholesterol). Subsequently, calcification of this area of ​​the vessel and proliferation of connective tissue occurs, physiologically this manifests itself in a significant decrease in its lumen (until complete blockage).

If vascular damage occurs in the area near the knee, then the pain can be localized under the knee joint or located above it. In addition to local aching pain outside of physical activity, pain is observed over the entire surface of the leg, coldness of one limb, fast fatiguability muscle tissue. Often the affected limb is prone to numbness after strain and strain. At later stages, when the lumen of the vessel is completely blocked, tissue necrosis (gangrene) can occur.

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a Doppler examination of the vessels of the lower extremities, ultrasound duplex diagnostics vessels. The angiographic mode of examination using CT and MRI devices may be indicative.

As a result of phlebitis (inflammation of blood vessels)

With inflammation of the vessels near the knee, pain is associated with hyperthermia of the localized area (with extensive damage - a general increase in body temperature), redness of the skin, and swelling. Characteristic feature phlebitis of the venous vessels is the subsidence of the pain syndrome in the process of raising the leg; in the case of inflammation of the vessels carrying arterial blood, the pain weakens when lowering the limb.

Ultrasound is the most informative study.

Legg-Calvé-Perthes (Perthes) disease

The disease develops in children and is expressed in the form of necrosis of the femoral head of a non-infectious nature, caused by impaired blood supply to the cartilage.

  • There is pain in the hip joint and along the entire length of the leg.
  • Often the primary source of pain is the knee joint (pain in the knee when walking).
  • There is progressive lameness, possible dragging of the affected leg, and falling on it.
  • Subsequently, the hip joint swells and the gluteal muscles weaken.
  • A certain difficulty is caused by turning the leg outward, extending and rotating movements of the joint.
  • There is wrinkled and pale skin on the foot, profuse sweating and coldness.
  • Body temperature can rise to 37.5 degrees.
  • The disease often affects only one joint.

The diagnosis can be made after deciphering the results computed tomography, ultrasound or radiography. Clinical manifestations diseases are specific, difficulties can arise only in detecting the first stage of the disease.

Rheumatoid arthritis

During the disease there is chronic inflammation connective intra-articular tissue. Rheumatoid arthritis is thought to develop as a result of autoimmune pathologies in organism.

  • The disease affects not only the knee joints, but can also spread to other areas of bone connection.
  • A characteristic feature of the course of rheumatoid arthritis is symmetry (two knees are affected at once, identical joints in the areas of the right and left half of the body, etc.).
  • Along with pain, stiffness of movements is observed, mainly after 2-3 a.m. and at morning time(sometimes it is impossible to move the joint for up to half an hour or more).
  • Additionally, the patient's complaints about muscle pain, fatigue, chronic weakness, flu-like ailments.
  • Often there is a loss of desire to eat, a gradual loss of weight, a lack of tear fluid and saliva, increased sweating feet and palms.
  • On palpation, slight swelling of the knee, hyperthermia of the skin and pain are noted.

Diagnosis is carried out using radiography and blood tests, including the presence of specific rheumatoid factor.
Read more about the symptoms of knee arthritis.

Tuberculosis of the knee joint

Children under 10 years of age are more susceptible to the disease. The causative agent of tuberculosis from the primary zone of spread enters the joint tissues, where it begins to develop intensively, causing the disease.

There is swelling and pain when straightening the joint. Discomfort in the knee increases in the evening and at night (the child may cry out at night), gradually weakening in the morning. Progression of leg muscle atrophy is also noted. The gait changes, the child places his foot incorrectly, and often stumbles.

To carry out the diagnosis, a series of x-rays are taken, and a TB dispensary’s report on the condition of the patient’s lungs is obtained.

Osteoarthritis (arthrosis)

With arthrosis in a person, cartilage tissue wears out, resulting in the initiation of degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the joint.

  • When the knee is affected by osteoarthritis (gonarthrosis), severe pain does not immediately begin to bother you; at first it appears when moving (especially going up or down the stairs).
  • The pain on the inside of the knee feels like a tightness.
  • A distinctive feature of arthrosis is the manifestation of symptoms immediately at the beginning of movement (they subside after a couple of steps) and during prolonged exercise.
  • With the development of osteoarthritis, discomfort occurs mainly in front of the knee during any movement, and there is a limitation in the activity of the joint (when a person tries to bend the leg “at full strength,” acute pain appears in the knee).
  • At later stages, the pain practically does not subside, and movements are accompanied by a rough crunching sound (read more about why joints crunch). Flexion-extension movements are severely limited, the joint itself swells, and the person practically loses the ability to move without support (cane or crutches).
  • Possible pain radiating to the knee if affected by osteoarthritis hip joints(coxarthrosis). In this case, pain is rarely observed in the area below the kneecap; more often it is observed in the area from the groin along the entire length of the thigh. In case of coxarthrosis, the physical activity pelvis with symptoms of gonarthrosis in this area.

In diagnosis, X-ray images are used, however, in the early stages of osteoarthritis, changes in the joint may be absent. Along with a non-instrumental examination, the doctor may resort to studying the results of CT and MRI (see arthrosis of the knee joint).

Meniscus cyst

The disease is localized in the internal or external meniscus (rarely affects both at once) and is characterized by the formation of a cavity filled with fluid in its thickness.

Knee pain is noted after exercise and is localized in the area of ​​the joint space. When the external meniscus is damaged, a tumor-like formation is noted that extends beyond the lateral surface of the joint (small cysts may go unnoticed). Defeat internal meniscus, by virtue of anatomical features structure, is not noted outside the knee joint. Discomfort increases with knee extension and decreases slightly with flexion.

Cavities in the menisci are clearly visible on MRI images and on the screen of an ultrasound machine. Arthroscopy is also used to diagnose small cysts.

Baker's cyst

Half of the people have intertendon bursae in the area of ​​the popliteal fossa (this is a variant of normal physiology); when their mucous membrane is inflamed, an influx of intra-articular fluid is observed. This fluid stretches the bag from the inside, resulting in the formation of a cyst (see Baker's cyst).

At the initial stages, the cyst practically does not manifest itself at all; only with an increase in fluid pressure does it grow, and it can form a protrusion in the popliteal fossa. This formation is slightly painful on palpation. When the cyst compresses the nerve endings, the pain spreads to the entire knee, and when bending or staying in an upright position for a long time, it intensifies. The consequence of compression of blood vessels is often numbness of the lower limb and a tingling feeling.

A cyst can be diagnosed using an ultrasound or MRI scan. It is often necessary to resort to arthroscopy of the joint.

Patellar tendinitis

Appears as inflammatory process in combination due to age-related changes (in people over 40 years old) or in athletes (under 40 years old).

With tendonitis, the knee hurts below the patella. Initially, discomfort appears after exercise, then it begins to be noted at any time, but intensifies directly during the operation of the joint. Extension movements are difficult, and there is general stiffness in the knee.

Diagnosed using radiography and tomography (computer and magnetic resonance imaging). Ultrasound examination is quite informative.

Koenig's disease

The appearance of detachments of a section of cartilage in the articular cavity (in the later stages completely separated from the bone) is called osteochondritis dissecans (Koenig's disease).

Painful sensations intensify with movement and even slight exertion; the pain is characterized as aching or dull. The result of bone exposure is synovitis (accompanied by the accumulation of fluid inside the joint and inflammation synovial membrane). Involuntary blocks of movement may also occur, appearing simultaneously with sharp pain, caused by “wandering” of the area cartilage tissue. Often a person changes his gait to facilitate movement - he turns the injured leg outward. It is possible to develop lameness and, as a consequence, atrophy of the thigh muscles (visually noted as a decrease in the size of the thigh). It can develop synchronously on both knee joints.

In diagnostics, methods of computer and magnetic resonance imaging and X-ray studies are used.

Bursitis of the knee joint

The disease manifests itself as inflammation of the bursa (intra-articular bursa of the joint).

The periarticular tissues swell greatly, turn red, feel warmer to the touch than the surrounding tissues, and are painful when pressed. There is stiffness when moving the joint. There may be a general increase in body temperature and muscle weakness.

To make a diagnosis, a visual examination by a doctor is sufficient; a puncture of the fluid located inside the joint capsule may be necessary to determine the nature of the disease (purulent bursitis, serous bursitis, etc., see bursitis of the knee joint).

Osgut-Schlatter disease

The disease is characterized by the destruction of the tuberous tissue of the tibia during adolescence.

Pain occurs during physical activity on the joint: squats, including low-amplitude ones, going up and down stairs, jumping, etc. Later, discomfort manifests itself even when walking, and may have the character of a pain at the bottom of the knee. Often the tissues around the joint swell, but no hyperemia or hyperthermia is observed.

Diagnosis is based on X-ray, CT and MRI data.

It is imperative to involve specialists - orthopedic traumatologists - in the treatment of knee pain. You should not choose remedies for pain on your own; they only muffle the symptoms of the disease and lead to temporary relief. And at this time, the pathology of the knee joint progresses, which can lead to the transition of the disease to more advanced stages, which are often irreversible. A timely visit to a doctor and prescribing medications will help not only relieve pain in the knee joint, but also stop degenerative processes (significantly slow them down).


What does knee discomfort indicate?

The main reasons why joint discomfort may occur is damage to the knee. These include minor injuries such as a joint fracture, displacement or sprain, and more serious damage such as fractures, dislocations or torn ligaments. While walking, a crunching sensation occurs in the joint. Reasons for discomfort in the knee on the side may be various diseases. There can be many reasons that lead to discomfort in the knees, it’s impossible to count them all.

Very often, this sensation can occur as a result of physical activity. In the case when pain does not arise as a result of stress, and not as a consequence of a disease, this may be the first sign of a serious disease of the knee joint. One of the most popular is arthritis of the knee joint. The disease occurs during an inflammatory process in the knee area, which causes a person to feel pain in the leg and find it difficult to move. Already at the first manifestations of signs of the disease, it is necessary to determine the causes of the disease and undergo treatment.

Another equally common disease is osteoarthritis of the joint, or as it is also called gonarthrosis. In this case, all components of the flexor apparatus are damaged. Discomfort may appear in the cartilage itself, on the side and on the inside of the leg when bending. Very often, when bending, a person feels a crunch in the knee or discomfort on the side of the leg, as well as on its inner side. In some cases, the disease can lead to unpredictable consequences, and prosthetic limbs are also possible. There is a crunching sound when walking.

Difficulties with joints may not always indicate that it is the joints that require treatment. Sometimes this can be a consequence of some disease. For example, these include the formation of a cyst. In such cases, inflammation occurs during which fluid forms and collects, penetrating into the tendons. This can lead to discomfort on the side of the leg and on the outside and inside of the knee when flexed. There is also a crunch in the knee.

A pinched nerve in the area of ​​the knee disc should not be ruled out. Treatment for knee disc pain can take place quickly if it is started on time.

What kind of pain is there?

The first discomfort and pain in the knee appears when intra-articular fluid or blood begins to put pressure on the nerve endings. Such discomfort can occur not only in the knee itself, on the side and on the inside of the leg. Treatment should begin at the first symptoms. Often there is a crunch in the knee when bending.

When diagnosing a disease, the main thing is to determine its nature, namely:

Causes of the disease

The most popular cause of discomfort and pain in the knees is injury. This can be a consequence of an incorrect jump, a blow to the outside or inside of the leg, or from the back under the knee. Unfortunately, some injuries are not always immediately noticeable. Sometimes the damage is so minor that it is difficult to immediately find out its causes and in which part exactly it occurs. Joint damage can occur for the following reasons:

  • rupture or sprain of ligaments, acute pain and crunching;
  • fracture of the patella and femur;
  • meniscus injury - such discomfort occurs in the first seconds of injury, but goes away immediately with further occurrence after a certain time.

Pain under the knee

When there is pain behind the knee, it is difficult to recognize the cause of the pain. To determine the source of the problem behind the knee, you need to know how the knee itself and the popliteal fossa located behind it work. With pain in the back, most often the joint itself is not involved.

  • the upper and lower parts of the popliteal fossa are surrounded by the femoral and ankle tendons and muscles;
  • the bottom of the popliteal fossa is the posterior surface of the articular capsule, covered with ligaments, as well as the posterior surface of the femur;
  • exactly in the center of the popliteal fossa is the popliteal vein, artery, and neurovascular bundle, surrounded by subcutaneous fat;
  • Important lymph nodes are located in the popliteal space, preventing infection from entering the body from the external space.

In some cases, popliteal pain is associated with osteochondrosis or impingement of the lumbar vertebrae. In this situation, there will be pain, but in reality their cause will not be associated with pathological processes in the popliteal fossa.

Irritants for pain behind the knee as we see great amount Therefore, at the first pain or discomfort, urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary. Only a doctor can correctly determine the source of pain and prescribe the necessary and effective treatment.

Treatment of knee pain

Any discomfort in the knee joint is a consequence of some disease or injury and will not necessarily be associated with damage to the legs.

If the pain is minor, it subsides over time, but the source of inflammation will not go away. Already at the first pain in the back when bending or walking, as well as if there is a crunch in the knee, you should consult a doctor. In this case, it is necessary to identify the reason why the discomfort occurs and only then begin treatment. Various ointments and compresses are usually used. Often in such cases, treatment is carried out with folk remedies.

It is worth remembering that treatment depends on the severity of the disease and how quickly you contact a specialist for help. In some cases, treatment begins with folk remedies, but after it does not bring positive results, contact a specialist. It is worth considering that this will lead to a loss of time, which will affect the further course of treatment.

It is worth remembering that during a knee injury, first of all, it is necessary to leave the leg at rest and bend it as little as possible. You can use folk remedies. This must also be done in the case when there is a crunch in the knee, since at this moment fluid collects in the knee joint, and subsequently this causes sharp pain in the leg. Any disease and its consequences must be treated immediately, since the consequences can be the most unfavorable.


The specific list of therapeutic measures depends on the cause of pain in the knee joint. As mentioned above, there are a great many such diseases and conditions, so self-medication in case of problems with the knee joint is ineffective and even dangerous. Put accurate diagnosis and appoint competent treatment This can only be done by a specialist, whose visit should not be postponed if:

  • knee pain does not subside for a long time;
  • the intensity of pain does not decrease over time or, even more so, increases;
  • the pain occurred suddenly and without cause;
  • there is redness of the knee;
  • changed sensitivity of the knee and neighboring areas;
  • there is a deformity of the knee.

In each specific case, a list of research and therapeutic actions will be selected individually.

If your knees hurt, Bubnovsky exercises Treatment of knee joints at home

Many people of different ages complain of pain in the knee joint. Treatment at home will be effective only after determining the cause of the discomfort.

Regardless of the nature of the pain, consultation with an orthopedist, rheumatologist or arthrologist is required. Refusal to visit a doctor or self-medication using questionable or inappropriate methods often worsens the course of the disease. Find out what to do if your knee hurts.


Painful sensations are a sign of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system or a consequence of injuries and damage to the lower extremities. Only an experienced doctor can understand the variety of negative factors.

One of the reasons is the result of injuries:

  • bursitis of the knee joint;
  • dislocation or fracture;
  • meniscus tear;
  • sprained tendons or ligaments;
  • shift of the kneecap.

Injuries unsettle a person for a long time; for some patients, rehabilitation takes a long period. One of the reasons is that it is difficult to ensure Everyday life immobility of the knee joint when this technique is necessary. Often, after a month or more, a person still experiences pain when moving or squatting. The localization area is the area below the knee (behind). The nature of the pain is sharp, aching, nagging, mild, but practically constant.

Another cause of discomfort is diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Baker's cyst. Characteristic sign- swelling under the knee. As the cyst grows painful sensations intensify, it is difficult to sit down and move actively. When bending the leg or squatting, the pain in the knee joint often becomes excruciating;
  • osteochondritis dissecans. The patient experiences unpleasant sensations at the slightest attempt to move his leg, while walking or squatting;
  • osteoarthritis. Characteristic symptom– periodic pain that subsides after warming up or at rest;
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease. During movement, the area below the knee is pierced sharp pain, worse after squatting.

Important! Many patients think for a long time about what symptoms to see a doctor for, hoping that the mild (pulling, aching) pain will go away. The problem is not the strength of the painful sensations, but the negative factors that provoked the discomfort. Even minor, but frequently occurring pain is a reason to consult a doctor.

Effective methods and rules of treatment

There are many causes of pain in the knee area, but solving any problem requires an integrated approach. During the examination, the patient often learns that discomfort in the legs is a consequence of a long-standing injury, a complication of chronic pathologies, or a sign of a disease that the person did not even know about.

Basic methods of therapy

Conservative treatment of pain in a problematic knee joint consists of several areas:

  • physiotherapy;
  • taking anti-inflammatory compounds;
  • applying ointments, gels with an analgesic effect;
  • massage and self-massage;
  • wearing a special bandage;
  • exercise therapy complex;
  • using homemade ointments, compresses, rubs;
  • use herbal decoctions for treatment from the inside;
  • proper nutrition.

The success of therapy is a combination of different methods. Most doctors recognize the benefits of traditional recipes. Rubs, ointments, tinctures, lotions based on natural ingredients reduce discomfort and are combined with other methods of treating pain in the knee joint.

The fight against excess weight is a must if you have 5 or more kilograms. High body mass index – negative factor for healthy joints: for knee pain, obesity interferes with recovery.

Folk remedies and recipes

Consult your doctor, select several formulations:

  • tincture of healing Golden mustache. One of them effective ways for the treatment of diseased joints. Pour 500 ml of good vodka into a jar, put 6 large or 10 small leaves, put it in a cool place away from light. The tincture is ready in a week. Rub the medicinal liquid into your knee daily, rub your shins if necessary, top part stop;
  • rubbing of cologne and iodine. Composition with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. In a container, combine 50 ml of triple cologne and iodine, add 10 crushed Analgin tablets. Place the mixture carefully and let it sit for a day. Rub the liquid into sore knee every day. Always protect your hands: the mixture leaves bright marks;
  • gelatin compress. Saturating cartilage with a natural substance that provides elasticity is beneficial for any knee problems. Dissolve 2 tsp. gelatin in warm water, wait until the mixture swells. Dip the gauze into hot water, wring it out lightly, then place it in the gelatin mass. Wrap gauze around your knee, cover with cling film (not tightly), and top with terry logs. Carry out the procedure in the evening, wash your feet in the morning. Frequency – daily, course – two weeks;
  • nettle decoction. The product cleanses the blood and is indispensable for maintaining healthy joints. For thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, increased blood clotting, choose another medicinal plant, for example, chamomile. Prepare fresh decoction daily: 500 ml hot water boil, add 1 tbsp. l. dry or fresh nettle, boil for 2 minutes, remove from heat, cover the dish with a lid. In 40 minutes healing agent ready. 20 minutes before meals, drink half a glass of broth, frequency – three times a day;

A few more effective recipes:

  • compress of honey and aloe. Good remedy when identifying an inflammatory process. The optimal time to treat the painful area is evening. Tear off a fleshy leaf of the agave, wash it, select the pulp (2 tablespoons), pour in light honey (half as much), mix. Apply the gentle mixture onto gauze, apply to the swollen area, lightly bandage, cover with cellophane or cling film, and insulate with a terry towel. After a few days the effect will definitely appear;
  • compress of cabbage and camphor oil. Select large leaf cabbage, wash, lightly beat. In a bowl, combine honey (1 part) with camphor oil (2 parts). Place the mixture on cabbage leaf, put it on sore spot, do not bandage it tightly. Optimal time for a compress - from evening to morning. Combination cabbage juice, honey and camphor gives good results;
  • homemade ointment. Grind 1 yolk, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp. turpentine, mix. Lightly lubricate the affected area, gently rub in the mixture, cover with gauze, then with a woolen scarf or scarf. Wash your feet after an hour. Repeat the procedure every day for two weeks;
  • homemade ointment with horse chestnut. Peel the fruits, remove the contents, and grind with a blender. Connect camphor oil with chopped chestnuts, apply to the affected area, place a thin slice of black bread on top. Carefully bandage the structure and cover it with a soft cloth. Keep the compress for 2 hours, wash your feet with soap, moisten the sore spot with chamomile decoction. Repeat beneficial sessions daily, treatment course- two weeks.


Home methods alone are not enough. Take medications prescribed by your doctor.

  • ointments, gels. Use formulations with bee and snake venom, with an active warming/cooling and analgesic effect. Many remedies improve blood circulation. The doctor will select the drug, taking into account the cause of pain and contraindications. Popular means: Apizarton, Viprosal, Troxevasin, Menovasin, Capsicam;
  • non-steroidal drugs with active anti-inflammatory effects (NSAIDs). Use Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen. Ointments and gels in this category relieve pain, but are less effective at fighting inflammation than NSAID tablets. Popular drugs will reduce discomfort: Voltaren-emulgel, Fastum-gel;
  • chondroprotectors. Preparations with chondroitin and glucose preserve the functional properties of cartilage, maintain tissue elasticity, and restore metabolism in the affected area. Effective remedies: Structum, Dona, Artra, Chondroitin AKOS.

Completely exclude knee injury or the influence of certain diseases on the condition musculoskeletal system It’s impossible, but you can minimize the risks. Pain in the knee joint often torments patients for years.

It is easy to prevent negative manifestations:

  • dose physical activity, do not overload the joints and ligaments. Swimming, walking, gymnastics, and daily walks are beneficial for the health of the lower extremities;
  • during classes active species sports, when there is constant stress on the legs, always use protective devices, choose comfortable, high-quality shoes;
  • supplement your diet with dishes and products with high content magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, once a week eat jellied dishes with gelatin;
  • Vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy muscles, bones and cartilage. After consulting with an orthopedist, rheumatologist or arthrologist, buy dietary supplements, vitamin and mineral complexes. The compositions of Chondro Strength, Chondro Capsules, ArthroStop Plus and others earned positive reviews;
  • control your weight. Fat people often suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, have a “bouquet” of chronic diseases that negatively affect the health of the joints;
  • remember: sitting for a long time without moving is as harmful as overloading your legs. If you work at a computer, do not get up for hours, blood circulation in the lower limbs, the elasticity of cartilage tissue decreases. Joint problems with sedentary life – the same frequent occurrence as among athletes, loaders and auxiliary workers;
  • If you experience discomfort, severe or mild pain in the knee area, visit a doctor. An experienced orthopedist, rheumatologist or arthrologist will check the condition of bones, muscles and cartilage in the problem area and prescribe treatment;
  • patients suffering from chronic pathologies joints, ligaments, orthoses (protective devices) should be worn to reduce the load on the legs. The doctor will select a special bandage, bandage or special design, taking into account individual characteristics.

Knee pain is a common occurrence. Listen to the recommendations of rheumatologists, orthopedists, and herbalists. Use proven home remedies and study preventive measures. Remember: You can get rid of painful sensations only by integrated approach to therapy.

Video. Elena Malysheva about treating pain in the knee joint without pills and injections:

Thanks to the knee joint, a person can move, squat, turn and perform many other actions. This is possible due to the special structure of the knee. It is formed by bones, cartilage, ligaments, muscles and tendons. Being complex mechanism, the knee joint is susceptible to injury and may fail. Disturbances in the structure lead to discomfort, crunching and pain appearing in the knee when moving.

Structure of the knee joint

Discomfort in the knee joint can occur due to many reasons. To know the cause of knee discomfort, you must first become familiar with its anatomy. The knee joint is formed by the femur and tibia, as well as a small round bone - the patella.

The surfaces of articulating bones are covered with cartilage. Cartilage provides a smooth and durable sliding surface that allows for ease of movement. The bones at their junctions have articular surfaces called condyles. The condyles are covered with special cartilage tissue. The end of the femur has a peculiar spherical thickening that forms a movable joint.

The spherical shape of the bone should fit into the depression in the other articulating bone. But the tibia does not have such a depression. The end of this bone is called the tibial plateau. The round bone puts too much pressure on the flat bone, so it is necessary to distribute the load. This function is performed by the menisci: internal (medial) and external (lateral).

The meniscus is an additional cartilage pad that performs a shock-absorbing function. The menisci are located on the tibial plateau. They are shaped like the letter “C”. The meniscus has a posterior horn, a body and an anterior horn. The meniscus lacks nerve endings and blood vessels, which allows you to walk on your foot painlessly.

The bones are connected to each other by ligaments. They connect the femoral and tibia, and also limit the range of motion in the knee. Within the joint itself there are two ligaments: the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. It is also held together by ligaments on the sides. On the inner side there is the medial collateral ligament, and on the outer side there is the lateral collateral ligament. The cruciate ligaments limit the movement of the limb back and forth, and the lateral ligament limits the movement of the limb from side to side.

The joint is hermetically covered with a dense capsule that protects it from various damages. Inner side The capsule is covered with a synovial membrane, which produces a special fluid necessary to lubricate and nourish the knee.

How is the classical one performed?
Cupping back massage.

Symptoms and causes of joint discomfort

Knee discomfort may occur due to unusually long periods of standing or strain. As a rule, the feeling of fatigue or aching pain disappears the next day. But it is necessary to know the symptoms of serious joint diseases, so that if they appear, recognize the presence of the disease and consult a doctor. Symptoms that should not be ignored include the following.

  1. Morning stiffness. Discomfort in the knees after sleep or when rising from a sitting position may indicate the presence of diseases.
  2. Pain. Aching pain, which initially occurs only at the end of the working day, over time can develop into attacks of acute pain.
  3. Induration and swelling in the area of ​​the affected joints.
  4. Local and general increase in temperature. An inflammatory process of an infectious nature can manifest itself as a severe cold.

There can be many reasons why knees suffer. Injuries can cause joint discomfort. Excessive stress and improper weight distribution can seriously injure the joint. In addition, turning the leg, when, for example, the foot does not lift off the floor, and at the same time the whole body is rotated, can damage the ligaments and menisci in the knee. The presence of damage may be indicated by acute pain at the time of injury, redness and swelling.

An infection that has entered the knee through the bloodstream, or if any surgical intervention, can also cause inflammation and pain. An infection such as staphylococcus can cause a peculiar reaction in the body. The body, fighting a hostile microorganism, begins to secrete antibodies that attack its own cells.

Foot diseases that damage the joints are also the most common cause of joint problems. The cartilage of the joint does not receive proper nutrition and depletes over time. As a result, a disease such as arthrosis may develop, in which degenerative processes in cartilage tissue can lead to disability.

A disease such as varicose veins leads to impaired blood circulation in the legs.

Joint diseases

The most common joint disease is arthrosis (osteoarthrosis).

Arthrosis is a non-inflammatory disease in which the cartilage tissue of the joint is gradually destroyed. Most often, it affects older people, since over time the cartilage tissue wears off, and the process of formation of new cells in older people is slowed down.

The main cause of arthrosis is a violation of metabolic processes in the body. The body does not receive, or cannot properly distribute useful material, as a result of which the composition of the synovial fluid feeding the joint changes. The cartilage “starves”, dries out, and friction appears between the articular surfaces. Under mechanical stress, the cartilage wears off, the cracks become larger, and it collapses. At the first stage of the disease, when the cartilage tissue has not yet been destroyed, the knee can be saved. But in the later stages it is no longer possible to restore cartilage.

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints, accompanied by fever, swelling and pain when moving. There are several types of arthritis: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Osteoarthritis occurs due to metabolic disorders in the body, the joints wear out and become inflamed. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs due to failures in immune system when the body begins to attack its own cells.

In people who are actively involved in sports, a common problem is damage or rupture of ligaments. Lack of warm-up, sudden movements or loads beyond their capabilities lead to the fact that the joint cannot withstand and is injured.

Restoring joint mobility

To treat degenerative processes of cartilage tissue, drugs are needed that accelerate the healing process and the formation of new healthy cells. Such drugs are chondroprotectors. They help strengthen the joint, prevent tissue destruction, relieve pain, inflammation and swelling.

The chondroprotector “Joint Comfort” has proven itself on the market. In essence, “Joint Comfort” is not medicine, but a biologically active additive (BAA). "Joint Comfort" contains everything necessary substances and microelements that will help prevent the occurrence of degenerative processes and ensure healthy joints for many years.

Substances Action
Chondroitin sulfate. A substance necessary for the formation of cartilage tissue. It also participates in the formation of other tissues (ligaments, joint capsule tissue), prevents the leaching of calcium from the body, and increases the elasticity of bone and cartilage tissue.
Glucosamine. Another substance that is part of cartilage, ligaments and synovial fluid. It is necessary for the nutrition and restoration of cartilage, as well as for the production of substances such as collagen.
Pantothenic acid. Helps prevent stiffness in joints in the morning, relieves pain, improves metabolic processes and digestibility of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, gives cartilage strength and elasticity.

Glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine are natural substances, the source of which is the shell of marine crustaceans (shrimp, crabs). These substances are involved in the formation of hyaluaronic acid, the main element from which cartilage is formed. In addition, “Joint Comfort” also contains elements such as boron, manganese, magnesium, and molybdenum. It also includes hyaluronic acid, microhydrin, glutathione, etc.

“Joint comfort” take 1 capsule 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 months.

The image on the right shows fusion of the joint space.

The knee joint is one of the largest and most complex. It is subjected to enormous stress every day, so it is not surprising that from time to time it stops functioning normally. If, and the pain is almost constant, then it is necessary. Such a pathological condition may be a signal of the development of one of the joint deforming joints. Naturally, you need to learn to distinguish situations when a visit to the doctor is very necessary. But lack of or self-therapy can lead to complications.

Structure of the knee joint

To better understand why knees hurt, you need to understand their anatomy. So, the joint consists of the femur, tibia and patella. The two largest bones each have two protrusions: the internal and external condyles.

All surfaces that come into contact with each other are covered with hyaline cartilage. Thanks to it, the mobility of the knee joint and its shock-absorbing properties are ensured. Around this bone connection there is a kind of capsule, lined with a synovial layer on the inside. It is filled, thanks to which the joint is nourished and its mobility is ensured.

The knee joint is made up of more than just bones. All its elements are united by cross-shaped and collateral ligaments, thigh muscles, tendons. Knee cap attached to other elements by means of its own ligament. In order for the knee to move, 6 bursae are needed. Nutrition and innervation of the presented joint is carried out through nerves and blood vessels, which are located in soft tissues surrounding the joint.

Pain in the knee joint: causes

If your knee begins to hurt, swelling appears, mobility is limited, and the discomfort is quite severe, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the destructive process has already begun, then it will be impossible to completely cure the knee. However, it will be possible to stop or slow down its progression.

So, we can identify the following causes of pain in the knee joint:

  • . This disease is more often diagnosed in women with large mass bodies and who are already 40 years old. Discomfort is felt when climbing stairs or straightening your legs. Pathological process affects tendons, ligaments and muscles, joint capsule. , swelling appears on the limb;
  • . This disease is characterized by the formation of small nodules of cartilage tissue, which are located in the shell of the joint capsule. In this case, dehydration of the joint appears, its mobility is limited, and a crunching sound is heard when moving. Since soft tissues are pinched, the patient feels severe pain;
  • . Here the cartilage undergoes degenerative changes: it simply dies. The reasons for this pathological condition banal: knee injury, features of some professions. At the same time, the knee hurts very much, the discomfort becomes more pronounced with any movement. A crunching or cracking sound can be heard very clearly in the left or right knee. A person practically cannot stand on the affected limb;
  • bone tumor. Pain in the knee appears due to the growth of a neoplasm, which compresses soft tissues with nerves and blood vessels;
  • . This is a small hernia that can occur in young people and children from 3 to 7 years old. It is so small that it cannot always be diagnosed during examination. It does not pose a threat to human health and does not cause discomfort. However, if it grows, the joint may hurt, especially when straightening the leg. If the hernia is large, then surgery is performed to remove it;

These reasons are the main ones, but not the only ones. Therefore, it is necessary to consider other factors that cause knee pain.

Diseases of other organs as a cause of pain in the knee

Some pathologies that are not related to the knee joint can cause pain in it:

  1. Fibromyalgia. Discomfort is localized in the muscles and soft tissues, but can radiate to joints located nearby. The inflammatory process does not develop. In addition to aching pain in the knee joint, a person feels stiffness in movements, fatigue, and may experience cramps.
  2. or . The pain syndrome in this case spreads to the entire leg.
  3. . It is pinched by the vertebrae of the lumbosacral spine. Strong pulsating.

What systemic pathologies can cause knee pain? In addition to the reasons that have already been described above, there are other factors that contribute to the development of pain:

  • . The presented disease occurs due to metabolic disorders uric acid in organism. It is poorly removed from it, turns into, which accumulate in the joints. In this case, the knee may also hurt. Moreover, the pain is very sharp, sharp. More often, pathology occurs in men who abuse it or eat improperly. The skin in the affected area becomes red, and at night the knee joint hurts more. The duration of the attack ranges from a couple of days to several weeks;
  • . The pathology is associated with low bone density due to its improper formation. The pain in the knee joint is dull and aching, and it is not so easy to remove it. Bones with this pathology are highly susceptible to fractures;
  • . This is a systemic pathology that is characterized by inflammation of the connective tissue. It begins its active development when the body’s protective functions decrease. It manifests itself as a feeling of stiffness that a person can feel after a long stay at rest;

  • osteomyelitis. The presented bacterial pathology causes quite severe pain of a drilling nature. The skin in the area of ​​the affected joint turns red, and the discomfort intensifies with any movement. The danger of this disease is that its consequence is the onset of bone marrow death;
  • infectious diseases. They are characterized by pain in the knee joint, which disappears after a course of treatment;
  • Paget's disease. In this case bone is formed incorrectly, so the spine begins to deform. In this pathology, it is the tubular bones, which subsequently become very fragile. Recognizing this disease is quite difficult, since symptoms may not appear. The only thing that can indicate the presence of pathology is that the sore knee hurts at night, and warmth is felt at the site of the lesion.

If knee pain was caused by a systemic disease or skeletal pathology, it is not always possible to completely get rid of it. However, treatment must be carried out so that the disease does not develop further or at least slows down its course.

Trauma as a cause of pain

Pathological processes in this case can develop both immediately after injury and some time after it. The following knee joint injuries can be distinguished:

  1. Separation, tear or. These injuries lead to the appearance of joint “pushing” syndrome. In addition, the person feels severe pain, hemarthrosis of the joint develops, which becomes unstable.
  2. . Here the intensity of the pain syndrome is low. Any serious consequences does not remain after the bruise. Swelling, as well as hematoma, usually disappear on their own after one to two weeks.
  3. . Leads to him swipe in the anterior region of the knee joint. After it passes acute period pathology, pain usually bothers the patient while climbing stairs, which is quite difficult to do. There is slight swelling in the knee joint area.
  4. Fracture. It appears when falling from a great height or having a strong impact. The pain is severe, sharp, swelling appears in the affected area, and the skin turns pale. The victim cannot stand on his injured leg on his own. During a fracture, crunching and cracking is heard, and the bone can break through the skin.
  5. Tendon rupture. This injury is rare, but it leads first to acute and then to aching pain. left or right knee intensifies.
  6. . In this case, some of the constituent parts of the joint may come out of it.

Trauma can cause chronic diseases. For more information about this, watch the video:

Most pathologies of the knee joint have similar symptoms, so it can be quite difficult to recognize them. That is why you should not self-medicate, as you can make the situation even worse.

Who is at risk

Some people experience knee pain, crunching, and swelling in the affected area more often than others. The risk group includes those people who:

  1. Presence of primary pathologies.
  2. Genetic predisposition.
  3. Constant sports overload of the knee.
  4. Excessive body weight.
  5. Injury.
  6. There was surgery on the knee joint.
  7. Not enough good development muscular apparatus knee joint.

In addition, women, as well as elderly and older people, are more susceptible to knee diseases.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If a person feels that his knees hurt, then he urgently needs to consult a specialist in this case:

  1. The patient has been experiencing aching pain for more than two months, which prevents him from sleeping peacefully at night.
  2. If the pain syndrome is of high intensity, it appears suddenly.
  3. A crunching sound is heard in the knee joint when walking.
  4. My knees hurt every day, at certain times, under certain conditions.
  5. The knee joint feels unstable from time to time.
  6. If there are additional pathological signs: skin rash, fever, elevated temperature.
  7. Aching pain appeared, which was accompanied by deformation of the joints and limitation of their mobility.
  8. Pain syndrome becomes a constant companion of a person.
  9. Signs of an inflammatory process appeared: skin redness, swelling, and local temperature in the affected area increased.

These signs alone are enough to make a decision to see a doctor. By delaying the visit, the patient increases the duration and complexity of therapy, and also allows the pathology to develop further.

Types of pain

Why knees hurt, most of the reasons for the development of the pathological condition are already clear. But the nature of the pain may be different. For example, depending on the disease that caused it, pain can be of the following nature:

  • sharp, acute. It is caused by a torn meniscus or ligament, acute phase bursitis;
  • dull, pulling. It can be triggered by bursitis or synovitis;
  • aching. This type of pain is characteristic of arthrosis, gonarthrosis;
  • pulsating. A person feels it when the meniscus is injured or due to a lesion;

  • burning. It is characteristic of pinched sciatic nerve, as well as bone tuberculosis;
  • stabbing. It is caused by a bursa cyst. And also stabbing pain characteristic of osteoporosis, chronic meniscus injury;
  • drilling. It is caused by osteomyelitis;
  • periodic. It appears when the patient develops inflammation of the tendons or muscles;
  • shooting. It is caused by pinched nerve endings.

Diagnosis of pathology and first aid

Many people complain that their knees hurt, but they don’t know what to do. But when you feel it, you must undergo an examination and begin treatment.

Diagnostics involves the use of the following procedures:

  1. Laboratory tests of blood and urine.
  2. Blood chemistry.
  3. Bone marrow puncture and...
  4. Smears for the presence of bacterial microflora.
  5. . This procedure is used both as a diagnosis and as a treatment for pain in the joint. It is easy to do and does not require a long rehabilitation period.
  6. Radiography.
  7. or CT.

Knee pain: first aid

If a person feels aching or nagging pain in the leg in the knee area, first of all, it must ensure the rest of the limb. involves taking anti-inflammatory drugs - Analgin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

You can relieve pain using a cold compress. It is used as a method of pain relief when the cause of pain is injury. The limb is immobilized and placed on a hill. When there are wounds in the articulation area, they should be treated with an antiseptic. These measures are not complete treatment. They should be taken only before visiting the doctor.

Knee pain: drug treatment

So, what to do if you hear a crunch in the joint and feel severe discomfort? First you need to find out why these symptoms appear. One of the stages of therapy is drug treatment. So, for pain in the knee joint, you can quickly relieve severe symptoms with the help of the following medications:

  • antibiotics (when discomfort is caused viral infection);
  • - Ibuprofen, Aspirin.

Some pathologies need to be treated with surgery. If present, it must be removed. The cyst can also be treated through surgery or hydrocortisone blockade.

It is not possible to quickly get rid of the pathology. You need to treat your knee this way for at least two months. In addition, you need to find truly effective products that have good reviews.

The following recipes may be useful:

  1. In half a liter of boiling water you should add 2 large spoons of cinquefoil grass, after which you need to let it brew. You should drink the product twice a day, 100 ml. You can apply a decoction of cinquefoil to the sore knee as a compress at night.
  2. A decoction of oats will help get rid of pain. To prepare it, you need to take a liter of water and a glass of grain. The mixture is boiled and then left overnight to infuse. You need to drink 2 glasses of liquid per day, dividing it into several parts. It takes 2 weeks to treat joints in this way.
  3. To relieve discomfort and improve blood circulation in the affected area, you can apply a compress of grated potatoes and horseradish, taken in equal proportions. It will help you get rid of pain quickly. Apply a compress to the sore knee and cover with a clean cloth. It should be washed off after 15 minutes. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, only 10 procedures are enough.
  4. A mustard compress applied to the sore leg at night has also received good reviews. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of mustard and mix it with the same amount of honey and soda. By the morning, the compress will help relieve severe discomfort.
  5. If your knee joints hurt, you can use hot pepper tincture for rubbing. Half a liter jar should be filled with chopped peppers, and then pour alcohol to the very top of the container. You need to infuse the product for a week.

You can self-massage your knee at home. How to do this, watch the video:

If you already know why the unpleasant sensations appeared, then you can select the appropriate traditional methods therapies that will help relieve them. But before doing this, you should consult your doctor.

Prevention of pathology

In order for the knee joints to remain healthy and function well for a long time, it is necessary to observe simple recommendations doctors:

  1. Reduce the load on the joint.
  2. It is rational to combine rest and work.
  3. Treat any infectious diseases in the body in a timely manner.
  4. Avoid hypothermia of the extremities.
  5. After 35 years, it is advisable to start taking chondroprotectors.
  6. During sports, it is necessary to protect the joints with special orthopedic devices to fix the joint.
  7. It is important to normalize your weight.
  8. Nutrition plays an important role in skeletal health. It is better to reduce your intake of animal saturated fats, white bread, sweets. You should introduce more fiber into your diet vegetable oils, vegetables and fruits. Proper nutrition will not only help relieve discomfort, but also improve the functionality of the joints.

Traumatologist Vitaly Kazakevich talks about the rehabilitation of an injured knee:
