What can hurt in the right side under the ribs of a child? Rib pain: six possible causes

All parents have to deal with different diseases in their children. At the same time, many are confused when a child complains of pain in the right side at the age of 4-8 years. This symptom may indicate a very various diseases, and in some cases this is the norm. How can you understand when to call a doctor if your child has pain in the right side, and when you can wait a little for the situation to normalize?

Common causes of pain

Children under 3-4 years of age often cannot understand exactly where they have pain, so parents often have to contact pediatricians. As for older children - 5-10 years or more, it is a little easier with them. They can localize the pain in the right side, but parents or doctors will have to figure out the reasons.

If your baby is restless and capricious, often cries and refuses to eat, and at the same time lies with his legs tucked to his stomach, something probably hurts him. If you feel tension in the abdominal muscles, the pain is probably localized in this area. In infancy, this may indicate ordinary colic, but in older children - at 6, 9 or 12-13 years old, the cause may be more serious “adult” diseases.

Among them are appendicitis - a common and quite common dangerous reason pain in the right side of the abdomen in children and adults. With exertion, the pain worsens, and at times it may subside. At first it is felt above and closer to the navel, and then goes down. Additionally, nausea and vomiting occur, the temperature increases and diarrhea begins. Because the right side hurts, the child cannot lie quietly, and sitting position the pain subsides a little. Without medical care there is no way around such situations.

Another explanation for why the right side hurts in a child or teenager may be dyskinesia of the bile ducts. In general, this is a disease of adults, but it sometimes affects children as well.

Factors that provoke pain in the right side in children include diseases of various internal organs. Many of them are located on the right:

  • pancreas;
  • bile;
  • liver;
  • intestines;
  • diaphragm.

Accordingly, diseases such as gastritis or even an ulcer, pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis can provoke pain in a child 6-12 years old in the right side.

We cannot exclude another common reason why a child has pain on the right side and vomiting -. The disorder can go unnoticed for a long time, causing significant discomfort. Enterobiasis and ascariasis provoke pain in different parts abdomen, but sometimes they form on the right in the abdomen and under the ribs.

Thus, if your child at 4, 8, 12 years of age or older has pain on the right side in the abdominal area or above the ribs, do not try to do nothing. There are dangerous diseases that cannot be ignored!


We decided to consider this violation in more detail, which can lead to stabbing pain on the right in the abdomen of children of different ages(on average up to 4-5 years). With this pathology, the lower intestine penetrates into the upper one. The resulting narrowing leads to pinching of blood vessels and poor circulation.

The danger of this condition lies in the risk of developing intestinal necrosis, in which tissue dies. In babies, intussusception usually occurs as a result of improper feeding with fruits or vegetables that activate peristalsis. This happens a little more often in boys. In older children aged 5-6 years, the cause may be hidden in a protrusion of the wall small intestine, the formation of polyps on its wall, tumors and other pathologies that impair normal motor skills.

Intussusception, in which the right side in the lower abdomen of a child hurts, can be identified by additional factors:

  • the first attack lasts 5-10 minutes, after which the child becomes apathetic and lethargic;
  • blood clots are found in the stool;
  • vomiting with mucus and blood may begin;
  • a tightness is felt in the intestines (a lump on the tummy on the right);
  • increase in body temperature.

In this case, the pain when the child walks worsens. Urgent hospitalization is needed - the sooner treatment is started, the higher the likelihood of preserving the strangulated area of ​​the intestine. X-ray examination is required to make a diagnosis.

When is immediate help needed?

If a child 4-7 years old or older complains of acute or aching pain in the right side, it is better not to try to identify the causes on your own, but to consult a doctor. It is important to describe to the doctor all the identified symptoms. Depending on the age of the baby, diagnosis may include different methods. Of course, it is easier for a child 10-13 years old or a teenager to make a diagnosis, since he will more accurately describe his feelings.

You should urgently call a doctor or even call an ambulance in the following situations:

  • pain in the right side is cutting and severe;
  • the child has become inactive and constantly lies on his side with his legs pulled up to his chest;
  • noticeable tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • nausea with vomiting appeared;
  • diarrhea began;
  • the child is overexcited or too lethargic;
  • hyperthermia or hypothermia is detected;
  • the child turned pale.

If your child sometimes has pain in the right side during physical activity, this is not a reason to worry. This is probably due to the baby’s lack of endurance or excessive stress. They need to be reduced, and gradually the body will train and cope better with physical activity.

No parents are immune from the fact that their child may suffer from pain in the left side. Most often this manifests itself during various physical activities, for example, when running. If such cases are isolated, there is no reason to worry. But if the pain in the side is systematic, you should definitely contact a medical facility. After all, only a doctor, after a thorough examination of the child, can determine its causes. You may need to submit necessary tests.


Quite often it appears in children who have not yet begun to speak and are not able to say what is bothering them. To determine this, parents should know the signs of this negative manifestation.

If a child has pain on the left side, the symptoms are as follows:

  • anxiety;
  • sudden crying without visible reasons;
  • low mobility and lethargy;
  • diarrhea or vomiting;
  • poor sleep and refusal to eat.

In addition, if a child has pain in the lower left side, he can take a position in which the pain stops or becomes less severe. In particular, this is the “curl” position, when the baby sits with his knees tightly pressed to his stomach or chest.

Symptoms of pain in the left side also include a protruding cold sweat, pale skin, muscle weakness abdominals. The last one is most important! If parents notice that their child's abdominal muscles are weak, they should immediately call an ambulance.

It is necessary to clearly understand that if a child regularly has pain in his left side, he should definitely contact the appropriate specialist. After all, in order to cope with it, it is necessary to accurately determine its causes and undergo a course of treatment.

What organs are located on the left side?

The left side contains the lung, heart, pancreas, diaphragm, spleen, part of the stomach and others important organs. If one of them malfunctions, pain may occur.

Of course, it is impossible to find out exactly which organ has the pathology without conducting appropriate medical research. This can only be determined by passing tests prescribed by your doctor.

Causes of pain

If a child has pain on the left side, then you need to not only know the location of the pain, but also its nature. There are three main types:

  • chronic;
  • acute;
  • false.

Chronic pain in the side is characteristic of any disorders digestive system. In particular, diarrhea, gastroduodenitis, gastritis. Similar pain may be associated with various stressful situations. For example, with overeating or starvation of a child, a change in diet or time of feeding. In such cases, the pain is short-lived. Parents are required to carefully monitor how many times a day and at what time the child eats.

Acute pain can be paroxysmal and sharp. Its cause may be various injuries, infections or pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the cause is a problem with the gastrointestinal tract, then stretching or compression of the intestinal muscles occurs, and the child has pain in the left side of the lower abdomen. This phenomenon is a direct signal to immediately contact a medical institution for surgical intervention. Of course, before this an accurate diagnosis must be made. Please note that you should under no circumstances hesitate in such a situation, since a short time The baby's condition may worsen.

If sharp pain in the baby's left side is caused by an infection, you should immediately consult a doctor. Its cause may be a hernia, colitis, or diverticulitis. Quite often the latter is typical for children with excess weight. This is due to the fact that the intestines are capable of “getting confused.” This can happen unexpectedly, for no apparent reason. It also stops suddenly. After pain in the left side caused by infection, the baby may experience loose stool and vomiting.

False pain in the side is associated with problems with organs located in the abdominal cavity. It can also be called “mirror” or reflex. If a child has pain on the left side, this may be a sign of pyelonephritis, pleurisy, diabetes mellitus, various diseases of the esophagus or insect bites.

Pain in left side after eating

Quite often it can appear after eating. If in a child, this may be caused by pancreatitis, gastritis with low acidity or stomach ulcer. When parents and their child visit a doctor, they will need to describe in as much detail as possible exactly when the pain appears. For example, it can be caused by food intake, physical activity, or hunger. This information is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.

Bottom line

If a child has pain on the left side, this may be caused by for various reasons, and its character may be different. If it is not isolated, but regular, you should immediately contact a medical institution for a thorough examination of the child, diagnosis and the necessary treatment.

Discomfort in the area chest can talk about various diseases, with serious consequences or temporary discomfort. If your ribs hurt, it is important to find the original cause and eliminate it. Let's look into this issue.

Pain in the ribs may indicate the development of various diseases

Causes of pain in the ribs

Pain on one or both sides of the chest can be of a different nature (aching, sharp, short-term, paroxysmal, long-lasting). Both diseases of internal organs and injuries of varying degrees and duration can provoke such sensations.

Table “Possible causes of pain in the ribs”

Provoking factors How can they manifest themselves?
Injury to the ribs (, fractures) The pain is intense or aching (depending on the severity of the injury). It is usually painful to touch the injured area; attacks occur even with light pressure. After the blow, a lump may form, which will resolve within 5–7 days (during this time the discomfort will also disappear). Pulsating attacks are characteristic of (they can be determined by palpation)
Intercostal neuralgia is the result of protrusions or intervertebral hernias. The pain between the ribs is shooting in nature. Discomfort may increase when inhaling, as well as when changing body position
Angina pectoris Pressing and squeezing pain is felt in the chest from the inside. Unpleasant feelings can be traced in the ribs on the left, radiating to the neck and left hand. At the same time, the heart rate changes and a feeling of fear, nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness appears
Herpes zoster Acute pain can appear on both the right and left sides of the chest
Pathologies respiratory system(bronchitis, pneumonia) Unpleasant symptoms occur when coughing, inhaling and exhaling. The nature of the sensations is paroxysmal, sharp
Digestive system diseases ABOUT cholelithiasis and blockage of the biliary tract indicate aching pain With right side, and about an enlarged spleen - discomfort on the left side
Tietze syndrome or costochondritis The pain spreads to the entire chest and may be accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues (the right or left side protrudes more), and the person develops a fever. Discomfort appears sharply and simultaneously on both sides of the ribs
Pleurisy Symptoms appear in the middle or side of the chest with deep inspiration, coughing and sudden movements
Oncological neoplasms in the ribs The pain is constant and can be aching, stabbing, pulling, occurring on the right or left side (depending on the location of the tumor). Sometimes a lump or ball-like lump can be felt
Lumps in the mammary gland The discomfort is unilateral and occurs in the left or right side. If the cyst is located in the mammary gland, it may hurt not only in the ribs, but also under the breast or in its middle
Increased muscle tone in thoracic region spine Seizures usually occur with sudden movements, deep breaths and bending the body to the sides
Osteochondrosis Most often, the pain has a sharp stabbing nature and occurs on the left side of the rib, under the mammary gland, which resembles cardiac discomfort. At the beginning of the disease, there is occasional clicking in the area of ​​the ribs. Unpleasant symptoms intensify with heavy physical exertion, prolonged stay in one position, hypothermia or sudden body movements
Osteoporosis of the ribs (fragility bone tissue due to calcium deficiency) Attacks occur in the front, back, or side of the chest and gradually intensify as the destruction (destruction) of bone tissue increases
During pregnancy As the weight and size of the fetus increases, the uterus stretches and can put pressure on the ribs, which causes discomfort in the chest and under the mammary glands. Pain is observed in the ribs on the right or left and is short-term in nature

Why ribs hurt in adults cannot be determined only by pain symptom. If you experience any discomfort, it is important to visit a specialist and get examined.

Which doctor should I consult if my ribs hurt?

If there are discomfort in the left and right side with pressure, physical activity or at rest, you need. The doctor will conduct an examination by palpation of the chest, analyze the patient’s complaints and, if necessary, prescribe a consultation with highly specialized specialists:

Doctors will prescribe the necessary tests and instrumental examination, which will allow you to identify the cause of pain and select adequate therapy.

Diagnosis of rib pain

In addition to palpation during examination, the doctor may prescribe a number of necessary studies:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood, urine, sputum examination;
  • electrocardiography;
  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • study of mediastinal vessels (Dopplerography).

Comprehensive diagnostics allows you to accurately identify the source of pain and select the right therapy.

To identify the causes of pain in the ribs, you need to do an electrocardiogram.

What to do about the pain?

The appearance of pain in the ribs should not be ignored. It is important not to leave the patient alone and go to the hospital.

First aid

If a person has a sharp pain in the chest area and it gets worse general state appropriate measures must be taken:

  • lay the patient on a flat surface, organize Free access air and provide peace;
  • try to find out the approximate source of discomfort (trauma, cardiac pathologies, unsuccessful change of body position);
  • in case of an attack of angina, give the person necessary medications(nitroglycerin, validol), if available;
  • call an ambulance.

Timely provision of assistance makes it possible to reduce pain and avoid possible complications.

If you have an angina attack, take Validol.

Treatment with drugs

Depending on the identified cause of pain in the ribs, the doctor may prescribe several groups of drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances – Citramon, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Coficil;
  • analgesics (painkillers) – Paracetamol, Analgin, Baralgin;
  • drugs with local irritant action - Apizatron, Analgos, Finalgon;
  • heart medications (in case of angina) - Nitroglycerin, Validol, Corvalol, Valocordin.

Citramon is an effective anti-inflammatory agent

At oncological tumors specialists suggest chemotherapy or surgical intervention based on the location of the tumor and its stage.

Medicines are selected exclusively by the doctor, taking into account the type of disease and the characteristics of its course.

Ribs can hurt for many reasons. These are problems with the musculoskeletal system, and, and excessive physical exercise, and pathological processes in the chest organs (lungs, bronchi). A specialist will help you understand the source of discomfort after complex diagnostics. It is important not to self-medicate and consult a doctor promptly. Otherwise, it is possible severe complications as a worsening of the disease.

If a child has pain on the right side under the ribs, this may indicate the development of a whole complex of diseases in the child’s body. In order to determine why a child has pain in the right hypochondrium, you need to go to the hospital for help from a pediatrician.

If pain in the right hypochondrium occurs frequently in a child, then to identify the causes of its occurrence, you will have to undergo a complex diagnostic procedures to establish accurate diagnosis and prescribing a timely and adequate course therapeutic activities.

What can hurt a child on the right side under the ribs?

Until about the age of five, a child does not have the ability to understand exactly where painful sensations, for this reason, parents are forced to consult a pediatrician more often. Older children are already able to clearly say if pain is felt in the right side

The main signs of pain in a child are the appearance of anxiety, whims, constant crying; when lying down, the child takes a pose with his legs tucked to his stomach.

In an infant, the appearance of such signs may indicate the occurrence of colic.

The pain that occurs in a child can be localized in different places on the right side under the ribs. Attacks of pain may be different durations and combination with other accompanying symptoms inherent in various diseases.

In some cases, the localization of pain attacks corresponds to the location of the affected organ.

Such bodies are:

  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • stomach;
  • diaphragm;
  • lower parts of the lungs;
  • abnormal location of the kidneys;
  • appendix.

Pain may occur in the right hypochondrium if:

  1. Lesions of the pancreas. There is the appearance of girdling pain that can radiate to the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.
  2. Development of diseases of the duodenum.
  3. Intestinal inflammation.
  4. For right-sided gynecological pathologies– adnexitis and cystosis.

If a child complains of pain in the right side under the ribs, then you should immediately consult a doctor for an examination and to identify the causes of the pathological condition.

The occurrence of acute pain is characteristic of an actively developing inflammatory process.

If a child complains of aching pain, the source may be not only a subacute or chronic inflammatory process, but also functional pathologies of the affected organ.

If the baby begins to complain of pain on the right side of the body under the ribs, then you should not try to find out the reasons for the appearance. unpleasant symptom. In such a situation, it is best to go to the hospital for medical help.

How to recognize inflammation of the gallbladder or disruption of its functioning?

If a child begins to feel a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, then there is a high probability of developing an inflammatory process in the mouth. gallbladder. If the child additionally feels pain on the right side of the body in the hypochondrium area, then the possibility of dyskinesia cannot be excluded biliary tract, angiocholitis or cholecystitis.

If disturbances occur in the functioning of the gallbladder, dull or acute pain, which in some situations can even radiate to the upper limbs.

In addition, the patient may experience such associated symptoms, How:

  • decreased or loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • feeling of dryness and bitterness in the mouth;
  • pallor skin;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • migraine;
  • lightening feces;
  • attacks of colic.

The progression of disorders in the functioning of the gallbladder occurs gradually. Very often an attack of pain occurs as a result of violations of the rules healthy eating or putting a lot of physical stress on the body.

If seizures occur, the child must be admitted to a hospital. This is required to comply bed rest and a strict diet, in addition to this, the patient undergoes tubeless drainage of the duodenum.

Biliary dyskinesia in a child and acalculous cholecystitis

As soon as the patient begins to experience dull pain on the side of the body, on the right side, this is a sure sign of development hypertensive dyskinesia biliary tract.

This pathology represents malfunctions in the functioning of the gallbladder, which are provoked by congenital anomalies of the organ or spasms of its ducts. With the development of this pathology, congestion in the gallbladder often develops.

Most often, this pathology is detected in adolescence. If detected early pathological process and conducting adequate treatment You can completely recover from the disease or take control of its course.

If you consult a doctor too late, a complication in the form of cholecystitis cannot be ruled out.

In the presence of cholecystitis, there is an increase in pain syndrome in case of violation special diet. Exacerbation occurs when consuming fatty or spicy foods, carbonated drinks or alcohol (especially in adolescents)

Pain can be felt not only on the side of the body, but also radiate to the shoulder blades or shoulder; painful sensations are accompanied by the appearance in the patient of:

  1. Severe feeling of nausea.
  2. The urge to vomit.
  3. Belching with a bitter taste.
  4. The appearance skin itching or rash.
  5. Painful sensations in the joints.

In addition, headaches and dizziness may appear.

Signs of hepatitis development in children

If a child has pain in the front and on the right side in the hypochondrium, there is a high probability that he will develop chronic or acute forms of hepatitis.

In addition to pain, the baby may experience the following additional signs with hepatitis.

After some time, the little patient develops:

  • pallor of the skin with subsequent development of jaundice in varying degrees intensity;
  • severe weakness;
  • headache;
  • weight loss;
  • pain accompanied by an increase in temperature to subfebrile levels;
  • decreased appetite;
  • the appearance of skin itching.

Further development of the pathological process is accompanied by darkening of urine and discoloration of feces, in addition to this, the patient begins to feel sick.

If these symptoms appear in children, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor for help to diagnose and make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe timely and adequate treatment.

It is important for parents and workers in child care institutions to know that sick children with acute forms are contagious for a long time, and this in turn requires their urgent hospitalization and therapeutic measures.

What should not be done if pain appears in the right hypochondrium?

If a child begins to talk about the appearance of pain on the side of the body on the right side in the hypochondrium, then before visiting a doctor, the only thing that can be done to help the child is to prohibit sudden movements, and it is best to put him to bed and ensure a calm regime.

Any other manipulations can worsen the patient’s health condition and provoke unpredictable consequences.

Parents and employees of child care institutions need to know what is strictly prohibited from doing in the event of health complaints.

If such a situation arises, it is prohibited:

  1. Apply a heating pad to the painful area. This is due to the fact that heating can aggravate the inflammatory process and provoke the appearance of peritonitis.
  2. Use an enema. Using an enema can also cause an exacerbation of inflammation.
  3. Offer the patient food and drink before the medical examination. This is due to the fact that the consumption of food and liquid can trigger the urge to vomit.
  4. Give your child painkillers, laxatives, probiotics and antispasmodics. Usage medicines leads to a smoothing of symptoms, and this in turn can complicate the doctor’s making the correct diagnosis.

In addition, it is strictly forbidden to press on the area where acute pain occurs. If there is an inflammatory process, such manipulations can aggravate the pathological process.

While waiting for a doctor, a sick child should be prohibited from running and walking; he should be placed in a position comfortable for him to reduce pain and try to calm him down so as not to aggravate the situation for the body with stress.

Methods for diagnosing diseases

The appearance of pain in the right side during physical activity is a normal situation that should not alarm parents. It is likely that the baby is not resilient enough or that physical activity is too high for him.

Very often, pain in the right hypochondrium occurs when walking or running quickly. If these situations occur, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of the stress placed on the body.

If pain remains even after reducing the intensity of the exercise physical exercise, then you will need to contact a doctor to determine the causes of the pathological situation.

For diagnostic measures You may need to consult doctors of different specialties.

When carrying out diagnostic measures, the following may take part in making the correct diagnosis:

  • immunologist;
  • pediatric gastroenterologist;
  • nephrologist;
  • pediatrician.

Most often, diagnostic measures are carried out in several stages.

Doctors find out:

  1. Duration and duration of symptoms.
  2. Medical history of the baby and his family.
  3. Availability chronic diseases and surgical interventions.
  4. Are you taking medications?

After conducting the survey and initial examination the doctor prescribes diagnostic measures. The following diagnostic analysis methods can be used for this purpose:

  • analysis of urine and feces;
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary system.

When making a diagnosis, the doctor takes into account clinical picture pathologies and general health of the child.

Carrying out therapy when a child experiences pain in the right hypochondrium

Carrying out therapeutic measures when pain appears in the right side of a small patient is aimed at ridding him of the root cause of the pain. In this case, additional symptomatic treatment, which allows you to relieve symptoms that arise during the development of pathology and alleviate the condition.

When carrying out treatment, the doctor, if possible, always chooses conservative methods treatments that are the most gentle for the baby’s body.

When choosing medications and treatment tactics, the doctor adheres to the following principles:

  1. Appointed medical supplies should have the mildest and most gentle effect on the body.
  2. If it is possible to use diet therapy, the doctor prescribes the use of a special diet.
  3. If health conditions permit, the use of physiotherapy and massage methods is recommended.

According to reviews from doctors and parents, timely detection of the disorder and treatment provided in most cases makes it possible to avoid surgical intervention.

Carrying out adequate therapy If you do not cure a child of pathology, it allows you to avoid complications and relapses.

Pain in the rib area is one of the most common complaints.

The causes of rib pain range from fractures to lung cancer.

It can be sudden and acute, or it can be dull and prolonged - all this is important for determining the causes.

In most cases, rib pain is not related to dangerous diseases and goes away after a short time, even without treatment. In other cases, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Six Possible Causes of Rib Pain

A five-minute examination is not enough to determine the cause of rib pain.

The doctor will need additional research: chest x-ray, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, blood tests, biopsy, bronchoscopy...

The most common causes of rib pain include:

1. Chest injury

According to foreign statistics, injuries received from falls, blows, car accidents– most common reason pain in the ribs. The basis may be a rib fracture, bruise or muscle strain caused by excessive mechanical impact.

To make sure there is a rib fracture, a chest x-ray is needed. Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to evaluate the condition of soft tissues and provides the doctor with invaluable information that cannot be obtained from a regular x-ray.

Finally, if you feel a sudden, strong pressing pain in the chest, difficulty breathing - consult a doctor immediately! This may be a sign of myocardial infarction.

2. Costochondritis

Costochondritis, or Tietze syndrome, is another common cause of pain in the rib area.

This condition is characterized by an aseptic (non-infectious) inflammatory process in the cartilage of the chest. The cartilage that connects the upper ribs to the sternum is affected. Patients complain of increased pain when pressing on the sternum. IN severe cases pain radiates to the limbs, and ability to work is impaired.

Despite the prevalence in clinical practice, the causes of Tietze syndrome are unclear. Some cases resolve on their own without any treatment.

3. Pleurisy

Pleurisy is an inflammatory process in the pleural layers, accompanied by discharge into pleural cavity liquid (exudate). Inflammation associated with infections, tumors, or mechanical injuries, may cause severe pain in the ribs.

The main cause of pleurisy at all times has been infections. Since the beginning of the antibiotic era, the incidence of pleurisy has decreased significantly. Other inflammatory processes diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia can also be accompanied by pain in the rib area.

Diagnostics does not cause problems.

4. Cancer

When a person is faced with an unusual symptom, cancer is the worst scenario one wants to think about. However, lung cancer is the second most common cancer in developed countries.

One of the symptoms of lung cancer is pain in the ribs. It typically intensifies when breathing, coughing, or laughing. Other alarms: cough with blood, shortness of breath, wheezing, weakness, weight loss. Metastatic cancer that reaches the chest can also cause pain in the rib area.

Unfortunately, the prognosis for lung cancer is usually disappointing. Ranking second in incidence, lung cancer remains No. 1 in the number of deaths in the United States and Europe. On early stage The disease is more treatable, so you shouldn’t delay visiting a doctor.

5. Fibromyalgia

A poorly understood chronic condition painful all over the body. The American College of Rheumatology estimates that fibromyalgia affects 2-4% of the US population, and 90% of sufferers are women. The pain associated with fibromyalgia is extremely variable.

Some foreign studies show that rib pain is the leading cause of hospitalization and disability in patients with fibromyalgia.

6. Pulmonary embolism

Thromboembolism pulmonary artery, or pulmonary embolism is a scary phrase for any doctor.

Blockage of the main blood artery of the lungs and its branches often leads to death. 90% of cases are associated with venous thrombosis lower limbs. According to statistics National Institute Heart, Lung and Blood USA, up to 60% of patients with PE die within a year of the first episode.

In addition to pain in the ribs, PE manifests itself as follows:

Dyspnea, tachypnea
- Cough, hemoptysis
- Violation heart rate
- Dizziness
- Anxiety
- Profuse sweat

At the first sign of pulmonary embolism, medical attention is required.

When not to self-medicate

Rib pain can indicate any of dozens of diseases and conditions. Understanding the reasons is sometimes difficult even for an experienced doctor.

If you experience unexplained pain in the chest, especially in combination with the above alarming symptoms– be sure to consult a specialist!

Konstantin Mokanov
