Why did my period start a week early? Early menstruation, early pregnancy

Women feel scared if they get their periods prematurely. Many believe that this is a sign of certain disorders in women's health.

But this is not always associated with pathologies. Premature menstrual bleeding may be due to for various reasons. Sometimes it’s just physiology, but more often it’s a disease.

Menstruation process

It is with the arrival of the first menstruation that the girl begins to mature sexually. First day of menstrual bleeding - first day menstrual cycle lasting until the next onset of menstruation. The average cycle length is 28 days. But deviations up or down are also possible, since each organism is individual. A cycle lasting from 21 to 35 days is also considered normal.

Menstrual bleeding cleanses the body. Dead particles of the endometrium (the so-called uterine mucosa) come out. This happens along with bleeding.

Until the girl gets it regular cycle, menstruation is not regular. A young organism forms its reproductive activity. If your period comes earlier or a little later, this should not worry either the girl or her mother. It sometimes takes up to 2 years for the cycle to normalize.

Sometimes the cycle is disrupted after the first sexual experience. After sexual intercourse, many people note that menstruation came ahead of time or, conversely, was delayed. Cycle disturbances also occur in mature women. Around age 50 reproductive function is lost.

A woman should be careful about her health. Monitor your menstrual cycle - necessary rule. Any violations can be a harbinger of certain diseases.

Causes of premature periods

It worries many ladies. There are many reasons for this condition. The main ones include the following:

  1. Stress. These are the most common reasons early offensive critical days. A woman's stressful state does not work in the best possible way throughout the entire body, including female organs. The pressure rises, the central nervous system begins to malfunction. All this affects the uterus. She's shrinking blood vessels expand, the endometrium is rejected. Your period comes early. If stress is the only culprit, then there is no need to worry. We need to normalize emotions, and everything will be settled.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. This reason impossible to determine on your own. Only a doctor can do this. If your period comes earlier, then progesterone is to blame. But this doesn't happen that often. More common is an increase in estrogen levels. Hyperestrogenism is a disease that often leads to lack of ovulation and infertility. High estrogen production is also caused by other neoplasms in the ovaries. It is possible that the woman is using too much medicines with estrogen. A blood test is required. If irregularities in the menstrual cycle recur from month to month, then a doctor’s consultation is necessary.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation. Sometimes, when pregnancy occurs, a woman experiences scanty and short periods that appear earlier than expected. This is due to the fact that the embryo attaches to the uterus and can injure its mucous membrane. This is where minor bleeding occurs. They are called implantation. They can be distinguished from real periods by their character. Menstruation begins with small discharge, gradually increasing. Lasts at least 3 days. scarce, run out much faster. Premature periods can occur both when breastfeeding a child and after termination of pregnancy. The cycle will definitely be restored, but gradually. Occasionally, doctors resort to drug therapy.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy. Menstruation may occur prematurely due to an ectopic pregnancy. This condition is life-threatening, not just health-threatening. An urgent visit to the hospital is necessary.

There are a number of other reasons why periods come early. For example, the use of funds emergency contraception. They cannot be used frequently. They are harmful to health.

An intrauterine device can provoke early pregnancy if it is installed incorrectly.

For some women, a change in climate zone has an impact on the body, including possible. Monthly bleeding may occur earlier.

A woman may confuse vaginal discharge with menstruation. Discharge provokes injuries to the female genital organs. This may be due to rough sexual contact or incorrectly performed contraception. If there is even the slightest doubt, it is better to consult a doctor. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences may occur.

Bleeding, which can be mistaken for menstruation, causes inflammation of the body of the uterus and its appendages. Endometriosis, fibroids and many other female ailments also provoke bleeding.

Menstruation may occur prematurely due to too much physical exertion. Fad diets that lead to weight loss also lead to this. Failure useful substances affects the entire body, including blood clotting.

There are many reasons for menstrual irregularities. These include taking a number of medicines, intoxication, unhealthy diet, alcohol and drug use. Heredity and malfunction also play an important role. internal organs, cardiac dysfunction.

Early periods are often accompanied by drowsiness, irritability, chest pain and other symptoms.

What to do, how to fix the problem

Don't be upset right away if your period comes early. The first step is to understand the nature and composition of bloody discharge.

If this happened for the first time, and the woman does not experience other health problems, then there is nothing dangerous. The lady should reconsider her lifestyle, adjust her diet, stop being nervous, and everything will fall into place. You can help yourself by taking sedatives, walk more.

If your period comes early, nausea and pain in the lower abdomen appear, you should consult a doctor. If the situation is more serious, then it is necessary to call ambulance on house.

Discharge that is too abundant and has a scarlet color should make a woman wary. If you feel worse, you should immediately call a doctor at home. These are symptoms of serious bleeding. Before the doctor arrives, you should lie down and apply ice to your lower abdomen. You can't drink anything.

You should not delay visiting the doctor in the following cases.

Premature periods are caused by various reasons, and blood from the genital tract is not always menstruation.

Taking hormonal medications

  1. One of the most common causes of untimely menstruation is the use of emergency contraceptives, for example, Escapela or Postinora. However, a warning about such consequences is written in the instructions for the drugs, so a cycle disruption will not be a surprise for a woman.
  2. Hormonal imbalances caused by illness or oral contraceptives are also common cause cycle disorders. Most often, the imbalance is caused by an increase in estrogen or the hormone progesterone.

Injury or illness

Stress or lifestyle changes

  • A change in time zone or climate, especially a sudden one, often affects irregularities in the menstrual cycle. Discharge may begin earlier or, conversely, delay. This is due to the activity of the autonomic nervous system, disturbances in the functioning of which affect the blood vessels, and through them the reproductive system.
  • Young girls may experience premature periods due to excessive exercise or sudden weight loss.

Extreme Diets

most often lead to sharp decline enzymes in the body. After all, they come to us from nutrients contained in food. A decrease in the number of enzymes reduces blood clotting.

And in combination with the stress that the body experiences with such a diet, all of the above changes cause premature periods.

  • Stress and strong emotions are a fairly common cause of premature periods. A stressful state affects the entire body as a whole, and the female reproductive system is no exception. Malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system appear, pressure rises - all this affects the functioning of the uterus, which begins to contract. In this case, endometrial rejection and bleeding occur.

Pregnancy or consequences of abortion

  1. Premature periods may be a sign of pregnancy. Firstly, because they are so global hormonal changes in the body that pregnancy causes make the last menstrual cycle unusual. And, secondly, discharge that looks like menstruation may appear on days 6–10 when the embryo penetrates the uterus and attaches there. But in case of pregnancy, the discharge will not last 3-5 days, but much less.
  2. When a miscarriage or abortion occurs, a change occurs in the body hormonal levels, and this leads to menstrual irregularities. He should recover in about six months, but if this does not happen, you should visit a doctor.

What to do if you have premature menstruation?

First of all, you need to find the cause of the cycle disruption and understand: premature periods are a sign of pregnancy, some disease, or simply the body’s reaction to some changes. To do this, it is worth finding time to visit a gynecologist and get tested. You should not be irresponsible about premature menstruation, as it can signal problems in the body.

If premature menstruation is scarlet, excessively intense, accompanied by nausea, pain in the lower abdomen, then you should immediately call an ambulance. After all, these symptoms are often signs internal bleeding. Until the doctors arrive, you should not drink anything; you should lie down and put ice on your stomach.

If premature menstruation is caused by malfunctions of the nervous system, then they will be accompanied by tearfulness, irritability, weakness, and sleep disturbance.

In this situation, there is no need to urgently contact a gynecologist, however, in case of repeated repetition, it is better to take everything necessary tests and undergo treatment.

Prevention to restore the cycle

To prevent the onset of premature periods and other menstrual irregularities, it is enough to make lifestyle changes.

You need to give up fast food and other junk food, reduce your workload and stop getting nervous over trifles. These are simple and simple tricks are able to normalize the menstrual cycle.

It would not be amiss to remind you that even women with an established cycle are advisable to keep a diary. Otherwise, in the bustle, you can forget the date of your last period and not pay attention to their premature onset.

Menstruation is a monthly phenomenon that occurs due to the rejection of an unfertilized egg and the endometrial mucosa of the uterus. Any violations of a woman may signal possible pathological conditions or physiological changes body. Scanty periods ahead of schedule, as well as their delay, may indicate inadequate functioning of the reproductive system, a hormonal imbalance, or the onset of pregnancy.

Why critical days began much earlier than the expected date, and is this phenomenon dangerous? – a question that concerns women who monitor the regularity of their menstrual cycle.

Causes of early scanty periods

Contraceptives are the culprits of the failure

The action of oral contraceptives is based on hormonal effects. Particularly influential are the so-called “emergency” ones - which are taken one-time at risk unwanted pregnancy. While taking contraceptives, hormonal cycle changes and gets lost a lot. Menstruation can literally come - whenever they want and even in meager quantities. To choose suitable products that do not affect the menstrual cycle, you should contact your gynecologist.

Injuries to the genital tract and uterus

Scarce early bleeding possible due to injury to the vagina, uterus or urinary system. If a woman has undergone childbirth or abortion, then these processes could cause trauma to the genital tract, and as a result cause bloody issues. These bleedings, as a rule, are temporary and end after the wounds have healed.

Sexual diseases and inflammations

Diseases and infections genitourinary system can provoke early scanty periods or their imitation. In the presence of pathologies (hyperplasia, endometriosis) or neoplasms (fibroids) in the uterus or appendages, a sudden failure occurs normal functioning reproductive system. Against this background, the normal production of hormones is most often disrupted and the mucous layer is rejected. Menstruation may come due to its natural origin or be only their appearance, in fact being uterine bleeding. To exclude or confirm possible dangerous diseases, if you have suspiciously early menstruation, contact your doctor immediately! Other causes may include: erosion, colds, or inflammation of the genital tract and organs.

Diets and strength training

Any sudden fluctuations in weight can cause menstrual irregularities. So, with sudden weight loss, the body experiences stress and disrupts many biological rhythms. To prevent such sudden losses weight, you need to correctly adjust your diet, or better yet, contact an experienced nutritionist. Elevated physical exercise They can also be the culprits of early periods. Female body very sensitive and vulnerable, and strength exercises can affect him in the form of a cyclic failure.

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Physiological processes

A woman’s physiology is very predisposed to changes and changes in the functioning of the reproductive system. So the reasons for scanty periods can be normal physiological processes, occurring in every female representative. Every month, after 25-35 days, cyclic menstruation occurs. Reproductive system the same processes inherent in nature are experienced over and over again, but most often they can be influenced by completely natural factors.


Young girls during puberty may experience irregular, scanty periods, this is explained by physiological changes and an unknown menstrual cycle. Similar menstrual cycle disorders can occur in women over 45 years of age, resulting in menopause and menopause. This phenomenon can be considered normal and a temporary inconvenience.


Ovulation in a woman’s body occurs every month in the middle of the cycle; if fertilization of the egg occurs during the period of ovulation, then pregnancy occurs. With the new status, the production of the pregnancy support hormone progesterone begins, it prevents the release of menstruation and ensures reliable attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus. Normally, there is no bleeding during pregnancy, but such a phenomenon as early, short, scanty periods may mean embryo implantation.

Ectopic pregnancy

A great danger to a woman’s health can come from the attachment of an embryo outside the uterus, namely in its tubes. Ectopic pregnancy is characterized by sharp pains in the left or right side of the abdomen (depending on the affected tube). Women who experience such pain on the right side may confuse ectopic pregnancy with appendicitis. The nature of menstrual flow in these cases may differ in its long duration. Painful sensations and irregularities in the menstrual cycle should be a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Lactation period

After childbirth, for a long time the cycle is restored, and breast-feeding– another cause of physiological failure. Due to the high production of the hormone prolactin, ovulation does not occur, and as a result, there are no periods, sometimes they begin earlier or later by 10 days in the form scanty discharge. Such inconsistent periods are usually temporary and normalize after the woman finishes breastfeeding.

Almost every woman at least once in her life has a question: why did menstruation start earlier? There is no clear answer to this question.

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It all depends on many factors, as well as the individual person. A situation like this always causes some excitement, worry, and anxiety.

Causes of cycle disruption

Usually the question that menstruation started almost a week earlier is asked by girls adolescence. Having read all kinds of sources about the proper functioning of the female reproductive system, they think that everything should be according to science and within a certain time frame.

But during the period of formation of the menstrual cycle, surprises are possible over a long period of time. Don't worry if your period starts a few days ahead of schedule or, conversely, is delayed. IN adolescence this is a completely normal situation. This continues until the formation of the menstrual cycle.

However, many years of experience shows that the question of why menstruation starts earlier than expected is asked by women of any age. The worries are completely justified, since each of them wants to be healthy and definitely want to become a mother, maybe even more than once.

Therefore, if menstruation began 10 days earlier, then the woman always wants to know the reasons. Of course they exist.

  1. Most often, this is stress. This factor greatly affects a woman’s reproductive system. Acute emotional condition promotes endometrial rejection ahead of schedule, as a result, menstruation begins 10 days earlier. In case of severe shocks or prolonged nervousness, menstruation may begin 2 weeks earlier. In this case, do not worry, you need to calm down. After a certain period of time, the cycle most often recovers on its own.
  2. Physical overload also contributes to cycle disruptions. So you shouldn’t wonder why your period started almost 10 days earlier, if before that the woman independently rearranged all the furniture in the apartment or brought 30 kg of food from the supermarket. It’s better not to allow this to happen; you need to treat your body with care, because other problems can arise as a result of overload.
  3. The most common cold can cause your period to start early. The disease, as a rule, makes its own adjustments to the metabolic processes of the body. Obstructed blood circulation quite often causes the onset of menstruation 5 days earlier. Worry in in this case there is no need, after recovery everything will go back to normal.
  4. Inflammatory processes resulting from unprotected sexual intercourse also contribute to the fact that menstruation begins 4 or more days earlier than the due date. But here it should be taken into account that pain in the lower abdomen, even fever, is possible. This is where you should worry and definitely see a doctor. A situation like this cannot be allowed to happen. Only an examination, a correct diagnosis, competent treatment will allow the body to recover.
  5. Oral contraceptives often cause the onset of menstruation 3 or more days earlier. Such drugs are usually prescribed by a doctor. When taking such medications, the cycle works like a clock, and if a failure occurs, then consultation with a doctor is required.
  6. Among the answers to the question why menstruation started a week earlier, there is also an answer - diet. Diets are very popular among the female population of our planet, and many of them are harmful. Especially if nutrition involves eating one product. The body then does not receive a large amount of substances and is depleted. Many metabolic processes go astray, so it is not surprising if menstruation begins a week earlier.
  7. Climate change is one of the stressful moments for any organism. This factor harms the central nervous system body, therefore it may be among the answers to the question why menstruation started earlier.

These are the main reasons that disrupt the menstrual cycle, causing anxiety in the fair half of humanity.

Disturbance due to cold

In any case, if this happens often enough or with any regularity, you should visit a doctor. Having appointed necessary examination, he will diagnose the cause and help restore the cycle. Self-diagnosis and self-medication are unacceptable.

Ways to induce menstruation

Sometimes women are interested in the opposite situation: how to make menstruation start earlier. Questions like this are also not uncommon.

In general, this should not be done, because it can cause health problems. However, this question is being asked more and more often. As a rule, women do this if they are going to relax and do not want any troubles due to climate change.

In any case, experts advise consulting a doctor for advice. You should not listen to the advice of your friends, since everyone’s body is individual. What is good for one may not be suitable for another.

Due to stress

  1. The most effective and effective method To start your period early is to take oral contraceptives. But at the same time you need to clearly know that similar drugs have a number of contraindications. You can't do without a doctor here. Only he, having studied the characteristics of the body and the cycle, can make an appropriate decision. There will be no benefit, but the harm can be minimized.
  2. If oral contraceptives are taken regularly, then with their help you can both induce menstruation ahead of schedule and delay their arrival. Menstruation can be delayed for a week if you do not take the recommended break between packs and after finishing one, immediately start taking another. To induce menstruation ahead of schedule, stop taking the pills, thereby inducing menstruation. It is not recommended to regulate the cycle using this method more than 1-2 times a year, because it is easy to disrupt it, but recovery can take a long time.
  3. For the emergency onset of menstruation, the drug Postinor is most often used. Indications for use include emergency measures contraception during unprotected sexual intercourse. This drug has a number of analogues. According to the instructions, it is used for one to two days after unprotected sexual intercourse, and after a few days the start of the menstrual cycle should be expected.

Visit doctor

Appeal to traditional medicine

In addition to this, there are many folk remedies. Their effectiveness is questionable, some even make you smile, so you can’t expect good results. Among them are the following.

  1. Drink some red wine and then take a hot bath.
  2. Eat a lot of dill and parsley for several days.
  3. Drink a glass of milk with honey and 4 drops of iodine.
  4. Eat some carrot seeds, pomegranate, and drink beet juice.
  5. Brew a herbal mixture of oregano, chamomile and valerian root in the proportion of 1 teaspoon/glass of water, drink on an empty stomach, and then do not eat for six hours.
  6. Decoction bay leaf. Boil 60 leaves in 400 g of water, leave and drink on an empty stomach.
  7. A candle cut from a gladiolus bulb and inserted into the vagina induces menstruation within a few hours.
  8. Reception ascorbic acid in large quantities.

Menstruation comes early for several reasons. Sometimes this is something like a physiological pattern, but more often it indicates serious illness. Let's look at a few possible reasons pathology.

If the situation repeats repeatedly (the cycle is less than 21 days long, periods come a week or more ahead of schedule), then doctors call this phenomenon- polymenorrhea. This cycle disorder often occurs in women over 30-40 years old shortly before the onset of menopause, as well as in very young girls. In the first category of women, periods subsequently become rare and gradually disappear, while in the second category the cycle normalizes on its own. If no pathology is found, then only one thing remains - to ensure that as a result frequent bleeding anemia did not occur. In many cases, combined oral contraceptives, that is, containing estrogen and progesterone, help normalize the menstrual cycle and make bleeding “timely” and regular.

When searching for an answer to the question of why menstruation began ahead of schedule, doctors conduct comprehensive examination, in which a blood test for hormones is required. Since the probable causes are hormonal disorders.

1. Hyperestrogenism or excessively produced estrogen and luteal insufficiency, due to this lack of ovulation (a woman cannot become pregnant). The root causes of this may be follicular cysts, neoplasms in the ovaries, intake containing large quantities estrogen medications, as well as the use of certain cosmetics containing it, pathologies thyroid gland(hypothyroidism), obesity, etc. Suspect hyperestrogenism experienced gynecologist can even during an examination, and the diagnosis is confirmed by a blood test.

2. Prolonged action of progesterone (quite a rare reason).

Other probable reasons, but not menstruation, but intermenstrual bleeding (which many mistakenly call menstruation): uterine fibroids, genital hypoplasia (their underdevelopment, sexual infantilism), inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity, ovaries and fallopian tubes, endometriosis, glandular hyperplasia endometrium, etc.

In a word, the doctor should figure out why menstruation started ahead of schedule. After all frequent menstruation, as it turned out, should cause no less excitement than their delays.

One question remains open - is it possible to safely and how to induce menstruation ahead of schedule? Yes, there are such methods and they depend on the goal pursued by the woman who wants to induce premature menstruation. For example, if there are concerns about the possible occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy, and less than 1-2 days have passed since unprotected sexual intercourse, it makes sense to use emergency contraception. You can purchase these tablets at any pharmacy or use the services of private clinics that offer “urgent measures” to prevent fertilization or egg implantation. Premature periods usually occur after taking emergency contraception. However, one must take into account that it is not always this method It works, it all depends on the phase, and even the day of the menstrual cycle. If 3-4 days have passed after intercourse, and the woman has already given birth, you can consider the option of urgent installation intrauterine device, which will not allow the fertilized egg to implant into the endometrium. The options of inducing your period ahead of schedule with parsley, taking a hot bath and other “grandmother’s methods” are useless.
