Mental illnesses. What to do until the tests come back

You should remember serious consequences: in newborns - eye lesions (conjunctivitis), sepsis and meningitis, birth defects, disability and even; among women - inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriages, premature birth and stillbirths; in men - narrowing urethra, both have infertility. Some types of pathogens contribute to the development cancerous tumors cervix, skin and internal organs. Sexually transmitted diseases have never been considered only from a medical point of view; they have always been associated with ethical standards: the infected person is to blame himself. The sexual revolution radically changed views on sex life, has led to a significant increase in such patients - there are about 1 billion of them in the world. In other words, every fifth inhabitant of the Earth suffers from sexually transmitted diseases. Recently, the most terrible thing has been added to them - AIDS. The danger is quite great. Therefore, it is necessary to have at least a minimum of knowledge about these diseases - their manifestations, course and consequences, means of treatment and prevention.

Types of diseases.

Venereal diseases- these are diseases transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact, including oral-genital and onal-genital contact. Currently, more than 20 such diseases are known. Infection with a sexually transmitted disease does not always indicate sexual promiscuity: even with one partner, there is a certain risk of becoming infected (albeit minimal). Play an important role in the spread of the disease biological factors, for example, mutation of microorganisms that lead to the emergence of completely new pathogens and contribute to the formation of drug resistance in existing pathogens. Another factor in the spread of sexually transmitted diseases is widespread use. By taking them, women no longer fear unwanted pregnancy and have a greater degree of sexual freedom; they no longer need to use condoms and spermicides, which partially prevent some diseases. In addition, they reduce the acidity of the environment in the vagina, which promotes the proliferation of pathogens of gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases.

So, if you find any signs of the disease, consult a doctor immediately. Remember: when the disease progresses to chronic stage, it will be much more difficult to cure her. When treating these diseases, you cannot do without a specialist doctor; there are no home or folk remedies for these diseases! Do not self-medicate under any circumstances, do not even use widely advertised drugs without preliminary consultation with your doctor, this may lead to severe consequences. The basic principle of treating any venereal disease- simultaneous treatment of both partners, even if the analysis did not reveal the disease in one of them. In this case, he still needs to undergo treatment, since he can be a carrier of the disease without being sick himself. Under no circumstances should you conceal the presence of any sexually transmitted disease (especially a chronic one, such as herpes) from your sexual partner. Not to mention the moral side of the matter, it should be remembered that the deliberate spread of sexually transmitted diseases is punishable by up to three years of forced labor.

Pediculosis pubis. Incubation period, symptoms: intense itching, redness in the area hairline. Using a magnifying glass, you can see insects that look like small crabs: the size of males is 1 mm, females are 1.5 mm. affected areas, possible complications: in hairy people can spread throughout skin. Features of the disease: lice can be transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also through bedding or underwear. Found on the pubic area, armpit hair, beard, eyebrows, and eyelashes.

Syphilis. Incubation period, symptoms: from 8 to 100 days. : the appearance of hard chancre - a painless open ulcer (single or multiple) pink or red. A chancre is formed at the site of the introduction of a pale spirochete, or treponema, into the body. After 2 - 6 weeks, the chancre disappears. Secondary syphilis: skin rash, ulcers on the genitals and in the oral cavity. Redness and sore throat, fever, red eyes, joint pain, hair loss. After a few weeks to a year, the symptoms disappear. Latent syphilis: external manifestations are absent, although relapses occur from time to time. Tertiary syphilis: severe violations vital organs and systems, especially the circulatory and nervous systems. Nodules and bumps appear on the skin.

Video about syphilis and its manifestations

Areas affected, possible complications: damage to any organ, severe disorders of the central nervous system. Chronic illness, characterized by a long-term (in the absence of treatment) undulating course with periodic remissions and exacerbations. Under unfavorable conditions, treponema can form survival forms that are resistant to all antisyphilitic drugs, and under favorable conditions, it can turn back into ordinary treponema, causing a relapse of the disease.

Features of the disease: the patient is contagious from the third week of the incubation period, with manifest forms and with early latent forms of syphilis. You can also become infected through sexual contact, kissing, contact with the skin of a patient, household contact (through general subjects). In the early form of syphilis, everyone is contagious biological fluids the patient (saliva, sweat, blood, discharge from the genitals, etc.). The late latent form is no longer dangerous to others and is not transmitted through household contact. Sick tertiary syphilis are also practically not contagious. Treponema is “tenacious”: for example, it survives on damp laundry for several hours and even several days. Anyone who has been treated for syphilis needs constant medical observation.

Gonorrhea is an infectious disease transmitted primarily through sexual contact (contact transmission - when transmitted from mother to newborn during childbirth), characterized by damage to the mucous membranes of the urethra and cervical canal(cervical canal), which is manifested by impaired urination (mainly in men) and inflammation of the cervix in women. Gonorrhea is common mainly among people 20-30 years old, but can occur at any age.

What are the ways of infection with gonorrhea?? The main route of infection with gonorrhea, as mentioned above, is sexual intercourse, that is, during sexual intercourse, as well as anal and. Less commonly, infection occurs through contact. This is primarily an infection from a sick mother of a child during childbirth. Infection occurs much less frequently through household contact, although the bacterium can survive on intact, dry skin for about 4 hours.

What microorganism causes gonorrhea? Gonorrhea is caused by a microorganism called “gonococcus” or Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This microorganism settles in the cells of the mucous membrane of the urethra or cervical canal (in women), where it can remain for a very long time, causing various symptoms. Sometimes this organism can be in the body without causing any symptoms. Recent studies have shown that about 2% of women are asymptomatic carriers of gonococcus.

How dangerous is gonorrhea? In women, gonorrhea is dangerous because with a long course of the disease, the microorganism spreads to the pelvic organs, causing the uterus - ovaries and fallopian tubes(adnexitis, salpingitis), which can ultimately lead to infertility. In newborns, eye damage is more common, which can lead to blindness. In men, also, with a long course, the testicle and its appendage are affected (,), which can lead to infertility.

Gonorrhea symptoms. When gonococci enter the urethra, urethritis develops; when gonococci enter the oral cavity develops (inflammation of the oral cavity) and pharyngitis; when gonococci enter the rectum, proctitis (inflammation of the rectum) develops. The first symptoms of gonorrheal urethritis occur 2-5 days after intercourse with a sick partner. Usually the first sign is a burning sensation and pain in the urethra when urinating. After this, there is a frequent urge to urinate and purulent, thick yellowish-brown discharge from the urethra. Discharges have bad smell and after a while they become thicker. The external opening of the urethra becomes red, swollen, and small ulcers may appear. Symptoms of gonorrheal stomatitis and pharyngitis - profuse salivation, moderate sore throat. Gonorrheal proctitis is manifested by discharge from the rectum and itching around anus. Often, gonorrheal proctitis and stomatitis, as well as gonorrheal urethritis in women, can be asymptomatic.

Herpes genital
The disease is caused by the human herpes simplex virus. There are 6 types of this virus in total, the most common are two: Type I of the virus affects the face, lips, torso, Type II is urogenital, that is, it affects genitourinary system person. However, in Lately There is evidence that herpes viruses different types can transform one into another, that type I virus can cause damage to the genital organs and vice versa.

How can you become infected with the herpes virus? Infection with the virus does not only occur through sexual contact with a sick person. You can also become infected by kissing, sharing utensils, towels, linen, that is by everyday means. A patient with a herpetic infection is contagious, as a rule, only during an exacerbation. The disease has high degree contagiousness, that is, if there was contact with a sick person, then the probability of infection is very high. How can you become infected with the herpes virus? The incubation period is 3-7 days. The disease begins acutely, on the glans penis and inner leaf foreskin bubbles appear surrounded by a red border. Less commonly, bubbles appear on the scrotum and perineum. Breaking through, the bubbles leave erosions in their place, which can merge, forming severe cases large lesions. Similar phenomena occur on the mucous membrane of the urethra (). Patients complain of pain and burning in the urethra when urinating. In the morning, there is often discharge from the urethra, usually in the form of a drop on the underwear. At the same time, body temperature may rise and the inguinal lymph nodes may enlarge. Even if untreated, symptoms usually go away on their own within 1-2 weeks. However, subsequently, in 3/4 of those infected with the virus, the disease recurs, and the time until the next relapse can range from several weeks to several years. The next relapse of the disease may be associated with the most for various reasons- with stress, impaired immunity, colds, malnutrition, in women - with pregnancy and even with the onset of menstruation.

Video about genital herpes

What complications of the disease can there be? Herpetic infection itself does not cause damage to other organs (there is no herpetic prostatitis or epididymitis). But constant chronic course urogenital herpes with regular exacerbations sharply reduces the general and local immunity of the body. As a result, saprophytic bacterial flora (staphylococcus, E. coli) may be activated, which will cause the development of not only bacterial urethritis, but also prostatitis, vesiculitis, and epididymo-orchitis. In this case, it will be extremely difficult to cure all these diseases.

Diagnostics herpetic infection
Diagnosis of herpetic lesions genitourinary organs does not present any particular difficulties, since the manifestations of the disease are quite characteristic. Ureterocystoscopy is performed, and discharge from the surface of erosions is examined under a microscope.

Treatment of herpes
Treating a herpetic infection like any other viral infection, today is not as effective as diseases caused by bacteria. Most an effective drug for herpes (both the first and second types) is (Zovirax), which can be used internally in the form of tablets, injections and ointments. However, this drug does not completely rid the patient of the virus, but only stops the stage acute inflammation and helps avoid relapses. No less than antiviral drugs, with herpes infection, immunomodulatory therapy is necessary. It is known that the herpes virus worsens mainly in people with reduced immunity. Therefore, if you are sick with this disease, you may need to consult an immunity specialist - an immunologist.

The disease is caused by the protozoan species Trichomonas vaginalis. Main habitat in male body- prostate gland and seminal vesicles, in the female - vagina. However, when it first enters the body, Trichomonas always causes. Infection occurs through sexual contact with a patient or carrier of the infection.

How does trichomoniasis manifest? The incubation period can range from 2 days to 2 months, averaging about 10 days. The disease begins with the appearance of a characteristic itching in the area of ​​the glans penis when urinating. A little later, the itching spreads to the entire urethra, and scanty whitish or gray foamy discharge from the urethra appears. In this case, streaks of blood may appear in the sperm (hemospermia).

Complications of the disease
In the absence of treatment, after 3-4 weeks all symptoms disappear and the disease progresses to chronic form. At the same time, the patient regularly experiences exacerbations associated with violent sexual intercourse, alcohol consumption, etc. In addition, Trichomonas infection quickly “gets” to the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, causing the development of chronic prostatitis and. Trichomonas infection can also cause chronic epididymo-orchitis, which often leads to infertility. Trichomonas infection can contribute to inflammation of the bladder and kidneys. In addition, with trichomoniasis, the formation of erosions and ulcers of the genital organs is possible, primarily on the glans penis and foreskin.

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis
Diagnosis of trichomoniasis is not particularly difficult. To detect Trichomonas are used various methods- microscopy of a smear from the urethra, culture on a nutrient medium, etc.

Treatment of trichomoniasis
Treatment must be carried out for all partners, regardless of the results of laboratory tests. The course of treatment with antibacterial drugs is on average 10 days. After its completion, instillation of the urethra is indicated medicines. During treatment, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse and follow a diet that excludes fried, salty, spicy foods and alcohol. At the end of treatment and twice more at intervals of 1 month, control tests of the urogenital microflora are carried out.

The disease is caused by bacteria of the chlamydia genus. In nature, there are 2 types of chlamydia, the first type affects animals and birds and can cause an infectious disease in humans - psittacosis. The second type of chlamydia is called Chlamydia trachomatis. About 15 of its varieties are known, some of them cause trachoma and lymphogranulomatosis venereum. Two of the 15 varieties of chlamydia infect the human genitourinary system, causing urogenital chlamydia. In terms of their properties, chlamydia occupy an intermediate position between viruses and bacteria. Therefore, chlamydia is still more difficult to diagnose and treat than ordinary bacterial infections. Urogenital chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease. There is often a combination of chlamydia with other genitourinary infections- trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, ureaplasmosis.

How does chlamydia manifest?
The incubation period for chlamydia is approximately 1-3 weeks. A person with chlamydia notices a characteristic glassy discharge from the urethra in the morning. There may be itching or discomfort when urinating, sticking of the sponges of the external opening of the urethra. Sometimes the general condition suffers - weakness is noted, body temperature rises slightly. It should be noted that chlamydia often occurs without pronounced symptoms or does not manifest itself at all. Even without treatment, after some time (about 2 weeks), the symptoms of the disease disappear. Chlamydia becomes chronic, chlamydial infection as if it is “preserved” in the body, waiting for an opportunity to remind itself again.

Video about chlamydia

What complications can chlamydia cause?
The main danger of chlamydia lies precisely in the complications it can cause. After some time, chlamydia “gets” to the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, causing chronic prostatitis and vesiculitis. Further, the chronic process spreads to the epididymis, which can lead to an obstructive form male infertility. Chlamydia can also get on the wall of the bladder and cause hemorrhagic bleeding. Chronic inflammation of the urethra, caused by chlamydia, leads to the development of its narrowing (stricture). In women, chlamydia infection often causes obstruction fallopian tubes, ectopic pregnancy, postpartum or post-abortion endometritis. Pregnancy in a patient with chlamydia often occurs with complications. Besides various complications Concerning the genitals, chlamydia can cause damage to other organs. Then this disease will already be called disease, or Reiter's syndrome. Reiter's syndrome may affect the eyes (chlamydial conjunctivitis), joints (usually ankles, knees and spine), skin, internal organs(most often hepatitis, but almost any organ can be affected).

Diagnosis of chlamydia
Diagnosing chlamydia is more difficult than diagnosing a bacterial infection. The simplest methods have an accuracy of no more than 40%. The most accurate and accessible method Determination of chlamydia in urethral discharge today is an immunofluorescence reaction (RIF) using antibodies labeled with a special substance - FITC

Treatment of chlamydia
Due to the characteristics of chlamydia, antibacterial drugs against them are not as effective as against ordinary bacteria, so treatment of chlamydia is more complex and time-consuming. In addition to the course of antibacterial therapy, it necessarily includes immunomodulatory therapy, multivitamin therapy, normalization of lifestyle, diet, and abstinence from sexual activity for the duration of treatment. Treatment must be provided to all partners. At the end of the course, control tests are carried out. If chlamydia is not detected, then tests are carried out 2 more times after 1 month (in women - before menstruation). Only after this will it be possible to talk about the effectiveness of the therapy.

Mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis
Ureaplasmosis is caused by the pathogen Ureaplasma urealiticum, mycoplasmosis - Micoplasma hominis. These pathogens belong to the kingdom of fungi and, in their properties, occupy an intermediate position between viruses, bacteria and protozoa. The two diseases are so similar that they are almost always considered together. You can become infected with ureaplasmosis only through sexual contact with a patient or a carrier of ureaplasma (mycoplasma).

How do ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis manifest?
The incubation period is quite long, 50-60 days. The disease begins with usual symptoms urethritis without any specific features. A sick person notes a burning or itching when urinating, discharge from the urethra in the morning, a slight rise in body temperature and worsening general well-being. Discharge from the urethra may be the only manifestation of the disease. Urethritis caused by ureaplasma (mycoplasma) is often accompanied by balanoposthitis. In terms of severity, the symptoms of the disease can vary from very bright, acute to faded, barely noticeable, with almost complete absence of clinical manifestations.

Complications of mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis
If left untreated, the symptoms of the disease quickly disappear and the inflammation becomes chronic. Ureaplasma infection remains in the body and after a while again causes an exacerbation. Wherein inflammatory process most often switches to prostate gland and seminal vesicles, causing chronic and vesiculitis. Quite often, after a certain time, chronic bilateral epididymitis develops, which quickly ends with obliteration of the epididymis and obstructive form of infertility. With the development of ureaplasma orchitis, a violation of the secretory function of the testicles and the development of a secretory form of infertility are possible. Mycoplasma cystitis and may also develop.

Ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis are quite accurately diagnosed by modern bacteriological methods based on the growth of these cultures on nutrient media. Typically such a study takes about 1 week.

Treatment of myco- and ureaplasmosis
Treatment must be provided to all partners. Antibacterial drugs are used, the course duration is on average 2 weeks. It is also necessary to use immunomodulatory therapy (drugs that increase the body’s immunity), local treatment(instillation into the urethra medicinal substances, physiotherapy, for prostatitis - prostate massage). During treatment, it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity, and also to follow a diet that excludes the consumption of spicy, salty, fried, spicy and other irritating foods, as well as alcohol. At the end of the course of treatment, it is necessary to conduct control studies to determine its effectiveness. Such studies should be carried out within 3-4 months after the end of treatment

A bacterial infection that is sexually transmitted. The incubation period (the time elapsed from infection to the appearance of the first signs of the disease) for gardnerellosis averages 7-10 days, but can range from 3 days to 5 weeks. Very often there is a mixed infection of Gardnerella with gonococci, Trichomonas, chlamydia, and mycoplasma. Gardnerellosis affects men and women equally often, but in men its manifestations are often subtle and it is detected less frequently. Maybe asymptomatic carrier gardnerella, while the carrier of this infection infects all his sexual partners with it.

Video about gardnerellosis

How does gardnerellosis manifest in men?
In men, gardnerella primarily causes urethritis. With gardnerella urethritis, discharge from the urethra gray, watery, with an unpleasant “fishy” odor. Their number is insignificant. Other manifestations include burning, itching, or simply unpleasant sensations when urinating, which are common for urethritis. With a long, asymptomatic course, gardnerella infection sooner or later leads to the development of chronic prostatitis, vesiculitis, and subsequently epididymo-orchitis, etc.

How does gardnerellosis manifest in women?
In women, gardnerella infection, in addition to urethritis, causes inflammation of the vagina and cervix. The development of complications can be facilitated by menstruation, abortion, childbirth, use intrauterine devices. Gardnerellosis can also be complicated by inflammation of the uterine appendages. A pregnant woman with gardnerellosis is more likely to experience pregnancy complications - miscarriages, premature birth. A child can become infected with gardnerella during childbirth while passing through birth canal mother.

Diagnosis of gardnerellosis
Diagnosis of gardnerellosis is quite effective. A routine examination of a “smear” under a microscope allows one to confirm or refute the diagnosis of gardnerellosis with sufficient confidence.

Treatment of gardnerellosis
Treatment of all partners must be carried out, otherwise it will not be effective. Treatment of Gardnerella infection is carried out with antibacterial drugs, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen, as well as the presence of other pathogens. On average, the duration of treatment for gardnerellosis is from 1 to 3 weeks. During the period of treatment, the patient must abstain from sexual intercourse and follow a diet excluding spicy, fried, smoked, spicy foods and alcohol. At the end of the course of treatment, control studies of the urogenital microflora are carried out several times.

The disease is caused by yeast-like fungi Candida albicans. It may be a consequence of improper use of antibiotics, various contraceptives, ointments, creams with a bactericidal effect. Sometimes genital candidiasis develops against the background of any general illness associated with metabolic disorders or decreased immunity (for example, diabetes). You can also become infected with candidiasis through sexual contact. In women, candidiasis inflammation usually quickly spreads to all genital organs; in men, the disease begins with candidal urethritis.

How does candidal urethritis manifest?
The incubation period is 10-20 days. The most striking symptom of the disease is the appearance of thick mucous white-pink discharge from the urethra with stringy white threads. There may also be discomfort in the urethra when urinating. General health rarely suffers. often accompanied by balanoposthitis with characteristic cheesy spots on the glans penis and the inner layer of the foreskin.

How can the disease be complicated?
Candidal urethritis is usually chronic. Against this background, after some time they may develop chronic prostatitis, vesiculitis, epididymo-orchitis. As a result, infertility may develop. Candidiasis may also spread to bladder and even to the kidneys. Severe course The disease occurs when a bacterial infection is associated.

Diagnosis of candidiasis
Diagnosis of candidal lesions of the genitourinary organs is quite simple; the microscopic picture of candidal discharge from the urethra is very characteristic.

Treatment of candidiasis
Treatment must begin with eliminating the cause that led to the appearance of candidiasis. Need to cancel antibacterial drug, stop using or choose another contraceptive, treat metabolic disorders. To suppress fungal flora, special antifungals are used. The same antibiotics can be used for instillation of the urethra and as an ointment for. Since improper antibacterial therapy often causes a decrease in the body’s immunity, immunocorrective drugs and multivitamins will not be superfluous. If not treated, then testing for genital candidiasis should be carried out on all partners.

Video about pubic lice

What areas of skin are affected by pubic lice?? Pubic lice live mainly on hair located on the pubis, genitals, and around the anus. Sometimes they spread to other areas of the skin covered with hair - chest, abdomen, armpits. How does pubic lice manifest? (symptoms pubic lice) Itching is characteristic, which usually intensifies at night. Sometimes the patient is not bothered by anything. In some cases, pubic lice bites cause allergic rash in the affected areas. Often, patients with pediculosis pubis independently identify nodules on their pubic hair(nits).

HIV infection, AIDS
AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus - HIV. HIV infects cells human body, which are designed to fight infections - cells of the immune system. Incubation period, symptoms: from 1 to 8 months (depending on the state of the person’s immunity. Latent (hidden) period. Symptoms are similar to a cold (ARI): fever, diarrhea, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, etc. Then there is a manifestation serious illnesses, which a person with healthy immune system does not suffer from: Pneumocystis pneumonia, Kaposi's sarcoma, etc.

Features of the disease: The duration of the disease is from 1 to 15 years. Liquids that contain a lot of viruses and the entry of which into the bloodstream is dangerous: semen, blood, vaginal discharge, breast milk. Non-hazardous discharges: sweat, urine, feces, tears, saliva, nasal discharge.

AIDS - the only disease An STD that leads to death; no cure has been found to date.
AIDS can also be contracted through anal and oral sex. Most often, AIDS occurs with, which is why immunodeficiency syndrome is so common among homosexual men.

Methods individual prevention sexually transmitted diseases.
Sexually transmitted infectious diseases have existed in Russia for a long time. At first they tried not to talk about “this”, then “this” was banned, and now, during the period of the stormy “sexual” revolution, it is already scary to think about “this”, to what extent the epidemic of infectious diseases has grown. Low sexual culture, low level life and the worst thing - widespread illiteracy in the area, led to dire consequences, threatening serious problems for our gene pool, our future generation, that is, our children. Here are the basics that everyone should know!

  • * Refrain from casual relationships.
  • Avoid sex with people with high risk infection.
  • Strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and demand this from your partner.
  • Never use other people's towels, washcloths or other personal hygiene products.
  • Before sexual intercourse, make sure your partner has no external signs sexually transmitted diseases (rash on the genitals, suspicious discharge).
  • Keep in mind that all sexually transmitted infections are also transmitted orally and anally.
  • Use a condom, it should be put on immediately before sexual intercourse. However, there is no 100% guarantee of protection against sexually transmitted diseases. A condom is not a panacea! By using it, you reduce, but do not eliminate the possibility of infection!

Immediately after intercourse:

  • Wash your genitals with soap.
  • Wash the genital organ with a solution of potassium permanganate or acetic acid.
  • Empty your bladder - this will reduce the risk of urinary tract disease.
  • Use special antiseptics. Visit your doctor (gynecologist or urologist) regularly - 2 times a year for a preventive examination.
  • Strengthen your immune system whenever possible.

If suddenly you are concerned about your well-being, or accidental contact occurs:

  • * Quite often, after contracting sexually transmitted infections, there are no complaints at all, or they are mild. Therefore, it is very important after each random connection undergo screening for sexually transmitted infections. This way you protect your sexual partners from serious problems, showing concern for the health of loved ones.
  • Don't self-diagnose (relying only on the media).
  • Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. Remember - only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. Each person has his own immunity, his own characteristics, so there are no uniform treatment regimens or drugs. Each treatment is individual. You can cause irreparable harm to your body, even death.
  • Don't delay in seeing a doctor. Remember that it is better, better and faster to treat a disease in its acute, initial form. When it develops into a chronic form, it will be much more difficult, expensive, and even impossible to cope with. The disease will never go away on its own. It's not a cold or flu.
  • Do not use folk remedies. They are powerless for STDs.
  • During treatment, strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions; this is not fiction. You may not recover and will have to do everything all over again.
  • Treat strictly together with your sexual partner to avoid re-infection from him. .

Certainly, the best way protection against STDs is COMPLETE abstinence from sexual intercourse and sex. But in our time, this is basically impossible to do, we can only use the rules of personal hygiene, and use condoms during sexual intercourse. A condom does not provide 100% protection against sexually transmitted diseases. It even protects against unwanted pregnancy in 95% of cases. But this is the only means of protection. I would like to emphasize that using a condom does not guarantee SAFE sex, it can only allow PROTECTED sex.

To prevent STIs, you should visit a urologist at least once six months and you should never treat sexually transmitted diseases as not serious. Any disease is easier to treat in initial stage than when the disease is already advanced. It's easier to prevent than to treat.

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Mental illnesses, not only very interesting topic for discussion, but also quite mystical, which still has, albeit distantly, a relationship to all known medicine. A lot of authors wrote scientific papers on this topic, some even tried to make scientific practical guides. But it’s better to study this information in detail and understand what the mental reasons diseases.

Mentality is a person’s way of thinking, that is, how a person perceives the world with positive and negative sides. If we combine two words, then mental illness is what we, at our subconscious level, get from a negative current situation or what we get from negative emotions.

Mental causes of illness

  • Firstly, as mentioned above, people create mental illnesses for themselves on a subconscious level, therefore the main reason for the precondition of the disease is ignorance of the meaning of life.
  • Secondly, nature is a source of spiritual wealth, and without observing its basic laws, we are unlikely to be truly mentally healthy, which we will talk about later.
  • And thirdly, if you experience negative emotions and negative thoughts, such diseases are unlikely to leave you.

Therefore, mental illness is the destruction of harmony with oneself and with others.

As for the person who is called mentally ill, he is a person with a disturbed correct worldview. And, as a result, in order to recover, it is necessary to radically change it in a more positive direction. When experiencing pain, a person immediately tries to protect himself from it, this applies to use medical supplies to relieve this symptom. Therefore, suppressing it and getting the result in the form of relief, we again do not think about why it arose. A the real reason the disease remains forgotten.

The emotions we experience are one, physical body, as well as our minds. Any mental illness is a possible imbalance of any of the above. In conclusion, it is worth noting that the fear and doubt experienced lead to this type of disease, so it is worth controlling your consciousness and mental health will be an integral part of life.

Mental health

Mental illness

There are two types of diseases that affect our mental health:

  • The first type is diseases that harm us,
  • The second is our, so to speak, “wrong” desires.

We will be healthy and free from diseases when such types of diseases do not affect our mind.
Knowing that thoughts develop a person, and good ones improve the functioning of the heart, because kindness comes precisely from this organ, so it’s not for nothing that we often use the phrase “ kind heart" And negative thoughts excite the person himself and affect his mind. Working on self-control always brings health.

And by changing our thinking, we will have new abilities to overcome painful sensations.
Hardly anyone knows that thoughts can change a person’s very destiny. First, thoughts appear, on which further actions depend, and after them our habits appear. Our character depends on our habits. All of the above directly affects our destiny. And in order to change it in any way, you need to start from the very beginning, that is, change your way of thinking.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that light meditation will help relax not only your body, but also your mind. You just have to choose the right meditation system that could clear your consciousness.

In front of you - quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about the hospital. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real “pearls of wisdom” on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and apt phrases of masters of the conversational genre, brilliant words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, as well as much more...

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Anyone who is infected with the fear of illness is already infected with the disease of fear.
Michel Montaigne.

Medicine: wallet and life.
Karl Kraus.

Not all patients love to be treated, but all patients love to be treated.
Maxim Zvonarev.

Whatever your health, it will last for the rest of your life.
L. Borisov.

The doctor does not have to believe in medicine - the patient believes in it for both.
Georges Elgozy.

This is an outstanding doctor: he invented several diseases and even managed to spread them widely.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The doctor gives me two weeks to live. It would be nice in August.
Ronnie Shakes.

Recovery should not be confused with immortality.
Gennady Malkin.

Death - you are already completely tired of your illness.
Henryk Jagodzinski.

Side effect of some the latest medicines there is complete ruin.

Polyclinic: accelerated courses for the exchange of experience between patients.
Sylvia Cheese.

Respites should not be neglected: for seriously ill patients, temporary improvement replaces health.

Even drinking water is unpleasant if it is prescribed by a doctor.

Previously, magic was confused with medicine; Nowadays medicine is confused with magic.
Thomas Sas.

Others are gone, but those will be treated.
Boris Brainin.

Medicines act more slowly than diseases.

If they invent a cure, they will invent a disease.
Leszek Kumor.

It is better to be healthy but rich than poor but sick.
Attributed to Don Aminado (Shpolyansky), as well as Daniil Kharms.

The goal of medicine is to ensure that people die as young as possible.
Ernst Winder.

The one who is being treated medical reference book, risks dying from a typo.
Modified Christian Friedrich Goebbel.

The most effective means are those that have not yet been used.
Gennady Malkin.

A person loves to talk about his illnesses, but yet this is the most uninteresting thing in his life.
Anton Chekhov.

There is no cure for all diseases, but there are diseases for all cures.
“Medical Personnel”, newspaper of the Kyiv Medical Institute.

Medical science adds years to life, but does not add years to life.

Medicine: A substance that, when administered to a rat, produces a scientific report or article.

Lion Izmailov

Death will find a reason.
Latin proverb.

If you are over fifty and you just woke up and nothing hurts, then you are already dead.
English saying.

Just because a doctor knows the name of your disease does not mean that he knows what it is.
Arthur Bloch.

In every hospital there are two types of patients: some are seriously ill, others complain about food.

The disease takes on healthy forms.
Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

Medicine is the art of drawing conclusions about the symptoms of a disease based on the causes of death.
Eugene Ionesco.

It is better to get seriously ill ten times than to die easily once.

Old age is a disease in itself.

A healthy person is not one who doesn’t hurt, but one who hurts in a different place every time.
Michelle Chrestien.

You will die not because you are sick, but because you live.

You can’t buy health, you can only pay with it.
Sergey Kryty.

What did your uncle die from? - Instead of 15 drops of Botkin, as the doctor prescribed, he took 16.
Anton Chekhov.

Cemeteries get rich when hospitals get poor.
Alexander Minkin.

It can be easier to get a patient back on his feet than to make a diagnosis.
Tadeusz Gitzger.

In order for us to get sick, we must have horse health.
Lion Izmailov.

If going up stairs is no more difficult than going down, that's youth. If going down is no easier than going up, it’s old age.

Most of all those diseases that we fear most.
Leszek Kumor.

Announcement in the doctor's office: We ask patients not to share symptoms. This makes diagnosis very difficult."

If you happen to end up in hospital, remember: for real dangerous operation cannot cost less than 11 thousand dollars.
American Council.

If your health is bad, think about something else.
Edward Benson.

Imaginary patients are incurable, but real ones can receive an imaginary cure.

A novice doctor prescribes twenty medicines for each disease; An experienced doctor has one medicine for twenty diseases.
William Osler.

Strong remedies are little consolation.
Gennady Malkin.

Health is an episode between two diseases.
Ted Kaptchuk.

Hopeless diseases require hopeless drugs.
English saying.

Medicine makes us die longer and more painfully.

Time - best doctor and always a pathologist.
Gennady Malkin.

It is better to be sick and rich than to be poor and sick.
Nikita Bogoslovsky.

We don't know what we live for; and doctors also don’t know what we’re dying from.
Henryk Jagodzinski.

Old people have fewer diseases than young people, but these diseases last a lifetime.

Treatment is a confrontation between the body and earnings.
Gennady Malkin.

Healthy people are sick people who don’t yet know about it.
Jules Romain.

Our diseases are still the same as thousands of years ago, but doctors have found more expensive names for them.

Hospital treatment is expensive, but where else can you get breakfast in bed?
Unknown American.

God knows what's going on in the world! People who have never died before begin to die.
Julian Tuwim.

Anyone who can get out of bed in the morning is in pretty good shape. Ask any of those who are no longer capable.

A doctor from a good society invents a special disease for each of his patients.
Elias Canetti.

One of the most common diseases is to make a diagnosis.
Karl Kraus.

Diagnostics has achieved such success that there are practically no healthy people left.
Bertrand Russell.

If a lot of remedies are offered against a disease, this means that the disease is incurable.
Anton Chekhov.

Some medicines are more dangerous than the diseases themselves.

Plunging into the field of healing, I would like to note with sadness: how many diseases there are in the world, even a specialist will not understand them... Let’s not be alarmed, dear reader, a specialist in the left section of the third row of the second process of the colon may not understand it. An ordinary doctor is immersed in the particular, in the highly specialized (this is the problem with all science). The result is that most doctors smoke, suffer from all diseases, just like their patients whom they treat, what can we say... Pilots are constantly checked for their health, but why don’t doctors? Can an unhealthy person treat a sick person? Therefore, the qualifications of doctors should be determined not only by their knowledge, but also by their health, and above all, immunity.

Let's be like a philosopher, not a narrowly focused specialist, and see the big picture. This is the way we will go.

There are not thousands of types of diseases, but only two types.

1. Autoimmune diseases- these are diseases increased immunity, inflammatory diseases: sore throat, flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, lupus, measles, chickenpox, mumps, almost everything skin diseases, otitis, pleurisy. Symbol of inflammation - woman, child.

2. Degenerative diseases- these are diseases reduced immunity: cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, ischemic disease, angina pectoris, diabetes, cancer, AIDS, strokes, heart attacks, tumors, these are conditions leading to death, diseases associated with hepatitis group C, B, E..., herpes, major infectious diseases, long-existing and chronicled, mononucleosis. The symbol of degeneration is a man, an elderly person.

If a woman “got out”, for example, about biliary problems, it was she who came up with degenerative diseases, not her diseases, but the diseases of men. Moreover, if a woman, for example, has cholecystitis, it means that her immunity is very low. Let's remember, a woman is always inflammation, a man is always degeneration. It is very difficult to get women out of men's diseases, and men out of women's diseases. Everyone knows how difficult it is to cure a woman of alcoholism, but why? Because it is a male disease.

Usually everyone sees only autoimmune diseases and is happy to fight them. A chronic diseases, i.e. degenerative ones, we do not see, and therefore it is difficult to fight them.

A serious warning: please note, dear friends, that there is only one step from autoimmune diseases to degenerative diseases. So if you start to struggle with bronchial asthma(and this is autoimmune disease) and asthma began to disappear, check your immunity, is everything okay there, is there a degenerative disease? Or you started to harden yourself (as was the case, for example, with me), you can easily fall into a degenerative disease. Keep in front of you, dear reader, a health compass so that you know where you stand in terms of health or illness.

Who suffers from degenerative diseases

Serious degenerative diseases primarily affect adults who have a genetic predisposition to them. That is, if your dad, mom or grandma had them, then you need to be on guard. Nevertheless, a huge number of people who do not have this very genetic predisposition, they also suffer from them. This is strange at first glance, let's dig into it.

In one of the research clinics they collected interesting material 12 patients each who were treated there for tuberculosis for a year modern means. After completion of treatment, they had the following diseases: in women - uterine fibroids, mastopathy, in men - prostate and thyroid disease. All had problems with the stomach, liver, kidneys... Seven out of sixteen "went" to different types tumors. Why? Because as a result of treatment, immunity was sharply reduced. In genetics, all twelve had no cancer. This means that in the treatment of tuberculosis, in which cancer does not occur, it was necessary to constantly monitor the immune system and constantly work to restore the intestinal microflora, which was not done. Tuberculosis, however, disappeared, but the state of health became threatening. All the patients began to ask to return them to their previous state, even with tuberculosis. The smart decision was made to return them all to their original condition, which is what they did. Almost all diseases acquired as a result of treatment immediately disappeared, and people began to feel better.

Who suffers from autoimmune diseases

All children suffer from them. What if adults get sick? It happens, but if their illnesses are not serious, then they are candidates for long-livers. An old man born in 1907 comes to the doctor. Him autoimmune disease, for example, rheumatism, or arthritis, or arthrosis, pain in the knee or spine. But at the same time he has excellent acid-base balance and wonderful blood. At the age of 90, he complains that his knee hurts. Today one can only dream about this. Sometimes rheumatism or arthritis occurs in children, but doctors quickly cope with this, driving the child into an immunodeficiency state, i.e., into a degenerative disease, with the help of antibiotics.
