Infusion of watermelon rinds. I always threw away watermelon rinds, but now I know their benefits and use them for treatment. The benefits of watermelon rind

For many, the main value of a watermelon is considered to be its tasty pulp, and the peel is often simply thrown away, without thinking about the fact that it can bring no less benefit to the body. Today, watermelon rinds are used not only fresh, but also prepared for the winter as candied fruits, preserves, jam and various snacks for meat and fish dishes. They are also dried to obtain raw materials for cooking. medicinal decoctions and infusions. However, you need to purchase only high-quality watermelons and carefully familiarize yourself with the process of preparing the rinds, since it is in them that a certain amount of radioactive and toxic substances accumulates.

The benefits and harms of watermelon rinds

In addition to water, they include:
  • Dietary fiber and organic acids;
  • Lycopene and pectins;
  • Saccharides;
  • Vitamins A, C, E, PP and group B;
  • Potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, silicon, zinc and iron.

At the same time, watermelon rinds contain fiber, chlorophyll and amino acids in a larger volume than the pulp.

If you are not sure of the quality of the watermelon, then to protect yourself from harmful substances, you should clean them and soak them for several hours in filtered cold water. During this time, toxic substances will pass into the water, but most beneficial substances will remain. After this, the raw materials can be used both in cooking and in for cosmetic purposes and treatment, and they will not cause harm to health. They can also be dried to be stored for the winter.

Options for using watermelon rinds

Watermelon rinds are used in cooking, cosmetology, and also in various recipes traditional medicine.

Making candied fruits from watermelon rinds

In order to prepare tasty and healthy candied fruits you will need:

  • Watermelon rind - one and a half kilograms;
  • Sugar - eight hundred grams;
  • Water - half a liter (for syrup).

Cooking method:

  1. You need to remove the green skin and remaining pulp from the watermelon rinds;
  2. Cut the resulting raw materials into small cubes or strips, put them in a pan with boiling water and cook for about ten minutes;
  3. After this, place the crusts in a colander and wait until the water drains from them;
  4. At this time, you can start preparing the syrup by mixing clean water with sugar and starting to heat them;
  5. When the syrup boils, put the prepared candied fruits into it, boil them for ten minutes, remove from the stove and let it brew for about twelve hours. Repeat the procedure four to six times until the crusts become transparent. If desired, during the last cooking you can add it to the syrup. a large number of lemon juice and vanillin;
  6. Place the finished crusts in a colander and wait until they cool and the excess syrup drains;
  7. After this, sprinkle the candied fruits with sugar, spread on a baking sheet with foil and leave for several days to dry;
  8. Store the finished product in glass jars.

Candied watermelon rinds are recommended to be included in the diet of people who suffer from renal colic, gout, hypertension, constipation and pancreatic diseases. They can be eaten as a separate product or added to cereals, cottage cheese and confectionery products. They should not be abused by people with diabetes mellitus and obesity.

How to make candied watermelon rinds (video)

Pickled watermelon rinds

Pickled watermelon rinds can be used in a variety of salads, vinaigrettes, soups, gravies and other dishes. They taste like canned cucumbers.


  • One large watermelon (rinds)
  • Salt - one hundred grams;
  • Sugar - four hundred grams;
  • Apple cider vinegar - five hundred milliliters;
  • Water - two hundred and fifty milliliters (for marinade);
  • Ginger (fresh) grated - one tablespoon;
  • Spices - to taste.

Marinating method:

  1. Peel the watermelon rinds, cut into slices, place in a pan of boiling water, cook for ten minutes, then place in a colander;
  2. Prepare a marinade from water and remaining ingredients;
  3. Place the peels in the boiling marinade and cook until they become translucent;
  4. Transfer the finished crusts into sterile jars, fill with marinade and seal.

Watermelon rinds in cosmetology

Fresh watermelon rinds are widely used in home cosmetology. All useful material, contained in their composition, have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, make it elastic, give a healthy color and relieve swelling. Face masks that include watermelon peel pulp have a number of other properties:

  • Moisturizing;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Tonic;
  • Regulating activities sebaceous glands.

How to make a watermelon mask (video)

These masks are quite easy to prepare:

  1. The watermelon rinds, peeled from green peel, should be crushed using a grater and warm olive or almond oil (in a small amount) should be added to them. Apply the resulting mixture to skin face and neck for thirty minutes, then rinse with warm water, to which is added lemon juice. This mask is good for oily skin;
  2. Add thick, fatty sour cream and liquid honey to the paste of peeled watermelon rinds. The proportions need to be selected so that the mass is quite thick. The mask lasts twenty minutes, and then it is removed warm water. It is great for both dry and normal skin types.

In folk medicine, there are a huge number of recipes using both fresh and dried watermelon rinds. Juice, decoction and infusion are made from them.

Juice from watermelon rinds

Juice from watermelon rinds is used to relieve swelling and inflammation genitourinary system, and also drink while losing weight. It will be useful for migraines, colds, depression and chronic fatigue. To prepare it, the purified raw materials must be crushed using a fine grater and squeezed. You can also use a juicer. Drink half a glass an hour before meals.

Healing decoction

To prepare the decoction you need one hundred grams of powder from dried peels pour half a liter of boiling water, let it brew for about thirty minutes under a warm towel. After this, filter the composition and drink one hundred milliliters up to five times a day before meals for problems with kidneys, cardiovascular diseases, and rheumatism.

Infusion of watermelon rinds

The decoction is prepared at the rate of: one hundred grams of raw watermelon rinds or two tablespoons of dry powder. The raw materials need to be poured with half a liter of boiling water and allowed to stand in a water bath for twenty minutes. Then remove the broth from the heat, leave for thirty minutes, and then strain. Drink half a glass three times a day before meals. This composition will help relieve stomach pain, will help in the treatment of liver diseases, inflammation of the gallbladder and urinary tract, and is also recommended for obesity.

How and why to dry watermelon rinds

At the same time, in decoctions and infusions they combine well with some medicinal herbs, for example, with calendula, calamus root and yarrow.

The collected watermelon rinds should be cleared of pulp and green peel. Then they need to be cut into thin slices and placed on a baking sheet in an oven or a special dryer, the temperature of which should be fifty degrees. After all the moisture has been removed from the pieces, they become dry and brittle; they need to be cooled and packaged in glass jars or paper bags.

You can also dry watermelon rinds by choosing a well-ventilated room for them (veranda, balcony) and covering them from direct sunlight. Dried crusts should be stored in a dark and dry place; you can first grind them into powder using a coffee grinder.

Watermelon rind jam: recipe (video)

Watermelon rinds have a large amount medicinal properties. And when proper preparation, use and taking into account all contraindications cannot cause any harm to the body, and healing effect from treatment with them will be significantly noticeable if you regularly take formulations of them for a month.

A native of Central and South Africawatermelon spread to 96 countries of the world. Now more than 1,200 varieties of the planet's largest berry are grown.

What is watermelon rich in? Composition of watermelon

Watermelon pulp is rich in:

pectin substances – 0.68%

proteins – 0.7%

calcium – 14 mg/%

magnesium – 224 mg/%

sodium – 16 mg/%

potassium – 64 mg/%

phosphorus – 7 mg%

iron – 1 mg/%

vitamins B, PP, C (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin)

folic acid and provitamin A

carotene – 0.1-0.7 mg/%

ascorbic acid

alkaline substances

glucose, sucrose and fructose – 5.5 – 13% (fructose makes up ½ of all sugars)

in watermelon seeds – 25% vitamin D with fatty oil, the taste of which resembles olive oil, and the fat content is not inferior to almond oil

100 grams of watermelon contain 38 calories, so it is used for fasting days and quenching thirst.

What are the benefits of watermelon seeds?

The seeds are similar in properties to those of pumpkin seeds. They are used:

For adding to seasonings: fish and meat and to soups in dry and ground form.

To prepare “watermelon milk” from high temperature and febrile conditions: grind the seeds and crush them in cold water (1:10) with sugar or syrup for taste. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. every 2 hours.

To prepare the mask: powder from dry seeds is mixed with vegetable oil or water until sour cream forms. Apply a thin layer to the face and leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. For variety, you can add egg yolk and/or any clay or honey.

What are the benefits of watermelon peel?

The peel is dried in the oven, then decoctions are prepared from it. When dried, the peels are stored for a long time and decoctions from them are used for rheumatism, heart and kidney diseases, and to get rid of edema.

For migraines and severe headaches a thick watermelon rind is tied to the temples.

For colitis: Add watermelon rinds (100 g) to boiling water (500 ml), let it brew, and drink 4-5 times a day.

Watermelon rind powder (dry or fresh) will help as a diuretic for chronic cystitis, nephritis, kidney stones, bladder and ureter: it is necessary to cut off the outer green layer thinly and finely chop, dry in the oven and dry at room temperature, grind in a blender. Take 3 times a day, 1 tsp. with water (50 ml) and honey (0.5 tsp). Store the powder in a paper bag.

A rejuvenating effect will be obtained from a decoction of watermelon rinds or juice if you apply a moistened napkin to a clean face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and lubricate nourishing cream. The same effect can be obtained from a mask made from watermelon pulp.

What are the benefits of watermelon pulp?

For eczema and psoriasis put on problem areas watermelon pulp.

Watermelon pulp is used:

To remove toxins and carcinogens from the body as a diuretic.

To cleanse the liver and kidneys, remove sand and stagnant bile.

To improve the digestive process.

For a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

To remove cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis.

For weight loss using watermelon fasting days and eating 1.5-2 kg of watermelon pulp per day (in 5-6 doses). When unloading for 2-3 days, the pulp can be eaten with black bread (50-100 g each).

As remedy Watermelon pulp is used:

For the treatment and prevention of anemia, since the pulp contains organic iron, which is easily absorbed by the body.

For fever, as a diuretic, mild laxative, anti-inflammatory and choleretic agent.

For pyelonephritis, nephritis, cystitis, kidney stones: eat 2.5 kg of watermelon pulp when lazy. In the kidneys and urinary tract There will be no irritation. Salts will dissolve and be removed by alkaline substances.

In the treatment of diseases: acute and chronic, liver, obesity, endocrine system, poisoning: industrial and medicinal with the help of sugars and water from watermelon pulp.

For the treatment of blood diseases, since 1 kg of pulp contains 1 gram of iron.

For iron deficiency in pregnant women and breastfeeding.

For creating optimal conditions in the intestinal microflora with pectin substances and fiber from watermelon pulp, and alkaline compounds - to regulate the acid-base balance and against acidoses of various natures.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases with folic acid watermelon pulp, since it helps synthesize amino acids and the process of hematopoiesis, regulates fat metabolism, and has an anti-sclerotic effect in combination with choline and vitamins P and C.

For the treatment of sore throat (rinsing the mouth with watermelon juice) and tuberculosis.

For treatment: skin diseases, non-healing and festering wounds with watermelon lotions from the pulp of ripe red watermelon pulp; skin burns and relief general condition sick with fermented juice.

Recipe: The pulp and juice are placed in a jar, closed with a lid and allowed to ferment for 3-4 months at room temperature. Then the contents of the jar are filtered and the skin burns are washed and lotions are made, after treating them with saline solution or boiled water.

Watermelon helps during the rehabilitation period after long and serious illnesses and surgical operations, especially under long-term anesthesia. Watermelon juice is necessary for restoring liver function after jaundice, improving male potency, mental balance and insomnia.

Delicious watermelon food. Recipes with watermelon

Watermelon honey (nardek) obtained by evaporation watermelon juice and will contain 90% sugars. We rub the pulp through a sieve, filter through 2 layers of gauze, bring to a boil, remove the foam and filter again, then simmer over low heat, stirring so as not to burn. There should be 1/5 or 1/6 of the original volume left.

Candied watermelon rinds . You will need: watermelon rinds – 2 kg, sugar – 700 g, water – 1 kg, powdered sugar – 100 g.

Cut the peeled rinds into cubes and place them in sugar syrup– 70%. Cook until the cubes are translucent and place them in a sieve, allowing the syrup to drain. At room temperature, dry the cubes for 12-24 hours, sprinkle with powdered sugar, place in jars and close with airtight lids.

Watermelon rind jam. You will need: watermelon rinds – 1 kg, citric acid – 3 g, vanillin – 1 g.

You need to boil syrup from 1 liter of water and 1.9 kg of sugar. Peel the peels, cut them and put them in boiling water for 5 minutes, then in cold water. Afterwards, place in syrup and cook until transparent, leave overnight and bring to a boil again, leave again for 6-8 hours and then boil for 1 minute with citric acid (to taste). Then insist for the last time and cook until tender with vanilla.

Salted small watermelons . You will need a brine of water (1 l) and sea salt (2 tbsp) - for 1 kg of watermelons. Clean watermelons need to be pricked in several places and filled with brine, left for 30-40 days in a cool place. Before this, the brine is kept for 1-2 days at room temperature.

Watermelon lemonade. Cut off the top of the watermelon, grind the pulp and pour the mixture of orange juice(2 tbsp.), sparkling water (1 l.), lemon zest, lemon juice, sugar to taste. Place in the refrigerator for an hour, then pour into glasses along with the pulp and serve. You can add soda.

Watermelon-mango cocktail. You will need frozen and chopped seedless watermelon pulp - 500 g, mango - 1 pc.

Mango is crushed in a mixer with the addition of orange juice (750 ml) and pulp cubes. Ice is added to the drink.

Harm of watermelon. Can watermelon be given to children?

Nitrates that get into the pulp of a watermelon are harmful, especially in cloudy and humid weather. Nitrates themselves are low toxic, but when they enter the gastrointestinal microflora they are converted into harmful nitrates and N-nitro compounds, causing oncological diseases. When watermelons are stored for a long time, nitrates begin to transform directly in it.

Nitrates disrupt the transport function of the blood, negatively affect hemoglobin and lead to hypoxia - a lack of oxygen in the tissues. This is especially difficult for children and patients suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, excretory and respiratory systems.

You should not eat watermelon if you have:

Disorders of urine outflow;

Intestinal disorders: diarrhea and;

Large size kidney stones: they will move out of place and cause renal colic;

In the presence of chronic diseases intestines You should not eat a lot of watermelon to avoid bloating.

After eating a large amount of watermelon, you should not eat highly salted foods for 2-3 hours: chips, roach, nuts. Salt retains fluid in the body, so juicy watermelon can be overloaded diseased heart and provoke swelling.

Can watermelon be served to pregnant women and people with diabetes?

In the presence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, edema in the last trimester of pregnancy You should avoid eating watermelon.

Symptoms of watermelon poisoning:

Watermelon poisoning manifests itself:

an increase in temperature after 1-2 hours (1-2 days);


nausea and vomiting;

cutting pain in the abdomen;

diarrhea and dehydration.

In case of watermelon poisoning, the following measures should be taken:

1. You need to drink a lot of water often and add Regidron or Gastrolit to your drink. This will restore lost fluid and salts.

2. Take sorbents that attract toxic substances and remove them from the body: Enterosgel and Smecta.

3. If there is pain, take No-shpu and Papaverine. It is forbidden to take analgesics!

4. You need to call ambulance to provide assistance and exclude appendicitis with similar symptoms.

Many believe that the main value of watermelon is its scarlet, juicy pulp, which is so loved by both little sweet tooths and adults. Despite the fact that the main component of watermelon is water, the fruit, under the green rind, contains up to 13% sugars, dietary fiber and pectin, proteins, organic and amino acids. The sweet pulp of watermelon contains a number of important human body vitamins and macroelements, antioxidants and other beneficial substances.

At the same time, most consumers of this giant berry either forget about the properties and benefits of watermelon rinds or do not know at all. But almost everything is bio active substances, present in the pulp, is also in this part of the watermelon. The crusts contain less moisture and sugar, but significantly more fiber and chlorophyll, amino acids and some other active components.

When enjoying watermelon, there is no need to rush and throw away the remaining peels, which in folk medicine are used as an excellent diuretic, cleansing, analgesic, choleretic and expectorant.

In traditional medicine recipes, peels are used to prepare juice, infusions and decoctions, and healing effect Both raw and dried peels have properties that are easy to preserve and use throughout the year.

Juice from the light part of the rind promotes the passage of urine, it is used for edema, inflammatory diseases genitourinary area and include in dietary food when losing weight. The benefits of watermelon rinds become obvious if you drink 100 ml of this juice on an empty stomach. Raw watermelon rinds are useful for migraine pain, feeling unwell at colds, fatigue and overwork. In this case, slices of watermelon rind are applied to the temples.

The moisture, amino acids, vitamins and microelements contained in fresh watermelon rind are an excellent way to maintain beautiful skin. Porridge from the following plant materials:

  • actively moisturizes;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • has a mild anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves swelling and tones.

Watermelon rinds are useful in the treatment of digestive disorders; in particular, rind-based remedies are included in therapy for colitis, dysbacteriosis and dyspepsia in adults and young patients.

As a remedy, traditional medicine suggests making decoctions and infusions from watermelon rinds.

Decoction of watermelon rinds

Patients suffering from obesity, kidney and stomach diseases, if they take half a glass of fresh broth three times a day.

100 grams of crushed peeled watermelon rinds require a liter of water. The mixture is kept on low heat for about half an hour, after which the product is infused for about an hour, filtered and cooled.

Infusion of watermelon rinds

For spasmodic stomach pain, diseases of the biliary tract and liver, overweight and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, traditional medicine recommends taking watermelon rinds in the form of an infusion.

To make it, crushed watermelon rinds are dried and then poured with boiling water at the rate of 500 ml of boiling water per 80 grams of raw or two tablespoons of dry crushed watermelon rinds. The product is infused and filtered, after which 80 ml of watermelon infusion is taken three times a day before meals.

How to dry watermelon rinds?

Dried watermelon rinds retain all active substances and have a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal disorders, constipation and inflammatory processes in the digestive organs.

Accept herbal preparation available in powder form mixed with honey, or in the form of decoctions, to which other herbs are added for greater benefit, for example, calendula, calamus and yarrow.

IN medicinal purposes use dense white part crusts. Before drying watermelon rinds or making decoctions and infusions from fresh raw materials, first remove the hard colored layer.

Then the peels are cut into thin elongated plates, convenient for placing in an electric dryer or on baking sheets. Watermelon rinds are dried at a temperature of 55–60 °C until the raw material completely loses moisture, when pieces of rinds become light and brittle.

When drying, it is important not to allow the temperature to rise so that the benefits of watermelon rinds are preserved at the highest possible level.

Contraindications and possible harm from healthy watermelon rinds

Since melons can accumulate in the surface layers harmful substances, For example, heavy metals and nitrates, then, given the existing benefits, harm from watermelon rinds also cannot be excluded. To avoid negative impact products based on plant raw materials, they use only high-quality watermelons that are safe for humans, grown in compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology.

You can be on the safe side and remove nitrates from the crusts by soaking the peeled pieces for 2-3 hours in clean cold water.

During this time, most toxic substances pass into moisture, and the peels can be used to prepare decoctions, candied fruits and jams, and can also be dried after removing traces of water. Beneficial features vegetable raw materials are preserved if candied fruits are prepared from the peels. However, healthy watermelon rinds here are harmful to anyone who suffers from diabetes or wants to lose weight.

But when renal colic, painful sensations in the stomach, ailments related to the pancreas, gout and a number of other diseases, candied fruits will be a good addition to the menu. Products based on watermelon rinds are also harmful to those who are prone to diarrhea and suffer from urolithiasis. Crusts can also cause damage to health during exacerbation of chronic diseases. gastrointestinal tract.

Watermelon peel face mask - video

Don't throw away watermelon rinds!!! This is a treasure trove useful components and a great base for making delicious candied fruits and jam. More details below..

Watermelon rinds - healing properties and secrets of use

It’s not uncommon for people to think that the main value of a watermelon is its tasty red pulp, which is so adored by all sweet tooth lovers, both adults and children.

But almost everything is biological active ingredients, which are part of the pulp, are also present in the peel.

It contains little water and sugars, but a lot of fiber and chlorophyll, amino acids and other active components that are important for health.

Let's talk about the benefits of watermelon rinds in more detail.

What are the benefits of watermelon rinds?

The rind of the delicious “striped” berry has healing qualities, however, it should be used strictly following the dose to prevent a decrease in Potassium levels, since it is an excellent diuretic!!!

Watermelon rinds increase the outflow of urine, but do not irritate the excretory tract and kidneys.

Watermelon rinds can be used for the following pathological conditions:

  1. Swelling due to kidney pathologies and heart disease.
  2. Problems with salt metabolism.
  3. Gout.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Hypertonic disease.
  6. Past serious illnesses.
  7. Frequent urination.
  8. Kidney stone disease.
  9. Dropsy.
  10. Edema of the lower extremities.
  11. Liver pathologies.
  12. Gallbladder diseases.
  13. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  14. For constipation.
  15. Accumulation of excess salts.
  16. Cleansing the body.
  17. At urolithiasis.

Watermelon rinds - secrets of use for medicinal purposes

Watermelon is the most unique natural remedy, which will help in the treatment of various pathologies.

But for these purposes it is very important to choose ripe watermelon without nitrates, how to do it correctly, see here

The alternative medicine recipes are as follows:

  1. A decoction of the peels and seeds gives an excellent diuretic effect. Dry raw materials can be brewed in winter.
  2. It is also used to eliminate swelling that occurs due to pathologies of the paired organ, as well as cardiovascular diseases. This decoction is prepared as follows: 20 gr. fresh/dry peels should be brewed with boiling water, infused and taken 125 ml three times a day.
  3. For bladder stones, you need to consume daily watermelon pulp(3 kilos), or use a decoction of the crusts (2 liters per day). This will help dissolve the stones.
  4. For kidney stones, the alkali in urine, which develops due to eating juicy berries and their crusts, will dissolve the salts that are present in the paired organ, and in genitourinary tract. To come therapeutic effect, you need to consume a piece of this fruit every hour.
  5. The top hard layer of the berry should be finely chopped and dried in the oven not completely, halfway ( temperature regime set low). Then you need to scatter them on cloth and dry them in the room. In autumn/winter they should be used as a medicine for kidney stones and swelling. For therapy, 1 spoon of raw material should be consumed before meals, washed down with a small amount of warm water with honey. You need to drink this remedy three times a day. Dry raw materials should be stored in a non-humid place, packed in a paper bag or linen bag.
  6. For colitis, you need to take 100 grams of dried crusts and brew 0.5 liters. boiling water Leave in a thermos for about 2 hours. Drink half a glass of this product 5 times a day.
  7. For the treatment of sore throat and tuberculosis, you need to cut the fresh top layer of watermelon and grind it in a blender, after which you need to squeeze the juice out of the product and rinse every 60 minutes.
  8. Put away dark spots, with aging facial skin, it is possible to use only the squeezed juice of the peel of a juicy berry. It must be spread on the face three times a day and washed after 15 minutes with warm water.
  9. People with diabetes should not eat a lot of berries, but drinking the juice from the peel will be beneficial. You need to drink 250 ml per day, divided into 4 doses. It contains the same vitamin and mineral complex as the pulp, but it contains almost no sugar.
  10. It is possible to eliminate ulcers, acne and bedsores using only the squeezed juice of watermelon peel; they should be wiped over the painful areas.
  11. If the “stool” is upset, you need to grind the dry raw materials in a coffee grinder and consume 1 teaspoon every 120 minutes, washing down with warm water.
  12. To treat sunburn, it is possible to spread a crushed mass made from the peel onto the burned areas. Leave the composition for an hour and rinse, then apply another portion. You need to do the procedure until the redness goes away.
  13. Fresh chopped product will help with osteochondrosis. 1 kg of raw materials should be brewed in 3 liters of water and the strained broth should be added when taking a bath.

How to use watermelon rinds in cooking and at home?

Watermelon rinds make excellent jam, and you can also make delicious candied fruits from them. Detailed recipe watch in this video.

Watermelon rinds can be used as fertilizer in your garden.

How to dry watermelon rinds for the winter?

To prepare raw materials for the winter, the peels should be washed well, cleaned of the green thin coating, although you can leave it, chop it finely, about 10 mm, lay it in one layer and dry it in a shady place.

You can prepare the crusts in the oven initially for 90 minutes. at 50 degrees, and then another 40 minutes. at 70 gr. Raw materials can be stored for 12 months.

Contraindications for use

There are, one might say, no contraindications; only individual intolerance and an allergic reaction stand out.

But systematic use can remove a large amount of Potassium, so you should not abuse treatment with this remedy.

In addition, it is necessary to carefully carry out therapy with watermelon peel for gastrointestinal pathologies in acute form and with flatulence.

In any case, be sure to consult your doctor before use!!!

Be healthy!

In summer and autumn, most people eat watermelons, which are wonderfully refreshing, quench thirst, and cleanse the kidneys and the entire body. However, many people don't realize that watermelon rinds, as well as their bright softness, can provide health benefits, especially to the joints.

Watermelon rinds have been used since ancient times to make lanterns, and they have also been added to dishes or used for medicinal purposes.

In folk medicine, watermelon rinds are used to treat joint diseases, remove salts, treat oral ulcers, and also for cosmetic purposes.

It is better not to throw away watermelon “waste”, but to use it externally for medicinal purposes to treat urticaria, muscle fatigue, skin defects, rashes, itching.

Signs of watermelon with nitrates:

  • the pulp is bright red with a purple tint;
  • the cut surface is smooth, the seeds have a bright shine;
  • the fibers between the rind and the red flesh have a yellow tint;
  • check: throw a piece of pulp into a glass of water, stir and look at the water. If the water is cloudy, then watermelon good quality, and if it’s pink or red, it’s better not to eat it.

The permissible proportion of nitrates is 60 mg per 1 kg. Watermelon peels It is better to use only good quality watermelon without nitrates, or with a minimal proportion.

Watermelon contains citrulline, which has a diuretic effect (read here). Therefore, it is often used to treat and cleanse the kidneys, liver diseases, stomach diseases, and eliminate edema. In addition, it has a wound-healing, antipyretic effect, and also improves skin condition. Dry watermelon rind can cure mouth ulcers ( local application), provide positive influence on joint health. In addition, the crusts can be used to treat impotence and dry cough.

The pulp of watermelon, as well as the rind, has a lot of positive properties. The fruit consists of 90% water, which is an excellent diuretic, it also effectively removes toxins from the body, reduces the level of bad cholesterol. This berry is often used for treatment rheumatic diseases, such as arthritis, also with salt deposition in joints, atherosclerosis, diarrhea. In folk medicine, watermelon is used to cleanse the kidneys of sand (read here) and detoxify the body (read here).

Application of watermelon peels

You can make jam, marmalade from watermelon rinds, or dry them and use them for medicinal purposes. Watermelon rinds contain chlorophyll, plant fiber, folic acid, pectin, vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, minerals potassium, manganese, iron. Watermelon rinds can neutralize acidity, i.e. create an alkaline environment.

Recipe No. 1 For joint diseases, as well as to eliminate swelling and remove salts, traditional medicine recommends using dry watermelon rinds. To do this, dry the watermelon “waste” – the green rinds – in the oven (the upper green part). Grind the dry peels and take one teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals. The product should be washed down with warm water (0.5 cups) mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey. After this, eat some dried fruits.

Recipe No. 2 Dry watermelon rinds can be used to make healthy tea. To do this, take 100 g of crusts, pour 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos, and leave to steep for several hours. Take 100 ml infusion 5 times a day. This tea is useful to drink for diseases of the joints, kidneys, and to eliminate swelling.

Watermelon peels can also be applied to sore spots, sunburn, acne, etc. use externally. They are able to eliminate headache, to do this, apply them to your temples and forehead. You can also tie the scabs to the sore joints with a bandage and wait until the pain subsides.

Patients with osteochondrosis and vegetative-vascular dystonia It is recommended to take a bath with the addition of watermelon or watermelon rinds. To do this, take 200 g of crushed watermelon rinds, or pulp, add 100 g baking soda. Dissolve the prepared mixture in the bath (read here). Course of treatment: 2 weeks. Don't miss watermelon season!

  • Landscape
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      • DIY flower pots
      • Construction of a rock garden
      • Garden paths
      • Lighting and backlighting
      • Garden sculpture
      • Dry stream
      • Alpine slide
      • Flower beds and flower beds
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Watermelon is the largest false berry on earth, oval or round in shape, with a smooth surface and a dense rind, under which pink, sweet and very juicy pulp is hidden. It belongs to the pumpkin family, and is known to every person as a wonderful delicacy that effectively quenches thirst in the summer heat. In addition, this berry is a recognized means of traditional medicine, and not only its pulp is used, but also its peel.

Watermelon contains about 12% sugars and most of them are fructose, and the rest are glucose and sucrose. It also contains a lot of pectin, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin PP and C, provitamin A and folic acid. In addition, this berry contains many microelements - iron, manganese, potassium, nickel, iron and magnesium. The seeds contain a lot of vitamin D and various fatty oils.

Most often, watermelons are eaten fresh, because in the summer they perfectly quench thirst and serve as a source of microelements, thanks to which elements lost through sweat are replenished. These berries can also be salted; during pickling and fermenting, they do not lose their medicinal properties.

Watermelon juice is boiled to make watermelon honey, which contains more than 90% sugars. Marmalade, candied fruits and jams are prepared from the peels; they are also dried and used for medicinal purposes. The seeds are used to make special watermelon oil.

Watermelon can be eaten by people of any age; it is also used in folk and even official medicine.

Useful properties of watermelon and its rind

This berry significantly improves digestive processes. Its pulp contains fiber, which stimulates beneficial intestinal microflora. Watermelon refers to alkaline products, it is able to neutralize the effects of harmful acids from meat, eggs, fish and bread. It contains a lot of folic acid, which stimulates fat metabolism and has a pronounced anti-sclerotic effect. Its effect is significantly enhanced by choline and vitamins C and PP. Due to the fact that watermelon is most often eaten raw, all folic acid reserves reach the body unchanged, since heat treatment leads to their destruction.

Watermelon promotes elimination negative consequences that arise after drug therapy and after anesthesia; in addition, it is useful to eat after long-term illnesses and surgical interventions.

How to dry watermelon rinds?

The method of preparing them for the winter is simple - finely chop the peels and dry them in the oven at 50C, then store them in a dark place.

How can you use watermelon rinds for medicinal purposes?

A decoction of fresh watermelon rinds and seeds has an excellent diuretic effect; if the rinds are dried, they can also be used in winter.

Watermelon and a decoction of its rinds are used to get rid of edema that occurs due to kidney and liver ailments, as well as vascular and heart diseases.

For urolithiasis, it is necessary to consume watermelon pulp (2.5-3 kg) every day, or drink a decoction of the peels (2 liters). This will help dissolve the stones and prevent the progression of the disease.

In case of kidney stones, the alkaline environment of urine, which occurs due to eating watermelon, dissolves salts stored both in the kidneys and in urinary tract. To obtain healing effect You should eat a large piece of this berry every hour.

Cut off the top hard layer from the watermelon rinds. Cut the peels into smaller pieces and dry in the oven until half cooked (the temperature should be low), then scatter them on a cloth and dry at room temperature. During the cold season, they can be consumed as a medicine for kidney stones, nephritis and edema. For treatment, you need to eat one teaspoon of raw material before meals, washing it down with a small amount of heated water with a teaspoon of natural liquid honey. Take this remedy three times a day. Store dried peels in a dry place, folded in a paper bag or linen bag.

For colitis, take one hundred grams of dried peels and pour half a liter of boiling water over them. Leave in a thermos for two hours. Take half a glass of this remedy five times a day.

To treat sore throat and tuberculosis, take fresh watermelon rinds and cut off the thick skin. Cut them and grind them in a meat grinder, then squeeze out the juice and use it to gargle every hour.

You can get rid of pigmentation and dull facial skin using freshly squeezed juice from watermelon rinds. It should be applied to the face three times a day and washed off after a quarter of an hour with clean water.

In order to help restore the liver after alcoholism and hepatitis, the patient should be given one tablespoon of juice at intervals of one hour.

Diabetics should not eat much watermelon pulp, but consuming the juice from the rinds will benefit them. You should take a glass a day, divided into four doses. It contains all the same minerals and vitamins as the pulp, but there is virtually no sugar.

You can get rid of trophic ulcers, boils, acne and bedsores with the help of fresh juice from crusts, they need to be wiped over the affected areas or used for lotions.

For diarrhea, you can grind the dry crusts using a coffee grinder and take them every two hours in the amount of one teaspoon, washed down with clean water.

For treatment sunburn You can apply a paste made from watermelon rinds to the affected areas. After an hour, wash it off and apply a fresh portion. Repeat this procedure until the inflammation goes away.

Watermelon is unique natural remedy, which can help treat a wide variety of diseases.

Ekaterina, website

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Most people are sure that the main valuable component of a watermelon is its pulp, while the benefits of watermelon rinds are not appreciated at all. However, this is a misconception; they contain all the same beneficial substances as the red pulp. But the crusts don't have as much sugar and water, but they have more amino acids, and they also have more fiber.

What are the benefits of watermelon rinds? IN alternative medicine They are used as a diuretic, mild pain reliever, phlegm remover, cleanser and cholagogue. Another advantage of using them is that they can be dried and used throughout the year until the next watermelon harvest.

Beneficial features

What are the benefits of watermelon rind? Fresh and dried are used in the following cases:

  • to reduce edema that develops against the background of heart and kidney diseases;
  • to normalize water-salt balance;
  • to lower blood pressure;
  • to get rid of excess weight;
  • for gout;
  • when restoring the body after a long illness or after severe treatment;
  • in order to remove toxins and salts from the body;
  • to normalize digestion during inflammatory processes in the digestive tract;
  • to prevent the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys, as well as for easier passage of small stones;
  • to normalize stool during constipation.


Eating candied watermelon is very good for health. They are especially recommended for people who suffer from arterial hypertension, problems with stool, colic in the kidneys and pancreatic diseases. Candied watermelon can be consumed as an independent product, or you can add it to cottage cheese, porridge, and so on. But such a delicacy can also be harmful to the body - candied watermelon is contraindicated for people with overweight and with diabetes. To prepare this delicious and healthy treat You need to remove the top skin and the remaining red pulp from the green peel, cut the green peels into cubes and cook for about 10 minutes. Then put the candied fruits in a colander and leave to drain.

During this time, you need to boil water with sugar, and when the water boils, place watermelon cubes in it and cook for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave to steep overnight. The next day, boil the candied fruits again for about 10 minutes and leave to steep all day. Repeat this until the crusts turn into real candied fruits - they become transparent.

Most often, 4-6 repetitions are enough. If desired, the last time you cook, you can add vanillin, cinnamon, lemon juice or ginger to the syrup. Let the finished candied fruits drain and cool, sprinkle them with powdered sugar and place them on foil to dry completely (this may take several days). Then store in glass containers.

For problems with the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, as well as rheumatoid diseases, you can use a decoction of fresh or dry watermelon rinds. To do this, you need to boil the crusts for 20 minutes in half a liter of water, then let them brew for about half an hour, then drink 100 grams 3-4 times a day.

For epigastric pain, liver problems, gallbladder, for diseases urinary system, and also for weight loss it is useful to take an infusion of watermelon rinds. To do this, pour half a liter of boiling water over the crusts and put on water bath for half an hour. Then infuse the product for another half hour and drink half a glass each time before meals.

In cosmetology, peels are actively used to moisturize the skin, to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and as an anti-inflammatory and tonic agent. In addition, masks made from watermelon rind pulp help get rid of facial swelling.

The dry top layer of watermelon can be crushed into powder, mixed with natural honey and added a little lemon juice. This remedy well prevents the development of cystitis, nephritis and edema. It is especially useful to use it in the cold season.

Infusion and decoction of watermelon peels are good for gargling with sore throats, treating trophic ulcers or use as a lotion for inflamed facial skin. Watermelon rinds can be combined with some medicinal plants.

To ensure that the dry layer does not lose all the benefits of fresh watermelon rinds, they must be prepared correctly. The watermelon layer, peeled from the pulp and outer skin, should be cut into thin slices and dried in the oven at a temperature of 50 degrees. The readiness of the crusts can be determined by their fragility. If the plates break well, then all the moisture has left them, and they can be packaged in fabric or paper bags.


Despite all the benefits, if you use the peels incorrectly, you can harm your health. The damage is due to the ability of melons to accumulate in top layer chemicals and other harmful substances - heavy metals and nitrates. Therefore, eating fresh watermelon rinds is not recommended, and before use (including before drying), you should soak them in cold purified water for 2-3 hours.

Candied fruits and jam made from them are not recommended for people with diabetes, excess weight, as well as diarrhea and serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract. In addition, people with individual intolerance to the product and allergy sufferers should use melons with caution.

Regular consumption of watermelon rinds can lead to a deficiency of potassium in the body (as it will be washed out of the body), therefore, when treating with watermelon rinds, it is necessary to include dried fruits, nuts and honey in the diet.

Watermelon rinds – what outweighs the benefits and harms? At correct use They can help improve your health and even prevent the development of many diseases, but if used incorrectly, they can certainly harm your health.

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