Sprouted buckwheat: recipes for preparing healthy dishes. How to properly sprout green buckwheat for food

Sprouted grains are a treasure trove balanced vitamins and microelements, vital for the full functioning of all human systems and organs.

Buckwheat is familiar to everyone since childhood, but we are used to seeing it brown. And green, that is, raw buckwheat, is a relatively new product for most of our compatriots. But it is precisely this kind of grain that has not been subjected to heat treatment that retains maximum of its natural properties. His chemical composition remains intact, including maintaining the ratio of the components to each other, which is especially important for their full absorption. The amino acid composition of buckwheat puts it in a special position in relation to other cereals: lysine and myotin from it are absorbed by humans by 75%, and this is a record figure for a product plant origin. In addition to valuable protein, green buckwheat kernels contain a lot of starch, natural sugars, organic acids (citric, oxalic, malic, etc.) and very little fatty oil. Buckwheat is one of the leaders in the content of iron and calcium, vitamin E and group B. It contains relatively a lot of potassium, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, zinc, cobalt and molybdenum.

Buckwheat has the ability to be stored for a long time, without acquiring bitterness over time and without becoming moldy (this ensured it permanent place in army food warehouses). In this case, the beneficial properties also practically do not decrease (which made buckwheat a popular product in folk medicine). It is traditionally used for anemia to increase the quantity and quality of hemoglobin, to stimulate hematopoiesis and the body’s resistance to radioactive radiation. Colds and decreased immunity are also indications for taking buckwheat. It helps cells and organs recover, become stronger and resist adverse factors. external environment, interferes with the absorption and promotes the elimination of toxic substances. For people who are unable to eat bread and potatoes due to a tendency to diabetes, buckwheat replaces both of these products. And in practice oriental medicine for preparing a variety medicinal drugs and dishes, including tea, exclusively green, unroasted buckwheat is used. In our latitudes, it is customary to fry buckwheat kernels, which significantly reduces its nutritional value and therapeutic potential.

The right water

Choose the best water you can find. It should not be boiled - the grain will germinate in it, but it will not be at all as healthy as the one that sprouted in the raw. This is explained by the fact that boiled water is “lifeless”, depleted. There is a pronounced oxygen deficiency in it, and for oxidative processes for a living organism, that is, our nascent plant, it is vitally necessary. The sprout will feed on the liquid. Healthy water will be the key to the health of the seedlings. It’s good if it is structured, that is, spring, melt or glacial. If you can't find one, take a bottled one and pass it through a good filter or freeze it in freezer refrigerator.

How to germinate buckwheat

Sprouted green buckwheat is a natural product that is useful throughout the year, but the body especially needs its properties in the off-season, that is, in spring and autumn, when it is most vulnerable. But not only the germination time matters - it is important to choose the right grain itself. If you are planning not just to cook buckwheat porridge, but to learn how to germinate grain, then look for organic buckwheat, not treated with chemicals, from the freshest harvest. Pay attention to the integrity of the kernels, their uniform greenish-beige color and absence of damage. Only unfried and unsteamed buckwheat is suitable for germination. It doesn’t matter where the cereal is sold: in the market by weight or in a supermarket in original packaging. The main thing is that its quality does not raise the slightest doubt. If the grains you purchased meet these requirements, you can start germinating them:

Take 1 full glass of green buckwheat. This is an approximate amount - keep in mind that the volume of sprouts will be approximately 1.5 times greater.

How long does sprouted grain last?

Sprouted green buckwheat can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days without losing its nutritional properties.

Dishes with sprouted buckwheat

Green sprouts fit into any diet without any problems. They can be eaten as a separate meal or added to salads, cereals and sandwiches.

There are many options for using sprouted buckwheat! Here are some of them:

  • Add to smoothies made from sweet fruits - bananas, peaches, nectarines, mangoes, pears, etc.
  • Add to any vegetable salads as a useful supplement.
  • Prepare salads in which sprouted buckwheat is the main ingredient.
  • Make desserts from sprouted buckwheat - for example, a delicate and tasty mousse with fruit.
  • In the end, just eat it separately from everything else! Well, or adding a drop of honey, agave syrup, coconut sugar or other healthy sweetener.

Who is recommended to include green buckwheat in their diet?

Nutritionists advise consuming buckwheat for people suffering from anemia, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal ailments and having problems with excess weight.

Buckwheat sprouts are used as prevention and treatment for vascular diseases, varicose veins veins, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, to reduce intraocular pressure, hypertension, ischemic disease hearts, infectious diseases affecting the vascular system.

Sprouts are used for radiation sickness, blood loss, bleeding from the nose and gums, kidney and liver diseases, and diabetes.

Healthy eating is becoming increasingly popular. One of the products with high nutritional value is green buckwheat for sprouting. But not everyone knows how to germinate green buckwheat. Let's talk about the technology of germinating grains at home and ways to use sprouts.

Green buckwheat differs from brown buckwheat in that it is not subjected to industrial heat treatment and retains all natural vitamins and microelements. When germinating such grains, everything useful material are activated and easily absorbed by the body. Buckwheat becomes “alive”. Until recently, unprocessed buckwheat was a strange product. Today you can find it in any store natural products, and sometimes in a regular supermarket. What are the beneficial properties of this product and why is it so attractive to healthy lifestyle followers?

Nutritional value of green buckwheat

Green buckwheat sprouts contain 18 amino acids, 9 of which are essential, and are the leader in the content of vitamins and minerals among cereal crops. They contain:

  • vitamin PP;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin P;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;

Green buckwheat is ideal for nutrition - it is easily digestible and saturates the body. slow carbohydrates. Thanks to its amino acid composition, sprouted buckwheat has extremely beneficial effects:

  • prevents cardiovascular diseases;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • restores the “correct” microflora in the intestines;
  • protects blood vessels and prevents arthritis and osteoporosis;
  • protects immune system and strengthens skin, nails and hair;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • improves the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.

Green buckwheat is universal - you can eat it as much as you want, combine it with all kinds of foods and add it to different dishes - cold and hot, salty and sweet. In addition, the balanced composition of sprouted buckwheat allows it to become a complete replacement for animal protein.

Green buckwheat as an alternative to meat

It has already been proven that any meat is more or less harmful to health, clogs blood vessels with cholesterol, is difficult to digest and even causes cancer. Although it has nutrients, whether they will be absorbed by the body is a big question. Sprouted buckwheat grains contain quite a lot of easily digestible protein, organic healthy fats and more than 70% carbohydrates. It is not without reason that it is called a superfood (from English “supereda”), such food charges you with energy for several hours and has no side effects.

Product namekcal per 100 gProteins per 100 gFats per 100 gCarbohydrates per 100g
300 13 4 71
Veal90 19,7 1,2 0
Beef187 18,9 12,4 0
Rabbit199 20,7 12,9 0
Mutton203 16,3 15,3 0
Medium fat pork320 16,4 27,8 0

This is interesting

Famous American doctor, nutritionist and celebrity trainer Douglas Graham defined the optimal percentage ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for a person as 80/10/10. In his book “The 80/10/10 Diet,” he wrote that modern standards for protein consumption are greatly overestimated, and in order to maintain the functioning of organs and muscles, an adult needs a large amount of high-quality carbohydrates. If this statement is true, then green buckwheat has a good chance of displacing meat and taking center stage on dinner tables.

How to germinate buckwheat?

To properly germinate buckwheat, you will need:

  • buckwheat greens;
  • cup for germination - glass, ceramic, clay (not plastic);
  • running water for washing grains;
  • clean water for germinating buckwheat;
  • clean cotton cloth (or gauze);

Different sources suggest germinating buckwheat in different ways. Some people revive the grains within two or even three days, while others enjoy the finished product within 24 hours. The fact is that green buckwheat activates all nutrients already at the moment when the sprouts have just hatched, and this happens within a day. Therefore, we will describe this particular method of germination.

Usually the grains are soaked in the morning so that they germinate for the next breakfast. But, in general, this can be done at any time of the day.

To germinate green buckwheat, you need to follow a number of simple steps.

  1. Pour the required amount of green buckwheat into a glass or ceramic cup.
  2. Rinse with running water - pour and drain water several times.
  3. Remove grains that float when washed - they will not germinate.
  4. Pour the washed buckwheat with water.

    It's better to take as much as possible quality water– spring or melt, in as a last resort– filtered. It will be absorbed into the grains and activate the revitalization processes.

  5. Leave for 6 – 10 hours.
  6. Rinse thoroughly to remove mucus with running water - pour and drain water several times.
  7. Cover clean, damp grains in a cup with a damp cloth.
  8. Leave on the table for 12 – 15 hours.

At this stage, it is important not to put unsprouted buckwheat in the refrigerator (cold will stop the revival process), not to cover the grains with a lid so that air circulates in the cup, and not to leave the cup completely open - the grains will dry out and will not revive. It is worth covering the container with gauze.

Small tails (sprouts) have appeared on the grains, which means that the sprouted buckwheat is ready to eat.

It is better to store sprouted buckwheat in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.

How to cook sprouted buckwheat?

Green sprouted buckwheat can be used to make a variety of foods and drinks. In addition, it can be consumed as an independent dish and added to regular food - soups, side dishes, meat, vegetables. This will make them healthier and more nutritious.


A sprouted green buckwheat smoothie typically consists of the following ingredients:

  • green buckwheat;
  • water;
  • fruit/vegetable/greens;
  • honey (or other sweetener).

The number of components can be changed all the time. A more nutritious smoothie will have more buckwheat, a refreshing fruit smoothie will have more fruit, and you don’t need to add any sweetener at all. By experimenting with different flavors, you can come up with recipes for making your ideal drink.

To prepare a smoothie, grind the selected ingredients in a blender until smooth. Smoothies are drunk from a straw or from a bottle, and if it is thick, they are simply eaten with a spoon. It retains not only all the nutrients of its constituent products, but also beneficial fiber.


Green buckwheat porridge is created from sprouted grains ground in a blender. As a rule, its main ingredients are buckwheat and banana. Banana makes the porridge very sweet and aromatic.

You can add to the porridge according to your taste:

  • dates;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • flaxseed - it will create a consistency close to oatmeal.

It is better to add these ingredients soaked - pre-wash and pour boiling water for a few minutes. They can be ground together with buckwheat in a blender or added in pieces immediately before eating the porridge.

In addition, sprouts are also used to prepare regular porridge– You can also cook green buckwheat. However, heat treatment destroys some of the beneficial substances.

Buckwheat can be prepared in different ways:

  • steamed (in a 2:1 ratio with water, cooking time - 15 minutes);
  • steam with boiling water and let it brew (in a 2:1 ratio with water, until the water is completely absorbed);
  • Cooking on the stove is the least preferred option (cooking time - 15 minutes, ratio with water - 2:1).

You can add healthy vegetable oils (linseed, unrefined sunflower, sesame and others) or butter to cooked sprouts, as well as to regular buckwheat porridge.

Salads and raw food dishes

Sprouted grains can be added to any salads, but it is best to sprinkle them on fresh vegetables. Such a salad will saturate the body with vitamins, cleanse with fiber and create the correct microflora in the intestines.

Today, a raw food diet is gaining popularity - a type of nutrition that excludes traditional heat treatment. As a rule, raw foodists are supporters of plant-based foods. Main source nutrients The raw food diet includes sprouted grains, and green buckwheat is a favorite.

In addition to the above dishes, a wide variety of raw food foods are prepared from sprouts:

  • pates;
  • salad dressings;
  • cold soups;
  • bread;
  • pizza base;
  • rolls.

Fasting days on sprouted buckwheat

The average human diet, as a rule, includes a lot of “non-living” thermally processed food and little fiber. There are few useful substances left in cooked food, and while digesting it, the body works hard to get the maximum benefit from the available food. The body has neither time nor energy left for deep cleansing actions at the cellular level - they are reduced only to the superficial removal of waste products from the body.

Often our body simply needs spring-cleaning, therefore they are considered very useful fasting days. What are the benefits of unloading on buckwheat sprouts? This method is suitable for active people. It will allow you to receive enough calories for normal life activities and will launch the body’s self-cleaning functions. “Live” grains stimulate the body’s toxin-removing functions, however, if the body is very polluted, then during fasting days unpleasant or painful sensations may appear:

  • headache;
  • joint pain;
  • sweating;
  • weakness;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • smell from the mouth.

All these effects indicate cleansing of the body - the stronger discomfort, the more slagged the body is. Therefore, when unloading (including on buckwheat sprouts), you should not take any medications and give the body additional physical activity.

Such fasting days are very useful for losing weight - thanks to the same cleansing and slag-removing effect, buckwheat sprouts help you lose extra pounds.

Various diets and nutritional systems recommend consuming different products. Today there are so many of these systems that the only way to understand whether a food product is suitable for a particular person is to rely on sensations. Even very healthy green buckwheat may not be suitable - individual intolerance will arise or it will simply seem tasteless. Therefore, when introducing buckwheat sprouts into the diet, it is better to be consistent and moderate.

The healthiest, rich in minerals and vitamins is “live” green buckwheat, which cannot be heat treated by frying or steaming. And there are even more useful substances in raw sprouted buckwheat, where the content of antioxidants doubles and the amount of vitamin C increases by as much as twenty times. And today I will tell you how to germinate buckwheat at home.

How to germinate buckwheat at home

Green raw buckwheat is one of the healthiest plant products for the body of every person. Especially many useful substances are formed during the germination period. That is why plant seeds are eaten raw and sprouted. So, how to germinate buckwheat?

For sprouting, green buckwheat is just perfect. And there’s nothing particularly complicated, you just need to know what should be done and how. To sprout buckwheat at home, you only need green buckwheat itself, drinking purified water, and a porcelain or glass container.

  1. Buckwheat must first be sorted out; this can also be done while washing it. You can rinse green buckwheat using a colander. The main thing in this matter is to be careful not to accidentally damage the germs in the grains.
  2. Place the prepared buckwheat in a large glass or porcelain bowl.
  3. Now the green buckwheat needs to be filled with water. There should be 2-3 times more water than buckwheat itself. You need to take clean water - or filtered, but not boiled. Keep in mind that the volume of buckwheat will double when swelling.
  4. The next step is to soak the buckwheat in water. Here it is important to guess with time. It is best to leave for two to four hours. If it is longer, the buckwheat may become covered with mucus. When this does happen, don’t be scared or upset right away, just rinse the buckwheat one more time. With longer infusion, buckwheat may simply deteriorate (ferment), then the entire procedure for germinating seeds will have to be repeated again.
  5. After a while, when the buckwheat is saturated with water, drain the liquid and distribute it in an even layer over the walls and bottom of our bowl, then cover the dish with a lid, but so that air constantly gets inside. And we leave our buckwheat in a dark place for 12-20 hours.
  6. After this time, small seedlings (1-2 millimeters) should appear in the buckwheat. But you need to wait until the seedlings become larger, about 1-2 centimeters. By the way, for germination to take place successfully and quickly, buckwheat must be moist all the time. Without water it will simply dry out.
  7. Sprouted buckwheat is used for various purposes. It can be eaten as an independent product or as part of dishes, for example, salads.

The benefits of sprouted buckwheat

Buckwheat is unique for its components. It contains a whole “cocktail” of vitamins and nutrients. Vitamins of group B, as well as C and E, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and potassium.

And during germination, all these beneficial substances in buckwheat increase several times! There are twice as many antioxidants as usual, and 20 times more vitamin C. And an important advantage of all this is that it is very easy to germinate green buckwheat at home.

When eating green buckwheat, our body requires much less effort and energy to absorb nutrients than to absorb ordinary fried or steamed buckwheat.

How to eat sprouted buckwheat

Sprouted green buckwheat is suitable for eating in its “pure form” without additives. But you can eat it with spices, salt or unrefined vegetable oil.
Sprouted buckwheat can also be included in various dishes that cannot be cooked. Sprouted buckwheat is often added to vitamin-rich vegetable salads. You can also eat it with dairy products: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

How to store sprouted buckwheat

You can store buckwheat with sprouts only in a closed container in the refrigerator for only two days.

Buckwheat is considered one of the most healthy cereals on the ground. It is characterized not only by high taste qualities, but also rich in vitamin and mineral composition. In it in sufficient quantity contains iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, cobalt and zinc, vitamins B, PP, E. However, in the process heat treatment a large proportion of them disappear without a trace, and there will not be much benefit from such cereals.

People who adhere to the principles of a raw food diet know that it is much healthier to eat sprouted green buckwheat grains that have not undergone heat treatment instead of boiled cereals. We'll tell you how to germinate buckwheat for food at home in our article. Here we will offer a simple recipe delicious salad from sprouted grains.

How to choose buckwheat for germination

Ordinary buckwheat, which is widely represented on store shelves and from which everyone is accustomed to cooking porridge, after harvesting, is subject to steam treatment and frying. After this she becomes familiar Brown color and becomes ready for subsequent preparation and consumption. Meanwhile, such buckwheat is unsuitable for germination, since heat treatment makes the grain “lifeless”.

Unlike brown, green buckwheat is not subject to heat treatment, due to which it retains a living embryo and the ability to germinate. In addition, it retains its natural color, delicate taste and aroma.

You can buy green buckwheat in most large supermarkets. When choosing cereals, pay attention to the presence of the Organic designation on the packaging, which indicates that the grain was grown in environmentally safe areas and was not treated with chemicals. Only such grains of food are ideal for sprouting and can bring exceptional benefits to the body.

Green buckwheat for sprouting: how to use

From green buckwheat you can prepare porridges and side dishes that exceed nutritional value brown grain dishes. To cook healthy porridge, the grain must first be soaked in clean water for 6-8 hours. After the specified time has passed, it is thoroughly washed, filled with clean water, salted, and the pan is sent to the fire. Next, the green buckwheat needs to be brought to a boil and cooked for about 10 minutes. But maximum benefit Only sprouted grain can benefit the body. It is added to salads, nutritional cocktails and smoothies are prepared based on it, etc.

Meanwhile, many people are too lazy to do this or simply don’t know how to germinate buckwheat. Raw food nutrition remains a complex science for them, although in reality everything is much simpler than it seems. Especially when you consider the benefits sprouted buckwheat brings to the body.


People who adhere to principles healthy eating, it has long been known about the unique vitamin and mineral composition of sprouted green buckwheat. 100 grams of “live” grain contains 67% of the daily value of thiamine (vitamin B1), 82% of vitamin E, 80% of zinc and many others important vitamins and microelements.

Other benefits of sprouted buckwheat:

  • Appreciated high content protein balanced in amino acid composition - almost 20% of the daily value (for comparison, a grain of rice contains only 7% of the protein value);
  • absence of gluten, due to which sprouted buckwheat grains can be consumed even by people who adhere to a gluten-free diet;
  • “live” cereals contain 4 times more flavonoids than “dead” ones, due to which a high anti-cancer effect is achieved;
  • despite high calorie content, promotes weight loss and is part of balanced diets;
  • contains more fiber than other sprouted grains, which promotes excellent digestion;
  • rich in various amino acids;
  • does not accumulate harmful substances from fertilizers and is considered an environmentally friendly product.

When germinating grain at home, you should adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Before soaking, the grain is sorted. If green buckwheat has unhealthy looking and damage on the surface, such cereals should not be used in the future.
  2. A glass or ceramic container is suitable for germination. Aluminum cookware is not permitted.
  3. Before starting work, the grains are washed in plenty of water. Floated buckwheat is removed because it does not contain a “living” embryo.
  4. During the germination process, the grains are thoroughly washed with water, which helps prevent mold and fungi from appearing on them.
  5. The optimal length of buckwheat sprouts suitable for consumption is 1-2 mm. Cereals with sprouts that are too long are not suitable for eating, as they become harmful to the body.

A simple way to germinate buckwheat

This method of germinating buckwheat using gauze allows you to get healthy grain within a day from the moment of its soaking. It requires minimal effort and very little patience.

How to germinate buckwheat in a simple way using gauze:

  1. Prepare the cereal for germination: rinse it thoroughly under running water and remove any floating grains.
  2. Line a colander with gauze in one layer and pour the prepared cereal into it. Cover the top of the grains again with gauze folded in two layers. Place a colander under running water to wet the gauze and cereal. When the water has drained, leave the colander on the table at room temperature for 8 o'clock.
  3. After the specified time, the gauze with cereal in a colander must be moistened again and set aside again for 8 hours.
  4. Repeat the same steps as in the previous step and leave the buckwheat for 6 hours.
  5. After time, the cereal is thoroughly washed and used for eating or preparing dishes. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

How to germinate buckwheat in a jar

Another way to germinate buckwheat is to place the grain in a glass jar overnight, and enjoy the taste in the morning for breakfast. useful product. The main condition is not to cover the jar with a tight lid, since air access is required for the formation of sprouts.

How to germinate buckwheat at home in a jar:

  1. Rinse the cereal under running water and remove any floating grain.
  2. Transfer the wet buckwheat into a liter jar and, without covering, leave on the table at room temperature for 2 hours.
  3. After the specified time, rinse the cereal, put it back into the jar, now covering it with a lid made of gauze and rubber band.
  4. Place the jar in a dark cabinet for 10 hours, but not on the bottom, but slightly tilting it to one side.
  5. In the morning, the buckwheat will need to be rinsed again, and you can serve it.

Delicious sprouted buckwheat salad

Sprouted buckwheat makes a very tasty and healthy raw food salad. To prepare it, you need to cut it into small cubes. fresh cucumber, carrot, Bell pepper red and a stalk of celery. Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix. Add cereal with sprouts 1-2 mm long. How, how to germinate buckwheat for food is not so important, since it does not affect the benefits of the grain in any way.

Add a glass of sprouted buckwheat to a bowl with salad, season linseed oil(3 tablespoons), salt to taste, add black pepper and parsley. Then you need to mix the salad again and you can serve it to the table.

How to store sprouted grains

The usual shelf life of sprouted grains is 3 days. If you have prepared too much cereal, then you no longer need to store it in the refrigerator, but in dried form.

Regardless of how you decide to germinate buckwheat, you should dry it only in a special electric dryer at a temperature of 40-42 degrees. To do this, the buckwheat is laid out on a special tray and the device is turned on for 6-8 hours. The dried cereal tastes like small nuts. It can be added to dishes directly in this form or made into a powder by grinding buckwheat in a coffee grinder.

Tasty and healthy buckwheat– a childhood memory of almost every person. But not everyone knows that the usual brown color of this cereal is the result of heat treatment; raw buckwheat grains are green. Special benefit they will be delivered after germination, which can easily be done at home. Haven’t you heard about green buckwheat and the wonderful properties of its sprouts? Then this article and video are for you.

Why green?

Green buckwheat retains maximum useful properties given to her by nature. Thus, it contains up to 15% protein (for comparison: pearl barley – 9%, rice – 7%). Green buckwheat protein has a high-quality amino acid composition (albumin, prolamin, globulin, glutelin, etc.) and does not contain gluten. A unique set of microelements: iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc, fluorine, iodine, molybdenum, cobalt, copper and vital vitamins: B1, B2, E, P, PP, folic acid. Green buckwheat is rich in flavonoids: rutin, queruetin, vitexin, etc. There are also organic acids: linolenic, oxalic, malic, as well as natural sugars and starch.

At high temperature beneficial substances are partially destroyed, so it is worth eating green “live” buckwheat. In addition, grains that have not been subjected to heat treatment remain capable of germination.

Sprouted buckwheat is very beneficial for the human body

Why germinate?

It is not without reason that since ancient times people have diversified their diet with sprouts of various grains. At the time of germination, they contain the largest amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In particular, in buckwheat the content of vitamin C increases almost 18 times, antioxidants - 2 times. During this period, important biological mechanisms, which destroy inhibitors, break down fats into fatty acid, starch - into natural sugars, proteins - into amino acids.

Attention! Inhibitors are substances that delay the flow of physiological processes, in particular, the digestion of food. Antioxidants are substances that cleanse the body of damaging molecules (so-called free radicals).

Where to get?

Nowadays, when the popularity of green buckwheat has increased, there are quite a lot of places to purchase it, both real and on the Internet:

  • live food stores;
  • organic food stores;
  • specialized stores for vegetarians, vegans, and supporters of proper nutrition;
  • cereal departments in chain stores;
  • agricultural fairs.

Pay attention to the color of the cereal. It should be green-beige, uniform. You should also make sure that the grains are whole and fresh (preferably from the latest harvest).

You can germinate buckwheat in a couple of days

Prices for green buckwheat are affordable, comparable to prices for other quality cereals. As a rule, purchasing it in large packages or in small wholesale, you can save money.

Attention! Many crops are grown using genetic engineering, treated with chemicals. Buckwheat is not susceptible to these trends. It does not contain GMOs and is not treated with pesticides. At your request, the seller is obliged to provide a certificate. Certified products are more likely to be real green buckwheat, without heat treatment or chemicals.

How to germinate?

Anyone can germinate green buckwheat. Don’t get too hung up on any one method you read on the Internet. Depending on the quality and quantity of the cereal, its integrity, and air temperature during the germination process, there may be nuances, but not so significant that failure to comply with them will lead to a fatal result. Take action and you will definitely succeed.

Consider your need for sprouts, because the largest number They have benefits 2-4 days after germination.

Attention! Experienced sprout consumers believe that optimal time for germination - spring and autumn. The volume of ready-to-eat sprouts is approximately 1.5 times larger than the grain taken.


To soak and germinate green buckwheat, you can use any container that is convenient for you: a container, a bowl, a special jar with a lid with holes, etc.

Follow these steps:

  • take the required amount of green buckwheat and a container of appropriate size (about 3 times the volume of the cereal);
  • rinse the buckwheat thoroughly cold water Several times, while draining the water, remove any broken pieces and debris that have surfaced;
  • fill the buckwheat with clean water at room temperature;
  • leave the container for about 1 hour so that the cereal is saturated with water;
  • rinse the buckwheat until clear water, in this case, the water will remove the floating non-living grains and mucus that appeared during the soaking process.

Buckwheat is ready for the next stage.


Follow these steps:

  • cover the buckwheat with a non-airtight lid, plate or piece of cloth; the main thing is that it is ventilated;
  • if you are using a special jar for germination, place it in a plate with the lid down; wherein excess water will leak, cereals - sufficiently ventilated and remain moist;

Sprouted buckwheat

  • leave the container at room temperature, maybe in a warmer place;
  • Rinse the buckwheat about every 8 hours to moisturize, because the surface layer will dry out slightly; you can gently mix the cereal with a spoon, this will also prevent the top grains from drying out;
  • after 6-8 hours the grains will “bloom” - the first inconspicuous sprouts will appear; It is recommended to eat them when they are about 1 mm long;
  • remember: from soaking to ready for use, it takes about 20 hours, during which time the seedlings grow to 3-5 mm.

Do not add water to the container with buckwheat during germination, otherwise it may turn sour, and the grains may suffocate and not germinate. Make sure that the grains are sufficiently moistened and do not forget to rinse or stir them. If within 6-8 hours the grains do not “bend”, do not worry. Most likely, your room is cool or this is a feature of your beans, and the germination process will simply take a little longer.

Wash ready-to-eat green buckwheat sprouts with the length of the sprouts satisfying your taste preferences, place in a container or saucepan with a lid and store in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

Eat green buckwheat sprouts as an independent dish, seasoning vegetable oils and herbs, add them to salads, cereals, soups. Using sprouted buckwheat in daily diet, you will significantly improve your well-being and metabolism, strengthen your immune system, protect yourself from stress and negative factors environment, reset excess weight. Be healthy!
