Dried cranberries: beneficial properties and contraindications

Dried cranberries are a very valuable dried fruit and are a real treasure trove. useful microelements and vitamin reserves. It is used to prevent a number of diseases and perfectly strengthens the immune system.

Benefits of dried cranberries

Cranberry is an unusual fruit that is recognized as a natural antioxidant. It's not only great prophylactic, fighting early aging, but also excellent protection against infectious and cold pathologies. In addition, the product helps get rid of cystitis not only in the initial stages, but also in chronic form.

The composition of the berries boasts the presence of components that can relieve inflammatory manifestations. In addition, cranberries do an excellent job of neutralizing free radicals, which provoke the development of a number of pathologies.

Due to the presence of antibacterial properties, cranberries eliminate putrefactive processes and block the formation of pus.

Among the most beneficial properties of this dried fruit, the following are worth noting:

  • gain physical activity;
  • positive effect on mental performance;
  • the ability to tone and have a refreshing effect;
  • improves appetite;
  • normalizes the blood clotting process;
  • stimulates the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • monitors the normalization of acidity levels (primarily this applies to those who have low levels).

Important! To beneficial features the product is strengthened many times, the dried berries are mixed with honey.

In addition, the dried product has a positive effect on appearance, so the valuable dried fruit is consumed not only internally, but also used externally.

The use of cranberries as a skin restorative is aimed at eliminating fine wrinkles, providing a “lifting effect”, getting rid of red spots and pimples, and narrowing pores.

The product is especially valuable for people suffering from excessive oily skin. Amazing berries can bring fat levels back to normal.

The benefits of the product for hair are also invaluable. Products made from dried cranberries can eliminate the problem of dandruff and soften strands.

Valuable acids contained in dried fruits can stimulate the regenerative properties of cells and help the body cleanse itself of toxins.

Eating cranberries is a great way to avoid pathology vascular system, because the presence of these dried fruits in the human diet is in moderation can strengthen vascular walls, make them more elastic, minimize the risk of developing new growths on the walls, which is the prevention of blood clots.

In addition, dried cranberry fruits strengthen the nail plate, improve their appearance, and help avoid nail-related diseases.

Cranberries are endowed with functions that are inherent in antibiotics. It contains the presence of tannin, a component that can have a binding effect. After this component enters human body, harmful viruses and bacteria begin to attach to it, and subsequently all this is removed.

Dried cranberry fruits are often used to treat wounds with pus, skin pathologies, psoriasis, lichen, and scrofula.

Important! To maximize the benefits of consuming the dried product, it is necessary to consult a doctor before use about the advisability of its use.

Pregnant women who consume cranberries can get rid of edema and normalize the problem with blood pressure. Dried cranberries - excellent remedy preventing development varicose veins veins, after all healthy berries increase blood flow in the uterus, making blood vessels more elastic.

Important! Only ripened fruits are endowed maximum concentration useful elements, so you need to pick cranberries in September, when they are ripe enough.

Dried cranberry fruits are very useful. However, sometimes their use should be treated with caution. In some cases there are contraindications.

  1. Firstly, it is important to adhere to recommendations regarding the volume of consumption of this product. Excessive presence of berries in the diet can harm the body.
  2. Individual intolerance to cranberries is possible; this also needs to be taken into account.
  3. You should not eat dried fruits when peptic ulcers stomach problems are aggravated, as well as for those who have high acidity.
  4. It is recommended that nursing mothers avoid eating cranberries.
  5. Children under 3 years of age are not recommended to include such dried fruit in the menu, as this may cause in the best possible way affect activities digestive tract, which is not yet strong enough.

Culinary uses of cranberries

As a rule, in cooking, dried cranberry fruits are used as an indispensable base in sauces and mousses. In addition, dried fruit is added to tea, juice, fruit drink or compote.

Baked goods to which these berries are added turn out excellent. According to tradition, dried berries should be added to pilaf, porridge, salad and side dish.

How to properly dry cranberries at home

Dried cranberry fruits, presented on the shelves of shops and markets, are very sweet. Each serving contains about 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. The benefits of such a product should be doubted. That is why you need to look for dried berries that contain little sugar, or, alternatively, prepare dried cranberries yourself. The recipe is simple.

Selected ripe berries in the amount of 340 grams are thoroughly washed and placed in a prepared frying pan. 200 ml is poured there. water. Those who like it sweeter can use a small packet of sweetener, however, this is not best idea. The prepared mixture is brought to a boil and kept over medium heat for another 4-5 minutes with constant stirring. After turning off the gas, the composition should stand for 10 minutes.

Place 3 layers of paper towels on a prepared baking sheet lined with parchment paper and lay out the cranberries. The berries go into the oven, preheated to a temperature of 65 degrees. To speed up the dehydration process, it is recommended to change parchment and paper towels every 2-3 hours. The berries are dried for 6-8 hours.

The drying process is much simplified if you have a household dryer for vegetables and fruits. It will take much less time and effort.

Rules for storing dried cranberries

It is important not only to properly dry cranberries, but also to ensure their storage.

Important! Only well-dried berries can be stored in a glass container!

Dried, poorly dried cranberries are best placed in the refrigerator.

Dried cranberries are a unique berry, the beneficial properties of which cannot be doubted. However, in order to feel the effect of its impact, it is important to adhere to measures when eating it, and not to overeat. In this case, the valuable dried fruit will become a reliable friend in the prevention of many diseases.

Video: healing properties of cranberries

Surely many people know that cranberries are a very valuable berry. However, not everyone can answer why exactly it is useful. We suggest we figure it out together - let's talk about the benefits and harms of dried products.

Calorie content and chemical composition

In order to know what value this berry brings to the body and what negative phenomena it can provoke, you should consider what substances it contains. 100 g of berries contains the following elements.


  • E (tocopherol) - 1.07 mg;
  • K - 3.8 mg;
  • B1 (thiamine) - 0.01 mg;
  • B2 (riboflavin) - 0.02 mg;
  • AT 5 ( pantothenic acid) - 0.22 mg;
  • B6 (pyrodoxine) - 0.04 mg;
  • PP (niacin) - 0.99 mg;
  • B4 (choline) - 4 mg;
  • WITH ( ascorbic acid) - 0.2 mg;


  • K (potassium) - 40 mg;
  • Ca (calcium) - 10 mg;
  • Mg (magnesium) - 5 mg;
  • Na (sodium) - 3 mg;
  • P (phosphorus) - 8 mg;


  • Fe (iron) - 0.53 mg;
  • Mn (manganese) - 0.27 mg;
  • Cu (copper) - 0.08 mg;
  • Se (selenium) - 0.5 μg;
  • Zn (zinc) - 0.11 mg.

In addition, they also contain lutein and zeaxanthin. From fatty ones saturated acids Palmitic and stearic acids are present, oleic acid is among the monounsaturated ones, and linoleic and linolenic acid are among the polyunsaturated ones.

The nutritional value of the product is as follows:

  • proteins - 4.8 g;
  • fat - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 38 g.
The calorie content of 100 g of berries is 171 kcal.

Important!The calorie content and amount of protein and carbohydrates will differ depending on whether the cranberries are sweetened or not. Cranberries with added large amounts of sugar can contain over 300 kcal and 70 g of carbohydrates and less than 1 g of protein.

Beneficial features

If you carefully study the composition of the berry, it will become clear that in dried form it is no less useful than in fresh form - it has a beneficial effect on activity of cardio-vascular system, in particular, makes the walls of blood vessels stronger and more elastic, and blood circulation more intense.

Cranberry effectively copes with viruses and bacteria that multiply in the body, stopping their development. The berry is an excellent antioxidant that helps eliminate heavy metals, harmful substances, bad cholesterol.
It also improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Thanks to the vitamin E it contains, consuming cranberries has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

It is good to include in the diet of those who experience problems with the genitourinary system, in particular, have cystitis, inflammatory diseases. Use cranberry juice and doctors recommend juice as additional method therapy along with medications.

If the disease is only initial stage and did not have time to develop much, then cranberry drinks, killing pathogenic microbes, allow you to quickly cope with the discomfort that has arisen and get rid of the problem.

Dried berries have a positive effect on work nervous system, toning it and stimulating brain activity. It improves memory and improves mood.

The acid in the juice of this berry helps reduce depression and stress. There is also an opinion that regular consumption of this berry reduces the risk of malignant tumors.

To summarize, dried cranberries can have the following beneficial effects on the human body:

  • antioxidant;
  • antiviral;
  • restorative;
  • tonic;
  • antiseptic;
  • antibacterial.

Did you know? The first Europeans who settled in America called cranberries "cranberry" literal translation- “crane fruit”. The fact is that the flowers that bloomed on the bush reminded them of the head and long neck of a crane. In England, cranberries were called “bearberry”, i.e. “bear berry”, due to the fact that these animals loved to feast on it.

Is it possible to eat

Not everyone can eat dried cranberries. You can see the list of categories of people for whom it is contraindicated below. Now we will take a closer look at whether cranberries are good for pregnant women, women during lactation, diabetics and those who have problems with excess weight.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

There are stages in a woman’s life when she must strictly monitor her diet and control all the products she consumes, since the health of the child depends on it.

When a mother is just pregnant with a baby, cranberries are recommended for her. For a woman, it is good because it strengthens her weakened immune system, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, which also suffer during this period from a lack of vitamins.

It will be useful for the baby because it increases blood circulation, including to the pelvic organs, which means it will be delivered to the placenta. sufficient quantity nutrients and oxygen.

Despite the benefits, a pregnant woman should consult a gynecologist before starting to regularly eat the described berries. But nursing mothers are no longer allowed to use this product.
As you know, pediatricians advise women to exclude all red foods from their diet at this time, as they provoke the development of allergic reactions and diathesis in a child.

Important! It is necessary to eat fully ripened fruits, since they contain maximum amount valuable elements. You can check whether cranberries are ripe in a simple way- throw the berry on the table. A ripe cranberry should bounce.

For diabetes

It is also useful for diabetics to consume this berry, but only dried on its own, without adding sugar. In small doses, it can equalize blood sugar levels and activate insulin production.

When losing weight

People who suffer from excessive weight, or those who carefully monitor the condition of their figure, are probably aware of the existence of the cranberry diet.
It is unloading and allows you to tighten your figure in a short period of time - remove saggy belly, sides, remove excess liquid. It is good to sit on it after periods of long holidays and feasts with the use of dishes containing a large number of fat

Scientists learned by chance that cranberry drinks are effective in burning fat while testing a group of people to lower cholesterol.

They were surprised to find that daily consumption of cranberry juice not only reduced the level of the harmful substance in the blood, but also reduced the body weight of those tested. And although the results of the study were controversial, the fact remains that cranberry juice is very beneficial for the health and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The essence of the diet is to drink 5 to 7 glasses of cranberry juice and 1.5 liters of water per day for three days and avoid eating solid food. The cranberry diet is not suitable for everyone and has a short-term effect.
Before sitting on it, you need to consult a doctor. If a person wants to achieve slim figure on long time, then he needs to include cranberry drinks and meals in his diet along with a healthy diet.

How to make dried cranberries at home

There are three ways to dry cranberries:

  • natural - under the sun and wind;
  • in the oven;
  • in the dryer.

Important!For drying, you should select large berries that have increased juiciness.

The natural drying process will last several weeks. To do this, the berries must be sorted, washed and dried, and then laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment on a horizontal surface.

Next, the baking sheet or tray should be placed in a shaded place under open air, which is well blown with air.
This can also be a balcony or window sill in an apartment, but not those that are exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. Faster and in a convenient way is drying in the oven and dryer.

To dry in the oven, follow these steps:

  1. Sort 1 kg of berries, wash and dry.
  2. Mix with two glasses of sugar and one glass of water.
  3. Cook the berries over low heat until they crack.
  4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  5. Drain the syrup (useful for making compote).
  6. Distribute the berries evenly on the baking sheet.
  7. Dry for 5–6 hours at 60 °C, stirring occasionally.

Did you know? Since the 80s of the last century, cranberry juice has been used as an inexpensive and at the same time quite convincing blood substitute when filming films.

In a special dryer for fruits and berries, the drying process is much simpler and faster:
  1. Sort the berries, wash and dry.
  2. Distribute evenly on trays.
  3. Adjust the temperature to 55 °C.
  4. Dry for 30–40 minutes.

How to use and what can be prepared

Dried cranberries lose acid and gain sweetness. In this form, the berry is most often used to prepare quick breakfasts, for example, adding to oatmeal, muesli, pancakes, casseroles, etc. It is also included in some salads with fresh vegetables and fruits, sauces and mousses.

Desserts are made from it - cranberries in sugar, chocolate, put as a filling in cakes, pies, pastries, muffins. Another common method of using dried cranberries in cooking is making drinks: fruit drink, juice, compote, kvass, jelly, tea, smoothies. It is also used in distillery production.

Where and how to store

Dried cranberries can be stored in room conditions. It must be placed in a bag made of thick natural fabric or in a glass container that is hermetically sealed, and then placed in a place where sunlight and moisture do not penetrate.
The shelf life of the product is 1 year. If the cranberries are not completely dried, but withered, then they will need to be stored in the refrigerator in a glass or plastic container with a lid.

Contraindications and harm

Dried cranberries can be harmful only if they are consumed without measure - problems with the gastrointestinal tract may develop, in particular gastritis and ulcers.

It is contraindicated for people:

  • having individual intolerance;
  • during an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer;
  • with high acidity;
  • With serious illnesses liver;
  • breastfeeding.

Dried berries should not be fed to children under 3 years of age. This may adversely affect their incompletely formed digestive system, and also lead to the development of allergies.
It is advisable to drink cranberry drinks through a straw, since the substances they contain lead to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Thus, dried cranberries are a healthy product that should be included in the diet, especially in the autumn-winter period, to replenish the body essential vitamins and minerals and strengthening immune system.

Did you know? The very first liter of cranberry juice was prepared by the Americans in 1683.

It can be consumed plain, with added sugar, or mixed into dishes and baked goods. Before introducing the berries into daily menu You should familiarize yourself with the contraindications for its use.

Fruits and berries are an important part of a balanced diet. To one of these healthy products refers to cranberries. Dried cranberries are a valuable dried fruit due to a huge number in it useful substances. A natural preservative, benzoic acid, preserves all vitamins and minerals in the berry for a long time. Therefore, dried cranberries have the same beneficial properties as fresh ones. Thanks to your valuable properties, it is used in balanced diet, cosmetology and traditional medicine.

Main characteristics

The plant belongs to the group of flowering evergreen shrubs of the heather family. Dried or dried cranberries are a product dried using a special technology. The taste of dried cranberries is pleasant and sweet, the berries are red in color, have a spherical shape, do not stick together and have a pleasant and rich aroma.

The plant loves a temperate climate, is widespread throughout Russia, and is often found in marshy areas. The size of such berries can reach 16 mm. Berries are collected in the fall - from early September to late November.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Dried cranberries in your own way chemical composition rich in vitamins, etc. The plant contains other acids, as well as pectins, and. In terms of quantity in fruits, cranberries are equal to, and. Among the others important vitamins the berries contain , and . The nutritional value is 308 kcal per 100 grams of product, which is equal to 15.4% of the daily norm. This is a unique product in which all beneficial substances are preserved during processing and drying. The protein content in dried cranberries is 0.07 g, carbohydrates – 83 g, fat – 1.4 g, dietary fiber – 5.8 g, – 0.1 g. Cranberries also contain useful minerals such as, , and .

Moderate use berries will help rejuvenate the body, strengthen the immune system and improve metabolism.

Beneficial features

Dried cranberries have many beneficial properties. First of all, the berry is powerful, which prevents the formation of free radicals in the body's cells. This has a beneficial effect on health and rejuvenates the body.

The berry contains a lot useful vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C, found in the berry, helps strengthen the immune system and protects the body from viral infections And colds. At high temperature cranberry tea effectively helps fight colds. This is due to the fact that such a drink removes harmful substances with sweat and urine, as a result of which the body temperature decreases and the body is cleansed.

For women suffering from such an unpleasant intimate disease as cystitis, it is useful to take cranberry juice at the initial stage and even in advanced chronic form. In order to prevent and prevent the disease, it is useful to drink 1.5 glasses of juice daily.

The berry helps improve the condition of blood vessels due to the content of vitamins C and PP. Its regular use prevents the formation of plaques, the appearance of blood clots and varicose veins, as well as strengthening the walls of blood vessels and increasing their elasticity. Also, the product improves fetal blood circulation during pregnancy.

Dried cranberries are used as a natural antibiotic due to their tannin content - organic matter, which has a binding effect and removes bacteria and viruses from the body. The berries are also eaten during purulent skin diseases, lichen, scrofula, skin arthritis and psoriasis.

Eating dried cranberries is also beneficial for the following ailments:

  • in case of problems with bladder(the berry blocks the hit harmful bacteria);
  • at risk of formation cancer cells in the stomach, with ulcers (a natural antibiotic eliminates bacteria on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • with poor digestion and weak appetite;
  • for bleeding disorders;
  • with a decrease in physical activity and mental performance;
  • with an imbalance in acidity levels;
  • for colitis, gastritis and inflammation of the pancreas (after heat treatment).

As a natural antioxidant, dried cranberries prevent early aging by fighting free radicals. Indeed, with age, the accumulation of free radicals in the body affects cellular metabolism in the body and can provoke the development various diseases. Therefore, it is very useful to use the product for the regeneration of skin, hair and nails. The berry helps remove fine wrinkles and promotes a slight skin lifting effect. Cranberry also effectively helps remove red spots, pimples and rashes on the face. The beneficial effects of the berry will be felt by people who have oily skin, due to the normalization of work sebaceous glands. When dried cranberries are used externally, dandruff disappears and hair becomes soft. With regular use of the product, bones and teeth are strengthened, and dried fruit also prevents the development of caries and the appearance of tartar. When eating cranberries with its healing effect increases.

Contraindications and harm

Any product is useful when consumed in moderation. Therefore, excessive consumption of berries can have a negative impact on health. If you abuse cranberries, you can get gastritis and peptic ulcers. Moreover, the acids contained in the product can damage tooth enamel. The product also contains a high amount of carbohydrates.

Contraindications to the use of dried cranberries exist for people who have peptic ulcer, with liver diseases and duodenum, increased level acidity in the body. It is not recommended to eat berries if you have heartburn, gastritis, individual intolerance and problems with tooth enamel.

Many mothers have questions about the benefits of cranberries for children. Experts do not recommend giving berries to children under three years of age. It is recommended to introduce the product into the diet gradually after three years to avoid allergies. For nursing mothers, eating dried cranberries is considered a taboo product.

Culinary use

In cooking, dried cranberries are often used as a base for mousses and sauces. Dried fruit is also often added to juice or. An excellent dish would be baked goods with the addition of berries. Traditionally, the dried product is added to pilaf, porridge, salads and side dishes, served with cheese or meat dishes.

Cooking at home

On sale, dried cranberry fruits are often found too sweet. More useful and natural product can be obtained at home. To prepare dried cranberries, you need to choose the freshest berries. It is recommended to choose berries for cooking that are dark red in color with a sweet and sour taste. If the berries are soft and wrinkled, this means they are not fresh. You need to place a large frying pan on the stove, add 340 g of freshly washed berries, 1 glass and bring to a boil. After this, the mixture should be kept on low heat for about 5 minutes, stirring. Let the cranberries cool for about 10 minutes. Place cranberries on a baking sheet lined with parchment and paper towels. Place the berries in the oven for 6-8 hours at a temperature of 65 ⁰C, in a slow cooker or electric dryer.

ginger, 3 tbsp. spoons of concentrated cranberry juice, . The resulting mixture is boiled for 10 minutes and drunk throughout the day.

Thus, dried miracle cranberries contain many useful substances. Regular use This product will have a beneficial effect on your health and give you vigor and energy.

Dried cranberries practically do not lose their beneficial properties. Also rich in leukoanthocyanins, phenolic acids, catechins, betaine. Contains protein – 0.07 g, fats – 1.4 g, carbohydrates – 83 g, alimentary fiber– 5.8, mono- and disaccharides – 65 g, saturated fatty acids – 0.1. Vitamins: PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, C, E, K, choline. Macro- and microelements: magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, sodium, copper, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium. Benzoic acid is a valuable natural preservative.

How it affects the body

This tasty product has beneficial properties: antiseptic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-scorbutic, hypotensive, anti-sclerotic. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, water-salt metabolism, and the state of the nervous system. Stimulates the functionality of the pancreas, kidneys, liver, improves digestion processes. Increases the body's defenses, inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria, and has a detrimental effect on Vibrio cholerae.

Effectively eliminates cold symptoms: cough, runny nose, fever. Normalizes blood pressure, improves blood composition and vascular condition. Has a diuretic effect and has a beneficial effect on work genitourinary system. Relieves painful symptoms of rheumatism, cystitis, ascites, fever.

Dried cranberries are useful for obesity and for those losing weight because it increases excretion gastric juice, accelerates digestion processes, removes excess fluid, improves intestinal motility and cleanses the intestines.

Dried cranberries with sugar have the same properties. It is prepared differently: the berries are boiled in cranberry juice with added sugar, then evaporated in ovens at a temperature of +60 for 4-6 hours.

How to choose correctly

It is better to buy dried cranberries at the pharmacy, in special packages that indicate the expiration date and instructions for use. In stores, try to purchase in vacuum packaging. If you take it by weight or packaged in plastic containers, then in this case it is worth paying attention appearance. The berry should have a rich dark red or red-brown color. The presence of wrinkled, broken or poorly dried fruits is unacceptable. It is better not to take soft and uncured ones. The drier the better. A high-quality product has a sweet and sour taste and a weak aroma.

Storage methods

Dried cranberries are stored in a dark, dry room, at temperature no higher than +25. Under such conditions, it does not lose its beneficial properties for 24 months. Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two years.

What does it go with in cooking?

Dried cranberries are a popular vitamin supplement for tea. Various drinks are made on its basis: fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, kvass. Also used as candied fruits for making muffins, buns, cookies, shortcrust pastry. Dried berries are used to decorate culinary masterpieces and are used as an independent dish.

Serves as the basis for cranberry mousse, sauces for meat, poultry and fish. It is a savory ingredient in pilaf, served with pork steak, cream cheese, chicken.

Healthy combination of products

Dried cranberries are used in proper nutrition, and is integral part many diets for weight loss. Also used as a light vitamin snack. Added to muesli, casseroles, vegetable stew, porridges and side dishes.

Combines with rolled oats, buckwheat, rice, millet, couscous, etc. And also with spices, nuts, dried fruits and low-fat cottage cheese. In salads, cranberries are harmonious with fruits and vegetables. As a rule, balsamic vinegar or yogurt is used for dressing.

For weight loss, the cranberry diet has an excellent effect: compote of dried cranberries without sugar, take half a glass before breakfast. There are no restrictions on products, except for the consumption of small portions, with a frequency of intake 5-6 times a day. Fried and fatty foods are excluded. It takes 2-3 kg in a week.

Cranberry cocktail is good for weight loss: dried cranberry compote – 250 g, mineral water– 1.5 l, juice of one lemon – 50 ml, cranberry juice concentrate – 3 tbsp. spoons, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg. Everything is combined and boiled for 10 minutes. This mixture is drunk throughout the day. For greater effect, you should refuse to eat and carry out this procedure once a month. You will lose 1-2 kg in a day.

It is important to know that 1 tsp. contains 5 g dried berries, 1 tbsp. l. – 17 g. One serving should not exceed 40 g.


With caution in case of high acidity, gastritis, ulcers in the stomach and duodenum, and liver problems.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

For medicinal purposes it is used for hypertension, angina pectoris, coronary disease, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, Addison's disease, ascites, metabolic disorders, fever, diathesis, rheumatism, joint problems. Recommended for increasing immunity, lowering cholesterol, cleansing the body of toxins, improving the condition of blood vessels and blood composition. Prescribed for skin diseases and as a multivitamin.

Used to treat the genitourinary system. Dried cranberries, crushed in a blender, perform the function of an antiseptic: cleanses purulent wounds, promotes healing.

In cosmetology, decoctions of dried cranberries are used in the form of lotions that clean well. Used when inflammatory processes, acne. To narrow the pores and reduce the functions of the sebaceous glands, rubbing with ice cubes made from a decoction helps.

August 2, 2018

Previously, cranberries could be enjoyed by people living near the marshy areas where they were collected. Today, fortunately, frozen and dried cranberries are sold in supermarkets. The benefits and harms of sour berries have been studied by experts. If you love cranberries, you might want to know about this.

Red-cheeked beauty

Cranberries are commonly called pantry berries. minerals, all kinds of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Cranberry fruits are called antioxidants that have a positive effect on the human body.

The benefits and harms of cranberries are closely related to its composition. And it is truly unique and diverse.

Chemical composition:

  • magnesium;
  • tocopherol;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin B1;
  • sodium;
  • riboflavin;
  • ferrum;
  • phosphorus;
  • choline;
  • selenium;
  • ascorbic and pantothenic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • zinc;
  • vitamin PP;
  • manganese;
  • vitamin K.

As you can see, the composition cranberries pleasantly surprising. Even when dried, the berries retain an almost original set of ingredients. The nutritional value fresh berries is insignificant, but after drying it increases and reaches 308 kilocalories per 100 g of product.

On a note! Dried cranberries are added to pilaf, baked goods, and sauces. Fruit drinks and compotes are prepared based on such fruits.

Many of us know that eating dried cranberries helps strengthen the immune system and resist viruses and bacteria. In fact, the list of healing properties of cranberries is much longer. Let's discuss this in more detail.

Traditional healers and supporters talk about the healing properties of cranberries alternative medicine can talk almost endlessly. First of all, it is a natural, powerful antioxidant that helps cleanse the body of accumulated debris in the form of toxins and toxic compounds.

In addition, people who consume several dried cranberries are less susceptible to viral and acute respiratory disease. It is believed that cranberry is a prevention premature aging, the key to longevity and good health.

Beneficial features:

  • tonic effect on the body;
  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improvement of blood clotting;
  • stabilization of gastric acidity levels;
  • increased appetite;
  • improvement of mental abilities;
  • increasing endurance.

On a note! If you want to make dried cranberries even healthier, you can combine them with a well-known beekeeping product - honey. This delicacy is a panacea for a hundred illnesses and ailments.

If you systematically eat dried cranberries, you can minimize the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, strengthen the walls blood vessels. Experts note one more thing healing property cranberries – preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Some traditional healers Dried cranberries are compared to antibiotics. Once in our body, the active components bind viruses and bacteria and remove them, preventing the development of the disease.

You can not only enjoy the amazing taste of cranberries. They are often used to prepare products traditional medicine. And in the cosmetology field, such a product has found wide application.

Cranberry infusions, decoctions and gruels have a positive effect on the condition of curls, nail plates and skin. Swamp berry helps cope with hated pimples and acne.

On a note! Skin contaminated through the pores, to tighten them and cleanse the skin, you can use cranberry masks.

Dried cranberries also help in treating a number of dermatological diseases, including those associated with the release of pus.

On a note! Traditional healers advise using cranberry pulp to treat pustules, psoriasis, scrofula and lichen. You must first consult a doctor.

Dried cranberries are incredibly useful during pregnancy. Expectant mothers must constantly replenish their vitamin and mineral reserves so that the baby in the womb develops well and fully.

Firstly, cranberries, even in dried form, help strengthen the immune system. Secondly, such a treat will help remove excess fluid from the body and eliminate swelling.

Remember how cranberry fruits have a beneficial effect on circulatory system. Representatives of the fair sex who consume dried fruits are less susceptible to the development of varicose veins.

The unknown side of cranberries

In order to gain only benefits from cranberry berries, it is better to harvest the fruits during their ripening period. This is approximately the beginning of September. When purchasing dried fruits in a supermarket, pay attention to their expiration date and appearance.

On a note! If dried fruits have a dazzling shine, most likely they have been processed with something to improve their presentation.

The enormous benefits of dried cranberries do not exclude possible harm berries. Not everyone can consume such a delicacy. It is advisable to always study contraindications or coordinate the inclusion of a new product in the diet with your doctor.

List of contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • ailments of the digestive tract during relapse;
  • lactation period;
  • children under 3 years of age.

Do not forget that when dried, cranberry fruits have a huge nutritional value, so you shouldn’t overuse the treat, especially for people prone to excess body weight.
