The essential amino acid tryptophan. How to overcome depression and stress. Tryptophan is a natural antidepressant. The animal body synthesizes vitamin from tryptophan.

And, which, unfortunately, he cannot always produce on his own. This requires additional food intake or medicines containing the required volume useful substances for the normal process of human life at a given age.

Characteristics and influence

Tryptophan is an aromatic alpha amino acid that is necessary for humans to produce serotonin, the happiness hormone that can regulate mood, normal process sleep, lack of appetite. It is also an active participant during niacin synthesis, nicotinic acid or vitamin B3, which is necessary for good digestion, has a beneficial effect on the breakdown of food into proteins, carbohydrates and fats, the process of their digestion and release of energy. The process of protein production is also not complete without tryptophan. However, it is worth noting that the body is not able to produce it on its own, but requires replenishment from the outside.

When eating foods rich in this aromatic alpha amino acid, it is converted into the substance 5-hydroxytrophan, and then into the hormone serotonin, which ensures the exchange of impulses between nerve cells. Its absorption is possible with sufficient amounts of vitamin C, B9 and B6 in the body.

Main functions and benefits

Tryptophan is responsible for processes such as:

  • normal operation nervous system;
  • the ability to relax, rest;
  • good and good sleep;
  • normalization of appetite;
  • positive mood.

It is also able to have a beneficial effect on diseases and their prevention, such as:

  • insomnia;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • obesity or, conversely, significant loss of body weight;
  • migraine;
  • senile dementia;
  • neuroses, depression;
  • irritability and impulsiveness.

Did you know? A lack of tryptophan in a person’s body can be “painted” on his face. The fact is that the amino acid affects facial expressions, and people with its deficiency look angry and sad. And sufficient consumption, which results in the production of serotonin, the “happiness hormone,” on the contrary, makes a person smile and enjoy life.

Tryptophan Source Foods

List of products containing significant amounts of aromatic amino acids:

  1. Caviar is red and black.
  2. Seeds and nuts, especially peanuts, almonds, cashews, pine nuts and sunflower seeds.
  3. Cheese (Dutch and processed) and dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese).
  4. Rabbit meat contains twice as much tryptophan as veal and beef, where its content is still at a decent level, followed by lamb and pork.
  5. Turkey and chicken.
  6. Seafood, namely squid, lobster, oysters and fish such as horse mackerel. This is followed by: salmon, cod, pollock, carp, halibut, pike perch, sea bass, mackerel.
  7. Soybean, cereal crops and legumes. Peas, beans, buckwheat, oat groats, barley, pearl barley, etc.
  8. Chicken eggs, cooked in any form.

Daily requirement and norm

The amount of tryptophan, necessary for the body, depends on the age and state of his health. There is an opinion that the average daily norm The consumption of this amino acid is 1 g for an adult. However, there are also scientists who calculate daily requirement somewhat differently. To calculate, you need to multiply the person’s weight by 4 mg for each kg, which will ultimately amount to 280 mg of the substance per 70 kg.

The main thing on which the views of both scientists and doctors agree is that the most useful and in a safe way To replenish the body's reserves with the necessary amount of this amino acid is to consume natural products.

Important! The use of medications to replenish tryptophan deficiency in the body should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, who will help and make the correct prescription, indicating the required amount of the substance and the regularity of its use.

About excess and deficiency

Tryptophan, being an essential amino acid, which cannot be produced human body not able to independently, is of great importance for health and feeling normal. Both excess and deficiency of this substance can negatively affect mood and overall health.


In order to find out the amount of tryptophan in the body, a blood test is taken to determine the level of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid. If the test result is many times higher than the specified norm, this may be a signal of the development of a bladder tumor.

Achieve excess amino acid in healthy body when consumed the right products nutrition is extremely difficult. Even a therapeutic dose 5 times higher than the daily norm will not have a detrimental effect.

However, this does not mean that you can take medications with tryptophan in uncontrolled quantities, since this is unsafe. In the form of dietary supplements and tablets, it can cause the following complications:
  • heartburn;
  • stomach ache;
  • belching;
  • flatulence;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • muscle pain, etc.

Important! Taking drugs containing tryptophan with a daily amount of more than 4.5 g, simultaneously with antidepressants, can have negative consequences, which are also called “serotonin syndrome”. It implies a state of delirium, possible appearance seizures, fever, and in rare cases even coma.

a lack of

A lack of amino acids in the body can lead to such consequences as:

  • weight loss or gain;
  • skin diseases, dermatitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • depression;
  • irritability;
  • impulsiveness;
  • lack or deficiency of concentration;
  • increased sensitivity to pain;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • V childhood- disruption of the growth process.

Did you know? Tryptophan is able to protect the human body from the effects of harmful habits. For example, it minimizes the effect of nicotine contained in tobacco products, on the health of the smoker and his passive environment. It also neutralizes some symptoms caused by alcohol and prevents alcoholism.

Interaction with other substances

For the metabolism of tryptophan, it is necessary to provide favorable conditions, namely the presence of vitamins such as C, B6 and B9, folic acid and magnesium. A complex approach to a healthy diet and proper processing of products during their preparation will ensure maximum absorption of nutrients.

Role in sports and sports nutrition

Tryptophan is able to control a person’s appetite, which is extremely important for people who want to play sports and get their body in good shape. physical fitness and stick to healthy eating. It normalizes appetite and promotes a feeling of satiety, satisfaction, and happiness, which usually results in a decrease in body weight and a decrease in the desire to eat something. This encourages you to continue healthy image life and stick to the right diet.

In addition to its advantages, from the point of view of athletes, one should definitely add the ability of this amino acid to reduce painful sensations. Tryptophan is also capable of stimulating growth hormone, which is necessary not only for children as they grow up, but is also required by athletes to build up muscle mass and, at the same time, reducing body fat.

About contraindications and precautions

People who have problems with the kidneys and liver should pay special attention to the uncontrolled use of tryptophan. This precaution primarily applies to those taking this amino acid as medical supplies or dietary supplements, since consumption with food can significantly exceed its volume in the body. Its excess can provoke the development of cardiovascular diseases.

It should be remembered that the reception sedatives along with taking tryptophan in significant quantities, it can cause severe drowsiness.

Healthy and balanced diet with the consumption of foods rich in tryptophan, it can affect the condition and functioning of the nervous system, normalize appetite and physical fitness, and provoke surges of the “happiness hormone”.

In one of the previous articles, I already described that some foods help improve your mood. I would like to dedicate today’s article to tryptophan, an essential amino acid, which is also a natural antidepressant.

Bad mood, fatigue, reluctance to do anything, or anxiety, feeling of irritability, insomnia are characteristic features depression.

But similar symptoms can be caused by a lack of the essential amino acid tryptophan in the body.

The role of serotonin and melatonin in the body

Tryptophan is involved in the production of two very important hormones– serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is also called the “happiness hormone”; it is produced in daytime. At night, melatonin, the “sleep hormone,” is formed; again, this essential amino acid is involved in this process.

Serotonin in the body is responsible for the feeling of emotional comfort. If the body produces this substance in sufficient quantities, then the person responds adequately to stressful situations, because serotonin reduces anxiety, relieves tension, and helps to relax.

If the body enters sufficient quantity of the indicated essential amino acid, then melatonin is produced from it at night. This hormone is synonymous good night, promotes falling asleep quickly, significantly improves sleep quality. With sufficient melatonin production, a person can get enough sleep, and after sleep he feels rested and full of energy.

Foods containing tryptophan

The body's daily need for tryptophan is 0.25 g. Under stress and strain, the body's need for the amino acid increases and can reach 1 g.

The largest amount of this essential amino acid is found in food proteins. Sources of tryptophan are hard cheese, cottage cheese, meat, fish, legumes, buckwheat, nuts, bananas.

Other useful properties

This amino acid is not only a natural antidepressant, it helps the body resist stress, overcome it and diseases associated with it (for example,). It also helps reduce hunger, helps control appetite, and reduces irritability. This is why dieters need to get enough tryptophan.

This substance helps reduce pain sensitivity. It promotes the production of growth hormone, increasing muscle mass and reducing body fat.

If the body contains a sufficient amount of this amino acid, then such people adapt faster when changing time zones, they have more short time The sleep-wake cycle is normalized.

Biological supplements

Considering the modern pace of life, stress and psychological stress that we have to deal with every day, it is obvious that our body needs a sufficient supply of tryptophan to function properly. However, it is not always possible to ensure this. Someone is on a diet, someone is fasting, and someone else is simply not watching their diet. In such conditions, you can resort to taking dietary supplements containing this essential amino acid.

Preference should be given to those biological additives that, in addition to tryptophan, also contain vitamins B5 and B6. These vitamins promote the formation of serotonin and melanin, in turn, enhancing the effect of tryptophan.

Tryptophan molecule

It is one of the 10 main amino acids that the body uses to synthesize vital proteins. Tryptophan plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system, especially in processes associated with relaxation, rest and sleep. Dietary sources of tryptophan include: red meat, dairy products, nuts, seeds, legumes, soy and soy products, tuna, shellfish and turkey.

What are the benefits of foods rich in tryptophan?

  • Help regulate appetite
  • Helps you sleep better
  • Cheer up

Functions of tryptophan in the body

Niacin synthesis

Tryptophan does two things important functions. First, the small amount of tryptophan we get from food (about 3%) is converted into Niacin (vitamin B 3) in the liver. This may help prevent symptoms associated with niacin deficiency, where the body's supply of this vitamin is reduced.

Serotonin synthesis

Secondly, tryptophan is a precursor serotonin- a neurotransmitter called "hormone of happiness", which helps the body regulate appetite, sleep and mood. Due to its ability to increase serotonin levels, tryptophan is used to treat a range of disease conditions - most notably insomnia, depression and anxiety.

Symptoms of tryptophan deficiency

Since tryptophan is one of the essential amino acids - its deficiency in the diet can cause symptoms characteristic of protein deficiency: weight loss and growth disturbances in children.

When combined with a lack of dietary niacin, lack of tryptophan can also cause pellagra, a disease characterized by dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia and leading to death. This disease is quite rare, but tryptophan deficiency can easily lead to it.

Also, a deficiency of tryptophan in the diet can lead to decreased serotonin levels. Low level serotonin is linked to depression, anxiety, irritability, impatience, impulsivity, inability to concentrate, weight gain, overeating, carbohydrate cravings, memory loss and insomnia.

What may indicate a lack of tryptophan?

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Impulsiveness
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Weight gain or unexplained weight loss
  • Slow growth in children
  • Overeating and/or “carbohydrate cravings”
  • Poor sleep/insomnia

What factors can contribute to tryptophan deficiency?

Vitamin B 6 is necessary for the conversion of tryptophan into niacin and serotonin. Therefore, a deficiency of vitamin B6 in the diet can lead to decreased serotonin levels and/or disruption of the conversion of tryptophan to niacin.

Besides, some diet and environmental factors weaken the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin, including: smoking, overconsumption sugar, alcohol, proteins, hypoglycemia and diabetes.

Symptoms of excess tryptophan

A high content of tryptophan in the diet, as is known, does not cause its excess in the body. In addition, tryptophan is prescribed in therapeutic purposes, as medicine or food additives, in doses greater than five grams per day, and does not cause any side effects.

However, in 1989, it was revealed that the use of dietary supplements containing tryptophan led (in more than a thousand people) to the development of a serious disease - eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome(EMS, ICD-10 - M35.8), which is characterized severe muscle and joint pain, high fever, weakness, swelling of the arms and legs, and shortness of breath. In addition, more than 30 deaths have been associated with eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome caused by the use of tryptophan dietary supplements.

Many experts believe that eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome was caused by a contaminant that was found in one batch of tryptophan from one manufacturer and affected only a small number of susceptible individuals. However, in the quality control department food products and the US drug industry remains convinced that taking high doses of tryptophan is extremely unsafe. Beginning in 1989, tryptophan was not available as a dietary supplement in the United States for some time.

To date, the tolerable upper intake level for tryptophan is unknown.

The influence of methods of preparation, storage and processing of food on the content of tryptophan in products

There are no studies showing how the way food is prepared, stored, or processed affects tryptophan levels in foods.

Interaction of tryptophan with drugs

People taking antidepressants, known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)(including fluoxetine, paroxetine And sertraline), you should consult your doctor before taking any other supplements or medications that also increase the amount of serotonin in the body.

Tryptophan and other products

Vitamin B6, vitamin C, folic acid and magnesium are necessary for the metabolism of tryptophan. In addition, tyrosine and phenylalanine are competitors of tryptophan.

In this regard, some of medical workers believe that consumption of foods rich in tryptophan does not cause a sufficient increase in its level in the blood to provide therapeutic effect, and therefore you need to take supplements containing tryptophan to increase its levels in the blood.

What conditions require special attention to tryptophan?

Tryptophan may play a role in the prevention and/or treatment of the following diseases:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Nightmares
  • Obsessive/compulsive disorder
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Senile dementia
  • Tourette's syndrome

The amino acid tryptophan is an integral part of the protein component of all living organisms. Necessary for the functioning of the nervous system. Responsible for sleep, relaxation and emotional condition person. The magazine website will tell you which foods contain tryptophan and why our body needs it.

The role of tryptophan for the body

The amino acid tryptophan regulates appetite, helps normalize sleep and improves mood. With its help, niacin is synthesized, which helps prevent vitamin B3 deficiency. The role of tryptophan in the metabolic processes of the body is high - with its deficiency, all systems and organs suffer.

Tryptophan is used in the treatment nervous disorders and depression. It promotes the production of serotonin - the “hormone of joy”. Serotonin, in turn, ensures a stable psycho-emotional state. Tryptophan is necessary for people who are prone to depression and insomnia.

Signs of tryptophan deficiency

Since tryptophan is one of the essential amino acids, its deficiency causes similar symptoms as with protein deficiency. The person loses weight and may experience constant fatigue. In some cases, tryptophan deficiency manifests itself as pellagra, which is accompanied by diarrhea and dermatitis. This disease is very rare and most often ends in death.

With insufficient tryptophan intake, the production of serotonin is disrupted, which leads to irritability, overeating, insomnia and depression. Even a slight decrease in the level of tryptophan in the body leads to the development of neuroses, anxiety, depression, impulsivity, dystrophy, constant feeling fear and sleep disturbance. Avoid such negative consequences you can by knowing which foods contain tryptophan and including them in your diet.

However, it is worth knowing that some factors can impair the process of tryptophan absorption by the body. These include smoking, drinking alcohol, hypoglycemia and great use carbohydrates.

Excess tryptophan in the body

Products containing tryptophan cannot cause its excess in the body. Even when taking an amino acid in a dosage of 5 grams, an overdose is rarely observed. However, you should not use this amino acid in very large quantities. Based on the results of long-term studies, it was revealed that an overdose of tryptophan can cause acute muscle pain, high temperature and swelling. Fatalities have been observed.

In order for tryptophan to be well absorbed by the body, it is worth making sure that the body is not deficient in vitamins B6, B9 and C. The diet should be varied so that the body can receive all the elements it needs. In turn, products containing tryptophan make it possible to prevent many diseases.

Foods that contain tryptophan

  • Red caviar
  • Yogurt
  • Peanut
  • Milk
  • Almond
  • Cottage cheese
  • Mushrooms
  • Cashew
  • Banana
  • Rabbit meat
  • Halva
  • Dates
  • Horse mackerel
  • Pistachios
  • Veal
  • Chicken

Absolutely all people are subject to mood swings. But few people know that to avoid this you need to control the level of tryptophan in the blood. It is important to adjust your diet, have adequate sleep and a positive attitude.

As you know, tryptophan affects the rhythm of a person’s sleep and improves his mood. When tryptophan enters the body, it stimulates the production of serotonin, thereby causing relaxation and a feeling of well-being.

Useful Features

As a rule, people rarely turn to consuming healthy protein to lift their mood. Usually, preference is given alcoholic drinks or even drugs.

Unfortunately, not all people choose hobbies, sports or communication with loved ones to enhance their daily positive tone.

One of the most best methods increase positive attitude is the consumption of protein-rich foods. This automatically means that the products contain tryptophan.

Fans of diets will be pleased with the following information: the substance helps to establish normal weight. The amino acid reduces the desire to eat sweet and starchy foods, which subsequently has a positive effect on weight.

A person on a diet is usually irritable and angry. Tryptophan successfully reduces these manifestations. To do this, you need to eat foods containing this amino acid.

Exist Scientific research, who claim that the amino acid reduces the symptoms and manifestations of PMS in women.

Products containing tryptophan

As you know, amino acids must be obtained from food. At the same time, not only the quantity is important, but also the interaction of the amino acid with minerals, vitamins and other substances. If there is a lack of vitamin B, zinc and magnesium in the body, then it is difficult for the substance to affect the human brain.


If you need to boost your overall mood, freshly squeezed juice is ideal. For example, after consuming tomato juice, your health quickly improves. We must not forget that berry and fruit juices contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, which promotes the production of serotonin.

Animal and vegetable oils

Omega 3 fatty acids are directly involved in organizing brain function. It is these acids that are found both in animals and in vegetable oils. Some of them:

  • flax seed oil,
  • cod liver oil
  • sardine oil

Vegetables and fruits

It is important to know which specific foods contain tryptophan.

The largest amount of the substance is found in raw algae, including kelp or spirulina.

But the easiest way to provide the body with this amino acid is to buy fresh spinach or turnips at the market.

In addition, tryptophan-rich foods include:

  • beans,
  • parsley leaves,
  • cabbage: broccoli, Chinese cabbage, white cabbage, cauliflower and kohlrabi.

Dried fruits and fruits

Fruits have a small content of the substance, but at the same time, they have a more important task - they provide the body with vitamins.

To produce serotonin in the blood, you need to eat: For diabetics, it is important to know how well they combine, and the information on our website will help in this matter.

  1. bananas,
  2. melon,
  3. dates,
  4. oranges.



Hard cheese is a real record holder for serotonin content. In second place in terms of serotonin content:

  • milk,
  • cottage cheese,
  • processed cheese.

Cereals and porridges

For the body to function properly, it is important to eat porridge. Scientists have different opinions about which exactly contains this amino acid. It is generally accepted that in buckwheat and oatmeal. Porridges contain complex carbohydrates, balancing .

Moreover, such carbohydrates normalize insulin levels. It is directly involved in the transport of tryptophan, directly to the brain.

Product Tryptophan % of daily norm in 1 serving weighing 200g.
Red caviar 960 mg 192%
black caviar 910 mg 182%
Dutch cheese 780 mg 156%
peanut 750 mg 150%
almond 630 mg 126%
cashew 600 mg 120%
processed cheese 500 mg 100%
Pine nuts 420 mg 84%
rabbit, turkey meat 330 mg 66%
halva 360 mg 72%
squid 320 mg 64%
horse mackerel 300 mg 60%
sunflower seeds 300 mg 60%
pistachios 300 mg 60%
chicken 290 mg 58%
peas, beans 260 mg 52%
herring 250 mg 50%
veal 250 mg 50%
beef 220 mg 44%
salmon 220 mg 44%
cod 210 mg 42%
mutton 210 mg 42%
fat cottage cheese 210 mg 40%
chicken eggs, 200 mg 40%
pollock 200 mg 40%
chocolate 200 mg 40%
pork 190 mg 38%
low-fat cottage cheese 180 mg 36%
carp 180 mg 36%
halibut, pike perch 180 mg 36%
low-fat cottage cheese 180 mg 36%
buckwheat 180 mg 36%
millet 180 mg 36%
sea ​​bass 170 mg 34%
mackerel 160 mg 32%
oatmeal 160 mg 32%
dried apricots 150 mg 30%
mushrooms 130 mg 26%
barley groats 120 mg 24%
pearl barley 100 mg 20%
wheat bread 100 mg 20%
fried potatoes 84 mg 16.8%
dates 75 mg 15%
boiled rice 72 mg 14.4%
Boiled potatoes 72 mg 14.4%
Rye bread 70 mg 14%
prunes 69 mg 13.8%
greens (dill, parsley) 60 mg 12%
beet 54 mg 10.8%
raisin 54 mg 10.8%
cabbage 54 mg 10.8%
bananas 45 mg 9%
carrot 42mg 8.4%
onion 42 mg 8.4%
milk, kefir 40 mg 8%
tomatoes 33 mg 6.6%
apricots 27 mg 5.4%
oranges 27 mg 5.4%
pomegranate 27 mg 5.4%
grapefruit 27 mg 5.4%
lemon 27 mg 5.4%
peaches 27 mg 5.4%
cherry 24 mg 4.8%
strawberry 24 mg 4.8%
raspberries 24 mg 4.8%
tangerines 24 mg 4.8%
honey 24 mg 4.8%
plums 24 mg 4.8%
cucumbers 21 mg 4.2%
zucchini 21 mg 4.2%
watermelon 21 mg 4.2%
grape 18 mg 3.6%
melon 18 mg 3.6%
persimmon 15 mg 3%
cranberry 15 mg 3%
apples 12 mg 2.4%
pears 12 mg 2.4%
pineapples 12 mg 2.4%

Tryptophan in dietetics

Now you can buy a drug containing this substance at any pharmacy. However, doctors have developed a “tryptophan diet”.

Every day, the human body needs to consume 350 grams of food with tryptophan. Scientist Luca Passamonti is a supporter of this diet, he claims that it reduces aggressiveness and even helps prevent suicide, although it is not known in what quantities.

The average requirement for tryptophan per person per day is only 1 gram. The human body does not produce tryptophan on its own. However, the need for it is very great, since it is involved in the structure of proteins. Protein determines at what levels the human nervous and cardiac systems will work.
